Sensor Technology - FernUniversität Hagen · Radiation Sensors • Environmental Sensor Systems...

Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology 1 Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applications docendo discimus Sensor Technology Summer School: Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applications Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) Porto Alegre, Brazil July 12 th – 31 st , 2009

Transcript of Sensor Technology - FernUniversität Hagen · Radiation Sensors • Environmental Sensor Systems...

Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology1

Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applicationsdocendo discimus

Sensor Technology

Summer School:Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applications

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)Porto Alegre, Brazil

July 12th – 31st, 2009

Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology2

Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applicationsdocendo discimus

Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology

Outline of the Lecture:

Philosophy of Sensing •

Thermal Sensors•

Instrumentation and Systems •

Chemical Sensors

Semiconductor Basics •

Biological Sensors•

Radiation Sensors •

Environmental Sensor Systems

Mechanical Sensors •


Magnetic Sensors •


Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology3

Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applicationsdocendo discimus

Biological SensorsIntroduction:

Biosensors → special class of chemical sensors→

take advantage of the high selectivity and sensitivity of biologically active materials

Biosensor → a device that produces an electrical signal proportionalto the concentration of a specific chemical or a set ofchemicals in the human body

packaging must be biocompatible (strong requirement)biosensor is more than a chemical sensor

Biosensor → sensor used in biomedical applicationsmore general definition

Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology4

Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applicationsdocendo discimus

Biological SensorsPrinciple Structure of Biosensors:

Assembly of the general biosensor→

the general biosensor consists of a

transducerbiological-recognition membrane in intimate contact with the transducerbiologically active material→ recognizes the analyte molecule through a shape-specific

recognitionTwo types of biosensors→

affinity-based biosensors

metabolic biosensors

Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology5

Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applicationsdocendo discimus

Biological SensorsPrinciple Structure of Biosensors:

Assembly of the general biosensor

S. M. Sze (Editor): Semiconductor Sensors, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (1994), Chapter 9, Fig. 1, p. 416

Bio-recognition: “shape-specific binding“ or “key-lock-principle“

Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology6

Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applicationsdocendo discimus

Biological SensorsPrinciple Structure of Biosensors:

Bio-affinity recognition→ very strong binding→ transducer detects the bound receptor-analyte pair→ most common bio-affinity recognition processes

receptor-ligand bindingantibody-antigen binding

Bio-metabolic recognition→ after binding the analyte or co-reactants are chemically altered

⇒ product molecules are formed→ transducer detects

concentration changes of product molecules or co-reactantsheat released by the reaction

→ common bio-metabolic processesenzyme-substrate reactionsmetabolism of specific molecules by organelles, tissues and cells

Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology7

Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applicationsdocendo discimus

Biological SensorsPrinciple Structure of Biosensors:

Two classes of bio-recognition processes ⇒ two sensor types→

affinity-based biosensors

binding of the analyte and the bioactive molecule⇒

chemical signal detected by the transducer

metabolic biosensorsthe biologically active material converts the analyte (and any co-reactants) into product moleculestransducer converts the reaction result into an output-signalpossible transactions •

measurement of concentration changes of the product or co-reactants

heat released by the reaction •


Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology8

Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applicationsdocendo discimus

Biological SensorsPrinciple Structure of Biosensors:

Biological recognition element→ immobilized on the surface of a transducer or in a membrane⇒ bioreactor on top of a traditional transducerResponse of biosensor is determined by the→ diffusion of the analyte→ reaction products→ co-reactants or interfering chemical species→ kinetics of the recognition processVarious kinds of biosensors based on

chemically sensitive semiconductor devicesthermistorschemically mediated electrodessurface acoustic waves devicespiezoelectric micro-balancesetc.

Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology9

Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applicationsdocendo discimus

Biological SensorsMicrobalance:

Principle of the micro-balance sensor: →

an electrical voltage (AC) causes the resonator (i. e. the piezo layer) to oscillate

a target molecule binds with a receptor according to the lock-and-key principle⇒

resonance frequency changes of because of the weight change

frequency change is translated into an electrical signal and processed further publikationen/publications_pof/ pof_fall_2004/sensors_articles/


Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology10

Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applicationsdocendo discimus

Biological SensorsPrinciple Structure of Biosensors:

A biosensor consists of a biological sensing element and a transducer→

biological sensing elements:

organisms, tissues, cells, organelles, membranes, enzymes,receptors, antibodies, nucleic acids

transducer types: transducer examples:•

electrochemical a) potentiometric ion-selective field-effect transistors

and micro-electrodesb) amperometric micro-electrodesc) impedometric micro-electrodes

optical fiber optodes and luminescence•

calorimetric (thermal) thermistors and thermocouples

acoustic (mass) SAW delay lines and bulk acousticwave micro-balances

Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology11

Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applicationsdocendo discimus

Biological SensorsRecognizable Biomaterials:

Classes of recognizable biological chemicals and some examples

A large variety of biological reactions can be exploited for biosensors

Analyte Examples

metabolic chemicals oxygen, methane, ethanol, other nutrients

enzyme substrates glucose, penicillin, urea

Ligands neurotransmitters, hormones, pheromones, toxins

antigens and antibodies human Ig, anti-human Ig

nucleic acids DNA, RNA

Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology12

Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applicationsdocendo discimus

Biological SensorsReaction Kinetics in Biologically Active Materials:

Example: affinity reaction→

binding of an antibody with its antigen

ka : binding reaction rate kb : dissociation (un-binding) reaction rate Ka : equilibrium constantof the binding reaction [Ab]: concentration of the antibody [Ag]: concentration of the antigen [Ab⋅Ag]: concentration of the bound antibody-antigen complex

in a biosensor either [Ab] or [Ag] is fixed in or on a suitable membrane, which is coupled to a transducer

if the antibody is fixed:subscripts tot, eq : total concentration, equilibrium concentration

AgAbAgAb ⋅↔+ka


[ ][ ] [ ]AgAb



aa ⋅


[ ] [ ] [ ] eqeqtot AgAbAbAb ⋅+=

Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology13

Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applicationsdocendo discimus

Biological SensorsReaction Kinetics in Biologically Active Materials:

Example: affinity reaction→

bound antibody-antigen complex concentration as function of the antigen concentration

antigen ↔ analyte, [Ab] is fixed

ideal caseantibody-antigen binding can bevery complicated when multiple binding sites are involved

[ ] [ ][ ]

[ ] tot


eqeq Ab


AgAgAb ⋅



+=⋅ 1

S. M. Sze (Editor): Semiconductor Sensors, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (1994),

Chapter 9, Fig. 2, p. 419

Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology14

Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applicationsdocendo discimus

S. M. Sze (Editor): Semiconductor Sensors, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (1994),

Chapter 9, Fig. 3, p. 422

Biological SensorsStructure of a Cell Membrane:

Membrane consists of a fluid bilayerof phospholipid moleculesPhospholipid molecules

hydrophobic tails inside the membrane (bilayer)hydrophilic tails outside the membrane (bilayer)

trans-membrane conductance to aqueous ions is very low

Proteins float in the fluid bilayer of phospholipid moleculesProteins can be either

trans-membrane orjust exist on one side of the bilayer

Trans-membrane proteins can be ion channels or receptors

Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology15

Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applicationsdocendo discimus

Biological SensorsBiomimetic Structures:

Biomimetic structures→

artificial structures that mimic processes in natural cell membranes

Cell membranes→

most sophisticated biosensor/actuator systems known

receptor in the cell membrane recognize different molecular speciescause a change in the membrane permeability to certain other chemical species → receptor controlled channels open / close the channel

(directly or indirectly by messenger protein)→

many of the natural transduction mechanisms even include chemical amplification

Couple natural sensing systems to artificial transducers→

very difficult challenge due to fragile nature of cell membranes

Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology16

Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applicationsdocendo discimus

Biological SensorsImmobilization of Biological Elements:

Immobilization of biological elements→

immobilization of the biological element on the physical transducer

key role for a high-sensitivity, long-lived biosensor→


confine the biologically active material on the transducerkeep it from leaking out over the lifetime of the biosensorallow contact to analyte solution allow any products to diffuse out of the immobilization layerdo not denature the biological active material**) critical requirement:

enzymes, antigens, organelles, cells, tissues→ fragile biological materials easily rendered inactive

• mechanical damage • heat • freezing • chemical toxins • chemical modification of the wrong part of the material • changes in the conformation of the molecules • etc.

Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology17

Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applicationsdocendo discimus

Biological SensorsImmobilization of Biological Elements:

Biologically active materials for biosensors→

proteins or

chemical structures that contain proteinsFundamental unit in protein structure → α-amino acid (figure)

20 naturally occurring protein units→

differentiated by the functional group R

functional groups includehydrogen, methyl, isopropyl, isopropyl groups, acid groups, alcohol groups, amine groups, aromatic rings, thiols

many different functional groups exist on the protein chain ⇒

allow for different coupling reactions

S. M. Sze (Editor): Semiconductor Sensors, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (1994),

Chapter 9, Fig. 4, p. 423

Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology18

Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applicationsdocendo discimus

Biological SensorsImmobilization of Biological Elements:

Four different immobilization schemes→

membrane confinement (a) →

physical adsorption (c)

matrix entrapment (b) →

covalent bonding (d)

S. M. Sze (Editor): Semiconductor Sensors, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (1994), Chapter 9, Fig. 5, p. 424

B → biologically active material

Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology19

Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applicationsdocendo discimus

Biological SensorsImmobilization of Biological Elements:

Membrane confinement→

solution containing a biologically active material is entrapped on the surface of the transducer

semi-permeable membranepores have to be large enough⇒ analyte, products and solution

can pass the semi-permeablemembrane

pores have to small enough⇒ biologically active material has to be retained

candidates for the semi-permeable membraneultrafiler membranes based on polymers of polyamide or polyether sulfurdialysis membranes

S. M. Sze (Editor): Semiconductor Sensors, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (1994),

Chapter 9, Fig. 5, p. 424

Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology20

Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applicationsdocendo discimus

Biological SensorsImmobilization of Biological Elements:

Membrane confinement→

semi-permeable membrane (principle)

Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology21

Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applicationsdocendo discimus

Biological SensorsImmobilization of Biological Elements:

Matrix entrapment→

porous encapsulation matrix formed around biologically active material

e. g. gel containing biologically active material

matrixpores have to be large enough⇒ analyte, products and solution

can pass the matrixpores have to small enough⇒ biologically active material has to be retained

candidates for a matrixnatural materials are favorable (not toxic to biological materials)synthetic matrix polymers → polyacrylamides, polymethacrylathes

S. M. Sze (Editor): Semiconductor Sensors, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (1994),

Chapter 9, Fig. 5, p. 424

Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology22

Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applicationsdocendo discimus

Biological SensorsImmobilization of Biological Elements:

Physical adsorption→

simplest method of immobilization

advantagebinding forces are “gentle” and do not distort the conformation ofthe molecules

disadvantagemolecules are weakly bound to the transducer(desorption by temperature, pH or ion concentration changes)

transducer exposed to a solution of biologically active material→

biologically active material is held on the surface by

van der Waals forceshydrophobic forceshydrogen bondsionic forces

S. M. Sze (Editor): Semiconductor Sensors, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (1994),

Chapter 9, Fig. 5, p. 424

a variety of forces is active:biological materials are complexdifferent parts of the molecules orstructures are attracted on the surface by different forces

Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology23

Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applicationsdocendo discimus

Biological SensorsImmobilization of Biological Elements:

Covalent bonding→

provides a more permanent binding

transducer is treated to fix reactive groups on its surface to which bio- logically active material is bound

advantagesbioactive material is directly located on the transducer surface ⇒ reduced respond time of the biosensor since the diffusion

time is reducedcovalent binding is much stronger than physical adsorption⇒ lifetime of the biosensor is much longer

disadvantagescovalent binding may chemically modify important binding site of the biological material

S. M. Sze (Editor): Semiconductor Sensors, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (1994),

Chapter 9, Fig. 5, p. 424

Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology24

Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applicationsdocendo discimus

Biological SensorsImmobilization of Biological Elements:

Covalent bondingExample:→

surface treatment of an hydroxide-terminated surface (e. g. SiO2 ) for covalent protein immobilization using alkyl ethoxysilanes

the terminal group X can be a variety of reactive groupsamino groups, cyano groups, etc.

S. M. Sze (Editor): Semiconductor Sensors, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (1994), Chapter 9, Fig. 6, p. 426

Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology25

Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applicationsdocendo discimus

Biological SensorsImmobilization of Biological Elements:

Covalent bonding→

Some examples of surface treatments for covalent the binding

S. M. Sze (Editor): Semiconductor Sensors, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (1994), Chapter 9, Tab. 3, p. 427

Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology26

Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applicationsdocendo discimus

Biological SensorsImmobilization of Biological Elements:

Covalent bonding→

Some examples of surface treatments for covalent the binding

S. M. Sze (Editor): Semiconductor Sensors, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (1994), Chapter 9, Tab. 3, p. 427

Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology27

Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applicationsdocendo discimus

Biological SensorsMass Transport in Biosensors:

Biosensor → bioreactor coupled to a transducer→

recognition reactions take place in a membrane or molecular layer on the surface of the transducer

transport phenomena play an important roleResponse characteristics of biosensors greatly affected by→

transport of the analyte into the membrane

transport of reaction products to the transducer→

transport of reaction products out of the membrane

…Basic transport process→

diffusion (will be briefly considered in this lecture)


migration in an electric potential (can be neglected for biosensor)

Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology28

Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applicationsdocendo discimus

Biological SensorsMass Transport in Biosensors:


in the biosensor membrane the flow of analyte and products is governed by diffusion

Fick’s 1st law of diffusionamount of material diffusing in a given time period across a surface is proportional to the concentration gradient

Fick’s 2nd law of diffusionflux of material results inconcentration changes as time progresses

j: flux across a surface (m-2 s-2), C(x,t): concentration (m-3), D: diffusion coefficient (m2 s-1)

( ) ( )x




( ) ( )2

2 ,,x





Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology29

Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applicationsdocendo discimus

Biological SensorsMass Transport in Biosensors:


effect of diffusion on the sensor response

simple case: instantaneous complete recognition reaction takes place at the sensor’s surface in a stagnant solution this reaction consumes all analyte reaching the sensor’s surface

the sensor output is proportional to the flux of analyte arriving at the surfaceboundary conditions• C(x=0, t) = 0• C(x=∞, t) = Cbulk

the solution of the 2nd law of Fick is the error function:

( ) ⎟⎠⎞



tDxerfCtxC bulk 2


Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology30

Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applicationsdocendo discimus

Biological SensorsMass Transport in Biosensors:


analyte concentration profiles in a stagnant solution for a biosensor instantaneously consuming all analyte that arrives at its surface

calculated from

sensor output is proportional to the flux of analyte arriving at the sensor surface (x = 0)

slope of the concentration profiles at x = 0

sensor response decreases with time

not desirable

( ) ⎟⎠⎞



tDxerfCtxC bulk 2


S. M. Sze (Editor): Semiconductor Sensors, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (1994),

Chapter 9, Fig. 7, p. 429

Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology31

Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applicationsdocendo discimus

S. M. Sze (Editor): Semiconductor Sensors, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (1994),

Chapter 9, Fig. 8, p. 430

Biological SensorsMass Transport in Biosensors:


in a practical biosensor system the solution is well stirred or the sensor is part of a flow injection analysis (FIA) system

quasi-equilibrium condition by replenishing the analyte

general characteristics of the analyte concentration in the solution due to stirring

first order approximation: (holds at any time)

linear concentrationgradient for x = 0 – XD

x > XD ⇒ constant concen-tration at bulk value

constant sensor response

Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology32

Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applicationsdocendo discimus

Biological SensorsMass Transport in Biosensors:

Trans-membrane transport→

time response of a biosensor

mostly determined by the time response of the membrane containing the biological sensing elementsin a membrane only diffusion can occurmass flow described by Fick’s 2nd law of diffusion→

2nd-order partial differential equation

numerical solution for specific sensor structures and boundary conditions

Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology33

Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applicationsdocendo discimus

S. M. Sze (Editor): Semiconductor Sensors, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (1994),

Chapter 9, Fig. 9, p. 432

Biological SensorsMass Transport in Biosensors:

Trans-membrane transport→

time response of a biosensor

mostly determined by the timeresponse of the membrane containing the biological sensing elementsin a membrane only diffusioncan occurmass flow is described by Fick’s2nd law of diffusion→

2nd-order partial differential equation

in general numerical solutions are requiredGraph: typical result for a simplified problem (metabolic sensor)

time lag occurs as the analyte diffuses into the membrane then the response rises to its steady-state value

Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology34

Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applicationsdocendo discimus

Biological SensorsMass Transport in Biosensors:

Membrane loading effects→

amount of biologically active material in the membrane affects the sensitivity, saturation level and time response of biosensors

Effects of membrane loading (parameter: l⋅α1/2)→

high membrane loading ⇒

all of the substrate is consumed

normalized product concentration → 1

membrane parameter (l⋅α1/2) contains terms of •


enzyme concentration •

reaction kinetics

diffusion constantsS. M. Sze (Editor): Semiconductor Sensors,

John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (1994), Chapter 9, Fig. 10, p. 435

Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology35

Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applicationsdocendo discimus

S. M. Sze (Editor): Semiconductor Sensors, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (1994),

Chapter 9, Fig. 11, p. 440

Biological SensorsTransduction Principles:

Electrochemical transductionExample:→

gas-sensitive potentiometric enzyme electrode made from an ion-selective electrode

enzyme layer is contained by a dialysis membrane

enzyme layer can be adsorbedcovalently bondedentrapped in a matrix

membrane is held in place with a rubber O-ring

Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology36

Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applicationsdocendo discimus

S. M. Sze (Editor): Semiconductor Sensors, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (1994),

Chapter 9, Fig. 15, p. 448

Biological SensorsTransduction Principles:

Optical transductionExample:→

optical biosensor

competitive-binding scheme for optical biosensors

analyte molecules are indicated by A

fluorescently labeled analog molecules are labeled by L

Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology37

Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applicationsdocendo discimus

Biological SensorsTransduction Principles:

Competitive-binding method (optical transduction)→

two competing reactions occur

analyte-receptor reactionanalog-receptor reaction

analog molecules fluorescently labeled moleculessimilar in structure than analyte moleculesbind to receptors (not as strongly as analyte molecules)

fixed concentrations of receptor and analog immobilized in the chamber on the tip of a fiber

measured optical change → analog-receptor reactionconcentration of the analyte changes⇒

amount of analog bound to receptors decreases

optical signal changes

Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology38

Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applicationsdocendo discimus

Biological SensorsSilicon Based Biosensors:

Urea-sensitive ISFET ENFET (ENzyme FET)→

schematic cross-section and output voltage as function of the urea concentration

S. Middelhoek, S. A. Audet: Silicon Sensors, Academic Press Limited (1989), Chapter 6, Fig. 21, p. 282

Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology39

Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applicationsdocendo discimus

Biological SensorsPackaging of Biosensors:

No sensor can be used without proper packaging!!!⇒

packaging should be an integral part of sensor design (not an afterthought)

Biosensor packaging (part 1)→

protection of the sensor against the environment

proper functionality within the designated lifetime•

electrical isolation or passivation of leads and electronics from ions and moisture (prevent leakage)

mechanical protection to ensure structural integrity and dimensional stability

optical and thermal protection to prevent undesirable effects of ambient light and heat that may alter the signal and sensor operation

chemical isolation (protection from harsh environments)

Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology40

Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applicationsdocendo discimus

Biological SensorsPackaging of Biosensors:

No sensor can be used without proper packaging!!!⇒

packaging should be an integral part of sensor design (not an afterthought)

Biosensor packaging (part 2)→

protect the environment from the sensor material

biocompatibilityfor biosensors materials interface should be inert to the chemical and biological environment of the measurement no toxic or other undesirable products should be released•

well selected sensor materials to eliminate or reduce body reaction

sensor operation and packaging selection to avoid toxic products

sensor sterilization

Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology41

Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applicationsdocendo discimus

Biological SensorsPackaging of Biosensors:

Effectiveness of sealant materials

S. M. Sze (Editor): Semiconductor Sensors, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (1994), Chapter 9, Fig. 17, p. 459

Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology42

Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applicationsdocendo discimus

Biological SensorsPackaging of Biosensors:

Packaging techniques for biosensors (examples)Structure of a ph ISFET sensor

S. M. Sze (Editor): Semiconductor Sensors, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (1994), Chapter 9, Fig. 18, p. 462

Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology43

Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applicationsdocendo discimus

Biological SensorsPackaging of Biosensors:

Packaging techniques for biosensors (examples)Backside contacts to an ISFET

S. M. Sze (Editor): Semiconductor Sensors, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (1994), Chapter 9, Fig. 18, p. 462

Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology44

Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applicationsdocendo discimus

Biological SensorsPackaging of Biosensors:

Packaging techniques for biosensors (examples)Buried feed-throughs

S. M. Sze (Editor): Semiconductor Sensors, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (1994), Chapter 9, Fig. 18, p. 462

Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology45

Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applicationsdocendo discimus

Biological SensorsPackaging of Biosensors:

Packaging techniques for biosensors (examples)Multi-wafer ENFET package →

protects the leads under the bonded Si-wafer

provides a well in which different biomembranes can be formed

S. M. Sze (Editor): Semiconductor Sensors, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (1994), Chapter 9, Fig. 18, p. 462

Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology46

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S. M. Sze (Editor): Semiconductor Sensors, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (1994), Chapter 9, Fig. 18, p. 462

Biological SensorsPackaging of Biosensors:

Packaging techniques for biosensors (examples)Micro-machined chamber at the sensor surface for electrochemical electrodes

Prof. Dr. Reinhart Job: Sensor Technology47

Advanced Microsystems Technologies for Sensor Applicationsdocendo discimus

Biological SensorsPackaging of Biosensors:

Packaging techniques for biosensors (examples)Multi-layer protection package of biosensors

S. M. Sze (Editor): Semiconductor Sensors, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (1994), Chapter 9, Fig. 18, p. 462