Senior Graduation Project Handbook - Illuminate EducationSenior Graduation Project Handbook Sto-Rox...

Senior Graduation Project Handbook Sto-Rox High School 1105 Valley Street McKees Rocks, Pa. 15136 412-771-3213 (phone) 412-771-8395 (fax) Table of Contents An Overview of the Graduation Project…………………………………2 Characteristics of the Senior Project…………………………………… 3 Guidelines for the Senior Project……………………………………….. 3-5 Role of the Project Participants………………………………………….5-7 Grade 9 Components and Portfolio Checklist ....................................7 Grade 10 Components and Portfolio Checklist ..................................7-8 Grade 11 Components and Portfolio Checklist ................................. 8 Grade 12 Components and Portfolio Checklist ................................. 9 Career Clusters: #1: Business and Information Technology ...........................………...10 #2: Engineering and Industrial............................................………….11-13 #3: Arts and Humanities .....................................................………….14 #4: Health and Human Services ............................................ ………15-16 Components of the December Presentation.......................................17-18 Grading for the Senior Project............................................................19-20 Outline and Format for the Written Paper...........................................21-22 Appendix: Rubrics for Evaluation ...................................................... 23 Written Paper………………………………………………………………23-28 Oral Presentation………………………………………………………….29-31 Exhibition 1

Transcript of Senior Graduation Project Handbook - Illuminate EducationSenior Graduation Project Handbook Sto-Rox...

Page 1: Senior Graduation Project Handbook - Illuminate EducationSenior Graduation Project Handbook Sto-Rox High School 1105 Valley Street McKees Rocks, Pa. 15136 412-771-3213 (phone) 412-771-8395

Senior Graduation Project Handbook

Sto-Rox High School 1105 Valley Street

McKees Rocks, Pa. 15136 412-771-3213 (phone)

412-771-8395 (fax)

Table of Contents An Overview of the Graduation Project…………………………………2

Characteristics of the Senior Project…………………………………… 3

Guidelines for the Senior Project……………………………………….. 3-5

Role of the Project Participants………………………………………….5-7

Grade 9 Components and Portfolio Checklist ....................................7

Grade 10 Components and Portfolio Checklist ..................................7-8

Grade 11 Components and Portfolio Checklist ................................. 8

Grade 12 Components and Portfolio Checklist ................................. 9

Career Clusters:

#1: Business and Information Technology ...........................………...10

#2: Engineering and Industrial............................................………….11-13

#3: Arts and Humanities .....................................................………….14

#4: Health and Human Services ............................................ ………15-16

Components of the December Presentation.......................................17-18

Grading for the Senior Project............................................................19-20

Outline and Format for the Written Paper...........................................21-22

Appendix: Rubrics for Evaluation ...................................................... 23

Written Paper………………………………………………………………23-28

Oral Presentation………………………………………………………….29-31



Page 2: Senior Graduation Project Handbook - Illuminate EducationSenior Graduation Project Handbook Sto-Rox High School 1105 Valley Street McKees Rocks, Pa. 15136 412-771-3213 (phone) 412-771-8395

An Overview of the Senior Graduation Project The faculty and administration of Sto-Rox High School believe that a Senior Graduation Project will challenge our students to travel beyond what is learned in the typical high school curriculum. The Senior Project is a learning process with student-centered research revolving around a career of interest and ending with a formal presentation. Projects will provide an avenue for creativity and demonstration of individual talents. It is our goal to significantly improve student achievement and career exploration while becoming lifelong learners. Working individually under the direction of a faculty advisor, each graduating senior will successfully complete and present a Senior Project. Although each student will be given direction during this four-year project, the responsibility for completion of it lies with the student. The Senior Project will demonstrate competencies in oral communication, written communication, information gathering, research skills, and technology utilization. All projects will be evaluated by review panels that will assess if the student is able to apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information as well as communicate significant knowledge and understanding. It is our hope that each student will derive a sense of accomplishment by completing a graduation project that reflects his/her interests and abilities. The opportunity to explain one’s knowledge, explore possible career paths, and apply learning to real life situations will help our students grow and promote their learning long after they leave Sto-Rox High School. 2


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Characteristics of the Senior Graduation Project The senior graduation project should be characterized by: • An investment of time • Evidence of planning • Choices that allow student to show his/her strengths • Research (gathering, analyzing, synthesizing data from a variety of sources) • A timeline for completion of project • Written and oral communication • Integration of technology • Assessment criteria clearly defined before project is initiated • Total staff commitment to project • A clear connection to what has been learned • Application of knowledge • Infusion of cross-curricular learning • High expectations for all students • Student self direction and reflection 3

Guidelines for the Senior Project

I. A Senior Project Steering Committee will plan and coordinate the Senior Project Process. II. Each Sto-Rox High School faculty member will act as an advisor to a designated number of students each school year. III. Advisor/advisee time will be provided on a regular basis during the instructional day at selected intervals. Each advisor group will meet in a designated classroom or workspace, as scheduled. IV. Each student will be responsible for locating a mentor who will be knowledgeable in the field of the project. This mentor can be an expert from the local, business, industrial, or artistic community. He or she can also be from the vocational technical community or a member of the Sto-Rox teaching staff. V. The student will select a topic for the Senior Project. A list of topic suggestions will be provided by the Steering Committee. The librarian will also be available to consult on research topics. The topic must be approved by the faculty advisor and the mentor. Once the topic, mentor, and advisor are confirmed, the student


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must submit to the Steering Committee a copy of the Project Contract. The Steering Committee will publish the student’s name, topic, mentor, and advisor. VI. The Senior Project process will integrate skills, concepts, and data from the major disciplines offered in the student’s course of study. VII. The Senior Project will have the following components:

A. Written Paper: A career related, formal research paper that is incorporated into the curriculum. The paper must meet the requirements as stated in the rubric attached in order to be acceptable. The student must submit a copy of the paper to his advisor and mentor for approval, and, once approved, he must then submit five copies of the written paper to the Project Review Panel before the final oral presentation takes place.

B. Formal Oral Presentation: A formal, oral presentation of the project to the Project Review Panel. This presentation will be no less than 20 minutes and no more than 25 minutes, with 5 additional minutes being given for questions and answers. The oral presentation must meet the requirements as stated in the rubric attached in order to be acceptable. The Project Review Panel will evaluate the presentation.

C. Exhibition: An exhibition using PowerPoint and one of the components identified in this booklet or approved by the steering committee will demonstrate the student’s knowledge and research related to his or her topic. The exhibition must meet the requirements as stated in the rubric attached in order to be acceptable.

VIII. Parents, mentors, and advisors will receive a copy of the rubrics that will be used by the Review Panel and are encouraged to monitor, guide, counsel, and advise in the student’s project. However, parents may not be on the Review Panel for his or her child. Any evidence that a portion (major or minor) of the project has been completed by someone other than the student will be considered “unacceptable” and will necessitate remediation processes. IX. Three members will comprise a Project Review Panel, one of whom is the student’s Sto-Rox advisor. The other two will be drawn from a random pool of the high school professional staff. Mentors should be present at the formal oral presentation but may not actively participate in the evaluation process. A student may request one professional staff member (NOT his or her parent or mentor) to sit on his or her Review Panel if that person is available and willing to do so. X. The presentation of the completed project must take place before the end of the third quarter of the student’s senior year. Comments and recommendations must accompany each project rated unsatisfactory. Explanation to the student as to why a project was found “NOT YET READY” must be explicitly outlined in the


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written remarks made by the Project Review Panel. A second review must be conducted before the same panel that judged the first review and must be completed within the third nine-week period. If the project is again found to be “NOT YET READY,” the student has the right to request a new panel before which to present the revised project during the fourth nine weeks. If the project does not pass this final review, the school board policy regarding graduation requirements will be followed. The finalized formal composite evaluation sheet will be presented to the student to be put into his or her portfolio. Notation of successful completion of the project will be made on the student’s permanent record. XI. Individualized Education Plans: Those students identified as special needs students will receive a high school diploma upon successful demonstration of the outcomes and criteria identified in the student’s individual education plan (IEP). Please note: The Assessment Committee will continually review the assessment processes and identify possible options for demonstrating student achievement outside of the regular 120 hours of course completion. 6

Roles of the Project Participants A. Role of the Student

1. Select a Senior Project mentor. This could be a faculty member in the student’s field of study or, preferably, a community leader, business person, etc., who has expertise in the area chosen for the Senior Project. 2. Select a project topic with the approval of the mentor and advisor. 3. Write a general proposal for approval. 4. Attain all signatures necessary for student contracts and return forms to the Sto-Rox advisor by the due date. 5. Complete all requirements of the project according to a pre-established checklist and timeline. 6. Take home project progress report to be signed by parent or guardian, advisor, and mentor at regularly scheduled intervals and return it to the Sto-Rox advisor by the due date. 7. Duplicate and distribute the final copy of the written presentation to all Project Review Panel members, advisor, and mentor. 8. Thank all Project Review Panel members, mentor, and advisor in writing for their efforts. 7


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B. Role of the Parent/Guardian 1. Approve the selection of the student’s choice of Senior Project mentor by signing the appropriate form. 2. Indicate that you have seen and review the progress report sent home at regular intervals by signing in the designated spot. 3. Guide and assist the student working through the senior project as you deem necessary. 4. Parents are welcome to attend the oral presentation before the Project Review Panel. Parents may not be a member of their son’s/daughter’s Project Review Panel. 8 C. Role of the Sto-Rox Advisor 1. Guide the student in the selection of a topic and approve project topic in coordination with the project mentor. 2. Collect, organize, and maintain all documentation pertaining to the Senior Project. 3. Review first draft of written paper and suggest revisions. 4. Function as a resource during the Senior Project process. 5. Meet with the student throughout the school year to guide his/her progress on the project. 6. Communicate with parents and administrators when necessary concerning the progress of the project. 7. Review the final written portion of the project prior to final submission to the Project Review Panel. 8. Submit in writing to the Steering Committee a requested presentation time and site. 9. Attend the oral presentation with advisees before the Project Review Panel. 9 D. Role of the Mentor 1. Approve the project topic in cooperation with the Sto-Rox advisor. 2. Guide the student in his/her search for appropriate and timely human and material resources. 3. Meet regularly with the student to assess his or her progress and provide expert information and guidance. 4. Communicate with the Sto-Rox advisor when necessary concerning the progress of the project. 5. Review the final written portion of the project prior to final submission to the Project Review Panel. 6. Attend the oral presentation with seniors before the Project Review Panel. 10 E. Role of the Project Review Panel 1. Agree in writing to a presentation time and site. 2. Read, prior to the presentation, the written portion of the project submitted by the student. 3. Attend and evaluate the presentation using the appropriate rubric.


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4. Provide comments and recommendations to those whose project has been judged “NOT YET READY.” 11 F. Role of the Senior Project Steering Committee 1. Collect and publish possible project topics. 2. Arbitrate disputes, appeals, and other conflicts. 3. Update and revise the Senior Project Manual. 4. Formulate policy. 12. Grade 9 Components and Portfolio Checklist Careers Related to Aptitudes and Interests 1. Meet your advisor and the other members of your group. 2. Complete the Student Profile Sheet. 3. Complete Journal Entry #1 after your first advisor/advisee meeting. Submit a typed copy to your social studies teacher. 4. Take the Differential Aptitude Test. 5. Type a DAT Reflection Paper after discussing your test results with your advisor. Submit a typed copy to your English teacher. 6. Discuss the physical, human, and electronic resources you will use during the graduation project process with your advisor. 7. Complete the worksheet “Looking Beyond the Four Basic Clusters – Grade 9” and submit it to your advisor. 8 Complete Journal Entry #2 after the fourth advisor/advisee meeting. Submit a typed copy to your social studies teacher. Portfolio Checklist: 1. Student Profile Sheet 2. Journal Entry #1 3.Journal Entry #2 4.DAT Reflection Paper 5.“Looking Beyond the Four Basic Clusters” Worksheet (Gr. 9) 15

Grade 10 Components and Portfolio Checklist Career Experiences 1. Complete Journal Entry #3 after your first advisor/advisee meeting. Submit a typed copy to your social studies teacher. 2. Read and summarize a magazine article at an advisor/advisee meeting. 3. Write a position paper in English 10/Honors English 10 that will contain a topic related to some aspect of your career cluster. 4. Complete Journal Entry #4 after your third advisor/advisee meeting. Submit a typed copy to your social studies teacher.


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5. Participate in one of the Career Fairs that are held at local high schools, each of which features one of the career clusters. You may attend the one in which you have the most interest this year. 6. Participate in Career Shadowing. Prepare a written paper and oral presentation for your English class about your experience. 7. Reflect upon, discuss with your parents and your advisor, and ultimately select a mentor for your project. 8. Complete the worksheet “Looking Beyond the Four Basic Clusters – Grade 10.” Portfolio Checklist: 1. Journal Entry #3 2. Journal Entry #4 3. Article summary 4. Career Shadow Day Paper and Rubric 5. Career Shadow Day Oral Presentation Rubric 6. “Looking Beyond the Four Basic Clusters” Worksheet (Gr. 10) 16

Grade 11 Components and Portfolio Checklist Focus on Careers and Preparatory Work 1. Complete Journal Entry #5 after your first advisor/advisee meeting. Submit a typed copy to your social studies teacher. 2. Select a topic for your Graduation Project. 3. Complete a Mentor Information Sheet. 4. Complete a Graduation Project Contract and obtain necessary signatures. 5. Complete Journal Entry #6 after your third advisor/advisee meeting. Submit a typed copy to your social studies teacher. 6. Participate in Career Shadowing. Prepare a written paper and oral presentation for your English class about your experience. 7. Using physical, human, and electronic resources, gather information for your written paper. 8. Prepare bib cards, note cards, and thesis statement in English class. Leave for the summer prepared to write your paper. Portfolio Checklist: 1. Journal Entry #5 2. Journal Entry #6 3. Mentor Information Sheet 4. Graduation Project Contract 5. Career Shadow Day Paper and Rubric 6. Career Shadow Day Oral Presentation Rubric 17


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Grade 12 Components and Portfolio Checklist Showcasing Your Work 1. Complete Journal Entry #7 after your first advisor/advisee meeting. Submit a typed copy to your social studies teacher. 2. Complete and submit a typed rough draft of your paper to your advisor panel for feedback. 3. Revise and edit your rough draft. Submit five copies of your final draft to your English teacher on or before the due date. 4. Rehearse your oral presentation and your exhibition for your advisor panel and receive feedback. 5. Present your oral presentation and your exhibition to your review panel on the assigned date in January of your senior year (please check district calendar). Portfolio Checklist: 1. Journal Entry #7 2. Written Paper Rubric for the Graduation Project (English Teacher) 3. Written Paper Rubric for the Graduation Project (Review Panel) 4. Oral Presentation Rubric for the Graduation Project (Review Panel) 5. Exhibition Rubric for the Graduation Project (Review Panel) 6. Final Grading Sheet 18

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Career Clusters #1 Business, Finance, Insurance and Information Cluster A) Business, Finance and Insurance Accountants and Auditors Actuaries Advertising Sales Agents Bank Tellers Banking and Bank Managers Bill and Account Collectors Billing, Cost, and Rate Clerks Bookkeeping and Accounting Clerks Brokerage Clerk Budget Analyst Cashiers Credit Checkers Customer Service Representatives Door to Door Sales workers Economists and Market Research Analysts Employment, Recruitment & Placement Specialists File Clerks Financial Managers Financial Services Sales Agents General Managers and Top Executives Human Resources Clerks Human Resources Specialists & Managers Insurance Adjusters Insurance Claims Clerks

Insurance Sales Agents Insurance Underwriters Interviewers Loan Officers and Counselors Mail Clerks & Messengers Marketing and Advertising Managers Office Clerks Order Clerks Payroll and Timekeeping Clerks Purchasing Agents, Buyers and Purchasing Managers Real Estate Appraisers Real Estate Developers (Commercial & Residential) Receptionists Remittance Processing Clerks Retail Salespersons Sales and Marketing Supervisors Sales Representatives Secretaries Small Business Owner/Manager Stock Brokers/Investments Stock Clerks Switchboard Operators Telephone Solicitors Warehouse Stock Clerks Wholesale and Retail Buyers Word Processors, Typists and Data Entry Personnel B) Information and Computer Technology Computer Network Designer Computer Programmers Computer Sales, Repair, and Consultants Computer Systems Analysts



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#2 Engineering, Transportation and Industrial Cluster A) Agriculture and Natural Resources Technology Agricultural Production Inspectors & Compliance Officers Agricultural and Food Scientists Electric Power Plant Operators Farm Equipment Mechanics Farm Managers Farm Workers Farmers/Ranchers Fish and Game Wardens Forestry and Conservation Workers Gas Company Employee Hand Meat, Poultry, and Fish Cutters Hunters and Trappers Landscape Architects Landscaping, Grounds Keeping, Nursery, Greenhouse & Lawn Service Occupations Log Handling Equipment Operators Meter Readers Mining Engineers Oil and Gas Derrick Operators Petroleum Engineers Ranch Hands Surveying and Mapping Specialists Underground Mine Machinery Mechanics B) Transportation/Material Moving Technology Able Seamen Air Traffic Controllers Aircraft and Engine Technicians Aircraft Mechanics Aircraft Pilots and Flight Engineers Aircraft Production Assembler Auto Body Repairers Automotive Mechanics

Bus Drivers Bus, Truck, and Diesel Engine Mechanics Captains and Fishing Vessel Officers Chauffeurs Delivery Truck Drivers Dispatchers Flight Attendants Heavy or Tractor Trailer Truck Drivers Locomotive Engineers Logging Tractor Operators Marine Machinery Maintenance Mechanics Material Moving Equipment Operators Motorcycle Repairers Parking Lot Attendants Radio Mechanics Rail Yard Engineers and Hostlers Railroad Conductors and Yardmasters Service Station Attendants Ship Engineers Ship Pilots Ship, Boat, and Barge Mates Signal or Traffic Switch Maintainers Small Engine Specialists Subway and Transit Operators Taxi Drivers Traffic, Shipping, and Receiving Clerks Transportation Inspectors and Supervisors Truck Drivers Water Vessel Captains C) Engineering Technology Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineers Chemical Engineers Civil and Traffic Engineers Computer Engineers Electrical and Electronic Engineers Industrial Engineers Mechanical Engineers Metallurgical and Ceramic Engineers Nuclear Engineers Robotics Engineers Solar Engineers Stationary Engineers


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D) Construction Technology; Mechanics/Installers/Repair Technology Automated Teller, Computer & Office Machines Repairers Boilermakers Bricklayers Building Contractors Building & Construction Inspectors Cabinetmakers Carpenters Carpet, Floor and Tile Installers Ceiling Tile Installers Cement Masons Concrete and Terrazzo Finishers Construction Supervisors Construction Workers Residential, Commercial or Industrial Crane and Tower Operators Drafters Drywall Installers Electricians Electronics Technicians Elevator Installers and Repairers Excavating and Loading Machine Operators General Utility Maintenance Repairers Glaziers Grader, Dozer, and Scraper Operators Heating, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Installers and Mechanics Insulation Workers Lathers Mechanics Painters and Paperhangers Plasterers and Stucco Masons Plumbers, Pipe Fitters, and Steamfitters Power-line Installers and Repairers

Roofers Sheet Metal Workers Stone Masons Structural Metal Workers Vending, Coin and Amusement Machine Servicers and Repairers Welders and Cutters Wood Pattern and Model Makers Woodworking Machine Setters E) Math, Science & Environmental Technology Air Pollution Controllers & Inspectors Anthropologists Archaeologists Astronauts Astronomers Biochemists Biologist/Bio Engineer Botanists/Horticulturists Chemists Conservationists/Ecologists Environmental Scientists/Planners Geologists Geophysicists Hazardous Materials Removal Workers Life Science Technicians Marine Biologists/Oceanographers Mathematicians/Statisticians Meteorologists Nuclear Technicians Pest Controllers and Assistants Physicists Recycling Plant Workers and Managers Water & Waste Water Treatment Plant Operators Waste Management Water Pollution Controllers & Inspectors


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F) Manufacturing/Production Technology Apparel Workers Bookbinders Coating and Painting Machine Setters Continuous Mining Machine Operators Conveyor Assemblers Cost Estimators Drafters Drilling and Boring Machine Tool Setters Electrolytic Plating Machine Operators Electromechanical Equipment Assemblers Electronic Semiconductor Processors Electronics Repairers Elevator Installers and Repairers Extruding and Forming Machine Tenders Foundry Mold Assembly Workers Frame Wirers Furnace Operators and Tenders Furniture Finishers Gas Appliance Repairers Gas Plant Operators Graders and Sorters Grinding and Buffing Machine Setters Hand Cutters and Trimmers Hand Packers and Packagers Hand Pressers Heat Treating Machine Tenders Home Appliance and Power Tool Repairers Home Entertainment Equipment Repairers Industrial Production Managers

Jewelers and Silversmiths Job Printers Lathe and Turning Machine Tool Setters Letterpress Setters Lithography and Photoengraving Workers Machine Builders Machine Tool Cutting Tenders Machinery Maintenance Workers Machinists Metal Fabricators Metal Molding Machine Operators Metal Pourers and Casters Millwrights Musical Instrument Repairers and Tuners Non-electrolytic Plating Machine Setters Offset Lithographic Press Setters Oil and Gas Rotary Drill Operators Plastic Molding Machine Setters Precision Inspectors and Testers Production and Expediting Clerks Production Inspectors, Testers, and Supervisors Screen Printing Machine Setters Shoe and Leather Workers and Repairers Structural Metal Fitters Textile Machinery Operators Tool and Die Makers Typesetters and Composing Machine Tenders Vehicle Washers and Equipment Cleaners Wood Machinists



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#3 Arts and Humanities Cluster A) Communications Technology Broadcast News Analysts and Newscasters Broadcast and Sound Technicians Cable TV Installers and Repairers Camera Operators Communications Equipment Operators Journalists/Reporters News and Street Vendors Printing Press Operators Producers and Directors Production Assistant Radio and Television Announcers Videographers Writers and Editors (Newspaper/Magazine) B) Fine Arts and Architecture Actors and Other Entertainers Announcers Architects Artists/Sculptors Authors/Poets Clergy Curators and Archivists Dancers and Choreographers Directors and Producers Fashion Designers/Models/Buyers Graphic Artists Hairdressers and Cosmetologists Interior Designers/Decorators Jewelers/Watchmakers Music Directors and Composers Musicians (Instrumental/Choral/Vocal) Photographers Photographic Process Workers Singers 23


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#4 Health and Human Services Cluster A) Health Care Technology Anesthetists Animal Caretakers Chiropractors Dental Assistants and Hygienists Dental Laboratory Technicians Dentists Dietitians and Nutritionists Drug/Alcohol Counselors EEG Technicians EKG Technicians Emergency Medical Technicians & Paramedics Family/Marriage Counselor Health Information Technicians Home Health Aides Hospital Administrators Laboratory Workers and Aides Licensed Practical Nurses MRI Technicians Medical Assistants Medical Records Technicians Medical and Laboratory Technologists Medical and Psychiatric Social Workers Medical Secretaries Nuclear Medicine Technologists Nursing Aides, Orderlies, and Attendants Occupational Therapists Opticians Optometrists Pathologists/Microbiologists Personal Care Workers Pharmacists Physical Therapists Physicians and Surgeons Physician’s Assistants Podiatrists Psychiatrists Psychologists Public Health Workers Radiologic Technologists Recreational Therapists Registered Nurses Respiratory Therapists Speech Pathologists and Audiologists Surgical Technicians Veterinarians

X-Ray Technicians Zoologists/Zoo Directors B) Hospitality, Tourism and Recreation Athletes, Coaches, and Umpires Food Service and Lodging Managers Hotel Desk Clerks Parks and Recreation Directors Public Relations Specialists Reservation Ticket Agents Sports and Physical Training Instructors Theme Park Supervisors Travel Agents and Clerks C) Consumer Service Technology Aerobics Instructor Barbers Bartenders Bread and Pastry Bakers Butchers and Meat Cutters Car Rental Agents Caterers Chefs Cooks Custom Tailors and Sewers Demonstrators, Promoters, and Models Designers Dining Room and Cafeteria Attendants Dog Groomers Fabric and Apparel Patternmakers Fast Food Cooks and Workers Florists Food Preparation Workers Food Service Managers Funeral Directors and Morticians Garment Sewing Machine Operators Hairdressers and Cosmetologists Hand sewers Institution or Cafeteria Cooks Janitors and Cleaners Locksmiths and Safe Repairers Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners Manicurists Private Servants and Cleaners Real Estate Agents and Managers Restaurant Hosts and Hostesses Security Systems Installers Shampooers Upholsterers Waiters and Waitresses


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D) Public Services, Education & Legal Animal Control Officers Child Care Workers Civil Service/Government Clergymen/Missionaries Coast Guard College & University Faculty Correction Officers and Jailers Court Reporters & Stenographers Curators and Archivists Detectives and Investigators Dispatchers Education Administrators Elementary School Teachers Federal Criminal Investigators/Secret Service Fire Fighters Fire Fighting and Prevention Supervisors Hearings Officers Inspectors and Compliance Officers Judges and Magistrates Kindergarten Teachers Lawyers/Attorneys Legal Secretaries Legislators Librarians License Clerks Military/Armed Forces

Municipal Clerks Paralegals Police Detectives Police Patrol Officers Police, Fire, and Ambulance Dispatchers Politicians Postal Mail Carriers Postal Service Clerks Preschool Teachers Probation/Parole Officers Professors Public Administrators and Legislators Public Relations Specialists Refuse Collectors School Bus Drivers School Counselors/Guidance School Principals/Administrators Secondary School Teachers Security Guards Sheriffs/Deputies Social Welfare Service Aides Social Workers Special Education Teachers State Police/Highway Patrol Teacher Aides/Assistants Urban and Regional Planners Vocational Education Teachers Welfare Eligibility Workers Youth Division Aides



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Components of the December Presentation The Written Paper The specifics for the written paper are given on the attached sheet. In summary, the written paper should consist of: 1. A title page-1 page 2. Acknowledgments-1 page 3. Table of Contents -1 page 4. Personal Introduction-1 page 5. Formal Paper-8-10 pages 6. Works Cited Page-1-2 pages, as needed 7. Summary -1 page Specific criteria for the written paper will be found on the rubric used for assessment. The Oral Presentation The oral presentation to the review panel should meet the following criteria: 1. Note cards (no larger than 4" x 6") may be used for reference. 2. The oral presentation must be a minimum of 20 minutes in length and should not exceed 25 minutes in length. The presentation should show evidence of a depth of research and understanding of the topic you have studied. 3. Specific criteria for the oral presentation will be found on the oral presentation rubric. 26


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The Exhibition The exhibition should again give evidence of a depth of understanding of the topic you have studied. The exhibition must include a PowerPoint presentation. The exhibition may be incorporated into and intermixed with the oral presentation or presented as a separate entity. In any event, the entire presentation should last a minimum of 20 minutes and not longer than 25 minutes. Below is a list of some possible formats for the exhibition: Do a photo essay Compile a scrapbook Build a model or exhibit Put on a live demonstration Prepare statistical charts or graphs Develop an interactive computer demonstration Design a mural or advanced art project Develop a simulation Engage in a debate Set up an experiment Produce a videotape Perform a musical number (vocal or instrumental) Choreograph a dance Reenact a historical or dramatic scene Teach a lesson Conduct a panel discussion Conduct and record interviews Showcase a collection relevant to the topic 27


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Grading for the Senior Graduation Project In order for students to receive the 1.0 credits for the senior project as required for graduation from Sto-Rox High School, the following criteria must have been met. Previous Work* The following items indicate evidence of previous work: _____ Journal Entry #1 _____ DAT Reflection Paper _____ Journal Entry #2 _____ Article Summary _____ Journal Entry #3 _____ Career Shadow Paper (10) _____ Journal Entry #4 _____ Career Shadow Paper (11) _____ Journal Entry #5 _____ Looking Beyond the Four _____ Journal Entry #6 _____ Basic Clusters ( 9 or 10) _____ Journal Entry #7 _____ Graduation Project Contract _____ Rough Draft of Paper _____ Preview of Oral Presentation 15% of Final Grade Written Paper* Student must have submitted 5 copies of final written paper. Written paper must be submitted on or before the due date. Written paper must successfully meet all requirements outlined in the rubric for student writing of a major research paper. 50% of Final Grade Oral Presentation* Student must have delivered his or her oral presentation before the review panel on the specified November date (unless extenuating circumstances have been presented to the steering committee and permission has been granted for a change of date). Student's oral presentation must successfully meet all requirements outlined in the rubric for effective delivery of oral presentations. 20% of Final Grade Exhibition of Student Work* An exhibition of student achievement relative to his or her stated topic must be presented along with the oral presentation. This exhibition must include PowerPoint in addition to one of the forms listed in the project manual or an approved format (i.e. charts/graphs, demonstrations, video, etc.). The exhibition must successfully meet all requirements outlined in the rubric for effective demonstration of knowledge acquired through research. 15% of Final Grade 28


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*Notes: 1. Students will receive a grade for the Senior Project (worth 1.0 credits) on the THIRD NINE WEEKS' report card. This grade will be averaged into the student's GPA for the third nine weeks. 2. If any asterisked (*) item above is not successfully completed, the student will receive an INCOMPLETE for the third grading period for the senior project. Students have until MAY 1 to complete that work. After May 1, all incomplete work will be changed to an F and a final grade will be awarded the senior project at that time. 3. If a student does not successfully meet the requirements and receive a passing grade for the senior project, the Board Graduation Requirement policy will be in effect and students will not receive a diploma or be permitted to participate in graduation ceremonies with their class. 4. To fulfill the senior project obligation after the May 1 deadline, it will be necessary for students to complete their work during the summer, with the final assessment occurring before August 31. Successful completion of the project, along with meeting other curricular requirements, will result in the awarding of a Sto-Rox high school diploma. 5. Requirements for new students entering the district and/or special circumstances will only be made by the Senior Project Steering Committee. All requests for special consideration must be made in writing. The steering committee will then meet with those individuals and make a final determination in writing if the circumstances warrant special consideration.


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Outline and Format for the Written Paper

Senior Graduation Project

The Senior Graduation Project Written Paper should consist of the following components. 1. Title Page Your title page should include your title, your name, “Graduation Project,”

an indication that this is in partial fulfillment of the requirements for graduation from Sto-Rox High School, and the date. You may take whatever format you choose, as long as the above elements are included.

2. Acknowledgements

This page should contain the title “Acknowledgements” and a short paragraph thanking anyone who helped you with this project. This might include your parents, your advisor, your mentor, someone who typed the paper for you, and anyone else who assisted your during the process. Length: 1 page.

3. Table of Contents

List the selections of your project and the corresponding page numbers on which those sections begin. The “Acknowledgements” page comes before the Table of Contents and is not included on that page. Length: 1 page.

4. Personal Introduction

Written in the first person, and double spaced, the Personal Introduction page talks about the process you have undergone in getting to this stage of the project. Discuss the events that have occurred since ninth grade that have led you to this point, including such things as meetings with your advisor, discussion with your parents or mentors, career shadowing opportunities you have had, the research process, etc. Take the reader through the process that has brought you to write about the topic at hand so that they have some background on how you chose the topic and are prepared to begin reading the formal paper itself. Length: 1 page.


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5. Review of Literature

Also written in the first person, talk to the reader about the sources of information you have used to prepare the paper. Discuss the viewpoints that were expressed in each source and how they shaped and molded your ideas for the final product. Provide information on everything you read and researched, even if you did not use information specifically from a source in the completion of the final paper. Length: 1-2 pages.

6. Formal Paper

This part of the project is written in the third person and follows MLA format. All formatting, grammatical capitalization, and structural concepts, which your were taught, should be followed in completing the paper itself. This is the body of your work and is presented in formal MLA style, with an introduction/thesis, supporting documentation/lines of defense, and a conclusion/summary. Length: 8-10 full pages; could be somewhat longer if needed, but eight full pages is the minimum length. The maximum length should not exceed 12 pages.

7. Works Cited Page

This page lists in correct MLA format all of the resources which you used for your final project. The format should follow that which you learned in English class and which has been reviewed by you. Length: 1-2 pages, as needed.

8. Personal Summary

At the end of the paper, write a Personal Summary page in the first person. Tell the reader the following: What conclusions have you drawn? What have you learned that you did not know before? What would you like to learn more about? What are your final thoughts about your research? Length: 1 page



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Sto-Rox High School Class of _______

Senior Graduation Project Research Paper Evaluation Name: Topic: Cluster Name: Evaluators: Evaluation of the Introductory Elements of the Research Paper

Criteria Points Comments Title Page The paper contains a title page which includes the following: title of the paper, the student’s name, “Graduation Project, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for graduation from Sto-Rox High School, and the date of the presentation. The information is spaced appropriately and is free from spelling and conventional (grammar, usage, punctuation and capitalization) errors.

5 4 3 2 1 0

Acknowledgements Page The paper contains an acknowledgement page that recognizes and thanks those who assisted the student with the project. The page acknowledges those who were supportive during the four-year effort and played a part in encouraging its completion. The acknowledgement is written in a formal tone and is free from spelling and conventions (grammar, usage, punctuation, and capitalization) errors. The title of the page is not written in all capital letters.

5 4 3 2 1 0

Table of Contents The paper contains a table of contents. The table of contents is titled and lists the major sections of the paper with their corresponding page numbers. The title and acknowledgement pages are not included in the table of contents. The table of contents page is double-spaced and is free from spelling and conventional (grammar, usage, punctuation, and capitalization) errors.

5 4 3 2 1 0

Personal Introduction The paper contains a personal introduction of the student/author that documents the process in which the student has engaged during this four-year endeavor. This page has a title, is written in the first person, is double- spaced, and is page one of the paper. The information in this section provides the reader with a clear understanding as to how and why this topic was selected. This section is a minimum of one full page in length and is written in a formal tone. This page is free from spelling and conventional (grammar, usage, punctuation, and capitalization errors.

5 4 3 2 1 0

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Evaluation of the Introductory Elements of the Paper (cont.)

Criteria Points Comments Review of the Literature The paper contains a review of the sources on information that have been used for this paper. The section has a title, may be written in the first person, and is double-spaced. The student discusses the viewpoints that were expressed in the various sources and how they shaped the ideas for the final product. This section is a minimum of one full page in length and free from spelling and conventional (grammar, usage, punctuation, and capitalization errors. Personal Summary Finally, this section includes a personal summary that explains what the author has learned as a result of the process and the research. This page has a title, is written in the first person, is double-spaced, and is the last page of the paper. This section is a minimum of one full page in length and is written in a formal tone. This page is free from spelling and conventional (grammar, usage, punctuation, and capitalization errors.

5 4 3 2 1 0

5 4 3 2 1 0

Evaluation of the Formal Section of the Research Paper

Criteria Points Comments Ideas and Content The paper contains a well-written thesis statement or topic sentence appropriate to the type of paper and is included in the opening paragraph or paragraphs. The thesis statement or topic sentence includes the three lines of defense or three main points of the paper as appropriate. The paper contains relevant details that support each of the lines of defense or main points, and the writer presents the information in a logical manner so that it is easily understood. The writer uses ideas that are original and supports his/her thoughts with research that is cited. The writing reflects a depth of research and thorough grasp and understanding of the topic that was selected. The paper is written in the writer’s own words and all thoughts or ideas that are borrowed from another are quoted and cited (when the words and thoughts are exact) or cited (when paraphrased). Failure to do so is plagiarism.

5 4 3 2 1 0

5 4 3 2 1 0

5 4 3 2 1 0

5 4 3 2 1 0

5 4 3 2 1 0


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Evaluation of the Formal Section of the Paper (cont.)

Criteria Points Points

Focus The writer is focused on the topic with each of the three lines of defense or three points demonstrating a sharp, distinct, controlling point. Conventions The paper section begins with the student’s name, the advisor’s name, “Senior Graduation Project” and the date, on separate lines, double-spaced, beginning one-inch from the top of the first page, flush with the left margin. The paper is a minimum of 8 full pages, double-spaced with appropriate one-inch margins, 12-point Times New Roman or Arial font, and each paragraph is indented. The formal paper contains a running head (last name and page number) one-half inch from the top right hand corner of the paper. This begins on the first page (Personal Introduction) and extends through the Personal Summary page. The formal paper contains the title that uses the conventional capitalization rule for titles (upper and lower case) and is centered horizontally. The first and last word and all other words except a, an , the, prepositions, coordinating conjunctions, and to infinitives are capitalized. The title is not underlined, not put in quotation marks, not bold, and not italicized. The font size of the title is not increased and is not in all capitalized letters. The paper is written in the third person and does not contain references to I, me, or you unless these words are in a quotation. The author avoids the use of contractions and uses numbers appropriately. Digits are not used to begin a sentence and numbers over ten are written as digits within a sentence. The paper contains a minimum of five sources that are listed alphabetically on the Works Cited page, and any entry on the Works Cited page has at least one parenthetical citation within the paper. All sources are listed in MLA format on the Works Cited page. The Works Cited page contains a title (centered), appropriate one-inch margins, and double spaced between entries.

5 4 3 2 1 0

5 4 3 2 1 0

5 4 3 2 1 0

5 4 3 2 1 0

5 4 3 2 1 0

5 4 3 2 1 0

5 4 3 2 1 0

5 4 3 2 1 0

5 4 3 2 1 0

5 4 3 2 1 0


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Evaluation of the Formal Section of the Paper (cont.)

Criteria Points Comments The writer has appropriately used parenthetical citations, has not used them in almost every sentence, and has varied and integrated them well throughout the paper. Organization The introduction of the paper flows from general to specific and draws the reader’s interest. Thoughtful transitions show how ideas connect. Sequencing is logical and effective. Pacing is well controlled with the writer knowing how to move the reader through the document. A satisfying conclusion leaves the reader with a sense of closure and resolution. The topic or thesis sentence is restated at the beginning of the final paragraph. Style The style of the paper is appropriate with the choice, use, and arrangement of words enhancing its tone and voice. The writer does not use jargon that confuses and uses vocabulary appropriate to the audience. Words are specific and accurate; it is easy to understand what the writer means. Sentences are well constructed, vary in length, and have varied sentence beginnings. There are no sentence fragments and run-on sentences. Creative and appropriate transitions between sentences and thoughts show how each relates to and builds upon the sentence or thought before. Voice The tone of the writing adds interest to the message and is appropriate for the purpose and the audience. Expository or persuasive writing reflects a strong commitment to the topic by showing why the reader needs to know this and why he/she should care.

5 4 3 2 1 0

5 4 3 2 1 0

5 4 3 2 1 0

5 4 3 2 1 0

5 4 3 2 1 0

5 4 3 2 1 0

5 4 3 2 1 0

5 4 3 2 1 0

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5 4 3 2 1 0

5 4 3 2 1 0

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Evaluation of the Formal Section of the Paper (cont.)

Criteria Points Comments Conventions All relevant material has been cited correctly using parenthetical documentation. Relevant material includes, but is not limited to, paraphrasing, direct quotes, statistics, and information not commonly known. The guidelines for citing all relevant material have been followed. (Author and page number, or “Title of Internet Article, and page number.) The paper is free from spelling errors. 5 = 1 or less misspelled words 4 = 2-3 misspelled words 3 = 4-5 misspelled words 2 = 6-7 misspelled words 1 = 8 misspelled words 0 = more than 8 misspelled words The author used correct capitalization. 5 = 1 or less capitalization errors 4 = 2-3 capitalization errors 3 = 4-5 capitalization errors 2 = 6-7 capitalization errors 1 = 8 capitalization errors 0 = more than 8 capitalization errors The author used correct grammar usage. 5 = 1 or less grammatical errors 4 = 2-3 grammatical errors 3 = 4-5 grammatical errors 2 = 6-7 grammatical errors 1 = 8 grammatical errors 0 = more than 8 grammatical errors The author used correct punctuation 5 = 5 or less punctuation errors 4 = 6-9 punctuation errors 3 = 10-13 punctuation errors 2 = 14-15 punctuation errors 1 = 16 punctuation errors 0 = more than 16 punctuation errors

5 4 3 2 1 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 4 3 2 1 0


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Summary of Evaluation of the Research Paper

Possible Points Points Earned The Introductory Elements Title page, Acknowledgements, Table of Contents, Personal Introduction, Review of the Literature, Personal Summary Ideas and Content Organization Style Voice Focus Conventions










Summary: Total Points Earned __________ Percentage __________ Letter Grade __________ Additional Comments:

5 = All criteria were met as described 4 = Most criteria were met as described; evidence that real effort was met to meet criteria 3 = Some criteria were met as described; evidence that some effort was made to meet criteria 2 = Few criteria were met; evidence that little effort was made to meet criteria 1 = Criteria were not met, but attempted 0 = Criteria were missing or not attempted Signatures of Review Panel Members (or English Teacher): Date:


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Oral Presentation Evaluation Name: Sto-Rox High School Topic: Cluster Name: Evaluators:

Criteria Points Comments Voice Your voice had a pleasant pitch and you spoke at an appropriate rate of speed for audience and purpose. The volume of your voice was appropriate for the size of the room and the audience.

5 4 3 2 1 0 5 4 3 2 1 0

Physical Presence You were dressed neatly and appropriately for the type of presentation and audience. 5 = Professional dress (dress slacks, dress shoes, tie, jacket (optional) for boys; dress, suite, dress slacks with jacket for girls. 4= Business casual (dress/Docker-type slacks, dress shirt/golf shirt, no tie, casual shoes (no tennis shoes) for boys; skirt or slacks, and sweater/blouse, dress shoes for girls. 3= Casual (Khaki’s/slacks with large pockets, solid color/collarless jersey, casual shoes for boys; casual slacks, casual top, casual shoes for girls. 2= Any ONE of the following: jeans, tennis shoes, or printed t-shirt. 1= TWO or more of the following: jeans, tennis shoes or printed t-shirt. 0= unkempt look, no attempt to meet criteria. You kept your head up, used good posture, and stood tall, conveying an image of self-confidence. Your facial expressions, body language, and attitude conveyed interest and enthusiasm in your subject matter. You made good eye contact with the audience. You did not use distracting mannerisms throughout your presentation (chewing gum, tapping fingers, hands in pockets etc.).

5 4 3 2 1 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 4 3 2 1 0

Page 30: Senior Graduation Project Handbook - Illuminate EducationSenior Graduation Project Handbook Sto-Rox High School 1105 Valley Street McKees Rocks, Pa. 15136 412-771-3213 (phone) 412-771-8395

Language You enunciated clearly and pronounced words correctly. You used correct grammar in your presentation. You used vocabulary that was appropriate for your subject matter and audience.

5 4 3 2 1 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 4 3 2 1 0

Content Your presentation included an introduction, which stated the premise of your paper. Your presentation included a body, which contained supporting information and documentation for your thesis or topic. Your presentation included a conclusion that summarized your paper and re-stated your thesis or topic. Your content was organized in a logical, orderly, and meaningful manner. Your presentation met the time requirements of a minimum of 20 minutes and a maximum of 25 minutes in length, including the exhibition. 5= 20-25 minutes, does not exceed time 4= 18-20 minutes 3= 15-18 minutes 2= 12-15 minutes 1= 10-12 minutes 0= less than 10 minutes You anticipated questions the audience might have about your subject matter and were prepared to answer questions not covered in the presentation itself or to elaborate on points you previously made.

5 4 3 2 1 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 4 3 2 1 0

Total Points (80 Possible)

Percentage Grade

Letter Grade


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Additional Comments 5= All criteria were met as described. 4= Most criteria were met as described; evidence that real effort was made to meet criteria. 3= Some criteria were met as described; evidence that some effort was made to meet criteria. 2= Few criteria were met; evidence that little effort was made to meet criteria. 1= Criteria were not met, but attempted. 0= Criteria were missing or not attempted. Review Panel Signatures: Date:


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Exhibition Evaluation Name: Sto-Rox High School Topic: Cluster Name: Evaluators:

Criteria Points Comments The exhibition emphasized, illustrated, or gave examples of all of the major points in the written paper

5 4 3 2 1 0

The exhibition demonstrated a depth of research on the student’s topic and/or characteristics of learning other than reading and writing skills Give examples: 1. 2. 3.

5 4 3 2 1 0

The exhibition was visually appealing to the audience and enhanced the content of the report.

5 4 3 2 1 0

The exhibition demonstrated creativity and original thinking on the part of the student.

5 4 3 2 1 0

You used consistent formatting for titles and body copy on all slides in your PowerPoint presentation. Your title and body text sizes were clearly readable to your audience, and the use of font styles was not distracting to the presentation itself.

5 4 3 2 1 0

You used color appropriately in your PowerPoint presentation so that text was easily readable (dart background/light text; light background/dark text) and graphic elements were coordinated into the color scheme.

5 4 3 2 1 0

Graphic elements, transitions, and sounds were used appropriately and were not distracting to the content of the PowerPoint presentation.

5 4 3 2 1 0

Your PowerPoint presentation was free of spelling and grammar errors,

5 4 3 2 1 0

Total Points (40 Possible) Percentage Grade Letter Grade


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Additional Comments 5= All criteria were met as described. 4= Most criteria were met as described; evidence that real effort was made to meet criteria. 3= Some criteria were met as described; evidence that some effort was made to meet criteria. 2= Few criteria were met; evidence that little effort was made to meet criteria. 1= Criteria were not met, but attempted. 0= Criteria were missing or not attempted. Review Panel Signatures: Date: