SEMIWEEKLY INTERIOR JOURNAL VOL XXV11 STANFORD KY TUESDAY FEBRUARY 13 1900 9 A1tI NO100I BRIEF NEWS NOTATION A II Doggcm jailer of Anderson county la dead need 64 Tho who of Magistrate Joel njyant died in Whitley from the efforts of burn aped GO jMri R W Lester of Mercer was horribly burned by her drove catching firo from a pratu- President Sponcor offers a million a year and 10 per cent on the earnings over 1600000 for the Clnclnatl South era I John L Howard confessed on his death bed that his mother arranged the conspiracy which resulted In tho assassination of his father five years ago near Mlddlcsboro The charred body of a woman was found In tho rules of a burnt cabin near Somerset and Milford Barclay Is under arrest tho body being thought to be his wlfo and that ho Is responsi ¬ ble for her death t The remains of Itfrs Sarah Williams widow of Q A Williams who used to I live on Rolling Fork were Interred In the IIusloovlllo cemetery Sunday af- ter ¬ remarks at the grave by Rev II J Plnkorton Mrs Williams lived at Lawroncobur Col Jack China says the way to stop the cowardly practice of carrying con ¬ cealed weapons Is to make it a capita offense to light within 2 t hours after a quarrel That would mako them sleep on the proposition and there would bo I very few lights Uo would also make it an offense punishable by 10 year In the penitentiary for any man to carry a concealed weapon or draw it in a pub Ito place We hare a law hero against carrying concealed weapons but It Is not effective In 09 easel out of 100 where a man Is killed in a street fight here It Is nothing moro than assaisl na ¬ tion One man has everything on his lido and the other haa nothing ASHAMED OP HIS TEETH Many wee aro and yet it Is neither f painful troublesome or expensive to have tho o that are possible to ear a put in perfect condition and those that aro not extracted and replaced by ARTIFICIAL TEETH which will do everything required of them OUIt DENTAL WORK Is second to nono In the city Wo make Teeth on Plate or Crown and Hrldgo Work on Gold Our Rubber Plates with Aluminu- lining and shaded pink rubber aro t most beautiful and lasting that can bo made Wo charge for gold filling 91 50 for solid gold crowns 85W gold brldgo work 8560 per tooth22 carat gold See us before you have your work dono All work guaranteed DR VII HOBSON M D D D Ofllco In the Hobson Building noxt door to tho government building Itloh rnond Ky Low RATES TO TIIK NORTHWEST Tickets will be void by the Monoo routo from Loulsvlllo to points In Ari ¬ Columbia Colorado Ida ¬ MlgaE ° o ¬ ington Wisconsin and Wyoming and return at ono faro for the round trip plus 12 on Jan 10th Fob Oth and 20th Mar 6th and 20th und April Ird IInd 17tb Halt rate for children between five and 12 Inclusive Tickets good 21 i days returning Full particular of local ticket agent or cheerfully furnished with maps and schedules by- E H Bacon DP A Louisville Ky I I There Is no beturuucdlclne for the ba ¬ bile than Chamberlains Cough llemcdy Its pleasant taste and prompt and ef ¬ withI It also cures croup and has boon used in thousands of cases without a single fail ¬ ure so far as we have been able to learn It not only cures croup but when given as soon as the croupy cough appears will prevent the attack In cases of whooping cough liquefies tho tough mucus mak- Ing ¬ it easier to expectorate and lessens the severity and frequency of the parox ¬ yams of coughing thus depriving that disease of all dangerous consequences For sale by Craig i Hacker Druggists 1 RED HOT THOM THE GUll Wa thet Hth MI0H tJteailuiin of New lIcbln thehoppedCur N years lUtirn that DO Then lluVkleni Arnica Salve lion Cilia Burns Uolb felene Corns blain frup DrunglrtCures box 4 SOME REASONS thtvII The disgraceful conditions growln out of political complications has con tend on Kentucky just now adomllaOL Interest of tbo American press and th uncharitable and dimenta bequartore raulovoloDca and persecution of sec ¬ Lionel fanatics during tho period of ro constrdctlon were but suspended when the factions joined In burying tbo bloody shirt In promotion of ruconcll tattoo and fraternity Before the wn recognition of Kentucky nativity or citizenship carried with It acknowl ¬ edgment of the standard of American courage Cchivalry throughout civilization and wad an ac ¬ cepted passport commanding respect and admiration wherever presented 1alriarchs cf this generation proudly recall tbo good old days when no Ste- in y tbo galaxy qualified her admiration of Kentuckys splendor That she has WhyWar 9 disgraceHalf eon was comparatively spotless Tbo pioneer heritage of bravery philan thropy end fraternity flourished in It entirety preeminently In the moat Uilnoui and thinly settled ° ¬ day the community of feeling and in tercsu survives In somo of tho mow ° ¬ tale corners and modern methods have angelIn stranger who applies tot entertainment and ho Is welcomed to a gratuitous sham of best that baikot bed an board afford Not to be included Invitations to a working Is regarded significant of disfavor and response to call for assistance Js always mado sacrifice of interest or inclination No Interest or urgency but can b9walved to attend tbo sick and assume the work of tho disabled neighbor Tho bigotry and rancor of religion and politics rarely produce conflict Not only was Kentucky a border State her soldiers worn nearly equally divided between the two armies and bor mountains were scenes of many con ¬ bUlhwhacklnjlTho warfaro developed latent vlclousncis tbo rugged mountaineer and survivors recall with a shudder many of the br Lt tal and revolting murder which we re- committed In tbo name of civilized war tare Comparative isolation and la cessibility encouraged mooo bloln tear of vengeance smothered any plo which prompted a conscientious neighbor to betray a lawbreaker The revenue otllclal and posse aro ambushed and resisted as tbplr dead ¬ heat enemies and betrayal for reward and rovengo havo provoked some of bloody fiends A sportsman is authority for dang to a stranger traveling unaccompanied through tho moon hlnlng districts a tho cordiality and frankness of tho Iiho ¬ an en ¬ cmy is as lightly hold as that of tbo game the native killand exposure death In defense or support of a com- rAde ¬ In creditable or criminal cause Is as unhesitatingly Incut red as roepo- to 4ea a neighbors call for favor Is ma extraS va ¬ un- lettered ¬ backwoodsman sever forgets a kindness nor Is happier than In oppor ¬ tunltY to reciprocate Indeed ho is an anomaly and merits comroleeratl moro than censure In the excesses led to commit by mercenary and un ¬ scrupulous lenders on whom ho relics with chlldllku confidence In olden times when election toofllco was an honor and an ofllcer honored when joint canvass and discussions pro salted the contestants manifesting a fraternal friendliness in their asset Ia ¬ ilea good nature and neighborly fel lovvfeoiing characterized a canvass and the masses measured tno merits of the candidates and thorn claims The reprehensible custom of today Its donunclatlon dlslngonuousncss and villlflcatlon Is productive of ill Tho patriot now is rarely favored with an audience including moro than a sprinkle of tbo opposition and assur ¬ sacs of opportunity for unchallenged extravaganco and mendacity encour ¬ ogee the indulgence Tho speaker usually relies upon abuso to enthuse his partisans and bribes to secure the floaters Political principles P aro paramount to overy other Int net in campaigns for nomination but only a mean to a selfish end In reality as demonstrated by the defeated aspi ¬ taste Tho renunciation of lifelong party alllllatlons by back number politiciai- and enlistment with the enemy for or promise of crumbs proclaim t thoI badge of renegade no shame for tho repudiated beneficiaries from highest to lowest grade oa the official scale Kentucky furnishes as copious a plat of political acrobats of ono time destruc ¬ floe as her most versatile sister how- e grant havo dwarfed 1 Sharon 1 Allg rivalespeciallyo n us sinfect the standards of standard arers A DEMOCRAT 11111111111111111 N011LB WORDS OF A GRAND MAN I will do my duty If I fall my death will be to the democratic party wasr to Cuba Gov Goobol when warned that boo would be assassinated Take charge and never give up oy Goebol to John K Ilcndrlck a short tlmo beforu death antfearlelS eop loOov Goebel when dying 111111111111111 GOVGOEBELSFUNERALs Tbo principal oration was delivered by Senator Blackburn and It was worthy of tho occasion and the man It was deadb the men who plotted his assassination lawo to the teachings and example of the great loader Closing he said Thorn Is nothing now that wo car do for him No peans that wo may sing orel cary ear o tdeath No monument that wo can build can reach Into that far off realm to DuI t can memory 4 bis virtues and follow his example etA IIHDTIIERB THU1UTF The following tribute was paid b Justus Goebel brother of the decease- overnor g My friends In closing these last sa d rites and bolero ibo mortal remains of the kindest gentlest meet loving of sons and brothers bo consigned to the final rcdllnz place I want to say a tae wordYour friend my brother lies dead before you murdered for his devotion to the cause of the people ofShould not Kentucky now and here swear by his blood that her sons will see justice dune to those concerned In his foul taking off If you fall in phi then year laws are dead letters ho could speak ho would laytlLet ndfog law take Its course Will design moa of high station be pcrmitw- to uso the Ignorant outlaw to lurthe- their ambition und when that ambl ¬ flop Is disappointed fury a redhanded murderer loose under the very toot- tbonxecattramnneloq of boShall too guilty in high place bo un ¬ covered Shall the honor of your State crbe restored Or shall his lifo blood split on your capital square be dried 4dup by the sun and washed away by tho rains and his lIfo sacrifice be forgot- ten ¬ Measured by the highest standard of man tho grandest tribute possible to tobe paid him to whom you have been so loyal Uto fight for tho principles fougbtfor doTo you sons of Kentucky I submit these questions Brother farewell until wo meet in that better world whore outlaws en not be hired where crime Is unknown where rest comes anbletherbrotheryou have gone be ¬ 01tltarotoo shall join you Eld Wm Stanley said in part Nava como to lay the body of this tribune and commoner of the people the side of Kentuckys most honored dead How fittingly for living bo w tbo peer of any dying ho was pestles William Goebel was grand in his lifo glorious in his death With un peak ¬ able chagrin nod mortification wo re ¬ member that this man who represent ¬ ed typically all that was noble an truest and bravest and best in and among a people whoso proud boast w they alwaYIIdarod to taco a foe a shield a friend should havo been stricken down by an assansln It w necessary that thorn should have bee a Judas eor the world was redeemed by a Christ and who shall say but tb calbold lIam Goobol lies but freedom 1lve Kentucky from this day marks an in her history We aro a sadder and erwiser and better people Wo havo learned a terrible lesson but oh soul wo have learned it well never t bo forgotten WORKING NIGHT AND DAY TlreLlul taudml htiettlittle thing that etr p14d 11 weakness taw strength lbtlen < into euel ea woudcrhat fu x by 1enny DruggUt I I The largest cargo of broudstulls ov put afloat for the Orient was at Portland Ore In the Arab wbloh hold the equivalent of 231771 bushels of whegt valued at 8140000 e I 1 ILANCASTER a The Undo Josh company drew a largo crowd on Thursday night and everybody was delighted with the per ¬ formanceMessrs Lewis West and Ben there don tweet our best qualified young men havo been awarded positions in tbo runway mall service Lancaster now has five men in that important ser ¬ vice three ethers having been in it for a lime The Williams Comedy Company n yight program each night consisting of dramas farces comedies new Ideas splendid specialties and the newts novelties a the very low prices of 10 20 and 30 cents Mrs T M Arnold Is improving In health Elder Joseph Ballou preached an able discourse to a largo audience at he Christian church on Sunday Hil- ubject was The Least Littleness and the Greatest Greatness the first being in tboso who break the commandment and the latter in tboso who become BE little children and not warriors states mon or rulers Tho commander of tho G A R foi Kentucky will be in our city on Wed neflday kith to make a date and ar tango for the meeting of that body ol veterans hero somo tIme during the month of May Our latch strings will be on the outside a picnic will bo glvet at Camp Dick Robinson a well know spot to most of them and a season o genuine enjoyment anticipated Mrs G T Ferris has gono to Louis vlllo to meet the Senator Sbo is suet an uncompromising democrat that I ait constrained to believe that George has learned to be one by association Mist Lena Bruce hUB been the gUesl of Mrs Motherd G M Patterson left for Nov Orleans on Saturday W A Wallace has accepted a position with Relnacb Ullman Co Of Chicago lottot r hub tho right ring it Ho says that arresting leg will bo a difficult job and he bellevci that iho trouble will finally be settle In favor of the democrats as it should be Hon R H Tomlinson suggest that Adjutant General Castleman or be anyway and itmay bo needed l < enforce the orders of the courts ward a Glnacocr k to a liO house on Friday All the boys and girls played their paru well William Embry looked be tor blacked than ho does white and Uenr Simpson and Herbert Kinnalrd Improv ed their appearance by trying to look frightful Tho gags and jokes were good and the piano music by Mist Grace Kinnalrd was excellent It Is believed that Judge Saulleyf decision at Horrodsburg requiring county to keep up the roads through tho town until they are paid for will apply to our roads Judge Burnslde theb6 the town will pay a double tax if they are re quired to keep up that part of tho roads which runs into town being about three miles City Attorney Williams 0has bona requested lo take some steps to have the matter properly settled and ho will of course do anything in his power rollVa sendb troops Leg ¬ bae courts are ad ¬ missions that ho was wrong in calling out the troops and in ordering the Leg ¬ islature to London This Is all that the democrats ask Let tbo courts ndd to out when only aond o men were two wounded in the samo town The facts provo that republln ¬ cans no was threatened to make it legal Thero aro antin as conecuesione ¬ they ask Let thorn now mako the fight in tho courts and enforce their ofmy pro ¬ cecdlggrTALI5fE1 Victims to ttouiacbtUrer and kldne troubles avl WUlrdnerJ 1tdId tile than anything I could tako I can now rat Onlyd SO ¬ ao teed I atLawroncoburg II NO MILITIA eNeeded to drive the people to The GLOBE i The Dig Stock of I Clothing and Overcoats f Now being closed out there is Ira sing immense sales Get in before the host Is gone THB GLOBE r Miller HIrsch Danville t A C SINE CONTRACTOR A BUILDER STANFOBD KENTUCKY I make close estimates on work and guarantee perfect satisfaction as to work ¬ manship and material as will be attest ¬ ed by any one of the many parties for yearsthat S 1 carry a full stock of Doors Sash toBlinds Metal Roofing Rouglr and Dressed Lumber ath Shingles Etc I will duplicate any prices offered I oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo W + T3fc OJ3E Tf a o DRUGGIST STANFORD o o 0 OPERA HOUSE BLOCK 00 gg YSpecial Attention Olsen to the Compounding of Prcsclptlons Scientifically g- o earl with Care 0 gg o ° eano00000000009000C10000000000000Cy0000 > = = = = = > b r = = = = = < im rf Wr + I People are always lookf ing for Genuine t everyE i J be carried over if I am offer ¬ r 1 ed near the cost of them h Look at our wiiidow at the ti remnant Shoes and Under ¬ wear Sizes and prices on ev 1f ery tern Cash No TICkets l H J MROBERTS = V f iJr S 1Ow ueudeWeAytiA S va1d n PENNYS DRUG STOIJE Drugs I Books v j Stationeryi Paints c And Oilsd Telephone No2 e Stanford Ky k n J Iii

Transcript of SEMIWEEKLY VOL XXV11 thtvII KY 1 II NO...



A II Doggcm jailer of Andersoncounty la dead need 64

Tho who of Magistrate Joel njyantdied in Whitley from the efforts of

burn aped GO

jMri R W Lester of Mercer washorribly burned by her drove catchingfiro from a pratu-

President Sponcor offers a million ayear and 10 per cent on the earningsover 1600000 for the Clnclnatl Southera

I John L Howard confessed on hisdeath bed that his mother arrangedthe conspiracy which resulted In thoassassination of his father five yearsago near Mlddlcsboro

The charred body of a woman wasfound In tho rules of a burnt cabinnear Somerset and Milford Barclay Is

under arrest tho body being thoughtto be his wlfo and that ho Is responsi ¬

ble for her deatht

The remains of Itfrs Sarah Williamswidow of Q A Williams who used to

I live on Rolling Fork were Interred In

the IIusloovlllo cemetery Sunday af-


remarks at the grave by Rev II JPlnkorton Mrs Williams lived atLawroncobur

Col Jack China says the way to stopthe cowardly practice of carrying con ¬

cealed weapons Is to make it a capitaoffense to light within 2 t hours after a

quarrel That would mako them sleepon the proposition and there would bo

I very few lights Uo would also makeit an offense punishable by 10 year In

the penitentiary for any man to carrya concealed weapon or draw it in a pubIto place We hare a law hero againstcarrying concealed weapons but It Isnot effective In 09 easel out of 100where a man Is killed in a street fighthere It Is nothing moro than assaisl na ¬

tion One man has everything on hislido and the other haa nothing

ASHAMED OP HIS TEETHMany wee aro and yet it Is neither

f painful troublesome or expensive tohave tho o that are possible to eara

put in perfect condition and those thataro not extracted and replaced by

ARTIFICIAL TEETHwhich will do everything required ofthem


Is second to nono In the city Wo makeTeeth on Plate or Crown and

Hrldgo Work on GoldOur Rubber Plates with Aluminu-

lining and shaded pink rubber aro tmost beautiful and lasting that can bomade

Wo charge for gold filling 91 50 forsolid gold crowns 85W gold brldgowork 8560 per tooth22 carat gold

See us before you have your workdono All work guaranteedDR VII HOBSON M D D D

Ofllco In the Hobson Building noxtdoor to tho government building Itlohrnond Ky


Tickets will be void by the Monoorouto from Loulsvlllo to points In Ari ¬

Columbia Colorado Ida ¬MlgaE °

ington Wisconsin and Wyoming andreturn at ono faro for the round tripplus 12 on Jan 10th Fob Oth and 20thMar 6th and 20th und April Ird IInd17tb Halt rate for children betweenfive and 12 Inclusive Tickets good 21

idays returning Full particular of

local ticket agent or cheerfullyfurnished with maps and schedules by-

E H Bacon DP A Louisville KyI I

There Is no beturuucdlclne for the ba ¬

bile than Chamberlains Cough llemcdyIts pleasant taste and prompt and ef¬

withIIt also cures croup and has boon used inthousands of cases without a single fail ¬

ure so far as we have been able to learnIt not only cures croup but when givenas soon as the croupy cough appears will

prevent the attack In cases of whoopingcough liquefies tho tough mucus mak-


it easier to expectorate and lessens

the severity and frequency of the parox ¬

yams of coughing thus depriving thatdisease of all dangerous consequencesFor sale by Craig i Hacker Druggists


RED HOT THOM THE GUllWa thet Hth MI0H tJteailuiin of New

lIcbln thehoppedCurNyearslUtirn that DO ThenlluVkleni Arnica Salve lion Cilia

Burns Uolb felene Corns blain frup

DrunglrtCures box


SOME REASONSthtvIIThe disgraceful conditions growlnout of political complications has contend on Kentucky just now adomllaOLInterest of tbo American press and thuncharitable anddimentabequartoreraulovoloDca and persecution of sec ¬

Lionel fanatics during tho period of roconstrdctlon were but suspended whenthe factions joined In burying tbobloody shirt In promotion of ruconclltattoo and fraternity Before the wnrecognition of Kentucky nativity orcitizenship carried with It acknowl ¬

edgment of the standard of Americancourage Cchivalrythroughout civilization and wad an ac¬

cepted passport commanding respectand admiration wherever presented1alriarchs cf this generation proudlyrecall tbo good old days when no Ste-


tbo galaxy qualified her admirationof Kentuckys splendor That she hasWhyWar 9

disgraceHalfeon was comparatively spotless Tbopioneer heritage of bravery philanthropy end fraternity flourished in Itentirety preeminently In the moatUilnoui and thinly settled °¬

day the community of feeling and intercsu survives In somo of tho mow ° ¬

tale corners and modern methods haveangelInstranger who applies tot entertainmentand ho Is welcomed to a gratuitoussham of best that baikot bed anboard afford Not to be includedInvitations to a working Is regardedsignificant of disfavor and response tocall for assistance Js always madosacrifice of interest or inclination NoInterest or urgency but can b9walvedto attend tbo sick and assume the workof tho disabled neighbor

Tho bigotry and rancor of religionand politics rarely produce conflict

Not only was Kentucky a borderState her soldiers worn nearly equallydivided between the two armies and bormountains were scenes of many con ¬

bUlhwhacklnjlThowarfaro developed latent vlclousncistbo rugged mountaineer and survivorsrecall with a shudder many of the br Lt

tal and revolting murder which we re-

committed In tbo name of civilized wartare Comparative isolation and lacessibility encouraged mooo blolntear of vengeance smothered anyplo which prompted a conscientiousneighbor to betray a lawbreaker

The revenue otllclal and posse aroambushed and resisted as tbplr dead ¬

heat enemies and betrayal for rewardand rovengo havo provoked some ofbloody fiends

A sportsman is authority for dangto a stranger traveling unaccompaniedthrough tho moon hlnlng districts atho cordiality and frankness of thoIiho ¬

an en ¬

cmy is as lightly hold as that of tbogame the native killand exposuredeath In defense or support of a com-rAde


In creditable or criminal cause Isas unhesitatingly Incut red as roepo-to

4eaa neighbors call for favor Is maextraS va ¬



backwoodsman sever forgets akindness nor Is happier than In oppor ¬

tunltY to reciprocate Indeed ho is ananomaly and merits comroleeratlmoro than censure In the excessesled to commit by mercenary and un ¬scrupulous lenders on whom ho relicswith chlldllku confidence

In olden times when election toofllcowas an honor and an ofllcer honoredwhen joint canvass and discussions prosalted the contestants manifesting afraternal friendliness in their asset Ia ¬

ilea good nature and neighborly fellovvfeoiing characterized a canvassand the masses measured tno merits ofthe candidates and thorn claims

The reprehensible custom of todayIts donunclatlon dlslngonuousncss andvilllflcatlon Is productive of ill

Tho patriot now is rarely favoredwith an audience including moro thana sprinkle of tbo opposition and assur ¬

sacs of opportunity for unchallengedextravaganco and mendacity encour¬

ogee the indulgenceTho speaker usually relies upon abuso

to enthuse his partisans and bribes tosecure the floaters Political principles

P aro paramount to overy other Intnet in campaigns for nomination butonly a mean to a selfish end In realityas demonstrated by the defeated aspi ¬

tasteTho renunciation of lifelong party

alllllatlons by back number politiciai-and enlistment with the enemy foror promise of crumbs proclaim tthoIbadge of renegade no shame for thorepudiated beneficiaries from highestto lowest grade oa the official scaleKentucky furnishes as copious a plat ofpolitical acrobats of ono time destruc¬

floe as her most versatile sister how-e grant havo dwarfed 1 Sharon 1Allgrivalespeciallyo

n ussinfect the standards of standardarers A DEMOCRAT

11111111111111111N011LB WORDS OF A GRAND MANI will do my duty If I fall my

death will be to the democratic partywasrto Cuba Gov Goobol when warnedthat boo would be assassinated

Take charge and never give upoy Goebol to John K Ilcndrlck a

short tlmo beforu death

antfearlelSeop loOov Goebel when dying


Tbo principal oration was deliveredby Senator Blackburn and It was worthyof tho occasion and the man It wasdeadbthe men who plotted his assassinationlawo to

theteachings and example of the greatloader Closing he said

Thorn Is nothing now that wo cardo for him No peans that wo may singorelcaryear o

tdeath No monument that wo can buildcan reach Into that far off realm toDuI t

can memory 4bis virtues and follow his example

etA IIHDTIIERB THU1UTFThe following tribute was paid b

Justus Goebel brother of the decease-overnorgMy friends In closing these last sa d

rites and bolero ibo mortal remains ofthe kindest gentlest meet loving ofsons and brothers bo consigned to thefinal rcdllnz place I want to say a tae

wordYourfriend my brother lies dead

before you murdered for his devotionto the cause of the people

ofShould not Kentucky now and hereswear by his blood that her sons willsee justice dune to those concerned Inhis foul taking off If you fall in phithen year laws are dead letters

ho could speak ho would laytlLetndfog law take Its course Will design

moa of high station be pcrmitw-to uso the Ignorant outlaw to lurthe-their ambition und when that ambl ¬flop Is disappointed fury a redhandedmurderer loose under the very toot-tbonxecattramnneloq


boShall too guilty in high place bo un¬covered Shall the honor of your State

crbe restored Or shall his lifo bloodsplit on your capital square be dried

4dup by the sun and washed away by thorains and his lIfo sacrifice be forgot-ten


Measured by the highest standard ofman tho grandest tribute possible to

tobe paid him to whom you have been soloyal Uto fight for tho principlesfougbtfor

doTo you sons of Kentucky I submitthese questions

Brother farewell until wo meet inthat better world whore outlaws ennot be hired where crime Is unknownwhere rest comes

anbletherbrotheryou have gone be ¬

01tltarotoo shall join youEld Wm Stanley said in part

Nava como to lay the body of thistribune and commoner of the peoplethe side of Kentuckys most honoreddead How fittingly for living bo wtbo peer of any dying ho was pestlesWilliam Goebel was grand in his lifoglorious in his death With un peak ¬able chagrin nod mortification wo re ¬

member that this man who represent¬ed typically all that was noble antruest and bravest and best in andamong a people whoso proud boast wthey alwaYIIdarod to taco a foe ashield a friend should havo beenstricken down by an assansln It wnecessary that thorn should have beea Judas eor the world was redeemedby a Christ and who shall say but tb

calboldlIam Goobol lies but freedom 1lveKentucky from this day marks anin her history We aro a sadder and

erwiser and better people Wo havolearned a terrible lesson but ohsoul wo have learned it well never tbo forgotten

WORKING NIGHT AND DAYTlreLlul taudml htiettlittle thing that etrp14d 11

weakness taw strength lbtlen < into euelea

woudcrhat fux

by 1enny DruggUtI I

The largest cargo of broudstulls ovput afloat for the Orient wasat Portland Ore In the Arab wblohhold the equivalent of 231771 bushelsof whegt valued at 8140000



ILANCASTERa The Undo Josh company drew alargo crowd on Thursday night andeverybody was delighted with the per ¬

formanceMessrsLewis West and Ben there

don tweet our best qualified youngmen havo been awarded positions intbo runway mall service Lancasternow has five men in that important ser¬

vice three ethers having been in it fora lime

The Williams Comedy Company

nyightprogram each night consisting ofdramas farces comedies new Ideassplendid specialties and the newtsnovelties a the very low prices of 1020 and 30 cents

Mrs T M Arnold Is improving Inhealth Elder Joseph Ballou preachedan able discourse to a largo audience athe Christian church on Sunday Hil-

ubject was The Least Littleness andthe Greatest Greatness the first beingin tboso who break the commandmentand the latter in tboso who become BE

little children and not warriors statesmon or rulers

Tho commander of tho G A R foiKentucky will be in our city on Wedneflday kith to make a date and artango for the meeting of that body olveterans hero somo tIme during themonth of May Our latch strings willbe on the outside a picnic will bo glvetat Camp Dick Robinson a well knowspot to most of them and a season ogenuine enjoyment anticipated

Mrs G T Ferris has gono to Louisvlllo to meet the Senator Sbo is suetan uncompromising democrat that I aitconstrained to believe that George haslearned to be one by association MistLena Bruce hUB been the gUesl of Mrs

MotherdG M Patterson left for NovOrleans on Saturday W A Wallacehas accepted a position with RelnacbUllman Co Of Chicagolottot r

hub tho right ringit Ho says that arresting legwill bo a difficult job and he bellevcithat iho trouble will finally be settleIn favor of the democrats as it shouldbe Hon R H Tomlinson suggestthat Adjutant General Castleman orbeanyway and itmay bo needed l<

enforce the orders of the courtsward a

Glnacocr kto a liO house on Friday

All the boys and girls played their paruwell William Embry looked be torblacked than ho does white and UenrSimpson and Herbert Kinnalrd Improved their appearance by trying to lookfrightful Tho gags and jokes weregood and the piano music by MistGrace Kinnalrd was excellent

It Is believed that Judge Saulleyfdecision at Horrodsburg requiringcounty to keep up the roads throughtho town until they are paid for willapply to our roads Judge Burnsldetheb6the townwill pay a double tax if they are required to keep up that part of tho roadswhich runs into town being aboutthree miles City Attorney Williams

0has bona requested lo take some stepsto have the matter properly settledand ho will of course do anything inhis power

rollVasendbtroops Leg ¬baecourts are ad ¬

missions that ho was wrong in callingout the troops and in ordering the Leg ¬

islature to London This Is all thatthe democrats ask Let tbo courtsnddto out when onlyaond o

men were two wounded inthe samo town The facts provo thatrepublln ¬

cans no wasthreatened to make it legal Thero aroantinas

conecuesione ¬

they ask Let thorn now mako thefight in tho courts and enforce theirofmypro ¬

cecdlggrTALI5fE1Victims to ttouiacbtUrer and kldne troublesavlWUlrdnerJ1tdIdtile than anything I could tako I can now ratOnlyd SO


ao teedI


IINO MILITIAeNeeded to drive the people to

The GLOBEi The Dig Stock of


Clothing and Overcoatsf

Now being closed out there is Ira sing immense sales Get in before the host Is gone


Miller HIrsch Danvillet


STANFOBD KENTUCKYI make close estimates on work andguarantee perfect satisfaction as to work ¬

manship and material as will be attest ¬ed by any one of the many parties foryearsthatS 1 carry a full stock of Doors Sash

toBlinds Metal Roofing Rouglr and DressedLumber ath Shingles Etc

I will duplicate any prices offeredI oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

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People are always lookfing for GenuineteveryE i

J be carried over if I am offer¬ r1 ed near the cost of them

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wear Sizes and prices on ev1f

ery tern Cash No TICketsl H J MROBERTS= Vf iJr S 1Ow ueudeWeAytiA S va1dn


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