SEMI=WEEKLY INTERIOR JOURNAL. · 2016. 1. 17. · L., *-' | II-, ',,-, .. \ $.,.. 8. * •!+., —;...

SEMI=WEEKLY INTERIOR JOURNAL. VOL. XXXII. STANFORD. KY. FRIDAY. .JUNE 17. 1904. 8 A M. Resolutions of Respect. Whekkas U bM pleMcd an over- rullof l‘ro*l(leoca to remo*a from our mldtt our frleod aad (allow lowoamaa, Dr. J D Pattua, a mao ofaucb EeDuloa worth aa to cauaa gaoeral aorrow wbararar h« waa Iidowd, and iba com- muatiir to (aal kaaoly tba Iota of auub a atauDL'b, worthy oltUao, and wbara* at Dr Pattua waa for maoy years a mambar of tba I. O O. F and wbaraas ovary mambar of tbia ordar rospacta our (rlood aod brotbar baoauaa of bla courtly parsooallty aod totrloalc obar- actor, tborafora ba It resolvad; That Crab Orchard Lodfo No. lOH, I. O. O. F. aataod to tba rolatl*aa of tba da- caaaod thair baartfalt aympatby lo tbair baroavamant, and baoauaaof tba lias of (rataralty aod daap respaot wa do aatar Into tboir aorrow and faal witb tbam tba loaa thay baya autulaad. Ba It furtbar raaolvad: That tbeaa roao- luiloDt ba tpraad upon tba racorda of Crab Orchard lA>dffa No. 108, a copy praaaatad to tba family of our brotbar aad (rlood aod also ttat tba INTERIOR Journal ba raquaatad to publish tbaaa resolutions. Uaspaotfully subroittad, j D Aodarsoo, A. W. Dlllioo, M. M. Parklos, oommittaa. PREACHMS^VILLE. Kay. Kobart Jordan praacbad Boa| aarmooa buoday morolog and ayaoloR. Good crowds waraprasaot aod tba slof- loR was arcollaot J. T BloiraJiaD sold soma corn to llauRbroac at Si. Mr Uloaramao Is aotlilsd to a blua tia, at ba has tba Qo* - aal oolt In this sactloa Dead foaas am ffattloR to ba a com* | moa siffbt tbaaa days, as ibay cao ba ; aaan aaywbam, avaa on tba turopika : Lai tba good work contlaua (Julia a crowd of Praacharsvllla peo- ple altaadad tba taat maatlag at Crab Orchard Sunday They anloyad ibalr dlanar In tba sbada at Brown Springs A. J Thompson Is building a nsw barn. J L Hutcblns Is adding ma - tarlally to tba looks of bis rasldanea. i Jamas Dyabousa Is putting down a cls- tarn at tba imrsonaga. Indisposition caused our oon-appear> anca last Friday. Wban that wadding oooias off wa will gat up a good latter Wa bava a olca 4 ulll wbicb waarasay- log to write of such bapoenlngs. LAND. STOCK. C ROPS. BTC. ! BD Carter aold tbma bortas Mon day at an ayaraga of SiH) { For tala until tba 3.^tb. soma corn at S.'I.S.'I par barrel. Joseph Ballou * | Tom Wayna bought of Lao IWgars. | B. T. Calhoun aod others In Casey a, car load of fat bogs at SI aod Si.M Baughman A Allan sold (ti lambs out of a bunch of IM, which waigbad Wt pounds, at to This Is tba bast crop wa baso board of. For Sale Thorougbbrad Black Darktbim bogs; Southdown aod high grads sbeapof both sexas. John Stasia Carpenter, Rustooyllla, Ky * Lutes A Co. Mil us that tba bast load of lambs they bava Mkao up tbIa year were from tba Kolllng Fork taction of Casey. They paid & to64o lor them. Eatray, a rad ataar, two years old, lo iblo order, weight about 800 pounds iMft tba Kloa (arm in Oarrard tbma wanks ago. Howard. A. M. Ponca, SMoford. * ' Thomas Clay hat closed a deal In which Mr aod Mra. J. T. Sbackalford, of Madison county, aold 148 noma of land on tba Park’s mill and Maysvitia roads for S'J0,720 to Lewis Johnston, Watur Payna and O D Wilson. Tba land adjoined the aavaral farms of tba purchasers Mr. Wilson, It It said, act- ing lo bobalf of Senator Ballay, whose land adjoins tbs Sbackalford eataM —Lexington Democrat. Worst of all Experiences. Can anything ba worse than to feel that avery minute will ba your latlV Such waa tba exparionua of Mra. H. II. New. •on, Deratur, Ala. "For tbrae yean" tba writan, "1 endured inauffarabla pain from I ndigaatlon, stomach aod bowel trouble. Death seemed Inayitable when doctors and all rametliei failed. At length I was Induced to try Electric Kiturs and the re. •ult was miraculous. I improved at once and now I’m completely racovered." For Liver, Kidney, Hlomach aod Bowel truu blaa Electric Bitters Is tbs only medicine Only 50c. It’a guaranteed by Penny, Druggist "Young mnn,’’ said tba aldery gen Uemnn, ns ne nppronebed tba aodn counter, "I bnve n peculiar afnicttOD. The nervoa of my ayelldt are pnrnU yied.” "Ob” rejoined tba aodn clerk, "Y'ou want to ane the doctor, I tuppoae." "No, I want n glass of soda," replied the elderly party, "and owing toibanf* tllciloD nforaanid I uke tba liberty of naklng you to kindly wink at youraelf for me.”—Chicago Newt. Elgbinea Jnpnoaaa wem killed and n number Injured by ibn txploaioo of n •ubmnrlna mine at tba anlrnaon lo Port Arthur. MIDDLEBURG. Farmers are preparing to barvaat thair cluver. Burn, to tba wife of Harry Holllogs- worth, n daughter. Mr. Jnrasa Oibony and family, of Lib- erty, vlalted Mr. J. C. Coulter Sunday. Tba MIddlaburg base ball Mam will cross bats with Phil at Boyle Saturday afMrnoun Hay. J. L Owens, pastor of the Bap- tist oburcb at McKinney, Bllad the pul- pit of tba MIddlaburg Baptist church Sunday morning. Hla aubjnot waa. "Be hold Ha Comaib with Clouds,’’ Hit ear- moo greatly pleased the large audience that uama out to bear him Wm. Millar aod wife ylalted tbeir deugbMr, Mra. Clare Sharp, on Brush Cmak Sueday aad ntMndad the First and Fourth raaglaMrtal Sunday acbool eoavantlona Mra Dollle McCormack, of Huatonyllle, ylalted her mother, Mra J C CoulMr, last wtek. John Adnma and wife vlaltad mln- tlvaa at Wnyneaburg last waak. Ed MoDaolal, of Burnalda, la vlaltlag rale- tivaa bam. Mra. Claranoa Coleman, of Burnalda, la with bar perenta, Mr. and Mra John Adama. Dan Braoaoo has mturnad from 8mm Collage. Supt J. C. Lay was In Moreland Saturday. A ginnoe at the program of tba 4ih of July oalebrntloD to be held at Oak I Grom, one mils west of town. Indicates tba biggest thing of tba kind avar bald Inibaoouoty. Thar;* will be an ora- torical coolest, a bass ball gamn be tween the HustonTlIla nod MIddlaburg Normal College Msmt, tba winner to mcaiya IJO A tmtilng race, a barral ra<!a, pig race, alow mula race aod a oumbsr of other smallar oooieata, too numaroua to mantloo Tba MIddlaburg nod Liberty bands will furnish music for the occasion. Jonas A Kalsay,mnos- gars, are sparing onitbar paloa nor money la gatilog tba track In flna or- dar. Tba bnod sMod will be n noval sight, na It will ba arecMd high up in a gum tree that sineda alone lo tba cao- Mr of tba circular track. Tba sheriff, jallar aod other county oRIcara will ba on bead and good ordar will ba pra- •erved. I IN NEIGHBORING COUNTIES. Tba Joint Tancbara’ loatliuM (or Boyla nod Garmrd counties will ooo vana In tba Court Houaa lo LnoensMr, on Monday, August Marla Tbompaoo, tba nagrasa who killed farmer John Irvin at Lebanon Junction, was Mken from tba Jail tbam by n mob aod strung up to a tree Tba rope broke nod aba was shut tbma ilmea sod left (or dead. Sba la atlll allva, bowoTar, but will dia. On account of bis permanent resl- danea la Mlaaourl, Llaut. Aablay LlUard, has raalgoad bla poaltloo aa Ad juMoi of tba Second BntMlIon, under .Major E W LllInrd Lieut. Lilinrd has bean a faithful offtoar white ba bna bald tba poaltloo nod was vary prom- Inaot during tba Jnckaoo trouble Ba waa also at Watt Point. Mr. Howno Snuflay, of SMoford, who bna bean acting as Adjutant, will ooailoun to oooupy tba same poeltloo AdvoonM. A doctor has dlacoyemd a pntleok lo tbn mlllMrv bospiMl lo Viaonn who chews tba cud. Ha aats rapidly, and than na In tba cnee of a cow, slowly mnatlcoMa bla food ni lensura. Ha sMMa that ba only gats tba rani aa Joy meoi from bla vie- lunia during tba second process A similar case Is known of a Bavari- no family, conalailng of fnlber nod two •ooa, who bava bean rumlonou all tbair llvaa Tbay too, are vary vorn- cloua eatars Keotuoky day at tba Worlds Fair waa a huge auoceas. The program ns pmarraogad was carried out, nod the xerclaaa dmw large orowda of people to tba Kaolucky building. Praaldeni Fraocia, of tba Kxpoaltloo Company; Gov. Backbam, and the Hon. E. J McDermott sod tba Boo Harry B Hawaa were tba principal apeakera A. big recaption was bald at the Kactucky building at oigbt Hard Hgbtlng batweao tba Husstaca and Japaoeae bas occured to the vi- cinity of Vafangow, Geo. Siakelburg, la no official report to tba general sMff at St Petersburg, taya the Japaoeae forces made several unsuccessful at- Mmpts to turn the Hussiaa army’s flank, bat tba Hutslana maloMlaed tbair poaltloo at aevera loaa Dlapaicbea received by London pa- para from Toklo aaya news bas beeo re- ceived of a big Japaoeae victory near Fu Cbou. Tbn Husalaoa, It la claimed, lost 1,000 mao nod reireoMd la disor- der. PoatmaaMr Gaoeral Henry C. Payne, who la obalrmso of tba Hapublloao Na- tional CommltMe, was Mkao auddeoly 111 In Chicago. The iwaoiy-iblrd auaual cooTenllon of the Aaaoolatioa of Hallway Tele- f rapb SuperloMndenM la la aaaalon at odlanapolla. Huadrada of Japnoaaa wara killed by •balla thrown from a Ruaainn gunboat at tba head of Tal lea Waa Bay. I NEWS NOTES. I Two men wara killed by a train at Cbloago. A cloudburst did great damage lo SMrllng, Col. The Mikado subscribed 110,000,000 ] to second of Japan's domestic loans. I Coosidambla damage was done bv a downpour of rain lo Latcbar county. I Dr iga was dooa by a cloudburst between Hunted aod Palmar Lake, Col. AdulMraota of a bigbly lojurloua na- lura warn found In cakes aod candy In Nsw York. The Premier of New South Wales, Australia, baa reslgoad aod will retire from public life A women, promlnaoi In eburob aod •octal cirolaa at Elglo.Ill , waa armated 00 tba ohsrga of forgery. Tba Kaatuoky sod Taocesaea Pbotog rapbara' Aasoclalloo Is holding iu an- nual cooveattoo at Lailogtoo. Tba butloesa portion of Niagara, Raooaraoa county, waa dettroabd by flm, aataUIng a loas of 125,000. Tba Japaoeae lad tba Ruaalsns Into a trap southeast of Sbuagmao. The Hus- slao losses are placed at 800 mao. Tba alx-vear-old aoo of Wade Col- lloa, a minor at Jacksoa, accldeotally •hot aod killed bla elgbtaao-year-old •laMr. Tba Cbloesa Goveromaot la appar- ently greatly worried over the death of Lewis Ktxal, tba oawspaper correa- poodaoi Days of grace will not ba allowed on oagotlabla paper In Kentucky bemafMr lo accordaoca with an act of tba Gao- eral asaembly. A balloon which bas made 7H ascaoM and covered a dlsMoca of 8,200 miles In tba air. Is a German exhibit lo tba Palace of TransiMriailoo at tba World’s Fair Husala bas not yet replied lotbe Brit- ish proteai against rice aod other food •tuff balogdadarad rootrabsed of war, built Is po'oMd out that Great Britaia roads such a daclxratloo during tba Boer War It is uodarsiood that John Alaxaoder Oowlo baa decided to return to tba t.'olMd Siataa by tba first steamer. In siroogly worded deounciaiory ad- Itorlals tba London papers axpreaa ua- bouadad •ailsfactina with Dowla’a dapnrturo. The Chicago Car Sarvloe Aa- soclatloe, wbicb embraoaa all tba lead tog railroad lines antarlng that city, bas bean notiflad by UolteJ SMtea District Atioroay Beibea that It will ba prosecuted under tba Sbarman aatl- iruat law unless cariata ebaages era made la Ita rules aod regulstlooa coa- caroing ablpmaot of fraigbt Tba Isrgoai pottery vase ever made lo the UniMd StoMs Is sxbIbiMd lo tba New Jersey building at tba World’s Fair. It Is Bva feat In height and la •IsboraMly decorated Two beautifully axacuMd palailogs grace tba aides, one " Wasblogtoa Crossing too Dalawara” and the other ”Tbe Haireat from Mor- ristown Police Judge John J. HIlay created a •aoaalloa In the Polloa Court at Lex- ington aod eaMbUsJted a precedaot Ha sMMd that baraafMr wbaa a mao was before him for carrying concealed deadly waepooa tba offaader would be given the limit of tba law Iu flaea and the waapoo would ba destroyed by aa officer In the prateaca of tba court. Uocooacloua, with ll-'i.OOO to cash fasMned la a bell around hla waist, a mao whose oame waa laMr diaoovarad to be Heary LutMrmao, was found lo a boarding bouse bed room In Chicago lo wbicb gas was escaping from an open jai. Luiierman, who was a stranger to the boarding bouse people, was Mken to the Alexian Brothers’ hospital. Frank Reloecke, aged 16 years, was killed by bis lather while trying to play a Joke on the latMr at Ml. Bolly, N. J. Young Helneoke hid In ibe bushes along the highway, near River- side, and as bis father approached the iMy jumped out, expecting to scare biro The elder Reloecke drew a knife and plunged It Into the lad's heart, kill- ing him almost InsMoily. Mr Reloecke tbougt be was about lobe at- tacked by a highwayman. The father Is almost Insane from grief Triumphs of Modern Surg’ery. Wonderful things are dons for the hu- man body by surgery. Organs are taken out and scraped and poliahsd and put back, or they may be moved entirely bones ere spliced; pipes take (be place of discasetl satdions of veins; antiseptic dresa- ingr are applied to woiinda, bruises, bures end like injuries before inllamms- tioo Mts lo, which cauaea them to heal without maturation aod in ona-third the time required by tba old treatment. Cbanibarlain’s Pain Balm acts on this tarns principle. It It an antiseptic and when applied to auch injuries, causes tbam to heal vary quickly. It also allays tba |>aio and suronata. Keep a bottle of Pain Balm in your homa sod it will save you time aad money, not to mentioa tba inoonvaniaaco and suffering which such injuriaa ontail. For tala by W. N. Craig. LANCASTER. Cooalderable InMreai la being mani- fested lo tba obooalog of tba IJuaen of tba Aibletic Tournament Sba will ba crowned OD Thursday avenlag dur- ing tba tournamaot. Tba circus brought out an Immenae crowd Monday, They came from all polata aad brought whole famillea Tba circus Itself was a failure, baviag 00 aMr aiiractloaa aod few features of loMreat. All thioga are in readlaeaa for the Athletic Tournament No trouble ir sxpaoaa baa bean spared to make it so occaaloa long to be remembered In Lao- caster. Mur town will be full of atrao- gera and It should be ibe pleasure of our people to make tbeir viati delight- ful. The BIgb School Mam and the town Mam played a match gameof ball Wad- oeaday afternoon. It waa a hotly ooa- Mated game and much exclMmeal waa manlfaatad, due to the fact that the town Mam la aaldom aeon on tba d la- mood. The Oral Mam woo by a score of 7 to 4 Tba wtonara played the bloomer girls Thursday afMroooa. Mr. R E .McRoberU Is to Laxingioo on busioess Rev Tinder aod daugb- Mr, Della, are at the World's Fair tbia weak Mr. Tinder will go 00 to Ful- ton, Mo., to deliver an address. Mlia Mary Elmore eatarMlned a number of friaoda Thursday avenlog. The occa sloo was a pleasant one and all aojoyed the bosplMliiy of tbe ebarmiag little boaMas Mr. Hardooo Young, whobaa been vlalilcg bla graodfaihar, Mr Wm. Herodoo, bas raturoed to bla borne In Louisville. Miaa Louise Farris sod guest, Bovina, are vlaltlog (rteods In Bryaouvllle. M las Joan Mount la vls- Itlog in SMoford CHURCH HATTERS. Rev J B. Crouch will preach at tba Baptist church Sunday oiorolag F7ld Joseph Ballou will preach at Ml. Xenia at IL.'tO Sunday afMroooa. Rev. Gilbert Glass, of tba PresbyM- rlao ebureb, will ba losMiled aa a mio- IsMr Suoday. The servlcea will begin oo Saturday otgbt aod will contlaua until Suoday atgbi Hava A. S. Mof fatt, of Labanoo, F7. M. Graea, of Dao villa, and Dodge, of Hlcbmood, will Mke pan In tba aarvlcea. Tba Gaoeral Association of Kentucky Baptlau coDvaoad at Campellavllle Wadoeaday moralag Dr, W. H Felix, of Laxlogtoo, waa ra-alacted Moderator; Dr. J J. Taylor, of Georgetown Col- lege, aod Boo. B F. Proctor, of Bowl- ing Oreeo, Asalstact Moderators; Dr J. K Nuonally, of Oeorgeiowa, Sacre- Mry;J.H Burnett, of Louisville, At- •latact SecreMry. About 300 meaaea gars aod nearly as maDy visitors were preaeol. Ball of Hustonvlllo Masonic Lodge No 184 June 10, 1U04 Maniorlal of our deceased brother, N Dudley Snow. Wheress It pleased God Id Hla in- flclM wisdom to Mke from our inldai our beloved brother, cow be It Resolved 1st. That we axMod to bla bereaved wife aod cblldrec our deepest sympathy lo this dark hour aod may they put tbeir trust in God, the only refuge. 2. That wa spread upon tba mloutea of our lodge this coadolaoca, and a copy of same be aeot tba aorrowlcg family and our broibera wear tba mourniog badge of our order. Respectfully tub- mltMd Charles Wbaalar, Everett Carson, Samuel Raid, commllMe. Sued by His Doctor. "A doctor here has sued me for 112.50, which I claimed was axceaaiva for a case of cho'iera morbus,” says K. White, of Coachella, Oal. “At the trial he praised bis medical skill and medicina, 1 asked liim if it waa not Obambarlain’a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy ha uaed as I had good reason to believe it waa, and ha would not say under oath that it wss not." No doctor could use a better remedy than this in a case of cholera morbus, it never fails. Sold by W. N, Craig. Tbe tirai woman to obMln tba degree of Director of JurUprudence at tbe Uolversity of Chicago waa presenMd with bar diploma at tba annual convo- cation of exercises. She was Miss So- pbronlsba T. Dreoktnridga, a daughMr of Col. W, C. P. Breckinridge. Five hundred persona, mostly cbil- dren, perished by the burclog of tbe excursion sMamer Gen Slocum, near Hell GaM, lo tbe F7aat river. Tbe •Mamar was carrying a Suoday-acbool excursi on. FVederIck Neiaoo, a wealthy farmer, of St Cloud, Minn , burned bla boma and bla wife aod committed aulolda by banging Otto WbiM, of Waahtogloo, lad., dropped dead at tbe gaM of bla moth- er’s borne, where ba waa going on a visit. Edward A Aldarmaa, of Tulane uni- vorolty. New Orlaana, baa bean alecMd praaldeni of tbe Unlvaraliyof Virginia. IK* NO. 32 iOUTING CLOTHES. COATS AND TROUERS ONLY. | Built for Hot Weather and Comfort. I Our Outing Suits have Style to them and are made so they will retain their shape, and you don’t find these points in many thin suits. Come in and See our Stock. gS $8.50 to $16.50. T. D. miLLEB, Danville, Ku »» THE GLOBE. To the Trade. I have hrught Mr. \V. R. MeKiniiey’a inlerent iu uiir stock nn<i I will continue'thr buainow at Ninie place au<l on nanie l>aaif< aa herebjfore. We appreciate the trade that haa l>eeii extendetl to us during our busineea aswa-iatiun and will appreciate a con- tinuance of same, pnunising to give you the licat g<mda and prices the market will atflird. Very Kcapectfully, W. H. HIGGINS, STANFORD. KY. Mias ."sue Rout, la¥»k-kec|>er; I. W. Rout, .Ir., B. G. < J(ajde, clerks, and Harve Steward, jairter. Some “Hoss Sei)se.” Rcaaous why a tin na)t, not a sheet iron, is the beat root made: 1st. It will last three times aa long as the beat shingle und*will coat very little mure. 2nd. It will conduct lightning as g^M>d as any lightning ro<l, if the gutter is connected to a tile, with down s|H>ut. 3nl. There is 50 per cent, less danger of fire and it will reduce the insur- ance enough to )>ay the ditfereuce between it and a cheap roof. See S, II. Aldridge, the tinner and plumber, that does the work. Phone No. IIH. S. H. ALDRIDGE Depot Street, Stanford, Ky. Druggist Confidence. C'onfidence— no fuar of iniKlakct*— -in what we have built our tiTule upon. KNOWLEDGE, EXTEItlENCE, EXAGIN ESS, CAREFULNESS ami PUKE MATT^ RIALS arc onr ‘‘stock in trade.” When you want things done right; when you want pure drugs; when you are tired of taking chances, eoine to us. The utmost care in every departinent—the best service and the best merchandise— IS our constant aim. Dr. W. N. Craig, Pharmacist, Stanford, Kentucky. Our Annual Qearance Sale) Of Ladies’ lligli-Grade Shoes is now on. $2 to $11.60 Shoes all go at $1 per pair while they last. These are u little out of style or odds and ends, lint all high- grade goods. Call and look through the stock. r 4 W. E. Perkins, Crab Orchard, Ky.

Transcript of SEMI=WEEKLY INTERIOR JOURNAL. · 2016. 1. 17. · L., *-' | II-, ',,-, .. \ $.,.. 8. * •!+., —;...

Page 1: SEMI=WEEKLY INTERIOR JOURNAL. · 2016. 1. 17. · L., *-' | II-, ',,-, .. \ $.,.. 8. * •!+., —; * •


Resolutions of Respect.

Whekkas U bM pleMcd an over-

rullof l‘ro*l(leoca to remo*a from our

mldtt our frleod aad (allow lowoamaa,

Dr. J D Pattua, a mao ofaucb EeDuloa

worth aa to cauaa gaoeral aorrow

wbararar h« waa Iidowd, and iba com-

muatiir to (aal kaaoly tba Iota of auub a

atauDL'b, worthy oltUao, and wbara*

at Dr Pattua waa for maoy years a

mambar of tba I. O O. F and wbaraas

ovary mambar of tbia ordar rospacta

our (rlood aod brotbar baoauaa of bla

courtly parsooallty aod totrloalc obar-

actor, tborafora ba It resolvad; That

Crab Orchard Lodfo No. lOH, I. O. O.

F. aataod to tba rolatl*aa of tba da-

caaaod thair baartfalt aympatby lo

tbair baroavamant, and baoauaaof tba

lias of (rataralty aod daap respaot wa

do aatar Into tboir aorrow and faal witb

tbam tba loaa thay baya autulaad. Ba

It furtbar raaolvad: That tbeaa roao-

luiloDt ba tpraad upon tba racorda of

Crab Orchard lA>dffa No. 108, a copy

praaaatad to tba family of our brotbar

aad (rlood aod also ttat tba INTERIOR

Journal ba raquaatad to publish tbaaa

resolutions. Uaspaotfully subroittad,

j D Aodarsoo, A. W. Dlllioo, M.

M. Parklos, oommittaa.


Kay. Kobart Jordan praacbad Boa|

aarmooa buoday morolog and ayaoloR. ^

Good crowds waraprasaot aod tba slof-

loR was arcollaot

J. T BloiraJiaD sold soma corn to

llauRbroac at Si. Mr Uloaramao Is

aotlilsd to a blua tia, at ba has tba Qo* -

aal oolt In this sactloa

Dead foaas am ffattloR to ba a com*|

moa siffbt tbaaa days, as ibay cao ba;

aaan aaywbam, avaa on tba turopika :

Lai tba good work contlaua

(Julia a crowd of Praacharsvllla peo-

ple altaadad tba taat maatlag at Crab

Orchard Sunday They anloyad ibalr

dlanar In tba sbada at Brown Springs

A. J Thompson Is building a nsw

barn. J L Hutcblns Is adding ma -


tarlally to tba looks of bis rasldanea. i

Jamas Dyabousa Is putting down a cls-

tarn at tba imrsonaga.

Indisposition caused our oon-appear>

anca last Friday. Wban that wadding

oooias off wa will gat up a good latter

Wa bava a olca 4 ulll wbicb waarasay-

log to write of such bapoenlngs.


B D Carter aold tbma bortas Mon

day at an ayaraga of SiH){

For tala until tba 3.^tb. soma corn at

S.'I.S.'I par barrel. Joseph Ballou *|

Tom Wayna bought of Lao IWgars.|

B. T. Calhoun aod others In Casey a,

car load of fat bogs at SI aod Si.M

Baughman A Allan sold (ti lambs out

of a bunch of IM, which waigbad Wt

pounds, at to This Is tba bast crop wa

baso board of.

For Sale —Thorougbbrad Black

Darktbim bogs; Southdown aod high

grads sbeapof both sexas. John Stasia

Carpenter, Rustooyllla, Ky *

Lutes A Co. Mil us that tba bast load

of lambs they bava Mkao up tbIa year

were from tba Kolllng Fork taction of

Casey. They paid & to64o lor them.

Eatray, a rad ataar, two years old,

lo iblo order, weight about 800 pounds

iMft tba Kloa (arm in Oarrard tbma

wanks ago. Howard. A. M. Ponca,


' Thomas Clay hat closed a deal In

which Mr aod Mra. J. T. Sbackalford,

of Madison county, aold 148 noma of

land on tba Park’s mill and Maysvitia

roads for S'J0,720 to Lewis Johnston,

Watur Payna and O D Wilson. Tbaland adjoined the aavaral farms of tba

purchasers Mr. Wilson, It It said, act-

ing lo bobalf of Senator Ballay, whose

land adjoins tbs Sbackalford eataM

—Lexington Democrat.

Worst of all Experiences.

Can anything ba worse than to feel

that avery minute will ba your latlV Such

waa tba exparionua of Mra. H. II. New.

•on, Deratur, Ala. "For tbrae yean" tba

writan, "1 endured inauffarabla pain from

I ndigaatlon, stomach aod bowel trouble.

Death seemed Inayitable when doctors

and all rametliei failed. At length I was

Induced to try Electric Kiturs and the re.

•ult was miraculous. I improved at once

and now I’m completely racovered." For

Liver, Kidney, Hlomach aod Bowel truu

blaa Electric Bitters Is tbs only medicine

Only 50c. It’a guaranteed by Penny,


"Young mnn,’’ said tba aldery gen

Uemnn, ns ne nppronebed tba aodn

counter, "I bnve n peculiar afnicttOD.

The nervoa of my ayelldt are pnrnU


"Ob” rejoined tba aodn clerk, "Y'ou

want to ane the doctor, I tuppoae."

"No, I want n glass of soda," replied

the elderly party, "and owing toibanf*

tllciloD nforaanid I uke tba liberty of

naklng you to kindly wink at youraelf

for me.”—Chicago Newt.

Elgbinea Jnpnoaaa wem killed and n

number Injured by ibn txploaioo of n

•ubmnrlna mine at tba anlrnaon lo

Port Arthur.


Farmers are preparing to barvaat

thair cluver.

Burn, to tba wife of Harry Holllogs-

worth, n daughter.

Mr. Jnrasa Oibony and family, of Lib-

erty, vlalted Mr. J. C. Coulter Sunday.Tba MIddlaburg base ball Mam will

cross bats with Phil at Boyle Saturday

afMrnounHay. J. L Owens, pastor of the Bap-

tist oburcb at McKinney, Bllad the pul-

pit of tba MIddlaburg Baptist church

Sunday morning. Hla aubjnot waa. "Behold Ha Comaib with Clouds,’’ Hit ear-

moo greatly pleased the large audience

that uama out to bear himWm. Millar aod wife ylalted tbeir

deugbMr, Mra. Clare Sharp, on Brush

Cmak Sueday aad ntMndad the First

and Fourth raaglaMrtal Sunday acbool

eoavantlona Mra Dollle McCormack,of Huatonyllle, ylalted her mother,

Mra J C CoulMr, last wtek.

John Adnma and wife vlaltad mln-

tlvaa at Wnyneaburg last waak. EdMoDaolal, of Burnalda, la vlaltlag rale-

tivaa bam. Mra. Claranoa Coleman, of

Burnalda, la with bar perenta, Mr. and

Mra John Adama. Dan Braoaoo has

mturnad from 8mm Collage. Supt J.

C. Lay was In Moreland Saturday.

A ginnoe at the program of tba 4ih

of July oalebrntloD to be held at OakIGrom, one mils west of town. Indicates

tba biggest thing of tba kind avar bald

Inibaoouoty. Thar;* will be an ora-

torical coolest, a bass ball gamn be

tween the HustonTlIla nod MIddlaburg

: Normal College Msmt, tba winner to


mcaiya IJO A tmtilng race, a barral

I ra<!a, pig race, alow mula race aod a

oumbsr of other smallar oooieata, too

i numaroua to mantloo Tba MIddlaburg

nod Liberty bands will furnish music

for the occasion. Jonas A Kalsay,mnos-

gars, are sparing onitbar paloa nor

money la gatilog tba track In flna or-

dar. Tba bnod sMod will be n noval

sight, na It will ba arecMd high up in a

gum tree that sineda alone lo tba cao-

Mr of tba circular track. Tba sheriff,

jallar aod other county oRIcara will ba

on bead and good ordar will ba pra-



Tba Joint Tancbara’ loatliuM (or

Boyla nod Garmrd counties will ooo

vana In tba Court Houaa lo LnoensMr,on Monday, AugustMarla Tbompaoo, tba nagrasa who

killed farmer John Irvin at LebanonJunction, was Mken from tba Jail

tbam by n mob aod strung up to a tree

Tba rope broke nod aba was shut tbmailmea sod left (or dead. Sba la atlll

allva, bowoTar, but will dia.

On account of bis permanent resl-

danea la Mlaaourl, Llaut. Aablay

LlUard, has raalgoad bla poaltloo aa

AdjuMoi of tba Second BntMlIon, under

.Major E W LllInrd Lieut. Lilinrd

has bean a faithful offtoar white ba bna

bald tba poaltloo nod was vary prom-Inaot during tba Jnckaoo trouble Bawaa also at Watt Point. Mr. HownoSnuflay, of SMoford, who bna bean

acting as Adjutant, will ooailoun to

oooupy tba same poeltloo —AdvoonM.

A doctor has dlacoyemd a pntleok lo

tbn mlllMrv bospiMl lo Viaonn whochews tba cud.

Ha aats rapidly, and than na In tba

cnee of a cow, slowly mnatlcoMa bla

food ni lensura. Ha sMMa that ba only

gats tba rani aa Joy meoi from bla vie-

lunia during tba second process

A similar case Is known of a Bavari-

no family, conalailng of fnlber nod two

•ooa, who bava bean rumlonou all

tbair llvaa Tbay too, are vary vorn-

cloua eatars

Keotuoky day at tba Worlds Fair

waa a huge auoceas. The program ns

pmarraogad was carried out, nod the

• xerclaaa dmw large orowda of people

to tba Kaolucky building. Praaldeni

Fraocia, of tba Kxpoaltloo Company;Gov. Backbam, and the Hon. E. J

McDermott sod tba Boo Harry BHawaa were tba principal apeakera A.

big recaption was bald at the Kactuckybuilding at oigbt

Hard Hgbtlng batweao tba Husstaca

and Japaoeae bas occured to the vi-

cinity of Vafangow, Geo. Siakelburg,

la no official report to tba general sMff

at St Petersburg, taya the Japaoeae

forces made several unsuccessful at-

Mmpts to turn the Hussiaa army’sflank, bat tba Hutslana maloMlaedtbair poaltloo at aevera loaa

Dlapaicbea received by London pa-

para from Toklo aaya news bas beeo re-

ceived of a big Japaoeae victory nearFu Cbou. Tbn Husalaoa, It la claimed,lost 1,000 mao nod reireoMd la disor-der.

PoatmaaMr Gaoeral Henry C. Payne,who la obalrmso of tba Hapublloao Na-tional CommltMe, was Mkao auddeoly111 In Chicago.

The iwaoiy-iblrd auaual cooTenllonof the Aaaoolatioa of Hallway Tele-

frapb SuperloMndenM la la aaaalon atodlanapolla.

Huadrada of Japnoaaa wara killed by•balla thrown from a Ruaainn gunboatat tba head of Tal lea Waa Bay.


Two men wara killed by a train at


A cloudburst did great damage lo

SMrllng, Col.

The Mikado subscribed 110,000,000

]to second of Japan's domestic loans.


Coosidambla damage was done bv a

downpour of rain lo Latcbar county.


Dr iga was dooa by a cloudburstbetween Hunted aod Palmar Lake, Col.

AdulMraota of a bigbly lojurloua na-

lura warn found In cakes aod candy In

Nsw York.

The Premier of New South Wales,Australia, baa reslgoad aod will retire

from public life

A women, promlnaoi In eburob aod•octal cirolaa at Elglo.Ill , waa armated00 tba ohsrga of forgery.

Tba Kaatuoky sod Taocesaea Pbotograpbara' Aasoclalloo Is holding iu an-nual cooveattoo at Lailogtoo.

Tba butloesa portion of Niagara,Raooaraoa county, waa dettroabd byflm, aataUIng a loas of 125,000.

Tba Japaoeae lad tba Ruaalsns Into a

trap southeast of Sbuagmao. The Hus-slao losses are placed at 800 mao.Tba alx-vear-old aoo of Wade Col-

lloa, a minor at Jacksoa, accldeotally

•hot aod killed bla elgbtaao-year-old•laMr.

Tba Cbloesa Goveromaot la appar-ently greatly worried over the death of

Lewis Ktxal, tba oawspaper correa-


Days of grace will not ba allowed onoagotlabla paper In Kentucky bemafMrlo accordaoca with an act of tba Gao-eral asaembly.

A balloon which bas made 7H ascaoMand covered a dlsMoca of 8,200 miles In

tba air. Is a German exhibit lo tba

Palace of TransiMriailoo at tbaWorld’s Fair

Husala bas not yet replied lotbe Brit-

ish proteai against rice aod other food

•tuff balogdadarad rootrabsed of war,

built Is po'oMd out that Great Britaia

roads such a daclxratloo during tba

Boer WarIt is uodarsiood that John Alaxaoder

Oowlo baa decided to return to tba

t.'olMd Siataa by tba first steamer. In

siroogly worded deounciaiory ad-

Itorlals tba London papers axpreaa ua-bouadad •ailsfactina with Dowla’adapnrturo.

The Chicago Car Sarvloe Aa-soclatloe, wbicb embraoaa all tba lead

tog railroad lines antarlng that city,

bas bean notiflad by UolteJ SMteaDistrict Atioroay Beibea that It will

ba prosecuted under tba Sbarman aatl-

iruat law unless cariata ebaages era

made la Ita rules aod regulstlooa coa-

caroing ablpmaot of fraigbt

Tba Isrgoai pottery vase ever madelo the UniMd StoMs Is sxbIbiMd lo tba

New Jersey building at tba World’sFair. It Is Bva feat In height and la

•IsboraMly decorated Two beautifully

axacuMd palailogs grace tba aides, one" Wasblogtoa Crossing too Dalawara”and the other ”Tbe Haireat from Mor-ristown ”

Police Judge John J. HIlay created a

•aoaalloa In the Polloa Court at Lex-ington aod eaMbUsJted a precedaotHa sMMd that baraafMr wbaa a maowas before him for carrying concealed

deadly waepooa tba offaader would be

given the limit of tba law Iu flaea andthe waapoo would ba destroyed by aaofficer In the prateaca of tba court.

Uocooacloua, with ll-'i.OOO to cashfasMned la a bell around hla waist, amao whose oame waa laMr diaoovarad

to be Heary LutMrmao, was found lo a

boarding bouse bed room In Chicagolo wbicb gas was escaping from anopen jai. Luiierman, who was a

stranger to the boarding bouse people,

was Mken to the Alexian Brothers’


Frank Reloecke, aged 16 years, waskilled by bis lather while trying to

play a Joke on the latMr at Ml. Bolly,

N. J. Young Helneoke hid In ibe

bushes along the highway, near River-side, and as bis father approachedthe iMy jumped out, expecting to scare

biro The elder Reloecke drew a knife

and plunged It Into the lad's heart, kill-

ing him almost InsMoily. MrReloecke tbougt be was about lobe at-tacked by a highwayman. The fatherIs almost Insane from grief

Triumphs of Modern Surg’ery.

Wonderful things are dons for the hu-

man body by surgery. Organs are takenout and scraped and poliahsd and put

back, or they may be moved entirely

bones ere spliced; pipes take (be place of

discasetl satdions of veins; antiseptic dresa-

ingr are applied to woiinda, bruises,

bures end like injuries before inllamms-

tioo Mts lo, which cauaea them to heal

without maturation aod in ona-third the

time required by tba old treatment.

Cbanibarlain’s Pain Balm acts on this

tarns principle. It It an antiseptic andwhen applied to auch injuries, causes

tbam to heal vary quickly. It also allays

tba |>aio and suronata. Keep a bottle of

Pain Balm in your homa sod it will save

you time aad money, not to mentioa tba

inoonvaniaaco and suffering which suchinjuriaa ontail. For tala by W. N. Craig.


Cooalderable InMreai la being mani-fested lo tba obooalog of tba IJuaen of

tba Aibletic Tournament Sba will

ba crowned OD Thursday avenlag dur-ing tba tournamaot.

Tba circus brought out an Immenaecrowd Monday, They came from all

polata aad brought whole famillea

Tba circus Itself was a failure, baviag00 aMr aiiractloaa aod few features of


All thioga are in readlaeaa for the

Athletic Tournament No trouble ir

sxpaoaa baa bean spared to make it sooccaaloa long to be remembered In Lao-caster. Mur town will be full of atrao-

gera and It should be ibe pleasure of

our people to make tbeir viati delight-


The BIgb School Mam and the townMam played a match gameof ball Wad-oeaday afternoon. It waa a hotly ooa-

Mated game and much exclMmeal waamanlfaatad, due to the fact that thetown Mam la aaldom aeon on tba d la-

mood. The Oral Mam woo by a score

of 7 to 4 Tba wtonara played thebloomer girls Thursday afMroooa.Mr. R E .McRoberU Is to Laxingioo

on busioess Rev Tinder aod daugb-Mr, Della, are at the World's Fair tbia

weak Mr. Tinder will go 00 to Ful-

ton, Mo., to deliver an address. MliaMary Elmore eatarMlned a number of

friaoda Thursday avenlog. The occasloo was a pleasant one and all aojoyedthe bosplMliiy of tbe ebarmiag little

boaMas Mr. Hardooo Young, whobaabeen vlalilcg bla graodfaihar, Mr Wm.Herodoo, bas raturoed to bla borne In

Louisville. Miaa Louise Farris sodguest, Bovina, are vlaltlog (rteods In

Bryaouvllle. M las Joan Mount la vls-

Itlog in SMoford


Rev J B. Crouch will preach at tba

Baptist church Sunday oiorolag

F7ld Joseph Ballou will preach at

Ml. Xenia at IL.'tO Sunday afMroooa.Rev. Gilbert Glass, of tba PresbyM-

rlao ebureb, will ba losMiled aa a mio-

IsMr Suoday. The servlcea will begin

oo Saturday otgbt aod will contlaua

until Suoday atgbi Hava A. S. Moffatt, of Labanoo, F7. M. Graea, of Daovilla, and Dodge, of Hlcbmood, will

Mke pan In tba aarvlcea.

Tba Gaoeral Association of KentuckyBaptlau coDvaoad at Campellavllle

Wadoeaday moralag Dr, W. H Felix,

of Laxlogtoo, waa ra-alacted Moderator;

Dr. J J. Taylor, of Georgetown Col-

lege, aod Boo. B F. Proctor, of Bowl-

ing Oreeo, Asalstact Moderators; DrJ. K Nuonally, of Oeorgeiowa, Sacre-

Mry;J.H Burnett, of Louisville, At-•latact SecreMry. About 300 meaaeagars aod nearly as maDy visitors werepreaeol.

Ball of Hustonvlllo Masonic LodgeNo 184 June 10, 1U04

Maniorlal of our deceased brother,

N Dudley Snow.Wheress It pleased God Id Hla in-

flclM wisdom to Mke from our inldai

our beloved brother, cow be It

Resolved 1st. That we axMod to

bla bereaved wife aod cblldrec our

deepest sympathy lo this dark hour

aod may they put tbeir trust in God,

the only refuge.

2. That wa spread upon tba mloutea

of our lodge this coadolaoca, and a copy

of same be aeot tba aorrowlcg family

and our broibera wear tba mourniog

badge of our order. Respectfully tub-

mltMdCharles Wbaalar, Everett Carson,

Samuel Raid, commllMe.

Sued by His Doctor.

"A doctor here has sued me for 112.50,

which I claimed was axceaaiva for a case

of cho'iera morbus,” says K. White, of

Coachella, Oal. “At the trial he praised

bis medical skill and medicina, 1 asked

liim if it waa not Obambarlain’a Colic,

Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy ha uaed

as I had good reason to believe it waa,

and ha would not say under oath that it

wss not." No doctor could use a better

remedy than this in a case of cholera

morbus, it never fails. Sold by W. N,


Tbe tirai woman to obMln tba degree

of Director of JurUprudence at tbe

Uolversity of Chicago waa presenMd

with bar diploma at tba annual convo-

cation of exercises. She was Miss So-

pbronlsba T. Dreoktnridga, a daughMrof Col. W, C. P. Breckinridge.

Five hundred persona, mostly cbil-

dren, perished by the burclog of tbe

excursion sMamer Gen Slocum, near

Hell GaM, lo tbe F7aat river. Tbe•Mamar was carrying a Suoday-acboolexcursion.

FVederIck Neiaoo, a wealthy farmer,

of St Cloud, Minn , burned bla bomaand bla wife aod committed aulolda bybanging

Otto WbiM, of Waahtogloo, lad.,

dropped dead at tbe gaM of bla moth-er’s borne, where ba waa going on avisit.

Edward A Aldarmaa, of Tulane uni-

vorolty. New Orlaana, baa bean alecMdpraaldeni of tbe Unlvaraliyof Virginia.


NO. 32



Built for Hot Weather and Comfort.



Our Outing Suits have Style to themand are made so they will retain theirshape, and you don’t find these pointsin many thin suits.

Come in and See our Stock.

gS $8.50 to $16.50.

T. D. miLLEB, Danville, Ku»» THE GLOBE.

To the Trade.

I have hrught Mr. \V. R. MeKiniiey’a inlerent iu uiir stock

nn<i I will continue'thr buainow at Ninie place au<l on nanie l>aaif<

aa herebjfore. We appreciate the trade that haa l>eeii extendetl

to us during our busineea aswa-iatiun and will appreciate a con-

tinuance of same, pnunising to give you the licat g<mda and

prices the market will atflird.

Very Kcapectfully,


Mias ."sue Rout, la¥»k-kec|>er; I. W. Rout, .Ir., B. G.

< J(ajde, clerks, and Harve Steward, jairter.

Some “Hoss Sei)se.”

Rcaaous why a tin na)t, not a sheet iron, is the beat root made:

1st. It will last three times aa long as the beat shingle und*will coat very

little mure.

2nd. It will conduct lightning as g^M>d as any lightning ro<l, if the gutter

is connected to a tile, with down s|H>ut.

3nl. There is 50 per cent, less danger of fire and it will reduce the insur-

ance enough to )>ay the ditfereuce between it and a cheap roof.

See S, II. Aldridge, the tinner and plumber, that does the work. Phone

No. IIH.

S. H. ALDRIDGEDepot Street, Stanford, Ky.

Druggist Confidence.

C'onfidence—no fuar of iniKlakct*—-in what we have

built our tiTule upon. KNOWLEDGE, EXTEItlENCE,

EXAGIN ESS, CAREFULNESS ami PUKE MATT^RIALS arc onr ‘‘stock in trade.” When you want things

done right; when you want pure drugs; when you are tired

of taking chances, eoine to us. The utmost care in every

departinent—the best service and the best merchandise—


IS our constant aim.

Dr. W. N. Craig,Pharmacist,Stanford, Kentucky.

Our Annual Qearance Sale)

Of Ladies’ lligli-Grade Shoes is now on.

$2 to $11.60 Shoes all go at $1 per pair

while they last. These are u little out

of style or odds and ends, lint all high-

grade goods. Call and look through the


r 4

W. E. Perkins, Crab Orchard,Ky.

Page 2: SEMI=WEEKLY INTERIOR JOURNAL. · 2016. 1. 17. · L., *-' | II-, ',,-, .. \ $.,.. 8. * •!+., —; * •


Here and There Notice of ElectionLoulcTlIle K«u ina next Cjofadaraie


Tblrtv-lhree tomsiet of the Retorm

School were perooled,

rormer Gov. Nath, of Ohio, It eerl-

ouily 111 at hli home In Columbue.

The bearert of the bonie-boued colors

of the battleship Kentucky were fftsen

a reception at the Louisville Uotel

One man was killed, another fatally

hurt and a home worth ail,000 destroy-

ed b) a natural ras explosion at Brad- ^

ford, f’a

Mrs. J. BruebI, of Appleton, WIs.,

dropped dead a few moments after re*

celyloK word that her brother bad been

killed by a train.

The address of the unvelllnr of tbs

Confederate monument to Confederate

veterans at Nashville was delivered by

Mr Henry Watterson.

Sute Demociatlo conventions In

MItsItsIppI and Arkansas have In

structed their deleeaies to vote tor

Judee Parker for President

Mr. and Mrs. L. D Allen wera found way of said K K

dead In their room In an aiiartment

bouse at Cleveland, O , the woman bav'

log shot her husband and killed her


Pllober A Taebau, of New York

were selected as arcbitecte for the ntw

building of tha Louisville Free

Library. It will cost 12:10,000 The se

lection was made from 40 plans sub'


As the result of a street Oght with thence to the old George Csrpe"ter resi-

plstolsat Bryanuyllla, lod., between deoce excluding him, thence to William

members of lbs Rout and Tow faml- Badgelt s residence, excluding him. thence

lies three persons were killed outright, along North line of F.vae Lyon farm to

one was fatally wounded and another crossing of the Huitooville * Liberty

seriously wounded. college school

Ten thousand veterans are In at- building in Huitonville, theece to the rex-

tendance at the annual encamproant of idenca of James Gastineau including

the Department of Indiana, Grand him. thence to the crossing of the Brad-

Army of the Republic, at Warsaw, fordsxille pike on the Casey couuly line,

Mrs. John A. Logan figures coosplcu -i

thence to residem-e of C K McClure,

ously In the meeting ' including him, thence to residence of N.

A dispatch to a London paper frtm |Cone, including him, thence to^ resi-

Constaotlnoole says the consular re- dence of Mr Ford, the (\V. H \N right

Larroon and Lillie Moeley, aged Ifi,

and 14 years respectively, escaped from

the watchful eyes of their patents and

eloped to Tennessee, where they were

married Their home was at Smith’s


Chester J. Fitch, a orominenl youngmao of NIcholasvIlle, and Miss Gertrude B. Givens, daughter of ThomasGivens, a leading attorney of Flem-

mingsburg, were married at the Phoe-

nix Hotel.—Lexington Democrat.

A. E. Grimes and Miss Hattie Burge,

both of the Maywood section, were uni-

ted In wedirxik's holy bonds at Eld. J.

G Livingston's by that gentleman on

Wednesday. Mr Grimes is a nephew

of Mr, b. H Shanks and Is a clever

young man, Hts bride Is said to be both

pretty and attractive.

Blackburn Huffman and Miss EvaCooper drove to Danville Wednesdayafternoon and were made husband and

wife bylRev. J. O. A. Vaught. After

the ceremony the happy pair drove to

the home of the groom, where a splen-

did supper was enjoyed. Mr. Huffman

Is a son of Mr. and Mrs. O P. Huffman

and Is a clever and Industrious young

man. The bride Is a daughter of Mr.

R. H. Cooper, of the Turnersvllle sec-

tion, and is an excellent voung lady.

"For the first time In the history of

this office,” said Probate Judge Eaocb,

of Sedwick county, Kansas, "a request

was made to-day for a receipt for the

money which a groom paid for his li-

cense. The young man said he wanted

something to show for It In case the II-

censelwas lost before be bad occasion

to use It. Wlth«s straight a face as I

oould muster, I sat down at my desk

and made the required receipt and

placed thereon one of the large official

red seals. The young man then seemed

satlsHed and went on his way."

The wedding of MIse Jennie Pence

and Mr. William J. Dozier, which was

solemnized at 10 o’clock Wednesdaymorning at the home of tbebrlde’s par-

ents, Mr, and Mrs. E T. Pence, was

one of the most attractive of the sum-

mer weddings, charming In Its sim-

plicity. It was a yellow and white wed-

ding, the entire bouse being decorated

In plumose, smitax and daisies. In the

parlor the windows were bung with

smliax and plants were banked on eith-

er side, forming a background for the

bride and greom. The mantels were

banked with the daisies and the ban-

isters were draped with the smliax, the

newel poets bolding branches of dai-

sies. Before the ceremony Miss Jen-nie Lynn sang "Always.” As the cho-rus from Lobrengrin was played, thegroom and bis best man entered theparlor followed by the bride and herbrother, wbogave her away. During theceremony, which was performed by Rev,P. J. Roes, Mise Lynn played "Call meTbIneOwn.” Miss Pence was beautiful

In her wedding dress of champagnevoile with hat to match The bride's

table was arranged In the dining room,the bride’s cake being the central dec-oration. It was Iced In white and baldlarge candy baskets of daisies Thesilver candle stinks held white taperswith yellow silk shades The placecards were hand painted daisies Mrand Mrs. Dozier drove to Dsovllla,where they took the train for Law-renceburg and from there will goto StLouis and on an extended trip West,for their bridal tour They were therecIpleoM of many handsome presents.

The groom's gift to the bride was adiamond sunburst Drooeb. The brideIs a charming young woman, exceed-ingly handsome and universally popu-lar, She Is greatly beloved for hersweet disposition and sunny temperament The groom Is a stove manufact-urer of Nashville, a fine business maoand a clever gentleman.

Kegulai Term Lincoln County Coorl held

held May 9. 190^, Moo James I’

,Hailey, judge, presiding

In the matter of the |ielition for a grad-

ed school in the town of Hustonville, Ky.

' At the last regular term of this court

held on the iith day of April, igo^. a pe-

tition signed by Chas Wheeler, C. W.

Adams. JV Goode, Geo U. Weather-

ford, Jtl. Weatherford. V. B. Morse,

f'arpeoter, W. M Myers. Jas

Frye, S. D. Yowell. J. A Blain, J. KBaughman, Edward -Alcorn and W. K.

Williams, was filed in oi>en court before

Judge Ja.s r Bailey, judge ol said coun-

ty court asking that a graded common school

district l>e established with boundaries as

follows, to-wit: Beginning at and ini-lud

ing the residence oljC Neal and all ol

his farm, running from East line of same

to mile post I14 on the C, S, K. K ,near

crossing of the lluslonville A Danville

ncinnati Southern K. K.,

running along the Ka*t line of the right of

at said crossing with

said road South to ihs crossing cl the

driveway leading *o Kuss Jones now Mc-

Cormack) houso, including same, thence

to the residence of John Murphy, includ-

,ing him, thence with the pike to the K K.

trestle (North end) in front of Mall An

Public derson. excluding him, thence on a line to

Itennelt t'loyd'a residence, including that,

thence to the old George Carpenter farm,

occupied by Willis Kouten, including him.


.Mism-g’ O.xl’onls, kill, pntciil tij', ai/.e 12 1-2, were 11, now 7,'tc.

Misetw' Pulciit I.cHtlii-r lixfonls, size 12 1-2 , wero fl.-'iO, now

Igiiiies' $l..')(l Patent tip kill Oxfonls now BHc.

I.ailies' |:i Pnlent I.entlicr I >xtnr<lii now tl.iis.

ligilics' ,'i0 Patt'iit Vici < >xl’orils now 12 - 211 .

.S'Veml Oilil I.ots Ignlies' Oxliinls, aize« II, 3 1-2 niiil I, wnrlli up to $2.f»0

ffo III 7!V.

-Men's ('anvils .'ihiicfi, the II. .'0 kinil, now ilXc.

Men's Cniivaa Oxtbnis, the |l..‘iO kiiiil. novt

Men's l.v.t'tO Tan Jxlim-s^ pi at $2 . 2->.

.Melt's Patent Vici Oxliinls, pi at I'J.fiB.

Men’s Patent Vici Oxliinls, p> at f3 . 2 l>.

\ tew pairs of those Igiilies' liollar Kill Oloves, aizrw .'i !M, mily to e|iv>«

them out l-"'c, all colors.

Lie l4iwns '.le a yanl.

M l-.'tc Igiwns .'h- a vanl.

.Men's ,'>0c I’liilerwear, now 24<\

Men's 110 SiiiU, luiw

Men's $ 1


. -’d* -‘suits, now fii.OJ*.

.Meit'i Straw Hats, slightly soilcil, worth uj> to II, p* at 10c tarh.

Lailirs' Nintw Sailors, pr at I 'ic each.

HON. D- L. MOOREcountv. Is s csniliesle tor Conpvts la the

,trice to sscceeU Hon. Ci. G, UH^rl. sub-

scUoli of Ihs DssKKrrsUc party. Your sup-

port Is sarasviiy solkltsU.


Is a caMlJats lor Shsrl« ol Uncoln county, subjsct

•• ran action ol tbs dasiocrstlc psrtn


a candldats for Shsrill ol Lincoln county, subtset

tta tcuon ol the Ssaocrsllc psrtv.


u acankl-Uie for sbsrifl ol Uncoln county, subjsct to

•s seaon at Ihs Sswocrstic psrty. THE GRAND LEADER•AMUEL M. OWENS.

s (sBiiliUis lor ShsHf of Lincoln county, subjsct

tts seaon at tbs Ssinocrntlc party.

dink FARMERIs a candidat# for Jallsr of Lincoln county . subjsct to

•s action at tbs Dss»crsllc psrty.


to t cnndldsis lor Jsllsr, subject 10 iha action of tbs

gasMcmtlc party.


to n cwididals lor Jailor subjsct to tha action of Uw

•SBaciBtlc party.

Tbs laat raating place of yaur departed

onea by tha erection of a aultablo

Monumont. Lot It bo of oxelualvo

and artlatledosign, th# best maloriat

and of por foct worhmartohlp. Wo carry

tbo largest atock of Monumonta. Marhara andTablet# of Marbloand Qranito In Control Kantucky.

Lottaring dona by pnaumatlo toola.

Nona battar. Nona ebaapar.



to a candidats tot Supsrlnwndsnt of Hub>‘

at Lincoln County, sub)sct to Uia action ol 1

in town ol Huxlonville Ky. a town of

sixth class ol the ifusionville Magicierial

District No 4. and that the site lor the

nchool house, to wit; ChriMinn C-dlege lot

to the town of Hustonville. Lincoln coua

ty. Ky . IS certihed to be and is not cx-

crediug z'j miles from any portioo ol the

boundary ol the propiwod districl and H

further appearing that a majority ol the

trustees in each of the common school

districts embraced in whole or in perl in

said proposed graded common achonl die-


It a candtdJita lor A*w»»of of Uncoln county, tub-

ct to ncUon ol ih« Jn^ocratlc pnrtv*

GEORGE To WOODIn a candidate lor of Lincoln county, tub-

|act to the action ol the de«ocratk party.DRUGGIST.W. B. McRoberts MTAN^OlfO,


Is s candidate lor Assessor at Lincoln county

Jnct to tbs action at tbs Dtsiocrstic party. tricl of the said proposed graded

school districl gnd have endor-

consent in writing upem the said LANDRETH’SLANDRETH’S


ndidals lor Assessor of Lincoln county, sub-

the action of the deatocratlc party.Singleton, lujwnntendent ol coreaoa

school* in Lincoln county, hns consented

in the esinbllshmeni ol the said propuaed

diatrK*! and has endorsed his consent in

writing upon the said jretiiion. as provid-

ed by Uw, and this day the said petition

era appeared in open court and James P

Bailey, judge ol the Lincoln I'ounlv court

agreed with them that the proposed


Is a'candldafe lor Assessor of Lincoln county,

|nct,lo the action of the toswcrntlc party.


Is a candidate lor Assessor ol Lincoln county, subjncl

to Uw nclion of the democrall,: psrty. Produce Wanted I


Is s candidate lor county allomey ol Lincoln county,

nnbjsci to 1st action at the democratic parry.

Will pay von tha beat nnrknt price for eggs,

beon. blden. feathem. tank, etc Call andbn eonvlaced at H B Nortbeott'a. Btnnlord.


Of Lincoln county, it a candidate lor the nomlnatloo

lot Suit Senator In this district, subject to the aclton

at the democratic partv. THE CALVERTMite Willie K. Hocker,

Proprietreaa,The Louisville Time# baa taken

come pains to find outGrover Cleveland 'a

alrengtb la Kentucky and publiebes

(be following reeullot Usloveetlgalloti;

It Is almost tbe unanlmout opinion

among Keniuoklans tbai Mr. Cleveland

hae DO cbance wbaieoever U> receive

the Democratic nomination and If be

he should, that be could not carrv this

Slate In ibe eleciloo Aoy number of

Democrats declare that 50,000 voters

would stay away from the polls In ibis

State If Cleveland should be nominated

This number will Include men who vo-

ted for Bryan la 1890 and men wbo

boiled tbe ticket that year. Kentucky

Democrats tay plainly they will baye

none of Cleyelaod. Democrat* In the

Eaet *ay that Mr. Cleveland can carry

New York, New Jer*ey aod Cooneot

lout. Democrat* here do not know of

Vbe pqndRIOQ iQ Ibe L««t, but tbejr do

•ky that while Cleyelaod «a* eafylog

tho*e Stale* be would certainly loee

Kentucky, Indiana, Tenne**ee aod

Mtieouri. Therefore It I* figured by

Democrat* here In Kentucky that Mr.

Cleveland has no cbance of winning

the nomination and that clrcumstaocee

will never arise at Su Louie which will

ever make bim a poedbility

With band* and drum corps playing

"Dixie,” and tbe delegatee cheering

eotbuslaatlcslly, tbe 14ib annual reun-

ion of Uolted Confederate Velerant wee

called to order at Nashville Tuesday

by Gen. G. W. Gordon, after which

Gov. Frazier delivered an eloquent ad-

dreea ol welcome. Heated upon the

platform were meny distinguished vis-

itors. Gen. S. D. Lee'e appearance a*

permanent presiding officer wai the

signal for a demonstration.

Ik the American people shall decide

to restore a democratic administration

aod they will, one of the first sod most

cheering proepecu of sound business

methods will be to pul the public fioao-

oes on a solid basis by brloglog tbe

goyeroment receipt* and expenditure*

into a closer relationship


Have Your Buggy PaintedIt It reported that Judge Alton B.Parker will be In St. Louis during theDemocratic National Convention.

It ba* been decided that Judge A. 8.

Berry will be the Democratic nomloeefor Circuit Judge In Csmpell county.

G Talbott Berry, of Uolon county,ba* been appointed Judge Advocate of

tbe Kentucky Stale Guard by Gov.Beck bam.Tbe Illinois democrat* Instructed

ibelr delegates to vote for W R Hearttfor president so long as bl* name Is be-fore the cooventloD.

Postmaeter Frank M. FIsber, of Pa-ducah, ba* been appointed by Gov.Beckham on tbe Kentucky Commissionto the Louisiana Purchase Expoeltlonto succeed former Lteui Gov. Wortb-

It will cost you only ••> I us* ibr bsst ofpalnU Slid vixrolsfcM and guarantsc mywork to be tr*t-clixiu>. Call at shop os Som-sr>«t street and see speclmeB of my work.House painting sod paper bsn^ng rheunlyand satisfactorily done. J. J. BKLUEN.

residencs. including ihsi farm, thence to

residence of George fsrjienlsr. occupied

by Willi* Kouten, including ihsI fsrni.

them e to the old <ieo Carpenter residence

excluding it. thence to W m Msdget'x res-

idence. excluding hint, thence cr-Msiog

Hustonville A O'ffsy * Turnpike with

North line of Evan Lyons farm, thence

from extremity of said North line a

AtrAight line to poini on Hn*lonville gnu

Carpenter s Creek turnpike, z 4 mile* from

Christian College building in Hustonville.

Ky., thence to the farm of James Gssiin-

eau including it, thence to the cruesing

ol the Hustonville and Hrsdfordsville pike

00 the Cssey county line, thence to the

farm of C K. McClure, including it.

thence to the farm of N,J

Cone, inrlud-

inu ihence to samuel Ford's farm, in-

J. M. PREWITTOsteopathic I'byalclae.

Office In Myers’ House.Consultation Free. Hour* S to

II A. M.; 3 to 4 P. M.; V to S P. a

Stanford, • Kentucky

Farm For Sale ! DIGNITY + dare:.


fWlUIsm J. BrvSh, it la •onouncad,will be the principal speaker at tbeconvention of New York Democratewbo are opposing tbe nomination of

Judge Parker, and which will be heldIn Cooper Union June 20.

Carlton McCarthy

On account of lll-hi-altb I decirc to sell

privately mv farm of ITS acres, located Ir

edge of Hiutonvllls. Oood liiipruvemsDt*.

fruit, never falling water, will sell as

whole or divide. Boiall bouse on lowerpart. U. R BAKNKTT.

Huston vllle, Ky.

Combined Stallion. , Democrat, wae

elected Mayor of Richmond, Va., witha full Democratic Board of Aldermenand CouDclImen. The vote waa ex-ceedingly light. Municipal electlonawere held generally In Virginia Thereeuli was practically a Democraticsweep.

The New York Sun le republican butthat doesn’t keep It from telling thetruth sometlmea. For Instance It sey*that “tbe Rooeevelt trust is tbe mostcompact moooply on earth— Preaidant,Vice Prealdent, Uoiied Suie* Senate,House of Represenailves, RepublicanNational Convealloo, Republican Nat-ional Committee Indeed tbe PresldeolI* spokeo ol ae “tbe whole cbeeie.”

When Lieut Gov. Thorne took tbechair of the chief executive during theabeence of Gov. Beckbara from tbeStele, et St. Louie, be gave out tblastatemeot: "1 wish mv friend* to comeand tee me If they will in a purely *0clal way, but tell them to advance forme that If they want any money out oftbe treasury, or pardon* for aoy oftheir cootiliuenta wbo happen to Im In

the penitentiary, they might aa wellsave the car fare neceeaary to gel here.I am leaving all such maitera in tbehands of Gov. Beckham.”

Mahogany bay, black iMlots, white only on left hind foot, eight years old, U.IM kandahigh, walgha l.SOS pouoda, strong flat bone, heavy mane and tall, good back, with long,craney, tapering neck, well eet In high mount<-d sbouldere. aeaddle boree bead and earon him. a modal under balU-r, wonderful stria In harnase, a show burse eurs. When onnyear old wore all honors In his claaa wherever shown, aleo tba blue tie In awerpatake bar-nesa rings ax same age. When a three- rear old he waa ahown 14 tlmae and wore IS bluestring!; lots never been defeeti-d In fancy barnoea rings: bat always bean tba victor Inetalllon slake rings; aa a breeder, when shown with three or more of bis gel. for else,

etyle and general conformation and for all pur|iosea. He la a saddle boree with flvw dle-tlDCt gaits, fast line acting racker, good In two walks and a nice lo|ier, very pualtive Inble trot under saddle and In barnea-. great all around action, as la rei|Ulrad for an up-M>date tire of high priced sale horse for saddle or barm-M He la a sure enough harnessburse, gracafuT. stvllsh aod fast: can show eighths In 18)4 seconds, a X:tS gats with butlittle handling; did this last fall after serving WI mures last spring. He la |KMeeased ofwonderful nerve.end s|«ed enough to get trotter* fur track us* or jrentlemen's roadMters,large, haudaume. stylish, heavy and strung enough to get carriage hontex with a kindlydla|HJSltloo for all purpose* of a family home He Is the home to sire parkem, stylish,graceful. sulMtaoco, docility It ha* been given up by humrmen that he la one of themoat uniform breedem In Kentucky. He type, hi* cult after himself ; has never sired asorrel cult. The miwt profitable horse, homes for the farmer and email breeder to pro-duce Is the horse wbicb serves the widest range of purposes well. Hie colts ere show colt*of.the highest type, blue string winners from tbe oldest to the youngest.Kbpiokbb.—Hired by Uhester Dare 10 N H H K, be by Hlack 8<|Ulrrel, 58, he by Black

Ragis *4, be by King William AT. he by Washington Denmark fit, he by Oalties Ilsomark61. be by race boree Ilenmark. K H, be by lm|Hirted Hedgeforrt. Dignity's fimt dam Lli-lemont, by Welchiuont, No 61167. A T II K, ho by William Welch U41, ha by Kyedlck'etlesenlslast.nnltin * O.s I It v’a flAtii hv AlvdallKll M(*Mf>nirAr. Kr<1 liw TillPa IFsaw-

DENTIST.OfTloe in Elmore Building


Stanford, Kentucky

in said prttpoeed graded common school

district, whether there ahall be levied and

collected an annual tax ol )0 cenli on

each lioo ol property, asseHsed in said

proposed graded school district, belonging

lo w^ite voters and corporations and a

poll tas ol Si on each white male inhabi-

tant over 2i years ol age residing in said

proposed graded common school district

for the purpose of maintaining a graded

common school in said proposed graded

common school district and for the pur

poseoi purchasing or erecting suitable

buildings therefor, at provided by the

common «:hool law The officer* o the

election will also cause the said legal vo-

ters in said proposed graded common

si-hool districl to vote lor five persons to

be trustees of same, provided said lax

shall be approved by said voters. The ot-

ficers of election will make due return of

iKs raanlt of said election al once after

A S. PRICK,SargsoD

Mjmford, Ky.uTur MuBoburu’ l>ng Storu Im IM Dvtluf


Dr. O. S. WilliamsDENTIST.

All work guaranteedand prices rea*

sonable.Hustonville. • Kentucky

Page 3: SEMI=WEEKLY INTERIOR JOURNAL. · 2016. 1. 17. · L., *-' | II-, ',,-, .. \ $.,.. 8. * •!+., —; * •












1 .




‘ '




• • •*.* •

I 41WIIK, alMMiliitely fuKt colori, white

^roimilK with Kt-i|, lilue, i'ink aixl

Hlack ti}^iir('ii.


ft* 1 -



I.<>t ot l.awni> tliat wild fur 10 and• • •

• L*.V*


Fur IlniiipHpun Cotton Skirtinj;i»,

•y?;• •

lOc For Dress Duck and Mix Skirtings for wash skirts.

15c for choice of a big line of plain and flaked Voiles.

5c for all size checks in apron Ginghams.

5c for good assortment of fancy calicoes.

5c for fine brown cotton.

$1 for the best solid leather two shoes for comfort ever sold in Stanford.

75c for a comfortable pair of house slippers.

Remnants of mattings cheap. Right for halls and small rooms.

*. 9 •>

For choice of a hij{ lot of white

and Colored iihirt wai^te that wild at

oOc and II.

*••• *•


•#9 * •

• «9.*a

For a nice deiniu nkirt. • 9 • • 9

15cFor a MfnV An*ti<* Fndcn»hirt.


• ••#*

• •#.‘•99 . • 9 9•# 9 • •

98c •.•I*

Try a jiair of thiwo liar};Bin t*liji-

jier*. Soft an a kid glove.

S02ST, ST-A.lSrF'OIR,X:>.



STAirroRi), Ky., - Ji .yk 17, IWOl

The tael that iba lluMlaoa ar* baloff

dataated doe* ool mean that uur Uu*-

•lan Cora Cura I* Doi (ood. Yuuroioe-ay back If It fatla to cur* Ten 3cdu a

bottle. I'cDDjr'* Drur Stor*. Staaford


Lax-MR a. H. Rlkin l*OT*r front


Mr 8 P Gray waatupto Barbour-

villa TueedayMrr. H H Jonks waat to Nlcbola*-

vlll* Wedaaeday.UoN. U A Lackky I* vlaltlag bl*


dauKhtar la Laitagioa.

James T. Menekee, of N*« Orleae*,


I* bar* witb hi* par*oi*

Mrs. Miloreu Bea/.ley. of (.aaos*-

Ur, I* wItb Mr*. W. W. Hay*

Miss AN'JIE Kinnairu, of Laaca*-

tar, wa* with Ml** Clara Coopar

NEI.RON Pant, of KlemloEiburg, wa*

bar* witb I. F. Cook Wadaaaday.

MRS. JetHN Bright, JR , and cblld-

raa are witb ralailva* la Garrard.

Mrs J H Ti'kner. ol J***aiplo*,

I* witb bar *l«ter, Mr* R U. Besilay.

llEV. It. B. Mahon


atteaded tb*

BaptUt coavaatloa at CampbelUvIlls

Jt'LiAN aad Wm J. Good,

wla, ol Laxlofioo. cant* over to tb*


Miss SI'i^an Fisher Woods I*

Miss Mary HtNitLEY I* with

ve* at Lebanoa.

RS StrsiE CURRY, of I.aaes«t*r,

I* wlib .Mr*. W.A. Car*oa

Julius Vo.n Oruenujan, of Nlcho-

lasvlll*, wa* her* ye*terday.

Mr. C. M. Kk e and family have

toot to bouaekeeplag to a cottage 00

Mill etreet.

Dr It A Jo.s'ES west toAdaIr couo*

ty yesterday to remalo uotll Tuesday

with bl* pareata.

Miss Mary Fra.nce,



eolrv la tbs Elocutionary Contest to*

olEbt, I* tb* guest of Mr*. K. H. Baaz


W ANTED —A white nurse for a bsbysix mootb* old. Mr*. Jobo B. Foster,

Stanford. *

I The Ladles' Aid Society of the


Christian church will meet la tbe lec

,ture room of that church at 2:.'I0 Satur-

: day afternoon

Chapter 1.12 of Kentucky Sutute.and chapter III of tbe General Statute.


are hereby repealed and all acts anapart* of act* looonslsteat with tbi* aci


are re|>caled


Special Sale lOO Suits I


Elocutionary contest to-aigbt.

Hermib woo tbe Suburban Uandlcapyesterday afteronoo. Carroll Held's

Tb* Picket wa* second and Irish Ladthird. Time, 2;06: distance If mile*.

Nothinu ol Importsnc* ba* beendone la tb* circuit court *0 far. Tbetrial of James Kennedy for killing

Will Holmes Is set for n*xt Wedoes-;<isy.

For Kent. — Tb* Bronaugb cottage

on East Mala Street. Mr*. Mary E

Bronaugb *

Geraniums at 'iu, big.

Other beddtog plant* In

Jobo Chrlsmao

floe plants


I The bop last night wa* a thing of

beauty and a joy while it lasted. Tbe


belles and beaux ol Stanford and manyother town* In this section were pres-

ent and tripped the light fantastic till

the wee sma' hours Tb* music by

Saxton wa* exquisite.

OUR bouse I* open again and wa oor.

dially lovli* you to call and sae u*. W,H. Higgins, successor to Higgins dc

McKlooay. *

For Kent —Tb* littia store-room

on Laoraster Street, next door to IN

TERiOR Journal entrance. W. PWalton, Lexington, Ky

Hkmemiier tbe precinct oonventloo*


Saturday, June 2!>. at 2 I*. M. Do your

Itb i duty, fellow Democrats, turn out and

vote to Instruct for Halm.


For Sale —Cottage of flv* rooms,

ball aad nice veranda Larga barn,

etc. PIsca must ba sold For partic-

ular* see L K. Hughes, Stanford *

bar sistar, Mr*. 8 M Allen, at Mil


Messrs. O. B. Sutton and wScott, of Hockcastle, war* callers

this offlee yesterday

Mrs Mary j. Owens and Mr* CB. Owen* and baby, of Somerset, are

with Mr* J. W lUiut

Burch Huuhanan, of Montgomery,

Ala ,paseed up Wednesday to visit bl*

motbsr at Crab Orchard.


Laxlofton Democrat, I* spaadlng a faw ATTdfTiON ADVERTI8ERS.-AI1 par

dayt with bl* mother bar* I<" Crab

MRS J J. OORNRLISON and baby re- ;

Oreba-d fair oatalogo* will please eeod

turned to Csmpbellsvllle Tueeday Ml*, j

*«l*ertl**m*ni* at one* to Sac-



rs. Rlixabetb

Bransoo dropped dead lotbeflald wber*sbe was working, near Liberty. Barbsaband was clos* by. It I* thought

that heart disessa was her trouble.

retail W D Wallin. Crab OrchardSusla Saunders sccomiMtnIsd tbsm


KiLUNo Wallac* Wall* sbotin theMiss fXlEAtiETH Hunn returned *0

1 0 *4^ *od gniBd oy Martin Brown onCtsclnnstl with Mre. A. K. Hsory 8be|y^^^, river near McKinney Iset nigbt.

will go from that city to visit rslstlve*' ,ith Walls' wife aodanoth-at Ooooaetoa. Ill Br woman when tba killing securrad.Msa. Uarvey Glass and Mlee Mary I

Ulase, of Someraet, are bare.tba gueete! Ir you haven’t taken advanuge ol

of Kev OllbartGI

Mr. John W Kout.


Inglon, aad Etbal Waat, of Lancaster,

will be tba guaau aext waaE of the

MIssee VanArsdale

News oossee from Hustoovllla that

Mlee f'senls Powell oootlnuea Is scrlt

leal cooditlon Mre Maty Jane HulT-

man I* much better

Miaa Caroune Gray, wbo will rep-

reeant Wllllanistowo la tbe contest to-

night, arrived yealerday and It tbe

gueat of Mre. 8 P. Gray.

Mins Nellie Denham I* at home

from college at Loretio, Mlee Marga-

ret Denham attended tbe commence-

meet exarcleea of that ecbool.

Miss Kkpie WRPiUT, formerly of

tbe Turnarevllla section, bat our thank*

far an Invitation to the commencement

axeroltea of tbe Montana Normal Col-

lege at Ollllon, Moot.

JUDDR James P. Bailey and Coun-

ty Clark Cooper went to Fraoktort yaa-

terday to try and gat tba Board of

Equalization uka off tbe raiee It im-

poeed on Lincoln county.

MR. J. C. KiNii and daughters, Mlta-

•* Annie and Elizabeth King, of Nor-

man, O. T, are visiting friends and

relatlvs* In the East End. Mr*. King

cam* to Kaotuckv some week* ago


M. F. Hout, ol Garrard, returned from

a two weeks' trip to Martinsville, Tuee-

dny. Both gentleman are very much

Improved In health, and the star there

wa* pleasant as well a* beneflclal.

Dr. W. F. Qiukle, on* of the grad-

uates, has our ibabk* for an Invitation

to the oflminenoement exercise* of the

Hoepital Collage of Medicine, Loule-

vllle, Prldav evening, July 1 The doc-

lor ha* made an enviable record In that


Miss Minerva Emhry, of Lexing-

ton, I* here with Ml** Chloe Bsugb-

man. By tbe wav, theee two young la-

dle* were the only graduate* ol Camp-

bell-Hasu'''"*" College wbo declined to

promise that they would not marry be-

fore they became 21 year* old. The

other 13 member# of the olaa* made the


and tbe family of|

tba great Cut Prio* Sals now on at

John P. Jon**', go at ooce and you will

And everything fust a* advartlacd—at

leee than coat price You can't nfford

to ml** tbI* sal* *

T9C game of base ball between tbe

Stanford boy* and tbs St Lwale Bloom-er OIrli at tba Graded School ground*

Wednesday aftsrnoon was fairly wall

attaodad aad greatly eojovad. Ourboy* plavsd a good game sod defeated

tb* visitor* 15 to 9 Tbs Bloomer team

wa* eompoaed of flva womea aod four

man and tb* women ware aa good, if

not battar player* than tb* maaabar* of

the atrongar sex Geo. L Penny urn

pirad tbe game, which laatad about It

hour*. Tbe Bloomer* travel In a pri-

vate ear and deported themeelvea very

creditably while bare.

During tbe ball game an unfortunate

aocldent bappaoed A batted ball went

Into tbe crowd back of left held. Mis*

Lillie Cllflord. Iba 14 year old daughter

of Train Dlepatcher and Mr* F L. Clif-

ford, rooelvlng the full force of tbe

•paedlng boll on tbe nose. Several

bonea war* broken, tba wound bleeding

profusely. While tbe Injuries are seri-

ous, the phyelcISD* believe that tbe

wound* will heal satisfactorily, and

that there will be no dlsQgurement.

Carbondale, III., Free Pres*. Mr Clif-

ford was agent of tbe L. Jc N. here a

year or *0

Many of the farmer* are already cut-

ting tbeir early wheat, aod *0 far no

ojocplalot Is really made a* tosbortage.

Tbe C. C. ranch, of which J. E. Carson

I* president, began cutting last Mon-day morning, aod I* cutting at least 200


acres every day. He I* cutting mostly

Mey wheat and say* It runt well to 18j

and 20 bushel* an acre. The late wheatwill be much better than this. It It

ripening slowly. Threshing will bo

begun In about 10 day* Mr. Carton It'

using 15 binders, and 50 borset Forty 1

men are kept busy at work harvesting^

this crop Mr. Carson I* a progressive,


up-to-date planter, doing his work on a'

high scale. Such new* from him I*

proof that tba crop* are all right -For-


ry,0 T , Dally Kepublloan.j

With strict adhereove to fact and

circumstances, we believe that we cansafely stale tbat Boo. Harvey Helm,Lloeolo's candidate for Congress, It

gaining ground dally In this county

From every sidecome* tbs most flatter,

log report* of bl* atceodeocy over tbe

other eotrles to the race, aod we have

By buvtog coal early. We have Just re-

ceived Xt car* coal and will m-II at a reducedprice of from I to 3 cent* on bushel cbea|ierthan Id SO day* from above date.

KINO A OU.X, Moreland, Ky.

Good Fabrics.

Desirable Patterns.No. »o>»




la |ht StM« of Keoiucky, at tka cIom of butioMt|


RESOURCESL<»aiM anA discouou IOverdraAfl. Mcnred and wnaocuredU S. Bondi to i«cur« circutatioo. .........

Baahinf Houoa, luraltura aad bxiurvt.Duo from Nouoaal Baoki, not Ro-

•arvo Af toilDiitfroa Siaio Banki aad BankartI>at from apprOYrati rtttrvt accnltCbtckt aad orbtr catb IttmtNoi*« ot other Mational BankaFraYitooal paper curroncf, ait-kcla and

ctotiLawful Moetp Rtitrrt ia Bank, via


SpecitKtdtmptioa fund with U S Iraaiurtr

} ptr ctnt. of circulation -

Thtae talU bare btMD called from regular atork and |iut oo special

«>ale. because In tome patlernt we bate oolj one toll— lo none more tlian

thre«*. We detlre to ftt stock free from oddu and cods. Tbene rRfCRS

ahould move them


14.97k M7A.lKi


tb 51

5 11

5.579 UO

||5 0alU for

112 SO BulU for

tlO Suits for

Suita for

Some 910 Bulti as low ae..


LIABILITIES.Capital iiock paid in . ..

Surniui fund ..

Unoividtd prohti. Itaa taptnaea analaita paid

National Bank notei owiataadina

$212,251 42 j

$.v.nio ou j

10.0UU ou


Buy Early And Get The Pick.

Uf a Mr

CUMniNS& M’CLARY.•mall besitanov Id .ayltg there I* little

j H.*Dar™ .

doubt In our miod but tbat he will be|

i.di.idu.i d.po.iu.ubjKt t« check..

overwhelmingly endorsed by our peo-

ple at tba precinct conventions, Sat-

nrdav June 25 -Richmond Register.


.<TATEITE KKNTI i xy,#County Ol lJac«»lB

Crah Orchard —Tba Ladle*’ AidSociety of the Christian church will

meet witb Mre, Curtis Cover MondayAll tba msmber* are Invited, a* Impor-tant buslnee* will be transacted. Mrs.J. K. VanAredale and Mis* Susan Van-Arsdnie, of Stanford, were gueete at tba


Cover Hotel. Mteees Ha Holdam and

1 J. W Hi -krr, tuhlor of tht abovt namedHank, do solemnly awear that the aboet aiatcmentla true lo the boat of my knowludfo aod holtef.

-I W. Him Ksa, raahlrr.

Subscribed and awora to h?lorc me this 15thday el *luae, !‘e»4 J I* (*<»nttlt, N. P. L. C.My LoiHUilmtuo taplree March 12, 19u5.

Cormet •Aimet ,

KliW AHI» AUOBM, )J B Ml ariir. % Dircctora.

T. J. Kmmmwii, )



REPORT OF THE CONDITIONCatb Bronaugb are visiting friends In


tbe country Mis* Mabel McWhorter|

THE FIRST NATIONAL BANKI* vleltlng at Altamont. Thera will beeervice* at tbn Hsptlst ebureb Sundaymorning and evening. Tbere will be a

buslnee* meeting Saturday afternooe

Tne strawberry supper at Mr*. Estes'

wes a success. I£i 30 wa* realized.

The ALTER80N Vaorancy Bill.—Following Is the Vsgrancy BUI Intro-

duced by Hon. J M Alvereon, of tbi*

olfloe, aod wblcb went loie effect W’ed-oesday lest:

Tbe following person* eball be deem-ed to ba vagrant*, to wit;

A ay able-bodied mala person wbohabitually loiter* or ramble* aboutwitboet mean* to support blmself, aodwbo be* no trade, celling or profeseioo

to make an booaet Itvellkood

Aay able-bodied male peraon who Is

without visible mean* of support, aodwbo habitually fall* or refuse* to eogags lo honest labor for bis owe sup-

port, or far the support of his family If

ba has one.

Any aMa-bodled male person wbopurposely deseru bl* wife or children,

leaving them, or any of them, withoutsuluble subsistence or suitable mean*of subslsleoee and blmself being idleor dissolute.

Any able-bodied person, male or fe-male, wbo ha* no visible mean* of sup-port and wbo habitually refuse* towork, aod wbo habitually loiter* on tbsstreets or publlo place* of soy village.


la th« Siai« of Kentucky, at the ckne of kuMoett


JUM :•« 1904.

1V1.935 31 I

5,524 424l.niNf 00


2.IIU0 OU'

5,n.M 50A 25U UO •

5 172 00.

town or oltyAny person found guilty of tbe of-

fense of vagraev shall, for tbe flrst of-fense. be flood fllO, or Imprisoned intbe workhouse, If tbere be ooe, for ;i0

days: If not. Imprisonment shall be Incounty jell 30 days; or tba puolsbmenimay ba both such floe sod Imprison-roeol. For the second offense aod allsubsequent offeosee, liO dav* Imprison-ment In tbe work house. If there beooe; If there be none, lo tba countyjail. Any one who la flood under thisact shall be required to work at hardlabor at tba rate of II per day uotll floeaod cost are satisfled Any one who I*iniorlsooed, either lo workhouse or Injell. Shall be required to work el bardlabor during the term of hi* Imprison-mentCircuit courU, polica courts, quer-

terlv oouru aod justices of tbe peaceshall have jurisdiction of tbe offense ofvsgrancy, and for the purpose of tryinga pereoQ charged with vagrancy, policeoouru, quarterly court* and justices'court* shall be deemed to be alwsyeopen

It shall be tbe duty of all sberl.Ts,ooestabies, marshal* aod polioemeo lokeep a watch for vagrants at thoseplace* whore they are accustomed tooorgregaie: aod If any of those officer*have reason to believe tbat a vagranthabitually Infest* a public place or^treot. It than be the duty of said offi-cer to warn him to leave such placeand go to work If two or more va-graou habitually loiter about anystreet or public place, U ihall be tbeduty of iuoh offleera to disperse them,using no more force than la reasonablvnecesaery for that purpoae.

kksourcesIzMOt odE dlftCOUUtSOT«#jra4M- accurvd aad tta«acurcd. ......

r H Booda to ««cur€ ClrcuUtioQl*rmMla4i} OQ I’. S. HtiadaBouda. MeltaiikiDE*hoo»c,furaitur« and fislurMu.oikM rmU emata owaadIhia from Naiiodai Baaks, act Ko-

aarra Agaaia.-l>ua from Hiatr Iteoka and UaDk^riDot from approT«d reaerve a|t«DtslolraoaltuCkackft and other fdah iiams......Naiat ofothor Nat. HaokaI'ractMiaal paper currency, nickels and

camsi4«iui Money Raaoree lo liook. via. . ..

Speutc 911 571 50L^l undor ootas 4.217 «U |5,HSi> ABRaoetnpUiMi fund with U. Si. Treasurer

) par cent, of circoiaiioo 2,959 09Um Irom S»uio ol Koaturky.............^..

Straw Hats, Cloth Hats.

Low Sh^es in Tan andPatents, Negligee Shirts.

Lace Hose, Crash Suits,

Serge Coats, Men’s, Wo-men’s and Children’s

white canvas low shoes.

All new and up-to-date.

14,<HI 22K.IU 25


1,271 572,350 UU 27. J.AU» 47

McROBBRTS,Stanford, Kentucky.



Capital stockSurplus fuadUodividod profits,

laaea paidNational Bank Notes outsiaadiog....l*iso tootlior natiooal haoka .............

Duotottate banks aod haokore. ......

individual deposita subioct lo check..CoruAod cborka

291,151 M

lOM eapooMS and

I 50.00U UOI

1.900 UUI

4th OF JULY9,5M 74

. 41.UU3 III

f.3Mi 974,:ta» 21

. 175.212 42




STATE OF KENTUCKY,County of Lincoln.

J.iiy of

I, Jno. J. MrkoEiorta, cashier of above named|

Hank, do solemnly swear that the ahove stato-

nt M true to the Wsi of my knowladee andJNO. J. M< Hit

Given hy the Maccabees of Lincoln county.

llof. JNO. J. M< Hi*HERrs. Caahior.

Sukecriked and sworn lo before me this 15tb dayof June. IVkH. W M. Bri||hl. N P. L. C.

J. ri. I1(K Kik,B- H. Bai'uiiiiA.'t,

M. IL ELMuax,Directors.


No. 5122


Maccabee Horseback Parade.Speeches by Col. T. I*. Hill, Judge J. P. Bailey, Hon.

C. Warren, Hon. J. S. Owsley and Others.1C

Lincoln Conntj Nitionil Buk.DF KrASI-OKI), KY.,

At lb. tlM* ul Hiialnras Joss S, I9U4.


l-usB. sail IHsivusIs V7Of.nlnUU MTurfU suil uiisM-uraU lS.7as Ml

U. S. llooJ. lu Mt'urs cimilstlunStork., ss<'UriUss. str -Hsnkla* bouiw, turaltyrs sdU S.turM .

Dm rh>Bi N.iioasl tUnk. (not Krsrrvs

AsMI.Dus Iruui ittst. Baok. sud Banksn. .

Du. Itoiu a,snta..._

Ck.k. and otbrr cask Itstu.

Nutaauf other National Rank.J-'mrtiuuni p.prr riirrrn«'y, nlrkla. .od

mita. -Lawful Moiiny Rnrrra In Hank, <rl>.

NIshI. «»l.J,al-tra<l.r nuts* .,.....,.it,7<ai UO

Kralruipllun Iruui U S. Traa.'r (6 prr

rant, rirrulatiun)


x..'wo go

it,.«w M

Foot Races, Sack Races, PotatoRaces, Pole Vaulting*, Pat

Man’s Race and Oth-er Amusements.

25,^ 40105 817«IU 19

IJ^^Fire AVorks at Nigbt. Be sure to remain for theniaguificent I*yrotcchnic Display.

13,750 00

2..VI9 WTotal ..9312,521 91


CepUnl stuck paid lu 9 00

Suriilue fund 4,925 UU

Undivided pruOU, le« ex|waaMaod ux*ee paid 5 789 75

Natloual Hauk Nulee oiiUtamliu( . 50,000 OU

Due to other National Hanks II,hV2 32

Due to NUta Hanks and liankrra. *22 h5

Individual depualtaiuli)ei*t lo cbrc'k 1 h7,0Ki wi

Nutesand bllle rediaeeuoted

^ About"" Penny's

Ice Cream.Total _»SIZ,«J1 »l


County of Lincoln, f**'

I John R Ow.lay, cashier of tlia ain.a namedItank, do wilcmnly .wear that tba alaT. .uiciuviit

U true to tba lieit of my kuuwia<lic<- and litllaf. i

J. R. OWHLKY, Ctuhlar|

Subacrlliad and sworn lo Iwfor. ui. thU IHh d.y,

ol Juo* igw. J. J- Mt KOBKRW. S I’. L t .



<i. W. CZkTKH.Oliscton.

I moke luy own Ice Oresiii and know pemoonlly that It t. Clean, l*uro

and made from good Cream and Krtmb Ullk. We are now prepared to fur-nltb you Ice Cream In quantitlea of two gallon* or lean. Urdan for morethan one qnart will be packed In ice. I’rioc <1.10 per gallon


PE^NY’S DRUG STORE,**’!!}?”'-


I \



Page 4: SEMI=WEEKLY INTERIOR JOURNAL. · 2016. 1. 17. · L., *-' | II-, ',,-, .. \ $.,.. 8. * •!+., —; * •

To The Voters of the Fifth Ap'

pellate Court District of



Penny Will Pay For HyomeiHimself When it Fails to

Cure Catarrh.

‘*If I only knew It to be true, I would

not hNiUte a uiotncnt." ThU li •

thought tho average peraon has when

reading the olaimn of enme of the medi-

cinee that are advertiaed aa cures for ca-


The results from the uae of llyoruel are

so remarkable in the cure of catarrh,

that they seem beyond belief. The fact,

though, that Mr. Peony, one of the beat

known druggiats in thia aectioo, has so

ouch coofldencs in the power of Hyometo cure Catarrh that he aella it under hia

peraooal guarantee to refund tho moneyif the purchasers can say that it did not

belplhem, ought to cunyince the moat

skeptical that Hyomei ran be relied upon

to core all catarrhal troubles, no .matter

how serious or deep- seated

The cosaplete Hyomei outfit, consisting

of a neat inhaler that ran be carried in

the purse or pocket, a medicine dropper

and a bottle of Hyomei, coats only onedollar. Additional bottles of Hyomeican be procured for fifty cents, making it

the moot economical of treatments.

Catarrhal colds, which are so commonat tbit season of the year, hava been cur

ed In a day. Mild cases of catarrh that

have become chronic are frequently cur*

ed in a week or 10 days. Now is the

time to begin the use of Hyomei, remem •

boring that Penny tells every package on

a positive guarantee to refund the money


if it fails to cure.

jMsrrd n the potl-oHe* at Slan/ord as1 am a candidate for Judge of the

Court of Appeals from this district,

subject to the action of the democratic

party. As circuit judge. It became myduty to try a number of criminal cases,

which baye become a part of the Slate's

history and at a most critical time. Asjudge of the State fiscal court, it fell to

my lot to construe the Statutes adopt-

ed, to pul In force the provisions of the

new constitution, as well as to construe

the present constitution whenever a

controversy arose aa to Its proper oon-

strucllon. Almost iooumerabls cases

baye burdened the dockots of my court,

touching the rights of corporations and

the exercisa of franchises under the

law. How well I have discharged myduties under such trying circumstances,

it left to you to determlns.

I will be very grateful to all who feel

they can assist me to secure the high

position and oSica to which I aspire.

Very respectfully.

Jambs E. Cantrill.

$t»nd~claii matter,

Joseph Price Infirmaryin bscksifsa.

Successor to Bruce A Carter,

Livery, Peed and Sale Stable,

Depot Street, STsNroBD, Kv.

Special attention to Commercial MenYour patronage is solicited. Horses

handled on commission.

Stock Pens In Connection.


I. W.BTniXI*S3N.?Ten,


nrst-OIass Turnonu at Eaasoaabls Bates,

•psclst AtUaiioD %o TrsYsllm* Msm.

Grata sad Hay For iala.

C. R.McCormack,Dealer in

Fine Staple and Fancy Groceries,Hardware.Tinware and Harness.Fresh meats and fish daily. High-est Market Price for Country Pro-duce.

C. R. McG)rmack, Hustonvillc


Staple and Fancy Gro-ceries, Fruits, Veg-etables, Cigars andTobaccos, Stanford.

.... J. H. BOONE 4 CO., ....



Homer, it Is snld, died of cbnrgin ni

not being nble to expound n riddle pro-

pounded by n simple flshermnn—“Lensi

’.ng wbnt's uken, wbnt ws took not webring."

Aristotle wns perplexed nod Pblle-

tns, the celebreted grnmmarlnn end po-

et, puxiled bimeelf to deetb trying to

solve the sophism celled by tbeenclenta

"The Ller"—"ff you sey It youreelf ‘f

lie,' and in eo saying tell e truth, yon

lie: if you sey *f lie,' end In so saying

tell e lie, you tall the truth."

Dean Swift, who could so agreeably

desoeod the highest badinage, was very

fond of puxxles Many of the best rid

dies In oirculatioo may be traced tothe

sportive moments of man of the great-

est celebrity, who gladly seek In themoccasional relaxation from ibe graver

pursuits of life

Central Kentucky

Real Estate Exchange& Title Company,Stanford, Ky.

Kentucky Fair Dates.

The following are the dates fixed for

holding the Kentucky fairs .'or 1901 as

far at reported,

Harrodsburg, August 9—3 days.

Klrksyllle. July 15—2 days.

Crab Orchard, July T7—3 days.

DanvUle, August 3—3 days.

L.awreoceburg, August 1(1—4 days.

Sbepberdsville, Aug. 23—4 days,

Sbelbvville, Aug. 23—t days.

Springfield. Aug 24—4 days.

Somerset, Aug. 30-4 days

Nicholatville, Aug. 30—3 days

Florence, Aug. 31—4 dnvs.

Glasgow, Aug. 31—4 days.

Ellzsbethtown, Sept, fi—4 days

Hartford, Sept. 21—4 days.

Georgetown, Aug 9—12 days

Undertakers andEmbalmera.

T)ar)H Traylor

Wtilsk'i Brandii. Wines. Beer

GlQars. Eitc.


Driven to Desperation.

Living at so oul of (be way place, re-

mote from civilizstion, a family is often

driven to dee|)eration in case of scclilent,

resulting in Burnt, Cuts, Wounds, IToers, stc. Lay in a supply of Buoklen't

Amies Ssivs. It’s the best on earth. 2Ac

St Penny's I>rug Store.

•tl all ! iMMfy l*U«« well I—i >4

as4 la faa4 ra^tr H*um al iM tael aa4 te

t'anearailveiy aaw aa4 aa«j a*A tor tkawImU |»rvfenv.

Ma. M- -^ana a( lit ^laa la Oaaey eaaalf TvaMory fraaM 4««lllaa. two n4 heraa aai allkef

•allMiUdia^. im reaalr. H»laa4t4laa4 aad la ff«a4 c^Maiualif . A barfala at lauu.

Ma ^7- Fkrai lift acraa la (^aaav aaeair. Aae« i«a elory • raam fraoea 4«eUlaf aa4 al44aeiliag la lair rea4tUoa Uarae aa4 etaaraut-balUiafi Oa aoaair raa4. e|»)#a4t4 tebaer* Wm»4.

' wall vaier«4, tve Vella. e^ta«. ata. 1Alaiaa4a-airabla iMuaa IM*#. ll.Ana,

ha. •- Farai aC taa< na 7^ aillaa tra« MaaM4, aa roaaty r«4. iA a< raa la ralUvallaa, aavaala p^ara. i fmd arraar4e aa4 rm* la tlaitiar. T«aaaealt rnrttagoa. foH4 Wra aa4 aalball41i^. aeUvaief«4 aa4 laaclaf fairly faa4. Ilara caa hahaaglit al faar AA ll**A I* iadiaaa^-lia aa4 »uM ha«a aaaavNa AA-e* Farai af 7A arraa aaar Wara«at*arg

DaelliDa. gaod hara, al« Wall aalera4« laaciagaa4 halMiatn la aao4 n^lr fra4a(U«a U»aetaaalaa4. la aau4 aa'.^hKurkaa4. deaa la atbaalaa4 aa gaw4 raa4. rrUal'twMa M .A larai ml ICM arras la CAaay •aaaty. Sy

Oaeai»4 aaa- half Mary 4«allle4 aiih aii raaan,•ne4 hara aa4 aOear aalb4ill4laaa Mtiy arraa laraUlvaUaa, iA arraa la llaibar, trail iraaa, airl.aya wall aa fasaaiy rae4, cleaa la rharsAai,ar^aal, air l*ilaa aaly tana

Na It. 99% arraa af Ua4 aaar Crab Orrhar4. heaa

Ns ^1 -L((li1a« raa "4 aaj aaj eVory traaia^—IMS la Fraat-he'avtiie Kv Has an aas eeaary aai-

;uj«aft U vail eaiarei A>i ea4 Hmn.-laf la foa4 repair sn4 tea ieeirab*a aaaa. t*rk«ti.ios

No. a* —Tea an4 half e< raa of lanj. akt tan-Mary. aavaa rckr-st fiaa»e tnc Shire ruoa a» hyye. alie r<o>>ai lo by r> ware Muai ae«t to akirail by a* bsra aaj bto« haautli aNif tl by eo. tliraa

a44e aun% aaa<ia h»oas 14 by ae. v«wtag boe(h«fo#thiaaMtioii 1 eaeaieat bovas ta by ai. ^eu raoMa.Welt bauae tr by It. aiao aa opea veil. Large atokhol gaaerai atotekaaJiae AH >4 thia yroyarty la laAaaei Paiaabl C4MMHy. K> aa4 ^aa ba Mgbl alabarva*a.

NaM Kana an«a<raa aaar Il•^baa4 Nk«aauaga. laaaat btwiaa, I l^raa Mf. HaU4lag aa4laartag la gu aA caa4Htaa *kl arras la ralilvaiiaavail vaiara4 Will aall bie H.IW mt aatbaasga lavpraparty la Ubaala r<»aaty.

Na, 4 • Tti rUTT traiai i~iM!ag. T rwa bal:aa4 taraa4a- <*oaa ganiaa, taaHag aa4 beuaa lagou4 repair. Far eaia ar real Friaa raaaeaihlt.

Na. M. • -eFana af lib arraa, Itaaia4 aaar ElagaelUa. Ky , it arrea la calUvaUaa, m la uahar^aaila praM wall wai«ra4. laa aoa4 tiarae aa4 aiWaaihylMlaga, goad repair. PoaHlag, aaMparallee •

ly aao. la oTibta m9 yards af iaraa rbarrbaa,•rbaol, Doatofloa aad C. r depot Fruparty Itaa aapikaaad eauaty road aad Is Iba aioat daalraklatana la that asrllaa W » olU tail Iba obala Ibnator Fi 4UU. ar la aarrals of aat lass tbaa ao ai rea. losiillpurthsaer TbU Is rartalaly rbaap propany.

No. AT- Twa story algbt raaai fVsMM dwalllM laBUalbrd, Ky. Large gardaa aad >>arB loi. TblsIsoaaaf Iba aMsi ilMiraUla bcuass la taoa. IMcoraaauaabla

No- 14 Doalllag af 4 ntotus oltb 10 aeraa leadla Moralsod (io^ bam aa<l aaratsary oalbolld-lags. t oaiU la yard, apleatlid art bard aad t amssla siraobarriea. Itowadisia poMsaloa. fSiM IMV.Na. tt arrasaf laod lo RorkrasUa tor Mia

ar eirbaage Has all aetosaary Improvaasaala.oall oaiar^. Ar WIU be said at a largala.Na IP.—Too stocks ol goods tor ml# Kor par-

tlcoisri address Osatral Caolut ky K«^ Faiata &!•rbsaga A Title ('o.

Na. as —Maaty a«reaaf laad aaar WsyaaaburgKv .Warrsala thiib«r. dwatlias aad toorlag lafitr roadttloo, eoa-tourtb atllaalfiMka: oaiarad byaarar falllag N|>rlng. I*rl<a iKiO.No Id— Houaoai)4t Bra a< res of laad la M^'KIti*

aay, Ky. Neiossary outbuMdlaga. Foaclrtg goodaad oall oatarad Will aell tl^ place aa aaaylartus.

N«*. arraa af goad laad. alt roouM, twa•Inry dwolliag. veil oaieratl, good toaciug. U la

the sutairU 01 Iba city al Staotord. iluar to <«ra4adSI Iwsoi aad < burebaa. Thia to a desirabto baina.iTlet raasonaMa

No. A* —4 room fraaia cottage aad oaa aero olaad la Klannlla. Ky. larga Kara scaaka botiaaAr All liuiidiaga aad tootiag la good repairIMca »40(i

• ^No 74.— Ten aersa of laad, too atory fruBt cot-

tage, ssveo tooiMs, balls al<. Hausa Is aeo, a ga<^gardea aod spleadld on bird ol acres, faarlaggood, too ttahlas, buggy bouse, siuitka bourn, etc.A good oall oa place. Uiare to also s good talll oatbe place, s g od < rusber la tnlll. It to rua by ast-ural i>oo*r obit-b Is a great et'oooiuy aod the daMIs In g«vid repair Win sail iba profarty at a looBgura nr loose tl.

No Ao. — A U»ra of IM airaa, fTama doelllag,four ro >ms, good sloi k hsra sad all ast'CiMiy ool-bulldlsga. Fsaciog good, oall oatarad, cut la Be#ftalds, bD a< rsa la cultivatloa, not In blue grass,loss thao half tulle from lurapika. Waoilar iktoplace for only fJU par aers.

No. 24. Fraiaa boul, large rooini. doubl# versa •

das, balioay, Klc. A large, 2 story sloro>rooaifronting siraal, 10 toai troia botol; up aulra eulta*bltfuraoe lag. S aloe cotugaa, alcaly furaUbad

They will Ezchnnge Furniture tor mil

kinda of Stork. Give themeenll. Prloea right.

STAinrORD. • - BJ5HTD0KYMre. "Nno" Feiiereoo we* lodloted

Id New York oo e cberga of murder to

the flrei degree for ebootlog "Ceeeer"

Young, tbe bookmaker.

For lick headache take Ohambcriain'e

Stomach and Liver Tabicie and a quick

cute il cartaio. Kor lale by W. N, Craig.

Ten ncreeof Und, a two-etory front eeven

room cottage The l.ouee t. new. A iplen-

Old garden nod orchard There le a large

mill on the place: a good cru.her aod the

dam 1* In good repair and the natural

In »reat economy In rnoolng the mill. D.iee

a nplendid buelneea. Everything U In good

repair and has all neceaaaiv oul-lmlldlnge

Thb ownar'a only reason for ablllog la ihb

rush of other bualnee* aa he ha* exten.lve

farming IntereeU to look after. Thl* prop-

erty 1* oa the danglhg Pork about * mile,

from Stanford, and can b* bought at a

bargain. Por further particular* addre*,

8.0 Thurmond Lytle. Ky.. orL R. Hconna. Stanto'd. Ky.

Startling Evidence.

Freah teetimony in great quantity ie

conatantlr coming in, declaring Dr.

King’a New UUoovary for Goetamption,

Cough* and Cold* lo be unequaled. Arecent expreeaion from T. J. McFarland

Bentorville, Vn , lerven aa example Hawrites: "I bad BroncblU* for three yennand doctored all the time without being

benefited. Then I began taking Dr.

King's New I>iacovery, and a few bottles

wholly cured me.” Equally effective ic

curing all Lung and Throat troubles,

Consumption, I'eanmonia and Grip

Guaranteed by Penny, Druggist. Tiial

bottle* free, regular (ixe, 50e aod 11.



I want to buy *tav**. *pok*e. heading,,lumber, log*, etc. Will pay talgheal canhprice at Moreland. I> B. C. Peyton.


Real Estate Agents,

Stanford, - Kentucky. Be-oovered and repaired and made almuata, good as new for a araall amount. I raax your umbrella better than the tramprepalrare aod (or leas money. Olve me atrial Knanx Araina. Itaaford.

All perwa, wishing to buy or »oU (arm,

will do well to aee u*. We nave a numberof doe Lincoln and adjoining countv (arm,

(or sale and will be pleased to ahow anvonewhat we have. If you deelre to ,ell. place

It In our hand, OlHoe at Boone • Livery

Stable. Stanford, Ky.

Tbe German troops during tbeir win-

ter campaign In Soutbweal Africa will

wear corduroy tunics with dark blue

oollart and cuff* ,la*bed with silver. Amouse gray slouch bat aod overcoat,

with a traverse bandolier and top boots

of brown leather for the troopers, will

complete tbe equipment. Tbe officere

retain tbeir swords, and are also dletln-

gulebed by a black and tllver laeb In

addition to tbe ordinary badges of tbeir


The Nmw Mason HotoUHATta $a 00 PIN DAv.

Lancaster. Ky.

Wa. SBUQAIS, ProprUtor.

Etocirk UftiH to twry roooi

Rafuralvhad and unAvr «aHv« Nw ManAtviaAnt

"Bub. " tilt tovotito partof iMU til trains

Ltrft. WtH-llthtod Sttopto Rooto.

Boliciti a ehtre of the patrona«

of the property owners in the

couDiiae of Botle, iJucoln and

Casey, who may be »eeking in-

•uraoae against Fire, Lightning

and Tornado. None but the

iroDgeet and best Old-Line Com*paoiea represented, and tb* low-

aat poMiible rate* are guaranteed.

Phone m2.

Stanford. KentucI




Has removed to hia new and elegant-

ly fitted rooms next door West of the

P. O. Agency for first-class Laun-dry. News Stand. Cigars. All

work guaranteed. Your business so-


Chamberlain’s Stomach and Li-

ver Tablets Better than a

Doctor’s Prescription.

Mr. J. W. Tnmer, of Truhart, Va ,iays

that Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver

Tablets have done him more good than

anything he could get from tbe doctor.

If any phytlcian in thia country was able

to compound a medicine that woold pro-

duce each gratifying reaulu in cases of

stomach troublce, biliousness or constipa-

tion, his whole time woold be used in

preparing this one medicine. For sale

by W. N. Craig.


Ofllcn lo Hout# Pnrlor Pbonn 41

Ml 1*1 OoBfTWd Bi.POB^MD, Maiiol Oot. 17, 1441.

1 nouidcr Winn of Cnrdul vaporlofto nny doctor*! medloion 1 UMdnsd 1 know wheraof I 1 raf*f«r«d for moo inootbj vrltn puppronnodtoonrtrontDjn whiob comptotolv pron*imtad mo. Pnlnk would uool tArouifbtoy book nod sidM nod I would bnvnbllodlog brndnobea. Mv llmbk wouldiwnll up nod 1 would fnel no wnnk 1muld not ntond up. I natumlly fdlldinoournfod fur I Mnmad to bn bnfondibn bnlp of pbjticinni. but Winn ofCnrdul onoin M n God-nend to mn, Ifelt n ebnn^ for the better wiibin nweek. After oioeteen dnja trentment1 menetruntvd without •nfferlng tbencooiee 1 usunJlvdld nod soon beonmercHTulnr nod without pnln. Wine ofCnrdul U nimpiy wonderful nod 1 winbthnt nil Htifferinf women knew of lutood qonlitien.

We wboee nnmon nppenr below etrlctly

forbid bunting, ieblnif or nnj kind of tree®

pnenlnif on our plnree and will pronneutelolntora to the full eitent of the Inw.

J. Z. Bnoonnroom. T M. IfolmeA,

H. V flewlnnd. J. B Onmenlerh,Peter Bnimer. W. H Jnbneoo.Mr*. Mnrj Given*. I>nrld Stepbens,jnmee M Wblte nnd wife. fi. V. Cnmon.H. P. Hnwkin*. Mre* Mnrj K Welch.K. A Lnwrenre. Frnok Oordler.

Mre. A t>. Root. Bnfb K R*»rnolde

Morifnn Humphrey, C T Wilfeon

PRESTON, NO. 922This preraium uddle stallion of the

world will make the season of 1904 at thestable of J. C. Bailey, on Old LancasterStreet, in Stanford, Ky.

Preston is a brown horse, la years old,

Iji bands high, a perfeci mc^el, withgreat style, action ana speed.

Preston was sired by Wasbinglon No.

S4 , he by Cromwell No. 73 , ist dam Belle

by Roderick; and dam by a Denmark horse.

Preston has shown against and defeatedail the great show horses of Kentucky,suen as Kentucky Artist, owned by J. T.Crenshaw, of Lexington, Ky., and Mont-gomery Chief, owned by Bali Bros Whyyou should breed lo Preston

I. Because he is the pcatest shewhorse Kentucky ever producM. Because he is siring great show

horses, such as Klectra that waa sold to

Senator Vare for; Rebecca, that

sold at New York Exchange 10 C.eorgeWatson for 96JO : Miss Henrietta, own^by Gay Bros., that won more premiums in

saddle and combined rings than any three-

year-old out in 1903 : a yearling colt sold

to ]. C. Cravint, of Illinois, for Ijoo.

3 . Because he is the only saddle stallion

that ever sired a team of harness geldingsthat sold for

*. Because he won the championship ofthe Louisville Horse Show in 1903 , shownby Matt S. Cohen, of Richmond, Ky.

J. Because he has won more money inthe show ring than any other saddle stal-

lion in Kentucky.. I will be glad to show him to any one

at my stable and invite those wishing to

breed lo a floe saddle stallion to see himbefore breeding. I will stand him at #10tbe season or #18 to insure a living colt.

J. C. BXILEY, Btattford, Ky.

The deepest sounding ever made bv

any vessel was bv tbe United States

eblp Nero, while on tbe Honolulu-Ma-

nlle cable survey. When near Guamtbe Nero got 5,209 faibom*. or l,bl4

feet, only 00 feet le*e Ibao tlx mile*. II

Mount Everett, tbe bigbett mountain

on earth were set down In this bole. It

would have above Iteiummit a depth ol

2,(il2 feet, or nearly half a mile of wa-



You may need new carpet*, matting*, oll-

clotb. rugs, shades, lace curtain*, tack*,

curtain pole*, picture*, frames, screen*,passe |iartul*t. doors, window,, glass, tables,

chair*, safes, wardrobes, couches, drusssrs,waslistands. beats, springs, mattresses,chaniliSr suits, water sets, lamps, chiffon-ier*, folding lieds, wattling marliinrs, wring-ers, wall pa|ier, carpet paper, trunks, tele-

ecopes. carriage paint. Iiuuse paint, curtainstretebers, carpet stretchers, etc.




Treasurer, Portland Bconomle League

That Throbbing' Headache.

Would quickly leave you, if you used

Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thoutands

of euflerert have proved their lualchlete

merit for Hick and Nervous Headache*.

They make pure blood and build up

your health. Only 26 cents, money back

if not cured. Sold by Penny, Druggist.

Periodical headaches tell of fe-male wecikiipsi. M’ine of Carduicures periiiaiiently nineteen out ofevery twenty case* of irregularmenses, liearing down paint orany female weakness. If you aredi^uragisi and doctors havefailed, that is the best reason inthe world you ihotild try Wine ofCardui now. Remember thatbeailacbe* mean female weakness.Secure a 91.00 bottle of Wine ofCardui today.

EVERYBODY IS NOT A TAILOR!To tbe World’s Fair via Queen A

Crescent Koute aod Southern liallway

Excellent service from South and

Southeast. For information addrea*

W. C. Rlneartoo, G. P. A., Cloolnoatt,

O, G. E. Clarke, T. P. A., Lexlogton,


T. H Olokeosoo, of Lexington, was

found dead In a room at tbe VictoriaHotel to Chicago, having committedsuicide by swallowing prusalc acid. Haoama to tb* hotel Saturday eveningaod registered ae George "Scott."

Having been in the Tailoribg businesa

ait my lile I feel confident in saying I

represent on* of the best tailoring firms

In the cooutry. With mv experience in

taking measures, and directuns 1 give,

your clothes are bound to be satisfactory

a* my manv petitio* in this line will beer

me out My pricna are tbe same aa ioax-

rsrienced men who are in the bu> inear.

al*o have a nice line o( fancy ebaviot

and other snitinga I will cut and make if

you desire al a moderate price. Thank-ing yon (or past favore, I am, yourt,

H. C. RUPLEY, tbe Tailor,