Seminar on Gilgit Baltistan on 25th September[1]

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Transcript of Seminar on Gilgit Baltistan on 25th September[1]

  • 8/14/2019 Seminar on Gilgit Baltistan on 25th September[1]


    Seminar on Gilgit Baltistan on 25th September), 2009, under the

    auspices of United Kashmir Peoples National Party at

    International Press centre Brussels. On 25th September-2009

    United Kashmir Peoples National Party (UKPNP), condemns

    Pakistan advancing interests through Gilgit-Baltistan.

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    Sardar Shaukat Ali Kashmir, Jamil Maqsood, Ishaq Khan, Zafar Iqbal Manhas,

    Nasir Aziz Khan, Dr Qmar Uz Zaman, Yasir Navid and Khalil Habib are speaking

    at the seminar on Gilgit Baltistan.

    Chairman United Kashmir Peoples National Party speaking as

    Chief Guest at seminar focused on Gilgit Baltistan.

    Before going to start the moderator throw light on some historical facts

    regarding Gilgit Baltistan, which has been called in different names

    throughout the long journey of history. Jamil Maqsood welcomed all the

    delegates on behalf of United Kashmir Peoples National Party (UKPNP)

    and thanked for attending this august seminar specially organised to

    discuss prevailing situation in one part of the former Princely state of

    Jammu and Kashmir, which is known as Gilgit Baltistan. The new situation

    emerged drastically since present civil Government of Pakistan has issuedand imposed so called self-Governance and empowerment package

    regarding this region in 2009. Before going in to details I would like to

    highlight some facts and historical background of this area and its

    historical and territorial link with Jammu and Kashmir. It is thenorthernmost political entity within the Pakistani-controlled part of the former

    princely state of Jammu and Kashmir. It borders Afghanistan to the north, China

    to the northeast, the Pakistani-administered so called Azad Jammu and Kashmir

    (AJK) to the south, and the Indian-administered state of Jammu and Kashmir to

    the southeast. The territory became a single administrative unit in 1970 underthe term "Northern Areas" and was formed by the amalgamation of the Gilgit

    Agency, the Baltistan District of the Ladakh Wazarat, and the states ofHunza

    and Nagar. With its administrative center at the town of Gilgit, Gilgit-Baltistan

    covers an area of 72,971 km (28,174 mi) and has an estimated population

    approaching two million. Pakistan considers the territory as separate from

    Kashmir whereas India considers the territory as a part of the larger disputed

    territory of former princely state of Jammu and Kashmir that has been in dispute

    between India, Pakistan, and China since 1947. The Kashmiri political parties

    have the same stance that the Gilgit and Baltistan region is indispensible part of

    the former state of Jammu and Kashmir. Except ruling Pakistan Peoples Partythe people of Kashmir through their voices unanimously rejected this move to

    annex this region by any mean and conspiracy. There are five languages are

    spoken in the region. It is constituted by seven districts. The population consists

    of many diverse linguistic, ethnic and religious groups, due in part to the many

    isolated valleys separated by some of the worlds highest mountains and peaks.

    The majority of the population of this region is Shia (Muslims). Urdu is the lingua

    Franca of the region, understood by the majority of male inhabitants .The Shina

    language with several local dialects is the language of 40% of the total

    population, spoken mainly in Gilgit, throughout Diamer, and in some of Ghizer as

    well. The Balti dialect a sub-dialect of Ladakhi and part of Tibetan language

    group, spoken by the entire population of Baltistan. Minor languages spoken in
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    the regions are Wakhi spoken in upper Hunza, and in some villages in Ghizer,

    while Khowar is major language of Ghizer. Broshashki is an isolated language

    spoken in Hunza, Nagar, and Yasin (Where Khowar) is also spoken in some parts

    of Gilgit and in some villages of Punyal. Another interesting language in this

    region is Domaaki, spoken by the musician clans in the region. A small minority

    of the people also speaks pushto. People who live in Gilgit Baltistan despite that

    region being referred to as Part of former princely state of Jammu Kashmir dont

    speak the Kashmiri language or any of its dialect. There is only one university in

    the region of two million populations which was established in 2002. There is no

    medical, law, engineering college in this region. The health facilities are only

    provided by Agha Khan Foundation without whom the entire population of this

    region would completely marginalized in health and education sectors.

    I would also let you know that Kashmir is name of the valley of Kashmir. It has

    its distinct characteristics in terms of culture, language, religion and

    demography. Jammu is different than the valley and it is overwhelmingly a Dogri

    speaking region with majority Hindu and Dogra population, while Ladakh is

    Buddhist majority region. Before the treaty of Amrtser Kashmir was not a

    country it was also divided between powerful tribal and feudal clans and due to

    their territorial or tribal clashes it was easy for outsiders to conquer this area.

    The Mughals, The Afghans have conquered this region and finally Sikh kingdom

    of Maharajah Ranjit Singh was its last foreign masters. The modern Jammu and

    Kashmir state which we claim today is formed by Maharajah Gulab Singh after

    the treaty of Amrtser in 1846. At this point I would like to clear one historical

    misconception and misinterpretation regarding the sale of Kashmir. That was notsale of Kashmir; the Maharajah Gulab Singh had to pay money to the British

    after defeated at war as indemnity. He paid the indemnity and get Himalayan

    region under treaty of Amrster in 1846. It is also matter of the fact that in 5000

    years of the history of Kashmir, Kashmir (valley) and its surrounded areas were

    also independent and ruled by local tribal clans and feudal lords. Due to their

    own fighting for the areas the foreign powers like Mughals, Afghans and finally

    the Sikh kingdom of Ranjit Singh was able to conquer this area and than the

    modern satte of Jammu and Kashmir was a came into bei

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  • 8/14/2019 Seminar on Gilgit Baltistan on 25th September[1]


    We are holding this seminar at International Press centre under the title of

    United Nations, Global standards, European Union, Role and

    Responsibilities of Pakistan". To discuss past, present and future

    prospects of the package going to be implemented by the Government of

    Pakistan. Kashmiri diaspora community in Belgium, journalists,

    intellectual, civil society activists and human rights defenders has

    participated in this seminar. United Kashmir Peoples National Party

    Belgium unit put in a lot of effort to make the event a success and timely

    in the backdrop of the raging debate after Pakistani government

    announced to annex Gilgit-Baltistan. Party Chair and prominent Kashmiri

    statesman Sardar Shaukat Ali Kashmiri was the guest of honour in this

    seminar. Among known political activists, human rights defenders,

    intellectual and writers were Dr Qamar Uz Zaman, who came from

    Moscow, Kashmiri intellectual and writer Zafar Iqbal Manhas from

    (Srinagar), Jammu & Kashmir, former secretary General of Jammu

    Kashmir Liberation Front Khalil Ahmed Habib, Party spokesperson NasirAziz Khan and Syed Zulfiqar Shah came from Switzerland, while Yasir

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    Navid Khan, came from Italy to participate in this seminar. The seminar

    was presided by Ishaq Khan President of United Kashmir People's National

    Party Belgium unit and moderated by Jamil Maqsood General Secretary of

    United Kashmir Peoples National Party Belgium unit. In his address to the

    seminar, Sardar Shaukat Ali Kashmiri said that the recent constitutionaland empowerment package imposed on the people of Gilgit Baltistan is a

    reflection of previously imposed packages and glimpse of old policies of

    Islamabad towards these areas. Whenever Government of Pakistan face

    any pressure or challenge from regional political and democratic forces,

    Human Rights Organizations and world community Islamabad used to

    disguise their hegemony over this area under the shelter of such

    packages. It is irony that despite the facts this regions provides safe

    corridors to Pakistan to establish its links with China and central Asian

    states, the Government of Pakistan has always subjugated the people andmarginalised them of the benefit of their strategic importance and

    economic worth. He said the desire for a secular and liberal united

    Kashmir cannot be diminished by the fake impositions. "Kashmiris have

    historically rejected such stunts and they will not yield to pressure this

    time and will resist their colonisation through democratic means." Other

    speakers asked the government of Pakistan to respect the wishes of

    Kashmiris and not divide Kashmir as it remains a disputed area according

    to the UN resolutions and attempts to subjugate the people will only

    backfire and not help anyone.

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    Sardar Shaukat Ali Kashmiri told the audience and journalists that there

    are some misconceptions about Gilgit and Baltistan as well. In fact these

    areas were also divided between powerful tribal clans and feudal lords in

    the past. The entire area was governed by them since centuries like it was

    the fashion of the governance in those times. Gilgit, Nagar, Hunza, Yasin,

    Chitral and Baltistan was never been a single political or social entity in

    the history of this region. The wheel of the history has been moving

    forward with the stories of bloodshed and killing of each other to controltrade route and main area was Gilgit of this fight in the history. It is also

    matter of the fact that some areas of Kashmir like Bandi Pura and Tragbal

    once have been under the rule of the local Raja of Gilgit. Gilgit Baltistan

    relationship with Kashmir is not recent but has been established centuries

    ago, when the local Raja of Gilgit called Kashmiri arts and craftsmen to

    introduce such skills and arts in their area. It proves that these regions

    have very strong relationship in terms of trade and others spheres of life.

    All these local Rajas once came under the Great Maharajah of Kashmir

    after Treaty of Amrtser in 1846. The British were keeping an eye on theseareas and they have also been trying to persuade Maharajah Gulab Singh

    and one way or the other they were pressurizing him to handover these

    areas to the British raj of sub-continent so that they can establish their

    own rule in this region. It is now an open secret that after the Treaty of

    Amrtser the British realize the geo-political importance of Jammu &

    Kashmir and until the death of Gulab Sigh they have been using all the

    tools to take these areas on lease. At that time the British realizes that

    they have made mistake to include these areas into the treaty, and it was

    important to have their own control over these areas in order to defend

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    sub-continent against possible and assumed Russian aggression through

    central Asian states.

    The map of the United States of Kashmir.

    Elaborating on the role of political parties and leaders in this region SardarShaukat Ali Kashmiri pointed out that majority of the leaders and political

    workers are living under the propaganda of the different establishments

    just to confuse the people and sustained their rule. He said that United

    Kashmir Peoples National Party is the only organization which believes in

    the plural democratic values and inclusiveness of the social, cultural, and

    political entities of the entire state of Jammu & Kashmir. We respect the

    wishes of the common people and also recognize the right of self-

    determination of the people of any entity. But it doesnt mean that we

    start demands of the separation of each district today. The modern worldis the result of different treaties and accords between the nations and

    nationalities so we would also like to tell them that we have presented

    new social contract. And our social, economical, cultural and political

    program provides equal opportunities for each region. We believe that the

    defense and prosperity of entire region is linked with each other and no

    region would be able to survive independently. Post cold war European

    development has showed us that together we are strong and separate we

    are weak, so instead of serving the interest of ruling elite we people

    should serve the interest of common people. We should raise social,

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    political, constitutional and democratic issues of our society as well as we

    should also address the issue of unemployment, poverty, deprivation, and

    poor health and infrastructure facilities for common people. Today we

    need more unity and strength than ever.

    Party Chair and prominent Kashmiri statesman Sardar Shaukat Ali

    Kashmiri was the guest of honour in this seminar. Among known political

    activists, human rights defenders, intellectual and writers were Dr, Qamar

    Uz Zaman Party activist who came from Moscow. Kashmiri intellectual and

    writer, Zafar Iqbal Manhas from (Srinagar), Jammu & Kashmir, former

    secretary General of Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front Khalil Ahmed Habib,

    Party spokesperson Nasir Aziz Khan and Syed Zulfiqar Shah came from

    Switzerland, while Yasir Navid Khan, came from Italy to participate in thisseminar.

    Talking about ongoing dialogues between Indian and Pakistan and CBMsSardar Shaukat Ali kashmiri said that, While Pakistans lop-sided policytowards a specific group in a socially diverse state threatens politicalrights of minority stakeholders, who are treated like bystanders during thepeace process, India on the other hand has adopted a consistent andholistic approach to the CBMs on Kashmir. It looks at the issue as aconstitutional matter owing to the fact that the Maharaja of Kashmir

    sealed the fate of his state in favour of India by the virtue of the letter ofaccession. India believes that an amicable solution to the lingering disputemay come soon if participation of all stakeholders is ensured during thepeace-talks. Even when successive Pakistani constitutions consider Jammu& Kashmir outside the territorial limits of Pakistan, it continues to claimitself as a party to the dispute and expects an instant resolution onKashmir before embarking on other CBMs. Over the years, many of theseCBMs have been used by Pakistan to win over a specific constituency ofJammu & Kashmir, like the separatists of the Kashmir valley, whichcompels other stakeholders to question Pakistans sincerity towards a

    peaceful solution to the chronic dispute.Since the issue is very complex and chronic, we could put forward theproposals of economic integration will remain unimplemented due to thedouble standard of Pakistani establishment which has a myopic view ofJammu & Kashmir to advance its strategic interests; exploit the resources;and use against India as a bargaining tool. For the last six decades,Pakistan has maintained a policy of ethnic and religious divide in Gilgit-Baltistan which has weakened the society and tightened Islamabads gripon the people there. The state and its people cannot afford further divisionand weakening of society due to Pakistani policies. With the help of

    continued dialogues, a policy framework at the broader regional level hasto be devised, which recognizes the right of peaceful co-existence for all

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    the residents of the state of Jammu and Kashmir. Such CBMs can helpbring the fractured state and its people closer and enhance politicalunderstanding. Opening LoC (Line of Control) will help create economicinterdependency and advance regular interaction. This will help diffusesectarian and ethnic differences, enhance social cohesion, and allow all

    stakeholders to arrive at a political consensus without any prejudice to thesocial diversity. This cannot happen if the issue remains hostage in thehands of a few individuals who impose themselves upon others as solerepresentatives.

    The leadership of the Kashmir valley needs to change its attitude andspeak for the interests of their own people rather than protecting Pakistaniinterests. In the past, they failed to condemn Pakistan for human rightsviolations in Gilgit-Baltistan; for awarding more than 20,000 squarekilometers of Jammu & Kashmir to China in 1963; for stealing water and

    mineral resources of Gilgit-Baltistan and building dams for the benefit ofPakistan; and also failed to reach out to the people of Gilgit-Baltistan andacknowledge their right to participation during the dialogues. Again thereare issues that need to be dealt with in a holistic manner but remainedhostage to internal problems of the Kashmir valley thus ignoring theoverall wellbeing of the people of Jammu & Kashmir. The valley leaderscan also help diffuse constraints by separating valley-related micro socio-economic and political matters from the broader national and regionalissues, which generally do not come under the purview of Jammu &Kashmir dispute.

    Speaking before the diaspora Kashmiris and journalists Sardar Shaukat Ali

    Kashmiri said that the recent the recent constitutional and empowerment

    package imposed on the people of Gilgit Baltistan is a reflection of

    previously imposed packages and glimpse of old policies of Islamabad

    towards these areas. Whenever Government of Pakistan faces any

    pressure or challenge from regional political and democratic forces,

    Human Rights Organizations and world community Islamabad used to

    disguise their hegemony over this area under the shelter of suchpackages. It is irony that despite of facts this region provides safe

    corridors to Pakistan to establish its links with China and central Asian

    states, the Government of Pakistan has always subjugated the people and

    marginalised them of the benefit of their strategic importance and

    economic worth.

    Speaking on each point of 2009, constitutional and empowerment

    package, Sardar Shaukat Ali Kashmiri has said that the only appreciatable

    step taken in this package is that the name of Gilgit Baltistan is returned

    to the region and 63 years ambiguity of the term Northern Areas of

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    Pakistan came to an end. Commenting on the jurisprudence of this region

    Sardar Shaukat Ali Kashmiri criticized on the role of different successive

    Pakistani regimes and said that Pakistan had to fulfil its pledges and

    obligations to make sure the complete withdrawal from its peripheries of

    Jammu & Kashmir areas. The historical rolling of so called Azad KashmirHigh court in 1993, the verdict of Supreme Court of Pakistan in 1999,

    United Nations Commission for India and Pakistan (UNCIP) resolutions,

    stipulations of truce agreement, article 257 of 1973s, constitution of

    Pakistan, prevent Pakistan of imposing such controversial packages on the

    people of this region.

    The appointment of Chief Minister and Governor didnt change the

    authority of Northern Areas Legislative Council. It is only change of names

    and designations. Previously all the powers enjoyed by Minister of Kashmir

    Affairs and Northern areas now have been concentrated to the Governor.

    The chief Minister and his cabinet would be on the mercy of Governor for

    any public or private privilege. Elaborating on the sociao-economic

    conditions of Gilgit Baltistan Sardar Shaukat Ali Kashmiri has said that

    Pakistan is using natural resources of this region without paying single

    penny, even huge foreign exchange in tourism sector and expeditions of

    lofty peaks which attracts hundred thousand people every year across the

    world. He said that majority of the people in this region are compelled to

    live below the poverty line. Pakistan is plundering natural resources andhas badly damaged the environment of this region. This resourceful region

    is deprived of modern health, education facilities and infrastructure

    development. There are only few colleges and only one university for the

    two million people of this region. The literacy rate among women in this

    region is regrettably low, which needs urgent attention by the world


    Pointing out the judicial deficit in the region Sardar Shaukat Ali Kashmiri

    told the audience that the people of this region deserve apex courts, but a

    chief court on contractual and Adhoc basis is established there. The judges

    appointed in chief court dont meet the merit especially required in this

    field. The judges appointed for three years and their extension in service

    depends obedience and loyalty to Islamabad. Sardar Shaukat Ali Kashmiri

    criticized. Sardar Shaukat Ali Kashmiri also expressed deep concern over

    the lack in press and media and has told the participants that there is no

    indigenous media; no TV channel operating in this region, no news papers

    is published from that region. It is the main reason the people in our area

    which is under the administration of Pakistan are not well-informed about

    day today development and goe-political changes. Mr. Kashmiri

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    emphasized on democratic and political forces of entire Jammu & Kashmir

    to express solidarity with this part and consult with the people of the

    region as well to formulate a common strategy to address immediate

    issues of the people.

    Commenting on the role of secret agencies of Pakistan Sardar Shaukat Ali

    Kashmiri has told the gathering that whenever people of this region has

    demanded and waged struggle for the revival of fundamental rights they

    instigate communal riots to sabotage the public demands, in this situation

    every conscious person would have to play its role and they would have to

    be vigilant for their rights and to catalyst communal harmony which is

    being over shadowed by fundamentalism and extremism in the region. Mr.

    Kashmiri appealed to the world community to support democratic andpolitical forces in the region so that peace, stability and human rights

    catered in South Asian region. Party Chair appreciated Libyan president

    Qaddafis statement for supporting independent Jammu & Kashmir. He in

    strongly words deliver message to regional forces to learn lesson of this


    Party Chair Sardar Shaukat Ali Kashmiri; explained that in May, 2007,

    European Parliament has passed a Resolution under the title of

    Kashmir present situation and future prospects

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    Sardar Shaukat Ali Kashmiri, Nasir Aziz and Jamil Maqsood with Baroness EmmaNicholson of Winterbourne MEP the author of the European Parliament Resolution of May

    2007, in the European parliament.

    the resolutions describe as in point 18th, Regrets, however that Pakistan

    has subsequently failed to fulfil its obligations to introduce meaningful and

    representative democratic structures in AJK; notes in particular the

    continuing absence of Kashmiri representation in the Pakistani national

    assembly, the fact that AJK is governed through Ministry of KashmirAffairs in Islamabad, that Pakistan officials dominate the Kashmir Council

    and that the chief Secretary, the Inspector General of police, the

    accountant General and the Finance Secretary all are from Pakistan;

    disapproves of the provisions in the 1974 interim constitution which

    forbids any political activity that is not in accordance with the doctrine of

    Jammu and Kashmir as part of Pakistan and obliges any candidate for a

    parliamentary seat in AJK to sign a declaration of loyalty to that effect; is

    concerned that the Gilgit Baltistan region enjoys no form of democratic

    representation whatsoever; furthermore, draws attention to the fact that

    the Government of Pakistans 1961 Jammu and Kashmir (Administration

    of Property) ordinance transferred the land controlled by Pakistan and

    which belonged to the state of Jammu and Kashmir on 15 August 1947 to

    the federal Government.

    The resolution went on further describe in article 19th as Very much

    regrets the continuing ambivalence of the current Government of Pakistan

    with regard to the ethnic identity Gilgit Baltistan, whereby statements

    made by the president are contradicted by official governmentcommunications; strongly recommends that the Government of Pakistan

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    endorse and implement the judgement of the Supreme Court of Pakistan

    of 28th May 1999 which validates the Kashmiri heritage of the people of

    Gilgit and Baltistan an states that the Government should implement

    their fundamental human rights, democratic freedoms and access to


    Kashmiri writer and intellectual Zafar Iqbal Manhas carefully examined the

    package and expressed his views on the subject. He said that the people

    of Gilgit Baltistan have got some rights after such a long time. Although it

    should be more and up to the international standards and present package

    is not fulfilling the wishes of the people thats why it is rejected and


    Dr. Qamar Uz Zaman, party activist who came from Moscow stated that

    Jammu & Kashmir state officially came into being in 1846, by MaharajahGulab Singh, but unfortunately our history has been badly distorted and it

    is still going on. He asked Kashmiri youth to study well about the historical

    facts and realities of our region and its geo-political importance. He

    emphasized that Kashmiri youth to counter the conspiracies from different

    quarters to divide Jammu & Kashmir. Party spokesperson Nasir Aziz Khan

    told the audience that he along with the Party chair has highlighted all

    these issues at the United Nations human rights council in Geneva and

    had organized briefings, seminars and press conference to raise the voice

    in front of world conscious and conscience.

    Former secretary General of Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front Khalil

    Ahmed Habib criticized civil Governments and appreciated the role of

    military towards Kashmir issue. In his speech he called the than

    leadership of his organization visionless, and courage less. He warned

    Pakistan that if it will not take aggressive steps India will ditch it in the

    community of nations.

    Party spokesperson Nasir Aziz Khan strongly rejected the imposition ofsaid package and calls it an old wine in a new bottle. He told the

    audiences that he along with Party leadership would also speak on the

    subject at the United Nations council for Hum Rights session this year. He

    expressed solidarity with the people of the region who are at the forefront

    to reject sugar coated poison which would eventually lead the division of

    Jammu & Kashmir. He said that we are pro human rights and therefore

    struggling for the revival of all those rights which civilised world is

    enjoying today.

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    Yasir Navid khan also addressed the seminar and expressed his concern

    over such conspiracies and urged Kashmiri people to stand against the

    division of motherland. He emphasised on the nationalist political workers

    to unite against Pakistan advancing and expansionists designs in the


    In concluding remarks Partys Belgium unit President Ishaq Khan thanks

    every participant to spare the time out of busy life in Europe and said that

    the purpose of this initiative at International Press centre was to address

    present situation and future prospects of constitutional package and its

    repercussions. At the end of the seminar many resolutions were also

    passed in which immediate and basic issues of the people of this region

    particularly Gilgit Baltistan and so called Azad Kashmir.

    At the end of the seminar following resolutions were passed.

    1-We urge the Government of Pakistan to ensure effective and

    honourable representation of the two million people of Gilgit Baltistan in

    their own Legislative Assembly with full lawful authority. An independent

    judiciary and civil services commission be created and Government of

    Pakistan has to ensure that the people of Gilgit and Baltistan are not

    discriminated against at Universities, Health care facilities, in terms offundamental rights and freedoms and other centres of learning in the

    region. We the representatives of different political parties from the

    region, civil society and human rights activists emphasize on Government

    of Pakistan to revisit its package, which reflects old packages and policies.

    It is also widely understood in the region that aims of policy makers has

    always been to subjugate people, marginalise them in fundamental

    rights, strengthen undemocratic forces promote communalism, extremism

    and hatred to divide the people and plunder the natural resources. We

    emphasize that in the democratic Governance Chief Minister has the rightto select the cabinet, but in Gilgit Baltistan these powers would rest with

    the Governor and Prime Minister of Pakistan through its councils.

    We appreciate the change of name of this region as Gilgit Baltistan.

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  • 8/14/2019 Seminar on Gilgit Baltistan on 25th September[1]


    Jamil Maqsood

    General Secretary

    United Kashmir Peoples National Party(Belgium)

    Rue du Trone.115/ 3

    1050, Brussels Belgium.

    Off: 32 (0) 2 610 43 15

    Cell: 32 (0) 484 062 952

    Email: [email protected]

    Web: www.UKPNP.Com

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
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