
Research Article Semantic and Virtual Reality-Enhanced Configuration of Domestic Environments: The Smart Home Simulator Daniele Spoladore, 1 Sara Arlati, 1,2 and Marco Sacco 1 1 Institute of Industrial Technologies and Automation, Italian National Research Council, Via Corti 12, 20133 Milano, Italy 2 Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria, Politecnico di Milano, Via Ponzio 34/5, 20133 Milano, Italy Correspondence should be addressed to Daniele Spoladore; [email protected] Received 28 July 2017; Accepted 29 October 2017; Published 19 December 2017 Academic Editor: Pino Caballero-Gil Copyright © 2017 Daniele Spoladore et al. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. is paper introduces the Smart Home Simulator, one of the main outcomes of the D4All project. is application takes into account the variety of issues involved in the development of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) solutions, such as the peculiarity of each end- users, appliances, and technologies with their deployment and data-sharing issues. e Smart Home Simulator—a mixed reality application able to support the configuration and customization of domestic environments in AAL systems—leverages on integration capabilities of Semantic Web technologies and the possibility to model relevant knowledge (about both the dwellers and the domestic environment) into formal models. It also exploits Virtual Reality technologies as an efficient means to simplify the configuration of customized AAL environments. e application and the underlying framework will be validated through two different use cases, each one foreseeing the customized configuration of a domestic environment for specific segments of users. 1.Introduction Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) is a research field emerged in the 1990s and acquiring growing importance. It pro- poses residential tools and solutions devoted to the im- provement of everyday life, focusing on the person and his/her interactions with both technologies and domestic environment. In this context, AAL solutions aim at en- hancing the dwellers’ quality of life, comfort, and well- being and can be customized to address specific problems for particular segments of population, such as elderlies or people affected by disabilities. However, the development of AAL systems is not an easy task, since it has to take into account some fundamental features. e first regards the end-users for whom the systems are being developed: each solution, in fact, must be tailored on the dwellers and their needs. It is therefore imperative to adopt a proper paradigm able to be accountable for the users’ real needs and ca- pabilities. Another relevant issue gathering the attention of many researchers concerns the possibility to get full in- teroperability among the devices deployed in the house. Furthermore, a third issue arises when it comes to vali- dating the abovementioned interoperability: the costs and timetosetupadomesticenvironmentarerelevantandmay result dissuasive. In order to tackle these three major issues, the D4All project relied on a consolidated framework (Section 3.5), which leverages the integration capabilities of Semantic Web technologies and the possibility to model relevant knowl- edge (about both the dwellers and the domestic environ- ment) into formal models. Furthermore, the project framework took into account the possibilities offered by Mixed and Virtual Reality technologies to develop an ap- plication dedicated to the configuration and customization of domestic environments—the Smart Home Simulator. e remainder of the paper is structured as follows: Section 2 offers a review of the use of Semantic Web tech- nologies and Virtual Reality for the configuration of AAL systems. Section 3 delves into the aims, issues, solutions, and architecture addressed by the D4All project. Section 4 de- scribes in detail the semantic knowledge base, backbone of the D4All project, while Section 5 depicts the role of the Virtual Reality. Section 6 proposes real use cases developed to test the efficiency of the Smart Home Simulator and its framework. Finally, the conclusions summarize the main outcomes and sketch the future works that will be pursued. Hindawi Mobile Information Systems Volume 2017, Article ID 3185481, 15 pages

Transcript of SemanticandVirtualReality-EnhancedConfigurationof...

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Research ArticleSemantic and Virtual Reality-Enhanced Configuration ofDomestic Environments: The Smart Home Simulator

Daniele Spoladore,1 Sara Arlati,1,2 and Marco Sacco1

1Institute of Industrial Technologies and Automation, Italian National Research Council, Via Corti 12, 20133 Milano, Italy2Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria, Politecnico di Milano, Via Ponzio 34/5, 20133 Milano, Italy

Correspondence should be addressed to Daniele Spoladore; [email protected]

Received 28 July 2017; Accepted 29 October 2017; Published 19 December 2017

Academic Editor: Pino Caballero-Gil

Copyright © 2017Daniele Spoladore et al.*is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

*is paper introduces the Smart Home Simulator, one of themain outcomes of the D4All project.*is application takes into accountthe variety of issues involved in the development of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) solutions, such as the peculiarity of each end-users, appliances, and technologies with their deployment and data-sharing issues. *e Smart Home Simulator—a mixed realityapplication able to support the con7guration and customization of domestic environments in AAL systems—leverages on integrationcapabilities of SemanticWeb technologies and the possibility to model relevant knowledge (about both the dwellers and the domesticenvironment) into formal models. It also exploits Virtual Reality technologies as an e<cient means to simplify the con7guration ofcustomized AAL environments.*e application and the underlying framework will be validated through two di=erent use cases, eachone foreseeing the customized con7guration of a domestic environment for speci7c segments of users.

1. Introduction

Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) is a research 7eld emergedin the 1990s and acquiring growing importance. It pro-poses residential tools and solutions devoted to the im-provement of everyday life, focusing on the person andhis/her interactions with both technologies and domesticenvironment. In this context, AAL solutions aim at en-hancing the dwellers’ quality of life, comfort, and well-being and can be customized to address speci7c problemsfor particular segments of population, such as elderlies orpeople a=ected by disabilities. However, the developmentof AAL systems is not an easy task, since it has to take intoaccount some fundamental features. *e 7rst regards theend-users for whom the systems are being developed: eachsolution, in fact, must be tailored on the dwellers and theirneeds. It is therefore imperative to adopt a proper paradigmable to be accountable for the users’ real needs and ca-pabilities. Another relevant issue gathering the attention ofmany researchers concerns the possibility to get full in-teroperability among the devices deployed in the house.Furthermore, a third issue arises when it comes to vali-dating the abovementioned interoperability: the costs and

time to set up a domestic environment are relevant andmayresult dissuasive.

In order to tackle these three major issues, the D4Allproject relied on a consolidated framework (Section 3.5),which leverages the integration capabilities of Semantic Webtechnologies and the possibility to model relevant knowl-edge (about both the dwellers and the domestic environ-ment) into formal models. Furthermore, the projectframework took into account the possibilities o=ered byMixed and Virtual Reality technologies to develop an ap-plication dedicated to the con7guration and customizationof domestic environments—the Smart Home Simulator.

*e remainder of the paper is structured as follows:Section 2 o=ers a review of the use of Semantic Web tech-nologies and Virtual Reality for the con7guration of AALsystems. Section 3 delves into the aims, issues, solutions, andarchitecture addressed by the D4All project. Section 4 de-scribes in detail the semantic knowledge base, backbone of theD4All project, while Section 5 depicts the role of the VirtualReality. Section 6 proposes real use cases developed to test thee<ciency of the Smart Home Simulator and its framework.Finally, the conclusions summarize the main outcomes andsketch the future works that will be pursued.

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2. Related Works

*is section highlights the most relevant works in the 7eld ofsemantic model for the description of dwellers and users ofAAL solutions, interoperability among appliances, AALsystems, and the use of Virtual Reality technologies forthe simulation and con7guration of living environmentsand smart homes.

Semantic Web technologies have proved to be an e<cientway to represent the knowledge related to the domain ofpersons and houses, and they have been exploited in a varietyof works. In particular, the semantic modelling of the smarthome’s dwellers and their activities has covered an increasingimportance in the last decade. In [1], the authors focused onthe detection of human activity inside a home, representingthem into a set of ontologies covering the contexts of thesmart home and activities of daily living.*is model allows toinfer, among other features, activity-concerned information,thanks to reasoning processes over raw data and contextualinformation. Razmerita et al. [2] developed OntobUM, anontology-based architecture providing information on theuser’s identity, contacts, preferences, and competencies; thismodel is partially generated by the user and several intelligentservices, which automatically update the information aboutthe user taking into account his/her behaviour. In [3], anontology for the modelling of AAL services is presented; thisontology considers concepts necessary to describe the envi-ronments, the users involved, and their activities in the en-vironment, as well as their habits and abilities. A focus on themodelling of the user’s static information, such as physicalcharacteristics, living condition, profession, interests, edu-cation, and user experience, is provided in [4]. *is workprovided a methodology for an ontology-based activity ofuser pro7ling able to avoid omissions and errors. Skillen et al.[5] proposed an ontology for the personalization of context-aware applications, which considered both static and dynamicaspects of the users. *e model takes into account users’health, interests, preferences, and abilities. In the 7eld ofcontext-aware adaptive systems, in [6], it is described a user-pro7le ontology able to represent situation-dependent sub-pro7les; the ontology allows to automatically trigger thepersonalization of services according to the users.

Also in the 7eld of interoperability among devices,the possibility to represent domain knowledge o=ers severaladvantages, described in various works. Welge et al. [7]addressed the issue of interoperability of di=erent devicesand distributed systems identifying in the exploitation ofknowledge management and ontologies the key to overcomethis problem. Semantic Web technologies are presented in[8] as an e=ective approach to allow the management ofheterogeneous information in Ambient Intelligence solu-tions; in this work, the FLERSA tool [9] is enhanced in itsinteroperability features, allowing the deployment of Am-bient Intelligence applications making use of di=erenttechnologies and platforms. In [10], the authors described anupper ontology for the semantic support of AAL platforms,capturing the semantics of the AAL domain and depictingthe services provided by a system and including the or-chestration of data coming from sensors and other services.

In [11], a result of the European COMANCHE project, anontology-enabled knowledge base allows the modelling ofa domestic environment with detail on the services providedto its inhabitants. *e knowledge base allows the conJict-free and up-to-date functioning of the home networkwhile providing a description of the appliances and therelationships among them.

Dealing with the con7guration and the validation ofSmart Homes, in the last decade, researchers have developedseveral systems with the aim of testing their solutions beforeimplementing them in the real world. Anticipating thevalidation of the designed systems, comprising di=erentsmart objects and sensors exchanging data in real time, infact, reduces time and costs of a solution otherwise po-tentially very onerous. In [12, 13], the authors developed twocontext-aware simulators (ISS and CAAS) that are able tohandle concurrently data coming from the sensors andhome inhabitants to respond to speci7c user’s needs; theywere both able to respond to speci7c sensors’ measurementalso detecting and handling potential conJicts of operatingrules, which may arise when conJictual actions are triggeredby multiple input data. Although these two solutions wereprovided with a graphical-user interface and a simplistic 2Drepresentation of the house, they do not make use of virtualreality. Instead, Sernani et al. developed a VR-based systemto validate their expert system, named, Virtual Carer, whichmanages a distributed network of smart objects insidea smart home, where each component is modelled as anautonomous agent [14]. To recreate a realistic scenario, theyalso simulated the human behaviour taking into accounta model based on human basic needs to trigger speci7cactivities inside the smart home. Human behaviour wassimulated also in [15] with the 7nal aim of developing a low-cost system capable of synthesizing a dataset for activityrecognition research in smart environments. In [16], theauthors demonstrated that virtual environments can bea promising tool in the design phase, since they provide thestakeholders with a demonstration of the system func-tionalities, thus improving the 7nal design of the solution—anursing home, in this case—through the users’ feedback andsuggestions. In [17], the authors presented a SimulationControl Panel (SCP) to be integrated in the authoring tool inorder to ease the validation of the designed solution bycreating a direct link between the modelling and the testingenvironments. Finally, VR-based simulations were alsoemployed to test the feasibility and the reliability of brain-computer interfaces in controlling smart home appliancesand services with the 7nal aim of restoring environmentalcontrol for subjects with severe disabilities [18, 19].

3. The D4All Project: Aims and Solutions

3.1.)e D4All Project: Applying Universal Design to DomesticEnvironments. Traditional design of products and solutionsis usually oriented toward standard individuals, which areabstraction of real men and women. *is approach fails toconsider the many variables regarding real end-users, suchas their skills, knowledge, social interactions, and re-quirements. To overcome this limitation, the paradigm of

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“Universal Design” [20]—also known as “Design For All”—has started to stand out: it aims at taking into proper con-sideration the di=erent features characterizing the realhuman users, focusing on proposing solutions able to adjustto the speci7c needs of users. *e main principles of thisparadigm can be found also in the 7eld of AAL, a disciplineaddressing the issue of increasing the quality of life of peoplein all stages of the lifecycle and providing them with assistivesystems for an independent life, according to their abilities[21, 22]. *us, AAL systems aim at 7nding e<cient solutionsto help elderly or impaired people to maintain an in-dependent and autonomous living. Although many e=ortshave been made toward the development of AAL solutions,most of the systems and devices created are not able to takeinto consideration the real needs of their users and neglectthe side of human interaction and real capabilities [23].

In this context, Design For All (D4All) project [24] aimsat applying the guidelines of Universal Design into domoticand inclusive domestic environments. *ese environments,grouped under the term “Smart Home” [25], should be ableto anticipate and respond to the needs of their dwellers, topromote their comfort and well-being duringmany activitiesof daily living (ADL) [26].

*e design of a Smart Home for normally endowedpeople, families, elderlies, and people with impairments ordisabilities requires a set of heterogeneous tools during itswhole lifecycle process (e.g., concept, design, implementa-tion, and test [17]). Furthermore, it requires paying greatattention to the speci7c users who interact with the servicesand technologies made available, as well as they interact withthese functionalities. Consequently, it is fundamental tomanage in a coherent and e<cient way the vast amount ofdiverse data that these interactions can generate, makingthe data available to both the end-users (the inhabitants)and the remote users (such as caregivers or clinical person-nel). *e following subsections delve into the speci7c issuesbelonging to these two branches, respectively, the properidenti7cation of users’ needs, with particular attention towardbeing physically active, and requirements and the possibilityto make the appliances and tools of a domestic environmentfully interoperable among each other.

3.2. Users’ Needs and Requirements. Bene7ts of beingphysically active are widely known for people of all ages;di=erent studies have demonstrated how physical activitycan prevent the onset of several chronic illnesses such ashypertension, obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, some forms ofcancer, and cardiovascular diseases [27]. *is is particularlytrue for elderlies, since ageing leads to the structural andfunctional deterioration of many physiological systems, evenin absence of a speci7c pathology. *is clinical condition isde7ned as frailty, a term that indicates a status of increasedvulnerability, in which not only the risk of an adverse event(e.g., minor infection and falls) is increased but also the bodyresponse to a small insult results in a disproportionatechange in the health condition (from independent to de-pendent or from lucid to cognitive impaired) [28]. In thiscontext, it is indeed true that no intervention can stop the

physical and cognitive decline related with age. However,there is strong evidence that a minimization of risks ofchronic illnesses and disabilities can be obtained throughregular exercise. Both the World Health Organization andthe American College of Sport and Medicine providedrecommendations for regular physical activity in elderlies.*ey underline its importance as preventive measure againstphysical and cognitive decline [29, 30], the loss of autonomyin daily living, and thus, the economic burden that theageing of the world population has risen in recent years [31].

*is concept holds also for healthy and people su=eringfrom di=erent chronic pathologies, although it is clear thatfor this last category of home dwellers, the provision ofa supervised physical exercise may not be enough to guar-antee their autonomy during ADL. In all these cases, theSmart Home must be enhanced with tailored solutions,addressing the coping with speci7c issues. For instance, forvisually impaired users—if not completely blind—there isthe need to light up e<ciently every part of the house, es-pecially dangerous areas such as steps. Deaf people needvisual or haptic alarm to replace normal alerts [32]. Motor-impaired users who use a wheelchair require an accessiblehouse, where spaces are designed to allow an easymanoeuvring of the wheelchair and where appliances andcontrols are reachable while staying seated [33].

3.3. Interoperability andCooperation among theAppliances intheSmartHome. A Smart Home is expected to be a domesticresidence equipped with a set of appliances—often calledSmart Objects; as mentioned above, the Smart Home and itsappliances work to ensure the dwellers’ comfort and per-sonalized living conditions. In traditional houses, the var-ious appliances deployed are able to perform their tasks ina separate and isolated way. On the contrary, inside a SmartHome, the appliances are required to work together ina reliable and predictable behaviour [34] and to acquire,handle, communicate, and share the knowledge about thehome inhabitants in order to meet the goal of achieving theircomfort and well-being [35]. *erefore, appliances must beable to provide tailored services to improve the dwellers’assistance for a better, healthier, and safer life in their ev-eryday living environments and must cooperate with severalother appliances—possibly specialized and multivendor.

Nevertheless, this kind of synergy among distributedappliances is nowadays guaranteed only in domestic envi-ronments where appliances with the same communicationpattern and protocol stack [36] have been deployed. *edesired interoperability among appliances should comprisenot only mere communication interoperability but also dataand information models, as well as services provided anddiscovery mechanisms. Reaching this level of interoperabilityis not an easy task: it takes a lot of time and requires manydesign decisions to be made to accommodate the constrainednature of speci7c devices in a certain usage scenario.

3.4. )e Project’s Approach and the Smart HomeSimulator. D4All faces the above challenges relying ona framework that encompasses the description of the users’

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physiological status, the appliances, and the services they canprovide. �e goal of the framework (and of the applicationderived from it) is to provide users characterized by frailty orimpairment with appliances and services able to cope withtheir impairments, thus helping them in performing ac-tivities that would otherwise be unattainable or ponderous.�e solution is not limited to speci�c categories of usersbut extends its services to the whole spectrum of housedwellers. �is goal is achieved through the con�gurationof the dwellers’ house that allows to analyse both whetherthe speci�c user’s physiological requirements are satis�edand the behaviour of the interoperable appliances beforetheir hard deployment in the real house.

�e need to properly assess the user’s health condition ina qualitative and quantitative way was addressed by re-curring to the International Classi�cation of Functioning,Disability and Health (ICF), a holistic World Health Or-ganization’s framework providing a uni�ed and standardlanguage for the description of health-related components.ICF conceptualizes the functioning of an individual asa “dynamic interaction between a person’s health condi-tion, environmental factors, and personal factors” [37],acting as a tool able to ease the communication among thehealth stakeholders (caregivers and clinicians) and providinga standard and worldwide comparable description of thefunctional experiences of the individuals. Due to its vocab-ulary, which is easily interpretable also by nonclinicalpersonnel, the classi�cation can also be used in varioushealth-related domains, such as rehabilitation [38] or reinte-gration of injured workers in workplaces [39]. �e classi�-cation is organized in two main parts: the �rst, “Functioningand Disability,” provides a description of the componentsBody functions, Body structures, and Activities and partici-pation; while the second, “Contextual Factors,” provides themeans to describe the impact of the components Environ-mental factors and Personal factors. Each component is fur-ther deepened into chapters, which identify the addresseddomain. �e functioning of a person is then describedthrough the interaction between his/her health condition andthe context where he/she acts. Each component is identi�edby a letter (b for Body functions, s for Body structures, e forEnvironmental factors, and d for Activities and participation)and can be detailed by adding digits (Figure 1).

According to the number of digits following the letter, itis possible to get a code, whose length indicates the level ofgranularity—up to �ve digits. �e functioning or disabilityof an individual can be assessed selecting the suitable cat-egory and its corresponding code and then adding a quali�er(from 0, meaning “absence of impairment,” to 4, indicatinga “complete impairment”).

In addition to the characterization of the users performedusing ICF, the knowledge about their physical status wasdeepened taking into account the cardiorespiratory �tness(CRF). As mentioned in Section 3.2, in fact, the generalphysical condition plays an important role in preventing theoccurrence of several pathologies and, thus, must be taken inconsideration not only when describing the user but alsowhen designing the Smart Home, which should be built totake care of the users’ health and well-being too [40]. CRF

expresses the physical �tness of a person, specifying his/herability to carry out a dynamic, moderate-to-high intensityexercise over a prolonged period of time [41]. In addition, ithas been demonstrated to be inversely proportional to the riskof mortality and of cardiovascular, pulmonary, and coronarydiseases [42].�erefore, CRF represents a suitable indicator ofa subject general health status and can be used to monitor theprogress or the regression of the health status of the SmartHome inhabitants through time [41].

Semantic Web technologies [43], in particular themodelling of domain knowledge into ontologies [44], werechosen to provide a set of formal and sharable descriptionsof the concepts and their relationships composing the do-mains of the domestic environment, the user, and its ap-pliances. Semantic Web technologies can indeed providea description of the functioning of the appliances and theirservices, thus enhancing the semantic interoperabilityamong them. Furthermore, with the adoption of SemanticWeb Rule Language (SWRL) rules, it is possible to triggerspeci�c inferences, such as the deployment of speci�c ap-pliances and services to address the user’s particular needs(as further illustrated in Section 3). However, the interactionof the appliances distributed in a cooperative domesticenvironment cannot always be validated in a real envi-ronment—mainly because of the high costs and time to setthe environment up. In order to ease an a-priori evaluation,as well as to validate the design of integrated appliancesolutions providing AAL services to users and their services,the Smart Home Simulator (SHS) has been developed. �eaim of this application is to allow designers of domesticenvironments to simulate and con�gure a house by takingadvantage of a virtual representation of the house and theappliances. SHS also allows the designer to tailor the serviceso�ered by each appliance, leveraging the descriptions pro-vided by Semantic Web technologies; in this way, the SHSallows the construction of a complete and clear picture of thestatus of the assisted users and their living environmentbefore e�ectively hard-deploying the customized AAL so-lution. �e result is a realistic simulation of a home wherethe designer can set up the appliances according to thechanges occurring to the dwellers and their environment. Inthe SHS, the combination of Virtual Reality and SemanticWeb generates an integrated and aggregated view on rele-vant knowledge related to the domestic environment. �iscoupling allows physical and virtual objects to coexist andinteract in real time, thus enhancing appliances’ con�gu-ration operations also in real scenarios. Moreover, SemanticWeb technologies can provide a formal method to representand model the digital counterpart of the real physical worldcorresponding to the domestic environment.


Chapter - �rst level item

Second level item

�ird level item

Fourth level item

b «Body function»

b2 «Sensory functions and pain»

b210 «Seeing functions»

b2102 «Quality of vision»

b21020 «Light sensitivity»

Figure 1: An example of the structure of ICF.

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3.5. �e System’s Architecture. �e SHS is an applicationrelying on an integrated service-oriented platform describedin [45]. �e main purposes of this platform are to managethe knowledge about the home and user’s domains, whileallowing the various appliances to exchange data amongthem. �is framework is called Virtual Home Frameworkand is based on four main pillars:

(i) �e �rst is the semantic layer, named “Knowledge-Base Home” (KBHome), which is the set of on-tologies describing the relevant knowledge of theabovementioned domains (the KBHome, furtherdescribed in Section 3).

(ii) �e second pillar consists in the virtual represen-tation of the domestic environment: this featureallows to virtually represent appliances and sensors(as described in Sections 4 and 5).

(iii) Integration Services guarantee data integration syn-chronization between physical and virtual compo-nents of the system. �is approach is delved in [46],and in this context, applications can easily interoperatewhile the data are integrated, shared, dispatched, andaggregated through mechanism transparent to theirclients. �erefore, the Integration Services are able topromote the semantic integration among the dataprovided by the various domestic appliances andsensors (both real and virtual) and to contribute toenhance their near real-time synchronization:

(1) �ey enable the acquisition of informationfrom any device (appliance or sensor and real orvirtual).

(2) �ey allow to store, interpret, and manage theinformation received.

(3) �ey share and dispatch information whena device asks for them or when a needed in-formation becomes available.

(iv) �e Real Home, with its real appliances, representsthe deployment of the solutions identi�ed, thanks

to the cooperation among the three pillars of theframework.

�e SHS acts like a user-friendly, semantic, and virtualreality-based interface to allow designers to con�gure andtest (with either virtual or real appliances) AAL solutionscustomized on speci�c users (Figure 2).

4. The Home Knowledge Base

�e knowledge base containing the information of the userand his/her health and physical status and the living envi-ronments composing the house and the appliances deployedor deployable in it are modelled in a set of ontologies named“KBHome.” �e ontologies are modelled following the NeOnMethodology [47], an ontology engineering methodologyallowing to focus on the reuse of already existing resour-ces—both ontological or not. �e knowledge base has beendeveloped using the software Protege [48], while ResourceDescription Framework (RDF) [49] and Web OntologyLanguage (OWL) [50], with the use of Semantic WebRule Language (SWRL) [51], were the selected implementationlanguages; Pellet [52] was the reasoner used to perform rea-soning activities on the ontologies. KBHome is composed offour main ontologies, each addressing a speci�c domain.

4.1.�eUser’sHealthConditionandCardiorespiratory FitnessOntology. �is domain ontology describes concepts re-garding the domain of the user, starting with his registryrecords (date and place of birth, current address, gender, andphone numbers). �e most relevant feature of this ontologyis the description of the user’s health condition using thecodes and quali�ers included in the ICF. To this purpose, theontology of ICF—publicly available on the BioPortal—waspartially reengineered: the speci�c ICF codes, originallymodelled as individuals, were converted into datatypeproperties, in order to make possible to model several healthconditions using the same ICF code. Each user is linked tohis/her health condition (modelled as an individual), which

Real home

Smart homesimulator

Real appliancesKBHome


Figure 2: �e role of the Smart Home Simulator.

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is described via the datatype properties composing the ICF(Figure 3).

Each health condition can then be classi�ed as “VisionImpaired Health Condition,” “Motor Impaired HealthCondition,” “Hearing Impaired Health Condition,” and“Cognitive Impaired Health Condition.” For each of theseclasses, there is a further subclassi�cation regarding thegrade of impairment associated, according to the quali�erassigned to each datatype property; for instance, the class“Vision Impaired Health Condition” can be deepened into“Mild Visual Impairment,” “Moderate Visual Impairment,”“Severe Visual Impairment,” and “Complete Visual Im-pairment.” According to the typology of impairment asso-ciated with his/her health condition, a user can then beinferred to belong to a speci�c class of users (“Vision Im-paired User,” “Motor Impaired User,” “Cognitive ImpairedUser,” or “Hearing Impaired User”).

Following the same ontology design pattern, a user islinked to his/her CRF (indicated as VO2max), which isassessed during a test under the supervision of clinicalpersonnel. According to the value detected and stored in thisontology, the user’s CRF can be classi�ed, thanks to rea-soning processes into subclasses (“Seriously limited CRF,”“Reduced CRF,” “Adequate CRF,” “Good CRF,” “ExcellentCRF,” and “More than excellent CRF,” according to thepercentile [53] the user’s value �ts).

User’s VO2max value can be used to assess the cus-tomized workload of an exercise (in this case performed on acycle-ergometer), as described in the following equation[54]:

WL (cycle− ergometer) � VO2max · 0.65( )− q( )

m. (1)

�e angular coe�cient m and the intercept q are user-dependent and are calculated from the interpolation of thedata obtained during the test execution. A training intensityof 65% is chosen in agreement with ACMS, which identi�esit as theminimum intensity capable of producing an increasein the user’s CRF [55]. Equation (1) can be easily translated

into SWRL, thus determining the exercise load to be appliedto the cycle-ergometer:

Device(?cycle), User(Jane),TrainingIntensity(?trInt), hasTrIntValue (?trInt, ?TrInt-Value), hasCardiorespFitness(Jane, ?cf),isCharacterizedByLinearRelationship(?cf,?lr), hasMValue(?lr, ?mvalue), hasQValue(?lr,?qvalue), hasVO2maxValue(?cf, ?VO2max), mul-tiply(?step1, ?VO2max, ?TrIntValue), subtract(?step2, ?step1, ?qvalue), divide(?WLcycle,?step2, ?mvalue),→ setsWLonCycleErg(?cycle,?WLcycle)

In this way, it is possible to represent relevant knowledgeabout the user and some features of his/her physiologicalstatus in a simple way, as summarized in Figure 4.

4.2. Appliances and Domestic Environment Ontology. �isontology aims at providing a description of the appliancesand linking them to the room where they are deployed.Moreover, it allows to provide a list of the measurementseach appliance can perform. �e ontology is composed ofthree main modules: the �rst provides a simple represen-tation of a generic domestic environment, modelled withclasses and individuals. Each individual represents a room ofthe user’s house and is described with datatype propertiesillustrating the dimensions of each room.

�e second module is the appliances module, whichcollects a list of appliances (both white and brown goods)and sensors and provides a description for each of them; thisdescription is achieved taking advantage of the HicMO“grammar” [56], a set of XML properties able to describe thefeatures of any appliance. According to the guidelinesprovided by NeOn methodology, HicMo properties wereconverted into datatype and object properties to createa semantic model of the XML descriptors. In this way, it ispossible to provide a sort of “ID card” for each appliancedeployed or deployable in the house. �e description ofa Smart Object is integrated with a submodule describing the

is Characterized By Body FunctionCh.2 - Sansory, functions and pain

Seeing and related functionsFunctions of structures adjoining the eye

Functions of external muscles of the eyeFunctions of internal muscles of the eyeFunctions of lachrymal glandsFunctions of structures adjoining the eye, other speci�edFunctions of structures adjoining the eye, unspeci�edFunctions of the eyelid

Seeing functionsQuality of visionSeeing function, other speci�edSeeing functions, unspeci�edVisual acuity functionsVisual �eld functions

Figure 3: An excerpt of ICF “Body Functions” in the KBHome.


Has cardioresp.






Is characterisedby linearrelationship





Has health condition



b2100: Visual acuity functions

b2151: Functions of the eyelid




Figure 4: An example of user characterization in the KBHome.

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list of programs available for each appliance; each program isdescribed as an individual and is associated with one or moreappliances.

Since each appliance can produce one or more mea-surements, the third module allows to provide a descriptionof these measurements. �e latter can be classi�ed into“Environmental measurements,” “Vital sign,” and “Appli-ance measurements”; for instance, a digital thermometerlocated in the living room can detect the temperature of theroom, while a thermometer located on the user measureshis/her internal temperature. Measurements describing theuser’s physiological status exploit a partially reengineeredversion of the Vital Sign Ontology [57], while measurementsregarding appliances and domestic environments exploit theUnits Ontology [58] to provide a sound description. Figure 5depicts an example of a sensor performing a measurement ofthe user’s temperature.

4.3. Comfort Metrics and Domestic EnvironmentModel. �isontology describes comfort dimensions inside the domesticenvironment, taking into account measurements modelled inclasses such as “CO2Concentration,” “DomesticHumidityRate,”“DomesticLuminance,” and “DomesticTemperature.” Inparticular, the class “DomesticTemperature” is divided into“WinterDomesticTemperature” and “SummerDomestic-Temperature.” Each of the classes is split into “Acceptable”and its complement “NotAcceptable.” Each individual“Environmental measurement” is then classi�ed accordingto these classes. For instance, a measurement detectinga CO2 concentration equal to 1147 ppm is inferred to bea “NotAcceptableCO2Concentration,” since the “Accept-ableCO2Concentration” requires environmental measure-ments with a value less than or equal to 1000 ppm.

�e classes for the description of comfort dimensionsconvert the limits described into several standards (such asASHRAE [59] for the thermal and humidity rate comfort,UNI-2004 [60] for the luminance recommendations, andUNI-2008 [61] for the air quality in domestic environments).

4.4. Orchestration of Services in the House. �is ontologydescribes the events triggered by one or more of the con-ditions occurring in the environment or to the user.With theuse of SWRL rules, it is possible to describe the conditionsunder which a speci�c action is activated. For instance, toset the proper air-conditioning system’s program duringsummer, the following conditions must hold:

EnvironmentalMeasurement (?m), NotAccepta-bleSummerDomesticTemperature (?m), hasMeasur-ementValue (?m, ?value), greaterThanOrEqual(?value, 27), EnvironmentalMeasurement(?n),NotAcceptableDomesticHumidityRate (?n), has-MeasurementValue (?n, ?value2), great-erThanOrEqual (?value2, 60), Appliance(air_conditioning_system), AirConditioning-SystemProgram (SummerBreeze) -> hasProgram(air_conditioning_system, SummerBreeze)

Several situations, similar to the one described above,were described in this ontology, providing the conditionsunder which the appliances are able to respond with theproper services. More complex situation involves custom-ized services to be deployed for particular categories ofimpaired users.

4.5. Con�guration of Living Environments. �is ontologyallows to classify the appliances (described as noted in Section3.2) into other classes; according to their characteristics andthe programs they have, appliances can provide useful ser-vices to the users, to help them cope with their impairmentswhile performing activities of daily living. �erefore, theappliances of the house are classi�ed also according to theirsuitability for speci�c categories of impaired users, using theclasses “Cognitive Impairment Appliance,” “Hearing Im-pairment Appliance,” “Motor Impairment Appliance,” and“Visual Impairment Appliance.”

Taking advantage of these features, it is possible to modela con�guration project. Each project is modelled as an


�ermohygrometric sensor




Performs measurement

has measurement ID

has measurement value

has assessment date


Is loca

ted in

Refers to


Is expressed in unit

''int'' = 2

''decimal'' = 37.5

''dateTime'' = 2015−07−29T15:48:21

''is a''

''is a''

''is a''

''is a''

''is a''

''is a''

Celsius degree






Figure 5: An example of appliance modelled in the KBHome.

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individual with an ID number and allows to select appliancestogether with their programs. Furthermore, it is possibleto specify the user for which the project is designed (Figure 6).�is ontology also allows to automatically infer if an applianceis suitable for a particular category of impaired users accordingto the programs available for the application. In this way,a designer can choose from a list of appliances inferred to beadequate to cope with a user’s impairment, and the outputscoming from the reasoning process of this ontology are ex-ploitable as a decision support system [62] for the designphase of the living environment.

5. Customization of the Smart Home Services

In order to design a Smart Home able to provide its dwellerswith the right instruments and services that enhance theirwell-being and autonomy in ADL, the customization of theo�ered solution is necessary. �is step passes through thecollection of the subjects’ needs—through the evaluation oftheir health status—and the design of a customized solutionable to help the users in coping with their impairments or toimprove in some way their quality of life.

5.1. User Characterization. For the assessment of the healthcondition of the home dweller(s), the intervention of cli-nicians is required to �ll in the ICF-based module. �eclinical personnel have to assess all the user’s impairmentsthrough standard tests and clinical scales speci�cally dedi-cated to investigate a precise domain (vision, hearing [63],motor or cognitive de�cits) or the general health status inelderlies [64, 65].

�e evaluation of the CRF occurs in a second phase andcan be performed in di�erent ways. �e gold standardmethodology consists in the measurement of oxygen andcarbon dioxide through spirometry during a physical ex-ercise of incremental e�ort. �is leads to the determination

of the maximum oxygen uptakede�ned as VO2— whichrepresents the ability of an individual to take up and use theinspired oxygen [22]. Alternative techniques foresee theindirect estimation of the CRF starting from the measure-ment of the subject’s heart rate (HR). �ese techniques arebased on the assumption of a linear relationship between theuser’s HR and the workload; moreover, they assume that allindividuals of the same age have indeed the same maximalcardiac frequency. �ough these hypotheses are usually truefor healthy subjects, these assumptions often do not stand inthe case of elderlies or people with disability [23]. �us, the�rst methodology—based on direct measurements of ex-pired gases—should always be preferred. Another importantaspect to be taken into account is the safety of the testedindividual during the CRF evaluation test. �e American�oracic Society identi�ed the cycle ergometer as theequipment to be preferred with respect to the treadmill incase of patients, because it does not introduce risk of fallsand allows the concurrent measurement of gases and workrate, in exchange of a reduced capability of reaching highlevels of VO2, which should not be an issue in case of frailindividuals.

Having de�ned the equipment and other supplementarytools—a blood pulse oximeter, an electrocardiograph (ECG),and a blood pressure (BP) monitor at least—needed toensure the safety of the subject during the test, the CRF of theSmart Home dweller can be identi�ed following a multistageexercise protocol [22]. �e chosen protocol foresees a pre-liminary warm-up phase with low and constant workloadfollowed by an increase of 20W in the workload aftera steady state of 3 minutes. All the conditions triggering theincrease in workload are reported in details in Table 1.

During the test, expert clinical personnel must contin-uously monitor the conditions of the individual performingthe cardiopulmonary exercise: this is necessary since the�nal aim is to identify the subject’s maximal e�ort reaching



has selected smart object

''is a''


Moderatelyvision impaired


Visionimpaired SO



''string'' = 25YC

''is a''








Has selected program

No frost




Has selected program

Has selected program

''is a''

Is desi

gned on user

Figure 6: A project modelled in the KBHome for a vision-impaired user.

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his/her physiological limits. *erefore, if any of the con-ditions listed in Table 2 occurs, the exercise must beimmediately terminated. Moreover, in case of exercise in-terruption, the subject must be assisted by a physician untilnormal values and a stable condition are recovered.

Having completed these two phases of evaluation, eachsubject is provided with a complete record of his/her healthstatus—according to the worldwide standard of ICF—accurate information about his/her CRF, and thus his/herphysical capabilities. From the latter, the customization ofthe daily physical exercise for each individual could beaddressed (as described in Section 6.3). *e cycle ergometeris maintained as the training equipment also in the SmartHome environment con7guration because of its highersafety with respect to the treadmill, which is the only other7tness equipment able to provide a direct control on theworkload. Of course, the use of a cycle ergometer is com-patible with individuals who do not su=er from severe motorlimitations or have impairments in the postural control.*ese severe situations are identi7ed during the 7rst clinicalassessment, formalized through the ICF completion andshould be addressed with customized solutions, as for in-stance, an arm ergometer.

5.2. Con7guration and Test of the User of the SmartHome. Starting from the pieces of information gatheredduring the user’s evaluation phase, the Smart Home de-signer, being able to interpret these data, can set up a mixed

reality environment able to respond to the user’s needs withthe most appropriate solutions. In this context, using eithermixed or virtual reality leads to several advantages; the 7rst,as already mentioned, is the possibility to test the com-munication among the di=erent appliances in real time. *esecond consists in the possibility for the 7nal user to directlyexperience the VEs, with the double aim of becoming fa-miliar with his/her newly con7gured Smart Home and ofgiving suggestions to the designer who can improve the 7nalhome design. Finally, the employment of virtual reality,coupled with the semantic models described in Section 3,allows the Smart Home designer/the 7nal user to test thefunctioning of a sensor or an appliance without the need ofowing it in real world, thus saving time and costs.

5.2.1. Customized Con7guration of the Smart Home. In thisphase, the designer receives the blueprint of the 7nal users’current house; he/she is thus able to model it using anauthoring tool, reconstructing a digital model of thedwelling rooms. *is model can then be imported insidethe Smart Home Simulator, the PC-based application de-veloped in the D4All project using Unity 3D. Within thisapplication, the designer can add devices and appliances tothe house digital model, choosing them among the onesmodelled in the semantic “catalogue” described in Section 3.2.*e catalogue is updated in real time inside the VE usingSPARQL to query the semantic repository, in which the user’sneeds and peculiarities were stored.

*e designer has also the possibility to integrate realdevices or sensors in the digital representation of the SmartHome, thanks to the architecture described in Section 3.5,which permits the data exchange between the real and thevirtual world. When the design of the customized envi-ronments is completed and the communication among thedevices, the sensors, and the human users is validated, thedesigner can save the project and store it for furthermodi7cations.

5.2.2. Testing the Designed Solution. At the end of the designphase, the Smart Home Simulator o=ers the possibility forthe 7nal user to test the solution speci7cally developedaccording to his/her characteristics and needs. *e solutioncan be deployed on di=erent platforms, depending either onthe characteristics of the target user or on the type (virtual ormixed reality) of environment. Of course, immersive (e.g.,head-mounted displays and CAVE) or semi-immersive (e.g.,semicylindrical projected screens) experiences constitute themost promising means to validate di=erent scenarios and tolearn how the Smart Home services work, because of thehigher sense of presence they elicit and the more naturalinteraction they often provide [66]. However, whenchoosing the VR technologies, particular attention must bepaid on the target user: for frail elderlies or severe cognitiveimpaired subjects, the risks of adverse events and sicknesswhile using head-mounted displays are not deniable [65].*erefore, other solutions should be preferred, even inexchange of a reduced sense of presence. *e use of non-immersive environments should also be preferred in case of

Table 1: Parameters to conduct the maximal cycling exercise test.

HR warm-up (bpm) Starting WL (W) ΔWL (W) MaxWL (W)≤80 100 +20 16080<HR≤ 90 80 +20 14090<HR≤ 100 60 +20 100≥100 40 +20 80

Table 2: Conditions for interrupting the maximal cycling exercisetest. *ese indications were adapted from [22] introducing morestrict criteria to prevent the onset of critical conditions in frailelderlies.

Conditions for test interruptionChest pain suggesting ischemiaECG changes suggesting ischemia or ectopyHeart rate exceeding 85% of maximum estimated HR (HR> 0.85(220 – age –HRrest) +HRrest)Fall in blood pressure (BPs<BPsrest, BPd< 80mmHg)Hypertension (BPs>min {200mmHg, BPsrest + 10mmHg} orBPd> 110mmHg)Severe desaturation (SpO2< 80%)Sudden pallorDizziness, faintness, or confusionLoss of limb coordinationDyspnoeaHR� heart rate, BPs� systolic blood pressure, BPd� diastolic bloodpressure, SpO2 � arterial oxygen saturation.

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real devices or appliances included in the 7nal solution,because—if not properly reconstructed in the virtualworld—the interaction may become very complicated oreven dangerous (i.e., the user can trip).

After the validation in the mixed reality environment,the designer is able to determine if the implemented solutionis able to help the user in coping with his/her limitationsduring activities of daily living, having observed his/herbehaviour during the simulation. Moreover, he/she canretrieve direct information from the 7nal user, interviewinghim/her and asking about the changes they would makein their future house. *ese modi7cations can be thenimplemented in the con7gurator and retested till thereaching of the optimal solution that the 7nal user willimplement at his/her own place.

6. Validation with Real Use Cases

*e SHS of the adopted framework were validated throughtwo real use cases. *e 7rst foresees the con7guration ofa kitchen for a visually impaired user, while the secondaddresses the problem of active ageing and foresees an el-derly user performing domestic physical activity.

6.1. Con7guration of a Real Environment: )e Kitchen. *isuse case consists of a kitchen designer who has to designa kitchen using the SHS selecting the most suitable appli-ances for the 7nal user: a person aYicted by a moderatevisual impairment (speci7ed with ICF codes: b21022.2—“moderate impairment in the contrast sensitivity”) andhyposmia (b255.2—“moderate impairment in the smellfunction”). *e designer acquires the user’s kitchen blue-prints and elaborates a virtual model of the kitchen. In thismodel, he/she places the most suitable appliances andsensors to cope with the user’s impairment(s) choosing themfrom a list, provided by the KBHome (as seen in Section 3.5).

For this user, the KBHome retrieves

(i) two induction cooktops: one able to produce a highcontrast on its surface (with a black panel) withtextured button surfaces; the other providing a blacksurface with high-contrast controls and digital andbacklit display;

(ii) two models of convection ovens with digital andbacklit display and a set of control lights;

(iii) four models of dishwashers with high contrast andbacklit digital display;

(iv) two models of refrigerators with digital and backlitinterface, illustrating the current inside temperatureand internal light.

According to the user’s preferences, the designer choosesthe appliances and sets them into the virtual model of thekitchen, as illustrated in Figures 7–10.

6.2. Validation of the Application. *e validation of thecon7guration part is performed following the formativeevaluation methodology, as described in [67, 68]. *is type

of validation foresees an observation and empirical evalu-ation of representative users’ interaction with the VEs ina task-based scenario: in this case, the design of the kitchendescribed in Section 6.1. *e aims of this type of evaluationare identifying usability problems and assessing the user’slearning curve and his/her task performance, both withqualitative and quantitative results. To do this, 7ve designerswill be enrolled in the study; they will be presented thescenario and the Smart Home Simulator application during

Figure 7: A snapshot of the Smart Home Simulator application: thedesigner selects the user for who he/she con7gures the kitchen.

Figure 8: A snapshot of the con7gurable appliances (for a selecteduser) in the kitchen.

Figure 9: *e designer places the dishwasher, choosing from theappliance models retrieved from the KBHome.

Figure 10: *e designer places the suitable sensors in the kitchen.

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a 7rst training phase of about 15 minutes. To ease and speedup their work, the digital model of the empty kitchen willalso be provided as the starting point. During the con7g-uration phase, tasks timing, errors, potential software bugs,and users’ comments will be registered. At the end of thetrial, the System Usability Score (SUS) questionnaire [69]will be administered to each participant. Free comments willalso be collected and taken into account to improve thesoftware according to the 7nal users’ (the designers) needs.

6.3. Con7guration of Living Environment for PhysicalActivities. *e 7rst use case depicts a common situation forelderly people, where a 72-year-old frail woman has toperform daily the physical exercise on a cycle-ergometerplaced in her bedroom. Her health condition is described bythe following ICF codes: b7353.2 (“moderate impairment inthe tone of muscle of lower half of the body”), b4550.2(“moderate impairment in the general physical endurance”),and s75002.181 (“mild impairment to the muscle of the righttight (nature of the impairment not speci7ed)), while herCRF was assessed at 18.3. *erefore, she has been prescribedan adequate physical activity, to be performed monitoringher results and conditions. *e data deriving from her ex-ercise sessions must be made available to caregivers orclinical personnel, in order to periodically assess enhance-ments or deteriorations of her abilities and conditions. *euse case foresees that the user’s smart home is equipped withthe cycle ergometer, a heart rate monitor, a breath ratemonitor, and a blood pressure monitor. *e user receivesinformation about the performance by means of a tablet. Toaccomplish her daily physical activity, she is requested toenter the bedroom, where a presence sensor detects theuser’s presence. She is then required to prepare the bedroomin order to perform the exercise, by ventilating the room andwaiting until it reaches the proper temperature (which is setat 20°C). Once the air quality and the temperature reach theproper values, the user can wear the sensors and begin theexercise, whose workload is set basing on her speci7c healthcondition. While performing the activity, her physiologicalstatus is monitored. At the end of the physical exercise, thedata regarding the exercise session and the physiologicalmeasurements detected are stored and remain available forthe caregivers. All the instructions are given to the user viaa virtual tablet, through which she can also check herperformance in real time and potentially receive di=erenttypes of alerts based on the sensors’ measurements.

*e designer, using the SHS features, equips the envi-ronment with real sensors (heart rate monitor, breath ratemonitor, and blood pressure meter) and provides the virtualrepresentation of the living environment with an actuator toenable the automatic opening and closing of the window.*evirtual environment also includes a presence sensor, able todetect the user’s presence in the room, an environmentalthermometer, and an air-quality sensor, able to measure theCO2 concentration in the room. Data regarding the user’shealth condition and CRF are stored in the KBHome.

By navigating the virtual scene, the user taps the virtualtablet on the exercise icon and receives the instructions

about how to set the environment for her activity. At 7rst,she is asked to enter the bedroom, where the cycle ergometeris located. *e presence sensor is able to detect her presenceand triggers the air quality sensor installed in the room. Itmeasures the CO2 concentration in the room and storesthe acquired data into the KBHome, where this piece ofinformation is processed. Hence, having registered an un-acceptable CO2 concentration in the room, the user receivesan alert on the tablet warning her that, due to the currentCO2 concentration, she is not allowed to perform the ex-ercise: the user receives the suggestion to open the window.*en, she opens the window by tapping the proper option onthe virtual tablet. When the air quality and the temperaturereach a suitable level to perform the exercise, the user re-ceives a noti7cation on the tablet. Finally, she can begin thephysical exercise, whose duration and level of di<culty areautomatically selected by the KBHome based on her healthcondition and CRF assessment (as shown in Sections 4.1 and5.1). In this case, the workload is calculated according to theequation presented in Section 4.1, and the duration of theexercise is set at 20 minutes (or user request). *e userreceives instructions on how and where to wear the sensors.While performing the exercise, the user’s blood pressure,breath rate, and pulse rate are monitored by these wearabledevices, and, if any physiological anomaly arises, the user iswarned to immediately modify or stop the exercise viaa tablet alert. At the end of the exercise, physical andphysiological data regarding the performance (blood pres-sure, pulse rate, and duration of the physical activity) arestored in the Semantic Repository, where they are at thecaregivers’ disposal.

6.4. Development of the Validation on Elderly Subjects for theCon7gured Environment for Physical Activities. *e valida-tion on the elderlies follows the samemethodology describedfor the kitchen design scenario. A small sample (n� 5) oftarget users will be enrolled in a 7rst-pilot trial dedicated tothe assessment of potential software or methodological is-sues in the developed scenario.

Enrolled subjects will have to ful7l the followinginclusion criteria: age≥ 65 years old, they should havea mild-to-moderate impairment in their general physicalendurance, and they should be judged by a clinician assubjects who would bene7t from a light daily physical ex-ercise. Exclusion criteria are the presence of severe cognitivede7cits or vision problems and the inability to express theinformed consent. Each of the subjects, once enrolled,should undergo a CRF assessment in the clinical setting, asdescribed in Section 5.1. After the completion of the test,his/her CRF value will be used to assess the target workloadto be set at the beginning of the exercise.

*e setup used for the validation of the scenario dedi-cated to elderlies tries to mimic as much as possible thesituation described in Section 6.3. *us, an entire room iscompletely dedicated to the recreation of the describedscenario; it will be provided with a cycle ergometer (real),a pulse oximeter (real), a blood pressure meter (real), atablet (real), a presence sensor (real), an automated window

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(virtual), an air quality sensor (virtual), and a thermometer(virtual). All the virtual objects will be presented to the targetuser using a wall projector.

Expert personnel will instruct each subject about the aimand the functionalities of the system, providing an overviewof each component. As soon as they are con7dent with thesetup, the subjects will be left free—under constant super-vision by clinical and technical personnel—to interact withthe system following the instructions given through thetablet. Each subject will perform the 20 minutes of cycling,after having opened and closed the (virtual) window, withthe workload set according to his/her CRF. In order toguarantee, at each instant, the safety of the training, themonitored parameters must not exceed the values reportedin Table 3.

*e validation of this scenario will pass through thecollection of objective quantitative data (errors, task timing,need of suggestions, and general performance) and theinterview of the subjects using an ad hoc developed ques-tionnaire. Due to the characteristics of the population, infact, semistructured interviews were chosen as the preferredmethodology to gather qualitative information assessing theacceptability and usability of the designed system [72].

7. Conclusion and Further Works

*is paper presents the Smart Home Simulator, an AALapplication that takes advantage of both Virtual Reality andSemantic Web technologies to tackle the con7guration ofdomestic environments. *e dwellers’ health conditions,periodically assessed by clinical personnel, are modelled intoa semantic knowledge base (KBHome) that allows to au-tomatically infer a set of appliances able to help the dwellersin performing several daily life activities autonomously. *eontologies also provide a formal description of the users’health conditions and their cardiorespiratory 7tness, envi-ronmental comfort metrics, and appliances and their be-haviours enabling the possibility to provide tailored servicesto the dwellers. In fact, the results of reasoning process allow,from the one hand, to identify a set of appliances that cansupport the dwellers in daily life activities, thus helpingthem to cope with their impairments and to live in anautonomous way; on the other hand, KBHome can provide

the dwellers with parameters to set up a daily physicalactivity. One of the most relevant aspects of the SmartHome Simulator relies on the exploitation of the Inter-national Classi7cation of Functioning, Disability andHealth, an international standard acting as a commonlanguage in health-related 7elds among clinical personneland nonclinical professionals.

*e results coming from the reasoning process are fed toa Virtual Reality-based application, able to provide a re-production of a real domestic environment in which smarthome designers or architects can select and deploy theappliances to study their behaviours and how they can copewith users’ impairments. *is virtual con7guration processhas the advantages of being completely organized arounduser’s real needs and limits (modelled into the ontology withICF) and to considerably reduce the costs and time to set upa smart home by testing its appliances (and their behaviours)in a virtual environment.

Two use cases were deployed to validate the Smart HomeSimulator functionalities and usability and to test the pos-sibility to con7gure a speci7c environment for performingphysical exercise according to particular criteria.

In the next months, the validation phase described inSection 6 will take place involving di=erent medical andindustrial partners. *e validation process includes exper-imental campaigns with patients (characterized by mild andmoderate impairments), who will be asked to dive into theVirtual Environments and to perform the tasks described inthe use case provided in Section 6.3. In this way, it will bepossible to validate the methodological approach and thechosen technologies.

Another goal of the validation phase is to optimize theframework in order to ensure comfort levels to elderlypeople inside their homes and to extend the approach heredescribed to the measurement and the assessment of do-mestic comfort indicators.

Further works foresee the development of other sce-narios involving di=erent kinds of users, characterized bydiverse impairments and di=erent domestic environments.*e KBHome ontologies will be enriched to comprisea larger number of comfort metrics and to model rules toprovide tailored comfort metrics to speci7c categories ofdwellers.*ese developments are expected to be eased by thescalar architecture already implemented and will allow toprovide suitable answers to various users’ needs, as foreseenin the “D4All” project.

Another improvement of the presented approach willalso be addressed in the future. An attempt to partiallyautomatize the process of information retrieval from thesemantic models and to subsequently exploit those data withMachine Learning (ML) techniques will be performed. *euse of ML techniques should be integrated into the semanticapproach, allowing the modi7cation of the knowledge base.In this case, some applications should be developed toensure the proper modelling of the data acquired via MLtechniques; otherwise, there exists the possibility to corruptthe original ontologies. Furthermore, using the ML ap-proach, the supervision of an expert (e.g., a designer ora clinician), that today is strongly necessary, may be limited

Table 3: Conditions for interrupting the domestic exercise of theuser cycling exercise test. *ese indications were adapted from [22]introducing more strict criteria.

Conditions for exercise interruptionHeart rate exceeding 85% of maximum estimated HR (HR> 0.85(220 – age –HRrest) +HRrest)Fall in blood pressure (BPs<BPsrest, BPd< 80mmHg)Hypertension (BPs>min {200mmHg, BPsrest + 10mmHg} orBPd> 110mmHg)“Very strong” perceived e=ort (Borg Category-Ratio Scale [70](CR10)≥ 7)“Severe” pain (VAS Pain Scale [71]≥ 7)HR� heart rate, BPs� systolic blood pressure, BPd� diastolic blood pres-sure, SpO2� arterial oxygen saturation.

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only to crucial tasks (e.g., decision-making on the users’health). Indeed, the complete automation of the process stillrepresents an open challenge, because of the sensitive do-mains that could be a=ected by wrong decisions taken by theML algorithms. When dealing with (frail) human users andtheir health, in fact, no mistakes could be tolerated, and,since nowadays there is no guarantee that automaticlearning always works perfectly, the supervision of a humanexpert is required for both ethics and legal reasons.

Conflicts of Interest

*e authors declare that they have no conJicts of interest.


*e authors would like to acknowledge the Progetto MIURno. CTN01_00128_297089 “Design for All—Sw integrationand advanced Human Machine Interfaces in design forAmbient Assisted Living.”


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