Semantic labeling

Semantic Labeling

Transcript of Semantic labeling

Semantic Labeling

Text labeling is the process of tagging the subordinate phrases

Text labeling is the process of tagging the subordinate phrases

If differs from grammatical labeling as it seeks to understand the relationship to the main clause and other

phrases rather than the function to each other word

Text labeling is the process of tagging the subordinate phrases

If differs from grammatical labeling as it seeks to understand the relationship to the main clauses and other

phrases rather than the function to each other word

We are seeking to understand the passage as a whole. Text labeling helps by showing the type of

relationship it is conveying

Text labeling is the process of tagging the subordinate phrases

If differs from grammatical labeling as it seeks to understand the relationship to the main clauses and other

phrases rather than the function to each other word

We are seeking to understand the passage as a whole. Text labeling helps by showing the type of

relationship it is conveying

Example: James 1:2-4

2 Count it all joy, my brothers,

when you meet trials of various kinds, Temporal

3 for you know Ground

that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. Explanation

4 And let steadfastness have its full effect,

that you may be perfect Purpose

and complete,

lacking in nothing. Result

Note that only the subordinate phrases are labeled

Note that only the subordinate phrases are labeled

There is no need to label the main phrases because they are the foundation of the text itself

Note that only the subordinate phrases are labeled

There is no need to label the main phrases because they are the foundation of the text itself

So how do labels assist us in understanding the passage better? Let’s take a look again at the labels from

our example passage:

Note that only the subordinate phrases are labeled

There is no need to label the main phrases because they are the foundation of the text itself

So how do labels assist us in understanding the passage better? Let’s take a look again at the labels from our

example passage:

2 Count it all joy, my brothers,

when you meet trials of various kinds, Temporal

3 for you know Ground

that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. Explanation

4 And let steadfastness have its full effect,

that you may be perfect Purpose

and complete,

lacking in nothing. Result

● First, we note that there are two main thoughts in this passage: counting it joy, and letting trials perfect

our faith

Note that only the subordinate phrases are labeled

There is no need to label the main phrases because they are the foundation of the text itself

So how do labels assist us in understanding the passage better? Let’s take a look again at the labels from our

example passage:

2 Count it all joy, my brothers,

when you meet trials of various kinds, Temporal

3 for you know Ground

that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. Explanation

4 And let steadfastness have its full effect,

that you may be perfect Purpose

and complete,

lacking in nothing. Result

● First, we note that there are two main thoughts in this passage: counting it joy, and letting trials perfect

our faith

● Now let’s take a look at how the labels fit all the pieces together:

Note that only the subordinate phrases are labeled

There is no need to label the main phrases because they are the foundation of the text itself

So how do labels assist us in understanding the passage better? Let’s take a look again at the labels from our

example passage:

2 Count it all joy, my brothers,

when you meet trials of various kinds, Temporal

3 for you know Ground

that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. Explanation

4 And let steadfastness have its full effect,

that you may be perfect Purpose

and complete,

lacking in nothing. Result

● First, we note that there are two main thoughts in this passage: counting it joy, and letting trials perfect

our faith

● Now let’s take a look at how the labels fit all the pieces together:

• the Temporal in the first subordinate phrase answers ‘when’ we are to count it joy. It is when God sends trials

• the Ground relationship is the reason, or the support for being joyful, It answers the ‘why’ of trials

• the Explanation further clarifies the the first main phrase, explaining, or expounding upon what happens in trials

• the Purpose relationship gives us the reason why are to let trials play out in our lives. They do two things: perfect, and complete

• finally, the Result tells us that the purpose is also for the final result that we may lack nothing (or we will be complete) in our Christian life

You may have noticed that the labels were different colors. This is to distinguish between the different

categories that the relationships fall under

You may have noticed that the labels were different colors. This is to distinguish between the different

categories that the relationships fall under

There are three categories of relationships:

You may have noticed that the labels were different colors. This is to distinguish between the different

categories that the relationships fall under

There are three categories of relationships:

1. Distinct = Red

You may have noticed that the labels were different colors. This is to distinguish between the different

categories that the relationships fall under

There are three categories of relationships:

1. Distinct = Red

2. Re-statement = Blue

You may have noticed that the labels were different colors. This is to distinguish between the different

categories that the relationships fall under

There are three categories of relationships:

1. Distinct = Red

2. Re-statement = Blue

3. Contrary = Orange (not in our current example)

You may have noticed that the labels were different colors. This is to distinguish between the different

categories that the relationships fall under

There are three categories of relationships:

1. Distinct = Red

2. Re-statement = Blue

3. Contrary = Orange (not in our current example)

Each category is divided into several sections and some sections have subsections of the same category

You may have noticed that the labels were different colors. This is to distinguish between the different

categories that the relationships fall under

There are three categories of relationships:

1. Distinct = Red

2. Re-statement = Blue

3. Contrary = Orange (not in our current example)

Each category is divided into several sections and some sections have subsections of the same category

The following slide has the PDF of the relationships. It can be downloaded from the Cheat Sheets page along

with all the other cheat sheets

There is also a conjunction sheet available as well. It will aid you in trying to determine the correct


View the Cheat Sheets Page to download

End Video