Self Care2011

LISA HUEY, CMT NCMTB AMTA Self Care for Massage Therapist


This power point was developed with massage therapist \\in mind, however it can be adapated to any subgroup.

Transcript of Self Care2011

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Self Carefor

Massage Therapist

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You can only heal to the extent that it is healing to be in your


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My Top 5 Holistic Tips for Self Care

Actively address your stress; Manage your Life

Nutrition: Fuel your body with healthy foods

Exercise; Strengthen your body

Meditation/Spiritual Practice; Feed your soul

Receive Bodywork/Massage; Stay connected

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Stress; Manage your Life

Identify Your Stressors

Time Management

Set Limits


Self Acupressure Points

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Stress Triggers

• Complete the ”One Week Stress Log”• Byron Katie; “Loving What Is”

• Very helpful when dealing with all kinds of emotional stress and is a self evaluation in itself

• Take action• In-action leads to more stress; don’t

procrastinate • Complete the

Personal and Professional Plan• Based an honest self evaluation

• Seek advice/guidance/help

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When you argue with reality, you lose—but only 100% of the time.

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Everything happens for me, not to me.

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Gratitude is what we are without a story.

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Time Management Skills

Use a planner; daily, weekly, monthly Scheduling breaks Days off Limit the hours you are available in a day

To Do List Plan your day Prioritize Say no to nonessentials

Seek help Delegate Advice Support

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Set Limits

Schedule breaks in between sessions

Take a day off

Take a vacation

Limit your availability

Say no

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(pod cast, local groups, CDs, workshops)

Guided imagery Guided meditation Breathing exercises Stillness Prayer Chanting

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Count your Breaths Meditation

Sit down, close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. Be aware of every breathing in and breathing out.

Breathe automatically and freely, do not try to control your breathing. Pay attention to how the air slowly passes through your nose, fills up your lungs and goes out again.

If, after taking a few breaths, you feel fine and at ease you start to count.

Breathing in, one.……..breathing out ,two….….breathing in, three……..breathing out, four… breathing in, five….. breathing out, six

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If you start to think of something else instead of your breathing or you start to feel something else instead of your breathing, be aware of this and just return to your breathing……breathing in, one…..breathing out, two….. etc.

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Notice the sensations of your breathing. The depth, the speed, see if your breathing becomes increasingly slower and quieter.

Be aware if your breathing is more and more from your stomach or your chest, if your body becomes more relaxed through your breathing, …etc.

Continue to count…breathe

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Try to become totally one with your breathing.

If all of a sudden you notice twinklings in your body or relaxation reactions in your muscles, that is fine……notice it and return to your breathing.

Breathing in, 88…..breathing out, 89….. breathing in, 90…..breathing out 91…..etc.

All right, now slowly take your thoughts back to the rest of your body and the sounds in the room. Move a little, stretch your muscles a little and open your eyes.

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Self Acupoints

CV 12Center of Power

Location: Anterior midline of the body, between the sternum and the belly button

Used For: relieves emotional stress, anger and frustration

P6Inner Gate

Location: Middle of the anterior forearm, 3 finger widths proximal to the wrist

Used For: Relieves anger, shock, and exhaustion

CV 17Sea of Tranquility

Located: Midline of the sternum, 4 finger width up from the xiphod process

Used For: Emotional balancing point, opens chest for deep breathing

K27Elegant Mansion

Located: located inferior to the sternoclavicular joints

Used For: Calming and to counteract fear

ST 36Leg 3 Mile

Located: 4 finger width inferior to patella and 1 finger width lateral

Used For: Strengthen the body, counteract fears

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Every human being is the author of his own

health or disease.


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Nutrition; Fuel your Body

Dietary food log: be aware of your caloric intake. (see food log)

Learn to read food labels See FDA “

How to read a food label”.

Shop the outer wall of the grocery store.

Eat the rainbow

Avoid trans fats and HFCS

Female 4-89-1314-1819-3031-5051+




Male 4-89-1314-1819-3031-5051+




Eat foods that will sustain you through your busy massage day, eat breakfast.Eat small healthy snack in between clients. Drink water, don’t drink your calories.

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Exercise; Strengthen your body

Yoga, Thai Chi, Qi Gong Video cast, pod cast, yoga studio, DVD, community centers

Walk Its free

WII Balanced board

Stretch Yoga Active stretch routine

Participate in an activity you enjoy (garden, hike, bowl…the list is endless….get up and move)

Group activities also provide a marketing opportunity

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Elements of a Rounded Routine

Aerobic Cardio, endurance

Muscular Bone strength and muscular fitness

Stretch Improves ROM and posture, reduces muscular tension,

prevents injuryCore

Abs, lower back, pelvisBalance

Improved balance increases our body awareness and reduces falls as we age

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Walk Routine

3 days a WeekStep 1: Walk at a normal, slow speed for 5 minutes. This helps to warm up the muscles.Step 2: Speed walk or jog for 30 seconds.Step 3: Walk at a slightly faster pace then in step one for 3 minutes.Step 4: Speed walk or jog for 30 seconds.Step 5: Walk at a slightly faster pace then in step one for 3 minutes.Step 6: Speed walk or jog for 30 seconds.Step 7: Walk at a slightly faster pace then in step one for 3 minutes.Step 8: Speed walk or jog for 30 seconds.Step 9: Walk at a normal, slow speed for the last 4 minutes. This will help you to cool down after your workout.

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Feed your soul

• Emotional connection to others• Children, peers, pets, family

• Prayer; most common spiritual practice

• Creativity• Express yourself

• Connect with nature• Elements

• Meditation• Stillness

• Gratitude• Journaling, affirmations

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Stay Connected

Receive body work regularly; Remember what it’s like to be a client Receive the healing benefits Trade with other MT’s

Take a class; learn new techniques New tools for your tool belt Be excited about massage again

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Pay it forward

Do Not:Diagnose

never give a label to a pathology

Prescribenever undermine a medication prescribed by a MD

Prognosisnever tell a client when you think they will be better

Do:Speak from experience

Offer demonstrations Stretches/exercise/


Copy articles Herbs, nutrition,

exercise, stretch, meditations or so on

Refer to Allied Health Professional

Chiropractic, medical, therapist, nutritionist, personal trainer

Have referral lists available

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You can only heal to the extent that it is healing to be in

your presence