Self-Assessment Package · !3 12. If I had the choice of any job or career in the world, I would...

1 Self-Assessment Package NAME: __________________________ EVALUATION TOOL Level 1 Needs Improvement Level 2 Satisfactory Level 3 Good Level 4 Excellent Completes all questions Completes inventories Examples & details apply to topic Grammar, spelling, word usage

Transcript of Self-Assessment Package · !3 12. If I had the choice of any job or career in the world, I would...

Page 1: Self-Assessment Package · !3 12. If I had the choice of any job or career in the world, I would choose _____ because_____ 13.


Self-Assessment Package !!

NAME: __________________________ !!!!!!





Level 2 !Satisfactory

Level 3 !Good

Level 4 !Excellent

Completes all questions

Completes inventories

Examples & details apply to topic

Grammar, spelling, word usage

Page 2: Self-Assessment Package · !3 12. If I had the choice of any job or career in the world, I would choose _____ because_____ 13.


→ List five things that you think make you unique. !1.________________________________________________________________________________





!→Who Am I?

INSTRUCTIONS: Take a few minutes to think about yourself by answering the following questions. !

1. My name is: ____________________________________________________________________

2. My favourite hobbies and activities are _______________________________________________


3. I like the colour: _________________________________________________________________

4. Academically, I am (above average, average, below average) _______________________________

5. The subjects I like the best at school are ______________________________________________

because ___________________________________________________________________________

6. My worst subjects are _____________________________________________________________

because ___________________________________________________________________________

7. My favourite musical group is______________________________________________________

8. I am happy when ________________________________________________________________


9. I am sad when ___________________________________________________________________


10. Friends compliment me on my talents to ______________________________________________


11. My favourite sport is _____________________________________________________________

Page 3: Self-Assessment Package · !3 12. If I had the choice of any job or career in the world, I would choose _____ because_____ 13.


12. If I had the choice of any job or career in the world, I would choose ________________________


13. One thing I would buy if money were no problem would be ______________________________


14. One person I wish I could be more like is _____________________________________________ be-

cause ___________________________________________________________________________

15. My favourite food is ______________________________________________________________

16. Some jobs that I think would be a lot of fun are ________________________________________


17. Some careers that I think I could become really capable of doing are ________________________


18. Two jobs I know I would definitely not like to do are ____________________________________


19. My favourite car is _______________________________________________________________

20. The nicest thing that has ever happened to me is ________________________________________


21. The worst thing that has ever happened to me is ________________________________________



Page 4: Self-Assessment Package · !3 12. If I had the choice of any job or career in the world, I would choose _____ because_____ 13.


→Learning About Me – How I see myself

INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the following: !Strength Areas: Three of my best strengths are 1._______________________________________________________________________



Improvement Areas: Three areas where I need to improve are




Achievement Areas: Three things I do well




Describe Me: Five words that describe me

______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ _______________________________


Co-op will help you figure out the following

Lifestyle Priorities

Abilities & Aptitudes

Interests Personality Values

what you really want out of life

skills which you have been learning and developing since you were born

your likes and dislikes

the way you act around others and how you feel about yourself

things that are important to you

Personal inventories will help you to

reveal your abilities, interests and attitudes

reveal your strengths and weaknesses

Page 5: Self-Assessment Package · !3 12. If I had the choice of any job or career in the world, I would choose _____ because_____ 13.


Choice of Job - A good job choice for me would be _____________________________ or

_____________________________ because_________________________________

!INSTRUCTIONS: Ask a parent/guardian/teacher to fill out the following sheet. !How Teachers/Adults See Me Teacher/Adult Name ________________________________________________________

Signature __________________________________________________________________

Strength Area: Three of his / her best strengths are




Improvement Area: Three areas where he / she needs to improve to be successful are




Achievement Area: Three areas that he/she does well in are




Description of student: Five words that best describe the student are

______________________________ ______________________________

______________________________ _______________________________ ______________________________

Career Choice

A good career choice for him/her would be




Page 6: Self-Assessment Package · !3 12. If I had the choice of any job or career in the world, I would choose _____ because_____ 13.


→An Attitude Inventory The main reason young workers lose their jobs is because they don’t get along well with others. In other words, they have a negative attitude. !INSTRUCTIONS: To see if your own attitude needs improvement, complete the attitude inventory that follows.

Positively Yes

Mostly yes


Mostly no

Positively no

Do you make new friends easily?

Do you try hard not to be a complainer?

Are you careful never to interrupt when another person is speaking?

Can you be optimistic when others around you are depressed?

Do you try not to boast or brag?

Do you control your temper?

Are you genuinely interested in the other person’s point of view?

Do you speak well of your employer?

Do you keep the same friends for years?

Do you feel well most of the time?

Do you refrain from swearing?

Do you keep promises?

Are you at ease with the opposite sex?

Do you try to be helpful to others?

Do you organize your work and keep up with it?

Do you get along well with your parents?

Do you readily admit your mistakes?

Can you be a leader without being bossy?

Is it easy for you to like nearly everyone?

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Can you stick to a tiresome task without being constantly urged along?

Do you realize your weaknesses and attempt to correct them?

Can you take being teased?

Do you avoid feeling sorry for yourself ?

Are you courteous to your fellow workers?

Are you usually well groomed and neatly dressed?

Are you a good loser?

Do you enjoy a joke even when it is on you?

Do you like children?

Do you keep your own room in good order?

Are you aware of the rules of etiquette?

Are you tolerant of other people's beliefs?

Do you respect the opinions of your parents?

Do you know how to make introductions easily and correctly?

Do you avoid sulking when things do not go as you would like?

Are you a good listener?

Do you like to attend picnics or parties?

Are you the kind of friend you expect others to be?

Do you accept compliments or gifts graciously?

Can you disagree without being disagreeable?

Do you like to give parties?

Can you speak before a group without feeling self-conscious?

Are you usually on time for social engagements?

Do you drive carefully?

Do you generally speak well of other people?

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Do you smile easily?

Can you take criticism without being resentful or feeling hurt?

Are you careful to pay back all loans, however small?

Does your voice usually sound cheerful?

Can you work well with those you dislike?

Do you contribute to the conversation at the family dinner table?

Do you try as hard to get along well with your family as with friends?

Do you like people who are much older than you?

Are you pleasant to others even when you feel displeased about something?

Do you show enthusiasm for the interests of others?

Count the number of check marks you have in each column, and multiply by

___ x 5

___ x 4 ___ x 3

___ x 2

___ x 1

Add up your totals here

HIGHLIGHT/UNDERLINE WHERE YOU FIT! 250 – 275 You are too good to be true! 200 – 249 Your attitude towards others is very good 150 – 199 Your attitude needs improvement Below 150 You need to make a careful study of your attitude towards others, looking at yourself as

others see you! Then you need to begin working towards improving your attitude.

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→YOUR VALUES What's important to you and the way you view the world; things that you feel are important in your life. !

INSTRUCTIONS: Rate EACH statement as . . . !10 Definitely true 7 Mostly true 5 Undecided 3 Mostly False 0 Definitely False !1. I have a physical check up every year.

2. I will take my children to religious services regularly.

3. I enjoy attending musical concerts.

4. It is important to me to have many friends.

5. I donate to charities that I feel are worthwhile.

6. I envy the way movie stars are recognized wherever they go.

7. I would like to have enough money to retire at 50.

8. I would rather spend an evening at home with my family than out with friends.

9. I enjoy making decisions that involve other people.

10. If I had the talent, I would like to write songs.

11. I have a close relationship with at least one of my parents.

12. I have taught a religion class or have otherwise taken an active part in my reli-gion.

13. I am willing to spend time helping fellow students who are having difficulty with their studies.

14. Even at the same salary, I would rather be the boss than just another worker.

15. I have a special appreciation for beautiful things.

16. If I had the talent I would like to appear regularly on television.

17. I would like to counsel people and help them with their problems.

18. I would enjoy associating with movie stars and other celebrities.

19. I have a dental check up at least once a year.

20. I enjoy writing short stories.

21. I would rather spend a summer working than going on a paid vacation.

22. I like to go to parties.

23. I think it would be fun to write a play for television.

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24. I believe in a Supreme Being.

25. I would rather be an officer than just a club member.

26. I would rather spend my last $100 for needed dental work than for a vacation at my favourite resort.

27. I enjoy giving presents to members of my family.

28. If I were a teacher, I would rather teach poetry than math.

29. I often have daydreams about things that I would like to do if I had the money.

30. I enjoy giving parties.

31. I am willing to write letters for old or sick people.

32. It would be very satisfying to receive publicity for acting in movies or television.

33. When I feel ill, I usually call a doctor.

34. I believe that it is important to support my religion by giving time and/or money. 35. I enjoy taking part in discussions at the family dinner table.

36. I enjoy visiting art museums.

37. I like to write poetry.

38. I like to be around other people most of the time.

39. I like to be the one who decides what we will do or where we will go when I'm out with friends.

40. Someday I would like to live in a large expensive house.

41. Each day I try to set aside some time for worship.

42. If I knew a family that had no food for a holiday dinner, I would try to provide it. 43. I like to spend holidays with my family.

44. I like to see my name in print (in the newspaper).

45. I would rather take a class in freehand drawing than a class in math.

46. I do not like to spend an entire evening alone.

47. If the salary were the same, I would rather be a school principal than a classroom teacher.

48. I have expensive tastes.

49. I can tell the difference between a really fine painting or drawing and an ordinary one.

50. If I had regular headaches, I would consult a doctor even if aspirin seemed to lessen the pain.

51. I have several very close friends.

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52. I expect to provide music lessons for my children.

53. It is important to me that grace be said before meals.

54. I sometimes miss sleep to visit late with company.

55. I usually get at least eight hours of sleep each night

56. I like to design things.

57. I would rather be well known throughout the country than highly respected by my co-workers.

58. I would get a sense of satisfaction from nursing a sick person back to health.

59. I care what my parents think about the things I do.

60. I daydream about making a great deal of money.

61. I like to be the chairperson at meetings.

62. It is thrilling to come up with an original idea and put it to use.

63. I believe there is life after death.

64. If someone is hard to get along with, I try to be understanding.

65. If I were in the television field, I would rather be a celebrated actor than a scriptwriter.

66. I enjoy decorating my room at home.

67. I enjoy a picnic with my family.

68. As an adult, I want to earn a much higher salary than the average worker.

69. I am careful to have a balanced diet each day.

70. I often influence other students concerning the classes in which they enrol.

71. I would like to be written up in Who's Who.

72. I read the Bible or other religious writings regularly.

73. If I were in the clothing industry, I would enjoy creating new styles.

74. I look forward to an evening out with a group of friends.

75. When I am with a group of people, I like to be the one in charge.

76. I dislike being financially dependent on friends.

77. When a friend is in trouble, I feel I must comfort him or her.

78. I love my parents.

79. I almost never skip meals.

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80. I have a collection of CD’s.

81. I have a particular friend with whom I discuss problems.

82. I am interested in and respect others' religious beliefs.

83. I enjoy buying clothes for members of my family.

84. I would enjoy having people recognize me wherever I go.

85. I like planning activities for others.

86. I do not smoke.

87. I feel good when I do things that help others.

88. Someday I would like to write a novel.

89. I would put up with undesirable living conditions in order to work at a job that paid extremely well.

90. I belong to several clubs and organizations.

91. I believe in the power of prayer and meditation.

92. I would enjoy having my picture in the school yearbook more than it has been in the past.

93. I often organize group activities.

94. When I see a newly constructed building, I consider its beauty as much as its practical use.

95. I respect my father and mother.

96. I like to design or make things that may not have been made before.

97. Some of the hobbies I would like to have are quite expensive.

98. I enjoy classical music.

99. I would never use potentially harmful drugs because of what they might do to my body.

100. I am kind to animals. !!!!!!!!!!

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INSTRUCTIONS: Transfer your answers to this page beside the question number. Then circle your highest number in the Total line. Which category is your highest total? ______________________

{This is the value that is most important to you right now. However, values can change and in fact, usually do.}


Fame Money Power Religion Humanitarianism

6 7 9 2 5

16 21 14 12 13

18 29 25 24 17

32 40 39 34 31

44 48 47 41 42

57 60 61 53 58

65 68 70 63 64

71 76 75 72 77

84 89 85 82 87

92 97 93 91 100

Total Total Total Total Total

Family Health Aesthetics Creativity Social Contact

8 1 3 10 4

11 19 15 20 22

27 26 28 23 30

35 33 36 37 38

43 50 49 45 46

59 55 52 56 51

67 69 66 62 54

78 79 80 73 74

83 86 94 88 81

95 99 98 96 90

Total Total Total Total Total

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INSTRUCTIONS: Now, highlight key words or phrases from your highest category. !

Family You value the closeness of a family. Parents and children feel close to each other and spend much time together. Family can also mean other persons or friends who are close to you, if you choose not to join a traditional family. Your inner circle of acquaintances is important. You are a people person. You will want a job that allows you plenty of time at home where you can enjoy family and friends. Your work hours should be consistent and stable. You probably would not be happy as a travelling sales represen-tative, a forest ranger or a monk. !Adventure If you value adventure you would probably like a career that requires a lot of travelling. You would not like a job in which the routine is the same day after day. Your score shows that you would like to have varied job duties and that you are comfortable taking risks. If you also value family, then that might mean that you have to settle for sky diving on weekends, or making an expedition through the wilder-ness each summer with your family, rather than being a foreign correspondent or an international jewel trader. !Knowledge If you value knowledge, you will want a career that lets you keep on learning. Teaching is an obvious choice, but you might also consider doing research; scientific, historical, political or whatever. Being a journalist who covers different stories every day and spends time reading reports and interviewing peo-ple might also be a good choice. !Power It is difficult to find an entry level job with a lot of power, but if that's what you value, you'll want to make sure that there's plenty of room for advancement in your chosen field. You should prepare your-self to take a leadership role by pursuing advanced education or by learning more skills in your field. Or, you might want to start your own business. That way you can be president immediately; even if you're the only employee. !Religion If you scored high in this category, you'll want to make sure that your career choice is one you feel is worthwhile; that is, one you can be proud of, no matter what other values it mirrors. For example, if you had a high adventure score, you would probably be more satisfied as a Peace Corps worker than as a bomber pilot. !Money If money is your top value, you will look carefully at potential earnings for any job you take. Since mak-ing a lot of money usually means spending long hours on the job, you should consider your other values in choosing a field which will hold your interest. You may have little time for family, friends or outside hobbies. Check the salary levels of a wide range of jobs before starting to narrow your choices. Social Contact If these are important to you, your job should involve working closely with others. Being shut away in a laboratory or sitting in front of a computer will hold few charms for you. If you get along well with oth-ers and can talk easily with people you don't know well, you might consider working in sales or public

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relations. If having time for close friendships outside of work is important, though, you won't want a job that involves a great deal of travel or overtime. !Fame If you want recognition, choose something for which you have a talent, something that will let you work to develop the talent. Of course, some fields have more potential for recognition built into them than others. There may be very few world-renowned bus drivers, but the fact remains that in many commu-nities there are bus drivers everyone knows and respects. It often depends on how you do your job, not just what job you do. !Aesthetics People who score high in aesthetics, the love of beauty, like to be surrounded by beauty. If this de-scribes you, you might be happy as an interior designer or an art dealer. You might like being a forest ranger of a national park or an executive in a plush office. You would almost certainly be unhappy as a garbage collector or factory worker on an assembly line. !Creativity Writers and artists are often thought of as creative, but creativity is an important asset other fields as well. If you value creativity you will want a career that gives you room to make choices and decisions to put your ideas: into effect, and to evaluate the results of your efforts. You probably wouldn't be happy in a job that is rigid or inflexible. You might find a use for your creativity by working as a programme di-rector for a senior citizen group, as an engineer in a large research firm, or as a landscape architect. !Humanitarianism People who value helping others have traditionally become educators and clergy. But there are many other options. Doctors, social workers, psychologists, counsellors writers, politicians, dieticians, speech pathologists and physical therapists are just a few of the career possibilities for those scoring high in this area. !Independence If you value independence and freedom, you should be wary of careers that are rigid, supervised or scheduled. Some sales representative positions allow you a great deal of freedom. People who work on a free-lance basis, or as consultants, may be able to decide where, when, and how much work they will do. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the Sentences. !1. If I could be anyone past or present I would be ______________________________

_________________________________________________________________________ 2. I get angry when _____________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________________ 3. If I could be successful at only one thing, it would be ________________________

_________________________________________________________________________ 4. I am happiest when ___________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________________ 5. I look in the mirror and ________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________________ 6. The nicest thing I ever did ______________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________________ 7. I love ______________________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________________ 8. I dream of the day when _______________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________________ 9. I would like to be able to _______________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________________ 10. I feel sad when _______________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________________ 11. I think children _______________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________________ 12. I was the most proud when _____________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________________ 13. I think friendships ____________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________________ 14. I would like to change _________________________ about myself because_______

_________________________________________________________________________ 15. I want to learn about __________________________________________________


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16. I find school _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

17. My closest friend thinks I’m ____________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

18. If I had a party, I would ________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

19. I would love to meet __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

20. I’m good at __________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

21. I don’t like it when I __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

22. I would like to stop ___________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

23. I would like to change my name to _______________________ because _________ _________________________________________________________________________

24. I am confident about my _______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________

25. If I could do one thing over again, it would be ______________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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→YOUR INTERESTS Knowing your interests is important in finding the right job - of the 7 000 or so recognized occupations, you can focus in on the ones most appropriate for you. And if a job involves doing things you like, you’re much more likely to be happy in your work and keep the job longer. !INSTRUCTIONS: Answer the following questions as Yes or No.

Then transfer your answers to the chart below by putting an X on the chart in the box for the questions you answered Yes. !

1. Do you like to work at the same thing for a long time? 2. Do you like to build things and/or repair them? 3. Do you like to dig deeply into topics to solve problems? 4. Do you like to finish one job before you start the next? 5. Do you enjoy directing people in their activities? 6. Would you like to have a job where you worked at a steady pace all day? 7. Do you enjoy activities that give you the opportunity to test and measure in some way? 8. Would you like to be responsible for organizing an activity and planning something for

everyone to do? 9. Do you like to help your friends solve their problems? 10. Do you like to be responsible for a project or activity and have to look after many differ-

ent details to complete it? 11. Do you enjoy books and television programs on scientific subjects such as astronomy

and biology? 12. Do you enjoy working with tools and machinery? 13. Do you enjoy working according to established methods? 14. Do you like to solve problems or do projects using your own ideas? 15. When you do a project or other job, do you do it carefully, one step at a time? 16. Would you like a job where you could direct, control and plan the activities of other

workers? 17. Do you like to take charge of things and get them done? 18. Do you enjoy experimenting with different methods to accomplish something or to solve

a problem? 19. Would you like to have a job operating machinery all day? 20. Would you like to have a job where you are able to keep equipment or machinery in

working condition? 21. Would you like a job that is involved with community service?

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22. Would you like to have a job where you always know what is expected of you? 23. Would you like a job where you had to deal with people all day? 24. Would you like a job where you do mathematical calculations as part of some technical

work? 25. Would you like a job that is involved with social betterment? 26. Do you like working with your hands, doing things such as plumbing repairs, sewing,

fixing cars or wallpapering? 27. Do you enjoy finding out from books and TV programs how things are made or how

things work? 28. Would you like a job where your work is usually closely checked and inspected? 29. Do you like to assist people when they are sick or in trouble? 30. Do you find it easy to work with people and to cooperate with them? 31. Do you enjoy working with materials such as wood, stone, clay, fabric or metal? 32. Do you enjoy having a lot of things to think about? 33. Have you ever been the leader of a club, committee, team or organization? 34. Are you able to help people who are worried or upset? 35. Do you like to have established rules to work by? 36. Do you enjoy working with tools, equipment or technical instruments? 37. Would you like a job working with machines or things rather than dealing with people? 38. Do you prefer being in control of a group rather than just being a member? 39. Do you do any volunteer work with organizations that help people? 40. Would you like to work on research projects? 41. Would you like a job where you can take responsibility for decisions? 42. Are you usually successful in getting people to do what you want? 43. Do you like to go through evidence to solve problems? 44. Do you enjoy looking after people? 45. Are you able to take orders? 46. Would you like a job interviewing people to get their opinions? 47. Would you like a job where you are responsible for organizing your own activities the

way you see fit? 48. Would you like to work on projects that allow you to discover new facts or ideas? 49. Do you like to do the same task until it is finished?

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50. Do you enjoy hobbies you can do on your own, such as building models, gardening, re-finishing old furniture or developing photographs?

!INSTRUCTIONS: How to score the quiz.

· For every question you answered "yes", mark an X in the corresponding square. EXAMPLE: if you answered "yes" on question 29, put an X in square 29. · Then, circle your highest score · Then, highlight the corresponding section below. !

!!Line P/M – Practical / Methodical You like jobs with clear procedures and organized methods. You like to follow a set routine. You prefer working for a supervisor who provides you with thorough instructions. You can carry out an assignment exactly as it was intended. You prefer assignments that are free from unexpected surprises. !Line M/T – Mechanical / Technical You enjoy taking things apart and putting them together to find out how they work. You are comfortable work-ing with tools and machinery. You attempt to make your decisions based logic and facts using established proce-dures. You can follow complex directions and can perform accurate, precise tasks. !Line I/E – Innovative / Exploratory You enjoy using a combination of innovation and experimentation to solve problems. You are happiest when creating something or when you are challenged with new and unexpected situations. You are able to discover the solutions to problems. !Line D/M – Directive / Managerial You enjoy organizing a project from beginning to end. You are prepared to coordinate other people's activities, to make decisions and to take full responsibility for the success or failure of a program which you have planned. You see yourself as independent and self-directing.

1 4 6 13 15 28 35 45 49 Practical/ Methodical

2 12 19 20 22 26 27 31 36 37 50 Mechanical/ Technical

3 7 11 14 18 24 32 40 43 48 Innovative/ Exploratory

5 8 10 16 17 33 38 41 42 47 Directive / Managerial

9 21 23 25 29 30 34 37 39 44 46 Social / Helpful

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!Line S/H – Social / Helpful You enjoy work involving interpersonal relations. You may assist the sick or elderly, negotiate with diverse groups, teach, or call on people to inform them of a product or service. You are skilled at dealing with human relations problems. !!!!How accurate do you feel the assessment was in showing your qualities? Explain. !__________________________________________________________________________________________








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→Personality Traits and Your Self Image · Place an X on the scale to where you fit.

{The highest score is 5 and the lowest is 0, in the middle} !


5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5

Talkative Quiet

Aggressive Passive

Independent Dependent

Emotional Non emotional

Good Listener Poor Listener

Subtle / Gentle / Polite Rude / Pushy / Direct

Spontaneous / Excitable Calm / Disciplined

Selfish Unselfish

Determined Give up easily

Competitive Non competitive

Punctual Often Late

Reliable Irresponsible

Adventurous / Confident Cautious / Reserved

Modest Boastful

Take Charge / Leader Follower / Goes Along

Enthusiastic Reserved

Non appearance oriented Appearance Oriented

Honest Dishonest

Hardworking Lazy

Challenging Accepting

Expresses Feelings Hides Feelings

Extrovert Introvert

Overbearing Careful / Accurate

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1. Look for areas you have rated yourself very high (near 5) and list 4 of these as your strongest personality traits

__________________________________ _______________________________________

__________________________________ _______________________________________

2. Do you see any areas that will need improvement for the placement you have chosen? __________________________________________________________________________________________



__________________________________________________________________________________________ !→Abilities and Attitudes Abilities or aptitudes are those things that you are good at or can do well, like playing ball or doing math, or playing an instrument. !

· Using the chart, put an X in the box that best expresses how well you think you would do each one.

· If you can give an example showing that you have that ability, briefly write it in the box. !!Ability or Aptitude Causes me great

difficultyI can do reasonably well

I can do very well

CLERICAL: Notice detail, recognise errors in numbers, keeping papers & books in order, good spelling, punctuation, good keyboard/word processing skills, carry out instructions (Possible Jobs: accounting, secretary, travel agent, bank teller, receptionist, word processor)

MECHANICAL: Understand how things work, good with tools, good at taking things apart and putting them back together, like to build things. (Possible Jobs: engineer, mechanic, plumber, electrician, appliance repair)

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VERBAL: Ability to understand and work with words and ideas, convince, write, and speak. (Possible Jobs: sales, broadcasting, journalist, writer)

SOCIAL: Good listener, cares about others, make friends easily, lead groups, teach and coach. (Possible Jobs: social worker, counsellor, teacher, nurse, psychologist, hospital aide, flight attendant, restaurant host/hostess)

CREATIVE: Ability to create artwork, sculpture, music, dance, able to express oneself, imaginative. (Possible Jobs: painter, designer, musician, writer)

NUMERICAL: Ability to work with numbers, solve problems, enjoy statistics, math puzzles and computers. (Possible Jobs: accountant, secretary, business management, computer programmer)

SPATIAL: Ability to look at flat drawing or pictures and imagine them in three dimensions, height, width, depth. (Possible Jobs: architect, engineer)

PHYSICAL CO-ORDINATION: Move eyes, hands or body together to perform a task rapidly and correctly. Enjoy sports like tennis, baseball, gymnastics or building models (Possible Jobs: fast food, manufacturing, surgeon, dentist, dental assistant)

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→Lifestyle Priorities Strongly held feelings about what is important to you in your life. What you perceive as being good or bad, worthy or unworthy, right or wrong is based on your own experiences. Lifestyle Priorities


INSTRUCTIONS: Within the range, check where you fit. NO YES

Scale: 1 2 3 4 5

It would be important to me to have flexibility in my working hours.

Spending time with my family is important to me.

I want to make a lot of money.

It is important to me to feel that I am helping other people.

It is important to me to know that I could always climb higher, that my job would lead to more prestige and responsibilities

I want to be a leader.

I am content to do my job well and let someone else carry the responsibility of leadership

I prefer a job that is adventurous and may contain some dangerous element of risk.

Someday I would like to work for myself and run my own company.

It is important to me that my job have prestige, i.e., that others are impressed by it.

I want to be able to work outdoors.

I want to have the freedom to be creative in my job, to be original, inventive, and to express my own ideas.

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!!→Holland's Groupings – Identifying your Interests !What do you like to do? Which academic subjects intrigue you? What do you enjoy reading? What are your hobbies? Who do you enjoy speaking to? Do you prefer working with people ideas or things? What is your ca-reer fantasy? !INSTRUCTIONS: Using the chart answer YES or NO to the following questions. !1. Do you like to have a lot of freedom when you do an assignment or job?

2. Do you enjoy writing poetry or stories?

3. Do you see yourself as a sensitive person?

4. Do you like to invent mechanical gadgets, create posters, plan a fireworks event? !5. Do you think you have musical, artistic, or dramatic ability?

6. When you've been assigned a project or task, do you like to do it differently from most other people? !

7. Do you express your emotions easily?

8. Are you basically independent?

9. Do you have a good imagination?

10. Are you able to design, invent or create things?

11. Do you like to be a leader?

12. Would you enjoy selling things, from apartment rentals to newspaper advertisements? !13. Do you usually look on the bright side of things?

14. Would you describe yourself as being ambitious?

15. Do you like speaking in front of a group of people?

16. Are you a person who likes to try new things or experiences?

17. Do you think you can sell an idea or a product?

18. Are you good at arguing your point of view?

19. Would you be interested in organizing a club or other group?

20. Have you considered starting your own business?

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21. Do you like to finish one job before you start the next?

22. Do you like to work things out carefully before you start to do them?

23. Do you like to do simple repairs around the house, or to make things?

24. Are you comfortable when a lot of people pay attention to you?

25. Do you enjoy working with machinery?

26. Do you see yourself as a practical person?

27. Do you like to take part in sports or athletics?

28. Do you think you have mechanical ability?

29. Do you consider yourself to be shy?

30. Do you like working with your hands, doing things like plumbing repairs, fixing cars,

sewing or wallpapering?

31. Would you say you are co-operative?

32. Are social activities important to you? !33. Are you able to explain things clearly to other people?

34. Can you discuss difficult things clearly to other people?

35. Are you able to help people who are upset or worried?

36. Are you a good listener?

37. Do you see yourself as a friendly person?

38. Are you interested in teaching other people, looking after them when they are sick or helping them with information or advice? !

39. Would you describe yourself as generous?

40. Do you see yourself as a responsible person?

41. Do you like to work on projects by yourself ?

42. Do you think science is important?

43. When you learn something new, do you often try to find out more about it?

44. Would you want to work in a science laboratory or on research projects?

45. Do you read scientific books or magazines?

46. Do you like trying to solve mathematical or chess puzzles?

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47. Do you dig deeply into topics to satisfy your curiosity or to solve problems?

48. Would you rather find something out for yourself than take someone else's word for it? 49. Are you more of a thinking person than an emotional one? !50. Do you think you have abilities in mathematics or science?

51. Do you like to keep your things neat and tidy?

52. Do you like to follow directions carefully?

53. Do you think you have clerical ability?

54. When you do a project or other job, do you do it carefully and efficiently?

55. Would you like to write such things as business letters or research reports?

56. Do you arrange you papers files or books in an organized way?

57. Do you see yourself as being calm rather than emotional?

58. Do you know or would you like to learn to type or take shorthand?

59. Do you enjoy working with numbers?

60. Do you like to be given an assignment and then show how well you can do it?

!INSTRUCTIONS: For every question you answered Yes, mark an X in the corresponding square. !

EXAMPLE: if you answered yes to question 29, put an X in square 29 !Then, count the number of X’s you put on each line. Write that number in the space at the right. !The line with the most X’s are your strongest interest and value area.

Total ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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INSTRUCTIONS: Highlight key information in the corresponding section. Underline those careers that are of interest. !

Line ARTISTIC: · You enjoy music, art, drama and literary activities. You are creative; you dislike rules and structures and

show emotion more openly than most people. · Individuals comfortable in this environmental like to work in artistic settings that allow for self-expres-

sion. They prefer problems that can be solved through creative means rather than those which are highly structured or require physical strength. Like investigative types, they prefer to work alone but have a greater need for individual expressions, are usually less assertive and emotional. They describe them-selves as unconventional, independent, original, expressive and tense. !

OCCUPATIONS: drama coach, English teacher, journalist-reporter, drama teacher, dancing teacher, for-eign language interpreter, philosopher, art teacher, literature teacher, music teacher, musician, orchestra conduc-tor, advertising manager, entertainer, public relations person, fashion model, writer, editor, radio program writer, dramatist, actor/actress, designer, interior decorator, critic, fashion illustrator, furniture designer, jew-

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ARTISTIC

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ENTERPRISING

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 PRACTICAL

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 SOCIAL

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 INVESTIGATIVE

51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 ORDERLY

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ellery designer, furrier, women's garment designer, decorator, architect, artist, photographer, photograph re-toucher, photo lithographer (printer), music arranger, composer. !Line ENTERPRISING:

· You enjoy sales, leadership and management. You like power, status and can use your verbal skills to ma-nipulate and influence others.

· Individuals comfortable in this environment enjoy tasks persuading others to their point of view. They have great facility with words, especially in selling, dominating and leading. They are impatient with pre-cise work or that which involves long periods of intellectual effort. They see themselves as energetic, en-thusiastic, adventurous, self-confident, dominant and prefer situations where they can assume leadership. They like power, status and material wealth. !

OCCUPATIONS: market analyst, banker, insurance underwriter, real estate appraiser, florist, industrial en-gineer, contractor, warehouse manager, salesperson - technical products, lawyer, judge, attorney, television/ra-dio announcer, administrative assistant, branch manager, director industrial relations, government official, insurance manager, managers such as restaurant, office, traffic, personnel, production, etc., salary and wage administrator, labour arbitrator, systems analyst, director of compensation and benefits, securities salesperson, personnel recruiter.

Line PRACTICAL: · You are Practical. You would rather do things than just socialize. When you run into problems you want

concrete solutions: you try them out to see if they work. You may feel uncomfortable working out an-swers in theory only.

· Individuals comfortable in this environment prefer to deal with things rather than people. They enjoy concrete, physical tasks requiring mechanical skill and may prefer working outdoors. They generally have conventional, economic and political opinions and reject radical new ideas. They usually have good physical skills but sometimes have difficulty communicating their feelings to others. !

OCCUPATIONS: forester, industrial arts teacher, radio operator, auto engineer, mechanical engineer, min-ing engineer, vocational agriculture teacher, civil engineer, industrial engineer technician, aircraft mechanic, mechanical engineer technician, fish and game warden, surveyor, dental technician, architectural draftsman, electrician, jeweller, powerhouse repairman, tool and die maker, machinist, mechanic, stone cutter, locksmith, nuclear reactor technician, tree surgeon, piano tuner, typesetter, air conditioning engineer, ship pilot, in-strument mechanic, motion picture projectionist, carpenter, tailor, typewriter repairer. !Line SOCIAL:

· You are a Social Person. You like being with other people and helping them, or maybe doing work that involves others. You seek close relationships with people and probably have good interpersonal skills. You may feel unhappy when alone or doing physical jobs.

· Individuals comfortable in this environment like working with people and are concerned with under-standing and working towards the welfare of others. They prefer to solve problems by discussion with others, or by arranging relationships between others and have little interest in situations requiring physi-cal exertion or working with machinery. These people usually express themselves well and get along well with others; they like attention and seek situations that allow them to be near the centre of the group. They describe themselves as cheerful, popular and achieving and are usually good leaders. !

OCCUPATIONS: director of social service, compensation advisor, dorm director, interviewer, employment rep, funeral director, job analyst, chamber of commerce executive, employee benefits approver, food services

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manager, claim adjuster, production expediter, health and welfare coordinator, educational administrator, train-ing director, historian, environmental health engineer, home service representative, community recreation ad-ministrator, counsellor, business agent, extension agent, physical education teacher, building superintendent, therapist, college professor, political scientist, sociologist, nurse, social and group worker, personnel director, food and drug inspector, teacher, minister, librarian, foreign service officer, history teacher. !Line INVESTIGATIVE (thinkers):

· You are Investigative. You like working with ideas. You analyze and think things through. You prefer to work independently. You would rather let others do the persuading to have people accept your ideas.

· Individuals comfortable in this environment prefer to deal with ideas as opposed to people or things. They enjoy abstract problems and seek to understand the physical world. They prefer to think through problems rather than act them out. These people enjoy ambiguous challenges, such as working alone and dislike highly structured situations with many rules. They frequently have unconventional values and attitudes and tend to be original and creative, especially in scientific areas. !

OCCUPATIONS: economist, internist, physician, anthropologist, astronomer, pathologist, physicist, chemist, production planner, medical lab assistant, television repairer, biologist, osteopath, chiropractor, math teacher, natural science teacher, optometrist, psychiatrist, actuary, quality control technician, computer opera-tor, geologist, mathematician/statistician, surgeon, meteorologist, agronomist, animal scientist, botanist, zoolo-gist, horticulturist, natural scientist, oceanographer, biochemist, veterinarian, geographer, x-ray technician, lab technician, engineers such as aircraft, chemical, electrical, metallurgical, radio/ television technician, engineer aide, weather observer. !Line ORDERLY:

· You are an Orderly Person. You like keeping things tidy, perhaps doing forms and reports, in business or economics. You enjoy working with details. You have good self-control and identify with power, status and well-structured programs.

· Individuals comfortable in this environment prefer highly organized verbal and numerical activities such as office work. They dislike ambiguous situations, preferring to know precisely what is expected of them. They fit well into large organizations, but do not seek leadership, preferring instead to respond to power in a well-established chain of command. These people have little interest in problems requiring physical skill or intense relationships with others. They describe themselves as conventional, stable, well controlled and dependable.

OCCUPATIONS: chartered accountant, time study analyst, business (commercial) teacher, finance expert, accountant, credit manager, timekeeper, auto writing machine operator, bookkeeping machine operator, estima-tor, foreign trade clerk, office worker, payroll clerk, accounting machine operator, personnel clerk, sales corre-spondent, reservations agent, bookkeeper, cashier, secretary, medical secretary, library assistant, data process-ing worker, mail clerk, personnel secretary, proof-reader. !!!!!!!!

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→Self-Test for "Type A" Personality !INSTRUCTIONS: Put a check mark where you think you belong between the two extremes. !

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Doesn’t mind leaving things temporarily unfinished

Must get things finished once started

Calm and unhurried about appointments

Never late for appointments

Not competitive Highly competitive

Listens well, lets others finish speaking

Anticipating others in conversation ( nods, finishes sentences)

Never in a hurry, even when pressured

Always in a hurry

Able to wait calmly Uneasy when waiting

Easygoing Always going full speed ahead

Takes one thing at a time Does more than one thing at a time, thinks about what to do next

Slow and deliberate in speech

Vigorous and forceful in speed (uses lots of gestures)

Concerned with satisfying yourself, not others

Wants recognition by others for a job well done.

Slow doing things Fast doing things ( eating, walking, )

Easygoing Hard driving

Expresses feelings openly Holds feelings in

Has a large number of interests

Few interests outside work

Satisfied with job Ambitious, wants quick advancement on job

Never sets own deadlines Often sets own deadlines

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!!INSTRUCTIONS: Highlight your score and description. !Analysis of Your Score !Total score 110-140 Type A If you are in this category, and especially if you are over 40 and smoke, you are likely to have a high risk of developing cardiac illness. !Total score = 80-109 Type A You are in the direction of being cardiac prone, but your risk is not as high as the above Type A. You should, nevertheless, pay careful attention to the advice given to all Type A's. !Total score = 60-79 Type AB You are a mixture of A and B patterns. This is a healthier pattern than either of the Type A's, but you have the potential for slipping into A behaviour and you should recognize this. !Total score = 30-59 Type B Your behaviour is on the less cardiac prone end of the spectrum. You are generally relaxed and cope adequately with stress. !Total score = 0-29 Type B You tend to the extreme of non-cardiac traits. Your behaviour expresses few of the reactions as-sociated with cardiac disease. !

Feels limited responsibility Always feels responsible

Never judges things in terms of numbers

Often judges performance in terms of number ( how many)

Casual about work Takes work very seriously (works weekends, and at night)

Not very precise Very precise (careful about detail)

Now, ADD them up! !=

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This test will give you some idea of your tendency to 'Type A" behaviour. The higher your score, the more cardiac prone you tend to be. Remember though, even "B" persons occasionally slip into "A" behaviour, and any of these patterns can change over time. !!