self assessment lkm

INFORMAL URBAN PRACTICE 1. Articulate your aspirations for the studio and propose a means for self-assessment Student name: ……KA MING, LEE (IRENE)…………………………… What do you aspire to learn through the studio? Clearly propose the most important 6 or more aspects of learning and achievement (in few words) that you aspire to measure your work against. What is likely to indicate different levels of your performance and achievement against each criteria? Describe in detail the indicators (evidence) of quality at the level of performance that you aspire to achieve. In less detail, describe what will indicate if you have achieved above or below your aspired level. CRITERIA ‘SATISFACTORY’ PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ‘GOOD’ PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ‘VERY GOOD’ PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ‘OUTSTANDING’ PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 1 undertake experimental approaches to creative design research and development Take a single experiment to develop your concepts Take experiments to develop and analysis your concepts Take experiments to develop and analysis your concepts. Reflections form each experiment are contributed to the final concept development Take experiments to develop and analysis your concepts. Reflections form each experiment and peer discussion are contributed to the final concept development 2 work as part of an inter-disciplinary creative design team Working with other disciplinary students Discuses and working with other disciplinary students Discuses and working with other disciplinary students. Opinions are exchanged through cooperation Discuses and working with other disciplinary students. Opinions are exchanged through cooperation. Your suggestions contributed to others projects 3 generate and test project-specific creative techniques that examine and speculate upon informal urban practices 2 D Model making for 1 experiment alone 3D Model making for experiments 3D Model making for experiments with teamsters. Reflections from peers are embedding ed in the model. 3D Model making for experiments with teamsters. Reflections from peers and users are embedding ed in the model. 4 develop practical and speculative design propositions Defining a single design proposition in class Defining design propositions for one scenario in class or peers Defining design propositions for one scenario in class or peers. Invented them after research Defining design propositions for one scenario in class or peers. Invented them after research and set up practical device for experiments 5 conceptualize and develop ideas through 2d, hands-on 3d, and performative processes of working conceptualize and develop ideas through 2d, hands-on 3d After discussion in class conceptualize and develop ideas through 2d, hands- on 3d After discussion in class and research conceptualize and develop ideas through 2d, hands- on 3d After discussion in class and research conceptualize and develop ideas through 2d, hands-on 3d, record them in media or literature


self assessment lkm

Transcript of self assessment lkm

INFORMAL URBAN PRACTICE 1. Articulate your aspirations for the studio and propose a means for self-assessment Student name: ……KA MING, LEE (IRENE)…………………………… What do you aspire to learn through

the studio? Clearly propose the most important 6 or more aspects of learning and achievement (in few words) that you aspire to measure your work against.

What is likely to indicate different levels of your performance and achievement against each criteria? Describe in detail the indicators (evidence) of quality at the level of performance that you aspire to achieve. In less detail, describe what will indicate if you have achieved above or below your aspired level.





1 undertake experimental approaches to creative design research and development

Take a single experiment to develop your concepts

Take experiments to develop and analysis your concepts

Take experiments to develop and analysis your concepts. Reflections form each experiment are contributed to the final concept development

Take experiments to develop and analysis your concepts. Reflections form each experiment and peer discussion are contributed to the final concept development

2 work as part of an inter-disciplinary creative design team

Working with other disciplinary students

Discuses and working with other disciplinary students

Discuses and working with other disciplinary students. Opinions are exchanged through cooperation

Discuses and working with other disciplinary students. Opinions are exchanged through cooperation. Your suggestions contributed to others projects

3 generate and test project-specific creative techniques that examine and speculate upon informal urban practices

2 D Model making for 1 experiment alone

3D Model making for experiments

3D Model making for experiments with teamsters. Reflections from peers are embedding ed in the model.

3D Model making for experiments with teamsters. Reflections from peers and users are embedding ed in the model.

4 develop practical and speculative design propositions

Defining a single design proposition in class

Defining design propositions for one scenario in class or peers

Defining design propositions for one scenario in class or peers. Invented them after research

Defining design propositions for one scenario in class or peers. Invented them after research and set up practical device for experiments

5 conceptualize and develop ideas through 2d, hands-on 3d, and performative processes of working

conceptualize and develop ideas through 2d, hands-on 3d

After discussion in class conceptualize and develop ideas through 2d, hands-on 3d

After discussion in class and research conceptualize and develop ideas through 2d, hands-on 3d

After discussion in class and research conceptualize and develop ideas through 2d, hands-on 3d, record them in media or literature

6 reflect, discuss and critique your work and that of your peers with a range of criteria in mind

Analysis and present your work in peers

Analysis and present your work in peers. Accepting peers’ suggestions and inspired by them

Analysis and present your work in peers. Exchange peers’ suggestions and inspired by them.

Analysis and present your work in peers. Exchange peers’ suggestions and inspired by them. Your reflections also benefit to them.

7 identify and develop design opportunities for enabling informal urban practices engage with concerns of social entrepreneurship

Identify and develop design opportunities through common practices

Identify and develop design opportunities through common practices and engage with concerns of social entrepreneurship

Identify and develop design opportunities through informal urban practices and engage with concerns of social entrepreneurship

Identify and develop design opportunities through 1st hand informal urban practices experience and engage with concerns of social entrepreneurship

8 Participation in study and practice Practicing according to lecture schedule

Practicing according to lecture schedule, research in books and internet

Practicing according to lecture schedule, research in books and internet, practice with in RMIT areas

Practicing according to lecture schedule, research in books and internet, practice in RMIT and suburbs. Interpret our experience into new experiments.

9 Cooperation within group mates Keep in touch and have conversations once a week in class

Keep in touch and have conversations once a week in and out of class, brainstorming and exanimate experiments together.

Keep in touch and have conversations once a week in and out of class via phone, MSN, blogs. Brainstorming and exanimate experiments together. Duties and projects are distributed evenly.

Keep in touch and have conversations once a week in and out of class via phone, MSN, blogs. Brainstorming and exanimate experiments together. Duties and projects are distributed evenly. Our intention and purpose are clear.

10 Submission Videos and introductions upload on blog

Videos, reflection and introductions upload on blog. It summarise our experience ever time

Videos, reflection and introductions upload on blog. It summarise our experience every time, improvement and plan for next week are established.

Videos, reflection and introductions upload on blog which related to our purpose. It summarise our experience every time, improvement and plan for next week are established. Analysis and criticise suggestions form guests, lecture and peers.

INFORMAL URBAN PRACTICE 2. Mid-semester self-assessment Student name: ……… KA MING, LEE (IRENE)………………………… Import the above criteria

What indicates the current levels of your performance and achievement in the studio against each criteria? Describe in detail the indicators (evidence) of quality at the level of performance you honestly believe you have achieved so far. In less detail, describe what would indicate if you had achieved above or below your proposed level.





1 researching urban practices via film, video, observational drawing, online search, reviewing books and journals

Fair understanding in various informal urban practices in Asia and American.

Good understanding in various informal urban practices in Asia and American.

Well understanding in various informal urban practices in Asia and American. Flash mobs and street games were mainly were focused in films. Research in second –hand commodities trading, free cycle and 3R- reduce, reuse, recycle

Well understanding in various informal urban practices in Asia and American with 1st hand experience.

2 Working as individuals, in pairs with Interior Design students, and in larger groups.

Keep contact and working with interior design students.

Maintaining fair communication skills and working with interior design students.

Maintaining good communication skills and working with interior design students. We spent long time in clarify our aims in every group activities. Peer criticized and suggestions were exchanged. Projects improvement referenced to previous inter-disciplinary creative team experience. Concept and practices are developed under the foundations of peer reflections and criticized.

Improve communication skills and working with interior design students. Ask questions to stimulate peers to think

3 developing work through drawing, photography, 3d modeling, making test-rigs and prototypes, facilitating events and doing performances

Refining ideas through digital prototypes.

Refining ideas through 3D prototypes.

Refining or analysis ideas through 3D prototypes. Our group refined our aims, process and model structure through sketching, and body language. Most of the prototypes were generated by the whole group within tight timeframe. Local community case study is examined. Then develop informal urban practices to fill the gaps and demands

Refining or analysis ideas through peer review, 2D& 3D prototypes.

4 undertaking ‘prototype’ actions in the public urban environment that test and articulate ideas

Spend fair time in preparation and cooperation. We establish design propositions through interviews and local needs. Most of the urban practices were set up by whole group. My

Spend sufficient time in whole preparation and cooperation

Spend sufficient time in whole discussion, preparation and cooperation

Committee you free time in whole discussion, preparation and cooperation

time commitment on recording videos is less than other group mates because of timetable clash.

5 making digital video presentations upload video, still imagery and text submissions to an online blog

video making with 1 softwares and 1 formates.

Better understand in video making with different softwares and formates. A big improvement in digital video making and participation in blog submissions. imovie and windows movie maker were applied in video making. Non-verbal presentation was learnt through video and text submissions in online blog

Better understand in video making with different softwares and formates. Try the variations every time.

Applied the best in video making with different softwares and formates. Try the variations every time.

6 Participating in peer reviews and a studio ‘gift economy’ culture. Contributing to collective discussion amongst the larger research group of different discipline students and staff both in face-to-face sessions and via the online blog

Joining conversation in class and groups.

Express your view in class and groups. Motivated myself to participating in discussion in class. Comparatively, I express more peer reviews in small groups than in class, because I better understand my group’s goals

Get inspirations in class and groups conversations.

Applied the inspirations that gained in class and groups conversations.