Selected Quotes From the God Behind the God With Commentary Mj Decon2 Class Notes #8

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  • 7/25/2019 Selected Quotes From the God Behind the God With Commentary Mj Decon2 Class Notes #8


    MJ Deconstruction Class 2 Notes #8

    Selected Excerpts from The God Behind The God

    I cheerfully sat in this state for a number of hours. As I sat there, every particle in my entire

    physical body was filled with glee. I was crying tears of joy which I felt from the very depths

    of my soul.

    This beating heart was pouring out unconditional love like a flow of rushing water. While in

    this absolute state of pure bliss, I could hear a beautiful melody.

    Like an orchestra, everything in the universe was playing one tune; all coming together to play

    one beautiful song. I saw all of the past, present, and future as one simultaneous event

    happening in the now.

    Morgan O. Smith

    Whatever it was, something extraordinary remained, which I cannot put into words. What did

    linger was a sense of a presence that was always there; an existence before my birth, my

    parent's birth, and even before what we call the beginning of time.

    Morgan O. Smith

  • 7/25/2019 Selected Quotes From the God Behind the God With Commentary Mj Decon2 Class Notes #8


    I wish to make this clear: there is no difference between God, Consciousness, Existence, the

    Absolute, the Source, the Most High, the All, the Void, the Nothingness, Perfection, Oneness,

    Reality, Self, True Nature, Tao, Essence, Brahman, Para Brahman, or any other label that can

    possibly be bestowed.

    In this book, I will probably use most of these terms. It may appear that I am speaking about

    completely different things, but I am only speaking of one thing. This one thing about which I

    am speaking can never be encapsulated by the word that is given to it.

    Arian Herbert

    Comments on the above quote from my Awakening Community onFacebook

    Joey Lott:Add to that list: you, your life, this, stuff happening, thoughts, feelings, experiencing,

    others, body, me, mine, self (lowercase), stuff I like, stuff I don't like, preferences, spiritual stuff,

    unspiritual stuff, and so on. Basically, all of this.

    Michael Jeffreys: Thanks Joey for adding what I was thinking as I finished reading the quote. ALL

    leaves nothing out and voila!, wholeness is seen to already be the case!! (Even the mind's "yeah,

    buts..." and "I don't get it" are included in all that IS.) I remember Adyashanti saying that the first time

    you look at a twinkie wrapper and you realize that that's god too, you can get a bit misty eyed.

    Vince Sergino:Im trying to keep it as simple as i can for others to understand. I notice myself

    continuously using a quote by Mooji. "When attention is one with IS-ness, all your life flowers" .

    Concentrate and contemplate that statement until you understand it at the very core of your being.

    How will you know if you understand this deeply? Because you will notice that the attention and IS-

    ness merge into one... because they've always been one. There's only ONE thing going on!

    What is perceived in the outside world is just a reflection of what is found within. With that

    realization, both the inner and the outer will merge into one Essence.

    Arian Herbert

  • 7/25/2019 Selected Quotes From the God Behind the God With Commentary Mj Decon2 Class Notes #8


    Hopefully you will come to know that the God were talking about in this book is neither an

    external God nor an internal one; it is neither a personal God nor the god of the multitude. Yet

    these concepts are included within The All.

    Were not speaking about an ideal god. The concept of an ideal god is a part of the

    imagination that rests within the mind, which some believe resides in our physical vessel. The

    God were speaking of simply is, and youre that very thing whether you choose to believe it

    or not.

    Arian Herbert

    COMMENTARY: The God being spoken of here is not a god of imagination... it's literally everything

    and nothing. -Michael