Seerah of Prophet Mohammad (Sallallaho Alehe Wasallam) Part II (Life in Madina)

Seerah of Prophet Mohammad(SAW) Madani Period

Transcript of Seerah of Prophet Mohammad (Sallallaho Alehe Wasallam) Part II (Life in Madina)

Page 1: Seerah of Prophet Mohammad (Sallallaho Alehe Wasallam) Part II (Life in Madina)

Seerah of Prophet Mohammad(SAW)

Madani Period

Page 2: Seerah of Prophet Mohammad (Sallallaho Alehe Wasallam) Part II (Life in Madina)

Challenges before the Islamic Movement in Madina.

✦ Islamic state in Madina emerged needing:Administrative structure,laws,justice,family laws.✦ Aggressive efforts at Dawah and attack on the false

ideologies.✦ Settlement of the migrants in Madina with their

financial support but also their Islamic education and moral training.

✦ Prepare for Jihad and armed resistance against the enemies of Islam.

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Initial Steps

✦ Treaties with Jews.

✦ Hypocrites in Madina.

✦ Change of Qibla.

✦ Warning for pagans that their trade route to Syria could be blocked.

✦ Abdullah bin Hajash led an ambush upon a Pagan’s caravan.Omar bin Hadarmi died.This happened without the Prophet’s approval.

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Battle of Badar

✦ A big trade caravan of pagans was en route from Syria to Mecca.

✦ Abu Sufyan sent a man to Mecca to get help✦ He announced in Mecca that Muslims

attacked the caravan.✦ Most of the pagan leaders prepared for fight✦ 1000 men strong army prepared to march

to Madina.

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Battle of BadarProphet’s(SAW) concerns

✦ Decisive battle with impact on future

✦ Muhajiroon came with no assets

✦ Ansaars had no experience of battle.

✦ Tribes of Jews had hidden animosity

✦ Hypocrites and some pagans in Madina

✦ Muslims resources and numbers were disproportionately less than pagans.

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Battle of BadarProphet’s (SAW) consultation

✦ He presented the situation before Sahaba✦ He asked whether we should go after the

trade caravan or face pagan’s army✦ Many opined to go after the caravan✦ Prophet asked the question again✦ Miqdad bin Amar ® from muhjiroon said

we shall go with you where Allah’s order is✦ Saad bin Muaaz from ansaar supported

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Battle of BadarComparison of forces

✦ Muslims

.313 men

.3 horses

.70 camels

.60 shields


✦ Pagans

. 1000 men including 100 leaders

.Several horses, camels, swords and shields.

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Battle of BadarGlimpses of fighting

✦ Prophet’s dua before the battle.

✦ Difficult test for muhajiroon, stood against their family members.

✦ Pagans were defeated.70 of their men killed including leaders.70 became POW’s.

✦ Pagan’s left lot of valuables behind.

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Comments on the Battle of BadarSura Anfaal -8

✦ Purpose of Qital is not bounties but making Islam prevalent and to please Allah.

✦ Obedience of ameer is pivotal in Jamaah.✦ Victory in Badar was due to Allah’s Help.✦ Jihad is the ultimate test for a believer.✦ Your money and families are a test.✦ Sabar is the essence of any movement✦ Desire to achieve the objectives should never allow

you to compromise the Islamic guidelines.

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Battle of Uhad

✦ Reasons1-Defeat of pagans in Badar alarmed tribes2-Pagans of Meccah wanted revenge.3- Jews of Madina encouraged pagans to fight✦ Pagans advance to Madina in Shawwal,3 Hijra with

3000 men.✦ Prophet consulted the sahaba.✦ Prophet gathered army of 1000 people.Hypocrites

withdrew 300 men.✦ Enthusiasm of youth. Story of Rafe and Samra.

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Battle of Uhad

✦ Prophet placed his army in front of uhad mountain.

✦ He appointed 50 archers led by Abdullah bin Jubair to guard corridor in the mountain.

✦ Women in the pagan army sang and beat the drums to encourage their fighters.

✦ In the beginning, Muslims defeated the pagan army. Then they started gathering bounties.

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Battle of Uhad

✦ Most of the archers at the Uhad coridoor left to get bounties except few.

✦ Khalid bin Walid, leader of one of pagan’s fighting group attacked from the poorly guarded Uhad coridoor.

✦ Muslims were now attacked from back and front.✦ Muslim army was dispersed and many were on the

run.✦ Rumor was spread that the Prophet was killed.✦ Many lost their will to fight when got the rumor.

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Battle of Uhad

✦ Prophet was guarded by few sahaba.✦ He was moved up to the mountain.✦ When Muslims heard about Prophet’s

safety, they gathered again and fought.✦ Pagans at that time left the battlefield.✦ Latter, they thought of returning but did not.✦ Prophet even chased them till Hamra ul


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Battle of UhadComments in Ale Imran:122-144✦ Dependence on the Help of Allah.✦ Love of material wealth was one reason for

initial defeat. Allah forbade Riba.✦ Guaranty of success if you are believers.✦ Islamic movement does not depend on

personalities. ✦ Fear of death is the root cause of

cowardice.There is appointed time of death.

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Tribal Revolts

✦ Uhad’s setback encouraged hostile tribes to stand up against Muslims and fight.

✦ Jofeed tribe tried to attack in Muharram,4H.✦ Lahyan tribe attacked same month.✦ Safar,4H.70 learned sahaba were sent to the Kallab

tribe for teaching Islam & got killed.✦ Two other tribes took 10 sahaba for teaching.7 were

killed and 3 were imprisoned.Khabbab and Zaid were sold in Mecca and latter killed.

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Jewish Enmity

✦ Reasons1-Jewish leaders felt threat to their business.2-Quran was openly criticizing Jew's behavior3-Fear of living under Islamic rule.✦ Banu Qanqa- exiled Shawwal, 2H for declaring war

against Muslims.✦ Kaab bin Ashraf executed Rabil Awwal,3H by

Mohammd bin Muslima. ✦ Banu Nazeer.Broke treaties and conspired to kill

the Prophet. Exiled to Kheyber.

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Battle of Ahzab

✦ Jews in Kheyber conspired and incited pagans to bring a 10.000 army to Madina.

✦ Prophet consulted sahaba.Salman Farsi suggested to dig a ditch on open part of city.

✦ 8 Ziqad,5H digging started.10 yards of ditch was assigned to 10 people.It was 5 yard deep.

✦ 3000 people dug it in 20 days.

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Battle of Ahzab

✦ Pagans attacked Madina from 3 sides.33:10

✦ Hard test of Iman.Hypocrites exposed.33:12

✦ Enemy kept blockade for one month.

✦ They threw stones and arrows.

✦ They tried to cross the ditch.

✦ With Allah’s sent windstorm, enemies fled.

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Battle of AhzabCommentary in Sura Ahzab

✦ Trust in Allah’s Help.✦ Test of Iman.✦ Root cause of weakness- fear of loosing life

and property.✦ Excellent example in the Prophet’s conduct.✦ Banu Qureza’s punishment for breaking the

treaty.Blockade.Decision according to their book. 400 people killed, rest made POW.

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Hudabeya Treaty- 6 Hijra

✦ Zeqad, 6 H, Prophet announced intention to visit Kaaba.1400 Muslims joined him.

✦ Prophet sent someone to find pagan’s plan.

✦ Pagans started gathering forces.

✦ Prophet continued travel and stopped at Hudabeya.

✦ Prophet sent Osman to negotiate.

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Hudabeya Treaty

✦ News came that Osman has been killed.

✦ Bait Ridwan.Prophet gathered Muslims under a tree and took a pledge that we shall fight till we die or win.

✦ Peace Treaty. Pagan released Osman and sent Suhail bin Amar for peace talks.

✦ A peace treaty was concluded and written.

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Hudabeya TreatyTerms

✦ Muslims shall go back this year.✦ They shall return next year and stay for 3days✦ They shall not have any weapons except one sword

in the shield.✦ They can’t take Muslims left in Mecca and shall not

stop any Muslim from coming back to Meccah.✦ If someone goes to Madina, he shall be returned but

if someone returns to Mecca, shall not be returned.

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✦ Tribes shall have the choice to enter into treaty with Muslims or pagans.

✦ This treaty shall be in effect for 10 years


Abu Jandal’s matter.

Effects of Hudabeya.

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Letters to Kings and Emperors6-7 Hijra

✦ Roman Emperor. Wahya Kalbi

✦ Persian Emperor. Abdullah bin Huzafa Sahmi.

✦ Aziz Misr.(Egyptian Emperor) Hatib bin Abi Baltah

✦ Najjashi, King of Abysenia. Omar bin Umayyah.

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Strengthening of Islamic State and Society

✦ Attack on Khyber. Muharram, 7 Hijra.✦ Laws and regulations for Society.Suras Nisaa and Maida.Family laws,rights of men and

women,inheritance law,prohibition of alcohol and gambling, law of testimony,general moral instructions.

Prophet performed Umra in 7 Hijra.

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Victory of Mecca

✦ Violation of Hudabeya Treaty by pagans.

✦ Preparation to invade Mecca.10 Ramadan,8H.

✦ Abu Sufyan is arrested and released.

✦ Entry in Mecca.(Minimal fighting.)

✦ Peace declaration in Mecca.

✦ Entry in Kaaba.Removal of idols and pictures.

✦ Victory address by the Prophet.

✦ General amnesty.

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Battle of Hunain10 Shawwal, 8 Hijra

✦ Hawazan and Saqeef tribes prepared for war

✦ Prophet took 12000 men and weapons to fight in Hunain (between Mecca and Taif)

✦ Some Muslims said who could defeat us.✦ Initially, Muslims faced severe arrow attack✦ Latter, they gathered around the Prophet

and fought well defeating the enemy.✦ Surah Tauba, 9:25,26.

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Battle of TabookRajab, 9 Hijra.

✦ Conflict with Roman empire already started in battle of Mota (Jamadi ula, 8 H).Sharjeel the ruler of Basra brought army of 100,000 which fought against 3000 Muslims.

✦ Farwa bin Amar Jizami, a Roman commander became Muslim.Latter, he was killed by the emperor.

✦ Many tribes under Roman rule accepted Islam.

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Battle of Tabuk

✦ Cesar prepared to gather his forces on Syrian border to punish Muslims.

✦ Prophet decided to go forward and stop this build up.

✦ Sacrifices of Muslims and excuses by hypocrites.

✦ Prophet left Madina with 30,000 army✦ Cesar ordered his forces to retreat.

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Steps taken after Tabuk.

✦ Dealings with hypocrites.

Demolition of Masjid Zirar

Not to accept their donations

No family or friendly relations with them.

Prophet should not attend their funeral.

✦ Disciplinary action against 3 sahabas.

✦ Clear political policy of the State.(Haj,9 H)

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Last Haj 10 HijraKhutbah

✦ All methods of Jahileya are under my feet.✦ No Arab has superiority over non Arab.You

are children of Adam and he was created from clay.

✦ All muslims are brothers.✦ Feed and clothe your slaves same what you

eat or wear.✦ Killings and Riba of Jahileya are cancelled.

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Khutbah Last Haj

✦ Fear Allah in the matter of women.✦ Your blood and your money is forbidden for each

other.✦ If you hold fast to the book of Allah, you will not

be misguided.✦ He asked,”Have I passed to you Allah’s message?”

Everyone answered,”Yes”.✦ He said,”Now, you must pass on this message to

those who are not here.”

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Death of the Prophet

✦ Safar,18, 11 H, he became sick.

✦ He appointed Abu Bakr to lead the salaat.

✦ When he was feeling a little better,he came to the masjid and gave last Khutbah.

✦ Rabiul Awwal, 12, 11 H, he passed to Rafiq Ala.

✦ May Allah’s blessings be upon him.