
Seekers Overview of the game: The game loosely follows the plotline of the ‘Seekers’ book series. Through the game, you will play as 3 characters; Kalik; a polar bear, Lusa; A black bear, and Toklo; a grizzly bear as they quest to uncover their past. The game features a lot of cut scenes, many of them interactive. It’s set across a large areascape of forests, snowscenes, plains etc. And the ending will vary slightly, and so is based upon how you have chosen to play the game. Player motivation: The main motivation of the player is to move the story along, as well as to advance and develop the character by whichever means. Genre: Roleplaying Licence: Based on the best-selling series ‘Seekers’ by Erin Hunter. Target customer: 10-25, mainly female. Including, but not limited to, fans of the ‘Warriors’, ‘Seekers’ or ‘Survivors’ book series. Competition: Tokyo Jungle – a PS3 game about various animals in a large abandoned city. Interesting concept, but overdone, and quite a bit too obscure at times- can be rather off-putting, as critics agree, and lacks structure. It’s also not very accessible to those who do not have a PS3. Unique selling points: Completely original game; based on the book meaning an already attained customer base, plus people new to the series who just want to play the game. This will drastically increase the chances of the games success. Target hardware: PC Game play features: Storyline based with room for alternate outcomes. Character customisation options and skills/upgrades. Reflex and character skill based combat. Difficultly increases as the game evolves and user learns to play. Alternating between third and first person through different levels. Starvation/wounds/etc leading to death means restarting from a checkpoint. Checkpoint tree, check points branching off each way allowing the player to restart from any checkpoint to play through a different ending.

Transcript of Seekers

Page 1: Seekers

SeekersOverview of the game: The game loosely follows the plotline of the ‘Seekers’ book series. Through the game, you will play as 3 characters; Kalik; a polar bear, Lusa; A black bear, and Toklo; a grizzly bear as they quest to uncover their past. The game features a lot of cut scenes, many of them interactive. It’s set across a large areascape of forests, snowscenes, plains etc. And the ending will vary slightly, and so is based upon how you have chosen to play the game.

Player motivation: The main motivation of the player is to move the story along, as well as to advance and develop the character by whichever means.

Genre: Roleplaying

Licence: Based on the best-selling series ‘Seekers’ by Erin Hunter.

Target customer: 10-25, mainly female. Including, but not limited to, fans of the ‘Warriors’, ‘Seekers’ or ‘Survivors’ book series.

Competition: Tokyo Jungle – a PS3 game about various animals in a large abandoned city. Interesting concept, but overdone, and quite a bit too obscure at times- can be rather off-putting, as critics agree, and lacks structure. It’s also not very accessible to those who do not have a PS3.

Unique selling points: Completely original game; based on the book meaning an already attained customer base, plus people new to the series who just want to play the game. This will drastically increase the chances of the games success.

Target hardware: PC

Game play features: Storyline based with room for alternate outcomes. Character customisation options and skills/upgrades. Reflex and character skill based combat. Difficultly increases as the game evolves and user learns to play. Alternating between third and first person through different levels. Starvation/wounds/etc leading to death means restarting from a checkpoint. Checkpoint tree, check points branching off each way allowing the player to restart from any

checkpoint to play through a different ending.

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Visual Style: Realistic. Vivid, dynamic colours.