Seeds of Enlightenment

1 Introducing Jeddah Mali’s “Seeds of Enlightenment” If you were given the actual structural design for how the universe works, how would you use it? What would you create with it? Who would you be? What would you do differently? I’m not referring to the Law of Aracon or anything remotely similar, but to what becomes possible when you plant the seeds of enlightenment Dear Friend, Qigong Master Chunyi Lin uses the design of the universe to direct energies of the body to help people heal themselves. Feng Shui Master Marie Diamond uses it to direct energies of the environment to help people live in harmony and good fortune. When you understand the natural mechanism of all existence, you can apply it to anything. Creativity … finance … visualization … relationships … manifestation … productivity … stress management … parenting … the possibilities are limitless. As I found out. But how can you reach this level? In early 2007 I met Jeddah Mali, a Spiritual Master, and I devoted an entire year to study with her personally. Just as I felt compelled to share Chunyi Lin with our clients when I met him and experienced Spring Forest Qigong in 1997 (over 57,000 courses sold)… just as I had to introduce Marie Diamond when I met her and experienced Diamond Feng Shui in 2004 (over 5,100 courses sold), I must introduce you to Jeddah Mali and her unique ability to give you unfettered access to the universe. I have spent the last few decades reading thousands of books, attending seminar after seminar, and listening to a gadzillion tapes and CDs. Never have I experienced anything quite like what I’ve experienced with Jeddah Mali. Jeddah’s ability to crystallize esoteric topics into everyday understandable words is equaled by no one I’ve Endorsed and recommended by


Book teaching meditaion

Transcript of Seeds of Enlightenment

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Introducing Jeddah Mali’s

“Seeds of Enlightenment”If you were given the actual structural design for how

the universe works, how would you use it?

What would you create with it? Who would you be? What would you do differently?

I’m not referring to the Law of Attraction or anything remotely similar, but to what becomes possible when

you plant the seeds of enlightenment

Dear Friend,

Qigong Master Chunyi Lin uses the design of the universe to direct energies of the body to help people heal themselves. Feng Shui Master Marie Diamond uses it to direct energies of the environment to help people live in harmony and good fortune.

When you understand the natural mechanism of all existence, you can apply it to anything. Creativity … finance … visualization … relationships … manifestation … productivity … stress management … parenting … the possibilities are limitless. As I found out.

But how can you reach this level?

In early 2007 I met Jeddah Mali, a Spiritual Master, and I devoted an entire year to study with her personally. Just as I felt compelled to share Chunyi Lin with our clients when I met him and experienced Spring Forest Qigong in 1997 (over 57,000 courses sold)… just as I had to introduce Marie Diamond when I met her and experienced Diamond Feng Shui in 2004 (over 5,100 courses sold), I must introduce you to Jeddah Mali and her unique ability to give you unfettered access to the universe.

I have spent the last few decades reading thousands of books, attending seminar after seminar, and listening to a gadzillion tapes and CDs. Never have I experienced anything quite like what I’ve experienced with Jeddah Mali.

Jeddah’s ability to crystallize esoteric topics into everyday understandable words is equaled by no one I’ve

Endorsed and recommended by

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met. When she speaks there’s no New Age jargon, or gobbledygook as I call it, which can be prevalent in spiritual teachings.

She makes the invisible world of spirit real and accessible with direct and immediate implications for your everyday life

I am thrilled to announce that after many requests from students around the world you can now get the first volume of Jeddah’s teaching in a brand new, unmatched collection of eight meditations called Seeds of Enlightenment.

You will learn how the universe operates while meditating with Jeddah. You merely close your eyes while sitting in a relaxed environment. Follow along and witness in real time what she teaches. As she will speak, you will experience what she means immediately in the meditation. There is no better way to learn this.

You’ll discover how every alteration in your thoughts affects your awareness, the energy all around. Change your thoughts, change your world. This is not about using your mind to change behaviors. It is much easier. It is about using your mind to change your energy so that the behavior automatically changes. The same holds true for every area of your life.

This kind of transformation can only occur through direct experience. It is of little use to read about it, talk about it, or even have a thorough intellectual understanding of it. You need to actually do it. As Jeddah guides you through the process, you simultaneously experience its transformation. That’s why Jeddah teaches while you are in meditation.

As you use Seeds of Enlightenment, layer after layer of resistance dissipates. Limitations fall to the wayside.

Restricting beliefs about your life and everything in it disintegrate.

Automatically. With no effort.

You’ll see why the Law of Attraction works, and you will go much deeper. Because you will be working on an energetic level, you will be working with thought and intention before it comes into being on the physical planes.

This gives you the opportunity to engage in creation as it happens. You will be creating an ideal energetic environment that affects everything in the physical world. That is a huge distinction, and I hope you get it.

It does not matter whether you are having strife with your neighbors, romance problems, or work pressures, you can use intention to set the powers of creation, the powers of the universe, to work on your behalf.

No matter what area you need help in, if you follow the guidance of Jeddah during the meditations, you will see an immediate result in your life.

Use the meditation cards, included in this PDF, as activations to enhance Seeds of Enlightenment. Place them around your home as a reminder of your experiences while in meditation.

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No homework, no study … just relax, close your eyes, and be guided by Jeddah’s beautiful words and music

Best of all, you don’t need to go through long, complex exercises or repeat mental processes over and over to make changes in your life. It happens instantly! When you understand how we are designed and how that design works, there is no limit to what you can experience.

This is a whole new look at self-improvement. When you work on the energetic level through meditation, you will see that your thoughts and intentions immediately transform the energy. As Jeddah says, “The energy is duty bound to respond.” It cannot not respond.

These are the most exquisite meditations I have ever heard—the language is absolutely perfect. The music, created to dance with each word, adds a rare dimension that is missing in other meditations. I dare say that the pleasure you will receive from these meditations is beyond anything you have experienced in your life.

Beyond the pleasure and wonder of this work, however, is a tremendous freedom that surpasses the value of anything

you might manifest with the program

As a natural by-product of the work you do with Jeddah and Seeds of Enlightenment, no longer will you get caught up in the annoyances of life, the emotions, dramas, and tragedies of others, expectations, financial issues, or other concerns that arise. You will see them for what they are, and any grip they might have had on you loosens and disappears.

This is so freeing that it is beyond what most people conceive freedom to be! It gives you the ability to live your life – even make decisions -- with a clear mind without your own emotions or that little voice in the back of your head getting in the way.

And with this freedom comes contentment so thorough and pervasive that it peaceably settles through every cell of your body for all time. You will find contentment waiting in line at the grocery store, sitting through staff meetings, mowing the lawn, doing your taxes … in anything you do.

You will still have difficult times and challenging situations, but the suffering aspect will be gone. Vanished! This is the end of suffering for you.

This is the beginning of your enlightenment

As you do the Seeds of Enlightenment meditations you will make a shift from living as “a human being having a spiritual experience” to living as “a spiritual being having a human experience.”

You will sense your body as a body of energy. You’ll see how emotions are forms of energy.

You will know intentions and thoughts are energy, and how they instantly change all energy as soon as you make an intention or thought.

You’ll explore how your energy actually expands beyond your physical body—about six feet all around you. You’ll play with the different layers of energy, you’ll see how they interact with each other, and you’ll see how they interact with the rest of the universe in ways that will impact your daily life.

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With Seeds of Enlightenment you travel the pathway to enlightenment where you are one with all energy

As Chunyi Lin says with Spring Forest Qigong, “I am in the universe. The universe is in my body. The universe and I combine together.” Experiencing that as truth, not just knowing about it, creates enlightenment. …when you realize the truth in every moment of every day that you and the universe are one. It brings you immense freedom from the trials and tribulations of everyday life and freedom to create whatever you want for yourself.

I wrote every word in this letter from my own personal experiences, and I highly encourage you to try it out for yourself. It is absolutely for real. Find the order card in this packet and get your very own Seeds of Enlightenment today.

For your freedom,

Pete Bissonette President, Publisher, student of Jeddah Mali, and great fan of Seeds of Enlightenment

P.S. When your package arrives, listen to Jeddah’s introduction, and then begin with your first meditation. Jeddah recommends that you use Seeds of Enlightenment as an eight-week course. Focus on a different meditation each week, following them in order. Do so without pressure or the need to accomplish anything. You have nothing to prove to yourself or anyone else. This is an exploration of your existence, not a race or list of things to do. You are planting and nurturing seeds that will bloom throughout your life.

P.P.S. There is only one way to know whether Seeds of Enlightenment is right for you: follow your intuition. If you sense you will find personal benefit in these meditations, then order your private set today. When we here at Learning Strategies chose to work with Jeddah Mali to bring these meditations to the world, we had someone like you in mind. While we ardently believe that everyone should experience life through the enlightenment that this work gives you, we understand that not everyone is ready. If you’re ready, order today. We are ready to support you. Call toll-free 1-866-292-1861, or order online and mention Customer Code E909M-1 right now – you’ll be glad you did!

Call the Better Business Bureau (1-800-646-6222) for a Reliability Report when concerned about a company with which you may do business.

© 2009 Learning Strategies Corporation “Spring Forest Qigong” is a registered trademark of Chunyi Lin. “Diamond Feng Shui” and the “Diamond Feng Shui Diamond” are trademarks of Marie Vyncke-Diamond.

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HoW you mIgHT look ENErgETIcAlly

When people who work with energy, such as Jeddah Mali, Chunyi Lin, and Marie Diamond, look at your energy, they will see much more than just the physical body. They see your entire energy field. Your energy field is the full spectrum of energies, colors, and textures surrounding and including the physical body. When you are energetically open and balanced, your energy has a healthy flow, looking like the one in the illustration.

When your energy is not open and flowing, it could look dramatically different. Maybe your energy does not reach six feet all around. Maybe the colors are muted or some colors are missing. Maybe one or more of the layers appear thin. There may even be dark patches representing energy blockages.

Principally there is only one cause for blockages. It is our internal attitude to ourselves and life. Our attitude is the engine that drives our experience. When it is out of balance with the design of existence, a shutting down takes place and blockages set in. This leads to a host of physical, mental, and emotional disorders.

It could be that you have physical issues such as low blood pressure, diabetes, or disease. It could be that you have addictions with tobacco, alcohol, or drugs or that you overeat or under exercise. It could be that you feel emotionally overwhelmed, or you feel afraid, anxious, angry, or apathetic. Maybe you have obsessive thoughts. It could be that the energy of your environment is putting undue pressure on you, and you are stressed. Whatever the symptoms, it comes down to a lack of flow in your energy field. Because your physical, emotional, and mental health is the result of what is happening in your energy field, what affects the energy field impacts your whole experience of life. This is why it is important to learn how to manage your own energy system.

When you do the eight meditations of Seeds of Enlightenment, your energy will change. Gifted people who can see your aura will see significant shifts in the colors, textures, and other aspects of your energy. Those around you will notice changes in your behaviors, your way of being, your responses to what happens in life, and how they feel in your presence. You will feel more calm, physically healthier and vibrant, and more able to be creative or solve problems.

When your energy begins to look like that in the illustration, you will be functioning at optimum levels helping you to feel great. When you explore the invisible world you will see that what you encounter as a human here on earth is a mere fraction of what is available to you. And the healthier you are energetically, the easier and more rewarding the exploration.

Seeds of Enlightenment

An energy field that is open and balanced.

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Experience your life without the mind interpreting, judging, and limiting you. The day-to-day mind is a wonderful tool, but it cannot experience enlightenment. Its very function is to discern, extract, and separate one thing from another. Faced with an energy that is indivisible, the mind cannot compute. The mind can barely imagine the energy, let alone deal with it. The tool for the job is your awareness.

As you do the first meditation, you become conscious of your awareness by sitting in the present moment. You experience firsthand how you create your moment-to-moment reality. It doesn’t happen to you, you create it through the Sea of Awareness. (In Spring Forest Qigong, Chunyi Lin calls this the emptiness.)

You come to know awareness as you become conscious of it, again, by sitting in the present moment. Consciousness reveals awareness. Consciousness is the aspect of awareness that knows itself. Enlightenment is when you are continuously conscious of awareness, and awareness takes precedent over any chatter in your mind.

Seeds of Enlightenment


Every single thought or intention that you infuse into the Sea of Awareness is duty bound to come into being. Thought and intention create sensations that can be felt. During this meditation you learn how to read the feedback through your sensations so that you can discern their meaning. The more aware you become of your intention by examining the feedback from your sensations, the more you recognize whether you are in alignment. This is how you navigate your moment-to-moment reality.

When you dwell as the Sea of Awareness, create through intention, and decipher the simultaneous feedback, you understand the precise mechanism by which all existence comes into being. You are then able to engage in that creation fully. This is an experience of enlightenment.

Learning Strategies Corporation • 1-888-800-2688

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mEdITATIoN 3 ovErcomINg lImITATIoN

You hold all possibility within yourself. You’ve heard that many times before. With this meditation you will recognize that it is true.

Let’s say you have a belief that limits you, such as “I’m not good enough.” When you work with the energies of openness and clarity, you allow for natural expansion, which reinstates the natural flow and automatically overrides limitation. The shadow of “I’m not good enough” disappears.

You will be able to reproduce this ability to override limitation in any situation of your everyday life. When you are in a stressful, negative, or contracting situation, you can merely pause and use intention. You can do this with your eyes closed or your eyes open. You’ll find the stress draining immediately as natural expansion flows through the situation. This is very, very powerful.

Being free from limitations, open to all possibilities, is an experience of enlightenment.

Seeds of Enlightenment


The energy centers of your body are windows into your being. These windows reveal different aspects of your nature. They are places for you to access your special gifts. As you open your energy centers, you optimize the natural flow of energy. You heighten your ability to see fully into every aspect of your being.

You notice pleasant side effects in your life. You become less likely to be trapped by your emotions and less likely to have your mind try to control every situation. You find it easier to love yourself and others. You find that your ability to communicate grows and develops. You find your intuition blossoming. And you find it easier to connect with the Sea of Awareness.

If you look at the illustration contained elsewhere in this packet, you’ll see the energy centers as concentrations of color through the center of the body.

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Your physical body is contained within your energy bodies, all of which are integral to the Sea of Awareness. Your energy bodies represent your being as seen through the differing frequencies of the energy spectrum.

Use intention to create optimum flow within the energy bodies. Optimum flow in the energy bodies facilitates states of being from joy and love to peace and wisdom. They are the many faces of alignment with the Sea of Awareness.

If you look at the illustration contained elsewhere in this packet, you’ll see the energy bodies as layers of color and texture surrounding the body.

Seeds of Enlightenment

mEdITATIoN 6 TruST ANd SurrENdEr

This meditation helps you create attraction and alignment by experiencing the power of trust and surrender.

The first element of trust is Openness–your ability to reach a state of expansion and being open to all possibilities. The second is Willingness–the earnestness to take the steps needed and use techniques that shift your beliefs. The third is Courage–the courage to move beyond what you previously thought possible. The fourth element is Surety–the certainty that everything is okay even when you do not have proof. When you extend trust in this way, you bring forth the fifth element of Safety.

Surrender means letting go of what holds back your good. It brings in greater flow, clarity, and understanding of your true being.

Learning Strategies Corporation • 1-888-800-2688

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Some people lead lives of quiet desperation. Others meet life with abundance and joy. And there are all sorts of responses in between. In this meditation you examine how your day-to-day thoughts maintain your individual identity and how this identity tries to keep you separate from the Sea of Awareness. This meditation assists you to experience your true identity. Remember, enlightenment is continuously and consciously dwelling as the Sea of Awareness. When we move from an individual identity to a universal identity, we experience a Universal Consciousness.

When the busyness of the mind and the barrage of day-to-day happenings create distraction, the deeper truth stays hidden, and you cannot perceive the truth of universal consciousness.

These meditations gently reveal what’s been there all along – that you and everyone on this planet, are joined as the Sea of Awareness. When you truly experience this with your whole being, without a shred of doubt, you are enlightened. The light of Truth illuminates your being. Your true nature is universal intelligence, harmony, expansion, love, and peace. Presently, your human identity keeps this hidden from you, but this is about to change.

Seeds of Enlightenment


Universal Intelligence, which you are welcomed to call God, handles everything for you ceaselessly. Your body and your environment, the nature that surrounds you. The Earth, all of the changing of the seasons, the weather. It takes care of the vastness of the universe, the heavens, the stars, and the mystery of all that we cannot see. This intelligence knows itself. It is so full of trust in itself, it can allow itself to assume any form. And it assumed the form of you.

Universal Intelligence is beautiful in its endless giving, and it never withholds its nature. It is whole-heartedly benevolent. When you are appreciative of your existence in this way, you experience a deep, never-ending, always-growing gratitude for life.

Learning Strategies Corporation • 1-888-800-2688

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“As a child, I had many unusual (spiritual/extrasensory/paranormal) experiences that taught me how the intention of thought governs differing energy states, which in turn affect the behavior of matter,” writes Jeddah from her coastal home in Europe with seagulls talking in the background.

“These experiences came about unbidden, but even at the age of six, I had an innate understanding of their nature. In the same way that a bird ‘knows’ how to fly without ever having done it before, I ‘knew’ at an early age that I had an ability to understand and interact with the intangible. I also knew that most people were not aware of this potential within themselves. As a result, it lies largely undiscovered. However, it is always accessible for those who choose to look for it.”

At the age of 20 Jeddah began a spiritual quest, traveling to Asia to study with the great masters of consciousness, including His Holiness the Dalai Lama, His Holiness Ajahn Buddhadassa, Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Master Goenka, and many realized teachers in the Tibetan, Theravadan, and Bhutanese traditions of Buddhism.

“Throughout my life I have experienced a series of awakenings, culminating in a moment to moment awareness of the source of all existence. I have spent the rest of my life fine-tuning this ability and practicing meditation for up to 16 hours a day,” she writes.

She is infinitely qualified to help you find, explore, and realize the potential you hold. Furthermore, she knows the path and its sidetracks. She knows what works and doesn’t work.

Every aspect of her teachings reflects your true nature and not creations of the mind, which is a unique approach. Most spiritual teachers use creations of the mind, such as mantras, visualizations, mental processes, and metaphors, in an attempt to step their students into conscious awareness. This only serves to strengthen the separation from the Sea of Awareness; whereas Jeddah’s approach immediately brings the student into oneness with the Sea of Awareness.

Jeddah’s own enlightenment energy is in the meditations to support you.

Jeddah Mali

Seeds of Enlightenment

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©2009 Learning Strategies Corporation

“Truly amazing and life changing!!!!”read what others have experienced with

Jeddah Mali’s meditations

“I want to thank you for these beautiful meditations. By meditating on the throat chakra, issues connected to it appear more strongly in my life, with the possibility of dealing more consciously with them and overcoming them. Already during the meditation, blockages in the throat are dissolving. Thank you for your time and for the love you are sending to all of us.” –Blessings, Ursula

“Hello and thank you for being you! I have meditation experience, but at the beginning I had an issue staying awake with my practices. I found some serious mineral imbalances affecting my adrenals/thyroid and metabolism. I am grateful I am on the road to absolute recovery. And now I stay awake! I am remembering to bring awareness to my daily experience….I feel expansion and lightness. My objective is to know my Real Self and walk through my life from that place. Praise God for your excellent ability to share your gifts and teachings!” –Grateful for you, Sue, Ohio

“Your gift is truly amazing and life changing!!!! What an incredible message you give. Thanks for providing the avenue for our human and spiritual growth. You make me smile!” –Cindy Morgan

“Thank you very much for these wonderful meditations!! You are a true blessing in my life. With the activations of the base and emotional chakras, the pain that was sitting in my lower back for a year has disappeared. This feels great, and I want to thank you with all my heart.” –Lots of love, Nora

“You have been my saving grace in my quest for the truth. Ever since I began this course my life has changed drastically, especially with relationships.” –Thank you for your time and concern, Bianca

“An enormous thank you for changing my life and the folks around me affected by my expansive energy. How incredible. You make me laugh and smile. I want to be more Jeddah-like when I grow up! I am almost 60, but I get younger every day!” –Cindy

“This series is outstanding!!! You are putting my beliefs into the most exquisite words and assisting me in deepening and more effectively activating my beliefs about who I am.” –Hugs, Connie

“Thank you for making this course available. You truly have a gift for illuminating the truth in such a simple and beautiful way. Thank you again for being you and for the love and light that you’re sharing.” –Judy

Page 12: Seeds of Enlightenment


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