Seeds of GraceApostles’ Creed. Many Sundays, as part of our worship service, we use this creed as...

1 Seeds of Grace Atascocita Lutheran Church Sunday Worship 9:30 am - Holy Communion with a mix of traditional and contemporary music. April 2019 Monthly Newsletter Installaon of Pastor Brian Deckinger was on March 24th with Rev. Dr. Beth Warpmaeker, of Kinsman Lutheran, officiang and sermon by Rev. Dr. Tracey Breashears Schultz, ELCA Gulf Coast Synod Bishop Assistant for Leadership. Pictured Leſt to right: Rev. Nancy Simpson (St. Paul Lutheran) , Rev. Mark England (Kinsman Lutheran), Pastor Brian Deckinger, Rev. Dr. Beth Warpmaeker, Rev. Dr. Tracey Breashears Schultz

Transcript of Seeds of GraceApostles’ Creed. Many Sundays, as part of our worship service, we use this creed as...

Page 1: Seeds of GraceApostles’ Creed. Many Sundays, as part of our worship service, we use this creed as a statement about our faith. While it is not required we do it every week, we make


Seeds of Grace A t a s c o c i t a L u t h e r a n C hu r c h

Sunday Worship

9:30 am - Holy Communion with a mix of traditional and contemporary music.

April 2019 Monthly Newsletter

Installation of Pastor Brian Deckinger was on March 24th with Rev. Dr.

Beth Warpmaeker, of Kinsman Lutheran, officiating and sermon by

Rev. Dr. Tracey Breashears Schultz, ELCA Gulf Coast Synod Bishop

Assistant for Leadership.

Pictured Left to right: Rev. Nancy Simpson

(St. Paul Lutheran) , Rev. Mark England

(Kinsman Lutheran), Pastor Brian Deckinger,

Rev. Dr. Beth Warpmaeker, Rev. Dr. Tracey

Breashears Schultz

Page 2: Seeds of GraceApostles’ Creed. Many Sundays, as part of our worship service, we use this creed as a statement about our faith. While it is not required we do it every week, we make


Easter and the season surrounding it always remind us of springtime flowers. Lilies on the altar, an “orchid for your mommy” (for our Peter Cottontail fans), May flowers that came from our overabundance of Southeast Texas April showers, and gardens in full bloom with the vibrancy of a rainbow are constantly on everyone’s mind around Easter time. Seemingly growing all around us, new life is in full bloom this time of year.

We as a congregation are just beginning this new life as an ever-changing and growing Atascocita Lutheran Church. As we venture into the unknown, trying to grow in our Christian lives together, we are trying to thrive right where we are. Believing this, our worship planning committee has chosen a theme for our Easter season: “Bloom where you’re planted, and grow in love.”

First and foremost in these Easter season, we need to remember to keep our faith strong. “Where two or more are gathered in my name, there I am also.” We can thrive in the spot where we have chosen to be a congregation – blooming where we have been planted. Reach out to others in the pew behind you for help in a busy world and friendship when you feel alone. Volunteer your time when you aren’t sure how to start sharing your gifts. Join the choir or handbells and, through music, express yourself in worship of the one true God. Our church should always be a safe space, free of judgments, to allow everyone to bloom in faith and to ask the questions that need answering; even when we feel like a “doubting Thomas,” our church family should lift us up and let our petals spread toward the Son. When we begin to feel this freedom of spirit, the love of Christ will radiate from us to one another, and we will show others that we are Christians by growing in that love.

Love may be an inward emotion, but there are outward signs that point to our faith and help us grow. “Pay it forward” in a drive through line. Help a friend move a piece of furniture. Pray for those around you, not just in times of need, but at all times to keep them in your thoughts. When someone outside our congregation can see the peace and love that surrounds us, “the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts” will guide them to find love in Christ, even if they may not know that is what they’re looking for.

In this Easter season, each day we should remind ourselves to lift our eyes to the Son, just like a flower in bloom. Keeping our feet rooted in Christ, we will bloom where we are planted here at Atascocita Lutheran Church, and grow in a Christian love so fervent that those around us know by our words and actions what we believe. We want to encourage those around us to become a part of the inherent peace that the forgiveness from our Savior brings. Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

In this season of Easter

By Lauren Call

Page 3: Seeds of GraceApostles’ Creed. Many Sundays, as part of our worship service, we use this creed as a statement about our faith. While it is not required we do it every week, we make


Many of us have memorized at some point, most likely during confirmation classes, the

Apostles’ Creed. Many Sundays, as part of our worship service, we use this creed as a

statement about our faith. While it is not required we do it every week, we make this

statement to remind ourselves what we believe about our faith in our God. Also we let

those who may be visiting with us hear and see what we as a congregation and individuals

believe is important to our faith in our God.

As Lutheran Christians we claim three historic confessions of our faith which we call

creeds: the Apostles’ Creed, the Athanasian Creed, and the Nicene Creed. These creeds are

the statements of faith we most often use, and they lay out what we believe about God as

creator, Christ as Savior and Son of God, and the Holy Spirit as the advocate and presence

of God with us daily. The creeds are Trinitarian meaning that they address the three

persons/natures of God and the basic understanding we have of them.

Indeed these creeds are a very vital and important part of our church’s understanding, and they are the norm

around which we ground our life together. But they are not the only way we can and need to state our faith.

Sometimes, by using different words which still convey our understanding of God, we are able to see our God

in a new and deeper light. At times when we are saying the apostles’ creed, we go on auto pilot not thinking

about what we are saying, simple repeating the words we know so well just to get thru it. While that is not

wrong per say, it means we may have turned the creed into some magic formula we need to say, or a duty or

something to check off as a requirement. When that happens, we risk not seeing or grasping the wonderful

depth and meaning of the creed for our lives. We also need to be aware that to visitors – those new to the faith

- these wonderful creeds are for many unfamiliar and seem like some kind of secret club language meant only

for insiders. They struggle to grasp the meaning in the very words and phrases we use to explain our faith.

When we use different wording “modern wording” to make our statement of faith, it can cause us to stop and

reflect on what we have just said. To look at the nature and persons of God in a different way, that can turn

our routine into a renewed passion and excitement. From time to time using these “modern statements of

faith” can provide a more inclusive and welcoming basic statement of our faith for those who are exploring

the faith, new to our community of faith, or those struggling to understand this great God.

During the season of Easter, we here at Atascocita Lutheran will do just that as we will use a modern

statement of faith during our worship service. We will do this to help us ponder anew the wonder and

mystery of our God, whose Son’s resurrection from the dead we celebrate. This does not mean we are getting

rid of, or no longer believe in the Apostles Creed, the Nicene Creed or the Athanasian Creed. They are still

the foundation of our faith and the bedrock creeds. We will use them again after the six week season of


What this means is that during the Easter season, as we use a statement of faith (we will not call it a creed)

that is not one of the three creeds, we will be looking to see how we can renew our passion and deepen our

understanding in new ways and perhaps be more welcoming and inclusive to the guests and visitors among us

who are just beginning to engage their faith in God.

Our Easter season theme is: “Bloom where you are planted and grow in love!” I would ask that during this

season as we use a new and different statement of faith you would ponder the words, reflect on what they are

saying and see how they can help you bloom where you are planted and grow in love. We may even find that

we will have new and even more helpful words to use in sharing our faith with those are not currently a part

of faith family. Words that will help them grow in understanding of our great God as well.

God’s peace

Pastor Brian

Page 4: Seeds of GraceApostles’ Creed. Many Sundays, as part of our worship service, we use this creed as a statement about our faith. While it is not required we do it every week, we make


Lenten Wednesday Nights

April 3 - April 10th

, 2019

6:00 – Soup supper

7:00- Holden Evening Prayer

7:30 – short bible study on the upcoming Sunday lessons

7:30 - choir practice

As the Lenten Season draws to a close you are invited to join us on Wednesday

nights for an evening of fellowship, worship/prayer and study. We begin by gathering together in fellowship and conversation over bowls of soup. Then we gather in the worship center for a time of song and prayer followed by a time to explore together in some depth the scripture lessons for the approaching Sunday. Choirs will also be practicing during this time consider adding your talents to their music.

Page 5: Seeds of GraceApostles’ Creed. Many Sundays, as part of our worship service, we use this creed as a statement about our faith. While it is not required we do it every week, we make


Sunday April 14 – Palm/Passion Sunday 9:30 am service

Jesus, the Servant King, enters Jerusalem: “Hosanna,” they shouted. “Save us!” It’s the same cry sent forth since the Fall in the garden. God hears our cries. God knows our needs. And, as he has for his faithful throughout history, God provides. The Lord

sends his own Son to save us. Today we shout, “Blessed is he!”

Thursday April 18 – Maunday Thursday 7:00 pm service with Communion

Jesus washes the disciples Feet: As he welcomes us to his table, our Lord reminds us that he came as our

servant. But he offers so much more than foot washing. Jesus gives us his body. Jesus gives us his blood. He is God’s sent servant, the living sacrifice and our pathway to eternal life. We leave the table forgiven and sent to serve in his name and on his behalf.

Friday April 19 - Good Friday 7:00 pm service

Jesus serves and gives His life as a ransom: Look at the cross long and hard today. Who put himself there – a man, a son, a prophet, a king? More than simply sent, Christ was given for…. YOU!

Sunday April 21 – EASTER Sunday 9:30 am


The Resurrection of our Lord: We are witnesses for God’s son Jesus Christ. Christ shines in risen glory.

Hallelujah! The work of our salvation is complete. Worship your Risen Savior Today! Then GO and TELL! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

Page 6: Seeds of GraceApostles’ Creed. Many Sundays, as part of our worship service, we use this creed as a statement about our faith. While it is not required we do it every week, we make


Easter Sunday April 21 8AM—9:15AM

Come Hungry!

Easter Egg





This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed

Page 7: Seeds of GraceApostles’ Creed. Many Sundays, as part of our worship service, we use this creed as a statement about our faith. While it is not required we do it every week, we make


Adult Forum News

Sundays April 28-May 19

Acts – Life in the Early church and what can we learn for today

During this study important insights about the early church and what we can learn from our

forebearers in faith that is relevant for today will be learned.

The focus verses from Acts will be

April 28: Acts 4:32-5:11 – Life (and death) in the Early Christian Community

May 5: Acts 15 – the Jerusalem Council

May 12: Acts 17:16-34 – Paul in Athens

May 19: Acts 16:11-15; 18:1-4,18-28 – Women in the New Testament Church

Pastor Brian will be leading this study. It is a great way to follow up our study of generations

during Lent and now see how we can use all that we learn for being the church journeying into the future together.

Adult Forums

Adult Forum News

Sunday April 7th

We will wrap up and finish our five week study of Generational IQ by

Haydn Shaw.

NO Adult Forums on April 14 or April 21

We are taking a break for Palm/Passion Sunday and Easter

Page 8: Seeds of GraceApostles’ Creed. Many Sundays, as part of our worship service, we use this creed as a statement about our faith. While it is not required we do it every week, we make



Continuing during the month of April ALC’s HAAM Committee will be gathering items

needed to make Blessing Bags for the Homeless and Family Hygiene Packs.

Goal: The goal is to collect during March enough items to make 25 Homeless bags and 10

Family Hygiene Packs

Items need include:

Shampoo Band-aids

Toothbrushes Toothpaste

Toilet paper

Razors Bar soap (all sizes)

Shaving cream Tissues

Hand and/or body location Hand sanitizer

Combs Deodorant

*Full Size and Travel sizes are needed

**If you are traveling on spring break – the items found in your hotel room work great.

There will be a special event at the end of the Easter season to make these kits (watch for details in the months to come)

Page 9: Seeds of GraceApostles’ Creed. Many Sundays, as part of our worship service, we use this creed as a statement about our faith. While it is not required we do it every week, we make


Page 10: Seeds of GraceApostles’ Creed. Many Sundays, as part of our worship service, we use this creed as a statement about our faith. While it is not required we do it every week, we make


Immigration Information Meeting

(Charlas de Inmigracion)

HAAM (1302 1st Street E. , Humble, TX)

Friday, April 12th

Questions/ Preguntas (281)446-3663

HAAM and Catholic Charities are offering Information

meeting for anyone with immigration questions & to

learn about your rights.

HAAM y Caridades Catolics tendra Charla informative

p;ara todas las personas con preguntas sobre

inmigracion y para que conosca sus derechos

Page 11: Seeds of GraceApostles’ Creed. Many Sundays, as part of our worship service, we use this creed as a statement about our faith. While it is not required we do it every week, we make


2019 Family Promise Rotations

April 7-13

July 7-13

October 6-12 (subject to change due to Fall Festival)

For more information or if you would like to volunteer contact:

Judy Cargill or Judy Johnson

There are a multitude of Ministries, Groups, Clubs, and activities

at ALC. We are always welcoming to those who would like to

participate and/or volunteer!

Worship Servers Family Promise HAAM

Choir Maintenance Book Club

Bells Diner’s Club Sunday School

Basket Weavers Youth Special Events

*Call Donna in the office for more info. 281-852-7333

Page 12: Seeds of GraceApostles’ Creed. Many Sundays, as part of our worship service, we use this creed as a statement about our faith. While it is not required we do it every week, we make



Saturday, April 6, 2019

12 pm at Humble Civic Center

Join the ALC team’s fight against cancer

If you sign up for the Relay


sponsor a Runner , I will

Publish your Honoree in the

next Thursday Blast. Please

email me with the info.

Page 13: Seeds of GraceApostles’ Creed. Many Sundays, as part of our worship service, we use this creed as a statement about our faith. While it is not required we do it every week, we make


Please Join Us!

April 27, 2019

2:00 to 7:00pm

Kingwood Harley-Davidson Dealership

10th Annual

Chicks & Hogs

BBQ &Brew Off!

This time of year gets so exciting around here! This is our 10th Year and Chicks and Hogs is

stepping up its game! Yes, the rumors are true...thanks to the great folks at Planet Ford Humble

on 59 we have a brand new 2019 Ford 150 Super Crew Pick up....Tickets will be ready by

Monday the 18th - so let us know if you want to reserve yours!

We w il l h a ve t ic ket s for sal e !

$100 raffle ticket gives you the chance to win a brand

new FORD truck and VIP admission to the event…….and

only 300 tickets will be sold. See a Judy!!

(General admission will be available day of event)

We are also bringing some new fun to the event....we will have a Beer Garden featuring three local

brewers....Ingenious Brewing is on board and two other local brewers are checking their busy beer

schedule to see if they can come out and play with us!

Our Kid Zone will be amazing this year...we are bringing in Game On, a video gaming truck, Jump

House, Snow Cones....and more!

We also welcome to the stage The Mike Donnell band...if you haven't heard this group, you will

love them!!

How much is a Sponsorship? $250 and Up

What do I get as a Sponsor? Recognition on the Jumbo Tron, Tickets to give out to your

employees, friends, colleagues, and family, listed on all printed materials, All Social Media

Can anyone be a Sponsor? Yes! We have Sponsorships available in all different areas!

Our next meeting will be: March 9th at 8:00 am at McDonalds on Northpark - If you would like to

join our committee....AWESOME!! Prepare to have fun!

Page 14: Seeds of GraceApostles’ Creed. Many Sundays, as part of our worship service, we use this creed as a statement about our faith. While it is not required we do it every week, we make


To Mars and Beyond VBS 2019!!

To Mars and Beyond VBS invites Voyagers of all ages on a space travel adventure to explore where God’s power can take them! Along the journey,

Voyagers discover a new realm of possibilities as they reach for the stars and encounter the limitless power and love of God!

Day 1: Go Beyond with Faith!

Day 2: Go Beyond with Boldness!

Day 3: Go Beyond with Kindness!

Day 4: Go Beyond with Thankfulness!

Day 5: Go Beyond with Hope!

July 22 – 26, 2019

5:45p – 8:30p – Dinner is Served!

ALC VBS is for potty-trained 3year old’s through completed 5th grade.

Registration fee includes Dinner each night and a VBS t-shirt!!

Register today at:

Page 15: Seeds of GraceApostles’ Creed. Many Sundays, as part of our worship service, we use this creed as a statement about our faith. While it is not required we do it every week, we make


Martha, Hannah, Sarah, and Rebecca Deckinger

Russ and Susan Senti

David and Julie Miller

Darrell Kresta

Ronette Phelps

ALC welcomes you to our church family!



Atascocita Lutheran Church

Page 16: Seeds of GraceApostles’ Creed. Many Sundays, as part of our worship service, we use this creed as a statement about our faith. While it is not required we do it every week, we make


Sunday School for pre-K and elementary aged children

meet in the

room at the far end of the hall upstairs after 9:30 AM Service on Sundays.

S e e y o u t h e r e !

Page 17: Seeds of GraceApostles’ Creed. Many Sundays, as part of our worship service, we use this creed as a statement about our faith. While it is not required we do it every week, we make


Basket Weavers

Third Saturday of the Month

9am to 12pm Come join in the fun of learning basket weaving .

Atascocita Lutheran Church 7927 FM 1960 E, Humble, TX 77346

located at Pinehurst and 1960

Contact Joy Cook for more info

Support our Military Ministry

by donating supplies that are not easily available to them.

We will be sending a shipment in late February or early March


Chaplin Frost (ALC’s Military Chaplin).

Some Items needed are:

Hair Brushes Lotion

Feminine Products

Shampoo and Condition

Hygiene Products Body and Bath Wash

Page 18: Seeds of GraceApostles’ Creed. Many Sundays, as part of our worship service, we use this creed as a statement about our faith. While it is not required we do it every week, we make


Join us for food and fun

*Meets 3rd Thursday of each month at 7 pm except

April (*see date)& Dec.

April 25 Longhorn Steakhouse (Deerbrook Service Rd)

20127 Hwy. 59 281-446-2261

May 16 Marsala’s Italian Grill in Atascocita (near Culver’s)

5324 Atascocita Rd 832-644-9360

June 20 Tin Roof BBQ in Atascocita

18919 Town Center Blvd 281-852-5577

July 18 Patron Grill in Humble

9710 FM 1960 W 281-973-9027

August 15 Outback Steakhouse in Humble (near Deerbrook)

9753 FM 1960 W 281-446-4329

September 19 Red Lobster in Humble (near Home Depot)

20414 Hwy 59 N 281-964 4408

October 17 Tai Li Chinese in Atascocita (across from ALC)

7948 FM 1960 E 281-812-2799

November 21 Cracker Barrel in Kingwood

24400 Hwy 59 N 281-358-0166


Diner’s Club


Page 19: Seeds of GraceApostles’ Creed. Many Sundays, as part of our worship service, we use this creed as a statement about our faith. While it is not required we do it every week, we make


ALC Book Club – The Spice of Life!

The ALC Book Club meets on the second Monday of every month

at 7 p.m. in the large meeting room. If variety is the spice of life,

then we are spicy indeed because we read a wide variety of

books and enjoy some outstanding discussion. Here are our

selections for the remainder of the year:

April 8 – Ordinary Grace by William Kent Krueger

May 13 – Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng

June 10 – Beneath the Scarlet Sky by Mark Sullivan

July 8 – Think Twice by Lisa Scottoline

August 12 – Notorious RBG by Irin Carmon and Shana Knizhnik

September 9 – Lilac Girls by Martha Hall Kelley

October 14 – Bean Town Girls by Jane Healey

November 11 – Second Chance by James Patterson

December 9 – Movie Night!

We hope you will join us for great fellowship, tasty snacks and

spicy discussion! If you have any questions, contact Joy Berthold

at [email protected]



Page 20: Seeds of GraceApostles’ Creed. Many Sundays, as part of our worship service, we use this creed as a statement about our faith. While it is not required we do it every week, we make


Prayer Needed

Veronica Brown

Dave Berthold

Malinda Golden

Debbie Driesbach


Don & Phyllis

Patrick Konikoff

Cynthia Cappalli

Chloe Dowdy

Zoe Simpson



Gerrie Randall


Tom McDonald

Erna Lamothe Family

Harold Bird

Laurie McDonald

Lee Mitchell

Dylan Tieman

Travis Doan

As some of you know I have had my step-son on the

prayer list for months . He needed healing from a

terrible auto accident , which resulted in the discovery

of tumors on his kidney (Kidney Cancer). This hit really close to home. His

father, my husband, lost his life to the very same cancer 2 years ago. Well the

praise is, Glen has had a nephrectomy (kidney/football size tumor removal)

and is cancer free according to the doctors! He is also healed to the point of

returning to work! And the best part, He is developing a relationship with the

Lord through all of this! God is so good. Thank you for all your prayers. They

are greatly appreciated. To God be all the glory! ~~Donna~~

** If you have a PRAISE REPORT don’t keep it to yourself. Let all know that their prayers are

heard and being answered! You can email me or call with your report and I will include it in

the Thursday Blast and Seeds of Grace! (If you choose to share)

Page 21: Seeds of GraceApostles’ Creed. Many Sundays, as part of our worship service, we use this creed as a statement about our faith. While it is not required we do it every week, we make


Sign up in the narthex to give altar flowers.

Our church florist will make a beautiful


Cost is $50

If you are a member and do not see your name on

the birthday or anniversary list, please contact

Donna in the church office at 281-852-7333 or


[email protected]

Happy Birthday


4/1 Diane Trautman 4/4 Joe David Ortiz

4/4 Brandy Harris

4/7 Tanya Sorensen

4/8 Aria Nuezca

4/10 Pamela Augustowski

4/16 Eva Leigh

4/17 Jay Norman

4/19 Jennifer Muellner

4/20 George Mitchell

4/20 Bryanna Rudy

4/20 Logan Tieman

4/21 Linda Smith

4/21 Cheryl Howard

4/21 Sydney Kitts

4/24 Judy Johnson

4/25 Morgan Wiley

4/27 Ruth Schumacher

4/28 Daniel Galloway

4/30 Travis Mitchell

4/30 Kylie Main

4/10 Cathy and Allen DeWoody

4/22 Ted & Kacey Vuong

Page 22: Seeds of GraceApostles’ Creed. Many Sundays, as part of our worship service, we use this creed as a statement about our faith. While it is not required we do it every week, we make



April 3, 10 Lenten Supper and Bible Study

April 6 Relay for Life

April 7-13 Family Promise Rotation

April 8 Book Club 7 P.M.

April 13 Easter Egg Hunt

April 14 Palm Sunday

April 18 Maunday Thursday

April 19 Good Friday

April 21 Easter & Youth Sponsored Breakfast

April 25 Diner’s Club

April 20 Basket Weavers

April 21 Youth Sponsored Breakfast/ Easter

April 27 Chicks & Hogs BBQ

Share a Meal

Pastor Brian will be eating a lot of meals alone until his family joins him in the

spring. We would like to ensure that at least once a week he gets to dine with

a family from our congregation. This is a great way for Pastor Brian to get to

know our members and for our members to get to know him. Dinner (or

lunch) can be at a local restaurant or in your home. Let’s show Pastor Brian

how warm and hospitable we are here in Texas! Sign-up on the coffee bar to

host a meal.

Page 23: Seeds of GraceApostles’ Creed. Many Sundays, as part of our worship service, we use this creed as a statement about our faith. While it is not required we do it every week, we make



Our Vision:

As a growing, diverse community of believers on a

journey of faith, we seek to make Christ known through reflecting Christ in our lives.


7927 FM 1960 East

Humble, Texas 77346

(281) 852-7333

Brian Deckinger Pastor [email protected]

Donna Askew Office Manager [email protected]

Dan Wright Director of Music [email protected]

Sunday Worship 9:30 am - Holy Communion with a mix

of traditional and contemporary music