Seedlist January 2012 - Other Succulents

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    SEEDLIST January 2012 - Other Succulents

    and Bulbs


    pkt 100 500Adenia, /3,6,8,14/ thick stem caudiform, summer grower1885.8-keramanthus huge caudex, hairy vine and leaves 2.50+

    Adenium, /3,6,8,14/ caudiciform, winter deciduous leaves1886.6-arabicum shorter, thicker caudex 2.50* 16.001886.7-multiflorum beautiful red edged flowers 1.50+ 20.001886.8-obesum bright pink to red flowers 2.00* 14.00 44.00

    1887.15-somaliense thick irregular caudex, branching 2.50* 16.00

    Agave, /3,6,8/ century plant, good for summer patio1887.285-aktites San Carlos, Son, small narrow leaf 2.50 8.00

    1887.5-angustifolia /15/ Presa de Los Serna, AGS, narrow leaves 1.50 5.001887.6-angustifolia v marginata leaf edge with white stripe 1.00 3.50 11.001887.8-applanata El Limon, VC, dense overlapping leaves 1.50 5.001888.01-attenuata Irapeo, Hgo, smooth graceful pale leaves 1.50 5.00

    1888.02-attenuata Morelia, MIch, smooth elegant rosettes 1.50 7.001888.2-avellanidens Rosarito, Baja, undulated margin 1.50 5.001888.28-celsii pale green leaves, dense red teeth 1.501888.281-celsii Los Duraznos, Hgo, broad pale leaf, tiny teeth 1.50 7.001888.282-celsii Maguey Verde, Qro, pale green leaf, tiny teeth 1.50 7.00

    1888.29-celsii v albicans /15/ s Rio Verde, SLP, very fine teeth 1.50 5.00 16.001888.3-celsii v albicans Tuzanapa, Hgo, wide frosted grey leaves 1.50 5.00 16.001888.304-cerulata Catavina, small light green leaf 1.50 5.00 16.00

    1888.306-cerulata /16/ Sta Catarina, BCN, makes fairy rings 1.50 5.001888.318-cerulata v nelsonii 1.50 5.001888.32-cerulata v nelsonii Santa Inez, BCN, stiff teeth 1.50 5.00 16.001888.36-chrysantha /17/ low rosette, slender leaves 1.00 3.501888.363-chrysantha /17/ New River Mts, Az, silvery blue rosette 1.00 3.50 11.00

    1888.374-chrysoglossa San Carlos, Son, narrow leaf, fat flower 2.501888.382-colimana Pt Esmeralda, Col, frayed narrow leaves 3.00 10.001888.4-colorata San Carlos Bay, powdery grey leaves red tinged 2.00 6.00 22.001888.65-desertii /17/ Montezuma Valley, CA, small rosettes 1.00 3.50 11.001888.68-desertii v simplex /17/ Harcuvar Mts, small silvery rosette 1.00 3.50 11.00

    1888.69-desertii /17/ Jacumba, Ca, modest rosettes 1.00 3.50 11.001888.8-difformis El Tephe, Hid, leaves with wavy edge, small rosette 1.50 7.00 16.001888.93-ellemeeetiana smooth curved leaves 3.00 10.001889.24-geminiflora /16/ Ocotillo, Nyar, dense narrow smooth lf 2.50 8.00

    1889.3-gigantensis Sierra de la Gigantea, Baja 1.50 5.00

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    1889.73-guadalajarana /16/ broad overlapping leaves, super teeth 2.50 8.001889.75-guiengola /14/ broad pale green leaf, fine teeth 2.00 6.001889.842-hurteri Zunil, Guat., large elegant rosette 3.00 10.001889.845-inaequidens /16/ varied teeth sizes on leaf edge 2.00 6.00

    1889.846-ithsmensis Salina Cruz, Oax, tight interlacing leaves 2.501889.848-karwinskii Teotitlan, small rosette on short trunk 1.50 5.001889.86-kerchovei Penamiller, Qro, brown jagged teeth 1.50 7.00 16.001889.9-lechuguilla /18/ small open rosettes, clustering 1.00 3.50 11.00

    1892.4-lechuguilla /17/ Zimapan, Hid., small curved leaves 1.00 3.501892.42-lophantha /16/ pale green leaves with paler midstripe 1.00 3.50 11.001892.43-longisepala narrow leaves, very long tepals 1.501892.607-macroculmis /17/ Conception del Oro 3000m, huge, hardy 3.00 10.001892.611-maximiliana Magdalena, Jal, wide teethed leaf 2.50 8.00

    1892.616-mckelveyana DJF1575 /17/ sw Bagdad, Az 1.00 3.501893-neomexicana SB105 /18/ Sacramento Mts, Otero Co, NM 1.50 5.00 16.001894-neomexicana SB948 /18/ w Artesia, leaf powdery grey 1.50 5.001894.2-nizandensis Nizanda, Oax, small few leaved rosette 4.00*

    1894.3-obscura Perote, VC, small rosettes, densely toothed 1.50 7.00 16.001895.2-ocahui /16/ Guasabas, Son, narrow leaves red edged line 2.50 8.001895.5-palmeri /17/ Huachuca Mts, Az, long slender leaves 1.00 3.501895.53-palmeri /17/ Ruby, Az, nice teeth, small dark green rosette .90 2.80 8.00

    1895.55-palmeri /17/ e Sonoita, Az, grey green toothy rosette .90 2.80 8.001896-parrasana /17/ short broad overlapping leaves, elegant 3.001897-parryi DJF138 /17/ ne Globe, Az, elegant rich green leaves 1.50 7.00 16.001897.22-parryi v cousei /17/ Sedona, Az, wide leaf 1.00 3.50 11.00

    1897.52-parryi v huachucensis /17/ Huachuca Mts, AZ, very wide lf 1.50 7.00 16.00#1898-parviflora /17/ Ruby, Az, tiny freyed rosettes, pretty 1.50 5.001898.12-parviflora v flexiflora /17/ Guasabas, Son, nodding fl 2.50* 16.001898.4-pedunculifera w Durango in Sierras, very elegant 2.001898.52-pendula Jalapa, VC, hangs on cliffs, eager to fl 2.50*

    1898.552-poliantheflora /17/ Nacori Chico, Son, small hairy rosette 3.00* 20.00 64.001898.56-poliantheflora SB1703 Yecora, Son, small rosette 3.00* 20.001898.58-polyacantha v xalapensis Las Vigas, red teeth 1.50 7.00 16.00

    1898.603-potatorum se Tehuacan, wide powdery grey leaves 2.50 8.001898.67-scabra /16/ Baluarte, Zac, rough dark green leaves 1.50 5.00 16.001898.713-scabra v zarcensis /16/ La Zarca, smaller broad leaves 2.50 8.001898.724-schidigera /16/ Durango-Mazatlan, leaf with dense hairs 1.50 7.001898.76-schottii Whetstone Mts, Az, offsets to make mats 1.00

    1898.9-shawii /15/ rugged leaves 1.00 3.501899.1-shawii v goldmaniana /16/ San Borja, BCN, dark green rosette 1.50 5.00 16.001899.2-shawii v goldmaniana Punta Prieta, wide teethy leaf 1.50 5.00 16.001899.33-shrevei v magna Batopilas, Chih, large teeth 1.50 5.001899.35-sobria Santa Rosalia, BCS, banded powdery leaf 1.50 5.00 16.00

    1899.37-sobria ssp roseana San Jose del Cabo, toothy 2.501899.4-striata /16/ long slender silver grey leaves 1.00 3.50

    1899.45-striata /16/ Providencia, SLP, thin pointed leaves 1.00 3.501899.54-striata /15/ w Zimapan, slender pinkish leaves 1.00 3.50 11.00

    1899.543-striata v falcata /16/ dense small rosette, pincushion 1.25 4.001899.55-stricta /16/ Tehuacan, very thin needlelike leaves 1.25 4.001899.57-stricta f nana Minas Asbestos, small half-globe of needles 1.501899.64-tenuifolia /16/ Xilitla, SLP, narrow recurved leaves,small 2.00 6.00

    1899.65-tequilana bluish leaves,cross hatch marks 3.00 10.001899.72-titanota Rancho Tambor, white powdery leaves 2.00 6.001899.81-toumeyana /17/ Sunflower, Az, small hairy rosettes 1.50 5.00 16.001899.82-toumeyana /17/ Apache Trail, AZ, small rosettes, thin lf 2.00 6.00

    1899.84-toumeyana /18/ s Globe, Az, compact hairy rosettes 1.50 5.00 16.001900-triangularis Tehuacan, thick dark green leaf, few teeth 2.501900.1-utahensis /18/ Meadview, Az, small, clustering 1.00 3.50 11.001900.2-utahensis DJF1521 /18/ Peach Springs,Az, tiny rosettes, nice 1.00 3.501900.5-utahensis v eborispina RP31 /17/ Charleston Peak NV, toothed 1.50 5.00 16.00

    1900.95-utahensis v kaibabensis /18/ Meadview AZ, larger rosette 1.00 3.50 11.00

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    1901.3-utahensis v nevadensis RP32 /17/ Wilson Pass, Nv 1.501901.31-utahensis v nevadensis JRT710 /18/ Clark Co, NV 1.501901.584-vizcainoensis Vizcaino, BCS, small rosette, wavy leaf 1.50 5.00 16.001901.585-wocomahi Basaseachi, Chih, high forest dweller 2.00 6.00 22.00

    1901.586-wocomahi /17/ Morig, Chih, many small teeth 2.00 6.001901.59-xylonacantha Penamiller, Gto, very wavy and toothed leaf 2.50

    Alluadia, /3,6,14/ upright thorny shrubs, Madagascar

    1902.1-humbertii thorny branching stems, fleshy leaf 4.00+1902.2-procera thorny branches, round green leaves 4.00+

    Apodanthera /4,6,14/, Mexican cucurbits1904-aspera w Tehuacan, huge caudex 6.00X

    Beaucarnea, /3,6,14/ trees with rosette-forming leaves1914.55-guatemalensis caudex grows into small tree 1.00 3.501914.65-sanctomariana super caudex, offsetting 3.00+

    Beschorneria /3,6,14/, soft fleshy rosettes, Agave family1914.74-albiflora 3.00+1914.75-calcicola 3.00+

    1914.8-yuccoides rough grey leaves, vivid red fl 3.00

    Boswellia /5,6,14/, frankincense tree, aromat1914.96-serrata super scented leaves and bark 3.00+

    Calibanus, /15/ thick dumpling-esque caudes1919.72-hookeri Lourdes, SLP, huge caudex, reed leaves 2.50+

    Cissus /3,6,14/, thick roots with vines

    1920.13-coignetiae India, huge caudex, summer vine, crimson flowers 2.00+

    Commiphora, /4,6,12,14/ thick truncked bonsai shrub

    1920.142-wrightii Rajastan, India, thrives in extreme heat 3.00+

    Cyphostemma, /4,6,12,14/ thick caudex, deciduous leaves1920.5-juttae thick caudex, large leaves 2.50+

    Dasylirion, /3,6/ thick stem rosette with thorny teeth1921.83-hidalgensis short trunk, long reedy leaves 1.50 5.001922.2-lucidum short thick trunk, dense rosette 1.50

    Dorstenia, /3,6,14/ low squat thick base, deciduous leaves

    1923.17-brasiliensis 1.50* 10.001923.19-crispa thick trunk, wavy curly leaves 2.00

    1923.197-crispa ssp lancifolia ES113 Somalia 2.001923.2-foetida flowers smell like peanut butter, knobby caudex 1.50*

    Dracaena, /3,6,14/ evergreen palmlike tree1924.1-draco makes fat trunk, sword shaped leaves 1.00+ 14.00

    Dyckia, /2,6/ rosette forming, with thorny leaves1924.4-marnier-lapostele /14/ frosted grey leaves, very pretty 1.25 4.00 12.001926-sp mix, colorful hybrid crosses, pretty .90 2.80

    Erythrina, /4,6,9,16/ low shrubs, broad showy leaves

    1930-flabelliformis Ruby, Az, woody shoots from huge caudex 2.00+

    Eucomis, /2,6,16/ summer bulb with whorl of leaves1930.4-vandermerwei Steenkampsberg, speckled leaves, super flower 1.50

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    Fouquieria, /3,6,8,14-17/ stem succulent, deciduous leaves1942.5-burrageii Mulege, BCS, stumpy caudex, thorny branches 2.00+1942.53-columnaris /15/ boojum, curious whip tree 1.50*1942.532-columnaris Catavina, BCN, upside down carrot 2.50*

    1942.54-diguetii upright thorny grey caudex 1.25 4.001942.58-formosa Guiengola, Oax, thorny yellow branches 6.00X1942.59-macdougalii caudex with branching shoots 1.00* 7.001942.6-macdougalii San Carlos, Son, red flowers 2.50* 16.00

    1942.65-ochoterani Tepejillo, Pue, peeling yellow bark 3.00X1942.7-shrevei /16/ Laguna El Rey, Coah, small, with white fl 3.50+1943.1-splendens /17/ Lajitas, TX, dark grey thorny branches 1.50 5.001944.03-splendens v albiflora Valle Nacional, Dur, white fl 3.00+

    Furcraea /3,6,14/, rosette forming, fl with bulbils1944.06-guatemalensis leaf edge with small teeth 3.00 10.001944.062-niquivilensis 2.00*1944.0626-pubescens stemless, slender toothy leaves 3.00 10.00

    1944.063-quichensis thatched trunk, big rosette above 3.00 10.00

    Hechtia, /3,6/ rosette-forming, colorful teethed leaves1948.86-scariosa /16/ Terlingua, TX, red streaked silvery rosette 1.00 3.50 11.00

    Hesperaloe, /3,6/ rosettes of long thin frayed leaves1948.89-funifera /16/ long upright leaves, xeric 1.25 4.001948.9-funifera /13,16/ Matehuala, SLP, long slender leaves 2.00+

    1949-parviflora /17/ red flowers on long spike 1.00 3.50

    Ibervillea, /3,6,8,14/ caudex with trailing vine1949.9-tenuisecta /17/ Dona Ana Co, NM, geophytic caudex 1.50+ 20.001950-tenuisecta Baln Lourdes, lobed leaves from caudex 2.00+

    1951-tenuisecta RAR01 /17/ Jarilla Mts, NM, huge brown caudex 1.00+

    Ipomoea, /3,6,8,12/ underground caudex with deciduous vine

    1955.6-platensis /15/ summer growing vine, caudex, dry in winter 1.50* 10.001955.7-quamoclit garden subject, vine with bright red flowers 1.00*

    Kedrostris, /3,6,14/ summer growing caudiciform, trailing vine1956.41-africana summer grower, white caudex, dark green leaf 1.50* 10.00 32.00

    1956.48-nana slender branching caudex 1.50* 10.00 32.001956.5-punctalata geophytic caudex with climbing summer vine 1.50* 10.00

    Manfreda, /3,6,15-16/ soft spotted leaves, fragrant fl1959.96-maculosa /17/ mottled leaves, nice fragrant flowers 1.00 3.50

    Merremia, /5,6,14/ morning glory relative

    1960.143-dissecta tuberous vine for wall or fence, white fl 1.25*

    Mirabilis /3,6,14/, four-o-clocks, tubular flowers1960.16-jalapa huge deep tubers 2.00+

    Momordica, /3,6,14/ caudiciform cucurbit

    1960.173-charantia makes edible orange fruits 1.50+1960.18-rostrata large furrowed caudex 2.00+

    Moringa /3,6,17/, fat trunked caudex, summer grower

    1960.193-ovalifolia huge trunk, big leaves 1.50+

    Nolina, /3,6,8/ succulent trunk with slender leaves1960.58-microcarpa /17/ Mimbres, NM, flower on a 6 ft spike .90 2.801960.73-parviflora Tehuacan, Pue, thick caudex trunk 3.00 10.00

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    Othonna, /C,7,14/ succulent daisy, 40-50F (5-10C)1961.5-armiana Rooiberg, bumpy blob, leathery leaves 2.50+1961.58-cakilifolia Spektakel pass, notched leaf, purple flowers 3.00+1962-cuneata HH4950 Vredendal, lobed leaves, bumpy black tuber 1.50*

    1962.2-hallii HH5075 Vredendal, small caudex, with hairs 3.00+1962.237-lepidocaulis Riethuis, cylindrical caudex, tapered leaf 2.00+1962.25-macrosperma low fat caudex with peeling bark 2.00+1962.28-sonchifolia Clanwilliam, fat based caudex 2.00+

    1962.29-wrinkleiana s Nuwerus, squat caudex at soil level 3.00+

    Pachycormus, /3,6,14/ low tree with thick trunk1962.5-discolor Catavina, BCS, papery park 2.00* 14.00

    Pachypodium, /3,6,8,14/ thick stem, deciduous leaves1963.6-lealii upright thorny caudex 3.00+1963.8-namaquanum /14/ upright thorny caudex, leaves on crown 3.00*1964-saundersii thorny stem, deciduous leaves 2.50* 16.00

    Pedilanthus, /5,14/ rubbery stems, small bushes1964.057-macrocarpus birdlike red flowers 2.00X

    Pelargonium, /C,7,14/ sow at 40-50F (5-10C)1964.083-acetosum large reddish flowers, odorous leaves 1.00*1964.11-appendiculatum geophytic tuber, nice yellow-red flowers 1.50+1964.135-barkleyi tuberous, rough purple zoned leaves 2.50+

    1964.14-candicans prostrate branches, flowers most of the time 1.00* 7.001964.15-carnosum finely divided leaf, thick caudex 1.00*1964.1603-caucalifolium woody shrub, nice purple pink fl 1.00* 7.001964.162-cotyledonis St Helena, very nice caudex, winter grower 2.50+1964.184-dolomiticum woody stump, long white petals, summer grower 1.00*

    1964.192-elongatum hairy stems and leaves, kidney shaped leaves 1.00* 7.001964.27-exhibens long leaves, petals cream with red stripes 1.00* 7.001964.325-incrassatum fat tuber thatched with old leaves, red fl 1.50+

    1964.344-mollicomum stem covered with old papery scales, nice fl 1.00* 7.001964.3445-oblongatum Kommaggas, super yellow flower, red stripes 2.00+1964.3448-odoratissimum tuberous roots, apple scented leaves 1.50*1964.345-odoratissimum Somerset East, bubblegum fragrance 1.50+1964.3454-pulverulentum round tubers, near black flowers 1.50+

    1964.3476-tongaense bright red flowers come all summer 1.00*1964.3477-triste fat caudex, fine grey leaves 2.50+1964.3484-vitifolium large lobed hairy leaves like grape, pink fl 1.00* 7.00

    Peperomia, /3,6,14/ small caudex hides in rock cracks

    1964.3489-monticola RM109 Bal de Lourdes, SLP, tuber with silvery lf 1.50 5.001964.349-bracteata RM130 Mineral del Chico, 2500m, small tubers 1.50

    1964.3490-andina sp nov RM254 Chilete 3000m Peru 1.501964.3494-asperula f reducta miniature, small in all parts 1.50 5.00

    1964.3495-columella most compact of all species 1.25 4.001964.3496-dolabriformis GP1733 ex type location 1.001964.3497-dolabriformis Loja, Rio Catamayao, Ecuador 1.00 3.501964.3498-fraseri inflorescence like volcanic eruption 1.00

    1964.35-nivalis v compacta Poroporo 3000m, tiny leaves 1.251964.351-nivalis Huacariz, Peru, with rough leaves 1.001964.3531-asperula thick boat shaped leaf with window 1.50 5.001964.3532-dolabriformis thick curved leaf with window on top 1.50 5.00

    1964.3535-strawii RM281 San Marcos Peru, whorls of light green lf 1.50 5.001964.3537-wolfgang-krahni undulate frosted leaves 1.251964.355-sp nova /16/ El Chagual, Peru, slender warted leaf 1.25 4.001964.356-sp nova GP1755 dark lined leaves, white flowers 1.251964.357-prostratus mat forming, red leaves, blue flowers 1.00 3.50

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    Probiscidea, /3,6,14-17/ devils claw, fruit with 2 long hooks1964.359-altheaefolia Tucson, AZ, big tuberous root, yellow fl 1.25*

    Puya, /3,6/ fibrous coarse rosette with teethed margin

    1964.491-berteroniana /15/ Chile, 6 ft flower spike, blue-green 1.00 3.50 11.001964.493-chilensis flat rosette of fibrous thorny leaves 1.00 3.50 11.001964.494-coerulea v violacea spike of purple flowers 1.25 4.001964.7-venusta dense spiny rosette, alpine meadows 1.25 4.00

    Sarcocaulon, /1,7,14/ winter growing, sow in late autumn1969.8-vanderietiae slender branched low mat 2.50+

    Sophora, /4,6,8,17/ small bushes, leathery leaves

    1971.58-secundiflora /16/ Mathis, Tx, violet-blue fl 1.00+1971.59-secundiflora /17/ Guadalupe Mts, NM, 'CoralBean'fragrant fl 1.00+

    Tamus, /3,15/ spring growing tuber with vine

    1971.91-communis RM193 Tavignano, Corsica, tubers, red berries 1.50*

    Tecoma /3,6,16/ desert shrub, nice yellow flowers all summer1971.995-gaudichaudii Thar Desert, India, many yellow fl 1.00*

    Tradescantia /2,6/, small rosette florming scramblers1975-acaulis RM127 fleshy tuberous roots, flowers all summer 1.00

    Yucca, /2,6/ makes very nice garden plant, white flowers1979.9-arizonica /17/ Nogales, AZ, clumps, short trunks 2.501980.4-baccata /18/ Los Alamos, NM, stemless, leaf with curly edges 1.501982.75-brevifolia /17/ Meadview, AZ, oddly branching trees 1.50 5.001982.9-brevifolia v jaegeriana Meadview, AZ, lower, bushier 1.50

    1982.93-carnerosana /17/ Sra Parras, Coah, huge rosette 2.501983.2-endlichiana /17/ La Florida, Coah, leaves from stump caudex 2.50+1984.4-filamentosa /18/ soft recurved leaves, white flowers 1.00 3.50 11.00

    1985.6-glauca /18/ narrow leaves, tall large flower spike 1.00 3.501985.7-glauca /18/ Valencia Co, NM, thin leaves, frayed fibers 1.00 3.501985.72-glauca /18/ Platte Co, Wyo., white and pink flowers 1.00 3.501985.8-glauca /18/ Yuma Co, CO, slender leaves, hairy 1.00 3.501993.64-elata DJF1341 /17/ Franklin Mts TX, thatched trunked tree 1.00

    1997-glauca /17/ Wickenburg, AZ, thatched trunk, 8-10 ft tall 1.00 3.50 11.001997.7-mixtecana /14/ Tehuacan, tall slender trunk, apical rosette 2.50*1997.81-neomexicana JRT251 /18/ Cimmeron Co, OK, dark rosette 1.501997.83-peninsularis /16/ El Rosario, BCN, shimmering bluish leaf 1.50 5.001997.84-periculosa /16/ Tehuacan, thick trunk, erect inflorescence 1.50*

    1997.95-rigida /16/ sharp tipped blue leaves, short trunk 1.501998-rigida DJF753 /17/ Tacubaya, bluish leaves 2.50

    1999.5-rupicola /17/ Ozona, Tx, soft yellow-green leaf, small 1.50 5.00 16.002000.2-schidigera /17/ San Diego Co, CA, long tapering leaf 1.50

    2000.3-schidigera /17/ Meadview, Az, low trunk, 3-4 ft tall 1.502001.34-thompsoniana /17/ n Alpine, Tx, yellow edged leaf 1.502001.6-torreyi Redford, TX, narrow dagger-leaf, short tree 2.00 6.002003-whipplei /16/ San Diego Co, CA, thin silvery green leaves 1.00 3.50

    2003.23-whipplei v caespitosa /17/ Phelan, CA, rigid lfs, clusters 1.00 3.502003.3-whipplei v parishii /17/ San Gabriel Mts, Ca 1.00 3.50

    Zehneria, /5,6,14/ tropical cucurbit, tuberous roots

    2012-pallidinervia 1.50+

    Echeveria, /1,6,10,14-16/ colorful leaves and flowers2459-setosa dense rosette of many tiny fuzzy leaves 1.002460.8-strictiflora /16/ Cuatrocienagas, pink tinged leaves 1.00

    2461-strictiflora SB812 /17/ Brewster Co,Tx, red edged leaf 1.00

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    Hasseanthus, /1,7/ deciduous Dudleya relative2499-nesioticus winter leaves from underground caudex 1.00 3.50

    Tacitus, /1,6,10/ dense rosette of thin leaves2951-bellus blue leaves tinged red 1.00 3.50

    Tylecodon, /1,7,10,C/ low thick-stemmed caudiciforms

    2983-racemosus Uitspanpoort, fine glandular hairs 1.002991.3-singularis PB8373 Rosh Pinah, huge single leaf, white hairs 3.00

    Euphorbia, /3,6,8,11/ interesting diverse genus3010-albipollenifera /16/ Addo, flowers with white pollen 2.00+

    3033-bubalina much branched shrub, leafed 1.50+3103-fortuita fat central caudex, stubby arms 2.00+3119.9-horrida v noorsveldtensis long red teeth 2.00+3152-meloformis v macrodiscus Peddie, striped stem 3.00+

    3200-obesa thick rounded stem, color stripes 1.50+3213.2-pillansii Barrydale, clump forming, new thorns red 1.50+3260-schoenlandii erect club shaped plant 1.00+3272-suzannae low thick rounded bristly stem, deep taproot 1.50*

    3274-symmetrica low stem, striped color bands 2.00+3300-valida low thick stem with long thorns 2.00+3306.5-viguieri v tsimbazazae Tsingy de Bemaraha, large leaves 1.50*

    Jatropha, /4,6/ summer grower, leaves fall off in winter3331-augustii Arequipa, Peru, bonsai shrub, red flowers 2.00+3354-macrocarpa /14/ thick fleshy branches, large lobed leaf 2.00+3360-podagrica club shaped caudex, brilliant red fl 2.00+

    Aloe, /2,6,14-16/ very large diverse genus3502.3-africana graceful recurved leaves, single trunk 1.00 3.50 11.003503-ammophila compact stemmless rosette, red flowers 1.00 3.50

    3503.5-andringitrensis broad leaf with white teeth 1.003506-aristata /17/ narrow leaves, fine teeth, an alpine 1.50*3510-branddraaiensis H6112 Brandraai, red teeth 1.00 3.50 11.003513-brevifolia /16/ tight rosette of greyish leaves 1.00 3.503517-cameronii erect stem, narrow reddish leaves 1.00 3.50

    3520.2-claviflora /16/ grows in a ring, brilliant red flowers 1.253520.5-comosa short trunk, nice pinkish leaves 1.00 3.503524-davyana large white bands on leaves 1.00 3.50 11.00#3525.3-descoingsii very tiny rosette, orange flowers 1.25*3526.7-dhufarensis stays small, soft leaf, coral-red fl 1.25 4.00 12.00

    3530-elegans grey leaves with red edge 1.00 3.50 11.003530.4-erinacea hard leaf, bright orange-brown teeth 3.00* 20.00

    3532.51-ferox Howick, KN, big spiny rosette, red flowers 1.00 3.50 11.003533-fosteri small rosette, ivory spotted leaves 1.00 3.50

    3533.4-glauca pink leaf with red teeth 1.003533.96-globuligemma H6122 Bergersfort, Tvl, super red-white fl 1.003540-humilis /16/ miniature, with warts and teeth 1.00 3.503547-imatolensis Isalo, flat pale leaf, fine teeth 1.50

    3548-immaculata very short stem, short broad green lf .90 2.80 8.003553-karasbergensis leaves with thin color stripes, nice 1.00 3.503553.8-khamiesensis rigid red leaves, many spots & teeth 1.00 3.50 11.003554-khamiesensis Ottospoort, bright white spots 1.00 3.50

    3560-krapohliana incurved grey leaves, bright orange flowers 1.003561-krapohliana Vredendal 1.50*3561.2-krapohliana v dumoulinii Alexander Bay, tiny rosette 1.50*3565-littoralis white spotted pale blue leaves 1.00 3.50 11.003576-marlothii H6843 Nanija Klaserie, Tvl, stout red teeth 1.50

    3586-microstigma incurved rosette of reddish leaves 1.00 3.50 11.00

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    3587-mutans Adriaansdraai, Tvl, dark parallel lines on leaf 1.00 3.50 11.003589.5-niebuhriana Al Barh, Yemen, dark purple-grey leaf 1.50 5.003597-peglerae /16/ very small cool blue rosette 2.003597.3-petricola blue leaves with few teeth, stemless 1.00 3.50

    3597.6-pretoriensis ISI1827 small rosette, hard light green leaves 1.003600-pirottae Wamba Pass, Kenya, small flat rosette 1.25 4.003602.5-polyphylla /16/ spiral forming rosette 3.00* 20.00 64.00#3610-rauhii small pink tinged leaves,orange fl. 2.00

    3616-reitzii short stem, bright orange teeth, super flowers 1.00 3.50 11.003648.8-spectabilis red leaves with many teeth, wonderful flowers 1.00 3.503649.2-striata leaves have striped color bands 1.00 3.50 11.003649.3-striata Oudtshoorn, wide leaves, parallel stripes 1.00 3.503649.5-suprafoliata long distichous leaves on juveniles 1.00

    3658-thraskii short tree, long recurved leaves 1.00 3.50 11.003659-tomentosa very hairy green flowers 1.00 3.503678-vacillans curved leaf with red edge, nodding yellow fl 1.00 3.503678.1-vacillans COLL 7246 Tannumah, Saudia Arabia, red flowering 1.00

    3678.3-vacillans COLL 7246 Tannumah, from red flowering plants 1.00 3.503679-vaombe shiny red leaves, upright trunk 1.00 3.50 11.003680-variegata /C/ orange flowers, small rosettes 1.00 3.50 11.003681-variegata Dikkop Flats, dark grey leaf, white bands 1.50 5.00

    3690.4-wickensii v lutea dark red leaves, yellow fl 1.00 3.50 11.003691-wickensii Chuniespoort, Tvl 1.00 3.50 11.003695-zebrina small rosette, white jagged striped leaves 1.00 3.503699-sp mix rosettes with many flower colors 1.00 3.50 11.00

    Astroloba, /2,6,14/ rosettes with rigid sharp leaves3703-bicarinatum ISI90-47 se Laingsburg, rough leaves, dark 1.00* 7.003705-deltoidea polished dark green leaf, red edged 1.00*

    Bowiea, /2,6,14/ succulent blob with deciduous vine3719-kilimandscharica fat above ground bulb, yellow flowers 1.50*

    Gasteria, /2,6,14/ rosette forming, thick tough leaves3800.4-acinacifolia Grahamstown, 'lutzii' huge rosettes 1.003800.6-pulchra long curved leaves 1.00 3.50 11.003802.1-armstrongii ISI 90-60 Humansdorp 1.503802.8-baylissiana Oudekraal, fine clones with compact rosette 1.00 3.50

    3802.9-baylissiana ex TL, light grey rough leaves 1.003805-carinata SB1357 Brandrivier, L Karoo 1.00 3.503807-croucheri man-sized rosette, green-white spotted leaf 1.00 3.503807.3-disticha McGregor Jct, Robertson, short toothy leaf 1.503807.5-ellaphieae Kouga Dam, many rough white warts 1.00 3.50

    3809-huttoniae 1.00 3.50 11.003821-pillansii bands of big white spots 1.00

    3823-pulchra Keurkloof, white spotted straplike leaf 1.25 4.003824-pulchra Yester, Somerset East 1.25

    3826-brachyphylla Huisrivier Pass, Calitzdorp 1.003827-verrucosa light grey leaves with white dots 1.00 3.50 11.003828-vlokii leaves with white bands, large orange fl 1.00*3829-sp mix of various forms, stomach-like flowers 1.00 3.50

    Haworthia, /7,14-15/ rosettes, sow at 50-70F (10-21C)3831.1-arachnoidea JME 3/94 Springfontein, dried toothy leaf tips 1.50* 10.00 32.003836.29-bolusii Graaf-Reinet 2.00*3836.4-bolusii v blackbeardiana leaf tip with wispy teeth 2.00*

    3836.5-bolusii v blackbeardiana e Cathcart 2.00*3836.56-bolusii v blackbeardiana FSA148 Mortimer, dense fine teeth 1.50* 10.00 32.003842.7-cymbiformis v obtusa MBB6847 Alicedale, fat rounded windows 1.00* 7.00 20.003844-decipiens small dense clear grey leaves 1.25* 8.00

    3844.2-decipiens Dam se Drif, hiding rosette, white teeth 1.50 5.00

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    3845.1-emelyae flat colorful rosette, like Ariocarpus 2.00*3850-habdomadis v inconfluens behaves like lockwoodii 1.50*3851.1-habdomadis v inconfluens Ladismith airstrip, onion-like 2.00*3898-longiana very long reddish leaves 1.00*

    3898.2-longiana se Patensie, long rigid leaves 1.00*3930-pumila heavy thick leaves, white bands 1.25* 8.003930.5-pumila Stormsvlei, very dark leaves with fewer tubercles 1.50*3938.52-magnifica v acuminata GM310 n Gouritzmond 1.50*

    3946.12-semiviva DMC4354 Beislespoor, white papery leaves 1.50* 10.003991.5-woolleyi small dark rosette, miniature 2.00*3991.6-woolleyi Kleinpoort, Springbokvlakte, dark plaid 2.00*

    Schizobasis, /1,C,14/ winter growing bulb

    4005-intricata wirey zig-zag stem, winter grower 1.50*4005.2-intricata Olifantsberg, se Robertson, crooked wirey stem 1.50

    Ceropegia, /3,6,14/ underground tuber, trailing deciduous vine

    4083-bulbosa India, twining vine, green striped balloon fl 3.00+

    Gonolobus, /3,6,14/ super caudex4197-cyclophyllus summer growing stems, woody caudex 3.00+

    Hoodia, /3,6,8,14/ erect stem, saucer-shaped flowers4210-gordonii branches in age, woody teeth 1.50* 10.004214-juttae PVB3526 Garis, Great Karas, long bristly teeth 2.00* 14.00

    Huernia, /3,6/ short thick stems, variable flowers4283-zebrina waxy flower, bright brown-yellow stripes 1.00*

    Pseudolithos /3,6,14/ bumpy rocks

    4406-migiurtinus squat, thick, wrinkly 5.00*

    Stapelia, /3,6,8,14/ large flowers come summer/fall

    4490-mix all sorts of stapeliad seed, great flowers 2.00*

    Mix, full cactus-succulent assortment

    5001- full cactus-succulent mix 1 gm 1.25; 10 gm 7.00; 50 gm 25.00

    Caesalpina /3,6/, small bush, heat and drought lover5401-gilliesii /17/ super flowers, long red filaments 1.00* 7.005401.4-pulcherrima /16/ low bush, spotted pink flowers 1.00*

    Chilopsis, /3,6,17/ small desert tree, freely flowering

    5402-linearis /17/ many pink orchid-like flowers 1.00

    Drimopsis, /C,14/ winter growing bulbs5562-uniflora Rennies Kop, tiny hanging flower, tiny bulb 1.00

    Lachenalia, /C,14/ bulb with soft succulent leaves, dry in summer

    5609-comptonii Komsberg pass, white hairy leaf, scented flowers 1.505653-mutabilis single leaf, tall colored flower spike 1.50 5.005660-patula Vredendal, thick soft reddish leaves, white flowers 1.505671-splendida super pink pastel bell flowers 1.50

    Massonia /C,14-15/, winter growing bulbs, flat leaves5681.6-sp Addo, thick flat prickly leaves 2.00

    Veltheimia, /1,7,14/ winter bulb, fat and squat

    5695-bracteata wavy green leaves, pink flower spike 1.00* 7.00

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    5745-crispa tiny potato sized bulb, wavy flower petals 1.00* 7.00

    Ornithogalum, /14-18/ flowers in a spike, slender leaves6035-caudatum Blaukrantz, huge bulb, tall inflorescence 1.50*

    6039-hallii miniature, shiny red leaves, white fl 1.506040-hispidulum RM337 Citrusdal, miniature, hairy leaves 1.00 3.506054-sardienii Oudtshoorn, super bulb, rock crack miniature 1.25

    Anacampseros, /1,6,8,10/ small plants, need full sun7000.8-rufescens /16/ short reddish green leaves, pink fl .90 2.30 5.507001-lanceolata ISI-1550 Matjiesfontein, keep potbound in small pot .90 2.30 5.507005.7-arachnoides Calitzdorp, delta leaf, cobwebby hairs .90 2.307005.71-namaquensis Pakhuis Pass .90 2.30 5.50

    7006.22-arachnoides n Grahamstown, stubby pointed lf .90 2.30 5.507006.23-arachnoides Redhouse-Despatch, mini form .90 2.30 5.507007-australiana (Tuberosae), tiny reddish brown leaves .907009.2-baeseckei DT2472 w Platbakkies .90 2.30

    7009.3-arachnoides 7 k ne Rosh Pinah .90 2.30 5.507010.1-baeseckei CM223 /17/ nw Loeriesfontein .90 2.30 5.507011-baeseckei DT4185 Koringhuis, dense curly hairs .90 2.307017-crinita Kabinaberg, ne Steinkopf, tiny tufted rosette .90

    7027-decapitata Magaliesberg, covered with curly ribbons 1.007029.2-filamentosa ssp tomentosa w Windhoek, many curled filaments .907029.22-baeseckei ne of Aus, little wooly mat .907029.3-filamentosa Oviston, Namibia, curly hairs on body .90

    7029.4-filamentosa ssp tomentosa near Aus .90 2.30 5.507036.1-aff herreana .907036.3-herreana CR1098 Numees mine .90 2.307036.5-karasmontana 5 km n Aus, like flat green Ario kot, very nice .90 2.80 5.507037-kurtzii DJF365 (Xenia) San Antonio de las Cobres, Arg. .90 2.30 5.50

    7039-lanceolata rosette of pointed leaves, keep potbound .90 2.30 5.507039.5-lanceolata Cornellsberg, deep green leaves tipped rd .90 2.30 5.507042.2-namaquensis s Sendlingsdrift, very wooly tuft .90 2.80 8.00

    7044-aff baeseckei ISI 1067 Wormskioldia, hairy tuft .90 2.30 5.507055.61-namaquensis Numees, tiny white wooly body, nice .90 2.30 5.507061-palmeri DJF588 /15/ (Talinaria) Matehuala, Mex, bright pink fl .90 2.80 8.007081.2-retusa Komaggas pass, loosely branched, big caudex .907081.3-retusa Alexander Bay, flat growing form .90 2.30 5.50

    7081.4-retusa s Steinkopf, carrot taproot under whispy tuft .90 2.30 5.507081.6-retusa Piquetberg, many branches, dense leaves .90 2.30 5.507081.62-retusa Sultana, Buffelsbank .90 2.30 5.507082.1-albidiflora n Seekoigat, tiny light green tuft .907082.2-pisina 10 k ne Prince Albert, fat pale green leaves .90 2.30 5.50

    7083.1-rufescens Bloemfontein .90 2.30 5.507083.2-rufescens /17/ Lesotho, near St Michaels .90 2.30 5.50

    7083.31-rufescens DT2491 sw Swellendam .90 2.30 5.507083.5-rufescens 'sunrise' cultivar with pink-red leaves 1.00 3.50

    7087.1-telephiastrum se Robertson, big fat leaves, huge flower .90 2.807087.2-telephiastrum HBG 24040 Uniondale, like Stegasaurus .90 2.30 5.507089-arachnoides SB1088 Vredendal, bristly squat stem, wooly crown .90 2.30 5.507100-subnuda Vlooikop, n Bronkhorstspuit, red-brown leaves 1.00

    7102.1-namaquensis DT4218 Helskloof, compact white felty stem .90 2.30 5.507103.1-aff retusa CR1015A Quaggaskop, 'white cloud' all fluffy white 1.007103.2-aff retusa DT3644 Grootgraafwater, 'white cloud' 1.00 3.507103.6-filamentosa Platbakkies, curly brown hairs .90 2.30 5.50

    7105-sp SB1349 Smorenskadu, brown nerve on scales .907106-retusa CM223 se Springbok, flat leaved tufts .90 2.30 5.507106.2-miniatura np DT2466 Anenous Pass, hidden tiny tuft .90 2.30 5.507107.1-retusa Botterkloof .90 2.30 5.507108-vanthielii Springbok, tiny rosette, many small leaves 1.00 3.50

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    Avonia /1,6,8,10/, scaley stems, often tuberous7110.2-albissima (Avonia), white scale-like stipules cover stem .90 2.307110.21-albissima Ariamsvlei, dense white scales hide stem .90 2.80 8.007110.22-albissima Aus, Namibia, slender stems from tuberous roots .90

    7110.23-albissima Eendoorn, slender stem from taproot .90 2.80 8.007110.24-albissima sw Windhork, tapering taproot, slender stems .907110.25-albissima e Springbok .90 2.80 8.007110.3-albissima 'multiramosa' Aughrabies, clustering white stems .90 2.80

    7110.32-albissima 'multiramosa' ISI-578 clustering scaley stems .90 2.807110.4-albissima SB809 Smorenskadu, white scaley stems .90 2.807110.5-dinteri Omaruru, pointed papery white scales, pink fl 1.007110.57-harveyi sw Brandberg, Nam, pink flowers 1.007110.7-herreana 70 k ne Alexander Bay, scaley stem, tiny tuber .90 2.80

    7110.72-herreana SB1022 Kuboos, Rv, slender stem, brown edged scales .907111.06-papyracea sw Bloeddrif, scaley white stems .90 2.307111.1-papyracea Bloutoring, thick stem, white paper scales .90 2.307111.2-papyracea Klipbok, thick floppy stems .90 2.80 8.00

    7111.21-papyracea Namies, little bowl fruit on stem tips .90 2.807111.22-papyracea 5 k s Tatasberg, white papery stem, arches .90 2.807111.3-papyracea n Prince Albert, thick and fluffy .907111.4-papyracea ssp namaensis narrow stems .90 2.30 5.50

    7111.41-papyracea ssp namaensis CR1128 Achab .90 2.307111.42-papyracea ssp namaensis DT4504 Kinderle .90 2.80 8.007111.43-papyracea ssp namaensis CR1054A Umdaus .90 2.30 5.507111.44-papyracea ssp namaensis CR1113 se Eksteenfontein .90 2.30 5.50

    7111.45-papyracea ssp namaensis JVT94239 Aribesrivier .907111.46-papyracea ssp namaensis DT4219 Numees Mine .907111.62-quinaria Garies, nice pink flowers in late afternoon 2.007111.64-quinaria Kamieskroon, short silvery leaves 1.507111.65-quinaria n Kliprand, flat circular caudex 1.50

    7111.66-quinaria w Platbakkies, frosty on winter nights 1.507111.67-quinaria Springbok, flowers open late afternoon 1.507111.7-quinaria ssp alstonii ne Steinkopf, large white flowers 1.50

    7111.71-quinaria ssp alstonii Eendoorn, Nam 1.507111.72-quinaria ssp alstonii Namies, flat caudex 1.507111.73-quinaria ssp alstonii Die Poortseberge 1.507111.75-quinaria ssp alstonii Pofadder, huge caudex 1.507111.77-quinaria ssp alstonii Witkoppies, se Pofadder 1.50

    7111.83-recurvata Kinderle, frilly scales cover stem .90 2.80 8.007111.85-recurvata Namies, floppy stems, frilly scales .907111.87-recurvata ssp minuta Die Port se Berg, sw Pofadder 1.007111.98-ruschii Aribesrivier, 26 k n Steinkopf, tuft, curly scales .90 2.307112-ruschii Namies, scaley stem with hairs .90

    7112.4-ustulata e Klaarstroom, thin branching grey stems 1.00

    Cistanthe, /2,6,14-15/ thick stem with Echeveria-like rosettes7127.2-guadalupensis gnarled caudex, peeling park 1.50

    Portulaca /2,6/, small succulents, bright flowers7204-eruca Sierra Grande, Cordoba, nice tuber, needle leaves .90