
Security Code: Jesus Christ Thrive in Christ Ministries © 2012

Transcript of Security

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Code: Jesus ChristThrive in Christ Ministries © 2012

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What is Security?

• Knowing • Trusting • Feeling (To Some) • Being Happy and Secure• What they do for a living secures them • Covering (People, Groups, ETC )• Knowing you are safe and secure• Security is the Basis of any Person, without it, they fall apart. • Everyone wants to be secure, the most important thing we

can do to protect ourselves.

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What is Insecurity? • Many People are Insecure, feel intimidated by others • Many People feel bad for making mistakes• Many People cannot excel because of barriers• Many People are not Confident, because of what people think. • Many People try to do something, but cant • Many People try to be someone else, so they can fit in • Many People want so much friends, but cannot • Many People are so angry, because they cannot deal with people • Many People are so timid, because they could not talk to people• Many People are prideful, because they do not want to reveal who

they truly are. • Many People trust in their feelings, instead of God

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Root of Insecurity

• Pride • Fake Persona • Pity• Anger• Pride goes before destruction Prov 16:23• I feel this • I was hurt • I am not good enough • I am unorganized • I am weak • Ego

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Types of Security

• Figleafs• Jobs • People • Food • Income • Church • ETCPeople need to know things so they can be secure.

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Levels of Insecurity

• Personal• Relational • Corporal• National • Global

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How do people know they are secure?

• When they have everything they can ask for • When they are themselves • When their boundaries are not crossed • When they have their friends • When they have their worth, reputation • When they have stuff • They base their life around what they are secure in. • Is it religion, is it something that makes you secure and moving • Something that makes you feel safe, knowing everything is okay • When you have it all together, all prepared. • When their wife treats them right. • People are insecure when these things are not there.

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Dealing with Insecurity

• Get Eternal Life • Find out who you are, mistakes included • Remove any Unnecessary Pride• Be Confident in who you are in God • Serve God, knowing he will take care of • Serve Others, knowing God is on your side. • Ask Jesus to come into your heart….make him

your Lord and Savior…Turn from being a sinner, to being with him.

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Get Eternal Life • Man in the Garden had security in God, and did what he needed to

do to take care of the earth, under God’s direction. God took care of man.

• But Sin, independence from God, caused Man to lose their security and relationship with God.

• This affected everything about Man, even his relationships. They could not come to God.

• But God sent his son Jesus, so that man doesn’t have to die in his sins, he can be with God for all eternity and God can be with Man forever.

• To believe, Ask, Believe and Confess. When you pray, believe that you receive, and you shall have it. Confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord.

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Discover who you are

• When you arrive in God’s Kingdom, you are a baby. You need to grow in God, the milk.

• As a child, you need to discover who you truly are by faith. • Learn to be secure in God’s Arms. • The more you grow, the more freedom you get. • Grow in the Word of God • Know All about God • Be the Person God has called you to be. • Discover your talents, gifts, etc• Discover the personality God has already given you at birth. • Be Casual and Cool.

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Remove Pride

• Your life is not your own anymore • Do not try to do things yourself, it will make

things worse. • Pride will separate you from God inside. God

will still be with you, but you will not feel his security.

• Jesus is Lord.

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Be Confident

• Have Faith in God • Believe God will do what he said he will do,

and he is who he is • Confess what you believe• Demonstrate it • Endure • Know God’s got your back. • Show the same love to others

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Serve God…Serve Others

• Obey God• Do what God you to do. • Serve Others out of Godly Character and Truth • 1 Corinthians 13

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God made others that way too

• God created you and everyone very unique• No one is better or less than anyone • God wants you to use your talents • God doesn’t want you worrying or envying

other people, just worship God, and do what he called you to do.

• God doesn’t want you so focused on other people so much, he wants you focused on him.

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• In this world, there is trouble• You will make mistakes, due to your flesh • Need to rely on the spirit, not the flesh • People will come your way to steal your

security. • Things will try to make you feel bad. You have

to overcome them. Here are some examples.

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People• People are going to try and control and manipulate you. • People will try to make you feel bad • People will want you to support them • You will want people to make you happy, support you• People are going to have other friends than you. • People will want to determine things in your life. Do not let them have authority. • Satan will make you look at people to make you feel unworthy. • Satan will make you want to be liked by everyone. That isnt true. • People will want to step on your boundaries, you just have to deal with them in a

loving way. For example, if someone harasses you, tell them, hey, I see you are harassing me, I understand you are hurting, but I cannot let people harass me. Can you please stop?

• For example, I see one of my friends talk to her best friends. I realize I am only a baby friend with her.

• Do not rely on People, Rely on God Psalm 118:8

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You (Flesh)

• Your Ego may get in the way, thinking you know it all

• Knowledge puffs up, but love edifies • You may be stuck on yourself, that you do not

focus on others. • People do this because they are insecure in how

you are handling it. You cant deal with people. • You need to focus on others, and not worry so

much about people. Let God deal with the people.

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• You want money• You want things to make you happy• Things cannot get you to heaven

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Vengence (Authority)

• You may want to take authority where it shoudlnt be

• Its important to not do this, but respect authority.

• Do not try to pay someone back. Let God deal with them.

• If people are mean to you, do not let it get to you.

• Be peace makers.

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Being Loved/Happy

• Do not get distracted off of love of God, that you rely on others and things to make you secure. They cant.

• Only God can make you secure, in him.

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• People want friends • Let God take care of that, as you be friendly

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Negative Influences

• Anybody or anything that will bring you down • Be Careful • Take Authority Daily. Do not let the enemy

have a foothold.• Satan cannot steal you away from God, but he

can destroy you. • Do not let Satan destroy You• Be careful what you watch, what you do, etc

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• Conflict with others• You can handle any conflict situation with peace • If its serious, deal with law officials • Do unto others as you would want them to do to you • Do not let Satan turn you against Authority, they are

to look after you. • Do not let political strife, persecution, cause you to

lose your faith in God. • Just Forgive, and forget

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• Do not try to be something you are not • If you have problems, just deal with them• Only be who you are….you cannot be another


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• Anything that will cause you to distract you from Christ.

• Avoid these.

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Rejection/Envy• People not liking your self • People turning you off • Friends turning you off • Rejection can kill you • Don’t let that bother you• Don’t try to do it all, or be it all, or have it all, just do what God has called

you to do, be who God’s called you to be, and have God wants you to have. • Other People cannot rob you of who you are • Don’t worry about people, just be yourself• 25% of people will not like you and will not care • 25% of people will not like you, but will care • 25% of people will like you, and can care • 25% of people will like you, and be there for you

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Walk By Faith

• Keep your eyes focused on Jesus • Keep your eyes focused on the prize • Keep walking by faith, letting God move you

and groom you. • Do not get fearful because of it, be glad!• Continue to Make a Difference in People’s

Lives • Do not let Satan get you to stop serving others

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Be Secure in Him

• In the Garden, Adam was secure in God, and worked for God and for others.

• In Christ, you can be secure in God, and serve God and serve others.

• Just Confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and Believe in Your Heart that God raised him from the dead, you shall be saved.

• You will have a peace like no other.

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Be Secure in Him

• Know God has provided for your every need • Know God is with you • Continue to Obey God, and develop your

character • God is going to use you in mighty ways. • He will protect you.

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Be Secure in Him

• God wants you to turn everything to him, so he can take care of you, and make you into the world changer he has called you to be.

• God doesn’t want you hurt, concerning rejection.

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Once I am Saved, Am I always Saved?

• Yes. But if you do not want to develop your faith, you are going to miss out on all of what God has for you.

• Develop your faith so you can be all that God has called you to be. • Keep walking by faith, since the final destination is home.• Keep Confessing Jesus is Lord and being a witness • Like Baseball, you run around the bases until you get home.• As long as you believe in Jesus and you walk by faith, you have

nothing to worry about. You cannot lose your salvation. • However, if you renounce Jesus, you will forfeit your position in

heaven. You will still go to heaven, but you will not rule and reign.

• So Yes, once saved, you are saved. Just keep walking by faith.

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• Just have fun. You do not need to be all spiritual and all deep in the word.

• Have fun with others, and enjoy each other. • RELAX.

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THE END Thrive in Christ Ministries