Secured WiFi

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  • 8/7/2019 Secured WiFi


    Secure Building of WI-FI


    Done by

    R. Arun II MCAP. Sangeetha II M.Sc (IT)

    St Josephs College of Arts & ScienceCuddalore 607001.

    [email protected] No: 8870327927


    The main objective of this research

    paper is to build secure WI-FI connections.Since every institutions, workplaces &

    organizations preferring and switching

    over to WI-FI connections we have to

    make sure that it is secure.

    This research paper is based on the

    observations & findings that were made

    for the past one year while implementing

    the WI-FI connections. Here we listed out

    what are all common exploits & probable

    solutions to tackle that the problems.

    Wireless Internet access is a huge

    convenience that we have got used to, but

    it is important to secure them. Most

    internet users do not even realize that

    connecting their system to web through

    Wi-Fi routers can make them more

    vulnerable to hackers.


    There is no physical protection of

    the wireless network. The risk of the data

    sharing is high as packets are sent through

    the airwaves, and an attacker can easily

    use various wireless sniffing tools. Most

    wireless devices use a broad spectrum, so

    it is very easy to identify the signals,

    which makes all the more vulnerable to

    hackers. There is no need to re-login andrestart network applications. WLANs do

    raise the issue of the security due to other

    inherent features such as radio waves

    being easier to intercept than physical




    In general, attacks on wireless

    networks fall into four basic categories:

    Passive Attacks

    Active Attacks

    War Driving



    A passive attack occurs when

    someone eavesdrops on the networks

    traffics. Armed with a wireless network

    adapter that supports promiscuous mode,

    eavesdroppers can capture network traffic

    for analysis using easily available tools.


    Once an attacker has gained

    sufficient information from passive attack,

    they can lunch an active attack against the

    network. There are a potentially large

    number of active attack can be lunched

    against a wireless network. These include,

    but are not limited to, unauthorized access,

    spoofing, denial of service, and flooding,

    as well as the introducing of malware.

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  • 8/7/2019 Secured WiFi


    Secure Building of WI-FI


    War driving, also called access

    point mapping, is the act of locating and

    possibly exploiting connections to wireless

    local area networks while driving around acity or elsewhere. With an omnidirectional

    antenna and a geophysical positioning

    system (GPS), the war driver can

    systematically map the locations of

    802.11b wireless access points.


    Jamming is one of many exploits

    used compromise the wireless

    environment. If an attacker truly wanted tocompromise your LAN and wireless

    security, the most effective approach

    would be to send random unauthenticated

    packets to every wireless station in the





    Analyze network to attack

    Crack WEP key

    Sniff network

    Denial of Service attacks (DoS)

    Hacker trying to hack a computer

    Wireless networks are extremely

    vulnerable to DoS attacks. It can slow the

    network to crawling speeds or actually

    force it to quit working. In the Brute ForceDoS attack method, a huge flood of

    packets can use up all of the networks

    resources and force it to shut down, or a

    very strong radio signal that totally

    dominates the airwaves can render access

    points and radio cards useless.

    As wireless networks send information via

    radio waves on public frequencies, thus

    they are susceptible to vulnerable.

    A hacker can initiate a packet-based brute

    force DoS attack by using other systems

    on the network to send the useless packets

    to the server. This adds significant

    overhead on the network and takes away

    useable bandwidth from legitimate users.



    Since wireless is a shared medium,

    everything that is transmitted or received

    over a wireless network can be

    intercepted. Encryption and authentication

    are always considered when developing a

    wireless networking system. The goal of

    adding these security features is to make

    wireless traffic as secure as wired traffic.

    Here are some simple ways to secure your

    Wi-Fi network and prevent its misuse

    Authentication through the open

    system and shared key

    authentication types.

    Data confidentiality through Wired

    Equivalent Privacy (WEP)


    A Wi-Fi Jammer is designed for

    blocking wireless LAN networks and

    Bluetooth devices. It could cut off of the

    connections with Wireless Routers or

    Wireless Access Points. It works on

    2.4~2.5GHz, could be used in any secure

    and privacy locations The Wi-Fi jammer is

    applicable for blocking laptops, desktopcomputers, PDAs and so on. It could help

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    Secure Building of WI-FI

    you prevent unauthorized people leak out

    confidential information. The Bluetooth

    connections will be cut off also after turn

    on Wi-Fi jammer.



    The broadcast works like an

    invitation to the hackers whore searching

    for just that opportunity. In Wi-Fi

    networking, the wireless access point or

    router typically broadcasts the network

    name (SSID) over the air at regular

    intervals. Broadcasting was designed for

    mobile hotspots where Wi-Fi clients may

    roam in and out of range. In the home, this

    feature is unnecessary, and it increases the

    likelihood someone will try to log in to

    your home network. If you turn off SSID

    broadcasting, you can keep casual users

    away from seeing your network.


    Each piece of hardware connected

    to a network has physical address or MAC.

    Access points and routers keep track of the

    MAC addresses for all devices that

    connect to them. You can restrict or allow

    access to your network by filtering MAC


    Turn on WPA / WEP Encryption

    If the information sent back and forth over

    your Wi-Fi network isnt adequately

    encrypted, a hacker can easily tap into thenetwork and monitor your activity. One of

    the best ways to secure your Wi-Fi

    network is through encryption.

    There are primarily two encryption Wi-Fi


    Wireless Equivalent Protocol


    Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA).



    WEP utilizes a symmetric

    algorithm known as a stream cipher,

    for encryption. A symmetric algorithm is

    one that relies on the concept of a single

    shared key (as opposed to a public

    key) that is used at one end to encrypt

    plaintext (the data) into cipher text (the

    encrypted data), and at the other end to

    decrypt it - convert the cipher text back to

    plaintext. Thus, the sender and the receiver

    share the same key, and it must be kept



    Wi-Fi Protected Access is a

    specification of standards-based,

    interoperable security enhancements that

    strongly increase the level of data

    protection and access control for existing

    and future wireless LAN systems.

    Designed to run on existing hardware as a

    software upgrade, Wi-Fi Protected Access

    is derived from and will be forward-compatible with the upcoming IEEE

    802.11i standard. When properly installed,

    it will provide wireless LAN users with a

    high level of assurance that their data will

    remain protected and that only authorized

    network users can access the network

    To meet these goals, security

    enhancements needed to be made.

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    Secure Building of WI-FI


    Its more secure and alternative to

    WEP. However, since it is newer, it is not

    as widely supported.

    WPA2Its newest type of wireless

    encryption; it provides the highest level of

    encryption available. WPA2 encryption

    should be your first choice if your wireless

    router, all of your wireless computers and

    devices support it.

    Jammer device


    Virtual Private Network

    technology (VPN) has been used to secure

    communications among remote locations

    via the Internet since the 1990s. A

    familiar and already widely used

    technology in the enterprise, it can readily

    be extended to Wi-Fi WLAN segments on

    existing wired networks. Although VPNs

    were originally developed to providepoint-to-point encryption for long Internet

    connections between remote users and

    their corporate networks, they have

    recently been deployed in conjunction with

    Wi-Fi WLANs. When a WLAN client

    uses a VPN tunnel, communications

    data remains encrypted until it reaches

    the VPN gateway, which sits behind

    the wireless AP. Thus, intruders are

    effectively blocked from intercepting all

    network communications. Since the VPN

    encrypts the entire link from the PC to the

    VPN gateway in the heart of the

    corporate network, the wireless network

    segment between the PC and the AP is

    also encrypted. This is why VPNs have

    been recommended to help secure Wi-Fi

    While VPNs are generally considered

    an enterprise solution, integrated products

    that offer VPN pass-through

    connections, firewalls and routers are

    available to accommodate

    telecommuters who work from home.

    Although they provide excellent security,

    VPNs are not self-managing. User

    credentials and, often, VPN software

    must be distributed to each client.However, when properly installed, VPNs

    extend the high level of security they

    provide on wired networks to WLANs. In

    fact, some Wi-Fi vendors themselves have

    utilized VPNs in networks to secure their

    own internal Wi-Fi networks



    It is an enhanced data encryption.

    Wi-Fi Pr ot ec te d Access utilizes it s

    Temporal Key In te gr i ty Pro t oco l

    (TKIP). TKIP provides important data

    encryption enhancements including a

    per-packet key mixing function


    WEP is the original wirelessencryption standard, which is now

    outdated. The main problem with it is that

    it can be easily cracked. Cracking a

    wireless network means defeating the

    encryption so that you can establish a

    connection without being invited. If you

    use WEP encryption, change your

    encryption key regularly.



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    Secure Building of WI-FI

    If you connect to every available

    Wi-Fi network automatically, you will

    inevitably end up connecting to dummy

    Wi-Fi networks designed specifically to

    catch unsuspecting users. Most computers

    provide a Wi-Fi setting that will configureyour computer to automatically connect to

    any open Wi-Fi network without notifying

    you. Never select the connect to available

    Wi-Fi networks automatically setup

    option under your Network Connections




    Dynamic IP allocation also works

    to the advantage of attackers, who can

    easily obtain valid IP addresses from

    networks DHCP pool. Turn off DHCP on

    the router or access point, set a fixed IP

    address range instead and then configure

    each connected device to match. Using a

    private IP address range (like 10.0.0.x)

    prevents computers from being directly

    reached from the Internet.



    The performance of a Wi-Fi home

    network greatly depends on signal strength

    of the wireless router or wireless access

    point (base station). In the Centre of a

    room/office etc. to minimize its signal

    strength outside the office.


    There are real and measurable

    benefits to using a wireless network

    versus a standard wired network. For a

    home installation customer, the greatestbenefit is that there are no wires needed:

    you dont need to drill holes in walls and

    floors; you dont need to drag cables or

    hide them under rugs. One Wi-Fi access

    point can provide network access for

    any typically sized home. And if you

    live in a rental or a historical building,

    you may not be allowed to drill holes-

    that makes wireless your only solution

    Its flexible: With a wireless networkyou and your staff can have

    uninterrupted access to people,

    information and tools as you and they

    move through the workplace with your

    mobile PC

    Its Mobility: As you change your

    business operations your wireless network

    can change with you

    Its fast:From 11 to 54 Mbps throughput

    and advanced roaming capabilities

    provide reliable access to e-mail, the

    Internet, file sharing and other network

    resources away from the desk

    Its cost-effective: Expand and extend

    your existing network by simply

    adding more adapters and access points.

    Planning is a no brainier as you need to

    buy only what you need




    Wi-Fi technologies are power

    hungry and suck out your electricity like

    water. This presents a clear disadvantage

    for users of laptops and other battery

    dependent devices. The battery industry isstill grappling with technology which will

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    Secure Building of WI-FI

    enable them to manufacture long lasting,

    compact sized and light weight batteries.


    If you are using your Wi-Fi nearother radiation emitting devices such as

    microwave ovens, cordless phones, the

    resulting conflicts between devices and

    networks tend to slow down your Wi-Fi

    device. In older versions of Wi-Fi the

    conflicts were so high that if the user were

    to go near the microwave the data transfer

    would immediately stop


    The greatest challenge faced by Wi-Fi

    providers today is how to prevent outsiders

    from accessing your data. Before investing

    in Wi-Fi check with the hardware guys

    about precautions to save your data.

    Currently the Wi-Fi Protected Access

    technology is used to secure data transfer

    and encryption over networks.


    IEEE 802.11a

    The 802.11a supplement to 802.11

    was published in 1999. It uses Orthogonal

    Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)

    to provide data rates to 54 Mbps in the 5

    GHz U-NII bands.

    IEEE 802.11g

    The 802.11g task group is

    working on a supplement to the 802.11

    standard that defines a technology for

    operation at 2.4 GHz that offers higher

    data rates (up to 22 Mbps) using

    OFDM, while remaining backwards

    compatible to 802.11b.When

    compared to 802.11a, 802.11g offers the

    advantages of lower cost, backwards

    compatibility to existing 802.11b

    equipment, and less path loss than

    802.11a. This translates into higher data

    rates for a given range, or increased range

    for a given data rate


    Our future depends on what we do

    in the present - Mahatma Gandhi

    Wi-Fi provides freedom: freedom

    to physically move around your home

    or business and still stay connected to

    the Internet or local network; freedom to

    grow and move an office or business

    without having to install new cables andwires; Plus, it is cool, and it is fun as

    those in the know say, Once you go

    wireless, you will never want to use a

    cable again.

    Wi-Fi use is growing fast in homes,

    public access areas and businesses- both

    large and small. The Wi-Fi Alliance is

    active with many industry organizations

    and is working closely with

    manufacturers to make sure that

    existing Wi-Fi gear is compatible

    with wireless technologies developed in



    Overview of IEEE 802.11 Security,

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