SECURED PARTY es SEMINOLE "PACTA SUNT SERVANDA" "EN LEX JURISPRUDENCE DEJURE PRIESTHOOD MOORS at the United Nations in the "PLEBISITE SITE OVERVIEW" THAT IS SAYING THAT THEY ARE NOT SOVERIGN AND DISREGARDS Shiek Shareef Abdul Ali Covenant AND TRYING TO TRICK OTHERS TO GO LLC, you SET A CURSE UPON your selves AND CREATED A RECORD AROUNG THE ENTIRE GLOBE AS ONE WHO HAS DIS HONORED THEIR ANCESTORS!, AND THE SPIRIT EN Noble es Alive and has return to Judge you and your fraternity "this es not a College Game this es Annuit Coeptis Novus Ordo Seclorum the BEAST AND THE FALSE PROPHET AND THOSE WHO FOLLOWED IT SHALL BE TURN INTO HELL (JAIL)see it in the GREEK TEXT! I told some of you MOORS not to go LLC you have created an un removable record with the "American Republic Chiefs and Army General" en helping to BANKRUPT THE U.S. CORP/USA and help FIDUCIARY to CONSPIRE TO ATTEMP TO TO DEFEAT JURISPRUDENC/JUSTICE, The American Republic has protected our lands, and here you are working with and signing Equity over to Mr. and Mrs. Bankrupt! We are Tracking you and you will be WACTH WHEN YOU Try to ROBB the uSA Treasury, some of you are "TREASONIST" and will be held ACCOUNTABLE! You are not en any way your Sentient Ancestors Spirit, who es en covenant to help this western hemisphere this World and the universes to not disregard the BOND on earth BETWEEN MOSLEM AND CHRISTIAN! bless be Buddah, Hindu, and all Nations who RECOGNIZE THEMSELVES and wait not for BANKRUPT AGENCY'S TO SAY YOU ARE FREE, bagging for recognition from the ones who terroized your Ancestors this es a DISGRACE to Self!!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------


Muurish Latin letters, so thes says that Muur Latin sui juris "en lex" es Dejure Grantor and Will not and es not to use LLC Attornment to Steal Equity, nor Encumber "Treaty" Customary International Lex No Further! I LAMONT Information Packet Regarding



 MOORS at the United Nations in the "PLEBISITE SITE OVERVIEW" THAT IS SAYING THAT THEY ARE NOT SOVERIGN AND DISREGARDS Shiek Shareef Abdul Ali Covenant AND TRYING TO TRICK OTHERS TO GO LLC, you SET A CURSE UPON your selves AND CREATED A RECORD AROUNG THE ENTIRE GLOBE AS ONE WHO HAS DIS HONORED THEIR ANCESTORS!, AND THE SPIRIT EN Noble es Alive and has return to Judge you and your fraternity "this es not a College Game this es Annuit Coeptis Novus Ordo Seclorum the BEAST AND THE FALSE PROPHET AND THOSE WHO FOLLOWED IT SHALL BE TURN INTO HELL(JAIL)see it in the GREEK TEXT!I told some of you MOORS not to go LLC you have created an un removable record with the "American Republic Chiefs and Army General" en helping to BANKRUPT THE U.S. CORP/USA and help FIDUCIARY to CONSPIRE TO ATTEMP TO TO DEFEAT JURISPRUDENC/JUSTICE,  The American Republic has protected our lands, and here you are working with and signing Equity over to Mr. and Mrs. Bankrupt!  We are Tracking you and you will be WACTH WHEN YOU Try to ROBB the uSA Treasury, some of you are "TREASONIST" and will be held ACCOUNTABLE!  You are not en any way your Sentient Ancestors Spirit, who es en covenant to help this western hemisphere this World and the universes to not disregard the BOND on earth BETWEEN MOSLEM AND CHRISTIAN! bless be Buddah, Hindu, and all Nations who RECOGNIZE THEMSELVES and wait not for BANKRUPT AGENCY'S TO SAY YOU ARE FREE, bagging for recognition from the ones who terroized your Ancestors this es a DISGRACE to Self!!!!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA INC LLC es en/under Bankruptcy! their "Corporate Status"defines their Corporation as DEBTOR!     The two Seals that es displayed above their LLC BANKRUPT CORPORATION es written en Muurish Latin letters, so thes says that Muur Latin sui juris "en lex" es Dejure Grantor and Will not and es not to

use LLC Attornment to Steal Equity, nor Encumber "Treaty" Customary International Lex No Further!  I LAMONT DURRELL BELTON SECURED PARTY "Muur Latin sui juris "en lex"Lawyer Intervieved and Voice Recorded Chairman/President KIETH WHITE LAW of this 501 C LLC Organization INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COMMERCIAL ADMINISTRTAORS and ask him "are you Muurish latin" and "are you Descendant" "en Treaty" and he said NO! and said they are (501 C) LLC Under Bankruptcy! and PROMOTING on the Web and through all the BANKRUPT ,"Color of law" LLC STATES, THAT they are INTERNATIONAL!  CHARGING Muurs Latin sui juris "en lex" to file and and to use their UCC Platform!  I told him this es a FELONY and es a VIOLATION TO Customary International law!  I LAMONT DURRELL BELTONS sui juris told him this es a Felony, because I and My Nation es DEED HOLDER as en Lucrative Title (DEED) Allodial and es ELDER en treaty to United States North American Republica, and KEITH WHITE LAW CONFESS TO Me on the PHONE, they do not have nothing to do with the UCC and he HOPES THAT Me LAMONT DURRELL BELTON sui juris "en lex" and my Nation Priesthood Family from and the Muurish latin "en lex" Blood line, Aboriginal Consular Court Marshals, will Bring this Western Hemisphere Back to BOND! I said We Have, we counterd all legal Capacities, en the COMMISION OF A FELONY Daily, INTERNATIONALLy NATIONALLy-FEDERALy, STATE and LOCALLy!   SECURITIES FRAUD "THIS ES WHAT MADDOLPH SECURTIES EXCHANGE CHAIRMAN WENT TO FEDERAL PRISON FOR RECENTLY EN THE YEAR 2/  /2009 A.D.Muur Latin sui juris "en lex" es Native Born Bailil-Bailiffs Bonded "en treaty" over the United States Inc.,and USA Inc, our Fix TRUSTEES TO ARREST ALL EN FUDICIARY WHO COMMITTS SECURITIES FRAUD!  Because the Black Man, White Man, Red Man, Yello Man, Neither Green Man, made an effort to do so!, and es not "en Treaty" Detached from Ancestors and es Foreign to Sentient Being Ancestry, and Natural Nations on thes Planet!   So here below es the real non encumberd UCC Platform, a creation from my Elder's "Ancient Muurish Hammarubi Code!"  Here es elder en surety Yahudah Isis Rah El Horus "Seminole Priest" and LAMONT-DURRELL..BELTON sui juis "en lex"BONDED/SURETY

EN FORCER SECURED PARTY'S "EN TREATY UCC LIST "en love" for all Attorney'syou can contact bankrupt LLC Commonwealth of Virginia TRUSTEE for Seminole "pacta sunt servanda""En Lex Jurisprudence Dejure Priesthood they are for you LLC Attorney's the LLC Bankrupt side Displayed on Dollar Bill to the Right side!  UCC Transmitting National Utility es For "En Bond" "Non Injurious" Left side Pyramid Grantor/Creditor!  3-30-2009 A.D.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

All names listed below es Sovereign Natural American Republic Born!  COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA Inc LLC es a

Legal fiction and committed CRIMEN FALSI via Birth Certificates now counterd by Dejure Judicial Indictment! A Corporation Do not Own Sentient Beings Born "En Treaty"

and Natural Muur latin sui juris "en lex" es DEED HOLDER to North American Republic see, 

 Information Packet Regarding 



en The Library of Virginiathis es a legal Fiction LLC, "CREATION OF THE COUNCIL"

created on March 1982 A.D.  

However they mention "Other American Indians represented among Virginia's population, this es "trick" language by LLC

Attornment!   "En Jurisprudence; this means non Incorporated Native American Republic Tribes/Nations that

were/ es Soverign Before Corporation VA Commonwealth LLC Inc. was Created!, so you see the "Other" means 23 Native

American Republic   Aboriginal   Indigenous,   ones!   O ur Treaties pre dates the United States Inc USA INC, a foreign Corporation with respects to our Organic Republic/State!

Commonwealth of Virginia es Incorporated to U.S. via National Debt under/en Bankruptcy, and es not Organic

Citizens en this North American Republic!This es why they attacked " Muur Latina" Native American

Lamont-Durrell..Belton sui juris, "en lex" his wife Lisa-Renee'..Jordan sui juris, "en lex" (Italian Descent) and Muur latina Antwon-Montell..Belton sui juris, "en lex" because we

are mention en this Packet as "Seminole" the mix seed Olmexican(Aztec) East Indian Muur latina Native born here! Bless be to Tsenomoco " Chief Powhatan, " and Grantor King

SIDI Mohammed who blessed George Washington with GOLD, as "George" requested, for these lands en

trusteed/ Deeded to " Muur Latina sui Juris "en lex" this land es United States North American Republic, mention en

"Treaty of Peace and Friendship 1787 A.D.   now you see why the

  GREAT PYRAMID es on The DOLLAR BILL !   Yes, "Commonwealth Of Virginia LLC Inc." es sitting on  

Murr Latina Native American lands and " Yahudah Israel"sui juris "en lex" Family " Promulgated,   and makes these facts

clearly known!   this Day!   this es why "Virginia Police assaulted us!"   However Allah/Jesus will Bring all Terroist to

Jurisprudence Justice!now you see why we post our own UCC because we are "en

Treaty!"Bless be "the Turks" who Bonded our Treaty en 1787 A.D. to

protect the Muur Latina sui juris "en lex" Thankyou Shiek Shareef Abdul Ali for your teachings!  


                                 UCC FINANCING STATEMENT 



you can verify listcontact [email protected] for U.S.Attorney/"Color of Law," Agents can  get aceess via email fax, the SECURED PART''S list, or Phone from our "Fix Trustee COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA LLC Inc

@1866-722-2551 for UCC section Clerk

 Seminole "pacta sunt servanda" "En Lex Jurisprudence

Dejure Priesthood/PriestessNations/Roll-List posted 3-30-2009 A.D

(a Curse es any agent/agency who attempts to form or use these names to intend to do harm "Grantor" "En Treaty)