Section F, Part 11 GENERAL GLOSSARY OF TERMS · 2013-08-22 · Section F, Part 11 GENERAL GLOSSARY...

Section F, Part 11 GENERAL GLOSSARY OF TERMS You will come across certain words and phrases repeatedly as you are extracting family history data. The following list contains the most common examples. Having a good dictionary available to you while you are extracting, however, is really essential. The hard- bound Cassell's Italian-English, English-Italian Dictionary is recommended. It should be available from most good bookstores. GLOSSARIO a a richiesta di parte per uso aminisirativo abadavo abate abbadessa abbiamo riconosciuto abiatico . abitare abitcmzione accanto (a) ad& d minisaare alla chiesa alla data odierna all'ora di altu data oriema se compone cornme indicato alla presenza di alle ore sedice all'ora di amministrare amministratore ammogliato andar sposa a anni anno anno corrente anno della nascita di anno presente anno prossimo GLOSSARY to, at as was asked for administrative use ancestor abbot abbes we have r e c o m e d grandson to live, inhabit home, residence beside on the day to administer, perform at or in the church on today's date at the time of on today's date it (the family) was as shown in the presence of at 16 o'clock (4 p.m.) at the time of to administer, perform administrator married man to be married to years years current year year of birth of present year next month

Transcript of Section F, Part 11 GENERAL GLOSSARY OF TERMS · 2013-08-22 · Section F, Part 11 GENERAL GLOSSARY...

Page 1: Section F, Part 11 GENERAL GLOSSARY OF TERMS · 2013-08-22 · Section F, Part 11 GENERAL GLOSSARY OF TERMS You will come across certain words and phrases repeatedly as you are extracting


You will come across certain words and phrases repeatedly as you are extracting family history data. The following list contains the most common examples. Having a good dictionary available to you while you are extracting, however, is really essential. The hard- bound Cassell's Italian-English, English-Italian Dictionary is recommended. It should be available from most good bookstores.


a a richiesta di parte per uso

aminisirativo abadavo abate abbadessa abbiamo riconosciuto abiatico .

abitare abitcmzione accanto (a) ad& d m inisaare alla chiesa alla data odierna all'ora di altu data oriema se compone cornme

indicato alla presenza di alle ore sedice all'ora di amministrare amministratore ammogliato andar sposa a anni anno anno corrente anno della nascita di anno presente anno prossimo


to, at as was asked for administrative use

ancestor abbot abbes we have r e c o m e d grandson to live, inhabit home, residence beside on the day to administer, perform at or in the church on today's date at the time of on today's date it (the family) was as

shown in the presence of at 16 o'clock (4 p.m.) at the time of to administer, perform administrator married man to be married to years years current year year of birth of present year next month

Page 2: Section F, Part 11 GENERAL GLOSSARY OF TERMS · 2013-08-22 · Section F, Part 11 GENERAL GLOSSARY OF TERMS You will come across certain words and phrases repeatedly as you are extracting

annotazioni - battesirno

annotaziort i rnarginali art nrtllare annrrllato art n zt nzio arzrtzrrzzio di inatrornonio anonimo(a) antilrrcarzo (a) nn teizati arzteizato niztimeridiaizo (a) anzidetto nppnrso archidrrclzessa arclzivista arcidiacorzo nrcidzlca arciprete nrcivescovo assessore nttestazio ize atto d i attorizo (a) attribzrire la paterrziti nz~teiztico(a) nva rnuterna nva pnter~za avarrti di noi avo rnnterrzo avo pnterrzo avviso nvviso di matrimortio nvvocato

badessa bambiiza bambiito barnbolo barone barorressa bastarda(0) battesiinale battesimo

Glossary, Part II, General Glossary of Terms

marginal notes to annul annulled announcement announcement of marriage anonymous predawn (poetic) ancestors ancestor before noon (a.m.) aforesaid appeared archduchess archivist archdeacon archduke archpriest archbishop councilman, alderman, assessor testimony act of ( ~ e ~ c a t e of) around establish paternity authentic, legitimate maternal grandmother paternal grandmother in front of us (before us) maternal grandfather paternal grandfather announcement announcement of marriage attorney

abbess baby girl baby boy little boy baron baroness bastard baptismal baptism

Page 3: Section F, Part 11 GENERAL GLOSSARY OF TERMS · 2013-08-22 · Section F, Part 11 GENERAL GLOSSARY OF TERMS You will come across certain words and phrases repeatedly as you are extracting

Glossary, Part II, General Glossary of Terms

battesare(battezare) benedizione bimbn(o) binata binato bisarcavala bisarcnvalo bisava, bistzotrtra, bisavaln bisavo, bistzontzo, bisavalo bisczrgitra biscrlgirzo bistripote

cadaver campo satrto cattcellnto caizcelliere capo cappe la cardirzale cnssnto cassatrcra cattivo (a) celibe certifica che la fccnziglia cke che cosa chi clziamrrrcr chiesa citu cittadino cogr1ato cognnta cogttome del tlnto cogrtome di col cosenso col nzarito comnre (corn'?.) come risrrlta dall'ntto di come sopra conre

battesare - come

to baptize blessing baby female twin male twin great great grandmother great great grandfather great grandmother great grandfather second cousin (female) second cousin (male) great nephew, niece, great grandchild

cadaver, deceased graveyard, burial grounds cancelled chancellor, registrar head, chief, leader chaple cardinal annulled annulment bad celibate, unmarried man certifies that the family what what who to call, to be called, names church, chapel city citizen brother-in-law sister-in-law family name of the born (baby boy) family name of with consent with the husband godmother as results of the act of as above how, as

Page 4: Section F, Part 11 GENERAL GLOSSARY OF TERMS · 2013-08-22 · Section F, Part 11 GENERAL GLOSSARY OF TERMS You will come across certain words and phrases repeatedly as you are extracting

compagrza comprcrre (cornp'.) comparirzo(a) comparso commrrne di cornmrr izitii nlla qrr ale nppartiene CO rz corrdiziorze conirsgale corliugare (si) corrirsgati corr iugi corz irrgio conizzrbio cortsacrato consegrzarzte(conse,onntore) corzsigliere corrsole consorte coirte corztessa corztruddote corrtrutto contrcrtto di ir~atrimoirio corrtrnrre corpo crisnrn czsirrs pnrerztes igizorarrtrrr (Latin) czrrn crirc~to

du da lrri dich iarnrr te duma da me damigell~ dare nlla luce data decreto defzinto(n) dei legittimi coniugi del airno referito

Glossary, Part 11, General Glossary of Terms

companion godfather godchild appeared town of community to which he or she belongs with condition, state of married man to get married married couple married couple marriage marriage, union consecrated cosigner counselor consul spouse count

compagna - del anno referito

countess . marriage settlement

contract, agreement marriage contract, engagement to contract, stipulate, incur body crism, christening whose parents were unknown priest priest

from, by of him (the) informant madam, dame by me damsel give birth to date law defunct, deceased of the legitimate married couple of the year referred to

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Glossary, Part 11, General Glossary of Terms

delegato fzrnzioncrte da (sindnco) dell'e~nrzo dell'estratto del mese di del sposo d'eta di deila sposa della stnto civile detto giorno e mese di di dincorr o di urlrzi di dare alln izeonnta il nome di difrinto(cr) diritto civile dirrettore di poi, dipoi di professiorre o coitdizione diritto distretto di dispeizsn dispeilscr di rnatriinoiz io clispoize~lte disposerre clisposnrsi disposto disotto, di softo cli qrlesta parrockin di questo cornzrile diocesi di r~rt pnrto domutzi dom icilierto(c~) do rr dorrrra dorrzella dopo doinani dopo pranzo doppio(u) drrcn dzrchessa

delegato - duchessa

delegated functionary of the (mayor) of the year from the extract of the month of of the husband of (the) age of of the wife (bride) of the civil state said day and month of

day deacon of years (years of age) to give the newbom(baby girl) the name of deceased, dead civil law director afterwards of occupation or status right, law, claim, title district of ruling, grant, privilege marriage licence testator to many to get married disposed, willing under, below of this parish of this town diocese (contains several parishes) of one birth tomorrow living at (in) mister madam, dame damsel day after tomorrow afternoon (after lunch) twin duke duchess

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e - figlioccia Glossary, Part H, General Glossary of Terms

e B antnt inis trato 2 m?zrniizistruto l'nqrra battesimale B battezzato B coinparso B coitrparaso egualnzente e di egrrale egzralineirte eletore e nriizzcti B rnorto nelln casn B rtato B irato da inadre B itcrto da padre eir train bi esposto(a) B stilt0 airzi~liitistrnto a B stnto celebrnto 2 stclto presert tato essendo pcrdrirso esserrdo inaclriircr esterrlo estrrrtto dell'atto di nascitu estrictto di rzascitn estratto di mutrinzorz io estratto di i~zorte estratto di procrrra

fnceitte frlrrzioire farrcinlla fanciz~llo fnrrtoliizo(a) f a t o

fede femmiir ile, feininiira f idanzure f idanzato(n) figlia di figlio di figlioccia

and have administered have administered the baptismal water have baptized had appeared has appeared likewise and of of equal terms likewise elector and minutes (time of birth) died in the house was born (masculine) was born of mother was born of father both foundling child was administered to (masculine) was celebrated (masculine) was presented (masculine) being (acting) as godfather being (acting) as godmother external birth certificate birth extract marriage extract death extract kprocuration extract

acting official, deputy maiden young boy baby, child fact, action, event, feat, or

done, completed, made faith, trust female betroth betrothed daughter of son of goddaughter

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Glossary, Partll, General Glossary of Terms

figlioccio fine del mese firma di folio fra fratello frcltello di late fratello germuno fratello maggiore, rnenore fratellastro fratello zcterino f r c Jr; f n bnttezznto

fr~nzione religiosa

gernella -

gemello gernelli genzelle geit ero gert itore gertitori germarzo g ici giorrzo gionzo dalla celebruzione del matrirnonio giovnrre, giovirre giovnrzetta, viovinetta giovarr 0th giovnnotto giudice gli sposi grcrrzdzrca graft dzrchessa

Iza coiztmtto mutrimonio ha dichiarnto

figlioccio - ha dichiarato

godson, godchild end of the month signature of Page among, between brother foster brother full brother elder, younger brother half- brother half-brother he or she .was '

the late, the deceased was baptized functionary, civil servant functionary function, operation religious service

(female) twin (male) twin twins (males or one female and one male.) twins (both females) son-in-law parent, father parents brother already, formerly, once, previous

day day of the marriage celebration youth, young person young girl young woman young man, bachelor judge, magistrate, justice the married couple grand duke grand duchess

has contracted marriage has declared

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han date i l - legalizzato

lzan dato il loro consenzo

ieri igizoto il cndavere 6 stato sepolto nel il capo d'aizrro il priino d'anrzo i1 estrtctto 2 coitforme all'originale il giorrzo dopo illegittiino(a) il medesiino mzrto il nzedesimo gioriro il nzedesimo mese il rlorne di buttesirno il pndrino fir il sagramento di battesimo il silo coinpcrgrza il srro rnoglie il sottoscritto il pcrrroco di il quale ci ha preserztato in indicare in fede di che si rilnscia il preserlte

Glossary, Part I l , General Glossary of Terms

have given their consent

in ritclrdo irrrzurzzi alla chiesa in o ltre in quest0 cornurze irlterno i qlsali han dichiurrrto i sposi rzon sotlo parenti tra loro

i promessi sposi i trei giorrri ivi

la mndrirza fir lecito(a) legale legule legalizzato

yesterday unknown the body was buried in the New Year's Day New Year's Day the extract agrees with the original the day after illegitimate the same year the same day the same month the sacrament of baptism the godfather was the sacrament of baptism his companion his wife the undersigned -

the parish priest of who presented to us in to indicate in faith of which the present is released

(document) in retrospect, late in front of the church in addition, besides in this town interior who have declared the married couple are not related to each

other the betrothed the three days (in which to object) here

the godmother was licit, legitimate lawyer legal legalized

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Glossary, Part II, General Glossary of Terms

legge leggittimo(n) lor0 Zettera levatrice lo stesso b izato l'olio saizto lzri lzrogo e data di nnscita lziogo nntio

inndre mcrdrina innestro innggiori mnrit(lta m nritato lncrrito nznrclzese lnnrckessa inaschile, incrschio, rnascolir~o mntrigizn medesimo in eglio ineizo ineizsuuie meridiailo (a) nz ese tnese correrzte inese presefzte prossi~no inese prossimo pcrssato lnese scorso mezzanotte ~nezzodi, mezzogiorizo m ezzniz otte tn irr istro miizorenize moglie m o lti(e) mori inoriboizdo

legge - moribondo

law legitimate their's letter midwife the same is (was) born Holy Oil - Extreme Unction him, he place and date of birth birthplace

mother Godmother master, teacher ancestors, elder brothers and sisters married woman married man husband marquess marchioness masculine step-mother same, him self, her self better less, minus monthly noon month current month present month next month just last month last month midnight noon midnight minister minor (under age) wife

many he or she died a dying person

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morente - nome proprio

moreitte morticino(n) morto(cc) morto in questo coinrlrze nzostricirro (a) rnrrtrio conserttimento

rznqrre il giorizo rlnscerzza, nascita, iruscimento rzriscere nntule ncr tcr lizio rzntivo di ilnto n nre?zaizotte iznto a mezodi rznto n notte iznto a sera ilnto(a) du rznto il ilnto in- rlnto??zorto nuto oggi iznturule

- itel cituto aizrzo ilel citccto giorrro ire1 citcrto inese rlel conrrlrze di rlel giorilo izellu cnsn di rzelln clziesn di izella citn di rlelln pnrrocchin di rlel ospresso giorilo rzel ospresso inese nello stesso nizi~o rlello stesso giorrro izello stesso inese rleonato rripote ilome nonze clel padre (inndre) rlome proprio

Glossary, Part II, General Glossary of Terns

dying person dead child dead died in this town deformed child mutual consent

born the day of birth to be born nativity birthday native of born at midnight born at noon born at night born at night born of born the (date) born in stillborn born today natural, illegitimate on the cited year on the cited day on the cited month in the town of in (on) the day in the home of in the church of in the city of in the parish of on the expressed day on the expressed month on the same year on the same day on the same month new-born infant grandchild, niece, nephew name the name of the father (mother) proper name

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Glossary, Part II, General Glossary of Terms nominare - piu

nominare nomigrzolo rzorz B valido non snpere scrivere nor2 vi sono prodotta opposizione rzoiznn lIOi1120

notte 11 Ltinero rz zlinero d'ordine 11 ztora n riziale

obitriurio oczilnrinerzte oggi ogrz i olio coizsacrnto opposizione ora ortlirle

pudre pctdre aizorzinzo padre scorloscizito pudrirln padriizo, putrigno padrirli prrgii!a PaPa parroco purto parvzi ln(o) passuto patria pater(1cclzio

Per per l'unno per rtso perchi piil

to name, to give a name given name is not valid doesn't know how to write no opposition was produced there grandmother grandfather night number number of order daughter-in-law nupital

death register visually today every, all chrism - holy oil opposition hour order

father father anonymous father unlmown godmother godfather godparents Page Pope parish priest birth child passed, expired native town or country agreement worse for, by for the year for use

why more

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piu - re Glossary, Part 11, General Glossary of Terns

piil tnrde poco pochi ponzeridiarzo pomeriggio potere prete preserzzu de testimorri preserztaziorr e e dichiarazioire

arzzicletto presideir te pri~rlo prirnogert ito priinogeit itore principcr Le prirtcipe prirzcipessn procura pror?zessa di r?zatrinzortio pror?tessi sposi prort ipote pros.sii?zo proviilcicr cli pro.zirr prozio postrrrno prossimo prrbliccizione pzierpera prrerperio pzrpn PZLPO

qzrerltti qriei, gzregli qziel, qnello, qzrel' quella, quell' quelle quorrdnrn

later little, shortly few, shortly (plural) afternoon (p.m..) afternoon to be able priest (in the) presence of witnesses above said presentation and

declaration president first first born son progenotor principal prince princess proxy, procuration promise in marriage betrothed grand newphew, niece next province of sreat aunt great uncle postumous next publication woman in labour child-birth baby girl baby boy

how many them ( this one (m.s.) this one (f.s.) them (f. pl.) formerly, deceased

rag n z u re

maiden king

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Glossary, Part 11, General Glossary of Terms rector - si richiesta in carta

rector regina re ferido residente a registro regrz ico lo revocato riccmmogliarsi richiedente ricortoschiuto(a) ricorrente rilevatario

sncerdote sacramerzto (di battesimo) sacro samtissimo sail tola sarltolo sarizioile scapolo scorzoscizrto SCO?-SO

s e secorzdaildo le loro dornande second0 il rito secondogerl ito segretario - senrpre serzza sepolcreto sepolcro sepoltzrra sepolto sera sesso si 2 f(~tta alla presenta di Signore signorina sindaco si sposaroizo ieri si richiesta in curta

rector queen refered resident at register inhabitant, native of kingdom revoked remany petitioner, applicant reco,&ed, legalized petitioner lessee, transferee

priest sacrament (of baptism) sacred, holy, consecrated most holy godmother godfather sanction, ratification, approval bachelor unhown last if complying with their demands according to the rite(s) second born son secretary always without cemetery, graveyard sepulchre, tomb, grave burial, interment, sepul~hre buried, interred, entombed night sex it is done in the presence of Lord (mister) maiden mayor they were married yesterday it is requested on paper

Page 14: Section F, Part 11 GENERAL GLOSSARY OF TERMS · 2013-08-22 · Section F, Part 11 GENERAL GLOSSARY OF TERMS You will come across certain words and phrases repeatedly as you are extracting

si rilascia a - suocero

si rilascia a si richiesta in cnrta solcli soiro stnti cotzgiugati soiro compnrsi sopra sopra iirdicati soprtutoine sorella sorella nqrristnta sorella di lnte sorella tnnggiore, tneizore sorella ziteriira sorellastrn sotto sottoscritto stnti della chiesa stumnttirzn stasera stato civile .di_ stcrto di junziglic~ stesso spira vn Spirito Sccirto spoirsnli sposa sposnlizio sposare sposnrsi spostlto sposetta, sposiiza sposi sposiizi sposiizo sposo sprrrio(n) S 21

S I L , S L L ~ , szro i s zrddetto szrinmei~ziotzicto(a) sziocera s zro cero

Glossary, Part 11, General Glossary of Terns

it is released to it is requested on paper money they were married presented themselves above, over above indicated nick name sister sister by marriage foster sister elder, younger sister half-sister step-sister below, under undersigned the Papal states this morning this evening civil state of status of family same expired Holy Ghost nupitals, marriage bride, wife, spouse wedding, mamage to give in marriage, to many to get mamed married young bride married couple newly married couple young bridegroom bridegroom spurious, illegitimate on his, hers, theirs aforesaid below mentioned mother-in-law father-in-law

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Glossary, Part N, General Glossary of Terms -

sztperiore superior

tnvolcl alfnbeticn teinpo terzuvola terznvolo testilnorze testiinone oczdare testiinoni testiinonio tra trcrin ite trovntello (a) trttto

zr Wmo(a) ~rltit?zogeitito rlltinzo giorrto del inese 11n, llil (1

zrffiz iclle 11fficio rlfficio dello estato civile

vcr lido vedovo vedovu velare veluto vergirl e vero veritti vescovo vita

index time great-great-grandmother great-great-grandfather witness eye-witness witness bridesman among, between through foundling child all

last, ultimate last born son last day of the month a, one official office, position state official

valid widower widow to veil veiled virgin maiden true truth bishop life

superiore - zio

zia t io

aunt uncle