Section 3. Instruction Descriptions

2001 Microchip Technology Inc. Advanced Information DS70030A-page 3-1 M Instruction Descriptions 3 Section 3. Instruction Descriptions HIGHLIGHTS This section of the manual contains the following major topics: 3.1 Instruction Symbols........................................................................................................... 3-2 3.2 Instruction Encoding Field Descriptors ............................................................................. 3-3 3.3 Instruction Description Example ....................................................................................... 3-8 3.4 Instruction Descriptions ................................................................................................... 3-10 Note: The next revision of the Programmer’s Reference Manual will combine all instruc- tions descriptions which have the same assembly mnemonic. This should assist in using this section of the manual.

Transcript of Section 3. Instruction Descriptions

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Section 3. Instruction Descriptions


This section of the manual contains the following major topics:

3.1 Instruction Symbols........................................................................................................... 3-2

3.2 Instruction Encoding Field Descriptors ............................................................................. 3-33.3 Instruction Description Example ....................................................................................... 3-83.4 Instruction Descriptions................................................................................................... 3-10

Note: The next revision of the Programmer’s Reference Manual will combine all instruc-tions descriptions which have the same assembly mnemonic. This should assist inusing this section of the manual.

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3.1 Instruction Symbols

All symbols used in the Instruction Descriptions in Section 3.4 are shown in Table 3-1.


Symbol Description

{ } Optional field or operation

[text] The location addressed by text

(text) The contents of text

#text Thee literal defined by text

a ∈ {b, c, d} “a” must be in the set of {b, c, d}

<n:m> Register bit field

{label:} Optional label name

A Accumulator A or Accumulator B

AWB Accumulator Write Back

bit3 3-bit wide bit position (0:7)

bit4 4-bit wide bit position (0:15)

f File register address

lit1 1-bit literal (0:1)

lit4 4-bit literal (0:15)

lit5 5-bit literal (0:31)

lit14 14-bit literal (0:16383)

lit16 16-bit literal (0:65535)

lit23 23-bit literal (0:8388607)

Slit4 Signed 4-bit literal (-8:7)

Slit5 Signed 5-bit literal (-16:15)

Slit10 Signed 10-bit literal (-128:255 for byte mode, -512:511 for word mode)

Slit16 Signed 16-bit literal (-32768:32767)

Wb Base working register

Wd Destination working register (direct and indirect addressing)

Wdo Destination working register (direct and indirect addressing with offset mode)

Wm*Wm Working register multiplier pair (same source register)

Wm*Wn Working register multiplier pair (different source registers)

Wn Both source and destination working register (direct addressing)

Wnd Destination working register (direct addressing)

Wns Source working register (direct addressing)

WREG Default working register

Ws Source working register (direct and indirect addressing)

Wso Source working register (direct and indirect addressing with offset mode)

Wx Source addressing mode and working register for X data bus prefetch

Wxp Destination working register for X data bus prefetch

Wy Source addressing mode and working register for Y data bus prefetch

Wyp Destination working register for Y data bus prefetch

Note: The range of literal symbols is instruction dependent. Refer to instruction descriptionsin Section 3.4 for the specific instruction range.

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3.2 Instruction Encoding Field Descriptors

All instruction encoding field descriptors used in the Instruction Descriptions in Section 3.4 areshown in Table 3-2 through Table 3-13.


Field Description

A Accumulator selection bit: 0=ACCA; 1=ACCB

aa Accumulator write back mode (See Table 3-13)

B Byte mode selection bit: 0=word operation; 1=byte operation

bbb 3-bit bit position select: 000=LSB; 111=MSB

bbbb 4-bit bit position select: 0000=LSB; 1111=MSB

D Destination address bit: 0=result stored in Wd; 1=result stored in file register

dddd Wd destination register select: 0000=W0; 1111=W15

f ffff ffff ffff 13-bit register file address (0x0000 to 0x1FFF)

ffff ffff ffff ffff 16-bit register file address (0x0000 to 0xFFFF)

ggg Literal offset addressing mode for Ws source register (See Table 3-5)

hhh Literal offset addressing mode for Wd destination register (See Table 3-6)

iiii Pre-fetch X Operation (See Table 3-7)

jjjj Pre-fetch Y Operation (See Table 3-9)

k kkkk 5-bit literal field, constant data or label

kk kkkk kkkk 10-bit literal field, constant data or label

kk kkkk kkkk kkkk 14-bit literal field, constant data or label

kkkk kkkk 8-bit literal field, constant data or label

kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk 16-bit literal field, constant data or label

mm Multiplier source select, same working registers (See Table 3-11)

mmm Multiplier source select, different working registers (See Table 3-12)

n 1-bit vector select for trap instructions

nnnn nnnn nnnn nnn0 nnn nnnn

23-bit program address for goto/call instructions

nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn 16-bit program offset field for relative branch/call instructions

ppp Addressing mode for Ws source register (See Table 3-3)

qqq Addressing mode for Wd destination register (See Table 3-4)

rrrr Barrel shift count

S Push or Pop shadows: 0=no shadows; 1=use shadows

ssss Ws source register select: 0000=W0; 1111=W15

wwww Wb base register select: 0000=W0; 1111=W15

xx Pre-fetch X Destination (See Table 3-8)

xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx 16-bit unused field (don’t care)

yy Pre-fetch Y Destination (See Table 3-10)

z Bit test destination: 0=C flag bit; 1=Z flag bit

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ppp Addressing Mode Source Operand

000 Register Direct Ws

001 Indirect [Ws]

010 Indirect with post-decrement [Ws]--

011 Indirect with post-increment [Ws]++

100 Indirect with pre-decrement [Ws--]

101 Indirect with pre-increment [Ws++]

11x Unused

qqq Addressing Mode Destination Operand

000 Register Direct Wd

001 Indirect [Wd]

010 Indirect with post-decrement [Wd]--

011 Indirect with post-increment [Wd]++

100 Indirect with pre-decrement [Wd--]

101 Indirect with pre-increment [Wd++]

11x Unused

ggg Addressing Mode Source Operand

000 Register Direct Wns

001 Indirect [Wns]

010 Indirect with post-decrement [Wns]--

011 Indirect with post-increment [Wns]++

100 Indirect with pre-decrement [Wns--]

101 Indirect with register offset [Wns+Wb]

11g Indirect with offset by short literal [Wns+Slit5]

hhh Addressing Mode Source Operand

000 Register Direct Wnd

001 Indirect [Wnd]

010 Indirect with post-decrement [Wnd]--

011 Indirect with post-increment [Wnd]++

100 Indirect with pre-decrement [Wnd--]

101 Indirect with register offset [Wnd+Wb]

11h Indirect with offset by short literal [Wnd+Slit5]

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iiii Operation

0000 Wxp=[W4]

0001 Wxp=[W4], W4 = W4 + 2

0010 Wxp=[W4], W4 = W4 + 4

0011 Wxp=[W4], W4 = W4 + 6

0100 No Prefetch for X Data Space

0101 Wxp=[W4], W4 = W4 - 6

0110 Wxp=[W4], W4 = W4 - 4

0111 Wxp=[W4], W4 = W4 - 2

1000 Wxp=[W5]

1001 Wxp=[W5], W5 = W5 + 2

1010 Wxp=[W5], W5 = W5 + 4

1011 Wxp=[W5], W5 = W5 + 6

1100 Wxp=[W5+W8]

1101 Wxp=[W5], W5 = W5 - 6

1110 Wxp=[W5], W5 = W5 - 4

1111 Wxp=[W5], W5 = W5 - 2

xx Wxp

00 W0

01 W1

10 W2

11 W3

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jjjj Operation

0000 Wyp=[W6]

0001 Wyp=[W6], W6 = W6 + 2

0010 Wyp=[W6], W6 = W6 + 4

0011 Wyp=[W6], W6 = W6 + 6

0100 No Prefetch for Y Data Space

0101 Wyp=[W6], W6 = W6 - 6

0110 Wyp=[W6], W6 = W6 - 4

0111 Wyp=[W6], W6 = W6 - 2

1000 Wyp=[W7]

1001 Wyp=[W7], W7 = W7 + 2

1010 Wyp=[W7], W7 = W7 + 4

1011 Wyp=[W7], W7 = W7 + 6

1100 Wyp=[W7+W8]

1101 Wyp=[W7], W7 = W7 - 6

1110 Wyp=[W7], W7 = W7 - 4

1111 Wyp=[W7], W7 = W7 - 2

yy Wyp

00 W0

01 W1

10 W2

11 W3

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mm Multiplicands

00 W0 * W0

01 W1 * W1

10 W2 * W2

11 W3 * W3

mmm Multiplicands

000 W0 * W1

001 W0 * W2

010 W0 * W3

011 Invalid

100 W1 * W2

101 W1 * W3

110 W2 * W3

111 Invalid

aa Write Back Selection

00 W9 = Other Accumulator (direct addressing)

01 [W9]++ = Other Accumulator (indirect addressing with post-increment)

10 No write back

11 Invalid

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3.3 Instruction Description Example

This section contains a sample description for the fictitious instruction FOO. It is used to demon-strate how the table fields (syntax, operands, operation, etc....) are used to describe the instruc-tions presented in Section 3.4.

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FOO Perform some FOO

Syntax: {label:} FOO{.ext} op1, op2a



The Syntax field consists of an optional label, the instruction mnemonic, any optional extensions which exist for the instruction, and the operands for the instruction. Most instructions support more than one operand variant to sup-port the various dsPIC30F addressing modes. In these circumstances, all possible instruction operands are listed beneath each other (as in the case of op2a, op2b and op2c above).

Operands: op1 ∈ [0 ... 1023]; op2 ∈ [W0 ... W15];The Operands field describes the set of values which each of the operands may take. Operands may be accumulator registers, file registers, literal con-stants (signed or unsigned) or working registers.

Operation: op1 FOO op2 → op2The Operation field summarizes the operation performed by the instruction.

Status Affected: SZ, N, OV, Z, DC, CThe Status Affected field describes which bits of the Status Register are affected by the instruction. Status bits are listed by bit position in descend-ing order.

Encoding: F00F 00F0 0Bkk kkkk kkkk dddd

The Encoding field shows how the instruction is bit encoded. Individual bit fields are explained in the Description field, and complete encoding details are provided in Table 3-2.

Description: Compute the FOO of op1 and op2, storing the result in op2.

The ‘B’ bit selects byte or word operation (0 for word, 1 for byte).The ‘k’ bits specify the literal operand, a signed 10-bit number.The ‘d’ bits select the address of the working register.

The Description field describes in detail the operation performed by the instruction. A key for the encoding bits is also provided.

Words: 1The Words field contains the number of program words that are used to store the instruction in memory.

Cycles: 1The Cycles field contains the number of instruction cycles that are required to execute the instruction.

Q Cycle Activity: The Q Cycle Activity fields show how the instruction is executed with respect to the four processor Q clocks.

Examples: The Examples field contains examples which demonstrate how the instruc-tion operates. “Before” and “After” register snapshots are provided which allow the user to clearly understand what operation the instruction performs.

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3.4 Instruction Descriptions

ADD Add f to WREG

Syntax: {label:} ADD{.b} f {,WREG}

Operands: f ∈ [0 ... 8191]

Operation: (f) + (WREG) → destination designated by D

Status Affected: SZ, N, OV, Z, DC, C

Encoding: 1011 0100 0BDf ffff ffff ffff

Description: Add the contents of the default working register WREG to the contents of the file register and place the result in the destination register. The optional WREG operand determines the destination register. If WREG is specified, the result is stored in WREG. If WREG is not specified, the result is stored in the file register.

The ‘B’ bit selects byte or word operation (0 for word, 1 for byte).The ‘D’ bit selects the destination (0 for WREG, 1 for file register).The ‘f’ bits select the address of the file register.

Note 1: The extension .b in the instruction denotes a byte operationrather than a word operation. You may use a .w extension todenote a word operation, but it is not required.

Note 2: WREG is set by the WD bits, CORCON<11:8>.

Words: 1

Cycles: 1

Q Cycle Activity:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4Decode Read


dataWrite to


Example 1 ADD.B RAM100 ; Add WREG to RAM100 (byte mode)

Before Instruction



RAM100 FFC0 RAM100 FF40

SR 0000 SR 0009 (OV,C=1)

Example 2 ADD RAM200, WREG ; Add RAM200 to WREG (word mode)

Before Instruction




SR 0000 SR 0001 (C=1)

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ADD Add Literal to Wn

Syntax: {label:} ADD{.b} #Slit10, Wn

Operands: Slit10 ∈ [-512 ... 511]; Wn ∈ [W0 ... W15]

Operation: Slit10 + (Wn) → Wn

Status Affected: SZ, N, OV, Z, DC, C

Encoding: 1011 0000 0Bkk kkkk kkkk dddd

Description: Add the 10-bit signed literal operand to the contents of the working register Wn and place the result back into the working register Wn.

The ‘B’ bit selects byte or word operation (0 for word, 1 for byte).The ‘k’ bits specify the literal operand, a signed 10-bit number.The ‘d’ bits select the address of the working register.

Note 1: The extension .b in the instruction denotes a byte operationrather than a word operation. You may use a .w extension todenote a word operation, but it is not required.

Note 2: See Section 2.6 for information on using 10-bit literal operands inbyte mode.

Words: 1

Cycles: 1

Q Cycle Activity:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4Decode Read


dataWrite to


Example 1 ADD.B #0xFF, W7 ; Add -1 to W7 (byte mode)

Before Instruction


W7 12C0 W7 12BF

SR 0000 SR 0011 (N,C=1)

Example 2 ADD #0xFF, W1 ; Add 255 to W1 (word mode)

Before Instruction


W1 12C0 W1 13BF

SR 0000 SR 0000

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ADD Add Wb to Short Literal

Syntax: {label:} ADD{.b} Wb, #lit5, Wd






Operands: Wb ∈ [W0 ... W15]; lit5 ∈ [0 ... 31]; Wd ∈ [W0 ... W15]

Operation: (Wb) + lit5 → Wd

Status Affected: SZ, N, OV, Z, DC, C

Encoding: 0100 0www wBqq qddd d11k kkkk

Description: Add the contents of the base register Wb to the 5-bit unsigned short literal operand and place the result in the destination register Wd. Register direct addressing must be used for Wb. Either register direct or indirect address-ing may be used for Wd.

The ‘w’ bits select the address of the base register.The ‘B’ bit selects byte or word operation (0 for word, 1 for byte).The ‘q’ bits select the destination address mode.The ‘d’ bits select the address of the destination register.The ‘k’ bits provide the literal operand, a five-bit integer number.

Note: The extension .b in the instruction denotes a byte operation rather than a word operation. You may use a .w extension to denote a word operation, but it is not required.

Words: 1

Cycles: 1

Q Cycle Activity:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4Decode Read


dataWrite to


Example 1 ADD.B W0, #0x1F, W7 ; Add W0 and 31 (byte mode); Store the result in W7

Before Instruction


W0 2290 W0 2290

W7 12C0 W7 12AF

SR 0000 SR 0010 (N=1)

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Example 2 ADD W3, #0x6, [W4--] ; Add W3 and 6 (word mode); Store the result in [W4--]

Before Instruction


W3 6006 W3 6006

W4 1000 W4 0FFE

Data 0FFE DDEE Data 0FFE 600C

Data 1000 DDEE Data 1000 DDEE

SR 0000 SR 0000

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ADD Add Wb to Ws

Syntax: {label:} ADD{.b} Wb, Ws, Wd

[Ws], [Wd]

[Ws]++, [Wd]++

[Ws]--, [Wd]--

[Ws++], [Wd++]

[Ws--], [Wd--]

Operands: Wb ∈ [W0 ... W15]; Ws ∈ [W0 ... W15]; Wd ∈ [W0 ... W15]

Operation: (Wb) + (Ws) → Wd

Status Affected: SZ, N, OV, Z, DC, C

Encoding: 0100 0www wBqq qddd dppp ssss

Description: Add the contents of the source register Ws and the contents of the base register Wb and place the result in the destination register Wd. Register direct addressing must be used for Wb. Either register direct or indirect addressing may be used for Ws and Wd.

The ‘w’ bits select the address of the base register.The ‘B’ bit selects byte or word operation (0 for word, 1 for byte).The ‘q’ bits select the destination address mode.The ‘d’ bits select the address of the destination register.The ‘p’ bits select the source address mode.The ‘s’ bits select the address of the source register.

Note: The extension .b in the instruction denotes a byte operation rather than a word operation. You may use a .w extension to denote a word operation, but it is not required.

Words: 1

Cycles: 1

Q Cycle Activity:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4Decode Read


dataWrite to


Example 1 ADD.B W5, W6, W7 ; Add W5 to W6, store result in W7; (byte mode)

Before Instruction


W5 AB00 W5 AB00

W6 0030 W6 0030


SR 0000 SR 0000

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Example 2 ADD W5, W6, W7 ; Add W5 to W6, store result in W7; (word mode)

Before Instruction


W5 AB00 W5 AB00

W6 0030 W6 0030


SR 0000 SR 0010 (N=1)

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Syntax: {label:} ADD A


Operands: none

Operation: (ACCA) + (ACCB) → ACC(A or B)

Status Affected: OA, OB, SA, SB, OAB, SAB

Encoding: 1100 1011 A000 0000 0000 0000

Description: Add the contents of ACCA to the contents of ACCB and place the result in the selected accumulator. This instruction performs a 40-bit addition.

The ‘A’ bit specifies the destination accumulator.

Words: 1

Cycles: 1

Q Cycle Activity:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Decode Readoperands


Write todestination

Example 1 ADD A ; Add ACCB to ACCA

Before Instruction

After Instruction

ACCA 00 0022 3300 ACCA 00 1855 7858

ACCB 00 1833 4558 ACCB 00 1833 4558

SR 0000 SR 0000

Example 2 ADD B ; Add ACCA to ACCB; Assume Super Saturation mode enabled; (ACCSAT=1)

Before Instruction

After Instruction

ACCA 02 1111 2222 ACCA 02 1111 2222

ACCB 00 7654 3210 ACCB 02 8765 5432

SR 0800 (OAB=1) SR 4800 (OB, AOB=1)

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ADD 16-Bit Signed Add to Accumulator

Syntax: {label:} ADD A, Wns [, #Slit4]

B, [Wns]






Operands: Wns ∈ [W0 ... W15]; Wb ∈ [W0 ... W15]; Slit5 ∈ [-16 ... 15]Slit4 ∈ [-8 ... +7]

Operation: (ACC) + ShiftSlit4(Extend(Wns)) → ACC

Status Affected: OA, OB, SA, SB, OAB, SAB

Encoding: 1100 1001 Awww wrrr rggg ssss

Description: Add a 16-bit value specified by the source working register to the most sig-nificant word of the selected accumulator. The source operand may specify the direct contents of a working register or an effective address. The value specified is added to the most significant word of the accumulator, by sign-extending and zero-backfilling the source operand prior to the opera-tion. The value added to the accumulator may also be shifted by a 4-bit signed literal.

The ‘A’ bits specify the destination accumulator.The ‘w’ bits specify the offset amount Slit5 or the offset register Wb.The ‘r’ bits encode the optional preshift.The ‘g’ bits select the source address mode.The ‘s’ bits specify the source register Wns.

Note: Positive values of operand Slit4 represent an arithmetic shift right and negative values of operand Slit4 represent an arithmetic shift left. The contents of the source register are not affected by Slit4.

Words: 1

Cycles: 1

Q Cycle Activity:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Decode Readoperands


Write todestination

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Example 1 ADD A, W0, #2

; Add W0 right-shifted by 2 to ACCA

Before Instruction

After Instruction

W0 8000 W0 8000

ACCA 00 7000 0000 ACCA 00 0001 0000

SR 0000 SR 0000

Example 2 ADD A, [W5]++

; Add the effective value of W5 to ACCA ; Postincrement W5

Before Instruction

After Instruction

W5 2000 W5 2002

ACCA 00 0067 2345 ACCA 00 5067 2345

Data 2000 5000 Data 2000 5000

SR 0000 SR 0000

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ADDC Add f to WREG with Carry

Syntax: {label:} ADDC{.b} f {,WREG}

Operands: f ∈ [0 ... 8191]

Operation: (f) + (WREG) + (C)→ destination designated by D

Status Affected: SZ, N, OV, Z, DC, C

Encoding: 1011 0100 1BDf ffff ffff ffff

Description: Add the contents of the default working register WREG, the contents of the file register and the Carry bit and place the result in the destination register. The optional WREG operand determines the destination register. If WREG is specified, the result is stored in WREG. If WREG is not specified, the result is stored in the file register.

The ‘B’ bit selects byte or word operation (0 for word, 1 for byte).The ‘D’ bit selects the destination (0 for WREG, 1 for file register).The ‘f’ bits select the address of the file register.

Note 1: The extension .b in the instruction denotes a byte operationrather than a word operation. You may use a .w extension todenote a word operation, but it is not required.

Note 2: WREG is set by the WD bits, CORCON<11:8>.

Words: 1

Cycles: 1

Q Cycle Activity:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4Decode Read


dataWrite to


Example 1 ADDC.B RAM100 ; Add WREG and C bit to RAM100; (byte mode)

Before Instruction



RAM100 8006 RAM100 8067

SR 0001 (C=1) SR 0000

Example 2 ADDC RAM200, WREG ; Add RAM200 and C bit to the WREG; (word mode)

Before Instruction


WREG 5600 WREG 8A01

RAM200 3400 RAM200 3400

SR 0001 (C=1) SR 0001 (OV=1)

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ADDC Add Literal to Wn with Carry

Syntax: {label:} ADDC{.b} #Slit10, Wn

Operands: Slit10 ∈ [-512 ... 511]; Wn ∈ [W0 ... W15]

Operation: Slit10 + (Wn) + (C) → Wn

Status Affected: SZ, N, OV, Z, DC, C

Encoding: 1011 0000 1Bkk kkkk kkkk dddd

Description: Add the 10-bit signed literal operand, the contents of the working register Wn and the Carry bit and place the result back into the working register Wn.

The ‘B’ bit selects byte or word operation (0 for word, 1 for byte).The ‘k’ bits specify the literal operand, a signed 10-bit number.The ‘d’ bits select the address of the working register.

Note 1: The extension .b in the instruction denotes a byte operationrather than a word operation. You may use a .w extension todenote a word operation, but it is not required.

Note 2: See Section 2.6 for information on using 10-bit literal operands inbyte mode.

Words: 1

Cycles: 1

Q Cycle Activity:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4Decode Read


dataWrite to


Example 1 ADDC.B #0xFF, W7 ; Add -1 and C bit to W7 (byte mode)

Before Instruction


W7 12C0 W7 12BF

SR 0000 (C=0) SR 0011 (N,C=1)

Example 2 ADDC #0xFF, W1 ; Add 255 and C bit to W1 (word mode)

Before Instruction


W1 12C0 W1 13BF

SR 0001 (C=1) SR 0000

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ADDC Add Wb to Short Literal with Carry

Syntax: {label:} ADDC{.b} Wb, #lit5, Wd






Operands: Wb ∈ [W0 ... W15]; lit5 ∈ [0 ... 31]; Wd ∈ [W0 ... W15]

Operation: (Wb) + lit5 + (C) → Wd

Status Affected: SZ, N, OV, Z, DC, C

Encoding: 0100 1www wBqq qddd d11k kkkk

Description: Add the contents of the base register Wb, the 5-bit unsigned short literal operand and the Carry bit and place the result in the destination register Wd. Register direct addressing must be used for Wb. Register direct or indi-rect addressing may be used for Wd.

The ‘w’ bits select the address of the base register.The ‘B’ bit selects byte or word operation (0 for word, 1 for byte).The ‘q’ bits select the destination address mode.The ‘d’ bits select the address of the destination register.The ‘k’ bits provide the literal operand, a five-bit integer number.

Note: The extension .b in the instruction denotes a byte operation rather than a word operation. You may use a .w extension to denote a word operation, but it is not required.

Words: 1

Cycles: 1

Q Cycle Activity:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4Decode Read


dataWrite to


Example 1 ADDC.B W0, #0x1F, [W7] ; Add W0, 31 and C bit (byte mode) ; Store the result in [W7]

Before Instruction


W0 CC80 W0 CC80

W7 12C0 W7 12C0

Data 12C0 B000 Data 12C0 B09F

SR 0000 (C=0) SR 0010 (N=1)

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Example 2 ADDC W3, #0x6, [W4--] ; Add W3, 6 and C bit (word mode); Store the result in [W4--]

Before Instruction


W3 6006 W3 6006

W4 1000 W4 0FFE

Data 0FFE DDEE Data 0FFE 600D

Data 1000 DDEE Data 1000 DDEE

SR 0001 (C=1) SR 0000

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ADDC Add Wb to Ws with Carry

Syntax: {label:} ADDC{.b} Wb, Ws, Wd

[Ws], [Wd]

[Ws]++, [Wd]++

[Ws]--, [Wd]--

[Ws++], [Wd++]

[Ws--], [Wd--]

Operands: Wb ∈ [W0 ... W15]; Ws ∈ [W0 ... W15]; Wd ∈ [W0 ... W15]

Operation: (Wb) + (Ws) + (C) → Wd

Status Affected: SZ, N, OV, Z, DC, C

Encoding: 0100 1www wBqq qddd dppp ssss

Description: Add the contents of the source register Ws, the contents of the base regis-ter Wb and the Carry bit and place the result in the destination register Wd. Register direct addressing must be used for Wb. Either register direct or indirect addressing may be used for Ws and Wd.

The ‘w’ bits select the address of the base register.The ‘B’ bit selects byte or word operation (0 for word, 1 for byte).The ‘q’ bits select the destination address mode.The ‘d’ bits select the address of the destination register.The ‘p’ bits select the source address mode.The ‘s’ bits select the address of the source register.

Note: The extension .b in the instruction denotes a byte operation rather than a word operation. You may use a .w extension to denote a word operation, but it is not required.

Words: 1

Cycles: 1

Q Cycle Activity:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4Decode Read


dataWrite to


Example 1 ADDC.B W0,[W1]++,[W2]++ ; Add W0, [W1] and C bit (byte mode); Store the result in [W2]; Post-increment W1, W2

Before Instruction


W0 CC20 W0 CC20

W1 0800 W1 0801

W2 1000 W2 1001

Data 0800 AB25 Data 0800 AB25

Data 1000 FFFF Data 1000 FF46

SR 0001 (C=1) SR 0000

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Example 2 ADDC W3,[W2]++,[W1]++ ; Add W3, [W2] and C bit (word mode); Store the result in [W1]; Post-increment W1, W2

Before Instruction


W1 1000 W1 1002

W2 2000 W2 2002

W3 0180 W3 0180

Data 1000 8000 Data 1000 2681

Data 2000 2500 Data 2000 2500

SR 0001 (C=1) SR 0000

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Syntax: {label:} AND{.b} f {,WREG}

Operands: f ∈ [0 ... 8191]

Operation: (f).AND.(WREG) → destination designated by D

Status Affected: SZ, N, Z

Encoding: 1011 0110 0BDf ffff ffff ffff

Description: Compute the logical AND operation of the contents of the default working register WREG and the contents of the file register and place the result in the destination register. The optional WREG operand determines the desti-nation register. If WREG is specified, the result is stored in WREG. If WREG is not specified, the result is stored in the file register.

The ‘B’ bit selects byte or word operation (0 for word, 1 for byte).The ‘D’ bit selects the destination (0 for WREG, 1 for file register).The ‘f’ bits select the address of the file register.

Note 1: The extension .b in the instruction denotes a byte operationrather than a word operation. You may use a .w extension todenote a word operation, but it is not required.

Note 2: WREG is set by the WD bits, CORCON<11:8>.

Words: 1

Cycles: 1

Q Cycle Activity:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4Decode Read


dataWrite to


Example 1 AND.B RAM100 ; AND WREG to RAM100 (byte mode)

Before Instruction



RAM100 FFC0 RAM100 FF80

SR 0000 SR 0010 (N=1)

Example 2 AND RAM200, WREG ; AND RAM200 to WREG (word mode)

Before Instruction



RAM200 12C0 RAM200 12C0

SR 0000 SR 0000

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AND AND Literal and Wd

Syntax: {label:} AND{.b} #Slit10, Wn

Operands: Slit10 ∈ [-512 ... 511]; Wn ∈ [W0 ... W15]

Operation: Slit10.AND.(Wn) → Wn

Status Affected: SZ, N, Z

Encoding: 1011 0010 0Bkk kkkk kkkk dddd

Description: Compute the logical AND operation of the 10-bit literal operand and the contents of the working register Wn and place the result back into the work-ing register Wn. Register direct addressing must be used for Wn.

The ‘B’ bit selects byte or word operation (0 for word, 1 for byte).The ‘k’ bits specify the literal operand, a signed 10-bit number.The ‘d’ bits select the address of the working register.

Note 1: The extension .b in the instruction denotes a byte operationrather than a word operation. You may use a .w extension todenote a word operation, but it is not required.

Note 2: See Section 2.6 for information on using 10-bit literal operands inbyte mode.

Words: 1

Cycles: 1

Q Cycle Activity:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Decode Readoperands


Write todestination

Example 1 AND.B #0x83, W7 ; AND 0x83 to W7 (byte mode)

Before Instruction


W7 12C0 W7 1280

SR 0000 SR 0010 (N=1)

Example 2 AND #0x333, W1 ; AND 0x333 to W1 (word mode)

Before Instruction


W1 12D0 W1 0210

SR 0000 SR 0000

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AND AND Wb and Short Literal

Syntax: {label:} AND{.b} Wb, #lit5, Wd






Operands: Wb ∈ [W0 ... W15]; lit5 ∈ [0 ... 31]; Wd ∈ [W0 ... W15]

Operation: (Wb).AND.lit5 → Wd

Status Affected: SZ, N, Z

Encoding: 0110 0www wBqq qddd d11k kkkk

Description: Compute the logical AND operation of the contents of the base register Wb and the 5-bit literal and place the result in the destination register Wd. Reg-ister direct addressing must be used for Wb. Either register direct or indirect addressing may be used for Wd.

The ‘w’ bits select the address of the base register.The ‘B’ bit selects byte or word operation (0 for word, 1 for byte).The ‘q’ bits select the destination address mode.The ‘d’ bits select the address of the destination register.The ‘k’ bits provide the literal operand, a five-bit integer number.

Note: The extension .b in the instruction denotes a byte operation rather than a word operation. You may use a .w extension to denote a word operation, but it is not required.

Words: 1

Cycles: 1

Q Cycle Activity:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4Decode Read


dataWrite to


Example 1 AND.B W0,#0x3,[W1]++ ; AND W0 and 0x3 (byte mode); Store to [W1]; Post-increment W1

Before Instruction


W0 23A5 W0 23A5

W1 2211 W1 2212

Data 2210 9999 Data 2210 0199

SR 0000 SR 0000

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Example 2 AND W0,#0x1F,W1 ; AND W0 and 0x1F (word mode); Store to W1

Before Instruction


W0 6723 W0 6723

W1 7878 W1 0003

SR 0000 SR 0000

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AND And Wb and Ws

Syntax: {label:} AND{.b} Wb, Ws, Wd

[Ws], [Wd]

[Ws]++, [Wd]++

[Ws]--, [Wd]--

[Ws++], [Wd++]

[Ws--], [Wd--]

Operands: Wb ∈ [W0 ... W15]; Ws ∈ [W0 ... W15]; Wd ∈ [W0 ... W15]

Operation: (Wb).AND.(Ws) → Wd

Status Affected: SZ, N, Z

Encoding: 0110 0www wBqq qddd dppp ssss

Description: Compute the logical AND operation of the contents of the source register Ws and the contents of the base register Wb and place the result in the des-tination register Wd. Register direct addressing must be used for Wb. Either register direct or indirect addressing may be used for Ws and Wd.

The ‘w’ bits select the address of the base register.The ‘B’ bit selects byte or word operation (0 for word, 1 for byte).The ‘q’ bits select the destination address mode.The ‘d’ bits select the address of the destination register.The ‘p’ bits select the source address mode.The ‘s’ bits select the address of the source register.

Note: The extension .b in the instruction denotes a byte operation rather than a word operation. You may use a .w extension to denote a word operation, but it is not required.

Words: 1

Cycles: 1

Q Cycle Activity:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4Decode Read


dataWrite to


Example 1 AND.B W0, W1 [W2]++ ; AND W0 and W1, and; store to [W2] (byte mode); Post-increment W2

Before Instruction


W0 AA55 W0 AA55

W1 2211 W1 2211

W2 1001 W2 1002

Data 1000 FFFF Data 1000 11FF

SR 0000 SR 0000

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Example 2 AND W0, [W1]++, W2 ; AND W0 and [W1], and; store to W2 (word mode); Post-increment W1

Before Instruction


W0 AA55 W0 AA55

W1 1000 W1 1002

W2 55AA W2 2214

Data 1000 2634 Data 1000 2634

SR 0000 SR 0000

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ASR Arithmetic Shift Right f

Syntax: {label:} ASR{.b} f {,WREG}

Operands: f ∈ [0 ... 8191]

Operation: For word operation: (f<15>) → Dest<15>, (f<15>) → Dest<14> (f<14:1>) → Dest<13:0>, (f<0>) → CFor byte operation: (f<7>) → Dest<7>, (f<7>) → Dest<6>, (f<6:1>) → Dest<5:0>, (f<0>) → C

Status Affected: SZ, N, OV, Z, C

Encoding: 1101 0101 1BDf ffff ffff ffff

Description: Shift the contents of the file register one bit to the right and place the result in the destination register. The least significant bit of the file register is shifted into the Carry bit of the Status Register. The most significant bit of the file register is shifted into itself to maintain the sign of the value.

The optional WREG operand determines the destination register. If WREG is specified, the result is stored in WREG. If WREG is not specified, the result is stored in the file register.

The ‘B’ bit selects byte or word operation (0 for word, 1 for byte).The ‘D’ bit selects the destination (0 for WREG, 1 for file register).The ‘f’ bits select the address of the file register.

Note 1: The extension .b in the instruction denotes a byte operationrather than a word operation. You may use a .w extension todenote a word operation, but it is not required.

Note 2: WREG is set by the WD bits, CORCON<11:8>.

Words: 1

Cycles: 1

Q Cycle Activity:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Decode Readoperands


Write todestination

Example 1 ASR.B RAM400, WREG ; ASR RAM400 and store to WREG ; (byte mode)

Before Instruction


WREG 0600 WREG 0611

RAM400 0823 RAM400 0823

SR 0000 SR 0001 (C=1)


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Example 2 ASR RAM200 ; ASR RAM200 (word mode)

Before Instruction


RAM200 8009 RAM200 C004

SR 0000 SR 0011 (N,C=1)

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ASR Arithmetic Shift Right Ws

Syntax: {label:} ASR{.b} Ws, Wd

[Ws], [Wd]

[Ws]++, [Wd]++

[Ws]--, [Wd]--

[Ws++], [Wd++]

[Ws--], [Wd--]

Operands: Ws ∈ [W0 ... W15]; Wd ∈ [W0 ... W15]

Operation: For word operation: (Ws<15>) → Wd<15>, (Ws<15>) → Wd<14>, (Ws<14:1>) → Wd<13:0>, (Ws<0>) → CFor byte operation: (Ws<7>) → Wd<7>, (Ws<7>) → Wd<6>, (Ws<6:1>) → Wd<5:0>, (Ws<0>) → C

Status Affected: SZ, N, OV, Z, C

Encoding: 1101 0001 1Bqq qddd dppp ssss

Description: Shift the contents of the source register Ws one bit to the right and place the result in the destination register Wd. The least significant bit of Ws is shifted into the Carry bit of the Status Register. The most significant bit of Ws is shifted back into itself to maintain the sign of the value. Either register direct or indirect addressing may be used for Ws and Wd.

The ‘B’ bit selects byte or word operation (0 for word, 1 for byte).The ‘q’ bits select the destination address mode.The ‘d’ bits select the address of the destination register.The ‘p’ bits select the source address mode.The ‘s’ bits select the address of the source register.

Note: The extension .b in the instruction denotes a byte operation rather than a word operation. You may use a .w extension to denote a word operation, but it is not required.

Words: 1

Cycles: 1

Q Cycle Activity:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4Decode Read


dataWrite to



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Example 1 ASR.B [W0]++, [W1]++ ; ASR [W0] and store to [W1] (byte mode); Post-increment W0 and W1

Before Instruction


W0 0600 W0 0601

W1 0801 W1 0802

Data 600 2366 Data 600 2366

Data 800 FFC0 Data 800 33C0

SR 0000 SR 0000

Example 2 ASR W12, W13 ; ASR W12 and store to W13 (word mode)

Before Instruction


W12 AB01 W12 AB01

W13 0322 W13 D580

SR 0000 SR 0001 (C=1)

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ASR Arithmetic Shift Right by Short Literal

Syntax: {label:} ASR Wb, #lit5, Wnd

Operands: Wb ∈ [W0 ... W15]; lit5 ∈ [0...31]; Wnd ∈ [W0 ... W15]

Operation: lit5<3:0>→Shift_Val



If lit5<4>==0: (less than 16)Shift_Out<31:16>→WndShift_Out<15:0>→CARRY10→CARRY0

If lit5<4>==1: (16 or greater)Shift_Out<31:31>→Wnd<15:0>Shift_Out<31:16>→CARRY1Shift_Out<15:0>→CARRY0

Status Affected: SZ, Z, C

Encoding: 1101 1110 1www wddd d11k kkkk

Description: Arithmetic shift right the contents of the source register Wb by the 5-bit unsigned literal and store the result in the destination register Wnd. Bits that are shifted out of the source register are stored in the CARRY1 and CARRY0 registers, where CARRY1 is the first register to be filled. Any unused bits in CARRY1 and CARRY0 are set to 0. After the shift is per-formed, the result is sign-extended. Direct addressing must be used for Wb and Wnd.

The SZ and Z bits will be set if the value placed in Wnd is zero and cleared otherwise. The C bit will be set if any of the bits shifted out were set and cleared otherwise.

The ‘w’ bits select the address of the base register.The ‘d’ bits select the address of the destination register.The ‘k’ bits provide the literal operand, a five-bit integer number.

Note: This instruction operates in word mode only.

Words: 1

Cycles: 1

Q Cycle Activity:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4Decode Read


dataWrite to


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Example 1 ASR W0, #0x4, W1 ; ASR W0 by 4 and store to W1/C1/C0

Before Instruction


W0 060F W0 060F

W1 1234 W1 0060

CARRY1 2366 CARRY1 F000

CARRY0 1500 CARRY0 0000

SR 0000 SR 0001 (C=1)

Example 2 ASR W0, #0x6, W1 ; ASR W0 by 6 and store to W1/C1/C0

Before Instruction


W0 80FF W0 80FF

W1 0060 W1 FE03


CARRY0 0000 CARRY0 0000

SR 0000 SR 0001 (C=1)

Example 3 ASR W0, #0x1F, W1 ; ASR W0 by 31 and store to W1/C1/C0

Before Instruction


W0 70FF W0 70FF

W1 CC26 W1 0000

CARRY1 F000 CARRY1 0000


SR 0000 SR 0025 (SZ, Z, C=1)

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ASR Arithmetic Shift Right by Wns

Syntax: {label:} ASR Wb, Wns, Wnd

Operands: Wb ∈ [W0 ... W15]; Wns ∈ [W0 ...W15]; Wnd ∈ [W0 ... W15]

Operation: Wns<3:0>→Shift_Val



If Wns<4>==0: (less than 16)Shift_Out<31:16>→WndShift_Out<15:0>→CARRY10→CARRY0

If Wns<4>==1: (16 or greater)Shift_Out<31:31>→Wnd<15:0>Shift_Out<31:16>→CARRY1Shift_Out<15:0>→CARRY0

Status Affected: SZ, Z, C

Encoding: 1101 1110 1www wddd d000 ssss

Description: Arithmetic shift right the contents of the source register Wb by the 5 least significant bits of Wns (up to 31 positions) and store the result in the desti-nation register Wnd. Bits that are shifted out of the source register are stored in the CARRY1 and CARRY0 registers, where CARRY1 is the first register to be filled. Any unused bits in CARRY1 and CARRY0 are set to 0. After the shift is performed, the result is sign-extended. Direct addressing must be used for Wb, Wns and Wnd.

The SZ and Z bits will be set if the value placed in Wnd is zero and cleared otherwise. The C bit will be set if any of the bits shifted out were set and cleared otherwise.

The ‘w’ bits select the address of the base register.The ‘d’ bits select the address of the destination register.The ‘s’ bits select the address of the source register.

Note: This instruction operates in word mode only.

Words: 1

Cycles: 1

Q Cycle Activity:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4Decode Read


dataWrite to


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Example 1 ASR W0, W5, W6 ; ASR W0 by W5 and store to W6/C1/C0

Before Instruction


W0 80FF W0 80FF

W5 0010 W5 0010

W6 2633 W6 FFFF


CARRY0 F000 CARRY0 0000

SR 0000 SR 0001 (C=1)

Example 2 ASR W0, W5, W6 ; ASR W0 by W5 and store to W6/C1/C0

Before Instruction


W0 6688 W0 6688

W5 0018 W5 0018

W6 FF00 W6 0000


CARRY0 0000 CARRY0 8800

SR 0000 SR 0025 (SZ, Z, C=1)

Example 3 ASR W11, W12, W13 ; ASR W11 by W12 and store to W13/C1/C0

Before Instruction


W11 8765 W11 8765

W12 88E4 W12 88E4

W13 A5A5 W13 F876

CARRY1 0066 CARRY1 5000

CARRY0 8800 CARRY0 0000

SR 0000 SR 0001 (C=1)

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BCLR.b Bit Clear f

Syntax: {label:} BCLR.b f, #bit3

Operands: bit3 ∈ [0 ... 7]; f ∈ [0 ... 8191]

Operation: 0 → f<bit3>

Status Affected: None

Encoding: 1010 1001 bbbf ffff ffff ffff

Description: Clear the bit in the file register f specified by ‘bit3’. Bit numbering begins with the least-significant bit (bit 0) and advances to the most-significant bit (bit 7) of the byte.

The ‘b’ bits select value bit3 of the bit position to be cleared.The ‘f’ bits select the address of the file register.

Note: This instruction operates in byte mode only and the .b extenstion must be included with the opcode.

Words: 1

Cycles: 1

Q Cycle Activity:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4Decode Read


dataWrite to


Example 1 BCLR.B RAM250, #0x7 ; Clear bit 7 in RAM250

Before Instruction


RAM250 66EF RAM250 666F

SR 0000 SR 0000

Example 2 BCLR.B RAM400, #0x4 ; Clear bit 4 in RAM400

Before Instruction


RAM400 AA55 RAM400 AA45

SR 0000 SR 0000

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BCLR Bit Clear in Ws

Syntax: {label:} BCLR Ws, #bit4






Operands: bit4 ∈ [0 ... 15]; Ws ∈ [W0 ... W15]

Operation: 0 → Ws<bit4>

Status Affected: None

Encoding: 1010 0001 bbbb 0000 0ppp ssss

Description: Clear the bit in register Ws specified by ‘bit4’. Bit numbering begins with the least-significant bit (bit 0) and advances to the most-significant bit (bit 15) of the word. Register direct or indirect addressing may be used for Ws.

The ‘b’ bits select value bit4 of the bit position to be cleared.The ‘s’ bits select the address of the source/destination register.The ‘p’ bits select the source address mode.

Note: This instruction operates in word mode only.

Words: 1

Cycles: 1

Q Cycle Activity:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4Decode Read


dataWrite to


Example 1 BCLR W2, #0xC ; Clear bit 12 in W2

Before Instruction


W2 F234 W2 E234

SR 0000 SR 0000

Example 2 BCLR [W0]++, #0x0 ; Clear bit 0 in [W0]; Post-increment W0

Before Instruction


W0 2300 W0 2302

Data 2300 5607 Data 2300 5606 SR 0000 SR 0000

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BRA Branch Unconditionally

Syntax: {label:} BRA Slit16

Operands: Slit16 ∈ [-32768 ... +32767]

Operation: (PC+2) + 2*Slit16 → PC, and NOP → Instruction Register.

Status Affected: None

Encoding: 0011 0111 nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn

Description: The program will branch unconditionally, relative to the next PC. The offset of the branch is the 2’s complement number ‘2*Slit16’, which supports branches up to 32K instructions forward or backward. After the branch is taken, the new address will be (PC+2) + 2*Slit16 since the PC will have incremented to fetch the next instruction.

The ‘n’ bits are a signed literal that specifies the number of program words offset from (PC+2).

Words: 1

Cycles: 2

Q Cycle Activity:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4Decode Read

Slit16 Process

dataWrite to


Example 1 002000 HERE: BRA THERE002002 . . .002004 . . .002006 . . .002008 . . .00200A THERE: . . .00200C . . .

; Branch to THERE

Before Instruction

After Instruction

PC 00 2000 PC 00 200A

SR 0000 SR 0000

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BRA Computed Branch

Syntax: {label:} BRA Wn

Operands: Wn ∈ [W0 ... W15]

Operation: (PC) +2 + (2 * (Wn)) → PC, NOP → Instruction Register.

Status Affected: None

Encoding: 0000 0001 0110 0000 0000 ssss

Description: The the program will branch unconditionally, relative to the next PC. The off-set of the branch is the sign-extended 17-bit value (2 * Wn), which supports branches up to 32K instructions forward or backward. After this instruction executes, the new PC will be (PC+2)+2*Wn since the PC will have incre-mented to fetch the next instruction.

The ‘s’ bits select the address of the source register.

Words: 1

Cycles: 2

Q Cycle Activity:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Decode Readoperands


Write todestination


Example 1 002000 HERE: BRA W7002002 . . . ... . . . ... . . .002106 . . .002108 TABLE7: . . .00210A . . .

; Branch to 2*W7

Before Instruction

After Instruction

PC 00 2000 PC 00 2108

W7 0084 W7 0084

SR 0000 SR 0000

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BRA C Branch if Carry

Syntax: {label:} BRA C, Slit16

{label:} BRA GEU,

Operands: Slit16 ∈ [-32768 ... +32767]

Operation: Condition = CIf (Condition), then (PC+2) + 2*Slit16 → PC, and NOP → Instruction Regis-ter.

Status Affected: None

Encoding: 0011 0001 nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn

Description: If the Carry flag bit is ‘1’, then the program will branch relative to the next PC. The offset of the branch is the 2’s complement number ‘2*Slit16’. If the branch is taken, the new address will be (PC+2) + 2*Slit16 since the PC will have incremented to fetch the next instruction. The instruction then becomes a two-cycle instruction, with a NOP executed in the second cycle.

The ‘n’ bits are a 16-bit signed literal that specify the offset from (PC+2) in instruction words.

Words: 1

Cycles: 1 (2 if branch taken)

Q Cycle Activity:

If branch taken:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4Decode Read

Slit16 Process

dataWrite to


If branch not taken:Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Decode ReadSlit16



Example 1 002000 HERE: BRA C, CARRY002002 NO_C: . . .002004 . . .002006 GOTO THERE002008 CARRY: . . .00200A . . .00200C THERE: . . .00200E . . .

; If C is set, branch to CARRY; Otherwise... continue

Before Instruction

After Instruction

PC 00 2000 PC 00 2008

SR 0001 (C=1) SR 0001 (C=1)

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Example 2 002000 HERE: BRA C, CARRY002002 NO_C: ...002004 ...002006 GOTO THERE002008 CARRY: ...00200A ...00200C THERE: ...00200E ...

; If C is set, branch to CARRY; Otherwise... continue

Before Instruction

After Instruction

PC 00 2000 PC 00 2002

SR 0000 SR 0000

Example 3 006230 HERE: BRA C, CARRY006232 NO_C: ...006234 ...006236 GOTO THERE006238 CARRY: ...00623A ...00623C THERE: ...00623E ...

; If C is set, branch to CARRY; Otherwise... continue

Before Instruction

After Instruction

PC 00 6230 PC 00 6238

SR 0001 (C=1) SR 0001 (C=1)

Example 4 006230 START: ...006232 ...006234 CARRY: ...006236 ...006238 ...00623A ...00623C HERE: BRA C, CARRY00623E ...

; If C is set, branch to CARRY; Otherwise... continue

Before Instruction

After Instruction

PC 00 623C PC 00 6234

SR 0001 (C=1) SR 0001 (C=1)

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BRA GE Branch if Signed Greater Than or Equal

Syntax: {label:} BRA GE, Slit16

Operands: Slit16 ∈ [-32768 ... +32767]

Operation: Condition = (N&&OV)||(!N&&!OV)If (Condition), then (PC+2) + 2*Slit16 → PC, and NOP → Instruction Regis-ter.

Status Affected: None

Encoding: 0011 1101 nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn

Description: If the logical expression (N&&OV)||(!N&&!OV) is true, then the program will branch relative to the next PC. The offset of the branch is the 2’s comple-ment number ‘2*Slit16’. If the branch is taken, the new address will be (PC+2) + 2*Slit16 since the PC will have incremented to fetch the next instruction. The instruction then becomes a two-cycle instruction, with a NOP executed in the second cycle.

The ‘n’ bits are a 16-bit signed literal that specify the offset from (PC+2) in instruction words.

Words: 1

Cycles: 1 (2 if branch taken)

Q Cycle Activity:

If branch taken:Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Decode ReadSlit16


Write toPC


If branch not taken:Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Decode ReadSlit16



Example 1 007600 LOOP: . . .007602 . . .007604 . . .007606 . . .007608 HERE: BRA GE, LOOP00760A NO_GE: . . .

; If GE, branch to LOOP; Otherwise... continue

Before Instruction

After Instruction

PC 00 7608 PC 00 7600

SR 0000 SR 0000

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Example 2 007600 LOOP: . . .007602 . . .007604 . . .007606 . . .007608 HERE: BRA GE, LOOP00760A NO_GE: . . .

; If GE, branch to LOOP; Otherwise... continue

Before Instruction

After Instruction

PC 00 7608 PC 00 760A

SR 0010 (N=1) SR 0010 (N=1)

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BRA GEU Branch if Unsigned Greater Than or Equal

Syntax: {label:} BRA GEU, Slit16

{label:} BRA C, Slit16

Operands: Slit16 ∈ [-32768 ... +32767]

Operation: Condition = CIf (Condition), then (PC+2) + 2*Slit16 → PC, and NOP → Instruction Regis-ter.

Status Affected: None

Encoding: 0011 0001 nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn

Description: If the Carry bit is ‘1’, then the program will branch relative to the next PC. The offset of the branch is the 2’s complement number ‘2*Slit16’. If the branch is taken, the new address will be (PC+2) + 2*Slit16 since the PC will have incremented to fetch the next instruction. The instruction then becomes a two-cycle instruction, with a NOP executed in the second cycle.

The ‘n’ bits are a 16-bit signed literal that specify the offset from (PC+2) in instruction words.

Note: This instruction is identical to the BRA C, Slit16 (Branch if Carry) instruction and has the same encoding. It will reverse assemble as BRA C, Slit16.

Words: 1

Cycles: 1 (2 if branch taken)

Q Cycle Activity:

If branch taken:Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Decode ReadSlit16


Write toPC


If branch not taken:Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Decode ReadSlit16



Example 1 002000 HERE: BRA GEU, BYPASS002002 NO_GEU: . . .002004 . . .002006 . . .002008 . . .00200A GOTO THERE00200C BYPASS: . . .00200E . . .

; If C is set, branch; to BYPASS; Otherwise... continue

Before Instruction

After Instruction

PC 00 2000 PC 00 200C

SR 0001 (C=1) SR 0001 (C=1)

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BRA GT Branch if Signed Greater Than

Syntax: {label:} BRA GT, Slit16

Operands: Slit16 ∈ [-32768 ... +32767]

Operation: Condition = (!Z&&N&&OV)||(!Z&&!N&&!OV);If (Condition), then (PC+2) + 2*Slit16 → PC, and NOP → Instruction Regis-ter.

Status Affected: None

Encoding: 0011 1100 nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn

Description: If the logical expression (!Z&&N&&OV) || (!Z&&!N&&!OV) is true, then the program will branch relative to the next PC. The offset of the branch is the 2’s complement number ‘2*Slit16’. If the branch is taken, the new address will be (PC+2) + 2*Slit16 since the PC will have incremented to fetch the next instruction. The instruction then becomes a two-cycle instruction, with a NOP executed in the second cycle.

The ‘n’ bits are a 16-bit signed literal that specify the offset from (PC+2) in instruction words.

Words: 1

Cycles: 1 (2 if branch taken)

Q Cycle Activity:

If branch taken:Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Decode ReadSlit16


Write toPC


If branch not taken:Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Decode ReadSlit16



Example 1 002000 HERE: BRA GT, BYPASS002002 NO_GT: . . .002004 . . .002006 . . .002008 . . .00200A GOTO THERE00200C BYPASS: . . .00200E . . .

; If GT, branch to BYPASS; Otherwise... continue

Before Instruction

After Instruction

PC 00 2000 PC 00 200C

SR 0001 (C=1) SR 0001 (C=1)

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BRA GTU Branch if Unsigned Greater Than

Syntax: {label:} BRA GTU, Slit16

Operands: Slit16 ∈ [-32768 ... +32767]

Operation: Condition = (C&&!Z);If (Condition), then (PC+2) + 2*Slit16 → PC, and NOP → Instruction Regis-ter.

Status Affected: None

Encoding: 0011 1110 nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn

Description: If the logical expression (C && !Z) is true, then the program will branch rela-tive to the next PC. The offset of the branch is the 2’s complement number ‘2*Slit16’. If the branch is taken, the new address will be (PC+2) + 2*Slit16 since the PC will have incremented to fetch the next instruction. The instruc-tion then becomes a two-cycle instruction, with a NOP executed in the sec-ond cycle.

The ‘n’ bits are a signed literal that specifies the number of instructions off-set from (PC+2).

Words: 1

Cycles: 1 (2 if branch taken)

Q Cycle Activity:

If branch taken:Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Decode ReadSlit16


Write toPC


If branch not taken:Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Decode ReadSlit16



Example 1 002000 HERE: BRA GTU, BYPASS002002 NO_GTU: . . .002004 . . .002006 . . .002008 . . .00200A GOTO THERE00200C BYPASS: . . .00200E . . .

; If GTU, branch to BYPASS; Otherwise... continue

Before Instruction

After Instruction

PC 00 2000 PC 00 200C

SR 0001 (C=1) SR 0001 (C=1)

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BRA LE Branch if Signed Less Than or Equal

Syntax: {label:} BRA LE, Slit16

Operands: Slit16 ∈ [-32768 ... +32767]

Operation: Condition = Z||(N&&!OV)||(!N&&OV);If (Condition), then (PC+2) + 2*Slit16 → PC, and NOP → Instruction Regis-ter.

Status Affected: None

Encoding: 0011 0100 nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn

Description: If the logical expression (Z || (N&&!OV) || (!N&&OV)) is true, then the pro-gram will branch relative to the next PC. The offset of the branch is the 2’s complement number ‘2*Slit16’. If the branch is taken, the new address will be (PC+2) + 2*Slit16 since the PC will have incremented to fetch the next instruction. The instruction then becomes a two-cycle instruction, with a NOP executed in the second cycle.

The ‘n’ bits are a signed literal that specifies the number of instructions off-set from (PC+2).

Words: 1

Cycles: 1 (2 if branch taken)

Q Cycle Activity:

If branch taken:Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Decode ReadSlit16


Write toPC


If branch not taken:Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Decode ReadSlit16



Example 1 002000 HERE: BRA LE, BYPASS002002 NO_LE: . . .002004 . . .002006 . . .002008 . . .00200A GOTO THERE00200C BYPASS: . . .00200E . . .

; If LE, branch to BYPASS; Otherwise... continue

Before Instruction

After Instruction

PC 00 2000 PC 00 2002

SR 0001 (C=1) SR 0001 (C=1)

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BRA LEU Branch if Unsigned Less Than or Equal

Syntax: {label:} BRA LEU, Slit16

Operands: Slit16 ∈ [-32768 ... +32767]

Operation: Condition = !C||Z;If (Condition), then (PC+2) + 2*Slit16 → PC, and NOP → Instruction Regis-ter.

Status Affected: None

Encoding: 0011 0110 nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn

Description: If the logical expression (!C || Z) is true, then the program will branch rela-tive to the next PC. The offset of the branch is the 2’s complement number ‘2*Slit16’. If the branch is taken, the new address will be (PC+2) + 2*Slit16 since the PC will have incremented to fetch the next instruction. The instruc-tion then becomes a two-cycle instruction, with a NOP executed in the sec-ond cycle.

The ‘n’ bits are a signed literal that specifies the number of instructions off-set from (PC+2).

Words: 1

Cycles: 1 (2 if branch taken)

Q Cycle Activity:

If branch taken:Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Decode ReadSlit16


Write toPC


If branch not taken:Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Decode ReadSlit16



Example 1 002000 HERE: BRA LEU, BYPASS002002 NO_LEU: . . .002004 . . .002006 . . .002008 . . .00200A GOTO THERE00200C BYPASS: . . .00200E . . .

; If LEU, branch to BYPASS; Otherwise... continue

Before Instruction

After Instruction

PC 00 2000 PC 00 200C

SR 0001 (C=1) SR 0001 (C=1)

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BRA LT Branch if Signed Less Than

Syntax: {label:} BRA LT, Slit16

Operands: Slit16 ∈ [-32768 ... +32767]

Operation: Condition = (N&&!OV)||(!N&&OV);If (Condition), then (PC+2) + 2*Slit16 → PC, and NOP → Instruction Regis-ter.

Status Affected: None

Encoding: 0011 0101 nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn

Description: If the logical expression ( (N&&!OV) || (!N&&OV) ) is true, then the program will branch relative to the next PC. The offset of the branch is the 2’s com-plement number ‘2*Slit16’. If the branch is taken, the new address will be (PC+2) + 2*Slit16 since the PC will have incremented to fetch the next instruction. The instruction then becomes a two-cycle instruction, with a NOP executed in the second cycle.

The ‘n’ bits are a signed literal that specifies the number of instructions off-set from (PC+2).

Words: 1

Cycles: 1 (2 if branch taken)

Q Cycle Activity:

If branch taken:Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Decode ReadSlit16


Write toPC


If branch not taken:Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Decode ReadSlit16



Example 1 002000 HERE: BRA LT, BYPASS002002 NO_LT: . . .002004 . . .002006 . . .002008 . . .00200A GOTO THERE00200C BYPASS: . . .00200E . . .

; If LT, branch to BYPASS; Otherwise... continue

Before Instruction

After Instruction

PC 00 2000 PC 00 2002

SR 0001 (C=1) SR 0001 (C=1)

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BRA LTU Branch if Unsigned Less Than

Syntax: {label:} BRA NC, Slit16

{label:} BRA LTU,

Operands: Slit16 ∈ [-32768 ... +32767]

Operation: Condition = !CIf (Condition), then (PC+2) + 2*Slit16 → PC, and NOP → Instruction Regis-ter.

Status Affected: None

Encoding: 0011 1001 nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn

Description: If the Carry flag bit is ‘0’, then the program will branch relative to the next PC. The offset of the branch is the 2’s complement number ‘2*Slit16’. If the branch is taken, the new address will be (PC+2) + 2*Slit16 since the PC will have incremented to fetch the next instruction. The instruction then becomes a two-cycle instruction, with a NOP executed in the second cycle.

The ‘n’ bits are a signed literal that specifies the number of instructions off-set from (PC+2).

Note: This instruction is identical to the BNC (Branch if Not Carry) instruction and has the same encoding. It will reverse assemble as BNC.

Words: 1

Cycles: 1 (2 if branch taken)

Q Cycle Activity:

Example 1 002000 HERE: BRA LTU, BYPASS002002 NO_LTU: . . .002004 . . .002006 . . .002008 . . .00200A GOTO THERE00200C BYPASS: . . .00200E . . .

; If LTU, branch to BYPASS; Otherwise... continue

Before Instruction

After Instruction

PC 00 2000 PC 00 2002

SR 0001 (C=1) SR 0001 (C=1)

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BRA N Branch if Negative

Syntax: {label:} BRA N, Slit16

Operands: Slit16 ∈ [-32768 ... +32767]

Operation: Condition = NIf (Condition), then (PC+2) + 2*Slit16 → PC, and NOP → Instruction Regis-ter.

Status Affected: None

Encoding: 0011 0011 nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn

Description: If the Negative flag bit is ‘1’, then the program will branch relative to the next PC. The offset of the branch is the 2’s complement number ‘2*Slit16’. If the branch is taken, the new address will be (PC+2) + 2*Slit16 since the PC will have incremented to fetch the next instruction. The instruction then becomes a two-cycle instruction, with a NOP executed in the second cycle.

The ‘n’ bits are a signed literal that specifies the number of instructions off-set from (PC+2).

Words: 1

Cycles: 1 (2 if branch taken)

Q Cycle Activity:

If branch taken:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4Decode Read

Slit16 Process

dataWrite to


If branch not taken:Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Decode ReadSlit16



Example 1 002000 HERE: BRA N, BYPASS002002 NO_N: . . .002004 . . .002006 . . .002008 . . .00200A GOTO THERE00200C BYPASS: . . .00200E . . .

; If N, branch to BYPASS; Otherwise... continue

Before Instruction

After Instruction

PC 00 2000 PC 00 200C

SR 0010 (N=1) SR 0010 (N=1)

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BRA NC Branch if Not Carry

Syntax: {label:} BRA NC, Slit16

{label:} BRA LTU,

Operands: Slit16 ∈ [-32768 ... +32767]

Operation: Condition = !CIf (Condition), then (PC+2) + 2*Slit16 → PC, and NOP → Instruction Regis-ter.

Status Affected: None

Encoding: 0011 1001 nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn

Description: If the Carry flag bit is ‘0’, then the program will branch relative to the next PC. The offset of the branch is the 2’s complement number ‘2*Slit16’. If the branch is taken, the new address will be (PC+2) + 2*Slit16 since the PC will have incremented to fetch the next instruction. The instruction then becomes a two-cycle instruction, with a NOP executed in the second cycle.

The ‘n’ bits are a signed literal that specifies the number of instructions off-set from (PC+2).

Words: 1

Cycles: 1 (2 if branch taken)

Q Cycle Activity:

If branch taken:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4Decode Read

Slit16 Process

dataWrite to


If branch not taken:Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Decode ReadSlit16



Example 1 002000 HERE: BRA NC, BYPASS002002 NO_NC: . . .002004 . . .002006 . . .002008 . . .00200A GOTO THERE00200C BYPASS: . . .00200E . . .

; If NC, branch to BYPASS; Otherwise... continue

Before Instruction

After Instruction

PC 00 2000 PC 00 2002

SR 0001 (C=1) SR 0001 (C=1)

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BRA NN Branch if Not Negative

Syntax: {label:} BRA NN, Slit16

Operands: Slit16 ∈ [-32768 ... +32767]

Operation: Condition = !NIf (Condition), then (PC+2) + 2*Slit16 → PC, and NOP → Instruction Regis-ter.

Status Affected: None

Encoding: 0011 1011 nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn

Description: If the Negative flag bit is ‘0’, then the program will branch relative to the next PC. The offset of the branch is the 2’s complement number ‘2*Slit16’. If the branch is taken, the new address will be (PC+2) + 2*Slit16 since the PC will have incremented to fetch the next instruction. The instruction then becomes a two-cycle instruction, with a NOP executed in the second cycle.

The ‘n’ bits are a signed literal that specifies the number of instructions off-set from (PC+2).

Words: 1

Cycles: 1 (2 if branch taken)

Q Cycle Activity:

If branch taken:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4Decode Read

Slit16 Process

dataWrite to


If branch not taken:Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Decode ReadSlit16



Example 1 002000 HERE: BRA NN, BYPASS002002 NO_NN: . . .002004 . . .002006 . . .002008 . . .00200A GOTO THERE00200C BYPASS: . . .00200E . . .

; If NN, branch to BYPASS; Otherwise... continue

Before Instruction

After Instruction

PC 00 2000 PC 00 200C

SR 0000 SR 0000

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BRA NOV Branch if Not Overflow

Syntax: {label:} BRA NOV, Slit16

Operands: Slit16 ∈ [-32768 ... +32767]

Operation: Condition = !0VIf (Condition), then (PC+2) + 2*Slit16 → PC, and NOP → Instruction Regis-ter.

Status Affected: None

Encoding: 0011 1000 nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn

Description: If the Overflow flag bit is ‘0’, then the program will branch relative to the next PC. The offset of the branch is the 2’s complement number ‘2*Slit16’. If the branch is taken, the new address will be (PC+2) + 2*Slit16 since the PC will have incremented to fetch the next instruction. The instruction then becomes a two-cycle instruction, with a NOP executed in the second cycle.

The ‘n’ bits are a signed literal that specifies the number of instructions off-set from (PC+2).

Words: 1

Cycles: 1 (2 if branch taken)

Q Cycle Activity:

If branch taken:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4Decode Read

Slit16 Process

dataWrite to


If branch not taken:Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Decode ReadSlit16



Example 1 002000 HERE: BRA NOV, BYPASS002002 NO_NOV: . . .002004 . . .002006 . . .002008 . . .00200A GOTO THERE00200C BYPASS: . . .00200E . . .

; If NOV, branch to BYPASS; Otherwise... continue

Before Instruction

After Instruction

PC 00 2000 PC 00 200C

SR 0010 (N=1) SR 0010 (N=1)

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BRA NZ Branch if Not Zero

Syntax: {label:} BRA NZ, Slit16

Operands: Slit16 ∈ [-32768 ... +32767]

Operation: Condition = !ZIf (Condition), then (PC+2) + 2*Slit16 → PC, and NOP → Instruction Regis-ter.

Status Affected: None

Encoding: 0011 1010 nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn

Description: If the Zero flag bit is ‘0’, then the program will branch relative to the next PC. The offset of the branch is the 2’s complement number ‘2*Slit16’. If the branch is taken, the new address will be (PC+2) + 2*Slit16 since the PC will have incremented to fetch the next instruction. The instruction then becomes a two-cycle instruction, with a NOP executed in the second cycle.

The ‘n’ bits are a signed literal that specifies the number of instructions off-set from (PC+2).

Words: 1

Cycles: 1 (2 if branch taken)

Q Cycle Activity:

If branch taken:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4Decode Read

Slit16 Process

dataWrite to


If branch not taken:Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Decode ReadSlit16



Example 1 002000 HERE: BRA NZ, BYPASS002002 NO_NZ: . . .002004 . . .002006 . . .002008 . . .00200A GOTO THERE00200C BYPASS: . . .00200E . . .

; If NZ, branch to BYPASS; Otherwise... continue

Before Instruction

After Instruction

PC 00 2000 PC 00 2002

SR 0004 (Z=1) SR 0004 (Z=1)

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BRA OA Branch if Overflow Accumulator A

Syntax: {label:} BRA OA, Slit16

Operands: Slit16 ∈ [-32768 ... +32767]

Operation: Condition = OAIf (Condition), then (PC+2) + 2*Slit16 → PC, and NOP → Instruction Regis-ter.

Status Affected: None

Encoding: 0000 1100 nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn

Description: If the Overflow Accumulator A flag bit (OA) is ‘1’, then the program will branch relative to the next PC. The offset of the branch is the 2’s comple-ment number ‘2*Slit16’. If the branch is taken, the new address will be (PC+2) + 2*Slit16 since the PC will have incremented to fetch the next instruction. The instruction then becomes a two-cycle instruction, with a NOP executed in the second cycle.

The ‘n’ bits are a signed literal that specifies the number of instructions off-set from (PC+2).

Words: 1

Cycles: 1 (2 if branch taken)

Q Cycle Activity:

If branch taken:Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Decode ReadSlit16


Write toPC


If branch not taken:Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Decode ReadSlit16



Example 1 002000 HERE: BRA OA, BYPASS002002 NO_OA: . . .002004 . . .002006 . . .002008 . . .00200A GOTO THERE00200C BYPASS: . . .00200E . . .

; If OA, branch to BYPASS; Otherwise... continue

Before Instruction

After Instruction

PC 00 2000 PC 00 200C

SR 8800 (OA,OAB=1) SR 8800 (OA,OAB=1)

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BRA OB Branch if Overflow Accumulator B

Syntax: {label:} BRA OB, Slit16

Operands: Slit16 ∈ [-32768 ... +32767]

Operation: Condition = OBIf (Condition), then (PC+2) + 2*Slit16 → PC, and NOP → Instruction Regis-ter.

Status Affected: None

Encoding: 0000 1101 nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn

Description: If the Overflow Accumulator B flag bit (OB) is ‘1’, then the program will branch relative to the next PC. The offset of the branch is the 2’s comple-ment number ‘2*Slit16’. If the branch is taken, the new address will be (PC+2) + 2*Slit16 since the PC will have incremented to fetch the next instruction. The instruction then becomes a two-cycle instruction, with a NOP executed in the second cycle.

The ‘n’ bits are a signed literal that specifies the number of instructions off-set from (PC+2).

Words: 1

Cycles: 1 (2 if branch taken)

Q Cycle Activity:

If branch taken:Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Decode ReadSlit16


Write toPC


If branch not taken:Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Decode ReadSlit16



Example 1 002000 HERE: BRA OB, BYPASS002002 NO_OB: . . .002004 . . .002006 . . .002008 . . .00200A GOTO THERE00200C BYPASS: . . .00200E . . .

; If OB, branch to BYPASS; Otherwise... continue

Before Instruction

After Instruction

PC 00 2000 PC 00 2002

SR 8800 (OA,OAB=1) SR 8800 (OA,OAB=1)

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BRA OV Branch if Overflow

Syntax: {label:} BRA OV, Slit16

Operands: Slit16 ∈ [-32768 ... +32767]

Operation: If the Overflow flag bit is ‘1’, then the program will branch relative to the next PC. The offset of the branch is the 2’s complement number ‘2*Slit16’. If the branch is taken, the new address will be (PC+2) + 2*Slit16 since the PC will have incremented to fetch the next instruction. The instruction then becomes a two-cycle instruction, with a NOP executed in the second cycle.

The ‘n’ bits are a signed literal that specifies the number of instructions off-set from (PC+2).

Status Affected: None

Encoding: 0011 0000 nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn


Words: 1

Cycles: 1 (2 if branch taken)

Q Cycle Activity:

If branch taken:Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Decode ReadSlit16


Write toPC


If branch not taken:Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Decode ReadSlit16



Example 1 002000 HERE: BRA OV, BYPASS002002 NO_OV . . .002004 . . .002006 . . .002008 . . .00200A GOTO THERE00200C BYPASS: . . .00200E . . .

; If OV, branch to BYPASS; Otherwise... continue

Before Instruction

After Instruction

PC 00 2000 PC 00 2002

SR 0004 (Z=1) SR 0004 (Z=1)

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BRA SA Branch if Saturation Accumulator A

Syntax: {label:} BRA SA, Slit16

Operands: Slit16 ∈ [-32768 ... +32767]

Operation: Condition = SAIf (Condition), then (PC+2) + 2*Slit16 → PC, and NOP → Instruction Regis-ter.

Status Affected: None

Encoding: 0000 1110 nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn

Description: If the Saturation Accumulator A flag bit (SA) is ‘1’, then the program will branch relative to the next PC. The offset of the branch is the 2’s comple-ment number ‘2*Slit16’. If the branch is taken, the new address will be (PC+2) + 2*Slit16 since the PC will have incremented to fetch the next instruction. The instruction then becomes a two-cycle instruction, with a NOP executed in the second cycle.

The ‘n’ bits are a signed literal that specifies the number of instructions off-set from (PC+2).

Words: 1

Cycles: 1 (2 if branch taken)

Q Cycle Activity:

If branch taken:Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Decode ReadSlit16


Write toPC


If branch not taken:Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Decode ReadSlit16



Example 1 002000 HERE: BRA SA, BYPASS002002 NO_SA: . . .002004 . . .002006 . . .002008 . . .00200A GOTO THERE00200C BYPASS: . . .00200E . . .

; If SA, branch to BYPASS; Otherwise... continue

Before Instruction

After Instruction

PC 00 2000 PC 00 200C

SR 2400 (SA,SAB=1) SR 2400 (SA,SAB=1)

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BRA SB Branch if Saturation Accumulator B

Syntax: {label:} BRA SB, Slit16

Operands: Slit16 ∈ [-32768 ... +32767]

Operation: Condition = SBif (Condition), then (PC+2) + 2*Slit16→ PC, and NOP → Instruction Regis-ter.

Status Affected: None

Encoding: 0000 1111 nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn

Description: If the Saturation Accumulator B flag bit (SB) is ‘1’, then the program will branch relative to the next PC. The offset of the branch is the 2’s comple-ment number ‘2*Slit16’. If the branch is taken, the new address will be (PC+2) + 2*Slit16 since the PC will have incremented to fetch the next instruction. The instruction then becomes a two-cycle instruction, with a NOP executed in the second cycle.

The ‘n’ bits are a signed literal that specifies the number of instructions off-set from (PC+2).

Words: 1

Cycles: 1 (2 if branch taken)

Q Cycle Activity:

If branch taken:Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Decode ReadSlit16


Write toPC


If branch not taken:Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Decode ReadSlit16



Example 1 002000 HERE: BRA SB, BYPASS002002 NO_SB: . . .002004 . . .002006 . . .002008 . . .00200A GOTO THERE00200C BYPASS: . . .00200E . . .

; If SB, branch to BYPASS; Otherwise... continue

Before Instruction

After Instruction

PC 00 2000 PC 00 2002

SR 0000 SR 0000

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BRA Z Branch if Zero

Syntax: {label:} BRA BZ, Slit16

Operands: Slit16 ∈ [-32768 ... +32767]Operation: Condition = Z

if (Condition), then (PC+2) + 2*Slit16 → PC, and NOP → Instruction Regis-ter.

Status Affected: NoneEncoding: 0011 0010 nnnn nnnn nnnn nnnn

Description: If the Zero flag bit is ‘1’, then the program will branch relative to the next PC. The offset of the branch is the 2’s complement number ‘2*Slit16’. If the branch is taken, the new address will be (PC+2) + 2*Slit16 since the PC will have incremented to fetch the next instruction. The instruction then becomes a two-cycle instruction, with a NOP executed in the second cycle.

The ‘n’ bits are a signed literal that specifies the number of instructions off-set from (PC+2).

Words: 1Cycles: 1 (2 if branch taken)

Q Cycle Activity:If branch not taken:Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Decode ReadSlit16



If branch taken:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4Decode Read

Slit16 Process

dataWrite to


Example 1 002000 HERE: BRA Z, BYPASS002002 NO_Z: . . .002004 . . .002006 . . .002008 . . .00200A GOTO THERE00200C BYPASS: . . .00200E . . .

; If Z, branch to BYPASS; Otherwise... continue

Before Instruction

After Instruction

PC 00 2000 PC 00 200C

SR 0004 (Z=1) SR 0004 (Z=1)

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BSET.b Bit Set f

Syntax: {label:} BSET.b f, #bit3

Operands: bit3 ∈ [0 ... 7]; f ∈ [0 ... 8191]

Operation: 1 → f<bit3>

Status Affected: None

Encoding: 1010 1000 bbbf ffff ffff ffff

Description: Set the bit in the file register f specified by ‘bit3’. Bit numbering begins with the least-significant bit (bit 0) and advances to the most-significant bit (bit 7) of the byte.

The ‘b’ bits select value bit3 of the bit position to be cleared.The ‘f’ bits select the address of the file register.

Note: This instruction operates in byte mode only and the .b extenstion must be included with the opcode.

Words: 1

Cycles: 1

Q Cycle Activity:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4Decode Read


dataWrite to


Example 1 BSET.b 0x600, #0x3 ; Set bit 3 in 0x600

Before Instruction


Data 0600 F234 Data 0600 F23C

SR 0000 SR 0000

Example 2 BSET.b RAM444, #0x0 ; Set bit 0 in RAM444

Before Instruction


RAM444 5604 RAM444 5605 SR 0000 SR 0000

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BSET Bit Set in Ws

Syntax: {label:} BSET Ws, #bit4






Operands: bit4 ∈ [0 ... 15]; Ws ∈ [W0 ... W15]

Operation: 1 → Ws<bit4>

Status Affected: None

Encoding: 1010 0000 bbbb 0000 0ppp ssss

Description: Set the bit in register Ws specified by ‘bit4’. Bit numbering begins with the least-significant bit (bit 0) and advances to the most-significant bit (bit 15) of the word. Register direct or indirect addressing may be used for Ws.

The ‘b’ bits select value bit4 of the bit position to be cleared.The ‘p’ bits select the source address mode.The ‘s’ bits select the address of the source/destination register.

Note: This instruction operates in word mode only.

Words: 1

Cycles: 1

Q Cycle Activity:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4Decode Read


dataWrite to


Example 1 BSET W3, #0xB ; Set bit 11 in W3

Before Instruction


W3 0026 W3 0826

SR 0000 SR 0000

Example 2 BSET [W4]++, #0x0 ; Set bit 0 in [W4]; Post-increment W4

Before Instruction


W4 6700 W4 6702

Data 6700 1734 Data 6700 1735 SR 0000 SR 0000

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BSW Bit Write in Ws

Syntax: {label:} BSW.C Ws, Wb

BSW.Z [Ws],





Operands: Wb ∈ [W0 ... W15]; Ws ∈ [W0 ... W15]

Operation: If “.Z” option, then Z → Ws<(Wb)>If “.C” option, then C → Ws<(Wb)>

Status Affected: None

Encoding: 1010 1101 Zwww w000 0ppp ssss

Description: The (Wb) bit in register Ws is written with the value of the C or Z bit from the status register. Bit numbering begins with the least-significant bit (bit 0) and advances to the most-significant bit (bit 15) of the working register. Only the four least-significant bits of Wb are used to determine the destination bit number. Register direct addressing must be used for Wb, and either register direct or indirect addressing may be used for Ws.

The ‘Z’ bit selects the Z or C flag bit as source.The ‘w’ bits select the address of the bit select register.The ‘p’ bits select the source address mode.The ‘s’ bits select the address of the source register.

Note: This instruction only operates in word mode, and the “.C” or “.Z” extension must be included with this instruction.

Words: 1

Cycles: 1

Q Cycle Activity:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4Decode Read


dataWrite to


Example 1 BSW.C W2, W3 ; Set bit W3 in W2 to the value; of the C bit

Before Instruction


W2 F234 W2 E234

W3 111F W3 111F

SR 0004 (Z=1) SR 0004 (Z=1)

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Example 2 BSW.Z W2, W3 ; Set bit W3 in W2 to the complement; value of the Z bit

Before Instruction


W2 E235 W2 E234

W3 0550 W3 0550

SR 0004 (Z=1) SR 0004 (Z=1)

Example 3 BSW.C [W0++], W6 ; Set bit W6 in [W0++] to the value; of the C bit

Before Instruction


W0 1000 W0 1002

W6 34A3 W6 34A3

Data 1002 2380 Data 1002 2388

SR 0001 (C=1) SR 0001 (C=1)

Example 4 BSW.Z [W1]--, W5 ; Set bit W5 in [W1] to the; complement value of the Z bit; Post-decrement W1

Before Instruction


W1 1000 W1 0FFE

W5 888B W1 888B

Data 1000 C4DD Data 1000 CCDD

SR 0001 (C=1) SR 0001 (C=1)

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BTG.b Bit Toggle f

Syntax: {label:} BTG.b f, #bit3

Operands: bit3 ∈ [0 ... 7]; f ∈ [0 ... 8191]

Operation: (f)<bit3> → (f)<bit3>

Status Affected: None

Encoding: 1010 1010 bbbf ffff ffff ffff

Description: Bit ‘bit3’ in file register f is toggled (complemented). For the bit3 operand, bit numbering begins with the least-significant bit (bit 0) and advances to the most-significant bit (bit 7) of the byte.

The ‘b’ bits select value bit3, the bit position to clear.The ‘f’ bits select the address of the file register.

Note: This instruction operates in byte mode only and the .b extension must be included with the opcode.

Words: 1

Cycles: 1

Q Cycle Activity:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4Decode Read


dataWrite to


Example 1 BTG.b RAM100, #0x4 ; Toggle bit 4 in RAM100

Before Instruction


RAM100 F234 RAM100 F224

SR 0000 SR 0000

Example 2 BTG.b RAM660, #0x3 ; Toggle bit 3 in RAM660

Before Instruction


RAM660 5606 RAM660 560E

SR 0000 SR 0000

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BTG Bit Toggle in Ws

Syntax: {label:} BTG Ws, #bit4






Operands: bit4 ∈ [0 ... 15]; Ws ∈ [W0 ... W15]

Operation: (Ws)<bit4> → Ws<bit4>

Status Affected: None

Encoding: 1010 0010 bbbb 0000 0ppp ssss

Description: Bit ‘bit4’ in register Ws is toggled (complemented). For the bit4 operand, bit numbering begins with the least-significant bit (bit 0) and advances to the most-significant bit (bit 15) of the word. Register direct or indirect address-ing may be used for Ws.

The ‘b’ bits select value bit4, the bit position to test.The ‘s’ bits select the address of the source/destination register.The ‘p’ bits select the source address mode.

Note: This instruction operates in word mode only.

Words: 1

Cycles: 1

Q Cycle Activity:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Decode Readoperands


Write todestination

Example 1 BTG W2, #0xF ; Toggle bit 15 in W2

Before Instruction


W2 F234 W2 7234

SR 0000 SR 0000

Example 2 BTG [W0]++, #0x0 ; Toggle bit 0 in [W0]; Post-increment W0

Before Instruction


W0 2300 W0 2302

Data 2300 5606 Data 2300 5607 SR 0000 SR 0000

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BTSC.b Bit Test f, Skip if Clear

Syntax: {label:} BTSC.b f, #bit3

Operands: bit3 ∈ [0 ... 7]; f ∈ [0 ... 8191]

Operation: Test (f)<bit3>, skip if clear

Status Affected: None

Encoding: 1010 1111 bbbf ffff ffff ffff

Description: Bit ‘bit3’ in the file register is tested. If the tested bit is ‘0’, the next instruction (fetched during the current instruction execution) is discarded and on the next cycle a NOP is executed instead. If the tested bit is ‘1’, the next instruc-tion is executed as normal. In either case, the contents of the file register are not changed. For the bit3 operand, bit numbering begins with the least-significant bit (bit 0) and advances to the most-significant bit (bit 7) of the byte.

The ‘b’ bits select value bit3, the bit position to test.The ‘f’ bits select the address of the file register.

Note: This instruction operates in byte mode only and the .b extension must be included with the opcode.

Words: 1

Cycles: 1 (2 or 3)

Q Cycle Activity:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Decode ReadRegister ‘f’



If skip (2nd cycle):


If skip and followed by a two word instruction (2nd, 3rd cycles):Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4



Example 1 002000 HERE: BTSC.b RAM100, #0x0002002 GOTO BYPASS002004 . . .002006 . . .002008 BYPASS: . . .00200A . . .

; If bit 0 of RAM100 is 0,; skip the GOTO

Before Instruction

After Instruction

PC 00 2000 PC 00 2002

RAM100 264F RAM100 264F

SR 0000 SR 0000

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Example 2 002000 HERE: BTSC.b RAM100, #0x3002002 GOTO BYPASS002004 . . .002006 . . .002008 BYPASS: . . .00200A . . .

; If bit 3 of RAM100 is 0,; skip the GOTO

Before Instruction

After Instruction

PC 00 2000 PC 00 2004

RAM100 2647 RAM100 2647

SR 0000 SR 0000

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BTSC Bit Test Ws, Skip if Clear

Syntax: {label:} BTSC Ws, #bit4






Operands: bit4 ∈ [0 ... 15]; Ws ∈ [W0 ... W15]

Operation: Test (Ws)<bit4>, skip if clear.

Status Affected: None

Encoding: 1010 0111 bbbb 0000 0ppp ssss

Description: Bit ‘bit4’ in Ws is tested. If the tested bit is ‘0’, the next instruction (fetched during the current instruction execution) is discarded and on the next cycle a NOP is executed instead. If the tested bit is ‘1’, the next instruction is exe-cuted as normal. In either case, the contents of Ws are not changed. For the bit4 operand, bit numbering begins with the least-significant bit (bit 0) and advances to the most-significant bit (bit 15) of the word. Either register direct or indirect addressing may be used for Ws.

The ‘b’ bits select value bit4, the bit position to test.The ‘p’ bits select the source address mode.The ‘s’ bits select the address of the source register.

Note: This instruction operates in word mode only.

Words: 1

Cycles: 1 (2 or 3 if the next instruction is skipped)

Q Cycle Activity:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Decode ReadRegister ‘f’



If skip (2nd cycle):


If skip and followed by a two word instruction (2nd, 3rd cycles):Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4



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Example 1 002000 HERE: BTSC W0, #0x0002002 GOTO BYPASS002004 . . .002006 . . .002008 BYPASS: . . .00200A . . .

; If bit 0 of W0 is 0,; skip the GOTO

Before Instruction

After Instruction

PC 00 2000 PC 00 2002

W0 264F W0 264F

SR 0000 SR 0000

Example 2 002000 HERE: BTSC W6, #0xF002002 GOTO BYPASS002004 . . .002006 . . .002008 BYPASS: . . .00200A . . .

; If bit 15 of W6 is 0,; skip the GOTO

Before Instruction

After Instruction

PC 00 2000 PC 00 2004

W6 264F W6 264F

SR 0000 SR 0000

Example 3 003400 HERE: BTSC [W6]++, #0xC003402 GOTO BYPASS003404 . . .003406 . . .003408 BYPASS: . . .00340A . . .

; If bit 12 of [W6] is 0,; skip the GOTO; Post-increment W6

Before Instruction

After Instruction

PC 00 3400 PC 00 3402

W6 1800 W6 1802

Data 1800 1000 Data 1800 1000

SR 0000 SR 0000

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BTSS.b Bit Test f, Skip if Set

Syntax: {label:} BTSS.b f, #bit3

Operands: bit3 ∈ [0 ... 7]; f ∈ [0 ... 8191]

Operation: Test (f)<bit3>, skip if set

Status Affected: None

Encoding: 1010 1110 bbbf ffff ffff ffff

Description: Bit ‘bit3’ in the file register f is tested. If the tested bit is ‘1’, the next instruc-tion (fetched during the current instruction execution) is discarded and on the next cycle a NOP is executed instead. If the tested bit is ‘0’, the next instruction is executed as normal. In either case, the contents of the file reg-ister are not changed. For the bit3 operand, bit numbering begins with the least-significant bit (bit 0) and advances to the most-significant bit (bit 7) of the byte.

The ‘b’ bits select value bit3, the bit position to test.The ‘f’ bits select the address of the file register.

Note: This instruction operates in byte mode only and the .b extension must be included with the opcode.

Words: 1

Cycles: 1 (2 or 3 if the next instruction is skipped)

Q Cycle Activity:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Decode ReadRegister ‘f’



If skip (2nd cycle):


If skip and followed by a two word instruction (2nd, 3rd cycles):Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4



Example 1 007100 HERE: BTSS.b RAM400, #0x7007102 CLRF WREG007104 . . .

; If bit 7 of RAM400 is 1,; don’t clear WREG

Before Instruction

After Instruction

PC 00 7100 PC 00 7104

RAM400 0280 RAM400 0280

SR 0000 SR 0000

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Example 2 007100 HERE: BTSS.b RAM400, #0x0007102 GOTO BYPASS007104 . . .007106 . . .007106 BYPASS: . . .

; If bit 0 of RAM400 is 1,; skip the GOTO

Before Instruction

After Instruction

PC 00 7100 PC 00 7102

RAM400 00FE RAM400 00FE

SR 0000 SR 0000

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BTSS Bit Test Ws, Skip if Set

Syntax: {label:} BTSS Ws, #bit4






Operands: bit4 ∈ [0 ... 15]; Ws ∈ [W0 ... W15]

Operation: Test (Ws)<bit4>, skip if set.

Status Affected: None

Encoding: 1010 0110 bbbb 0000 0ppp ssss

Description: Bit ‘bit4’ in Ws is tested. If the tested bit is ‘1’, the next instruction (fetched during the current instruction execution) is discarded and on the next cycle a NOP is executed instead. If the tested bit is ‘0’, the next instruction is exe-cuted as normal. In either case, the contents of Ws are not changed. For the bit4 operand, bit numbering begins with the least-significant bit (bit 0) and advances to the most-significant bit (bit 15) of the word. Either register direct or indirect addressing may be used for Ws.

The ‘b’ bits select the value bit4, the bit position to test.The ‘s’ bits select the address of the source register.The ‘p’ bits select the source address mode.

Note: This instruction operates in word mode only.

Words: 1

Cycles: 1 (2 or 3 if the next instruction is skipped)

Q Cycle Activity:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Decode Readoperands



If skip (2nd cycle):


If skip and followed by a two word instruction (2nd, 3rd cycles):Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4



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Example 1 002000 HERE: BTSS W0, #0x0002002 GOTO BYPASS002004 . . .002006 . . .002008 BYPASS: . . .00200A . . .

; If bit 0 of W0 is 1,; skip the GOTO

Before Instruction

After Instruction

PC 00 2000 PC 00 2004

W0 264F W0 264F

SR 0000 SR 0000

Example 2 002000 HERE: BTSS W6, #0xF002002 GOTO BYPASS002004 . . .002006 . . .002008 BYPASS: . . .00200A . . .

; If bit 15 of W6 is 1,; skip the GOTO

Before Instruction

After Instruction

PC 00 2000 PC 00 2002

W6 264F W6 264F

SR 0000 SR 0000

Example 3 003400 HERE: BTSS [W6]++, 0xC003402 GOTO BYPASS003404 . . .003406 . . .003408 BYPASS: . . .00340A . . .

; If bit 12 of [W6] is 1,; skip the GOTO; Post-increment W6

Before Instruction

After Instruction

PC 00 3400 PC 00 3404

W6 1800 W6 1802

Data 1800 1000 Data 1800 1000

SR 0000 SR 0000

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BTST.b Bit Test f

Syntax: {label:} BTST.b f, #bit3

Operands: bit3 ∈ [0 ... 7]; f ∈ [0 ... 8191]

Operation: (f)<bit3> → Z

Status Affected: Z

Encoding: 1010 1011 bbbf ffff ffff ffff

Description: Bit ‘bit3’ in file register f is tested and the complement of the tested bit is stored to the Zero bit in the Status Register. The contents of the file register are not changed. For the bit3 operand, bit numbering begins with the least-significant bit (bit 0) and advances to the most-significant bit (bit 7) of the byte.

The ‘b’ bits select value bit3, the bit position to be tested.The ‘f’ bits select the address of the file register.

Note: This instruction operates only in byte mode and the .b extension must be included with the opcode.

Words: 1

Cycles: 1

Q Cycle Activity:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4Decode Read



Example 1 BTST.b 0x1201, #0x3 ; Set Z = complement of ; bit 3 in 0x1201

Before Instruction


Data 1200 F7FF Data 1200 F7FF

SR 0000 SR 0004 (Z=1)

Example 2 BTST.b RAM300, #0x7 ; Set Z = complement of; bit 7 in RAM300

Before Instruction



SR 0004 (Z=1) SR 0000

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BTST Bit Test in Ws

Syntax: {label:} BTST.C Ws, #bit4

BTST.Z [Ws],





Operands: bit4 ∈ [0 ... 15]; Ws ∈ [W0 ... W15];

Operation: if “.Z” option, (Ws)<bit4> → Zif “.C” option, (Ws)<bit4> → C

Status Affected: C or Z

Encoding: 1010 0011 bbbb Z000 0ppp ssss

Description: Bit ‘bit4’ in register Ws is tested. If the “.Z” option of the instruction is speci-fied, the complement of the tested bit is stored to the Zero bit in the Status Register. If the “.C” option of the instruction is specified, the value of the tested bit is stored to the Carry bit in the Status Register. In either case, the contents of Ws are not changed.

For the bit4 operand, bit numbering begins with the least-significant bit (bit 0) and advances to the most-significant bit (bit 15) of the word. Either regis-ter direct or indirect addressing may be used for Ws.

The ‘b’ bits select value bit4, the bit position to test.The ‘Z’ bit selects the Z or C flag bit as destination.The ‘p’ bits select the source address mode.The ‘s’ bits select the address of the source register.

Note: This instruction operates in word mode only, and the “.C” or “.Z” extension must specified.

Words: 1

Cycles: 1

Q Cycle Activity:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4Decode Read



Example 1 BTST.C [W0]++, #0x3 ; Set C = bit 3 in [W0]; Post-increment W0

Before Instruction


W0 1200 W0 1202

Data 1200 FFF7 Data 1200 FFF7

SR 0001 (C=1) SR 0000

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Example 2 BTST.Z W0, #0x7 ; Set Z = complement of bit 7 in W0

Before Instruction


W0 F234 W0 F2B4

SR 0000 SR 0004 (Z=1)

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BTST Bit Test in Ws

Syntax: {label:} BTST.C Ws, Wb

BTST.Z [Ws],





Operands: Wb ∈ [W0 ... W15]; Ws ∈ [W0 ... W15]

Operation: if “.Z” option, (Ws)<(Wb)> → Z if “.C” option, (Ws)<(Wb)> → C

Status Affected: C or Z

Encoding: 1010 0101 Zwww w000 0ppp ssss

Description: The (Wb) bit in register Ws is tested. If the “.C” option of the instruction is specified, the value of the tested bit is stored to the Carry bit in the Status Register. If the “.Z” option of the instruction is specified, the complement of the tested bit is stored to the Zero bit in the Status Register. In either case, the contents of Ws are not changed.

Only the four least-significant bits of Wb are used to determine the bit num-ber. Bit numbering begins with the least-significant bit (bit 0) and advances to the most-significant bit (bit 15) of the working register. Register direct or indirect addressing may be used for Ws.

The ‘Z’ bit selects the Z or C flag bit as destination.The ‘w’ bits select the address of the bit select register.The ‘p’ bits select the source address mode.The ‘s’ bits select the address of the source register.

Note: This instruction operates in word mode only and the “.C” or “.Z” extension must be specified.

Words: 1

Cycles: 1

Q Cycle Activity:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Decode Readoperands



Example 1 BTST.C W2, W3 ; Set C = bit W3 of W2

Before Instruction


W2 F234 W2 F234

W3 2368 W3 2368

SR 0001 (C=1) SR 0000

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Example 2 BTST.Z [W0]++, W1 ; Set Z = complement of bit W1 in [W0]

; Post-increment W0

Before Instruction


W0 1200 W0 1202


Data 1200 6243 Data 1200 6243

SR 0004 (Z=1) SR 0000

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BTSTS.b Bit Test/Set f

Syntax: {label:} BTSTS.b f, #bit3

Operands: bit3 ∈ [0 ... 7]; f ∈ [0 ... 8191]

Operation: First (f)<bit3> → Z, then 1 → (f)<bit3>

Status Affected: Z

Encoding: 1010 1100 bbbf ffff ffff ffff

Description: Bit ‘bit3’ in file register f is tested and the complement of the tested bit is stored to the Zero bit in the Status Register. The tested bit is then set to ‘1’ in the file register. For the bit3 operand, bit numbering begins with the least-significant bit (bit 0) and advances to the most-significant bit (bit 7) of the byte.

The ‘b’ bits select value bit3, the bit position to test/set.The ‘f’ bits select the address of the file register.

Note: This instruction operates in byte mode only and the .b extension must be included with the opcode.

Words: 1

Cycles: 1

Q Cycle Activity:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4Decode Read


dataWrite to


Example 1 BTSTS.b 0x1201, #0x3 ; Set Z = complement of bit 3 in 0x1201, ; then set bit 3 of 0x1201 = 1

Before Instruction


Data 1200 F7FF Data 1200 FFFF

SR 0000 SR 0004 (Z=1)

Example 2 BTSTS.b RAM300, #0x7 ; Set Z = complement of bit 7 in RAM300,; then set bit 7 of RAM300 = 1

Before Instruction


RAM300 0080 RAM300 0080

SR 0004 (Z=1) SR 0000

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BTSTS Bit Test/Set in Ws

Syntax: {label:} BTSTS.C Ws, #bit4






Operands: bit4 ∈ [0 ... 15]; Ws ∈ [W0 ... W15]

Operation: if “.Z” option, first (Ws)<bit4> → Z, then 1 → Ws<bit4>if “.C” option, first (Ws)<bit4> → C, then 1 → Ws<bit4>

Status Affected: C or Z

Encoding: 1010 0100 bbbb Z000 0ppp ssss

Description: Bit ‘bit4’ in register Ws is tested. If the “.Z” option of the instruction is speci-fied, the complement of the tested bit is stored to the Zero bit in the Status Register. If the “.C” option of the instruction is specified, the value of the tested bit is stored to the Carry bit in the Status Register. In both cases, the tested bit in Ws is set to ‘1’.

The ‘b’ bits select the value bit4, the bit position to test/set.The ‘Z’ bit selects the Z or C flag bit as destination.The ‘p’ bits select the source address mode.The ‘s’ bits select the address of the source register.

Note: This instruction operates in word mode only and the “.C” or “.Z” extension must be specified.

Words: 1

Cycles: 1

Q Cycle Activity:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4Decode Read


dataWrite to


Example 1 BTSTS.C [W0]++, #0x3 ; Set C = bit 3 in [W0], and set bit3; in [W0] = 1; Post-increment W0

Before Instruction


W0 1200 W0 1202

Data 1200 FFF7 Data 1200 FFFF

SR 0001 (C=1) SR 0000

Page 86: Section 3. Instruction Descriptions

dsPIC30F Programmer’s Reference Manual

DS70030A-page 3-86 Advanced Information 2001 Microchip Technology Inc.

Example 2 BTSTS.Z W0, #0x7 ; Set Z = complement of bit 7 ; in W0, and set bit 7 in W0 = 1

Before Instruction


W0 F234 W0 F2BC

SR 0000 SR 0004 (Z=1)