Section 1: The Colonies Fight for Their Rights Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to...

download Section 1: The Colonies Fight for Their Rights Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. Chapter Objectives Summarize events.

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Vocabulary quiz  11. Ben Franklin’s plan to unite the colonies against the French.  12. Crispus Attucks and 4 others were killed by British soldiers.  13. Explanation to the world for the 13 colonies separating from Britain.  14. Main writer of the Declaration of Independence.  st signer of the Declaration of Independence.  16. Author of Common Sense.  17. Who made the engraving of the Boston Massacre?  18. Where was the Declaration of Independence written?  19. Who warned the colonists the British were coming?  20. Modeled after the Iroquois League.

Transcript of Section 1: The Colonies Fight for Their Rights Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to...

Section 1: The Colonies Fight for Their Rights Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the information. Chapter Objectives Summarize events that fueled colonial discontent. Explain how the Stamp Act affected the relationship between Britain and the colonies. Ch 4 vocabulary quiz 1. This caused colonists to dislike the British because of their lack of support against the Natives. 2. A British tax placed on all printed materials. 3. Group of American protesters led by Samuel Adams. 4. British laws passed to punish the colonies for the Boston Tea Party. 5. Fighting that started the American Revolution. 6. Washingtons winter camp. 7. This forced Americans to pay for British soldiers. 8. An open search warrant. 9. Colonists dressed up like Indians to protest Br. Taxes. 10. Pamphlet written by Thomas Paine influencing colonists to revolt against Britain. Vocabulary quiz 11. Ben Franklins plan to unite the colonies against the French. 12. Crispus Attucks and 4 others were killed by British soldiers. 13. Explanation to the world for the 13 colonies separating from Britain. 14. Main writer of the Declaration of Independence. st signer of the Declaration of Independence. 16. Author of Common Sense. 17. Who made the engraving of the Boston Massacre? 18. Where was the Declaration of Independence written? 19. Who warned the colonists the British were coming? 20. Modeled after the Iroquois League. THE CHAIN OF EVENTS LEADING TO THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION THE CHAIN OF EVENTS LEADING TO THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION Causes of the French and Indian War ( ) Rivalry between BR and FR Have fought The Hundred Years Wars Fought in Eur. and spread to America Both claim lands beyond the Appalachian mtns. BR builds Fort Necessity Control the Ohio valley 21 year old George Washington is defeated there by the French The War FR and Indians v. British (colonists) Starts in America and spreads to Europe Benjamin Franklin proposes the Albany Plan of Union (Albany Conference) Try to unify the colonies (recruit troops and collect taxes for common defense) Modeled after the Iroquois League Rejected by the colonists Model for later govt. The War (contd) BR calls it the Seven Years War ( ) William Pitt (BR PM) plan to win the war BR raises taxes to pay for the war Battle of Quebec is the turning point (Gen. James Wolfe) The Treaty of Paris 1763 FR surrenders Canada BR gets lands E of the MS river FR keeps New Orleans BR returns Cuba to SP for FL Effects of the French and Indian War Colonists lose respect for BR military Dont think BR respects the colonies BR highest taxed people in the world Will want the colonies to pay for the war HISTORY SLEUTH! The author of the following excerpt from the French and Indian War is unknown! Your job is to read the excerpt, examine context clues, compare them to the lecture information, and make your decision on who wrote this letter! As well, answer the following questions: Of what event is the author writing? What opinion does the author have of the British Army? What opinion does the author have of the militiamen? What is authors opinion of officers? What is the authors opinion of himself? To whom is the author writing the letter? WHO IS THE AUTHOR? Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer. What policies did the British government adopt to help pay its debts from the French and Indian War? George Grenville, the British prime minister and lord of the Treasury, implemented new tax policies in the colonies to pay for the French and Indian War. One law sent smugglers to a new vice-admiralty court run by naval officers who were unsympathetic to smugglers. The Sugar Act in the colonies changed tax rates for raw sugar and molasses imported from foreign colonies. It placed new taxes on silk, wine, coffee, pimento, and indigo. To slow inflation, Parliament passed the Currency Act of This banned the use of paper money in the colonies, angering colonial farmers and artisans who used paper money to pay back loans. The Colonies Grow Discontented (pages 119120) (cont.) Critical Thinking Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer. Evaluating Why do you think the British were so willing to pass new taxes in the face of colonial opposition? The British passed new taxes despite opposition because they needed the money. How would you feel?? If you worked hard and sacrificed everything to have money to buy your own car?? What if your parents wouldnt let you drive it?? What if you had to ride the bus to school? What if they gave it away? Colonist move into lands beyond the Appalachians Indians feel threatened BR want lands to farm FR had traded with them Indians respond with Pontiacs Rebellion Ottawa, Huron and Potawatomi Indians Attack BR forts Destroy all except Fort Pitt and Fort Detroit Fort Pitt In 1758 the French abandoned and burned Fort Duquesne. The English rebuilt it and named it Fort Pitt. The nearby town was names Pittsburgh. BR response to Pontiacs Rebellion Proclamation of 1763 King George III Closes land beyond Appalachians to settlement Sign treaties with Indians Will enforce with military Colonists still go BRITISH TAXES AND ACTS THAT FUEL THE REVOLUTION Use writs of assistance to enforce (open search warrants) Sugar Act 1764 Cut duties on foreign molasses Keep colonies from smuggling BR seizes smuggling ships Smuggling cases tried in BR(Admiralty Courts) Judges get 5% of all fines Quartering Act 1765 Colonists required to house and supply BR soldiers To enforce Navigation Acts Stamp Act 1765 (Lord Grenville PM) Tax on newspapers, pamphlets, legal documents, etc Stamp placed on when taxed Affects all colonists (Direct tax) Colonists form the Stamp Act Congress (James Otis) Argue this is taxation without representation Samuel Adams forms the Sons of Liberty Samuel Adams Stamp Act (contd) Boycott BR goods Threaten officials Many leave stamp act repealed (pressure from BR merchants) Tar and feathering Tar and feathering Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer. What acts did Parliament pass to raise money to pay for the governments expenses in America? To raise more money to pay for the war, Parliament passed the Stamp Act in Stamps were required on most printed materials. The Quartering Act, passed by Parliament in 1765, forced the colonists to pay more for their own defense by providing places to stay for British troops in the colonies. The Stamp Act Crisis (cont.) (pages 120122) Reviewing Themes Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer. Civic Rights and Responsibilities What argument did the Stamp Act Congress make in protest against the British taxes? The Stamp Act Congress argued that the colonists political representatives, not Parliament, had the right to tax colonists. Declaratory Act 1766 Passed by Parliament Have power to make laws for the colonies in all cases whatsoever Colonists ticked off Townshend Acts 1767 Charles Townshend- Chief financial officer Indirect tax on all imported goods (tea, glass and paper) Tax would pay royal officials 1768-John Dickinson-Letters From a Pennsylvania Farmer-Parliament can regulate trade but duties was a form of taxation Argues TWR!!! Townshend Acts (contd) Samuel Adams and James Otis urge petitions to end Townshend Act Colonists resist (Smuggling) Boycott BR goods Review Who fought in the French and Indian War? Why did the Indians side with the French? What lands were the BR and FR competing for? How did the F and I War make some colonists dislike the BR? What were the provisions of the Treaty of Paris of 1763? What did the Indians do when Americans began settling beyond the Appalachians? What did King George III do to stop the fighting between the Indians and the colonists? Why did the Proclamation of 1763 upset many colonists? Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answer. How did colonists react to the Townshend Acts? The Townshend Acts (cont.) (pages 122123) The Townshend Acts angered colonists. John Dickinson published a series of essays called Letters from a Pennsylvania Farmer, which stressed that only assemblies elected by colonists had the right to tax them. Dickinson called on colonists to resist the Townshend Acts. The Massachusetts assembly began organizing resistance against Britain. Merchants signed nonimportation agreements promising not to import any goods from Britain. Virginias House of Burgesses passed the Virginia Resolves, stating that only the House had the right to tax Virginians. Leaders of the House of Burgesses called a convention and passed a nonimportation law blocking the sale of British goods in Virginia. Americans stopped drinking British tea. The Daughters of Liberty began spinning their own cloth instead of buying from Britain. The Sons of Liberty encouraged colonists to support the boycott of British goods. The Townshend Acts (cont.) (pages 122123) What is propaganda? Can you think of any propaganda occurring today? Boston Massacre Oct. 1, 1768 British forces sent to Boston, MA Sent to enforce taxes and maintain order Boston Massacre Colonists despised taxes and British troops Considered them a foreign presence Taunted the troops, and interfered with their work Boston Massacre March 5, 1770 It was about nine PM on Devonshire St. 29th regiment came to relieve troops at the Customs House Met by an unruly crowd, many of whom had just left the local tavern Boston Massacre The crowd began throwing Snow and ice balls Horse manure Anything else lying on the street Also yelling taunts at the soldiers Boston Massacre Captain Preston could not control the crowd Ordered his troops Dont fire! Scared troops open fire, killing three men instantly Two more would die later The Boston Massacre The Boston Massacre The Boston Massacre March 5, 1770 A crowd threatens BR soldiers Crispus Attucks +4 are killed Soldiers are tried and found innocent Repeal Townshend Acts except on tea Boston Massacre Supposedly, the first man to die was Crispus Attucks, a black man The funerals were patriotic celebrations The propaganda from this event helped lead to the Revolution Captain Preston on Trial Defended by John Adams, who disliked British troops, but wanted a fair trial Preston released, and only two others found guilty of lesser charges Using the information you have just been given, come up with ways the engraving is misleading and how that may have contributed to the feelings of the colonists. Paul Reveres engraving of the Boston Massacre Boston Massacre Boston Massacre Trained by his father as a silversmith, Paul Revere became one of Americas great artists. In addition to his work in silver, Revere engraved copper plates. One of his most famous engravings depicting the Boston Massacre appears on page 124 of your textbook. Checking for Understanding __ 1.the loss of value of money __ 2.a tax on imports and exports __ 3.a search warrant enabling customs officers to enter any location to look for evidence of smuggling __ 4.a pledge by merchants not to buy imported goods from a particular source A.customs duty B.inflation C.nonimportation agreement D.writ of assistance Define Match the terms on the right with their definitions on the left. Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answers. A D B C