Secretariat Plan 2010 – 2012 Doccuments/CM-2010/DEL/Del-05.210.pdf · programmes and analyze the...

CM 2010 Del-05.2 Secretariat Plan 2010-2012 Reviewed by Bureau Feb. 2010 Updated Oct 2010 by Secretariat

Transcript of Secretariat Plan 2010 – 2012 Doccuments/CM-2010/DEL/Del-05.210.pdf · programmes and analyze the...

Page 1: Secretariat Plan 2010 – 2012 Doccuments/CM-2010/DEL/Del-05.210.pdf · programmes and analyze the usefulness of EC funded projects for advisory pur-poses. Success criteria: Include

CM 2010 Del-05.2

Secretariat Plan 2010-2012

Reviewed by Bureau Feb. 2010

Updated Oct 2010 by Secretariat

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Secretariat Plan 2010 – 2012

Specific Actions Summary

Support to the Science Programme

Objective: The Secretariat‟s role is to support SCICOM and the ICES network

of marine scientists who carry out the ICES Science Programme.

Specific Action: The secretariat supports SCICOM in planning and implementing

a programme of science in partnership with member countries to deliver the needs

to customers and stakeholders. With approval from the Council, the Secretariat

provides the necessary personal capacities to support the SCICOM organizational

units (EGs, Steering Groups, Business Groups) and new initiatives on communica-

tion, training, Symposia, and scientific cooperation, and will facilitate the applica-

tion of instruments such as external projects and SIF funding for establishing the

Science Programme.

Success criteria: Make the new structure fully operational in 2010, obtain

positive feedback from SCICOM on Secretariat support. Facilitate the work

for the new Chair of SCICOM in 2010, develop the Science budget to

cover the new activities.

Specific Action: The Secretariat takes care of all aspects of the ASC organization

2010-2012, and the co-sponsoring of international symposia on relevant items.

Success criteria: ASC venues agreed with host countries (2010: Nantes;

2011: Gdansk; 2012: Bergen). Contributions, posters and participants at es-

tablished levels (600 to 700 for ASC), high scientific quality, good media

coverage, results published, cost within the budget.

Specific Action: The coordination of the European marine and maritime science

networks under the “MARCOM+” project (Aberdeen+ partnership) in the years

2010 - 2011. The task involves services to the EC DG Research through a support

group which will be established in the Secretariat for that purpose. The task is

funded through the SIF for the initial phase and may then be taken over by funds

from the 7. European Framework Programme.

Success criteria: Contract awarded by end 2009, ICES as leader of the

successful consortium 2010-2011, Science Coordination Secretariat estab-

lished at ICES by 2011 with stable funding.

Specific Action: The Secretariat will support SCICOM and Bureau in setting up a

coherent programme of communication that will include the full range of ICES

publications and use of the media. The programme will address the communication

of ICES functions and goals, services and products, both internally (in the ICES

community) and externally. A review of the ICES website will be made in 2010. It

is intended to add communications staff to the Secretariat from 2010.

Success criteria: Additional staff for communication contracted by end

2010, production of new communication materials by end 2010, increased

public relations of ICES from 2011.

Specific Action: The Secretariat will negotiate with concluded Networks of Excel-

lence (e.g. EurOceans) to become a part of the ICES network, adding their scien-

tific and administrative activities to the ICES community. Office space and

Secretariat support will eventually be made available as possible if funded through

the additional activities.

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Success criteria: Letter of understanding with EurOceans in 2009; coop-

erative activities during ASC 2010, possible hosting of EurOceans secre-

tariat at the headquarters from 2011, including NoE aspects in the

MARCOM+ project.

Specific Action: The Secretariat will develop cooperation with the BONUS net-

work in the Baltic in order to assure best use of resources and avoid duplication in

scientific and advisory activities.

Success criteria: ICES-BONUS strategic meetings, BONUS representa-

tion in SCICOM Regional Seas Group and in MARCOM+ Advisory

Board; ICES representation in BONUS Advisory Board; joint workshops

on linking BONUS funded science with ICES advisory structure. BONUS

scientists participate actively in ICES Expert Groups, symposia and the

ASC; BONUS relevant theme sessions at ASC 2011.

Specific Action: The SIF-funded ICES advanced training programme will con-

tinue through 2010 and 2011 with a half-time P2 post in the secretariat assisting

SCICOM and the Training Programme Group. New courses will be held during the

year in the headquarters and in external locations. A business model for a self sus-

tained training programme with external funding will be developed.

Success criteria: SCICOM/ACOM agreed training courses started in 2009,

courses attract scientists from the ICES community and outside and are

fully booked. Additional courses will be organized due to strong interest in

2010. Additional funding will be found to continue the programme beyond


Specific Action: The new MoU between ICES and the EC will include ICES ser-

vices for DG Research. ICES will contribute to priority setting of EC framework

programmes and analyze the usefulness of EC funded projects for advisory pur-


Success criteria: Include tasks for science advice in the new MoU and cre-

ate internal structures to meet the new tasks in cooperation between SCI-


Support to joint SCICOM/ACOM activities

Specific Action: ACOM and SCICOM are promoting strategic initiatives in 2010-

2011 on spatial planning, on biodiversity and on fish stock assessment methods.

The Secretariat supports the initiatives.

Success criteria: The three initiatives take off end 2010 and show signifi-

cant activity in 2011. Funding is provided from the SIF.

Support to the Advisory Programme

Objective: The Advisory Group within the Secretariat is established to support

ICES Advisory Services. The Secretariat serves ACOM and its associated

groups in supply of data products, organization of meetings (including WebEX

communication facilities), and all further activities that will arise from the Advi-

sory Plan.

Specific Action: Delivery of advice according to MoU and specific workplans for

EC, NASCO, NEAFC and OSPAR. Negotiation of the new MoU with EC, com-

plete the review of eel management plans (2009-2010), and the development of de-

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scriptors for good environmental status (2009 – 2010). In 2010-2011 run the FIM-

PAS project aiming at developing proposals for fisheries regulation in Dutch

Natura 2000 marine sites. The Secretariat will work on establishing closer contacts

with DG Environment in relation to advising on issues relevant to the Marine

Strategy Framework Directive.

Success criteria: Positive feedback from partner commissions on quality,

timing and form of advice; extension of MoU concluded by early 2010, and

negotiations for new three-year MoU during 2010. Completion of two

FIMPAS workshops. Cost recovery for the advisory programme close to

100% (excl. overhead).

Specific Action: By end 2010, the Head of the Advisory Programme in the Secre-

tariat will retire, and the new Head of Advisory will be employed 1 March 2010 to

grant a smooth transition in this important function. The Chair of ACOM will end

his three year term by end of 2010, and the Secretariat will assist ACOM in identi-

fying suitable candidates to fill this post.

Success criteria: New Head of Advice Programme in office by early 2010.

New ACOM Chair nominated by September 2010.

Specific Action: The form of advice was reviewed in 2009 and this will lead to

changes in guidelines and working procedures for producing the advice. Guidelines

for how the advisory services function (guidelines for groups, working procedures

for ACOM) are under development. Introduction of a wide use of Management

Plans in fisheries advice will change the political emphasis on the fish stock as-

sessment process and ICES may need to consider institutional changes to assure

„advice free from political influence‟.

Success criteria: New form of advisory products positively received by


Specific Action: By means of contacts to national institutes and STECF a frame-

work for joint planning and cooperation for efficient use of human resources will

be established. The technical production of the advice report and extracts will be

revised and the presentation of advice shall be improved.

Success criteria: Pool of independent experts maintained and new exper-

tise added to the ICES expert pool; Presentation of advice welcomed by

clients and extended to DG ENV.

Specific Action: A strategy for Baltic integrated monitoring will be developed un-

der ACOM. The strategy will coordinate ICES‟ input to the Baltic Sea Action plan

and to HELCOM programmes.

Success criteria: A background document on Baltic integrated monitoring

to be prepared by the Secretariat and used as input for a series of work-

shops. Activities coordinated with SCICOM Regional Seas steering group.

Funds allocated from SIF.

Specific Action: An external review of the new advisory services will be prepared

in 2010 and conducted in 2011.

Success criteria: The TOR for the review to be developed by Secretariat

with ACOM and Bureau; selection of experts; allocation of funds in 2011.

Report to Council by October 2011.


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Support to ICES Expert Groups

Objective: To make meetings most efficient and productive, support for report-

ing, and publications.

Specific Actions: The Secretariat will continue to support ICES Committees and

Expert Groups to meet their ToRs and schedules. An expert group satisfaction

survey will be used for continuous improvements based on feedback from groups

meeting in the headquarters. Improvements for meeting rooms and audiovisual

equipment in meeting rooms are planned.

Success criteria: Close to 100% expert group satisfaction with Secretariat


Specific Action: The IT services will be developed in-line with the future demands

and the wishes of the ICES Council. For the coming year‟s virtualization and fur-

ther development of portal services will be central issues. We will analyze whether

it will be advantageous to make more use of external resources by signing special

support contracts or by outsourcing selected parts of our IT operations. Additional

investments were made in a substantial increase of the facilities for the Data Centre

in 2009. The adjustments for improved IT services were included in the IT budgets

for 2010 and 2011. In order to deliver the products requested in the Strategic Plan,

an additional IT professional will be employed in 2010.

Success criteria: Close to 100% expert group satisfaction with IT services,

new IT staff recruited in early 2010, success in the virtualization process,

improved Sharepoint programming capacity and technical support for the

web portals.

Specific Action: The Data Centre will further develop its ability to effectively

communicate and interact with the ICES community and be active with partners in

specifying and advising on large scale initiatives including WISE-Marine (EEA),

IOC-IODE marine standards and EMODNET (EU). The development of compli-

ance systems to support ICES advice products will be a key area. The Data Centre

will aim to attain an external project funding level of between 15-25% from col-

laboration and partnership on the larger pan-European projects. Additional staff

will be employed in projects as they arise.

Success criteria: Close to 100% expert group satisfaction with Data Centre

services, external funding on a stable level of 15-25%. Secretariat develops

a proposal, and Council approves a new project policy which allows the

Secretariat to participate in external projects.

Managing the Secretariat

Objective: Carry out and coordinate the Council‟s programmes in the most

economical manner practicable, maintain and further develop a modern man-

agement and infrastructure.

Specific Actions: The financial control and business management will be further

developed and the administration of internal and external projects, advisory con-

tracts, and non recurrent advice coordinated. During 2010, the business manager

will develop, with the General Secretary, new budgeting and accounting proce-

dures, and refine the programmatic budget. The budgets will include an approach to

risk management and priorities for investments in the Secretariat service capacities.

Success criteria: Project budgeting and performance control linked to

SCALA and ClikView. Simplified procedures for project coordinators and

project staff. Agreed procedures for cost calculation, cost recovery, over-

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heads. Identify software tools for the new demand and allocate funds in the

budget. No faults detectable in audits (internal and external). Improved re-

ports to FC and Bureau.

Specific Action: The internal campaign (modernICES) will be continued in order

to create and sustain a working environment with high positive morale and continu-

ous feedback on improvement of working procedures and conditions.

Success criteria: High staff motivation and high levels of feedback and

suggestions for constant improvements of Secretariat facilities and working


Specific Action: The ICES Website serves as a public interface with constituents

and internally for project coordination and data exchange. The website will be re-

viewed and developed into a central communications tool in 2010.

Success criteria: New website design based on user profile analysis, in-

creased visitor numbers on website; positive feedback from users docu-

mented by questionnaires, involvement of Publications Group, SCICOM,

ACOM, Bureau and Council.

Summary Staff Development Table (budgeted posts)

STAFF 2010 2011 2012 2013

total admin 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.3

total IT 4 4 4 4

total publications 3 3 3 3

total advisory 11 10 10 10

total science 5 5 6.5 6.5

total Data Centre 13 13 13 12

total Secretariat 46.3 45.3 46.8 45.8

Secretariat Plan 2010 - 2012


The reason for ICES‟ existence is to produce scientific information and scientific advice more

valuable and greater than the sum of the individual contributions of its Member Countries. ICES

adds value to the efforts of Member Countries and individual scientists by fostering the sharing

of human and material assets, and by pooling resources to support common goals. To continue

to be effective, ICES must carry out and coordinate programmes in the most economical manner

practicable, maintain and further develop a modern infrastructure, set priorities to achieve goals

within budget constraints, and attract additional resources to support ICES programmes.

Goal 6 of the ICES Strategic Plan is to “Plan and implement a Secretariat programme to Sup-

port ICES needs”. The Secretariat Plan is principally concerned with providing a service to the

ICES community by planning its resources to underpin ICES work as described in the Science

and Advisory Plans.

The Secretariat Plan considers the overarching goals for Service and Support, Collaboration,

Data, and Publication/Communication in consideration of the goals set by the Science Plan

and the Advisory Plan (in reparation). The annual Secretariat Workplan implements the Secre-

tariat Plan.

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Service and Support

Managing the Secretariat

The ICES Convention and the Host Agreement with Denmark establish the ICES Secretariat as

an international office with diplomatic status in Copenhagen. The working conditions and staff

rules were set by the ICES Council based on, but not identical with UN rules applying to the

Copenhagen WHO office. The work of the Secretariat is overseen by the Bureau. The General

Secretary is the Chief Executive Officer of the Council and responsible to the Bureau for the

management of the Council‟s staff and office. According to the ICES rules, the General Secre-

tary is responsible to the Bureau for

managing the ICES Secretariat in providing services for the implementation of the

Council‟s Work Programme, including all meetings organized for that purpose, prepa-

ration and dissemination of the reports there from, and all matters relating to the Coun-

cil‟s publication series;

handling the Council‟s finances, including the preparation of its annual budgets and ac-


performing such other functions as may be assigned by the Council or its Bureau.

The three major departments in the Secretariat reflect the tasks originating from the ICES net-

work: Science/Publication and Communication, Advisory, and Data Centre (Figure 1). They are

supported by IT services and the administration. In addition to the core groups, projects of vari-

able size and duration are run in the secretariat. Most projects are cross-cutting between two or

three departments (Figure 1).

ICES Secretariat re-structuring

General SecretaryGerd Hubold

Coordinating SecretaryPress Relations

Terhi Minkkinen

IT support/WebWim PanhorstBodil Chemnitz

Marianne NeldebergNasrullah Iqbal

Data CentreNeil Holdsworth

Anna Osypchuk Carlos Pinto

Else Juul Green Hans Mose Jensen

Henrik Kjems-Nielsen Hjalte Parner

Jørgen Nørrevang JensenKadji Okou Lee Martin

Marilynn SørensenMike Drew

Vaishav Soni

Science ProgrammeAdi Kellermann

Claire Welling Görel Kjeldsen Maria Lifentseva

Søren Anker Pedersen (0.5)Vivian Piil

Wojciech Wawrzynski

Advisory ProgrammeHans Lassen / Poul Degnbol

Almuth JanischBarbara Schoute Claus Hagebro

Cristina Morgado Diane Lindemann

Helle Gjeding JørgensenHenrik SparholtMette Bertelsen Michala Ovens

Søren Anker Pedersen (0.5)

Senior AdviserBaltic Issues

Jan Thulin

ICES Training Programme



StaffInger Lützhøft

Sea Data Net

EEA Water Topic Centre

FinanceHelle Falck

Business ManagementGregers Juel Jensen

PublicationsBill Anthony, Søren Lund,

Ellen Johannesen


SupportAnita Hansen, Elin Bay Nielsen,

Helge Larsen, Henriette

Skjelmose, Henrik Larsen, Mune Veilberg

Figure 1: The ICES Secretariat – Structure

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Figure 2: The ICES Secretariat – Management

Size and structure of the Secretariat has been adapted to the growing tasks over the past years.

Staff was added to the advisory services, and through the SIF fund, the training programme and

the MARCOM+ were started as new projects in the Science area running from 2010-2011. The

Senior Adviser on Baltic issues will continue until end 2010 as external expert paid by the

Swedish government.

New developments are expected in the Science Programme in relation to policy advice and the

integration of European Networks of Excellence into the ICES network, and additional tasks are

coming up for the Advisory Services and for the ICES Data Centre in the framework of the

European Maritime Strategy. An increasing share of the Secretariat‟s tasks will be funded exter-

nally and modern project management tools will have to be developed in this context.

The ICES staff rules and internal policies are being constantly revised to adapt them to the

changing Secretariat tasks. A major revision took place in 2009 and was approved by the Bu-

reau. Emphasis is on revising the conditions for time limited contracts, staff appraisal and per-

formance review, and training and development policies.

The internal campaign (modernICES) will be continued in order to create and sustain a working

environment with high positive morale and continuous feedback from staff on improvement of

working procedures and conditions.

The ICES headquarters is equipped to host up to six expert groups or subgroups meetings in par-

allel in the meeting rooms on the 4th floor and in the former library. More than 1400 visitors

(corresponding to more than 5800 person days) per year make use of the facilities. The secre-

tariat staff is committed to provide the best service to the Expert Groups by offering reception

services, setting up meeting rooms and documentation, preparing meeting calendars, organizing

postage of reports, copying, printing, contracting of services, etc. The high number of visitors

requires intensive maintenance of the premises in the form of cleaning, security, furniture, and

repair to maintain high functional and aesthetic standards for our visitors and guests.

Gen Sec







Head of


Head of


Head of



of IT




ICES Secretariat 2010, SMG, and line management (Jan. 2010)






Data Centre






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Maintaining relations with Contracting Parties regarding the ICES Convention and Host


The international status of the Council and its Secretariat necessitate continuous dialogue with

Member states‟ authorities. The GenSec represents the ICES Council and its employees to the

Danish Foreign Ministry and other authorities regarding the fulfilment of the Convention and

Host Agreement in matters such as the emission of visa for scientists attending working groups,

or symposia, working permits and visa for employees, passports, ID card applications, etc. Spe-

cial rules apply to ICES staff in the Danish social welfare system, specifically health care and

pension (PFA and ATP) and remuneration for maternity/paternity leave, sick leave, etc. and

have to be negotiated between the Secretariat and the relevant authorities. The ICES office

building is provided by the Danish government and any modification or need for additional of-

fice capacities are planned and discussed with the host country through the Secretariat. The

ICES Secretariat is an active partner in the cooperative initiative of International Organizations

in Copenhagen working for improving the status of international staff in Denmark.

Handling the Council’s Finances

The ICES annual budget is approaching the level of 35 Mill DKK (4.7 Mill. €) and slightly less

than two thirds of this originate from member countries‟ contributions. The secretariat negotiates

the national payments to the organization and maintains contact with the contracting parties in

case of problems related to the financial obligations. The Secretariat involves the Danish dele-

gate in all matters of safekeeping the Councils invested funds according to rule 20 (i).

More than one third of the budget is contributed from partner commissions for advice, or is in-

come from external projects. On behalf of the Council, the Secretariat negotiates the commit-

ments in the financial Memoranda of Understanding with partner commissions.

The Secretariat prepares the budgets and accounts and the financial review by an independent

auditor (actually Price Waterhouse Coopers) for the Finance Committee, Bureau, and Council.

The budgets are constantly updated in the light of strategic decisions by Council and Bureau and

the annual work plan of the organization. The traditional budget which is based on cost items is

supplemented by a programmatic budget by lines of activity. In the years to come, a significant

portion of the Strategic Investment Fund (SIF) will be made available for the implementation of

the new ICES strategies and plans in relation to the advisory and science reform. The Secretariat

controls the funding of projects under the SIF and presents the accounts to FC, Bureau and


The day-to-day financial and administrative tasks for the management of the ICES Secretariat

will be continuously reviewed and modernized and the links between the core workplan and pro-

ject budgeting will be developed with the help from external auditors. The administrative soft-

ware package SCALA/Cliqview will be regularly upgraded and adapted to the needs of

programmes and project budgeting. The financial services will continue to maintain the high

standards of the accounting system, procedures and activities, accounting controls and confor-

mity with financial regulations, rules, policies and procedures that have been achieved in the


Support for ICES Council, Bureau, and Finance Committee

The annual work programme of the Council foresees one Statutory Meeting and 2 – 4 meetings

of the Bureau. Since 2007, the Finance Committee holds an extra meeting in May/June (in addi-

tion to the meeting attached to the Statutory Meeting in October) to prepare the budgets. Addi-

tional meetings of Bureau Working Groups, Council Working Groups and extraordinary Council

meetings are held and organized by the Secretariat on demand. The Secretariat develops the

agendas and documents for the meetings and makes them available on specific “sharepoint”

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sites, provides logistic support (incl. translation services for Council) and produces and circu-

lates the reports and minutes. The quality and timely preparation of documents and reports will

be maintained and developed by applying modern software tools and investing in staff develop-


Providing Information Technology (IT) Services

All IT services in the Secretariat are united within a single service team, which ensures coordi-

nated discussion and decision-making on information technology, efficient use of human re-

sources, optimal investment in computer products and data processing technology, and the

necessary basis for integration of data- and information processing procedures. IT maintains and

develops the IT technology required by the Secretariat to meet its obligations for the manage-

ment of international databases, provision of statistics, production of reports and the organiza-

tion of meetings. The advisory functions in particular, often have a short time frame and require

tight control over the system for data and information processing. Such user demands can effi-

ciently be met if the critical components are installed in and managed by the Secretariat.

The IT team is also responsible for the maintenance and support of the Secretariat‟s web ser-

vices, in particular for its portal solution offering team-sites for collaboration and document

sharing to its numerous working groups. The Secretariat‟s Webmaster is therefore part of the IT


To develop the IT services in-line with the future demands and the wishes of the ICES network,

the developments in other sections of the Secretariat are closely followed. For the coming years

we expect that virtualization and further development of our portal services will be central is-

sues. Where necessary, the IT team itself will take the initiative to suggest that certain IT prod-

ucts and techniques are introduced which may alter the working procedures of the Secretariat,

but which do potentially offer an increase in efficiency and productivity.

Stability and the reduction of risk are important targets for IT technology in the Secretariat. The

IT services will apply only well tested and well established technologies which have proven

their durability. Where necessary a certain level of redundancy will be build-in in our hardware.

Wherever possible, technologies which are compatible with technology applied in cooperating

institutes and organisations will be applied. Where this is not feasible we aim at making the best

possible choice. For all hardware and major software components effective service- and support

contracts are signed.

Staff in the IT team has a sufficient level of technical expertise and knowledge which allows it

to perform the daily IT maintenance and development at a for the Secretariat acceptable level. In

selected areas, such as web- and portal technologies our expertise and knowledge is much

broader, and we will aim at widening it further. As already practised today, in areas where our

in-house knowledge is insufficient, we will make more external resources available by signing

special support contracts and by outsourcing selected parts of our IT operations.

Human resources in the IT team are fully utilised. As the complexity and volume of IT services

is to increase, a new professional position in IT will be established in 2010.

Major hardware investments are financed by 3- or 4-year leasing contracts. As support-, service-

and outsourcing contracts do not tend to have major yearly fluctuations, our budgets for IT will

therefore not show sudden fluctuations in the predicted total yearly expenses.

Data Centre

The Data Centre serves both internal and external purposes. The Data Centre five year develop-

ment plan was approved by Council 2008 (CM 2008 Del.3).

The Data Centre coordinates the collection, assimilation and provision of environmental, fisher-

ies and hydrographic data from various national data centres. The data are then made available

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either online or through request, to the ICES community and wider public audience. The Data

Centre also acts as the thematic data centre for both OSPAR and HELCOM marine conventions,

as well as the marine data centre for the European Topic Centre on water (ETC).

The Data Centres‟ ability to effectively communicate and interact with the ICES community is

one of the key strategic themes. By means of a Data Centre electronic newsletter the user com-

munity can be kept in touch with Data Centre projects without over burdening them with infor-

mation. On the same theme, the Data Centre team will be visible at conferences and working

group sessions, presenting for example, EcoSystemData (Online environmental data) and

DATRAS (Online fisheries data). In addition, the Data Centre will be active with partners in

specifying and advising on large scale initiatives including WISE-Marine (EEA), IOC-IODE

marine standards and EMODNET (EU). The continued development of compliance systems to

support ICES advice products and to remain in line with EU and marine policy directives will be

a key area for the Data Centre, for example InterCatch (Fisheries stock assessment data) is in

testing with a growing number of assessment working groups.

Increasingly, the Data Centre will need to seek out partnerships and collaboration to remain op-

erationally and financially viable without overextending the resources available to it. As well as

building new upgraded systems, such as the oceanographic database that will be implemented in

2009, the Data Centre has channelled resources into converting and migrating unfor-

matted/outdated format environmental legacy data into the EcoSystemData application. Data re-

covery initiatives have long been a wish of the ICES community and they will continue to be a

priority for the Data Centre in the coming years.

As online access to data has increased and our own data policy strategy has become more open,

there is an ever increasing demand for data and products on a shorter timeframe than before.

There is a strategic focus across the EU on data, storage, exchange, standards and ease of access.

The Data Centre has an opportunity to influence and shape these initiatives if it can continue to

develop in line with these foci.

To achieve this, the Data Centre will aim to attain an external project funding level of between

15-25%. There are many opportunities for collaboration and partnership on the larger pan-

European projects, which the Data Centre can make a valuable contribution to without affecting

the role of the national institutes in these projects. The remainder of the budget for the Data Cen-

tre is funded through the national contributions. To make efficient use of this the Data Centre

will have to invest further in training, specialisation and the roles within the department will

need to adapt and change to closely reflect the larger ICES community that the Data Centre


Support to the Science Programme

The Secretariat‟s role is to maintain and support the network of marine scientists who carry out

the ICES science programme through the ICES Science Committee, programmes, Working

Groups, Symposia, the Annual Science Conference and other events.

The secretariat supports ConC/SCICOM in its tasks to plan and implement a programme of sci-

ence in partnership with member countries to deliver the needs to customers and stakeholders.

The Secretariat will support the delivery process of the new science programme and it will assist

the Committee to expand ICES science capacity in a directed manner to address specific gaps,

through engagement of scientists from the academic community and relevant ministries in the

member countries, as well as through partnerships (enhanced science capacity)

The new science structures and procedures for the delivery of the Science Plan will be devel-

oped by the SCICOM. The Secretariat will support SCICOM in developing the terms of refer-

ence and topics as well as the development of the new science structures and programmes.

The Secretariat will continue to assist ICES Expert Groups to meet their ToRs and schedules by

preparation of working documents in cooperation with the Chair, editing and finalizing reports,

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publishing EG reports on the ICES website. Recommendations and draft resolutions are com-

piled and cross-checked for ASC by secretariat staff. A continuous expert group satisfaction sur-

vey will provide feedback from groups meeting in the headquarters and will help the Secretariat

to improve the service provided to the groups.

The ICES SCICOM and its Expert Groups will be given the best service and consideration pos-

sible. It is foreseen that under the new structure of Science Programmes the number of Expert

Groups will remain the same or slightly increase with the new disciplines included (socio-

economy, modelling, spatial planning, etc.) in the Science Plan. A number of these groups will

meet in the headquarters and receive direct support.

The SIF-funded ICES advanced training programme will continue through 2010 and 2011 with a

half-time P2 post in the secretariat assisting SCICOM and the Training Programme Group. In-

troductory and advance courses on stock assessment were successfully held in 2009. The great

demand led to a second offer of the introductory course in 2010. New courses will be held dur-

ing 2010 in the headquarters and in external locations.

The coordination of the European marine and maritime science networks under the “MAR-

COM+” project (Aberdeen+ partnership) will be an important activity for the Secretariat in the

years 2010 - 2011. The task will involve services to the EC DG Research through a support

group which will be established in the Secretariat for that purpose. The task is funded through

the SIF for the initial phase and may then be taken over by funds from the 7. European Frame-

work Programme.

In the course of stronger European integration and the end of funding lines for some Networks

of Excellence, the Secretariat will negotiate with such initiatives (e.g. EurOceans) to become a

part of ICES, adding their scientific and administrative activities to the ICES network. Office

space and Secretariat support will be made available in time for such new developments depend-

ing on additional external funding.

Special attention will be given to develop stronger links between ICES and the Baltic science

community assembled under the BONUS 169 Network. BONUS is developing scientific and

advisory structures for the Baltic Sea Action Plan (under HELCOM) which need to be linked

with the ICES Regional Seas programme and advisory services.

Annual Science Conference (ASC).

The ASC programme is developed between the Secretariat and the Science Committee at its an-

nual mid-term meeting. The Secretariat takes care of all aspects of the conference organization

in close contact with the host country, including logistics, funding, invitations, social and official

arrangements, etc. It also plans the business sessions at the ASC, sets up Sharepoint sites for re-

view of draft resolutions and produces the ASC conference handbook and CR-ROM. All theme

session and Committee reports compose the ASC proceedings which are edited and published.

The IT group sets up a network at the ASC venue to support Council, Secretariat and Committee


The ASC venues are decided by Council on the basis of invitations from national delegates, usu-

ally two years ahead of the event. The host country takes a major share of the conference cost. In

2010, the ASC will take place in Nantes (France). In 2011 the conference will be held in Gdynia,

Poland, and for 2012 we expect an invitation from Norway for the city of Bergen to host the


The ASC is a core activity of the Council and the cost related to secretariat activities are covered

by national contributions. The business model of the ASC relies strongly on the national cost

coverage for the conference centre, basic logistics and part of the hospitality arrangements. The

Council covers the organisation cost for the business meetings, secretariat travel and transport of

equipment, invited speakers, promotion of young scientists and fishermen. In 2000 a registration

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fee was established. The income is split in three shares for host country, general cost, and sup-

port of invited speakers.

The ASC is attended by about 700 scientists who contribute approximately 400 oral presenta-

tions and posters. The size and format is considered adequate for the purpose of the conference

and the capacity of the host countries to bear the cost (actually ca. 250.000 €). A strategy for the

future development of the ASC, including new formats and additional funding sources for the

conference should be on the SCICOM agenda in the years to come.

Symposia support

In addition to the ASC, ICES co-sponsors international symposia on relevant items. In 2010,

there are four symposia planned with requests for ICES co-sponsorship. In 2011 and beyond the

number will be much the same at 5-6 per year. For 2012 a major conference for young scientists

(“Early Career Scientists Conference”) is planned to be held in southern Europe (Mallorca,

Spain). The ICES involvement in the symposia is developed by SCICOM and approved by

Council. According to Council decision, the Secretariat administrates the co-sponsoring. The to-

tal budget available for this purpose is ca. 40,000 € per year, and each single symposium is sup-

ported with up to 10.000 €. Additional funds will be allocated in the 2012 budget for the next

Early Career Scientists Conference which will be co-sponsored by PICES and others. The co-

sponsoring of relevant symposia is seen as an efficient tool to strengthen ICES outreach and

presence in a wider marine science environment, and to explore new disciplines for entry into

ICES work. SCICOM and Council may wish to increase activities and funding in this respect

over the years to come in order to meet the new collaboration targets set in the Science Plan.


The Secretariat will support SCICOM/Publications Group and ACOM in setting up a coherent

programme of communication that will include the full range of ICES publications and use of

the media. The programme will address the communication of ICES services and products, both

internally (to the ICES network) and externally.

The new programme can be based on well established international journals and other products:

ICES Journal of Marine Science, ICES Marine Science Symposia, ICES Identification Leaflets,

ICES TIMES, CRR, and occasional monographs. Documentation and other material include

ICES internal reports (annual report, compilations of papers and data; general information and

promotional items (“ICES insight”); and announcements and related items for ICES Symposia,

ICES Annual Science Conferences, and ad hoc projects as need arises.

The secretariat provides editorial and administrative support for ICES publications and, on a

case-by-case basis, the full spectrum of materials for the scientific community and a broader

public. The service includes the maintenance of a small library and archives of ICES publica-

tions accessible to expert groups and staff. The secretariats‟ editors focus on language and tech-

nical editing and graphic design of work presented both as traditional print on paper and through

the electronic media, including CD-ROMs. Graphic design is an aspect of the work that com-

plements the editing and, in addition, can help to project the image of ICES as a cohesive and

dynamic organization.

The ICES Journal of Marine Science is the flagship publication of ICES. The Journal continu-

ously improved its impact factor and distribution and has grown to a large number of submis-

sions. In recent years, submissions have exceeded 250, and the positive trend continues. The

Journal now has eight editors. The Journal is produced by a commercial publisher (Oxford Uni-

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versity Press) and creates an income to ICES which is planned to rise to ca. 600,000 DKK p.a

over the years 2010 - 2012.

The “ICES Insight” publication is intended to report annually on interesting developments in the

ICES community and exciting scientific developments in an understandable language. The series

is produced in the Secretariat based on the input from authors of the ICES network and assisted

by the Publication Committee. The series appears both as printed and online version. ICES in-

sight can be developed into a high profile publication aiming at increasing the public outreach of

the organization, both in scientific and advisory activities.

The ICES Websites serve as a public interface with constituents and internally for project coor-

dination and data exchange. All ICES scientific and advisory products and the majority of data

are already available on the website or can be accessed online and the remainder are available on

request. Restricted areas are provided for communication with and within expert groups, com-

mittees, and Council meetings. The website will be reviewed by SCICOM/ PubCom Group and

developed into a central communications tool during 2010.

Press releases are produced by the Secretariat in connection with the ASC, and the release of ad-

visory products. Press work has been of low profile in the past. A proactive press policy will be

developed by ACOM and SCICOM and new support structures for press work in the Secretariat

will be established in 2010.


SCICOM will establish effective mechanisms of collaboration within ICES and with others (or-

ganisations, etc.) to deliver and add value to ICES science and advisory programmes to fill im-

portant gaps in disciplinary expertise, and to develop strategic partnerships at the institutional

level. ICES will promote partnership and dialogue with clients, the research community, funding

agencies and stakeholders. It is expected that the ICES Secretariat will be instrumental in coor-

dinating these activities. Further, through a strategic investment of funds, an Office of Research

Programme Development should be established at ICES Headquarters, providing continuity for

the coordination activities developed under the MARCOM+ activities which will be concluded

in early 2012.

The Secretariat will actively support SCICOM‟s activities to establish trans-Atlantic research

collaborations, which will promote transfer of information and technologies, comparative eco-

system analyses and research of a pan-Atlantic and global nature. In 2010, ICES will collaborate

with the North Atlantic BASIN project and provide the infrastructure for a project office.

Strategic partnerships with networks and scientific communities to increase the expertise needed

to compliment ICES involvement in new disciplines will be supported by Secretariat activities.

The Secretariat will develop the necessary means of cooperation, such as Letters of Agreement

or Memoranda of Understanding with scientific networks, projects, conventions, international

organizations, etc. Important developments are expected in the European maritime policy proc-

esses which will call for further contributions from the scientific community for coordination

and prioritization of science in the coming years. In 2007, Council confirmed that ICES should

continue to take a proactive role in fostering such coordination processes and mandated the Gen-

eral Secretary to act on behalf of the Council in order to establish ICES within the European ma-

rine science arena. Key objective is to enhance the role of ICES in setting priorities in

international marine research, and in developing international/interagency science programmes

to position ICES for a more central role in marine science prioritization.

Supporting the Advisory Services

ICES provides scientific advice on the effect of human activities on the marine environment in-

cluding advice on the management of marine fisheries, on the protection of the marine environ-

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ment and on the status of marine ecosystems. The advice is delivered to governments and to in-

ternational organisations. The advice is presented to stakeholders and to the interested public.

The Advisory Programme within the Secretariat is established to support ICES Advisory Ser-


ICES Advisory Services are led by the Advisory Committee (ACOM) and decisions at the

ACOM level define the activities of the Advisory Programme within the Secretariat. The Secre-

tariat supports the ACOM and its associated groups in supply of data products, organization of

meetings (including Sharepoint and WebEX communication facilities), and all further activities

that will arise from the Advisory Plan (in preparation).

Except for an increased demand of advice on management plans, the work within the Secretariat

on providing support for ICES Advisory Services is not expected to change dramatically over

the next 3-5 years, the main emphasis will remain on providing support for the expert groups, on

producing the advice and on presenting the advice.

The basis for the advisory function is the network among the ICES research laboratories and the

Secretariat‟s advisory programme provides the administrative support for these activities.

The advice is presented to the Commissions or their subsidiary bodies. This is done by the Chair,

his designate or a relevant Professional from the Secretariat. ICES Advisory Services support

cooperation between the Secretariat and Commissions and ensure that ICES advice is presented

in a clear and competent manner. Contact with the Regional Advisory Councils (RACs) is essen-

tial to the proper work of the Advisory Programme; these contacts include the arrangement of

annual Dialogue meeting with the RACs.

The Advisory programme draws upon the general services of the Secretariat e.g. for mainte-

nance of the building, entry cards, and IT services. Input from the Data Centre is required for the

proper working of assessment groups not least on the delivery of standard data products, e.g.


Strategic development of the advice

Strategic development of the advice is done in close contact with member Countries and Partner

Commissions and is within ICES led by ACOM and in particular the ACOM leadership. The

Secretariat provides assistance for this work including development of background documents

when requested.

Actions 2010-2012: The form of advice was reviewed in 2009 and this will lead to changes in

guidelines and working procedures for producing the advice. Guidelines for how the advisory

services function (guidelines for groups, working procedures for ACOM) are under develop-

ment. ACOM approved a set of guidelines in February 2008, and these guidelines will be revis-

ited in the light of the experience gained. Introduction of a wide use of Management Plans in

fisheries advice will change the political emphasis on the fish stock assessment process and

ICES may need to consider institutional changes to assure advice is consistent with all manage-

ment plans.

In 2010-2011, the Secretariat supports ACOM in the development of a “Baltic Strategy” for in-

tegrated assessment of the Baltic.

Planning the advice

The annual workplan considers bottom up input (recommendations from the expert groups), di-

rections from ACOM and requests for advice by partner Commissions for the year to come. The

Secretariat collaborates with national institutes on data items and the activities needed for the

annual workplan. The collaboration will be improved by closer planning of the resources be-

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tween the institutes and ICES. A planning table has been developed which also includes the

overlapping activities with STECF and RACs.

Actions 2010-2012: Establishing and maintaining formal contacts to national institutes (possibly

through EFARO), and STECF for annual planning of the advisory products. The aim is to build

a framework for joint planning and cooperation. Introduce better planning software in the secre-

tariats work.

Producing the advice

The institutes provide data and scientists for the ICES work. It is a Secretariat task to implement

the quality assurance policy for the advice, following the process from the data collection work-

shops via expert groups, peer review, advice drafting and finally adoption of the advisory text by

ACOM. The Secretariat shall ensure quality of input and process, clarity and consistency in the

advice given. For the fisheries advice the work is organised with benchmarks and update as-

sessments and in this context, handbooks and manuals are continuously updated.

Another element in the work is to assure full documentation of the data that are delivered to

ICES for consideration in the fish stock assessments. These data are stored in the INTER-

CATCH database. The database is used for raising the data to total international catch and there-

fore also documents which data are being used in the raising process and how.

The ICES Secretariat also provides services in holding international databases. The bottom trawl

survey data held in the DATRAS database provide standard data products that are essential for

the work of the fish stock assessment groups. In the EU data collection regulation programme

and the Planning Group on Commercial Catch, Discards and Biological Sampling (PGCCDBS),

the Secretariat has a central role for overseeing the process and for defining standards for data

collection and data processing under the revised regulation. The Secretariat provides an over-

view of the data that are available for fish stock assessment by country and data (i.e. submitted

to ICES) that are used in the assessment and where data are not used identifies the reasons why

the data are not used.

Actions 2010-2011: Full implementation of INTERCATCH for all stocks. The technical produc-

tion of the advice report and extracts needs an overhaul and better software will be introduced

including editing software. Communication using e-mails, skype, webex, etc. shall be better

documented. The address database will be further developed to improve communication

throughout the ICES network.

Disseminating the Advice

All ICES advice is published on the website. To make the advice available, the Secretariat de-

velops improved search facilities next to maintaining and updating the Advice search engine and

other databases presented at the ICES website. The advisory report text is uploaded on the ICES

website after each ACOM web conference meeting. The Secretariat assists ACOM in the presen-

tation of advice to member countries, Partner Commissions and stakeholders, to other interested

parties and the wider public.

The Secretariat cooperates with other international fisheries organisations in the FIRMS partner-

ship on presenting the status of fish stocks and fisheries in a global context. Furthermore the Se-

cretariat works on improving the format of advice to better achieve an integrated and updated

format for ICES advice for ACOM decision.

Actions in 2010-2012: The presentation of advice on the ICES website needs a thorough over-

haul and the presentations on the FIRMS website shall be improved. Ongoing work within

ACOM on the format of advice will be implemented through the Secretariat.

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Maintaining Contact with Member Countries, Partner Commissions and stakeholder or-


All official communication between ACOM and Member Countries, Partner Commissions and

stakeholders are organized through the Secretariat. ICES has five clients (the “Partner Commis-

sions”) for scientific advice: European Community (particular DG-MARE and DG-ENV), North

Atlantic Salmon Commissions (NASCO), Northeast Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC),

the OSPAR Commission (OSPAR), and the Helsinki Commission (HELCOM). Cooperation on

project basis is established with EEA. The relation between ICES and these Partner organisa-

tions are regulated by Memoranda of Understanding (MoU). The MoU with these organizations

are the basis for the Secretariat‟s advisory activities and staff is contracted on the basis of the

foreseen income from these contracts. The MoU are reviewed every three years, and adapted to

the increasing demand for advice as negotiated between Secretariat, ACOM and the Partners.

The MoUs prescribe adoption of an annual programme for ICES advice between the Partner

Commissions and ICES. Furthermore, the MoU with EC and NEAFC define advice that shall be

delivered each year (re-current advice). Partner Commissions and Member countries can re-

quest advice at any time from ICES. Deadlines and extent of the advice is agreed in each case.

The Secretariat meets annually with the Partner Commissions and member countries (only a few

member countries are usually represented) to consider general advisory issues. Bilateral meet-

ings, in particular with DG MARE are held at other times for discussions to continue the imple-

mentation of the transparency policy for the ICES advisory process, and facilitate increased

transparency in ICES‟ business practices. The Secretariat intends to strengthen the operational

links also with EC DG-Environment and DG-Research.

The Secretariat makes sure that national institutes and delegates are involved in results of the

advisory process at an early stage and informed on the press relevant advisory items that might

affect their national industry and public.

Actions 2010-2011: The Secretariat will work on establishing closer contacts with DG Env in re-

lation to advising on issues relevant to the Marine Directive.

Management of the Advisory Programme

The Advisory programme has been re-structured in recent years with merging the environmental

advice with the fisheries advice in 2004 and the change in timing of the fisheries advice in 2008.

Even though resources have been added to the secretariat, there is further need for internal de-

velopment of adequate procedures to meet the new demands.

Actions 2010-2012: Increased focus on developing and maintaining staff competence. The

change in the timing of advice has added to the peak load periods and the stress level increased.

Actions on better organisation including outsourcing of the work during peak workload periods

shall be considered. During 2010 the tasks of the retiring head of advisory will be handed over to

the successor.

Secretariat development


In 2010, the Secretariat consists of 49 persons on 46.3 positions. In response to the Council‟s re-

forms and widening of the ICES activities, the following developments are foreseen:

The tasks related to rapidly developing Advisory Services, and aspiring to create substantially

more activities in the Science Programme, cannot be handled with the same level of administra-

tive staff. Additional staff will be contracted based on the requirements of the future MoUs to be

negotiated during 2010.

Goal 5 of the ICES Strategic Plan focuses on an increased role of communication for the next

five years to build understanding of ICES science and marine issues through a programme of

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communication within ICES and with the wider public by preparation of a coherent programme

of communication that would include the full range of ICES publications and use of the media.

In case Council decides to establish such a programme, additional communications staff will be

needed to match the demands of the Strategic Plan.

The Science Plan foresees that ICES should promote partnership and dialogue with clients, the

research community, funding agencies and stakeholders. It is expected that the ICES Secretariat

will be instrumental in coordinating these activities. An Office of Research Programme Devel-

opment should be established at ICES Headquarters. The function could be merged with the ac-

tual (2008-2011) Aberdeen+ Secretariat post presently funded by a three year SIF project .

The ICES Data Centre has presented a 5-year development plan, which focuses on the im-

provement of services to ICES member institutes and clients. Through participation in interna-

tional European networks and projects, the DC will take an increasing role in the European

Distributed data centres network. According to the funding opportunities through these projects,

the DC staff will be maintained on the actual level after termination of the ongoing projects. Ac-

cording to the policy adopted by the Bureau, a level of 15 – 25% of external funding in the DC

is deemed adequate. Additional staff will be contracted in projects on a short term basis.

The expanding demand of IT support to the ICES network and to the Data Centre is reflected in

the addition of a position in the IT group from 2010.

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GENERAL STAFF 2010 2011 2012 2013

General Secretary D2 1 1 1 1

Business Manager P3 1 1 1 1

Financial Officer C7-C6 1 1 1 1

Coordinating Secretary C6 1 1 1 1

Personnel Officer C6 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8

Office assistant (finance) C5-C4 1 1 1 1

Office Assistant/Library C2 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

Custodian (repair) C2 1 1 1 1

Office Assistant/Reception C1 1 1 1 1

Custodian (cleaning) C1 2 2 2 2

total admin 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.3


Computer Systems Manager P3 1 1 1 1

IT Officer P2 1 1 1 1

Computer Systems Officer C6 1 1 1 1

Web Master C6 1 1 1 1

total IT 4 4 4 4


Communications Officer P2 1 1 1 1

Executive Editor C7 1 1 1 1

Assistant Editor C4 1 1 1 1

total publications 3 3 3 3


Head of Programme P5 2 1 1 1

Fish. Assess. Scientist P4 1 1 1 1

Programme Officer (requests) P2 1 1 1 1

Environment Program Officer P2 1 1 1 1

Quality Programme Officer P2 1 1 1 1

Advisory Programme Officer P2 1 1 1 1

Departmental Secretary C5 1 1 1 1

Programme Secretary C4 3 3 3 3

total advisory 11 10 10 10


Head of programme P5 1 1 1 1

Professional secretary Training P2 SIF SIF 0.5 0.5

Professional Secretary Cooperation P2 SIF SIF 1 1

Conference Coordinator C7 1 1 1 1

Departmental Secretary C5 1 1 1 1

Programme Secretary C4 2 2 2 2

Baltic Adviser P1 -

total science 5 5 6.5 6.5


Head of DC P4 1 1 1 1

EEA WTC data scientist P2 1 1 1 1

Data Project Manager (Fisheries) P1/P2 1 1 1 1

Data Analyst (oceanography) P1/P2 1 1 1 1

Data Analyst (Intercatch) P1 1 1 1

Data Analyst (EcoSystemData) P1 1 1 1 1

Data Analyst DATRAS P1 1 1 1 1

Europ. Data networks Analyst P1 1 1 1 1

Admin programmer C7 1 1 1 1

Data manager (environment) C6 1 1 1 1

Data manager (fisheries) C5 1 1 1 1

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Data manager (oceanography) C4 1 1 1 1

Data manager fisheries/env. C4 1 1 1 1

total Data Centre 13 13 13 12

total Secretariat 46.3 45.3 46.8 45.8

Summary table

STAFF 2010 2011 2012 2013

total admin 10.3 10.3 10.3 10.3

total IT 4 4 4 4

total publications 3 3 3 3

total advisory 11 10 10 10

total science 5 5 6.5 6.5

total Data Centre 13 13 13 12

total Secretariat 46.3 45.3 46.8 45.8

Secretariat Facilities

The limited room facilities in the headquarters may become a potential problem to the growth of

the organization in the future. Some rooms (e.g. library, archives) have been already re-shaped

as meeting rooms to account for the demand mainly in the first half of the year. Actually there

are six meeting rooms which can be occupied in parallel. Maximum number of attendees in one

meeting is limited to ca. 45 (North Sea Room) plus ca. 55 distributed in the other rooms. The

capacity is at its limit e.g. for meetings of Council (40 Delegates, plus Secretariat staff, observ-

ers, translators) and interdisciplinary expert groups (e.g. WGWIDE: 46 participants for 10 days

in 2008). There is no in house canteen available, but an external lunch and catering service has

been contracted and works well since 2009. However, the capacity of the in-house lunchroom

which is used both by staff and guests is limited.

With close to 50 persons working in the headquarters, office space is becoming an item. Part of

the building is occupied by EUROFISH who have signalled an increased room demand them-

selves, which, however, cannot be matched by ICES. There is no reserve space in the basement

due to humidity.

Number of budgeted staff is to increase slightly in 2010 due to the additional IT and Communi-

cations officers. From 2011, a rather stable number of core staff is foreseen. Office space is

provided also to the Chairs and Vice Chairs of ACOM and SCICOMN, and to staff contracted

on short term projects in the Advisory services (non-recurrent advice projects). Further increase

of staff numbers in the coming years will arise from external projects and networking activities

(such as the MARCOM+ follow up secretariat). To accommodate these activities, investments in

the building will have to be made to re-shape the 2 person offices into multiple offices as far as

the tasks allow and the construction of the building permit tearing down internal walls (this has

to be negotiated with the owner, Jeudan). Before the investment can be made, a statement from

the Danish Government will be needed that the headquarters will remain in H.-C. Andersen‟s

Blvd. Actually there are plans by the Danish government to place all UN organizations in Co-

penhagen at a UN Campus in the northern harbour area, but it seems unlikely that ICES and

EUROFISH could move to that campus.

Improving the links with the ICES community

The Secretariat should not develop a life of its own but rather keep in close connection with the

demands and expectations of the scientific community and member institutes. On the other hand,

the newly established and more powerful Committees may be developing independent structures

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which eventually may become a “parallel Secretariat”. The Secretariat therefore will increase ac-

tivities to involve the ICES community in the Secretariat work, e.g. by trying to attract appli-

cants for open positions preferably from the network and member institutes. The new

communications staff will more actively involve the network scientists and national institutes‟

press officers into the Secretariats outreach activities. The IT services and Data Centre will im-

prove the exchange facilities for data and information products and maintain an intensive dialog

with national data managers on technological developments. The aim for the Secretariat must be

to support advanced national developments without losing sight of other members that might lag

behind in new technologies. A roll for evening out these differences could add value to the Sec-

retariats IT activities in support of the ICES network. Internships on specific items such as IT,

advice development, or science coordination for junior staff from institutes could be sponsored

from the SIF fund. The ICES Training Programme will actively seek to involve institutes and

universities in a common training plan, and might also offer internships for advanced students.

The Secretariat may also offer to take over coordination tasks of external projects as a service to

the institutes who do not have the necessary infrastructure and experience. These activities will

also increase the scope of scientists involved in ICES activities.

Developing the secretariat workplace

Modern management emphasizes personal development and job satisfaction. The general work-

ing conditions for the ICES employees in Copenhagen are of a high standard. However, due to

increasing work pressure by tighter deadlines for secretariat products, the rapid developments in

the scientific network, and the progress in office technologies and demands (e.g. web based ser-

vices, sharepoint, WebEX etc.) there is an increasing need for permanent qualification and spe-

cialized training. ICES has not focused on training efforts very much in the past, and the budget

line for this is very restrictive. It is suggested to increase this amount gradually over the coming

years. The Secretariat will continue with regular staff grading reviews and performance evalua-

tion. The staff review will give the secretariat a tool to work with when making decisions in

training and developing staff skills in order to improve the qualification to serve the ICES com-


Secretariat Budget development

The ICES Secretariat has a predictable income stream from the national contributions covering

close to 2/3 of the total cost, and an income from MoU on advice, which is negotiated annually

with the partner Commissions. Income from projects and savings on salaries when retired staff

are replaced by newcomers have created repeated surpluses over the past years. This allowed

Council to build up reserve and investment funds to support the future budgets and allow for

strategic investments.

The Budgets are planned and agreed 2 years into the future, i.e. the budgets 2010 and 2011 have

been approved by Council in 2009. A zero growth of national contributions is foreseen for the

next years, increasing the budget only by Danish inflation rate. Income from partner commis-

sions and MoU increases with Danish inflation. The Secretariat therefore attempts to develop the

budgets 2011 to 2013 based on stable national contributions increased only by estimated infla-

tion rates.

In line with the service function of the Secretariat, principal cost item is salaries. At constant

staff level, the salary cost increases slightly above the inflation rate due to annual/bi-annual step

increases. The effect is counterbalanced when staff retires and new staff are contracted on the

lowest step of the salary table. In the past, considerable savings originated from open positions

and lower salaries of newly contracted staff. For the five years to come salary increases will be

kept within the usual limits. New posts will be funded for limited periods by SIF, additional in-

come from MoU and extra advice, and savings made in other parts of the budget.

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Secretariat Environmental Policy

The Secretariat is committed to a responsible use of resources and avoiding unsustainable activi-



Staff are encouraged to commute by public transport, cycling, or walking. We pro-

vide storage for bicycles and reduce car parking outside the building to three

places. More than 90 of staff use public/bicycle transport.

Business travel cost is refunded only for public transport, train is preferred over air

transport where it is practical.

Business meetings are replaced by web conferences wherever possible

Stationery and supplies

Move towards paperless office

avoid printing of e-mails

Double sided printing

If possible, we source our paper/supplies from companies that recycle/re-use,

electronic archives

reducing printed publication, substituted by web downloads facilities

Improved energy efficiency

Office equipment is kept on the state of technical progress regarding energy con-

sumption, e.g. through leasing of printers, coffee machines etc.

Energy saving bulbs are used throughout the building; automatic switches are in-


The building is maintained and improved with insulation, thermo windows, auto-

matic and rotating doors;

Closing office over end of year holidays

Regular checking of all electric equipment for functionality and energy consump-


Improve recycling/ minimise waste

All paper, glass, metal is collected separately and recycled through the Danish re-

cycling system.

Dealing with other like minded companies

Where possible we buy green/eco certified products and deal with certified suppli-


Continuous improvement

Purchase of new electric and electronic equipment on the basis of green labelled

energy saving certificates

Invested by all employees and suppliers

We make sure that there is a general commitment of all staff to these principles