SECONDARY part in different activities...

SECONDARY NEWS A half-termly Newsletter from the Secondary Department at Marjory Kinnon School SPRING 1 2019 LS1 LS1 have explored raos in Maths. They used a range of ingredients to make mock-tails, following raos in recipes. They had to make sure that they read the rao the correct way round in order to put in the right quanes of each of the ingredients. They also had to accurately measure out each liquid and work out how the quanes would change if they needed to make drinks for more or less people than the recipe stated. The children enjoyed trying a range of different concocons and evaluang the successfulness of each drink aſterwards.

Transcript of SECONDARY part in different activities...

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A half-termly Newsletter from the Secondary Department at Marjory Kinnon School

SPRING 1 2019


LS1 have explored ratios in Maths. They used a range of ingredients to make mock-tails, following ratios in

recipes. They had to make sure that they read the ratio the correct way round in order to put in the right

quantities of each of the ingredients. They also had to accurately measure out each liquid and work out

how the quantities would change if they needed to make drinks for more or less people than the recipe

stated. The children enjoyed trying a range of different concoctions and evaluating the successfulness of

each drink afterwards.

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This half term LS2 class has been learning about Germany. We found the topic

very interesting but also fun to learn. We made some German pretzels out of

playdough. That was not easy at all! We learned about famous Berlin landmarks.

The story behind the Berlin Wall is fascinating!

Can you answer some of these challenging questions? We can!


The pupils in LS3 have been learning about teamwork in Life Skills lessons and have been thinking about

which skills they would need for a future career. Each group was allocated a job: Engineer, Builder and

Supplier. Each team used Lego bricks to make an object, each pupil sticking to their designated role. They

have learnt to overcome some difficulties by analysing their skills and by helping each other to improve.

This is what they thought of the task:

Ayeshah: My job was to describe the picture. I

need to use more words like “on top of” to

describe better next time.

Yanis: I was talking nicely and I need to do

good listening to get better.

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Tilly: I had to find the Lego. Everyone worked well in the group and

was kind. I need to describe the pieces better to improve.

Saavan: I could find the colours. I put the Lego together.

Nidingsa: I described to Gurveer which bricks we needed and told

Enzo to build it. I need to give more detailed descriptions to improve.

Gurveer: I listened well. I could find the Lego bricks we needed.

Enzo: I needed to wait for instructions. I could build very well.


LS4 have been working hard on their algebra. Not only have they been successfully expanding brackets,

they have also been able to find the numerical values for a range of variables. This is not easy as it involves

a good deal of multiplying, dividing and adding!

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In Cultural Studies, LS5 have been learning about Italy and all its physical features including its natural disasters, in particular earthquakes and volcanoes. As a class we recreated our own earthquake using Lego and an experiment to make a volcano.

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Recently LS6 have been working on "Being Myself" and "Feelings". There have been several class discussions, all the pupils have contributed, and they have learned about the meaning of cheerful, sad, angry, frightened and calm. These words have formed part of poems that the children have very much enjoyed studying. Presently, they are working on the word "angry", and the feelings that are associated with this emotion.


In our life skills lessons LS7 have been doing lots of work on working in teams. We discussed how it is

important to work as a team and the qualities of a good team. We then undertook many activities which

involved the children working together as a team to demonstrate what they have learnt. These activities

included building a tower with newspaper, building various designs using Lego, completing puzzles and

memory games. We also looked at the different roles that are important to be part of an effective team.

The children enjoyed the activities and their team building skills are starting to improve!

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This term LS8 have been learning to work together in different peer groups to complete a variety of different challenges. The concept being to increase their social skills and their abilities to tolerate, persevere and communicate with one another in a kind and respectful manner. One such challenge this term during a guided reading session was to build a tower using only marshmallows and spaghetti. The pupils had to work together in teams to read up on how towers are made, then construct a plan together, and finally execute their towers. This task was very tricky as the marshmallows were sticky and the spaghetti was fragile and broke easily, so the pupils had to work together to achieve any form of result. Here are some pictures of LS8's teamwork and sticky model towers.

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In US2 this term we have been learning about explorers that have travelled to the South Pole in English. In

numeracy we have been focusing on fractions and money. In addition to this, this term we have been

developing our cooking skills in our Food Tech lessons and making lots of delicious dishes such as vegetable

curry and courgette and mushroom tart. During these lessons we have been working on our cutting skills

and working as a group to follow instructions.

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The students in US3 have been working on an Adventure Unit in English. One of their tasks was

to research and plan hypothetical trips to either Mount Everest or the Isle of Skye. They found information

on the location, researched the cost of flights and hotels, as well as outlining the numerous activities a

traveller could embark on.

In the pictures, the students are delivering a PowerPoint presentation which they created to pitch their

destinations to the class. They used a combination of images, descriptive language and the power of

persuasion to try and encourage their audience to choose their destination as the winning one!

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The year 11 students have been enjoying their courses at Brooklands College. In Engineering, they have

been completing servicing on motor vehicles and carrying out MOT checks. In Catering, they have been

producing healthy meals to restaurant quality standards. In Media, they have been doing product design

and development for cereals.

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ART – KS3 - Ceramic Hand Project

During Spring 1 some lucky classes got to complete a Ceramic Hand Project.

The project explored the idea of expressing themselves through art and design. Students designed their own

hand and were encouraged to use different textures and details that they liked or think represented them.

They then made their clay hand using rolling pins and clay knives and transferred their design onto the clay

hand. Students then painted their hand in a colour that they thought best represented them or the theme of

their hand. The finished hands were presented on mini easels made with ice cream sticks and PVA glue.

Pictured below are LS4 proudly displaying their hands. Brilliant work LS4!

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Art - KS4 Accreditation Projects

US1 have been busy this term completing the AQA award ``Producing Pop Art Style Artwork”.

Students researched famous artist Andy Warhol and were inspired by his art “Marilyn Diptych” to create

their own pop art style self-portraits.

Using foam board and printing ink students transferred a pencil drawing of themselves onto a foam board

which was then used to make relief prints. Students then arranged their prints using bright colours and

matched their prints with contrasting colours.

Well done US1 your pop art inspired self-portraits look brilliant!

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Key stage 3 pupils have been learning dynamic balance during this term in PE. Pupils had the opportunity to

take part in different activities which involved dynamic balance using the PE create wheel cards to self-

assess to track their progress in PE.

Key stage 4 have been learning basic football skills which involved controlling the ball and passing the ball

using the inside and outside of the foot. Pupils also had the chance to challenge themselves by dribbling the

ball close to the body with their weaker foot.

Key stage 4 have also been learning basic first aid training to gain knowledge of how to react in certain

emergency situations. They have been learning about what is inside a first aid kit, coping in an emergency,

breaks, strains, sprains and the recovery positions.

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Food Technology

In Food Technology US4 have been using the skills they have learnt to prepare and cook a range of healthy dishes. They have made sweetcorn and chickpea burgers, vegetable biryani and couscous stuffed peppers. The year 11 pupils have also been working towards an AQA Unit Award for making a chilli-con-carne. In lower secondary LS6 and LS7 have been looking at the theme of 'Meal Deal.' This is balancing foods from different groups into main meals. They have made tuna pasta bake, vegetable fajitas and vegetable biryani.


This term LS1, LS2 & LS3 have been learning about the pentatonic scale and its use around the world. They

have all been learning a well-known melody that uses the pentatonic scale and had a chance to practise

and record their performance. LS4, LS5, LS6 & LS7 have been studying the orchestra. This has included

finding out about the different instruments in each section of the orchestra and then trying to replicate the

theme from Tchaikovsky’s ballet, ‘Swan Lake’, on GarageBand. Each class has also been very fortunate to

have a live ballet demonstration from Miss Weavers who talked about the different techniques used in

ballet. LS8 have been composing using Serialist techniques. In music, Serialism makes use of a 12-tone

row, from which an entire composition is derived e.g. by using the row backwards, or inverting it and also

extracting chord structures from it to make a full composition. They have also been exploring chance music

and using dice rolling to determine their composition.

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This is a section where the pupils can give their opinion on different

subjects. This half term they have written about the new school.

Jack Petchey Winners

These are our Jack Petchey winners for the Spring Term. Well done to Joywin and Yaqub, both well-

deserved winners.

These were the comments that were written about the winners by their teachers and peers.

Yaqub Geele

Yaqub’s behaviour has completely changed this year. He is always

willing and able to help others in class. He now has control over his

emotions and uses all the skills he has learnt to control them. He is a

great member of the class and loves telling jokes, singing and

entertaining everyone. Miss MacDonald, his teacher, is very proud of

his achievements this year.

Joywin De Araujo

Joywin is a very responsible student and a great role model to other

students. He is an ambassador for the school and is very trustworthy.

He has a mature attitude and is happy to help his friends if they are

struggling. He always puts in 100% effort and tries his best in all

lessons. He is working very hard towards his GCSEs and is predicted to

get great grades.

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Charity Events

At the beginning of the term we were very pleased to have another food bank collection. Thank you very

much for all your donations. Lorraine and John from Feltham food bank were really impressed with the

amount of food that was donated which will go towards helping a lot of people.

Key Dates

18th February - Friday 22 February – Half term holiday – school closed for the pupils

Monday 25th February – pupils return to school

7th March – World Book Day

15th March – Comic Relief – Red Nose Day – different charity events will be taking place on this day

5th April – last day of the Spring Term – school closes at 1pm for the pupils