
Second Announcement Sharing a Vision for Sustainable Prevention

Transcript of Second_announcement.pdf

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Second Announcement

Sharing a Vision for Sustainable Prevention

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Invitation . 4

Congress information

Objectives . 8Motto and Main Topics . 8

Overview, Congress Languages . 9Schedule . 10

Keynotes . 11

Technical Sessions . 12

Symposia . 15

Forum for Prevention . 19

International Media Festival for Prevention (IMFP) . 20

Agora, Trade Fair . 20

Technical Tours . 21

Invitation to our German Evening . 24

Recreational and Cultural Tours . 24

Travel information

Congress Venue, Accommodation . 26


Registration and Fees . 29

The Organizers

DGUV . 31ILO . 31ISSA . 32

Sponsors . 33

Contact . 34

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Chairs of the DGUV Governing Committee

We are delighted to invite you to the XX World Congress on Safety and Health at Work 2014 in Germany, the country which virtually invented social security. In our country, social security dates back more than 125 years. During this time we have increased and intensifi ed our knowledge concerning prevention measures for the various branches of the economy. The result is a lasting improvement in safety and health at work. This is nevertheless not suffi cient for us. We have a vision: Vision Zero. A world in which work is safe and healthy. A world without severe and fatal occupational accidents.

In order for us to reach our goals, prevention is of the utmost importance. Well-planned and well-executed prevention measures benefi t employees and employers alike. Em-ployees profi t with their individual health and well-being. Employers gain in various ways, above all economically.

The quality of prevention measures demands state-of-the-art knowledge and forward thinking. New hazards are constantly emerging. In order for us to respond in the right way, we must be willing to broaden our horizons and to cooperate internationally. Virtu-ally every question with regard to prevention has an answer, somewhere in the world. We only need to fi nd it.

The World Congress 2014 will off er a platform for providing and fi nding sustainable support for prevention measures. Our globalized world brings challenges which concern all of us. Only if we share our knowledge will we be able to tackle upcoming problems.

We wish you an enjoyable stay in Frankfurt and that you meet new friends and interesting colleagues from all over the world. By working together we can make the world of work a better one.

Dr. Hans-Joachim Wolff Marina SchröderChairs of the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV) Governing Committee

President of the ISSA

The XX World Congress on Safety and Health at Work presents itself for the fi rst time as a Global Forum for Prevention. I very much welcome this development as it is fully in line with the new prevention approach of the International Social Security Association. While the key objective of the Congress remains to eff ectively prevent occupational accidents and diseases, it is time to take a more global view on the health and employ-ability of workers and to high-light the important contribution that social security institutions – especially those in the fi eld of occupational injury, health and invalidity – can make in risk prevention, health promotion and return to work.

The importance of prevention to our societies is evident. Over the past decades, preventive measures have saved millions of lives and avoided enormous human suff ering. Signifi cantly, a recent ISSA study on the costs and benefi ts of investments in prevention, which documented a global return on prevention of 120 per cent, has clearly revealed the enormous potential that prevention holds for businesses and society today. Hence, safe and healthy working conditions are increasingly understood as strategic assets.

Prevention is obviously a success story. However, many challenges remain as new risks emerge, such as mental health problems, and millions of workers, particularly in low- and medium-income countries, still are faced with dangerous working environments.

This XX World Congress provides a unique opportunity to address prevention from a more holistic and integrated point of view. Promoting a global prevention culture is the responsibility of society as a whole and involves all relevant stakeholders in society. The ISSA and its unique network of Prevention Sections are immensely proud of being the co-organizers of the World Congress.

I look forward to welcoming you in Frankfurt at the Global Forum for Prevention.

Errol Frank Stoové, President International Social Security Association (ISSA)

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Präsident des XX. Weltkongresses

It is my pleasure as chairperson of the International Organizing Committee IOC to welcome you to the heart of Germany, to Frankfurt am Main and to the XX World Congress on Safety and Health at Work: Global Forum for Prevention from 24 to 27 August 2014.

We at the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV) are very proud to have been selected to host this important event together with the International Social Security Association (ISSA) and the International Labour Organization (ILO). It is further our aim to make your stay in Frankfurt, with its many tourist attractions, as enjoyable as possible. But fi rst and foremost we will be providing a rich programme highlighting the latest developments and new trends in safety and health at work. The extent of the problem calls for creative and courageous eff orts. The congress will serve as a meeting place for experts and decision-makers from all over the world exchanging views and experiences, best-practice examples and recent fi ndings.

Our aim is to reach sustainable results. We would consider it a great success if every participant will take home new ideas for practical approaches and eff ective measures. The congress will provide ample opportunities for participants to share their own experiences and exchange knowledge, make new acquaintances and develop future cooperation. Participation and interaction between the participants will therefore be strengthened through new and diverse event settings. Our main goals are to use networking to facilitate the extensive dissemination of sustainable prevention measures. We will also off er a range of technical tours, cultural experiences, a trade fair, social events and post conference activities.

In this spirit, I am looking forward to welcoming you in Frankfurt– to a fruitful and successful World Congress 2014.

Dr. Walter Eichendorf, Deputy Director General German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV)

Director General of the ILO

Today we live in a turbulent world. In a situation of global crisis, conditions in the world of work show few signs of improvement and many of deterioration. More than ever,it is time to re-affi rm that the right to a safe and healthy working environment is a basic human right, the protection of which should be ensured for all working men and women.

This XX World Congress on Safety and Health at Work 2014 will bring together decision-makers, government offi cials, safety and health professionals, employers, workers and experts from many relevant disciplines to share their knowledge, experience and inspiration on how to make workplaces safe and healthy everywhere.

For economies, societies and enterprises, safe and healthy workplaces are an added value con-tributing to better productivity and to reduction of the burden on social security systems due to work-related injuries and illnesses. The goal of safe and healthy workplaces must become an integral element of labour, social and economic policies in both bad times and good, helping to withstand economic downturns and to build prosperous societies.

Continuous changes in the world of work pose serious challenges to workers’ protection and call for a dynamic approach to tackling many existing and newly emerging issues. The World Congress 2014 will provide an excellent opportunity to take stock of health and safety implications of these changes and to share a vision for sustainable prevention and for in-depth consideration of ways to improve safety and health governance and address the diverse safety and health requirements of the world of work. The urgent need for protection of workers in the informal economy should receive our special attention as these women and men often remain out of reach of preventive eff orts and lack basic social protection.

Your contributions will make this Congress a genuinely international event promoting a global safety and health culture.

We are looking forward to your active participation.

Guy Ryder, Director General International Labour Organization (ILO)

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1 Prevention Culture – Prevention Strategies – Vision Zero

Vision Zero – a world in which people work safely and healthily and in which they are protected against serious or fatal occupational accidents. This requires the development not only of a global prevention culture in the fi eld of occupational safe-ty and health (OSH), but also of sustainable stra-tegies – both of which improve human well-being and benefi t economies and social systems.

Motto and Main Topics

Sharing a Vision for Sustainable Prevention

2 Challenges in Occupational Health

Set against a backdrop of technological, economic and social developments and ever-increasing globalization, the protection of human health in the workplace represents a considerable challen-ge. The relocation of production facilities to other countries or continents is accompanied by the relocation of associated risks to human health.

3 Diversity in the World of Work

An increasing number of people from diff erent ethnic, cultural, religious and linguistic backgrounds now work together. In addition, new forms of work characterized by heterogeneous working and employment conditions have developed around the world. Prevention strategies must be geared to these complex framework conditions and must ensure that social issues are not neglected in the course of economic globalization. Issues such as gender equality and demographic development are also relevant.

OverviewDate and Venue

24-27 August 2014Congress Center Frankfurt, Germany


The World Congress 2014 aims to ensure the participation of people dealing with safety and health at work:

High-level government offi cials, high-level decision-makers in the public and private sectors, CEOs and labour leaders

OSH professionals such as safety engineers, safety technicians, occupational hygienists, scientists, etc.

Occupational physicians and others dealing with occupational medicine

Labour inspectors and safety and health ins-pectors

Instructors, trainers and teachers in the fi eld of OSH education

Trade unions, workers and their representatives

Employers and their organizations

Social security institutions

Public and private OSH organizations

International and regional organizations

Manufacturers and importers of safety materi-als and safety equipment

Experts in communication and public relations

Media representatives and journalists

Congress languages

The offi cial Congress languages are English, French, German and Spanish. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in all plenary sessions and techni-cal sessions. The language of the symposia will be English. Interpretation into other Congress langua-ges may be provided.


The World Congress 2014 will include an Opening and Closing, Plenary Sessions with Keynotes, Tech-nical Sessions, Symposia, the Forum for Prevention and the German Evening. Technical Tours, the Inter-national Media Festival for Prevention (IMFP) and an accompanying Trade Fair complete the congress programme.

Congress information and the current programme of events are available at: www.safety2014germany.comFollow us: LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook


International Labour Organization (ILO)International Social Security Association (ISSA)German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV)


Th e World Congress 2014

provides a forum for the exchange of knowledge, practices and ex-perience between the participants with the aim of promoting safety and health at work

Reinforces and builds networks and alliances while laying the groundwork for cooperation and strengthening relationships among all concerned

Provides a platform for the development of knowledge and strategic and practical ideas that can be immediately put into use

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K01 Sharing a Vision for Sustainable Prevention Mon 25 August 2014 11:30 – 12:30Tan Chong Meng, Group CEO, PSA International Pte Ltd, Singapur

K02 Prevention Culture – Prevention Strategies – Vision Zero Mon 25 August 2014 11:30 – 12:30L. Casey Chosewood, Senior Medical Offi cer for Total Worker Health™ Programs, National Insti-tute for Occupational Safety and Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA

K03 Challenges in Occupational Health Tue 26 August 2014 9:00 – 10:00Cameron Mustard, President & Senior Scientist, Institute for Work and Health, University of Toronto, Canada

K04 Diversity in the World of Work Tue 26 August 2014 9:00 – 10:00Natalie Lotzmann, Leader Global Health Management, Vice President Global HR, SAP AG, Germany

24. August

Sun 8:00 - 18:00 Registration

25. August

Mon 8:00 - 18:00 Registration

26. August

Tue 8:00 - 18:00 Registration

27. August

Wed 8:00 - 11:00 Registration



9:00 - 10:00 Special Media Session

International Media Festival for Prevention

International Safety and Health exhibition / A

gora / Poster Presentation

9:00 - 10:00Keynotes (K03, K04)

International Media Festival for Prevention

International Safety and Health exhibition / A

gora / Poster Presentation

9:00 - 11:00Symposia

International Media Festival for Prevention

International Safety and Health exhibition / A

gora / Poster Presentation

10:00 - 10:30Coff ee break

10:00 - 10:30Coff ee break

11:00 - 11:30Coff ee break

10:30 - 11:30ILO and ISSA reports

10:30 - 12:30Technical Session(T02, T04, T06)

11:30 - 13:00Closing

11:30 - 12:30Keynotes(K01, K02)

12:30 - 13:30Lunch

12:30 - 13:30Lunch

13:00 - 14:00Lunch



13:30 - 15:30Technical Session (T01, T03, T05)

13:30 - 15:30Forum for Prevention

14:00Technical Tours

15:30 - 16:00Coff ee break

15:30 - 16:00Coff ee break

17:00 - 19:00Opening

16:00 - 18:00Symposia

16:00 - 18:00Symposia



19:00Welcome Reception

18:15 Get-together


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05. National occupational health and safety objectivesKasım Özer, General Director for Occupational Health and Safety, Ministry of Labour and Social Secu-rity, Turkey

T03/T04 Challenges in Occupational Health

ILO Mon 25. August 2014 13:30 - 15:30T03 Challenges and strategies for promoting occupational health

It is widely recognized that safety and health of workers is essential for productivity and economic develop-ment. The improvement of safety and health management remains a serious challenge everywhere. The eco-nomic downturn has downsized occupational safety and health systems and preventive infrastructures which is making eff ective interventions at the workplace diffi cult. This session will discuss how to meet existing chal-lenges and implement sound strategies to improve preventive activities both nationally and globally.

Chair: Harri Vainio, Director General, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Finland

Topics/Speakers01. Protecting and promoting the health of all workers: Primary prevention in partnership

Maria Neira, Director, Department of Public Health, Environmental and Social Determinants of Health, World Health Organization, Switzerland

02. Challenges to prevention of psycho-social risks and protection of mental health of workersKirsi Ahola, Team Leader of the “Work and Mental Health” team in the Centre of Excellence on “Develop-ment of Work and Work Organizations”, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Finland

03. The Brazilian experience on diagnosis and recording of occupational diseasesLeonardo Jose Rolim Guimarães, Secretary of Social Security Policies, Ministry of Social Security, Brazil

04. Occupational health in Sub-Saharan Africa – Challenges and opportunities in enhancing the health and safety of workersBarry Kistnasamy, Compensation Commissioner for Occupational Diseases, Department of Health, Natio-nal Institute for Occupational Health, South Africa

05. Strategies for prevention and control of occupational diseases in ThailandSomkiat Siriruttanapruk, Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand

DGUV Tue 26. August 2014 10:30 - 12:30T04 Healthy workplaces – healthy workers

Safe and healthy work is a basic prerequisite for success in a globalized economy. Modern integrative strate-gies of occupational safety and health and of health promotion contribute to the retention of good health and thereby of employability. They thus also support the attaining of economic targets. New strategies that link the safety of workers to the retention of human resources and a lifestyle that involves responsibility for one's own health will be presented in the technical session from the perspectives of companies, OSH institutions and the research community.

Chair: Rolf Ellegast, Deputy Director, Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, and Fritz Bindzius, Head of Health Division, Safety & Health Department, German Social Accident Insurance, Germany

Topics/Speakers01. Healthy workplaces in the mining industry in Colombia: A challenge

Hugo Piedrahíta L., Department of Occupational Health and Safety, Cerrejón Mine, Colombia02. Global health management at Deutsche Post DHL: Connecting people – improving their lives

Andreas Tautz, Chief Medical Offi cer, Corporate Health Management, Deutsche Post DHL, Germany

Technical Sessions

T01/T02 Prevention Culture – Prevention Strategies – Vision Zero

ISSA Mon 25. August 2014 13:30 - 15:30T01 Promoting a prevention culture in social security

Prevention is becoming increasingly complex with growing awareness that health problems can be both work and non-work related. This presents a challenge for traditional approaches to safety and health at work. The Session will introduce a concept of prevention culture that encompasses the 3 main dimensi-ons of prevention: Classical risk prevention, health promotion and return to work, showcasing diff erent approaches and experiences in each dimension.

Chair: TBC

Topics/Speakers01. The shift from safety culture to a culture of prevention

Paul Schulte, Director, Education and Information Division, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, USA

02. A safety culture index Jane White, Research and Information Services Manager, Institution of Occupational Safety and Health, U.K.

03. A safe start Steve Horvath, President and CEO, Canadian Center for Occupational Health and Safety, Canada

04. Promoting Health and WellbeingPresented by the European Network of Workplace Health Promotion, Belgium

05. Return to work – concepts and rolesMohammed Azman, Deputy Chief Executive Offi cer (Operations), Social Security Organisation, Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia

06. A global prevention culture – features and requirementsWalter Eichendorf, Deputy Director-General, German Social Accident Insurance, Germany

ILO Tue 26. August 2014 10:30 - 12:30T02 Strengthening national OSH strategies and systems

In recent years, many countries have taken actions to strengthen their national OSH strategies and systems through new OSH legal frameworks, enforcement mechanisms and application of a modern approach to risk assessment and management at the workplace. These eff orts have been guided by the relevant ILO Conventions and Recom-mendations. This session will provide a forum for the exchange of practical experiences in the recent development of national OSH strategies and systems from diff erent countries and discuss their eff ective implementation.

Chair: Christa Sedlatschek, Director, European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, EU-OSHA, Spain

Topics/Speakers01. Achievements and developments in national OSH strategies and systems – Implementation of ILO Plan

of ActionSeiji Machida, International Labour Organization, LABADMIN/OSH, Switzerland

02. Strengthening national occupational safety and health strategies – A case example from MauritiusSeetuldeo Balgobin, Director, Occupational Safety and Health, Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment, Mauritius

03. Innovative strategies for participation, training and management on OSHJose I. Villanueva, Director General of Safety and Health at Work, Ministry of Labour, Mexico

04. Indonesia towards occupational safety and health culture 2015Mudji Handaya, Director General of Labour Inspection Development, Ministry of Manpower and Transmi-gration, Indonesia

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03. The Total Worker HealthTM Approach: Advancing healthier, safer workL. Casey Chosewood, Senior Medical Offi cer for Total Worker Health™ Programs, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA

04. Developing highly engaged organizations through healthy, high-performing leaders and teamsSusan Cruse, Director, Health, Sustainability and Performance, GlaxoSmithKline, U.K.

05. Eff ects of new ways of work on health and productivity: A case control studyPeter Vink, Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands

T05/T06 Diversity in the World of Work

DGUV Mon 25. August 2014 13:30 - 15:30T05 Diversity in the world of work

This Technical Session will examine the topic of diversity in the world of work from a European and Asian perspective. Ambassadors for diff erent concepts of diversity in the world of work from Europe and Asia will be presenting these concepts. Representatives from globally active companies will report on the planning of strategies and measures at company level, showing how diversity in organizations can contribute to corporate success specifi cally in conjunction with safety and health.

Chair: Jutta Rump, Institut für Beschäftigung und Employability, Germany

SpeakersGesine Schwan, Humboldt-Viadrina School of Governance, GermanyRoxane L.Gervais, Health & Safety Laboratory, U.K.Michael Müller, Fraport, GermanyRamazan Salman, Ethno-Medizinisches Zentrum, GermanyYew Kwong Chan, Workplace Safety and Health Council, SingaporeHeiko Fischer, Resourceful Humans, Germany

ISSA Tue 26 August 2014 10:30 - 12:30T06 Promoting employability of vulnerable groups

A holistic concept of prevention puts people at the centre of all preventive actions. This session will emphasise the importance of having a tailored approach of prevention, health promotion and reintegration. Such an ap-proach is especially important for ensuring that employees with special needs or who are particularly at risk, such as young and older persons, women, or persons with disabilities enjoy the same right to a safe and healthy working environment as other groups..

Chair/Topics/Speakers: TBC


Prevention Culture – Prevention Strategies – Vision Zero

No Topic Coordinator, Partner

S01 Benefi ts of prevention - return on prevention ISSA

S02 Establishing a prevention culture KOSHA, ISSA Prevention Culture Section, ISSA Education Section

S03 Building a sustainable culture of prevention in the supply chain


S04 Establishing resources for prevention MOM, MoLSS

S05 Networking as a driving force for prevention DGUV, IALI, MoLSS

S06 What is needed to make Vision Zero a successin OSH and road safety

DVR, ISSA Transport Section, ETSC

S07 New forms of energy, materials and technologiesincluding greening society and occupational health


S08 Threshold limit values for chemical substances and nanomaterials - an overview of current concepts and trends

ISSA Chemistry Section, DGUV

S09 Development of national safety and health systems and programmes


S10 A comprehensive approach to risk management UNITAR

S11 Economic incentives ISSA

S12 Creating a safe and healthy learning and working environment ENETOSH, CCOHS, NAOOSH, ZAG

S13 Prevention in the construction industry:a new baseline for sustainable work and development

ISSA Construction Section

S14 Prevention strategies and best safety practices in agriculture ISSA Agriculture Section, CIOP-PIB, SVLFG

S15 The sustainable global prevention strategy for high-risk industrial sectors (mining): Vision Zero

ISSA Mining Section, MoLISA, SAWS, BG RCI, MoLSS

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Challenges in Occupational Health

No Topic Coordinator, Partner

S16 Prevention of work disability FIOH, ICOH, DGUV

S17 Prevention of psychosocial risks EU-OSHA, ENWHP

S18 Health strategies: prevention, promotion and care for all workers WHO, ILO, ISSA Health Section

S19 Improving health through knowledge networks on occupational health


S20 Tackling multifactorial causation of MSDs DGUV, LASI

S21 Asbestos in the Americas Fundacentro, PAHO

S22 Health surveillance and prevention of dust-induced lung disease NIOSH, ILO, DGUV

S23 The prevention of occupational skin diseases – a success story through innovative strategies

ARP SURA, DGUV, ISSA Health Section, iDerm

Abbreviations used

ALASEHTAsociación Latinoamericana de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo (Colombia)ARP SURASeguros de RiesgosProfesionales Suramericana S.A.(Colombia)ASSEAmerican Society of Safety Engineers (USA)BDABundesvereinigung der Arbeitgeber (Germany)BG RCIBerufsgenossenschaftRohstoff e und chemischeIndustrie (Germany) CCOHSCanadian Centre for Occupational Health and SafetyCIOP-PIBCentralny Instytut OchronyPracy – Państwowy InstytutBadawczy (Poland)DGUVGerman Social AccidentInsurance (DeutscheGesetzliche Unfallversicherung)DVRDeutscher Verkehrssicherheits-rat e. V. (Germany) ENETOSHEuropean Network Educationand Training in OccupationalSafety and HealthENWHPEuropean Network forWorkplace Health PromotionETSCEuropean Transport SafetyCouncilEU-OSHAEuropean Agency forSafety and Health at WorkFIOHFinnish Institute ofOccupational Health FundacentroFundacentro (Brazil)IALIInternational Associationof Labour InspectionICOHInternational Commissionon Occupational Health

iDermInstitut für interdisziplinäreDermatologische Präventionund Rehabilitation (Germany)ILOInternational LabourOrganizationINRSInstitut National de Rechercheet de Sécurité (France)IOEInternational Organisationof EmployersISSAInternational Social SecurityAssociationISSA Agriculture SectionISSA International Section onPrevention of OccupationalRisks in AgricultureISSA Chemistry SectionISSA International Section onPrevention in the ChemicalIndustryISSA Construction SectionISSA International Section onPrevention in the ConstructionIndustryISSA Education SectionISSA International Section onEducation and Training forPrevention ISSA Electricity SectionISSA International Section onElectricity, Gas and WaterISSA Health SectionISSA International Section onPrevention of OccupationalRisks in Health ServicesISSA Iron and Metal SectionISSA International Sectionon Prevention in the Iron andMetal IndustryISSA Machine and System Safe-ty SectionISSA International Section onMachine and System SafetyISSA Mining SectionISSA International Sectionon Prevention in the MiningIndustryISSA Prevention Culture SectionISSA International Section fora Culture of PreventionISSA Transport SectionISSA International Section onPrevention in Transportation

ITUCInternational Trade UnionConfederationIWHInstitute for Work and Health(Canada)KOSHAKorea OccupationalSafety and Health AgencyLASILänderausschuss für Arbeits-schutz und Sicherheitstechnik(Germany)MoLISAMinistry of Labour – Invalidsand Social Aff airs (Vietnam) MoLSSMinistry of Labour andSocial Security (Turkey)MOMMinistry of Manpower(Singapore)NAOOSHNational Association ofOrganizations in OccupationalSafety and Health of theRussian FederationNIOSHNational Institute forOccupational Safety andHealth (USA)NSCNational Safety Council (India)PAHOPan American HealthOrganizationSAWSState Administration of WorkSafety (China)SVLFGSozialversicherung fürLandwirtschaft, Forsten undGartenbau (Germany)UNITARUnited Nations Institutefor Training and ResearchVDSIVerband DeutscherSicherheitsingenieure e.V.(Germany)WHOWorld Health OrganizationZAGCentre for Applied Health Sciences of the Leuphana University Lueneburg (Germany)

The symposia will be held in English. Interpretation into other congress languages may be provided.

Diversity in the World of Work

No Topic Coordinator, Partner

S24 Working safely on the workfl oor: reaching vulnerable groups ISSA Iron and Metal Section, ISSA Electricity Section, ISSA Machine and System Safety Section

S25 How to strengthen workability in an ageing workforce IWH, EU-OSHA

S26 Trade union strategies for tackling unhealthy workplaces ITUC

S27 OSH and CSR leadership as drivers for successful businesses IOE, BDA

S28 Occupational safety and health and migrant workers ILO

S29 New forms of employment and work organization NSC

S30 How to establish prevention structures and institutions in developing and transition countries


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Over 1,300 contribution proposals received

Over 1,300 abstracts were submitted for the symposia and Forum for Prevention by the time the respective deadlines arrived – more than ever before! The World Congress 2014 therefore holds a wealth of varied, highly qualifi ed content in store for its visitors. A comprehensive programme of events and presentations covering all aspects of safety and health at work awaits you – so take this fantastic opportunity, and come to Frankfurt to play your part!

Forum for PreventionThe Forum for Prevention represents a central meeting place for participants in the World Con-gress 2014. Spread over an area of around 7,000 square metres, it will present the latest in interna-tional research on the topic of safety and health at work, raise international awareness of tried-and-trusted, transferable examples of good working practices and provide a platform for networking and future cooperation.

The highlight of the Forum for Prevention will be a structured two-hour exchange of views and expe-rience held on the afternoon of the 26th of August 2014. Short presentations, exhibits and practical activities will be used to present Congress content in a clear, dynamic way. In addition, in-depth small-group discussions with specialists hailing from various disciplines and continents will contribute to the sustainability of the Congress.

Short presentations will be given in one of the four Congress languages (translation services will not be provided). Contributions are due to cover the following themes:

F01 Culture of prevention

F02 Emerging risks

F03 Prevention pays off !

F04 Good practice for SMEs

F05 OSH strategies

F06 Vulnerable groups

F07 Industrial sectors

F08 Lifelong learning

F09 Health at work

F10 Safety at work

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Films and multimedia applications are an impor-tant instrument in the fi eld of occupational safety and health. From hazard awareness to complex sa-fety issues, moving pictures and interactive media are an ideal means of supporting the knowledge transfer process.

Viewing patterns and technical possibilities are constantly changing, and anyone who produces media content therefore needs to keep up to date. Set to take place as part of the World Congress 2014, the International Media Festival for Preventi-on will give an intriguing glimpse outside the box.

The Media Festival is not just a unique platform for the exchange of ideas. It also off ers an excellent opportunity to present productions to an interna-tional audience of safety and health experts – and receive feedback from all over the world. The best media productions will be presented with the In-ternational Media Award for Prevention.

Prizes will be awarded during the Special Media Session scheduled for 09:00-10:00 on Monday 25 August 2014. The session focuses on the theme of “Media as an Element of Prevention”, and is a must for anyone aiming to use visual means to make an impression in the fi elds of OSH and health protection. Selected productions will be presented at special locations throughout the Congress, and will off er a blend of information on the respective projects and interviews with fi lmmakers and pro-ducers – as well as discussions with members of the viewing audience.

International Media Festival for Prevention (IMFP)

Interested groups will have the opportunity to visit companies and institutions at which safety and health at work is actively promoted (all within a radius of 60 km from Frankfurt).

LSG Sky Chefs GmbH Frankfurt ZD,Frankfurt am MainLSG Sky Chefs is an international airline catering provider. Its operations include the provision of catering and in-fl ight equipment, logistics and retail, as well as the management of on-board and related airport services. LSG Sky Chefs works with over 300 airlines worldwide, and prepares around 527 million meals for air passengers each year. Its catering operation at Frankfurt Airport supplies a total of 90,000 meals to an average of 393 aircraft per day. The latest fi ndings from a variety of sec-tors are constantly transferred to airline catering, thus setting new benchmarks in terms of OSH and ergonomics. This Technical Tour off ers you the op-portunity to see this unusual working environment for yourself.

Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co.GK, OberurselThe Oberursel plant uses cutting-edge production technology to manufacture high-tech compo-nents for a variety of Rolls-Royce engine pro-grammes. This Technical Tour sees the company place particular emphasis on the issue of OSH as you are introduced to the production of revolving components such as compressor spools, blisks and turbine disks, as well as the maintenance of small gas turbines.

Institute for Occupational Safety and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance (IFA), Sankt AugustinThe IFA’s core activities take the form of research, testing and consultation on scientifi c-technical issues in the fi elds of OSH and health protection. Based in Sankt Augustin, the IFA and its work-force of around 240 employees study the causes of workplace accidents and occupational disea-ses, and in turn develop practical measures aimed at improving safety and health at work. Areas of research range from respiratory protection and robots to spinal injuries and certifi ed products. This specialist excursion provides insights into the IFA’s broad area of activity, and includes visits to test spaces and laboratories.

GHC Gerling, Holz & Co. HandelsGmbH, HanauThis expert in the fi eld of special gases will use your tour to give you an intriguing insight into its safety management system. The fi rm operates various storage, fi lling and siphoning systems for toxic, highly toxic and fl ammable gases and liquids. This also includes fuels for satellites.

At Work in the Forest / Safe Road Travel

Harvester vehicles, tree felling and the ergono-mics of removing branches from tree trunks using a chainsaw will be just some of the themes dealt with by the interactive exhibition in the open-air Agora space. Visitors with a special interest in forestry will have the opportunity to sit on anti-vibration driver’s seats, learn how to correctly climb in and out of mobile machines and assess the non-slip characteristics of a variety of surfaces and shoes on a purpose-built test slope. A wide range of regional partners will be on hand to present examples of safe forestry practices throughout the World Congress 2014.

Road safety is another topic set to be explored in the Agora space, for example in the form of pre-sentations on issues such as parking with the aid of autonomous parking assistants and the protection provided by truck seatbelts. In addition, a simulator will give visitors the opportunity to fi nd out what it feels like inside a rolling vehicle. The “outdoor” programme accompanying the Congress will be supplemented by fi tness programmes, coordinati-on training sessions and health checks.

Trade FairCongress and OSH trade fair hand-in-hand

The World Congress 2014 and the accompanying national conference “Arbeitsschutz Aktuell“ will be held in conjunction with Germany’s largest dome-stic trade fair on occupational safety and health. Manufacturers and service providers will use the event to present their latest product innovations. The trade fair will run from 25 to 28 August 2014. Visitors to the 30,000 square metre exhibition space can look forward to stands and presenta-tions from over 250 exhibitors.

Detailed information on the“Arbeitsschutz Aktuell 2014” fair is available

Agora – an open-air Congress space

Technical Tours

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Linde Material Handling GmbH, Aschaff enburgPart of the KION Group, Linde Material Handling GmbH employs 13,000 people and is one of the world’s leading forklift truck manufacturers. Linde Material Handling is also one of the most renowned producers of hydraulic drive systems for construction, agricultural and forestry machines. The production programme at its Aschaff enburg site comprises diesel and gas forklifts with a loading capacity of up to 4.5 tonnes, electric forklifts with a loading capacity of up to 2.5 tonnes and reach trucks. The fi rm’s sustaina-bility strategy sees it use ecological balance sheets to analyse the environmental impact of its products throughout their life cycle. This Technical Tour pro-vides you with details of both that analytical process and activities in the fi eld of ergonomic workfl ow design. In particular, it focuses on the integration of ArGUS – the fi rm’s in-house OSH programme – into the production process. ArGUS is part of the corpo-rate initiative “Healthy and safe for life”, and aims to promote a sustainable culture of safety.

Deutsche Post AG, Frankfurt am MainDeutsche Post DHL is a leading postal service and logistics group. Its Frankfurt site is located in direct proximity to the city’s airport, and this Technical Tour off ers participants the opportunity to ob-serve the group’s key business activities. A variety of workfl ows will be presented, with particular emphasis placed on ergonomic aspects.

Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt am MainLocated in Frankfurt, Deutsche Bank’s headquar-ters and its two towers are regarded as one of the world’s most environmentally friendly skyscra-pers. Over 20,000 people have already visited the group’s headquarters since they reopened in February 2011. Your Technical Tour will give you the opportunity to not only examine prevention-ori-ented workstations, but also fi nd out about special ergonomic, lighting and air-conditioning concepts, the building’s fi re safety concept and building management systems (main area of focus: energy effi ciency).

Fraport AG, Frankfurt International Airport,Frankfurt am MainFraport AG is amongst the leading international players in the airport sector, and operates one of

the world’s most important air hubs in the shape of Frankfurt Airport. The fi rm’s 5,000 ground hand-ling employees process the majority of the air traf-fi c that passes through Frankfurt. Your tour of the airport will throw light on the complex workfl ows which accompany aircraft handling. The exhibition site itself invites you to test out innovative, ergo-nomically designed equipment. The implementati-on of such new developments in practical scenarios not only improves working conditions in the fi eld of aircraft and luggage handling, but also contributes to an increase in productivity.

Adolf Mohr Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG, Hofh eimIn addition to conventional cutting machines, the portfolio of products marketed under the POLAR brand now comprises sophisticated, fully-auto-mated cutting systems, label systems for cut and stamped labels, tailored systems for the bulk paper sector, three-sided cutters and compact cutting machines for the small-format printing sector. The various products are manufactured by a workforce of 550 employees in Hofh eim and Shanghai. The fi rm will use this Technical Tour to introduce safety systems currently used in combination with paper cutting machines, noise reduction measures in the sheet metal processing area and the assembly of cutting machines on a rail-based system.

Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt am MainCommerzbank was founded in 1870 by a group of Hamburg businesspeople, and remains committed to the values of Hanseatic commerce to this day. Those values are also embodied in Commerzbank’s Frankfurt headquarters, which are housed in Germany’s tallest offi ce building. Lauded by the architect Lord Norman Foster as the world’s fi rst “green building”, the skyscraper now provides a working environment for around 2,500 people. One special feature is its double-skinned façade, which ensures that the building can be naturally ventilated – i.e. without the aid of the ventilation system – for over three quarters of the year. Your tour will focus on the importance of structural measures to healthy work, and also deals with other health aspects associated with modern offi ce workplaces.

Infraserv GmbH & Co. Höchst KG, Industriepark Höchst, Frankfurt am MainLocated at the heart of Europe, Industriepark Höchst is an innovative chemicals and pharmaceuticals location which can already look back on a history spanning over 150 years. Your Technical Tour around the Industriepark will examine its origins and illust-rate current developments. It will also off er insights into contemporary occupational health promotion, including a visit to the site health centre. In addition, your guide will provide you with fascinating details on the organisation of emergency management at the site, and in particular how specialists from the 100+ companies based at the Industriepark interact with one another.

Ciba Vision GmbH, GroßwallstadtCiba Vision GmbH is amongst the world’s leading providers of contact lenses and contact lens care products. The fi rm’s Großwallstadt site employs over 1,000 people in the fi elds of production, re-search, development and at its European distribution centre, Eurologistics. It is there that 200 employees handle the shipment of 40,000 orders per day, with packages reaching customers throughout Europe within 24 hours. The logistics centre has already won the European “Excellence in Supply Chain Manage-ment” award on numerous occasions. Your Technical Tour enables you to take a closer look at the fi rm’s Lightstream™ Manufacturing unit, logistics centre and Contractor Management System.

Merck KGaA, DarmstadtFounded in 1668, Merck is an international phar-maceuticals, chemicals and life sciences fi rm with around 38,000 employees in 66 countries. Merck supplies biotech-based medicines, self-medication products, liquid crystals for LC displays and pig-ments for the paint, plastics and print industries, as well as client-focused, lab-developed solutions for pharmaceuticals research and biotech companies. Your Technical Tour of the fi rm’s Darmstadt plant features either an experimental presentation on explosion protection at the on-site Training Centre for Plant Safety or insights into the establishment and organisation of the plant fi re service (includes a visit to the Safety Control Centre and an intro-duction to various operations vehicles).

Opel AG, RüsselsheimOpel’s Rüsselsheim plant is a symbol of both tradi-tion and cutting-edge manufacturing. Adam Opel produced his fi rst sewing machine there in 1862, and the company’s fi rst automobiles followed from 1899 onwards. The plant now builds innovative vehicles according to a standardised, global pro-duction system. This Technical Tour will give you an introduction to the most fascinating areas of Opel’s automobile manufacturing operations.

Fuchs Europe Schmierstoff e GmbH, MannheimFounded in 1931, Fuchs Europe is a 100 percent subsidiary of Fuchs Petrolub SE – the world’s largest independent lubricant provider. The fi rm’s product range comprises over 1,000 lubricants and related specialty products for all areas of life and industry. This Technical Tour includes the tank facility, produc-tion line, mixing unit, large and small-container fi lling unit, goods inward area and high-bay picking area.

Goethe University FrankfurtThe theme of this Technical Tour of the Science Campus at Goethe University Frankfurt is “OSH at a large university from the perspective of internati-onal teams consisting of researchers and students”. Its 45,000-strong student body – over 6,000 of whom are international students – makes the university one of Germany’s largest. The Science Campus is home to faculties for biological scien-ces, chemistry, physics and earth sciences, and is the venue for study and research carried out by students and academics from around the globe. This places the Campus under special OSH requi-rements, which will be described to you in detail as you tour the research building, practice rooms and a test hall used for physics experiments.

The cost of participating in the aforementioned ex-cursions is included in your Congress fee. To fi nd out more and make a booking, please visit:

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Recreational and Cultural Tours

The World Congress 2014 also provides opportuni-ties for participation in a variety of recreational and cultural events.

“Frankfurt by coach” city tourExperience the highlights that Frankfurt has to off er from the comfort of a modern coach and with an expert guide. The tour includes a walk around the Römerberg, Frankfurt's Old City; a visit to the Goethe House; and a view from the Main Tower, 200 metres above the hub of international fi nance.

You can of course discover Frankfurt, the metropo-lis on the river Main, for yourself and in the compa-ny of expert guides, or take trips into the surroun-ding region:

“Historic Frankfurt” – introduces you to the city's history as the place of election and coronation of kings and emperors of the Holy Roman Empire, and shows, by way of vivid examples, how the metro-polis developed from the middle ages through to its current status as a centre of international fi nance.

“On the trail of Goethe” – a tour that brings the biography and work of Goethe, the greatest genius of the German language, to life before your eyes.

“Frankfurt and apple wine” – no one can under-stand the city and people of Frankfurt without becoming acquainted with “ebbelwei”, as the city's “national drink” is known. Why not join us on a trip to Sachsenhausen? We're waiting for you – with music, pretzels and of course “ebbelwei”.

“A cruise on the Main” – for a very special perspec-tive on Frankfurt's skyline, take a cruise on one of the numerous vessels plying the river Main. In particular, don't miss the opportunity to take a trip between Gerbermühle and Griesheim.

“Dialogue Museum” – discovering the invisible: in completely lightless rooms, blind staff guide visitors through an exhibition that takes the form of a number of everyday situations. Experience these in a completely new way – without sight. The muse-um makes blind people ambassadors of a “culture without images”.

“Saalburg and Hessenpark” – the Roman fort of Saalburg is part of the the UNESCO World Heritage of the Limes, the fortifi cations on the former bound-ary between the Roman Empire and the territories of the Germanic tribes. Travel 2000 years back in time as you stroll around the park-like site, situated in the splendid countryside of the Taunus. Experience histo-ry, culture and the way of life of another era, one that is perhaps closer to us than we think. The Hessenpark takes you back some four centuries in time. Over a hundred buildings, from the Hessian manor to the tavern, bring an era back to life that was typical of the region's agricultural past.

“Shopping tour to Wertheim Village” – the shop-ping experience par excellence! Half-way between Frankfurt and Würzburg, over 100 outlet boutiques await you with an enormous choice of German and foreign brands, and with reduced prices all the year round. Take a break from your shopping activity at one of the catering establishments on site.

Museum Embankment Festival, FrankfurtFriday, 29 August – Sunday, 31 August 2014

With over two million visitors and its museums, stage events, projects and productions, Frankfurt's Museum Embankment Festival is one of the largest European cultural festivals. It represents interna-tional cultural diversity, is held on a site extending over eight kilometres, culminates in a tremendous

musical and fi rework performance, and brings people together from all over the world and with the most diverse of interests. No charge is made for entry to the Museum Embankment Festival.

Cruise on the Rhine to the Loreley

The enchanting scenery of the Middle Rhine, with its numerous romantic castles, the Palatinate at Kaub, and Schönburg Castle overlooking Ober-wesel, bear testimony to a colourful history. Small towns and villages and idyllic half-timbered medie-val buildings glide past on the river's banks. See the legendary Loreley for yourself on a Rhine cruise and experience the region and its diverse history and culture fi rst-hand.

Post-Congress TourThursday, 28 August – Sunday, 31 August 2014

Thursday, 28 AugustIn the morning, a modern coach takes you from Frankfurt to Munich, with lunch en route. Arri-val and check-in in Munich in the late afternoon; in the evening, a brief tour of Munich and dinner together. The night is spent in a three-star hotel in the centre of Munich.Friday, 29 AugustDay trip to Neuschwanstein Castle and to Ober-ammergau, with lunch.Saturday, 30 AugustDay trip to Garmisch-Partenkirchen and the Zug-spitze, with lunch.Sunday, 31 AugustReturn to Frankfurt in the morning. The tour ends in the afternoon at Frankfurt Airport.

The tours can be booked individually

Invitation to our German Evening

„My heart beats for …“At this stage, the Congress organizers would pre fer not to reveal any more about the German Evening than its motto: “My heart beats for…”. This is how ever your personal invitation to it at 19.30 on Tuesday, 26 August 2014, at the Festhalle of Messe Frankfurt, close to the Congress Centre. We invite you to share with us the most pleasant moments of a journey through Germany and to experience unique aspects that are as diverse as the Germans themselves. Travel with us through a modern and innovative economic, scientifi c and cultural land-scape, with all its facets. Regardless of what part of the world you hail from, we off er you a gateway to our country and the opportunity to see for your-self, perhaps even to your surprise, what stirs our emotions …

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Travel information


Frankfurt is located at the heart of both Germany and Europe. Excellent access to the city is provided by its major airport, with numerous direct inter-national fl ights. But Frankfurt and the attractive surrounding countryside also have much to off er in terms of cuisine and culture: from the famous Frankfurter sausage and the apple wine known locally as “appelwoi”, to the city’s historical ar-chitecture, for example the Paulskirche, the cradle of democracy in Germany. Frankfurt is an interna-tional fi nancial and trade fair centre with the most dramatic skyline in Germany, also known popularly as “Mainhatten”. The World Congress 2014 will take place at the

Congress Center Frankfurt

Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 160327 Frankfurt am MainGermany

Detailed information:

The nearest fairground entrance to the Congress Center Frankfurt is the “Eingang Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage”, which is just to the left of the entrance to the Maritim Hotel and the Congress Center.

From the airport

Trains run at 15-minute intervals from the “Frankfurt Flughafen” S-Bahn (interurban train) station to the main railway station or “Hauptbahnhof”. You can take either the S8 or S9 (direction: “Off enbach”).

Detailed information:

From the main railway station

It is only one kilometer from the main railway station (Hauptbahnhof) to the Congress Center. On foot, follow Düsseldorfer Straße (to your left as you leave the station) until you reach the Platz der Republik; cross this and bear left onto the Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage; continue on past the

Messeturm until you reach Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage and you will see the Congress Center and Maritim Hotel on your left.

By underground, the U4 line takes you in just a few minutes from the main railway station to the “Festhalle/Messe” stop.

By tram, take the Number 16 from the main railway station and get off at Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage (only 4 stops).


From the motorway

On the motorway, follow the signs for “Westkreuz Frankfurt” and “Messe”, then “Stadtmitte/Congress C”. These take you to the Theodor-Heuss-Allee. Follow this, skirting the eastern edge of the fair-ground, for around 500 metres and you will see the Congress Center/Maritim Hotel and the Festhalle on your right. Public parking spaces are available in the multi-storey car park of the Maritim Hotel, the Marriott Hotel and beneath the nearby skyscraper, which is called the 'Messeturm'.


In order to benefi t from the special rates thathave been agreed with selected hotels close to theCongress Center Frankfurt please make your hotelreservations via the online reservation system

About Germany

Detailed information:

Discounted travel with Lufthansa

Lufthansa German Airlines off ers a comprehensive global route network linking major cities around the world. As an airline partner for the World Congress 2014, Lufthansa off ers special prices and conditions to participants, visitors, exhibitors, invi-ted guests as well as employees of the Contracting partner and their travel companion. To make a reservation, please click on and enter the access code DEZADAC in the “Access to the Special Lufthansa Off er” area. This will open an online booking platform that will auto-matically calculate the discount off ered or provide the participants of the World Congress 2014 with an even better off er if another promotional fare is available.

Congress Venue

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Sharing a Vision for Sustainable PreventionPrevention Culture – Prevention Strategies – Vision ZeroChallenges in Occupational HealthDiversity in the World of Work

Be part of it!24 – 27 August 2014 . Frankfurt . Germany

DGUV German Social Accident Insurance

Registration and Fees

Be part of it!

Registrants will be entitled to attend all world Congress 2014 sessions, Welcome Reception, German Evening, International Media Festival for Prevention (IMFP), Get-Together, Fair and Exhibition and Technical Tours.

Please consult the list of developing countries at:

Students can register at a discount rate. Their registrations will be processed only with a copy of the registrant`s valid student ID (in one of the four congress languages) as well as a con-fi rmation that they are a full-time student.

Accompanying persons will be entitled to at-tend the Welcome Reception, the German Evening, the International Media festival for Prevention (IMFP), the Get-Together, the Fair and Exhibition and the Technical Tours.

Method of payment

The payment is possible by Bank transfer Credit card (Visa, MasterCard,

American Express) Cash (for on-site registration only)

Detailed information is available

Cancellation policy

All cancellations must be made in writing via Fax: +49 2241 231-1471Cancellation requests by phone will not be accepted.

By 30 June 2014 – 50% of registration feeAfter 30 June 2014 – No refund

All bank charges for remittance must be paid by registrants.

Please note that for administrative reasons, refunds will be made after the Congress.

Online registration is open at the offi cial website: until 31 July 2014.

Online registration(ends 31 July 2014)

On-site registration 24-27 August 2014

Professionals 500 € 550 €

Professionals of developing countries 225 € 250 €

Students 125 € 150 €

Accompanying persons 175 € 200 €

Speakers at Symposia 150 € 150 €

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The national host of the World Congress 2014 is the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV). The DGUV is the umbrella association of the German Social Accident Insurance Institutions.

For 125 years, these institutions have been experts in prevention, rehabilitation and compensation. The statutory accident insurance in Germany protects all employees against the consequences of occupational and commuting accidents, occu-pational diseases and work-related health hazards. It absolves employers of their liability under civil law to their employees for occupational accidents and diseases. The protection of the statutory accident insurance also extends to schoolchildren,students, children in day-care facilities and voluntary workers. Altogether, around 76 million people and 4 million companies and institutionsare insured.

“Prevention before compensation” is the principleof the statutory accident insurance system. For this reason, the statutory accident insurance institutions employ a wide range of measures and resources to ensure that work is carried out safely and healthily – in order to prevent accidents from occuring in the fi rst place at workplaces or in educational establishments, or occupational diseases from being contracted.

The German Social Accident Insurance Institutionsfulfi l their statutory functions by means of an autonomous administration, a form of manage-ment in which employers and insured individuals (employees) enjoy equal rights. This ensures that the interests of employers and insured employees are respected in equal measure. The task of legal supervision lies with the state.

The DGUV represents the statutory accident insurance institutions in their dealings with policymakers, regional, national, European and international institutions, and employers' and employees' representative bodies. In addition, the DGUV supports its members in all issues of a generic nature, develops common measures for prevention, promotes the ongoing development of rehabilitation, and addresses new methods and approaches in education and training. The DGUV maintains its own research institutes, which are specialized in the complex causal relationships of occupational exposure and health risks.

To learn more about the DGUV, please

About the ILO

The International Labour Organization (ILO) is the UN agency that specializes in the world of work. It was founded in 1919 as part of the Treaty of Versailles that ended World War I to refl ect the principle that universal and lasting peace can only be achieved if it is built on social justice. The ILO is the only 'tripartite' United Nations agency that brings together representatives of governments, employers and workers to shape policies and

programmes for social justice and decent working and living conditions for all women and men. For this it was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1969. The protection of workers against sickness, diseases and injury is a primary task of the Organization, which is also responsible for drawing up and overseeing international labour standards (Conventions and Recommendations) – many of which address occupational safety and health.

About the DGUV

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The Organizers


This unique arrangement gives the ILO an edge in incorporating 'real world' knowledge about employment and work.

In 2008, the ILO constituents adopted the ILO Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globali-zation, which articulates the contemporary vision of the ILO’s mandate in an era of globalization. In 2009, the ILO adopted the Global Jobs Pact, which serves as a policy framework for measures centred on investment, employment and social protection to accelerate jobs recovery in a time of crisis. In 2012, the ILO adopted a Recommenda-tion concerning national fl oors of social protection (No.202), which advocates for the establishment of social protection fl oors as a fundamental ele-


About the ISSA

The International Social Security Association is the principal international institution bringing together social security agencies and organizations. The ISSA’s aim is to promote dynamic social security as the social dimension in a globalizing world by supporting excellence in social security adminis-tration. Prevention has been on the ISSA’s agenda since its creation in 1927. Bringing together social security and prevention experts from over 340 social security institutions in more than 140 countries, the ISSA off ers a global platform and a unique network for all those in social security that are concerned with the health of workers. The ISSA has its headquarters at the International Labour Offi ce, in Geneva. Beyond the traditional focus on occupational safety and health, the ISSA supports social security policies that foster preventive approaches to protect and promote workers’ health and employment in all branches of social security.

The ISSA provides access to information, expert advice, business standards, practical guidelines and platforms for members to build and promote

dynamic social security systems worldwide.The vision of dynamic social security provides a framework for the ISSA's action. It refers to social security systems that are accessible, sustainable, adequate, socially inclusive and economically productive, and that are based on performing, well-governed, proactive and innovative social security institutions. The ISSA promotes investments in workers’ health, by providing good practice information, research, expert advice and platforms for members and other stakeholders to exchange on innovation in workplace health promotion, active employment policies, rehabilitation and reintegration.

To implement a range of projects and activities, the ISSA Secretariat works closely with its Techni-cal Commissions, and the Special Commission on Prevention and its unique network of International Prevention Sections.

To learn more about the Special Commission and its Sections, please


Siemens AG, Munich


BAD GmbH, BonnDrägerwerk AG, LübeckEvonik AG, EssenSecumundi GmbH, Neustadt an der Weinstraße

Patronage and Modules

RWE AG, EssenInternational SOS GmbH, Neu-IsenburgVerein der Zuckerindustrie e.V., Bonn

World Congress 2014 – Sponsors

How would you like the chance to bring your company and its expertise in the fi eld of safety and health at work to the attention of global OSH institutions and businesses? Take advantage of a fantastic opportunity to engage in sustainable image transfer, and present your company to an exclusive group of national and international par-

ticipants as a sponsor of the XX World Congress on Safety and Health at Work 2014: Global Forum for Prevention. Our specially designed Premium, Gold, Silver, Patronage and Module packages cater to the individual requirements of all potential sponsors. To make an enquiry or register as a sponsor, please send an Email to: [email protected]

In its role as congress organizer, the DGUV is already able to thank the following fi rms for their sponsorship of the World Congress 2014:


ment of social security systems and the progressive extension of social security to as many women and men as possible. The ILO works towards ensuring a shift from the global challenge of decent work defi cits towards the achievement of sustainable development.Today, there are 185 ILO member States, and the ILO convenes a yearly general assembly – the International Labour Conference, an executive council – the Governing Body, and comprises a permanent secretariat – the International Labour Offi ce, based in Geneva, Switzerland.

To learn more about the ILO, please

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Congress SecretariatGerman Social Accident Insurance (DGUV) “XX World Congress on Safety and Healthat Work 2014: Global Forum for Prevention”Alte Heerstrasse 111 53757 Sankt Augustin Germany

Tel: +49 2241 231-2014 Fax: +49 2241 231-1471 Email: [email protected]

Published byDeutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung (DGUV)Mittelstraße 5110117 Berlin

Tel: +49 30 288 763-800Fax: +49 30 288 763-808Email:[email protected]

Graphic designHesse Design

Printed bydruckservice duisburg medienfabrik GmbH & Co. KG

This brochure was produced sustainably with the use of FSC®-certifi ed paper.

PhotographsTitel: Getty ImagesPage 2 (top, bottom): Veer Page 2 (middle): CorbisPage 4 (left): Stephan Floss Fotografi ePage 4 (right): Hans-Rudolf SchulzPage 5: ISSAPage 6: ILOPage 7: Stephan Floss Fotografi ePage 11: Getty ImagesPage 18 (top, middle): Getty ImagesPage 18 (bottom): CorbisPage 21: Getty ImagesPage 24: Messe FrankfurtPage 26: Getty ImagesPage 30 (top): CorbisPage 30 (middle, bottom): VeerPage 35 (top, middle): Getty ImagesPage 35 (bottom): Veer


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