Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) · 2015. 6. 15. · Second Sunday After Epiphany Second...

Second Sunday After Epiphany Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Introit Omnis terra (Mode 4) Psalm 66 BtttvetrvdryUv,vyuLooyvuyGttzerEv,vevdrdtz6zzhuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz All the earth bows down be- fore ByuGttvrtvTRv,vtttzzvdrdtz6zzhuvuyvzyrtzREv,vdrttDGtetrzzzzzzzzzzzzz you, O God, and sings to you, sings BrtzJuyuLoovuyvrtJuzzizYvz,vtttvrtzgyvtuytzHytRv/vvuyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz out your Name, O Most High. Ps. Be ByuvuvuvuyvyivivUc.cczzzuyvyuvzuzzzzcuyczyiccicccUcc.zzzzzzz joy- ful in God, all you lands: sing the glo- ry of his Name: BuyvyuvJuvytvyuvyvRv/vvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzxx sing the glo- ry of his praise.

Transcript of Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) · 2015. 6. 15. · Second Sunday After Epiphany Second...

Page 1: Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) · 2015. 6. 15. · Second Sunday After Epiphany Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Introit Omnis terra (Mode 4) Psalm 66 BtttvetrvdryUv,vyuLooyvuyGttzerEv,vevdrdtz6zzhuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Second Sunday After Epiphany Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)


Omnis terra (Mode 4) Psalm 66

BtttvetrvdryUv,vyuLooyvuyGttzerEv,vevdrdtz6zzhuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz All the earth bows down be- fore ByuGttvrtvTRv,vtttzzvdrdtz6zzhuvuyvzyrtzREv,vdrttDGtetrzzzzzzzzzzzzz you, O God, and sings to you, sings

BrtzJuyuLoovuyvrtJuzzizYvz,vtttvrtzgyvtuytzHytRv/vvuyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz out your Name, O Most High. Ps. Be

ByuvuvuvuyvyivivUc.cczzzuyvyuvzuzzzzcuyczyiccicccUcc.zzzzzzz joy- ful in God, all you lands: sing the glo- ry of his Name:

BuyvyuvJuvytvyuvyvRv/vvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzxx sing the glo- ry of his praise.

Page 2: Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) · 2015. 6. 15. · Second Sunday After Epiphany Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Introit Omnis terra (Mode 4) Psalm 66 BtttvetrvdryUv,vyuLooyvuyGttzerEv,vevdrdtz6zzhuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Second Sunday After Epiphany Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite)


Misit Dominus (Mode 5) Psalm 107

XqveveervDevevrteFaraeawaqzFrwDerEc,cevtertJuuKiuiczzuyu When they cried to the Lord in their dis-

XtrtJuustzseGtrezREv,vevtrvruvuvut›zyrEc,cevteGtrezzGtezzz tress he sent forth his word and healed XrtzzJuuizzHyufGtuiz:pppuvUv.vtzvhuzzhuzzzuuzLoizzJuutrGtuuzKiuyzzzvYv.zzzz them; he saved them XvuyvrtvhuizutzzDerzzGtizgJugyzzRv,zzzzzzzztuzzGdtdrzzt›zyzREv/Dvevevtzzzzzzzz from the grave. � Let them give XutzzJuutzzJuutzJuuUcmcTzJuutzzJuutzzJuuuizzJuutzzJuutzJuuUcmvJuvuviJuuu thanks to the Lord XczJfuftzzJuutzzJuurzGtz›zyzFsrsezzhJuzzhuoiUc,cetrJuizJuuJuizJuuyzzKjioKiiuzzkLopLoouzzKjiozzzzzz for

XzKiiyzzJhuiJuutzhJuzzyutzzFrrEzc,zzzzzzezzzzzcteGtrezzGstsezzzzdrdtz6zzJuivuyKioizhuzzyuyTc. his mer- cy

Page 3: Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) · 2015. 6. 15. · Second Sunday After Epiphany Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Introit Omnis terra (Mode 4) Psalm 66 BtttvetrvdryUv,vyuLooyvuyGttzerEv,vevdrdtz6zzhuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

XzzJc zzzzzzzzzz and the won- ders he has done for his FrvtvutJuvuvjKivuivhJuzhuzzuuHyutzzFdrtzzJuuiUYc,ccuiuvfuft

HXtuKiovuuJutzzJuuJutzzzJuuTc,cerzGtuuzKioJuuzgGtzzr›zyzzTEv/cccccccccczzzzzzzz chil- dren.

Page 4: Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) · 2015. 6. 15. · Second Sunday After Epiphany Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Introit Omnis terra (Mode 4) Psalm 66 BtttvetrvdryUv,vyuLooyvuyGttzerEv,vevdrdtz6zzhuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Second Sunday After Epiphany Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)


Laudate Deum (Mode 4) Psalm 148

Al- le- lu- ia.



� � � � � �Praise the Lord, all you an- gels of

BrytEv.vtz6zJuyJu‰ziHyrzgHyu‰zizsGstsezGttzGtezHytRv.vryzJfuftzzzdHydrzzzfGtzzetzHytrGtzzzzzzzz his; praise

BTRv,vtezrtvyuvu‰ziuzHyyTv,vuˆziuzHyyrzHyuyzGtrtzYzGttRv/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz him, all his host.

Page 5: Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) · 2015. 6. 15. · Second Sunday After Epiphany Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Introit Omnis terra (Mode 4) Psalm 66 BtttvetrvdryUv,vyuLooyvuyGttzerEv,vevdrdtz6zzhuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Second Sunday After Epiphany Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite)


Jubilate Deo (Mode 1) Psalm 66

MqwvwzzgHyuvHyvyvyiHyztyzzGttRcmzzzvgyztzzKiiizzzzzzzzzrtxxxxxryzKiytzzzz Be joy- ful in God, all you lands;

MutzzzgHyuzYv.vyviyzKitzzFrrwqzzzSwwqzzzSwWv,vqwzzFrrtzzzHyytzzHyYv,zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz be joy-

MFrtzzzHyyzzzHytyzKiizzzKiuizzLooIv,v:po:pz[ozKiiuzyLovoKiivuyvyiHyztyzzzzzzzzzz ful in God,

MGttRv,vgyztzzKiiivrzzzzvzzzzryzKiytzzzJutyzKiiYv,viizHytzzzHyz7zzKiuzzKiiczzzzzzz all you lands;

MzKiuzzzyizGttRv.vryvytvfyftzzzKiizzzKiyvtyzzzTRv,vrtzzzHyrzzzGtytzioizzz sing the glo- ry of

MiizKiuyvGftzrzzzyytzzgHyztyzKiiiHyytzzYc.ccjijoz:popzIYczmztycgygiLoiocOYzzzzzmzzzz his Name. Come and lis- ten,

MjijozpopviyviiivzyytczzzdtdrdTvmcrtccyrzftfyftuoKiiiHyitrGtzzcrtw all you who fear God, and I will

MrytccTc.vyiiviuviuyGtrGttWcmcwrzGtrtFrrzFrrwzterzzcyitzarawarzzzz tell you what the Lord has done

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for me, al- le- lú- ia.

Page 7: Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) · 2015. 6. 15. · Second Sunday After Epiphany Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Introit Omnis terra (Mode 4) Psalm 66 BtttvetrvdryUv,vyuLooyvuyGttzerEv,vevdrdtz6zzhuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Second Sunday After Epiphany Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)

Communion (Year A)

Laetabimur (Mode 2) Psalm 20

<GtvtvtrzGtrzDerztrzGtvyvtz6zzUv,vutuvioivko[pzLoizzzzzzzzz We will shout for joy at your vic-

<uivtz6zzUv,vtvJuvivioKiuvuiJuuztyTv,vuuyvuiLoiozzzzzzz to- ry, and we will tri- umph in the

<huzztyzTRv,vuyvuivjizzyKiuzHytzFrtvRzez4zzGtrzzGtyvTv/vvvz Name of the Lord our God.

Ad libitum Psalm 20:1

<FrvtrvruvJuvuvuvJuvuyvuivivuivUv.zzzzzzzzzutzzzzzztuzzzzzzzzzz May the Lord an-swer you in the day of trou- ble: the Name

<uvuvJuvuvKivutvuvyrvtyTv/vvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz of the God of Ja- cob de- fend you.

Page 8: Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) · 2015. 6. 15. · Second Sunday After Epiphany Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Introit Omnis terra (Mode 4) Psalm 66 BtttvetrvdryUv,vyuLooyvuyGttzerEv,vevdrdtz6zzhuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Second Sunday After Epiphany Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)

Communion (Year B)

Dicit Andreas (Mode 7) John 1

XuuvuiviuyzUv,vuvuyvyrvyuiuvfuftz6zJuyzGtrtzzzzzzzzv An- drew said to Si- mon his bro-

XTRv.vJuvuvipovzziovzyuviizzccRcc,vFrvtvuyJuizkozzzzzzzzzz ther, “We have found the Mes- si- ah, who is called

XiovuiJuuYv.vHyvuvioivutvtrvaeawaqzFrwFrvRv/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz the Christ”; and he led him to Je- sus.

Ad libitum Psalm 34:1

XruyvuivivivipvovoivIOv.viyvuivizzvjKiviz9z:pzzzz I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall ev- er

XivJuvuuuvTRv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzz be in my mouth.

Page 9: Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) · 2015. 6. 15. · Second Sunday After Epiphany Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Introit Omnis terra (Mode 4) Psalm 66 BtttvetrvdryUv,vyuLooyvuyGttzerEv,vevdrdtz6zzhuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Second Sunday After Epiphany Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)

Communion (Year C) Dicit Dominus (Mode 6) John 2

MryvgyzˆzuHytvRTv,zzvFrvwrvrrrvwrvrrGtrvRv,vrzz The Lord said, “Fill the jars with wa- ter and

Mtyvytvyz7zKivivtytzFrtvTRv.vrtHyvtvgyiuivyyˆzzhuvzzzzzzzz take them to the stew- ard.” When the stew- ard

MtyvFrvtvtytrGtvTRv,vHyvtvrtvftfyfTv,vtvˆzuutJuizzzzzz tast- ed the wa- ter, then be- come wine, he said

MˆzJuvyvdrdtdrvRv.vHyvtvipLovivgugyz7zzjivytKipLovivyizzzzzzzz to the bride- groom, “You have kept the good wine un- til

MITv.viiuvHyvtvryrtvTv,vtvHyvuvivuuvyvtrzzzzzzz now.” This was the first sign that Je- sus per-formed be- fore

MtyvtvRvRv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz his dis- ci- ples.

Ad libitum Psalm 66:4

MrtvtrvtyvˆzuvyvtvtvRv.vrvzzzzztyzzzzzzzzzzyvxyvyvyizzzzzzz Come now and see the works of God: how won- der- ful he is

MtvrvzzrvtvrwzzvdrvtvRv/vvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzz in his do- ing toward all peo- ple.

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Third Sunday After Epiphany Third Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)

Introit (Year A & B)

Dominus secus mare (Mode 1) Matthew 4

CervytvyvrevEv,vrvHyvuiviuzHyz7zKiuzKiŸzovKivzzzzzz The Lord was walk- ing be- side the sea of

Ci:pp[zviuviiUv,vhuŸzoKiuviuvgyzzrJuyvytvgyzztHyrvRv,zzzzzzzzz Gal- i- lee when he saw two bro- thers,

CdrdydJudivuvuiviuvuiJuuYc,cyuzjiciyvyuzjivppvhihuloiuzKiy Pe- ter and An- drew; and he called them, say-

CYv.vKivyuvtyUv,vyivKivuvruHyyrzGtrervREv,vruyz ing, “Fol- low me, and I will make you fish-

CgyzzruyvuytyvdrdtdRv/vcyvuivivivivivipviviuzzzzzzzzzzz ers of men.” Ps. The hea- vens de-clare the glo- ry of

CUIv.vuyvuivivivipKivuvHyvyyyvRv/vvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz God: the firm- a- ment shows his han- di- work.

Page 11: Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) · 2015. 6. 15. · Second Sunday After Epiphany Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Introit Omnis terra (Mode 4) Psalm 66 BtttvetrvdryUv,vyuLooyvuyGttzerEv,vevdrdtz6zzhuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Third Sunday After Epiphany Third Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)

Introit (Year C)

Adorate Deum (Mode 7) Psalm 97

VevHyyvyvuyvyiJuiHyyTv,vftyJuvuvoopLooyvyrzczztyz Bow down be- fore God, all you an- gels of

VEv.vrHyyrvytyFrrEv,vrytJuivyrvyyvyuyTv,vGtvyzzzzzzzzzz his. Zi- on hears and is glad, and the

VJuvevevsesrz5zHytvyyyvzzzytvryFrrEv/vceytvyuvuvUv,zz cit- ies of Ju- dah re- joice. Ps. The Lord is King;

VuovivKiviuvUIv.vutvyuvuvuvuvuz8zLovuvHyvyyyzzz let the earth re- joice: let the mul- ti- tudes of the isles be

VREv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz glad.

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Third Sunday After Epiphany Third Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite)


Timebunt gentes (Mode 5) Psalm 102

MwvdrrtvFrvrvdtdycFaraeawzzzGstsesrstzzRc,crvzzyrtyhKhihiLoioviuizzzzzzz The na- tions shall fear your Name, O

M Lord, and all the kings of the earth


MgKigizuzHyiGttRv,vrtHytvyzKiiiyzKiiuzzHyiTzzzzdrdyz7zsKisusystsrzzzFdrytrGtrvRv/ your glo- ry.

MrvytvtivivKiivoKiiizzfKfifyizzKgigyzizzKdidtzyˆzuzzzdzGtdrzKii:poKiijuYc,zzzzzzzziozzzz � For the Lord will build up Zi-

MLhohihozJ h[h[hizL hohiz[[[pzKiiuYc.crvrvdrytrctyvgyiuyzKiiiviciiYm on, and his glo- ry shall ap- pear.


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Third Sunday After Epiphany Third Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)


Dominus regnavit (Mode 8) Psalm 97

BtyuvuyzJuz8zLoivuLooovopoJuuYv,cioHyuzfHyftzzJuz8zLooizHyiJuizzzzzzzzzzzzz Al- le- lu- ia.

BJuuYv/vovkozzipovoivio:ppouzLouzjKioIv,vKiviuvo[pvoiozzzzzz � The Lord is King; let the earth re-

BuyzjKioiYzzhJu‰ziuzTzgHykiJuyzUYv.vHyvyvuyzKiouzLoiyzzJu‰ziutzKiuyzUzLoozLop[zzzzzzzzzz joice; let the mul- BOUv,chohphzKipozzKioyzzzdJudyz‰fzfKifyzzKiuyJutzvytvTvz,vutvyuvouLoivizzzzzzz ti- tude of the isles be

BioUYv,ctuofJfufyzzzfGtfuz8zLoizzzkLoiuzzzzjKizzyizJuizzdHydtzHyuzLoozJfufyuizzHfyftzLoozJuyuIzzJuuzYzzz/ glad.

Page 14: Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) · 2015. 6. 15. · Second Sunday After Epiphany Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Introit Omnis terra (Mode 4) Psalm 66 BtttvetrvdryUv,vyuLooyvuyGttzerEv,vevdrdtz6zzhuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Third Sunday After Epiphany Third Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)


Dextera Domini (Mode 2, transposed) Psalm 118

BryvhuiJuyvgyyyyzzJhuivJuvivgyguyrzzfGtrezFrrEv,veverzHyuyzzzzzz The right hand of the Lord has struck

Bui:ppKiozlpvhuzyiuvUv.vuvoovoivJuvuvoouzLooUv,cHyvuzzzzz with pow- er; the right hand of the Lord has ex-

BuLoozLooupLoouvuiuyvUYv.vHyvuvuz8zzkozvoiUv,vyvLooozJuizz alt- ed me; I shall not die but live

ByrYv,vDevrvyuHyvuvhuipo:poiuvJuvuvuz8zLooKiuzKiiUv/zzzzzzzzzzzzz and de- clare the works of the Lord.

Third Sunday After Epiphany

Page 15: Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) · 2015. 6. 15. · Second Sunday After Epiphany Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Introit Omnis terra (Mode 4) Psalm 66 BtttvetrvdryUv,vyuLooyvuyGttzerEv,vevdrdtz6zzhuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Third Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)

Communion (Years A & B)

Venite post me (Mode 8) Matthew 4

BHyvevyrYv,vyvyoiovuyvzzzzyyvzEv,vrHyyzHyiuviuzz “Fol- low me, and I will make you fish- ers

ByuvUYv.vLovzzzovouLovzzovzzzoovzzzovouvjijovuiJuyuvUYc,zzzz of men.” When they heard these words, they for- sook their nets

BHyvrvgyuzzjKizzuziYv,vyvyuyFrreHyrzzzzvHyvvyvgygugYv/vvvzzzzzzzz and their boats and fol- lowed the Lord.

Ad libitum Psalm 119:1

BHyvuyvyovLovoivopvpvopvOv.vouvuovovooivyuzzz Hap- py are they whose way is blame-less: who walk in the law

BoivuvYv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz of the Lord.

Third Sunday after Epiphany

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Communion (Year C)

Comedite (Mode 8) Nehemiah 8

BtuHyvyvuyzJuyTv,vGtvyzhuzzzzvou‰zizv‰ziyzUTv,vtezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Eat the fat and drink sweet wine and

BtyvJuvYv,vyvJuvyvtrvGtvrvyvyuvyuvtyTRv.vyzzz send por-tions to those for whom no- thing has been pre- pared; for

BuyvGtvyvJuvyvGtvyvYEv,vtrvyuvtrvEv.vtyvKuzzzzzzzz this day is ho- ly to the Lord. Do not be grieved; the joy

ByvtyvUv,vuyvuiHyrzzgHyuiHyvyvggygugYv/vvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzz of the Lord shall be your strength.

Ad libitum Psalm 81:2

BHyvuyvyovoivopvpvopvOv.vovLovooivyuvoivuzzzzzzz Raise the song and sound the tim- brel: the mer- ry harp and the

BYv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzz lyre.

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Fourth Sunday After Epiphany Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)

Introit Laetetur cor (Mode 2) Psalm 105

NDevevtyvyvyiHyyTv,vyviiviviuzKiopzKiuKivyvzzzzzz Let the hearts of those who seek the Lord re-

NgygugYv.vKivoKiivyiuviuKiyvyvgyztyzTEv,vtvtyiuviiizzz joice. Look to the Lord your God, and he will

Nyz7zzjivgyguzHytyvYTv.vytyvgyzztyzGstsevyuGtvyviuzKiopzKiuKivyzzzz strength- en you; do not cease to seek his

NgygugYv/vtvytvtivivkiviuviovoviovivIv.viyvz face. Ps. Give thanks to the Lord and call up- on his Name: make

NyivivKizzzzzzzzzzoviyvivutvyuYv/vtvytvtiviuviococzz known his deeds a- mong the peo- ples. Re- mem- ber the mar-vels

NiovivIv,viyvyivivKivivLoviyvKivutvyuYv/vzzzz he has done: his won- ders and the judg-ments of his mouth.

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Fourth Sunday After Epiphany Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time


Quis sicut Dominus (Mode 5) Psalm 113

MrrvtyvdydrzztrewzzGtezFrtvrvrtHyytHytvrtzgHyztrtvTRv,zzz Who is like the Lord our God,

MyivKivyvjijovzzhihuz8zLoiovOIv.vyvftˆzuytzzHdydrvHyvtvyrzzzzzzzzzzz who sits en-throned on high but stoops to be- hold

MyivKivuivHyvtyvrtFrrtSawaqzzgyzztˆzuzYRv,vdrdydtzzKjiiiiHyyryzGftyzzzzzz the hea- vens and the earth.

GMGttRv/vyviovoKiiyKiozhKihuiozYRv,vgHyiizOzzKiiyzKiozKhihuiozYRv,zzzz � He takes up

MgHygˆgzguzztuzzzzKjizzuizzJuizTRv,vyrHytrzzHyrtyKiizLouiyzKiozJ[[[Ivv,viozzzzzz the

Mkpkoz0zz;[vo[vKiuKivyvyKiityRc.vrvytvtiviv weak out of the dust and lifts up the poor

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MjijojizzLoizz:poiuzzIYv,vdrytrvtyvgyiuyKiiiviiYzzz,ˆzzuyutzdFryutzdFrytzzz poor from the ash- es.


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Fourth Sunday After Epiphany Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)


Adorabo (Mode 7) Psalm 138

MGtvyrtviyKiiovopKiiiTv,vioJuizdHydryizzJzhuzozzKiiizKiytyzzUzzzzzz Al- le- lu- ia.

MHyyTv/cvGtviivkoziozgHyztyzdFrdyz7zzIzzzKhihuzytzzzzzYTc,cztyvztvftfyz7zzjizzzzzzzz � I will bow down toward your ho-

M:popicoivhyiHyyrtzHyrvRv.vrtyvioJ[[izLoozKiiiyzzKiitzzHyyrzTc,zzzzz ly tem- ple and bless

Mdrdtdy7zzjKjijozJ[[izLoozzKiiiyzzKiitzzHyyrzTc,crtzHyyrzzfGtfyz7zIzKhihuzytzYTc,cftfyz7zzjizz your

Mhihu8oiLoozKiz9z:pozl:pzopzOUc,ciozKiizHytyzzUzzHyyTv/vvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Name.

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Fourth Sunday After Epiphany Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)


Bonum est (Mode 8) Psalm 92

BrceccrcyyHyiuccURv,vzzzrzzzzzzzzzryvuLoooJuyvfyftz6zJuyvtyzzzzzzzzzzz It is a good thing to give thanks to the

Byz7zLouizzUYv,cGtvcyvyovoooz:p[LoivoooUYc,cyLooovjojpjzLo‰ziuizz Lord and to sing prais- es to your

B‰zIUv,vftuovoiouvGtz6zJuyJuopLooUcmcLoouLoozJuyuzIzJuuYv/zzzzzzzzzzzzccc Name, O Most High.

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Fourth Sunday After Epiphany Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)

Communion (Year A) Beati mundo corde (Mode 1) Matthew 5

BuovoivuiJuvuvuyrvtyuvYv.vyvuytyvtrvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Bless- ed are the pure in heart: for they shall

BerzfGtzrervREv.vetvtrtvez4zzGftvevftfuvytyJuuyvYv,vyv see God; bless- ed are the peace- mak- ers: for

ByuvHyvtvyuvuvLovuvuytvYTv.vtuovop[vpvopvzzzzzzz they shall be called the chil-dren of God; and bless- ed are

BPOv,czzzLovuvLovyzzzzzzzzzzzzJuzzzzzzzhohuz8zzOIzzzzzzzmvyvyuHyyvtvyutzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz those who are per- se- cu- ted for righ- teous-ness’

BYTv,vyvutJytrvetDeeWv,vevdtdrz6zzJuyuvyuvtrverzgGtzrerzz sake: for theirs is the king- dom of hea-

BREv/vzzzzzvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzz ven.

Ad libitum Psalm 34:9

BtvyuvUvuovuvJuvuyvYUv.vytvyuvuvuouvyvzzftvzzz Fear the Lord, you that are his saints: for those who fear him lack

BtyvUv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzz noth- ing.

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Fourth Sunday After Epiphany Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)

Communion (Years B & C)

Illumina (Mode 1)1 Psalm 31

CytyvrtvREv,vrvtuyvryvyyvrswczzsezgtreczzEv,zzzzz Make your face to shine up- on your ser- vant,

CevyuvuiviuzHppiviviŸzoizJuutvuivyuKzhizuyuvUYcv.vzzzzzzzz and in your lov- ing kind- ness save me;

CiŸzoizJuutvJuvuvytyvryvtevREv,veccrcccyvyyuzGftyte Lord, let me not be a- shamed for hav- ing called

CrtvytrvRv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz up- on you.

Ad libitum Psalm 31:1

CyvuivivivivivivivivIv,vivivipvivizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz In you, O Lord, I have tak- en ref- uge; let me nev- er be

CKiviuvUIv.vuyvuivivivipKivuvHyvyyyvRv/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz put to shame: de- liv- er me in your righ- teous- ness.

1 Adaptation based upon the corrected version of the melody accessible at:

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Fifth Sunday After Epiphany Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite)


Venite, adoremus (Mode 2, transposed) Psalm 95

XuuivrtevrtvhuoiuvuuuzGftfyfTv,vrtzzzzzzzzzzzzzuiutzzzzvtuzzzzzzzz Come, let us bow down and bend the

XioKiiUc,ctrtvutJuuJuiccuccurcctcccuiJuucczzzrtzzzzzzzzzutHytrccRzz. knee and kneel be- fore the Lord our mak- er;

XtrtvutJuuzJuivuuuvrtvftffifuvzzyuvftfyfTv/vzzzzzzFdrvzzzzzztrzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz for he is the Lord our God. Ps. Come let

CruvuvuvuvUv,vuvuvuvuvuvuvuvJuvuyzzzzzzzzuivzzzz us sing to the Lord: let us shout for joy to the rock of our

XivuivUv.vutvtuvuvuvuvuvuvuvzuvzzuvzzzzzzzuzzzzzzzzzzzzzz sal- va- tion: let us come be- fore his pres-ence with thanks- giv-

XUv,vuvuvuvhuvzzKivutvJuvyrvtyTv/vvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ing and raise a loud shout to him with psalms.

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Fifth Sunday After Epiphany Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite)

Gradual (Year A)

Dispersit, dedit (Mode 2 transposed) Psalm 112 XwzzvwvzzrtvtvutJuutrzHyrzfGtyvTv,zcutuizLkovuGttr›zzHytr

They have giv- en free- ly to the

XretrGttezFrtuutrGtz¯z6zJuiJuuGtyTc.vuuvuvuyuiLouyJuuYv,chihuzzzzzzz poor, and their righ-

XKiutvtvtuGtrtzJuutzzJuuyGtuzFrrEv,verzftvftuyGtyvrtvutuzjizzzz teous-ness will last for ev-

XiuKioiuzLouLopizHyutrGtz6zzuIc,cuiLkozzzioKiouGtz6zUTc/czctvuivgLggogigugyzz er. � Their de- scend-

XJutRc,cHyrGGtuuKioiOc,cuo:piyzJuyrzGtytrTc,ciz9z:kpkozz:poiocOIc.civ ants will

Xicjpjiz9zz:poivivKiviovhohuLoiJuutzJuutzUzzJuuzzUTc,cuiLoiuLoiuITc. be migh- ty in the land;

XuuvuvuvuvuvuvuiviJhuzyrtzJhuzzyrtUc,cyiLoutczztuGtrtJuut the gen- e- ra- tion of the up- right

XJuuyGtuFrrEc.ccerzfGtuytHyrtJutvuivioJuyuIc,crtJuuoidJdudydGtz6zzUTc/ will be blessed.

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Fifth Sunday After Epiphany Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite)

Gradual (Years B & C)

Tollite hostias (Mode 5) Psalms 96 & 29 MzwtrcFrz5zHytycrz5zHytczdtdrz5zHytyizHytFrerGttRc,crczzdrdyz7zKioKicyGttr

Bring of- fer- ings and come in-

MyicioJuiyvgytˆzuyrzczzrytzjiopozK KiiyuYc.ccopvovovioIc,cyz to his courts; wor- ship the Lord in

MyvfyftzHytrtvdtdrvrytviuiyvrtvdrdydtzzzjiiiiHyyryzGftyzGttRc/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz the beau- ty of ho- li- ness.

MrvytvtivKivoKiiizKgigyzzLjijiozzKiiizdKidtzyˆzuzTRc,ciivivoiJ[[izLoizzz � The voice of the Lord strips the for- M[[[LooivovioKiiyuYc.ccyvKivovopvoivyytHyytgHyiHyytvzzz ests bare; and in the tem- ple of

MtrtvTRv,vrvrvrtvrvdrytrvtyvgyiuyKiiiviiYc,czzzzzzzzzz the Lord all his own are cry- ing “glo- ry.”


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Fifth Sunday After Epiphany Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)


Laudate Dominum (Mode 2) Psalm 117

NDevtHytHytyvtyzJuiHyyzzzvtHYc,cyuizzlLozzuozKiuytzKiizKiuyzJuuYzzv/ Al- le- lu- ia.

NevtyvyiHyuzYTv,vuuchuhioKiiuvyz7zKiuivUYv.voiuKiuyuzzzzzzzzzzz ����������Praise the Lord, all you na- tions; laud

NUYv,vgyuHyytvhuiJuuvgygugyvYv,vyuizkLozuozKiuytzKiizKiuyzJuuzYzzzzzz/ him, all you peo- ples.


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Fifth Sunday After Epiphany Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite)


Perfice gressus meos (Mode 4) Psalm 17

CevrytvftccztyvyyzHyyzYRv,vseryvytvtuHyyvrvru My foot- steps hold fast to the ways of your

ChuzyiPvutvhuhizzHyruyTv,vFrvruvuyuvytrvyyHyvrHyyrzzzzzzzzzzzzzz law, O God; in your paths my feet may

CyiuyJuiuvtuHyyvYTv.vtvtyKiŸzouvuifyftzzvyyzHyrzHyuvytv not fal- ter; In- cline your ear to

CTc,ctvyuHyyvrHyyrvrz5zYv.verHytHyvtvtvtuGtvtvtyzzzzzzzzz me and hear my words; show me your mar- ve- lous

Cuiuvtyvzgugyz7zKiuivIUv,vtvftfyz7zzhihuvuizzzzyvzztz6zUv,crvzz lov- ing- kind- ness, O Sav- ior of those who

C take ref- uge at your right hand.


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Fifth Sunday After Epiphany Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite)

Communion (Years A & C)

Introibo (Mode 8) Psalm 43

XryvyvutJuyRvc,vcrtJuyvyvyuzjivitvtiuvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I will go to the al- tar of

XyiJuuHytrzTRv.cvDevrvdrdtz6zJuvuvtyvtrzGtz6zzzhuvctytzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz God: to the God of my joy and

XrtzgHyztrtvTRv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzz glad- ness.

Ad libitum Psalm 43:3

XdFrvtrvruvuvuvuvhuvuyvuivivuivUv.vutvtuzzzzzzz Send out your light and your truth that they may lead me: and bring

XuvuvuvuvuvJuvuuyvrtvuyvGtvzzRv/vvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzz me to your ho- ly hill and to your dwell-ing.

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Fifth Sunday After Epiphany Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite)

Communion (Year B)

Multitudo languentium (Mode 2) Luke 6

Ztz6zJuytzvtz6zUc,cutvuizkLoziuivIUc,cuuHyvtzzzzzzzfuftz6zzJuuzJui Man- y who lan- guished and were trou-

ZUv,vtrvtz6zzhuvuuyGtrvtz6zhzJuzytzHytrvTRv,vuiJuuztzzzzvytzzz bled with un- clean spir- its came to

Zrz6zJuytyvYTv.vuviz9zŸz:poivoivuyvuiJuyvryJuytvYTc, Je- sus: for pow- er went forth from him,

ZzztvzzzzzuuyzJuiuizJuutvyuvyyTv/vvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz and healed them all.

Ad libitum Psalm 34: 4

ZrvtrvruvuyvuivivuivuvzzzzUv.vutvtuvuvuvzzzzz I sought the Lord and he an- swered me: and de- liv- ered

ZuvJuvivutvuvyrvtyTv/vvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzz me out of all my ter- ror.

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Sixth Sunday After Epiphany Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)


Esto mihi (Mode 6) Psalm 31

Btezzzzz stsez4ztcttrwvtz6zJuyJuuzzcftfyftccTcmctvtyvtrczzzez4zztzz Be my strong rock, O Lord, a cas- tle to

BttrwvttvzzyuGttv.vtvyuvuvyvyuytvyuvyvterwvWzzzzz. keep me safe; for you are my crag and my strong- hold;

BttvyuvuyuLooovuozzzzzyutvyuGttv,vttrvDevtvyrzgHyuvTzzzzz/ for the sake of your Name lead me and guide me.

BzzzztyvytvyuvuvuvuvuvuvuvUv,vuvuvHyv‰zivuvzzz Ps. In you, O Lord, have I tak- en ref- uge: let me nev- er be

ByvyvTvzzzzzz.vyvtvtvyvtevtvyvzztvzzTv/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz put to shame; * de- liv- er me in your righ- teous-ness.

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Sixth Sunday After Epiphany Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time


Tu es Deus (Mode 3)1 Psalm 77

BweGttHytRc,cdrdtz6zJzgugyvyvgy‰iuzgyzttzGteytRv,crtHyvychuzyiuzzz You are the God who a- lone

BKioIc,ciopovoooJuoiyvyuvdrdtz6zJu‰ziyGttzDerEv.vyuy:pvpLoouLozzz does won- drous things; you have

ByvyKiiuLoouKivyuvdrdtz6zJuz‰ziyGttDerEv,cyivjijojKiz9z:kpkozzizzJuuyLoozzLoozz de- clared your pow’r a- mong

BLoooHyyTc,ctvftfuz8zzkovgigyKiuyJuutJuucmcHyooozzLoooohJzuyHtrtzJuoytyuzzzzzzzzz the na- tions.

BgHyguzHyyRv/vyiviuvoopLoouzgHyoJhuizJuuYv,ciovooLouyJuz8zzLjojic,cdrdyz � By your strength you have

BhJuoizkozzuzLoooozLouyzJuz8zzkovooLouyuvhuzyKiuyuGttRc,crvteGttezFrtzHyuzzzzzzzzz re- deemed your peo-

Bjpj[jizLooLoucyczLoozzLooIv.vyvuivivivooxvjiopJhuoiLouyLoioPzzz, ple, the chil- dren of Ja- cob 1 Adaptation based primarily on the corrected form of the melody accessible at:

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B[LoopzLkozziuPcc,cc[LoopzLkoziuzzzKiyizzLkozzyzuozzLoJozJgugyzzGttEcc,ccyvzzuivzzzzzzzzzzzz and Jo-

BiizzkLozzuizzJhuzyuzzzHgyzzrtzzgHyzutzzHgyiuzzHyuzTRv/vvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz seph.

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Sixth Sunday After Epiphany Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)


Cantate Domino (Mode 1) Psalm 98

CrKiiviuytFrrvervRc,crezzhuzyuizJuytzFdrtrezRc,crKiiuyzzzzzzzzzz Al- le- lu- ia.

CJuuzzKjizrzyTEcc,cctuytzzFdretzzYRxx/xcczzrKiiuyJuytRvrvrtczzzzzr5zYRzzzzzmzz � Sing to the Lord

Crvreqzzevrz5zzYRv,vriviuyuzzKzjizrzyTEzzzc,zzcrvrreqzDerzvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz a new song; for he has done

CrtytFrrverzzzvRv,crezzhuzzyuizJhuytzzFdrtrezRc,crKiizJuyzJzuuzzKjizrzyzTEzmzz marv ’lous things.


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Sixth Sunday After Epiphany Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)


Benedictus es, Domine (Mode 3) Psalm 119

Mtvrvtvuoizzzyz7zzjivIUc,cyvHyiiuvytvGtizizHKiyzLoiuiz Bless- ed are you, O Lord; in- struct me in

MuyvtyKiyrcTRc.vtvrvtvuoicyz7zzjivIUv,vyvHyiiuvytz your stat- utes; bless- ed are you, O Lord; in- struct me

MGtiiHKiyzzLoiuivuyvtyKiizLopKiiiHyz7zKiuviizKiuyizHyyzFrtRc.vervtzzzz in your stat- utes; with my

MtyuvyytyvHyiioHyytvrtviiKiuHyiHyyFrtRv,cwtvtvgygizHyz7zzKiz lips will I re- cite all the judg-

MtvrtKiiGftziiivGftiiivytyˆzJutrzGtyFrerzftzrzEv/vvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ment of your mouth.

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Sixth Sunday After Epiphany Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)


Manducaverunt (Mode 1) Psalm 78

CrvrtccervyuKiyuKiiUc,vuvytvyizczzzJuurvrtrvRzzzzz. The peo- ple ate and were well sat- is- fied;

CrvrvytyJuivuuyuvrtevyuiŸzhohuz8zLoiJuvyvyuzzKjizzuyuvUYc. for the Lord gave them grain from hea- ven.

CivuvKivuvyvuuvRv,vrz5zHyytFrrvervyuKiyJuzzzzytzzzzzzzr5zzgyzz they were not dis- ap- point- ed; for he gave them what

CztyvTRv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz they craved.

Ad libitum Psalm 78: 1

CyvuivivivipviviuvUIv.vuyvuivivKivivipizzzzz Hear my teach-ing, O my peo- ple: in- cline your ear to the

CJuvyvyyyvRv/vvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz words of my mouth.

Gregorian chant adapted to English words by Bruce E. Ford.

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Seventh Sunday After Epiphany Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)


Domine, in tua misercordia (Mode 5) Psalm 13

MrvryvyGttrtvTRv,crwvrtvyKiiHytrtvTRc,crtˆzJuuzzz I put my trust in your mer- cy, O

Mtz6zzˆzJuytvrtHytrGttRv.vrvrtgyvytyviiivIc,ciyvipozzzzzzzzzz Lord; my heart it joy- ful be- cause

MKivuvipLovoKiiyvyz7zzIv.vrtvrvrtgyvdtdrz5zHytvrtvYTzzz, of your sav- ing help; I will sing to the Lord,

Myz7zzjivioKiiJuytHyˆzuYc,cHyvyKiiyvtyvgygˆzguzzGtz6zzJuytvrtHytrtzzzzzzzzzzzz for he has dealt with me rich-

MTRv/vzzzrzzvyvivIv,vivivivivivovovIv.vyzzzzzzzz ly. Ps. How long, O Lord? Will you for- get me for- ev- er? How

MivivivovuvivyvYv/xxxxxcccccccccccccccccccccccczzzz long will you hide your face from me?


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Seventh Sunday After Epiphany Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)


Ego dixi (Mode 5) Psalm 41

MrcreGtz6zzˆzuvtrvtrvRTc,cwzFrrtzFrrtSwezSwwQc,cwzzzzcrwzFrerzz I said to the Lord, “Be mer-

MSweAqvwvrtvtytciiHyiGttRc.ccytyFrrtrvRTc,cwzFrrtzFFrrtSwezzzzzzzzzz ci- ful to me; heal me,

zMSwwQc,cwvrwvrvtytˆzJuyTc,ctvtrHytyzvyrtyzfKfififyftzzHyz7zzKioKiizzzz for I have sinned a- gainst you.”

MyuYv,crtyKKiiLopKiizzgHyzztˆzuzYRv/vryKiiLopivIvmviuvoz0zz;[zzzzzzzzz � Hap- py are they

MjojiviviizjLjojizz:poiuzKgiggyczYc,cyccoizzLopizzLoizzLopozz:;pzziozz:pozz:ppizz:p[zzzzzzzzz who con- sid- er the poor

MLkoziizYcmyczzziyKiiicgigyz7zzKjijozKiopKiizLooIc.czyczzzKjijiviviocLjojizzJutyzKiu and need- y; the Lord will de- liv-

MtyIcmcuo:piHyvyvyiHytyjKijizyzjKijizuzHyiGttRc,crvtyvgyiuHyuvtyzzzz er them in the day of

MiyiovkopKiuiOv,vtyKiipodKdidudzHyz7zzIYv/cccccccccccccccccccc trou- ble.


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Seventh Sunday After Epiphany Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)


Verba mea (Mode 2) Psalm 5

<rtvtvrtvtHyyTv,vtyJuzizzLfoftz6zzhuzytzFrz5zHyuzHyyTc/cczzzzrtzzzz Al- le- lu- ia. � � � � Give

<ftfuzfzHyz7zKiuTv,vftuiviikovdidtdHyduHdydtdzFrz5zHyuyTc,zzzctczzzzztwzzdDdedrdzdGtdydTcz. ear to my words, O Lord,

<iovitzdzHdydudydtdzFrz5zHyuvYTv,vGtvtvrevrtvtHyyTv,ctyJuizzzzzzz and heark- en to my cry for help.



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Seventh Sunday After Epiphany Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite)


Intende voci (Mode 5) Psalm 5

MyytˆzuHyyrzGtrvRv,vtvyz7zjivjioKiiccytczKiiHyz7zKiirtRc.zz Heark- en to my cry for help,

Mrtvftfyz7zKiuyvyuvtyvyKiizKiozKiozKiiTc,ciizKioiozKiizfyftfzHyz7zzIYc.zzzz my King and my God;

MGtvyvryKiizKiz9zz:jjpjoz:poKivivio:poKiiuYv,vyivrz5zHytzgHyiiizzLoio for I make my prayer to you,

MKiizGttKiuyzjivdrdtdrvRv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzz O Lord.



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Seventh Sunday After Epiphany Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite)


Narrabo (Mode 2) Psalm 9

NDecevtuYc,cycyuvtevDevztvzyvzziivytcztuLoiuOIc.zzzzzz I will tell of all your mar- ve- lous works, O Lord;

NHyvivuvioKiic,cHyviuvioKiivytvgyztyzTEc.vtuHyvyviiz I will be glad and re- joice in you; I will sing

NytvtvyuTv,vtuLoiuzjivyvgygugYv/vvvvvvvvvvz to your Name, O Most High.

Ad libitum Psalm 9: 10

NtvzzzzytvtivivzzzziviuviovoviovivIv.viyvyiccizzz Those who know your Name will put their trust in you: for you nev-

NivivivzzizvoviyvivutvyuYv/xxxxxvvvvvvvvzzzzz er for- sake those who seek you, O Lord.