Sec 2 History Keywords

Kent Ridge Secondary School Secondary 2 History Keywords and Definitions: Chapter 5 – 10 Name: ___________________ Class: ___________ Keywords Definitions Chapter 5: How did external events before WW2 affect Singapore? Industrial Revolution A series of events which, taken together, made changes to the way people lived and worked. Suez Canal A long canal that links the Mediterranean Sea with the Red Sea. (cuts down travelling time from the West to the East) World War 1 A war fought between the Allied Powers (Britain, France and Russia) and the Central Powers (Germany, Hungary-Austria, Ottoman Empire), which later spread to more than 30 countries in the world. Great Depression A time of great decrease in business activities with widespread unemployment that started from USA which later spread to the rest of the world. (economic recession) Chapter 6: How did WW2 affect Singapore? Impregnable fortress Describing Singapore being so strong or inaccessible that it cannot be broken into or captured. Intelligence Intelligence is information that is gathered by the government or the army about their country’s enemies and their activities. (Japanese gathered intelligence on the British’s defense strategies for Singapore and Malaya) Interned If someone is interned, he or she is put in prison or in a prison camp. Propaganda Action taken, especially by the government, to influence

Transcript of Sec 2 History Keywords

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Kent Ridge Secondary School Secondary 2 HistoryKeywords and Definitions: Chapter 5 – 10

Name: ___________________ Class: ___________

Keywords Definitions

Chapter 5: How did external events before WW2 affect Singapore?

Industrial Revolution

A series of events which, taken together, made changes to the way people lived and worked.

Suez Canal A long canal that links the Mediterranean Sea with the Red Sea.

(cuts down travelling time from the West to the East)

World War 1 A war fought between the Allied Powers (Britain, France and Russia) and the Central Powers (Germany, Hungary-Austria, Ottoman Empire), which later spread to more than 30 countries in the world.

Great Depression A time of great decrease in business activities with widespread unemployment that started from USA which later spread to the rest of the world.

(economic recession)

Chapter 6: How did WW2 affect Singapore?

Impregnable fortress

Describing Singapore being so strong or inaccessible that it cannot be broken into or captured.

Intelligence Intelligence is information that is gathered by the government or the army about their country’s enemies and their activities.

(Japanese gathered intelligence on the British’s defense strategies for Singapore and Malaya)

Interned If someone is interned, he or she is put in prison or in a prison camp.

Propaganda Action taken, especially by the government, to influence the way people think by spreading certain ideas, beliefs, news etc, which are often inaccurate and biased.

Nipponisation The promotion of the Japanese spirit by the Japanese

Black market If something is bought or sold in the black market, it is bought or sold illegally.

Inflation When the value of money increases

Rationing Rationing is the controlled distribution of scarce resources, goods, or services. E.g. the Japanese introduced rationing during WW2.

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Chapter 7: How did the local people respond to British rule after WW2?

Strike When workers go on strike, they refuse to continue working for their employers (usually because they want better pay or working conditions)

Trade Union An organised association of workers. The union’s main aim is to take care of the welfare of the workers, to improve the pay and working conditions of its members.

Democracy A form of government in which people exercise political control directly or though elected representatives.

(Singapore is a democracy)

Independents People who stand for elections but do not belong to any political party

Constitution A set of laws which a government follows. [E.g. the 1948 Constitution]

Limited self-government

Certain less important areas of government would be controlled by local representatives while the more important areas are still held by the colonial master (in this case, the British)

Chapter 8: How did Singapore progress to internal self-government?

Coalition A coalition government is a government made up of a combination of two or more parties

Figurehead A figurehead is a leader who has little authority or influence.

Internal self-government

In the Singapore context, this would mean that local representatives would control all internal matters of government except external affairs and defence.

Merdeka A Malay word meaning freedom.

Singapore Chinese Middle School Students’ Union

A student union set up by the communists in 1955. There were students from 10 Chinese middle schools

Chapter 9: How did Singapore achieve Independence?

United Malays National Organization


Malay political party holding the most power in Malaya since the 1950s.

Malayan Chinese Association


Chinese political party representing the Chinese in Malaya.

Malaya Indian Congress [MIC]

Indian political party representing the Indians in Malaya.

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Alliance Party The coalition government of Malaya, made up of UMNO, MCA and MIC

Singapore Alliance

A political party made up of the Singapore branches of UMNO, MCA and MIC

[aim: to win more seats in the Singapore Legislative Assembly.]

Federation of Malaya

A federation is a group of states united with one central government, but each state has its own government to deal with local matters.

Federation of Malaya has 11 states in the Malay Peninsula.

Malaya gained its independence on the 31st August 1957.

Tariffs Taxes collected by the government on goods coming into or going out of the country.

Common Market An agreement between countries allowing goods produced in one country to enter another country without having to pay taxes

Radicals In this context, refers to party members who supported the Communists and their actions.

By-election An election held between general elections to fill a seat left vacant because a member has resigned, been expelled or died during a government’s term of office.

Referendum A direct vote by the people of the country to decide on a particular issue, instead of having the government make the decision.

Cobbold Commission

Made up of 3 British men and two Malays from Sabah and Sarawak, led by Lord Cobbold, to find out if the people of Sabah and Sarawak wanted the merger.

The United Nations

An international organization which tries to get all countries to work together in maintaining peace and dealing with international problems.

Special rights Certain privileges given to a particular group/race. For example, a certain number of jobs in the government were reserved for them.

[Malays in Malaya had special rights, and UMNO was very protective of these rights]

Nation Consists of an organized population and a government

Republic A nation governed by representatives elected by the people, and where the Head of State is not a king or queen, but a President.

Chapter 10: How did Singapore tackle its challenges in its early years of independence?

Diversified economy

A diversified economy includes economic activities like manufacturing, banking and finance.

Multinational corporations [MNCs]

Companies that have businesses in more than one country.

E.g. Mackintosh

Export-led industrialization

Refers to setting up factories to manufacture goods for export.