Seboroik Dermatitis

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  • 7/28/2019 Seboroik Dermatitis


    The Correlation between Seborrheic Dermatitis and Low

    Values of B Complex Vitamins in the Body

    Created by:



    Medical Faculty of Trisakti University

    Jakarta, 8th June 2011


  • 7/28/2019 Seboroik Dermatitis




    Table of Contents...........................................................................................................2

    CHAPTER I: Abstract........................................................................................3



    Limitation of problems...........................................................................4

    CHAPTER II: Introduction................................................................................5

    CHAPTER III: Seborrheic Dermatitis................................................................6

    Seborrheic Dermatitis explanation.........................................................6

    Seborrheic Dermatitis causes.................................................................6

    Seborrheic Dermatitis clinical manifestations........................................7

    Seborrheic Dermatitis diagnosed............................................................9

    Seborrheic Dermatitis differential diagnosis........................................10

    Seborrheic Dermatitis treatment...........................................................12

    CHAPTER IV: Low Values of B Complex Vitamins..............................................13

    Low Values of B Complex Vitamins explanation................................13

    Low Values of B Complex Vitamins causes........................................15

    Low Values of B Complex Vitamins symptoms..................................16

    Low Values of B Complex Vitamins treatment...................................16






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    Chapter I



    I choose this topic because the prevalence of these diseases (seborrheic

    dermatitis and low values of B complex vitamins) is quite high in Indonesia. The

    second reason is because of my experience with seborrheic dermatitis in my eyebrows

    and nasolabial folds.

    Seborrheic dermatitis is a disease that causes flaking of the skin. It usually

    affects the scalp. In adolescents and adults, it is commonly called "dandruff."

    Seborrheic dermatitis can also affect the skin on other parts of the body, such as the

    face and chest, and the creases of the arms, legs and groin. Seborrheic dermatitis

    usually causes the skin to look a little greasy and scaly or flaky.


    Genetic, environmental, hormonal, and immune-system factors have been

    shown to be involved in the manifestation of seborrheic dermatitis. Seborrheic

    dermatitis may be aggravated by illness, psychological stress, fatigue, change of

    season and reduced general health. It may also occur during times of stress or sleep


    In children, excessive vitamin A intake can cause seborrheic dermatitis. Lack

    ofbiotin,[pyridoxine(vitamin B6)[ andriboflavin (vitamin B2) may also be a cause.

    Although many people consume foods fortified with vitamin B, the typical

    American diet that is high in processed, cooked and microwavable food provides only

    a fraction of the B-vitamins we need for good health. Because these vitamins are vital

    to a vigorous long life, not getting them can lead to serious problems. B vitamins are

    easily flushed out of the body, and people on weight-loss diets, alcoholics or those

    who take antibiotics or seizure drugs are even more inclined to have vitamin B


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    While it is safe for many people to take three times or more of the RDA

    (Recommended Daily Allowance) for B-vitamins, each of us has unique requirements

    based on our own individual physiology and lifestyle. Consequently, it is important to

    check with a knowledgeable health professional before beginning a vitamin regimen

    in order to determine your proper dosage. Because deficiencies usually include more

    than one B-vitamin, and because the B-vitamins work best as a team, we should take a

    B-complex supplement along with any single B-vitamin in order to achieve their

    synergistic effects.

    Limitation of problems

    Learning about seborrheic dermatitis:

    What is seborrheic dermatitis?

    What causes seborrheic dermatitis?

    What are the clinical manifestations of seborrheic dermatitis?

    Being diagnosed:

    How is seborrheic dermatitis diagnosed?

    What are the differential diagnosis?

    Getting treatment:

    How is seborrheic dermatitis treated?

    Learning about low values of B complex vitamins in the body:

    What is low values of B complex vitamins in the body?

    What causes low values of B complex vitamins in the body?

    What are the symptoms of low values of B complex vitamins in the body?

    Being diagnosed:

    How is low values of B complex vitamins diagnosed?

    Getting treatment:

    How is low values of B complex vitamins treated?

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    Chapter II


    This paper was conducted for the purpose of providing information to those

    unaware and unfamiliar with the concepts and issues surrounding privacy and

    information about the correlation between seborrheic dermatitis and low values of B

    vitamin complex in the body. It should offer resources for further research and

    exploration as it pertains to the readers needs. For those who are already familiar with

    the topic, this paper would probably be more useful.

    Seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory condition of the skin that can

    manifest at several stages in life. It is most common in infancy from birth to three

    years. At this stage the disease is called cradle cap. The disease is not contagious in

    infants and usually disappears within twelve months. Seborrheic dermatitis at this

    stage is seldom itchy or irritating, but if scratched, the skin can become more prone to

    other infections.

    The second stage of life where seborrheic dermatitis can occur is post puberty.

    The disease manifests as itchy irritable skin with visible flakes. It mainly is found on

    the head, face and neck and may be believed to be a bad case of dandruff. Stress

    seems to be a factor in the severity of the disease at this age.

    The third stage where seborrheic dermatitis becomes prevalent is between the

    ages of 30 to 60. Men seem to be more plagued with this disease than women. At this

    age the disease can be found on the head or any part of the trunk of the body. It can

    vary from a mild rash to very inflamed, itchy scaly skin.

    The vitamin B group includes B1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin andniacinamide), B6 (pyridoxine), B7 (biotin), B12 (cobalamin), folic acid or folate,

    pantothenic acid, biotin, inositol, and PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid). Vitamin B

    complex improves the body's resistance to stress. Aids in digestion, promotes good

    muscle tone, healthy skin. Vitamin B complex reduces muscle spasms, leg cramps,

    hand numbness and helps regulate blood pressure. Vitamin B deficiency can cause

    beriberi, digestive disturbances, degeneration of the sex glands, and neurological


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    Chapter III

    Seborrheic Dermatitis

    What is seborrheic dermatitis?

    Seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory condition of the skin 1,2,3 which

    based on constitutional factors,4,5 often found in hairy skin,1,2,6 especially on scalp,

    eyebrow and face.1,2


    Prevalence of seborrheic dermatitis is approximately 3-5% population.2,3 Often

    found on patient between 20-50 years, male is more than female. Prevalence increases

    in patient with HIV and often found in people with Parkinson disease. In infants, can

    be found seborrheic on the scalp which is called Cradle cap.3

    What causes seborrheic dermatitis?

    The cause is still unknown exactly.1,4,5 Only found overproduction of

    sebaceous glands in infants and teenagers after puberty.1,2 Predisposition factor is

    constitution anomally formed seborrheic state which inherited, the mechanism is still


    Many experiments have been done to associate this disease with bacterial

    infection orPityrosporum ovale (Malassezia ovale)1,2,3,5,6 which is normal flora in

    human skin. OvergrowthP.ovale can cause an inflammation reaction,2,3,5 either effect

    of the metabolite products that enter into the epidermal, or because of the fungal itself,

    through lymphocyte T cell activation and Langerhans cell.5

    Seborrheic dermatitis is closely related to sebaceous gland liveliness. The

    Gland is activated when infants borned, then deactivated for 9-12 years because of

    androgen hormone from mother is stopped. Seborrheic dermatitis in infants happened


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    Severe seborrheic dermatitis signed with presence of squamous and oily spots

    accompanied by exudation and thick crust.5 Could affect eyebrows, forehead, bridge

    of the nose, presternal are, region between scapula1, and neck.5 Mild blefaritis often


    In more severe form, all of the scalps covered by dirty crusts, and smells bad.

    In infants, yellowish squamas and lot of debris that sticked on scalp is called cradle


    Seborrheic dermatitis could together with severe acne. If it spreads can be

    erytroderm, in infants called Leiner disease.5

    According region of the lesion, seborrheic dermatitis is divided into three:1

    1. Scalp Seborrheic

    In hairy skin, found oily squama with yellowish colored so that hair becomes

    sticky; sometimes found crust that called Pityriasis Oleosa (Pityriasis

    steatoides).5 Sometimes the squama is dry and layered and often loose itself,

    calledPityriasis sika (dandruff5). This kind of seborrheic can cause hair falls,

    so that will be bald and itchy. The spread can reach into retroauricular. If it

    spreads, the lesion can reach into forehead, called korona seboroik. Seborrheic

    dermatitis which found in infants scalp is called Cradle Cap.1,5

    2. Face Seborrheic

    In mouth area, palpebral, nasolabial folds, chin, etc, found macula

    erythematous, which on it are found oily squama yellowish colored. If it reach

    into the palpebral, can cause blefaritis.1,5 Often found in women. If found in

    hairy region, such as chin and upper lip, can occur folliculitis. This thing often


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    found in men who always shave his beard and mustache. Face seborrheic in

    beard area is calledsikosis barbe.

    3. Body and Folds Seborrheic

    These types involve presternal area, interscapula, axillary, under breast,

    umbilicus, crural (thigh, perineal). Its seen rash forms macula erythema which

    found oily yellowish squama on its surface. In the body, the lesion can shape

    like a circle with central healing. In intertriginous area, sometimes can appear

    fissure that cause secunder infection.

    How is seborrheic dermatitis diagnosed?

    Histological findings of seborrheic dermatitis are not spesific, its varieted

    according to the stage of the disease. On epidermal, there are parakeratosis dan

    akantosis. In corium, there are dilated blood vessels and perivasculer spurt. In acute

    stage and subacute, epidermal had ortokeratosis, parakeratosis, also spongiosis. At the

    edge of the widen and clogged by a mass of keratin hair follicles estuary, found

    mound of parakeratosis which contained neutrofil. This finding is a characteristically

    finding. At the upper dermis, there is a mild perivascular lymphohistiocytic spurt. In

    chronic stage, the finding is almost same as the finding in psoriasis. 1


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    What are the differential diagnosis?

    1. Psoriasis1,2,3,5

    In psoriasis, there are thick, rough, layered, pearly white and oilness

    squamas, accompanied by dripping wax and Auspitz sign. The predilection

    is different too. If the psoriasis affects scalp, it will be difficult to be

    distinguished with seborrheic dermatitis. The differences are thicker and

    white mica squama, skin disorders are also at the boundary face and scalp

    and the other places according to the predilections. Inverse psoriasis

    which affects flexor area is resemble such as seborrheic dermatitis.5

    Psoriasis Seborrheic Dermatitis

    2. Pitiriasis rosea1

    In pitiriasis rosea, the squama is smooth and not oily. The lesion is in

    parallel with the skin line.

    3. Tinea capitis1,2,3

    In tinea capitis, seen alopecia, sometimes found kerion. In tinea capitis,

    erythema is more prominent on the edge and the edge is more active than

    the center. It could be distinguished with culture or KOH (which found

    long hyphae in tinea capitis).6


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    Tinea Capitis Seborrheic Dermatitis

    4. SLE with Butterfly rash2,3

    Usually doesnt affect eyebrow, and in SLE abnormal blood laboratory

    finding is found.

    5. Rosasea2,3

    Erythema on face, disorders such papules and pustules.

    6. Kandidosis5

    Theres vermilion erythema firmly bounded with satelites around.

    Kandidosis Dermatitis Seboroik


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    Low Values of B Complex Vitamins

    What is low values of B complex vitamins?

    Insufficient vitamin B intake for normal functioning of the body. There are

    actually 8 different types of B vitamins: thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3),

    pyridoxine (B6), folic acid (B9), cyanocobalamin (B12)pantothenic acid and biotin

    (B7). A vitamin B deficiency can involve any one of these types or a combination.

    As Vitamin B plays a role in many aspects of the body's functioning, deficiency can

    have a serious impact on overall health

    Are there different types of low values of B complex vitamins?

    Vitamin B1 is essential for the body to be able to use carbohydrate as an energy

    source as well as for metabolising amino acids. lack of sufficient thiamine in the diet

    can cause loss of appetite, poor digestion, chronic constipation, loss of weight, mental

    depression, nervous exhaustion, and insomnia. Vitamin B1 deficiency is usually

    connected to alcoholism, malabsorption diseases, and poor diet.

    Vitamin B2is needed to process amino acids and fats, activate vitamin B6 and folic

    acid, and help convert carbohydrates into the fuel the body runs on adenosine

    triphosphate (ATP). Adeficiency of vitamin B2 (riboflavin) may result in bloodshot

    eyes, abnormal sensitivity to light, itching and burning of the eyes, inflammation in

    the mouth, a sore and burning tongue, and cracks on the lips and in the corners of the


    Vitamin B3 (Niacin) works closely with vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6,

    pantothenic acid, and biotin to break the carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in food

    down into energy. Aniacin deficiency often leads to a chronic illness called pellagra,

    characterized by gastrointestinal problems, lesions of the skin, and dementia. VitaminB3 deficiency can occur in alcoholics, individuals with poor or irregular diets, and in

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    individuals with medical conditions causing malabsorption from the intestinal tract.

    Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) is essential for human growth, reproduction and many

    normal bodily processes. Many foods contain vitamin B5, therefore a deficiency of

    this nutrient is rare. Vitamin B5 deficiency causes depression, personality changes,

    heart problems, increased risk of infections, fatigue, abdominal pains, sleep

    disturbances, numbness and altered sensation in the arms and legs, muscle weakness,

    cramps, increased sensitivity to insulin.

    Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) supports more vital bodily functions than any other vitamin.

    Vitamin B6 deficiency is one of the most common nutritional deficiencies. Vitamin

    B6 deficiency can cause impaired immunity, skin lesions, and mental confusion. A

    marginal deficiency sometimes occurs in alcoholics, patients with kidney failure, and

    women using oral contraceptives. Some of these symptoms can also result from a

    variety of medical conditions other than vitamin B6 deficiency.

    Biotin (vitamin B7) helps in the synthesis of fatty acids, in energy metabolism, and in

    the synthesis of amino acids and glucose. Biotin deficiency results in fatigue,

    depression, nausea, muscle pains, hair loss, and anemia. Symptoms of a biotin

    deficiency include hair loss, a dry, scaly rash around the eyes, nose, mouth, and

    genital area, decreased appetite, nausea and vomiting and failure to thrive in children.

    Folic acid (vitamin B9) is important for any stage of human life which involves

    growth such as pregnancy, lactation and early growth. Folic acid deficiency causes

    mood disorders and low levels may play a role in depression, possibly due to a

    reduction in neurotransmitter levels. Folic acid deficiency during pregnancy increases

    the risk for neural tube defects including cleft palate, spina bifida, and brain damage.

    Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin, cobalamin)is considered the most potent vitamin and

    is one of the last true vitamins that has been classified. Vitamin B12 is essential for

    normal nervous system function and blood cell production. Vitamin B12 deficiency

    occurs when there is an abnormally low level of vitamin B12 absorbed in the body.

    Vitamin B12 deficiency results in impairment of the activities of B12-requiring


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    What causes low values of B complex vitamins in the body?


    Vitamin B complex comprises a number of vitamins that exist as a family. Theyshould not be taken individually. In this modern era, millions of people suffer from a

    deficiency of vitamin B for several reasons, chief among which are:

    Stress: emotional, physical and spiritual

    Processed foods in the diet: these are not real foods and so they tax the body

    Refined sugar. The average person consumes at least 140 pounds of sugar a

    year which robs the body of its vitamin B stores

    Drugs: both recreational and prescription drugs deplete vitamin B

    Toxins: poisons in the environment and personal care products deplete

    vitamin B complex Malnutrition. Most people are malnourished because they are not eating the

    right kinds of foods

    Cooking. Most people do not eat enough real, raw foods, so vitamin B is

    killed or so depleted that people are not getting enough of it in the diet

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    What are the symptoms?

    Thiamin (vitamin B1): loss of appetite, poor digestion, chronic constipation,

    muscular weakness, leg cramps.

    Vitamin B2: sore throat, seborrheic dermatitis, premature wrinkles.

    Vitamin B3 (Niacin): indigestion, fatigue, canker sores, vomiting, dementia.

    Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid): fatigue, insomnia, depression, vomiting, stomach

    pains, burning feet.

    Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine): dermatitis, cracked and sore lips, inflamed tongue and

    mouth, neuropathy.

    Folic acid: diarrhea, loss of appetite, weight loss, weakness, sore tongue, headaches,

    heart palpitations.

    Vitamin B12 (cobalamin): burning of the tongue, fatigue, weakness, loss of

    appetite, constipation and diarrhea, abdominal pain, weight loss.

    How is it treated?

    There are a number of things you can do to prevent and overcome vitamin B complex


    1. Stop eating refined sugar.

    2. Stop eating artificial ingredients. Read all labels on your foods and if there are

    names of chemicals, dont eat them.

    3. Reduce stress through a regular exercise program, meditation, counseling and/or


    4. Stop drinking coffee; switch to organic decaffeinated coffee or organic green tea

    5. Eat more vitamin B-containing foods oats, barley, wheat bran, avocado,

    salmon, Brazil nuts and others.


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    6. Be patient. It took a while to create a vitamin B deficiency, so it takes a while to

    reverse the problem; with severe cases it can take a year or so, with milder cases

    it can take just a few days.

    7. If you have a friend or relative with a mental or emotional disorder, think of the

    possibility of a vitamin B complex deficiency and then make suggestions for

    adjustments in their diet and take appropriate whole food formulas.

    8. Always coordinate all of your health and treatment plans with all of your


    9. Avoid toxins in your life. This is a serious issue that causes more health problems


    World's Healthiest Foods ranked as quality sources of:

    vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)



    Size Cals









    Foods Rating

    Spinach, boiled 1 cup 41.4 0.44 22.0 9.6 excellentBell peppers, red, raw, slices 1 cup 24.8 0.23 11.5 8.3 excellent

    Turnip greens, cooked 1 cup 28.8 0.26 13.0 8.1 excellent

    Shiitake Mushrooms, raw 145 g 49.3 0.42 21.0 7.7 excellent

    Garlic 1 oz-wt 42.2 0.35 17.5 7.5 very good

    Tuna, yellowfin, baked/broiled 4 oz-wt 157.6 1.18 59.0 6.7 very good

    Cauliflower, boiled 1 cup 28.5 0.21 10.5 6.6 very good

    Cayenne pepper, dried 2 tsp 11.2 0.08 4.0 6.4 good

    Mustard greens, boiled 1 cup 21.0 0.14 7.0 6.0 very good


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    Banana 1 each 108.6 0.68 34.0 5.6 very good

    Celery, raw 1 cup 19.2 0.10 5.0 4.7 very good

    Cabbage, shredded, boiled 1 cup 33.0 0.17 8.5 4.6 very good

    Crimini mushrooms, raw 5 oz-wt 31.2 0.16 8.0 4.6 very goodAsparagus, boiled 1 cup 43.2 0.22 11.0 4.6 very good

    Broccoli, steamed 1 cup 43.7 0.22 11.0 4.5 very good

    Turmeric, powder 2 tsp 16.0 0.08 4.0 4.5 Good

    Kale, boiled 1 cup 36.4 0.18 9.0 4.5 very good

    Collard greens, boiled 1 cup 49.4 0.24 12.0 4.4 very good

    Brussel sprouts, boiled 1 cup 60.8 0.28 14.0 4.1 very good

    Watermelon, diced 1 cup 48.6 0.22 11.0 4.1 very good

    Leeks, boiled 0.5 cup 16.1 0.06 3.0 3.3 Good

    Tomato, ripe 1 cup 37.8 0.14 7.0 3.3 Good

    Snapper, baked/broiled 4 oz-wt 145.2 0.52 26.0 3.2 Good

    Carrots, raw 1 cup 52.5 0.18 9.0 3.1 Good

    Eggplant, cooked, cubes 1 cup 27.7 0.09 4.5 2.9 Good

    Cantaloupe, cubes 1 cup 56.0 0.18 9.0 2.9 Good

    Romaine lettuce 2 cup 15.7 0.05 2.5 2.9 Good

    Potato, baked, with skin 1 cup 133.0 0.42 21.0 2.8 Good

    Onions, raw 1 cup 60.8 0.19 9.5 2.8 Good

    Blackstrap molasses 2 tsp 32.1 0.10 5.0 2.8 Good

    Calf's liver, braised 4 oz-wt 187.1 0.56 28.0 2.7 Good

    Chicken breast, roasted 4 oz-wt 223.4 0.64 32.0 2.6 Good

    Ginger root 1 oz-wt 19.6 0.05 2.5 2.3 Good

    Venison 4 oz-wt 179.2 0.43 21.5 2.2 Good

    Beef tenderloin, lean, broiled 4 oz-wt 240.4 0.49 24.5 1.8 Good

    Flaxseeds 2 tbs 95.3 0.18 9.0 1.7 Good

    Winter squash, baked, cubes 1 cup 80.0 0.15 7.5 1.7 Good

    Strawberries 1 cup 43.2 0.08 4.0 1.7 Good

    Avocado, slices 1 cup 235.1 0.41 20.5 1.6 Good

    Pineapple 1 cup 76.0 0.13 6.5 1.5 Good

    Grapes 1 cup 61.6 0.10 5.0 1.5 Good

    World's Healthiest

    Foods Rating Rule


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    excellent DV>=75% OR Density>=7.6 AND DV>=10%

    very good DV>=50% OR Density>=3.4 AND DV>=5%

    good DV>=25% OR Density>=1.5 AND DV>=2.5%

    Chapter V

    The Correlation between Low Values of B Complex

    Vitamins and Seborrheic Dermatitis

    There are many other factors that may be helpful in controlling this condition.Medical research has shown a correlation between seborrheic dermatitis and low

    values of B complex vitamins. There may also be a relationship between the

    condition and a low intake of high quality essential fatty acids. The body cannot

    manufacture omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids. They must be obtained from food sources

    or supplemented. Conversely, we as a society eat far too many trans fats and poor

    quality fatty acids in our daily diet of supermarket, restaurant and junk foods.

    Changing the balance between these two types of fats in the diet may be helpful to

    control seborrheic dermatitis.

    Deficiencies of Vitamin B2 can cause ariboflavinosis, which will have

    symptoms of cracked lips, inflammation of the tongue, sensitivity to sunlight,

    seborrheic dermatitis, pseudo-syphilis affecting the mouth and scrotum.

    Since vitamin B6 is integral to the process of new cell formation, it plays a

    key role in the healthy function of body tissue, such as skin, which regenerates

    quickly. As such, symptoms of deficiency often first manifest in skin conditions.

    Eczema, seborrheic dermatitis and other skin disorders have been associated with

    vitamin B6 deficiency. To this day, topical B6 creams are used in the treatment of

    dermatitis, notably for symptoms related to seborrheic dermatitis.

    Biotin (B7), one of the B complex vitamins found in organ meats (e.g., liver,

    heart, kidney), egg yolk, cauliflower, chocolate, and mushrooms. Its synthesis by

    intestinal bacteria makes human deficiency states rare, unless the diet contains

    significant raw egg white protein (avidin), which complexes the vitamin to prevent

    intestinal absorption. Dermatitis, retarded growth, and loss of hair and muscular


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    control occur in experimental animals with deficiency. Biotin functions as a

    coenzyme for carboxylase enzymes that catalyze fixation of carbon dioxide (e.g., in

    fatty acid synthesis).


    Seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects scalp and

    bodies with sebaceous gland, which based on constitutional factors such seborrheic


    Seborrheic dermatitis can be caused by many factors, such as hormonal, fungal

    infection, lack of nutrition (especially B complex vitamins; B2(riboflavin),

    B6(pyridoxine), B7(biotin)), neurogenic factor, genetic factor and environment.

    According to the lesion area,seborrheic dermatitis is divided into 3:

    a. Scalp seborrheic

    b. Face seborrheic

    c. Body and folds seborrheic

    The effective treatments for seborrheic dermatitis are anti inflamation and anti

    fungal drugs. In this case, patient should be told that his/her disease is chronic and

    often relapse. Avoid triggers, such as emotional stress, fatty foods, etc.

    Because based on constitutional factor and recurrency, so the prognosis of

    seborrheic dermatitis is quite difficult to cure even with controlled treatment.


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    2. Marks James G Jr, Miller Jeffrey. J Lookingbill and Marks Principles of

    Dermatology. 4th ed., Saunders Elsevier, 2006 : 111-112.

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    Medicine. China : Mc Graw-Hill Companies, 2009 : 615-619.

    4. Robin GB, Tony B. Lecture Notes Dermatology. 8th ed., Jakarta : Erlangga

    Medical Series, 2005 : 74-75.

    5. Handoko RP. Dermatosis Eritroskuamosas. In : Djuanda Adhi, Mochtar H,

    Siti A, eds. Ilmu Penyakit Kulit dan Kelamin. 5th ed. Cetakan I, Jakarta :

    Penerbit Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2007 : 200-202.

    6. Weller PJB, dkk. Eczema and dermatitis : Seborrheic eczema. In : Clinical

    Dermatology. 4th ed., Oxford : Blackwell Publishing, 2008 : 97-99.

    7. Schwartz, Robert A.; Janusz, Christopher A.; Janniger, Camila K. (July 2006).

    "Seborrheic dermatitis: an overview". American Family Physician 74 (1):
