Seat Leon 1M Manual

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Transcript of Seat Leon 1M Manual

Page 1: Seat Leon 1M Manual

Inglés 1M6012003BA (09.05)


leonOwner’s manual




A (09.05)

Page 2: Seat Leon 1M Manual
Page 3: Seat Leon 1M Manual

INTRODUCTION ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––1

TThhiiss oowwnneerr’’ss MMaannuuaalland the Supplements provided should beread carefully so that you can quicklybecome familiar with the controls andoperation of your vehicle.As well as care and regular maintenance,correct handling helps maintain the car’svalue.FFoorr ssaaffeettyy rreeaassoonnss pplleeaassee nnoottee aallssootthhee iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn oonn ““AAcccceessssoorriieess,,mmooddiiffiiccaattiioonnss aanndd rreeppllaacceemmeenntt ooffppaarrttss””..

OOnnee ffiinnaall rreeqquueesstt::Please pass the complete vehicle walleton to the new owner of your vehicle if youshould sell it, as the vehicle literaturebelongs to the vehicle.


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RRaannggee ooff eeqquuiippmmeennttIt describes the largest possible range ofequipment envisaged at the time of goingto press. Some of the equipment may notbe available until later or will only beavailable in certain markets.

✱Items of equipment marked withthis symbol are only availableon certain model versions or are

only available as optional extras on cer-tain models or are only available in cer-tain markets.

EEnnvviirroonnmmeennttaall nnootteess

❀TTeexxttss ffoolllloowwiinngg tthhiiss ssyymmbboollaanndd pprriinntteedd iinn iittaalliiccss aarree iimmppoorr--ttaanntt nnootteess oonn eennvviirroonnmmeennttaall


CCoonntteennttssOn the next few pages you will find a con-tents list which lists all of the pointsdetailed in this Owner’s Manual in order.

AAllpphhaabbeettiiccaall iinnddeexxAt the end of the manual you will find acomprehensive alphabetical index. You can find desired information quicklyby looking for the key in the index.

NNootteess oonn ddiirreeccttiioonnApart from exceptions, all notes on thedirection (left, right, front, rear) in thismanual always refer to the vehicle’s direc-tion of travel.Exception: possible specific steeringdescriptions.

WWaarrnniinngg nnootteess

AAllll bblloocckkss ooff tteexxtt iinn bboolldd pprriinntt,, wwiitthhtthhiiss ccoolloouurr bbaacckkggrroouunndd aanndd tthheettiittllee ““WWaarrnniinngg”” rreeffeerr ttoo ppootteennttiiaallaacccciiddeenntt oorr iinnjjuurryy rriisskkss..

TTeexxtt iinn bboolldd pprriinntt wwaarrnnss aaggaaiinnsstt ppooss--ssiibbllee ddaammaaggee ttoo tthhee vveehhiiccllee oorr nnootteessppaarrttiiccuullaarrllyy iimmppoorrttaanntt iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn oonnhhooww ttoo ttrreeaatt yyoouurr vveehhiiccllee ccoorrrreeccttllyy..

OOffffiicciiaall SSEEAATT sseerrvviicceeTThhee SSEEAATT DDeeaalleerrss,, WWoorrkksshhooppss aannddOOffffiicciiaall SSeerrvviiccee CCeennttrreess hhaavvee tthhee mmoossttssuuiittaabbllee ssppeecciiffiicc ttoooollss aanndd ssttaattee--ooff--tthhee--aarrtt tteecchhnnoollooggyy aanndd ssppeecciiaalliisseeddssttaaffff ttoo ddeeaall wwiitthh aanndd rreeppaaiirr aannyy pprroobb--lleemm oorr ffaauulltt tthhaatt mmaayy bbeeffaallll yyoouurr SSEEAATTvveehhiiccllee,, gguuaarraanntteeeeiinngg rreeppaaiirrss iinnssiiddeeoorr oouuttssiiddee wwaarrrraannttyy,, aanndd uussiinngg oonnllyyggeennuuiinnee ssppaarreess..DDoo nnoott hheessiittaattee ttoo ccoonnttaacctt yyoouurrOOffffiicciiaall SSEEAATT SSeerrvviiccee CCeennttrree ffoorr aannyyqquueessttiioonn tthhaatt aarriisseess iinn tthhee aapppplliiccaa--ttiioonn oorr iinntteerrpprreettaattiioonn ooff tthhee ooppeerraa--ttiioonnss aanndd rreevviissiioonnss rreeffeerrrreedd ttoo iinn tthhiissmmaannuuaall..


YYoouu sshhoouulldd nnoottee tthheessee ppooiinnttss bbeeffoorree rreeaaddiinngg tthhiiss OOwwnneerr’’ss MMaannuuaall

2 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– INTRODUCTION

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INTRODUCTION ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3

BBeelloowwwe offer a brief summary of the contentsof the chapters that this InstructionsManual is divided into.


11.. SSaaffeettyy ffiirrssttThis chapter provides information on your vehicle’spassive safety fittings such as seat belts, Air Bags,child seats and safety and head rests.

22.. HHaannddlliinngg iinnssttrruuccttiioonnssThis chapter provides information on the layout ofthe driver’s controls, the different seat adjustments,how to create a comfortable atmosphere inside thecar, and how to start the engine.

33.. TTiippss aanndd mmaaiinntteennaanncceeAdvice on environmentally friendly driving, care andupkeep of your car and certain breakdowns (such aschanging bulbs) that you can do yourself.

44.. TTeecchhnniiccaall ddaattaaNumbers, values, dimensions and amounts (fuelconsumption, for instance) of your vehicle.

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Introduction to the subject . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2

Seat belts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3

Air Bag system* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.16

Safety for children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.25

Front seats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.32

Head restraints* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.33

SAFETY FIRST ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1.1

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You will find important information, tipsand notes on passive safety in your newLEON in this chapter.We have detailed everything you need toknow about, for example, seat belts, AirBags, child seats, safety for children andhead restraints.PPlleeaassee ppaayy ppaarrttiiccuullaarr aatttteennttiioonn ttoo tthheennootteess aanndd wwaarrnniinnggss iinn tthhiiss cchhaapptteerr––iinn yyoouurr oowwnn iinntteerreesstt aanndd iinn tthhee iinntteerr--eesstt ooff aallll ppaasssseennggeerrss..PPlleeaassee ddrriivvee ccaarreeffuullllyy..

1.2 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– INTRODUCTION


IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn ttoo tthhee ssuubbjjeecctt

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WWhhyy hhaavvee sseeaatt bbeellttss??IItt hhaass bbeeeenn pprroovveenn tthhaatt sseeaatt bbeellttssggiivvee ggoooodd pprrootteeccttiioonn iinn aacccciiddeennttss.. IInnmmoosstt ccoouunnttrriieess,, tthheerreeffoorree,, tthhee wweeaarr--iinngg ooff sseeaatt bbeellttss iiss rreeqquuiirreedd bbyy llaaww..


• TThhee bbeellttss sshhoouulldd bbee ppuutt oonnbbeeffoorree eevveerryy jjoouurrnneeyy –– eevveenn iinnttoowwnn ttrraaffffiicc.. TThhiiss aallssoo aapppplliieess ttoorreeaarr sseeaattss.. PPrreeggnnaanntt wwoommeenn ttoooosshhoouulldd aallwwaayyss wweeaarr aa sseeaatt bbeelltt..TThhiiss iiss tthhee oonnllyy wwaayy ttoo gguuaarraanntteeeepprrootteeccttiioonn ffoorr tthhee uunnbboorrnn cchhiilldd!!FFoorr mmoorree iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn oonn tthhiiss ppooiinnttpplleeaassee sseeee ppaaggee 11..1111..

• TThhee rroouuttiinngg ooff tthhee bbeelltt iiss ooffmmaajjoorr iimmppoorrttaannccee ttoo tthhee pprrootteeccttiivveeeeffffeecctt ooff tthhee bbeelltt.. HHooww tthhee bbeellttsshhoouulldd bbee wwoorrnn iiss ddeessccrriibbeedd oonntthhee nneexxtt ppaaggeess..

This illustration shows a car drivingtowards a wall. The vehicle occupants arenot belted in.The physical principle of a frontal crash iseasy to explain.As soon as the vehicle is moving, so-called “kinetic energy” is created by themovement of the vehicle , in the vehicleitself as well as in the vehicle occupants.The extent of the “kinetic energy” effectdepends largely on the speed of the vehi-cle and on the weight of the vehicle andthe vehicle occupants.The higher the speed and the greater theweight of the vehicle, the more energymust be dispersed should an accidentoccur.

SEAT BELTS –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1.3


SSeeaatt bbeellttss


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The speed of the vehicle is, however, themore important factor. If, for example, thespeed increases from 25 km/h to 50 km/h, the kinetic energy increasesfourfold!As the vehicle occupants in our exampleare wearing no seat belts, their entirekinetic energy can only be dispersedthrough the crash into the wall, should acrash occur. The consequences would besevere or possibly even fatal injuries.

If you are driving at a speed of only30 km/h to 50 km/h, forces which caneasily exceed 1000 kg are exerted on thebody should an accident occur.The forces exerted on the body willincrease further at higher speeds, e.g. Attwice the speed the forces increase four-fold!Vehicle occupants not wearing their seatbelts are thus not “linked” to their vehi-cle.In a frontal crash, these people will con-tinue to move forward at the same speedas the vehicle was travelling before thevehicle crashed!

1.4 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– SEAT BELTS



1000 kg


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In case of a frontal collision accident, theoccupants who are not belted up arethrown forwards and collide with parts ofthe vehicle interior, e.g. the steeringwheel, instrument panel or windscreen.Vehicle occupants who are not belted inmay even be thrown out of the vehicle.This could even lead to serious injuries. The wide spread opinion that you can pro-tect your body with your hands in theevent of a light accident is not correct.Even at low speeds of collision, forceswhich cannot be deflected act on thebody.

It is also important that occupants sittingin the rear seats are belted in as they canalso be thrown out of the vehicle in theevent of an accident. Somebody sitting inthe rear and not using a seat belt isendangering not only himself but also theoccupants of the front seats.

SEAT BELTS –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1.5



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PPrrootteeccttiinngg sseeaatt bbeellttssSeat belts which are worn properly con-tribute to the correct seating position ofthe vehicle’s occupants. The seat beltshelp reduce kinetic energy considerably.They also prevent uncontrollable move-ments which can also be the cause ofsevere injuries.Vehicle occupants who wear their seatbelts correctly benefit greatly from thefact that kinetic energy is absorbed by thebelt. The vehicle front structure and otherpassive safety measures, such as the AirBag System, also guarantee a reductionin kinetic energy. The energy created isthus kept to a low level and the risk ofinjury reduced.

Our examples describe frontal crashes.These physical principles also apply, ofcourse, to other types of accidents and tovehicles with the Air Bag System.This is why you mmuusstt put on your seat beltbefore every journey, even if you are onlygoing “just around the corner”. Pleasealso ensure that your passengers are cor-rectly belted in.You have seen how seat belts function inthe case of an accident on previouspages.Accident statistics have proven that therisk of injury is reduced and the chance ofsurvival in a serious accident is increasedif the seat belt is worn properly.For this reason, the wearing of seat beltsis a legal requirement in most countries.The correct method of wearing the seatbelt, and how the Air Bag System func-tions, is described on the followingpages.

1.6 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– SEAT BELTS



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WWaarrnniinngg nnootteess

• TThhee bbeellttss sshhoouulldd bbee ppuutt oonnbbeeffoorree eeaacchh jjoouurrnneeyy –– eevveenn iinnttoowwnn ttrraaffffiicc!! TThhiiss aallssoo aapppplliieess ttootthhee rreeaarr sseeaattss..

• TThhee mmaaxxiimmuumm lleevveell ooff pprrootteeccttiioonnbbyy tthhee sseeaatt bbeellttss ccaann oonnllyy bbeeaattttaaiinneedd iiff tthhee bbeellttss aarree wwoorrnn pprroopp--eerrllyy..

• PPlleeaassee eennssuurree tthhaatt tthhee bbeellttss aarreeppuutt oonn eexxaaccttllyy aass ddeessccrriibbeedd iinn tthhiisscchhaapptteerr..PPuuttttiinngg tthhee sseeaatt bbeelltt oonn uunnddeerr--nneeaatthh yyoouurr aarrmm,, ffoorr eexxaammppllee,,wwoouulldd ccoonnssiiddeerraabbllyy iinnccrreeaassee tthheerriisskk ooff iinnjjuurryy iinn tthhee ccaassee ooff aann aaccccii--ddeenntt!!

• TThhee bbeelltt mmuusstt nnoott bbee ttwwiisstteedd oorrccaauugghhtt,, nnoorr sshhoouulldd iitt bbee aalllloowweedd ttoorruubb oonn aannyy sshhaarrpp eeddggeess..

• TTwwoo ppeeooppllee ((iinncclluuddiinngg cchhiillddrreenn))mmuusstt nneevveerr bbee sseeccuurreedd wwiitthh oonneebbeelltt.. IItt iiss ppaarrttiiccuullaarrllyy ddaannggeerroouuss ttoobbeelltt yyoouurr cchhiilldd iinn wwhheenn iitt iiss ssiittttiinnggoonn yyoouurr llaapp..

• TThhee bbeelltt ssttrraapp sshhoouulldd nnoott bbeewwoorrnn oovveerr hhaarrdd oorr bbrreeaakkaabbllee aarrttii--cclleess ((ggllaasssseess,, bbaallll ppeennss,, eettcc......)),, aassiitt mmaayy ccaauussee iinnjjuurriieess..

• BBuullkkyy aanndd lloooossee ccllootthhiinngg (( oovveerrccooaatt oonn ttoopp ooff aa jjaacckkeett)),,hhiinnddeerr ccoorrrreecctt ffiittttiinngg aanndd wwoorrkkiinnggooff tthhee sseeaatt bbeelltt..

• IInn oorrddeerr ttoo aacchhiieevvee mmaaxxiimmuummbbeelltt pprrootteeccttiioonn ooccccuuppaannttss mmuussttbbee pprrooppeerrllyy sseeaatteedd;; cchheecckk aallssootthhee ""FFrroonntt sseeaattss"" cchhaapptteerr..

PPlleeaassee ttaakkee nnoottiiccee ooff tthhee wwaarrnniinnggnnootteess oonn tthhee nneexxtt ppaaggee..

SEAT BELTS –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1.7



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• YYoouu mmuusstt aallwwaayyss kkeeeepp yyoouurr ffeeeettiinn tthhee ffoooott wweellll dduurriinngg aa jjoouurrnneeyy ––nneevveerr oonn tthhee ddaasshhbbooaarrdd oorr oonn tthheesseeaattss..

• TThhee bbeellttss mmuusstt bbee kkeepptt cclleeaann aassddiirrtt mmaayy aaffffeecctt tthhee pprrooppeerr ffuunnccttiioonn--iinngg ooff tthhee rreettrraaccttoorrss ((sseeee ""CCaarree aannddmmaaiinntteennaannccee"" cchhaapptteerr))..

• TThhee sslloott ffoorr tthhee bbeelltt ttoonngguuee mmuussttnnoott bbee bblloocckkeedd wwiitthh ppaappeerr oorr aannyy--tthhiinngg ssiimmiillaarr,, aass tthhee ttoonngguuee ccaannootthheerrwwiissee nnoott eennggaaggee pprrooppeerrllyy..

• YYoouu sshhoouulldd cchheecckk yyoouurr sseeaattbbeellttss rreegguullaarrllyy.. IIff yyoouu ffiinndd aannyyddaammaaggee oonn tthhee bbeelltt,, bbeelltt ccoonnnneecc--ttiioonnss,, rreettrraaccttoorr oorr tthhee lloocckkiinnggppiieecceess,, tthhee bbeelltt mmuusstt bbee rreeppllaacceeddbbyy aa TTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviiccee CCeennttrree..

• TThhee sseeaatt bbeellttss mmaayy nnoott bbeerreemmoovveedd ffrroomm tthhee vveehhiiccllee oorr mmooddii--ffiieedd iinn aannyy wwaayy.. DDoo nnoott aatttteemmpptt ttoorreemmoovvee tthhee sseeaatt bbeellttss yyoouurrsseellff..

• BBeellttss wwhhiicchh aarree ssttrreesssseedd aannddtthhuuss ssttrreettcchheedd iinn aann aacccciiddeenntt mmuussttbbee rreeppllaacceedd bbyy aa TTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviicceeCCeennttrree.. TThhee bbeelltt aanncchhoorraaggeess sshhoouullddbbee cchheecckkeedd..

NNootteeIn some export countries seat belt func-tions could differ from the 3 point or lapbelts described on the next pages

1.8 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– SEAT BELTS


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HHooww aarree sseeaatt bbeellttss ppuutt oonnpprrooppeerrllyy??

PPuuttttiinngg 33 ppooiinntt bbeelltt oonnYYoouu mmuusstt aaddjjuusstt tthhee ffrroonntt sseeaatt ttoo yyoouurrhheeiigghhtt bbeeffoorree ffaasstteenniinngg tthhee sseeaatt bbeelltt..SSeeee ""FFrroonntt sseeaattss"" cchhaapptteerr..For the centre rear seat, it must be takeninto account that the back of the seatmust be perfectly locked in position forcorrect functioning of the seatbelt. Seepage 2.69.The inertia reel belt gives complete free-dom of movement when pulled slowly.Sudden braking, however, will cause thebelt to lock.The mechanism will also lock the beltwhen accelerating, driving down steepgradients or cornering.

WWaarrnniinnggSSeeaatt bbeellttss ccaann oonnllyy ggiivvee tthheeiirr mmaaxx--iimmuumm pprrootteeccttiioonn iinn aann aacccciiddeenntt iifftthhee bbaacckkrreesstt iiss iinn aann uupprriigghhtt ppoossii--ttiioonn aanndd tthhee bbeelltt iiss ffiitttteedd cclloosseellyy ttootthhee bbooddyy..

• Pull belt by the tongue slowly andsmoothly across the chest and hips.

• Push the tongue into the locking part ofthe seat until it engages audibly ((ppuullll ttootteesstt!!))..

WWaarrnniinnggTThhee ttoonngguuee mmuusstt bbee pprreesssseedd iinnttoolloocckkiinngg ppaarrtt ddeessiiggnnaatteedd ffoorr tthhaattsseeaatt aanndd sseeaatt bbeelltt.. TThhee pprrootteeccttiivveeeeffffeecctt ooff tthhee bbeelltt wwiillll ootthheerrwwiissee bbeenneeggaattiivveellyy aaffffeecctteedd aanndd tthhee rriisskk ooffiinnjjuurryy iinnccrreeaasseess!!

SEAT BELTS –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1.9



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WWaarrnniinnggTThhee sshhoouullddeerr ppaarrtt ooff tthhee bbeelltt mmuussttrruunn rroouugghhllyy aaccrroossss tthhee cceennttrree oofftthhee sshhoouullddeerr,, oonn nnoo aaccccoouunnttaaggaaiinnsstt tthhee nneecckk aanndd mmuusstt aallssoo bbeeffiirrmmllyy iinn ccoonnttaacctt wwiitthh tthhee bbooddyy..TThhee llaapp ppaarrtt ooff tthhee bbeelltt mmuusstt ffiittttiigghhttllyy aaccrroossss tthhee ppeellvviiss–– nnoottaaccrroossss tthhee ssttoommaacchh.. IIff nneecceessssaarryy,,ppuullll tthhee bbeelltt ttiigghhtt..


• PPlleeaassee eennssuurree tthhaatt tthhee sseeaatt bbeellttiiss ffiitttteedd pprrooppeerrllyy.. AA sseeaatt bbeelltt wwhhiicchhiiss wwoorrnn iinnccoorrrreeccttllyy ccoouulldd aallssooccaauussee iinnjjuurryy iinn aann aacccciiddeenntt..

• AA sseeaatt bbeelltt wwhhiicchh iiss wwoorrnn ttoooolloooosseellyy ccoouulldd ccaauussee iinnjjuurryy aass yyoouurrkkiinneettiicc eenneerrggyy wwiillll tthhrrooww yyoouurr bbooddyyffuurrtthheerr ffoorrwwaarrdd iinn aann aacccciiddeenntt aannddiitt wwiillll bbee ccaauugghhtt aabbrruuppttllyy bbyy tthheesseeaatt bbeelltt..

1.10 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– SEAT BELTS



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With the aid of the bbeelltt hheeiigghhtt aaddjjuusstt--mmeenntt the routing of the shoulder belt forthe front and rear seats can be set to fitthe body properly.

• To adjust, push the upper relay fittingin the direction shown, hold in this posi-tion and move up or down so that theshoulder part of belt runs roughly acrossthe centre of the shoulder as shown in theleft-hand illustration – oonn nnoo aaccccoouunnttaaggaaiinnsstt tthhee nneecckk..

• After adjusting, pull the belt with a jerkto ensure that the relay fitting is properlyengaged.

NNootteeThe seat height adjustment* can also beused to adjust belt routing on front seats.

WWaarrnniinnggPPrreeggnnaanntt wwoommeenn sshhoouulldd aallwwaayysswweeaarr aa sseeaatt bbeelltt ttoooo.. TThhee llaapp ppaarrttooff tthhee bbeelltt sshhoouulldd bbee aass llooww aassppoossssiibbllee aaccrroossss tthhee ppeellvviiss ssoo tthhaattnnoo pprreessssuurree iiss eexxeerrtteedd oonn tthheeaabbddoommeenn..

SEAT BELTS ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1.11



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TTaakkiinngg tthhrreeee ppooiinntt bbeelltt ooffffTo release the belt, press the red button inthe lock. The tongue will then spring out.Pass the tongue towards the door by handso that the retractor can roll the belt upproperly. A plastic knob in the belt holdsthe tongue in a convenient position.

LLaapp bbeelltt**The centre place on the rear seat is fittedwith a lap belt.The belt lock is used in the same way ason the three point inertia reel belts.For safety reasons a lap belt not beingused should always be connected to thebuckle.


• TThhee llaapp ppaarrtt ooff tthhee bbeelltt mmuusstt ffiittttiigghhttllyy aaccrroossss tthhee ppeellvviiss–– nnoottaaccrroossss tthhee ssttoommaacchh.. IIff nneecceessssaarryy,,lloooosseenn tthhee bbeelltt..

• PPrreeggnnaanntt wwoommeenn sshhoouulldd aallwwaayysswweeaarr sseeaatt bbeellttss ttoooo.. TThhee llaapp ppaarrtt oofftthhee bbeelltt sshhoouulldd bbee aass llooww aass ppoossssii--bbllee aaccrroossss tthhee ppeellvviiss ssoo tthhaatt nnoopprreessssuurree iiss eexxeerrtteedd oonn tthheeaabbddoommeenn..

1.12 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– SEAT BELTS



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TToo lleennggtthheenn belt hold the tongue at rightangles to belt and pull belt through to therequired length – see illustrations.The belt is easier to adjust if tongue andcap are pressed together.

TToo sshhoorrtteenn belt it is only necessary topull the free end of belt.The surplus belt length is taken up bymoving the plastic slide.

SEAT BELTS ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1.13



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BBeelltt tteennssiioonneerr**Safety for the bbeelltteedd--iinn driver and frontpassenger is increased by the belt ten-sioners fitted to the inertia reels of thefront 3 point seatbelts to supplement theAir Bag.In case of a severe frontal collision thesystem is activated by sensors which firea pyrotechnic charge in the two automatictightening devices.This makes the devices roll up and tightenthe tensioners.


• AAnnyy rreeppaaiirr wwoorrkk oonn tthhee tteennssiioonneerrssyysstteemm oorr tthhee rreemmoovvaall oorr iinnssttaallllaa--ttiioonn ooff ssyysstteemm ccoommppoonneennttss ffoorrootthheerr rreeppaaiirr wwoorrkk sshhoouulldd bbee ccaarr--rriieedd oouutt bbyy aa TTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviicceeCCeennttrree..

• TThhee pprrootteeccttiivvee ffuunnccttiioonn ooff tthheebbeelltt tteennssiioonneerr iiss ccaappaabbllee ooff ooppeerr--aattiinngg oonnllyy oonnccee.. IIff tthhee bbeelltt tteenn--ssiioonneerrss hhaavvee bbeeeenn aaccttiivvaatteedd aatt aannyyttiimmee,, tthhee ssyysstteemm mmuusstt bbee rreenneewweedd..IIff yyoouu sseellll tthhee vveehhiiccllee,, pplleeaassee ppaassssoonn tthhiiss MMaannuuaall ttoo tthhee nneeww oowwnneerr..


• Smoke is released when the tensionersare activated. This smoke does not indi-cate a fire in the vehicle.

• It is of utmost importance to observethe relevant safety regulations when thevehicle or components of the system arescrapped. Technical Service Centres arefamiliar with these regulations.

1.14 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– SEAT BELTS


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AAttttaacchh cchhiilldd sseeaatt

WWaarrnniinnggAA cchhiilldd sseeaatt iinn wwhhiicchh tthhee cchhiilldd ssiittsswwiitthh iittss bbaacckk ttoo tthhee ddiirreeccttiioonn ooffttrraavveell mmaayy oonnllyy bbee uusseedd iiff tthhee ppaass--sseennggeerr ssiiddee AAiirr BBaagg hhaass bbeeeennddeeaaccttiivvaatteedd bbyy aa TTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviicceeCCeennttrree.. OOtthheerrwwiissee tthhee cchhiilldd wwoouullddbbee iinn ggrreeaatt ddaannggeerr..AAsskk yyoouurr TTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviiccee CCeennttrreeaabboouutt tthhee ccoonnvveerrssiioonn..

AAss ssoooonn aass tthhee cchhiilldd sseeaatt iiss nnoo lloonnggeerrnneeeeddeedd,, tthhee ppaasssseennggeerr ssiiddee AAiirr BBaaggsshhoouulldd bbee mmaaddee ooppeerraattiioonnaall aaggaaiinn bbyyaa TTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviiccee CCeennttrree..

CChhiilldd sseeaatt ssaaffeettyy lloocckk**TThhee tthhrreeee ppooiinntt ssaaffeettyy bbeelltt** iinn tthheemmiiddddllee ooff tthhee rreeaarr ooff ssoommee mmooddeell vveerr--ssiioonnss sseeaatt mmaayy bbee bblloocckkeedd ccoonn--ssttaannttllyy.. TThhiiss eennssuurreess tthhaatt tthhee cchhiillddsseeaatt iiss pprrooppeerrllyy ffiixxeedd iinn tthhee ccaarr..

AAccttiivvaattiinngg cchhiilldd sseeaatt bbeelltt lloocckk**

• Secure your child seat with the belt fol-lowing the instructions given by the man-ufacturer.

• Pull out the shoulder part of the beltfully.

• Roll the belt back in until it lies tightlyagainst the child seat. A “clicking” noisewill be heard when the belt is rolling in.The belt can now no longer be pulled out– ppuullll ttoo tteesstt!!

DDeeaaccttiivvaattiinngg cchhiilldd sseeaatt bbeelltt lloocckk**Press the red button in the lock part. Thetongue will be released from the lockingpart. The child seat belt lock is automati-cally deactivated when the belt is fullyrolled up.

SEAT BELTS ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1.15


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1.16 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– AIR BAG


SSuupppplleemmeennttiinngg tthhee tthhrreeee--ppooiinntt sseeaattbbeellttss,, tthhee AAiirr BBaagg ssyysstteemm offers addi-tional protection for the driver’s and pas-senger’s head and chest in a seriousfrontal collision.In serious lateral collisions the side AirBags reduce the risk of injury to the bodyparts exposed to the danger for the frontseat occupants.The Air Bag system is not a replacementfor the seat belt, but it is rather one partof the passive safety concept of the vehi-cle. Please note that the best possibleprotection to be offered by the Air Bagsystem can only be effective when theseat belts are fastened.TThheerreeffoorree,, tthhee sseeaatt bbeellttss sshhoouullddaallwwaayyss bbee uusseedd,, nnoott oonnllyy ffoorr rreeaassoonnssooff ssttaattuuttoorryy rreegguullaattiioonnss,, bbuutt aallssoo ffoorrssaaffeettyy..AAllssoo bbeeaarr iinn mmiinndd tthhee iinnssttrruuccttiioonnssffrroomm tthhee ""SSeeaatt bbeellttss"" cchhaapptteerr..

1) This equipment may vary according to thecountry.

The ddrriivveerr’’ss ffrroonntt AAiirr BBaagg is located inthe central cushioned part of the steeringwheel.The ppaasssseennggeerr’’ss ffrroonntt AAiirr BBaagg islocated in the dash panel above the glovecompartment.Both are marked with "AIR BAG".

WWaarrnniinnggTThhee sseeaatt bbeellttss aanndd AAiirr BBaagg ssyysstteemmoonnllyy ooffffeerr mmaaxxiimmuumm pprrootteeccttiioonnwwhheenn sseeaatteedd ccoorrrreeccttllyy..

AAiirr BBaagg ssyysstteemm11))




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AIR BAG ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1.17

The ssiiddee AAiirr BBaaggss are located on thebackside of the front seats (see figure)and are marked with "AIR BAG" on theupper part of the back.

CCoommppoonneennttss ooff tthhee ssyysstteemmThe system basically consists of:

• an electronic control and monitoringunit (control unit)

• two front Air Bags

• two side Air Bags

• a warning lamp in the instrument panel.

AAiirr BBaagg ffuunnccttiioonnss aarree ccoonnttrroolllleedd eelleecc--ttrroonniiccaallllyy::

• Each time that the ignition is turned on,the Air Bag warning light will light forabout 3 seconds.

• If at least one of the Air Bag devices isdeactivated, the warning light will flashfor approx. 12 seconds.TThheerree iiss aa ddeeffeecctt iinn tthhee ssyysstteemm iiff

• When switching on the ignition thewarning lamp does not light.

• Following the connection of the igni-tion, the warning light will not go off untilafter approx. 3 seconds.

• After the ignition is switched on thewarning lamp goes out and comes backon.

• The warning lamp lights or flasheswhile driving.

WWaarrnniinnggWWhheenn aa ddeeffeecctt iiss pprreesseenntt tthhee ssyyss--tteemm nneeeeddss ttoo bbee cchheecckkeedd iimmmmeeddii--aatteellyy bbyy aa TTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviicceeCCeennttrree.. FFaaiilluurree ttoo ddoo ssoo wwiillll jjeeooppaarr--ddiissee pprrooppeerr ffuunnccttiioonniinngg ooff tthhee AAiirrBBaagg iinn tthhee ccaassee ooff aann aacccciiddeenntt..


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WWhheenn aarree tthhee AAiirr BBaaggss aaccttiivvaatteedd??The Air Bag system is designed so thatthe driver’s side Air Bag and Passenger’sside Air Bag are triggered in case of asseerriioouuss ffrroonnttaall ccoolllliissiioonn.In a sseerriioouuss ssiiddee--oonn ccoolllliissiioonn, the cor-responding side1) Air Bag is triggered.IInn cceerrttaaiinn kkiinnddss ooff aacccciiddeennttss,, bbootthh tthheeffrroonntt aanndd tthhee ssiiddee11)) AAiirr BBaaggss ccoouulldd bbeettrriiggggeerreedd..The Air Bag system wwiillll nnoott bbee ttrriiggggeerreeddin case of light frontal and lateral colli-sions, rear collisions and oovveerrttuurrnniinngg. Inthese cases, the vehicles occupants areprotected in the conventional way by theseat belts. It is not possible to define globally whenexactly the Air Bag system will be trig-gered given that the circumstances ofeach impact may vary enormously.During inflation, the Air Bag emits a finedust. This is quite normal and there is nofire risk.

1) This equipment may vary according to thecountry.

FFrroonnttaall AAiirr BBaagg11))

When the system is triggered, the bagsare inflated by gas opening in front of thedriver and passenger.The Air Bag inflation is considerably rapidand takes fractions of a second, to offerthe best protection in the case of an acci-dent.IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn aabboouutt tthhee ooppeerraattiioonn aannddppoossssiibbllee ffaauullttss ooff tthhee ssyysstteemm mmaayy bbeeffoouunndd oonn tthhee pprreevviioouuss ppaaggee..

PPlleeaassee ttaakkee nnoottiiccee ooff tthhee wwaarrnniinnggnnootteess oonn tthhee nneexxtt ppaaggee

1.18 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– AIR BAG



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AIR BAG ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1.19


WWaarrnniinngg nnootteess

• IItt iiss iimmppoorrttaanntt ttoo mmaaiinnttaaiinn aa ddiiss--ttaannccee ooff aatt lleeaasstt 2255 ccmm ffrroomm tthheesstteeeerriinngg wwhheeeell oorr iinnssttrruummeennttppaanneell ssoo tthhaatt tthhee ffrroonntt sseeaatt ooccccuu--ppaannttss hhaavvee tthhee bbeesstt ppoossssiibblleeeeffffeeccttiivvee pprrootteeccttiioonn iiff tthhee ssyysstteemmiiss ttrriiggggeerreedd.. TThhee ffrroonntt sseeaattss mmuussttaallwwaayyss bbee ccoorrrreeccttllyy aaddjjuusstteedd ttoo tthheebbooddyy hheeiigghhtt..

• IIff yyoouu aarree nnoott wweeaarriinngg aa sseeaatt bbeellttoorr lleeaann ffoorrwwaarrdd wwhhiillsstt ddrriivviinngg oorraarree ssiittttiinngg iinn tthhee wwrroonngg ppoossiittiioonn,,yyoouu aarree ooppeenn ttoo aa hhiigghheerr rriisskk ooffiinnjjuurryy iinn aann aacccciiddeenntt wwhheenn tthhee AAiirrBBaagg SSyysstteemm iinnffllaatteess..

• CChhiillddrreenn mmuusstt nneevveerr bbee aalllloowweedd ttoossiitt uunnsseeccuurreedd oonn tthhee ffrroonntt sseeaattwwhhiillsstt tthhee vveehhiiccllee iiss iinn mmoottiioonn.. IIff tthheeAAiirr BBaagg SSyysstteemm iiss ttrriiggggeerreedd dduurriinnggaann aacccciiddeenntt,, cchhiillddrreenn ccoouulldd bbee sseerrii--oouussllyy iinnjjuurreedd oorr kkiilllleedd.. FFoorr ffuurrtthheerriimmppoorrttaanntt ppooiinnttss pplleeaassee rreeffeerr ttoo tthheecchhaapptteerr oonn ““SSaaffeettyy ffoorr cchhiillddrreenn””..

• NNoo ppeerrssoonnss,, aanniimmaallss oorr oobbjjeeccttsssshhoouulldd bbee llooccaatteedd bbeettwweeeenn tthheeffrroonntt--sseeaatt ooccccuuppaannttss aanndd tthhee eeffffeecc--ttiivvee rraannggee ooff tthhee AAiirr BBaaggss..

• TThhee pprrootteeccttiivvee ffuunnccttiioonn ooff tthhee AAiirrBBaagg wwiillll oonnllyy bbee ttrriiggggeerreedd ffoorr oonneeaacccciiddeenntt.. IIff tthhee AAiirr BBaagg hhaass bbeeeennttrriiggggeerreedd,, tthhee ssyysstteemm mmuusstt bbeerreeppllaacceedd..

• TThhee sstteeeerriinngg wwhheeeell ppaaddddeedd ppllaatteeaanndd tthhee ppaaddddeedd ssuurrffaaccee ooff tthhee AAiirrBBaagg mmoodduullee oonn tthhee ppaasssseennggeerr ssiiddeeooff ddaasshh ppaanneell mmuusstt nnoott hhaavvee ssttiicckkeerrssaattttaacchheedd,, nnoorr sshhoouulldd tthheeyy bbee ccoovv--eerreedd oorr rree--wwoorrkkeedd iinn aannyy ootthheerr wwaayy..TThheessee ppaarrttss sshhoouulldd oonnllyy bbee cclleeaanneeddwwiitthh aa ddrryy ccllootthh oorr aa ccllootthh mmooiisstteenneeddwwiitthh wwaatteerr.. NNoo ootthheerr iitteemmss ssuucchh aass,,ffoorr eexxaammppllee,, tteelleepphhoonnee oorr ccuupphhoollddeerrss sshhoouulldd bbee aattttaacchheedd ttoo tthheeAAiirr BBaagg mmoodduullee..

• NNoo mmooddiiffiiccaattiioonnss ooff aannyy kkiinnddmmaayy bbee uunnddeerrttaakkeenn oonn tthhee ppaarrttss oofftthhee AAiirr BBaagg SSyysstteemm.. AAllll wwoorrkk oonn tthheeAAiirr BBaagg ssyysstteemm,, iinncclluuddiinngg tthheerreemmoovvaall aanndd iinnssttaallllaattiioonn ooff ssyysstteemmppaarrttss dduurriinngg ootthheerr rreeppaaiirr wwoorrkk ((eexx..::rreemmoovviinngg sstteeeerriinngg wwhheeeell)),, sshhoouullddoonnllyy bbee ccaarrrriieedd oouutt bbyy aa TTeecchhnniiccaallSSeerrvviiccee CCeennttrree..

NNootteeIf the vehicle or individual parts of the AirBag system is scrapped, one must alwaysobserve the relevant valid safety regula-tions. Technical Service Centres are famil-iar with these regulations.

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SSiiddee AAiirr BBaagg11))

When the system is triggered, the bagsinflate using gas.The Air Bag inflates in a split second to beable to offer additional protection duringan accident.OOnn ppaaggee 11..1177 yyoouu wwiillll ffiinndd nnootteess oonntthhee ffuunnccttiioonn aanndd ppoossssiibbllee ddeeffeeccttss iinntthhee ssyysstteemm..

1) This equipment may vary according to thecountry.

WWaarrnniinngg nnootteess


• AAnnyy rreeppaaiirrss ttoo tthhee ssiiddee AAiirr BBaagg,,ssuucchh aass tthhee rreemmoovvaall oorr aasssseemmbbllyyooff aannyy ssyysstteemm ccoommppoonneenntt iinn ccoonn--nneeccttiioonn wwiitthh aannyy ootthheerr rreeppaaiirr wwoorrkk(( rreemmoovviinngg tthhee ffrroonntt sseeaatt)),,sshhoouulldd oonnllyy bbee ppeerrffoorrmmeedd bbyy aaTTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviiccee CCeennttrree.. TThhee ccoorr--rreecctt ffuunnccttiioonniinngg ooff tthhee AAiirr BBaagg ssyyss--tteemm ccoouulldd ootthheerrwwiissee bbee aaddvveerrsseellyyaaffffeecctteedd..

• IIff tthhee sseeaattbbeelltt iiss nnoott wwoorrnn oorr aanniinnccoorrrreecctt sseeaattiinngg ppoossiittiioonn iissaaddaapptteedd ((ffoorr eexxaammppllee lleeaanniinngg ttoooonnee ssiiddee)) dduurriinngg aa vvooyyaaggee,, tthheerree iissaa hhiigghheerr rriisskk ooff iinnjjuurryy dduuee ttoo tthheeddeeppllooyymmeenntt ooff tthhee AAiirr BBaagg iinn tthheeccaassee ooff aann aacccciiddeenntt..

• TToo gguuaarraanntteeee aa mmaaxxiimmuumm ooff pprroo--tteeccttiioonn ffrroomm tthhee llaatteerraall AAiirr BBaagg,, aaccoorrrreecctt sseeaattiinngg ppoossiittiioonn sshhoouulldd bbeeaaddaapptteedd aanndd tthhee sseeaattbbeelltt sshhoouullddaallwwaayyss bbee wwoorrnn..

• TThheerree sshhoouulldd bbee nnoo ppeerrssoonn,, aannii--mmaall oorr oobbjjeecctt bbeettwweeeenn tthhee ffrroonnttppaasssseennggeerrss aanndd tthhee aaccttiioonn zzoonnee oofftthhee AAiirr BBaagg.. AAllssoo,, nnoo aacccceessssoorryy oorraannyy ootthheerr oobbjjeecctt sshhoouulldd bbeeiinnssttaalllleedd iinn tthhee ddeeppllooyymmeenntt aarreeaaooff tthhee llaatteerraall AAiirr BBaagg tthhaatt mmaayyiimmppeeddee iittss ooppeerraattiioonn oorr eevveennccaauussee iinnjjuurryy ttoo tthhee ooccccuuppaannttss oofftthhee vveehhiiccllee..

PPlleeaassee ttaakkee nnoottiiccee ooff tthhee wwaarrnniinnggnnootteess oonn tthhee nneexxtt ppaaggee..

1.20 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– AIR BAG



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AIR BAG ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1.21


• OOnnllyy lliigghhtt aarrttiicclleess ooff ccllootthhiinnggsshhoouulldd bbee hhuunngg oonn tthhee ccooaatt hhooookkss..NNoo hheeaavvyy oorr sshhaarrpp--eeddggeedd iitteemmsssshhoouulldd bbee lleefftt iinn tthhee ppoocckkeettss..

• NNoo eexxcceessssiivvee pprreessssuurree sshhoouullddbbee aapppplliieedd ttoo tthhee ssiiddeess ooff tthheebbaacckkrreesstt,, nnoorr sshhoouulldd tthheeyy bbee ssuubb--jjeecctteedd ttoo uunndduuee ppuusshhiinngg oorr sshhoovv--iinngg eettcc.. aass tthhee ssyysstteemm ccoouulldd bbeeddaammaaggeedd aass aa rreessuulltt.. TThhee ssiiddee AAiirrBBaaggss wwoouulldd nnoott bbee ttrriiggggeerreeddsshhoouulldd tthhiiss hhaappppeenn!!

• DDoo nnoott ffiitt sseeaatt ccoovveerrss oonn tthhee ddrrii--vveerr’’ss oorr ppaasssseennggeerr sseeaatt.. OOtthheerr--wwiissee,, tthhee ffuunnccttiioonniinngg ooff tthhee ssiiddeeAAiirr BBaagg ccoouulldd bbee lliimmiitteedd ssiinnccee iittccoouulldd nnoott ccoommee oouutt ooff tthhee sseeaattbbaacckk.. FFoorr ffuurrtthheerr nnootteess rreeffeerr ttoo tthheecchhaapptteerr ““AAcccceessssoorriieess,, mmooddiiffiiccaa--ttiioonnss aanndd rreeppllaacceemmeenntt ooff ppaarrttss””..

• AAnnyy ddaammaaggee ttoo tthhee oorriiggiinnaall sseeaattccoovveerrss oorr ttoo tthhee sseeaamm iinn tthhee mmoodd--uullee aarreeaa ooff tthhee ssiiddee AAiirr BBaagg mmuussttbbee rreeppaaiirreedd aass ssoooonn aass ppoossssiibbllee bbyyaannyy TTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviiccee CCeennttrree..

• TThhee pprrootteeccttiivvee ffuunnccttiioonn ooff tthhee AAiirrBBaagg wwiillll oonnllyy bbee ttrriiggggeerreedd ffoorr oonneeaacccciiddeenntt.. IIff tthhee AAiirr BBaagg hhaass bbeeeennttrriiggggeerreedd,, tthhee ssyysstteemm mmuusstt bbeerreeppllaacceedd..

• IIff cchhiillddrreenn aarree lleeaanniinngg ttoo oonneessiiddee oorr aaddaapptt aann iinnccoorrrreecctt ppoossiittiioonndduurriinngg aa vvooyyaaggee,, tthheeyy aarree aauuttoo--mmaattiiccaallllyy eexxppoosseedd ttoo aa hhiigghheerr rriisskkooff iinnjjuurryy iinn tthhee eevveenntt ooff aann aaccccii--ddeenntt eessppeecciiaallllyy iiff tthheeyy aarree sseeaatteeddiinn tthhee ppaasssseennggeerr sseeaatt.. TThheeyy mmaayybbee sseerriioouussllyy iinnjjuurreedd oorr eevveenn kkiilllleeddaass aa rreessuulltt..

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1.22 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– AIR BAG


DDeeaaccttiivvaattee AAiirr BBaaggssAAiirr BBaaggss mmuusstt nnoott bbee ddeeaaccttiivvaatteedduunnlleessss tthheerree aarree ssppeecciiffiicc rreeaassoonnss ttooddoo ssoo,, ssuucchh aass::

• in the eexxcceeppttiioonnaall ccaassee where it maybecome necessary to use a child seat inthe passenger seat, where the child is fac-ing backwards.

• if it is not possible to keep a minimumdistance of 25 cm between the center ofthe steering wheel and the breastboneeven though the driver’s seat is in the cor-rect position.

• if handicapped people need specialequipment in the steering wheel area.

• if special seats are fitted (i.e. orthope-dic seats without side Air Bags).See the Technical Services for informationabout which Air Bags may be deactivatedin your vehicle.If you yourself disconnect the passengerAir Bag using the kkeeyy lloocckk sswwiittcchh1) (fol-lowing page), an “AAIIRR BBAAGG OOFFFF” warninglight will constantly remind you that theAir Bag is deactivated.AAllwwaayyss aaccttiivvaattee tthhee AAiirr BBaaggss wwhheennppoossssiibbllee,, ttoo pprrootteecctt tthhee ooccccuuppaannttss oofftthhee vveehhiiccllee iinn ccaassee ooff aa ccoolllliissiioonn..

1) This equipment will vary according to the coun-try.

DDeeaaccttiivvaattiioonn ooff tthhee ppaasssseennggeerr AAiirrBBaagg ffoorr tthhee iinnssttaallllaattiioonn ooff aa cchhiillddsseeaattIn the exceptional case where it maybecome necessary to use a child seat inthe passenger seat, where the child is fac-ing backwards, it is essential to deacti-vate the passenger Air Bag.We still recommend the installation of thechild seat uunniiqquueellyy oonn tthhee rreeaarr ppaasssseenn--ggeerr sseeaatt, and to avoid the need to deac-tivate the passenger Air Bag.IIff uussee ooff tthhee cchhiilldd sseeaatt hhaass cceeaasseedd,,tthhee ppaasssseennggeerr AAiirr BBaagg mmuusstt bbee rreeccoonn--nneecctteedd..BBeeffoorree tthhee uussee ooff cchhiilldd sseeaattss,, pplleeaasseerreeaadd ccaarreeffuullllyy tthhee sseeccttiioonn oonn ""SSaaffeettyyffoorr cchhiillddrreenn""..

WWaarrnniinngg!!IIff iinn aann eexxcceeppttiioonnaall ccaassee wwhheerreeyyoouu mmaayy wwiisshh ttoo iinnssttaallll aa cchhiilldd sseeaattiinn tthhee ppaasssseennggeerr sseeaatt,, wwhheerree tthheecchhiilldd iiss ffaacciinngg bbaacckkwwaarrddss,, iitt iisseesssseennttiiaall ttoo ddeeaaccttiivvaattee tthhee ppaass--sseennggeerr AAiirr BBaagg.. TToo nnoott ddoo ssoo wwiillllppuutt tthhee cchhiilldd aatt rriisskk ooff sseerriioouuss oorreevveenn ffaattaall iinnjjuurryy.. FFoorr aannyy ddoouubbttaabboouutt tthhee ddeeaaccttiivvaattiioonn ooff tthhee ppaass--sseennggeerr AAiirr BBaagg,, ccoonnssuulltt tthheeTTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviiccee..

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KKeeyy lloocckk sswwiittcchh11)) ffoorr ddeeaaccttiivvaattiioonnooff ppaasssseennggeerr AAiirr BBaaggssBy using the key lock switch in the glovebox it is possible to deactivate and acti-vate the frontal and lateral passenger AirBags. This measure is necessary in the eexxcceepp--ttiioonnaall cases where a child seat must beinstalled in the passenger seat. In general, child seats sshhoouulldd oonnllyy bbeeffiitttteedd iinn tthhee rreeaarr sseeaattss ooff tthhee vveehhiiccllee..RReeaaccttiivvaattee tthhee AAiirr BBaaggss aass ssoooonn aassppoossssiibbllee,, tthhee pprroommpptt rreeaaccttiivvaattiioonn oofftthhee AAiirr BBaaggss wwiillll ooffffeerr nneecceessssaarryy pprroo--tteeccttiioonn..

WWaarrnniinngg!!TThhee kkeeyy lloocckk sswwiittcchh sshhoouulldd oonnllyy bbeeuusseedd wwiitthh tthhee iiggnniittiioonn iinn tthhee ooffffppoossiittiioonn.. IIff nnoott,, ffaauullttss mmaayy bbeeiinnttrroodduucceedd iinnttoo tthhee ssyysstteemm pprree--vveennttiinngg tthhee ttrriiggggeerriinngg ooff tthhee AAiirrBBaagg oorr eevveenn aann uunnwwaanntteedd ddeeppllooyy--mmeenntt..

1) This equipment varies according to the model.


• Turn the ignition to the off position

• Turn the key lock switch to the “OOFFFF”position using the ignition key.

• Ensure that when the ignition isswitched to the “ON” position, the “AAIIRRBBAAGG OOFFFF” warning light always comeson.

WWaarrnniinngg!!TThhee ddrriivveerr ooff tthhee vveehhiiccllee hhaass tthheerreessppoonnssiibbiilliittyy ooff eennssuurriinngg tthhee ccoorr--rreecctt ppoossiittiioonn ooff tthhee sswwiittcchh..

AIR BAG ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1.23



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• Turn the ignition to the off position

• Turn the key lock switch to the “OONN”position using the ignition key.

• Ensure that when the ignition isswitched on, the “AAIIRR BBAAGG OOFFFF” warninglight does not come on.

““AAIIRR BBAAGG OOFFFF”” wwaarrnniinngg lliigghhtt ((AAiirr BBaagg ddeeaaccttiivvaatteedd))This warning light will light when the igni-tion is turned on as long as the passengerAir Bags are deactivated.TThhee wwaarrnniinngg lliigghhtt wwiillll ffllaasshh iinn ccaassee ooffaannyy aannoommaallyy iinn tthhee AAiirr BBaagg.. IInn tthhiissccaassee aa TTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviiccee mmuusstt bbee vviiss--iitteedd..

WWaarrnniinngg!!IIff tthhee ““AAIIRR BBAAGG OOFFFF”” wwaarrnniinngg lliigghhttffllaasshheess::

• TThheerree iiss nnoo gguuaarraanntteeee tthhaatt tthheeppaasssseennggeerr AAiirr BBaaggss wwiillll bbee ttrriigg--ggeerreedd iinn tthhee eevveenntt ooff aann aacccciiddeenntt..WWaarrnn aallll ppaasssseennggeerrss..

• DDoo nnoott ppllaaccee aannyy cchhiilldd sseeaattss iinntthhee ppaasssseennggeerr sseeaatt,, iinn tthhee eevveenntt ooffaann aacccciiddeenntt tthhee AAiirr BBaagg mmaayy bbeettrriiggggeerreedd ccaauussiinngg sseerriioouuss iinnjjuurryy..

1.24 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––AIR BAG



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SAFETY FOR CHILDREN –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––1.25


SSaaffeettyy ffoorr cchhiillddrreenn

IItt iiss cclleeaarrllyy ddeemmoonnssttrraatteedd bbyy aacccciiddeennttssttaattiissttiiccss tthhaatt ggeenneerraallllyy cchhiillddrreenn aarreessaaffeerr oonn tthhee bbaacckk sseeaatt tthhaann oonn tthheeppaasssseennggeerr’’ss sseeaatt.. TThheerreeffoorree,, cchhiillddrreennuunnddeerr 1122 yyeeaarrss ooff aaggee mmuusstt nnoorrmmaallllyyttrraavveell oonn tthhee rreeaarr sseeaattss11)).. DDeeppeennddiinnggoonn aaggee,, hheeiigghhtt aanndd wweeiigghhtt,, tthheeyy hhaavveettoo uussee aa ssuuiittaabbllee cchhiilldd rreessttrraaiinntt ssyyss--tteemm oorr aa sseeaatt bbeelltt.. FFoorr ssaaffeettyy rreeaassoonnss,,tthhee cchhiilldd sseeaatt mmuusstt bbee ffiitt iinn tthhee cceenntteerrooff tthhee rreeaarr sseeaatt oorr bbeehhiinndd tthhee ppaasssseenn--ggeerr’’ss sseeaatt..TThhee pphhyyssiiccaall pprriinncciipplleess aappppaarreenntt iinnaann aacccciiddeenntt,, wwhhiicchh aarree ddeettaaiilleedd oonnppaaggeess 11..33 ttoo 11..55,, nnaattuurraallllyy aallssoo aappppllyyttoo cchhiillddrreenn..AAss ooppppoosseedd ttoo aadduullttss,, tthhee mmuussccllee aannddbboonnee ssttrruuccttuurreess ooff cchhiillddrreenn aarree nnoottyyeett ffuullllyy ffoorrmmeedd.. AAss ssuucchh,, cchhiillddrreenn aarreessuubbjjeecctt ttoo aa hhiigghheerr rriisskk ooff iinnjjuurryy..IInn oorrddeerr ttoo rreedduuccee tthhiiss rriisskk ooff iinnjjuurryy,,cchhiillddrreenn mmaayy oonnllyy bbee ttrraannssppoorrtteedd iinnssppeecciiaall cchhiilldd rreessttrraaiinntt ssyysstteemmss!!


• AAllll vveehhiiccllee ooccccuuppaannttss,, aanndd ppaarr--ttiiccuullaarrllyy cchhiillddrreenn,, mmuusstt bbee bbeelltteeddiinn dduurriinngg tthhee jjoouurrnneeyy..

• YYoouu sshhoouulldd nneevveerr aallllooww yyoouurrcchhiilldd ttoo ssttaanndd oorr kknneeeell wwhhiillsstt tthheevveehhiiccllee iiss iinn mmoottiioonn.. SShhoouulldd aannaacccciiddeenntt ooccccuurr ,, yyoouurr cchhiillddrreenn wwiillllbbee tthhrroowwnn oouutt ooff tthhee vveehhiiccllee aannddccoouulldd bbee sseerriioouussllyy iinnjjuurreedd..

1) Different norms may apply to different coun-tries.

• IIff cchhiillddrreenn lleeaann wwhhiillsstt tthhee vveehhii--ccllee iiss iinn mmoottiioonn oorr aaddoopptt aann iinnccoorr--rreecctt ssiittttiinngg ppoossiittiioonn,, tthheeyy aarree ssuubb--jjeecctteedd ttoo aann iinnccrreeaasseedd rriisskk ooffiinnjjuurryy.. TThhiiss aapppplliieess iinn ppaarrttiiccuullaarr ttoocchhiillddrreenn sseeaatteedd oonn tthhee ppaasssseennggeerrsseeaatt wwhheenn tthhee AAiirr BBaagg ssyysstteemm iissttrriiggggeerreedd dduurriinngg aann aacccciiddeenntt.. TThhiissccoouulldd ccaauussee sseerriioouuss oorr ffaattaalliinnjjuurriieess..

• AA ssuuiittaabbllee cchhiilldd rreessttrraaiinntt ssyysstteemmccaann pprrootteecctt yyoouurr cchhiilldd!!

• DDoo nnoott lleeaavvee yyoouurr cchhiilldd uunnaatt--tteennddeedd iinn tthhee cchhiilldd sseeaatt

• CChhiillddrreenn uunnddeerr 11..5500 mm ((aapppprrooxx..uunnddeerr 1122 yyeeaarrss ooff aaggee)) mmuusstt nnoottuussee nnoorrmmaall sseeaatt bbeellttss wwiitthhoouutt tthheecchhiilldd rreessttrraaiinntt ssyysstteemm.. TThhiiss ccoouullddccaauussee iinnjjuurryy ttoo tthhee ssttoommaacchh aannddnneecckk..

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1.26 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––SAFETY FOR CHILDREN


UU – Adequate for the universal retentionsystems officially authorized withthis age group. (Universal retentionsystems are those fixed by the adultsafety belt).

UUFF – Adequate for the universal retentionsystems oriented frontwards offi-cialy authorized for use in this agegroup.

LL – Adequate for retention systems withISOFIX anchoring.

XX – Seat space not adequate for childrenof this age group.

NNuummbbeerr ooff sseeaattss AApppprrooxxiimmaattee FFrroonntt BBaacckk CCeennttrraall

aaggee ggrroouupp ppaasssseennggeerr ssiiddeess rreeaarr

GGrroouupp 00 < 10 kg UU UU(0-9 months)

GGrroouupp 00 ++ < 13 kg UU UU(0-24 months)

GGrroouupp II 9-18 kg UU//LL UU(9-48 months)

GGrroouupp IIII//IIIIII 15-36 kg XX UUFF UUFF(4-12 years)

UU (only in exceptionalcases). (Slide the front passenger seat as far backas possible and

always disconnectthe Air Bag)

UU (only in exceptionalcases). (Slide the front passenger seat as far backas possible and

always disconnectthe Air Bag)

UU (only in exceptionalcases). (Slide the front passenger seat as far backas possible and

always disconnectthe Air Bag)

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SAFETY FOR CHILDREN –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––1.27


NNootteeCChhiilldd rreessttrraaiinntt ssyysstteemmss tteesstteedd aaccccoorrdd--iinngg ttoo EECCEE--RR 4444..0033 ssttaannddaarrdd aarreecclleeaarrllyy mmaarrkkeedd wwiitthh tthhee EECCEE--RR 4444..0033tteesstt mmaarrkk ((ccaappiittaall EE iinn aa cciirrccllee aanndd aannuummbbeerr wwhhiicchh iinnddiiccaatteess tthhee ccoouunnttrryyooff tthhee nnoorrmm,, SSppaaiinn iiss nnuummbbeerr 99))..Only officially approved child restraintsystems which are suitable for the childshould be used.The ECE-R1) 44.03 standard applies tochild restraint systems. This categorizesrestraint systems into four classes.Group 0: 0-10 kgGroup 0+: 0-13 kgGroup I: 9-18 kgGroup II: 15-25 kgGroup III: 22-36 kg

1) Regulation of the Economic Commission of Eu-rope.

GGrroouupp 00//00++For babies up to 10 kg/13 kg we recom-mend child seats which can be adjustedto the horizontal position (see illustra-tion).

WWaarrnniinnggIIff iinn aann eexxcceeppttiioonnaall ccaassee,, aa cchhiillddsseeaatt iiss ffiitttteedd iinn tthhee ppaasssseennggeerr sseeaattwwhheerree tthhee cchhiilldd iiss ttrraavveelllliinngg wwiitthhtthhee bbaacckk ttoo tthhee ddiirreeccttiioonn ooff ttrraavveell,,tthhee ppaasssseennggeerr AAiirr BBaagg mmuusstt bbeeddeeaaccttiivvaatteedd eeiitthheerr bbyy aa TTeecchhnniiccaallSSeerrvviiccee CCeennttrree.. OOtthheerrwwiissee tthheerree iissaa ddaannggeerr ooff sseevveerree oorr eevveenn ffaattaalliinnjjuurriieess.. SSeeee aa TTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviicceeCCeennttrree ttoo ddeeaaccttiivvaattee tthhee ssyysstteemm..

AAss ssoooonn aass tthhee cchhiilldd sseeaatt iiss nnoo lloonnggeerrnneeeeddeedd aass ddeessccrriibbeedd iinn tthhee aabboovveeppaarraaggrraapphh,, tthhee ppaasssseennggeerr--ssiiddee AAiirrBBaagg sshhoouulldd bbee mmaaddee ooppeerraattiioonnaallaaggaaiinn bbyy aa TTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviiccee CCeennttrree..


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GGrroouupp IIFor babies and small children weighingbetween 9-18 kg. Best suited are childseats with safety board – see illustration– or child seats in which the child facesbackwards.

WWaarrnniinnggIIff iinn aann eexxcceeppttiioonnaall ccaassee,, aa cchhiillddsseeaatt iiss ffiitttteedd iinn tthhee ppaasssseennggeerr sseeaattwwhheerree tthhee cchhiilldd iiss ttrraavveelllliinngg wwiitthhtthhee bbaacckk ttoo tthhee ddiirreeccttiioonn ooff ttrraavveell,,tthhee ppaasssseennggeerr AAiirr BBaagg mmuusstt bbeeddeeaaccttiivvaatteedd eeiitthheerr bbyy aa TTeecchhnniiccaallSSeerrvviiccee CCeennttrree.. OOtthheerrwwiissee tthheerree iissaa ddaannggeerr ooff sseevveerree oorr eevveenn ffaattaalliinnjjuurriieess.. SSeeee aa TTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviicceeCCeennttrree ttoo ddeeaaccttiivvaattee tthhee ssyysstteemm..

AAss ssoooonn aass tthhee cchhiilldd sseeaatt iiss nnoo lloonnggeerrnneeeeddeedd aass ddeessccrriibbeedd iinn tthhee aabboovveeppaarraaggrraapphh,, tthhee ppaasssseennggeerr--ssiiddee AAiirrBBaagg sshhoouulldd bbee mmaaddee ooppeerraattiioonnaallaaggaaiinn bbyy aa TTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviiccee CCeennttrree..

GGrroouupp IIIIFor children weighing between 15-25 kg.Best suited are child seats combined with3-point safety belts.

WWaarrnniinnggTThhee sshhoouullddeerr ppaarrtt ooff tthhee bbeelltt mmuussttrruunn rroouugghhllyy aaccrroossss tthhee cceennttrree ooff tthheesshhoouullddeerr,, oonn nnoo aaccccoouunntt aaggaaiinnsstttthhee nneecckk,, aanndd mmuusstt bbee ffiirrmmllyy iinnccoonnttaacctt wwiitthh tthhee bbooddyy..TThhee llaapp ppaarrtt ooff tthhee bbeelltt mmuusstt ffiittttiigghhttllyy aaccrroossss tthhee ppeellvviiss–– nnoottaaccrroossss tthhee ssttoommaacchh.. IIff nneecceessssaarryy,,ppuullll tthhee bbeelltt ttiigghhtt..


1.28 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– SAFETY FOR CHILDREN


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SAFETY FOR CHILDREN ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1.29


GGrroouupp IIIIIIFor children weighing between 22-36 kg.and less than 1.50 m (5’) tall. Best suitedare seat cushions combined with the 3-point seat belt.

WWaarrnniinnggTThhee sshhoouullddeerr ppaarrtt ooff tthhee bbeelltt mmuussttrruunn rroouugghhllyy aaccrroossss tthhee cceennttrree oofftthhee sshhoouullddeerr,, oonn nnoo aaccccoouunnttaaggaaiinnsstt tthhee nneecckk,, aanndd mmuusstt bbeeffiirrmmllyy iinn ccoonnttaacctt wwiitthh tthhee bbooddyy..TThhee llaapp ppaarrtt ooff tthhee bbeelltt mmuusstt ffiittttiigghhttllyy aaccrroossss tthhee cchhiilldd’’ss hhiippss–– nnoottaaccrroossss tthhee ssttoommaacchh.. IIff nneecceessssaarryy,,ppuullll tthhee bbeelltt ttiigghhtt..

Children more than 1.50 m/5’ tall can usethe seat belts fitted without seat cush-ions.

WWaarrnniinnggNNeevveerr,, uunnddeerr aannyy cciirrccuummssttaanncceess,,sshhoouulldd yyoouu ttrraannssppoorrtt cchhiillddrreenn oorriinnffaannttss iinn tthhee vveehhiiccllee,, bbyy ccaarrrryyiinnggtthheemm iinn aarrmmss oorr sseeaatteedd oonn ssoommee--bbooddyy’’ss llaapp..

When using the belt, the section “Seatbelts” should also be noted.


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1.30 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– SAFETY FOR CHILDREN



• Child retention systems designed for allages are available for your vehicle fromthe SEAT Original Accessories Programunder the name "Peke"1). These systemsmentioned above have been especiallydesigned and approved conforming to theECE-R 44.03 regulation.

• FFoorr tthhee iinnssttaallllaattiioonn aanndd uussee,, aatttteenn--ttiioonn mmuusstt bbee ppaaiidd ttoo ssttaattuuttoorryy rreegguullaa--ttiioonnss aanndd tthhee iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss ooff tthheerreessttrraaiinntt ssyysstteemm mmaannuuffaaccttuurreerr..


• PPaarrttiiccuullaarr ccaarree iiss rreeqquuiirreedd iiffcchhiilldd rreessttrraaiinntt ssyysstteemmss aarree uusseeddwwhhiicchh aarree bboolltteedd ttooggeetthheerr wwiitthh tthheesseeaatt bbeellttss ffiitttteedd iinn tthhee vveehhiiccllee.. TThheebboollttss mmuusstt bbee ssccrreewweedd iinnttoo tthheehhoollee ffoorr tthhee ccoommpplleettee lleennggtthh aannddttiigghhtteenneedd ttoo 4400 NNmm..

• FFuurrtthheerrmmoorree,, tthhee sseeaatt bbeellttss mmuussttbbee cchheecckkeedd ffoorr ccoorrrreecctt rroouuttiinngg.. TThheebbeelltt mmuusstt nnoott bbee aabbllee ttoo bbee ddaamm--aaggeedd bbyy sshhaarrppllyy eeddggeedd ffiittttiinnggss..

• OOnnllyy oonnee cchhiilldd ppeerr cchhiilldd rreessttrraaiinnttssyysstteemm iiss aalllloowweedd..

1) Not available in all countries.

AAttttaacchh cchhiilldd sseeaatt

SSeeccuurriinngg tthhee cchhiilldd sseeaatt**To attach the child seat you can perma-nently block the automatic three-pointseatbelt* of the rear central seat availablein certain vehicle versions. Hence, a cor-rect attachment of the child seat in thevehicle is guaranteed.

WWaarrnniinnggIIff,, iinn eexxcceeppttiioonnaall ccaasseess,, yyoouu mmuussttccaarrrryy aa cchhiilldd sseeaatt iinn tthhee ppaasssseennggeerrsseeaatt wwhheerree tthhee cchhiilldd ssiittss wwiitthh iittssbbaacckk ttoo tthhee ddiirreeccttiioonn ooff ttrraavveell,, tthheeppaasssseennggeerr AAiirr BBaagg mmuusstt bbee ddeeaaccttii--vvaatteedd bbyy aa TTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviicceeCCeennttrree.. OOtthheerrwwiissee,, sseerriioouuss iinnjjuurriieessoorr lloossss ooff lliiffee ccoouulldd ooccccuurr.. IIff yyoouuwwiisshh ttoo ddiissccoonnnneecctt tthhee ssyysstteemm,,ccoonnttaacctt aa TTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviicceeCCeennttrree..

AAss ssoooonn aass tthhee cchhiilldd sseeaatt iiss nnoo lloonnggeerrnneeeeddeedd aass ddeessccrriibbeedd iinn tthhee aabboovveeppaarraaggrraapphh,, tthhee ppaasssseennggeerr--ssiiddee AAiirrBBaagg sshhoouulldd bbee mmaaddee ooppeerraattiioonnaallaaggaaiinn bbyy aa TTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviiccee CCeennttrree..

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SAFETY FOR CHILDREN –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1.31


AAttttaacchhiinngg cchhiilldd sseeaattss wwiitthh tthheeIISSOOFFIIXX ssyysstteemmThere are four attachment rings (seearrows) on the body work between thechassis and the cushions of the rear seat.You can use these rings to attach a maxi-mum of two child seats with the ISOFIXsystem. When you fit the child seat youmust be able to hear a "click" on bothsides (sound of anchoring). Then, pull theseat to check whether it has been fittedproperly (pull test!)

WWaarrnniinnggFFoorr ssaaffeettyy rreeaassoonnss,, ccaarreeffuullllyy rreeaaddtthhee iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss ooff cchhiilldd sseeaattss wwiitthhtthhee IISSOOFFIIXX ssyysstteemm aanndd tthhee ""SSaaffeettyyffoorr cchhiillddrreenn"" cchhaapptteerr..


Page 38: Seat Leon 1M Manual

1.32 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– SEATS AND HEAD RESTRAINTS


FFrroonntt sseeaattss

The correct adjustment of the seats isimportant for:– reaching the controls safely and quickly.– relaxed low-fatigue body position.– mmaaxxiimmuumm pprrootteeccttiioonn ffrroomm tthhee sseeaatt

bbeellttss aanndd tthhee AAiirr BBaagg SSyysstteemm..


• IItt iiss iimmppoorrttaanntt ttoo mmaaiinnttaaiinn aa ddiiss--ttaannccee ooff aatt lleeaasstt 2255 ccmm ffrroomm tthheesstteeeerriinngg wwhheeeell oorr iinnssttrruummeennttppaanneell ssoo tthhaatt tthhee ffrroonntt sseeaatt ooccccuu--ppaannttss hhaavvee tthhee bbeesstt ppoossssiibblleeeeffffeeccttiivvee pprrootteeccttiioonn iiff tthhee ssyysstteemmiiss ttrriiggggeerreedd.. IInn aaddddiittiioonn,, tthhee ffrroonnttsseeaattss aanndd tthhee hheeaadd rreessttrraaiinnttss mmuussttbbee aaddjjuusstteedd ttoo tthhee bbooddyy hheeiigghhtt..

Consult the "Front seats" chapter for seatadjustment. Also note on this page thebasic adjustment of the driver’s and pas-senger seats.

WWaarrnniinnggNNoo iitteemmss mmuusstt bbee kkeepptt iinn tthheeffoooottwweellll,, aass tthheessee ccoouulldd bblloocckk tthheeppeeddaallss iinn ccaassee ooff ssuuddddeenn bbrraakkiinngg..CCoonnsseeqquueennttllyy,, iitt wwoouulldd bbee iimmppooss--ssiibbllee ttoo bbrraakkee,, cchhaannggee ggeeaarr oorraacccceelleerraattee..FFeeeett sshhoouulldd rreemmaaiinn iinn tthhee ffoooottwweellllwwhheenn tthhee vveehhiiccllee iiss mmoovviinngg,, nneevveerrrreessttiinngg oonn tthhee iinnssttrruummeenntt ppaanneell oorrsseeaattss..

DDrriivveerr’’ss sseeaattWe recommend that you position the dri-ver’s seat as follows:– Set the driver’s seat forwards/back-

wards in such a way that the pedals canbe fully depressed with a slightlyangled leg.

– Set the backrest in such a way that it isfully against your back and that you canreach the upper point of the steeringwheel with your arms at a slight angle.

FFrroonntt ppaasssseennggeerr sseeaattWe recommend that you position the frontpassenger seat as follows:– Backrest in an upright position.– Place the feet in the footwell in a com-

fortable position.– At the same time push the seat back as

far as possible.


Page 39: Seat Leon 1M Manual

SEATS AND HEAD RESTRAINTS –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 1.33


HHeeaadd rreessttrraaiinnttss**

The head restraints are height adjustableand must be set to suit the size of theoccupant. Correctly adjusted headrestraints together with the seat beltsoffer effective protection. It is also possi-ble to set the angle of the front headrestraints.

AAddjjuussttiinngg hheeiigghhtt

• Grip sides of head restraint with bothhands and pull up or push down.

• The best protection is obtained whenthe upper edge of the restraint is aatt lleeaassttat eye level or higher.


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Page 41: Seat Leon 1M Manual


Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2

Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5

Warning lamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.13


Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.23

Keys with remote control* . . . . . 2.24

Electronic immobiliser . . . . . . . . 2.25

Doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.26

Central locking* . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.27

Tailgate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.32

Anti-theft alarm system* . . . . . . 2.33

Radio-frequency remote control key* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.36

Electric windows* . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.39

Sliding/tilting roof* . . . . . . . . . . 2.43


Switches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.45

Sun visors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.48

Indicators and dipped beam lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.49

Interior lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.50

Windscreen wipers and washers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.51

Wiper blades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.53

Rear-view mirrors . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.55


Front seats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.58

Head restraints* . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.62

Armrest* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.63

Heated seats* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.64

Adjustable steering column* . . . 2.64

Pedals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.65

Luggage compartment . . . . . . . . 2.65

Rear shelf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.67

Rear seat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.68

Roof rack*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.70

Ashtrays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.72

Cigarette lighter/electric socket . 2.73

Stowage box. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.73

Drink can holder* . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.74


Heating and ventilation . . . . . . . 2.75

Air conditioning* . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.78

Climatronic* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.85


Manual gearbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.90

Automatic gearbox* . . . . . . . . . . 2.90

Handbrake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.96

Ignition lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.97

Starting the engine . . . . . . . . . . 2.98

Stopping the engine. . . . . . . . . 2.100

Cruise control system* . . . . . . . 2.101

HANDLING INSTRUCTIONS –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––2.1


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2.2 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––INSTRUMENT PANEL



1 2 3 4 5 6


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INSTRUMENT PANEL –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––2.3


5 7 8 9 10 11


Page 44: Seat Leon 1M Manual

Position Page1 – Door handle ........................... 2.262 – Knurled wheel for instrument

lighting*................................. 2.463 – Knurled wheel for light range

adjustment* ........................... 2.464 – Light switch ............................ 2.455 – Air vents................ 2.75/2.80/2.856 – Indicator/dipped beam lever... 2.497 – Heated rear window switch ..... 2.468 – Hazard warning light switch .... 2.479 – Knurled wheel for left

seat heating*/Drink can holder ..............2.64/2.74

10 – Knurled wheel for rightseat heating*/Drink can holder ..............2.64/2.74

11 – Passenger Air Bag* ................. 1.1612 – Glove compartment/

stowage box ........................... 2.7313 – Stowage box........................... 2.7314 – Radio/Radio housing1)*

Radio navigation system1)* ..... 3.8515 – Controls for:

– Heating/ventilation ............. 2.76– Air conditioning* ................. 2.79– Climatronic* ........................ 2.86

16 – Automatic*/Manual gear lever .. 2.9017 – Ashtray/ lighter.............. 2.72/2.7318 – Pedals .................................... 2.6519 – Windshield washer/wipers

lever/Multifunction indicator* ........................ 2.51/2.8

Position Page20 – Steering and ignition lock ..... 2.9721 – Driver’s Air Bag/Horn.............. 1.1622 – Steering column adjustment

lever* ..................................... 2.6423 – On board literature

compartment .......................... 2.7424 – Instrument and warning lamps

panel ..................................... 2.1325 – Bonnet release lever ............... 3.3526 – Electric wing mirror

adjustment lever* ................... 2.5527 – Central locking button* ........... 2.2928 – Electric window controls* ....... 2.39

• Some of the equipment above-men-tioned is only installed on certain modelversions or comes as an option.

• Controls on right hand drive modelsmay slightly vary from left-hand drive ver-sions. Nevertheless both versions are fit-ted with the very same indicator signs.

1) An additional instructions manual is deliveredfor vehicles with a navigation system or factory-fitted radio. If the radio is subsequently fitted,follow indications in the "Accessories, modifi-cations and replacement of parts" chapter.


2.4 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––INSTRUMENT PANEL

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INSTRUMENT PANEL –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2.5



In some model versions or in certaincountries, it is possible to insert the igni-tion key and have the dash panel lightsgo on without switching the engine on.This function is independent of the vehi-cle's light connections.The arrangement of the instrumentsdepends on the model and the engine fit-ted.

Page1 – Revolutions counter* .................. 2.52 – Coolant temperature ................... 2.63 – Fuel gauge.................................. 2.74 – Speedometer .............................. 2.75 – Digital clock*...............................2.7

Outside temperature indicator*.....2.7Multifunction indicator* ..............2.8

6 – Selector lever position display*. 2.117 – Mileage clock with Service

interval indicator* ............ 2.11/2.12

11 –– RReevvoolluuttiioonnss ccoouunntteerr**OOnn nnoo aaccccoouunntt mmuusstt tthhee rreevvoolluuttiioonnssccoouunntteerr nneeeeddllee mmoovvee iinnttoo tthhee rreeddzzoonnee ooff tthhee ssccaallee..

❀CChhaannggiinngg uupp iinn ggoooodd ttiimmee hheellppssttoo ssaavvee ffuueell aanndd kkeeeepp tthhee nnooiissee

ddoowwnn..Change down a gear at the latest whenthe engine turn over is no longer smooth.Avoid high engine revolutions during therunning-in period.








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E P C5

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22 –– CCoooollaanntt tteemmppeerraattuurreeThe gauge starts to work when the igni-tion is switched on.When the ignition is switched on thewarning lamp (cc) flashes for a few sec-onds as a functional check.

aa –– CCoollddAvoid high engine speeds and do notwork engine too hard yet.

bb –– NNoorrmmaallWhen the vehicle is driven normally theneedle should settle down in the centralzone.When engine is working hard and theambient temperature is high, the needlemay move a long way up.TThhiiss iiss nnoott sseerriioouuss aass lloonngg aass tthheewwaarrnniinngg llaammpp ((cc)) ddooeess nnoott ffllaasshh..

cc –– WWaarrnniinngg llaammppIf the lamp flashes and a tone is heard atthe same time when driving, first checkthe coolant temperature being displayed.If the needle is in the normal zone,coolant should be added as soon as pos-sible. See the chapter on “Cooling sys-tem”.

If the needle is in the right half of the indi-cator, the coolant temperature is too high.IInn tthhiiss ccaassee,, ppuullll oovveerr,, sswwiittcchh tthheeeennggiinnee ooffff,, wwaaiitt uunnttiill iitt ccoooollss and thenlook for the cause of the problem. See thechapter on “Cooling system”.

WWaarrnniinnggNNoottee wwaarrnniinnggss iinn ""CCoooolliinngg ssyysstteemm""cchhaapptteerr..

AAddddiittiioonnaall lliigghhttss iinn ffrroonntt ooff tthhee ccooooll--iinngg aaiirr iinnttaakkee iinntteerrffeerree wwiitthh tthhee fflloowwooff ccoooolliinngg aaiirr.. AAtt hhiigghh aammbbiieenntt tteemm--ppeerraattuurreess aanndd ffuullll tthhrroottttllee tthheerree iiss aaddaannggeerr tthhaatt tthhee eennggiinnee wwiillll tthheenn oovveerr--hheeaatt..

2.6 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– INSTRUMENT PANEL




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INSTRUMENT PANEL –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2.7


33 –– FFuueell ggaauuggeeWhen the ignition is switched on, thewarning light lights up as a functionalcheck.The tank holds about 55 litres.When the needle moves to the red reservezone, warning light dd lights up at thesame time that an acoustic warning signalis produced; this means that approxi-mately 7 litres of fuel remain.

44 –– SSppeeeeddoommeetteerrThe speedometer is fitted with a digitalmileage clock and a trip mileage clock, aswell as a service interval indicator*.During the running in period you mustnote the instructions in the chapter "Thefirst 1,500 km – and afterwards".

55 –– DDiiggiittaall cclloocckk**The digital clock is set by turning a knobthat is on the bottom right next to thespeedometer.

• The hours are set by turning the buttonanti-clockwise until it stops. By turningthe knob once, you move forward onehour. By turning and holding the knob,the hours move forward continuously.

• The minutes are set by turning the but-ton clockwise until it stops. By turning theknob once, you move forward one minute.By turning and holding the knob, the min-utes move forward continuously.The knob can be used to set the clock tothe exact second.

• Turn the knob to the right until the timeis set to exactly one minute before therequired time.

• Turn the button to the right just as theseconds indicator of an accurately setclock shows one full minute.

• Turning the button to the left sets theclock to the required arrow.

55 –– OOuuttssiiddee tteemmppeerraattuurree iinnddiiccaattoorr**The outside temperature is displayedwhen the ignition is on. At temperatures from +5 °C to –5 °C, asnowflake symbol is displayed along withthe temperature.TThhee ssnnoowwffllaakkee ssyymmbbooll iiss ttoo wwaarrnn tthheeddrriivveerr ttoo ttaakkee eexxttrraa ccaarree wwhheenn tthheerree iissaa rriisskk ooff iiccee ffoorrmmiinngg oonn tthhee rrooaadd..When the vehicle is stationary or travel-ling at very low speeds, the temperaturedisplayed may be slightly higher than theactual outside temperature as a result ofradiant heat from the engine.



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2.8 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– INSTRUMENT PANEL


55 –– MMuullttiiffuunnccttiioonn iinnddiiccaattoorr**The multifunction indicator includes:

• Time

• Driving time

• Average speed

• Distance covered

• Autonomy

• Average fuel consumption

• Current consumptionThe function selector and the reset keyare located in the windshield wiper arm.With the ignition switched on, repeatedlypress the upper or lower part of the func-tion selector and the functions will appearone after the other.

When the ignition is switched on, thefunction which was selected beforeswitching off the ignition will be acti-vated, unless the ice warning symbolappears with outside temperature of+ 5°C and – 5°C.If the vehicle battery is disconnected, allstored values will be deleted.




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rpm x 1000

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INSTRUMENT PANEL –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2.9


MMeemmoorryyThe system is equipped with two memo-ries which function automatically.AA ppaarrttiiaall rroouuttee mmeemmoorryy ((MMuullttiiffuunnccttiioonnIInnddiiccaattoorr 11)) gathers the following databetween switching the ignition on andoff:Driving time, distance covered and usedfuel.Speed and average fuel consumption arecalculated using the above information.If driving is resumed within two hoursfrom switching off the ignition, the datacollected while driving is included in thecalculation. If driving is not resumedwithin two hours, the memory is automat-ically deleted.AA ttoottaall rroouuttee mmeemmoorryy ((MMuullttiiffuunnccttiioonnIInnddiiccaattoorr 22)) collects driving data fromany number of partial routes up to a totalof 100 driving hours, 10,000 kilometresand a fuel consumption of 1,500 litres.This data is used to calculate averageconsumption and speed from all partialroutes.

If some of the before mentioned data isexceeded, the memory is deleted and thecalculation starts over. Contrary to thepartial route memory, this memory is notdeleted when driving is interrupted formore than two hours.

CCoonnssuulltt mmeemmoorryyTo consult data select the memory bypressing the "RReesseett" key for < 2 secondsand from one of the specific MultifunctionIndicator 1 or 2 functions.– Partial route memory - Multifunction

Indicator 1– Total route memory - Multifunction

Indicator 2The following data can be displayed:

• Driving time

• Distance covered

• Average speed

• Average fuel consumption

DDeelleettee mmeemmoorryyMemory data is reset by pressing the"Reset" key for > 2 seconds.

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2.10 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– INSTRUMENT PANEL


IInnddiiccaattiioonnss oonn ssccrreeeennThe last selected item will be displayedwhen the ignition is switched on.

OOuuttssiiddee tteemmppeerraattuurree °°CCThe correct outside temperature takes fiveminutes to be displayed. When the vehi-cle is stationary or moving slowly, theindicated temperature may be slightlyhigher than the real outside temperaturedue to the engine heat.

WWaarrnniinnggIInn tteemmppeerraattuurreess bbeettwweeeenn ++55°°CC aanndd––55°°CC tthhee iiccee wwaarrnniinngg ssyymmbbooll iissddiissppllaayyeedd nneexxtt ttoo tthhee oouuttssiiddee tteemm--ppeerraattuurree iinnddiiccaattiioonn.. IInn ccaassee tthhiissffuunnccttiioonn wwaass nnoott sseelleecctteedd,, tthheessccrreeeenn wwoouulldd aauuttoommaattiiccaallllyy ddiiss--ppllaayy iitt..

TTiimmeeThe time is displayed even if the ignitionis switched off. The clock is set with theright rotary knob below the speedometer(see "digital clock" in the InstructionsManual).

DDrriivviinngg ttiimmeeMMuullttiiffuunnccttiioonn IInnddiiccaattoorr 11 – Driving timefrom switching on the ignition or fromresetting memory (see "special routememory").MMuullttiiffuunnccttiioonn IInnddiiccaattoorr 22 – Total dri-ving time of all partial routes (see "mem-ory of total route").The maximum value displayed with eitherselector position is 99 hours and 59 min-utes. If this value is exceeded, the displayis reset.

AAvveerraaggee ssppeeeedd ØØ kkmm//hhThe same applies to "average speed" asto "average fuel consumption".

DDiissttaannccee ccoovveerreedd KKmmThe same which applies to "distance cov-ered" applies to "driving time" (seebelow). The maximum displayed distanceis 9,999 km.

AAuuttoonnoommyy KKmmThis function indicates the distance whichthe vehicle can drive maintaining thesame driving style.Fuel calculation is based on the averagefuel consumption during the last 50 kilo-meters.After resetting the fuel display (i.e. afterdisconnecting the battery) the real fuelrange will be displayed after approxi-mately 50 kilometers).

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INSTRUMENT PANEL ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2.11


AAvveerraaggee ffuueell ccoonnssuummppttiioonn ØØ ll//110000 kkmmIndicates the average fuel consumption,not the consumption at the moment.After switching on the ignition or afterdeleting the corresponding memory, theaverage fuel consumption is displayedafter having driven approximately 300meters. Until that moment, the screen willdisplay lines instead of the function. Thefigure is updated every 5 seconds.MMuullttiiffuunnccttiioonn IInnddiiccaattoorr 11 – indicatesthe average fuel consumption of the par-tial trip.MMuullttiiffuunnccttiioonn IInnddiiccaattoorr 22 – indicatesthe average fuel consumption of all of thepartial trips (see also "memory of totalroute").

NNootteeThe quantity of fuel which has been usedis not indicated.

CCuurrrreenntt ccoonnssuummppttiioonn ll//110000 kkmmIndicates the current consumption inl/100 km.The consumption is calculated in intervalsof 2 seconds. When the vehicle isstopped, the consumption is indicated inl/h.

66 –– SSeelleeccttoorr lleevveerr ppoossiittiioonn ddiissppllaayy**The position of the automatic gearboxselector lever is indicated in the display.See "Automatic gearbox" chapter.

77 –– MMiilleeaaggee cclloocckk// TTrriipp mmiilleeaaggeeThe upper counter registers the total dis-tance driven and the lower one the shorttrips.The last figure of the lower counter indi-cates 100 m.The trip mileage can be put back to zeroby pressing the reset knob next to thespeedometer (partial mileage clock).

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2.12 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––INSTRUMENT PANEL


77 –– SSeerrvviiccee iinntteerrvvaall iinnddiiccaattoorr**If a service is due, the word "Service" willflash for about 20 seconds when theengine is switched on, the vehicle is notmoving and the mileage clock reset but-ton is not touched.The deadline for any service will be dis-played 3,000 km in advance.

• IInntteerrmmiitttteenntt sseerrvviiccee** ffoorr 2200 sseecc--oonnddss.. Indicates that the time for a newservice has elapsed.

• SSeerrvviiccee KKmm 33,,000000** ffoorr 2200 sseeccoonnddss..Indicates that the next service is due in3,000 km. Every 100 km the number ofkm will decrease by 100 km up to the indi-cation "Service".AAfftteerr tthhee sseerrvviiccee hhaass bbeeeenn ppeerrffoorrmmeeddtthhee ddiissppllaayy nneeeeddss ttoo bbee rreesseett..The display will be reset by a TechnicalService Centre as follows:

• Switch ignition off

• Keep the odometer reset button next tothe speedometer pressed down.

• Without releasing the aforementionedbutton, switch the ignition on. “SSEERRVVIICCEE”will then appear on the display. Next, turnthe button toward the right, for at leastone second.

• The display automatically returns tonormal mode (total km + partial km), andin this way, the system remains activatedfor the oil change service.


• DDoo nnoott zzeerroo tthhee ddiissppllaayy bbeettwweeeenn tthheesseerrvviiccee iinntteerrvvaallss.. OOtthheerrwwiissee aann iinnccoorr--rreecctt rreeaaddiinngg wwiillll aappppeeaarr..

• IIff tthhee bbaatttteerryy sshhoouulldd bbee ddiissccoonn--nneecctteedd,, tthhee sseerrvviiccee iinnddiiccaattoorr iinnffoorrmmaa--ttiioonn wwiillll bbee rreettaaiinneedd..

• IIff tthhee iinnssttrruummeenntt ppaanneell cchhaannggeessdduuee ttoo rreeppaaiirr,, tthhee sseerrvviiccee iinntteerrvvaall ddiiss--ppllaayy mmuusstt bbee rreesseett.. TThhiiss sshhoouulldd bbeeccaarrrriieedd oouutt bbyy aa TTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviicceeCCeennttrree.. IIff tthhee iinnddiiccaattoorr iiss nnoott rreepprroo--ggrraammmmeedd,, tthhee sseerrvviiccee wwoorrkk mmuusstt bbeeddoonnee iinn aaccccoorrddaannccee wwiitthh tthheeMMaaiinntteennaannccee aanndd IInnssppeeccttiioonn PPllaann aannddnnoott tthhee sseerrvviiccee iinntteerrvvaall iinnddiiccaattoorr..OOnnllyy aafftteerr aa sseerrvviiccee hhaass bbeeeenn ccaarrrriieeddoouutt aanndd tthhee iinnddiiccaattoorr hhaass bbeeeenn rreesseettwwiillll tthhee sseerrvviiccee iinntteerrvvaall iinnddiiccaattoorrrreeggaaiinn iittss vvaalliiddiittyy..

FFaaiilluurree iinnddiiccaattoorrIf a failure occurs, "FAIL" would appeareither on the instrument panel or the tripmeter. The defect should be repaired by aTechnical Service Centre as soon as possi-ble.

Page 53: Seat Leon 1M Manual

INSTRUMENT PANEL ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––2.13


WWaarrnniinngg llaammppss

The layout of the warning lamps dependson the model version and engine fitted.The symbols shown here are also on theactual warning lamps.

Page1 – Indicators ..................................2.152 – Coolant temperature/level* ........2.153 – Trailer indicators* ......................2.164 – Fuel level* .................................2.165 – Main beam ................................2.166 – Warning lamps display screen ...2.167 – Upper display:

Selector lever position display* .2.16








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2.14 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– INSTRUMENT PANEL


Page8 – Seat belt warning lamp*...........2.179 – Alternator ................................2.17

10 – Brakes/Hand brake ..................2.1811 – Engine oil pressure/level .........2.1812 – Tailgate ...................................2.1913 – Diagnosis*/Excess of pollution .2.1914 – Electronic immobilizer..............2.1915 – Brake wear monitor* ................2.1916 – Windscreen washer water


Page17 – Anti-locking brake system

(ABS)* .....................................2.2018 – TCS Wheel spin control*/

ESP Electronic StabilityProgram* .................................2.21

19 – Parking light/dipped beam ......2.2120 – Rear fog light* .........................2.2221 – Air Bag system1) ......................2.2222 – Preheating system/

Electronic Accelerator-Pedal Control (EPC)*.................2.22

1) This equipment may vary according to thecountry.


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20 16 15IB9-024

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INSTRUMENT PANEL ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2.15


11 –– IInnddiiccaattoorrssThe pilot light flashes at the same time asthe indicator. If a turn signal fails, thewarning lamp flashes twice as fast. (Notwhen towing a trailer).For more data, see "Indicators and dippedbeam lever" chapter.

22 –– CCoooollaanntt tteemmppeerraattuurree// lleevveell**

The warning lamp lights up for a few sec-onds as a functional check when ignitionis switched on.If the lamp does not go out afterwards orlights up or flashes when driving, eitherthe coolant temperature is too high or thecoolant level too low. An acoustic signalwill sound 3 times as an additional warn-ing:SSttoopp tthhee vveehhiiccllee iimmmmeeddiiaatteellyy,, sswwiittcchhtthhee eennggiinnee ooffff and check the level. Ifnecessary, add coolant. For more informa-tion, see the chapter “Instruments”.

WWaarrnniinngg nnootteess

• NNeevveerr ooppeenn tthhee bboonnnneett ooff yyoouurrccaarr iiff yyoouu sseeee sstteeaamm oorr ccoooollaannttccoommiinngg ffrroomm tthhee eennggiinnee ccoommppaarrtt--mmeenntt –– RRiisskk ooff ssccaallddiinngg!! WWaaiitt uunnttiillnnoo mmoorree sstteeaamm oorr ccoooollaanntt ccaann bbeesseeeenn..

• DDoo nnoott ttoouucchh tthhee ffaann.. TThhee ffaann ccaannsswwiittcchh oonn ssuuddddeennllyy –– eevveenn wwhheenntthhee eennggiinnee iiss sswwiittcchheedd ooffff..

• PPlleeaassee nnoottee tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg ppooiinnttssttoo aavvooiidd ssccaallddiinngg wwiitthh hhoott ccoooollaanntt::––EExxeerrcciissee ccaauuttiioonn wwhheenn ooppeenniinngg

tthhee ccoooollaanntt eexxppaannssiioonn ttaannkk!! WWhheenntthhee eennggiinnee iiss hhoott tthhee ccoooolliinngg ssyyss--tteemm iiss uunnddeerr pprreessssuurree –– DDaannggeerrooff ssccaallddiinngg!! TThheerreeffoorree lleett eennggiinneeccooooll ddoowwnn bbeeffoorree uunnssccrreewwiinngg tthheeccaapp!!

––TToo pprrootteecctt yyoouurr ffaaccee,, hhaannddss aannddaarrmmss yyoouu sshhoouulldd ccoovveerr tthhee ccaapp oofftthhee rraaddiiaattoorr wwiitthh aa llaarrggee,, tthhiicckkccllootthh ttoo pprrootteecctt aaggaaiinnsstt sstteeaamm oorrhhoott fflluuiidd..

• EEnnssuurree tthhaatt tthhee ccoooollaanntt lliiqquuiiddddooeess nnoott ddrroopp oonn tthhee hhoott eexxhhaauussttoorr aannyy ootthheerr hhoott eennggiinnee ccoommppoo--nneennttss.. TThhee aannttiiffrreeeezzee ccoonnttaaiinneedd iinntthhee ccoooollaanntt ccoouulldd iiggnniittee..








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51 2 3 4 1

6 7 LEO-004

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2.16 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– INSTRUMENT PANEL


If the level is correct the failure may bedue to a fan failure. In this case check theradiator fan fuse and replace if necessary.See "Fuses" chapter.If the warning lamp does not go outalthough coolant level and fan fuse are inorder, ddoo nnoott ddrriivvee oonn – call in expertassistance.If the trouble is located only in the radia-tor fan, and assuming the coolant level isin order and the temperature warninglamp is off, you may drive on to the near-est Technical Service Centre In order tomake good use of the air stream for cool-ing, do not let engine idle or drive veryslowly.

33 –– TTrraaiilleerr iinnddiiccaattoorrss**The warning lamp* flashes when turn sig-nals are switched on when towing atrailer.If a turn signal fails on the trailer or vehi-cle, the warning lamp does not flash.

44 –– FFuueell lleevveell**When the ignition is switched on, thewarning light lights up as a functionalcheck.The warning lamp comes on when thereare about 7 litres left in tank.

55 –– MMaaiinn bbeeaamm The warning lamp comes on when mainbeam is on or when the headlight flasheris used.

66 –– WWaarrnniinngg llaammppss ddiissppllaayy ssccrreeeenn

77 –– SSeelleeccttoorr lleevveerr ppoossiittiioonn ddiissppllaayy**The automatic gearbox selector lever isshown on the display; See the "Automaticgearbox" chapter.








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51 2 3 4 1

6 7 LEO-004

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INSTRUMENT PANEL ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2.17


88 –– SSeeaatt bbeelltt wwaarrnniinngg llaammpp** The warning lamp lights up (only for cer-tain countries) for about 6 seconds afterignition as a reminder to fasten yoursafety belt.If the seat belt is not fastened, in somecountries an acoustic signal will soundafter switching on the ignition which willstop after approximately 6 seconds orwhen the seat belt is fastened.PPlleeaassee rreeffeerr ttoo cchhaapptteerr ““SSeeaatt bbeellttss””..

99 –– AAlltteerrnnaattoorrThe warning lamp comes on when theignition is switched on and must go outwhen the engine is started.The alternator is driven by a long-liferibbed belt.If the warning lamp lights during the jour-ney, ssttoopp,, sswwiittcchh ooffff eennggiinnee and checkribbed belt.If it is lloooossee or broken, ddoo nnoott ddrriivvee oonn– the coolant pump is no longer being dri-ven. The belt must be checked/ renewed.If the warning lamp comes on althoughthe V–belt or ribbed belt is not broken orloose, one can normally drive on to thenearest Technical Service Centre.As the battery will continue to discharge,all electrical consumers which are notabsolutely necessary should be switchedoff.


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20 16 15IB9-024

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2.18 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– INSTRUMENT PANEL


1100 –– BBrraakkeess//HHaanndd bbrraakkeeThe warning lamp comes on when thebrake fluid level is too low.The ignition must be switched on.On vehicles with ABS*, the warning lampwill light up for a few seconds when theignition is switched on or the enginestarted. If the ABS system* fails it will alsolight up together with the ABS warninglamp.

WWaarrnniinnggIIff tthhee ppiilloott lliigghhtt ddooeess nnoott ggoo oouutt oorriitt ccoommeess oonn dduurriinngg tthhee jjoouurrnneeyy,,tthhee fflluuiidd lleevveell iinn tthhee ddeeppoossiitt iiss ttoooollooww.. HHaavvee tthhee bbrraakkee ssyysstteemm sseerr--vviicceedd iimmmmeeddiiaatteellyy aatt aa TTeecchhnniiccaallSSeerrvviiccee CCeennttrree..MMeeaannwwhhiillee yyoouu wwiillll hhaavvee ttoo pprreesssshhaarrddeerr oonn tthhee bbrraakkee ppeeddaall aannddbbrraakkiinngg ddiissttaanncceess wwiillll bbee ggrreeaatteerr..IIff tthhee bbrraakkee ssyysstteemm aanndd AABBSS ppiilloottlliigghhttss ccoommee oonn aatt tthhee ssaammee ttiimmee,,tthhee rreeaarr wwhheeeellss mmaayy lloocckk pprreemmaa--ttuurreellyy wwhhiillee bbrraakkiinngg.. GGoo iimmmmeeddii--aatteellyy ttoo aa TTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviiccee CCeennttrreeddrriivviinngg vveerryy ccaarreeffuullllyy aanndd ttaakkee pprree--ccaauuttiioonnss..

HHaanndd bbrraakkeeThe pilot light will come on when the handbrake is set and the ignition is switchedon. It should go out when the hand brakeis taken off.

1111 –– EEnnggiinnee ooiill pprreessssuurree//lleevveell

The warning light lights up for a few sec-onds as a functional check when the igni-tion is switched on.If the warning lamp is red or yellow orflashes it indicates that the engine oilpressure or level is too low. This warninglamp will also light up if there is a defectin the oil level indicator.

IIff lliigghhttss uupp oorr ffllaasshheess rreedd((iinnssuuffffiicciieenntt ooiill pprreessssuurree))Should the warning light flash or light upwhile driving you will also hear threetimes an acoustic warning as soon as theengine runs at over 1500 r.p.m. You muststop the car and turn the engine off: checkthe oil level and top up if necessary. Seethe "Engine oil" chapter.If the warning lamp flashes even thoughthe oil level is in order, do not continuedriving. Do not even run the engine atidling speed. Call in expert assistance.If while driving the engine speed de-creases below idling speed the oil pres-sure warning lamp may light up. Increaseengine speed by accelerating or changingdown gear.

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INSTRUMENT PANEL ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2.19


LLiigghhttss uupp yyeellllooww ((ooiill lleevveell** ttoooo llooww))If the pilot light lights up yellow the levelis too low. Stop engine and refill oil. See"Engine oil" chapter.When opening the bonnet the oil levelwarning is reset. However, if you do notrefill oil the warning will reappear afterabout 100 km.

FFllaasshheess yyeellllooww ((ddeeffeeccttiivvee ooiill lleevveell**iinnddiiccaattoorr))If the oil level indicator is defective anacoustic signal will sound and the warn-ing lamp will flash several times.From the moment of the defect to thecheck-up of the engine the oil level needsto be checked regularly, preferably whenfilling the tank.

1122 –– TTaaiillggaatteeThe pilot light* comes on if the tailgate isopen or badly closed.

1133 –– DDiiaaggnnoossiiss**//EExxcceessss ooff ppoolllluuttiioonn

This pilot light lights up when the ignitionis switched on as a testing device andgoes out after a few seconds.In case of failure due to excessive pollu-tion it will start to flash.

1144 –– EElleeccttrroonniicc iimmmmoobbiilliizzeerrWhen switching the ignition on, the datafrom the vehicle key is automaticallyprocessed. This procedure is confirmed bythe warning lamp lighting up briefly.If an unauthorized key is used the pilotlight will flash continuously. The vehiclecannot be started. See also "Keys withremote control" chapter.

1155 –– BBrraakkee wweeaarr mmoonniittoorr** The pilot light comes on for about 3 sec-onds as a check when you switch the igni-tion on. If the pilot light comes on whileyou are driving you will also hear analarm.If when you switch the ignition on thepilot light lights up and you hear thealarm, it means the brake pads are worn.IInn tthhiiss ccaassee yyoouu sshhoouulldd ggoo ttoo aaTTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviiccee CCeennttrree ttoo hhaavvee tthheeffrroonntt aanndd rreeaarr bbrraakkee ppaaddss cchheecckkeedd**..


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2.20 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– INSTRUMENT PANEL


1166 –– WWiinnddssccrreeeenn wwaasshheerr wwaatteerr lleevveell**

When the ignition is switched on, thiswarning light lights up as a functionalcheck.This warning lamp will light up if the waterlevel in the screen washer reservoirbecomes too low.Add water to the windshield and head-light washers. See "Windshield washer"chapter.

1177 –– AAnnttii--lloocckkiinngg bbrraakkee ssyysstteemm ((AABBSS))**

When the ignition is switched on, thiswarning light lights up as a functionalcheck.This warning lamp monitors the AABBSS andEEDDLL* systems.

AAnnttii--lloocckk BBrraakkee SSyysstteemm ((AABBSS))**The warning lamp comes on for a few sec-onds when the ignition is switched on orthe engine started. The lamp goes outafter an automatic test sequence hasbeen completed.If the ABS warning lamp does not come onwhen the ignition is switched on, doesnot go out, or comes on when driving, thesystem is faulty.A fault in the ABS system is indicated asfollows:

• JJuusstt tthhee AABBSS wwaarrnniinngg llaammpp lliigghhttssuupp.. The vehicle can still be braked withnormal braking system but without ABS.TThhee vveehhiiccllee sshhoouulldd bbee ttaakkeenn ttoo aaTTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviiccee CCeennttrree aass ssoooonn aassppoossssiibbllee..

• AABBSS wwaarrnniinngg llaammpp lliigghhttss uuppttooggeetthheerr wwiitthh bbrraakkee ssyysstteemm wwaarrnniinnggllaammpp.. Not only is the ABS system defec-tive, but a cchhaannggee iinn nnoorrmmaall bbrraakkiinnggcchhaarraacctteerriissttiiccss ccaann aallssoo bbee eexxppeecctteedd..

WWaarrnniinnggIIff tthheerree iiss aa ffaauulltt iinn tthhee AABBSS ssyysstteemmtthhee rreeaarr wwhheeeellss ccaann lloocckk rreellaattiivveellyyqquuiicckkllyy.. IInn cceerrttaaiinn cciirrccuummssttaanncceesstthhiiss ccoouulldd mmaakkee tthhee bbaacckk eenndd oofftthhee ccaarr sswwiinngg vviioolleennttllyy..IIff tthhiiss hhaappppeennss ddrriivvee wwiitthh uuttmmoossttccaarree ttoo tthhee nneeaarreesstt TTeecchhnniiccaallSSeerrvviiccee CCeennttrree ttoo hhaavvee tthhee ffaauullttrreeppaaiirreedd..

In versions with an anti-skid regulator inthe driving wheels, or an electronic stabil-ity programme, the TCS/ESP pilot lightwill also come on if the ABS fails. For moredetails see pages 3.11, 3.12 and 3.13.

EElleeccttrroonniicc DDiiffffeerreennttiiaall LLoocckk ((EEDDLL))**The EDL system works in conjunction withthe ABS. Failure of the EDL system is indi-cated by the ABS warning lamp lightingup. TThhee vveehhiiccllee sshhoouulldd bbee ttaakkeenn ttoo aaTTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviiccee CCeennttrree aass ssoooonn aassppoossssiibbllee..Further details on EDL are given on page3.11.

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INSTRUMENT PANEL ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2.21


1188 –– DDrriivvee wwhheeeellss ssppiinn rreegguullaattoorr ((TTCCSS))**

The warning light lights up for a few sec-onds as a functional check when the igni-tion is switched on; it should go off after acouple of seconds.If the TCS works while the vehicle is inmotion, the pilot light flashes.If the system is disconnected or has afault, the pilot light will stay on.As the TCS works in combination with theABS, if the ABS breaks down the TCS pilotlight also comes on.For more information see page 3.11.

1188 –– EElleeccttrroonniicc SSttaabbiilliittyy PPrrooggrraamm ((EESSPP))**

The warning light lights up for a few sec-onds as a functional check when the igni-tion is switched on; it should go off after acouple of seconds.If the ESP works while the vehicle is inmotion, the pilot light flashes.If the system is disconnected or has afault, the pilot light will stay on.As the ESP works in combination with theABS, if the ABS breaks down the ESP pilotlight also comes on.For more information see page 3.13.

1199 –– PPaarrkkiinngg lliigghhtt//ddiippppeedd bbeeaamm

Dipped beam, parking or side light pilotlight (green). Works with the ignition off.


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2.22 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– INSTRUMENT PANEL


2200 –– RReeaarr ffoogg lliigghhtt** The pilot light will light up as soon as therear fog light is switched on. For furtherdetails see "Switches" chapter.

2211 –– AAiirr BBaagg ssyysstteemm11))

When the ignition is turned on, the warn-ing light will remain lit for a few seconds.If the warning light flashes for about 12seconds following engagement of theignition, this means that at least one AirBag has been disconnected in a TechnicalService. See “Deactivation of the AirBag”.TThheerreeffoorree iiff tthhee wwaarrnniinngg lliigghhtt ddooeessnnoott ffllaasshh oorr iitt lliigghhttss oorr ffllaasshheess wwhhiilleetthhee vveehhiiccllee iiss iinn uussee,, iitt mmeeaannss tthhaatttthheerree iiss pprroobblleemm wwiitthh tthhee AAiirr BBaagg..PPrroocceeeedd iimmmmeeddiiaatteellyy ttoo aa TTeecchhnniiccaallSSeerrvviiccee ttoo ssoollvvee tthhee pprroobblleemm..

1) This equipment may vary according to thecountry.

2222 –– PPrreehheeaattiinngg ssyysstteemm(Diesel engines only)

When the engine is ccoolldd the warninglamp comes on when key is turned toDrive position (ignition on).If the warning lamp does not come on,there is a defect in the glow plug system –call in expert assistance.Once the pilot light switched off switchengine on immediately. See "Starting theengine" chapter.When the engine is wwaarrmm the glow pluglamp does not come on – the engine canbe started straight away.

NNootteeIf while driving a fault occurs in the dieselengine management system, this is indi-cated by the warning lamp flashing. Theengine must be checked as soon as pos-sible by a Technical Service Centre.

2222 –– EElleeccttrroonniicc aacccceelleerraattoorr--ppeeddaall ccoonnttrrooll ((EEPPCC))

If there is a fault in the accelerator pedalworking, a warning light will switch on.Have the fault repaired at a TechnicalService Centre.

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OPENING AND CLOSING ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2.23



The vehicle is supplied with two keys AAwhich fit all locks.In addition, plastic key chain BB with thekey number is included.


• AAllwwaayyss ttaakkee tthhee kkeeyy ffrroomm tthheeiiggnniittiioonn wwhheenneevveerr yyoouu lleeaavvee tthhee vveehhiiccllee –– eevveenn iiff oonnllyy ffoorr aammoommeenntt.. TThhiiss iiss ppaarrttiiccuullaarrllyy iimmppoorr--ttaanntt iiff cchhiillddrreenn aarree ttoo rreemmaaiinn iinn tthheevveehhiiccllee.. TThheeyy mmiigghhtt ssttaarrtt tthheeeennggiinnee oorr ssoommee ootthheerr eelleeccttrriiccaallccoommppoonneenntt,, eelleeccttrriicc wwiinnddoowwss..RRiisskk ooff aacccciiddeenntt!!

• WWaaiitt uunnttiill tthhee vveehhiiccllee hhaassssttooppppeedd bbeeffoorree ttaakkiinngg tthhee kkeeyy oouutt..OOtthheerrwwiissee tthhee sstteeeerriinngg mmaayy bblloocckk..

RReeppllaacceemmeenntt kkeeyyssFFoorr rreeaassoonnss ooff sseeccuurriittyy,, rreeppllaacceemmeennttkkeeyyss aarree oonnllyy aavvaaiillaabbllee ffrroomm SSEEAATTOOffffiicciiaall SSeerrvviiccee CCeennttrreess..

KKeeyy ttaaggThe key tag contains the key number aswell as the secret code for the immo-bilizer, which are needed to obtainreplacement keys. With this number youcan order a duplicate of your key from aSEAT Official Service Center.

NNootteeYYoouu sshhoouulldd kkeeeepp tthhiiss ppllaassttiicc kkeeyycchhaaiinn iinn aa ppaarrttiiccuullaarrllyy ssaaffee ppllaacceessiinnccee oonnllyy wwiitthh tthhiiss nnuummbbeerr ccaannccooppiieess ooff tthhee kkeeyy bbee mmaaddee..For this reason you should give the buyerthis key tag if you sell the vehicle.



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2.24 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– OPENING AND CLOSING


Vehicles with remote control* have twokeys. One is a conventional key (see pre-vious page). The other incorporates aremote control function* (see "Radio-fre-quency remote control" chapter).

NNootteeIn some model versions the remote con-trol key may be folded. Its remote controlfunction is identical to any remote controlkey. See "Radio-frequency remote con-trol" chapter.

FFoollddaabbllee kkeeyy**TToo uunnffoolldd the key sword, press button AA.It will unfold with a spring.TToo ffoolldd the key sword, press button AA andguide it with your hand until it is com-pletely folded.




KKeeyyss wwiitthh rreemmoottee ccoonnttrrooll**

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EElleeccttrroonniicc iimmmmoobbiilliisseerr

The immobiliser prevents unauthorisedpersons from using your vehicle.A micro-chip is located in the head of thekey which automatically deactivates theimmobiliser when the key is inserted inthe ignition lock.The system is automatically activatedwhen the ignition is switched off.

NNootteeThe engine can thus only be started with acorrectly coded Genuine SEAT key.Trouble free operation of your vehicle canonly be guaranteed when using genuinekeys.

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2.26 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– OPENING AND CLOSING


FFrroomm tthhee oouuttssiiddee ooff tthhee vveehhiiccllee, it maybe locked or unlocked using the driverdoor key.UUppoonn ooppeenniinngg, the latch will rise up (forvehicles with central locking).For vehicles equipped with electric win-dows and central locking, if the key ismaintained in the opening position all ofthe electric side windows will open.UUppoonn cclloossiinngg, the latch will descend (forvehicles with central locking).In some vehicle models equipped withelectric windows and central locking, ifthe key is maintained in the locking posi-tion on the driver side, any side windowsleft open as well as the electric sunroofwill close.For vehicles without central locking, thepassenger door and the rear doors may belocked from the outside without using akey. Just press the button down and closethe door.The latch on the driver’s door may not bepushed down while the door is open (onlyin vehicles without central locking). Thisavoids accidentally leaving the keys in theignition.


• EExxeerrcciissee eexxttrreemmee ccaauuttiioonn wwhheenncclloossiinngg tthhee wwiinnddoowwss aanndd tthhee ssuunn--rrooooff ffrroomm tthhee oouuttssiiddee ooff tthhee vveehhii--ccllee..

• CClloossiinngg ffrroomm tthhee oouuttssiiddee wwiitthh--oouutt ttaakkiinngg ccaarree oorr oobbsseerrvviinngg aallll tthheevveehhiiccllee mmaayy ccaauussee bbrruuiissiinngg ffoorrootthheerr ppeeooppllee eessppeecciiaallllyy cchhiillddrreenn..

• WWhheenn lloocckkiinngg aa vveehhiiccllee,, nneevveerrlleeaavvee cchhiillddrreenn uunnaaccccoommppaanniieeddiinnssiiddee,, aass iitt wwiillll mmaakkee iitt mmoorree ddiiffffii--ccuulltt ttoo pprroovviiddee aassssiissttaannccee iiffrreeqquuiirreedd..

FFrroomm tthhee iinnssiiddee ooff tthhee vveehhiiccllee, all thedoors may be locked by pushing the secu-rity buttons down (in vehicles withoutcentral locking).

WWaarrnniinngg!!WWhheenn tthhee ddoooorrss aarree lloocckkeedd,, aannyyiinnttrruussiioonn iiss iimmppeeddeedd,, ffoorr eexxaammpplleewwhhiillee ssttooppppeedd aatt aa rreedd lliigghhtt..

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OPENING AND CLOSING ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2.27


CCeennttrraall lloocckkiinngg**

When the key is used in the driver’s door,all doors and the boot are unlocked at thesame time by the central locking system.The central locking system is fitted with alloocckkiinngg sseeccuurriittyy ssyysstteemm (double lock):When the vehicle is locked with the key orthe remote control from the outside, all ofthe doors are locked impeding anyattempt to force them.This system may be activated from theoouuttssiiddee either by using the key or theradio-frequency remote control*.

LLoocckkiinngg llooccaattiioonnss ooff tthhee vveehhiiccllee

OOuuttssiiddee::Driver’s door or by using the radio-fre-quency remote control*.

IInnssiiddee::By using the central locking switchlocated on the handle of the driver’s door(simple closure) (see page 2.29).

OOppeenniinnggTo ooppeenn your vehicle turn the key in thelock of the driver’s door to the openingposition or use the radio-frequencyremote control*. All of the doors will beunlockedWhen the vehicle is opened using theradio-frequency remote control*, the lock-ing security system as well as the antitheft alarm* are immediately deactivated.The indicator on the driver’s door will stopflashing. This warning light is fitted tovehicles equipped with the locking secu-rity system or the anti theft alarm*.

When the vehicle is opened using the key,the locking security system (double lock-ing) and the anti-theft alarm* are immedi-ately deactivated.When the vehicle is opened, the interiorlighting will come on for 30 seconds as ifa door is open and the indicators willflash twice.If, for any reason, the central lockingceases to function then, in general, thedrivers door and boot may be openedconventionally using the key but neitherthe locking security system nor the antitheft alarm can be activated.If the key is maintained in the openingposition in the driver’s door the electricwindows will open, in vehicles equippedwith them.

NNootteessIf for any reason the central lockingceases to function, neither the rear doorsnor the passenger door may be opened.The lock mechanism of the driver’s door,the boot and the ignition locking mecha-nism all possess a rroottaattiioonn mmeecchhaanniissmm(which will turn freely without the key)*.When the locking mechanism is operatedwith any object other than the key, therotation mechanism is activated. Themanipulated cylinder will rotate withoutopening the vehicle or turning the igni-tion on.If the rotation mechanism is activatedwhen the key is inserted then remove thekey fully and then reinsert it to open thevehicle. There will be no damage to thelocks.

1) This function may vary according to the modeland country.

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2.28 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– OPENING AND CLOSING



• To lloocckk your vehicle, ttuurrnn tthhee kkeeyyoonnccee (the double lock is activated) to thelocking position in the driver’s door lock.All of the doors and the boot will lock. Thelocking security system (double lock) andthe anti theft alarm* will be immediatelyactivated and the indicator light on thedriver’s door will begin to flash to indicatethis. This warning light is fitted to vehiclesequipped with the locking security systemor the anti theft alarm*.When the vehicle is locked, all of the inte-rior lights that may be on are turned offand the indicator lights flash once.The activation of the locking security sys-tem (double lock) is indicated by theflashing of the indicator light located onthe top of the driver’s door panel at thelevel of the window. Also, for vehiclesequipped with the anti theft alarm*, theindicator light will indicate when thealarm is on.


• IIff tthhee vveehhiiccllee iiss cclloosseedd ffrroomm tthheeoouuttssiiddee bbyy ttuurrnniinngg tthhee kkeeyy oonnccee ttootthhee lloocckkiinngg ppoossiittiioonn ((ddoouubbllee lloocckk)),,nnoo ppeerrssoonn ––eessppeecciiaallllyy cchhiillddrreenn--sshhoouulldd rreemmaaiinn iinnssiiddee tthhee vveehhiicclleedduuee ttoo tthhee ffaacctt tthhaatt tthhee ddoooorrss ccaann--nnoott bbee ooppeenneedd ffrroomm tthhee iinnssiiddeeuussiinngg tthhee ddoooorr hhaannddllee oorr tthhee cceenn--ttrraall lloocckkiinngg sswwiittcchh ((sseeee cceennttrraalllloocckkiinngg sswwiittcchh iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss)).. IIff tthheevveehhiiccllee iiss eeqquuiippppeedd wwiitthh eelleeccttrriiccwwiinnddoowwss,, tthheessee ccaannnnoott bbee ooppeenneeddffrroomm tthhee iinnssiiddee eeiitthheerr ((sseeee tthheeiinnssttrruuccttiioonnss ffoorr tthhee eelleeccttrriicc wwiinn--ddoowwss))..

• CChhiillddrreenn sshhoouulldd nneevveerr bbee lleeffttaalloonnee iinnssiiddee tthhee vveehhiiccllee dduuee ttoo tthheeffaacctt tthhaatt iiff tthhee ddoooorrss aarree aacccciiddeenn--ttaallllyy lloocckkeedd,, iitt wwiillll bbee ddiiffffiiccuulltt ttoopprroovviiddee aassssiissttaannccee iiff nneeeeddeedd..

• If the key is ttuurrnneedd ttwwoo ccoonnsseeccuuttiivveettiimmeess to the locking position in less thanone second then only the simple lockingmechanism is activate for all doors andthe boot. The locking security system(double lock) is nnoott activated.If the locking security system (doublelock) is not activated then the vehicle maybe unlocked ffrroomm tthhee iinnssiiddee. To do this,simply pull the corresponding door han-dle until the door opens.

• For vehicles1) fitted with electric win-dows or an electric sunroof, when the keyis maintained in the locking position theelectric windows will close fully followedby the electric sunroof if it is open.

• If the driver’s door is iinnccoorrrreeccttllyycclloosseedd or ooppeenn (door “ajar”), the vehiclecannot be locked. In order to lock thedoors of the vehicle, the driver’s doorshould be completely closed. If any otherdoor of the vehicle is incorrectly shut thenall doors except this door will be locked. Ifproperly closed afterwards, this door willjoin the locking system of the vehicle.In the case where the vehicle is openedusing the radio-frequency remote controland neither the locks or the doors areused, after 30 seconds the vehicle willautomatically be relocked so that it is notaccidentally left open.

1) This function may vary according to the modeland country.

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OPENING AND CLOSING ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2.29


CCeennttrraall lloocckkiinngg bbuuttttoonn**The central locking button makes it possi-ble to lock/unlock the whole vehicle fromthe inside. The button is located in thedoor release lever on the driver’s door(see illustration).

LLoocckkiinnggBy pressing the right hand side of theswitch AA all doors and the boot lid/tail-gate are locked. It is now no longer possi-ble to open the doors or boot lid/tailgate.Unwanted access from outside (e.g. attraffic lights) is also prevented in thisway.If the driver’s door is ooppeenn it will not belocked. This is to prevent you from lockingyourself out.The locking security system (double lock)and the anti theft alarm* are nnoott acti-vated if the push button is used.

AAuuttoommaattiicc LLoocckkiinnggThe doors will lock automatically whenthe vehicle exceeds speeds of 15 km/h.

NNootteessIIff tthhee vveehhiiccllee iiss lloocckkeedd uussiinngg tthhee cceenn--ttrraall lloocckkiinngg sswwiittcchh,, iinnddiivviidduuaall ddoooorrssmmaayy bbee uunnlloocckkeedd.. TToo ddoo tthhiiss,, ssiimmppllyyppuullll tthhee ccoorrrreessppoonnddiinngg ddoooorr hhaannddlleeuunnttiill tthhee ddoooorr ooppeennss..A



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2.30 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––OPENING AND CLOSING


UUnnlloocckkiinnggPushing the left part of the locking switchBB will open all doors.

AAuuttoommaattiicc UUnnlloocckkiinnggThe doors unlock automatically when thekey is removed from the ignition.The button will also function when theignition is switched off.


• IIff tthhee cceennttrraall lloocckkiinngg bbuuttttoonn iinntthhee ddoooorr rreelleeaassee lleevveerr oonn tthhee ddrrii--vveerr’’ss ddoooorr iiss ooppeerraatteedd,, aallll ootthheerrddoooorrss aanndd tthhee ttaaiillggaattee aarree lloocckkeeddaauuttoommaattiiccaallllyy..HHoowweevveerr wwhheenn tthhee ddoooorrss aarreelloocckkeedd oouuttssiiddee hheellpp iinn aann eemmeerr--ggeennccyy iiss hhiinnddeerreedd,, aanndd ssoo cchhiillddrreennsshhoouulldd nneevveerr bbee lleefftt aalloonnee iinn tthheevveehhiiccllee..

• LLoocckkiinngg tthhee ddoooorrss aanndd ttaaiillggaatteepprreevveennttss iinnttrruuddeerrss ffrroomm ggeettttiinngg iinntthhee vveehhiiccllee,, aatt ttrraaffffiicc lliigghhttss..

• FFoorr vveehhiicclleess eeqquuiippppeedd wwiitthh AAiirrBBaaggss aanndd oonnllyy iinn tthhee eevveenntt ooff aa ccooll--lliissiioonn wwhheerree aann AAiirr BBaagg iiss ddeettoo--nnaatteedd,, tthhee cceennttrraall lloocckkiinngg wwiilllluunnlloocckk aallll ddoooorrss aauuttoommaattiiccaallllyy ttooffaacciilliittaattee tthhee eevvaaccuuaattiioonn ooff tthheevveehhiiccllee.. TThhee vveehhiiccllee’’ss iinntteerriioorr lliigghhttaanndd tthhee wwaarrnniinngg lliigghhttss wwiillll rreemmaaiinnlliitt uunnttiill tthhee kkeeyy iiss rreemmoovveedd ffrroommtthhee iiggnniittiioonn aanndd rreeiinnsseerrtteedd aaggaaiinn..

• OOnnccee tthhee vveehhiiccllee hhaass bbeeeennlloocckkeedd wwiitthh tthhee rraaddiioo wwaavvee rreemmootteeccoonnttrrooll oorr wwiitthh aa rreegguullaarr kkeeyy tthheecceennttrraall lloocckkiinngg kknnoobb bbeeccoommeessiinnaaccttiivvee.. IItt nnoo lloonnggeerr wwoorrkkss.. FFoorrtthhiiss rreeaassoonn,, ddoo nnoott lleeaavvee aannyyoonneeiinn tthhee vveehhiiccllee,, iinn ppaarrttiiccuullaarr cchhiill--ddrreenn,, ssiinnccee iitt iiss nnoott ppoossssiibbllee ttooooppeenn ffrroomm tthhee iinnssiiddee oorr ffrroomm tthheeoouuttssiiddee.. FFuurrtthheerrmmoorree,, tthhee vveehhiicclleeccaannnnoott bbee uunnlloocckkeedd bbyy ssttiicckkiinnggtthhee hhaanndd iinn tthhee wwiinnddooww aannddppuulllliinngg tthhee kknnoobb ffrroomm tthhee iinnssiiddee oorrtthhee cceennttrraall lloocckk ccoommmmaanndd..TThheerreeffoorree,, nnoo iinnttrruuddeerr ccaann uunnlloocckktthhee vveehhiiccllee..

• TTaakkee ggrreeaatt ccaarree wwhheenn cclloossiinngg tthheewwiinnddoowwss aanndd tthhee eelleeccttrriicc rrooooff**ffrroomm tthhee oouuttssiiddee!!

• IIff yyoouu cclloossee ffrroomm tthhee oouuttssiiddeeccaarreelleessssllyy oorr wwiitthhoouutt vviissiibbiilliittyy yyoouummaayy ccaauussee sseerriioouuss iinnjjuurryy eessppee--cciiaallllyy ttoo cchhiillddrreenn..

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OPENING AND CLOSING ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––2.31


CChhiilldd ssaaffeettyyThe rear doors also have child-proofcatches.

CChhiilldd lloocckkUsing the vehicle key, turn the child lockslot in the direction of the arrow (figureAA). This way, the inside door handle of theaffected door is deactivated and the doorcan only be opened from the outside. Thesecurity button must be in the up1) posi-tion and the vehicle unlocked.

RReemmoovviinngg tthhee cchhiilldd lloocckkUsing the vehicle key, turn the child lockslot in the direction of the arrow (figureBB). This will reactivate the door handle ofthe affected door and it may once againbe opened from the inside. The securitybutton must be in the up1) position andthe vehicle unlocked.

1) Only vehicles without central locking.




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2.32 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– OPENING AND CLOSING



• When the key slot is vertical (aa) the tail-gate/boot lid is locked or unlocked auto-matically by the central locking system. Itcan also be locked or unlocked separatelywith the main key.

• When key slot is horizontal (bb) the tail-gate/boot lid will be locked all the timeafter closing. It can then only be unlockedwith the main key.To unlock boot lid, insert key and turn asfar as possible in the direction of thearrow (cc). The key cannot be pulled out ofthe slot in this position.

NNootteeThe alarm will go off if the boot is openedmanually using the key while the alarm isactivated.

TToo ooppeenn the tailgate when the key slot isvertical (see illustration), pull the handleand lift the tailgate.TToo cclloossee pull the tailgate down using oneof the handles on the interior embellish-ment and slam it gently.If the key slot is horizontal it means thetailgate is permanently locked and mayonly be opened with the main key.


• AAfftteerr cclloossiinngg tthhee ttaaiillggaattee aallwwaayyssppuullll iitt uuppwwaarrddss ttoo mmaakkee ssuurree iitt iisspprrooppeerrllyy cclloosseedd.. OOtthheerrwwiissee iitt mmaayysspprriinngg ooppeenn wwhhiillee tthhee vveehhiiccllee iiss iinnmmoottiioonn,, eevveenn iiff iitt hhaass bbeeeenn lloocckkeedd..

• TThhee ttaaiillggaattee mmuusstt aallwwaayyss bbeepprrooppeerrllyy cclloosseedd wwhheenn tthhee vveehhiicclleeiiss iinn mmoottiioonn ttoo pprreevveenntt eexxhhaauussttffuummeess ffrroomm ggeettttiinngg iinnssiiddee..DDaannggeerr ooff iinnttooxxiiccaattiioonn!!






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OPENING AND CLOSING ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2.33


AAnnttii--tthheefftt aallaarrmm ssyysstteemm**

With the anti-theft alarm, break-inattempts and theft of the vehicle are ren-dered more difficult. The system triggersacoustic and optical warning signals ifsomeone tries to gain unauthorisedaccess to the vehicle.The alarm system and the locking securitysystem (double lock) are automaticallyactivated when the driver’s door islocked. To lock the door either turn thekey oonnccee in the lock towards the lockingposition or press button 22 on the radio-frequency remote control*. The system isthen activated immediately and the indi-cator light located on the driver’s doorwill flash along with the flashers indicat-ing that the system have been turned on.

• For vehicles equipped with an addi-tional alarm system* , if you access thecar by using the driver’s door key youhave 15 seconds to introduce the key intothe ignition lock and activate it. Other-wise the alarm will trigger off for 30 sec.and car start up will be deactivated.You can only turn off the alarm by press-ing the "open" key on the remote control.For cars without radio-frequency remotecontrol keys you must wait for 30 sec.until the alarm cuts off. Then close thedoor with the key and repeat the previ-ously described process all over again.The alarm signal will be triggered for 30seconds if access is attempted via anydoor that is not the driver's.

NNootteeWhen you lock the car the indicator pilotlights will only come on if the alarm hasbeen properly activated (all security areashave been properly locked).If a door or the boot are left open whenthe alarm is connected, they will not beincorporated into the car’s protection sys-tem. If after you lock the doors or boot,they will be automatically incorporatedinto the security areas and the indicatorsignals will show.If the vehicle is locked and the alarm isactivated, you do not need to open the carto deactivate it.To do this, turn the key twice in the dri-ver’s door lock to the lock position orpress twice the lock button in the key han-dle fitted with the radio-frequency remotecontrol.The alarm will be triggered if, with thevehicle locked, one of

• the doors,

• the bonnet, or

• the bootis opened or

• the ignition is switched on.When the alarm is triggered the hornsounds and a flashing signal is activatedfor about 30 seconds.TToo ddiissaaccttiivvaattee tthhee aannttii--tthheefftt aallaarrmmttuurrnn tthhee kkeeyy iinn tthhee ooppeenniinngg ddiirreeccttiioonnoorr pprreessss tthhee ““ooppeenn”” kkeeyy oonn tthheerreemmoottee ccoonnttrrooll..–– ttwwoo fflliicckkeerrss:: ooppeenn aanndd ddiissaaccttiivvaattee

tthhee aallaarrmm–– oonnee fflliicckkeerr:: lloocckk aanndd aaccttiivvaattee aallaarrmm

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2.34 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– OPENING AND CLOSING



• The warning lamp goes out afterapprox. 28 days. This prevents the batterybecoming discharged when the vehicle isnot used for a long period. The alarm sys-tem remains activated.

• The alarm signal will be triggered a sec-ond time if one of the protected parts ofthe car is interfered with again after thealarm signal has stopped (for instance ifthe tailgate is opened after one of thedoors has been opened).

• The alarm can also be activated anddeactivated via the radio wave remote-control*. Further information can befound under the heading ”Radio waveremote control”.

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OPENING AND CLOSING ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2.35


VVoolluummeettrriicc sseennssoorr**This is a surveillance function or a controlincorporated in the anti-theft alarm sys-tem which detects through ultrasoundunauthorized access to the vehicle inte-rior (i.e. through a window). This system has two sensors: a transmit-ter and a receiver.

AAccttiivvaatteeThe volumetric sensor is switched onautomatically when the anti-theft alarm isactivated whether by locking manuallywith the key or by remote control.

DDeeaaccttiivvaatteeThe volumetric sensor is deactivatedwhen:1 – Unlocking the vehicle manually with

the key in the door lock or by radiowave remote control.

2 – Pressing the button located in thevehicle’s interior behind the driver’sdoor in the lower part for at least onesecond immediately after havingunlocked the driver’s door and afterhaving removed the key from theignition.


• If, after deactivating the volumetricsensor, the door is locked with the remotecontrol or manually with the key in thedoor lock within less than 30 seconds thevolumetric sensor is deactivated eventhough all other anti-theft alarm functionsremain activated.

• After this time-span the deactivation ofthe volumetric sensor is canceled.

• In case of relocking while the alarm wasactivated without the volumetric sensorfunction, this relocking will cause a con-nection of all the alarm functions, exceptfor the volumetric sensor. If it was not dis-connected voluntarily it will be reacti-vated during the following alarm connec-tion.

• If the volumetric sensor caused thealarm to set off this will be indicated byflickering of the pilot light in the driver’sdoor when unlocking the vehicle. Thisflickering is different than the flickering ofthe activated alarm.

• If the volumetric sensor has caused thealarm to set off three times the alarm sys-tem will no longer go off.

• Other sensors (door opening, luggagecompartment, etc.) will continue to set offthe alarm.


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2.36 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– OPENING AND CLOSING


RRaaddiioo--ffrreeqquueennccyy rreemmoottee ccoonnttrrooll kkeeyy**

The following functions can be operatedusing the radio wave remote control with-out using the key manually. – Locking and unlocking the central lock-

ing system.– Connecting and disconnecting the anti-

theft alarm system*.– Switch on interior light (see "Interior

lights" chapter)The radio wave transmitter with its batteryis located in the handle of the key. Theradio wave receiver is located inside thevehicle.

The eeffffeeccttiivvee rraannggee (red area) of theremote control is shown in the illustra-tion. The maximum range depends on var-ious conditions.The range will reduce as the batteries losepower.


• The remote control becomes inopera-tive when the key is in the ignition.


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OPENING AND CLOSING ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2.37


OOppeenniinngg aanndd cclloossiinngg tthhee vveehhiicclleeTo uunnlloocckk the vehicle, point the key fromwithin the effective range at the vehicleand briefly press the “open” button(arrow 11). The indicators will flicker. Tolloocckk the vehicle, briefly press the ”close”button (arrow 22). The indicators flickeronce.If you press the ”close” button (arrow 22)ttwwiiccee, the dead-lock mechanism andanti-theft alarm are ddeeaaccttiivvaatteedd and theindicators do not work.

SSeelleeccttiivvee UUnnlloocckkiinnggPress the opening button (arrow 11) onceto open only the driver’s door, leaving therest closed.Press the opening button (arrow 11) twiceto open all doors.

NNootteessWhen the close or open buttons arepressed a warning lamp will flash in thekey. If this lamp does not flash, the bat-tery in the key might be discharged. Inthis case a Technical Service Centreshould check or change the battery.

When the dead-lock mechanism and theanti-theft alarm* are activated, proceedas follows:If the vehicle is unlocked by using theopen button on the radio-frequencyremote control*, all of the doors and theboot1) will be relocked automatically ifthey are not opened within 30 seconds.However, the locking security system andthe anti theft alarm will remain deacti-vated during these 30 seconds. This func-tion prevents the vehicle being aacccciiddeenn--ttaallllyy ooppeenn within range of theradio-frequency remote control.

1) The alarm and dead-lock mechanism will remainin the same position as before opening.

2 1


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2.38 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– OPENING AND CLOSING


SSyynncchhrroonniizzaattiioonnIf the vehicle cannot be opened by press-ing the radio transmitter button, it couldbe that the code of the key no longermatches that of the control unit in thevehicle. This can occur when the transmit-ter button is frequently pressed outsidethe effective range of the system. WWee rreecc--oommmmeenndd tthhaatt aa TTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviicceeCCeennttrree ttaakkee ccaarree ooff tthhiiss ffuunnccttiioonn..To synchronize the key again the follow-ing procedure must be followed:1- BBootthh vehicle keys, the key with the

radio transmitter (AA) and the conven-tional key (BB), must be used.

2- The synchronization process must becompleted within 3300 sseeccoonnddss.

3- Use key (BB) to switch on ignition andkey (AA) to program.

4- Make sure that the vehicle is ooppeennbefore you proceed to the program-ming.

5- Place key (BB) in the ignition and switchon.

6- Use key (AA) to lock the driver’s doormanually.

7- Now uunnlloocckk and lloocckk manually thedriver’s door with key (AA) while press-ing button (11 ooppeenn).

8- Take the key out of the ignition.

Uncoded keys can be obtained at SEATOfficial Service Centers. These keys, how-ever, must be synchronized by a SEATOfficial Service Center as the code for theimmobilizer also has to be programmedin the head of the key.

AAuutthhoorriizzaattiioonn ffoorr uusseeThe radio wave remote control fulfills allnorms. Its use has been approved by thecorresponding German office (FederalApprovals Office For Telecommunicationsof The Federal Republic of Germany).All components have been markedaccording to current stipulations.This authorization is the basis forapproval in other countries.

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OPENING AND CLOSING ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2.39


EElleeccttrriicc wwiinnddoowwss**

The switches are located in the driver’sdoor (see illustration). 11 – Driver’s door22 – Front passenger door33 – Safety switch*44 – Right rear door*55 – Left rear door.*The electric windows can be activatedwith the ignition on. With the ignition off, the windows can beactivated for 10 minutes. They will stopworking when a front door is opened. The safety switch blocks the buttons ofthe rear windows. When the switch ispressed again the buttons of the reardoors will become operational.

There are additional controls on the pas-senger door and the rear doors* for eachwindow. These controls will only open orclose their respective windows.With the safety switch 33 in the driver’sdoor, the rear electric windows can bedeactivated.– Safety switch oouutt:

The switches in the rear doors can beused.

– Safety switch iinn:The switches in the rear doors cannot beused.





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2.40 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– OPENING AND CLOSING


Electric windows with an automatic clos-ing function* are equipped with a ppoowweerr lliimmiitteerr..The windows stop closing automaticallyshould anything block it. HHoowweevveerr tthhiissppoowweerr lliimmiitteerr ffuunnccttiioonn ddooeess nnoott wwoorrkkwwhheenn tthhee wwiinnddoowwss aarree cclloosseedd ffrroommoouuttssiiddee wwiitthh tthhee iiggnniittiioonn kkeeyy..


• AAllwwaayyss rreemmoovvee tthhee iiggnniittiioonn kkeeyywwhheenn lleeaavviinngg tthhee vveehhiiccllee –– eevveenn iiffoonnllyy ffoorr aa sshhoorrtt ttiimmee.. NNeevveerr lleeaavveecchhiillddrreenn aalloonnee iinn tthhee vveehhiiccllee..TThhee eelleeccttrriicc wwiinnddoowwss aarree oonnllyyddeeaaccttiivvaatteedd wwhheenn tthhee ddrriivveerr’’ss oorrppaasssseennggeerr ddoooorrss aarree ooppeenneedd..

• WWaattcchh oouutt wwhheenn cclloossiinngg tthhee wwiinn--ddoowwss!! CCaarreelleessss oorr uunnccoonnttrroolllleeddcclloossiinngg ooff tthhee wwiinnddoowwss ccaann ccaauusseeiinnjjuurriieess..

• TThhee ddrriivveerr mmuusstt wwaarrnn tthhee ootthheerrooccccuuppaannttss ooff tthhee rriisskk wwhhiicchh ccaarree--lleessss ooppeerraattiioonn ooff eelleeccttrriicc wwiinnddoowwsseennttaaiillss..

• NNoo oonnee sshhoouulldd rreemmaaiinn iinn tthheevveehhiiccllee wwhheenn lloocckkeedd ffrroomm tthhee oouutt--ssiiddee,, aass tthhee wwiinnddoowwss ccaannnnoott bbeeooppeenneedd iinn tthhee eevveenntt ooff aann eemmeerr--ggeennccyy..

• TTaakkee ggrreeaatt ccaarree wwhheenn cclloossiinngg tthheewwiinnddoowwss aanndd tthhee eelleeccttrriicc rrooooff**ffrroomm tthhee oouuttssiiddee!!

• CCaarreelleessss cclloossiinngg ffrroomm tthhee oouutt--ssiiddee oorr wwiitthhoouutt vviissiibbiilliittyy ccaann ccaauusseesseerriioouuss iinnjjuurryy,, eessppeecciiaallllyy ttoo cchhiill--ddrreenn..

WWiinnddooww ooppeenniinngg aanndd cclloossiinnggvvaarriiaannttss wwiitthh tthhee ddoooorr kkeeyyss

OOppeenniinngg vvaarriiaannttss

• The window is ooppeenneedd by pressing thecorresponding door button lightly.When the button is released the openingprocess will stop.

• Press the driver’s side door button fulldown to open the window fully and auto-matically.When the button is pressed again the win-dow stops immediately.

CClloossiinngg vvaarriiaannttss

• The window is cclloosseedd by pulling the cor-responding closing button lightlyWhen the button is released the closingprocess will stop.

• Pull the driver’s side door button fullyto close the window fully and automati-cally.When the button is pulled again the win-dow stops immediately.

NNootteeThe controls of the passenger and reardoors can only be used to open or closethe windows. Only the front windows maybe opened or closed automatically fromthe driver's door controls.

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OPENING AND CLOSING ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2.41


TThhee rroollll--bbaacckk ffuunnccttiioonn**1 – If the window in the driver or passen-

ger‘s door is hindered whilst closingthrough stiffness or by an obstacle(roll-back function), the window willopen again immediately.

2 – After the window has opened, youmust lift and hold the appropriateswitch for the affected window againwithin 5 seconds. If the window is stillhindered whilst closing through stiff-ness or by an obstacle, the windowwill stop closing.

3 – After the window has stopped, youmust lift and hold the switch againwithin 5 seconds in order to close thewindow.TThhee wwiinnddooww wwiillll nnooww cclloossee wwiitthh--oouutt ppoowweerr lliimmiittaattiioonn..

NNootteeIf you wait for longer than 5 secondsbetween the individual steps, the systemwill reactivate.


• TTaakkee ggrreeaatt ccaarree wwhheenn cclloossiinngg tthheewwiinnddoowwss!! CClloossiinngg tthhee wwiinnddoowwss iinnaa ccaarreelleessss oorr uunnccoonnttrroolllleedd mmaannnneerrmmaayy ccaauussee bbrruuiisseess,, eessppeecciiaallllyy iinncchhiillddrreenn..

• TThhee ddrriivveerr mmuusstt wwaarrnn tthhee ootthheerrooccccuuppaannttss ooff tthhee rriisskk wwhhiicchh ccaarree--lleessss ooppeerraattiioonn ooff eelleeccttrriicc wwiinnddoowwsseennttaaiillss..

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2.42 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– OPENING AND CLOSING


FFuunnccttiioonn ooff tthhee eelleeccttrriicc wwiinnddoowwsswwiitthh iiggnniittiioonn sswwiittcchheedd ooffffAfter the ignition has been switched off,the windows can still be operated forabout ten minutes so long as the driver orpassenger doors are not opened.The windows on vehicles with centrallocking can also be closed or openedfrom the outside (in cars with asliding/electric roof you can only closethem). For this purpose, the key must bein the lock of the driver’s door and held inthe locking or open position.

OOppeenniinnggPress the front edge of the respective but-ton.

CClloossiinnggLift the front edge of the respective but-ton.

NNootteeIf the window in the driver or passengerdoor is hindered whilst closing throughstiffness or by an obstacle (roll-back func-tion), the window will open again immedi-ately. In this case you can only close the windowagain after the ignition has been switchedon.

NNootteessThe automatic opening/closing, and roll-back functions* on the driver and passen-ger door windows will not function afterthe vehicle battery has been discon-nected/reconnected.To reinstall this function after reconnect-ing the battery, please note the followingpoints.

• LLoocckk vveehhiiccllee from the outside via thedriver’s door. When doing this pleaseensure that all doors and windows areclosed completely.

• LLoocckk tthhee vveehhiiccllee aaggaaiinn via the driver’sdoor. HHoolldd tthhee kkeeyy iinn tthhee lloocckkiinngg ppoossii--ttiioonn ffoorr aatt lleeaasstt oonnee sseeccoonndd..This reactivates the system.


• BBee vveerryy ccaarreeffuull wwhheenn cclloossiinngg tthheeeelleeccttrriicc wwiinnddoowwss aanndd rrooooff ffrroomm tthheeoouuttssiiddee!!

• BBee vveerryy ccaarreeffuull wwhheenn cclloossiinngg tthheewwiinnddoowwss!! CClloossiinngg ffrroomm tthhee oouuttssiiddeewwiitthhoouutt vviissiibbiilliittyy oorr iinn aa ccaarreelleessssmmaannnneerr ccaann ccaauussee sseerriioouuss iinnjjuurryy,,eessppeecciiaallllyy wwiitthh cchhiillddrreenn..

• CChhiillddrreenn sshhoouulldd nneevveerr rreemmaaiinnaalloonnee iinnssiiddee tthhee vveehhiiccllee wwhheenn iitt iisslloocckkeedd ffrroomm tthhee oouuttssiiddee,, aass oouutt--ssiiddee hheellpp wwiillll bbee hhiinnddeerreedd iinn tthheeeevveenntt ooff aann eemmeerrggeennccyy..

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OPENING AND CLOSING ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2.43


SSlliiddiinngg//ttiillttiinngg rrooooff**

With ignition switched on, the sliding/tilting roof can be opened and closed/lifted and lowered with the rotary switch.Press the switch for emergency or fullstrength closing.After the ignition has been switched off,the roof can still be operated so long asthe driver or passenger doors are notopened.


• TTaakkee ggrreeaatt ccaarree wwhheenn cclloossiinngg tthheerrooooff!! CClloossiinngg tthhee rrooooff ccaarreelleessssllyy oorriinn aann uunnccoonnttrroolllleedd mmaannnneerr mmaayyccaauussee bbrruuiisseess,, eessppeecciiaallllyy iinn cchhiill--ddrreenn..

• TThhee ddrriivveerr mmuusstt wwaarrnn tthhee ootthheerrvveehhiiccllee ooccccuuppaannttss ooff tthhee rriisskkwwhhiicchh ccaarreelleessss ooppeerraattiioonn ooff tthheerrooooff eennttaaiillss..

• AAllwwaayyss rreemmoovvee tthhee iiggnniittiioonn kkeeyywwhheenn lleeaavviinngg tthhee vveehhiiccllee,, eevveennoonnllyy ffoorr aa mmoommeenntt.. NNeevveerr lleeaavveecchhiillddrreenn uunnaatttteennddeedd iinn tthhee vveehhii--ccllee..

TToo ooppeennTurn the switch cclloocckkwwiissee. There areintermediate opening positions that areshown by notches on the switch. Thebiggest notch shows the biggest openingadvisable for high speed driving with min-imum aerodynamic noise.To completely open the roof keep turningthe switch to position BB. In this position,however, there can be noise due to thewind.

TToo cclloosseeTurn the switch to rest position or startingposition AA. If you turn it aannttii--cclloocckkwwiisseethe roof will close completely. If the roof iscompletely open and you turn the switchanti-clockwise, you can put the roof in theintermediate opening positions repre-sented by the notches.

TToo rraaiisseeFrom starting position AA turn the switchaannttii--cclloocckkwwiissee. The roof will be raisedaccording to the notches on the switch.

TToo cclloossee//lloowweerrTurn the switch cclloocckkwwiissee until it reachesthe rest/starting position AA.

NNootteeThe sun screen to prevent intensive sunrays shining in can be slid open or closedby hand with roof open or closed.You should ensure, especially when thesun screen is closed that the tilting roof isclosed when the vehicle is parked or dur-ing a sudden rainfall.

CCoonnvveenniieennccee lloocckkiinngg**The sliding roof can also be closed whenlocking the driver’s door:Hold the key in the locking position untilthe roof is closed.




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2.44 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– OPENING AND CLOSING


RRoollll bbaacckk ffuunnccttiioonnThe roof has a roll back function to avoidpossible injury when closing the roof.When the roof is closed in a normal way, itwill re-open automatically if it encountersany obstacle. HHoowweevveerr tthhiiss wwiillll nnoottooccccuurr iiff tthhee eemmeerrggeennccyy oorr mmaaxxiimmuummssttrreennggtthh lloocckk hhaass bbeeeenn aaccttiivvaatteedd..

NNootteeTThheerree iiss aann eemmeerrggeennccyy oorr mmaaxxiimmuummssttrreennggtthh lloocckk wwhhiicchh sshhoouulldd oonnllyy bbeeuusseedd iinn ccaassee ooff aabbssoolluuttee nneecceessssiittyy,, wwhheenn ddrriivviinngg aatt hhiigghh ssppeeeeddss oorrwwhheenn ddiirrtt oorr iiccee ssttoopp tthhee rraaiillss ffrroommooppeerraattiinngg pprrooppeerrllyy.. TToo cclloossee pprreessss tthheelloowweerr ppaarrtt ooff tthhee sswwiittcchh aanndd tthhee rrooooffwwiillll cclloossee ffoorrcciibbllyy..


• BBee vveerryy ccaarreeffuull wwhheenn cclloossiinngg tthheerrooooff!! CClloossiinngg ffrroomm tthhee oouuttssiiddeewwiitthhoouutt vviissiibbiilliittyy oorr iinn aa ccaarreelleessssmmaannnneerr ccaann ccaauussee sseerriioouuss iinnjjuurryy,,eessppeecciiaallllyy wwiitthh cchhiillddrreenn..

• TThhee ddrriivveerr sshhoouulldd wwaarrnn tthhee ootthheerrooccccuuppaannttss tthhaatt ccaarreelleessss uussee ooff tthheerrooooff iiss ddaannggeerroouuss..

• AAllwwaayyss rreemmoovvee tthhee iiggnniittiioonnwwhheenn lleeaavviinngg tthhee vveehhiiccllee –– eevveenn iiffoonnllyy ffoorr aa sshhoorrtt ttiimmee.. NNeevveerr lleeaavveecchhiillddrreenn aalloonnee iinn tthhee vveehhiiccllee..

• WWhheenn uussiinngg tthhee mmaaxxiimmuummssttrreennggtthh cclloossuurree tthheerree iiss aa rriisskk ooffaacccciiddeenntt oorr iinnjjuurryy.. TTaakkee eexxttrreemmeeccaarree wwhheenn uussiinngg tthhiiss ffuunnccttiioonn..

EEmmeerrggeennccyy ooppeerraattiioonnIf the system should develop a fault theroof can also be closed by hand.

• Remove the plastic cover at rear usinga screwdriver.

• Pull crank out of cover retainer, insert itin the opening and close sliding roof.

• Replace crank in retainer, and replacecover.


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LIGHTS AND VISIBILITY –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2.45



11 –– LLiigghhttiinngg sswwiittcchh– Switched off

– Side lights1)

– Dipped or main beamThe lamps will only function with the igni-tion on. When the engine is being startedand after ignition has been switched off,they automatically switch to the sidelights.Low, high beam and flash light. See"Indicators and dipped beam lever" chap-ter.

NNootteeIf lights are not switched off and the igni-tion key is removed, a buzzer* will soundwhen the driver’s door is open.

FFrroonntt ffoogg lliigghhttss** With lighting switch in side light ordipped/main beam position pull switchout to first detent.

1) In some countries, when the side lights areswitched on with the ignition on, the dippedheadlights also come on with reduced inten-sity.

RReeaarr ffoogg lliigghhtt**

VVeehhiicclleess wwiitthhoouutt ffoogg lliigghhttssTurn lighting switch to dipped/main beamposition and pull switch out to stop.

VVeehhiicclleess wwiitthh ffoogg lliigghhttssWith lighting switch in dipped/mainbeam position, pull switch out to 2nddetent.


• A warning lamp in the instrument panellights up when the rear fog light isswitched on.

• Due to the amount of dazzle it causes,the rear fog light should only be switchedon when the visibility is very poor (e.g. insome E.U. countries, 50 metres).The electrical system of the factory fittedtow bar* is wired up so that when towinga trailer fitted with rear fog lights, the rearfog lights on the towing vehicle are auto-matically switched off.




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2.46 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– LIGHTS AND VISIBILITY


22 –– IInnssttrruummeenntt lliigghhttiinnggWhen the lights are on, the level of theinstrument lighting can be set to anyintensity by turning the knurled wheelnext to the light switch.

33 –– HHeeaaddlliigghhtt rraannggee ccoonnttrrooll**With the electric adjustment of the head-lamp range, headlights can be matchedexactly to the load condition of vehicle.This prevents oncoming traffic from beingdazzled more than is unavoidable. At thesame time the correct headlight beamadjustment provides the best possiblevisibility for the driver.The headlights can only be regulated withthe dipped headlights switched on.To lower the beams, turn knurled discfrom the basic position (0) downwards.

44 –– HHeeaatteedd rreeaarr wwiinnddoowwThe heating works only when ignition ison. When heater is on a lamp in the switchlights up.

❀AAss ssoooonn aass wwiinnddooww iiss cclleeaarr,,sswwiittcchh eelleemmeenntt ooffff.. TThhee rreedduucceedd

ccuurrrreenntt ccoonnssuummppttiioonn hheellppss ttoo rreedduucceeffuueell ccoonnssuummppttiioonn –– sseeee ppaaggee 33..2200..On vehicles with electrically adjustableexterior mirrors the mirrors are heated aslong as the rear window heating isswitched on.











1 2 3SCAN



4 5 6 7


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LIGHTS AND VISIBILITY –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2.47


55 –– HHaazzaarrdd wwaarrnniinngg lliigghhttssThe system also works when the ignitionis switched off.Switch on the hazard warning lights if, forexample:– Your vehicle stops because of a techni-

cal defect,– You have an emergency– You reach the tail end of a traffic jam.When the hazard warning lights areswitched on, all turn signal lights flashsimultaneously. The warning lamps forthe indicators and a warning lamp in theswitch will also flash.OObbsseerrvvee lleeggaall rreeqquuiirreemmeennttss wwhheenneemmppllooyyiinngg ssuucchh ssaaffeettyy mmeeaassuurreess..

66 –– SSeeaatt hheeaattiinngg** ffoorr lleefftt sseeaattFor further information on its functionssee "Heated seats" chapter.

77 –– SSeeaatt hheeaattiinngg** ffoorr rriigghhtt sseeaattFor further information on its functionssee "Heated seats" chapter.

SSwwiittcchheess iinn ddrriivveerr’’ss ddoooorr

EElleeccttrriicc wwiinnddoowwssTo use the electric windows switches see"Electric windows" chapter.

CCeennttrraall lloocckkiinngg bbuuttttoonnTo use this switch see "Central locking"chapter.

WWiinngg mmiirrrroorr aaddjjuussttmmeennttSee "Rear-view mirrors" chapter.

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2.48 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– LIGHTS AND VISIBILITY


SSuunn vviissoorrss

SSwwiittcchheess iinn tthhee cceennttrraall ccoonnssoollee

UUnnlloocckkiinngg tthhee ttaannkk ffllaappYou must press the key to unlock the tankflap. It can only be unlocked when theignition is off.

AAnnttii--sskkiiddddiinngg ssyysstteemm ooff tthhee ddrriivveewwhheeeellss ((TTCCSS))**.. EElleeccttrroonniicc SSttaabbiilliittyyPPrrooggrraamm ((EESSPP))**The TCS or ESP connect automaticallywhen the engine is switched on. If neces-sary, they may be switched off briefly bypressing corresponding switch.The pilot light will light up if it is discon-nected. See "Warning lamps" chapter.For further information see pages 3.11,3.12 and 3.13.

The sun visors can be pulled out of theside mountings and swung towards thedoors.The vanity mirrors have a sliding cover.




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LIGHTS AND VISIBILITY –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2.49


IInnddiiccaattoorrss aanndd ddiippppeedd bbeeaamm lleevveerr

The turn signals only work when the igni-tion is switched on.Right turn signals – lever up (11)Left turn signals – lever down (22)When the turn signals are switched on thepilot light will light up simultaneously. See"Warning lamps" chapter.The turn signals switch off automaticallywhen the steering wheel returns to its nor-mal position.

TToo ssiiggnnaall aa llaannee cchhaannggeeMove the lever up (11) or down (22) to thepressure point and hold in this position –the warning lamp should flash at thesame time.

HHeeaaddlliigghhtt ffllaasshheerrPull the lever towards the steering wheel(33) – the main beam warning lamp willlight up.

SShhoorrtt oorr lloonngg bbeeaammssWith the long or short beam connectedpush the lever towards the steering wheel(44). When main beam is on, the mainbeam pilot light will light up.

PPaarrkkiinngg lliigghhttss**The parking lights only work when igni-tion is switched off.Right parking lights – lever up (11)Left parking lights – lever down (22)If the ignition key has been removed, abuzzer* will sound when the driver’s dooris open.

NNootteeTThhee uussee ooff tthhee ssiiggnnaallss aanndd lliigghhttiinnggddeessccrriibbeedd hheerree iiss ssuubbjjeecctt ttoo llooccaall rreegg--uullaattiioonnss..






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2.50 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– LIGHTS AND VISIBILITY


IInntteerriioorr lliigghhttss

AA –– FFrroonntt iinntteerriioorr lliigghhtt Switch positions:0 – OffLeft – Light on continuouslyRight – Door contact switchInterior lights with delayed switch off*remain on for about 30 seconds afterdoors are closed.

BB –– FFrroonntt rreeaaddiinngg lliigghhtt**The reading light is turned on or off bypressing the appropriate switch BB.

BBoooott lliigghhttThe light is on when the tailgate is open(including with lights and ignition off).You must therefore always make sure youclose the boot, as well as when you parkthe car.

RReeaarr iinntteerriioorr lliigghhttssSwitch positions:0 – OffIntermediate position – Door contactswitchLeft – Light on continuously

CCoonnttrrooll ooff iinntteerriioorr lliigghhttssThe interior light is switched on forapprox. 30 seconds when the vehicle isunlocked, a door opened or the ignitionkey removed. The switch must be in thedoor contact position for this function.It is however switched off as soon as thevehicle is locked or the ignition switchedon.With the door open, the interior light willremain on for a maximum of ten minutes.This prevents the battery from discharg-ing.

GGlloovvee bbooxx lliigghhtt**The light in the glove box on the passen-ger side only comes on when the ignitionis on and the lid is open.


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LIGHTS AND VISIBILITY –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2.51


WWiinnddssccrreeeenn wwiippeerrss aanndd wwaasshheerrss

WWaarrnniinnggTThhee wwiinnddsshhiieelldd wwiippeerr bbllaaddeess mmuussttbbee iinn ppeerrffeecctt ccoonnddiittiioonn ttoo eennssuurreeggoooodd vviissiibbiilliittyy ((sseeee ""WWiinnddssccrreeeennwwiippeerrss"" cchhaapptteerr))..

Wipers and washers only work when igni-tion is switched on.WWhheenn iitt iiss ffrreeeezziinngg,, cchheecckk tthhaatt tthheewwiippeerr bbllaaddeess aarree nnoott ffrroozzeenn ttoo tthheeggllaassss bbeeffoorree sswwiittcchhiinngg tthhee wwiippeerrss oonnffoorr tthhee ffiirrsstt ttiimmee..The heated windscreen washer jets* areswitched on when the ignition is switchedon and the amount of heat is regulatedautomatically according to the outsidetemperature.


• Fill container. See "Windscreen washer"chapter.

• Replace wiper blades. See "Wiperblades" chapter.


• WWiinnddssccrreeeenn wwiippeerrss ooffffLever at position 00.

• IInntteerrmmiitttteenntt wwiippeeLever at position 11.Use lever AA to change the intervals of theintermittent wipe. Four levels are avail-able.Lever to the right – brief intervalsLever to the left – long intervalsThe intervals of each level are set in func-tion of the time that elapses betweeneach sweep of the wipers.

• WWiippeerr sslloowwLever at position 22.

• WWiippeerr ffaassttLever at position 33.

• FFlliicckk wwiippeeLever at position 44.

• AAuuttoommaattiicc wwaasshh//wwiippee ffaacciilliittyyTo turn on wipers and washer, pull levertowards steering wheel to position 55. Release lever –The washer stops and the wipers carry onfor about 4 seconds.

RRaaiinn sseennssoorr**If the vehicle is fitted with a rain sensorand the intermittent wipe is activated thissensor is in charge of adjusting automati-cally the duration of the intervals to theamount of rain.Position AA of the lever for the windscreenwipers is used to individually adjust thesensitivity of the rain sensor.After switching off the ignition, the rainsensor needs to be switched on again. Todo that the intermittent wipe needs to beswitched off and switched on again.








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2.52 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– LIGHTS AND VISIBILITY


RReeaarr wwiinnddssccrreeeenn

• IInntteerrmmiitttteenntt wwiippee

TTuurrnn oonn::Push lever to position 66.The wipers wipe approximately every 6seconds.

TTuurrnn ooffff::Move the lever towards the steeringwheel. If you turn off the windscreenwiper while wiping, the windscreen wiperwill function until the wipe is completed.

• AAuuttoommaattiicc wwaasshh//wwiippee ffaacciilliittyy

TTuurrnn oonn::Push the lever forward to position 77:The washer/wipe facility keeps workingintermittently. To turn off completely movethe lever towards the steering wheel.

HHeeaaddlliigghhtt wwaasshheerr ssyysstteemm**When the main or dipped beam is on, thelenses are washed every time the wind-screen is washed.At regular intervals, such as when fillingthe tank, the dirt on the lenses (insects)should be removed.




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LIGHTS AND VISIBILITY –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2.53


WWiippeerr bbllaaddeess


• TThhee wwiippeerr bbllaaddeess mmuusstt bbee iinnggoooodd ccoonnddiittiioonn ffoorr cclleeaarr vviissiibbiilliittyy..

• IInn oorrddeerr ttoo pprreevveenntt ssttrreeaakkss oonntthhee wwiinnddssccrreeeenn yyoouu sshhoouulldd cclleeaanntthhee wwiippeerr bbllaaddeess rreegguullaarrllyy wwiitthh aawwiinnddooww cclleeaanniinngg pprroodduucctt.. IIff tthheewwiinnddoowwss aarree ppaarrttiiccuullaarrllyy ddiirrttyy,, rreemmaaiinnss,, aa ssppoonnggee oorr ccllootthhsshhoouulldd bbee uusseedd ttoo cclleeaann tthheebbllaaddeess..

• CChhaannggee tthhee wwiippeerr bbllaaddeess oonncceeoorr ttwwiiccee aa yyeeaarr ffoorr ssaaffeettyy rreeaassoonnss..WWiippeerr bbllaaddeess mmaayy bbee ppuurrcchhaasseeddffrroomm TTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviiccee CCeennttrreess..

WWhheenn iitt iiss ffrreeeezziinngg,, cchheecckk tthhaatt tthheewwiippeerr bbllaaddeess aarree nnoott ffrroozzeenn ttoo tthheeggllaassss bbeeffoorree sswwiittcchhiinngg tthhee wwiippeerrss oonnffoorr tthhee ffiirrsstt ttiimmee..If the wiper blades drag, it may be causedby one of the following:

• If the vehicle has been washed in anautomatic car wash, residual wax may beleft on the windscreen. This wax can onlybe removed with special detergent.Consult a Technical Service Centre formore information.The blades will not drag if you use a waxdissolving windscreen cleaner. Greasesolvents will not work.

• Damaged wiper blades can also drag.In this case the blades should berenewed.

• The blades are set at an incorrect angle.Have the angle checked and, if necessary,adjusted by a Technical Service Centre.

CChhaannggiinngg wwiippeerr bbllaaddeess

TTaakkiinngg tthhee wwiippeerr bbllaaddee ooffff

• Hinge the wiper arm up and positionthe blade perpendicular to the wiper arm.

• Press the retaining spring in the direc-tion of arrow AA.

• Detach the wiper blade in the directionof arrow BB and then remove from the armin the opposite direction.

SSeeccuurriinngg tthhee wwiippeerr bbllaaddeeThe retaining spring must engage audiblyin the wiper arm.When fitting wiper blades with mouldedwind deflectors one should ensure thatthe deflector is pointing downwards.


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2.54 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– LIGHTS AND VISIBILITY


To remove the rear wiper blade, do the fol-lowing:Before you follow the aforementionedsteps, remove cover AA by pressing in thedirection of arrow 11 and then as indicatedby arrow 22. Proceed as indicated in thebefore mentioned chapter (change ofwiper blades).




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LIGHTS AND VISIBILITY –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2.55


RReeaarr--vviieeww mmiirrrroorrss

AAddjjuussttiinngg mmiirrrroorrssThe rear view mirrors should always beadjusted properly before moving off sothat good vision to the rear is obtained.

AAnnttii--ddaazzzzllee iinntteerriioorr mmiirrrroorrThe lever on the lower edge of the mirrorshould be pointing to the rear when thebasic setting is made.To set the anti-dazzle position, pull leverforwards.EExxtteerriioorr mmiirrrroorrss ccoonnttrroolllleedd mmeecchhaannii--ccaallllyy ffrroomm iinnssiiddee are adjusted with theknob in the door trim panel.

AAuuttoommaattiicc** aannttii--ddaazzzzllee mmiirrrroorrAdjust interior mirror by hand.If the ignition is switched on the interiormirror automatically darkens dependingon the light from behind (i.e. a headlight).When you engage the reverse gear or putthe selector lever on RR the mirror returnsto its original position (is no longer dark).

EElleeccttrriiccaallllyy aaddjjuussttaabbllee mmiirrrroorrss**Electrically adjustable mirrors* are set bypressing the edge of the knob AA in the dri-ver’s door trim.The surface of the mirror may be angledupwards, downwards, to the left or theright, as required.With swivel knob (AA) select the driver orpassenger wing mirrors.NN – Neutral positionRR – Driver’s mirrorLL – Passenger’s mirrorWhen you adjust the lleefftt mirror the rightone moves in time, and a separate adjust-ment of the right mirror should not normallybe necessary. If you wish to adjust it sepa-rately, activate the right mirror. You shouldnow be able to adjust it.If the electric adjustment fails, the mirrorscan be adjusted manually by pressing onthe surface.




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2.56 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– LIGHTS AND VISIBILITY


NNoottee ffoorr vveehhiicclleess wwiitthh ccoonnvveexx oorraasspphheerriiccaall oouuttssiiddee mmiirrrroorrss **CCoonnvveexx (curved outwards) mirrorsenlarge the field of view but they makeobjects look smaller. TThheessee mmiirrrroorrss aarreeoonnllyy ooff lliimmiitteedd uussee iinn eessttiimmaattiinngg hhoowwffaarr aawwaayy aa ffoolllloowwiinngg vveehhiiccllee iiss..AAsspphheerriiccaall exterior mirrors have a mirrorsurface with different curvature. Thiswide-angle mirror increases the area ofvision even more so than conventionalconvex mirrors. TThheeiirr uusseeffuullnneessss iiss aallssoolliimmiitteedd wwhheenn jjuuddggiinngg tthhee ddiissttaannccee ttoovveehhiicclleess aapppprrooaacchhiinngg ffrroomm bbeehhiinndd..

MMiirrrroorr hheeaattiinngg**The electrically operated outside mirrorsare heated as long as the heated rear win-dow is switched on. The ignition must beswitched on for this purpose.

FFoollddiinngg eexxtteerriioorr mmiirrrroorrss iinnThe exterior mirrors can be folded in.To do this pull mirror housing towardsvehicle.


• Before putting the vehicle through anautomatic washing plant, the mirrorsshould be folded in to prevent them frombecoming damaged.

FFoollddiinngg eexxtteerriioorr mmiirrrroorrss bbaacckk

WWaarrnniinnggWWhheenn ffoollddiinngg tthhee mmiirrrroorr bbaacckk oouutteennssuurree tthhaatt yyoouurr ffiinnggeerrss aarree nnoottttrraappppeedd bbeettwweeeenn tthhee mmiirrrroorr aannddtthhee bbrraacckkeett –– DDaannggeerr ooff iinnjjuurryy!!

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EElleeccttrriicc ffoollddiinngg wwiinngg mmiirrrroorrss**Use control AA to select the passenger ordriver’s wing mirror, or the fold-away func-tion, as well as mirror adjustment (seediagram).NN – Neutral positionRR – Driver’s wing mirrorLL – Passenger’s wing mirrorPP – Folding away of wing mirrorsThe fold-away position is recommended,for example, when parking or driving incramped conditions.To ffoolldd aawwaayy tthhee wwiinngg mmiirrrroorrss, startingfrom positions LL, RR or NN, select position PPwith control AA.TToo uunnffoolldd tthhee wwiinngg mmiirrrroorrss ((uussee ppoossii--ttiioonn)), do the opposite, from PP to LL, RR or NN.

NNootteeIf the mirror housing is moved by an exter-nal force (e.g. knocked when maneuver-ing) the mirrors must be folded right inelectrically. UUnnddeerr nnoo cciirrccuummssttaanncceessmmuusstt tthhee mmiirrrroorr housing be adjusted byhand as the operation of the mirror mightbe affected. To place the mirrors in useposition, using control AA, they will notwork for about 15 seconds.Be careful not to damage the mirrorswhen using control AA.




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2.58 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– SEATS AND LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT


FFrroonntt sseeaattss

The correct adjustment of the seats isimportant for:– reaching the controls safely and quickly– relaxed low-fatigue body position– mmaaxxiimmuumm pprrootteeccttiioonn ffrroomm tthhee sseeaatt

bbeellttss aanndd tthhee AAiirr BBaagg SSyysstteemm..


• FFoorr tthhiiss rreeaassoonn tthhee ffrroonntt sseeaattsssshhoouulldd nnoott bbee ppuusshheedd ttoooo cclloossee ttootthhee sstteeeerriinngg wwhheeeell oorr tthhee iinnssttrruu--mmeenntt ppaanneell..

• YYoouurr ffeeeett sshhoouulldd rreemmaaiinn iinn tthheeffoooottwweellll wwhhiillee tthhee vveehhiiccllee iiss iinnmmoottiioonn –– nneevveerr rreessttiinngg oonn tthheeiinnssttrruummeenntt ppaanneell oorr sseeaattss..

Please adjust your seat as detailed on thenext pages. Please also note the basicpositions for the driver’s and passengerseats on this page.

DDrriivveerr’’ss sseeaattWe recommend that you position the dri-ver’s seat as follows:– Set the driver’s seat forwards/back-

wards in such a way that the pedals canbe fully depressed with a slightlyangled leg.

– Set the backrest in such a way that it isfully against your back and that you canreach the upper point of the steeringwheel with your arms at a slight angle.

WWaarrnniinnggNNoo iitteemmss sshhoouulldd bbee kkeepptt iinn tthheeffoooottwweellll,, aass tthheeyy ccoouulldd bblloocckk tthheeppeeddaallss iinn tthhee ccaassee ooff aa ssuuddddeennbbrraakkiinngg mmaannooeeuuvvrree..YYoouu wwoouulldd nnoo lloonnggeerr bbee aabbllee ttoobbrraakkee,, cchhaannggee ggeeaarr oorr aacccceelleerraattee!!

FFrroonntt ppaasssseennggeerr sseeaattWe recommend that you position the frontpassenger seat as follows:– Backrest in an upright position.– Place the feet in the footwell in a com-

fortable position.– At the same time ppuusshh tthhee sseeaatt bbaacckk aass

ffaarr aass ppoossssiibbllee..

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SEATS AND LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2.59


DDrriivveerr aanndd ffrroonntt ppaasssseennggeerr sseeaattss((mmaannuuaall aaddjjuussttmmeenntt))

11 –– TToo mmoovvee sseeaatt bbaacckkwwaarrddss aannddffoorrwwaarrddss

Lift lever and move seat. Then releaselever and move seat further so that thecatch engages.

WWaarrnniinnggFFoorr ssaaffeettyy rreeaassoonnss tthhee ddrriivveerr’’ss sseeaattmmuusstt oonnllyy bbee mmoovveedd bbaacckkwwaarrddss oorrffoorrwwaarrddss wwhheenn tthhee vveehhiiccllee iiss ssttaa--ttiioonnaarryy..

22 –– AAddjjuussttiinngg bbaacckkrreessttTake weight off backrest and turn knob byhand.

WWaarrnniinnggDDoo nnoott lloowweerr tthhee bbaacckkrreesstt ttoooo ffaarrwwhheenn oonn tthhee mmoovvee bbeeccaauussee tthheesseeaattbbeellttss aarree nnoo lloonnggeerr ffuullllyy eeffffeecc--ttiivvee..

33 –– AAddjjuussttiinngg lluummbbaarr ssuuppppoorrtt** Turning the wheel will arch the lumbarsupport cushion to greater or lesserdegree. This prevents the fatigue thataccompanies long journeys.

44 –– AAddjjuussttiinngg sseeaatt hheeiigghhtt**By “pumping” the lateral lever the seatcan be lifted or lowered.LLiiffttiinngg:: Lift/pump lever up from baseposition.LLoowweerriinngg:: Press/pump the lever downfrom the base position.


• FFoorr ssaaffeettyy rreeaassoonnss tthhee hheeiigghhtt oofftthhee ddrriivveerr’’ss sseeaatt mmuusstt oonnllyy bbeeaaddjjuusstteedd wwhheenn tthhee vveehhiiccllee iiss ssttaa--ttiioonnaarryy..

• BBee ccaarreeffuull wwhheenn aaddjjuussttiinngg tthheesseeaatt hheeiigghhtt!! CCaarreelleessss aanndd uunnccoonn--ttrroolllleedd aaddjjuussttmmeenntt ccaann ccaauusseeiinnjjuurriieess..

• TThhee eelleeccttrriiccaall aaddjjuussttmmeenntt ooff tthheesseeaattss wwiillll aallssoo ffuunnccttiioonn wwhheenn tthheeiiggnniittiioonn iiss ooffff oorr wwhheenn tthhee kkeeyy hhaassbbeeeenn wwiitthhddrraawwnn ffuullllyy..FFoorr tthhiiss rreeaassoonn cchhiillddrreenn sshhoouullddnneevveerr bbee lleefftt uunnaatttteennddeedd iinn tthheevveehhiiccllee..


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2.60 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– SEATS AND LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT


DDrriivveerr aanndd ffrroonntt ppaasssseennggeerr sseeaattss((eelleeccttrriiccaall aaddjjuussttmmeenntt))**The seats are electrically adjusted usingthe switches AA and BB.The seats can also be adjusted in this waywhen the ignition is switched off.Using the handwheel CC the lluummbbaarr ssuupp--ppoorrtt is set mechanically. Please also referto the description (Pos. 3) of the manualadjustment.


• FFoorr ssaaffeettyy rreeaassoonnss tthhee hheeiigghhtt oofftthhee ddrriivveerr’’ss sseeaatt mmuusstt oonnllyy bbeeaaddjjuusstteedd wwhheenn tthhee vveehhiiccllee iiss ssttaa--ttiioonnaarryy..

• BBee ccaarreeffuull wwhheenn aaddjjuussttiinngg tthheesseeaatt hheeiigghhtt.. CCaarreelleessss aanndd uunnccoonn--ttrroolllleedd aaddjjuussttmmeenntt ccaann ccaauusseeiinnjjuurriieess..

• TThhee eelleeccttrriiccaall aaddjjuussttmmeenntt ooff tthheesseeaattss wwiillll aallssoo ffuunnccttiioonn wwhheenn tthheeiiggnniittiioonn iiss sswwiittcchheedd ooffff oorr wwhheenntthhee kkeeyy hhaass bbeeeenn wwiitthhddrraawwnn ccoomm--pplleetteellyy..FFoorr tthhiiss rreeaassoonn,, cchhiillddrreenn sshhoouullddnneevveerr bbee lleefftt uunnaatttteennddeedd iinn tthheevveehhiiccllee..

SSwwiittcchh AA**The seat is adjusted in the correspondingarrow direction by pressing the switch:11 – Seat forwards / back22 – Front seat cushion up / down33 – Rear seat cushion up / down22 and 33 at the same time – Seat up / down


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SEATS AND LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2.61


SSwwiittcchh BB**The backrest is adjusted in the corre-sponding arrow direction by pressing theswitch:Arrow 11: Backrest comes forwardArrow 22: Backrest moves back

WWaarrnniinnggDDoo nnoott hhaavvee tthhee bbaacckkrreesstt ttoooo ffaarrffoorrwwaarrdd wwhhiillee tthhee vveehhiiccllee iiss iinnmmoottiioonn aass tthhiiss mmaayy aaffffeecctt tthheeeeffffeeccttiivveenneessss ooff tthhee sseeaatt bbeellttss..


Page 102: Seat Leon 1M Manual

2.62 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– SEATS AND LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT


HHeeaadd rreessttrraaiinnttss**

The head restraints are height adjustableand should be set to suit the size of theoccupant. Correctly adjusted headrestraints together with the seat beltsoffer effective protection. The front headrestraints can also be adjusted to a differ-ent angle.

AAddjjuussttiinngg hheeiigghhtt

• Grip sides of head restraint with bothhands and pull up or push down.

• The best protection is obtained whenthe upper edge of restraint is aatt lleeaasstt ateye level or higher.

RReemmoovviinngg aanndd iinnssttaalllliinnggTo remove, pull restraints up to the stop,press button (arrow) and at the same timetake restraints out.To remove the rear head restraint first pullthe backrest forwards a little.To install again, push the restraint rodsinto the guides until they are heard toengage. You do not need to press the key.


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SEATS AND LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2.63



FFrroonntt aarrmmrreesstt**The armrest can be adjusted to severaldifferent positions.To adjust, press the button in the frontend of the armrest AA and fold down therest. Then raise the rest notch by notchuntil the desired position has beenreached.There is a stowage compartment in thearmrest. To open, press button BB.When the armrest is folded down, free-dom of movement. For this reason, thearmrest should not be folded down whendriving in town traffic


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2.64 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––SEATS AND LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT


66 –– SSeeaatt hheeaattiinngg** ffoorr lleefftt sseeaattThe cushion and backrest of the frontseats can be heated electrically when theignition is on.The heating is switched on and regulatedto your comfort with the knurled wheel.To switch heating off, turn knurled wheelto the basic position (0).

77 –– SSeeaatt hheeaattiinngg** ffoorr rriigghhtt sseeaattThe cushion and backrest of the frontseats can be heated electrically when theignition is on.The heating is switched on and regulatedto your comfort with the knurled wheel.To switch heating off, turn knurled wheelto the basic position (0).

The steering column can be adjusted atwill both for reach and for height. Pressthe lever AA beneath the steering columndown and move the steering wheel to thedesired position. Then press the leverfirmly up again.


• TThhee sstteeeerriinngg ccoolluummnn mmaayy oonnllyybbee aaddjjuusstteedd wwhhiillsstt tthhee vveehhiiccllee iissssttaattiioonnaarryy..

• FFoorr ssaaffeettyy rreeaassoonnss,, tthhee lleevveerrmmuusstt aallwwaayyss bbee ffiirrmmllyy pprreesssseedd uupp,,ssoo tthhaatt tthhee ppoossiittiioonn ooff tthhee sstteeeerriinnggccoolluummnn ddooeess nnoott ssuuddddeennllyy cchhaannggeewwhhiillee tthhee vveehhiiccllee iiss iinn mmoottiioonn..

HHeeaatteedd sseeaattss** AAddjjuussttaabbllee sstteeeerriinngg ccoolluummnn**










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SEATS AND LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––2.65


TThhee mmoovveemmeenntt ooff tthhee ppeeddaallss mmuusstt nnoottbbee rreessttrriicctteedd!!FFoorr tthhiiss rreeaassoonn,, ddoo nnoott llooccaattee aannyyiitteemmss iinn tthhee ffoooottwweellll wwhhiicchh ccoouulldd rroolllloorr sslliiddee uunnddeerrnneeaatthh tthhee ppeeddaallss..Around the pedal area there should notbe any foot mats or other additional floorcovering materials:

• In the case of defects in the brake sys-tem, a greater pedal travel may be neces-sary.

• It should always be possible to depressthe clutch and accelerator pedals fully.

• All pedals must be able to return,unhindered, to their rest positions.For these reasons, the only foot matswhich may be used are those which leavethe pedal area completely free and whichare prevented from slipping.

WWaarrnniinnggUUnnddeerr nnoo cciirrccuummssttaanncceess sshhoouullddaannyy iitteemmss bbee kkeepptt iinn tthhee ffoooottwweellll,,aass tthheeyy ccoouulldd bblloocckk tthhee ppeeddaallss iinnccaassee ooff aa ssuuddddeenn bbrraakkiinngg mmaannooeeuu--vvrree..YYoouu wwoouulldd nnoo lloonnggeerr bbee aabbllee ttoobbrraakkee,, cchhaannggee ggeeaarr oorr aacccceelleerraattee!!

In the interests of good handling ensurethat the load (persons and luggage) isdistributed evenly. Heavy items shouldalways be carried as near to the rear axleas possible or better still, between theaxles.Stale air escapes through ventilationopenings in the side trim* of the luggagecompartment. For this reason, it is best tokeep these openings uncovered.

PPeeddaallss LLuuggggaaggee ccoommppaarrttmmeenntt

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2.66 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– SEATS AND LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT


WWaarrnniinngg nnootteess


• TThhee ppeerrmmiissssiibbllee ppaayyllooaaddss aannddGGVVWW mmuusstt nnoott bbee eexxcceeeeddeedd –– sseeeecchhaapptteerr ""TTeecchhnniiccaall DDaattaa""..

• IItt sshhoouulldd bbee nnootteedd tthhaatt wwhheennttrraannssppoorrttiinngg hheeaavvyy iitteemmss tthhee hhaann--ddlliinngg wwiillll cchhaannggee dduuee ttoo tthhee ddiiss--ppllaacceemmeenntt ooff tthhee cceennttrree ooff ggrraavviittyy..DDrriivviinngg ssttyyllee aanndd ssppeeeedd mmuusstt,,tthheerreeffoorree,, bbee aalltteerreedd ttoo ssuuiitt..

• TThhee llooaadd mmuusstt bbee ssttoowweedd iinn ssuucchhaa wwaayy tthhaatt nnoo iitteemmss ccaann ffllyy ffoorrwwaarrddiiff tthhee bbrraakkeess aarree aapppplliieedd ssuuddddeennllyy–– uussee tthhee llaasshhiinngg eeyyeess** iiff nneecceess--ssaarryy..

• NNoo ppeeooppllee oorr cchhiillddrreenn aarree ttoottrraavveell iinn tthhee llooaaddiinngg aarreeaa oorr tthheebboooott.. AAllll ppaasssseennggeerrss mmuusstt wweeaarrsseeaatt bbeellttss.. SSeeee ""SSeeaatt bbeellttss"" cchhaapp--tteerr..

• NNeevveerr ddrriivvee wwiitthh tthhee bboooottlliidd//ttaaiillggaattee ooppeenn oorr nnoott pprrooppeerrllyycclloosseedd.. EExxhhaauusstt ggaass ccoouulldd tthheenn bbeeddrraawwnn iinnttoo tthhee vveehhiiccllee iinntteerriioorr..

LLaasshhiinngg eeyyeess**On the saloon, four eyelets are providedin the luggage compartment for securingitems of luggage. There are two eyelets inthe front sides of the luggage compart-ment, one left and one right. The othertwo eyelets are near the loading edge(see illustration). The lashing eyes comply with StandardDIN 75410.


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SEATS AND LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2.67


RReeaarr sshheellff

RReemmoovviinngg tthhee sshheellffFrom the rear end of the car, with the tail-gate raised, unhitch the stays BB from theirhousings AA. Remove the shelf from itshousing, pulling outwards.The rear shelf can be used to place cloth-ing but care should be taken to avoidreducing visibility through the rear win-dow.To ensure correct ventilation of the carinterior, the slot between the shelf andthe rear window must not be obstructed.

WWaarrnniinnggNNoo hheeaavvyy oorr hhaarrdd oobbjjeeccttss mmuusstt bbeessttoorreedd oonn tthhee sshheellff ssiinnccee tthhiissccoouulldd eennddaannggeerr tthhee ssaaffeettyy ooff tthheeooccccuuppaannttss ooff tthhee vveehhiiccllee iinn tthheeccaassee ooff ssuuddddeenn bbrraakkiinngg..TThhee ssttoorraaggee ooff ssuucchh hheeaavvyy oorr hhaarrddoobbjjeeccttss oonn tthhee rreeaarr sshheellff ccoouullddrreessuulltt iinn ddaammaaggee ttoo tthhee hheeaatteerr eellee--mmeennttss iinn tthhee rreeaarr wwiinnddooww..




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2.68 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– SEATS AND LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT


IInnccrreeaassiinngg bboooott ssppaaccee**You may tip the rear seats forwards toincrease the boot space: if it is a split seateach half can be tipped separately.Headrests must be removed before lower-ing the back seat*. To do so you will needto push the back of the seat forward a lit-tle. See the "Headrests" chapter.Place the safety belts through thetongues in the housing provided for thispurpose.The front seats must be placed so that theback seats do not collide with them, toavoid damage.

FFoollddiinngg ddoowwnn tthhee sseeaatt

• Pull on the tape (arrow 11) to raise thecushion a little and then pull it forwardsas far as possible. Then raise the rear partof the cushion (arrow 22).

RReeaarr sseeaatt




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SEATS AND LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2.69


• Pull the release lever on the backrest inthe direction of the arrow (or both leversat the same time if the seat is not split)and lower the backrest.

RRaaiissiinngg tthhee sseeaatt

• First lift up the backrest.

• Lift the cushion and then push it back-wards until it fits into place. When you do,ppuullll tthhee mmiiddddllee sseeaatt bbeelltt oouutt,, ootthheerr--wwiissee iitt wwiillll bbee ttrraappppeedd bbeettwweeeenn tthheesseeaatt aanndd tthhee bbaacckkrreesstt aanndd yyoouu wwiillll nnoottbbee aabbllee ttoo uussee iitt..AAllssoo mmaakkee ssuurree tthhee ssiiddee bbeellttss aarree nnoottttrraappppeedd bbyy tthhee bbaacckkrreesstt..

WWaarrnniinnggTThhee rreeaarr sseeaatt bbaacckkrreesstt mmuusstt bbeepprrooppeerrllyy eennggaaggeedd ssoo tthhaatt aarrttiicclleessiinn tthhee lluuggggaaggee aarreeaa ddoo nnoott sslliiddeeffoorrwwaarrdd iiff tthhee bbrraakkeess aarree aapppplliieeddssuuddddeennllyy..


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2.70 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– SEATS AND LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT


When loads are to be carried on the roof,the following should be noted:

• As the rain channels are moulded intothe roof for streamlining reasons, the nor-mal type of roof rack cannot be used. Toavoid risks we advise that only the crossbars provided by the factory are used.

• These cross bars are the basis for acomplete roof load carrying system. Forsafety reasons when carrying luggage,bicycles, surf boards, skis and boats, theappropriate special adapters arerequired.

• The roof rack system must be installedaccording to the enclosed instructions.Open the plastic covers to secure the feetof the rack to the roof.When fitting the feet to the roof make surethey fit exactly into the special groovesand properly attach to the appropriatepart of the groove.

• Distribute the load evenly. Each crossbar may carry 40 kg if loaded uniformlyover the full length. The permissible roofload (including the carrier system) of 75kg and the permissible gross vehicleweight must not be exceeded. See chap-ter "Technical Data".


• WWhheenn ccaarrrryyiinngg hheeaavvyy oorr llaarrggeeoobbjjeeccttss oonn tthhee rrooooff,, bbeeaarr iinn mmiinnddtthhaatt tthhee vveehhiiccllee hhaannddlliinngg cchhaannggeessdduuee ttoo tthhee ddiissppllaacceemmeenntt ooff tthheecceennttrree ooff ggrraavviittyy aanndd tthhee iinnccrreeaasseeddaarreeaa eexxppoosseedd ttoo tthhee wwiinndd.. DDrriivviinngg ssttyyllee aanndd ssppeeeedd mmuusstt bbeeaaddaapptteedd ttoo aallllooww ffoorr tthhiiss..

• If your vehicle has a sliding/lifting sunroof make sure it does not collide with theload.

RRooooff rraacckk**

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SEATS AND LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2.71


Press forcefully on the cover on themarked side in the direction of the arrow.Lift the aforementioned cover until thereis a 90° angle in relation to the roof of thevehicle.Then place the roof rack* in the mountingfor roof racks (note instructions includedin the roof rack*).To close proceed in reverse. Ensure thatthe cover is well closed. It must be flushto the roof channels.



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2.72 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– SEATS AND LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT


FFrroonntt aasshhttrraayy

OOppeenniinnggPush the front of the ashtray BB. See figure.

EEmmppttyyiinnggTake the ashtray by the side groves (AA)pulling it upwards.

RReeppllaacciinnggPush in.

CClloossiinnggIt can only be closed by pressing on thelloowweerr ppaarrtt ooff tthhee aasshhttrraayy (CC)..


OOppeenniinnggOpen the lid.

EEmmppttyyiinnggRemove the inside by pulling it upwards,with the lid open.

RReeppllaacciinnggPush in and downwards.







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SEATS AND LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2.73


The cigarette lighter is switched on bypushing in the element. When the heatingelement glows, the lighter springs outautomatically – pull it out immediatelyand use it.

WWaarrnniinnggEExxcceerrcciissee ccaauuttiioonn wwhheenn uussiinngg tthheecciiggaarreettttee lliigghhtteerr.. IItt ccaann ccaauusseebbuurrnnss..TThhee cciiggaarreettttee lliigghhtteerr aanndd tthheessoocckkeett aallssoo wwoorrkk wwhheenn tthhee iiggnniittiioonniiss sswwiittcchheedd ooffff aanndd tthhee kkeeyyrreemmoovveedd..FFoorr tthhiiss rreeaassoonn cchhiillddrreenn sshhoouullddnneevveerr bbee lleefftt iinn tthhee vveehhiiccllee oonn tthheeiirroowwnn..

The 1122--VVoolltt ssoocckkeett of the lighter can beused for other electrical accessories witha capacity of up to 120 Watts. When theengine is not running this will howeverdischarge the battery. For further informa-tion see “Accessories”.

EElleeccttrriicc ssoocckkeett iinn tthhee bboooott**The electric socket is located in the wheelarea on the left side.It can be used for electrical accessorieswith a maximum capacity of 150 W. Whenthe engine is not running, however, it willdischarge the battery. For further informa-tion see the chapter on “Accessories”.

WWaarrnniinnggFFoorr ssaaffeettyy rreeaassoonnss tthhee gglloovvee ccoomm--ppaarrttmmeenntt lliidd sshhoouulldd aallwwaayyss bbeecclloosseedd wwhhiillee ddrriivviinngg..

Lift the catch in order to open the passen-ger side glove compartment*.

SSttoowwaaggee bbooxx wwiitthh CCDD--CChhaannggeerr**Depending on which car radio they areequipped with, some vehicles have a CD-Changer* for up to 6 compact disks in thestowage box.

CCiiggaarreettttee lliigghhtteerr//eelleeccttrriicc ssoocckkeett SSttoowwaaggee bbooxx


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2.74 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– SEATS AND LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT


VVeehhiiccllee wwaalllleett ssttoowwaaggeeccoommppaarrttmmeennttThis stowage box is intended for the vehi-cle wallet.

NNootteeIf the vehicle wallet does not fit in thiscompartment you may store it in the glovecompartment on the passenger side or inany of the stowage boxes on the doors.

Located in the central console.

OOppeenniinnggPress the edge of the drink can holder andit will spring open.

CClloossiinnggPush the drink can holder closed.

WWaarrnniinnggTThhee ddrriinnkk ccaann hhoollddeerr sshhoouullddaallwwaayyss rreemmaaiinn cclloosseedd wwhhiillee ddrrii--vviinngg ttoo rreedduuccee rriisskk iinn tthhee eevveenntt ooffssuuddddeenn bbrraakkiinngg oorr aann aacccciiddeenntt..

DDrriinnkk ccaann hhoollddeerr**


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CLIMATE CONTROL –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2.75



• FFoorr rrooaadd ssaaffeettyy iitt iiss iimmppoorrttaanntttthhaatt aallll wwiinnddoowwss aarree ffrreeee ooff iiccee,,ssnnooww aanndd mmiisstt.. OOnnllyy tthheenn ccaanncclleeaarr vviissiioonn bbee gguuaarraanntteeeedd..YYoouu sshhoouulldd tthheerreeffoorree ffaammiilliiaarriisseeyyoouurrsseellff wwiitthh tthhee ccoorrrreecctt ooppeerraattiioonnooff tthhee hheeaattiinngg aanndd vveennttiillaattiioonn ssyyss--tteemm aass wweellll aass rreemmoovviinngg ddaammpp--nneessss aanndd ffrroosstt ffrroomm tthhee wwiinnddoowwss..

• TThhee hhiigghheesstt ppoossssiibbllee lleevveell ooffhheeaattiinngg aanndd qquuiicckk ddeeffrroossttiinngg oofftthhee wwiinnddoowwss ccaann oonnllyy bbee aacchhiieevveeddwwhheenn tthhee eennggiinnee hhaass aacchhiieevveedd iittssooppeerraattiinngg tteemmppeerraattuurree..

VVeennttssThe illustration shows the air vents on thedashboard.Cooled, heated or unheated air comes outof all the vents.All vents can be adjusted by swivellingcontrol CC (see illustration on next page).Vents 33 and 44 open and close separately,with knurled wheels at the side.The air flow from the vents can beadjusted horizontally or vertically.

HHeeaattiinngg aanndd vveennttiillaattiioonn

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2.76 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CLIMATE CONTROL



AA –– TTeemmppeerraattuurree sseelleeccttoorrThe temperature can be graduallyincreased by turning the control clock-wise.

BB –– BBlloowweerrAir flow can be adjusted to four speeds. In position 0 the fan is switched off.

CC –– SSwwiivveell kknnoobb ffoorr aaiirr ddiissttrriibbuuttiioonn

AAiirr ffllooww ffoorr ffoooott wweellll

Vents 55 are opened.Vents 33 and 44 must be closed for all theair to go to the feet.

AAiirr ffllooww ffoorr tthhee wwiinnddssccrreeeenn

In this position you cannot connect posi-tion DD for air recirculation.Additionally, vents 33 can be used to directhot air to the side windows.Vents 11 and 22 are opened.

AAiirr ffllooww ffrroomm tthhee vveennttss

Vents 11, 22 and 55 are closed. The air comesout of vents 33 and 44.In the above positions there is alwayssome air leaking out of the other vents.

DD –– AAiirr rreecciirrccuullaattiioonnIn this mode, no air is drawn from outsideand air is drawn in from the vehicle inte-rior and recirculated.The air recirculation function stops pol-luted air from outside entering the vehi-cle. YYoouu sshhoouulldd nnoott ddrriivvee ffoorr ttoooo lloonnggwwiitthh tthhiiss mmooddee sswwiittcchheedd oonn..IIff tthhee wwiinnddoowwss sstteeaamm uupp yyoouu sshhoouullddpprreessss tthhee aaiirr cciirrccuullaattiioonn bbuuttttoonn aaggaaiinniimmmmeeddiiaatteellyy ttoo sswwiittcchh iitt ooffff oorr sseelleecctttthhee ppoossiittiioonn ..

















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CLIMATE CONTROL –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2.77


AAddjjuussttmmeenntt iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss

DDeeffrroossttiinngg wwiinnddssccrreeeenn aanndd ssiiddeewwiinnddoowwss

• Rotary switch BB to stage IIIIII.

• Rotary regulator AA turned fully to right.

• Rotary regulator CC to ....................

• Adjust vents 33 so that additional warmair can be directed to the side windows.

DDeemmiissttiinngg wwiinnddssccrreeeenn aanndd ssiiddeewwiinnddoowwssWhen the windows mist up due to high airhumidity, e.g. when it is raining, we rec-ommend the following settings:

• Rotary switch BB to stage IIII or IIIIII.

• Rotary regulator AA, if necessary, intoheating range.

• Rotary regulator CC as required, betweenand .

• Additional warm air can be directed tothe side windows via vents 33.

HHeeaattiinngg iinntteerriioorr qquuiicckkllyy

• Rotary switch BB to level IIIIII.

• Rotary regulator CC to ....................

• Turn control AA as far clockwise as pos-sible.

• Open vents 33.

HHeeaattiinngg iinntteerriioorr ccoommffoorrttaabbllyyWhen the windows are clear and thedesired temperature has been reached werecommend the following settings:

• Rotary switch BB to level IIII or IIIIII.

• Rotary regulator AA at the desired heatoutput.

• Rotary regulator CC to ...................

• Set vents 33.

VVeennttiillaattiioonn ((ffrreesshh aaiirr ooppeerraattiioonn))With the following settings, unheatedfresh air flows from vents 33 and 44:

• Rotary switch BB to desired stage (levelIIIIIIII for maximum air flow).

• Rotary regulator AA anti–clockwise tothe stop

• Rotary regulator CC to ....................

• Vents 33 and 44 open.If required, regulator CC can be turned toanother position.

Page 118: Seat Leon 1M Manual

2.78 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CLIMATE CONTROL


AAiirr ccoonnddiittiioonniinngg**

GGeenneerraall nnootteess

• To ensure that the heating and ventila-tion can work properly, the air inlet infront of the windscreen should be keptfree from ice, snow and leaves.

• To prevent the windows from steamingup the fan should always be left on lowwhen you are driving slowly.

• Press button DD to stop polluted air fromoutside getting into the vehicle. DDoo nnoottddrriivvee ttoooo ffaasstt iinn tthhiiss ppoossiittiioonn ttoo ssttoopptthhee wwiinnddoowwss ffrroomm sstteeaammiinngg uupp..The air and pollen* filter removes impuri-ties from the air (e.g. pollen, dust, etc.).Only put the rotary switch to 0 when theair outside is polluted by gases.

• The pollen and dust filter elementsshould be changed in accordance withthe Inspection and Maintenance Plan, toavoid a reduction in heat and de-icingcapacity.


• FFoorr rrooaadd ssaaffeettyy iitt iiss iimmppoorrttaanntttthhaatt aallll wwiinnddoowwss aarree ffrreeee ooff iiccee,,ssnnooww aanndd mmiisstt.. OOnnllyy tthheenn ccaanncclleeaarr vviissiioonn bbee gguuaarraanntteeeedd..YYoouu sshhoouulldd tthheerreeffoorree ffaammiilliiaarriisseeyyoouurrsseellff wwiitthh tthhee ccoorrrreecctt ooppeerraattiioonnooff tthhee hheeaattiinngg aanndd vveennttiillaattiioonn ssyyss--tteemm aass wweellll aass rreemmoovviinngg ddaammpp--nneessss aanndd ffrroosstt ffrroomm tthhee wwiinnddoowwss..

• TThhee hhiigghheesstt ppoossssiibbllee lleevveell ooffhheeaattiinngg aanndd qquuiicckk ddeeffrroossttiinngg oofftthhee wwiinnddoowwss ccaann oonnllyy bbee aacchhiieevveeddwwhheenn tthhee eennggiinnee hhaass aacchhiieevveedd iittssooppeerraattiinngg tteemmppeerraattuurree..

Page 119: Seat Leon 1M Manual

CLIMATE CONTROL –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2.79


The air conditioner is a combined coolingand heating system which provides themaximum possible comfort all the yearround.The cooling system only works when theengine is running, the ambient tempera-ture is above about +5°C and the ventila-tor is set to positions II to IIIIIIII.When the cooling system is switched on itreduces not only the temperature insidethe vehicle but also the air humidity mak-ing the vehicle occupants feel more com-fortable, when there is a high level ofhumidity.

CCoonnttrrooll eelleemmeennttss

AA –– TTeemmppeerraattuurree sseelleeccttoorrTToo tthhee rriigghhtt – increases heat outputTToo tthhee lleefftt – decreases heat outputIf the air conditioning is connected thecooling capacity is increased if you turnthe regulator to the right.

BB –– BBlloowweerrAir throughput can be adjusted in fourstages.In position 0 the blower is switched off,but air is let in from the outside. If youwant to stop polluted (smelly) air comingin from outside press switch EE (air circula-tion).

WWaarrnniinnggAAss tthhiiss mmaayy mmaakkee tthhee wwiinnddoowwsssstteeaamm uupp yyoouu sshhoouulldd nnoott ddrriivvee ffoorrttoooo lloonngg iinn tthhiiss ppoossiittiioonn..

CC –– AAiirr ddiissttrriibbuuttiioonn

AAiirr ffllooww ffoorr ffoooottwweellll

Vents 55 are opened.All vents 33 and 44 must be opened todirect all the air flow to the feet.

AAiirr ffllooww ffoorr tthhee wwiinnddssccrreeeenn aarreeaa

Vents 33 can be used to direct air to theside windows.Vents 11 and 22 are opened.

AAiirr ffllooww ooff tthhee vveennttss

Vents 11, 22 and 55 are closed. The air comesout of vents 33 and 44.In the positions mentioned above there isalways a leak of air to the remainingvents.

















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E TO2-002

Page 120: Seat Leon 1M Manual

2.80 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CLIMATE CONTROL


DD –– AAiirr ccoonnddiittiioonneerr oonn//ooffff The system can be switched on by press-ing button DD. The system is switched off by pressing thebutton again.

EE –– AAiirr rreecciirrccuullaattiioonnAir recirculation is connected by pressingbutton EE. It is disconnected by pressingthe same button again.Air recirculation may work with or withoutthe air conditioning.

WWaarrnniinnggHHoowweevveerr,, yyoouu sshhoouulldd oonnllyy ddrriivvee iinntthhiiss mmooddee ffoorr aa sshhoorrtt ttiimmee,, aass nnooaaiirr iiss ddrraawwnn ffrroomm oouuttssiiddee,, aanndd tthheewwiinnddoowwss mmaayy sstteeaamm uupp..

Button EE may not be used if the rotaryregulator CC is near the position .

AAiirr vveennttssDepending on the position of rotary regu-lators AA, BB, CC and buttons DD and EE, heatedor unheated fresh air or cooled air flowsfrom all vents.The vents are controlled by the rotary reg-ulator CC.Vents 33 and 44 can be opened or closedseparately:Knurled wheel turned up – vent open.Knurled wheel turned down – vent closed.The height of the air flow can be modifiedby moving the grille of vents 33 and 44.The rear footwell vents are suppliedtogether with vents 55.

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Page 121: Seat Leon 1M Manual

CLIMATE CONTROL –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2.81


DDeeffrroossttiinngg wwiinnddssccrreeeenn aanndd ssiiddeewwiinnddoowwss

• Rotary regulator BB to level IIIIII..

• Rotary regulator CC to ...................

• Rotary regulator AA completely to the right

• Close vents 44..

• Open vents 33..

• Turn control BB to level IIII or IIIIII.

• If necessary, turn control AA upwardsslightly into the heat area.

• If needed, turn rotary regulator CC tobetween and .

• You can also use vents 33 to direct hotair onto the side windows.

QQuuiicckk hheeaattiinngg ooff tthhee iinntteerriioorr

• Put rotary regulator BB to position IIIIII.

• Put rotary regulator CC to ..............

• Turn switch AA clockwise as far as possi-ble.

• Open vents 33.

HHeeaattiinngg iinntteerriioorr ccoommffoorrttaabbllyyWhen the windows are clear and thedesired temperature has been reached werecommend the following settings:

• Rotary regulator BB to level IIII or IIIIII.

• Turn switch AA to the required level ofheat.

• Put switch CC to ...........................

• Adjust vents 33 as required.

VVeennttiillaattiioonn ((ffrreesshh aaiirr))With the following settings, unheatedfresh air flows from vents 33 and 44:

• Rotary switch BB to the required level(level IIIIII for maximum air flow).

• Regulator AA as far to the right as possi-ble.

• Rotary switch CC to .......................

• Open vents 33 and 44.If necessary switch CC can also be set toother positions.

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2.82 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CLIMATE CONTROL


MMaaxxiimmuumm ccoooolliinngg

• Close all windows and sliding/raisingroof.

• Switch BB to speed IIIIIIII.

• Switch AA to the left.

• Rotary regulator CC to ...................

• Open vents 33 and 44.

• Connect the air conditioning by press-ing switch DD.

• Press switch EE to connect air recirculation.

WWaarrnniinnggTThhiiss rruunnnniinngg mmooddee ddrraawwss aanndduusseess tthhee aaiirr ffrroomm iinnssiiddee tthhee iinnttee--rriioorr.. TThhiiss mmooddee sshhoouulldd oonnllyy bbeeccoonnnneecctteedd ffoorr aa sshhoorrtt ttiimmee,, aass nnooffrreesshh aaiirr iiss ttaakkeenn ffrroomm oouuttssiiddee..

YYoouu sshhoouulldd nnoott ssmmookkee iinn tthhee ccaarr wwhheenntthhee aaiirr rreecciirrccuullaattiioonn mmooddee iiss iinn ooppeerraa--ttiioonn..

IIddeeaall ccoooolliinngg

• Rotary switch BB to speed IIII or IIIIII (idealcooling levels).

• Rotary switch AA as far to the left as pos-sible. The temperature can then bechanged at will by moving the switch tothe right.

• Rotary switch CC to .......................

• Open vents 33 and 44.

• Press button DD.

• Adjust vents 33 and 44 so that the air isblown backwards over the driver’s head.In this mode air is taken from outside andcooled.

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CLIMATE CONTROL –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2.83


GGeenneerraall nnootteess

• When the outside temperature is lowthe fan will not switch on until the coolingliquid has reached the right temperature,unless the fan is manually switched on


• The air inlet in front of the windscreenshould be kept free from ice, snow anddead leaves to avoid hindrance to theheating or air conditioning systems.

• In automatic gear box versions, thekick-down mechanism briefly switches offthe air conditioning compressor whenmoving down a gear, so the engine cankeep up full capacity.

• If the cooling liquid gets too hot thecompressor switches off when the engineis subjected to great effort, to guaranteeperfect engine cooling.

• At low outside temperatures (less than+5°C) the refrigeration group (compres-sor) is automatically switched off, andmay not even be switched on manually(with DD key).

• When the compressor is on the insidetemperature and humidity of the car isreduced. This stops the windows fromsteaming up.

• Best results are obtained from the airconditioning if the windows and sun roof*remain closed.However if the inside of the car is over-heated, e.g. because it has been in thesun, the cooling process can be speededup by briefly opening the windows.

• When it is very hot or humid, water maycondense on the evaporator and dripdown to form a puddle under the car. Thisis perfectly normal and does not meanthere is a leak.

• The dust and pollen filter separatesimpurities from the air (e.g. dust, pollenetc.). If the air is polluted by gases the airrecirculation mode should be connected.

• The dust and pollen filter elements*should be changed in accordance withthe Maintenance and Inspection Plan, toprevent a loss in the air conditioningcapacity.

• IIff yyoouu tthhiinnkk tthhee aaiirr ccoonnddiittiioonniinnggmmaayy bbee ddaammaaggeedd,, sswwiittcchh iitt ooffff aannddhhaavvee iitt cchheecckkeedd iimmmmeeddiiaatteellyy aatt aaTTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviiccee CCeennttrree..OOnnllyy tthheenn sshhoouulldd yyoouu sswwiittcchh iitt oonnaaggaaiinn..

• AAllll rreeppaaiirrss ooff SSEEAATT aaiirr ccoonnddiittiioonniinnggmmoodduulleess rreeqquuiirree ssppeecciiaalliisseedd iinnffoorrmmaa--ttiioonn aanndd ttoooollss..SSoo mmaakkee ssuurree yyoouu ggeett iinn ttoouucchh wwiitthhyyoouurr llooccaall TTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviiccee CCeennttrree iiffaannyytthhiinngg ggooeess wwrroonngg..

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2.84 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CLIMATE CONTROL


UUssiinngg aaiirr ccoonnddiittiioonneerr eeccoonnoommiiccaallllyy

• In cooling operation the air conditionercompressor places demands on theengine and therefore influences the fuelconsumption.

• If the inside temperature is very highafter the car has been parked in the sun,we recommend that you open doors orwindows briefly to enable the hot air toescape.

• The air conditioner should not beswitched on during a journey if the win-dows or sliding/tilting roof are open.

• If the desired interior temperature canbe attained without switching on the airconditioner, the fresh air operationshould be selected.

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CLIMATE CONTROL –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2.85




• FFoorr rrooaadd ssaaffeettyy iitt iiss iimmppoorrttaanntttthhaatt aallll wwiinnddoowwss aarree ffrreeee ooff iiccee,,ssnnooww aanndd mmiisstt.. OOnnllyy tthheenn ccaanncclleeaarr vviissiioonn bbee gguuaarraanntteeeedd..YYoouu sshhoouulldd tthheerreeffoorree ffaammiilliiaarriisseeyyoouurrsseellff wwiitthh tthhee ccoorrrreecctt ooppeerraattiioonnooff tthhee hheeaattiinngg aanndd vveennttiillaattiioonn ssyyss--tteemm aass wweellll aass rreemmoovviinngg ddaammpp--nneessss aanndd ffrroosstt ffrroomm tthhee wwiinnddoowwss..

• TThhee hhiigghheesstt ppoossssiibbllee lleevveell ooffhheeaattiinngg aanndd qquuiicckk ddeeffrroossttiinngg oofftthhee wwiinnddoowwss ccaann oonnllyy bbee aacchhiieevveeddwwhheenn tthhee eennggiinnee hhaass aacchhiieevveedd iittssooppeerraattiinngg tteemmppeerraattuurree..

VVeennttssThe vents are adjusted automatically ormanually, depending on the operatingsystem chosen.The diagram shows the vents around theinstrument panel.Normal, hot and cold air comes out of thevents.Vents 33 and 44 may be opened or closedindependently by means of the knurledwheels on either side.They can be directed horizontally or verti-cally.

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Page 126: Seat Leon 1M Manual

2.86 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CLIMATE CONTROL


The Climatronic* system automaticallyprovides a uniform temperature inside thevehicle.To do so it automatically adjusts the tem-perature of the air released, the fan revo-lutions (air flow) and the air distribution.This automatic adjustment may be modi-fied manually if necessary.The illustration shows the controls on theinstrument panel. To the left of the screenyou can see the temperature and theautomatic functions selected, and to theright the manual ones.NNoorrmmaall rreeccoommmmeennddeedd aaddjjuussttmmeenntt ffoorraallll sseeaassoonnss ooff tthhee yyeeaarr::After switching the ignition on.

• sseelleecctt tthhee tteemmppeerraattuurree ooff 2222 °°CC ((7711 °°FF))aanndd

• pprreessss tthhee AAUUTTOO kkeeyyWith this adjustment you will very quicklyachieve a pleasant environment insidethe car.This setting should only be adjusted foryour own personal comfort.


AAuuttoommaattiicc((nnoorrmmaall mmooddee))

The temperature, volume and air distribu-tion are automatically adjusted to provideand maintain the required temperature ina short time. Any variation in outside tem-perature is quickly compensated.

DDee--ffrroossttiinnggThe windscreen is quickly de-frosted orfreed from moisture.The temperature is automatically regu-lated. The maximum air flow comes fromvents 11 and 22.

CCoooolliinngg ssyysstteemmoonn//ooffff

You can switch the cooling system (com-pressor) off to save fuel. However thismay reduce comfort. If the heat inside thecar becomes too high, just switch thecompressor on again or press AUTO.


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CLIMATE CONTROL –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2.87


–– ++ TTeemmppeerraattuurree sseelleeccttiioonnThe temperature can be adjusted between18°C (64°F) and 29°C (84°F). In theextreme positions of “LLOO” and “HHII” thereis no temperature adjustment. The deviceconstantly provides maximum heat orcool.TThhee tteemmppeerraattuurree ddiissppllaayy mmaayy bbeecchhaannggeedd ffrroomm °°CC ttoo °°FF aass ffoolllloowwss::Press key and keep it pressed. Thenpress key ++ on the temperature selection.

–– ++ FFaann rreevvoolluuttiioonnssThis key can be used to increase or lowerthe automatic number of revolutions (airvolume) of the fan. When you press it““mmaann”” appears on the right of the dis-play. The revolution speed is shown insegments or bars next to the symbol .If you press the key when the fan is at itslowest level the system switches itself off.To sswwiittcchh oonn the air conditioning againyou must press the AAUUTTOO button, oneof the temperature selection buttons orthe fan button with the positive symbol.You do not normally need to disconnectthe device from the fan.

–– AAiirr cciirrccuullaattiioonnIn this mode no air is drawn from outside,and the inside air is circulated around thecar. This stops polluted air from coming infrom the outside. Do not have it on thismode for too long.

IIff tthhee wwiinnddoowwss sstteeaamm uupp ddiissccoonnnneecctttthhee aaiirr cciirrccuullaattiioonn mmooddee bbyy pprreessssiinnggtthhee aaiirr cciirrccuullaattiioonn bbuuttttoonn aaggaaiinn oorr bbyysseelleeccttiinngg aa ppoossiittiioonn ..

NNootteeIf the air conditioner compressor tem-porarily switches itself off, e.g. because ofover exertion of the engine, press the aircirculation button again.

AAiirr ddiissttrriibbuuttiioonn kkeeyyssThe programmed air distribution may bealtered by using buttons , and .These buttons may be used in combina-tion or alone. When you press one ofthese buttons ““mmaann”” appears on the dis-play.

–– AAiirr ffoorr tthhee wwiinnddoowwssIf you press this button all the air comesout of vents 11, 22 and 33. Unlike the mode the air volume does not change.

–– AAiirr ffrroomm tthhee ddaasshhbbooaarrdd aannddrreeaarr cceennttrraall ccoonnssoollee

All the air from vents 33 and 44 comes out ofthe dashboard and the rear central con-sole.

–– AAiirr ffoorr tthhee ffoooottwweellllAll the air flow is directed to vents 55 andthe vents under the front seats.If you want to connect automatic air distri-bution again, you will have to switch offthe corresponding functions one by oneor press the AAUUTTOO button, or .

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2.88 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CLIMATE CONTROL


GGeenneerraall nnootteess

• When the outside temperature is low thefan will not switch itself on until the coolanthas reached the right temperature, unlessthe fan is manually switched on .

• The air inlet in front of the windscreenshould be kept free of ice, snow and deadleaves to avoid hindrance to the heatingor cooling systems.

• In automatic gear box versions, thekick-down mechanism briefly switches offthe air conditioning compressor whenmoving down a gear, so the engine cankeep up full capacity.

•If the coolant overheats the compressorswitches itself off when the engine isunder a great effort, to guarantee perfectengine cooling.

• At low outside temperatures (below +5 °C) the refrigeration group (compres-sor) is automatically switched off, andcannot be switched on manually .

• With the compressor on both the insidetemperature and humidity of the car arereduced. This stops the windows fromsteaming up.

• Best results are obtained from theClimatronic with the windows and sunroof* closed.However if the inside of the car is over-heated, e.g. because it has been in thesun, the cooling process can be speededup by briefly opening the windows.

• When it is very hot or humid outside,water may condense on the evaporatorand drip down to form a puddle under thecar. This is perfectly normal and does notmean there is a leak.

• The dust and pollen filter separatesimpurities from the air (e.g. dust, pollenetc.). If the air is polluted by gases the airrecirculation mode should be connected.

• The dust and pollen filter elementsshould be changed in accordance withthe Maintenance and Inspection Plan, toprevent a loss in the air conditioningcapacity.

• IIff yyoouu tthhiinnkk tthhee CClliimmaattrroonniicc ssyysstteemmmmaayy bbee ddaammaaggeedd,, sswwiittcchh iitt ooffff aanndd hhaavveeiitt cchheecckkeedd iimmmmeeddiiaatteellyy aatt aa TTeecchhnniiccaallSSeerrvviiccee CCeennttrree..OOnnllyy tthheenn sshhoouulldd yyoouu sswwiittcchh iitt oonnaaggaaiinn..

• AAllll rreeppaaiirrss ooff SSEEAATT CClliimmaattrroonniicc mmoodd--uulleess rreeqquuiirree ssppeecciiaalliisseedd iinnffoorrmmaattiioonnaanndd ttoooollss..SSoo mmaakkee ssuurree yyoouu ggeett iinn ttoouucchh wwiitthhyyoouurr llooccaall TTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviiccee CCeennttrree iiffaannyytthhiinngg ggooeess wwrroonngg..

Page 129: Seat Leon 1M Manual

CLIMATE CONTROL –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2.89


OOppeerraattiinngg ffaauullttss

• If the cooling system does not work, itmay be due to one of the following:– temperature is below +5 °C.– the cooling system compressor has

switched itself off temporarily due to thecoolant temperature being too high.

– the fuses have blown.Check the fuse and, if necessary,replace it. If the fuse was not the cause,have the Climatronic checked.

• If the cooling output drops, have the sys-tem checked.

Page 130: Seat Leon 1M Manual

2.90 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– DRIVING


Reverse gear may only be engaged whenthe vehicle is stationary. When engine isrunning, depress clutch fully and wait afew seconds before moving gear lever, toprevent grating noises.When reverse gear is engaged with igni-tion on, the reversing lights come on.Some model versions may have 6 gears*.Its layout is indicated on the selectorlever.

NNootteeFFoorr ssaaffeettyy rreeaassoonnss,, ddoo nnoott rreesstt yyoouurrhhaanndd oonn tthhee ggeeaarr lleevveerr wwhhiillee ddrriivviinngg..

DDrriivviinngg pprrooggrraammmmeess ssooffttwwaarreeThe gearbox management is fitted withseveral driving programmes. According tothe driving style or to the momentary situ-ation, an eeccoonnoommyy,, low-consumption, ora more “ssppoorrttyy” programme will beselected.The programme is selected aauuttoommaattii--ccaallllyy depending on the movement of theaccelerator pedal.If the accelerator pedal is moved slowly,or at a normal rate, the gearbox will shiftinto a higher gear earlier, and down into alower gear later to rreedduuccee ffuueell ccoonnssuummpp--ttiioonn.A more “ssppoorrttyy” programme is selectedwhen the accelerator pedal moves ffaasstt.The pedal does not have to be depressedto the point of kkiicckk--ddoowwnn (see page2.93). In this mode, the gearbox will shiftup later to make full use of the enginepower reserves.

MMaannuuaall ggeeaarrbbooxx AAuuttoommaattiicc ggeeaarrbbooxx**

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TO8-028 B8L-009

Page 131: Seat Leon 1M Manual

DRIVING –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2.91


The downward shift occurs at a higherrate of revolutions than in the economyprogrammes.The gear box is self adapting, and contin-uously selects the most suitable gear pro-gramme. At the same time, the driver canalso make the gear box switch to a more“sporty” programme by pressing theaccelerator quickly. Depending on roadspeed, this makes the gearbox shift downearly into a lower gear for quicker acceler-ation (for instance to overtake anothervehicle), without having to press theaccelerator all the way down to the kick-down position. After the gear box hasshifted back up it returns to the originalprogramme, depending on your style ofdriving.The gear box adapts the gear shifts foruphill and downhill gradients. This pre-vents the gearbox from shifting up anddown unnecessarily on uphill gradients.On downhill gradients, the gearbox shiftsdown into a lower gear when the driverpresses the brake pedal. This makes useof the braking effect of the engine withouthaving to change down manually.

NNootteeDepending on road resistance, for exam-ple when trailer towing or on uphillstretches, a programme is automaticallyselected which provides more power byshifting into a lower gear. This preventsfrequent gear changes.

SSeelleeccttoorr lleevveerr lloocckkIn positions “PP” and “NN” with the ignitionswitched on the selector lever is locked.To move the selector lever out of thesepositions the brake pedal must bedepressed and the selector lever buttonpushed in. This prevents a gear frombeing engaged inadvertently and thevehicle from unintentionally moving off.A delay circuit prevents the selector leverfrom locking when it is moved quicklypast the “NN” position (for instance from“RR” to “DD”). This enables for example thevehicle to be “rocked” out of a “boggeddown” position. The shift lock only locksthe selector lever if it is left in the “NN”position for more than about 1 secondwithout the brake pedal being depressed.At speeds above 5 km/h the selector leverlock is automatically switched-off in posi-tion “NN”.

SSaaffeettyy iinntteerrlloocckk ffoorr iiggnniittiioonn kkeeyy..The key can only be withdrawn with theignition switched off and the selectorlever in position “PP” (parking lock).WWhheenn tthhee iiggnniittiioonn kkeeyy iiss rreemmoovveedd,, tthheesseelleeccttoorr lleevveerr iiss lloocckkeedd iinn ppoossiittiioonn PP..

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2.92 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– DRIVING


SSeelleeccttoorr lleevveerr ppoossiittiioonnssIn the combi-instrument there is a displaythat shows the selector lever position cur-rently selected.

WWaarrnniinnggNNeevveerr sshhiifftt sseelleeccttoorr lleevveerr ttoo ppoossii--ttiioonn ““RR”” oorr ““PP”” wwhhiillsstt tthhee vveehhiiccllee iissiinn mmoottiioonn.. TThhee ggeeaarrss ccoouulldd bbee ddaamm--aaggeedd –– rriisskk ooff aacccciiddeenntt!!

PP –– PPaarrkkiinngg lloocckkThe driving wheels are locked mechani-cally.The parking lock may only be engagedwhen the vehicle is stationary. Beforemoving the lever in or out of the “PP” posi-tion the lock button in the selector leverhandle must be pressed. Before movingthe selector lever out of the “PP” positionwith the ignition switched on, the brakepedal must also be depressed.

RR –– RReevveerrssee ggeeaarrThe reverse gear should only be engagedwhen the vehicle is stationary and withthe engine idling. Before engaging theposition “RR” from the positions “PP” or “NN”the brake pedal must be depressed andthe lock button in the selector lever han-dle must also be pressed.The reversing lights come on when theselector lever is in the “RR” position withthe ignition switched on.

NN –– NNeeuuttrraall ((iiddlliinngg ppoossiittiioonn))To move the lever out of neutral when sta-tionary or at speeds below 5 km/h andwith ignition switched on depress thebrake pedal and press the lock button inthe selector lever handle.

DD –– NNoorrmmaall ddrriivviinngg ppoossiittiioonnThe four forward gears are shifted up anddown automatically depending uponengine load and road speed.Under certain driving conditions it isadvantageous to engage one of the fol-lowing described selector lever positions.

33 –– PPoossiittiioonn ffoorr ““hhiillllyy”” rreeggiioonnssThe 11sstt, 22nndd and 33rrdd gears are shifted upand down automatically depending uponengine load, road speed and selectedprogramme (EE or SS). The 44tthh gear is notengaged. This increases the engine brak-ing effect when the accelerator pedal isreleased.This selector position is recommended insituations where the gearbox alternatesfrequently between 33rrdd and 44tthh gears inthe “DD” position.




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DRIVING –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2.93


22 –– PPoossiittiioonn ffoorr sstteeeepp hhiillllssThis selector lever position is suitable forlong climbs and descents.The 11sstt and 22nndd gears are shifted up anddown automatically depending uponengine load and speed. The 33rrdd and 44tthhgears are not engaged.

11 –– PPoossiittiioonn ffoorr vveerryy sstteeeepp hhiillllss oorr mmaannooeeuuvvrreess

This selector lever position is recom-mended for very steep descents.To engage this gear, the lock button in theselector lever handle must be pressed in.The vehicle only moves in 11sstt gear. The22nndd, 33rrdd and 44tthh gears are not engaged. The cruise control* cannot be used inposition “11”.

NNootteeWhen changing down manually the selec-tor lever can be moved into gears 33, 22,and 11, but the gearbox will not changedown until it is no longer possible to over-rev the engine.

KKiicckk--ddoowwnn ddeevviicceeThe kick-down device gives maximumacceleration. When the accelerator pedalis pressed right down past the full throttleposition, depending on road speed andengine speed, the box changes down intoa lower gear. The shift into the next highergear then takes place as soon as the max-imum specified engine speed is reached.

WWaarrnniinnggPPlleeaassee nnoottee tthhaatt tthhee ddrriivviinngg wwhheeeellssccoouulldd ggoo iinnttoo aa ssppiinn iiff tthhee kkiicckk--ddoowwnn ddeevviiccee iiss aapppplliieedd oonn rrooaaddsswwiitthh bbllaacckk iiccee..RRiisskk ooff sskkiiddddiinngg!!

NNootteess oonn ddrriivviinngg

SSttaarrttiinnggThe engine can only be started whenselector lever is at “NN” or “PP”. See also“Starting engine”.

SSeelleeccttiinngg aa ddrriivviinngg rraannggeeWWhheenn tthhee vveehhiiccllee iiss ssttaattiioonnaarryy aannddtthhee eennggiinnee iiss rruunnnniinngg aallwwaayyss ddeepprreesssstthhee ffoooott bbrraakkee wwhheenn sseelleeccttiinngg aa ggeeaarr..WWhheenn tthhee vveehhiiccllee iiss ssttaattiioonnaarryy ddoo nnoottddeepprreessss tthhee aacccceelleerraattoorr wwhheenn sseelleecctt--iinngg aa ggeeaarr..IIff tthhee lleevveerr iiss mmoovveedd aacccciiddeennttaallllyy iinnttoo““NN”” wwhheenn ddrriivviinngg,, rreelleeaassee aacccceelleerraattoorraanndd lleett tthhee eennggiinnee ssppeeeedd ddrroopp ttooiiddlliinngg bbeeffoorree sseelleeccttiinngg aa ffoorrwwaarrdd ggeeaarraaggaaiinn..

WWaarrnniinnggWWhheenn tthhee eennggiinnee iiss rruunnnniinngg iitt iissnneecceessssaarryy ttoo hhoolldd tthhee vveehhiiccllee wwiitthhtthhee ffoooott bbrraakkee iinn aallll ggeeaarrss.. BBeeccaauusseewwiitthh aann aauuttoommaattiicc ggeeaarrbbooxx tthheettrraannssffeerr ooff ppoowweerr iinn nnoott ffuullllyy iinntteerr--rruupptteedd eevveenn aatt iiddlliinngg ssppeeeedd –– aannddtthhee vveehhiiccllee tteennddss ttoo ““ccrreeeepp””..

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WWhheenn tthhee vveehhiiccllee iiss ssttaattiioonnaarryy aannddaa ggeeaarr iiss eennggaaggeedd,, tthhee tthhrroottttlleemmuusstt nnoott bbee ooppeenneedd iinnaaddvveerrtteennttllyyoonn aannyy aaccccoouunntt ((ffoorr iinnssttaannccee bbyyhhaanndd ffrroomm tthhee eennggiinnee ccoommppaarrtt--mmeenntt)).. OOtthheerrwwiissee tthhee vveehhiiccllee wwiillllmmoovvee iimmmmeeddiiaatteellyy –– eevveenn iiff tthheehhaanndd bbrraakkee hhaass bbeeeenn ffuullllyy aapppplliieedd..BBeeffoorree wwoorrkkiinngg oonn tthhee vveehhiiccllee wwiitthhtthhee eennggiinnee rruunnnniinngg,, aappppllyy tthheehhaannddbbrraakkee aanndd ppuutt tthhee sseelleeccttoorrlleevveerr iinn ““PP””..

MMoovviinngg ooffffSelect driving range (RR, DD, 33, 22, 11). WWaaiittuunnttiill tthhee ggeeaarrbbooxx hhaass sshhiifftteedd aanndd tthheeppoowweerr ffllooww iiss mmaaddee ttoo tthhee ddrriivviinnggwwhheeeellss (light selection jerk perceptible).TThheenn oonnee ccaann aacccceelleerraattee..

SSttooppppiinnggWhen the vehicle is stopped for a shortperiod, for example at traffic lights, it isonly necessary to apply the brakes. It isnot necessary to move selector lever to“NN”. The engine should however only berunning at idling speed.


WWaarrnniinnggTToo pprreevveenntt tthhee vveehhiiccllee ffrroomm rroolllliinnggaawwaayy iinnaaddvveerrtteennttllyy,, yyoouu sshhoouullddaallwwaayyss aappppllyy tthhee hhaannddbbrraakkee ffiirrmmllyywwhheenn tthhee vveehhiiccllee hhaass ccoommee ttoo tthheeccoommpplleettee ssttoopp.. AAllssoo ppllaaccee tthhee ggeeaarrsseelleeccttoorr lleevveerr iinn ppoossiittiioonn ““PP””..

On a gradient the handbrake should beapplied firmly first and then the parkinglock engaged. This will ensure that thelocking mechanism is not too heavilyloaded and makes the lock easier to dis-engage.

TTooww ssttaarrttiinnggVehicles with an automatic gearbox can-not be started by towing or pushing thevehicle. See "Tow start/towing" chapter.When the battery is flat, the engine canbe started from the battery of anothervehicle by using jumper cables. See“Emergency starting”.

TToowwiinnggIf a vehicle must be towed instructions inthe "Tow start/towing" chapter must befollowed strictly.

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EEmmeerrggeennccyy pprrooggrraammIn case of an electronic failure of the gear-box, emergency programs are activateddepending on the type of failure.

• The gear box continues to shift auto-matically, but strong jerking is noticeable.Consult a Technical Service Centre.

• The gear box no longer shifts automati-cally.In this case, you can shift manually. Onlythe 33rrdd gear is available in the positions"DD", "33" and "22" of the selector lever.In the positions "11" and "RR" of the selec-tor lever, the 11sstt gear and reverse gear,respectively, are available as customary.It may happen that the gear oil is over-heated when the torque converter has towork harder, especially if 22nndd gear ismissing. In such cases, go to a Technical ServiceCentre as soon as possible.

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To apply the handbrake pull lever upfirmly. On hills the 1st gear or with auto-matic gearbox the parking lock shouldalso be engaged. The handbrake shouldalways be applied so firmly that it is notpossible to drive inadvertently with thehandbrake on.When handbrake is applied with the igni-tion on, the brake warning lamp comeson.To release handbrake, pull lever upslightly, press locking knob (arrow) in andpush lever right down.


• TToo pprreevveenntt tthhee vveehhiiccllee ffrroommrroolllliinngg aawwaayy iinnaaddvveerrtteennttllyy,, yyoouusshhoouulldd aallwwaayyss aappppllyy tthhee hhaanndd--bbrraakkee ffiirrmmllyy aafftteerr tthhee vveehhiiccllee hhaassccoommee ttoo aa ccoommpplleettee ssttoopp..YYoouu sshhoouulldd aallssoo ppuutt tthhee ccaarr iinnttooggeeaarr ((mmaannuuaall ggeeaarrbbooxx)) oorr tthhee ggeeaarrsseelleeccttoorr lleevveerr iinn ppoossiittiioonn ““PP””((aauuttoommaattiicc ggeeaarrbbooxx))..

• PPlleeaassee nnoottee tthhaatt tthhee hhaannddbbrraakkeemmuusstt bbee rreelleeaasseedd ccoommpplleetteellyy aafftteerraapppplliiccaattiioonn.. IIff tthhee hhaannddbbrraakkee iissoonnllyy ppaarrttllyy rreelleeaasseedd iitt ccoouulldd lleeaaddttoo oovveerrhheeaattiinngg ooff tthhee bbrraakkeess aannddtthhuuss nneeggaattiivveellyy aaffffeecctt tthhee ffuunnccttiioonnooff tthhee bbrraakkee ssyysstteemm.. TThhiiss ccoouullddaallssoo lleeaadd ttoo pprreemmaattuurree rreeaarr bbrraakkeelliinniinngg wweeaarr..


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IIggnniittiioonn lloocckk

EElleeccttrroonniicc eennggiinnee bblloocckkWhen switching ignition on vehicle andkey automatically compare data. This isdisplayed by a pilot light in the dash-board. See “Warning lamps” chapter.If the wrong (i.e. false) key is used, the carwill not start and the immobiliser pilotlight will come on.

PPeettrrooll eennggiinneess

11 –– IIggnniittiioonn aanndd eennggiinnee sswwiittcchheedd ooffff::SStteeeerriinngg ccaann bbee lloocckkeedd..

22 –– IIggnniittiioonn oonn

33 –– SSttaarrttiinngg eennggiinnee

DDiieesseell eennggiinneess

11 –– FFuueell ssuuppppllyy ccuutt ooffff aanndd eennggiinneesswwiittcchheedd ooffff::SStteeeerriinngg ccaann bbee lloocckkeedd..

22 –– GGllooww pplluuggss // nnoorrmmaall rruunnnniinnggppoossiittiioonn

To avoid unnecessary strain on the bat-tery, do not use any other major electricalequipment while the glow plugs are pre-heating.

33 –– SSttaarrttiinngg eennggiinnee

FFoorr aallll vveehhiicclleess::

PPoossiittiioonn 11::To lock the steering wheel withdraw thekey and turn the wheel until you hear thepin engage.In vehicles with automatic gearbox thekey can only be turned to position 11 andwithdrawn when the selector lever is inthe “PP” position.

WWaarrnniinnggOOnn vveehhiicclleess wwiitthh mmaannuuaall ggeeaarrbbooxx,,nneevveerr rreemmoovvee tthhee kkeeyy ffrroomm tthheesstteeeerriinngg lloocckk wwhhiillee tthhee vveehhiiccllee iissmmoovviinngg.. OOtthheerrwwiissee tthhee sstteeeerriinnggwwhheeeell mmaayy lloocckk uunneexxppeecctteeddllyy..

PPoossiittiioonn 22::If the key is difficult to turn in the lock,move the steering wheel until the keyturns freely.

PPoossiittiioonn 33::Before the starter can be operated a sec-ond time the key must be turned back toposition 11. This prevents the starter motorfrom engaging while the engine is run-ning, as this could damage the starter.

IIggnniittiioonn kkeeyy lloocckk**On vehicles with an automatic gearbox*after switching off the ignition the igni-tion key can only be withdrawn if theselector lever is in the “PP” position.When the ignition key has been with-drawn the selector lever is locked in thisposition.





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SSttaarrttiinngg tthhee eennggiinnee

GGeenneerraall nnootteess

WWaarrnniinnggWWhheenn rruunnnniinngg tthhee eennggiinnee iinn ccoonn--ffiinneedd ssppaacceess tthheerree iiss aa ddaannggeerr ooffppooiissoonniinngg..

• Before starting, move gear lever to neu-tral (with automatic gearbox, selectorlever in “PP” or “NN” position) and applyhandbrake firmly.

• On vehicles with a manual gearboxdepress the clutch pedal when operatingstarter so that starter only has to turnengine.

• As soon as engine starts, release theignition key so that starter can disengage.

• After starting a cold engine it maysound noisy for a moment or two becausethe oil pressure has to build up in thehydraulic tappets first. This is normal andno cause for alarm.

❀DDoo nnoott wwaarrmm tthhee eennggiinnee uupp bbyyrruunnnniinngg iitt wwhheenn tthhee vveehhiiccllee iiss ssttaa--

ttiioonnaarryy.. BBeeggiinn ddrriivviinngg tthhee vveehhiiccllee aassssoooonn aass ppoossssiibbllee..

• Do not over-rev or use full throttle untilthe engine has reached the normal oper-ating temperature.

• OOnn vveehhiicclleess wwiitthh aa ccaattaallyyttiicc ccoonn--vveerrtteerr tthhee eennggiinnee mmuusstt nnoott bbee ssttaarrtteeddbbyy ttoowwiinngg tthhee vveehhiiccllee iinn eexxcceessss ooff 5500 mm.. OOtthheerrwwiissee uunnbbuurrnneedd ffuueell ccaannppaassss iinnttoo tthhee ccoonnvveerrtteerr aanndd lleeaadd ttooddaammaaggee..

• BBeeffoorree ttooww ssttaarrttiinngg aann eennggiinnee,, aannaatttteemmpptt sshhoouulldd bbee mmaaddee aatt uussiinngg tthheebbaatttteerryy ooff aannootthheerr vveehhiiccllee aass ssttaarrttiinngghheellpp.. SSeeee ""SSttaarrttiinngg hheellpp"" cchhaapptteerr..

PPeettrrooll eennggiinneessThese engines are equipped with a petrolinjection system that automatically sup-plies the correct fuel/air mixture at allambient temperatures.When engine iiss ccoolldd oorr aatt ooppeerraattiinnggtteemmppeerraattuurree do nnoott accelerate before orduring the starting procedure.If the engine does not start at once, stopusing the starter after 10 seconds. Waitabout half a minute and then try again.If the engine does still not start, this maybe due to a blow out of the electric fuelpump fuse. See "Fuses" chapter.When the engine iiss vveerryy hhoott it may benecessary to accelerate slightly after theengine has started.

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DDiieesseell eennggiinneess

GGllooww pplluugg ssyysstteemmAfter switching to the driving position(ignition on) the required glow plugwarm-up time is indicated by a lampwhich is controlled by the coolant temper-ature. See “Warning lamps” chapter.

SSttaarrttiinngg aa ccoolldd eennggiinneeAmbient temperature above +5 °C:The engine can be started without pre-glow. Do not depress throttle during thestarting procedure.Ambient temperature below +5 °C:

• Turn the key in the ignition lock to posi-tion 22 the glow plug warning lamp comeson. It goes out when the ignition temper-ature is reached.WWhhiillee tthhee ggllooww pplluuggss aarree wwoorrkkiinngg ddoonnoott sswwiittcchh oonn aannyy hheeaavvyy ccuurrrreenntt ccoonn--ssuummeerrss bbeeccaauussee tthhiiss wwoouulldd ppllaaccee aannuunnnneecceessssaarryy llooaadd oonn tthhee bbaatttteerryy..If the engine does still not start, this maybe due to a blow out of the preheatingfuse. See "Fuses" chapter.

• When the warning lamp goes out, startthe engine immediately.

Do not depress the accelerator whilestarting.If the engine only fires irregularly, con-tinue to operate the starter a few secondslonger (30 seconds at maximum) until theengine runs under its own power.If the engine does not start, switch theglow plugs on again and try starting itagain as described.

SSttaarrttiinngg aa wwaarrmm eennggiinneeThe glow plug lamp does not come on –the engine can be started straight away.

SSttaarrttiinngg aafftteerr rruunnnniinngg oouutt ooff ffuueellIf the tank on vehicles with a dieselengine was empty, starting after fillingwith diesel fuel can take longer than nor-mal – up to one minute. This is becausethe fuel system must first be freed of airbefore starting.

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SSttooppppiinngg tthhee eennggiinnee

• VVaalliidd ffoorr aallll eennggiinneess::WWhheenn tthhee eennggiinnee hhaass bbeeeenn ssuubbjjeecctteeddttoo aa hheeaavvyy eennggiinnee llooaadd ffoorr aa lloonngg ttii--mmee,, tthhee eennggiinnee mmuusstt nnoott bbee sswwiittcchheeddooffff aabbrruuppttllyy.. LLeett iitt iiddllee ffoorr aabboouutt 22 mmiinnuutteess ttoo aavvooiidd oovveerrhheeaattiinngg..

WWaarrnniinnggAAfftteerr tthhee eennggiinnee hhaass bbeeeenn ssttooppppeeddtthhee ffaann ccaann ccoonnttiinnuuee rruunnnniinngg ffoorr aawwhhiillee ((uupp ttoo aabboouutt 1100 mmiinnuutteess)) wwiitthhtthhee iiggnniittiioonn sswwiittcchheedd ooffff.. IItt ccaann aallssoossttaarrtt ttoo rruunn aaggaaiinn ssuuddddeennllyy aafftteerr aasshhoorrtt ttiimmee iiff

–– tthhee ccoooollaanntt tteemmppeerraattuurree iinnccrreeaasseessdduuee ttoo hheeaatt bbuuiilldd--uupp

–– wwhheenn tthhee eennggiinnee iiss hhoott aanndd tthheeeennggiinnee ccoommppaarrttmmeenntt iiss hheeaatteeddaaddddiittiioonnaallllyy bbyy ssttrroonngg ssuunnlliigghhtt..

SSppeecciiaall ccaarree mmuusstt tthheerreeffoorree bbeettaakkeenn wwhheenn wwoorrkkiinngg iinn tthhee eennggiinneeccoommppaarrttmmeenntt..

• VVaalliidd ffoorr aallll vveerrssiioonnss wwiitthh ccaattaallyyttiiccccoonnvveerrtteerr**::DDoo nnoott sswwiittcchh ooffff tthhee iiggnniittiioonn wwhhiilleetthhee vveehhiiccllee iiss iinn mmoottiioonn wwiitthh aa ggeeaarreennggaaggeedd;; ootthheerrwwiissee uunnbbuurrnneedd ffuueellmmaayy ggoo iinnttoo tthhee ccoonnvveerrtteerr,, wwhheerree iittwwoouulldd bbuurrnn aanndd ccaauussee oovveerrhheeaattiinngg,,wwhhiicchh wwoouulldd ddaammaaggee tthhee ccoonnvveerrtteerr..

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To relieve the foot on the acceleratorpedal this system can hold any speedabove around 30 km/h constant, so far asthis is permitted by engine output.

WWaarrnniinnggTThhee ccrruuiissee ccoonnttrrooll ssyysstteemm sshhoouullddnnoott bbee uusseedd iinn ddeennssee ttrraaffffiicc aannddppoooorr rrooaadd ccoonnddiittiioonnss ((sslliippppeerryy ssuurr--ffaacceess,, aaqquuaappllaanniinngg,, ggrraavveell))..

WWhheenn tthhee ssyysstteemm iiss sswwiittcchheedd oonn ddoonnoott mmoovvee iinnttoo nneeuuttrraall wwiitthhoouutt ddee--pprreessssiinngg tthhee cclluuttcchh ppeeddaall,, ootthheerrwwiisseetthhee eennggiinnee wwiillll rraaccee aanndd ccaann,, uunnddeerrcceerrttaaiinn cciirrccuummssttaanncceess,, bbeeccoommee ddaamm--aaggeedd..

NNootteeOn vehicles with an automatic gearbox,the Cruise Control System is only activewhen the gear selector is in position DD, 33or 22. If any other position (PP, NN, RR or 11) isselected while driving, the last speed tobe stored is deleted and the system isswitched off.

SSwwiittcchhiinngg oonnThe system is ooppeerraatteedd with the slidingswitch AA and the press button BB on theturn signal/main beam lever.The system is sswwiittcchheedd oonn by movingswitch AA to OONN.

SSttoorriinngg ssppeeeeddWhen the speed to be maintained hasbeen reached the press button BB (SET)must be pressed briefly. The foot can thenbe taken off the accelerator pedal.The speed can also be increased in thenormal way with the accelerator pedal.When the pedal is then released the pre-viously programmed speed is resumed.This however, is not the case when thestored speed is exceeded by more than 10 km/h for a period of more than 5 min-utes. The speed must then be storedagain.

WWaarrnniinnggTThhee pprrooggrraammmmeedd ssppeeeedd mmuusstt oonnllyybbee rreessuummeedd wwhheenn iitt iiss nnoott ttoooo hhiigghhffoorr tthhee eexxiissttiinngg ttrraaffffiicc ccoonnddiittiioonnss!!

CCrruuiissee ccoonnttrrooll ssyysstteemm**



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AAlltteerriinngg ssttoorreedd ssppeeeedd

RReedduucciinngg//sseettttiinnggThe stored speed can be reduced bypressing button BB. By pressing button BB briefly, the storedspeed is reduced by a preset amount. Ifyou press and hold the button, the speedwill decrease through automatic decelera-tion. The speed reached when releasingthe button will be stored.If the button is released at a speed of lessthan approx. 30 km/h, the memory isdeleted. The speed must then, if neces-sary, be reset using button BB after thevehicle has accelerated to a speed higherthan approx. 30 km/h.

AAcccceelleerraattiinngg//ssttoorriinnggThe stored speed can be iinnccrreeaasseedd with-out depressing the accelerator by movingthe slide control AA to RREESS.By briefly pressing the slide control, thespeed is increased by a preset amount. Ifthe switch is moved to the left and held,the speed is increased through automaticacceleration. The speed reached when theswitch is released is then saved.

SSwwiittcchhiinngg ssyysstteemm ooffff tteemmppoorraarriillyy

VVeehhiicclleess wwiitthh mmaannuuaall ggeeaarrbbooxx::The system is tteemmppoorraarriillyy sswwiittcchheedd ooffffwhen the brake or clutch pedals are usedor when the switch AA is moved to OOFFFF (notengaged).The speed stored at this time will remainin the memory.To rreessuummee the previously stored speedpush switch AA fully to the left after thebrake or clutch pedals are released.

WWaarrnniinnggTThhee pprrooggrraammmmeedd ssppeeeedd mmuusstt oonnllyybbee rreessuummeedd wwhheenn iitt iiss nnoott ttoooo hhiigghhffoorr eexxiissttiinngg ttrraaffffiicc ccoonnddiittiioonnss..

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VVeehhiicclleess wwiitthh aauuttoommaattiicc ggeeaarr bbooxx::The system is tteemmppoorraarriillyy sswwiittcchheedd ooffffwhen the brake or clutch pedals are usedor when the switch AA is moved to OFF (notengaged).The speed stored at this time will rreemmaaiinnin the memory.To rreessuummee the previously stored speedpush switch AA fully to the left after thebrake or clutch pedals are released.

WWaarrnniinnggTThhee pprrooggrraammmmeedd ssppeeeedd mmuusstt oonnllyybbee rreessuummeedd iiff iitt ccoommpplliieess wwiitthh tthheessppeeeedd rreegguullaattiioonnss ooff tthhaatt mmoommeenntt..

Furthermore, the system will be sswwiittcchheeddooffff tteemmppoorraarriillyy if the selector lever ismoved to positions NN or 11.The speed stored in the memory at thistime wwiillll bbee ddeelleetteedd..

SSttoorriinngg ssppeeeeddIf no speed was saved before the systemwas temporarily switched off or if thestored speed was deleted, a new speedcan be stored in the following manner:

• Move switch AA fully to the left and holduntil the desired speed has been reached.The speed is stored when the switch isreleased.


• Press button BB briefly. The currentspeed is stored

SSwwiittcchhiinngg tthhee ssyysstteemm ooffff ccoommpplleetteellyy

VVeehhiicclleess wwiitthh aa mmaannuuaall ggeeaarr bbooxx::The system is ccoommpplleetteellyy sswwiittcchheedd ooffffwhen switch AA is moved entirely to theright (OFF engaged) or when the vehicle isstopped and the ignition is switched off.

VVeehhiicclleess wwiitthh aauuttoommaattiicc ggeeaarr bbooxx::The system is ccoommpplleetteellyy sswwiittcchheedd ooffffby selecting one of the following posi-tions by moving the selector lever:

• to positions PP, NN, RR or 11..

oorrby switching the ignition off when thevehicle is stationary.



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Filling the tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2

Petrol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4

Diesel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5


Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.7

Four-wheel drive* . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.10

Wheelspin control (TCS)* . . . . . . 3.11

Electronic Stability Program (ESP)*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.13

Power steering* . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.14


The first 1,500 km – and afterwards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.15

Cleaning the exhaust fumes . . . . 3.16

Environment-friendly and economical driving . . . . . . . . . . . 3.17

Trailer towing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.21

Driving abroad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.24

Headlight covering . . . . . . . . . . . 3.25


Care of the vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . 3.28


Engine bonnet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.35

Engine compartment . . . . . . . . . 3.36

Engine oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.38

Cooling system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.42

Radiator fan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.44

Brake fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.45

Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.46

Windscreen washer . . . . . . . . . . 3.51


Accessories, modifications andreplacement of parts . . . . . . . . . 3.52

Spark plugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.53

Dust and pollen filter* . . . . . . . . 3.54


First aid kit, warning triangle . . . 3.56

On board tools, spare wheel . . . 3.57

Wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.60

Changing wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.66

Fuses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.73

Changing bulbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.76

Installing a radio . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.85

Mobile telephones and radiotelephones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.86

Emergency starting. . . . . . . . . . . 3.87

Tow start/towing . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.89


TIPS AND MAINTENANCE ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––3.1

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UUnnlloocckkiinngg tthhee ttaannkk ffllaappTo unlock the tank flap press the button.The unlock function only functions if theignition is switched off.

The filler neck is in the rear right-sidepanel. You can reach the lockable cap after hav-ing opened the tank flap (see illustration).The tank holds about 55 liters. In four-wheel drive vehicles it holds 62 liters.

❀AAss ssoooonn aass tthhee ccoorrrreeccttllyy ooppeerraatteeddaauuttoommaattiicc nnoozzzzllee sswwiittcchheess ooffff ffoorr

tthhee ffiirrsstt ttiimmee,, tthhee ttaannkk iiss ffuullll.. DDoo nnootttthheenn ttrryy ttoo ppuutt mmoorree ffuueell iinn bbeeccaauusseetthhee eexxppaannssiioonn ssppaaccee iinn tthhee ttaannkk wwiillllbbee ffiilllleedd –– tthhee ffuueell ccaann tthheenn oovveerrfflloowwwwhheenn iitt bbeeccoommeess wwaarrmm..After filling the tank, screw cap and closetank flap until it engages. The cap is tiedto an anti-loss cord.

3.2 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– FILLING THE TANK


FFiilllliinngg tthhee ttaannkk

TO8-016 CON-009

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NNootteessAny fuel spillage should be wiped off thepaint finish immediately, as the paintcould otherwise be damaged, especially ifit is RME (“biodiesel”) fuel.OOnn vveehhiicclleess wwiitthh aa ccaattaallyyttiicc ccoonnvveerrtteerr,,nneevveerr ddrriivvee uunnttiill tthhee ffuueell ttaannkk iiss ccoomm--pplleetteellyy eemmppttyy.. TThhee iirrrreegguullaarr ffuueell ssuupp--ppllyy ccaann ccaauussee mmiissffiirriinngg.. TThhiiss aalllloowwssuunnbbuurrnntt ffuueell iinnttoo tthhee eexxhhaauusstt ssyysstteemm,,wwhhiicchh ccaann ccaauussee oovveerrhheeaattiinngg aannddddaammaaggee ttoo tthhee ccaattaallyysstt..

FILLING THE TANK –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3.3


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In the chapter “Technical Data” and onthe inside of the tank flap you will findinformation on the correct octane ratingfor your engine.

GGeenneerraall nnootteess

• Unleaded petrol must comply with DIN EN1) 228 and leaded petrol with DIN 51 600.

• If, in an emergency, the octane rating ofthe available petrol is lower than thatrequired by the engine, only drive withmedium engine speeds and low engineloading. HHiigghh eennggiinnee llooaaddiinngg wwiitthh ffuulllltthhrroottttllee oorr hhiigghh rreevvss ccaann ccaauussee eennggiinneeddaammaaggee.. Fill tank with petrol of the cor-rect octane rating as soon as possible.

• Fuel with a higher octane rating thanthat required by the engine can be usedwithout limitation. There are, however, noadvantages regarding output and con-sumption.

❀EEvveenn oonnee ttaannkkffuull ooff lleeaaddeedd ppeettrroollwwiillll ddeettrraacctt ffrroomm tthhee eeffffiicciieennccyy ooff

tthhee ccaattaallyyttiicc ccoonnvveerrtteerr..

SSeeee cchhaapptteerr ““FFiilllliinngg tthhee ttaannkk””..

1) European Standard.

PPeettrrooll aaddddiittiivveessThe quality of the fuel has a decisive influ-ence upon the running behavior, perfor-mance and service life of the engine. Theadditives which are mixed into the petrolare of particular significance. It is there-fore advisable only to use good qquuaalliittyyppeettrrooll ccoonnttaaiinniinngg aaddddiittiivveess..

3.4 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– FILLING THE TANK



Page 149: Seat Leon 1M Manual

Diesel fuel must correspond to DIN EN1) 590.CCZZ22)) nnoo lloowweerr tthhaann 4499..

RRMMEE ffuueell ((““ddiieesstteerr””))According to norm DIN 51 6063).Vehicles with diesel engines can also runon RRMMEE ffuueell (Rapeseed Methyl Ester).Ask a Technical Service Centre or automo-bile club where biodiesel is available.See chapter "Filling the tank".

PPrrooppeerrttiieess ooff RRMMEE

• RME is chemically produced from veg-etable oil (predominantly rapeseed oil) ina process whereby the oil is mixed withmethanol and converted, via a catalyst,into RME.

• RME is almost totally sulfur free. Thecombustion of RME thus emits practicallyno sulfur dioxide (SO2).

1) European Standard.2) Cetan-Zahl (Cetane Number). Measure of

diesel fuel ignitability.3) DIN preliminary Standard.

• Exhaust gas contains less– carbon monoxide– hydrocarbons– particles (i.e. soot)than with conventional diesel fuel.All emission values are lower than legalrequirements.

• RME fuel is biodegradable.

• Performance may be slightly lower.

• Fuel consumption may be slightlyhigher.

• RME can be used in temperatures downto approximately –10 °C.

• Diesel must be added at ambient tem-peratures of less than –10 °C to preventdeterioration of the biodiesel due to lowtemperatures. The mixing ratio of dieselto biodiesel must be approximately50:50.IIff tthhee RRMMEE rraattiioo eexxcceeeeddss 5500%%,, ttoooommuucchh ssmmookkee mmaayy bbee ffoorrmmeedd..

• During the summer months, RME maybe mixed with diesel at any ratio.

FILLING THE TANK –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3.5



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DDrriivviinngg iinn wwiinntteerrWhen using summer Diesel trouble maybe experienced at temperatures below 0 °C because the fuel thickens due to waxseparation.For this reason winter Diesel which ismore resistant to cold is sold during thewinter in some countries, and this workscorrectly down to between –15 °C and–22 °C approximately, depending on thebrand of fuel used.The biodiesel available in countries withdifferent climactic conditions usually hasdifferent temperature characteristics.Technical Service Centres or service sta-tions in each country can inform you ofthe specific characteristics of the respec-tive diesel.

FFiilltteerr pprreehheeaattiinnggThe vehicle is fitted with a filter preheater.This will ensure that the fuel system willremain operational down to about –25 °C,provided that winter Diesel which is coldresistant down to –15 °C is used.If, at temperatures below –25 °C the fuelis waxed to such an extent that the enginewill not start it is sufficient to place thevehicle in a warm enclosure for a while.Fuel aaddddiittiivveess (anti-waxing agent), petroland similar fluids must nnoott be mixed withDiesel fuel.

3.6 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– FILLING THE TANK


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GGeenneerraall nnootteess

• Brake lining wear depends to a largeextent on the operating conditions andstyle of driving. On vehicles which areused mainly in town traffic and stop/startconditions or are driven hard it may benecessary to have the thickness of thebrake linings checked by a TechnicalService Centre in between the intervalsgiven in the Inspection and ServiceSchedule.

• Change down in good time when dri-ving downhill, in order to make use of theengine braking effect. This relieves strainon the brake system. When the brakes areapplied do not keep them on continu-ously, apply and release alternately.

WWhhaatt ccaann hhaavvee aa nneeggaattiivvee eeffffeecctt oonntthhee bbrraakkeess??

WWeett oorr ggrriitttteedd rrooaadd ssuurrffaaccee


• UUnnddeerr cceerrttaaiinn ccoonnddiittiioonnss ddrriivviinngg tthhrroouugghh wwaatteerr,, hheeaavvyyrraaiinn ffaallllss oorr aafftteerr tthhee vveehhiiccllee hhaassbbeeeenn wwaasshheedd,, tthhee bbrraakkeess ccoouullddsseett iinn llaatteerr tthhaann nnoorrmmaall dduuee ttooddaammpp,, oorr iinn wwiinntteerr –– ffrroozzeenn,, bbrraakkeeddiissccss aanndd lliinniinnggss –– tthhee bbrraakkeessmmuusstt ffiirrsstt bbee ddrriieedd tthhrroouugghh ccaarreeffuullbbrraakkiinngg..

• FFuullll bbrraakkiinngg ppoowweerr mmiigghhtt aallssoosseett iinn llaatteerr tthhaann nnoorrmmaall eevveenn wwhheennddrriivviinngg oonn ggrriitttteedd rrooaaddss iiff yyoouuhhaavvee nnoott bbrraakkeedd ffoorr ssoommee ttiimmee ––tthhee llaayyeerr ooff ssaalltt oonn tthhee bbrraakkee ddiisskkssaanndd bbrraakkee lliinniinnggss mmuusstt ffiirrsstt bbeewwoorrnn ddoowwnn wwhhiillsstt bbrraakkiinngg..

INTELLIGENT TECHNOLOGY ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3.7



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OOvveerrhheeaattiinngg ooff tthhee bbrraakkeess


• NNeevveerr lleett tthhee bbrraakkeess ““rruubb”” bbyypprreessssiinngg tthhee ppeeddaall ttoooo lliigghhttllyywwhheenn yyoouu ddoo nnoott rreeaallllyy nneeeedd ttoobbrraakkee.. TThhiiss ccaauusseess tthhee bbrraakkeess ttoooovveerrhheeaatt,, lleeaaddss ttoo lloonnggeerr bbrraakkiinnggddiissttaanncceess aanndd ttoo aa hhiigghheerr lleevveell ooffwweeaarr..

• BBeeffoorree ssttaarrttiinngg oonn aa lloonngg ssttrreettcchhooff rrooaadd iinn aa vveerryy hhiillllyy aarreeaa,, pplleeaasseerreedduuccee yyoouurr ssppeeeedd,, cchhaannggee ttoo aalloowweerr ggeeaarr ((mmaannuuaall ggeeaarrbbooxx)) oorrcchhoooossee aa lloowweerr ppoossiittiioonn ((aauuttoo--mmaattiicc ggeeaarrbbooxx)).. IInn tthhiiss wwaayy yyoouuwwiillll uussee tthhee bbrraakkiinngg ppoowweerr ooff tthheeeennggiinnee aanndd rreelliieevvee pprreessssuurree oonn tthheebbrraakkeess..

• IIff aa ffrroonntt ssppooiilleerr,, ffuullll ssiizzee wwhheeeellttrriimmss eettcc..,, iiss rreettrrooffiitttteedd,, iitt iissnneecceessssaarryy ttoo eennssuurree tthhaatt tthhee fflloowwooff aaiirr ttoo tthhee ffrroonntt bbrraakkeess iiss nnoottrreessttrriicctteedd –– ootthheerrwwiissee tthhee bbrraakkeessccaann oovveerrhheeaatt..


WWaarrnniinnggTThhee sseerrvvoo iiss ooppeerraatteedd bbyy aa vvaaccuuuummwwhhiicchh iiss oonnllyy ggeenneerraatteedd wwhheenn tthheeeennggiinnee iiss rruunnnniinngg.. FFoorr tthhiiss rreeaassoonntthhee vveehhiiccllee sshhoouulldd nnoott bbee aalllloowweeddttoo rroollll wwiitthh tthhee eennggiinnee sswwiittcchheeddooffff..WWhheenn tthhee bbrraakkee sseerrvvoo iiss nnoott wwoorrkk--iinngg bbeeccaauussee,, ffoorr eexxaammppllee,, tthheevveehhiiccllee iiss bbeeiinngg ttoowweedd oorr aa ddeeffeecctthhaass ooccccuurrrreedd oonn tthhee bbrraakkee sseerrvvooiittsseellff,, tthhee bbrraakkee ppeeddaall mmuusstt bbeepprreesssseedd ccoonnssiiddeerraabbllyy hhaarrddeerr ttooccoommppeennssaattee ffoorr tthhee aabbsseennccee ooffsseerrvvoo aassssiissttaannccee..

AAnnttii--lloocckkiinngg bbrraakkee ssyysstteemm**The ABS plays a major part in increasingthe active safety of the vehicle. The bigadvantage when compared with a conven-tional brake system is that even whenbraking hard on a slippery road surfacethe best possible steerability is retainedfor the road condition because the wheelsdo not lock. SStteeeerriinngg ccoonnttrrooll iiss tthheerree--ffoorree mmaaiinnttaaiinneedd,, ggiivviinngg tthhee bbeesstt ddrrii--vviinngg ssttaabbiilliittyy ppoossssiibbllee..However, one must not expect the ABSsystem to shorten the braking distanceunder all conditions. When driving ongravel or on fresh snow covering a slip-pery surface, i.e. when one should be dri-ving very slowly and carefully, the stop-ping distance may even be slightly longer.

PPlleeaassee aallssoo rreeffeerr ttoo tthhee nnootteess oonn tthheenneexxtt ppaaggee..

3.8 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– INTELLIGENT TECHNOLOGY


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HHooww tthhee AABBSS** ssyysstteemm wwoorrkkssAn automatic check is made when aspeed of approx. 6 km/h is reached.When this happens a pumping noise canbe heard.When the turning speed of a wheelreaches a level which is too low for thevehicle speed and it tends to lock, thebrake pressure to this wheel is reduced.On the front axle the brake pressure isregulated for each wheel individually,whereas on the rear axle, the pressure isregulated for both wheels at the sametime. As a result the braking effect is thesame for both rear wheels and the drivingstability is retained as far as possible.TThhiiss rreegguullaattiinngg pprroocceessss mmaakkeess iittsseellffkknnoowwnn bbyy mmoovveemmeenntt ooff tthhee bbrraakkeeppeeddaall aanndd iiss aaccccoommppaanniieedd bbyy nnooiisseess..This is done deliberately as a warning tothe driver that a wheel or the wheels arein the locking range. SSoo tthhaatt tthhee AABBSSccaann rreegguullaattee eeffffeeccttiivveellyy iinn tthhiiss rraannggeetthhee bbrraakkee ppeeddaall mmuusstt rreemmaaiinnddeepprreesssseedd –– oonn nnoo aaccccoouunntt sshhoouulldd iittbbee ppuummppeedd!!

WWaarrnniinnggHHoowweevveerr tthhee AABBSS ssyysstteemm ccaannnnoottoovveerrccoommee tthhee pphhyyssiiccaall lliimmiittss.. TThhiissmmuusstt bbee bboorrnnee iinn mmiinndd ppaarrttiiccuullaarrllyyoonn sslliippppeerryy oorr wweett rrooaaddss.. WWhheenn tthheeAABBSS ccoommeess iinnttoo tthhee ccoonnttrrooll rraannggeetthhee ssppeeeedd mmuusstt iimmmmeeddiiaatteellyy bbeeaaddaapptteedd ttoo tthhee rrooaadd aanndd ttrraaffffiiccccoonnddiittiioonnss.. TThhee iinnccrreeaasseedd aammoouunnttooff ssaaffeettyy aavvaaiillaabbllee mmuusstt nnoott tteemmppttoonnee iinnttoo ttaakkiinngg rriisskkss..

If a defect occurs on the ABS it is indi-cated by one or two warning lamps.

INTELLIGENT TECHNOLOGY ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3.9


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3.10 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––INTELLIGENT TECHNOLOGY


FFoouurr--wwhheeeell ddrriivvee**

TThhee ccoonncceepptt ooff ffoouurr--wwhheeeell ddrriivveessThe four-wheel drive vehicles are fittedwith a completely automatic drive on allfour wheels.It automatically distributes the drivepower and adapts perfectly to the drivingstyle and specific surface conditions.

WWaarrnniinnggTThhee ddrriivviinngg ssttyyllee aallwwaayyss nneeeeddss ttoobbee aaddjjuusstteedd ttoo ssuuiitt tthhee rrooaadd ssuurr--ffaaccee aanndd ttrraaffffiicc ccoonnddiittiioonnss.. IInnccrreeaasseeddssaaffeettyy sshhoouulldd nnoott eennccoouurraaggee oonneettoo ttaakkee uunnnneecceessssaarryy rriisskkss..TThhee bbrraakkiinngg ccaappaacciittyy iiss lliimmiitteedd bbyytthhee aaddhheerreennccee ooff tthhee wwhheeeellss aannddddooeess nnoott ddiiffffeerr ffrroomm aa rreegguullaarr vveehhii--ccllee wwiitthh aa ttwwoo--wwhheeeell ddrriivvee..FFoorr tthhiiss rreeaassoonn,, eevveenn tthhoouugghh oonnsslliippppeerryy ssuurrffaaccee tthhee aacccceelleerraattiioonniiss ggoooodd,, iitt sshhoouulldd nneevveerr iinndduucceeoonnee ttoo ddrriivvee aatt eexxcceessssiivvee ssppeeeeddss..OOnn hhuummiidd ssuurrffaacceess kkeeeepp iinn mmiinnddtthhaatt tthhee ffrroonntt wwhheeeellss ccaann aallssoo ssuuff--ffeerr ffrroomm aaqquuaappllaanniinngg iiff tthhee ssppeeeeddiiss eexxcceessssiivvee.. AAss ooppppoosseedd ttoo vveehhii--cclleess wwiitthh ffrroonntt wwhheeeell ddrriivvee,, tthheebbeeggiinnnniinngg ooff aaqquuaappllaanniinngg iiss nnoottaannnnoouunncceedd bbyy aa ssuuddddeenn iinnccrreeaasseeiinn eennggiinnee rreevvoolluuttiioonnss.. WWee rreeccoomm--mmeenndd nnoott ttoo ddrriivvee aatt eexxcceessssiivveessppeeeeddss aanndd aallwwaayyss aaddjjuusstt ttoo tthheerrooaadd ccoonnddiittiioonnss..

OOtthheerr iimmppoorrttaanntt nnootteess

WWiinntteerr ttyyrreessWith the four wheel drive, the vehicle’sdrive is good in the winter, even with ser-ial tyres. However, we recommend the useof winter tyres or all-weather tyres on aallllffoouurr wwhheeeellss to further improve drivingand braking.

SSnnooww cchhaaiinnssSnow chains should be used on four-wheel drives, particularly when it ismandatory. More details on the use ofsnow chains are indicated in the"Wheels" chapter.

RRiimmss//ttyyrree cchhaannggeeFFoorr ffoouurr--wwhheeeell ddrriivvee vveerrssiioonnss,, aallll ffoouurrwwhheeeellss mmuusstt hhaavvee tthhee ssaammee ttrreeaadd ssuurr--ffaaccee..FFoorr ffuurrtthheerr iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn,, sseeee ppaaggee33..6633..

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INTELLIGENT TECHNOLOGY –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––3.11


WWhheeeellssppiinn ccoonnttrrooll ((TTCCSS))**

In vehicles with front wheel traction, theTCS lowers the engine power to stop thewheel from spinning when you accelerate.This feature works at any speed in combi-nation with the ABS. If there is an ABSbreakdown, the TCS stops working.Vehicles fitted with TCS* are also fittedwith an electronic differential lock (EDL).The EDL makes it much easier, or evenpossible, to pull away, accelerate andclimb steep gradiants in unfavourableconditions.The EDL works fully automatically – thedriver does not need to do anything at all. It uses the ABS sensors to monitor thespeed of the driving wheels. Up to a speedof about 80 km/h (50 mph), a difference inspeed of the drive wheels of approxi-mately 100 rpm caused by a slippery roadsurface on oonnee ssiiddee is balanced out byslowing down the wheel which is slippingand thereby applying more driving forceto the other drive wheel through the dif-ferential.TThhiiss ccoonnttrrooll pprroocceedduurree ccaann bbee ddeetteecctteeddbbyy tthhee ssoouunndd iitt mmaakkeess..IInn oorrddeerr ttoo oobbttaaiinn tthhee bbeesstt ppoossssiibblleeppeerrffoorrmmaannccee ffrroomm tthhee EEDDLL,, aallwwaayyssuussee tthhee cclluuttcchh aanndd aacccceelleerraattoorr ppeeddaallssaaccccoorrddiinngg ttoo tthhee rrooaadd ccoonnddiittiioonnsswwhheenn bbeeggiinnnniinngg ttoo ddrriivvee..

WWaarrnniinnggWWhheenn aacccceelleerraattiinngg oonn aa sslliippppeerryyrrooaadd ssuurrffaaccee,, oonn iiccee oorr ssnnooww,,uussee tthhee aacccceelleerraattoorr ppeeddaall ccaarree--ffuullllyy.. TThhee wwhheeeellss ccaann ssppiinn,, eevveennwwiitthh EEDDLL,, aanndd tthhuuss iimmppaaiirr ddrriivviinnggssttaabbiilliittyy..

To ensure that the brake disc of thebraked wheel does not overheat, the EDLwill automatically switch itself off if exces-sive demands are placed on it. The vehi-cle remains operational and has the samecharacteristics as a vehicle without EDL.For this reason, the switching off of theEDL is not noticed.As soon as the brakes have cooled off, theEDL will switch itself back on again.If the ABS warning lamp lights up theremay be a fault present in the EDL. Take thevehicle to a Technical Service Centre assoon as possible!

WWaarrnniinnggTThhee ssttyyllee ooff ddrriivviinngg mmuusstt aallwwaayyssbbee aaddaapptteedd ttoo ssuuiitt tthhee rrooaadd ssuurr--ffaaccee aanndd ttrraaffffiicc ccoonnddiittiioonnss.. TThheeiinnccrreeaasseedd ssaaffeettyy ooffffeerreedd bbyy tthheeEEDDLL sshhoouulldd nnoott eennccoouurraaggee oonnee ttoottaakkee uunnnneecceessssaarryy rriisskkss..

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The TCS connects automatically once theengine is started. If necessary, it can beconnected or disconnected by brieflypressing the button located on the centralconsole next to the hand brake.When the TCS is switched off a pilot lightcomes on. You should normally always have the TCSon. Only in exceptional circumstanceswhen you want the wheels to spin shouldyou switch it off. For instance:– With small emergency wheel,– When you are using snow chains.– When driving in deep snow or on a soft

surface.– When the car is stuck, to “rock” it out,

and– To go up slopes where each traction

wheel is on a surface with a very differ-ent grip (I.e. ice on the left, dry asphalton the right). The EDS continues to func-tion under these conditions.

Afterwards you should always reconnectthis device.

WWaarrnniinnggDDrriivviinngg ssttyyllee sshhoouulldd aallwwaayyss bbeemmooddiiffiieedd ttoo ssuuiitt tthhee ttrraaffffiicc aannddrrooaadd ccoonnddiittiioonnss.. TThhee ggrreeaatteerr ssaa--ffeettyy pprroovviiddeedd bbyy tthhee TTCCSS sshhoouullddnnoott lleeaadd yyoouu ttoo ttaakkee ggrreeaatteerr rriisskkss..

NNootteeFor the TCS to work properly all fourwheels should be the same. Otherwiseengine performance may be reduced.See also “Changing wheels”.

3.12 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– INTELLIGENT TECHNOLOGY


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EElleeccttrroonniicc SSttaabbiilliittyy PPrrooggrraamm ((EESSPP))**

INTELLIGENT TECHNOLOGY –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3.13


The ESP increases the control over thevehicle in situations such as acceleratingor in turns.The ESP expands the functions of theABS/TCS and decreases under any cir-cumstance the risk of skidding. This con-tributes to an improved stability of thevehicle.The system works in the total realm ofspeed in relation to the ABS. In case offailure in the ABS, the ESP will also fail.The ESP connects automatically when theengine is switched on and checks itself.The ESP warning light lights up whenthe system is disconnected. See the"Switches" chapter.The ESP pilot light lights up when the sys-tem is disconnected. See “Warninglights” chapter.The ESP should always be connected.Only in exceptional cases, when the skid-ding effect is desired under extremelysporty conditions, the system can be dis-connected.Afterwards the system should be recon-nected.The ABS and the EDS remain connectedeven if the ESP is disconnected.

FFuunnccttiioonniinnggThe electronic stability program encom-passes the ABS, EDS and TCS. In additionto all available data for these functions,the ESP control unit needs additionalmeasurements supplied by high precisionsensors. The measuring data consists ofthe speed at which the vehicle turnsaround its vertical axis, acceleration,pressure on brakes and the turn of thesteering wheel.With the help of the steering wheel sensorand the vehicle’s speed, the desireddirection is determined and constantlycompared to the vehicle’s real behavior.When differences occur, such as incipientskidding, the ESP automatically brakesthe adequate wheel.The vehicle stabilizes through the brakingforce on the wheel. If the vehicle swingsout (tendency of the tail to swing out) thebrakes will act on the exterior front wheel.In case the swerve is insufficient (ten-dency to leave the curve) the brakingforce will be exerted on the interior rearwheel. The braking generates a noise.

WWaarrnniinnggTThhee EESSPP ccaannnnoott oovveerrccoommee pphhyyssiiccaalllliimmiittss.. TThhiiss mmuusstt bbee bboorrnnee iinn mmiinnddppaarrttiiccuullaarrllyy oonn wweett oorr iiccyy rrooaaddss..TThhee ddrriivviinngg ssttyyllee mmuusstt aallwwaayyss bbeeaaddaapptteedd ttoo tthhee rrooaadd aanndd ttrraaffffiiccccoonnddiittiioonnss.. TThhee iinnccrreeaasseedd ssaaffeettyyooffffeerreedd bbyy tthhee EESSPP sshhoouulldd nnootteennccoouurraaggee oonnee ttoo ttaakkee uunnnneecceess--ssaarryy rriisskkss..

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3.14 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– INTELLIGENT TECHNOLOGY


PPoowweerr sstteeeerriinngg**

Do not keep the steering wheel fullyturned more than 15 seconds when theengine is switched on, as the hydraulic oilwill be heated to a high temperature bythe servo pump.TThhiiss ccoouulldd ddaammaaggee tthhee ppoowweerr sstteeeerr--iinngg ssyysstteemm..Furthermore every time you turn the steer-ing wheel as far as it will go with theengine off, you will hear a series of noisesmade by the excessive effort of the servopump. The engine tick over may also bereduced for a short time.

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YOUR VEHICLE AND THE ENVIRONMENT ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3.15


TThhee ffiirrsstt 11,,550000 kkmm –– aanndd aafftteerrwwaarrddss

RRuunnnniinngg--iinnDuring the first few operating hours theengine internal friction is higher thanlater on when all the moving parts havebedded down. How well this running-inprocess is done depends to a consider-able extent on the way the vehicle is dri-ven during the first 1500 km.

UUpp ttoo 11000000 kkiilloommeettrreessthe following general rules apply:

• DDoo nnoott uussee ffuullll tthhrroottttllee

• DDoo nnoott ddrriivvee ffaasstteerr tthhaann 33//44 ooff ttooppssppeeeedd

• AAvvooiidd hhiigghh eennggiinnee ssppeeeeddss

• Trailer towing should if possible beavoided.


• NNeeww ttyyrreess mmuusstt aallssoo bbee ““rruunn iinn””bbeeccaauussee tthheeyy ddoo nnoott hhaavvee mmaaxxiimmuummaaddhheessiioonn aatt tthhee ssttaarrtt.. TThhiiss mmuusstt bbeettaakkeenn iinnttoo aaccccoouunntt bbyy ddrriivviinngg ccaarree--ffuullllyy dduurriinngg tthhee ffiirrsstt 110000 kkmm..

• NNeeww bbrraakkee lliinniinnggss mmuusstt aallssoo bbeerruunn iinn aanndd ddoo nnoott hhaavvee tthhee ooppttii--mmuumm ffrriiccttiioonn pprrooppeerrttiieess dduurriinngg tthheeffiirrsstt 220000 kkmm.. TThhee sslliigghhttllyy rreedduucceeddbbrraakkiinngg eeffffeecctt ccaann bbee ccoommppeenn--ssaatteedd ffoorr bbyy mmoorree pprreessssuurree oonn tthheebbrraakkee ppeeddaall.. TThhiiss aallssoo aapppplliieesswwhheenn nneeww lliinniinnggss hhaavvee bbeeeenn ffiitttteedd..

FFrroomm 11000000 –– 11550000 kkmmThe speed can be gradually increased tothe road or engine maximum.

DDuurriinngg aanndd aafftteerr tthhee rruunnnniinngg--iinnppeerriioodd tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg aapppplliieess::

• Do not overrev the engine when cold –either in neutral or in the gears.All speeds and revs given are only validwhen engine is pprrooppeerrllyy wwaarrmm.

❀DDoo nnoott ddrriivvee wwiitthh uunnnneecceessssaarriillyyhhiigghh eennggiinnee rreevvss.. CChhaannggiinngg uupp

oonnee ggeeaarr hheellppss ttoo ssaavvee ffuueell,, ddeeccrreeaasseennooiissee aanndd ppoolllluuttiioonn.. SSeeee aallssoo tthhee""DDrriivviinngg eeccoonnoommiiccaallllyy aanndd eeccoollooggii--ccaallllyy"" cchhaapptteerr..

• Do not let engine labour – change downwhen engine no longer runs smoothly.

AAfftteerr tthhee rruunnnniinngg--iinn ppeerriioodd

• On vehicles with a rev counter* themaximum permissible engine speed isshown by the beginning of the red zoneon the rev counter scale. The needle of thecounter must not move into this zone.Extremely high engine revs will be auto-matically governed.

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3.16 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– YOUR VEHICLE AND THE ENVIRONMENT


CClleeaanniinngg tthhee eexxhhaauusstt ffuummeess

TThhee ppeerrffeecctt ffuunnccttiioonniinngg ooff tthhee cclleeaann--iinngg ssyysstteemm ffoorr eexxhhaauusstt ffuummeess is ofgreat importance for the environment-friendly functioning of your vehicle.Therefore, keep in mind the followingpoints:

• Versions with a catalytic converter mustonly use unleaded fuel. See "Filling thetank".

• In vehicles with a catalytic converternever drive until the fuel tank is com-pletely empty. Irregular fuel supply cancause misfiring, thus allowing unburnedfuel into the exhaust system which cancause overheating and damage to the cat-alyst.

• If while driving you experience startingdifficulties, loss of power or engine prob-lems the cause could be a failure in theignition. In this case, fuel may haveentered the exhaust system without burn-ing and may be released to the atmos-phere. In addition, the catalyst can deteri-orate due to overheating. Speed needs tobe decreased immediately. See the near-est Technical Service Centre to fix the fail-ure.

• Do not fill the engine with too much oil.See "Checking oil level".

• Do not tow vehicles for more than 50 mwhen trying to tow start. See "Towstat/starting" chapter.


• DDuuee ttoo ppoossssiibbllee hhiigghh tteemmppeerraa--ttuurreess ooff tthhee ccaattaallyysstt,, ddoo nnoott ppaarrkk iinnppllaacceess wwhheerree tthhee ccaattaallyysstt iiss eeaassiillyyeexxppoosseedd ttoo iinnffllaammmmaabbllee mmaatteerriiaall..

• DDoo nnoott uussee aaddddiittiioonnaall pprrootteeccttiioonnffoorr tthhee bbooddyy oorr aannttiiccoorrrroossiivvee pprroodd--uuccttss ffoorr ssuummppss aanndd eexxhhaauusstt ppiippeess,,ccaattaallyyttiicc ccoonnvveerrtteerrss oorr hheeaatt sshhiieellddss..TThhee aabboovvee mmeennttiioonneedd mmaatteerriiaallccoouulldd iiggnniittee wwhhiillee ddrriivviinngg..

NNootteeEven when the filtering system forexhaust fumes is in perfect working order,under certain circumstances, the fumesmay smell like sulphur. This depends on the percentage of sulfurin the fuel.Often it is sufficient to change brands orbuy super unleaded.

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YOUR VEHICLE AND THE ENVIRONMENT ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3.17


EEnnvviirroonnmmeenntt--ffrriieennddllyy aanndd eeccoonnoommiiccaall ddrriivviinngg

Three factors determine the fuel con-sumption, the burden on the environmentand the wear on the engine, brakes andtyres:

• The personal driving style.

• The individual conditions of the use ofthe car.

• Technical prerequisites.The fuel consumption can be reduced by10 to 15 percent by adopting a thoughtfuland economic driving style. This chapterwill help you lower pollution and savemoney by following 10 suggestions.

SSuuggggeessttiioonn 11

❀TThhoouugghhttffuull ddrriivviinngg ssttyyllee

The highest fuel consumption takes placeduring acceleration. If you drive in athoughtful manner you will have to brakeless and, therefore, accelerate less. Youcan also let the vehicle roll, i.e. when youcan foresee that the following traffic lightwill be red.

SSuuggggeessttiioonn 22

❀CChhaannggiinngg ggeeaarrss ssaavveess eenneerrggyy

Another way to save fuel is to change upas quickly as possible. If you drive withhigh engine revs the car will use up moreenergy.The illustration shows the relationbetween the consumption (l/100 km) andspeed (km/h) in first, second, third,fourth and fifth gear.The following rules may be helpful. Neverdrive more than a few meters in first gear.When you reach 2,000 revolutions, youshould change up.If you drive a vehicle with an automaticgearbox, press the accelerator pedal gen-tly. Do not press it to the kick-down posi-tion. This way, a consumption orientedprogram is automatically selected. Itchanges up as soon as possible and takeslonger to change down.

30 50 70km/h






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3.18 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– YOUR VEHICLE AND THE ENVIRONMENT


SSuuggggeessttiioonn 33

❀AAvvooiidd ddrriivviinngg aatt mmaaxxiimmuumm ssppeeeedd

Try not to drive at maximum speed. Theincrease of fuel consumption, exhaustpollution and noise is disproportionate athigh speeds.The illustration shows the relationbetween consumption (l/100 km) andspeed (km/h).If only about 3 quarters of top speed isutilized, the fuel consumption will bereduced by about half.

WWaarrnniinnggDDrriivviinngg aatt hhiigghh ssppeeeeddss ddeeccrreeaasseessrrooaadd ssaaffeettyy..

SSuuggggeessttiioonn 44

❀DDeeccrreeaassee iiddlliinngg

It is worth switching off1) the engine intraffic jams, at railroad crossings and attraffic lights with a long red light. The sav-ings in fuel after 30-40 seconds with theengine switched off is higher than the fuelused to switch the engine on again.

SSuuggggeessttiioonn 55

❀PPeerriiooddiicc rreevviissiioonnss

Your fuel savings are guaranteed evenbefore going on a trip with the periodicrevisions by your Technical Service Centre.The maintenance of the engine is not onlya safety and maintenance issue but also afuel consumption issue.Poor fine tuning of the engine mayincrease fuel consumption by up to 10%.Check the oil level every time you fill up.The oil consumption depends largely onthe engine load. Depending on the dri-ving style, the oil consumption can be upto 1.0 l/1000 km.Another suggestion: You can also loweroil consumption by using synthetic oils.

1) Statutory regulations must be respected.




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YOUR VEHICLE AND THE ENVIRONMENT ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3.19


SSuuggggeessttiioonn 66

❀AAvvooiidd sshhoorrtt ddrriivveess

The engine and the catalytic convertermust reach its optimum functioning tem-perature in order to effectively reduceconsumption and toxic gas emissions.The fuel consumption of a cold engine ofa normal vehicle right after the start isabout 30-40 liters per 100 km. Afterabout one kilometer the consumptiondecreases to 20 liters. After about ffoouurrkilometers the engine has warmed up andthe consumption is normal. For this rea-son, it is important to avoid short drivesand heating the vehicle’s engine whenthe vehicle is not moving. Drive onquickly!The ambient temperature also counts. Theillustration shows the difference in con-sumption (l/100km) for the same dis-tance (km) at +20°C and –10°C. Your vehi-cle’s consumption is higher in thesummer than in the winter.

SSuuggggeessttiioonn 77

❀CChheecckk tthhee ttyyrree pprreessssuurree

Make sure that the tyres have always ade-quate pressure. Even half a bar lessincreases the level of fuel consumption by5 percent. If the pressure is not correct,the tyres wear out faster due to an exces-sive deformation and overheating which,in turn, will decrease the driving perfor-mance.Always check the tyre pressure when thetyre is cold.In addition, do not drive year round withwinter tyres. They make more noise andincrease fuel consumption by 10 percent.Change to summer tyres on time.

SSuuggggeessttiioonn 88

❀AAvvooiidd uunnnneecceessssaarryy wweeiigghhtt

Apart from driving habits and periodicrevisions of your vehicle, there are otherways to reduce fuel consumption:

AAvvooiidd uunnnneecceessssaarryy wweeiigghhttEvery kilogram increases fuel consump-tion. For this reason, it is worth checkingyour boot to avoid unnecessary weight.Frequently, the roof rack will stay on theroof even though it is no longer needed.Due to greater air resistance, an unloadedroof rack at a speed of 100-120 km/hincreases the consumption by approx.12%.




15 25km




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3.20 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– YOUR VEHICLE AND THE ENVIRONMENT


SSuuggggeessttiioonn 99

❀SSaavvee eelleeccttrriicciittyy

The alternator generates electricity whiledriving. The more electricity is used, thehigher the fuel consumption.The heated rear window, extra lights, theheater fan and air conditioning* use alarge amount of energy. The heated rearwindow creates a consumption of liter for every 10 hours.For this reason, disconnect electrical con-sumers as soon as they are no longerneeded. The alternator generates electric-ity when the engine is running.

SSuuggggeessttiioonn 1100

❀WWrriitttteenn cchheecckk--uupp

If you wish to reduce fuel consumptionkeep a trip book. It is not much work andis worth while since it allows you to detectpossible consumption variations (positiveor negative) on time and intervene, if nec-essary. If you detect an increase in con-sumption you should examine the drivingconditions since the last filling.

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YOUR VEHICLE AND THE ENVIRONMENT ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3.21


TTrraaiilleerr ttoowwiinngg

The vehicle is intended mainly for thetransportation of persons and luggage.However, it can also be used to tow atrailer if it is fitted with the appropriatetechnical equipment and the maximumpayloads are not exceeded (see chapter“Technical Data”).Towing a trailer not only demands morefrom the car, but from the driver too.You should therefore strictly adhere to theservice and running-in instructions on thefollowing pages.

TTeecchhnniiccaall rreeqquuiirreemmeennttss

• The vehicle is supplied with a factory-fitted towing bracket and all that is tech-nically and legally necessary for trailertowing.

AA = 4 Attachment pointsBB = 65 mmCC = 420 (empty vehicle) /

350 mm (vehicle with max. load)DD = 340 mmEE = 552 mmFF = 845 mmGG = 1014 mmAll measurements are expressed in mm.








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3.22 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– YOUR VEHICLE AND THE ENVIRONMENT


OOppeerraattiioonnss iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss

• The removable ball coupling of the tow-ing bracket* may be stored in the tool boxlocated inside the spare wheel recess.

• Additional mirrors are required if thetraffic behind the trailer is not visible withthe exterior mirrors fitted as standard.Both exterior mirrors must be attached tobrackets in such a way that a sufficientfield of vision to the rear is guaranteed atall times.

• The permitted trailer weight must notbe exceeded under any circumstances.See chapter “Technical Data”.

• When using a trailer on mountainroutes you must bear in mind that the towloads given in the “Technical data” chap-ter are only applicable for slopes of 10%to 12%. If you do not use the full tow loadyou may drive up steeper slopes.

• The given trailer weights are only applic-able for altitudes up to 1000 m above sealevel. As the engine output drops due tothe decreasing air density, the climbingability must also be reduced by 10% foreach further 1000 m.

• Where possible make full use of themaximum permissible drawbar weight onthe ball of the towing bracket but do notexceed it. See chapter “Technical Data”.

• While observing the permissible trailerand drawbar weight, distribute the load inthe trailer so that heavy objects are asnear as possible to the axle. The objectsmust also be secured so that they cannotslip about.

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YOUR VEHICLE AND THE ENVIRONMENT ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3.23


• The tyre pressures on the towing vehi-cle must be adjusted for full load condi-tions, and also check the pressures on thetrailer.

• The headlight settings, should bechecked with trailer attached before mov-ing off and adjusted as necessary.On vehicles with headlight beam control itis only necessary to turn the knurled discon the dash board in the appropriatedirection.

DDrriivviinngg ttiippssTo obtain the best possible handling ofvehicle and trailer, the following shouldbe noted:

• Try to avoid driving with an unladenvehicle and a loaded trailer. If this cannotbe avoided, only drive slowly to allow forthe unfavourable weight distribution.

• As driving stability of vehicle and trailerdecreases when the speed increases donot drive at the maximum permissible topspeed in unfavourable road, weather orwind conditions – particularly when goingdownhill.In any case the speed must be reduced assoon as the trailer shows the slightestsign of snaking. On no account try to stopthe snaking by accelerating.

• FFoorr ssaaffeettyy rreeaassoonnss oonnee sshhoouulldd nnoottddrriivvee ffaasstteerr tthhaann 8800 kkmm//hh ((5500 mmpphh))..TThhiiss aallssoo aapppplliieess iinn ccoouunnttrriieess wwhheerreehhiigghheerr ssppeeeeddss aarree ppeerrmmiitttteedd..

• Always brake in good time. If the trailerhas an overrun brake, apply the brakesgently at first then firmly. This will avoidthe jerking caused by the trailer wheelslocking. Change down before going down a steephill so that the engine can act as a brake.

• When a long climb in a low gear withextremely high engine revs must be nego-tiated at exceptionally high ambient tem-peratures the coolant temperature gaugemust be observed. When the gauge nee-dle moves to the right end of the scale,the road speed must be reduced immedi-ately.

• The cooling effect of the radiator fancannot be increased by changing down,because the speed of the fan is notdependent on the engine speed. Oneshould therefore not change down evenwhen towing a trailer as long as theengine can cope without the vehiclespeed dropping too much.

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3.24 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––YOUR VEHICLE AND THE ENVIRONMENT


DDrriivviinngg aabbrrooaadd

GGeenneerraall nnootteess

• DDuurriinngg tthhee rruunnnniinngg iinn ppeerriioodd yyoouusshhoouulldd aavvooiidd ttoowwiinngg aa ttrraaiilleerr iiff ppoossssii--bbllee..

• IItt iiss aaddvviissaabbllee ttoo hhaavvee tthhee vveehhiicclleesseerrvviicceedd bbeettwweeeenn tthhee IInnssppeeccttiioonniinntteerrvvaallss iiff iitt iiss uusseedd ffrreeqquueennttllyy ffoorrttoowwiinngg aa ttrraaiilleerr..

• The trailer and drawbar load figures onthe data plate of the towing bracket arefor test certification only. The correct fig-ures for the vehicle, which may be lowerthan the above figures, are given in thevehicle documents and in this manual.

• When using the towing device the car’sempty weight is reduced, and as a resultits effective load is decreased.

• Observe all statutory requirementsregarding the use of a trailer.

If the vehicle is to be taken abroad, thefollowing must also be borne in mind:

• If the vehicle has a petrol engine andcatalytic converter, one must ensure thatunleaded petrol will be available duringthe journey – see page 3.4. The automo-bile clubs offer information about theunleaded filling station network.

• In some countries it is possible that avehicle model is sold under conditionswhere some spare parts are not availableor that the Technical Services may onlycarry out limited repairs.SEAT importers and distributors willgladly provide information about the tech-nical preparation of your vehicle in addi-tion to necessary maintenance and repairpossibilities.The addresses are given in the SEATInternational Assistance Guide whichcomes with the car documentation.

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YOUR VEHICLE AND THE ENVIRONMENT ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––3.25


HHeeaaddlliigghhtt ccoovveerriinngg

When the vehicle is used in a countrywhich drives on the opposite side of theroad to the home country, the asymmetricdipped headlights will dazzle oncomingtraffic.To prevent this, the areas of the headlightlenses shown in the illustration must becovered up with an opaque adhesivestrip.When using a sharp object (for example arazor blade) to cut the tape, do not do thisdirectly on the headlights as you mayscratch them.

WWaarrnniinnggWWhheenn yyoouu ddrriivvee oonn tthhee ooppppoossiitteessiiddee ooff tthhee rrooaadd ttoo yyoouurr oowwnn ccoouunn--ttrryy,, aanndd wwiitthh yyoouurr hheeaaddlliigghhttssmmaasskkeedd,, bbeeaarr iinn mmiinndd tthhaatt vviissiibbiill--iittyy iiss rreedduucceedd,, aanndd yyoouu wwiillll hhaavvee ttooaaddaapptt yyoouurr ddrriivviinngg aanndd ssppeeeeddaaccccoorrddiinnggllyy ffoorr ssaaffeettyy rreeaassoonnss..

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3.26 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– YOUR VEHICLE AND THE ENVIRONMENT


OOnn tthhee rriigghhtt hheeaaddllaammpp,, iiff yyoouu cchhaannggeeffrroomm ddrriivviinngg oonn tthhee rriigghhtt hhaanndd ssiiddee ttooddrriivviinngg oonn tthhee lleefftt hhaanndd ssiiddee ooff tthheerrooaadd..

OOnn tthhee lleefftt hheeaaddllaammpp,, iiff yyoouu cchhaannggeeffrroomm ddrriivviinngg oonn tthhee rriigghhtt hhaanndd ssiiddee ttooddrriivviinngg oonn tthhee lleefftt hhaanndd ssiiddee ooff tthheerrooaadd..

5 cm

11 cm


10,5 cm

7 cm

5 cm


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YOUR VEHICLE AND THE ENVIRONMENT ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3.27


OOnn tthhee rriigghhtt hheeaaddllaammpp,, iiff yyoouu cchhaannggeeffrroomm ddrriivviinngg oonn tthhee lleefftt hhaanndd ssiiddee ttooddrriivviinngg oonn tthhee rriigghhtt hhaanndd ssiiddee ooff tthheerrooaadd..

OOnn tthhee lleefftt hheeaaddllaammpp,, iiff yyoouu cchhaannggeeffrroomm ddrriivviinngg oonn tthhee lleefftt hhaanndd ssiiddee ttooddrriivviinngg oonn tthhee rriigghhtt hhaanndd ssiiddee ooff tthheerrooaadd..

5 cm

7,5 cm

11 cm


7 cm

5 cm

3,5 cm


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3.28 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CARE AND MAINTENANCE


CCaarree ooff tthhee vveehhiiccllee

RReegguullaarr aanndd eexxppeerrtt ccaarree hheellppss ttoommaaiinnttaaiinn tthhee vvaalluuee ooff tthhee vveehhiiccllee..


• IIff mmiissuusseedd,, ccaarr ccaarree mmaatteerriiaallssccaann bbee hhaarrmmffuull ttoo hheeaalltthh..

• CCaarr ccaarree mmaatteerriiaallss mmuusstt aallwwaayyssbbee ssttoorreedd iinn aa ssaaffee ppllaaccee wwhheerreetthheeyy aarree oouutt ooff rreeaacchh ooff cchhiillddrreenn..

❀WWhheenn bbuuyyiinngg ccaarr ccaarree mmaatteerriiaallssoonnee sshhoouulldd sseelleecctt pprroodduuccttss wwhhiicchh

ddoo nnoott ddaammaaggee tthhee eennvviirroonnmmeenntt..EEmmppttyy ccoonnttaaiinneerrss wwhhiicchh tthheessee mmaatteerrii--aallss wweerree iinn ddoo nnoott bbeelloonngg wwiitthh hhoouussee--hhoolldd wwaassttee..


WWaarrnniinnggDDaammppnneessss aanndd iiccee iinn tthhee bbrraakkeessyysstteemm ccaann hhaavvee aa nneeggaattiivvee eeffffeeccttoonn tthhee bbrraakkiinngg ppoowweerr..

The best protection against environmen-tal influences is frequent washing anduse of the right waxing product.

How often this treatment is requireddepends, amongst other things on howmuch the vehicle is used, how it is parked(garage, in open under trees etc.), theseasons, weather conditions and environ-mental influences.TThhee lloonnggeerr bbiirrdd ddrrooppppiinnggss,, iinnsseeccttss,,ttrreeee rreessiinn,, rrooaadd aanndd iinndduussttrriiaall ggrriimmee,,ttaarr ssppoottss,, ssoooott,, rrooaadd ssaalltt aanndd ootthheerraaggggrreessssiivvee mmaatteerriiaallss rreemmaaiinn oonn tthheevveehhiiccllee ppaaiinntt tthhee mmoorree llaassttiinngg tthheeiirrddeessttrruuccttiivvee eeffffeecctt wwiillll bbee.. HHiigghh tteemm--ppeerraattuurreess ffrroomm ssttrroonngg ssuunnlliigghhttiinntteennssiiffiieess tthhee ccoorrrroossiivvee eeffffeecctt..In certain circumstances weekly washingcan be necessary, in other conditionsmonthly washing with appropriate waxingmay be fully adequate.After the period when salt is put on theroads the underside of the vehicle shouldalways be washed thoroughly.

AAuuttoommaattiicc ccaarr wwaasshheessThe vehicle paint is so durable that thevehicle can normally be washed withoutproblems in an automatic car wash.However the influence on the Paintdepends on the design of the car wash,the filtering of the wash water, the type ofwash and care material, etc.

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CARE AND MAINTENANCE ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3.29



• Before going through the car wash,apart from the usual precautions (closingwindows and sliding roof).You do not need to remove the Originalroof aerial.

• IIff tthheerree aarree ssppeecciiaall ffiittttiinnggss oonn tthhee vveehhii--ccllee –– ssppooiilleerrss,, rrooooff rraacckk,, ttwwoo--wwaayyrraaddiioo aaeerriiaall –– iitt iiss bbeesstt ttoo ssppeeaakk ttoo tthhee ccaarrwwaasshh ooppeerraattoorr..

WWaasshhiinngg tthhee vveehhiiccllee bbyy hhaanndd

❀IInn tthhee iinntteerreessttss ooff eennvviirroonnmmeennttaallpprrootteeccttiioonn tthhee vveehhiiccllee sshhoouulldd

oonnllyy bbee wwaasshheedd iinn ssppeecciiaallllyy pprroovviiddeeddwwaasshh bbaayyss.. IInn ssoommee ddiissttrriiccttss,, wwaasshh--iinngg ccaarrss eellsseewwhheerree mmaayy eevveenn bbee ffoorr--bbiiddddeenn..First soften the dirt with plenty of waterand rinse off as well as possible. Thenclean the car wwiitthh aa ssoofftt ssppoonnggee,, gglloovveeoorr bbrruusshh starting on the roof and goingfrom top to bottom uussiinngg oonnllyy sslliigghhttpprreessssuurree eessppeecciiaallllyy wwhheenn cclleeaanniinngg tthheehheeaaddlliigghhtt aarreeaa.. Paint shampoo, prefer-ably with a neutral pH, should only beused for very persistent dirt. Rinse thesponge or glove out thoroughly at shortintervals.Wheels and sill panels should be cleanedlast, using a different sponge if possible.After cleaning the vehicle, rinse thor-oughly with water and leather it off.


• The vehicle should not be washed instrong sunshine.

• If the vehicle is rinsed with a hose, donot direct the jet of water at the lock cylin-ders and the door/boot lid/tailgate shutlines – they can freeze up in the winter.

WWaasshhiinngg vveehhiiccllee wwiitthh hhiigghhpprreessssuurree cclleeaanneerr

• The operating instructions for the highpressure cleaner must be followed closely– particularly with regard to pressure andworking distance.

• Do not use a concentrated jet.

• The water temperature must not beabove 60°C.

WWaarrnniinnggTTyyrreess mmuusstt nneevveerr bbee cclleeaanneedd wwiitthhaa ccoonncceennttrraatteedd jjeett!! EEvveenn aatt aa rreellaa--ttiivveellyy llaarrggee wwoorrkkiinngg ddiissttaannccee aanndd aavveerryy sshhoorrtt sspprraayyiinngg ttiimmee,, ddaammaaggeeccaann ooccccuurr..

CCoonnsseerrvvaattiioonnRegular application of protection prod-ucts protects the vehicle paintwork to alarge extent against the environmentalinfluences listed under “Washing” on theprevious page and even against lightmechanical damage.At the latest when water on the cleanpaint does not form small drops and rolloff, the vehicle should be protected byapplying a coat of good hard wax. Evenwhen a wax solution is used regularly inthe washing water it is advisable to pro-tect the paint with a coat of hard wax atleast twice a year.

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3.30 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CARE AND MAINTENANCE


PPoolliisshhiinnggShould only be done if paint has lost itsshine and gloss cannot be brought backwith wax. If the polish used does not con-tain preservative compounds, the paintmust be waxed afterwards.

NNootteeMMaatttt ppaaiinntteedd aanndd ppllaassttiicc ppaarrttss sshhoouullddnnoott bbee ttrreeaatteedd wwiitthh ppoolliisshh oorr hhaarrdd wwaaxx..

PPaaiinntt ddaammaaggeeSmall marks in the paint such as scratchesor stone damage should be touched upimmediately with paint before the metalstarts to rust.However, should rust be found at any timeit must be removed thoroughly and thenthe area treated first with an anti-corro-sion primer and then the correct paintapplied. The number of the original vehicle paint isgiven on the data sticker which is insidethe boot in the spare wheel housing.

WWiinnddoowwssRemove snow and ice from windows andmirrors with a plastic scraper only. Toavoid scratches due to dirt on the glass,the scraper should only be pushed in onedirection and not moved to and fro.Traces of rubber, oil, wax1), grease or sili-cone can be removed with a windowcleaning solution or a silicone remover.

1) This wax residue can only be removed with aspecial cleaner.

The windows should also be cleaned onthe inside at regular intervals.Do not dry the windows with the leatherused for the paintwork because traces ofpaint cleaner will cause streaks to appearon the glass, which will hinder vision.To avoid damaging the heating elementwires in the rear window do not put stick-ers over the wires on the inside.

DDoooorr,, bboooott aanndd wwiinnddooww sseeaallssThe weatherstrips will remain flexible andlast longer if they are rubbed lightly with arubber protective compound from time totime. This will also stop the weatherstripsfrom freezing on in winter.

DDoooorr lloocckk ccyylliinnddeerrYou should only use an appropriate spray,which has lubricating and anti-corrosivequalities, to de-ice the lock cylinder.

PPllaassttiicc ppaarrttss aanndd lleeaatthheerreetttteeExterior plastic parts are cleaned with nor-mal washing and interior parts with adamp cloth. If this is not sufficient, tthheesseeppaarrttss aanndd lleeaatthheerreettttee mmaayy oonnllyy bbeecclleeaanneedd wwiitthh ssppeecciiaall ppllaassttiicc cclleeaanneerrsstthhaatt aarree ffrreeee ffrroomm aallccoohhooll aanndd ootthheerr ssooll--vveennttss..

NNootteeThe use of liquid air conditioners directlyover the air vents of the vehicle may dam-age the plastic parts if the liquid is acci-dentally spilled over them.

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CARE AND MAINTENANCE ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3.31


UUpphhoollsstteerryy ccllootthh aanndd tteexxttiillee ttrriimmUpholstery cloth and textile trim on doorpanels, parcel shelves, luggage compart-ment covers, headlining etc. must becleaned with special cleaners or dry foamand a soft brush.

NNaattuurraall lleeaatthheerrLeather should, depending on usage, betreated from time to time in accordancewith the following instructions. It must benoted that on no account may ssoollvveennttss,,fflloooorr wwaaxx,, sshhooee ppoolliisshh,, ssppoott rreemmoovveerrssaanndd ssiimmiillaarr pprroodduuccttss bbee uusseedd ffoorr tthhiissppuurrppoossee..To clean leather a cotton or woollen clothlightly moistened with water should beused for the dirty surfaces.Dirtier areas may be cleaned with a mildsoap solution (2 dessert spoonfuls ofneutral soap to 1 litre of water). Makesure that the lleeaatthheerr iiss nnoott mmaaddee ttoooowweett and that no water seeps through theseams. After cleaning, wipe dry with asoft cloth.Furthermore we recommend that, withnormal usage, the leather is treated athalf yearly intervals with a special leathercare agent. Apply one coat and clean offwith a soft cloth once it has taken effect.

CClleeaanniinngg sseeaatt bbeellttssKKeeeepp bbeellttss cclleeaann.. TThheeyy mmaayy nnoott rreettrraaccttpprrooppeerrllyy iiff vveerryy ddiirrttyy..Dirty belts can be cleaned by washingwith a mild soap solution without takingthe belts out of the vehicle.

NNootteeInertia reel belts should be completely drybefore they are allowed to roll up.


• TThhee sseeaatt bbeellttss mmuusstt nnoott bbeerreemmoovveedd ffoorr cclleeaanniinngg..

• DDoo nnoott hhaavvee tthhee bbeellttss cclleeaanneeddcchheemmiiccaallllyy bbeeccaauussee tthhee cclleeaanniinnggccoommppoouunnddss ddaammaaggee tthhee wweebbbbiinnggmmaatteerriiaall.. EEnnssuurree tthhaatt tthhee bbeellttss ddoonnoott ccoommee iinnttoo ccoonnttaacctt wwiitthh ccoorrrroo--ssiivvee fflluuiiddss..

• YYoouu sshhoouulldd cchheecckk tthhee ccoonnddiittiioonnooff yyoouurr sseeaatt bbeellttss rreegguullaarrllyy.. IIff yyoouuffiinndd aannyy ddaammaaggee ttoo tthhee bbeelltt wweebb--bbiinngg,, bbeelltt ccoonnnneeccttiioonnss,, tthhee bbeellttrreettrraaccttoorr oorr tthhee lloocckkiinngg ppaarrttss,, tthheebbeelltt iinn qquueessttiioonn mmuusstt bbee rreeppllaacceeddbbyy aa TTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviiccee CCeennttrree..

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3.32 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CARE AND MAINTENANCE


SStteeeell wwhheeeellssThe wheels and the wheel trims should becleaned thoroughly at regular intervalswhen the vehicle is being washed. Thiswill prevent brake dust, dirt and road saltfrom accumulating on the wheel.Persistent ingrained brake dust can beremoved with an industrial grime remover.Paint damage should be repaired beforerust can form.

AAllllooyy wwhheeeellss**In order to maintain alloy wheel trims inperfect condition for a long period, regu-lar care is necessary. Above all, road saltand brake pad dust must be washed offthoroughly at least every two weeks, oth-erwise the surface of the alloy will bedamaged. After being washed, the wheelsshould be treated with an acid-freecleaner for alloy wheels. About everythree months it is necessary to givewheels a good rubbing with hard wax.Paint polish or other abrasive solutionsmust not be used. If the protective paintcoat has been damaged, e.g. by stoneimpact, the damaged spots should bedealt with as soon as possible.

WWaarrnniinnggPPlleeaassee nnoottee wwhheenn cclleeaanniinngg tthheewwhheeeellss tthhaatt ddaammppnneessss,, iiccee aannddggrriitt ccaann hhaavvee aa nneeggaattiivvee eeffffeecctt oonntthhee bbrraakkiinngg ppoowweerr..

CClleeaanniinngg aanndd aannttii--ccoorrrroossiioonnttrreeaattmmeenntt ooff eennggiinnee ccoommppaarrttmmeenntt


• BBeeffoorree wwoorrkkiinngg iinn tthhee eennggiinneeccoommppaarrttmmeenntt nnoottee iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss iinntthhee ""EEnnggiinnee ccoommppaarrttmmeenntt"" cchhaapp--tteerr..

• FFoorr ssaaffeettyy rreeaassoonnss ppuullll oouutt iiggnnii--ttiioonn kkeeyy bbeeffoorree rreeaacchhiinngg iinnttoo tthheewwaatteerr bbooxx.. OOtthheerrwwiissee iiff tthhee wwiinndd--ssccrreeeenn wwiippeerrss aarree sswwiittcchheedd oonnuunniinntteennttiioonnaallllyy tthhee mmoovveemmeenntt oofftthhee wwiippeerr lliinnkk ccoouulldd ccaauussee iinnjjuurryy..

The leaves, blossoms etc. which drop intothe water box (underneath the enginebonnet in front of the windscreen) shouldbe cleaned out occasionally. This will pre-vent the water drain holes from becomingblocked and – on vehicles without a dustand pollen filter – foreign bodies enteringthe vehicle interior via the heating andventilation system.The engine compartment and the outsidesurface of the power unit are given anti-corrosion treatment at the factory.In the winter when the vehicle is beingdriven frequently on salted roads, goodanti-corrosion treatment is very impor-tant. For this reason the entire enginecompartment and the plenum chambershould be thoroughly cleaned before andafter the salting period and then pre-served so that the salt cannot have adamaging effect.

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CARE AND MAINTENANCE ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3.33


TThhee iiggnniittiioonn mmuusstt bbee sswwiittcchheedd ooffffbbeeffoorree wwaasshhiinngg tthhee eennggiinnee..DDoo nnoott ppooiinntt tthhee wwaatteerr jjeett ddiirrcceettllyy aatttthhee hheeaaddlliigghhttss ttoo aavvooiidd ddaammaaggee..If the engine compartment is cleaned atany time with grease removing solutions1)

or if one has the engine washed, the anti-corrosion compound is nearly alwaysremoved as well. It is therefore essentialto ask for durable preservation of all sur-faces, seams, joints and components inthe engine compartment to be carriedout. This applies also when corrosion pro-tected parts are renewed.

❀BBeeccaauussee wwhheenn wwaasshhiinngg tthheeeennggiinnee ppeettrrooll,, ggrreeaassee aanndd ooiill

ddeeppoossiittss aarree wwaasshheedd ooffff,, tthhee ddiirrttyywwaatteerr mmuusstt bbee cclleeaanneedd bbyy aann ooiill sseepp--aarraattoorr.. FFoorr tthhiiss rreeaassoonn eennggiinnee wwaasshh--iinngg sshhoouulldd oonnllyy bbee ccaarrrriieedd oouutt iinn aawwoorrkksshhoopp oorr ffiilllliinngg ssttaattiioonn..

1) Only the prescribed cleaning products may beused, never use Petrol or Diesel.

UUnnddeerrccooaattiinnggThe underside of the vehicle is coatedwith a special compound to protect it fromcorrosion and damage.However, as this protective layer can alwaysbecome damaged when the vehicle is inuse, the protective coating on the under-side of the body and on the running gearshould be examined at defined intervals -preferably before and after the winter sea-son- and any damage repaired.

WWaarrnniinnggNNeevveerr uussee aaddddiittiioonnaall uunnddeerr fflloooorrpprrootteeccttiioonn oorr aannttii--ccoorrrroossiioonn aaggeennttssffoorr tthhee eexxhhaauusstt ssiilleenncceerr,, eexxhhaauussttppiippee,, ccaattaallyyssttss oorr hheeaatt sshhiieellddss..TThheessee ssuubbssttaanncceess ccoouulldd iiggnniitteewwhhiillsstt tthhee vveehhiiccllee iiss iinn mmoottiioonn..

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3.34 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CARE AND MAINTENANCE


NNoottee ffoorr vveehhiicclleess wwiitthh aa ccaattaallyyttiiccccoonnvveerrtteerrDue to the high temperatures which occurin the afterburning process, additionalheat shields are fitted over the catalyticconverter. Underbody sealant must not beapplied to these shields, the catalyticconverter or the exhaust pipes. Removalof the heat shields is also not permissi-ble.

CCaavviittyy pprreesseerrvvaattiioonnAll cavities on the vehicle which could besusceptible to corrosion are given perma-nent protection at the factory.This coating does not need checking orany subsequent treatment. Should asmall amount of wax run out of the cavi-ties at high ambient temperatures it canbe removed with a plastic scraper andsome white spirit.

❀IIff tthhee wwaaxx wwhhiicchh hhaass rruunn oouutt iissrreemmoovveedd wwiitthh cclleeaann ppeettrrooll,, hheeeedd

tthhee eennvviirroonnmmeennttaall pprrootteeccttiioonn rreegguullaa--ttiioonnss..

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CHECKING AND REFILLING ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3.35


EEnnggiinnee bboonnnneett

UUnnlloocckkiinnggPull the lever on the left side panel, underthe instrument panel. The bonnet springsup out of its lock.At the same time, a release lever willappear in the radiator grille. See illustra-tion on the right.

NNootteeBefore opening the bonnet ensure thatthe wiper arms are not lifted off the wind-screen. Otherwise, damage can occur tothe paintwork.

OOppeenniinnggLift bonnet slightly and pull the releasegrip in the direction of the arrow (seeillustration to the right) to release thecatch. LLeett ggoo ooff tthhee rreelleeaassee ggrriipp ssoo iittccaann rreettuurrnn ttoo iittss oorriiggiinnaall ppoossiittiioonn..

WWaarrnniinnggOOnnccee tthhee bboonnnneett iiss ooppeenn ddoo nnoottttoouucchh tthhee rreelleeaassee ggrriipp ((llooccaatteeddnneexxtt ttoo tthhee rraaddiiaattoorr ggrriillllee)) nnoorr ootthheerreelleemmeennttss ooff tthhee lloocckk.. OOtthheerrwwiisseewwhheenn cclloossiinngg ddaammaaggee ccoouulldd ooccccuurrttoo tthhee lloocckkiinngg ssyysstteemm aanndd tthhee bboonn--nneett mmaayy ooppeenn wwhhiillee ddrriivviinngg..DDaannggeerr ooff aacccciiddeenntt!!

Lift bonnet to the stop. The bonnet is heldin position by a gas filled rod.

CClloossiinnggHold the bonnet on the side where thegas filled rod is fitted. Press the bonnetdown until the gas filled rod gives wayand then engages. DDoo nnoott pprreessss ddoowwnn iiffiitt ddooeess nnoott cclloossee pprrooppeerrllyy.. OOppeennaaggaaiinn aanndd pprreessss aass bbeeffoorree..


• FFoorr ssaaffeettyy rreeaassoonnss,, tthhee bboonnnneettmmuusstt aallwwaayyss bbee pprrooppeerrllyy cclloosseeddwwhheenn tthhee vveehhiiccllee iiss mmoovviinngg..AAllwwaayyss cchheecckk wwhheetthheerr tthhee lloocckk iisseennggaaggeedd bbyy ppuulllliinngg uupp.. FFuurrtthheerr--mmoorree,, tthhee bboonnnneett mmuusstt bbee fflluusshhwwiitthh tthhee aaddjjaacceenntt bbooddyy ppaanneellss..

• IIff yyoouu sshhoouulldd nnoottiiccee tthhaatt tthhee lloocckkiiss nnoott eennggaaggeedd,, ssttoopp tthhee vveehhiicclleeiimmmmeeddiiaatteellyy aanndd cclloossee tthhee bboonnnneett..

B8L-035 LEO-029

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3.36 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CHECKING AND REFILLING


EEnnggiinnee ccoommppaarrttmmeenntt

WWaarrnniinnggPPaarrttiiccuullaarr ccaarree sshhoouulldd bbee ttaakkeennwwhheenn wwoorrkkiinngg iinn tthhee eennggiinnee ccoomm--ppaarrttmmeenntt!!

• SSwwiittcchh ooffff eennggiinnee,, rreemmoovvee iiggnnii--ttiioonn kkeeyy..

• PPuullll hhaannddbbrraakkee oonn ffiirrmmllyy..

• MMoovvee ggeeaarr lleevveerr iinnttoo nneeuuttrraall oorr,,iinn aauuttoommaattiicc ggeeaarrbbooxxeess,, iinn ““PP””ppoossiittiioonn..

• AAllllooww eennggiinnee ttoo ccooooll ooffff..

• AAss lloonngg aass tthhee eennggiinnee iiss aatt ooppeerr--aattiinngg tteemmppeerraattuurree::––DDoo nnoott ppuutt yyoouurr hhaanndd iinnttoo tthhee

rraaddiiaattoorr ffaann,, iitt ccoouulldd sswwiittcchh oonnssuuddddeennllyy..

––DDoo nnoott ooppeenn tthhee rraaddiiaattoorr ccaappbbeeccaauussee tthhee ccoooolliinngg ssyysstteemm iissuunnddeerr pprreessssuurree..

• NNeevveerr ssppiillll aannyy lliiqquuiiddss oovveerr tthheehhoott eennggiinnee.. TThheessee lliiqquuiiddss ccoouullddiiggnniittee..

• AAvvooiidd ccaauussiinngg sshhoorrtt cciirrccuuiittss iinntthhee eelleeccttrriiccaall ssyysstteemm –– ppaarrttiiccuullaarrllyyaatt tthhee bbaatttteerryy..

• IIff tteessttss hhaavvee ttoo bbee ccaarrrriieedd oouuttwwiitthh tthhee eennggiinnee rruunnnniinngg,, tthheerree iissaann aaddddiittiioonnaall ddaannggeerr pprreesseenntt ffrroommrroottaattiinngg ppaarrttss –– VV--bbeellttss,, ggeenn--eerraattoorr,, rraaddiiaattoorr ffaann eettcc.. –– aanndd ffrroommtthhee hhiigghh vvoollttaaggee iiggnniittiioonn ssyysstteemm..

• IIff wwoorrkk oonn tthhee ffuueell oorr eelleeccttrriiccaallssyysstteemm iiss nneecceessssaarryy::––DDiissccoonnnneecctt tthhee bbaatttteerryy ffrroomm tthhee

vveehhiiccllee eelleeccttrriiccss––DDoo nnoott ssmmookkee––NNeevveerr wwoorrkk nneeaarr nnaakkeedd ffllaammeess––AAllwwaayyss kkeeeepp aa ffiirree eexxttiinngguuiisshheerr

iinn tthhee vviicciinniittyy..

• AAtttteennttiioonn mmuusstt bbee ppaaiidd ttoo tthheewwaarrnniinnggss ggiivveenn iinn tthhiiss MMaannuuaall aannddttoo tthhee ggeenneerraallllyy aapppplliiccaabbllee ssaaffeettyyrreegguullaattiioonnss..

WWhheenn ttooppppiinngg uupp fflluuiiddss ddoo nnoott ccoonn--ffuussee tthheemm wwiitthh eeaacchh ootthheerr uunnddeerr aannyycciirrccuummssttaanncceess,, ootthheerrwwiissee sseerriioouussffuunnccttiioonnaall ddeeffeeccttss mmaayy ooccccuurr..

❀TThhee ggrroouunndd uunnddeerrnneeaatthh tthhee vveehhii--ccllee sshhoouulldd bbee cchheecckkeedd rreegguullaarrllyy..

IIff ssppoottss ccaauusseedd bbyy ooiill oorr ootthheerr fflluuiiddssccaann bbee sseeeenn,, tthhee vveehhiiccllee sshhoouulldd bbeettaakkeenn ttoo aa TTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviiccee CCeennttrreeffoorr cchheecckkiinngg..

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CHECKING AND REFILLING ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3.37


8811 kkWW ddiieesseell eennggiinneessPage

1 – Windscreen washer container.....3.512 – Coolant expansion tank..............3.423 – Engine oil dipstick .....................3.404 – Engine oil filler opening .............3.405 – Brake fluid reservoir...................3.456 – Vehicle battery...........................3.46The layout of the components may varydepending on the engine.

WWaarrnniinnggPPlleeaassee ttaakkee nnoottiiccee ooff tthhee wwaarrnniinnggnnootteess oonn tthhee pprreevviioouuss ppaaggee..


1 2 3 4 5 6


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3.38 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CHECKING AND REFILLING


EEnnggiinnee ooiill

SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnssThe engine comes with a special, highquality, multi grade oil that can be used inall seasons of the year except for thoseregions affected by extreme cold.As the use of high quality oil is essentialfor the correct operation of the engineand its long useful life, when topping upor replacement is necessary use onlythose oils that conform to the require-ments of the VW standards.If it is not possible to find oil conformingto the VW standards then oil conformingto the ACEA or API standards with anappropriate viscosity at atmospheric tem-perature should be used instead. The useof this type of oil may have some reper-cussions on the performance of theengine for example, long starting time,increased consumption and a higheremission level.If a top up is required then different oilsmay be mixed as long as they all conformto the VW standards.The specifications (VW standards) set outin the following page should appear onthe container of the service oil; the con-tainer will display together the differentstandards for petrol and diesel engines,the oil can be used for both types ofengines.

OOiill pprrooppeerrttiieess

VViissccoossiittyyThe viscosity class is selected accordingto the diagram above. If atmospheric tem-perature falls outside of the describedlimits for only a short period then an oilchange is not necessary.


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CHECKING AND REFILLING –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3.39


MMoonnoo--ggrraaddee ooiillMono-grade oils cannot be used through-out the whole year due to their limitedrange of viscosity2). These oils are only useful in a climate thatis constantly very cold or very warm.

EEnnggiinnee ooiill aaddddiittiivveessNo type of additive should be mixed withthe engine oil. The deterioration causedby these additives is not covered by theguarantee.

NNootteeBBeeffoorree aa lloonngg ttrriipp,, wwee rreeccoommmmeennddffiinnddiinngg aann eennggiinnee ooiill tthhaatt ccoonnffoorrmmss ttootthhee ccoorrrreessppoonnddiinngg VVWW ssppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnssaanndd kkeeeeppiinngg iitt iinn tthhee vveehhiiccllee.. IInn tthhiisswwaayy tthhee rreeqquuiirreedd ooiill wwiillll bbee aavvaaiillaabblleeiiff nneeeeddeedd..

1) Diesel engines that have ffuueell iinnjjeeccttiioonn bbaasseeddoonn aa ffuueell iinnjjeeccttoorr ppuummpp should use oonnllyy oilspecification VVWW 550055 0011.. AAvvooiidd tthhee uussee ooffaannyy ootthheerr ooiill ttyyppee tthhaann VVWW 550055 0011 ffoorr tthhiisseennggiinnee.. WWaarrnniinngg!! PPoossssiibbllee eennggiinnee ddaamm--aaggee!!

2) Viscosity: Oil density

DDeennoommiinnaattiioonn SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonn CCoommmmeennttss

A – synthetic oil VW 502 00 VW 500 00 Dated after 1-97

B – mineral oil VW 501 01 Dated after 1-97

A/B – multi-grade oil ACEA A2 or A3 or even Dated after 1-97API SH/SJ

PPeettrrooll eennggiinnee

DDeennoommiinnaattiioonn SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonn CCoommmmeennttss

A – synthetic oil VW 505 011) Dated after 1-97

B – mineral oil VW 505 00 Dated after 1-97

A/B – multi-grade oil ACEA B2 or B3 or even Dated after 1-97API CD/CF

DDiieesseell eennggiinnee

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3.40 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CHECKING AND REFILLING


CChheecckkiinngg ooiill lleevveellEvery engine uses a certain amount of oil.The oil consumption can be up to 1.0litres per 1000 km. The engine oil levelmust therefore be checked at regularintervals, preferably when filling the tankand before a long journey.The location of the dipstick AA can bedetermined from the illustrations on page3.37.The vehicle must be on a level surfacewhen checking the oil level. After stop-ping engine wait a few minutes for the oilto drain back to the sump.Then pull the dipstick out, wipe it with aclean cloth and insert again.Then pull dipstick out again and check theoil level:a– Oil mmuusstt be topped up.

Afterwards it suffices when the oil levelis somewhere in area (bb).

b– Oil ccaann be topped up.It can then happen that the oil level isin area (cc).

c– Oil mmuusstt nnoott be topped up.

When the engine is working hard such asin sustained high-speed motorway cruis-ing in summer, when towing a trailer orwhen climbing mountain passes, the oillevel should be kept at area (cc) –– nnoottaabboovvee..

TTooppppiinngg uupp eennggiinnee ooiillUnscrew the cap from oil filler opening BBand pour oil in 0.5 litres at a time. Thencheck level with the dipstick.OOnn nnoo aaccccoouunntt sshhoouulldd tthhee ooiill lleevveell bbeeaabboovvee aarreeaa cc.. OOtthheerrwwiissee ooiill ccaann bbeeddrraawwnn iinnttoo tthhee eennggiinnee vviiaa tthhee ccrraannkk--ccaassee bbrreeaatthheerr aanndd eessccaappee iinnttoo tthheeaattmmoosspphheerree vviiaa tthhee eexxhhaauusstt ssyysstteemm..OOnn vveehhiicclleess ffiitttteedd wwiitthh aa ccaattaallyyttiicc ccoonn--vveerrtteerr,, tthhee ooiill ccoouulldd bbuurrnn iinnssiiddee tthheeccoonnvveerrtteerr ccaauussiinngg iitt ttoo bbeeccoommee ddaamm--aaggeedd..

WWaarrnniinnggWWhheenn ttooppppiinngg uupp tthhee ooiill,, ddoo nnoottssppiillll iitt oonnttoo hhoott eennggiinnee ccoommppoo--nneennttss –– ddaannggeerr ooff ffiirree..

Carefully close the filler cap and push theoil dipstick in as far as possible, this willprevent oil spill when the engine is run-ning.




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CHECKING AND REFILLING ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3.41


CChhaannggiinngg eennggiinnee ooiillTThhee eennggiinnee ooiill mmuusstt bbee cchhaannggeedd aatttthhee iinntteerrvvaallss ggiivveenn iinn tthhee IInnssppeeccttiioonnaanndd MMaaiinntteennaannccee PPllaann.. WWee tthheerreeffoorreerreeccoommmmeenndd tthhaatt tthhee ooiill cchhaannggee bbeeddoonnee bbyy aa TTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviiccee CCeennttrree..

WWaarrnniinnggIIff yyoouu wwaanntt ttoo cchhaannggee tthhee eennggiinneeooiill yyoouurrsseellff,, yyoouu mmuusstt nnoottee tthhee ffooll--lloowwiinngg ppooiinnttss::

• AAllllooww tthhee eennggiinnee ttoo ccooooll ddoowwnnffiirrsstt ttoo aavvooiidd tthhee ddaannggeerr ooff bbeeiinnggssccaallddeedd bbyy hhoott eennggiinnee ooiill..

• UUssee aann aapppprroopprriiaattee ccoonnttaaiinneerr ttooddrraaiinn ooffff tthhee ooiill.. IItt sshhoouulldd bbee bbiiggeennoouugghh ttoo hhoolldd tthhee qquuaannttiittyy ooff ooiilliinn yyoouurr eennggiinnee..

• WWeeaarr pprrootteeccttiivvee ggllaasssseess ffoorr yyoouurreeyyeess..

• WWhheenn rreemmoovviinngg tthhee ooiill ddrraaiinnpplluugg wwiitthh yyoouurr ffiinnggeerrss,, kkeeeepp yyoouurraarrmm hhoorriizzoonnttaall ssoo tthhaatt tthhee ooiillbbeeiinngg ddrraaiinneedd ccaannnnoott rruunn ddoowwnnyyoouurr aarrmm..

• IIff yyoouurr hhaannddss ccoommee iinnttoo ccoonnttaaccttwwiitthh eennggiinnee ooiill yyoouu mmuusstt wwaasshhtthheemm tthhoorroouugghhllyy aafftteerrwwaarrddss..

• OOlldd ooiill mmuusstt bbee ssttoorreedd oouutt ooffrreeaacchh ooff cchhiillddrreenn uunnttiill iitt iiss ddiiss--ppoosseedd ooff iinn tthhee ccoorrrreecctt mmaannnneerr..

❀OOnn nnoo aaccccoouunntt sshhoouulldd ooiill bbeeppoouurreedd ddoowwnn ddrraaiinnss oorr iinnttoo tthhee

eeaarrtthh..BBeeccaauussee ooff tthhee ddiissppoossaall pprroobblleemmss,,tthhee nneecceessssaarryy ssppeecciiaall ttoooollss aanndd ssppee--cciiaalliisseedd kknnoowwlleeddggee rreeqquuiirreedd,, tthheeeennggiinnee ooiill aanndd ffiilltteerr cchhaannggiinngg sshhoouullddpprreeffeerraabbllyy bbee ddoonnee bbyy aa TTeecchhnniiccaallSSeerrvviiccee CCeennttrree..

EEnnggiinnee ooiill aaddddiittiivveessNNoo aaddddiittiivveess sshhoouulldd bbee mmiixxeedd wwiitthhtthhee eennggiinnee ooiill..

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3.42 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CHECKING AND REFILLING


CCoooolliinngg ssyysstteemm

The cooling system is filled at the factorywith a permanent coolant which is notchanged.The coolant consists of water and a 40%concentration of our coolant additive GG1122++ (glycol-based anti-freeze with anti-corrosion additives). This mixture not onlygives the necessary frost protection downto –25 °C but also protects the alloy partsin the cooling system against corrosion.In addition it prevents scaling and signifi-cantly raises the boiling point of thecoolant. The concentration of the coolant thereforemust not be reduced in the summer or inwarm countries, by topping up with plainwater. TThhee ccoooollaanntt aaddddiittiivvee pprrooppoorrttiioonnmmuusstt bbee aatt lleeaasstt 4400%%..If greater protection against frost isrequired, the proportion of GG1122++ additivecan be increased, but oonnllyy uupp ttoo 6600%%(frost protection to approx. –40 °C), oth-erwise the anti-freeze protection isreduced and furthermore the coolingeffect is impaired.Vehicles for export to cold countries (e.g.Sweden, Norway, Finland) usually havefrost protection down to –35 °C (50%GG1122++) approximately.

OOtthheerr aaddddiittiivveess ccaann bbee vveerryy ddeettrriimmeenn--ttaall ttoo tthhee aannttii--ccoorrrroossiioonn eeffffeecctt iinn ppaarr--ttiiccuullaarr..TThhee ssuubbsseeqquueenntt ccoorrrroossiioonn ddaammaaggeeccaann lleeaadd ttoo ccoooollaanntt lloossss rreessuullttiinngg iinnmmaajjoorr eennggiinnee ddaammaaggee..


• OOnnllyy oouurr GG1122++ ((ppuurrppllee ccoolloouurr)) sshhoouullddbbee uusseedd aass aann aannttiiffrreeeezzee aaddddiittiivvee..OObbsseerrvvee tthhee nnoottiiccee oonn tthhee ccoonnttaaiinneerr..TThhee ccoooolliinngg lliiqquuiidd mmaayy bbee ppuurrcchhaasseeddiinn TTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviicceess..

• TThhee aannttiiffrreeeezzee aaddddiittiivvee GG1122++ ccaann bbeemmiixxeedd wwiitthh ootthheerr aaddddiittiivveess ((GG1111 aannddGG1122))..

• TThhee aaddddiittiivvee GG1122 ((rreedd ccoolloouurr))sshhoouulldd nneevveerr bbee mmiixxeedd wwiitthh GG1111..

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CHECKING AND REFILLING ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3.43


CChheecckkiinngg ccoooollaanntt lleevveell

WWaarrnniinnggNNeevveerr ooppeenn tthhee bboonnnneett iiff yyoouu ccaannsseeee sstteeaamm oorr ccoooollaanntt lleeaavviinngg tthheeeennggiinnee ccoommppaarrttmmeenntt –– RRiisskk ooffssccaallddiinngg!! WWaaiitt uunnttiill nnoo mmoorree sstteeaammoorr ccoooollaanntt ccaann bbee sseeeenn..

The level can only be checked properlywhen the engine is not running.The coolant level must be between themmaaxx and mmiinn marks on the expansiontank when engine is cold and can beslightly above the mmaaxx mark when it iswarm.

CCoooollaanntt lloosssseessCoolant loss normally indicates leaks inthe system. In this case the cooling sys-tem should be checked by a TechnicalService Centre without delay. It is not suf-ficient merely to add coolant. In a sealed system losses can only occur ifthe boiling point of the coolant isexceeded as a result of overheating, andcoolant is forced out of the system.

TTooppppiinngg uupp ccoooollaannttSwitch engine off and let it cool down.Then cover expansion tank cap with acloth and turn cap carefully anti-clockwiseand remove.

WWaarrnniinnggDDoo nnoott rreemmoovvee eexxppaannssiioonn ttaannkk ccaappwwhheenn eennggiinnee iiss hhoott –– ddaannggeerr ooffssccaallddiinngg::SSyysstteemm iiss uunnddeerr pprreessssuurree..

No other coolant may be used if GG1122++ isnot available. In this case only water canbe used and the correct mixture concen-tration must be restored with the speci-fied coolant additive (see previous page)as soon as possible.

PPlleeaassee aallssoo rreeffeerr ttoo tthhee ffuurrtthheerr nnootteessoonn tthhee nneexxtt ppaaggee..


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3.44 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CHECKING AND REFILLING


RRaaddiiaattoorr ffaann

If a lot of coolant has been lost, only addcold coolant after the engine has cooleddown. This will prevent engine damage.DDoo nnoott ffiillll aabboovvee tthhee mmaaxx mmaarrkk..The excess coolant will be forced outthrough the pressure relief valve in thecap when engine becomes hot.SSccrreeww ccaapp oonn aaggaaiinn ttiigghhttllyy..

WWaarrnniinnggTThhee ccoooollaanntt aaddddiittiivvee aanndd tthheeccoooollaanntt aarree aa ddaannggeerr ttoo hheeaalltthh.. TThheeaaddddiittiivvee mmuusstt tthheerreeffoorree oonnllyy bbeessttoorreedd iinn tthhee oorriiggiinnaall ccoonnttaaiinneerrwweellll oouutt ooff rreeaacchh ooff cchhiillddrreenn.. IIff tthheeccoooollaanntt hhaass ttoo bbee ddrraaiinneedd aatt aannyyttiimmee iitt mmuusstt bbee ccaauugghhtt aanndd aallssoossttoorreedd iinn aa ssaaffee ppllaaccee..

❀DDrraaiinneedd ccoooollaanntt sshhoouulldd nnoott nnoorr--mmaallllyy bbee rreeuusseedd,, iitt mmuusstt bbee ddiiss--

ppoosseedd ooff,, bbeeaarriinngg iinn mmiinndd eennvviirroonn--mmeennttaall pprrootteeccttiioonn rreegguullaattiioonnss..

The radiator fan is driven electrically andcontrolled by a thermoswitch from thecoolant temperature (also from theengine compartment temperature onsome models).

WWaarrnniinnggAAfftteerr tthhee eennggiinnee hhaass bbeeeenn ssttooppppeeddtthhee ffaann ccaann ccoonnttiinnuuee rruunnnniinngg ffoorr aawwhhiillee –– eevveenn wwiitthh tthhee eennggiinneesswwiittcchheedd ooffff ((uupp ttoo aabboouutt 1100 mmiinn--uutteess)).. IItt ccaann aallssoo ssttaarrtt ttoo rruunn aaggaaiinnssuuddddeennllyy aafftteerr aa sshhoorrtt ttiimmee iiff–– tthhee ccoooollaanntt tteemmppeerraattuurree iinnccrreeaa--

sseess dduuee ttoo hheeaatt bbuuiilldd uupp–– wwhheenn tthhee eennggiinnee iiss hhoott aanndd tthhee

eennggiinnee ccoommppaarrttmmeenntt iiss hheeaatteeddaaddddiittiioonnaallllyy bbyy ssttrroonngg ssuunnlliigghhtt..

SSppeecciiaall ccaarree mmuusstt tthheerreeffoorree bbeettaakkeenn wwhheenn wwoorrkkiinngg iinn tthhee eennggiinneeccoommppaarrttmmeenntt..

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CHECKING AND REFILLING ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3.45


BBrraakkee fflluuiidd

The brake fluid reservoir is on the lefthand side of the engine compartment.On vehicles with ABS* the reservoir is inthe same place but its design is different.

NNootteeOn vehicles with right-hand drive thereservoir is on the other side of theengine compartment.

CChheecckkiinngg fflluuiidd lleevveellThe fluid level must always be betweenthe “MMAAXX” and “MMIINN” marks to ensureperfect operation.The level of fluid tends to sink slightlywhen the vehicle is used due to the auto-matic adjustment of brake linings. This isquite normal.If the level were to drop rapidly or belowthe minimum mark MMIINN the brake systemmay be leaking. The corresponding pilotlight lights up if the level is too low (see“Warning lamps” chapter). GGoo ttoo aaTTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviiccee CCeennttrree iimmmmeeddiiaatteellyyaanndd hhaavvee tthhee bbrraakkee ssyysstteemm cchheecckkeedd..

RReenneewwiinngg tthhee bbrraakkee fflluuiiddBrake fluid absorbs moisture. In thecourse of time it takes in water from theatmosphere. Too high a content of waterin the brake fluid system can cause corro-sion damage. Furthermore the boilingpoint of the brake fluid is reduced consid-erably. FFoorr tthhiiss rreeaassoonn tthhee bbrraakkee fflluuiiddmmuusstt bbee rreenneewweedd eevveerryy ttwwoo yyeeaarrss..

WWaarrnniinnggWWhheenn tthhee bbrraakkee fflluuiidd bbeeccoommeess ttoooooolldd,, vvaappoouurr bbuubbbblleess ccaann ffoorrmm iinntthhee bbrraakkee ssyysstteemm wwhheenn tthhee bbrraakkeessaarree uusseedd vviiggoorroouussllyy.. TThhee eeffffiicciieennccyyooff tthhee bbrraakkeess aanndd tthhuuss tthhee vveehhiicclleessaaffeettyy aarree sseerriioouussllyy rreedduucceedd..

Only our genuine brake fluid should beused (specification according to US FMVSS 116 DOT 4 Standard). The fluid mustbe new.

WWaarrnniinnggBBrraakkee fflluuiidd iiss ppooiissoonnoouuss!! IItt mmuusstttthheerreeffoorree oonnllyy bbee ssttoorreedd iinn tthheecclloosseedd oorriiggiinnaall ccoonnttaaiinneerr oouutt ooffrreeaacchh ooff cchhiillddrreenn..

RReemmeemmbbeerr aallssoo tthhaatt bbrraakkee fflluuiidd wwiillllaattttaacckk tthhee ppaaiinnttwwoorrkk..

❀BBeeccaauussee ooff tthhee ddiissppoossaall pprroobb--lleemmss,, tthhee ssppeecciiaall ttoooollss nneecceessssaarryy

aanndd tthhee ssppeecciiaalliisstt kknnoowwlleeddggeerreeqquuiirreedd,, bbrraakkee fflluuiidd sshhoouulldd pprreeffeerr--aabbllyy bbee cchhaannggeedd aatt aa TTeecchhnniiccaallSSeerrvviiccee CCeennttrree..It is advisable to have the fluid changedone during an Inspection Service.


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3.46 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CHECKING AND REFILLING



WWaarrnniinngg nnootteess

WWeeaarr eeyyee pprrootteeccttiioonn.. DDoo nnoottaallllooww ppaarrttiicclleess ccoonnttaaiinniinnggaacciidd oorr lleeaadd ttoo ccoommee iinnttooccoonnttaacctt wwiitthh tthhee eeyyeess,, sskkiinn

oorr ccllootthheess..

BBaatttteerryy aacciidd iiss hhiigghhllyy ccaauuss--ttiicc.. AAllwwaayyss wweeaarr pprrootteeccttiivveegglloovveess aanndd ggllaasssseess.. DDoo nnoottttiipp bbaatttteerryy –– aacciidd ccaann ssppiillll

oouutt ooff tthhee vveennttss.. SShhoouulldd aacciidd ccoommeeiinnttoo ccoonnttaacctt wwiitthh tthhee eeyyeess,, rriinnsseeffoorr sseevveerraall mmiinnuutteess uussiinngg cclleeaann rruunn--nniinngg wwaatteerr.. SSeeeekk mmeeddiiccaall aassssiiss--ttaannccee iimmmmeeddiiaatteellyy.. SShhoouulldd aacciiddccoommee iinnttoo ccoonnttaacctt wwiitthh sskkiinn oorrccllootthheess,, nneeuuttrraalliissee iimmmmeeddiiaatteellyyuussiinngg aann aallkkaalliinnee ssooaapp ssoolluuttiioonnaanndd rriinnssee tthhrroouugghhllyy.. SShhoouulldd aacciiddiinnaaddvveerrtteennttllyy bbee ddrruunnkk,, sseeeekk mmeedd--iiccaall aatttteennttiioonn iimmmmeeddiiaatteellyy..

KKeeeepp wweellll cclleeaarr ooff nnaakkeeddffllaammee aanndd ssppaarrkkss.. DDoo nnoottssmmookkee.. AAvvooiidd ggeenneerraattiinnggssppaarrkkss wwhheenn hhaannddlliinngg

ccaabblleess aanndd eelleeccttrriiccaall ccoommppoonneennttss..AAvvooiidd sshhoorrtt cciirrccuuiittss.. NNeevveerr sshhoorrttbbaatttteerryy tteerrmmiinnaallss –– ddaannggeerr ooffiinnjjuurryy ffrroomm hhiigghh eenneerrggyy ssppaarrkkss..

WWhheenn bbaatttteerryy iiss bbeeiinnggcchhaarrggeedd,, aa hhiigghhllyy eexxpplloossiivveemmiixxttuurree ooff ggaasssseess iiss pprroo--dduucceedd..

KKeeeepp aacciidd aanndd bbaatttteerryy oouutt oofftthhee rreeaacchh ooff cchhiillddrreenn..

• DDiissccoonnnneecctt ppoossiittiivvee tteerrmmiinnaall ooffbbaatttteerryy bbeeffoorree ddooiinngg aannyy wwoorrkk oonntthhee eelleeccttrriiccaall ssyysstteemm.. WWhheenncchhaannggiinngg bbuullbbss iitt iiss ssuuffffiicciieenntt ttoosswwiittcchh ooffff llaammpp..

• WWhheenn ddiissccoonnnneeccttiinngg tthhee bbaatttteerryyffrroomm tthhee vveehhiiccllee eelleeccttrriiccaall ssyysstteemmffiirrsstt ddiissccoonnnneecctt tthhee nneeggaattiivvee ccaabblleeaanndd tthheenn tthhee ppoossiittiivvee ccaabbllee..TThhee bbaatttteerryy mmuusstt nnoott bbee ddiissccoonn--nneecctteedd wwiitthh tthhee eennggiinnee rruunnnniinngg,, aasstthhiiss wwiillll ddaammaaggee tthhee eelleeccttrriiccaall ssyyss--tteemm ((eelleeccttrroonniicc ccoommppoonneennttss))..

• WWhheenn rreeccoonnnneeccttiinngg tthhee bbaatttteerryy,,ffiirrsstt ccoonnnneecctt tthhee ppoossiittiivvee ccaabbllee,,tthheenn tthhee nneeggaattiivvee.. OOnn nnoo aaccoouunnttmmaayy tthhee ccaabbllee bbee iinntteerrcchhaannggeedd..RRiisskk ooff ccaabblleess bbuurrnniinngg!!

DDoo nnoott ddiissccoonnnneecctt tthhee vveehhiiccllee bbaatttteerryywwhheenn tthhee iiggnniittiioonn iiss oonn oorr wwhheenn tthheeeennggiinnee iiss rruunnnniinngg,, aass tthhee eelleeccttrriiccaallssyysstteemm ((eelleeccttrroonniicc ccoommppoonneennttss))ccoouulldd ootthheerrwwiissee bbee ddaammaaggeedd.. IInn oorrddeerr ttoo pprrootteecctt tthhee ccaassiinngg ffrroomm UUVVrraaddiiaattiioonn,, ddoo nnoott eexxppoossee vveehhiiccllee bbaatt--tteerryy ttoo ddiirreecctt ssuunnlliigghhtt..

Page 191: Seat Leon 1M Manual

CHECKING AND REFILLING ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3.47


LLooccaattiioonnThe battery is in the engine compartment.Start with the help of another battery. See"Emergency starting" chapter.

CChheecckkiinngg aacciidd lleevveellTake the following warnings of the"Engine compartment" chapter intoaccount before starting any type of workon the engine or the engine compart-ment.The acid/electrolyte level should bechecked regularly in the following cases:– high mileage– in countries with a warm climate– old batteryThe battery is otherwise service-free.The acid level should always be aroundthe mmaaxx.. mark on the longside of the bat-tery. It should never be filled above themmaaxx.. mark nor be allowed to drop belowthe mmiinn.. mark.It is recommended that the acid level bechecked and corrected by a TechnicalService Centre.

BBaatttteerryy wwiitthh aa mmaaggiicc eeyyee**A round viewing window is located on theupper side of the battery (see arrow). Thismagic eye will change its color accordingto the charge condition or the acid level ofthe battery.Air bubbles can distort the true color. Youshould, therefore, tap carefully on themagic eye.If the display in the viewing window hasno color or is light yellow, the acid level inthe battery is too low. Distilled water mustbe added. We recommend that the batterybe replaced if it is older than 5 years.It is recommended that the acid level bechecked and corrected by a TechnicalService Centre.The colour displays of green and black areonly of use to the Technical Service Centresince it facilitates the diagnosis of thebattery.

12V 330A 61Ah DINETN 561 019 054


6EO 915 105

Betriebsanleitung beachten!See owners manual!



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3.48 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CHECKING AND REFILLING


CChhaarrggiinngg tthhee bbaatttteerryyBefore charging, switch off the engineand all electrical consumers.When charging with a low current (e.g.with a small charger) the battery cablesneed not normally be taken off. Theinstructions from the battery charger man-ufacturer must, however, be noted.In order to connect the positive cable, thecover of the fuse holder on the batterymust first be moved to the side. See page3.50.Before qquuiicckk cchhaarrggiinngg, that is chargingwith a high current, both battery cablesmust be disconnected.PPlleeaassee nnoottee tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg ppooiinnttss::


• KKeeeepp cchhiillddrreenn aawwaayy ffrroomm tthhee bbaatt--tteerryy,, tthhee bbaatttteerryy aacciidd aanndd tthheecchhaarrggeerr..

• OOnnllyy cchhaarrggee tthhee bbaatttteerryy iinn aa wweellllvveennttiillaatteedd rroooomm.. DDoo nnoott ssmmookkeeaanndd aallllooww nnoo nnaakkeedd ffllaammeess oorr eelleecc--ttrriicc ssppaarrkkss nneeaarr tthhee bbaatttteerryy,, aass aahhiigghhllyy eexxpplloossiivvee ggaass iiss pprroodduucceeddwwhhiillsstt tthhee bbaatttteerryy iiss bbeeiinnggcchhaarrggeedd..

• PPrrootteecctt yyoouurr eeyyeess aanndd ffaaccee.. DDoonnoott bbeenndd oovveerr tthhee bbaatttteerryy..

• SShhoouulldd aacciidd ccoommee iinnttoo ccoonnttaaccttwwiitthh tthhee eeyyeess oorr sskkiinn,, rriinnssee ffoorr sseevv--eerraall mmiinnuutteess uussiinngg cclleeaarr wwaatteerr..YYoouu sshhoouulldd tthheenn sseeeekk mmeeddiiccaallaassssiissttaannccee iimmmmeeddiiaatteellyy..

• FFaasstt cchhaarrggiinngg aa bbaatttteerryy iiss ddaann--ggeerroouuss aanndd sshhoouulldd oonnllyy bbee ddoonnee aattaa TTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviiccee CCeennttrree,, aass ssppee--cciiaall eeqquuiippmmeenntt aanndd sskkiillllss aarreenneeeeddeedd..

• NNeevveerr cchhaarrggee aa ffrroozzeenn bbaatttteerryy..RRiisskk ooff eexxpplloossiioonn!! AA ffrroozzeenn bbaatttteerryymmuusstt bbee tthhaawweedd bbeeffoorree cchhaarrggiinngg..

WWee rreeccoommmmeenndd tthhaatt bbaatttteerriieess sshhoouullddnnoo lloonnggeerr bbee uusseedd aafftteerr tthhaawwiinngg,, aasstthhee bbaatttteerryy hhoouussiinngg ccoouulldd hhaavvee sspplliittiinnssiiddee bbeeccaauussee ooff iiccee ffoorrmmaattiioonn,, aannddtthhee aacciidd mmaayy lleeaakk oouutt..

• When charging the battery do notremove caps.

• The main cables of the charger shouldnot be connected until the clips of thecharger have been properly secured to thebattery terminals:red........................................= positiveblack, brown or blue..............= negative

• After charging the battery, first switchoff the charger and disconnect the maincables. Then disconnect the clips of thecharger from the battery.

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CHECKING AND REFILLING ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3.49


WWhhaatt hhaappppeennss wwhheenn tthhee bbaatttteerryy iissddiissccoonnnneecctteedd aanndd tthheennrreeccoonnnneecctteedd ......After rreeccoonnnneeccttiinngg the battery to theonboard electronics, you should reset thedigital clock.The automatic opening and closing func-tion of the electric windows should alsobe reactivated.

RReemmoovviinngg tthhee bbaatttteerryy

• Before removing the battery turn off theignition and all electrical consumers.

• Press both spring clips in the directionof the arrow 11 and fold the cover of thefuse holder to the side (arrow 22).

PPlleeaassee aallssoo rreeffeerr ttoo tthhee ffuurrtthheerr nnootteessoonn tthhee nneexxtt ppaaggee..





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3.50 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– CHECKING AND REFILLING


• Then remove the negative cable AA (nor-mally black, brown or blue).

• Then slightly loosen the nut BB on thepositive terminal.

• First unclip the front retainer (arrow 11)and then the rear retainer (arrow 22) fromthe battery. To do this you must press theretainers away from the battery.

• The fuse holder with the positive cablecan now be removed upwards from thebattery and placed to the side.

• Then unscrew the battery bracket CC andremove the battery.

RReenneewwiinngg tthhee bbaatttteerryyOur batteries have been developed to suittheir fitting location. If the battery has tobe renewed, the new battery must havethe same voltage (12 Volts), shape andsafety features such as central degassingand the plugs must be sealed with an O-ring.

New output and capacity should be thesame as the old battery. Technical ServiceCentres have a range of suitable batteries.

❀BBeeccaauussee ooff tthhee pprroobblleemm ooff ddiiss--ppoossiinngg ooff tthhee oolldd bbaatttteerryy,, tthhee

rreenneewwaall sshhoouulldd pprreeffeerraabbllyy ddoonnee aatt aaTTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviiccee CCeennttrree.. BBaatttteerriieessccoonnttaaiinn,, aammoonnggsstt ootthheerr tthhiinnggss,, ssuull--pphhuurriicc aacciidd aanndd lleeaadd aanndd mmuusstt oonn nnooaaccccoouunntt bbee ppuutt wwiitthh nnoorrmmaall hhoouussee--hhoolldd wwaassttee..

IInnssttaalllliinngg tthhee bbaatttteerryy

• Switch off the ignition and all electricalconsumers before installing the battery.

• Place the battery in the designatedinstallation location. Please ensure thatthe bracket lug CC lines up again with thesame depth of the clamping strip. Thensecure the battery.

• Place the fuse holder together with thepositive cable on the battery so that theretainers on the sides of the batteryengage.

• Then tighten the nut BB on the positiveterminal.

• Then connect the negative cable AA tothe battery.

• Fold the cover of the fuse holder backand allow both of the spring clips toengage.


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CHECKING AND REFILLING ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3.51


WWiinnddssccrreeeenn wwaasshheerr

The fluid container is on the right of theengine compartment. The container holdsabout 3 litres: on vehicles with a head-light washer system* it holds about5.5 litres.

FFiilllliinngg tthhee ccoonnttaaiinneerrYou need to add a window cleaning solu-tion with a wax remover to the water.There are several aapppprroopprriiaattee pprroodduuccttss,,ccoonnttaaiinniinngg iissoopprrooppiilliicc aallccoohhooll oorrmmeetthhyyllaatteedd ssppiirriittss with wax dissolvingproperties (with anti-freeze additive inwinter) on the market, because plainwater is not usually sufficient to clean theglass and headlight lenses quickly andthoroughly. The mixing ratios on the win-dow cleaner packaging must be adheredto.Even when hheeaatteedd wwiinnddssccrreeeenn wwaasshheerrjjeettss* are fitted, a window cleaning solu-tion containing anti-freeze should beadded to the water in the winter.

NNootteeTo avoid a possible error by the fluid levelsensor, tthhee pprrooppoorrttiioonn ooff aallccoohhooll aannddwwaatteerr sshhoouulldd bbee 3355%% aallccoohhooll aanndd6655%% wwaatteerr aapppprrooxxiimmaatteellyy..FFoorr aaddddiittiioonnaall aassssiissttaannccee ggoo ttoo aaTTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviiccee CCeennttrree.. UUnnddeerr nnoo cciirrccuummssttaanncceess sshhoouulldd yyoouuaadddd ccoooollaanntt aannttii--ffrreeeezzee oorr ootthheerr aaddddii--ttiivveess..

AAddjjuussttiinngg wwaasshheerr jjeettssThe jet for the rear window washer is inthe wiper shaft. The water jet should hitthe glass in the centre of the wiped area.The jets for the headlight washer system*can only be adjusted with a special tool.When adjustment is necessary, contact aTechnical Service Centre.

B8L-075 TO8-039

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3.52 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– SERVICING AND REPLACING


AAcccceessssoorriieess,, mmooddiiffiiccaattiioonnss aanndd rreeppllaacceemmeenntt ooff ppaarrttss

YYoouurr vveehhiiccllee iiss bbuuiilltt iinn aaccccoorrddaanncceewwiitthh tthhee mmoosstt mmooddeerrnn pprriinncciipplleess ooffssaaffeettyy tteecchhnnoollooggyy aanndd ooffffeerrss tthheerree--ffoorree aa hhiigghh ddeeggrreeee ooff aaccttiivvee aannddppaassssiivvee ssaaffeettyy.. TToo eennssuurree tthhaatt tthhiissrreemmaaiinnss ssoo tthhee vveehhiiccllee aass ssuupppplliieedd bbyytthhee ffaaccttoorryy mmaayy nnoott bbee mmooddiiffiieedd wwiitthh--oouutt ccaarreeffuull tthhoouugghhtt.. TThhee ffoolllloowwiinnggppooiinnttss mmuusstt bbee nnootteedd iiff tthhee vveehhiiccllee iissttoo bbee ssuubbsseeqquueennttllyy ffiitttteedd wwiitthh aacccceess--ssoorriieess,, tteecchhnniiccaallllyy mmooddiiffiieedd oorr hhaavveeppaarrttss rreenneewweedd llaatteerr oonn::

• Always consult a Technical ServiceCentre bbeeffoorree purchasing accessories andbbeeffoorree any modifications are carried out.

• Approved accessories and original SEATspare parts may be obtained through theTechnical Services who will also, natu-rally, carry out the corresponding assem-bly in the required conditions.

• Appliances which have been retro–fit-ted and have a direct influence on the dri-ver’s control of the vehicle e.g. cruise con-trol system or electronically controlledshock absorber systems must have the ee1)

symbol and be authorised for that vehi-cle.

• Additionally connected electric con-sumers e.g. refrigerators, horns, fans etc.which are not directly linked to the controlof the vehicle must carry the CCEE symbol2).

1) ee – European Community authorisation sym-bol.

2) CCEE – Manufacturer conformity declaration inthe European Community.


• WWee iinnffoorrmm yyoouu tthhaatt eexxpprreessssllyyaapppprroovveedd SSEEAATT33)) aacccceessssoorriieess aannddGGeennuuiinnee SSEEAATT ppaarrttss aarree aavvaaiillaabblleeffoorr yyoouurr vveehhiiccllee.. TThhee rreelliiaabbiilliittyy,,ssaaffeettyy aanndd ssuuiittaabbiilliittyy ooff tthhoossee ppaarrttssaanndd aacccceessssoorriieess hhaavvee bbeeeenn eessppee--cciiaallllyy aaddaapptteedd ffoorr yyoouurr vveehhiiccllee..

• DDeessppiittee ccoonnttiinnuuoouuss mmaarrkkeettoobbsseerrvvaattiioonn wwee ccaannnnoott aasssseessss oorraacccceepptt rreessppoonnssiibbiilliittyy ffoorr ootthheerrpprroodduuccttss,, eevveenn iinn ccaasseess wwhheerree aannooffffiicciiaallllyy rreeccooggnniisseedd ppeerrmmiitt hhaassbbeeeenn iissssuueedd..

• AAcccceessssoorriieess ssuucchh aass tteelleepphhoonneerreettaaiinneerrss oorr ddrriinnkkss hhoollddeerrss mmuussttnneevveerr bbee aattttaacchheedd ttoo tthhee AAiirr BBaaggccoovveerrss oorr wwiitthhiinn tthheeiirr aarreeaa ooff eeffffeecc--ttiivveenneessss.. TThheeyy ccoouulldd ccaauussee iinnjjuurryyiiff tthhee AAiirr BBaagg iiss aaccttiivvaatteedd dduurriinnggaann aacccciiddeenntt!!

• If technical modifications are to bemade, our guidelines must be observed.This is to ensure that no damage occurs tothe vehicle, the traffic and operatingsafety is retained and that the modifica-tions are permissible.

3) Not available in all countries.

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SERVICING AND REPLACING ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3.53


SSppaarrkk pplluuggss

The spark plugs are renewed during theSEAT Inspection Service.If the spark plugs have to be renewedbetween the Inspection Services, the fol-lowing should be noted:

• Spark plugs and ignition system arematched to the engine and as such con-tribute to reducing the levels of exhaustpollutants. To avoid faulty operation,engine damage and even the withdrawalof the type approval due to excessiveemissions values or non-suppressedspark plugs, only the Genuine spark plugsfor the engine concerned should be used.Important, among other things, are thenumber of electrodes, the heat value andif necessary the radio suppression.

• The plugs may be, for technical rea-sons, modified at short notice.

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3.54 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– SERVICING AND REPLACING


DDuusstt aanndd ppoolllleenn ffiilltteerr**

The dust and pollen filter for the heatingand ventilation system can be foundunder the cover on the right in the plenumchamber. TThhee ffiilltteerr sshhoouulldd bbee cchhaannggeeddiinn aaccccoorrddaannccee wwiitthh tthhee ddeettaaiillss ggiivveenniinn tthhee IInnssppeeccttiioonn aanndd SSeerrvviiccee sscchheedd--uullee.. IIff tthhee aaiirr tthhrroouugghhppuutt rreedduucceess ccoonn--ssiiddeerraabbllyy,, tthhee ffiilltteerr sshhoouulldd bbeecchhaannggeedd eeaarrlliieerr::

RReemmoovviinngg ffiilltteerr

• Pull up the rubber seal AA of the plenumchamber to the middle.

• CCaarreeffuullllyy unscrew all screws BB com-pletely and pull the cover off to the front.Because of their shape they will remainsuspended in the cover. Pull the coveroutwards.

• Push back spring clips CC in the direc-tion of the arrow and remove the filterinsert.






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SERVICING AND REPLACING ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3.55

IInnssttaalllliinngg ffiilltteerrFor greater clarity, the illustration showsthe dust and pollen filter already disman-tled.Push the filter into the recesses of the fil-ter unit with the lugs DD first. Then press the filter down at the frontuntil the spring clips CC engage on the lugsEE.Screw the cover on tightly and press therubber seal AA onto the plenum chamber.


E E B11-060D

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3.56 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– IF AND WHEN

FFiirrsstt aaiidd kkiitt,, wwaarrnniinngg ttrriiaannggllee

In some countries a luminous hazardwarning triangle must be carried in thevehicle to be used in an emergency, aswell as a first aid kit and spare bulbs.The first aid kit can be stored in the sparewheel recess. The warning triangle can beplaced at the rear of the boot using rubberbands.

NNootteeThe first aid kit and warning triangle arennoott delivered with the vehicle as standardfittings.


• TThhee ffiirrsstt aaiidd kkiitt aanndd wwaarrnniinngg ttrriiaann--ggllee mmuusstt ffuullffiill lleeggaall rreeqquuiirreemmeennttss..

• YYoouu sshhoouulldd bbeeaarr iinn mmiinndd tthhee uussee--bbyyddaatteess ooff tthhee ccoonntteennttss ooff tthhee ffiirrsstt aaiiddkkiitt..

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IF AND WHEN ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3.57

OOnn bbooaarrdd ttoooollss,, ssppaarree wwhheeeell

TTooooll hhoouussiinnggThe tools and the spare wheel are storedin the housing under the boot floor cover-ing.In order to have both hands free to lift outthe spare wheel and the on board tools,the floor mat can be hooked to the lowerpart of the rear shelf.

The tools are located in a polystyreneretainer, inside the spare wheel recesssecured with a rubber strap.

WWaarrnniinnggEEnnssuurree tthhaatt tthhee vveehhiiccllee ttoooollss aannddssppaarree wwhheeeell aarree ssttoowweedd sseeccuurreellyyttoo aavvooiidd iinnjjuurriieess ffoorr tthhee ppaasssseennggeerriinn ccaassee ooff aa ccoolllliissiioonn oorr ssuuddddeennbbrraakkiinngg..


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3.58 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– IF AND WHEN

VVeehhiiccllee ttoooollss // jjaacckk


• TThhee jjaacckk ssuupppplliieedd bbyy tthhee ffaaccttoorryyiiss oonnllyy ddeessiiggnneedd ffoorr yyoouurr vveehhiicclleemmooddeell.. OOnn nnoo aaccccoouunntt sshhoouullddhheeaavviieerr vveehhiicclleess oorr ootthheerr llooaaddss bbeelliifftteedd!!

• WWiitthh tthhee vveehhiiccllee lliifftteedd,, nneevveerrssttaarrtt tthhee eennggiinnee –– ddaannggeerr ooff aaccccii--ddeenntt..

• IIff wwoorrkk hhaass ttoo bbee ddoonnee uunnddeerr--nneeaatthh tthhee vveehhiiccllee,, eennssuurree tthhaatt iitt iissssuuppppoorrtteedd oonn ssuuiittaabbllee ssttaannddss.. VVeehhiicclleess mmaayy aallssoo hhaavvee::

1 – Screwdriver with box spanner in han-dle for the wheel bolts. The screw-driver blade is reversible.

2 – Open jaw spanner 10 x 133 – Jack

Before the jack is placed back into thetool box, the claw must be fullywound back. The crank is then ten-sioned against the side of the jack.

4 – Wire hook* for wheel trims5 – Wheel bolt spanner6 – Front towing ring

NNootteeNever use the box spanner in the handleof the screwdriver to loosen or tightenwheel bolts.

321 4 5 6


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IF AND WHEN ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3.59

SSppaarree wwhheeeell//RReedduucceedd SSppaaccee SSppaarreeWWhheeeell** ((FFoouurr--wwhheeeell ddrriivvee vveehhiicclleess))The wheel is located in the well under thefloor covering in the boot, secured with aplastic nut.If the wheel has been replaced, secure itwith the plastic nut.Four-wheel drive vehicles are equippedwith a reduced space spare wheel1) whichnot only takes up less space than the nor-mal spare wheel in the boot, but alsoweighs substantially less.

RReemmoovviinngg tthhee ssppaarree wwhheeeellAttach the floor mat to the lower part ofthe boot cover.Loosen the retaining strap and removethe polystyrene retainer.Then turn the hand wheel in an anti-clock-wise direction and remove it.

1) In some countries and in the case of somemodel versions, a normal spare wheel may beprovided instead. When using this wheel, fol-low the instructions on pages 3.66 to 3.72.

SSeeccuurriinngg tthhee ssppaarree wwhheeeell

• Place the defective wheel in the hous-ing and secure with the nut.

• Feed the retaining strap through theholes in the rim – see illustration.

• Turn the handwheel in a clockwisedirection until the wheel is properlysecured.

• Place the polystyrene retainer in therecess and secure it with the retainingstrap.

• Remove the floor mat from the luggagecompartment cover and replace on thefloor of the luggage compartment.

WWaarrnniinnggEEnnssuurree tthhaatt tthhee ssppaarree wwhheeeell,, ttooww--iinngg ddeevviiccee** aanndd oonn bbooaarrdd ttoooollss aarreepprrooppeerrllyy sseeccuurreedd,, ssoo tthhaatt tthheeyy ccaann--nnoott iinnjjuurree vveehhiiccllee ooccccuuppaannttss iiff yyoouuhhaavvee ttoo bbrraakkee ssuuddddeennllyy oorr hhaavvee aannaacccciiddeenntt..

B1J-054D B1J-055D

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3.60 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– IF AND WHEN


GGeenneerraall nnootteess

• New tyres do not give maximum gripstraight away and should therefore be runin at moderate speeds and a careful styleof driving for about the first 100 km. Thiswill help to make the tyres last longer.

• The tread depth of new tyres can varydue to construction and design features,and depending on version and manufac-tures.

• Check tyres for damage from time totime (cuts, splits, cracks and lumps) andremove any foreign bodies embedded inthe treads.

• To avoid damage to tyres and wheelsdrive over curbs and similar obstaclesvery slowly and as nearly at right anglesas possible.

WWaarrnniinnggDDaammaaggee ttoo wwhheeeellss aanndd ttyyrreess iiss nnoottaallwwaayyss eeaassyy ttoo sseeee.. UUnnuussuuaall vviibbrraa--ttiioonnss oorr aa ppuulllliinngg ttoo oonnee ssiiddee ccoouullddiinnddiiccaattee ttyyrree ddaammaaggee.. IIff yyoouu ssuuss--ppeecctt ddaammaaggee ttoo aa ttyyrree,, yyoouu sshhoouullddiimmmmeeddiiaatteellyy rreedduuccee ssppeeeedd.. CChheecckkaallll ttyyrreess vviissuuaallllyy ffoorr ddaammaaggee((bbuullggeess,, tteeaarrss eettcc..)).. IIff nnoo eexxtteerrnnaallddaammaaggee ccaann bbee sseeeenn,, ddrriivvee ccaarree--ffuullllyy ttoo tthhee nneeaarreesstt TTeecchhnniiccaallSSeerrvviiccee CCeennttrree aanndd hhaavvee tthhee vveehhii--ccllee cchheecckkeedd oovveerr..

• Keep grease, oil and fuel off the tyres.

• Replace missing dust caps as soon aspossible.

• Mark wheels before taking them off sothat they rotate in the same directionwhen put back on again.

• When taken off, the tyres should bestored in a cool, dry and preferably darkplace.Tyres which are not on wheels should bestored in a vertical position.

NNoottee ffoorr ttyyrreess wwhheerree tthhee ddiirreeccttiioonn ooffrroottaattiioonn iiss ssttiippuullaatteeddIt is imperative that the designated direc-tion of rotation for tyre treads (which canbe determined from the arrow on the sideof the tyre) be kept to. The best tyre per-formance i.e. in aquaplaning, road adhe-sion, noise and wear is then guaranteed.

TTyyrree lliiffeeTyre life depends to a considerable extenton the following factors:

IInnffllaattiioonn pprreessssuurreeThe inflation pressures are to be foundinside the fuel lid.The inflation pressure is very importantparticularly at high speeds. Therefore, thepressures should be checked at least oncea month and before every long journey.

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IF AND WHEN ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3.61

At this opportunity do not forget the sparewheel:

• The spare wheel with normal tyreshould always be inflated to the highestpressure required on the vehicle.

• Always check the pressures when thetyres are cold. When warm, the pressure ishigher but do not reduce. If the loadchanges a great deal the pressure mustbe altered to suit. On vehicles with wheel hub caps, valveextensions are fitted. It is not necessary toremove the valve extension piece in orderto test and correct the inflation pressure.PPrreessssuurreess wwhhiicchh aarree ttoooo hhiigghh oorr ttoooollooww sshhoorrtteenn ttyyrree lliiffee –– qquuiittee aappaarrttffrroomm tthhee ddeettrriimmeennttaall iinnfflluueennccee oonnvveehhiiccllee hhaannddlliinngg..

WWaarrnniinnggAAtt ccoonnttiinnuuoouuss hhiigghh ssppeeeeddss aa ttyyrreeiinn wwhhiicchh tthhee pprreessssuurree iiss ttoooo lloowwfflleexxeess mmoorree aanndd hheeaattss uupp eexxcceess--ssiivveellyy.. TThhiiss ccaann ccaauussee ttrreeaadd sseeppaa--rraattiioonn aanndd ttyyrree bbllooww oouutt..

❀AA pprreessssuurree wwhhiicchh iiss ttoooo lloowwiinnccrreeaasseess tthhee ffuueell ccoonnssuummppttiioonn

aanndd tthhiiss bbuurrddeennss tthhee eennvviirroonnmmeennttuunnnneecceessssaarriillyy..

MMooddee ooff ddrriivviinnggFast cornering, hard acceleration and vio-lent braking also increase tyre wear.

BBaallaanncciinngg wwhheeeellssThe wheels on new vehicles are balanced.However when the vehicle is running vari-ous influences can cause the wheels tobecome unbalanced and this causessteering vibration.As imbalance also increases steering,suspension and tyre wear the wheelsshould be balanced again. Furthermore awheel should always be rebalanced whenthe tyre has been repaired or when a newtyre has been fitted.

IInnccoorrrreecctt wwhheeeell aalliiggnnmmeennttIncorrect wheel alignment not only causesexcessive, usually uneven tyre wear, butcan also impair the car ’s safe handling. Ifunusual tyre wear is noticed, contact aTechnical Service Centre.

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3.62 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– IF AND WHEN

WWeeaarr iinnddiiccaattoorrssAt the bottom of the tread of the originaltyres there are 1.6 mm high “wear indica-tors” running across the tread – see fig.There are 6-8 of these indicators – accord-ing to make – evenly spaced around thetyre circumference. Marks on the walls ofthe tyre (for example the letters “TWI” ortriangles) show the locations of the wearindicators.


• TThhee ttyyrreess mmuusstt bbee rreenneewweedd wwhheenntthheeyy aarree wwoorrnn ddoowwnn ttoo tthhee wweeaarriinnddiiccaattoorrss..

• WWoorrnn ttyyrreess aarree ddeettrriimmeennttaall ttoorrooaaddhhoollddiinngg ppaarrttiiccuullaarrllyy aatt hhiigghhssppeeeeddss oonn wweett rrooaaddss.. FFuurrtthheerrmmoorree,,tthhee vveehhiiccllee tteennddss ttoo aaqquuaappllaanneessoooonneerr..

NNootteeWhen tread depth is down to 1.6 mmmeasured in the tread groove next to thewear indicator bar – the official permissi-ble minimum tread depth has beenreached (in export countries this figuremay differ).

RReenneewwiinngg wwhheeeellss//ttyyrreessWheels and tyres are important designfeatures. The wheels and tyres approvedby us should be used. They are speciallymatched to the model concerned and con-tribute largely to the excellent roadhold-ing and safe driving characteristics.TThhee TTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviicceess hhoolldd uupp ttooddaattee iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn rreeggaarrddiinngg tthhee ssttaann--ddaarrdd ttyyrreess ffiitttteedd bbyy tthhee mmaannuuffaaccttuurreerr..AAllssoo:: MMaannyy TTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviicceess ppooss--sseessss aa llaarrggee rraannggee ooff ttyyrreess aanndd rriimmss..

• Fitting and repairing tyres requiresexpert knowledge and special tools. Thiswork may only be carried out by specialistpersonnel.

❀BBeeccaauussee ooff tthhee pprroobblleemm ooffddiissppoossiinngg ooff tthhee oolldd ttyyrreess,, tthhee

ssppeecciiaall ttoooollss nneecceessssaarryy aanndd tthheessppeecciiaalliisstt kknnoowwlleeddggee rreeqquuiirreedd,, ttyyrreecchhaannggiinngg sshhoouulldd pprreeffeerraabbllyy bbee ddoonneebbyy aa TTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviiccee CCeennttrree..

• For safety reasons the tyres should berenewed in pairs and not singly. The tyreswith the deepest tread should always beon the front wheels.


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IF AND WHEN ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3.63

• You should only combine radial tyres ofthe same construction, size (rolling cir-cumference) and, as far as possible, thesame tread profile on all four wheels.

• On four-wheel drive vehicles all tyresmust be of the same brand. Otherwise,the viscosity would unnecessarilyincrease the proportion of the rear drivesince the axes would be turning at differ-ent speeds and this could cause damage.

• If the spare wheel differs from the ver-sion fitted on the vehicle (i.e. winter orwide tyres) the spare tyre may only beused briefly and with an appropriatelycareful style of driving. It must bereplaced with the normal wheel as soonas possible.

• Never fit used tyres where their previ-ous history is not known.

• Knowing the tyre lettering and its mean-ing makes the selection of the correcttyres easier. Radial ply tyres have the fol-lowing lettering on the sidewall:

TThhee mmaannuuffaaccttuurriinngg ddaattee is also to beseen on the tyre wall (possibly only oninner side of wheel):DOT ... 183 ... means that the tyre wasproduced in the 18th calendar week of2003.

WWaarrnniinnggTTyyrreess wwhhiicchh aarree mmoorree tthhaann 66 yyeeaarrssoolldd sshhoouulldd oonnllyy bbee uusseedd iinn aanneemmeerrggeennccyy aanndd tthheenn wwiitthh aa ppaarrttiicc--uullaarrllyy ccaarreeffuull ssttyyllee ooff ddrriivviinngg..

IIff yyoouu wwiisshh ttoo ffiitt yyoouurr ccaarr wwiitthh nnoonn--ssttaannddaarrdd wwhheeeellss oorr ttyyrreess pplleeaassee nnoottee::


• FFoorr tteecchhnniiccaall rreeaassoonnss iitt iiss nnoottnnoorrmmaallllyy ppoossssiibbllee ttoo uussee wwhheeeellssffrroomm ootthheerr vveehhiicclleess –– iinn cceerrttaaiinn cciirr--ccuummssttaanncceess nnoott eevveenn wwhheeeellss ffrroommtthhee ssaammee vveehhiiccllee mmooddeell!!

• UUssiinngg ttyyppeess ooff wwhheeeell aanndd//oorrttyyrreess wwhhiicchh hhaavvee nnoott bbeeeennaapppprroovveedd bbyy uuss ffoorr yyoouurr vveehhiicclleemmooddeell ccaann bbee ddeettrriimmeennttaall ttoo tthheessaaffeettyy ooff tthhee vveehhiiccllee.. IItt ccaann aallssooaaffffeecctt tthhee vveehhiiccllee uunnddeerr tthheeCCoonnssttrruuccttiioonn aanndd UUssee rreegguullaattiioonnss..

WWaarrnniinnggPPlleeaassee ttaakkee nnoottiiccee ooff tthhee wwaarrnniinnggnnootteess oonn tthhee nneexxtt ppaaggee..

e.g. 119955 // 6655 RR 1155 9911 TT

119955 = Tyre width in mm6655 = Height/width ratio in %RR = Radial construction code

letter = RRadial1155 = Wheel diameter in inches9911 = Carrying capability codeTT = Speed code letter

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3.64 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– IF AND WHEN

• WWhheeeellss aanndd wwhheeeell bboollttss aarreemmaattcchheedd ttoo eeaacchh ootthheerr..TThheerreeffoorree,, wwhheenneevveerr wwhheeeellss aarreecchhaannggeedd ttoo aa ddiiffffeerreenntt vveerrssiioonn(( aallllooyy wwhheeeellss oorr wwhheeeellss wwiitthhwwiinntteerr ttyyrreess)),, tthhee ccoorrrreessppoonnddiinnggwwhheeeell bboollttss wwiitthh tthhee ccoorrrreessppoonndd--iinngg lleennggtthh aanndd ttaappeerr,, mmuusstt aallssoo bbeeuusseedd.. TThhee sseeccuurriittyy ooff tthhee wwhheeeellssaanndd tthhee ffuunnccttiioonniinngg ooff tthhee bbrraakkeessyysstteemm ddeeppeenndd oonn tthhiiss!!

• IIff wwhheeeell ttrriimm ddiissccss aarree ssuubbssee--qquueennttllyy iinnssttaalllleedd iitt iiss eesssseennttiiaall ttooeennssuurree tthhaatt tthhee aaiirr ffllooww rreemmaaiinnssaaddeeqquuaattee ttoo ccooooll tthhee bbrraakkeess..

Technical Service Centres have all thenecessary information about the possibleconversion of wheels, tyres and wheeltrims.

WWhheeeell bboollttssTThhee wwhheeeell bboollttss mmuusstt bbee cclleeaann aannddeeaassyy ttoo ttuurrnn –– ddoo nnoott ggrreeaassee oorr ooiilluunnddeerr aannyy cciirrccuummssttaanncceess!!TThhiiss aapppplliieess nnoott oonnllyy ttoo cchhaannggiinngg aaddeeffeeccttiivvee wwhheeeell bbuutt aallssoo wwhheenn rree--ppllaacciinngg ssuummmmeerr ttyyrreess wwiitthh wwiinntteerrttyyrreess aanndd vviiccee--vveerrssaa..

CChhaannggiinngg tthhee wwhheeeellss rroouunnddIf the front tyres are worn more than therear it is advisable to change the wheelsround as shown. All tyres will then haveapproximately the same length of servicelife.With certain types of tread wear it can bean advantage to change the wheels diag-onally.

WWiinntteerr ttyyrreess

WWaarrnniinnggIInn wwiinntteerr ccoonnddiittiioonnss,, wwiinntteerr ttyyrreesswwiillll ssiiggnniiffiiccaannttllyy iimmpprroovvee hhaannddlliinnggooff tthhee vveehhiiccllee.. TThhiiss aallssoo aapppplliieess ttoovveerrssiioonnss wwiitthh ffoouurr-- wwhheeeell ddrriivvee**..BBeeccaauussee ooff tthheeiirr mmaakkee uupp ((wwiiddtthh,,rruubbbbeerr mmiixxttuurree,, ttrreeaadd ffoorrmmaattiioonneettcc..)),, ssuummmmeerr ttyyrreess pprroovviiddee lleessssttrraaccttiioonn oonn iiccee aanndd ssnnooww..


Page 209: Seat Leon 1M Manual


IF AND WHEN ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3.65

When fitting winter tyres note the follow-ing:

• For better driving performance, fit win-ter tyres on all four wheels.

• Winter tyres are no longer fully effectivewhen the tread has worn down to a depthof 4 mm.The following speed limits are valid forwinter tyres:Code letter Q max. 160 km/hCode letter T max. 190 km/hCode letter H max. 210 km/h

WWaarrnniinnggTThhee hhiigghheesstt ppeerrmmiissssiibbllee ssppeeeedd ffoorryyoouurr wwiinntteerr ttyyrreess mmuusstt nnoott bbeeeexxcceeeeddeedd.. TThhiiss ccoouulldd ddaammaaggee tthheewwhheeeell aanndd lleeaadd ttoo aa sseerriioouuss aaccccii--ddeenntt..

FFoorr tthhiiss rreeaassoonn,, iinn ssoommee ccoouunnttrriieess,,vveehhiicclleess wwhhiicchh ccaann eexxcceeeedd tthhiiss ssppeeeeddmmuusstt hhaavvee aann aapppprroopprriiaattee ssttiicckkeerr iinntthhee ddrriivveerr’’ss ffiieelldd ooff vviieeww.. TThheessee aarreeaavvaaiillaabbllee ffrroomm TTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviicceeCCeennttrreess..Please note regulations to this effect inyour country.

• All-weather tyres can also be usedinstead of winter tyres.

• If you have a flat tyre the remarks onusing the spare wheel on page 3.59should be noted.

• Do not leave winter tyres fitted for anunnecessary long period because whenthe roads are free of snow and ice thehandling with summer tyres is better.

❀FFoorr eennvviirroonnmmeennttaall rreeaassoonnss ssuumm--mmeerr ttyyrreess sshhoouulldd bbee ffiitttteedd aaggaaiinn

aass ssoooonn aass ppoossssiibbllee bbeeccaauussee nnoorr--mmaallllyy tthheeyy aarree qquuiieetteerr iinn rruunnnniinngg,, ttyyrreewweeaarr iiss rreedduucceedd aanndd tthhee ffuueell ccoonn--ssuummppttiioonn iiss lloowweerr..

SSnnooww cchhaaiinnssSnow chains may only be fitted on thefront wheels. This also applies to vehicleswith four-wheel drive*.The use of snow chains on the tyres195/65 R 15 or 175/80 R 14 is allowed.OOnnllyy uussee tthhiinn cchhaaiinnss wwhhiicchh ddoo nnoottssttaanndd cclleeaarr mmoorree tthhaann 1155 mmmm ((iinncclluudd--iinngg tteennssiioonneerr))..When using snow chains wheel trimplates and trim rings must be taken off. Inthis case, the wheel bolts must then befitted with caps to protect them.When driving over roads which are free ofsnow you must remove the chains. Onsuch roads they are detrimental to vehiclehandling, damage the tyres and wear outquickly.In some countries the maximum permissi-ble speed with snow chains is 50 km/h.

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CChhaannggiinngg wwhheeeellss


3.66 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– IF AND WHEN


• IInn ccaassee ooff aa ffllaatt ttyyrree oorr ppuunnccttuurree,,ppaarrkk tthhee vveehhiiccllee aass ffaarr aass ppoossssiibblleeaawwaayy ffrroomm tthhee ttrraaffffiicc ffllooww.. IIff nneecc--eessssaarryy,, sswwiittcchh hhaazzaarrdd wwaarrnniinngglliigghhttss oonn aanndd ppllaaccee tthhee wwaarrnniinnggttrriiaannggllee iinn ppoossiittiioonn –– nnoottee aannyyssttaattuuttoorryy rreeqquuiirreemmeennttss..

• AAllll vveehhiiccllee ooccccuuppaannttss sshhoouulldd lleeaavveetthhee vveehhiiccllee aanndd mmoovvee ttoo aa ssaaffeeaarreeaa (( bbeehhiinndd ssaaffeettyy bbaarrrriieerr))..

• AAppppllyy hhaannddbbrraakkee ffiirrmmllyy,, eennggaaggee aaggeeaarr oorr ppllaaccee tthhee ggeeaarr sseelleeccttoorr iinnppoossiittiioonn ““PP”” aanndd cchhoocckk tthhee ooppppoossiitteewwhheeeell wwiitthh aa ssttoonnee oorr ssiimmiillaarr..

• WWhheenn ttoowwiinngg aa ttrraaiilleerr,, tthhee ttrraaiilleerrmmuusstt ffiirrsstt bbee ddiisseennggaaggeedd ffrroomm tthheettoowwiinngg vveehhiiccllee bbeeffoorree tthhee wwhheeeell iisscchhaannggeedd..

• CCaarrrryy oouutt wwhheeeell cchhaannggee oonn aass ffllaatt aassuurrffaaccee aass ppoossssiibbllee..

• Take tools and spare wheel out of lug-gage compartment.WWhheenn uussiinngg tthhee rreedduucceedd ssppaaccee ssppaarreewwhheeeell** ((iinn ffoouurr--wwhheeeell ddrriivvee vveehhiicclleess)),,pplleeaassee oobbsseerrvvee tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg ppooiinnttss::

• As the emergency spare is smaller thana normal wheel, the free height of the axleover the spare is lowered by about 30mm. Try not to use roads with bumps orpot holes to avoid damaging the under-body. Nor should you use an automaticcare wash as the underbody may touchthe floor.

• The emergency wheels of the differentversions of the vehicle have been spe-cially developed for their respective mod-els. So they should not be exchanged orused in a different model. Nor should youuse the emergency wheel from anothermodel of car.

• Neither normal tyres nor winter tyresshould be fitted onto this wheel.


• TThhee eemmeerrggeennccyy ssppaarree** sshhoouullddoonnllyy bbee uusseedd tteemmppoorraarriillyy aanndd ffoorr aasshhoorrtt ttiimmee,, aanndd iitt mmuusstt bbee rree--ppllaacceedd aass ssoooonn aass ppoossssiibbllee..

• AAfftteerr ffiittttiinngg tthhee eemmeerrggeennccyyssppaarree,, cchheecckk iittss pprreessssuurree,, wwhhiicchhsshhoouulldd bbee 44..22 bbaarr,, aass ssoooonn aass ppooss--ssiibbllee..

• YYoouu sshhoouulldd nnoott ddrriivvee aabboovvee 8800kkmm//hh.. AAvvooiidd bbrruussqquuee aacccceelleerraa--ttiioonnss,, bbrraakkiinngg,, aanndd ssppeeeeddiinnggaarroouunndd bbeennddss..

• YYoouu mmuusstt nneevveerr ddrriivvee wwiitthh mmoorreetthhaann oonnee eemmeerrggeennccyy ssppaarree wwhheeeell..FFoorr tteecchhnniiccaall rreeaassoonnss,, ssnnoowwcchhaaiinnss mmaayy nnoott bbee uusseedd oonn ssppaarreewwhheeeellss..IIff yyoouu hhaavvee ttoo ddrriivvee wwiitthh ssnnoowwcchhaaiinnss aanndd oonnee ooff tthhee ffrroonntt ttyyrreess iissppuunnccttuurreedd,, ppuutt tthhee ssppaarree wwhheeeell oonntthhee rreeaarr aaxxllee.. RReeppllaaccee tthhee ppuunncc--ttuurreedd ffrroonntt wwhheeeell wwiitthh tthhee rreeaarrwwhheeeell yyoouu hhaavvee rreemmoovveedd.. PPuutt tthheessnnooww cchhaaiinnss oonn bbeeffoorree ffiittttiinngg tthheewwhheeeell..

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IF AND WHEN ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3.67

– Remove cceennttrree ccoovveerr with the wheelspanner and the wire hook*. Put thewire hook in one of the recesses of thewheel trim. Pass wheel spanner throughhook and lever trim off – see illustra-tion.

• Push the wheel spanner as far as possi-ble onto the wheel bolt as shown and turnthe spanner anti-clockwise. When doingthis, grip the spanner as far as possibletowards the lever end.If the bolts cannot be loosened, one canin an emergency, carefully push the span-ner down with a foot on the end of thelever. One should ensure that one has afirm stance and a good grip on the vehi-cle.Loosen wheel bolts about one turn.


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3.68 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– IF AND WHEN

• Depressions under vehicle for jack:

WWaarrnniinnggIIff tthhee jjaacckk iiss nnoott ffiitttteedd aatt tthheeppooiinnttss mmaarrkkeedd oorr ddeessccrriibbeedd,, ddaamm--aaggee ccoouulldd bbee ccaauusseedd ttoo tthhee vveehhii--ccllee.. TThheerree iiss aallssoo aa rriisskk ooff iinnjjuurryy!!

– Depressions in the side member at frontand rear indicate the points at which thejack must be fitted – see arrows in illus-tration.

– These marks are about 15 cm and 25 cmfrom the front and rear wheel arch,respectively.

• Place jack under vehicle:The illustration shows the jack fitted onthe rear left hand side.

WWaarrnniinnggIIff tthhee ggrroouunndd uunnddeerr tthhee jjaacckk iiss ttoooossoofftt,, tthhee vveehhiiccllee ccoouulldd sslliipp ooffff tthheejjaacckk..EEnnssuurree,, tthheerreeffoorree,, tthhaatt tthhee jjaacckk iissoonn aa ssoolliidd ssuurrffaaccee.. IIff nneecceessssaarryy,,uussee aa llaarrggee,, ssttaabbllee uunnddeerrllaayy ttooppllaaccee uunnddeerr tthhee jjaacckk..IIff tthhee ggrroouunndd uunnddeerr tthhee jjaacckk iiss sslliipp--ppeerryy,, ppllaaccee aa nnoonn--sslliipp rruubbbbeerr mmaattuunnddeerrnneeaatthh..

TO8-043 B45-084C

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IF AND WHEN ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3.69

• In vehicles fitted with a plastic cover*,remove the cover to access the attach-ment points of the vehicle. For this pro-ceed as follows:Pull on the cover and remove from itshousing in the direction of the arrow.

Once the cover is removed it will remainsuspended by a rubber band to avoid itsloss as shown in the illustration.


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3.70 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– IF AND WHEN


– Wind jack arm up by turning the crank inthe spindle until the jack just goesunder the vehicle.

– The claw of the jack must fit round thevertical rib on the side member so thatthe jack cannot slip when vehicle islifted – see illustration on the page3.68.

– Align jack and at same time wind clawup further until it contacts the verticalrib on side member.

• Lift vehicle until the wheel is just clearof the ground.

• Remove wheel bolts (aafftteerr lloooosseenniinngg),using box spanner in screwdriver handle(see illustration), place them on a cleansurface (hub cap, cloth, paper) next to thejack and remove wheel.

• Fit spare wheel, and slightly tighten allbolts using the box spanner in the screw-driver handle.TThhee wwhheeeell bboollttss mmuusstt bbee cclleeaann aannddeeaassyy ttoo ttuurrnn –– ddoo nnoott ggrreeaassee oorr ooiilluunnddeerr aannyy cciirrccuummssttaanncceess!!

• Lower vehicle and fully tighten bolts indiagonal sequence using wheel spanner.

• Fit the wheel trim again.When fitting the wheel trim, you must firstpress on the trim at the valve cut-out andthen press on around the full circumfer-ence.

• Place defective wheel in spare wheelbracket and secure using handwheel.

• Feed the securing strap through theholes and use it to secure the polystyreneretainer for the vehicle tools.


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IF AND WHEN ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3.71


• The box spanner in the screwdriver han-dle makes handling the wheel bolts eas-ier. The blade should be removed whendoing this.NNeevveerr uussee tthhee bbooxx ssppaannnneerr iinn tthhee hhaann--ddllee ooff tthhee ssccrreewwddrriivveerr ttoo lloooosseenn oorrttiigghhtteenn wwhheeeell bboollttss..

• TThhee ffoolllloowwiinngg ppooiinnttss sshhoouulldd bbeennootteedd aafftteerr cchhaannggiinngg aa wwhheeeell::–– CChheecckk tthhee iinnffllaattiioonn pprreessssuurree ooff tthhee

rreeppllaacceemmeenntt wwhheeeell aass ssoooonn aass ppooss--ssiibbllee..

–– HHaavvee tthhee ttiigghhtteenniinngg ttoorrqquuee ooff tthheewwhheeeell bboollttss cchheecckkeedd wwiitthh aa ttoorrqquueewwrreenncchh aass qquuiicckkllyy aass ppoossssiibbllee.. TThheettoorrqquuee ffoorr sstteeeell aanndd aallllooyy wwhheeeellssaanndd ffoorr tthhee ssppaarree wwhheeeell iiss 112200 NNmm..

IIff tthhee wwhheeeell bboollttss aarree sseeeenn ttoo bbee ccoorr--rrooddeedd oorr ttoooo ttiigghhtt wwhheenn cchhaannggiinngg tthheewwhheeeell,, tthheeyy mmuusstt bbee rreeppllaacceedd bbeeffoorreecchheecckkiinngg tthhee ttoorrqquuee..UUnnttiill tthhiiss hhaass bbeeeenn ddoonnee,, yyoouu sshhoouullddoonnllyy ddrriivvee aatt llooww ssppeeeeddss..

• The defective wheel should be repairedas soon as possible.

WWaarrnniinnggIIff tthhee vveehhiiccllee iiss ttoo bbee ssuubbsseeqquueennttllyyffiitttteedd wwiitthh wwhheeeellss oorr ttiirreess ddiiffffeerriinnggffrroomm tthhoossee ffiitttteedd bbyy tthhee ffaaccttoorryy,, iittiiss eesssseennttiiaall ttoo aallwwaayyss nnoottee tthhee ccoorr--rreessppoonnddiinngg iinnddiiccaattiioonnss iinn tthhee""AAcccceessssoorriieess,, mmooddiiffiiccaattiioonnss aannddrreeppllaacceemmeenntt ooff ppaarrttss"" cchhaapptteerr..

NNootteess ffoorr ttyyrreess wwhheerree tthhee ddiirreeccttiioonnooff rroottaattiioonn iiss ssttiippuullaatteeddIt is imperative that the designated direc-tion of rotation for the tyre treads (whichcan be determined from the arrow on theside of the tyre) be kept to. The best tyreperformance i.e. in aquaplaning, roadadhesion, noise and wear are then guar-anteed.If a spare wheel has to be fitted againstthe stipulated direction of rotation, thismeasure should only be a temporary one.The best possible tyre performance con-cerning aquaplaning, noise level andwear are no longer fully guaranteed. We recommend that you take this intoaccount, especially in wet weather, andadjust your speed to the driving condi-tions.In order to use the principle of the direc-tion of rotation fully again, the faulty tyremust be replaced as soon as possible.If necessary, mount the tyre fitted againstthe direction of rotation in the stipulateddirection.

Page 216: Seat Leon 1M Manual

AAnnttii--tthheefftt** wwhheeeell bboollttss11 – Anti-theft wheel bolt22 – Adapter for the wheel bolts(The adapter is stored with the on boardtools.)

LLoooosseenn oorr ttiigghhtteenn wwhheeeell bboollttss

• First, place adapter 22 as far as possibleonto the anti-theft wheel 11 bolt.

• Place the wheel spanner (from the onboard tools) as far as possible overadapter 22 and loosen or tighten the wheelbolt.

• After the wheel has been changed theadapter needs to be removed from thewheel bolt.We recommend that you carry the adapterfor the wheel bolts in the vehicle and stowit at a location well known to the owner,preferably with the on board tools.

CCooddeeThe code for the wheel bolt is engraved inthe front of the adapter.MMaakkee aa nnoottee ooff tthhee ccooddee aanndd kkeeeepp iittiinn aa ssaaffee ppllaaccee.. OOnnllyy wwiitthh tthhiiss ccooddeeccaann aa rreeppllaacceemmeenntt aaddaapptteerr bbee oobbttaaiinneeddaatt aa SSEEAATT OOffffiicciiaall SSeerrvviiccee CCeenntteerr..

3.72 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– IF AND WHEN


1 2


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IF AND WHEN ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3.73


The individual current circuits are pro-tected by fuses.It is advisable to always carry a few sparefuses on the vehicle.


WWaarrnniinnggNNeevveerr,, uunnddeerr aannyy cciirrccuummssttaanncceess““rreeppaaiirr”” tthhee ffuusseess oorr rreeppllaaccee tthheemmwwiitthh mmoorree ppoowweerrffuull oonneess,, aass ddaamm--aaggee iinn aannootthheerr ppaarrtt ooff tthhee eelleeccttrrii--ccaall ssyysstteemm ccoouulldd ooccccuurr.. TThhiiss ccoouullddeevveenn lleeaadd ttoo aa ffiirree..

• If the newly inserted fuse blows againafter a short time, the electrical systemmust be checked by a Technical ServiceCentre as soon as possible.

• Some of the components listed are onlyfound on certain models or are optionalextras.

CChhaannggiinngg aa ffuusseeThe fuses are located on the left handside of the dash panel behind a cover.On right-hand drive versions, the fusesare on the right hand side of the dashpanel behind a cover.

• Switch off the ignition and the compo-nent concerned.

• Take the cover off.To do this, place the flat blade of thescrewdriver in the recess on the cover(arrow) and lever off.

• With the aid of the list of fuses (see nextpages or the cover of the fuse box) deter-mine which fuse belongs to the compo-nent that has failed.

• Remove the appropriate fuse.

• Replace blown fuse – can be recog-nised by the burnt metal strip – with afuse of ssaammee amperage.

• Replace the cover.



Page 218: Seat Leon 1M Manual

LLaayyoouutt ooff ffuusseessNNoo.. CCoommppoonneenntt AA11))

1– Heated washer jets, heated mirrors......................... 10

2– Indicators ............................... 103– Lights ..................................... 54– Number plate lighting ............. 55– Comfort on and off .................. 7.56– Central locking ........................ 57– Reverse lights ......................... 108– Telephone............................... 59– ABS ........................................ 5

10– Petrol engine control unit ........ 1011– Instrument panel..................... 512– Supply current, diagnosis,

telephone ............................... 7.513– Brake lights ............................ 1014– Interior lighting, central locking/

electric windows...................... 10Interior light ............................ 5

15– Instrument panel, automatic gear box.................. 5

16– Magnetic clutch, electricwater pump ............................. 10

17– Free ........................................ 7.518– Main beam, right ..................... 1019– Main beam, left ....................... 1020– Dipped beam, right ................. 1021– Dipped beam, left.................... 1022– Side light, right ....................... 5

1) Amperes.

NNoo.. CCoommppoonneenntt AA11))

23– Side light, left ......................... 524– Windscreen washer system,

pump ...................................... 2025– Heating, air conditioning ......... 2526– Heated rear window................. 2027– Rear window wiper .................. 1028– Fuel pump ............................... 1529– Engine control, petrol engine ... 1030– Sliding roof ............................. 2031– Automatic gear box.................. 2032– Injectors: petrol ....................... 10

Engine control, diesel .............. 1533– Headlight washers................... 2034– Engine control, diesel engine... 10

Engine control, petrol engine ... 1035– Trailer device connection layout... 3036– Fog lights, rear fog light .......... 537– Contact ................................... 1038– Boot light, Central locking/

electric windows...................... 1039– Hazard warning lights.............. 1540– Horn........................................ 2041– Lighter .................................... 1542– Radio ...................................... 1543– Engine control, petrol engine ... 10

Engine control, diesel engine .. 1044– Heated seat ............................ 15

3.74 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– IF AND WHEN


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IF AND WHEN ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3.75


FFuussee bbooxx iinn tthhee eennggiinnee ccoommppaarrttmmeenntt oonn tthhee bbaatttteerryyFFuusseess AA11))

Radiator fan, 1st level ........................30ABS engine relay................................30ABS main relay ..................................30

MMeettaall ffuusseess22))

Alternator ........................................150On board network ............................110Radiator fan, 2nd level .......................40Engine distribution system.................50Glow plugs ........................................50

1) Amperes.2) These fuses should only be changed at a

Technical Service Centre.

FFuussee ccoolloouurr ccooddee::Beige: 5 AmpBrown: 7.5 AmpRed: 10 AmpBlue: 15 AmpYellow: 20 AmpWhite 25 AmpGreen: 30 Amp

AAuuttoommaattiicc ffuusseeAll electric windows are protected as asingle set via an automatic fuse whichbreaks the circuit when overloaded ( frozen) and completes the circuitagain after a few seconds.


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Before starting to replace a bulb, youmust first always switch off the consumerconcerned.Do not touch the glass part of the newbulb with bare fingers because the fingermarks left on the glass evaporate whenthe bulb becomes hot, the vapour settleson the reflector and dims it.Always use the same type of bulb. Thedesignation is marked on the base of thebulb or on the glass.It is advisable to always a carry a box ofspare bulbs in the vehicle. It should con-tain at least the following bulbs which areessential for traffic safety.

RReeaarr lliigghhtt bbuullbbssFog light ..................................12V/21WIndicator ..................................12V/21WRear low beam/Brake light .................12V/5 W 12V/21WNumber plate light .....................12V/5WReverse light ............................12V/21W

MMaaiinn bbeeaamm bbuullbb wwiitthhoouutt ffoogg lliigghhttDipped beam ....................12V/55W (H7)Main beam .......................12V/55W (H1)Indicator ..................................12V/21WSide light ...................................12V/5W

MMaaiinn bbeeaamm bbuullbb wwiitthh ffoogg lliigghhttDipped beam ....................12V/55W (H7)Fog light ...........................12V/55W (H3)Main beam .......................12V/55W (H1)Indicator ..................................12V/21WSide light ...................................12V/5W

WWaarrnniinnggHH77 bbuullbbss aarree pprreessssuurreedd aanndd ccaanneexxppllooddee wwhhiillee bbeeiinngg cchhaannggeedd..FFoorr tthhiiss rreeaassoonn yyoouu sshhoouulldd aallwwaayysswweeaarr gglloovveess aanndd pprrootteeccttiivvee ggllaasssseesswwhheenn cchhaannggiinngg aann HH77 bbuullbb..

NNootteeAs a result of the special construction ofthe engine and the subsequent spacerequirements, the following bulbs are dif-ficult to replace.

MMaaiinn bbeeaamm

SSiiddee lliigghhtt

FFoogg lliigghhtt**

FFrroonntt iinnddiiccaattoorrssFor this reason these bulbs should alwaysbe changed at a Technical Service Centre.Notwithstanding, here follow instructionson how to change them, except for the foglights*.

3.76 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– IF AND WHEN


CChhaannggiinngg bbuullbbss

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IF AND WHEN ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3.77


WWaarrnniinnggWWhheenn ddooiinngg wwoorrkk iinn tthhee eennggiinneeccoommppaarrttmmeenntt yyoouu mmuusstt ttaakkee ggrreeaattccaarree –– ddaannggeerr ooff iinnjjuurryy!!FFoorr yyoouurr oowwnn ssaaffeettyy nnoottee tthhee rreellee--vvaanntt wwaarrnniinnggss iinn tthhee ""EEnnggiinnee bboonn--nneett"" aanndd ""EEnnggiinnee ccoommppaarrttmmeenntt""cchhaapptteerrss//sseeccttiioonnss..

On some models, before changing themain beam and front indicator bulbs, bearin mind the following:Remove the air aspiration tube and,depending on the engine, disconnect thebattery1).

1) Note safety warnings in the "Battery" chapter.

MMaaiinn bbeeaamm bbuullbbssThe illustration shows the left headlightfrom the rear.AA – Dipped beam bulbBB – Main beam bulbCC – Side light bulbDD – Indicator bulb





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AA –– DDiippppeedd bbeeaamm bbuullbb

• Open bonnet.

• Remove cover, loosening screws 11.

• Unhook spring clips 22 in direction ofarrow and fold away.

• Pull out the plug of the bulb cable.

• Release the retaining spring and pull itaway.

• Take bulb out and insert new bulb sothat the locating lug on the bulb plateengages the recess in the reflector.

• Fold spring clip over the bulb plate untilthe clip engages.

• Connect plug.

• Place cover into guide.

• Have the headlight beam alignmentchecked.

BB –– MMaaiinn bbeeaamm bbuullbb

• Open bonnet.

• Remove cover loosening screws 11.

• Unhook spring clips 22 in direction ofarrow and fold away.

• Pull out the plug of the bulb cable.

• Release the retaining spring and pull itaway.

• Take bulb out and insert new bulb sothat the locating lug on the bulb plateengages the recess in the reflector.

• Fold spring clip over the bulb plate untilthe clip engages.

• Connect plug.

• Place cover into guide.

• Have the headlight beam alignmentchecked.

3.78 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– IF AND WHEN




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IF AND WHEN ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3.79


CC –– SSiiddee lliigghhtt bbuullbbss

• Open the bonnet.

• Remove the cover, loosening screws 11.

• Unhook spring clips 22 in direction ofarrow and fold away.

• Remove bulb holder from the reflector.

• Take bulb out.

• Fit the new bulb.

• Insert bulb carrier into reflector.

• Replace plastic cover.

DD –– IInnddiiccaattoorr bbuullbb

• Open the bonnet.

• Remove the cover, loosening screws 11.

• Unhook spring clips 22 in direction ofarrow and fold away.

• Disconnect the connector, pressing thespring tab.

• Turn holder to right and remove it fromits housing.

• Turn the bulb to the left and replace it.

• To re-assemble do the same steps inthe reverse order.

• Plug in the connector

• Replace the plastic cover.





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SSiiddee iinnddiiccaattoorrss

• Press the indicator to the left or to theright and remove the bulb.

• Pull out bulb holder.

• Pull out the defective glass bulb andinsert new one.

• Slide bulb holder into the indicatorguides until the holder engages.

• First place the indicator with retaininglugs (arrow 11) in body opening and thenengage the light in the direction of thearrow (arrow 22).

3.80 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– IF AND WHEN


1 2B11-080D

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IF AND WHEN ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3.81


RReeaarr lliigghhttssTTaaiillggaattee lliigghhttssFFoogg lliigghhttRReevveerrssee lliigghhtt

• Open tailgate.

• Remove plastic cover AA.

• Press spring retainers in the direction ofthe arrows.

• Remove the bulb holder.

• Push on the bulb and turn it to the left.

• Remove the bulb and replace it.

• Replace the lamp holder.

• Replace the plastic cover AA.

BBooddyy wwoorrkk lliigghhttssRReeaarr lliigghhttBBrraakkee lliigghhttIInnddiiccaattoorr lliigghhtt

• Open tailgate.

• Remove plastic cover BB.

• Remove the bulb holder, pressing theside retainers.

• Push on the bulb and turn it to the left.

• Remove the bulb and replace it.

• Replace the lamp holder.

• Replace the plastic cover BB.




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3.82 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– IF AND WHEN


NNuummbbeerr ppllaattee lliigghhtt

• To remove the number plate light leveroff the side spring retainers with greatcare to avoid possible breakage.

• Pull defective bulb out of holder andinsert the new bulb.

• Insert lens in the tailgate opening,ensure that the rubber seal and the lightare correctly positioned (see adjacentlight).

IInntteerriioorr lliigghhtt

• Remove the lens. To do this insert a finescrewdriver into the gap between thehousing and lens (arrow) and lever thelens off carefully, to avoid damage.

• Pull out the defective bulb and insert anew one.

• First attach lens to switch trim with bothretaining lugs. Then push up at front untilboth locking plugs engage.


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IF AND WHEN ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3.83


RReeaarr iinntteerriioorr lliigghhtt**

• Remove complete bulb holder. To dothis, insert the flat blade of the screw-driver between the light and the roof trim(arrow) and carefully lever the bulb holderout.

• Move plastic cover in the direction ofthe arrow and remove.

• Pull out defective bulb and insert newone.

• Slide bulb cover to the side until itengages.

• First insert light carrier from the con-nector side and then press into the open-ing of the roof trim.


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3.84 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– IF AND WHEN


AAddddiittiioonnaall bbrraakkee lliigghhtt**Because of the difficulty of the operation,this bulb should only be changed by aTechnical Service Centre.

GGlloovvee ccoommppaarrttmmeenntt lliigghhtt

• Insert the screwdriver at the topbetween the light and the glove compart-ment and carefully lever the light out.Then take the light out at an angle.

• Change the bulb.

• Insert the light with the switch side atthe bottom first and then at the top until itengages. LLuuggggaaggee ccoommppaarrttmmeenntt lliigghhtt

The luggage compartment light is locatedon the left side.

• Lever out the luggage compartmentlight with the flat end of a screwdriver, inthe slot as indicated by the arrow in theillustration.

• Change the bulb.

• Refit the light from the switch side.Press upwards until it engages.


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IF AND WHEN ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3.85


If a radio is installed or if the factory-pro-vided radio is replaced, including speak-ers, the following must be noted:

• Connectors* fitted in the vehicle are forOriginal SEAT Radios1).

• Radios with different connectors mustbe connected with adaptor cables.

WWaarrnniinnggNNeevveerr ccuutt aa ccaabbllee aanndd nneevveerr lleeaavveeiitt wwiitthhoouutt iinnssuullaattiioonn.. IIff nneecceessssaarryyuussee aann aaddaappttoorr..OOtthheerrwwiissee tthhee ccaabblleess ccoouulldd bbeeoovveerrllooaaddeedd aanndd ccaauussee aa sshhoorrtt cciirr--ccuuiitt –– ddaannggeerr ooff ffiirree..

FFuurrtthheerrmmoorree,, iimmppoorrttaanntt eelleeccttrroonniiccccoommppoonneennttss ccoouulldd ddeetteerriioorraattee oorr bbeeddaammaaggeedd.. IInn ccaassee ooff aa ddiissttuurrbbaannccee iinntthhee ssppeeeedd ssiiggnnaall,, ffoorr eexxaammppllee,, iittccoouulldd ccaauussee ffaaiilluurree iinn tthhee eennggiinnee ccoonn--ttrrooll,, aauuttoommaattiicc ggeeaarrbbooxx,, AABBSS,, eettcc..EEvveenn iiff tthhee ssppeeeedd ssiiggnnaall iiss ccoonnnneecctteeddttoo aa rraaddiioo ffiitttteedd wwiitthh aann aauuttoommaattiiccvvoolluummee aaddjjuussttmmeenntt bbyy aa ddiiffffeerreennttmmaannuuffaaccttuurreerr,, aa ffaaiilluurree ooff tthhee pprreevvii--oouussllyy mmeennttiioonneedd kkiinndd ccoouulldd ooccccuurr..To access the original speakers you mustremove the entire door panel. Since thisoperation requires special tools andexpertise, we recommend that this beundertaken by a Technical Service Centre.

• The radio and loudspeakers shouldtherefore be fitted by a Technical ServiceCentre, who are perfectly conversant withall the technical specificities of the vehi-cles, and have Original Radios1) and allthe necessary spares from the SEATOriginal Parts Program1). Moreover, allwork is carried out according to factorystandards.

• The radios from the SEAT OriginalAccessories program1) correspond to fac-tory models and guarantee a trouble-freeinstallation. These radios are fitted withadvanced technology and are easy-to-use.

• It is also advisable to use speakers,assembly kits, antennas and anti-parasitekits from the Original Accessories pro-gram1). These parts have been created foreach type of vehicle.

RRooooff aanntteennnnaa**The vehicle may be fitted with an extend-able anti-theft roof antenna* which canbe folded backwards, i.e. at a car wash.

TToo ffoollddUnscrew rod, bend backwards to the hori-zontal position and screw in.

TToo uusseeProceed in reverse.

1) Not for all countries.

IInnssttaalllliinngg aa rraaddiioo

Page 230: Seat Leon 1M Manual

The installation of mobile telephonesshould be carried out by a TechnicalService Centre.SEAT has authorised the use of mobiletelephones and two-way radios for yourvehicle with correctly installed externalaerial and maximum broadcast power of10 Watts.

NNootteessWWhheenn uussiinngg mmoobbiillee tteelleepphhoonneess oorr ttwwoo--wwaayy,, ffaauullttss iinn tthhee vveehhiiccllee eelleeccttrriiccssccoouulldd ooccccuurr uunnddeerr tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg ccoonn--ddiittiioonnss::–– nnoo eexxtteerrnnaall aaeerriiaall–– eexxtteerrnnaall aaeerriiaall iinnccoorrrreeccttllyy iinnssttaalllleedd–– bbrrooaaddccaasstt ppoowweerr hhiigghheerr tthhaann 1100

WWaattttss..MMoobbiillee tteelleepphhoonneess oorr ttwwoo--wwaayy rraaddiioossmmuusstt nnoott,, tthheerreeffoorree,, bbee ooppeerraatteeddiinnssiiddee tthhee vveehhiiccllee wwiitthhoouutt aa sseeppaarraatteeeexxtteerrnnaall aaeerriiaall oorr wwiitthh aann aaeerriiaall wwhhiicchhhhaass bbeeeenn iinnccoorrrreeccttllyy iinnssttaalllleedd..

WWaarrnniinnggMMoobbiillee tteelleepphhoonneess aanndd ttwwoo--wwaayyrraaddiiooss ooppeerraatteedd iinnssiiddee tthhee vveehhiicclleewwiitthhoouutt aa sseeppaarraattee eexxtteerrnnaall aaeerriiaalloorr wwiitthh aann iinnccoorrrreeccttllyy iinnssttaalllleeddeexxtteerrnnaall aaeerriiaall ccaann bbee hhaarrmmffuull ttoohheeaalltthh dduuee ttoo tthhee eexxttrreemmeellyy hhiigghheelleeccttrroommaaggnneettiicc ffiieellddss ggeenneerraatteedd..

Furthermore, optimal range is onlyachieved with an external aerial.

NNootteePPlleeaassee ttaakkee iinnttoo aaccccoouunntt tthhee iinnffoorrmmaa--ttiioonn iinn tthhee iinnssttrruuccttiioonn mmaannuuaallss pprroo--vviiddeedd aalloonngg wwiitthh mmoobbiillee tteelleepphhoonneessaanndd rraaddiiootteelleepphhoonneess!!If you want to use a mobile telephone ortwo-way radio with a broadcast power ofhigher than 10 Watt, please ask aTechnical Service Centre. They are awareof the technical possibilities for retro-fit-ting mobile telephones and two-wayradios.

WWaarrnniinnggPPlleeaassee ccoonncceennttrraattee oonn yyoouurr ddrriivviinnggffiirrsstt ooff aallll.. NNeevveerr iinnssttaallll tteelleepphhoonneerreettaaiinneerrss oonn tthhee AAiirr BBaagg ccoovveerr oorrwwiitthhiinn iittss rraannggee ooff eeffffeeccttiivveenneessss..TThhiiss wwoouulldd iinnccrreeaassee tthhee rriisskk ooffiinnjjuurryy sshhoouulldd tthhee AAiirr BBaagg bbee aaccttii--vvaatteedd dduurriinngg aann aacccciiddeenntt..

3.86 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– IF AND WHEN


MMoobbiillee tteelleepphhoonneess aanndd rraaddiioo tteelleepphhoonneess

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IF AND WHEN ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3.87


If the engine will not start because thebattery is flat, jjuummpp lleeaaddss can be con-nected to the battery of another vehicle tostart the engine. The following pointsshould be noted:

• Both batteries must be of the 12 Voltvariety and the capacity (Ah) of thebooster battery must be approximatelythe same as that of the flat battery.

• The jumper cables must be heavyenough to carry the load. Note cable man-ufacturer’s data.

• Only use jumper cables with insulatedclips.

WWaarrnniinnggAA ffllaatt bbaatttteerryy ccaann ffrreeeezzee aatt tteemmppeerr--aattuurreess ooff lleessss tthhaann 00°°CC.. AA ffllaatt bbaatt--tteerryy mmuusstt ffiirrsstt bbee tthhaawweedd oouuttbbeeffoorree aattttaacchhiinngg tthhee jjuummpp lleeaaddss,,aass iitt ccoouulldd ootthheerrwwiissee eexxppllooddee..

• There must be no contact between thevehicles, otherwise current can flow assoon as the plus terminals are connected.

• The flat battery must be properly con-nected to the electrical system.

• The engine of the boosting vehicle mustbe running.

• Ensure that the insulated clips haveenough contact to metal. This is particu-larly applicable to clips which areattached to the engine block.

CCoolloorrss ooff jjuummppeerr ccaabblleess::Positive cable: generally red.Negative cable: generally black, brown orblue.PPlleeaassee nnoottee iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss oonn tthhee ffooll--lloowwiinngg ppaaggee..

EEmmeerrggeennccyy ssttaarrttiinngg

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3.88 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––IF AND WHEN


AA – Flat batteryBB – Boosting batteryThe battery is in the engine compartmenton the left looking forward.TThhee eemmeerrggeennccyy ssttaarrttiinngg ccaabbllee mmuussttbbee aattttaacchheedd iinn tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg oorrddeerr::Before the starting cable can be con-nected to the (++) terminal on the batteryof the vehicle, the cover of the fuse holdermust first be opened (see page 3.50).11. One end of (++) cable (usually red) tothe (++) terminal of the flat battery AA.22. Other end of the red cable to the (++)terminal of boosting battery BB.33. One end of (––) cable (usually black) tothe (––) terminal of boosting battery BB.44. Other end of black cable (XX) to a solidmetal part bolted to the block or to cylin-der block itself.Do not connect the cable to the flat bat-tery minus terminal. The sparks couldignite the explosive gas flowing out of thebattery.


• TThhee nnoonn--iinnssuullaatteedd ppaarrttss ooff tthheeccaabbllee cclliippss mmuusstt nnoott ttoouucchh oonneeaannootthheerr oonn aannyy aaccccoouunntt.. FFuurrtthheerr--mmoorree tthhee jjuummppeerr ccaabbllee aattttaacchheedd ttootthhee bbaatttteerryy ppoossiittiivvee tteerrmmiinnaall mmuussttnnoott ccoommee iinnttoo ccoonnttaacctt wwiitthh eelleeccttrrii--ccaallllyy ccoonndduuccttiivvee vveehhiiccllee ppaarrttss ––ddaannggeerr ooff sshhoorrtt cciirrccuuiitt!!

• RRoouuttee tthhee jjuummppeerr ccaabblleess ssoo tthhaatttthheeyy ccaannnnoott ccoommee iinnttoo ccoonnttaaccttwwiitthh rroottaattiinngg ppaarrttss iinn tthhee eennggiinneeccoommppaarrttmmeenntt..

• DDoo nnoott ssttaanndd wwiitthh yyoouurr ffaaccee oovveerrtthhee bbaatttteerryy –– ddaannggeerr ooff aacciidd bbuurrnnss!!

• KKeeeepp ssoouurrcceess ooff iiggnniittiioonn ((nnaakkeeddffllaammeess,, bbuurrnniinngg cciiggaarreetttteess eettcc..))wweellll aawwaayy ffrroomm tthhee bbaatttteerryy –– ddaann--ggeerr ooff eexxpplloossiioonn!!

• Start the engine as described in the“Starting engine” section.

• If the engine does not start at once,stop using starter after 10 seconds, waitabout half a minute and then try again.

• WWiitthh eennggiinnee rruunnnniinngg,, ddiissccoonnnneeccttccaabblleess iinn rreevveerrssee sseeqquueennccee ttoo tthheeccoonnnneeccttiioonn..





2. 3.



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IF AND WHEN–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––3.89


GGeenneerraall nnootteess

• Check whether there are any local trafficregulations concerning the towing of vehi-cles.

• The tow-rope should be slightly elasticto reduce the risk of damage to both vehi-cles. It is advisable to use synthetic fibreropes, or ropes of similar elastic material.It is however safer to use a towing bar!Avoid excessive towing effort and do notjerk. During towing operations on otherthan surfaced roads there is always thedanger that the attachment points will beoverloaded and damaged.

• BBeeffoorree ttrryyiinngg ttoo ttooww ssttaarrtt,, aann aatttteemmppttsshhoouulldd bbee mmaaddee ttoo ssttaarrtt uussiinngg tthheebbaatttteerryy ooff aannootthheerr vveehhiiccllee –– sseeee pprreevvii--oouuss ppaaggee..

• When using a tow-rope the driver of thetowing vehicle must engage the clutchvery gently when moving off and changinggear.

• The driver of the vehicle being towedmust ensure that the tow-rope is alwaystaut.

• The emergency lights must be switchedon in both vehicles – unless local regula-tions differ.

• Turn ignition on so that the steeringwheel is free and the turn signals, horn,and, if necessary, the windscreen wiperand washer can be used.

• As the brake servo only works when theengine is running, considerably morepressure is required on the brake pedalwhen the engine is not running.

• More force than usual will be requiredto turn the steering wheel as the powerassisted steering does not work whenengine is not running.

• When there is no lubricant in the man-ual or automatic gearbox, the vehicle mayonly be towed with driving wheels lifted.A tow-rope or a towing bar must only beapplied at the following points:

TTooww ssttaarrtt//ttoowwiinngg

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3.90 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– IF AND WHEN


FFrroonntt ttoowwiinngg eeyyeeTo be able to tow the vehicle, the right-hand cover in the lower part of the frontbumper must be removed first.TToo rreemmoovvee tthhee ccoovveerr insert the flat partof a screwdriver, as in the illustration,carefully lever off and remove the cover.

Screw in the towing eye which is locatedin the vehicle’s tool box. Turn the eye ttootthhee lleefftt with the wheel spanner until theeye is perfectly screwed in.To remove the towing eye, turn it to theright with the wheel spanner. Place it inits housing, inside the vehicle’s tool box.TToo ppllaaccee tthhee ccoovveerr put it in its housingand engage it by hitting it lightly with yourhand.

NNootteeThe towing eye needs to be carried in thevehicle at all times.


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IF AND WHEN ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3.91


RReeaarr ttoowwiinngg eeyyeeTo tow the vehicle first remove the coveron the lower right of the rear bumper.TToo rreemmoovvee ccoovveerr insert your fingers inthe holes located on the lower part andpull.Then you can use the eye for towing, as itis in an easily visible position.

TToo rreeppllaaccee tthhee ccoovveerr place it in its hous-ing, facing first the lower flange and thenthe two upper clips. Then place the coverby gently hitting the perimeter with yourhand.

LEO-040 LEO-041

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3.92 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––IF AND WHEN


RReeaarr ttoowwiinngg eeyyee ((ssppoorrttss vveerrssiioonn))

RReemmoovveeFirmly pull the cover down and backwardsin the direction of the arrow by insertingyour finger into the lower hole AA.

CClloosseeFirst insert the flanges 11 into their hous-ings 22. Gently press the edges of thecover with your hand until it is perfectly inplace.


LEO-042 1



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IF AND WHEN ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––3.93


TTooww ssttaarrttiinnggIItt iiss nnoott aaddvviissaabbllee ttoo ttooww ssttaarrtt aa vveehhii--ccllee.. WWee rreeccoommmmeenndd tthhee uussee ooffaannootthheerr vveehhiiccllee’’ss bbaatttteerryy.. CCoonnssuulltt tthhee""EEmmeerrggeennccyy ssttaarrttiinngg"" cchhaapptteerr..There are various reasons why a vehiclesshhoouulldd nnoott bbee tow started:

• When towing there is a danger of collid-ing with the towed vehicle.

• IInn vveehhiicclleess wwiitthh aa ppeettrrooll eennggiinnee,,ffuueell mmaayy aaccccuummuullaattee iinn tthhee ccaattaa--llyyssttss11)) aanndd ccaauussee ddaammaaggee..TThhee ffoolllloowwiinngg ppooiinnttss mmuusstt bbee nnootteeddbbyy tthhee ddrriivveerr ooff tthhee mmaannuuaall ggeeaarr vveehhii--ccllee bbeeiinngg ttooww ssttaarrtteedd::

• Before moving off, engage 22nndd or 33rrddgear, depress and hold clutch.

• Switch ignition on.

• Once both vehicles are moving, releasethe clutch.

• As soon as engine starts, depressclutch and move gear lever into neutral toavoid running into the towing vehicle.

• FFoorr tteecchhnniiccaall rreeaassoonnss ttooww ssttaarrttiinngg aavveehhiiccllee wwiitthh aann aauuttoommaattiicc ggeeaarr bbooxx iissnnoott ppoossssiibbllee..

1) Does not apply to vehicles with Diesel engine.

TToowwiinnggWWhheenn ttoowwiinngg vehicles with an aauuttoo--mmaattiicc ggeeaarrbbooxx, the following points mustbe noted in addition to the details on theprevious page:

• Selector lever at “NN”.

• Do not have the vehicle towed fasterthan 30 mph (50 km/h).

• Do not tow further than 30 miles(50 kilometres).If the vehicle has to be towed long dis-tances it must be lifted at the front.Reason: When the engine is not running,the gearbox oil pump is not working andthe gearbox is not adequately lubricatedfor high speeds or long distances.

• With a breakdown vehicle the vehiclemay only be suspended at the front.Reason: If given a rear suspended tow,the drive shafts turn backwards. The plan-etary gears in the automatic gearbox thenturn at such high speeds that the gearboxwill be severely damaged in a short time.

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3.94 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– IF AND WHEN


VVeerrssiioonnss wwiitthh ffoouurr--wwhheeeell ddrriivvee

MMaannuuaall ggeeaarrbbooxxLike any other vehicle, this vehicle can betowed with a bar or a tow rope.The vehicle can also be towed by a towtruck with a raised front or rear axis.With this towing procedure:

• you should never exceed 50 km/hnor

• should you drive more than 50 km.

• If it is not possible to tow the car or ifthe car needs to be towed for more than50 km, suitable transportation arrange-ments need to be made.

Page 239: Seat Leon 1M Manual


General considerations on technical data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2


Fixing points for tow bar* . . . . . . . 4.4


Vehicle identification data . . . . . . 4.5


1.4 16V 55 kW petrol engine . . . . 4.7

1.6 75 kW petrol engine . . . . . . . 4.8

1.6 16V 77 kW petrol engine . . . . 4.9

1.8 20V 92 kW petrol engine . . . 4.10

1.8 20V 92 kW (automaticgearbox) petrol engine . . . . . . . . 4.11

Four-wheel drive 1.8 20V 132 kW(6-speed) petrol engine . . . . . . . 4.12

1.8 20VT 132 kW (6-speed) petrol engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.13

2.0 136 kW petrol engine . . . . . 4.14

Four-wheel drive 2.8 VR6 150 kWpetrol engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.15

1.9 TDI 66 kW Diesel engine . . . 4.16

1.9 TDI 74 kW Diesel engine . . . 4.17

1.9 TDI 81 kW Diesel engine . . . 4.18

1.9 TDI 96 kW Diesel engine . . . 4.19

1.9 TDI 110 kW (6-speed) Diesel engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.20


Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.21

Capacities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.21

Tyre pressures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.21

TECHNICAL DATA ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––4.1


Page 240: Seat Leon 1M Manual

UUnnlleessss ootthheerrwwiissee iinnddiiccaatteedd,, aallll tteecchh--nniiccaall ddeettaaiillss pprroovviiddeedd bbeellooww aappppllyy ttoovveehhiicclleess wwiitthh ssttaannddaarrdd ffiittttiinnggss..TThheessee vvaalluueess mmaayy bbee ddiiffffeerreenntt ffoorr ssppee--cciiaall vveehhiicclleess oorr vveehhiicclleess ddeessttiinneedd ffoorrootthheerr ccoouunnttrriieess..PPlleeaassee bbeeaarr iinn mmiinndd tthhaatt tthhee ddaattaa iinntthhee ccaarr’’ss ooffffiicciiaall ddooccuummeennttss ttaakkeesspprreecceeddeennccee..

EEnnggiinnee ddaattaaTThhee eennggiinnee ffiitttteedd iinn yyoouurr vveehhiiccllee iissiinnddiiccaatteedd iinn tthhee ddaattaa sshheeeett iinncclluuddeeddiinn tthhee IInnssppeeccttiioonn aanndd MMaaiinntteennaanncceePPllaann aanndd iinn tthhee ccaarr’’ss ooffffiicciiaall ddooccuu--mmeennttss..

PPeerrffoorrmmaanncceeThese values were calculated withoutextra equipment reducing performance,such as air conditioning, mud flaps, extrawide tyres, etc.

FFuueell CCoonnssuummppttiioonnThe consumption and emission levelswere calculated using the 93/116/CEmeasuring standards and take intoaccount the true free-standing weight ofthe vehicle (weight category). To measurethe fuel consumption the vehicle is testedin two different cycles on a rolling benchunder the following conditions:

• TToowwnn ddrriivviinngg is measured from a coldstart of the engine. Then, driving condi-tions similar to those of in-town drivingare simulated.

• IInntteerrcciittyy ddrriivviinngg the car is acceleratedand braked in all gears, just as in normaldriving. The driving speed varies between0 and 120 km/h.

• TToottaall ccoonnssuummppttiioonn is based on a bal-anced average of 37% of town driving and63% of intercity driving.

• CCOO22 eemmiissssiioonn lleevveellss are obtainedfrom the exhaust fumes of the vehiclestested in town and intercity driving on arolling belt. These fumes are thenanalysed and the CO2 emission levels areobtained, among other values.


• The consumption and emission levelsgiven in the following tables are correct forunloaded vehicles with basic fittings.If there are extra fittings, the empty weightwill increase and, as a result, the weightcategory, which may slightly increase theconsumption and CO2 levels. Consult aTechnical Service Centre to find out theexact specifications of your vehicle.

• Driving style, road and traffic condi-tions, weather conditions and the condi-tion of the vehicle will, in practice, pro-duce consumption levels different tothose indicated.


NNootteeThese weights are valid for EuropeanUnion vehicles. Vehicles for other coun-tries may have other weights. At all timesit should be taken into account that thedata given with the official vehicle docu-ment prevails.

4.2 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––GENERAL NOTES


GGeenneerraall ccoonnssiiddeerraattiioonnss oonn tteecchhnniiccaall ddaattaa

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GENERAL NOTES ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––4.3



• TThhee mmaaxxiimmuumm aauutthhoorriizzeedd llooaaddaanndd tthhee llooaadd oonn tthhee aaxxllee mmuussttnneevveerr bbee eexxcceeeeddeedd.. SSeeee ttaabblleess oonntthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg ppaaggeess..

• IItt mmuusstt bbee rreemmeemmbbeerreedd tthhaattwwhheenn ttrraannssppoorrttiinngg hheeaavvyy oobbjjeeccttss,,tthhee cceennttrree ooff ggrraavviittyy iiss ddiissppllaacceedd..FFoorr tthhiiss rreeaassoonn,, ssppeeeedd aanndd ddrriivviinnggsshhoouulldd bbee aaddjjuusstteedd aaccccoorrddiinnggllyy..

• WWhheenn llooaaddiinngg lluuggggaaggee aallwwaayysseennssuurree tthhaatt nnoo lloooossee oobbjjeeccttss wwiillllffllyy ttoowwaarrddss tthhee ffrroonntt ooff tthhee vveehhiicclleeiinn tthhee eevveenntt ooff sshhaarrpp bbrraakkiinngg.. IIffnneecceessssaarryy uussee tthhee llaasshhiinngg rriinnggss**pprroovviiddeedd..

TTyyrree pprreessssuurreeThe pressure values given here are forcold tyres – do not reduce the high pres-sure of warm tyres.

WWaarrnniinnggTTyyrree pprreessssuurree iiss ooff ggrreeaatt iimmppoorr--ttaannccee,, ppaarrttiiccuullaarrllyy aatt hhiigghh ssppeeeeddss,,aanndd sshhoouulldd bbee cchheecckkeedd aatt lleeaassttoonnccee aa mmoonntthh..

TTooww llooaaddss

SSuuppppoorrtt llooaaddssThe mmaaxxiimmuumm authorised load on theball bar of the ball joint of the towing sys-tem is 75 kg.The minimum support load must be 4% ofthe real tow load. However it need not bemore than 25 kg. You should use the fullauthorised load available to you.

NNootteessThese weights are valid for EuropeanUnion vehicles. Vehicles for other coun-tries may take other weights. At all timesit should be taken into account that thedata given with the official vehicle docu-ments prevails.

• FFoorr ssaaffeettyy rreeaassoonnss ddoo nnoott ddrriivveeaabboovvee 8800 kkmm//hh,, nnoott eevveenn iinn ccoouunnttrriieesswwhheerree ttrraavveelllliinngg aatt aa ggrreeaatteerr ssppeeeedd iissppeerrmmiitttteedd..

• Due to special versions of certain mod-els and optional extras such as air condi-tioning, sliding/tilting roof, tow bar andother added features, the free standingweight increases, meaning that the loadsize is correspondingly reduced.

Page 242: Seat Leon 1M Manual

WWaarrnniinnggDDaannggeerr ooff aacccciiddeenntt!!WWee rreeccoommmmeenndd tthhaatt yyoouu vviissiitt aaTTeecchhnniiccaall SSeerrvviiccee CCeennttrree ffoorr tthheerreettrrooffiittttiinngg ooff aa ttooww hhooookk..

AA = 4 fixing pointsBB = 65 mmCC = 420 (empty vehicle)/

350 mm (fully loaded vehicle)DD = 340 mmEE = 552 mmFF = 845 mmGG = 1014 mmAll measurements are in mm.

NNootteeFor more details see "Trailer towing" chap-ter.

4.4 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––WEIGHTS AND MEASUREMENTS


FFiixxiinngg ppooiinnttss ffoorr ttooww bbaarr**








Page 243: Seat Leon 1M Manual

VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION DATA ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––4.5


11 – Type plate.22 – Vehicle identification number.33 – Engine number.

DDaattaa--ccaarrrryyiinngg aaddhheessiivveesticker is stuck on the inside rim of thespare wheel or on the floor of the boot.It carries the following information:1 – Production control bar code.2 – Vehicle identification number.3 – Vehicle model number.4 – Model/engine power.5 – Engine and gearbox lettering.6 – Paint code/inside finish numbers.7 – Optional extras code numbers.The vehicle data from numbers 2 to 7 arealso included in the maintenance andinspection plan.

VVeehhiiccllee iiddeennttiiffiiccaattiioonn ddaattaa







Page 244: Seat Leon 1M Manual

4.6 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION DATA


DDaattaa--ccaarrrryyiinngg aaddhheessiivveeA – BrandB – Countersign for the official approval

numberC – Chassis numberD – M.A.W.1)

E – M.A.W.1) of vehicle (loaded vehicle)F – M.A.W.1) on front axleG – M.A.W.1) on rear axleH – TypeI – Emissions coefficient

1) MMaximum AAuthorized WWeight














Page 245: Seat Leon 1M Manual

11..44 1166VV 5555 kkWW ppeettrrooll eennggiinnee

EEnnggiinnee ddaattaaOutput kW (HP) after 1/min 55 (75)/5000Maximum engine torque in Nm after 1/min 126/3300Number of cylinders/Cylinder capacity in cm3 4/1390Compression 10.5 ± 0.3Fuel 95 ROZ1) Super unleaded2)

PPeerrffoorrmmaanncceeMaximum speed in km/h 170Acceleration 0-80 km/h in seconds 9.6Acceleration 0-100 km/h in seconds 14.6

FFuueell ccoonnssuummppttiioonn ((ll//110000 kkmm)) // CCOO22 ((gg//kkmm))Town driving 9.0/216 9.1/218Intercity driving 5.4/130 5.5/132Total 6.7/161 6.8/163

WWeeiigghhttssMaximum authorised weight in kg 1681Free standing weight in driving order3) in kg 1236(with driver)Authorised load on front axle in kg 855Authorised load on rear axle in kg 900Authorised load on roof in kg 754)

TTooww wweeiigghhttssTow without brake on slopes of up to 12% 600 KgTow with brake on slopes of up to 12% 1000 Kg

EEnnggiinnee ooiill ccaappaacciittyyEngine oil capacity with oil filter change 3.5 l.

1) RResearch-OOktan-ZZahl: Measurement of the anti-explosive power of petrol.2) If the described fuel is not available then fuel conforming to the standard 91 ROZ1) lead free may be

used. For more information, see the chapter about fuel.3) Vehicles with basic equipment.4) Maximum load on roof including roof rack (see "Roof rack" chapter).

ENGINE DATA –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––4.7


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4.8 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ENGINE DATA

11..66 7755 kkWW ppeettrrooll eennggiinnee

EEnnggiinnee ddaattaaOutput kW (HP) after 1/min 75 (102)/5600Maximum engine torque in Nm after 1/min 148/3800Number of cylinders/Cylinder capacity in cm3 4/1595Compression 10.3 ± 0.5Fuel 95 ROZ1) Super unleaded2)

PPeerrffoorrmmaanncceeMaximum speed in km/h 189Acceleration 0-80 km/h in seconds 7.5Acceleration 0-100 km/h in seconds 11.3

FFuueell ccoonnssuummppttiioonn ((ll//110000 kkmm)) // CCOO22 ((gg//kkmm))Town driving 9.9/238Intercity driving 5.5/132Total 7.1/170

WWeeiigghhttssMaximum authorised weight in kg 1717Free standing weight in driving order3) in kg 1272/1378(with driver)Authorised load on front axle in kg 880Authorised load on rear axle in kg 900Authorised load on roof in kg 754)

TTooww wweeiigghhttssTow without brake on slopes of up to 12% 600 KgTow with brake on slopes of up to 12% 1200 Kg

EEnnggiinnee ooiill ccaappaacciittyyEngine oil capacity with oil filter change 4.8 l.

1) RResearch-OOktan-ZZahl: Measurement of the anti-explosive power of petrol.2) If the described fuel is not available then fuel conforming to the standard 91 ROZ1) lead free may be

used. For more information, see the chapter about fuel.3) Vehicles with basic equipment.4) Maximum load on roof including roof rack (see "Roof rack" chapter).

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ENGINE DATA –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––4.9

11..66 1166VV 7777 kkWW ppeettrrooll eennggiinnee

EEnnggiinnee ddaattaaOutput kW (HP) after 1/min 77 (105)/5700Maximum engine torque in Nm after 1/min 148/4500Number of cylinders/Cylinder capacity in cm3 4/1598Compression 11.5 ± 0.3Fuel 98 ROZ1) Super unleaded2)

PPeerrffoorrmmaanncceeMaximum speed in km/h 192Acceleration 0-80 km/h in seconds 7.2Acceleration 0-100 km/h in seconds 10.9

FFuueell ccoonnssuummppttiioonn ((ll//110000 kkmm)) // CCOO22 ((gg//kkmm))Town driving 9.3/223 9.4/226Intercity driving 5.5/132 5.6/134Total 6.9/166 7.0/168

WWeeiigghhttssMaximum authorised weight in kg 1717Free standing weight in driving order3) in kg 1272(with driver)Authorised load on front axle in kg 880Authorised load on rear axle in kg 900Authorised load on roof in kg 754)

TTooww wweeiigghhttssTow without brake on slopes of up to 12% 600 KgTow with brake on slopes of up to 12% 1200 Kg

EEnnggiinnee ooiill ccaappaacciittyyEngine oil capacity with oil filter change 4.5 l.

1) RResearch-OOktan-ZZahl: Measurement of the anti-explosive power of petrol.2) If the described fuel is not available then fuel conforming to the Super 95 ROZ1) lead free may be used.

For more information, see the chapter about fuel.3) Vehicles with basic equipment.4) Maximum load on roof including roof rack (see "Roof rack" chapter).

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4.10 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––ENGINE DATA


11..88 2200VV 9922 kkWW ppeettrrooll eennggiinnee

EEnnggiinnee ddaattaaOutput kW (HP) after 1/min 92 (125)/6000Maximum engine torque in Nm after 1/min 170/4200Number of cylinders/Cylinder capacity in cm3 4/1781Compression 10.3 ± 0.5Fuel 95 ROZ1) Super unleaded2)

PPeerrffoorrmmaanncceeMaximum speed in km/h 200Acceleration 0-80 km/h in seconds 7.0Acceleration 0-100 km/h in seconds 10.3

FFuueell ccoonnssuummppttiioonn ((ll//110000 kkmm)) CCOO22 ((gg//kkmm))Town driving 10.8 259Intercity driving 6.4 154Total 8.0 192

WWeeiigghhttssMaximum authorised weight in kg 1766Free standing weight in driving order3) in kg 1321(with driver)Authorised load on front axle in kg 915Authorised load on rear axle in kg 910Authorised load on roof in kg 754)

TTooww wweeiigghhttssTow without brake on slopes of up to 12% 650 KgTow with brake on slopes of up to 12% 1200 Kg

EEnnggiinnee ooiill ccaappaacciittyyEngine oil capacity with oil filter change 4.5 l.

1) RResearch-OOktan-ZZahl: Measurement of the anti-explosive power of petrol.2) If the described fuel is not available then fuel conforming to the standard 91 ROZ1) lead free may be

used. For more information, see the chapter about fuel.3) Vehicles with basic equipment.4) Maximum load on roof including roof rack (see "Roof rack" chapter).

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ENGINE DATA ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––4.11


11..88 2200VV 9922 kkWW ((aauuttoommaattiicc ggeeaarrbbooxx)) ppeettrrooll eennggiinnee

EEnnggiinnee ddaattaaOutput kW (HP) after 1/min 92 (125)/6000Maximum engine torque in Nm after 1/min 170/4200Number of cylinders/Cylinder capacity in cm3 4/1781Compression 10.3 ± 0.5Fuel 95 ROZ1) Super unleaded2)

PPeerrffoorrmmaanncceeMaximum speed in km/h 197Acceleration 0-80 km/h in seconds 8.6Acceleration 0-100 km/h in seconds 12.4

FFuueell ccoonnssuummppttiioonn ((ll//110000 kkmm)) CCOO22 ((gg//kkmm))Town driving 12.1 290Intercity driving 7.0 168Total 8.9 214

WWeeiigghhttssMaximum authorised weight in kg 1779Free standing weight in driving order3) in kg 1334(with driver)Authorised load on front axle in kg 937Authorised load on rear axle in kg 900Authorised load on roof in kg 754)

TTooww wweeiigghhttssTow without brake on slopes of up to 12% 650 KgTow with brake on slopes of up to 12% 1200 Kg

EEnnggiinnee ooiill ccaappaacciittyyEngine oil capacity with oil filter change 4.5 l.

1) RResearch-OOktan-ZZahl: Measurement of the anti-explosive power of petrol.2) If the described fuel is not available then fuel conforming to the standard 91 ROZ1) lead free may be

used. For more information, see the chapter about fuel.3) Vehicles with basic equipment.4) Maximum load on roof including roof rack (see "Roof rack" chapter).

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4.12 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––ENGINE DATA


FFoouurr--wwhheeeell ddrriivvee 11..88 2200VV 113322 kkWW ((66--ssppeeeedd)) ppeettrrooll eennggiinnee

EEnnggiinnee ddaattaaOutput kW (HP) after 1/min 132 (180)/5500Maximum engine torque in Nm after 1/min 235/1950-5000Number of cylinders/Cylinder capacity in cm3 4/1781Compression 9.5 ± 0.5Fuel 98 ROZ1) Super unleaded2)

PPeerrffoorrmmaanncceeMaximum speed in km/h 224Acceleration 0-80 km/h in seconds 5.4Acceleration 0-100 km/h in seconds 7.8

FFuueell ccoonnssuummppttiioonn ((ll//110000 kkmm)) CCOO22 ((gg//kkmm))Town driving 13.1 314Intercity driving 7.6 182Total 9.5 228

WWeeiigghhttssMaximum authorised weight in kg 1896Free standing weight in driving order3) in kg 1471(with driver)Authorised load on front axle in kg 975Authorised load on rear axle in kg 975Authorised load on roof in kg 754)

TTooww wweeiigghhttssTow without brake on slopes of up to 12% 650 KgTow with brake on slopes of up to 12% 1500 Kg

EEnnggiinnee ooiill ccaappaacciittyyEngine oil capacity with oil filter change 4.5 l.

1) RResearch-OOktan-ZZahl: Measurement of the anti-explosive power of petrol.2) If the described fuel is not available then fuel conforming to the Super 95 ROZ1) lead free may be used.

For more information, see the chapter about fuel.3) Vehicles with basic equipment.4) Maximum load on roof including roof rack (see "Roof rack" chapter).

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ENGINE DATA ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––4.13


11..88 2200VVTT 113322 kkWW ((66--ssppeeeedd)) ppeettrrooll eennggiinnee

EEnnggiinnee ddaattaaOutput kW (HP) after 1/min 132 (180)/5500Maximum engine torque in Nm after 1/min 235/1950-5000Number of cylinders/Cylinder capacity in cm3 4/1781Compression 9.5 ± 0.5Fuel 98 ROZ1) Super unleaded2)

PPeerrffoorrmmaanncceeMaximum speed in km/h 229Acceleration 0-80 km/h in seconds 5.7Acceleration 0-100 km/h in seconds 7.7

FFuueell ccoonnssuummppttiioonn ((ll//110000 kkmm)) CCOO22 ((gg//kkmm))Town driving 11.8 283Intercity driving 6.6 158Total 8.5 204

WWeeiigghhttssMaximum authorised weight in kg 1809Free standing weight in driving order3) in kg 1364(with driver)Authorised load on front axle in kg 955Authorised load on rear axle in kg 910Authorised load on roof in kg 754)

TTooww wweeiigghhttssTow without brake on slopes of up to 12% 650 KgTow with brake on slopes of up to 12% 1500 Kg

EEnnggiinnee ooiill ccaappaacciittyyEngine oil capacity with oil filter change 4.5 l.

1) RResearch-OOktan-ZZahl: Measurement of the anti-explosive power of petrol.2) If the described fuel is not available then fuel conforming to the Super 95 ROZ1) lead free may be used.

For more information, see the chapter about fuel.3) Vehicles with basic equipment.4) Maximum load on roof including roof rack (see "Roof rack" chapter).

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4.14 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––ENGINE DATA


22..00 113366 kkWW ppeettrrooll eennggiinnee

EEnnggiinnee ddaattaaOutput kW (HP) after 1/min 136 (185)/5100-6000Maximum engine torque in Nm after 1/min 270/1800-5000Number of cylinders/Cylinder capacity in cm3 4/1984Compression 10.3 ± 0.5Fuel 98 ROZ1) Super unleaded2)

PPeerrffoorrmmaanncceeMaximum speed in km/h 221Acceleration 0-80 km/h in seconds 5.5Acceleration 0-100 km/h in seconds 7.8

FFuueell ccoonnssuummppttiioonn ((ll//110000 kkmm)) // CCOO22 ((gg//kkmm))Town driving 11.2/269 11.4/274Intercity driving 6.4/154 6.6/158Total 8.1/194 8.3/199

WWeeiigghhttssMaximum authorised weight in kg 1904Free standing weight in driving order3) in kg 1409/1516(with driver)Authorised load on front axle in kg 1050Authorised load on rear axle in kg 896Authorised load on roof in kg 754)

TTooww wweeiigghhttssTow without brake on slopes of up to 12% 700 KgTow with brake on slopes of up to 12% 1400 Kg

EEnnggiinnee ooiill ccaappaacciittyyEngine oil capacity with oil filter change 5.3 l.

1) RResearch-OOktan-ZZahl: Measurement of the anti-explosive power of petrol.2) If the described fuel is not available then fuel conforming to the Super 95 ROZ1) lead free may be used.

For more information, see the chapter about fuel.3) Vehicles with basic equipment.4) Maximum load on roof including roof rack (see "Roof rack" chapter).

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ENGINE DATA ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––4.15


FFoouurr--wwhheeeell ddrriivvee 22..88 VVRR66 115500 kkWW ppeettrrooll eennggiinnee

EEnnggiinnee ddaattaaOutput kW (HP) after 1/min 150 (204)/6200Maximum engine torque in Nm after 1/min 270/3200Number of cylinders/Cylinder capacity in cm3 6/2792Compression 10.75 ± 0.25Fuel 98 ROZ1) Super unleaded2)

PPeerrffoorrmmaanncceeMaximum speed in km/h 235Acceleration 0-80 km/h in seconds 5.0Acceleration 0-100 km/h in seconds 7.3

FFuueell ccoonnssuummppttiioonn ((ll//110000 kkmm)) CCOO22 ((gg//kkmm))Town driving 15.7 377Intercity driving 8.2 197Total 11.0 264

WWeeiigghhttssMaximum authorised weight in kg 2010Free standing weight in driving order3) in kg 1585(with driver)Authorised load on front axle in kg 1030Authorised load on rear axle in kg 1000Authorised load on roof in kg 754)

TTooww wweeiigghhttssTow without brake on slopes of up to 12% 650 KgTow with brake on slopes of up to 12% 1490 Kg

EEnnggiinnee ooiill ccaappaacciittyyEngine oil capacity with oil filter change 4.5 l.

1) RResearch-OOktan-ZZahl: Measurement of the anti-explosive power of petrol.2) If the described fuel is not available then fuel conforming to the Super 95 ROZ1) lead free may be used.

For more information, see the chapter about fuel.3) Vehicles with basic equipment.4) Maximum load on roof including roof rack (see "Roof rack" chapter).

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4.16 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––ENGINE DATA


11..99 TTDDII 6666 kkWW DDiieesseell eennggiinnee

EEnnggiinnee ddaattaaOutput kW (HP) after 1/min 66 (90)/4000Maximum engine torque in Nm after 1/min 210/1900Number of cylinders/Cylinder capacity in cm3 4/1896Compression 19.5 ± 0.5Diesel fuel Min 49 CZ1) or RME

PPeerrffoorrmmaanncceeMaximum speed in km/h 180Acceleration 0-80 km/h in seconds 8.7Acceleration 0-100 km/h in seconds 12.7

FFuueell ccoonnssuummppttiioonn ((ll//110000 kkmm)) CCOO22 ((gg//kkmm))Town driving 6.8 184Intercity driving 4.3 116Total 5.2 140

WWeeiigghhttssMaximum authorised weight in kg 1788Free standing weight in driving order2) in kg 1343(with driver)Authorised load on front axle in kg 945Authorised load on rear axle in kg 905Authorised load on roof in kg 753)

TTooww wweeiigghhttssTow without brake on slopes of up to 12% 650 KgTow with brake on slopes of up to 12% 1400 Kg

EEnnggiinnee ooiill ccaappaacciittyyEngine oil capacity with oil filter change 4.3 l.

1) CCetan-ZZahl (Cetane Index) = Measurement of fuel combustion power.2) Vehicles with basic equipment.3) Maximum load on roof including roof rack (see "Roof rack" chapter).

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ENGINE DATA ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––4.17

11..99 TTDDII 7744 kkWW DDiieesseell eennggiinnee

EEnnggiinnee ddaattaaOutput kW (HP) after 1/min 74 (100)/4000Maximum engine torque in Nm after 1/min 240/1800-2400Number of cylinders/Cylinder capacity in cm3 4/1896Compression 19 ± 0.5Diesel fuel Min 49 CZ1) or RME

PPeerrffoorrmmaanncceeMaximum speed in km/h 188Acceleration 0-80 km/h in seconds 8.2Acceleration 0-100 km/h in seconds 12.1

FFuueell ccoonnssuummppttiioonn ((ll//110000 kkmm)) // CCOO22 ((gg//kkmm))Town driving 6.6/178 6.8/184Intercity driving 4.3/116 4.4/119Total 5.1/138 5.3/143

WWeeiigghhttssMaximum authorised weight in kg 1813Free standing weight in driving order2) in kg 1368/1441(with driver)Authorised load on front axle in kg 982Authorised load on rear axle in kg 985Authorised load on roof in kg 753)

TTooww wweeiigghhttssTow without brake on slopes of up to 12% 650 KgTow with brake on slopes of up to 12% 1400 Kg

EEnnggiinnee ooiill ccaappaacciittyyEngine oil capacity with oil filter change 4.3 l.

1) CCetan-ZZahl (Cetane Index) = Measurement of fuel combustion power.2) Vehicles with basic equipment.3) Maximum load on roof including roof rack (see "Roof rack" chapter).

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4.18 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ENGINE DATA

11..99 TTDDII 8811 kkWW DDiieesseell eennggiinnee

EEnnggiinnee ddaattaaOutput kW (HP) after 1/min 81 (110)/4150Maximum engine torque in Nm after 1/min 235/1900Number of cylinders/Cylinder capacity in cm3 4/1896Compression 19.5 ± 0.5Diesel fuel Min 49 CZ1) or RME

PPeerrffoorrmmaanncceeMaximum speed in km/h 193Acceleration 0-80 km/h in seconds 7.4Acceleration 0-100 km/h in seconds 10.7

FFuueell ccoonnssuummppttiioonn ((ll//110000 kkmm)) CCOO22 ((gg//kkmm))Town driving 6.8 184Intercity driving 4.3 116Total 5.2 140

WWeeiigghhttssMaximum authorised weight in kg 1779Free standing weight in driving order2) in kg 1334(with driver)Authorised load on front axle in kg 960Authorised load on rear axle in kg 895Authorised load on roof in kg 753)

TTooww wweeiigghhttssTow without brake on slopes of up to 12% 650 KgTow with brake on slopes of up to 12% 1400 Kg

EEnnggiinnee ooiill ccaappaacciittyyEngine oil capacity with oil filter change 4.3 l.

1) CCetan-ZZahl (Cetane Index) = Measurement of fuel combustion power.2) Vehicles with basic equipment.3) Maximum load on roof including roof rack (see "Roof rack" chapter).

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ENGINE DATA ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––4.19


11..99 TTDDII 9966 kkWW DDiieesseell eennggiinnee

EEnnggiinnee ddaattaaOutput kW (HP) after 1/min 96 (130)/4000Maximum engine torque in Nm after 1/min 310/1900Number of cylinders/Cylinder capacity in cm3 4/1896Compression 19 ± 0.5Diesel fuel Min 49 CZ1) or RME

PPeerrffoorrmmaanncceeMaximum speed in km/h 205Acceleration 0-80 km/h in seconds 6.8Acceleration 0-100 km/h in seconds 9.9

FFuueell ccoonnssuummppttiioonn ((ll//110000 kkmm)) // CCOO22 ((gg//kkmm))Town driving 7,0/189 7,1/192Intercity driving 4,3/116 4,5/122Total 5,2/140 5,4/146

WWeeiigghhttssMaximum authorised weight in kg 1813Free standing weight in driving order2) in kg 1368/1441(with driver)Authorised load on front axle in kg 982Authorised load on rear axle in kg 985Authorised load on roof in kg 753)

TTooww wweeiigghhttssTow without brake on slopes of up to 12% 650 KgTow with brake on slopes of up to 12% 1400 Kg

EEnnggiinnee ooiill ccaappaacciittyyEngine oil capacity with oil filter change 4.3 l.

1) CCetan-ZZahl (Cetane Index) = Measurement of fuel combustion power.2) Vehicles with basic equipment.3) Maximum load on roof including roof rack (see "Roof rack" chapter).

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4.20 ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––ENGINE DATA


11..99 TTDDII 111100 kkWW ((66--ssppeeeedd)) DDiieesseell eennggiinnee

EEnnggiinnee ddaattaaOutput kW (HP) after 1/min 110 (150)/4000Maximum engine torque in Nm after 1/min 320/1900Number of cylinders/Cylinder capacity in cm3 4/1896Compression 18.0 ± 0.5Diesel fuel Min 49 CZ1) or RME

PPeerrffoorrmmaanncceeMaximum speed in km/h 215Acceleration 0-80 km/h in seconds 6.3Acceleration 0-100 km/h in seconds 8.9

FFuueell ccoonnssuummppttiioonn ((ll//110000 kkmm)) CCOO22 ((gg//kkmm))Town driving 7.2 194Intercity driving 4.4 119Total 5.4 146

WWeeiigghhttssMaximum authorised weight in kg 1835Free standing weight in driving order2) in kg 1390(with driver)Authorised load on front axle in kg 980Authorised load on rear axle in kg 910Authorised load on roof in kg 753)

TTooww wweeiigghhttssTow without brake on slopes of up to 12% 650 KgTow with brake on slopes of up to 12% 1400 Kg

EEnnggiinnee ooiill ccaappaacciittyyEngine oil capacity with oil filter change 4.3 l.

1) CCetan-ZZahl (Cetane Index) = Measurement of fuel combustion power.2) Vehicles with basic equipment.3) Maximum load on roof including roof rack (see "Roof rack" chapter).

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TECHNICAL DATA ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––4.21



MMeeaassuurreemmeennttssLength/Width 4183 mm, 1742 mmHeight at free standing weight 1439 mmFront and rear overhang 882 mm/790 mm

783 mm (four-wheel drive)Wheel base 2511 mm

2518 mm (four-wheel drive)Turning ratio 10.9 m

FFrroonntt RReeaarrWheel gauge1) 1513 mm 1494 mm

1505 mm 1486 mm1500 mm 1481 mm

CCaappaacciittiieessFuel tank 55 l. Reserve of 7 l.

62 l. (vehicles with four-wheel drive)Windscreen/Headlight washer tank 2.8 l./6.2 l.

TTyyrree pprreessssuurreessSSuummmmeerr ttyyrreess::Tyre pressure is shown on the adhesive on the inside of the fuel cap.WWiinntteerr ttyyrreess::The pressure of these tyres is identical to summer tyres. Just add 0,2 bars.

1) This data may vary depending on the type of alloy.

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Page 261: Seat Leon 1M Manual

AAAccessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.52

Adjustable steering column . . . . 2.64

Adjusting mirrors . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.55

Air conditioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.78

– air recirculation . . . . . . . . . . . 2.80

– blower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.79

– controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.79

– temperature selector . . . . . . . 2.79

– ventilation (fresh air). . . . . . . 2.81

Air Bag. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.16/2.22

Alloy wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.32

Anti-dazzle interior mirror. . . . . . 2.55

Anti-freeze . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.42

Anti-lock Brake System (ABS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.20/3.8

Anti-skidding system of the drive wheels (TCS) . . . . . . . . . . . 2.48

Anti-theft alarm system . . . . . . . 2.33

Anti-theft wheel bolts . . . . . . . . . 3.72

Aquaplane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.62

Armrest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.63

Ashtrays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.72

Attach child seat . . . . . . . . 1.15/1.30

Attaching child seats with the ISOFIX system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.31

Automatic car washes . . . . . . . . 3.28

Automatic gearbox . . . . . . . . . . . 2.90

– notes on driving . . . . . . . . . . 2.93

– reversing lights . . . . . . . . . . . 2.92

BBBalancing wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.61

Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.46

– charging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.48

– magic eye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.47

– renewing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.50

Biodiesel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5

Boot light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.50

Brake fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.45

Brakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.7

CCCapacities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.21

Care of paint. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.29

Care of the vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . 3.28

– alloy wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.32

– cleaning seat belts . . . . . . . . 3.31

Catalyst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.16

Cavity preservation. . . . . . . . . . . 3.34

Central locking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.27

– locking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.28

– opening. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.27

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Central locking button . . . . . . . . 2.29

– automatic locking . . . . . . . . . 2.29

– automatic unlocking . . . . . . . 2.30

– unlocking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.30

Cetane Number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5

Changing bulbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.76

Changing engine oil . . . . . . . . . . 3.41

Changing wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.66

Changing wiper blades. . . . . . . . 2.53

Checking coolant level . . . . . . . . 3.43

Checking oil level . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.40

Child safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.31

Cigarette lighter . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.73

Cleaning and anti-corrosion treatment of engine compartment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.32

Cleaning the exhaust fumes . . . . 3.16

Climatronic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.85

– air circulation . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.87

– controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.86

– vents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.85

Control of interior lights . . . . . . . 2.50

Coolant temperature. . . . . . . . . . . 2.6

Cooling system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.42

– additives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.42

Cruise control system . . . . . . . . 2.101

DDData-carrying adhesive. . . . . . . . . 4.5

Defrosting windscreen and side windows. . . 2.77/2.81/2.86

Diesel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5

Digital clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7

Door, boot and window seals . . . 3.30

Doors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.26

Drink can holder . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.74

Driving abroad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.24

Driving in the winter

– care of vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.28

– cooling system . . . . . . . . . . . 3.42

– defrosting windscreen and

windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.30

– diesel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5

– engine oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.38

– snow chains . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.65

– windscreen washer . . . . . . . . 3.51

– winter tyres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.64

Dust and pollen filter . . . . . . . . . 3.54

EEEconomical driving . . . . . . . . . . . 3.17

Electric socket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.73

Electric windows. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.39

– roll-back function . . . . . . . . . 2.41

Electrically adjustable mirrors . . 2.55

Electronic Differential Lock (EDL) 2.20

Electronic immobiliser . . . . . . . . 2.25

2 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––GENERAL INDEX


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Electronic Stability Program (ESP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.48/3.13

Emergency starting. . . . . . . . . . . 3.87

Engine bonnet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.35

Engine compartment . . . . . . . . . 3.36

Engine data . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.7-4.20

Engine numbe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5

Engine oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.38

– specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.38

Engine oil additives . . . . . . . . . . 3.41


– battery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.50

– brake fluids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.45

– care of the vehicle. . . . . . . . . 3.28

– driving and reducing exhaust fumes and noise . . . 3.17

– engine oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.41

– environment-friendly driving . 3.17

– fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4

– purification of exhaust fumes. 3.16

– tyre pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.61

– tyres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.62

– used oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.41

– used tyres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.62

FFFilling the tank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2

Filter preheating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6

First aid kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.56

Fixing points for tow bar. . . . . . . . 4.4

Foot mats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.65

Four-wheel drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.10

Front fog lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.45

Front seats. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.32/2.58

– driver’s seat . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.58

– electrical adjustment. . . . . . . 2.60

– front passenger seat . . . . . . . 2.58

– lumbar support . . . . . . . . . . . 2.59

– manual adjustment . . . . . . . . 2.59

Front towing eye . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.90

Fuel gauge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7

Fuses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.73

GGGear layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.90

Gear lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.90

General considerations on technical data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2

Glove box light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.50

HHHand brake . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.18/2.96

Hazard warning lights . . . . . . . . 2.47

Head restraints . . . . . . . . . 1.33/2.62

Headlight covering . . . . . . . . . . . 3.25

Headlight flasher . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.49

Headlight range control . . . . . . . 2.46

Headlight washer system . . . . . . 2.52

GENERAL INDEX –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––3


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Heated rear window . . . . . . . . . . 2.46

Heated seats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.64

Heating and ventilation . . . . . . . 2.75

– air recirculation . . . . . . . . . . . 2.76

– blower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.76

– controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.76

– temperature selector . . . . . . . 2.76

– ventilation (fresh air). . . . . . . 2.77

– vents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.75

Horn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4

IIIgnition lock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.97

Indicators and dipped beam lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.49

Installing a radio . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.85

Instrument lighting. . . . . . . . . . . 2.46

Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5

Interior lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.50

JJJack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.58/3.68

Jumper cables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.87

KKKey tag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.23

Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.23

Keys with remote control . . . . . . 2.24

Kick-down device . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.93

LLLashing eyes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.66

Lighting switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.45

Lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.45

Locking locations of the vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.27

Lubricants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.38

Luggage compartment . . . . . . . . 2.65

MMManual gearbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.90

– reversing lights . . . . . . . . . . . 2.90

Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.21

Mileage clock/Trip mileage . . . . 2.11

Mirror heating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.56

Mobile telephones and radiotelephones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.86

Multifunction indicator . . . . . . . . . 2.8

NNNatural leather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.31

OOOctane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4

On board tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.57

PPParking lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.49

Pedals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.65

4 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––GENERAL INDEX


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Petrol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4

– additives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4

– quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4

Power steering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.14

RRRadiator fan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.44

Radio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4

Radio-frequency remote controlkey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.36

– selective unlocking . . . . . . . . 2.37

– synchronization. . . . . . . . . . . 2.38

Rain sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.51

Reading light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.50

Rear fog light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.45

Rear seat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.68

Rear shelf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.67

Rear towing eye . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.91

Rear-view mirrors . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.55

Replacement keys . . . . . . . . . . . 2.23

Replacement of parts . . . . . . . . . 3.52

Reverse gear . . . . . . . . . . . 2.90/2.92

Revolutions counter . . . . . . . . . . . 2.5

Roof antenna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.85

Roof rack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.70

Running-in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.15

SSSafety for children . . . . . . . . . . . 1.25

Seat belts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3

Selector lever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.92

Selector lever positions . . . . . . . 2.92

Service interval indicator . . . . . . 2.12

Servobrake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.8

Short or long beams. . . . . . . . . . 2.49

Side lights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.45

Sliding/tilting roof . . . . . . . . . . . 2.43

Snow chains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.65

Spare parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.52

Spare wheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.59

Spark plugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.53

Speedometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.7

Starting the engine . . . . . . . . . . 2.98

– after running out of fuel . . . . 2.99

– diesel engines. . . . . . . . . . . . 2.99

– petrol engines . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.98

Stopping the engine. . . . . . . . . 2.100

Stowage box. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.73

Switches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.45

Switches in the central console . 2.48

TTTable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2

Tailgate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.32

– unlock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.32

The first 1,500 km . . . . . . . . . . . 3.15

Thematic index. . . . . 1.1/2.1/3.1/4.1

Tool housing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.57

GENERAL INDEX –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––5


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Tow start. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.89

Trailer towing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.21

– attachment points . . . . . . . . . 3.21

Turn signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.49

Type plate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5

Tyre life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.60

Tyres. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.60

– inflation pressure . . . . . . . . . 3.60

– running-in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.60

– wear indicators . . . . . . . . . . . 3.62

– where the direction of rotation is stipulated . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.60

UUUndercoating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.33

Unleaded petrol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4

Unlocking the tank flap . . . . 2.48/3.2

VVVehicle identification data . . . . . . 4.5

Vehicle identification number. . . . 4.5

Vehicle wallet stowage compartment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.74

Volumetric sensor. . . . . . . . . . . . 2.35

WWWarning lamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.13

– Air Bag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.22

– alternator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.17

– anti-locking brake system (ABS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.20

– brake wear monitor . . . . . . . . 2.19

– brakes/hand brake . . . . . . . . 2.18

– coolant temperature/level . . . 2.15

– diagnosis / excess ofpollution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.19

– drive wheels spin regulator (TCS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.21

– electronic accelerator pedalcontrol (EPC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.22

– electronic immobilizer. . . . . . 2.19

– Electronic Stability Program (ESP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.21

– engine oil pressure/level . . . 2.18

– fuel level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.16

– indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.15

– main beam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.16

– parking light/dipped beam . . 2.21

– preheating system. . . . . . . . . 2.22

– rear fog light . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.22

– seat belt warning lamp . . . . . 2.17

– selector lever position. . . . . . 2.16

– tailgate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.19

– trailer indicators . . . . . . . . . . 2.16

– warning lamps displayscreen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.16

– windscreen washer water level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.20

6 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––GENERAL INDEX


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Warning triangle. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.56

Washing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.28

Washing vehicle with high pressure cleaner. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.29

Wear indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.62

Wheel bolts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.70

Wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.60

Wheelspin control (TCS) . . . . . . . 3.11

Windows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.39

Windscreen washer . . . . . . . . . . 3.51

– filling the container . . . . . . . . 3.51

Windscreen wipers and washers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.51

– rear windscreen. . . . . . . . . . . 2.52

– windscreen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.51

Winter tyres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.64

Wiper blades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.53

GENERAL INDEX –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––7


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