Sea Changes, Spring 2016



The Moreau Catholic winter edition of the Sea Changes Magazine, a compilation of student artwork.

Transcript of Sea Changes, Spring 2016

Ta bl e o f Co nt ent s

Ph o t o s

"Hawaii 1" Andrea Yuen

"Hawaii 2" Andrea Yuen

"Hawaii 3" Andrea Yuen

"Palpitation" Annalise Sawit

"Just Another SF Devotee" Annalise Sawit

"Burning" Sarang Raj

"Concrete Death" Sarang Raj

"Staring I nto The Heavens" Aldo Martinez

"SF After Dark" Aldo Martinez

"West Coast Beauty" Aldo Martinez

"Football Sunset" Aldo Martinez

Pa in t i ngs"I sland Away" Julia Patel

"Castle Dreams" Julia Patel

"Starry Jimi Hendrix" Serena Rios

"Achieving Moksha ft. Mr. Steeb" Serena Rios

"Thank You For The Love" Julia Patel

page 4

page 4

page 16

page 7

page 8

page 11

page 11

page 17

page 15

page 16

page 15

page 5

page 5

page 7

page 8

page 17


Ta bl e o f Co nt ent s

Dr aw ings" Sea Changes" Samantha Galang

" Lumpy Mobile" Nicholas Fortune

" Radical" Nicholas Fortune

" Cool Art " Nicholas Fortune

" Lunar Dreamscape" Serena Rios

" Trump of Libert y" Darren Aseoche

" Sleepin' St it ch" Julia Patel

W r i t i ng"I Have A Dream" Daniela Villalobos

" Moonlit Tears" Robert Aceret

" The Journey of Inf inite Steps" Robert Aceret

cover & background

page 9

page 9

page 12

page 12

page 14

page 14

page 6

page 10

page 13



"H awaii" 1 & 2

- A nd rea Yuen, 2016


"Island A way "

- Julia Pat el, 2015

"Cast le Dreams"

- Julia Pat el, 2016

I Have a Dream?

I have a dream that one day, i l legal immigrat ion wil l be a t hing of

t he past . Men, women and children shouldn?t have t o endanger

t hey?re l ives t o get t o t he land of opportunit y or die not get t ing t he

t aste of t he sweet f reedom that everyone in t he over crowded

t ruck whispers t o each others ears l ike a comfort ing lul laby. I have

a dream that t he Government would stop t hrowing around t he

t opic of immigrat ion laws, just because it hasn?t been on t he news

in a few months because t here is a new family f resh f rom China

t hat get s excit ed about t he t alk of new immigrat ion laws, but

quickly learns t hat t he government is all t alk and no walk.

I have a dream that immigrates won?t have t o watch every corner

t hey walk by for an author it y f igure in t he land of t he f ree. That a

busy mom of two is dr iving, doesn?t have t o pretend t hat one of t he

houses on t he st reet s is hers, or t ake an alt ernate route in fear

t hat t he police car behind her wil l st op her and ask her in English,

?License and regist rat ion.? And she would stumble over her poor ly

t ranslated English and say, ?License, no have.?

I have a dream that a good educat ion shall be given t o t hose who

are not f rom the land of hard work and determinat ion. To t he l i t t le

gir l who suf fered af t er t he public school bil ingual pre school

program got cut because t here wasn?t enough funding. Going into

Kindergarten not knowing how to t el l you what she is drawing, but

she can surely t el l you what colors she used. When she grows up

and f inds out t hat she can?t go t o College, because well she has t he

grades but not t he papers.

Well t hat is America, r ight?

" I Have A Dream" Daniela Villalobos 2014



"St ar r y Jimi

H end r ix"

- Serena Rios, 2016

"Palp it at ion"

- A nnalise Sawit , 2015


"A chieving M ok sha f t . M r . St eeb"

- Serena Rios, 2016

"Just A not her SF Devot ee"

- A nnalise Sawit , 2015


"Lumpy M obile"

- N icholas For t une,


"Cool A r t "

- N icholas For t une, 2016


?M oonl i t Tears? Robert A ceret, 2015

Salt y t ears rushed down his face as t he boy glanced at

t he sight . He couldn?t recognize t he unusual pounding

inside of his body; it was t oo fast t o be his heart . He

didn?t want t o accept t he t ruth of t he sight before him,

yet he couldn?t blame his eyes for it was t hem that

suf fered wit h him. His mouth was open, t ast ing t he

bit t ersweet air of t he cold night ; he couldn?t make a


The t horns of t he f lower in his hands now pierced t he

f lesh of his f ingers; red cr imson droplet s ran down his

palm and onto t he cemented ground. They shone so

beaut iful ly in t he moonlight , but couldn?t compare t o

t he whit e petals glowing above t he stem; ref lect ing t he

silver radiance of t he moon.

Before him, two f igures stood t ogether t earfully

embracing each other in t he moonlit set t ing.

The boy found he was unnecessary here. His sadness

was caused by t heir happiness; he shouldn?t be t here t o

spoil such a beaut iful moment . Saddened, t hough not

grudgingly, t he boy t urned and ran in t he opposit e

direct ion of t he night .


"Burning " and "Concret e Deat h"

- Sarang Raj , 2016


"Cool A r t "

- N icholas For t une,


"Lunar Dreamscape"

- Serena Rios, 2016

The boy wandered t hroughout his wor ld, aimlessly looking for a cause. He walked wit hout t iredness, wit hout rest lessness. His breathing was predictable, even calming. Though t his never fascinated him.

In t his realm, his realm, t here was nothing. No one. Walking upr ight , he would be laid t o waste in such a color ful wor ld ful l of nothingness. He would die a beaut iful, meaningless death.

The f irst t ime he realized he was here, he cr ied out in t his empty space, for someone, something. He gave up concluding his search was meaningless, believing his end would be here, in t his space f i l led wit h l ight but damped wit h dullness. The chromat ic sight of t his wor ld, his wor ld, couldn?t sat isfy him. I t seemed that sat isfact ion would never come to save him.

This is my wor ld; where nothing wil l begin, where nothing wil l end. I l ive a l i fe of nothing; of everything. I have no purpose. I l ive for no purpose. There is no t ime. Yet , t here is inf init e t ime. There is only here? only me?

Nothing wil l bir t h here. Nothing wil l expire. Unless? ?

Beyond t he hor izon of t he plain, he heard something.

A sound? In t his inf init ely st i l l place?

A voice was t here. He might ?ve missed it , because it was so subt le. I t hummed wit h si lence, yet spoke wit h words of beauty. Was it a call ing? Was he not alone?

The boy stepped forward wit hout meaning t o; but l ike every other step, it felt empty as if he was st i l l in t he same place before. Part of his spir it pleaded t o stay where he was; t he other begged t o go. He wil led himself t o t ake another step, t his t ime sparked wit h wonder, and for t he f irst t ime wit hout such apathy.

He forced another step, and wit h it another spark. He felt something inside him. A desire. A yearning. Then he t ook another, and t he feeling became st ronger, more?

What is t his? Why am I? ?

Something was beyond where he was. There was something past t he hor izon of his wor ld, but he had no proof , no basis. St i l l , he had t o go. He wanted it t o be t rue. He wanted t here t o be something.

He not iced his breathing was shif t ing, becoming more ir regular. He walked faster, f inding himself? running. When was t he last moment t hat I felt ? so? excit ed?

St i l l he wasn?t going anywhere. There wasn?t a dest inat ion in sight . But st i l l t he boy ran and ran. He opened his mouth and emit t ed sound. ?Why am I running?? He screamed. His eyes widened and his eyes were wet , t hough he felt no sadness. ?Why am I crying?? Is t his delight? He found himself smil ing? laughing. Why he was doing t his was st i l l unknown to him. I t was pure mystery. What is t his feeling? I?m t rying t o go somewhere, but? where? But cur iosit y capt ivated t he boy, cont rolled his body. More t houghts echoed in his mind, but only one mat tered now. Quest ions rang, but he wanted t o leave t hem unanswered. The sound was call ing. And f inally he yelled, ?I?m coming. Even if i t t akes inf init e steps, I ?m coming.?

?The Journey of Inf ini te Steps? Robert A ceret, 2015



"Sleep in' St it ch"

- Julia Pat el, 2015

"Trump of

Liber t y "

- Dar ren A seoche,



"SF A f t er Dark "

- A ldo M ar t inez,


"Foot ball Sunset "

- A ldo M ar t inez,



"H awaii" 3

- A nd rea Yuen, 2016

"W est Coast

Beaut y "

- A ldo M ar t inez,



"Thank You For The Love"

- Julia Pat el, 2015

"St ar ing Int o The

H eavens"

- A ldo M ar t inez,


edi t o r : A dr ia nna Bur t o n

mo der at o r : M s. Simo ns

Sea Chang es

Spr ing 2016