SEA AND SHORE. A CITYOf||pA .IS! · 2017-12-18 · SEA AND SHORE. The United States Corvette Ma-...

SEA AND SHORE. The United States Corvette Ma- rion Damaged in a Gale. "Work Begun on the Wreck of. the Prince Alfred Boat-Thieves nt Work on the Water Front— Movements of Ships. A number of tire crew of ihe United Slates corvette Marion, which arrived ou Friday from Yokohama, were ashore yesterday taking In the .l"hts. liny slate that ou the passage from Kobe to Nagasaki the Marion encountered a very heavy Rale, and while pitching and laboring It airly sire lost her Hying jibboom and jib boom, Die latter snapping off just outside the can. A heavy rain squall accompanied the blow, and the men bad a rough time of It. AH the wreck- age was secured and got on board. 1 itin all accouuls Ibe record made by the Ma- liou on ll.e Astatic station was a particularly en- viable one. The corvette not only surpassed every other vessel in the Asiatic squadron by the excellence ofher gunner; attainments, out stood at tire head of the list of every ship iv the navy. Virile on tue Asiatic station four compli- mentary letters were sent the officers and men of the Marlon from the Navy Department, a rather unusual thing in naval custom. Un March 1 Till Admiral Belknap, commanding ibe American forces in Chinese waters, Inspected the corvette throughout. The lnsi ecllon was known as an "Admiral's inspection," and is customary in the case of all vessels leaving a station for binne. <fr______x_ A ship. The schooner Albion went outside on Saturday Willi a full wrecking outfit on board and is now ci)ga_ed on the wreck of the ship I'rluce Alfred, which was lost below Drakes Bay nearly twenty years ... s>lre was owned by John ltosenfeld an.i bad a cargo of coal ou board at the tune sue ran on (he rocks. 1 lie weather was clear at I'oiut Lobos yester- dsy. A calm prevailed unlit 3 o'clock in lire aft- er noon, when a ii. lit breeze sprang up from the southwest, lhe barometer read: 8 o'clock ln tire morning. 30,03; noon, 30.02; 5 o'clock lv tire evening. 29.99. The Loch Lintihe has arrived In Liverpool, 127 days beuce, with 2300 ions of wheat. Theie were thirty tour vessels of 32,110 tons in tin- aggregate at Puget Sound pons on May Ist, eveiy oue ol which was vbaitered. BOAT-THIEVES AT WORK. Charles Hodge, the water-trout boatman, mourns me loss of his Whitehall boat winch lias been stolen Irom where she was moored at tire loot of Broadway, lhe boat is li) teet long, is painted white, will) lead-colored gunwales and contained two pairs of sculls, a sari aud mast. " i.!_: Jack, the boatman at lire foot ot Broad* wav, reported to the Harbor _*olice yesterday that be in his possession a center-board skin awaiting an owner. Some small boys, who had probably stolen her, brought her under Broadway Wharf and then tried to steal Jack's sculls with which lo navigate Iter. He scared H'ciu oil. aud as they left the SKIS be secured it. The schooner Seven Sisters la due to-day, and willgo lo Last Oakland Immediately on arrival. The annuls yesterday up to . o'clock ln the eveulug comprised ultie coasting .'earners and lie schooner. At that hour the schooners ite* llattce, Mary Gilbert aud Garcia were outside, bound iv. MOVEMF.NTS OF VESSELS. The ship Arabia docked at Harrison street yesterday. lire brig Lurliue went to sea. he schooner Dora Bluhm docked at Foisom stieet to load a large qu.ulllyof cargo that lhe Lut line was unable lo lake. The Argumene came down from Fott Costa and anchored in the stream. Tire ship Benares lowed down from Granger's Wbarf. The bark Vidette hauled out from Green street and went to sea. The ship Celtic Chief will shift from Long Bridge lo ibe sugar refinery 10-day. The bark Ilu a willgo to sea to-day. CLEVERLY CAUGHT. Two Pickpockets Surprised at St. Mary's Cathedral. James Donovan and Joseph Richards, youug men, one of whom is an ex-convict, the other a graduate of the Industrial School, are in a City Prison cell, charged with an attempt at grand larceny. They were arrested at 10:25 o'clock yesterday morning at the doors of St. Mary's Cathe- dral, on California street, by Policemen Martin and Warnock. The police had been informed that a gang of pickpockets were infesting the portals of the cathedral at the hours of service when the congregations were passing through in large numbers. Complaints from victims of tlio thieves were also received at police headquarters, and accordingly the officers were detailed to watch the pickpockets. While a lady was leaving the church Dono- van quietly moved toward her side and slipped his hand in her pocket. Beside him was Kicbards, as his accomplice, to take the booty for safe-keeping. The officers caught them at their work and took them in cus- tody. DIGGING FOB BUSES. Sacramento's Ciller of Tollce Trying to Solve the <>'_.". il Mystery. The findingof some human bones In the alley between M aud N and Second and Third streets of this city, says the Bee, has given rise to the theory Urat they might be lhe remains of Arthur O'Nell, who so mysteriously disappeared a num- ber of years ago. On tbe night of (.'Nell's disap- pearance, the last place auy account is given of blm was at Mike Dunn's saloon, now occupied by Tom Kenny. When tie left Dunn's, where some very tougb characters made their head- quarters, O'Nell was beaded toward tbe locality where these bones were found to a place kept by the notorious Mrs. Doberty and frequented by the Gallaghers and the notorious Mrs. Dowdy and other disreputable characters. At tbe time and ever since there been a strong opinion entertained by those who knew of the circiirn- stances that the Dunn brothers, Gallaghers Eugene West and others of the Dobeity gang knew what disposition was made of Arthur O'N'eil and the large sum of money he was known to have with him on ibe night ol his disappear- ance., Iiwas a noticeble fact that after ibis the Dunns became reckless and exceedingly dis- solute. Mike Dunn fell lv a pond of water back of the Gas Works and was drowned. Tbe oilier brother went up north and came to a violent death In some brawl. If lhe remains are those of Arthur O'Nell tbe skull should show a broken nose, as be had his nose broken a number of years prior to the oc- currence. The supposition tbat tbe remains might be ibose of Monyban, who disappeared about twenty years ago. is scarcely tenable. It was thought Monyban was burled on Fourth street, near in engine-bouse, while Fourth street was being tilled in. This morning Chief of Tolice Drew and Officer Lowell put In tbe entire forenoon digging for Imiie.. Chief Drew turned up a piece of lower Jawbone winch contained a number of teetb, sev- eral arm and linger bones and a portion of the backbone. lie also uncovered tbe victim's boots, liut tbey bad almost entirely rolled away. The boots bad high beels and were "box-toed." Too body bad no doubt beeu cut Into pieces, for tbe bones were scattered about, some of the arm and finger bones being discovered with the lower portions of the body. It was evident that a layer of lime bad been placed In tne bole, and another layer on top of the body, In order, perhaps, to make Its decay more speedily, sulphur hid also been placed In the grave. Chief Drew is of tbe opinion that other bodies have been buried in the yard, and tbat the occu- pants of tbe properly were carrying on a busi- ness similar to that conducted yeats ago in Kan- sas by ibe Benders. A Bee reporter examined tbe skull, which Is at the police station. The facial portion bas be- come detached from the body of tbe skull. It Is plain that wben the body was burled the Dose was or .ken, a fact that goes a long way to- ward showing tbat the remains are those of Ar- thur O'Nell. Another fact corroborating tbls theory Is that tbe skull contains but one tooth. •>'\u25a0 bile it was evident that several of tbe teeth bad dropped out since the burial, it Is also evi- dent thai when tbe body was burled there were but few leetli Iv tbe head of the deceased. People who remember Arthur O'Nell say lhat be had few leelh for years before bis disappear- ance. A SENSIBLE GIKL. 1 She I'.rfuM. , to Marry Her Betrothed Id Dirty Clothes. John Llglrtner wooed a Colusa girl, says the Sun, Miss Amanda A.Moore, and secured her consent to marriage. He went to Cottonwood, ln Shasta County, and secured a shop ln which to pursue b Is calling as a blacksmith. Wednesday, after ' taking oui a license, be called on Key. J. C. Simmons to tie tbe knot Everything about the house gave token of foil preparation for tbe happy event. All tbe family were present, wllh a few frleuds. when the couple took their stand before tbe doctor. Tire bride was beautifully dressed lv snowy white, and looked tbe picture of happiness and good will. Hut the bridegroom stood In tbe heavy winter clothes be bad worn all winter, which were the worse for wear. Nevertheless above his unseemly attire be wore a smiling face. It fairly beamed Willi satisfaction as Ibe lovely girl leaned upon bis arm. < The doctor commenced tbe ceremony and'when Ire reached the declaration: "if any can show auy just cause why rbey may nol be lawfully j.ilm-ii together, let tnem now speak, or forever hold their peace," the bilde, releasing her hand unui bis aim, and stepping back, spoke with a clear, calm voice: ' "1bare; look at tbese clothes (gracefully waving her band toward tbe startled groom)) Ural tells ihe tale, and shows what sort of a Iru-banu he will make!'' Tbe astonished man stood dazed for a moment and said: "Thai settles it; I had a hat once"-- and reaching lor tt. left without ceiemony. _ \u25a0 ~n For live minutes not a word was spoken. Not a soul knew what was coming uutll the fatal words were spoken. -For the sensible girl bad made up her mlud the moment be was ushered into b.r presence to bis dirty, uni nsmly cloth- ing. At last the silence was broken by the mother saying "come Into dinner." Here, fu tbe diirtug- r ooin was additional evidence of the slucerity of the preparations tbat bad been made tor tbe nuptials, for rfaa table was crowded to repletion with all the d lioticies the market afforded. The disappointed man came to town and filled . Himself with mean whisky, and when the girl came with her lather's family to have their pic- tures taken she caught sight of the poor fellow bugging a lamp-post. THE KDLEE'S DAUGHTER. Regular Weekly Lesson of Mrs. Cooper's Bible fl--. At tbe opening of the Bible-class In tbe First Congregational Church yesterday Mrs. Cooper spoke of the progress of the kindergarten work all over the Coast, making special mention of the recent ad- dress on the kindergarten as home mission- ary work, made in San Diego by Mrs. C. E. Kinney, formerly of the Girls' Union of this cily. A mass-meeting to consider the subject of free kindergartens was called for an early day. " The Killer's Daughter " was the subject of an interesting discussion in the Blblo- class. It was shown how a touch of sorrow makes tillthe world kin. Sorrow is a great leveler. Ordinarily this proud ruler would have scorned the meek and lowly one, to whom he now came so nimbly in behalf of his suffering and dying child. He was a father as well as a ruler. Humanity is above mere office, It often happens that worldly people are suddenly brought to see that their heart's dearest treasure nestles in their homes, too often unappre- ciated until it vanishes. Trouble reminds of the Great Healer. Many a ouo who never thought of God wheu skies were clear has gone to him amid the storms. The question was asked "Why is it that, as a rule, the heaviest sorrows seem to come to tho best people?" It was argued that the best material is always selected for Instruments of service, and it must be tested and shaped and prepared for use. The metals that are to be used for work must be annealed in thu furnace of trial. And when we see a soul bowed under a weight of grief and care, we feel that hero is a spirit whom God is carrying through the test-season of education. And any soul that cau say, amid it all, "Thy will be done," has triumphed; its spiritual education is complete; it passes up into the very peace of God. After the restoratiju, Jesus "commanded that something be given her to eat." "This," said Mrs. Cooper, '"shows the tenderness of Heaven to humanhood. It shows us that our daily lives are enfolded by the forethought of Heaven. In the midst of all poverty and care it should never be forgotten that Jesus guards the minutest details: 'He com- manded that something be given her to eat.'" PEOPLE TALKED ABOUT. Bismarck's pension is not quite $4500. Delaunay returns to the Coinedie Fran- caise as stage manager. The new Duke of Aosta has a pocket camera, aud is said to boa snap shot withit. Ex-Senator Palmer, Minister to Spain, has left Madrid bound for Michigan and his fences. Chancellor yon Caprivi is a bachelor. American heiresses will swarm in Berlin this summer. Count Minister, the German Embassador at Paris, is the author of a cook-book. He is probably a dyspeptic. De Brazza, the French explorer, has started.oo his sixth trip to Africa as a civilizer but as a money-maker. Miss Mildred Lee, daughter of the late General Kobert E. Lee, is a great favorite in the best social circles of Washington. The young Russian Grand Duke Constan- tino writes poetry. The Nihilists will be forgiven lor anything they do with him. Admiral Porter has been elected Presi- dent of the Washington branch, just organ- ized, of the National Society of the Sons of the Revolution. General Butler's horri. in Lowell, Mass . is a Diilac.. Ife is reputed to be worth 55,000,000, and his law practice is estimated at 5100,000 a year. Miss E. Constance Stone is the first fe- male physician who has been granted registration papers in the Australian col- onies. She has just beeu registered in Mel- bourne. The Vienna Freie Presse relates that Bis- marck once said to a friend who asked him what kind of a man General yon Caprivi was .-"•Caprivi? "Well he is one man who has a harder head than mine." HOTEL ARRIVALS. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL. LDCampbell * w, Oak- G Morrison, Eureka land w Cdchton, Eureka H Parker, Oregon F Shaw. Eureka 2 Rodman, Baltimore A p Poper. Eureka J Lust la, Mendocino w Thomas, Eureka O L Lee, IS.i J. Anderson. Eureka I. E Waduian, Oakland I. Korrall, Wisconsin J Walk*. * w, Japan 1, Madsen, Wisconsin l: McDonald. Alau'.e la Mrs W. Campbell A t, D G Roberts Alameda Eureka (1B D. 'C.rr.r. Alameda P J Donovan, Eureka _ C Clarke A. "r,.v,iie iE L Webb, san Simeon VV 1' Asbbaujb. _r)ls_n A Dalil,|u:_t, J___H___ld . I. Dunham, Sn LeandrolH J Foj ft- r. Los Angeles PC Shaw, Los Gatos 1; Thompson. Gllroy 1- Manning. Santa Cruz J Magmr., Gllroy 0 B Starr, Santa Cruz J B Brady, New York J Lynn, Santa Crux iv F Flanagan. New York M ltoblnsou, Tulare I. Washbnrn, V. _ N L F Parker, Pasadena J Johns, California Mrs Hennelly, N Mexico J McDonald, California W Henry. Point Arena Mrs Srullb, California J Dillon, Fort Bragg II Prosser, Illinois A Johnson, California O Larson, Illinois E Mcleod. California E Pordy, Sonoma J Williams, ISA J B .lo.res, Sonoma A Barlholeil, USA F Johnson, Sonoma J Tchrclber. USA w 11 Thomas, Fresno W Dunn, USA E -I Knrg-'e v, Oregon I* McLelran. Pinole GA Schubly. Texas YYStetius, Haywards II Heyruau, Santa Panla T Jones, Haywards L T Austin, Kentucky ¥II Sylva. Haywards ,XI) Brown, Kentucky P J Orlndell, Haywards i W Edsou. California E Toivusend, Napa |T W Lynch, California GRAND HOTEL. J C Herndon A fin. Ariz TIIDouglas, Menlo Park Mrs L F Wilson. Prescott J S Bailey 4 wr.Mouutalu E W Woolen, California View X Hickmott. Haywards J S -Morkbee _ wr, Moun- W MJules, (Stockton tain View A Winters, Kab.rville J ,1 (.iilnn, Stockton D J Murphy, San Jose J Mla Rue, Stockton T Parsed. San Jose D la Rue, Stockton R M Sheet, Vallejo ID E la Rue, Riverside LLlebes, San Jose , IU Redington ft- wr. Cal D w Hottel, Oakland J B Coghlan, Mare Island 1 Morris. Portland jMrs v 1-. Crane, St Helena w J sueeharr, Minnesota MBlum, Martinez Mr-York a cli, Denver J A Oallender, Los Gatos Mrs Holmes A eh. Denver vv J Wrlgbt, Sebastopol DI Parker. Red Cloud kH C Wilson. Sebastopol T W Langrord, Eureka A E Cromwell, Tacoma I. llri'.-...ri, Stockton {EC Morgan. California Mrs G C Vose A sons. Me .Mrs J Brenner A- rlau. Sac Mrs 1: VY Alder, i'ortland D Liibln _ Cam, Baeto _ 11 Smith, Pasadena . 1. Brenner. Sacramento YVBrown. Pasadena J LabaUie, Sacramento J W stengele, Astoria | AMERICAN EXCHANGE. ORnsiand, I.sletoa O DDevoc, lowa J Mahoney, Fresno '1! Hill A f, Liverpool W P Madden. Tulare I A Wagner. Ashland J Hamlll, San Jose J McDonald, San Rafael C Shanks, Bitter Creek A McDonald, San Rafael II E Larson, Salt Lake W McAfee, San Rafael J Burnholz, Chicago W R Brown. Ogden G sievers. .Nebraska A J Mlllbraacb, Benlcia 0 KIIII2. Nebraska W Burbank. Benlcia Si" BJorkman, Nebraska E C Dyer, Pennsylvania EX Clyde A w, Ouernerl J Oakley Aw.SnMargarlto J F'dwardson, Iselton MSaras'rn, Seattle VV llaberdrer. Pa F Warburton, Hornbrook <_ Ireubeeren, Portland Mrs F Peterson _ _ eh, J Porter, Portland Hornbrook N" P Arudreu. Portland W Drury, Sacramento R Patterson, Montana II Everett, Santa Barbara J Hems, Portland N .1 Sanders. Sn Barbara E HSmith, Rutherford G W Era,. r._ w.LsAngelos YV B Deatherage, Willows S Swctt, Fresno PS Winner, Michigan |E SNorthrup.Gnernevllle BROOKLYN HOTEL. J Dalley. Mayfleld M Murray. Sonoma a it Wilson. Fresno ! J P Labonllt, Sonoma J Lnegley, Alvarado A L Lampkey, San Jose a MFaXrrllle, san Jose |B Allen, san Jose J N llilo,Oakland iMCasohava, Vallejo A J Menuox. Downleville w Dixon. stockiun - '\u25a0-• M YVilllams, Downleville J Fogarty. Stockton B BC F C Humes. California r X Holllday, do A Bartholomew. Sn Cruz Swan. do Mrs- Bartholomew.. Cruz Fudger, do - J BAndrews, Santa Cruz Selua, do Mrs M L Andrews.SnCruz Chase, do J YV Webb A w.LsAngeie, Wilson, do G E Mr-i-orn, Los Angeles Bouchers, do J W « in. a. ir.. Sao la Rvsa Depangher, do J II ll inker. Petaluma |.Mrs J FDavis. Eureka 1 YV Carroll, Grass Valley IN _ Griffin, Los Gatos IISampson. Eureka N J Hearch, Marysville MMcDonnellftw.Arizonla C G House, Stockton J Prentice, Chicago C S White, Vacaville I Owens, Toronto | BUSS HOUSE. Mrs A Schnltz, Dixon |.l Ccrvero, Chile YV D Perry, San (.uentin P. c Sargent. Lodl C V Burk, Yolo G F Wbitworth, Seattle J Ca pees ft w, .Salinas Mrs ME Morris, Sacmuto A0 Tracey A sis, Oakland M 1{ Gleeson, lowa C F Walker. Fresno N A Weeks, Canada BArmstrong, Stockton T M.McN'ainaraAf.Vlsalla AE Lindsay, New Mcx I. F Suerburn A faru, Cal J F Towle,New Mcx J Frullnger, Stock E X Brown 4 v.-.Sir Diego -Miss M Matteson.Slocktn H W Adrian, Chicago , A Horn, Sacramento G VX M.-aciiani. Humboldt J J Kerrrreen* f,Llverme G Masel, Seattle ] M It Kramer, New Jersey I-' Edwards, Dunsmnlr IF Moon. New Jersey R IIPutts, Alameda A MKurtz, San L Obispo J II Benrlmo, Alameda J A Llrrscott, vlric 0 X Jones, Napa City jw il Brimmer, Omaha w LTalbot, Sacramento It Lane, Brockvllle J Smith. Johnstown G B Passage, Eureka W B Forman, Salinas |M MVaughan, Marysvllie PALACE HOTEL. 1: 11 Block, New York MJ HStlner * w, N _;-*_ Frund, New York Miss L Stluer. New York IIM Levy, Cincinnati Col Beaumont, London J__l*_______ '-"• Angeles Dr S A Potter, Boston V," Wrl.ater. New York .Mrs A P Bulger, Boston J I -allljus. New Orleans F Fischer *w, Chicago J 5S,^"! , l 1 l " l '?,« , York J » Abel, Milwaukee 0 w ooldlng,California s Harris Aw. Portland C A I'oage A w. N V City J D tr.rr, Salinas J StockslU & w, Ohio G WKing, New York RMackintosh. Salt Lake E suaid a vr, U Navy ARoberts, Portland D C Dodge A w, Denver *W II Burnett, New York Mrs J W GHiuiy, Denver YL, lylor. New York Miss M Smith, Denver J M Wood, Chicago G W Kramer A w, Denver YV J Collins, Dcs Moines LICK HOUSE. FG Thwalte, New York TLee, Plymouth J E Malocbe, Martinez C EHayes A w, Cal M Elliott. Han Rafael I Mclntyre Aw. Sta Cruz AMiller, California B Mouldeu, Monterey O Deker. California \u25a0'•' Ripka, Philadelphia EBatch A w,Washington J Miller, Los Angeles 1. L Bar. Washington - C HBaldwin, Sauta Clara W II Allen A w, Portland W J Applegate. St Julius J P Dart, Stockton F Evans, St Johns Jlt Moll 1, Stockton ' . SK Evans, St Johns AAManutz, Honolulu Miss Error. Mills College Miss M Ryan, New York J DMcDougall Aw, Cal J W Woodruff A w, l .ilia EE Boots, Haoford _* Williams. Cleveland AR Machnieyer, Lemore L Harlem, Ca Hernia J A Morse A iv. Fresno -•- HC Boyd. Portland . BALDWIN HOTEL. TJ Ilamraor d, Los Angls E W Woodman, Cal P Joseph, New York c A Baldwin, Los Angeles w A Gill. E McLaren, Alameda R X Hayes, USN J D McDonald, V 8 N , *W HThompson Jr.Chlgo F O Ferris, I. S N - \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 MABourngrre, Chicago ]X Downing, Port Costa C MVi ill. . San Diego KB Bardelt, placer vrllo . Dr L A Putter, Boston \r, Riley, Vallejor»"* -- .' Mrs Anna P Bniger.Bostn U F lie. \u25a0!\u25a0\u25a0-. New York •-.. E Mr Hani. Ohio Ali liranuer, New York j LD Baniby, Ohio J ,-._.-.. A GALLANT RESCUE. Thomas Garrett,- a Teamster, ••; Saves a Boy's Life. Yesterday afternoon a number of boys were playing at the end of Yallcjo-street "Wharf, when one of their number named Thomas Gaffney, whose parents live on the corner of Sacramento and Jones streets, fell off the stringer into the bay. Ashe fell he emitted a yell, which was echoed by his companions on the wharf. They could do nothing to save him as he drifted down with the tide. -'1 lie boys' cries were heard by Thomas Garrett, a teamster, who lives at 326 Yallejo streot, and who happened to •be passing. Garrett, who is a good swimmer, ran to the end of the dock and jumped overboard, fully dressed as he was, and with a few quick strokes reached the boy and con- veyed him to the wharf, where they were hauled up. Young Gaffuey was very much exhausted and it was some time before he recovered sufficiently to be able to go home. A bright boy of .Biggs, Butto County, named Harrison, is only 13 years old, yet he owns quite a herd of cattle, lie bor- rower! some money of bis father a year ago and invested In some "cows. Lust week he invested in a thoroughbred bull, and now gives his whole time to looking after fifteen head. LIST OF LETTERS. Remaining unclaimed in the Postoffi.e at San Fran- cis o onMONDAY, May 6, 1890. lie ' Toobtain any of these letters tbe applicant must cull for "Advertised Letters." ami give the date of the list. Itnot called for within tiro weeks they willbe sent to the Dead-letter Offlce. __a_eusen,_lrsll Alt-are!, Win r Anderson, Miss Q 0 Alexander, Mrs '-! Abbey, A A (024 Turk) ] Anderson. Wm Ar-ranrs, Herman Alexander, Miss Andrews, Ernest Af-kersun.Chas F Annie j Andrews, Hubert Adams, Archie \V Allen, <_ W Ariilronlcu. Adams. James S Allan, Thompson Anger, Th Adams, Miss I X _ ........ . Henry Julia - I Allen, Mrs Wm Anspacberl'blllp Adams, W It | Allman, John Apjjar. John W Adams, l>r W L:Amblow,_lrsAn- Appleby.Mr* I. Abramsohn, A nic Applegate, Miss Ahem, licorice Arasden, E Jannie Alkman.S IU Co Anderson, Carl Anribriister Jt Alcourt. Mrs . Anderson, t:has Leltfucbs Al_l..i,'.irr. Co I n_lw Arnold, Key T J Allien, 1- D I Anderson. l'lrasH Austin. J Alejos, Thomas] Anderson. V A Avery,Horace W Jtabb, Bernard, JC Branch, Miss Battle, John lieruellcb. Z Margaret. Backus, Mrs . I _ Bernstein, M _._ Burre.l, John ltec. .11. Miss .1 11 Brash, M Badglei. Horace Berry, Charles Bray. Miss Nellie llaliilnidge, Mrs Berry, M C Brechemin, Miss C II Barren, Sam i__Uui Bailey, Mrs Jen- Best, Mrs MII Brechemln, Capt nic Keswick, laden Louis Baker, Foreign I) W Breerr, John Balausar, Mrs _•" Blgley Bros Brarrnin, Miss Baldwin, I'd Billings. Albert Annie Balk and. A _.ur{___i. Miss Bright,Mrs II H Ba kley, Mrs Edith Brinker. I Kate A Bingham, HT, Asel Haiti., M lining. X T Brown. Mrs E __n_lor,r_t»r Bishop, Miss An- (1319 Ellis) Boras, Miss Julia trie infield, Mrs Barnes, Mrs Jan- BlshopFrederlck (937 21st) nic Black, Mrs J - Brook, Thos BarnettHrsKobt Bishop, 1 O liro..ksMi-, Belle Harnett. J Black* ell's I)ui> Brooks, Miss Barry. William ham Co Mis'lly Bartlett _Co |li lake. Chas Bevuchls,MlssM Bartlett, Samuel lßlanihard. Mrs J BruwuMissAoby Bart-Somew, Bley, Jenny Brown, _* (131. Mrs It Blum. (ierscban Ellis at} Barton, Mrs Ag- Board, Win Brown, Mrs \u25a0res Biggs. Ceo Martha Bateman, John Banian, M Browne, It Bay ley, _\u25a0 S I Bona. Mrs Lucy Brown, J Bean, Wm Bunnell. James Brown, Willie Becker MrsLonis Booth, S _ Co Bruce, E M Beckmanu, Miss Borrrsou, George Bruclre, Mrs E N* Anna BostotiUlsslieiie Brlukmau, Mrs Belyed, Al - Boston MknlgCo Lizzie Bennett, Miss l'..lr___, Gustave Bergan, A E (1324 Howard) IBuntoskej, Mlss'Bulgreir, 1' Bennett, Edward Amelia I Bunkea, Mrs Paul Bennett, Mrs LJ ! Bovlcb, Jerry Burden, G It W Booom, L Bowlay, Leonard Buyer. II E Bents, Geo C Bowman, Mists Bnrker, Mrs 8 Benu, l'hlllp C Hilda Burke, Andrew Berdan, Frank i Bowman, Locklel W Mrs Boyken.JA | Uurkf._ll__.usan Berdan. Mrs I Boyle, Peter r Burns, Thomas Mary B I Bowie. Miss S J Brush, Mrs HI' Berglund, Anna Bradford .v_tory!__rtucci, Sal Bergulst, Mrs I Bradley, Cyrus IBut'.es, Miss Au- Christina I Bradley, Mrs I gusta M Ileum. Helen M! Kail- I ('..dwell, Geo , Chase, Wm Cooper. Miss Calkins, W J Chlnn, Virginia Jennie Callahan, Miss Cblnowltli, J MCurbe.Geo ,lir_le Choaueay, Mrs Courtney, A D Cameron, Jss | M 0 Cowell, Chas E Cameron, Jas F.Chrlsteeti. C B Cox, Mrs Fannie Canrpe, _II_» . Itr. M„l,Mr-UM Cox. Mrs Mary C Mata E Clprlco, Mrs A _. Cox. Mrs Will Campbell (lner- Clarke. Miss link. Miss. chant) t (Stockton at) Craddor.. Bena Campbell, Miss Clark, Lot _ train Miss Mln- Florence Clarke, S ule C.irtw.n, Llent Clifford, Miss Crandall. Miss M John C I Minnie Adelaide Caplinger, Mrs ClulT, Mrs .las Crarrdali. Or man Kotiert F Cobbert. John CrawTord. Miss S Cappa, Joseph Colburn, Irene T A Cai', Joseph Colin. Al Crelgbton, S(1 I artier,', CO Cole. Mrs 1) X | I're.kU.rd, Chas Carletuu.Almall-Coleiiiarr. Mrs 1) I l.rrlrr. ltd Carlson, Fred i Collins, Cll [Cross, Mrs _____ Carey, Juliet! E Collins, Mrs Goo Crow, -Miss Carpenter, S w Collins, J 0 Crowley, MF Carroll. Fat (l.'omrue.Mrs E A Crowly, ru Carter, -Mrs lien- Condron, David frrrts-', Johnnie ry Connelly, Geo Crntiiers, Mrs Casady. Wm Connolly, John Lena r a -as.,a, li Cooley, Miss Cruz, Frank Cates, William Florence Curd. Jasper N Cateche, EC Cooky. Geo n Currey, Mrs Thos caranaush . asSI Cooley, Miss Lli- Crime, Mrs Erel- Ceis, zie ns Cerne, Juhan Couiot, A Curtiss. Frank Chambers, So- Coopall, JD Curtis. l Aor J A phi© Cook, Austin Curtis, Kate Channel), Mrs Cook, MISS W I'rrsliltrg SB Maggie Cooper.MrsEven Miss Chapman, Lulu Cotter, Timothy Mussetta Da.iow. Paul Deianey, Miss Dolllver, Mrs DaJil, Andres Helen V Clara ii Dam, John Ir. rJ.,.A ..liis- CM bunion. Miss I -it- _.__,, Mrs Dclegne (6-1 Annie Marl mi Washington) Donnelly, L E Daly, Con Demartlni.Mrs Donovan, Miss Darnold, Geo De Mutt. Wm Minnie A D'AsKwltb, Ed- Demand, JameslDoollrr, ItP ward (colored) Doolittle.MrsCM Davenport, Er- Dentil -k, Miss Doollitle, J E nest M Lola Dorchester, D David,D «- Denning. Mrs T Liorsay, Miss Davis, Henry ' Dennis. Mrs : Annie Davis, James Hannah jDouglass, Mrs O Davis, Johu I _rinl_, Dr \v 1. ilrel. It.u'liFrank Davis, John F Deuey. Mrs Ma- Dresel _ Co Davis, J A J mle Driscill.Mlss BT Davis, Robert G Dewey. Mrs E | Halves. Mrs MM Daw, Allan D Dre.lerrcks en,, Jack Daw, 8 J Miss Mathilda Duekworth, Dawly. \V H Dlsbrow. II ri ' Hide D.wltorn, Clias! Dixon, Thomas I Dnetertre, L Day Jr. Jas M Dobies. W A IHllirr, A I. Day, Thomas Dohrmaa, Chas Duncan, Alex Dean, 11 Doughtcry, Juu-Dutine, Francis Deaue, Daisy - DoLerly, Miss {Dunn, Mrs Maria De Bus, Fred Lizzie Reynallt Deere, John Dougherty, Mrs Durham, W II Deger, Haver Al- Mary Inrtanl, ell bert Dorghorty.Mrs I*l Irwyer, D Deitz. Charles Donnelly, Mrs Xl Dyer, Mrs Susie Deianey. Patrick Itarhsrt. Criru Eggen.JC , Kills, William Earl, A E Egorsin, Ftrlltor Emery. SS ('_) :Eastland, A J Kid, .lames X England, Jacob Eastman, Geo W ___s_B__, M Eitrljlrt, Mrs Easton. Miss Elltnore, 1. P (417 Market) Elizabeth B Elvldge, UJ Erl.kson, Miss Ebuer, Max Elllotb, J Una _ Eccles, CVV Elliott, J B European and FAkbart, 1 W Erllolt..W S Org Land Co Eddy.MlssSue M Sails, Mrs Annie Everett. Mrs EM J-.drrrrririisen. E Kills. Harry C i Brans, Fred Egiti, Miss Jlt Kills, Miss Lottie Evans. Otis Egarr. William |Ellis,Miss May i Eyre, Edward Fairy. TM I ITrrkreirrer, Geo Ford. Mrs. Fatrbrotber,Mlss Finlaysun. Jas Forde, S M Maggie Fisher, EE | Foster. _.' 1) Fallen, Mrs Wm Fisher. Mrs Em- Fowler, T Falls. SD Hie Fisher, W Fallliigs.V(Shot- Fix, Mrs Medium Fox. Frank A well st) Filzpalrkk, Miss Franc _ Co Farger. Jas J XT Fra n it b a user, Farrngtorr, Miss Fladnilg. Mrs Ed Christian 5 N Flald. Edmund Frank. Otto Farley .MlssFlor- FletcherErtward Franklin, WO ence Fletcher.l.'aptLD Fraxer, C D Farnell, F H Flelng, Miss Cc- Frederick, G Farnman, Mrs line Frelllson, Hans Emily Flint (Agent for Frsiuout, Uen Farrel.MlssDella Am Board of John C Feder, Dr II C For Missions) Fried land, B Fellz, P F'ioriue, Miss Frlkert, Mrs Fennel, Edwin Mary Ft Fuclis, Mrs Hen- I is., J T Fly, J W rleite Ferry MissAnnle Foa, Mrs .Mary Ernst nek, II Ferguson, Geo Foley, Charles H lunragalll,D Fizel, Brunswick Foley, James Fnruer.Mlss Bell 6 Co Foley, w D Furst. « Rn GS Ford, Mrs M Furstcuan, E Fllpot, Charley . . Gall-iglr.-rMrsAj.G|]rnorrr.Dr I A Grabble, Chas Gallagher, G Giles, WM Edward M G_l!ow_._t___a_lai_sa,J M Gratlarr, Win Gardiner, Mrs l.lixman. Falck Goss, Mrs Minna Gardluer, Frank Gluyas, Mrs Jen- Gratz.MrsMitiule Gardner. A nic E Gray, J W Gardiner, Byron Goad, Frank Gray, Mabel ' II ~ Goldstein, S Green,.lohnLock Garr.-itt.l'ant ItH Good. 11 II Green, John Garr.itl, Thos Good ter, Geo (ireen, .Norman Garrison, w J .otxliuao, Mrs L Grieve, John J Ge.-irrig Kiiilolpli|Goodric:r. O B Grle.sirer, Fred, (' A Uoodspeed, Mrs GrlesbergerMme C Hi: Grifflth, Miss Gerhard, Cnas Goolman, J N Mary Gersteutuayer, Cooper, Louis Grltliili, Mrs M G Michael Gorden, Mrs Grlrtllh, W A Gerrlng, John Laura de Force Griffin, I, F - Gesrhwandler, Gorham _ Co Groser Thos Jos (Books) ..-mrii. in, Miss . Glbbs, Frank Gore, Mrs Ma- Fanny -- Gleschcn, II tllda Gttse. Eliza Gibson, Mrs Win Qould, E W Guy, Clias Gillespie, Jas M Graff, Eddie Haesslg, Frank . rHayz v. The Co HoUson, Mrs Ilaik-ht, Nil Healy. Mrs Ellen Frank O L ___lgnt. Mrs Jen- Hecox, Mrs A II Hudson, Dr nic Hedley, VZ Hobitz, Alois Hi,..- J lien Is. Miss Tan- ll oilcans. Mr Ilalkoia, Marlta I line Hoffman, Miss Hall, Miss Lillie Heine. Mrs Dor- Annie Hat), Mrs Alice othea Hoffman, J It Hall, Charles Heilmtitb, Jos Holborn, Mrs - Hall, .Master Heller. Samuel I. HoirJerman.Clias Bonnie IlellbergKicbardiHolmait. .1 H Hall, W F Hemeriw-ay, liar- Hoilailay, Mrs Halllrlay, Mr ry T Jessie Hamlin. Thos Ii Hempler, Clias Holland, GB Hamilton, J C Uendrlcksou, A llolloman, Mrs J Hamilton, II W .. Hood. I'll Hamilton, FI; llonrlch, Aug - Ilorach, J W Hamilton, Julia Henderson, W E Horgarr, James ; Hamilton, j Henderson, Hold Homer, Albert . Claude T Hess. Mr Horton. Capt It llaminor»d, Sirs Uerbet, H . Hosteler, Ben _ Handy, Geo W Heroc. lngrahltn Howard. Mr Hamilgan, Miss llerwlg, w - Howard, Chas _ Ar.i.i. Herman, Fran Howard, Miss Hansen, M - Zlska Jennie >•-•' Hansen, Karl C Heynemann, Mrs|Huwiry, F II Hansen, Charlie Helen IliiblisrVlrsChasll Har.ily.-lohan Hlgbuc, SU - Hubbard, i, \u25a0 * Haruigau, Mrs Hlirglus. Mrs T Hubert, Mrs Em- w A Ulgglns, Miss ma - -: Harding, Edwin Emily Huddart.ltevßT Ilarland. Willie night, J W Hug ABoacowltz Harris. J Ham Hltlard. H Hull, XV Harris, Mrs Ella Ullllce, It J - Humbrecht, O Harrison ft Co UIH,Emerson Nichols - Hasby ThomodA mil,Ii F Humphreys, Dr Hasklns, Mrs A Hills, Mrs Anns Frank W ' ll awley, Frank Hills. MrsAnna B Hunt. Geo J Hays, F lllchcock, Mrs Hunter.Frank W Hays, Mrs Killer Martha Ilurlbut, SB" ' Hayse, AN .';• Illrscb, F - llllg, Ernest Hayman, Win M Hoberg, Paul Irwin,p B Jackson, Miss ' Johnson, Mrs Jobansen," Ma- Hattie | Anna Louise thilde Jackson, Mrs Johnson, Bros Jones, Hampton -" Josie Johnson, Asi Joues, Mrs Char- Jackson, James j Johnson, Christ lotto Jackson, Martha Johnson, Geo A Jones, Dr Ed- Jacobs, Ham LD Johnson, Eugene ward F v. -'- Jaeuiiiot. E - ' Johnson, Mrs - Jones, H C Jakin, Gustavo | Josephine Joues, TO ... Jakobsen, Julian Johnson, Mrs Jorgen»on,C_rl_- James, Mrs 8 M Lucy I tlanson Jamison, Adam Johnson MrsLouUoy, Dr Blanch* Johnson, MrsJ Johnston, Mrs - | Karmave, BllleyiKemp, Bert . Klrby,Mrs - Kautmann. o I Kenny, Geo X KtrbyJr. Mrs - a Keating ft Fagan Kenny, Miss Bee Kirchen, M Keating. Fred Kennedy, Miss Kirkpatrick. Mrs Keene, Ktt Clara A Kloirfer. Miss Keefe, Kobt Keuyou News Co Ileunrie Reagan, X Kent.Allss Bessie Klyce, Harry A Keeuan, James [Kerr.LI. - jKnapp. HG Kelt, Bartbold Hotels, Mrs Effey Kuecht. Johan Keller, M J - Kezerter, MI, Knowles.MrsTT Kelly. Harry A Kldstou, Miss Knowlton _Co Kelly, Jas H Mollis Korb, Mrs Kelly, Charley Kiel, John Rudolph Kelly, Patrick Kiep, Win Koolstra, 8 Kelly.MlssN'ellle Kimball, Man- Kortl.F C Kelly, Miss Aliu- Ired C Kopatsch, Geo nic Kindlenplre.Klia Kost. JJ Keilen, Geo E Klnnear, Mrs Kramer. II Kelleher, Mrs I Lockwood Kushlda, MissS Kate . King, Thos LakehuueAlrsJß Lee, B F [Little, David Lahant, Albert Lee, Geo W Llttlelield, J H Martin Lee. Millie | Littleton, Miss Lally, Delia- LehlghMlssAlmar Jeunte Lanrpe, Mrs Ella I.ehinaun. Emma Loeb, Henry La Mux, Dr Lelverd, Kobt Loewenwald, T Laudgrebe, Mor- Lestrlp, J F Logan, Miss Sa- ris Lehman, Jno rah 0 - Laue, Frank E I.espuutie, F Lowe,HI Lane. Mrs W Levlson, H Lowentbal.lsacC, A Levin, E* Co Loztcr. Emmett Langhrer ACo Leavy, Mrs E Lloyd, Jno H Larrkslead, Mrs Levy, Mrs L Lloyd,.Miss Eliza Larsen, X P Levy, Mrs F Lnber, Nellie Lars. Lars 6 Lewis, Burton F Lucas, Miss Alice Larson, A E I Lewis, E Ludolpb, M A Laron, SlissClara Lewis, Miss X Lu.lcrs, Joseph Laverdue, Frank Lewis, Philip Lunny, Chas Lawser, Mrs Su- Llescb, Anton Lynch, o J tun S l.lndeiuaun. Miss Lynch.Mrs Jane Lawrence, G B Llnderinan, Dell Lynch. Mrs O Lawson.SopbloM Lindner.MrsKalp Lynton, Mrs Es- Leberiiian, JI Llnnegan, James ther Lederer, Li coin, Kobt Xl (Lyon. '_ I 4 Co die ILlpuian,A Lyons, Kate McArity.AlrsJas McCormack.Wm MctUnstry, O McAllister Mr-GloneKdwarJ JlcKennon, J Q McCorinlck.Allss Alcßhee, Mrs Er-'M< Keriua, Mrs Flossie it. '-tine I .Maria McCaughey.Alljs AlcUeo, Mrs UlcKillop, Peter Lizzie McGrune, Miss JMcl_own.Jlrs._ls McCutcliln,Jas Annie I .McLean, Jno -McCartney, Goo AtcGurk. Jno |.McLeorl, Miss i McCartney ,GeoE Mc Go Idr 1 c k,r Annie McCreadle, Miss Philip II Mullen, Mrs Helen IMcGulre, Mrs AlcNiitt, All Mcculloch. Thos Peter AlcN'ulty, Jno AlcDonad, Mrs McGovern, *W P AlcN'abe, Mr Alarms Mclnerny, Pat Jtrl'eak, John McFarhua _,Kits JlcJohnson, Air MeSparren, Ar- Alollle Mcintyre, Mrs chlbald McFarlane, Mrs Hartley McSlreean, Tlm- Addle L Mcintosh, L H othy Mackenzie, W ,Mechl_r, Mrs B Mohrr.. Jllss AlackeyAllssJule Aleade, Alias Moore. Miss Eva Aladsen, A j Jessie Moore, Frank WLsjgasj, Peter Meade, Henry L .Moore, VincentG Ma.uirc. James Aleluralh Bros Hoore, Viola MailiniclrMalle. Jleeks, J B Moure, W A Mains, Miss HoUgxrm, Alias AIo rgantield, Horeuce G | Augusta Gorllrted Man. air, UrJ Meutzel, Allss More \u0084C E Manuel, Fred Nettle Alorgan. II Mann, Harry rMerrear, John W .Morgan, Evans H Menu, Mrs AC Mem-b, J B Morris, J Mirks, LJ vers, BF Morrison. COl Marks, M .Myers, Clinton George H Marcher, Miss Meyers, Frank Molt. William Sar.da - Aleyer, J E Alnulton, George Maritime Insur- Meyer. James . X ance Co Meyer, George . M'.uil'l, Mrs M Marlon insur- Jluers, Mrs X jMuliiu, August arrccCo Myers. X C Sluir, Dr J 8 Marettcorlch, Allchlels.Charles Molln. August I.lnccnt Alldd, Mrs Ai .Mullen, August Atarcrts.Walterß Miles. I) E ' Mirlvln, W Marx, UM Miller,A (2) Mulcahy, -Miss Marveuo, A T I Miller, James I Nelly Martinez, Mrs Sillier, LT Muller,George Inez Miller, M |',AC .Marshall, .Mrs M.Miller,Mrs Maud Muller, Fred -Martin, Dan C Mol er, Mrs W Martin, Ike Miller, Miss Mulr. 8 Martin. John II r Alary Jtusto, P -Martin. Henry J ! Mills, WSI n Murphy, Arthur Mate, Mrs Uen- Mlil.,Mr_Miu_!e Murphy, A A drlruta X Murphy, William Mat-hens, C .Minor, Frank G .Murphy, Alary Mailinsley, Mrs Misener, F L iMrrrrav, Ell 11 Maxwell, Ed- Mohan, B Homy, Richard mund ll Mocker, Paul j J May. Charles Molioy, Miss Mylott, Miss May, Henry L Kellle | Josie E Nathan ft Mag- Nelson, Airs t Noble. Francis ncr Nenbuurg ft Noel, Airs E Neaie, E j Lagcs Nolan, <;..- N'eal, I Ness, E .Nordstrom. X It Nil. .ir, Andrei Neves, itevAG S Nour.e, Alias Nelson, Jen-, L } Ethel tile N'essen, Julius .N'ugeut, Miss Nelson, II P (Noble MrsJcrtnicl Bridget r. - Nelson Bros Nolan, Daniel Oborg, Isaac o'Keefe, Patk Orth, SlrsAunaP O'Brien, Mrs HA Olmsted, Miss Ort/. Ilattie I O'Brien, Wm r Alice osbuni, Mrs L E Ocean House Ulliseir, August Osmond, Miss P.oail A Mag- Olson, Christens Minnie nulla Nursery JOlsen, O : (Huron, Miss Council, Mrs 11 O'Malrey, Miss I /.elodic O'Cormer, Thos Ellen Otteuheliuer, O'Dunoghue. Jas Olinstesd, C U 1 Miss F O'Hara, Miss O'Neill, Air _ Ould, XA Mary Orcult, C It Owens. Wai lac Gas A Gaso- Person, Hiss Ma- Plttenger. FS line Kng Co thilda I'lanu, J M Packard, c L Peters. Miss Pond, Mrs B H Page, J-I I Annie L Perter, BFft Co Page, Wm [Pelterson, Mr Porter, Hon Or- Palrrrer A Neslor AC vlrle L Palmer, E ll Peterson, R Porter, Win Peacock, Mrs CD Petrlck, Miss Potts, Mrs Jen- Peaters, w Mary trie Peck, Louise Petrle. Mrs Poulsen. Miss l'embcrtoo, A VlPettett, James Kittle 11 -J ' Petty. Miss Alice Potts, (has Pen. ler.ast, Mlss'Phelan, James _ Preeif. Fred- Milrley Plpke, Emilia erscbe Perklrrs, Ezra litchner, Chas Proctor, Jos B Persian, J W | Pitcher. II 11 Purdy, J. Kaaen. Mrs I. J Relnfcld, James Koher, Miss llat- ltadvlnlcki, I) T W tie llaiiia^e.Meptren Beuo Liquor Boouey, J l.auklrr,Mr.-,Kobt .tore B__enwa_ser, liarrkiu. Kobt It Richards, Jos ! Jo-r-f Bea, Ire.l I. Richardson, II S Rosenberg, X l:ea. llros M J Kosenbauin, I Heed. Lloyd Kir lr._rss Winnie; BosenbergerWm Held, Wm Belch.. Win i Bothbery, Peter i... John King, Miss jl'nltlulf,Adolph Bees, Win Amanda r House, Paul Reese, Wrrr (1 illirg, ('has I BowtandEdward Beenes, Mrs Roberts, Allss ißowle.-, Mrs Annie"- 1.r./ro j Jennie Hebder, Silas Robinson, Chas I Rogers, Hon J T Alary Kodgers Gold Huclter. MrsKato Beluertjen.Greg- Lea l Co IKtirryun. S orous Rodgers. Mrs M *Rnple, Miss Una Sar-Irse. Louis Shearer, A Snook. Miss Mac Sage, JJ .siieeaarr. John"W rSoden. I' It SallburgPitg Co Sheet, Mrs Mary Somuierlield, 1 Salsburg, Airs Shelley, Miss a Soreirs- -n, _ o Merlie Sheny, Al lis Kate si. xentto. Edgar Samuels A Son Shurey.MrsJnlla Spanl.ling, Man- San Franclaco A fuel Pub Co Shrater, M Spears. TP Sanborn, siei, 11 Spencer. Mrs J C win D silver, Harry Spickmann, Mrs Saunders, Miss .Simon, A - M Alahsle Simmons, Mrs Splulng, Amanda S.-.ter. G V. I Nell:,. | C >.!\u25a0:. rrr.wa.r-. I iSimpson, C M rSprerguer, Mrs W Simpson. Geo X Ellen Sawyer, Airs X Sline, James Spout, .Mrs WII Sawyer, W I; Sims, VV >l Si_uli_, IIN Schau. Ingrain, Sledg. Lem st rit^u. Maurice Batcher _Co SlocuinAllssElla St John. 8 0 Scolder, John Smock, Minnie .talnbuni, G W Schllchter, 'Smith. M statu uaeii.llrllL Adnlph Smith, Miss Anna Standard scirioii. F E rcfiulug Co Bch___l_, Emil ,Mr.-,AnnU Stanley, Dessoto Sculodt, Mrs At Smith, A J Starkey, Alias Schneell. George ______ Miss lie- Josie P Schi.l/.. Joseph atrlce Starr. Miss Zoe Scbreltinuller, Smith, Airs D SteaO-nau, Wat- Carl Smith, Mrs EH ter I i Schroder, Henry Smith, US Stelngiller, Miss Hmreader, A Smith, Dr HJ Dtaa Schroder, C Smith, Henry M Steniuger. Fred Sclrulz, JosephM Smith, Jakob Stevens, Amelia Scbrriz, Wenxei Smith, Mrs Jen- Stephenson, J X Schutt, lieileff trie « Co Schwartz, Sirs I Smith, John Stewart. Charles Schwcltzer.John Smith, John E Stewart, John Schwartz, Win Schmidt, Lutein- Stewart, KevJ B Schweu, Fred da |Stliic,C U Scriven, Miss Smith. Miss Mat- stii. sou. Joe Mary A tie stone, EG Scott, Milton I. Smith. Mrs Alary Slower, Mrs Scott, Will X Joe Stlndwlck.SH Scott, Wiuheld Smith, Miss Bose Stryker, Mrs PG Scare, X Smith, Walter sturgeon, JO feeler. Mr Ellsworth Sullivan, J Is Seltg, MrsJnllaA SuyderSlrsMary Sullivan, JJ Selby, Percy Schneider, Mrs Sullivan, Sirs Shatter, MlssEva; Fred Patrick Sharp, G U Snyder, WH. |Sweem, Lee Shaw, Mrs Ame- Schneider, An- Sykes, Ed Ha I drew X Syme, Charles Ta ber,Mrs JasWr Thomas, Miss Tory A JTblt- Taddekln, F Antula ] comb ' Talbot, Alias Mac: Tttoupson, Mrs Tourney, Mrs GC 0 |BM Trepey, W M Taylor, A M Thompson, John Troth, Lorado Taylor, Jeff W Troutt -Stevens Taylor, Miss Liz- Thompson, Jos 1 rammer. Carl zle Thompson, Sev- Tuff, John M Teltelb.uitu, Ed- 1 erlne Turner A Chap- die Thompson, W man Teavlllye, AH Thornton, Allss Turner, P Thayer, F'annleß l.liy Tuttle.AllssAuna Theoboid, Prol Thurston, Chas C WW Tirtlen.MrsKate Tnttte, WO Theodore, *W llghe,MlssAlary Twenty, Miss Dike A Allle Tllorrra^ AI (501 Tll.len.Misi Alay Tyuer, Miss (320 Howard) TUlingbast, Joe Mason) Thompson. E Toohy, Ella . Tyoell, E J rnlvers I'rtg Co Union Stock Urby, Mr United States Yards Co Uttley, Dr Wm 0 - Cloth lng Co Übell, Fred Yale. Christ Son Van l.krstrota, Vlsceline.ChasH Viirrglian,Dr B4 David Vint, John Co Vernon, Howard You Sphell, Air Verhane, Paul D Volosiu, Lizzie Walker. J A West Coast Laud Williams, Mrs E Walker, Mrs El- Co Williams, W U in- r Westbrook, Miss Williamson John Wallls, MrS.Mln- l_rlla Williamson, Alias nic West man. Mrs Nancy Walters, C John Willis, Mrs E Walton, Allss Whalley," Emily Willis, William Nyda Whelan, Alt C Wilson, AV Walton, Joseph Wheeler.Mrs I'M Wilson, Allss BAT Ward.MissAgnes Wheeler, MU Wilson, J A E Wheeler, AlrsßC Wilson, Mrs Lena Warren. FL Whyte, AUssMlu- Wilson, MrsKutb Ware, WW ule Wilson, Robert Washington, Mrs White, Stephen Wlngfield, Mrs J Ellen , Whiteside, Airs W Wuslell. SlrsUco Esielle Winston, Maud F I Wii. natch James Wlnston.ByronC Watktns AllssNA W Wise, Miss Ida Watson, J WAColWhltker, Miss Wlster, Sirs M Watson, Walter! Hannah Iwiihen, William & 0 I Wlckham, 0 A W ..Iters. Bettl Weir, Miss Kllllel Wickell, Gust Woodward, II F Wild, Charles F* I Wilcox, WO Woolrlcb Arturo Wells, E A IWileox, Miss Wood lda Wells, .Miss M Alice Worm, A E-,- Weils, AIE - Wiikins. E J - I Wrecher, A Wenchle. chas Williams, Chris- Wymaui Bayley Weynian Edward tophor Tamaglsbl, X Terington. HM ]Young, Walter Y'anovsky, Lulsa Villain,Katie Young, Will Yeager, w C Young, Sirs F L j Young, Mrs .1 M y.iiri.o.j j. LETT RES FBAAtCAISES. Basset, E I Cam Ine, Louis IReholand. Jean lluala, Joan Gardet, George Kettaud, Leon (allaut, Ily ... | Juurdalu, Est iSabores, Irene Clrnirrbllle, Al- Lame, Ed ITarrlde, P bert 1 , \u25a0 J l-nttß IIS DAMES. Aruah, Oath Couslnler, En- ILacrolx, Mine llolsson, Alms J genie ]Ferine. A - Caritcgrlt, Mar- Dastr, Jeanne iLarralllet, Oc- celle Dalila »«v>_>--t. 1 tayle Daralt, Mmc Paget, . Leontlue| LETTEIti: ITALIAME. ' Antlelvlce, NJc Alacaro, Antonio Rossi, Franc Bernardino. A Marescalchl, Art Rusettl, Felice Blanchl. Anun . junto. Franc Galiei. Glo Itogosice, Jozo Allnonzto, Mas- Samp'ognaro, Campana, Batt slmo Franc - - - Carameila, Fe- Nlcolettl, Edo- Saracco, Carlo _" co ardo Sautlno.Carnieto Cavagnaro, An- l'oggl,I.nlgi SperanzaCameos gela Pro, I'letro Spruggola, tiuls ( hell.Bastlano Partera. Salra- Veletrl. l.ulgl Chiapeiioni, lilac tore ••\u25a0--\u25a0 Vlrsalovlce, Ant Glorgi, Cresto Komatil, Fidele Vlttl, MV Flgouc, (ilae . Rossi, Carlo Zeppl, Qlor . Laml, Edoardo ... CASTAS ESFANOLAS. . Angelo, Joso N Ilinojosa, John i Par, Joan C Bland Ml- Jliueuez, Gust Poessavara, M •n..e Pacbeco, Bo- iltelna, Lllrole ( i. -si". Fred in.:;,: :, |sesna, Miguel - - HE-tOBAS,' - Carripa. Franc IDe Cortex, San ISanabia.' Petea . Oazares, S.,u | Jose ..-—-- IValeiaueut, To- Jesus IJlartiJo, Cunt- 1 mass .- Bias, Mauro J gurrda ' ' , terra, Matllde J______H__^_yg__l_______y Postmaster. OCEAN " STKASIKItS. | Dates of Departure From Ban Francisco. I _. i - ' ' : \u25a0 I SUN' AND TIDE TABLE. In Pacific Standard Time. Computed by Thomas i_«k_t, Chronometer and Instrument Maker, 18 Market street, \u25a0 " ~ i~ T~ r— : \u25a0 "MfrLVC INTELLIGENCE. tor j__j_ o/tippai_j iHteUloenos see _.'!_hln __.«. Arrived. «,„ ... Si'vuay. May 4. ,i„„, West Coast, Stanton, 16 hours from Men- nociuo; _uo _I ii lumber, to fort Bragg Kedwood stmr Los Angeles, I-eland, av_ days' from San I _!__• pass and 'udse. to Uoodall. l'erklns Jt Co. - -liur oipsy, Piiiiniuer, 111 hours Irom Sauta Cruz; produce, to Uoodall. Parkins A Co. i-_*_£ A-'-" 1 .Hall, .7 hours (rom Departure Bay: i.V 4 luuri coal, to Oregou Improvement Co. aimr , .Newport, Edwards, 35 hours from Port li.iriuril; produce, to Uoodall.l'erklns _ Co. stinr Coos Bay,- Nicholson. IS hours from Fort _"***• elc: pan. and uidse, to Uoodall, Perkins _ Co. __ES___5 _s.°* California, Ackley, 55 hours from i ortland, via Astoria 4. v_ hours; pass and mdse, to Uoodall. Perkins * Co. ....-, t<Sm U , """"^ Lelaud, 95 hrs from San Diego, etc; rue stock _,„| produce, to Uoodall, Perkins A Co. stmr Corona, Hannah. 19 hours from Eureka; passand '" ds e. to Uoodall, Perkins * Co. BCD __tiii__mia. Cartoon, 56 hours from Salt Point ; 45 ca« wood, to Hlggiu. Collins. , .1. lfe "ance. Art. 31$ hours from Bowens Laud- ing ; .0 cords wood, to Bender Bros. Hailed. », ,, StTNOAY, May 4. -^ re stmr Montserrat, Blackburn, Nanalmo via Vic- toria. Stmr Columbia, Holies, Portland. Stmr Pomona, Hall, San Diego. it'' "'_r 1 '"" Lu,u ». Conway, Santa Cruz. Br snip Cumberland. Irviue. (.ueenstown. £ r _";,. Centaur, Istrester, Queenstown, Bark \ Kl.tte. I Tie. Port Townseud. Sr \u25a0 rr Melancthon, Forest, Shoal water Bay. sr-irr ivy, ijiglebrettson, Humboldt, ochr Checto, Jacobsen, Coqurlle Klver. \u25a0_____. - T <*. learraiihic. IOI.NT LOBOS. May 4-10 _. v. - Weather, clear; wind SW, velocity la miles. _...„,._ Domestic Parte. tUßEKA— Arrived May 4— Schr Helen Morrlam. hence Apr SO. sailed May 4-Scbr Hayes, for San Francisco; stmr Sliver Spring, lor . 1!A .I'CN— May 3-Scbr Coquiiie, hence Apr'_7: schr Lizzie Prion, hence Apr 27. coos KAY— Sailed May 4-Stmrs Emily, Areata au 1 Ajax, for San Francisco. ..!T,Vi' T J J, - AKKI '- iV - Arrlvo<ills 4-Bktn John Smith, hence Apr 19; schr La Ulronde, from Ta- coma. \u0084,,__. Imnorfationa. I-ORTLAND-Per .State of Callfornla-428 sks wool, 1878 lulls pulp, 40_qr sks .417 sks Cl 6 sks lour. 9, pit*, hides and pelts. 17.6 ski oats. 1310 sks ii.ns.__. 703 sks potatoes, 400 ints rice, 541 ass glue stock, 11 bdls pelts, 7o bills sheep Delts, 50 bdls paper, 814 bdls hoops, 15 sks liorseradlsn. a bxs but- ter, scs dry goods. 11 rls leather, 15 pkgs uiuice- rrre.t, 6 cs boots and shoes. 1 cs books, 5 cs type- writers, 5 pkr;s samples, 3 cs hosiery. 1 ca 1 bl wool- errs. i bis blankets, etc. 27 _ IS Babbitts, '_ hf bbls liquor, 5 bbls whisky, 3 bis hose, _ cs cigars. 452 arch bars, 10 tns pig Iron, 46 pkss scrap Iron,- pes iron pipe, _ saws, _ kgs caviar, 1cs millinery, '_ bis Irsh, _ pkgs express. Astorla-1500 bells shooks. 400 bills pulp, 101 sts oysters, 20 house raising screws, 1 cs castings, 3 ea r mutton, 6 pkgs express, treasure ($6694 95). ltOCliSlDl_tu— Per Newport—2o cars bituminous rock. Arroyo Grande— 47B sks beans. Santn Maria-100 ska wheat, 423 ski corn. PORT BRAUQ— per Coos Bay— _ cs extracts, 1 pkc saddles. Mendocino— 1 pkgI uruiture, 2 cs eggs, 2 bxs mdse Point Arena—la pkgs batter, 88 sis bark, 'J sks roots. 4 pkgs mdse, 72 Mshingles. ' . KfcDONl-O-Per Bouita— puncheons wine, 3 carloads .orbing, 1 safe. 215.1 honey. iluenejne— 3 cs eggs. L.i _ bxs butter, 1719 sheep. -UIiEKA- l'er Corona— M shingles, 25,790 It lumber, 82 Msplit shakes, 10 M sawed shakes. 11 pkgs doors, 18 pcs wood, 28 rls leather, 1cs dry goods, 1 bbl oatmeal, I bbl liquor. 2 pkgs hardware, 5 pkgs mdse, 19 qr Ins butter, 1 coop chickens, 18 sks potatoes. •_ bxs flowers, treasure ($3084 80). NEW POM- l'er Los Angeles—l 3cs earthen paint. 1 sk eottoe, 4 cs dry goods, 35 cs eggs, 19 cs honey. 270 cs oraugTs 17 bis lemon*, 1 organ. San Pedro— 7 bxs Icuiuus. 46 bxs oranges. ltrduutlo-'_'.!_ bis oranges, 11 cs drugs 4 bbls plaster Parte. 1bx orangewood, 3 bbls glassware, 3 pkgs marble. 3 cs hats, 2cs clotnlng, 10 pkgs mdse. 76 sks wooL ' Ventura-16 cs eggs, 144 sks beans, 31 bis wool 1 bx hardware, '2 bxs nutter, 3 sks talis, 4 bills green hides, 3 bdls pelts, 33 bxs oranges, 2 cs boots aud shoes, 48 bxs lemons, 127 cs canned goods, 3 bbls asphaltuin, 1 coop fowl, 1 lot scrap Iron, 12 sks rags 1 rl carpel. iluenenie— 3 bbls tallow, 3 bdls pelts, 1bg hair 3 bdls hides, 5 bxs prunes, 23 cs eggs, 7 bxs butter 124 sks corn. Santa Barbara— B bis oranges, 3 pkgs samples. 1 pkg whips, 18 aks erawlisu. Uoleta— sl7 ska corn. Port Harlord—92 bxs butter, 4cs eggs, Isk corn, 9 bis cheese. i ivlota—94 sks corn, 56 sks wool. 3 bdls pelts, 7 bdls hides, 8 sks crawllsh, 6 bxs butter, 1cs eggs. San Simeon 142 hf bis 1 firkin butler. 7 cs eggs, 2 r's clothing, 16 bits hides, 8 bis seaweed, 25 cs Cheese. i»yucos-720»ks beans. 161 bxs 10 hf kgs 15 kgs butter. 12cs egas, 12 cs cheese. SANTA CK-.Z-l-er Uipsy— ls r_ cheese. 1 bdl bedding, 6 bxs butter, 900 bbls lime. Plgoou Polut—ls hiDis butter, 197 sks 73 drums cheese. Monterey— lfsk rice, 1 lull skins, Isk prunes. 1 sk pitch. 1 sk potatoes, 21 hf bis butter, 3 sts cheese, 7 bbls fish, 13 bis seaweed, 3 pkgs abalones. Moss Landing—Bß3 sks barley. 67 sks oats. Watsoiiviiic— l2s. sks barley, 360 sks oats- Coiisifftiee.. Per State of California— Alien A Lewis; American Biscuit Co: Hulme * Hart: Christy a Wise- John Zlegenbeln * Co: II Dutard; Moore, Ferguson _; Co- C J Lelst A- Un; Kittle A-Co; Gould .'. .laudad; John Laws; TW Laws: Oeo Morrow * Co: Kissinger _ Co- wls Sumner* Co: s 11 Frank a Co: Pacific Paper- Co; win Pulp ami Paper Co, li B Brown- Fisher Packing Co: H Davis: M Heller; Main A Win- chester: Boston Rubber Shoe Co: Brown Craig* Co: c U wicksouACo; iv Cohen * Co; Witt _ I'usch; N'eustadter Bros: Brown Bros <_ Co- selby Smelting and Lead Co: Cal Wine-growers' Union- lllrseiiier A- Co: 1 -rnsworth _ Kug.les; EJ : Siegfried A Brandensielu; V? F boners A Co- I'ac Ironand Natl Co; Esberg, Ba.-hmau * Co; Cal ' Wire Works; Baker Iron Works; Burnstelu Bros; Itisdon Iron and L Works; Chas Harley <_ Co; Wm O'Brien Tatum * Bowen: I'ac Saw Manufacturing Co- Huff A Co: Stem. Simon A Co; Ureenbaum, Well A-Mlcn- els: F Toplltz; H * 1 Block; W HRouse 4 Co- Buckingham, Hecbt * Co; C X Whitney * Co; Clat- sop Mill Co; We tin ore Bros; Haywood Fruit-grow- ers Association: Cat Paper Co: Morgan Oyster Co- .ll B Mon(___; Dunham, Carrlgan 4 Co; Haas Bros.' Per Newport— 1. HoperACo; J A Falrcblld: II Dntard: Ilium,Baldwin 4 Ulrvln. Per Bonlta-C stern: CS Williams; Wilshlre Safe Co;i,ritliiiA Skelly; Qetz Bros 4 Co; Eugene Avy- Dodge, Sweeney * Co; Draper* Brown. ' Per Coos Bay—U Jackson; A H Murphy; McDon- ongh* Johnson; c Callaghan A Bros : It c Byx- bce; CX Whitney* Co; Koss* Hewlett Smith's Cash Store; Wells, Fargo A Oo; Russ, Sanders A Co. l'er Corona Overland Freight and Transfer Co; Oregon and Washington Cedar Co: McKay 4 Co- Chas Nelson; Preston .*McKinuon: Cal Door Co; Bateman Bros; H Jones; Brown A Adams- (J D Adams; Root i Sanderson; Hey man * Mayer; Will A Flnck; MNJoseph; Vervalln * Kowe; HillsBros- Gets Bros 4 Co; Russ, Sanders * Co; Wells, Fargo * Co. Per Gipsy— Witzel* Baker; Getz Bros * Co; Do 1., i ..nil * Westbpal; O B Smith * Co; Wlieatou 4 Lubrs: MT Prelum A Co; It M At? (union 4 Co; II Cowell A Co; Dodge. [Sweeney *Co; R Levy 4 Co- Shattuck. Kowalsky A Co; Brlgham. lfoppe A Co; 0 E Whitney 4 Co; .Norton, Teller 4 Co; Joues A Co; Rlsdon. Cahen A Co; Martin, Feusler A Co; Cos- tlgan, Colin 4 Co; II Dotard; Uaa-ett * Bunker; Ross A Hewlett; [Inline 4 Hart; W 11 Rouse 4 Co; Sherry, Lawrence _ Co. ' Per Los Angeles— J Wilkinson: Bothln Manufac- turing Co; Sachs Bros A Co; M Ilynrau 4 Co; K. It Stevens: I. UUdmarher: Dodge, Sweeney 4 Co;D Koefe 4 Co; Dalton Bros; LScatena A Co; II Heck- man * Co: Allison, Gray A Co; Wlttland A Freder- Ickson; Wetinore Bros: Porter Bros A Co; Deer Mfg Co; W L Loom li; LG Sresovlch 4 Co; A E Evans; C A Burgess* Co: Cal Fug Co; San Item Vail A Co; (I Kuperion: S J Ilecht: J Wagner A Co; W H Ben- rail: Christy AWise; Wm Rice; Lowry A Stellar;, Grangers' Business A_s'n: I lass i- it a Bunker; ri___. burgh * Woodlu; Roger Bros P Co; Flgg A Kinlpf™ " Buckingham, Ilecht * Co; A.IB Iminel; DJones A Co; Chas Barley A Co; I) N A li Walters; House A Anderson Gets Bros A Co: Dodge, Sweeeey 4 Co; Krlanger AGallnger: C II Whitney: LDStone * Co: WC Price A Co; Hills liros: II N Tllden ft Co; W A Sanders: Marshall. Teggart A Broersen ; C Montgom- ery A Co: HN Tllden 4 Co; Felling, Henry 4 Co: Ross* Hewlett; A Freltas; Wells, Fargo A Co; De Bemardl A estphal ; Shattuck, Kowalsky A Co ; 5 McHeury A Co; Uol.tree Bros; I) Tledeman 4 Co; Ilegler * Johnson; Slushelmer Bros. THE MORNING CALL. SAN FRANCISCO,; MONDAY, MAY 5, 1890-EIGIIT PAGES. 7 iATION'. 1. .. .' i BttO V I I •I Cal. 1 -\u25a0"'.! ?eles.. San Pedro I May 6. Bam Hilw'ya 1 Hiiinboldt Hay.. ,May 7. 9»M]Hdv»'yl ettoV Yaqutna liay.... May rUOAM'l4 '••\u25a0••.• San Diego. i Hay ».11am Baw'ya >f Cal. Portland i May S.lOam Spear Chins &Japau.. May 8, 3pm rUSS »••.... San Pedro M»ylO, Bau Kilw'yS "alia Vic 4 Pit Sound MaylO. 9am Bdw'y 1 >ldt .. Humboldtßay.. M»ylO, 9AM,WasotQ 1 ; Portland | May la, 10a I Spear rturn of Australian steamer depends on th« raquina L.W. Small. 11.W. Large. L.W. Large. \u25a0f.'r. ,34 ah! .23 am 1 ,16 All .IS AM .16 A« AUCTION SALES. MONTQWEKY STRfET l\vf*j_oj-2V>^ M?NTGPMERY STREET SAN FRANCISCO CAL* fOIL(PCETAI__. OF PROPERTY AT AUCTION! THE Macondray Billing! THURSDAY. THURSDAY -MAY8, 1890 AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON, Centrally Located Business Property . Almost 100 Feet Frontage. SANSOME STREET, FROM MARKET TO CALIFORNIA. Bas undergone greater changes during the past three years than any other down-town street in our city. ItIs now, Indisputably, the ha king anrl Insurance street, and property theru __* rapidly eiili_incia<c In value. The lot we offer Is one of the most desirable on the street; being L shaped, it has a frontage on s.-ii-iniiib and Pine streets together of almost one hundred feet. The opportunities for improvingthis lot, when the present lease, expire, will surprise th. most sanguine. We can safely guarantee half a dozen offers to lease for banking and Insurance in- stitutions, «»- Sale will be subject to a lease on said prem- ises running until the Ist day of July, 1.93. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE : Cash Ingold coin of the United States. Ten per \u25a0 cent of the purchase money to be paid to the Auc- tioneer on the day of sale, balance on confirmation of sale by Superior Court. .Deed at expense of pur- charter. Taxes for fiscal year 1890-01 to be paid by the purchaser. _r_r For full particulars, catalogue and diagrams, etc., apply to SHAINWALD, BUCKBEE _ CO., . - 407-400 Montgomery Street. MBWHALL'S SONS A- CO.. Auctioneers. »p_U mya 5 7 8 5t GET THE BEST! WEBSTER'S Original Midge! DICTIONARY. Substantially Bound in Leather ! The Best Dictionary in the English Langnags \u25a0WITH The Daily Morning Call, THE GREAT METROPOLITAN JODRSAL OF THE PACIFIC COAST! , The Brightest and Best of All the San Francisco Dailies! __F\_>:r $S.OO. Send $5.00 by draft, chock, postoffice or Wells, Fargo & Co. money order or note, and you will receive . THE DAILY MORNING CALL By mail every day, Sundays included, for six months, and Webster's Unabridged Dictionary Without other charge than that of express- age from San Francisco. RtC*s___B| BS^ln San Francisco and interior towns, where the paper Is served by carriers, the Dictionary can be obtained by the payment of $6.00 in advance for six months' sub- scription, subject, in the interior towns, to express charges as above. THIS IS YOUiTOPPORTUHITY! "Do Hot Put Off Till To-morrow j lhat Should Be Done To-day," as This " Edition is Limited. . 13 s All orders should be addressed SAN FRANCISCO CAUL CO., 525 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, Ca!. -- AUCTION SALES. ; -I] ., GEO. F. LAMSON, AUCTIONEEE & COMMISSION MERCHANT, 425 Kcanivst.. between California and I'iua. THIS DAY. Monday May 5, 1890, At 11 o'clock a. it., on the premises, 708 O'FAERELL STEEET, NEAB HYDE, ....I WILL SELL.... THE ELEGANT FURNITURE GRAND UPRIGHT PIANO, French Plate Mantel Mirrors, Kirk Uphol- stery, l'arlor Cabinets Ait, Furniture, anil Handsome Body Brussels Carpets, InResidence of Rev. Dr.Aron J. M_*siii£, un account of departure for tne East. com prising Cabinet Grand Upright llano of rich tone, with embroidered cover and stool; Parlor Set, 7 pieces, in crimson; Crochet Tapestry: Very Elegant Di- vans: Easy-chairs and Rockers, in satin brocads arid assorted plushes; elegant ebonlzed Parlor Cabi- nets; Costly Parlor Ornament*; Parlor Standards; Elegant Crimson _atluade Window Draperies; Best llrasscls Carpets, with borders; Elegant East- lake Walnut Chamber Suit; two Eastern Chamber Suits; Elegant Bed-lounge, Spring and Hair Mat- tresses; Very Elegant Walnut Sideboard, with 6 bevel mirrors; Palace Extension-table; Set Walnut Dln- lug-chairs in Russian leather; Handsome Mantel MirrorIn dressing-room; Decorated China: Crystal and Slvrr Plated Ware: Walnut Hall Hat-stand; line Hall and stair Carpet, withan Immense assort- ment or other furniture. Sir Tlrßlin Cash. my4 2t GEO. F. LAMSON, Auctioneer, AUCTION SALE OF " 3 RESIDENCES. M. J. SIMMONS. AUCTIONEER, WILL, SELL THIS DAT. Monday. May sth, at 11 o'clock A. M.. at ' 1057 Market St., all of the Parlor. Bed anil JDininj? Room Furuiture; _ Rose- wood Upright llanos; French-plate Mantel Mirrors; Odd i'arlnr Lou litres ; Divans and; Body Brussels Car- pets, Russ, etc., removed from the regi- deiict-8 of Mrs. Cohen, Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Sheehe, ... CONSISTING IN PART OF. ...' '_ Rosewood Upright Pianos: l'arlor Sets In satin, brocatel le and silk plush; Easy and Fancy Chairs and Kockers: French-plate Mantel Mirrors; 10 Eastern Walnut and Antique Oak Bed-room Sets; spring and Hair Mattresses: Down Pillows and other Bedding; Walnut Wardrobes; liurrFolding-bed ; Sideboards; Pedestal Extension Tables; Body Brussels Carpets; line Kanges, etc. M. J. SiMMu.NS. Auctioneer. _»*. B.—The above la the former contents of 3 near- ly new residences that will positively be sold with- out reserve. It EQWARITsTSPEAR ft CO., Furniture, Soak and - General Auctioneer!, 31 and 33 Sutter streeL Old Horse Salo. THIS DAY. Monday Slay 5, 18.0, At 10 o'clock a. *\u0084 We Will Sell in Our Salesroom!, 31 AND 33 SUTTER STREET. By order WELLS, FARUO A CO., ABOUT 2000 PACKAGES OF UNCLAIMED VKI'IGIIT, consisting of Trunks, Valises, Grip- >_.',>. Bundles, Bales, Boxes, etc. EDWAKD S. SPEAR _: CO., Auctioneers, my 4 8t 31 and 33 Sutter street. EDWARD S. SPEAR & CO., Furniture, Book and General Auctioneers, 31 and S3 Sutter Street TO-MORROW. Tuesday May 6. 1800, ' At 11 o'clock a. v., at the elegant residence, 2201 SCOIT STREET, COR2.EB OF CLAY, ....WE WILL SELL..., On account ofthe owner's departure Tor Chicago, TIIF TERY ELKGANT PARLOR, BED- ROOM. LIBRARY AND IrIMXG-KIMIM FITR-ITURK, RICH UPHOLST-.RY. MOQVKT CARPETS AND UPRIGHT PIANO, :•'-> '-." COM__>__N_.... 1 Elegant Rosewood-Case Upright Pianoforte, F. L. -.eunian maker; JilagnlAcent l'arlor Suits, up- holstered In I'.rnhossed Plush; Moquet Carpets l Cherry Parlor Chairs; Fancy Tables; Turkish Kurs; Rattan Chairs; Elegant Dwarf .Bookcases; 1Fine Hall Stand; I_ace Curtains: Klegant Walnut Side- board; Dining Chairs; Pedestal Extension Tables; Dinner and 'lea Sets: Lounges: Klegant Walnut and Ash Chamber Suits; Tliroe-quartcr Bedsteads and Bedding; Springand HairMatlf«_M_a; Feather Pil- lows and Bolsters: Mission Blankets; Wardrobes; 1 Elegant Folding-Bed ; Winthrop Range, with water- back: Patent Kitchen Tables; Linoleum; Tubs; Meat SaTe; Tin and Wooden Ware; Etc. KDWARD S. SPEAK A CO.. Auctioneers. mys at 31 and 33 Sutter street. GEORGE F. LAMSON, ~ AUCTIONEER & COMMISSION MERCHANT, 425 Kearny St.. bet. California and Pin _ TO-MORROW. Tuesday ...-lay 6, 1890, " At 11 o'clock a. tt.. on the premises, 1731 Broadway, Between Franklin and G.ueh, (Sutter st. or Powell pass within1block), ....i WILL. SELL.... On account of departure for Europe, THE ELEGANT FDRNITDRE OF RESIDENCE, ... .COMl-KisrN.r .. Handsome Parlor Upholstery; Laige Easy Chain, Byron Arm-chairs, I urkish Chairs and Rockers, i- In brocaded tapeitry, cut velvets and velours; Lace Curtains: ornaments: Pictures: Uoxbury Brussels Carpets; Fine Rugs: two Handsome Walnut Chamber Suits; Antique Oak Chamber Suit: Hoey Bed-Lounge; Spring and Hair Mat- tresses; Feather Pillows and Bedding; Walnut Sideboard; Walnut Dining Chairs; . Extension Table; New Patent Refrigerator; Improved Range, with all the other attachments; Nearly -..-- ; New and Desirable Articles in Residence. tnr Tkkms— ____t OKU. P. LAMSOV. Auctioneer. Naber, Alfsl Brune "WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALERS, 323 AND 325 MARKET STREET, _#^__s__>oLE AGENTS FOR __^ JIPIpHOENIX \Tv^__a/* ** old Msfbourbon The purest and best Whiskey in the market for Medicinal and Family use. Sold by all first-class dealers. Ask for it \u25a0 noSeod tt - PALACE HOTEL. THE PALACE HOTEL OCCUPIES AM ENTIRE block In tbe center of Nan Francisco, It is the model hotel of the world. Fire and earthquake proof. Has fire elevators. \u25a0 Every room Is large, light ana airy- The ventilation Is perfect, A bull and closet adjoin every room. - All rooms are easy of access irom broad, light corridors. The central court, illuminated by electric light. Its Immense glass roof, broad balconies, carnage-way and tropi- cal plants, are features hitherto unknown in Ameri- can hotels, liuests eutertainedoa either the Amer- ican or European plan. - The restaurant Is the finest . in the city. I Secure rooms in advance by tele_frapa- lng. . TUB PAI_\CK HOTEL no 7 tr I**--! 1 . Franclaco, O_U. : STATIONERY The Finest Eastern and Foreign : Copper Plato Printing ; ThE -.tjofT" i Steel (be EmfiossliietoaKCiV' 1 .^f 721 Market SU^Msffi?^ *\u25a0 - - - ', :;.;.;\u25a0--:;- -,\'. :'.\u25a0;'\u25a0.' _ _ _ PRY GOODS. CITYOf||pA_.IS! uil 1 i/l iililui IMPERATIVE FINISH! ODD JACKETS, CAPES AND WRAPS (Without Regard to Cost) to close at ..$2.00, $2.50, $3.50 and 93.00 ODD LINES IMPORTED ULSTERS (Sold at $1 7.50 and $20.00) willbe Bunched to Clear Out at .. &7.50 : FRESH ARRIVALS! MILITARY CLOTH CAPES „."...... &—.—o SAILOR JACKETS (Natty) $12 OO MODEL SILK DUSTERS (New) St SO DOUBLE-BREASTED REEFING JACKETS _sX__.oo RUSSIAN FACED AND CORDED JACKETS- $18.50 CARDE FRANCAISE COATS (Cold Buttons) ..$17.50 STYLE! BLACK EMBROIDERED CASHMERE FICHUS (Summer Wear) upward from—---. $5,50 G. VERDIER & CO. VILLE DE PARIS. Southeast Corner Geary Street and Grant Avenue, S. F. MOTTO— "Honest and Reliable Goods Sold as Cheap or Cheaper than Any Other Home inthe City." Friday, May 9th— Special Bargain Day. G. VERDIER, Paris. A. rUSE_-rOT, San Francisco. JO" Goods delivered In Oakland. Alameda and Berkeley, Express charges free. my* SuMo 2t MISCEIaLAT-EOUS. /*o__ly\ a We have sold 170 lots iii^ B the past 30 days. Every one Ift 5 who goes to see them becomes B a a buyer. We have only 130 B » left now, and ifyou want one B "n you must come at once. B TR. Remember that these £ lots are on the j& eg line of the Howard-street^ tt cable extension, between b B 28th and 331 streets. Prices \u25a0 I $125 to $400. Pay all cash B R if you like, or if you pre- tt you can pay $25 B down and $15 per tf month until paid Jar yt_oTs\ M for, with interest at 7^ E per cent (bank rates). \u25a0 tej You will find our car- H R riage. at the end of the g w. Valencia-street cable-line, tt ia. ready to take you 3 /leftT\ B to the lots free of charge, j[ tt EVERY DAY. g B Salesmen and maps on \u25a0 the ground and at the tt SYNDICATE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 607 Market Street, VNDBB GRAND HOT_I_ tayH To mi THE HOWARD MEDICAL INSTITUTE TI^AS ESTABLISHED IN1858 FOR THE CURE " or nervous diseases and also tor chronic com- plaints and for the suppression of outrageous quack ' cry. The proprietors are physicians who have the highest type or medical educations, having had a very extensive practice running back for forty -five years, and having a knowledge far in advance of the generality or the profession. We are not tied down by any effete or hide-bound code or ethics in medi- cine, but cull from all systems the best and most effectual in the cure ofhuman Ills. . With minds matured and enriched by long prac- tice and studies of an advanced order, also by an ex- tensive hospital practice, we are enabled to insure j a speedy and permanent cure of any case we may undertake. It Isnot necessary to enumerate the diseases to which we give special attention. It Is also Impos- sible to enumerate the thousands of people who are to-day suffering from the Indiscretions of earlier life, and who have terrible poison still running la their veins. . Header, ifyou nave ever bad a reason to believe that a terrible poison has entered your system, no matter what form it may have at first developed, call at once and we will tell yon IfItIs still lurkingIn your system. It will cost yon noth- ing to be examined and may save you a great deal of suffering and sorrow, maybe an untimely grave. Only affew months since a party called; he would not take the advice offered at the Institute; he doubted the statement of toe physician. To-day he is lnGod's acre at Laurel Hill. Take warning by his fate, and If you have reason to feel that tM poison may be In your system seek advice at once. Ladles— We thoroughly understand the complaints Incident to your delicate organizations and can warrant you rapid relief and certain cure as the case may require: yon may rest assured of honor- able and scientific treatment. Our female monthly remedies ard superior; they never fall of the desired effect. All letters directed to HOWARD MEDICAL IN- S'llTL'lK, S3. Sutter street, will receive prompt attention and willbe considered confidential. Offlce hours .a. v. to 3 p. ii.; Suudays 10 to 13 a. __.. 6 to Br. M. mrlO tf CARBGLIC SALVE. The most Powerful Healing Ointment ever Discovered. Henry's Carbolic Salve cures Sores. Henry's Carbolic Salve allays Burns. Henry's Carbolic Salve heals - Pimples. Henry's Carbolic Salve cures Piles; _ Henry's Carbolic Salve heals Cuts. Ask for Henrys-Take No Other. BJ-BEWARE OF COL__n_a_*__TS.__a Price 25 cts., mail prepaid 80 eta, . JOHU r.EENSTA CO., New York. •HrT-TTrlte for Illuminated Book. %_WmimL&*#msLmm -_. ... . - - dps ft" TO WEAK MEN Buffering from the effects ot youthful errors, early decay, wasting &____.._«, lost manhood, etc., I will send a valuable treatise (sealer!) containing full particulars for home cure, FREE of charge. A splendid medical work : should be read by every man who is nervous anrt debilitated. Address. Prof. F. Co FO.VLiit, _Tioodus t Conn* apb d&wy ly WlHsasolid ; handsome cake of scouring soap which has no equal forall cleaning purposes excepHn the laundryTo use if is to value if-* What will SAPOLIO do . Why It will clean paint, make oil-cloths bright, and give the floors, tables and shelves a new appearance.'. It will take the grease off the dishes and off the pots and pans. Yon can scour the knives and forks withit,and make the tin things shine brightly. The wash-basin, the bath-tub, even the greasy kitchen sink will be as clean as a new pin if yon use SAPOLIO. One cake will prove all we say. Be a clever housekeeper and try it; - BEWARE OF MIT A TIONS. THERE IS BUT ONE SAPOLIO. ENOCH MORGAN'S SONB CO., NEW YORK. ' •• '-'-\u25a0- \u25a0it:, ll fori " -"* .'_. :' .. \u25a0 . g!| Incon_equence of -______>__ offfi^ rtf ed to deceive the public, LEA&PERRINS beg to draw attention to the fact ia that each bottle of the Original and Genuine .-.*'._• J| WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE «jjjr|^ bears their Signature thus— '\u25a0'\u25a0 111 . m^a^o^^ Bai__f il For Sale in Bottles only (not in bulk), by Dealers in Sauces throughout the World. *^*__P : JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, NEW YORK.

Transcript of SEA AND SHORE. A CITYOf||pA .IS! · 2017-12-18 · SEA AND SHORE. The United States Corvette Ma-...

Page 1: SEA AND SHORE. A CITYOf||pA .IS! · 2017-12-18 · SEA AND SHORE. The United States Corvette Ma- rion Damaged in a Gale. "Work Begun on the Wreck of.the Prince Alfred — Boat-Thieves


The United States Corvette Ma-

rion Damaged in a Gale.

"Work Begun on the Wreck of. the Prince


Boat-Thieves nt Work on the

Water Front— Movements of Ships.

A number of tire crew of ihe United Slates

corvette Marion, which arrived ou Friday fromYokohama, were ashore yesterday taking In the

.l"hts. liny slate that ou the passage fromKobe to Nagasaki the Marion encountered avery heavy Rale, and while pitching and laboring

Itairly sire lost her Hying jibboom and jibboom,

Die latter snapping off just outside the can. Aheavy rain squall accompanied the blow, andthe men bad a rough time of It. AH the wreck-age was secured and got on board.

1 itin all accouuls Ibe record made by the Ma-liou on ll.e Astatic station was a particularly en-viable one. The corvette not only surpassedevery other vessel in the Asiatic squadron by theexcellence ofher gunner; attainments, out stoodat tire head of the list of every ship iv the navy.Virile on tue Asiatic station four compli-mentary letters were sent the officers and men ofthe Marlon from the Navy Department, a ratherunusual thing in naval custom. Un March 1TillAdmiral Belknap, commanding ibe Americanforces in Chinese waters, Inspected the corvettethroughout. The lnsi ecllon was known as an"Admiral's inspection," and is customary in thecase of all vessels leaving a station for binne.

<fr______x_ A ship.

The schooner Albion went outside on SaturdayWilli a fullwrecking outfit on board and is nowci)ga_ed on the wreck of the ship I'rluce Alfred,which was lost below Drakes Bay nearly twentyyears ... s>lre was owned by John ltosenfeldan.i bad a cargo of coal ou board at the tune sueran on (he rocks.1lie weather was clear at I'oiut Lobos yester-

dsy. A calm prevailed unlit3 o'clock inlire aft-er noon, when a ii.lit breeze sprang up from thesouthwest, lhe barometer read: 8 o'clock lntire morning. 30,03; noon, 30.02; 5 o'clock lvtire evening. 29.99.

The Loch Lintihe has arrived In Liverpool, 127days beuce, with 2300 ions of wheat.

Theie were thirty tour vessels of 32,110 tonsin tin- aggregate at Puget Sound pons on MayIst, eveiy oue ol which was vbaitered.

BOAT-THIEVES AT WORK.Charles Hodge, the water-trout boatman,

mourns me loss of his Whitehall boat winch liasbeen stolen Irom where she was moored at tireloot of Broadway, lhe boat is li) teet long, ispainted white, will)lead-colored gunwales andcontained two pairs of sculls, a sari aud mast." i.!_: Jack, the boatman at lire foot ot Broad*wav, reported to the Harbor _*olice yesterday

that be in his possession a center-boardskin awaiting an owner. Some small boys, whohad probably stolen her, brought her underBroadway Wharf and then tried tosteal Jack'ssculls with which lo navigate Iter. He scaredH'ciu oil. aud as they left the SKIS be secured it.

The schooner Seven Sisters la due to-day, andwillgo loLast Oakland Immediately on arrival.

The annuls yesterday up to .o'clock ln theeveulug comprised ultie coasting .'earners and

lie schooner. At that hour the schooners ite*llattce, Mary Gilbert aud Garcia were outside,bound iv.

MOVEMF.NTS OF VESSELS.The ship Arabia docked at Harrison street

yesterday.lire brigLurliue went to sea.

he schooner Dora Bluhm docked at Foisomstieet to load a large qu.ulllyof cargo that lheLut line was unable lolake.

The Argumene came down from Fott Costaand anchored in the stream.

Tire ship Benares lowed down from Granger'sWbarf.

The bark Vidette hauled out from Green streetand went to sea.

The ship Celtic Chief will shift from LongBridge lo ibe sugar refinery 10-day.

The bark Ilua willgo tosea to-day.

CLEVERLY CAUGHT.Two Pickpockets Surprised at St.

Mary's Cathedral.

James Donovan and Joseph Richards,youug men, one of whom is an ex-convict,the other a graduate of the IndustrialSchool, are in a City Prison cell, chargedwith an attempt at grand larceny. Theywere arrested at 10:25 o'clock yesterdaymorning at the doors of St. Mary's Cathe-dral, on California street, by PolicemenMartin and Warnock.

The police had been informed that a gangof pickpockets were infesting the portals ofthe cathedral at the hours of service whenthe congregations were passing through inlarge numbers. Complaints from victimsof tlio thieves were also received at policeheadquarters, and accordingly the officerswere detailed to watch the pickpockets.While a lady was leaving the church Dono-van quietly moved toward her side andslipped his hand inher pocket. Beside himwas Kicbards, as his accomplice, to take thebooty for safe-keeping. The officers caughtthem at their work and took them in cus-tody.


Sacramento's Ciller of Tollce Trying toSolve the <>'_.". ilMystery.• The findingof some human bones In the alley

between Maud Nand Second and Third streetsof this city, says the Bee, has given rise to thetheory Urat they mightbe lhe remains of ArthurO'Nell, who so mysteriously disappeared a num-ber of years ago. On tbe night of (.'Nell's disap-pearance, the last place auy account is given ofblm was at Mike Dunn's saloon, now occupiedby Tom Kenny. When tie left Dunn's, wheresome very tougb characters made their head-quarters, O'Nell was beaded toward tbe localitywhere these bones were found to a place kept bythe notorious Mrs. Doberty and frequented bythe Gallaghers and the notorious Mrs. Dowdyand other disreputable characters. At tbe timeand ever since there been a strong opinionentertained by those who knew of the circiirn-stances that the Dunn brothers, GallaghersEugene West and others of the Dobeity gangknew what disposition was made of ArthurO'N'eil and the large sum of money he was knownto have with him on ibe night ol his disappear-ance., Iiwas a noticeble fact that after ibis theDunns became reckless and exceedingly dis-solute. Mike Dunn fell lv a pond ofwater back of the Gas Works and wasdrowned. Tbe oilier brother went up northand came to a violent death In some brawl.Iflhe remains are those of Arthur O'Nell tbe

skull should show a broken nose, as be had hisnose broken a number of years prior to the oc-currence.

The supposition tbat tbe remains might beibose of Monyban, who disappeared abouttwenty years ago. is scarcely tenable. It wasthought Monyban was burled on Fourth street,near in engine-bouse, while Fourth street wasbeing tilled in.

This morning Chief of Tolice Drew and OfficerLowell put In tbe entire forenoon digging forImiie.. Chief Drew turned up a piece of lowerJawbone winch contained a number of teetb, sev-eral arm and linger bones and a portion of thebackbone. lie also uncovered tbe victim's boots,liut tbey bad almost entirely rolled away. Theboots bad high beels and were "box-toed."

Too body bad no doubt beeu cut Into pieces,for tbe bones were scattered about, some of thearm and finger bones being discovered with thelower portions of the body.

It was evident that a layer of lime bad beenplaced In tne bole, and another layer on top ofthe body, In order, perhaps, to make Its decaymore speedily, sulphur hid also been placed Inthe grave.

Chief Drew is of tbe opinion that other bodieshave been buried in the yard, and tbat the occu-pants of tbe properly were carrying on a busi-ness similar to that conducted yeats ago inKan-sas by ibe Benders.

A Bee reporter examined tbe skull, which Isat the police station. The facial portion bas be-come detached from the body of tbe skull.It Is plain that wben the body was burled the

Dose was or .ken, a fact that goes a long way to-ward showing tbat the remains are those of Ar-thur O'Nell.

Another fact corroborating tbls theory Is thattbe skull contains but one tooth.

•>'\u25a0 bile it was evident that several of tbe teethbad dropped out since the burial, it Is also evi-dent thai when tbe body was burled there werebut few leetli Iv tbe head of the deceased.

People who remember Arthur O'Nell say lhatbe had few leelh foryears before bis disappear-ance.

A SENSIBLE GIKL.1She I'.rfuM., to Marry Her Betrothed Id

Dirty Clothes.John Llglrtner wooed a Colusa girl,says the

Sun, Miss Amanda A.Moore, and secured herconsent tomarriage. He went to Cottonwood, lnShasta County, and secured a shop ln which topursue bIscalling as a blacksmith.

Wednesday, after'taking oui a license, be

called on Key. J. C. Simmons to tie tbe knotEverything about the house gave token of foil

preparation for tbe happy event. All tbe familywere present, wllh a few frleuds. when thecouple took their stand before tbe doctor.

Tire bride was beautifully dressed lv snowywhite, and looked tbe picture of happiness andgood will. Hut the bridegroom stood In tbeheavy winter clothes be bad worn all winter,which were the worse for wear. Neverthelessabove his unseemly attire be wore a smiling face.It fairlybeamed Willi satisfaction as Ibe lovelygirlleaned upon bis arm. <

The doctor commenced tbe ceremony and'whenIre reached the declaration: "if any can showauy just cause why rbey may nol be lawfullyj.ilm-iitogether, let tnem now speak, or foreverhold their peace," the bilde, releasing her handunui bis aim, and stepping back, spoke with aclear, calm voice:


"1bare; look at tbese clothes (gracefullywaving her band toward tbe startled groom))Ural tells ihe tale, and shows what sort of a

Iru-banu he willmake!''Tbe astonished man stood dazed for a moment

and said: "Thai settles it;Ihad a hat once"--and reaching lor tt.left without ceiemony.

_\u25a0 ~n

For live minutes not a word was spoken. Nota soul knew what was coming uutll the fatalwords were spoken. -For the sensible girlbadmade up her mlud the moment be was usheredinto b.r presence to bis dirty, uninsmly cloth-ing.

At last the silence was broken by the mothersaying "come Into dinner." Here, fu tbe diirtug-r ooin was additional evidence of the slucerity ofthe preparations tbat bad been made tor tbenuptials, for rfaa table was crowded to repletionwith all the d lioticies the market afforded.

The disappointed man came to town and filled.

Himself with mean whisky, and when the girlcame with her lather's family to have their pic-tures taken she caught sight of the poor fellowbugging a lamp-post.

THE KDLEE'S DAUGHTER.Regular Weekly Lesson of Mrs. Cooper's

Bible fl--.

Attbe opening of the Bible-class In tbeFirst Congregational Church yesterdayMrs. Cooper spoke of the progress of thekindergarten work all over the Coast,making special mention of the recent ad-dress on the kindergarten as home mission-ary work, made in San Diego by Mrs. C. E.Kinney, formerly of the Girls' Union ofthis cily. A mass-meeting to consider thesubject of free kindergartens was calledfor an early day."

The Killer'sDaughter"

was the subjectof an interesting discussion in the Blblo-class. Itwas shown how a touch of sorrowmakes tillthe world kin. Sorrow is a greatleveler. Ordinarily this proud ruler wouldhave scorned the meek and lowly one, towhom he now came so nimbly inbehalf ofhis suffering and dying child. He was afather as well as a ruler. Humanity isabove mere office, It often happens thatworldly people are suddenly brought tosee that their heart's dearest treasurenestles in their homes, too often unappre-ciated until it vanishes. Trouble remindsof the Great Healer. Many a ouo whonever thought of God wheu skies wereclear has gone to himamid the storms.

The question was asked "Why is itthat, as a rule, the heaviest sorrows seemto come to tho best people?" It wasargued that the best material is alwaysselected for Instruments of service, and itmust be tested and shaped and preparedfor use. The metals that are to be used forwork must be annealed in thu furnace oftrial. And when we see a soul bowedunder a weight of grief and care, we feelthat hero is a spirit whom God is carryingthrough the test-season of education. Andany soul that cau say, amid it all, "Thywillbe done," has triumphed; its spiritualeducation is complete; itpasses up into thevery peace of God. After the restoratiju,Jesus "commanded that something begiven her to eat." "This," said Mrs.Cooper, '"shows the tenderness of Heavento humanhood. Itshows us that our dailylives are enfolded by the forethought ofHeaven. In the midst of all poverty andcare itshould never be forgotten that Jesusguards the minutest details: 'He com-manded that something be given her toeat.'"

PEOPLE TALKED ABOUT.Bismarck's pension is not quite $4500.Delaunay returns to the Coinedie Fran-

caise as stage manager.The new Duke of Aosta has a pocket

camera, aud is said to boa snap shot withit.Ex-Senator Palmer, Minister to Spain, has

left Madrid bound for Michigan and hisfences.

Chancellor yon Caprivi is a bachelor.American heiresses will swarm in Berlinthis summer.

Count Minister, the German Embassadorat Paris, is the author of a cook-book. Heis probably a dyspeptic.

De Brazza, the French explorer, hasstarted.oo his sixth trip to Africa

—as a

civilizer but as a money-maker.Miss Mildred Lee, daughter of the late

General Kobert E. Lee, is a great favorite inthe best social circles of Washington.

The young Russian Grand Duke Constan-tino writes poetry. The Nihilists will beforgiven lor anything they do withhim.

Admiral Porter has been elected Presi-dent of the Washington branch, just organ-ized, of the National Society of the Sons ofthe Revolution.

General Butler's horri. in Lowell,Mass .is a Diilac.. Ife is reputed to be worth55,000,000, and his law practice is estimatedat 5100,000 a year.

Miss E. Constance Stone is the first fe-male physician who has been grantedregistration papers in the Australian col-onies. She has just beeu registered inMel-bourne.

The Vienna Freie Presse relates that Bis-marck once said to a friend who asked himwhat kind of a man General yon Capriviwas .-"•Caprivi? "Well he is one man whohas a harder head than mine."


LDCampbell * w,Oak- G Morrison, Eurekaland w Cdchton, Eureka

H Parker, Oregon F Shaw. Eureka2 Rodman, Baltimore A p Poper. EurekaJ Lustla, Mendocino w Thomas, EurekaO L Lee, IS.i J. Anderson. EurekaI.E Waduian, Oakland I.Korrall, WisconsinJ Walk*. * w,Japan 1, Madsen, Wisconsinl:McDonald. Alau'.e la Mrs W. Campbell A t,D G Roberts Alameda Eureka(1BD.'C.rr.r. Alameda P J Donovan, Eureka_ C Clarke A."r,.v,iie iEL Webb, san SimeonVV 1' Asbbaujb. _r)ls_n A Dalil,|u:_t, J___H___ld.I.Dunham, Sn LeandrolH J Foj ft-r. Los AngelesPC Shaw, Los Gatos 1;Thompson. Gllroy1- Manning. Santa Cruz J Magmr., Gllroy0 B Starr, Santa Cruz J B Brady, New YorkJ Lynn,Santa Crux iv F Flanagan. New YorkM ltoblnsou, Tulare I. Washbnrn, V.


L F Parker, Pasadena J Johns, CaliforniaMrs Hennelly, N Mexico J McDonald, CaliforniaW Henry.Point Arena Mrs Srullb, CaliforniaJDillon, Fort Bragg IIProsser, IllinoisA Johnson, California O Larson, IllinoisEMcleod. California E Pordy, SonomaJ Williams, ISA J B .lo.res, SonomaA Barlholeil, USA FJohnson, SonomaJ Tchrclber. USA w 11 Thomas, FresnoW Dunn, USA E -I Knrg-'e v, OregonI* McLelran. Pinole G A Schubly. TexasYYStetius, Haywards IIHeyruau, Santa PanlaT Jones, Haywards LT Austin, Kentucky¥IISylva. Haywards ,XI)Brown, KentuckyPJ Orlndell, Haywards iW Edsou. CaliforniaE Toivusend, Napa |T W Lynch, California

GRAND HOTEL.J C Herndon A fin. Ariz TIIDouglas, Menlo ParkMrs L F Wilson. Prescott J S Bailey 4 wr.MouutaluE W Woolen, California ViewX Hickmott. Haywards J S -Morkbee

_ wr,Moun-W MJules, (Stockton tain ViewA Winters, Kab.rville J ,1 (.iilnn, StocktonDJ Murphy,San Jose J Mla Rue, StocktonT Parsed. San Jose D la Rue, StocktonRM Sheet, Vallejo ID E laRue, RiversideLLlebes, San Jose , IURedington ft- wr.CalD w Hottel, Oakland J BCoghlan, Mare Island1 Morris. Portland jMrs v 1-. Crane, St Helenaw J sueeharr, Minnesota MBlum, MartinezMr-York a cli, Denver J A Oallender, Los GatosMrs Holmes A eh. Denver vv J Wrlgbt, SebastopolDIParker. Red Cloud kH C Wilson. SebastopolT W Langrord, Eureka AE Cromwell,TacomaI. llri'.-...ri,Stockton {EC Morgan. CaliforniaMrs G C Vose A sons. Me .Mrs J Brenner A- rlau. SacMrs 1:VY Alder, i'ortland DLiibln _ Cam, Baeto_ 11 Smith, Pasadena . 1. Brenner. SacramentoYVBrown. Pasadena JLabaUie, SacramentoJ W stengele, Astoria |

AMERICAN EXCHANGE.ORnsiand, I.sletoa O DDevoc, lowaJ Mahoney, Fresno '1! HillA f, LiverpoolW P Madden. Tulare IA Wagner. AshlandJ Hamlll, San Jose J McDonald, San RafaelC Shanks, Bitter Creek A McDonald, San RafaelIIE Larson, Salt Lake W McAfee, San RafaelJ Burnholz, Chicago W R Brown. OgdenG sievers. .Nebraska AJ Mlllbraacb, Benlcia0 KIIII2.Nebraska W Burbank. BenlciaSi" BJorkman, Nebraska E C Dyer,PennsylvaniaEX Clyde A w,Ouernerl J Oakley Aw.SnMargarltoJ F'dwardson, Iselton MSaras'rn, SeattleVV llaberdrer. Pa F Warburton, Hornbrook<_ Ireubeeren, Portland Mrs F Peterson _ _ eh,J Porter, Portland HornbrookN" P Arudreu. Portland W Drury,SacramentoR Patterson, Montana IIEverett, Santa BarbaraJ Hems, Portland N .1 Sanders. Sn BarbaraEHSmith, Rutherford G W Era,. r._ w.LsAngelosYV B Deatherage, Willows S Swctt, FresnoPS Winner, Michigan |E SNorthrup.Gnernevllle

BROOKLYN HOTEL.J Dalley.Mayfleld M Murray. Sonomaa it Wilson. Fresno !J P Labonllt,SonomaJ Lnegley, Alvarado AL Lampkey, San Josea MFaXrrllle, san Jose |B Allen,san JoseJ Nllilo,Oakland iMCasohava, VallejoA J Menuox. Downleville w Dixon. stockiun - '\u25a0-•M YVilllams,Downleville JFogarty. Stockton B BCF C Humes. California r X Holllday, doA Bartholomew. Sn Cruz Swan. doMrs- Bartholomew.. Cruz Fudger, do

-J BAndrews, Santa Cruz Selua, doMrs M LAndrews.SnCruz Chase, doJ YV Webb A w.LsAngeie, Wilson, doG E Mr-i-orn,Los Angeles Bouchers, doJ W «in.a. ir..Sao la Rvsa Depangher, doJ IIllinker. Petaluma |.Mrs J FDavis. Eureka1 YV Carroll, Grass ValleyIN _ Griffin,Los GatosIISampson. Eureka N J Hearch, MarysvilleMMcDonnellftw.Arizonla C G House, StocktonJ Prentice, Chicago C S White, VacavilleIOwens, Toronto |

BUSS HOUSE.Mrs A Schnltz, Dixon |.l Ccrvero, ChileYV D Perry, San (.uentin P. c Sargent. LodlC V Burk, Yolo GF Wbitworth, SeattleJ Ca pees ft w, .Salinas Mrs ME Morris,SacmutoA0 Tracey Asis,Oakland M 1{ Gleeson, lowaC F Walker. Fresno N A Weeks, CanadaBArmstrong, Stockton T M.McN'ainaraAf.VlsallaAE Lindsay, New Mcx I.F Suerburn A faru, CalJ F Towle,New Mcx J Frullnger,StockE X Brown 4 v.-.Sir Diego -Miss MMatteson.SlocktnHW Adrian,Chicago ,A Horn, SacramentoG VX M.-aciiani. Humboldt J J Kerrrreen* f,LlvermeG Masel, Seattle ]MItKramer, New JerseyI-' Edwards, Dunsmnlr IFMoon. New JerseyR IIPutts, Alameda AMKurtz, San L ObispoJ IIBenrlmo, Alameda J ALlrrscott, vlric0 X Jones, Napa City jw ilBrimmer, Omahaw LTalbot, Sacramento ItLane, BrockvllleJ Smith. Johnstown G BPassage, EurekaW B Forman, Salinas |MMVaughan, Marysvllie

PALACE HOTEL.1: 11 Block, New York MJ HStlner *w,N_;-*_Frund, New York Miss LStluer. New YorkIIM Levy, Cincinnati Col Beaumont, London

J__l*_______ '-"• Angeles DrS A Potter, BostonV," Wrl.ater. New York .Mrs A P Bulger, BostonJI-allljus.New Orleans F Fischer *w,ChicagoJ5S,^"!,l1l"l'?,« ,York J» Abel, Milwaukee

0 w ooldlng,California s Harris Aw.PortlandC A I'oage A w.N V City J D tr.rr,SalinasJ StockslU & w,Ohio G WKing,New YorkRMackintosh. Salt Lake E suaid a vr,U NavyARoberts, Portland DC Dodge A w,Denver*WIIBurnett, New York Mrs J W GHiuiy, DenverYL,lylor.New York Miss M Smith, DenverJ M Wood, Chicago G W Kramer Aw, DenverYV J Collins, Dcs Moines

LICK HOUSE.FG Thwalte, New York TLee, PlymouthJ E Malocbe, Martinez C EHayes A w, CalM Elliott. Han Rafael IMclntyre Aw. Sta CruzAMiller,California B Mouldeu, MontereyO Deker. California \u25a0'•' Ripka, PhiladelphiaEBatch A w,Washington J Miller,Los Angeles1. LBar. Washington

- C HBaldwin, Sauta ClaraW IIAllen A w,Portland W J Applegate. St JuliusJ PDart, Stockton F Evans, St JohnsJlt Moll 1, Stockton '. SK Evans, St JohnsAAManutz, Honolulu Miss Error. Mills CollegeMiss MRyan, New York J DMcDougall Aw, CalJ W Woodruff A w, l.ilia EEBoots, Haoford_* Williams. Cleveland AR Machnieyer, LemoreL Harlem, Ca Hernia • J A Morse A iv. Fresno -•-HC Boyd. Portland .

BALDWIN HOTEL.TJ Ilamraor d, Los Angls E W Woodman, CalP Joseph, New York c A Baldwin,Los Angelesw A Gill. EMcLaren, AlamedaR X Hayes, USN J D McDonald, V 8 N ,*W HThompson Jr.Chlgo F O Ferris, I. S N


MABourngrre, Chicago ]XDowning,Port CostaC MViill. . San Diego KB Bardelt, placer vrllo .Dr LAPutter, Boston \r, Riley, Vallejor»"*


Mrs Anna P Bniger.Bostn U F lie. \u25a0!\u25a0\u25a0-. New York •-..E Mr Hani. Ohio Aliliranuer, New York jLDBaniby, Ohio J ,-._.-..


Thomas Garrett,- a Teamster,••; Saves a Boy's Life.

Yesterday afternoon a number of boyswere playing at the end of Yallcjo-street"Wharf, when one of their number namedThomas Gaffney, whose parents liveon thecorner of Sacramento and Jones streets,felloff the stringer into the bay. Ashe fellhe emitted a yell, which was echoed by hiscompanions on the wharf. They could donothing to save him as he drifted downwith the tide.-'1lie boys' cries were heard by Thomas

Garrett, a teamster, who lives at 326 Yallejostreot, and who happened to •be passing.Garrett, who is a good swimmer, ran to theend of the dock and jumped overboard,fully dressed as he was, and with a fewquick strokes reached the boy and con-veyed him to the wharf, where they werehauled up.

Young Gaffuey was very much exhaustedand itwas some time before he recoveredsufficiently to be able to go home.

A bright boy of .Biggs, Butto County,named Harrison, is only 13 years old, yethe owns quite a herd of cattle, lie bor-rower! some money of bis father a year agoand invested In some "cows. Lust week heinvested in a thoroughbred bull, and nowgives his whole time to looking after fifteenhead.


Remaining unclaimed in the Postoffi.e at San Fran-cis oonMONDAY,May 6, 1890.

lie'Toobtain any of these letters tbe applicant

must cull for"Advertised Letters." ami give thedate of the list. Itnot called for within tiro weeksthey willbe sent to the Dead-letter Offlce.__a_eusen,_lrsll Alt-are!, Win r Anderson, Miss Q

0 Alexander, Mrs '-!Abbey, A A (024 Turk) ] Anderson. WmAr-ranrs, Herman Alexander, Miss Andrews, ErnestAf-kersun.Chas F Annie jAndrews, HubertAdams, Archie \V Allen, <_ W Ariilronlcu.Adams. James S Allan,Thompson Anger, ThAdams, Miss I X

_........ .HenryJulia

-IAllen,Mrs Wm Anspacberl'blllpAdams, W It |Allman, John Apjjar. John W

Adams, l>r W L:Amblow,_lrsAn- Appleby.Mr*I.Abramsohn, A nic Applegate, MissAhem, licorice Arasden, E JannieAlkman.S IUCo Anderson, Carl Anribriister JtAlcourt. Mrs .Anderson, t:has LeltfucbsAl_l..i,'.irr.Co I n_lw Arnold, Key TJAllien,1- D IAnderson. l'lrasH Austin. JAlejos, Thomas] Anderson. V A Avery,Horace WJtabb, Bernard, JC Branch, MissBattle, John lieruellcb. Z Margaret.Backus, Mrs .I_ Bernstein, M _._ Burre.l, Johnltec. .11. Miss .1 11 Brash, MBadglei. Horace Berry, Charles Bray.Miss Nelliellaliilnidge, Mrs Berry, M C Brechemin, Miss

C II Barren, Sam i__UuiBailey,Mrs Jen- Best, Mrs MII Brechemln, Capt

nic Keswick, laden LouisBaker, Foreign I)W Breerr, JohnBalausar, Mrs _•" BlgleyBros Brarrnin, MissBaldwin, I'd Billings. Albert AnnieBalk and. A _.ur{___i. Miss Bright,Mrs IIHBa kley, Mrs Edith Brinker.I

Kate A Bingham, HT,AselHaiti., M lining. X T Brown. Mrs E__n_lor,r_t»r Bishop, Miss An- (1319 Ellis)Boras, Miss Julia trie infield, MrsBarnes, Mrs Jan- BlshopFrederlck (937 21st)

nic Black, Mrs J- Brook, ThosBarnettHrsKobt Bishop, 1 O liro..ksMi-, BelleHarnett. J Black*ell's I)ui> Brooks, MissBarry. William ham Co Mis'llyBartlett _Co |lilake. Chas Bevuchls,MlssMBartlett, Samuel lßlanihard. MrsJ BruwuMissAobyBart-Somew, Bley, Jenny Brown, _* (131.

Mrs It Blum. (ierscban Ellisat}Barton, Mrs Ag- Board, Win Brown, Mrs

\u25a0res Biggs. Ceo MarthaBateman, John Banian, M Browne, ItBay ley, _\u25a0 S IBona. Mrs Lucy Brown, JBean, Wm Bunnell. James Brown, WillieBecker MrsLonis Booth, S

_Co Bruce, E M

Beckmanu, Miss Borrrsou, George Bruclre, MrsE N*Anna BostotiUlsslieiie Brlukmau, Mrs

Belyed, Al-

Boston MknlgCo LizzieBennett, Miss l'..lr___, Gustave Bergan, A E

(1324 Howard) IBuntoskej, Mlss'Bulgreir, 1'Bennett, Edward Amelia IBunkea, MrsPaulBennett, Mrs LJ!Bovlcb, Jerry Burden, G It WBooom, L Bowlay,Leonard Buyer. IIEBents, Geo C Bowman, Mists Bnrker, Mrs 8Benu, l'hlllpC Hilda Burke, AndrewBerdan, FrankiBowman, Locklel W

Mrs Boyken.JA |Uurkf._ll__.usanBerdan. Mrs IBoyle,Peter rBurns, Thomas

Mary B IBowie. Miss S J Brush, Mrs HI'Berglund, Anna Bradford .v_tory!__rtucci, SalBergulst, Mrs IBradley, Cyrus IBut'.es, Miss Au-

Christina IBradley, Mrs I gusta MIleum. Helen M! Kail- I('..dwell, Geo ,Chase, Wm Cooper. MissCalkins, W J Chlnn, Virginia JennieCallahan, Miss Cblnowltli, J MCurbe.Geo

,lir_le Choaueay, Mrs Courtney, A DCameron, Jss | M0 Cowell, Chas ECameron, Jas F.Chrlsteeti. C B Cox, Mrs FannieCanrpe, _II_» .Itr.M„l,Mr-UMCox. Mrs Mary C

Mata E Clprlco, Mrs A _. Cox. Mrs WillCampbell (lner- Clarke. Miss link.Miss.chant) t (Stockton at) Craddor.. Bena

Campbell, Miss Clark, Lot_

train Miss Mln-Florence Clarke, S ule

C.irtw.n, Llent Clifford, Miss Crandall. Miss MJohn C I Minnie Adelaide

Caplinger, Mrs ClulT, Mrs.las Crarrdali. OrmanKotiert F Cobbert. John CrawTord. Miss S

Cappa, Joseph Colburn,Irene T ACai', Joseph Colin. Al Crelgbton, S(1Iartier,', CO Cole. Mrs 1) X |I're.kU.rd, ChasCarletuu.Almall-Coleiiiarr. Mrs 1) Il.rrlrr.ltdCarlson, Fred iCollins, Cll [Cross, Mrs

_____Carey, Juliet! E Collins, Mrs Goo Crow, -MissCarpenter, S w Collins, J 0 Crowley, MFCarroll. Fat (l.'omrue.Mrs E A Crowly, ruCarter, -Mrs lien- Condron, David frrrts-', Johnniery Connelly, Geo Crntiiers, Mrs

Casady. Wm Connolly, John Lenar a -as.,a, li Cooley, Miss Cruz, FrankCates, William Florence Curd. Jasper NCateche, EC Cooky. Geo n Currey,Mrs Thoscaranaush .asSI Cooley, Miss Lli-Crime, Mrs Erel-Ceis, zie nsCerne, Juhan Couiot, A Curtiss. FrankChambers, So- Coopall, JD Curtis.lAor J A

phi© Cook, Austin Curtis, KateChannel), Mrs Cook, MISS W I'rrsliltrgSB

Maggie Cooper.MrsEven MissChapman, Lulu Cotter, Timothy MussettaDa.iow. Paul Deianey, Miss Dolllver, MrsDaJil, Andres Helen V Clara iiDam, John Ir.rJ.,.A..liis- CM bunion. MissI-it- _.__,, Mrs Dclegne (6-1 Annie

Marlmi Washington) Donnelly,LEDaly, Con Demartlni.Mrs Donovan, MissDarnold, Geo De Mutt. Wm Minnie AD'AsKwltb, Ed- Demand, JameslDoollrr, ItP

ward (colored) Doolittle.MrsCMDavenport, Er- Dentil -k, Miss Doollitle, J Enest M Lola Dorchester, D

David,D «- Denning. Mrs T Liorsay, MissDavis, Henry'

Dennis. Mrs : AnnieDavis, James Hannah jDouglass, Mrs ODavis,Johu I_rinl_, Dr \v 1. ilrel. It.u'liFrankDavis, John F Deuey. Mrs Ma- Dresel


Davis,J A J mle Driscill.Mlss BTDavis, Robert G Dewey. Mrs E |Halves. MrsMMDaw,Allan D Dre.lerrcks en,,JackDaw, 8 J Miss Mathilda Duekworth,Dawly. \V H Dlsbrow. IIri


D.wltorn, Clias! Dixon, Thomas IDnetertre, LDay Jr. Jas M Dobies. W A IHllirr,A I.Day, Thomas Dohrmaa, Chas Duncan, AlexDean, 11 Doughtcry, Juu-Dutine, FrancisDeaue, Daisy - DoLerly, Miss {Dunn,MrsMariaDe Bus, Fred Lizzie ReynalltDeere, John Dougherty, Mrs Durham, W IIDeger, Haver Al- Mary Inrtanl, ell

bert Dorghorty.Mrs I*lIrwyer,DDeitz. Charles Donnelly, Mrs XlDyer, Mrs SusieDeianey. PatrickItarhsrt. Criru Eggen.JC ,Kills,WilliamEarl, A E Egorsin, Ftrlltor Emery. S S ('_)

:Eastland, A J Kid,.lames X England, JacobEastman, Geo W ___s_B__, M Eitrljlrt, MrsEaston. Miss Elltnore, 1. P (417 Market)

Elizabeth B Elvldge,UJ Erl.kson, MissEbuer, Max Elllotb,J Una _Eccles, CVV Elliott, J B European andFAkbart, 1W Erllolt..W S OrgLand CoEddy.MlssSue M Sails, Mrs Annie Everett. MrsEMJ-.drrrrririisen. E Kills. Harry C iBrans, FredEgiti, Miss Jlt Kills,Miss Lottie Evans. OtisEgarr. William |Ellis,Miss May iEyre, EdwardFairy. TM IITrrkreirrer, Geo Ford. Mrs.Fatrbrotber,Mlss Finlaysun. Jas Forde, S M

Maggie Fisher, E E |Foster. _.' 1)Fallen, Mrs Wm Fisher. Mrs Em- Fowler, TFalls. SD Hie Fisher, WFallliigs.V(Shot- Fix,Mrs Medium Fox. Frank A

well st) Filzpalrkk,Miss Franc _ CoFarger. Jas J XT Fra n itb auser,Farrngtorr, Miss Fladnilg.Mrs Ed Christian

5 N Flald. Edmund Frank. OttoFarley .MlssFlor- FletcherErtward Franklin, WO

ence Fletcher.l.'aptLD Fraxer, C DFarnell, F H Flelng, Miss Cc- Frederick, GFarnman, Mrs line Frelllson, Hans

Emily Flint (Agent for Frsiuout, UenFarrel.MlssDella Am Board of John CFeder, DrIIC For Missions) Fried land, BFellz, P F'ioriue, Miss Frlkert, MrsFennel, Edwin Mary Ft Fuclis, Mrs Hen-Iis., J T Fly,J W rleiteFerry MissAnnle Foa, Mrs .Mary Ernst nek, IIFerguson, Geo Foley, Charles H lunragalll,DFizel,Brunswick Foley, James Fnruer.Mlss Bell6 Co Foley, w D Furst. «

Rn GS Ford, MrsM Furstcuan, EFllpot,Charley . .Gall-iglr.-rMrsAj.G|]rnorrr.DrIA Grabble, ChasGallagher, G Giles, WM Edward MG_l!ow_._t___a_lai_sa,J M Gratlarr, WinGardiner, Mrs l.lixman. Falck Goss, MrsMinnaGardluer, Frank Gluyas, Mrs Jen- Gratz.MrsMitiuleGardner. A nic E Gray, J WGardiner, Byron Goad, Frank Gray, Mabel '

II~ Goldstein, S Green,.lohnLockGarr.-itt.l'ant ItH Good. 11 II Green, JohnGarr.itl, Thos Good ter, Geo (ireen, .NormanGarrison, w J .otxliuao, Mrs L Grieve, John JGe.-irrig Kiiilolpli|Goodric:r.O B Grle.sirer,, (' A Uoodspeed, Mrs C Hi: Grifflth, MissGerhard, Cnas Goolman, J N MaryGersteutuayer, Cooper, Louis Grltliili,Mrs MG

Michael Gorden, Mrs Grlrtllh, W AGerrlng, John Laura de Force Griffin, I,F

-Gesrhwandler, Gorham _

Co Groser ThosJos (Books), Miss .

Glbbs, Frank Gore, Mrs Ma- Fanny- -

Gleschcn, II tllda Gttse. ElizaGibson, Mrs Win Qould, EW Guy, CliasGillespie, Jas M Graff, EddieHaesslg, Frank . rHayz v. The Co HoUson, MrsIlaik-ht,Nil Healy.Mrs Ellen Frank O L___lgnt. Mrs Jen- Hecox, Mrs AIIHudson, Dr

nic Hedley, VZ Hobitz, AloisHi,..-J lienIs. Miss Tan- lloilcans. MrIlalkoia,Marlta I line Hoffman, MissHall, Miss Lillie Heine. Mrs Dor- AnnieHat), MrsAlice othea Hoffman, J ItHall, Charles Heilmtitb, Jos Holborn, Mrs

-Hall, .Master Heller. Samuel I.HoirJerman.Clias

Bonnie IlellbergKicbardiHolmait..1 HHall, W F Hemeriw-ay, liar- Hoilailay, MrsHalllrlay,Mr ry T JessieHamlin. Thos IiHempler, Clias Holland, GBHamilton, J C Uendrlcksou, A llolloman, MrsJHamilton, II W .. Hood. I'llHamilton, FI; llonrlch, Aug

-Ilorach, J W

Hamilton, Julia Henderson, W E Horgarr, James ;Hamilton, jHenderson, Hold Homer, Albert .

Claude T Hess. Mr Horton. Capt Itllaminor»d, Sirs Uerbet, H . Hosteler, Ben_

Handy, Geo W Heroc. lngrahltn Howard. MrHamilgan, Miss llerwlg, w - Howard, Chas_ Ar.i.i. Herman, Fran Howard, MissHansen, M - Zlska Jennie >•-•'Hansen, Karl C Heynemann, Mrs|Huwiry, F IIHansen, Charlie Helen IliiblisrVlrsChasllHar.ily.-lohan Hlgbuc, SU

-Hubbard, i, \u25a0

*Haruigau, Mrs Hlirglus. Mrs T Hubert, Mrs Em-w A Ulgglns, Miss ma


Harding, Edwin Emily Huddart.ltevßTIlarland. Willie night,J W Hug ABoacowltzHarris. J Ham Hltlard. H Hull,XVHarris, Mrs Ella Ullllce,ItJ - Humbrecht, OHarrison ft Co UIH,Emerson Nichols

-Hasby ThomodA mil,IiF Humphreys, DrHasklns, Mrs A Hills, Mrs Anns Frank W


llawley, Frank Hills.MrsAnna B Hunt. Geo JHays, F lllchcock, Mrs Hunter.Frank WHays, Mrs Killer Martha Ilurlbut, SB"'

Hayse, AN .';• Illrscb, F-

llllg,ErnestHayman, Win M Hoberg, Paul Irwin,p BJackson, Miss ' Johnson, Mrs Jobansen," Ma-

Hattie | Anna Louise thildeJackson, Mrs Johnson, Bros Jones, Hampton-" Josie • Johnson, Asi Joues, Mrs Char-Jackson, James jJohnson, Christ lottoJackson, Martha Johnson, Geo A Jones, Dr Ed-Jacobs, Ham LD Johnson, Eugene ward F v. -'-Jaeuiiiot. E

- ' Johnson, Mrs-

Jones, H CJakin, Gustavo | Josephine Joues, TO ...

Jakobsen, Julian Johnson, Mrs Jorgen»on,C_rl_-James, Mrs 8 M Lucy ItlansonJamison, Adam Johnson MrsLouUoy, Dr Blanch*Johnson, MrsJ Johnston, Mrs


Karmave, BllleyiKemp,Bert . Klrby,Mrs-

Kautmann. o IKenny, Geo X KtrbyJr.Mrs-

aKeating ftFagan Kenny, MissBee Kirchen, MKeating. Fred Kennedy, Miss Kirkpatrick. MrsKeene, Ktt Clara A Kloirfer. MissKeefe, Kobt Keuyou News Co IleunrieReagan, X Kent.Allss Bessie Klyce, Harry AKeeuan, James [Kerr.LI.

- jKnapp. HGKelt,Bartbold Hotels, Mrs Effey Kuecht. JohanKeller,MJ

-Kezerter, MI, Knowles.MrsTT

Kelly.Harry A Kldstou, Miss Knowlton _CoKelly,Jas H Mollis Korb, MrsKelly,Charley Kiel,John RudolphKelly,Patrick Kiep, Win Koolstra, 8Kelly.MlssN'ellle Kimball, Man- Kortl.F CKelly,Miss Aliu- Ired C Kopatsch, Geo

nic Kindlenplre.Klia Kost. J JKeilen, Geo E Klnnear, Mrs Kramer. IIKelleher, Mrs I Lockwood Kushlda, MissS

Kate . King,ThosLakehuueAlrsJß Lee, B F [Little,DavidLahant, Albert Lee, Geo W Llttlelield,J H

Martin Lee. Millie |Littleton, MissLally,Delia- LehlghMlssAlmar JeunteLanrpe, Mrs Ella I.ehinaun. Emma Loeb, HenryLa Mux,Dr Lelverd, Kobt Loewenwald, TLaudgrebe, Mor- Lestrlp,J F Logan, Miss Sa-

ris Lehman, Jno rah 0-

Laue, Frank E I.espuutie, F Lowe,HI „Lane. Mrs W Levlson, H, A Levin,E*Co Loztcr. EmmettLanghrer ACo Leavy, Mrs E Lloyd,Jno HLarrkslead, Mrs Levy, Mrs L Lloyd,.MissElizaLarsen, XP Levy, Mrs F Lnber, NellieLars. Lars 6 Lewis, Burton FLucas, Miss AliceLarson, A E ILewis,E Ludolpb,M ALaron, SlissClara Lewis, Miss X Lu.lcrs, JosephLaverdue, Frank Lewis, Philip Lunny,ChasLawser, Mrs Su- Llescb, Anton Lynch, oJ

tun S l.lndeiuaun. Miss Lynch.Mrs JaneLawrence, G B Llnderinan, Dell Lynch. Mrs OLawson.SopbloM Lindner.MrsKalp Lynton, Mrs Es-Leberiiian, JI Llnnegan, James therLederer, Li coin,Kobt Xl (Lyon. '_ I4 Co

die ILlpuian,A Lyons,KateMcArity.AlrsJas McCormack.Wm MctUnstry, OMcAllister Mr-GloneKdwarJ JlcKennon, J QMcCorinlck.Allss Alcßhee, MrsEr-'M< Keriua, Mrs

Flossie it.'-tine I .MariaMcCaughey.Alljs AlcUeo, Mrs UlcKillop,Peter

Lizzie McGrune, Miss JMcl_own.Jlrs._lsMcCutcliln,Jas Annie I.McLean, Jno-McCartney, Goo AtcGurk. Jno |.McLeorl, Miss iMcCartney ,GeoE McGo Idr1c k,r AnnieMcCreadle, Miss Philip IIMullen,Mrs

Helen IMcGulre, Mrs AlcNiitt,AllMcculloch. Thos Peter AlcN'ulty,JnoAlcDonad, Mrs McGovern, *W P AlcN'abe, Mr

Alarms Mclnerny, Pat Jtrl'eak, JohnMcFarhua _,Kits JlcJohnson, Air MeSparren, Ar-

Alollle Mcintyre, Mrs chlbaldMcFarlane, Mrs Hartley McSlreean, Tlm-

Addle L Mcintosh, LH othyMackenzie, W ,Mechl_r, MrsB Mohrr.. JllssAlackeyAllssJule Aleade, Alias Moore. MissEvaAladsen, A j Jessie Moore, FrankWLsjgasj, Peter Meade, Henry L .Moore, VincentGMa.uirc. James Aleluralh Bros Hoore, ViolaMailiniclrMalle. Jleeks, J B Moure, W AMains, Miss HoUgxrm, Alias AIorgantield,

Horeuce G | Augusta GorllrtedMan.air, UrJ Meutzel, Allss More \u0084C EManuel, Fred Nettle Alorgan. IIMann, Harry rMerrear, John W .Morgan, Evans HMenu,Mrs AC Mem-b,J B Morris,JMirks,LJ vers, BF Morrison. COlMarks, M .Myers, Clinton George HMarcher, Miss Meyers, Frank Molt. William


Aleyer, J E Alnulton, GeorgeMaritime Insur- Meyer. James . X

ance Co Meyer, George . M'.uil'l,Mrs MMarlon insur- Jluers, Mrs X jMuliiu,August

arrccCo Myers. X C Sluir,Dr J 8Marettcorlch, Allchlels.Charles Molln. August

I.lnccnt Alldd, Mrs Ai .Mullen, AugustAtarcrts.Walterß Miles. I)E


Marx,UM Miller,A (2) Mulcahy, -MissMarveuo, A T IMiller,James I NellyMartinez, Mrs Sillier,LT Muller,George

Inez Miller,M |',AC.Marshall, .Mrs M.Miller,MrsMaud Muller, Fred-Martin, Dan C Mol er, Mrs WMartin, Ike Miller, Miss Mulr. 8Martin.John IIr Alary Jtusto, P-Martin. Henry J!Mills,WSI n Murphy, ArthurMate, Mrs Uen- Mlil.,Mr_Miu_!eMurphy, A A

drlruta X Murphy,WilliamMat-hens, C .Minor, Frank G .Murphy, AlaryMailinsley, Mrs Misener, F L iMrrrrav, Ell11Maxwell, Ed- Mohan, B Homy,Richard

mund ll Mocker, Paul j JMay.Charles Molioy, Miss Mylott, MissMay, Henry L Kellle | Josie ENathan ft Mag- Nelson, Airs tNoble. Francis

ncr Nenbuurg ft Noel, Airs ENeaie, E j Lagcs Nolan, <;..-N'eal, INess, E .Nordstrom. X, Andrei Neves, itevAG S Nour.e, AliasNelson, Jen-, L } Ethel

tile N'essen, Julius .N'ugeut, MissNelson, IIP (Noble MrsJcrtnicl Bridget r.

-Nelson Bros Nolan, DanielOborg, Isaac o'Keefe, Patk Orth, SlrsAunaPO'Brien, Mrs HAOlmsted, Miss Ort/. IlattieIO'Brien, Wm r Alice osbuni, MrsL EOcean House Ulliseir, August Osmond, Miss

P.oail A Mag- Olson, Christens Minnienulla Nursery JOlsen, O :(Huron, MissCouncil,Mrs 11 O'Malrey, Miss I /.elodic

O'Cormer, Thos Ellen Otteuheliuer,O'Dunoghue. Jas Olinstesd, C U 1 Miss FO'Hara, Miss O'Neill,Air _ Ould, X A

Mary Orcult, C It Owens. Wailac Gas A Gaso- Person, Hiss Ma- Plttenger. FS

line Kng Co thilda I'lanu, J MPackard, c L Peters. Miss Pond, Mrs BHPage, J-I I Annie L Perter, BFft CoPage, Wm [Pelterson, Mr Porter, Hon Or-Palrrrer A Neslor AC vlrleLPalmer, E ll Peterson, R Porter, WinPeacock, Mrs CD Petrlck, Miss Potts, Mrs Jen-Peaters, w Mary triePeck, Louise Petrle. Mrs Poulsen. Missl'embcrtoo, A VlPettett, James Kittle

11 -J 'Petty. Miss Alice Potts, (has

Pen. ler.ast, Mlss'Phelan, James _ Preeif. Fred-Milrley Plpke, Emilia erscbe

Perklrrs, Ezra litchner, Chas Proctor, Jos BPersian, J W |Pitcher. II11 Purdy, J.Kaaen. Mrs I.J Relnfcld, James Koher, Miss llat-ltadvlnlcki,I) T W tiellaiiia^e.Meptren Beuo Liquor Boouey, Jl.auklrr,Mr.-,Kobt .tore B__enwa_ser,liarrkiu. Kobt It Richards, Jos ! Jo-r-fBea, Ire.l I. Richardson, IIS Rosenberg, Xl:ea. llros M J Kosenbauin, IHeed. Lloyd Kirlr._rss Winnie; BosenbergerWmHeld, Wm Belch.. Win iBothbery, Peteri... John King, Miss jl'nltlulf,AdolphBees, Win Amanda r House, PaulReese, Wrrr (1 illirg,('has IBowtandEdwardBeenes, Mrs Roberts, Allss ißowle.-, Mrs

Annie"- 1.r./ro j JennieHebder, Silas Robinson, Chas IRogers, Hon J TAlary Kodgers Gold Huclter. MrsKato

Beluertjen.Greg- LealCo IKtirryun.Sorous Rodgers. MrsM *Rnple, Miss Una

Sar-Irse. Louis Shearer, A Snook. Miss MacSage, J J .siieeaarr. John"W rSoden. I'ItSallburgPitg Co Sheet, Mrs Mary Somuierlield, 1Salsburg, Airs Shelley, Miss a Soreirs- -n, _ o

Merlie Sheny, AllisKate si.xentto. EdgarSamuels A Son Shurey.MrsJnlla Spanl.ling, Man-San Franclaco A fuel

Pub Co Shrater, M Spears. TPSanborn, siei, 11 Spencer. MrsJ C

winD silver, Harry Spickmann, MrsSaunders, Miss .Simon, A


Alahsle Simmons, Mrs Splulng,AmandaS.-.ter. G V. I Nell:,. | C>.!\u25a0:. rrr.wa.r-. IiSimpson, C M rSprerguer, Mrs

W Simpson. Geo X EllenSawyer, Airs X Sline, James Spout, .Mrs WIISawyer, W I; Sims, VV >l Si_uli_,IINSchau. Ingrain, Sledg. Lem st rit^u.Maurice

Batcher _Co SlocuinAllssElla St John. 8 0Scolder, John Smock, Minnie .talnbuni, G WSchllchter, 'Smith. M statu uaeii.llrllLAdnlph Smith, Miss Anna Standard F E rcfiulug CoBch___l_, Emil ,Mr.-,AnnU Stanley, DessotoSculodt, Mrs At Smith, A J Starkey, AliasSchneell. George

______Miss lie- Josie P

Schi.l/.. Joseph atrlce Starr. Miss ZoeScbreltinuller, Smith, Airs D SteaO-nau, Wat-

Carl Smith, Mrs EH ter IiSchroder, Henry Smith, US Stelngiller, MissHmreader, A Smith, Dr HJ DtaaSchroder, C Smith, Henry M Steniuger. FredSclrulz, JosephM Smith, Jakob Stevens, AmeliaScbrriz, Wenxei Smith,Mrs Jen- Stephenson, J XSchutt, lieileff trie « CoSchwartz, Sirs ISmith, John Stewart. CharlesSchwcltzer.John Smith, John E Stewart, JohnSchwartz, Win Schmidt, Lutein- Stewart, KevJ BSchweu, Fred da |Stliic,C UScriven, Miss Smith. Miss Mat- stii.sou. Joe

Mary A tie stone, EGScott, MiltonI. Smith. Mrs Alary Slower, MrsScott, Will X Joe Stlndwlck.SHScott, Wiuheld Smith, Miss Bose Stryker, MrsPGScare, X Smith, Walter sturgeon, JOfeeler. Mr Ellsworth Sullivan, J IsSeltg, MrsJnllaA SuyderSlrsMary Sullivan, J JSelby, Percy Schneider, Mrs Sullivan, SirsShatter, MlssEva; Fred PatrickSharp, G U Snyder, WH. |Sweem, LeeShaw, Mrs Ame- Schneider, An- Sykes, Ed

Ha Idrew X Syme, CharlesTaber,Mrs JasWr Thomas, Miss Tory A JTblt-Taddekln, F Antula ] comb

'Talbot, AliasMac: Tttoupson, Mrs Tourney, Mrs G C0 |BM Trepey, W M

Taylor, A M Thompson, John Troth, LoradoTaylor,Jeff W Troutt -StevensTaylor, Miss Liz- Thompson, Jos 1rammer. Carl

zle Thompson, Sev- Tuff,John MTeltelb.uitu, Ed- 1 erlne Turner A Chap-

die Thompson, W manTeavlllye, AH Thornton, Allss Turner, PThayer, F'annleß l.liy Tuttle.AllssAunaTheoboid, Prol Thurston, Chas C

WW Tirtlen.MrsKate Tnttte, WOTheodore, *W llghe,MlssAlary Twenty, MissDike A Allle

Tllorrra^ AI (501 Tll.len.Misi Alay Tyuer, Miss (320Howard) TUlingbast, Joe Mason)

Thompson. E Toohy, Ella . Tyoell, E Jrnlvers I'rtgCo Union Stock Urby,MrUnited States Yards Co Uttley,Dr Wm 0-

Cloth lngCo Übell, FredYale. Christ Son Van l.krstrota, Vlsceline.ChasHViirrglian,Dr B4 David Vint,John

Co Vernon, Howard You Sphell,AirVerhane, Paul D Volosiu, LizzieWalker. J A West Coast Laud Williams,Mrs EWalker, Mrs El- Co Williams, W U

in-r Westbrook, Miss Williamson JohnWallls, MrS.Mln- l_rlla Williamson, Alias

nic West man. Mrs NancyWalters, C John Willis, Mrs EWalton, Allss Whalley,"Emily Willis,WilliamNyda Whelan, Alt C Wilson, A V

Walton, Joseph Wheeler.Mrs I'M Wilson, Allss BATWard.MissAgnes Wheeler, MU Wilson, J AE Wheeler, AlrsßC Wilson, Mrs Lena

Warren. FL Whyte, AUssMlu- Wilson, MrsKutbWare, W W ule Wilson, RobertWashington, Mrs White, Stephen Wlngfield,Mrs JEllen , Whiteside, Airs W

Wuslell. SlrsUco Esielle Winston, MaudF IWii.natch James Wlnston.ByronC

Watktns AllssNA W Wise, Miss IdaWatson, J WAColWhltker, Miss Wlster, Sirs MWatson, Walter! Hannah Iwiihen, William

&0 IWlckham, 0 A W ..Iters. BettlWeir, Miss KllllelWickell, Gust Woodward, IIFWild, Charles F* IWilcox, WO Woolrlcb ArturoWells, E A IWileox, Miss Wood ldaWells, .Miss M Alice Worm, AE-,-Weils, AIE - Wiikins. EJ

- IWrecher, AWenchle. chas Williams, Chris- Wymaui BayleyWeynian Edward tophorTamaglsbl, X Terington. HM ]Young, WalterY'anovsky, Lulsa Villain,Katie Young, WillYeager, w C Young, Sirs F L jYoung, Mrs .1 My.iiri.o.j •


LETTRES FBAAtCAISES.Basset, E ICam Ine, Louis IReholand. Jeanlluala, Joan Gardet, George Kettaud, Leon(allaut, Ily ... |Juurdalu, Est iSabores, IreneClrnirrbllle, Al- Lame, Ed ITarrlde, Pbert 1 ,\u25a0


l-nttß IIS DAMES.Aruah,Oath Couslnler, En- ILacrolx, Minellolsson, Alms J genie ]Ferine. A -Caritcgrlt,Mar- Dastr, Jeanne iLarralllet, Oc-

celle Dalila »«v>_>--t. 1 tayleDaralt, Mmc Paget, .Leontlue|


Antlelvlce, NJc Alacaro, Antonio Rossi, FrancBernardino. A Marescalchl, Art Rusettl, FeliceBlanchl. Anun . junto. Franc Galiei. GloItogosice, Jozo Allnonzto, Mas- Samp'ognaro,Campana, Batt slmo Franc

- --Carameila, Fe- Nlcolettl, Edo- Saracco, Carlo_"co ardo Sautlno.CarnietoCavagnaro, An- l'oggl,I.nlgi SperanzaCameos

gela Pro, I'letro Spruggola, tiuls( hell.Bastlano Partera. Salra- Veletrl. l.ulglChiapeiioni, lilac tore ••\u25a0--\u25a0 Vlrsalovlce, AntGlorgi, Cresto Komatil, Fidele Vlttl,MV •Flgouc, (ilae . Rossi, Carlo Zeppl,Qlor .Laml, Edoardo ...

CASTAS ESFANOLAS. .Angelo, Joso N Ilinojosa, John iPar, Joan CBland Ml- Jliueuez, Gust Poessavara, M

•n..e Pacbeco, Bo- iltelna, Lllrole(i. -si". Fred in.:;,: :, |sesna, Miguel- - HE-tOBAS,'

-Carripa. Franc IDeCortex, San ISanabia.' Petea .Oazares, S.,u | Jose ..-—-- IValeiaueut, To-

Jesus IJlartiJo, Cunt- 1 mass .-Bias, Mauro J gurrda' ', terra, Matllde

J______H__^_yg__l_______y Postmaster.

OCEAN " STKASIKItS. |Dates of Departure From Ban Francisco. I

_. i

-'' : \u25a0


SUN' AND TIDE TABLE.In Pacific Standard Time. Computed by Thomasi_«k_t, Chronometer and InstrumentMaker, 18 Market street, \u25a0

"~i~ T~ r— :

\u25a0 "MfrLVCINTELLIGENCE.tor j__j_ o/tippai_j iHteUloenos see _.'!_hln __.«.

Arrived.«,„ ... Si'vuay. May 4.

,i„„,West Coast, Stanton, 16 hours from Men-nociuo; _uo _I iilumber, to fort Bragg Kedwood

stmr Los Angeles, I-eland, av_ days' from SanI_!__• pass and 'udse. to Uoodall. l'erklns Jt Co.-

-liur oipsy,Piiiiniuer, 111 hours Irom Sauta Cruz;produce, to Uoodall. Parkins A Co.i-_*_£ A-'-"1.Hall, .7 hours (rom Departure Bay:i.V4 luuri coal, to Oregou Improvement Co.aimr,.Newport, Edwards, 35 hours from Portli.iriuril;produce, to Uoodall.l'erklns

_Co.stinr Coos Bay,- Nicholson. IS hours from Fort

_"***• elc: pan. and uidse, to Uoodall, Perkins_ Co.__ES___5 _s.°* California, Ackley, 55 hours fromiortland, via Astoria 4.v_ hours; pass and mdse, toUoodall. Perkins *Co. ....-,t<Sm U,"""" L̂elaud, 95 hrs from San Diego, etc;rue stock _,„|produce, to Uoodall, Perkins A Co.stmr Corona, Hannah. 19 hours from Eureka;passand '"

dse. to Uoodall, Perkins *Co.BCD __tiii__mia. Cartoon, 56 hours from Salt Point ;

45 ca« wood, to Hlggiu.„Collins., .1.lfe"ance. Art.31$ hours from Bowens Laud-ing;.0 cords wood, to Bender Bros.Hailed.

»,, , StTNOAY, May4.-^ re stmr Montserrat, Blackburn, Nanalmo viaVic-toria.Stmr Columbia, Holies,Portland.Stmr Pomona, Hall, San Diego.


Lu,u». Conway, Santa Cruz.Br snip Cumberland. Irviue.(.ueenstown.

£r _";,. Centaur, Istrester, Queenstown,Bark \Kl.tte.ITie.Port Townseud.Sr \u25a0 rr Melancthon, Forest, Shoal water ivy,ijiglebrettson, Humboldt,ochr Checto, Jacobsen, Coqurlle Klver.\u25a0_____.

- T<*.learraiihic.IOI.NT LOBOS. May 4-10 _. v.-

Weather,clear; windSW, velocity lamiles._...„,._ Domestic Parte.tUßEKA—ArrivedMay 4— Schr Helen Morrlam.hence Apr SO.sailed May4-Scbr Hayes, forSan Francisco; stmrSliver Spring, lor.1!A .I'CN— May 3-Scbr Coquiiie, henceApr'_7: schr Lizzie Prion, hence Apr 27.coos KAY—Sailed May 4-Stmrs Emily,Areataau 1Ajax, for San Francisco.


-Arrlvo<ills 4-Bktn JohnSmith, hence Apr 19; schr La Ulronde, from Ta-coma.

\u0084,,__. Imnorfationa.I-ORTLAND-Per .State of Callfornla-428 skswool, 1878 lulls pulp, 40_qr sks .417 sks Cl 6 sks

lour.9, pit*,hides and pelts. 17.6 ski oats. 1310sks ii.ns.__. 703 sks potatoes, 400 intsrice, 541 assglue stock, 11bdls pelts, 7o bills sheep Delts, 50 bdlspaper, 814 bdls hoops, 15 sks liorseradlsn. abxs but-ter, scs dry goods. 11 rls leather, 15 pkgs uiuice-rrre.t, 6 cs boots and shoes. 1 cs books, 5 cs type-writers, 5 pkr;s samples, 3cs hosiery. 1ca 1bl wool-errs. ibis blankets, etc. 27 _

IS Babbitts, '_ hf bblsliquor,5bbls whisky, 3 bis hose, _ cs cigars. 452arch bars, 10 tns pig Iron, 46 pkss scrap Iron,- pesiron pipe, _ saws, _

kgs caviar, 1cs millinery,'_ bisIrsh, _pkgs express.

Astorla-1500 bells shooks. 400 bills pulp,101 stsoysters, 20 house raising screws, 1cs castings, 3ea rmutton, 6pkgs express, treasure ($6694 95).

ltOCliSlDl_tu—Per Newport— 2o cars bituminousrock.Arroyo Grande— 47B sks beans.Santn Maria-100 ska wheat, 423 ski corn.PORT BRAUQ—per Coos Bay— _ cs extracts, 1pkc saddles.Mendocino— 1pkgIuruiture, 2 cs eggs, 2 bxs mdsePoint Arena—la pkgs batter, 88 sis bark, 'J sks

roots. 4 pkgs mdse, 72 Mshingles. '.KfcDONl-O-Per Bouita— lß puncheons wine, 3carloads .orbing, 1 safe. 215.1 honey.iluenejne— 3 cs eggs. L.i_ bxs butter, 1719 sheep.-UIiEKA-l'er Corona— M shingles, 25,790

Itlumber, 82 Msplit shakes, 10 Msawed shakes. 11pkgs doors, 18 pcs wood, 28 rls leather, 1cs drygoods, 1 bbl oatmeal, Ibbl liquor.2 pkgs hardware,5pkgs mdse, 19 qr Ins butter, 1 coop chickens, 18sks potatoes. •_ bxs flowers, treasure ($3084 80).

NEW POM- l'er Los Angeles—l3cs earthen paint.1sk eottoe, 4cs dry goods, 35 cs eggs, 19 cs honey.270 cs oraugTs 17 bis lemon*, 1organ.

San Pedro— 7bxs Icuiuus. 46 bxs oranges.ltrduutlo-'_'.!_ bis oranges, 11 cs drugs 4 bblsplaster Parte. 1bxorangewood, 3 bbls glassware, 3pkgs marble. 3cs hats, 2cs clotnlng, 10 pkgs mdse.

76 sks wooL'

Ventura-16 cs eggs, 144 sks beans, 31bis wool 1bx hardware, '2bxs nutter, 3sks talis, 4 bills greenhides, 3 bdls pelts, 33 bxs oranges, 2 cs boots audshoes, 48 bxs lemons, 127 cs canned goods, 3 bblsasphaltuin, 1coop fowl, 1lot scrap Iron,12 sks rags1rlcarpel.

iluenenie— 3 bbls tallow, 3 bdls pelts, 1bg hair 3bdls hides, 5 bxs prunes, 23 cs eggs, 7 bxs butter124 sks corn.

Santa Barbara— B bis oranges, 3 pkgs samples. 1pkg whips,18 aks erawlisu.Uoleta— sl7 ska corn.Port Harlord—92 bxs butter, 4cs eggs, Isk corn,

9 bis cheese.iivlota—94 sks corn, 56 sks wool. 3 bdls pelts, 7

bdls hides, 8sks crawllsh, 6 bxs butter, 1cs eggs.San Simeon

—142 hf bis1firkinbutler. 7cs eggs,

2 r's clothing, 16 bits hides, 8 bis seaweed, 25 csCheese.

i»yucos-720»ks beans. 161 bxs 10 hf kgs15 kgsbutter. 12cs egas, 12 cs cheese.

SANTA CK-.Z-l-er Uipsy—ls r_ cheese. 1 bdlbedding, 6 bxs butter, 900 bbls lime.Plgoou Polut—ls hiDis butter, 197 sks 73 drums

cheese.Monterey—lfsk rice,1lullskins, Isk prunes. 1sk pitch. 1 sk potatoes, 21 hf bis butter, 3 sts

cheese, 7 bbls fish, 13 bis seaweed, 3 pkgs abalones.Moss Landing—Bß3 sks barley. 67 sks oats.Watsoiiviiic— l2s. sks barley, 360 sks oats-

Coiisifftiee..Per State of California— Alien A Lewis; AmericanBiscuit Co: Hulme *

Hart: Christy a Wise- JohnZlegenbeln *Co: IIDutard; Moore, Ferguson _; Co-C J Lelst A- Un; Kittle A-Co; Gould .'. .laudad; JohnLaws; TWLaws: Oeo Morrow *Co:Kissinger _

Co-wls Sumner* Co: s 11 Frank a Co: Pacific Paper-Co; win Pulp ami Paper Co, liB Brown- FisherPacking Co: H Davis: M Heller; Main A Win-chester: Boston Rubber Shoe Co: Brown Craig*Co: c U wicksouACo; iv Cohen *Co; Witt _I'usch; N'eustadter Bros: Brown Bros <_ Co- selbySmelting and Lead Co: Cal Wine-growers' Union-lllrseiiier A- Co: 1-rnsworth _ Kug.les; EJ :Siegfried A Brandensielu; V? F boners A Co- I'acIronand Natl Co; Esberg, Ba.-hmau *Co; Cal

'WireWorks; Baker Iron Works; Burnstelu Bros; Itisdon

Ironand L Works; Chas Harley <_ Co; Wm O'Brien •Tatum *Bowen: I'ac Saw Manufacturing Co- HuffA Co: Stem. Simon A Co;Ureenbaum, Well A-Mlcn-els: F Toplltz; H * 1Block; W HRouse 4 Co-Buckingham, Hecbt *Co; C X Whitney *Co; Clat-sop MillCo; We tinore Bros; Haywood Fruit-grow-ers Association: Cat Paper Co: Morgan Oyster Co-.ll B Mon(___; Dunham, Carrlgan 4 Co; Haas Bros.'Per Newport— 1. HoperACo; J A Falrcblld:

IIDntard: Ilium,Baldwin 4 Ulrvln.Per Bonlta-C stern: CS Williams; Wilshlre Safe

Co;i,ritliiiA Skelly; Qetz Bros 4Co; Eugene Avy-Dodge, Sweeney *Co; Draper* Brown.


Per Coos Bay— U Jackson; A H Murphy; McDon-ongh* Johnson; c Callaghan A Bros :It c Byx-bce; CX Whitney* Co; Koss* Hewlett Smith'sCash Store; Wells, Fargo AOo; Russ, Sanders ACo.l'er Corona

—Overland Freight and Transfer Co;

Oregon and Washington Cedar Co: McKay4 Co-Chas Nelson; Preston .*McKinuon: Cal Door Co;Bateman Bros; H Jones; Brown A Adams- (J DAdams; RootiSanderson; Hey man *Mayer; WillA Flnck; MNJoseph; Vervalln *Kowe; HillsBros-Gets Bros 4 Co; Russ, Sanders *Co; Wells, Fargo *Co.

Per Gipsy— Witzel* Baker; Getz Bros * Co; Do1.,i..nil*Westbpal; O B Smith *Co; Wlieatou 4Lubrs: MT Prelum A Co; It MAt? (union 4 Co; IICowell ACo; Dodge. [Sweeney *Co;R Levy 4 Co-Shattuck. Kowalsky A Co; Brlgham. lfoppe A Co;0 E Whitney 4 Co; .Norton, Teller 4 Co; Joues ACo; Rlsdon. Cahen ACo;Martin,Feusler A Co; Cos-tlgan, Colin 4 Co; IIDotard; Uaa-ett *Bunker;Ross A Hewlett; [Inline4 Hart; W 11 Rouse 4 Co;Sherry, Lawrence _ Co.


Per Los Angeles— J Wilkinson: Bothln Manufac-turing Co; Sachs Bros A Co; M Ilynrau 4 Co; K. ItStevens: I.UUdmarher: Dodge, Sweeney 4 Co;DKoefe 4 Co; Dalton Bros; LScatena A Co; IIHeck-man *Co:Allison, Gray A Co; Wlttland A Freder-Ickson; Wetinore Bros: Porter Bros A Co; Deer MfgCo; W L Loom li;LG Sresovlch 4 Co; A E Evans;C A Burgess* Co: Cal Fug Co; SanItem VailACo;(IKuperion: S J Ilecht:J Wagner A Co; W H Ben-rail: Christy AWise; Wm Rice; LowryAStellar;,Grangers' Business A_s'n: Ilass i-it a Bunker; ri___.burgh *Woodlu; Roger Bros P Co; Flgg A Kinlpf™

"Buckingham, Ilecht *Co; A.IBIminel; DJones ACo; Chas Barley ACo; I) N A liWalters; House AAnderson Gets Bros ACo: Dodge, Sweeeey 4 Co;Krlanger AGallnger: C IIWhitney: LDStone *Co:WC Price A Co; Hills liros: IIN Tllden ft Co; W ASanders: Marshall. Teggart A Broersen ;C Montgom-ery A Co: HN Tllden 4 Co; Felling,Henry 4 Co:Ross* Hewlett; A Freltas; Wells, Fargo A Co;De Bemardl A estphal ;Shattuck, KowalskyACo;5 McHeury ACo; Uol.tree Bros; I)Tledeman 4 Co;Ilegler*Johnson; Slushelmer Bros.



1. ...'i

BttO VI I•ICal.1-\u25a0"'.!

?eles.. San Pedro IMay 6. Bam Hilw'ya1 Hiiinboldt Hay.. ,May 7. 9»M]Hdv»'ylettoV Yaqutna liay.... May rUOAM'l4

'••\u25a0••.• San Diego. iHay ».11am Baw'ya>f Cal. Portland iMay S.lOam Spear

Chins &Japau.. May 8, 3pm rUSS»••.... San Pedro M»ylO, Bau Kilw'yS"alia Vic4 Pit Sound MaylO. 9am Bdw'y 1>ldt .. Humboldtßay.. M»ylO, 9AM,WasotQ1 ;Portland |Mayla,10a ISpearrturn of Australian steamer depends on th«






,34 ah!.23 am 1,16 All.IS AM.16 A«





Macondray Billing!THURSDAY.


Centrally Located Business Property .

Almost 100 Feet Frontage.


Bas undergone greater changes duringthe past threeyears than any other down-town street in our city.ItIs now,Indisputably, the ha king anrl Insurancestreet, and property theru __* rapidly eiili_incia<c Invalue.

The lot we offer Is one of the most desirable onthe street; being L shaped, it has a frontage ons.-ii-iniiib and Pine streets together of almost onehundred feet. The opportunities for improvingthislot, when the present lease, expire, willsurprise th.most sanguine. We can safely guarantee half adozen offers to lease for banking and Insurance in-stitutions,

«»- Sale willbe subject to a lease on said prem-ises runninguntilthe Istday of July, 1.93.

TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE:Cash Ingold coin of the United States. Ten per

\u25a0 cent of the purchase money to be paid to the Auc-tioneer on the day of sale, balance on confirmationof sale bySuperior Court. .Deed at expense of pur-charter.

Taxes for fiscal year 1890-01 to be paid by thepurchaser.

_r_r For fullparticulars, catalogue and diagrams,etc., apply to


-407-400 Montgomery Street.

MBWHALL'S SONS A- CO.. Auctioneers.»p_U mya 5 7 85t


Original Midge!DICTIONARY.

Substantially Bound in Leather !

The Best Dictionary inthe English Langnags\u25a0WITH

The DailyMorning Call,


The Brightest and Best of AlltheSan Francisco Dailies!

__F\_>:r $S.OO.Send $5.00 by draft, chock, postoffice or

Wells, Fargo &Co. money order or post.ilnote, and you willreceive .

THE DAILY MORNING CALLBy mail every day, Sundays included, forsix months, and

Webster's Unabridged DictionaryWithout other charge than that of express-age from San Francisco. RtC*s___B|

BS^ln San Francisco and interior towns,where the paper Is served by carriers, theDictionary can be obtained by the payment

of $6.00 in advance for six months' sub-scription, subject, in the interior towns, toexpress charges as above.

THIS IS YOUiTOPPORTUHITY!"Do Hot Put Off Till To-morrow jlhat

Should Be Done To-day," as This"

Edition is Limited.. 13s Allorders should be addressed

SAN FRANCISCO CAUL CO.,525 Montgomery Street,

San Francisco, Ca!.- -



425 Kcanivst.. between California and I'iua.

THIS DAY.Monday May 5, 1890,

At 11o'clock, on the premises,



French Plate Mantel Mirrors, KirkUphol-stery, l'arlor Cabinets Ait, Furniture,anil Handsome Body Brussels Carpets,InResidence of Rev.Dr.AronJ. M_*siii£,

un account of departure for tne prising

Cabinet Grand Upright llano of rich tone, withembroidered cover and stool; Parlor Set, 7 pieces,in crimson; Crochet Tapestry: Very Elegant Di-vans: Easy-chairs and Rockers, in satin brocadsarid assorted plushes; elegant ebonlzed Parlor Cabi-nets; Costly Parlor Ornament*; Parlor Standards;Elegant Crimson _atluade Window Draperies; BestKo.lyllrasscls Carpets, with borders; Elegant East-lake Walnut Chamber Suit; two Eastern ChamberSuits; Elegant Bed-lounge, Spring and Hair Mat-tresses; VeryElegant Walnut Sideboard, with6 bevelmirrors; Palace Extension-table; Set Walnut Dln-lug-chairs in Russian leather; Handsome MantelMirrorIndressing-room; Decorated China: Crystaland Slvrr Plated Ware: Walnut Hall Hat-stand;line Hall and stair Carpet, withan Immense assort-ment or other furniture.

Sir Tlrßlin Cash.my4 2t GEO. F.LAMSON, Auctioneer,



WILL, SELL THIS DAT.Monday. May sth, at 11 o'clock A. M.. at

'1057 Market St., all of the Parlor. Bedanil JDininj? Room Furuiture;


wood Upright llanos; French-plateMantel Mirrors; Odd i'arlnr Loulitres;Divans and; Body Brussels Car-pets, Russ, etc., removed from the regi-deiict-8 of Mrs. Cohen, Mrs. Andersonand Mrs. Sheehe,

... CONSISTING IN PART OF. ...''_ Rosewood Upright Pianos: l'arlor Sets In satin,

brocatel leand silk plush; Easy and Fancy Chairs andKockers: French-plate Mantel Mirrors; 10 EasternWalnut and Antique Oak Bed-room Sets; spring andHair Mattresses: Down Pillows and other Bedding;Walnut Wardrobes; liurrFolding-bed ;Sideboards;Pedestal Extension Tables; Body Brussels Carpets;line Kanges, etc. M.J. SiMMu.NS. Auctioneer.

_»*. B.—The above la the former contents of 3near-lynew residences that will positively be sold with-out reserve. It

EQWARITsTSPEAR ft CO.,Furniture, Soak and

-General Auctioneer!,

31and 33 Sutter streeL

Old Horse Salo.THIS DAY.

Monday Slay 5, 18.0,At 10 o'clock a. *\u0084

We Will Sell in Our Salesroom!,


ABOUT 2000 PACKAGES OF UNCLAIMEDVKI'IGIIT,consisting of Trunks, Valises, Grip->_.',>. Bundles, Bales, Boxes, etc.

EDWAKD S. SPEAR _: CO., Auctioneers,my 4 8t 31 and 33 Sutter street.

EDWARD S. SPEAR & CO.,Furniture, Book and General Auctioneers,

31 and S3 Sutter Street

TO-MORROW.Tuesday May6. 1800,

'At11o'clock a. v., at the elegant residence,


Onaccount ofthe owner's departure Tor Chicago,


:•'-> '-." COM__>__N_....1Elegant Rosewood-Case Upright Pianoforte, F.

L.-.eunian maker; JilagnlAcent l'arlor Suits, up-holstered In I'.rnhossed Plush; Moquet Carpets lCherry Parlor Chairs; Fancy Tables; Turkish Kurs;Rattan Chairs; Elegant Dwarf .Bookcases; 1FineHall Stand; I_ace Curtains: Klegant Walnut Side-board; DiningChairs; Pedestal Extension Tables;Dinner and 'lea Sets: Lounges: Klegant Walnut andAsh Chamber Suits; Tliroe-quartcr Bedsteads andBedding; Springand HairMatlf«_M_a; Feather Pil-lows and Bolsters: Mission Blankets; Wardrobes; 1Elegant Folding-Bed ;Winthrop Range, with water-back: Patent Kitchen Tables; Linoleum; Tubs;Meat SaTe; Tinand Wooden Ware; Etc.

KDWARD S. SPEAK A CO.. Auctioneers.mys at 31and 33 Sutter street.


AUCTIONEER & COMMISSION MERCHANT,425 Kearny St.. bet. California and Pin _

TO-MORROW.Tuesday ...-lay 6, 1890,

"At 11o'clock a. tt.. on the premises,

1731 Broadway, Between Franklin and G.ueh,(Sutter st. orPowell pass within1block),

....iWILL. SELL....

Onaccount of departure for Europe,

THE ELEGANT FDRNITDRE OF RESIDENCE,....COMl-KisrN.r ..Handsome Parlor Upholstery; Laige Easy Chain,

ByronArm-chairs, Iurkish Chairs and Rockers,i- Inbrocaded tapeitry, cut velvets and velours;

Lace Curtains: ornaments: Pictures: UoxburyBrussels Carpets; Fine Rugs: two HandsomeWalnut Chamber Suits; Antique Oak ChamberSuit: Hoey Bed-Lounge; Spring and Hair Mat-tresses; Feather Pillows and Bedding; WalnutSideboard; Walnut Dining Chairs;.ExtensionTable; New Patent Refrigerator; ImprovedRange, with all the other attachments; Nearly

-..--;New and Desirable Articles inResidence.tnr Tkkms—____t OKU.P. LAMSOV. Auctioneer.



_#^__s__>oLE AGENTS FOR __^JIPIpHOENIX\Tv^__a/*


MsfbourbonThe purest and best Whiskey in the marketfor Medicinal and Family use. Sold by allfirst-class dealers. Ask for it

\u25a0 noSeod tt -


block In tbe center of Nan Francisco, Itis themodel hotel of the world. Fire and earthquakeproof. Has fire elevators. \u25a0 Every room Is large,lightana airy- The ventilation Is perfect, A bulland closet adjoin every room.

-All rooms are easy

of access irom broad, light corridors. The centralcourt, illuminated by electric light. Its Immenseglass roof, broad balconies, carnage-way and tropi-cal plants, are features hitherto unknown inAmeri-can hotels, liuests eutertainedoa either the Amer-ican orEuropean plan.

-The restaurant Is the finest .

in the city.ISecure rooms inadvance by tele_frapa-lng. .TUB PAI_\CK HOTELno7tr I**--!1.Franclaco, O_U. :

STATIONERYThe Finest Eastern and Foreign

:Copper Plato Printing ;ThE -.tjofT" iSteel (be EmfiossliietoaKCiV' 1

.^f721 Market SU^Msffi?^

*\u25a0- - -

',:;.;.;\u25a0--:;- -,\'.:'.\u25a0;'\u25a0.'

_ _ _ PRY GOODS.

CITYOf||pA_.IS!uil1i/l iililui


to close at ..$2.00, $2.50, $3.50 and 93.00ODD LINES IMPORTED ULSTERS (Sold at $1 7.50 and $20.00)

willbe Bunched to Clear Out at .. &7.50:



upward from—---. $5,50

G. VERDIER & CO. VILLE DE PARIS.Southeast Corner Geary Street and Grant Avenue, S. F.

MOTTO— "Honest and Reliable Goods Sold as Cheap or Cheaper than Any Other Home inthe City."

Friday, May 9th— Special Bargain Day.G. VERDIER, Paris. A. rUSE_-rOT, San Francisco.

JO" Goods delivered In Oakland. Alameda and Berkeley, Express charges free. my* SuMo 2t


/*o__ly\a We have sold 170 lots iii^B the past 30 days. Every one Ift5 who goes to see them becomes Ba a buyer. We have only 130 B»left now, and ifyou want one B"n you must come at once. BTR. Remember that these £

lots are on the j&

eg line of the Howard-street^ttcable extension, between bB28th and 331 streets. Prices \u25a0I$125 to $400. Pay all cash BR if you like, or if you pre- tt

you can pay $25 Bdown and $15 per tf

month until paid Jar

yt_oTs\Mfor, with interest at 7^E per cent (bank rates). \u25a0

tej You will find our car- HR riage. at the end of the gw. Valencia-street cable-line, ttia. ready to take you 3

/leftT\B to the lots free of charge, j[ttEVERY DAY. gB Salesmen and maps on \u25a0

the ground and at the tt


COMPANY,607 Market Street,



or nervous diseases and also tor chronic com-plaints and for the suppression of outrageous quack


cry.The proprietors are physicians who have the

highest type or medical educations, having had avery extensive practice running back for forty-fiveyears, and having a knowledge farin advance of thegenerality or the profession. We are not tied downbyany effete or hide-bound code or ethics inmedi-cine, but cull from all systems the best and mosteffectual in the cure ofhuman Ills.. Withminds matured and enriched by long prac-tice and studies of an advanced order, also by an ex-tensive hospital practice, weare enabled to insure ja speedy and permanent cure of any case we mayundertake.ItIsnot necessary to enumerate the diseases to

which we givespecial attention. ItIs also Impos-sible to enumerate the thousands of people who areto-day suffering from the Indiscretions of earlierlife,and who have terrible poison still running latheir veins. .Header, ifyou nave ever bad a reasonto believe that a terrible poison has entered yoursystem, no matter what form it may have at firstdeveloped, call at once and we willtell yon If ItIsstill lurkingIn your system. Itwillcost yon noth-ing to be examined and may save you a great dealof suffering and sorrow, maybe an untimely grave.Only affew months since a party called; he wouldnot take the advice offered at the Institute; hedoubted the statement of toe physician. To-day heis lnGod's acre at Laurel Hill. Take warning byhis fate, and Ifyou have reason to feel that tMpoison may be In your system seek advice at once.

Ladles— We thoroughly understand the complaintsIncident to your delicate organizations and canwarrant you rapid relief and certain cure as thecase may require: yon may rest assured of honor-able and scientific treatment.

Our female monthly remedies ard superior; theynever fall of the desired effect.

Allletters directed to HOWARD MEDICAL IN-S'llTL'lK,S3. Sutter street, will receive promptattention and willbe considered confidential. Offlcehours .a. v. to 3 p. ii.; Suudays 10 to 13 a. __.. 6toBr.M. mrlO tf

CARBGLIC SALVE.Themost Powerful HealingOintment ever Discovered.

Henry's Carbolic Salve curesSores.

Henry's Carbolic Salve allaysBurns.

Henry's Carbolic Salve heals-Pimples.

Henry's Carbolic Salve curesPiles;_ Henry's Carbolic Salve healsCuts.Ask forHenrys-Take No Other.

BJ-BEWARE OF COL__n_a_*__TS.__aPrice 25 cts., mailprepaid 80 eta,

. JOHU r.EENSTA CO., New York.•HrT-TTrlte forIlluminated Book.%_WmimL&*#msLmm

-_. ... .- - dps ft"

TO WEAK MENBuffering from the effects ot youthful errors, earlydecay, wasting &____.._«, lost manhood, etc., Iwillsend a valuable treatise (sealer!) containing fullparticulars for home cure, FREE of charge. Asplendid medical work:should be read by everyman who is nervous anrt debilitated. Address.Prof.F. Co FO.VLiit,_Tioodus tConn*

apb d&wyly

WlHsasolid ;handsome cake ofscouring soap which has no equalforall cleaning purposes excepHnthe laundryTo use ifis to value if-*What willSAPOLIO do . Why Itwillclean paint, make oil-cloths bright,

and give the floors, tables and shelves a new appearance.'. Itwilltake thegrease off the dishes and off the pots and pans. Yon can scour the knives andforks withit,and make the tin things shine brightly. The wash-basin, thebath-tub, even the greasy kitchen sink willbe as clean as a new pinifyon useSAPOLIO. One cake willprove allwe say. Be a clever housekeeper and try it;


ENOCH MORGAN'S SONB CO., NEW YORK.' • • '-'-\u25a0- \u25a0it:, llfori" -"*.'_. :' . . \u25a0 .

g!| Incon_equence of -______>__ offfi^rtf ed to deceive the public, LEA&PERRINS beg to draw attention to the factia that each bottle of the Original and Genuine .-.*'._•

J| WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE«jjjr|^ bears their Signature thus— '\u25a0'\u25a0

111 . m^a^o^^Bai__filFor Sale inBottles only(not inbulk),byDealers inSauces throughout the World.*^*__P : JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS, NEW YORK.