SE1 UG Briefing for schools - Welcome Back page…….Contact list (put in your link tutor’s...


Transcript of SE1 UG Briefing for schools - Welcome Back page…….Contact list (put in your link tutor’s...

SE1 UG Briefing for schools - Welcome

Back page…….Contact list (put in your

link tutor’s contact; some

will give tel. numbers also)

Page 2……….. Key Dates•Page 12……… Rationale and Aims•Page 5.............Detailed Expectations/Diary•Page 24……… Assessment and Profiling

of student teachers •Page 32…….. Attendance grid (photocopy

and place in Standards File)

Rationale and Aims p.12 SE1 HB• Offer student teachers regular contact with

practising teachers and children over a period of time.

• Enable student teachers to understand the significance of the school context for planning, learning and teaching.

• Provide opportunities for observation, analysis and reflection (linked to their assignment).

• Enable student teachers to plan, teach and evaluate sessions collaboratively in English, Mathematics, PE, Performing Arts, Humanities, Science, and ICT under the guidance of the class teacher.

• Provide student teachers with experiences beyond their attachment classes which will contribute to the development of their professional attributes and practice / allow student teachers the opportunity of working alongside an experienced class teacher in all areas of the curriculum.

Rationale/Aims• This is the introductory module (the first of three)

which provides groups of student teachers with opportunities for regular contact with practising teachers and children.

• In addition to planned activities in English, Mathematics, Science, Performing Arts; ICT, Humanities and PE, a small group of student teachers (usually 3) will work alongside the class in the general management of the classroom and will also experience a range of wider professional activities beyond the attachment classroom. The work in school will be supported by the university-based programme.

• Team members will appraise each other and will themselves be appraised. They will engage in a variety of organisational and management tasks necessary to sustain an effective classroom. students’ classroom activities will be supplemented by discussions conducted by the school mentor / class teacher.

Key dates p.2 SE1 HB

• Key Dates when student teachers in school.• Serial Days: 8, 12-16, 22, 29 Nov;• 21-25 (Inter-semester block), 31 Jan;• 7, 14, 28 Feb;• 7, 14, 21 Mar;• 18, 25 Apr;• 2, 9, 16, 23 May;• Main Block: 3-21 June (2 weeks 4 days)

Key Dates p.2 cont

• Interim Report 1 received by UniversityMonday 4th. February 2013

• Interim Report 2 received by University Monday 13th. May 2013

• Block Planning checked by before or on 23rd May 2013

• F, D & S Profile to be returned within Standards file by student teacher to University 22nd June 2013

• Continue to address the need for formative filling in of the profiling document by student teachers, mentors and class-teachers, this being used as a basis for discussion on the meeting of targets / standards.

• All new appraisal documentation is still included in a separate booklet for all members of the partnership.

• Link tutors, school staff and student teachers all commented on the need for 4 link tutor visits throughout the year.

• Common problems arising are the differences in planning methods by schools (creative curriculum/topics etc). How might students access planning for the 3 week block?

The majority of positive comments suggest the effectiveness of practice in sharing on a “need to know” basis, so that student teachers are not overwhelmed.

Tutors however should encourage student teachers to continue to re-read documentation in order that they may individually become increasingly aware of the bigger picture of the experience overview.

An overview of the Trainee’s Year p.15 SE1 HB

Formative Diagnostic and Summative Profile

• Formative, Diagnostic and Summative Profiles must be completed by student teachers, mentors and class teachers by Wednesday 20th June and placed by the student teacher within the Standards File, ready for the student teacher to bring back to the University on Friday 22nd June. It is important that a copy is retained by the student teacher.

• The profile content regarding SE1 will be shared within an academic tutor meeting on 22nd June.

The New Teaching Standards

• Student teachers need to meet all the standards in both part 1 and part 2 by the end of SE3 to attain QTS

• Each standard in part 1 is supported by 3-5 statements.• The Primary and Secondary programmes at YSJ have

agreed that student teachers need 3-5 pieces of evidence for each standard in part 1 – some (at least one) by SE2; the remaining 2-4 by SE3 and there should be a range of evidence covering each element of the standard by the end of SE3

• Judgments of part 1 are ‘outstanding / good / met / below standard’ by the end of SE3

• Judgment for part 2 is ‘met / not met’ for every school experience


• The format of the F, D & S Profiles for UG and PG programmes has been adjusted to match the new standards

• There must be some evidence for each standard in part 1 by SE2, a further 2-4 by end of SE3

• This ‘evidence’ should be a brief explanation or a cross reference to an appraisal, lesson plan, observation, reflective learning journal etc.

• This should be completed by the student teacher and signed off by the mentor

• It is expected that particularly by SE3, the student teacher should be referring to their reflective learning journal and links with theory

• All aspects of part 2 should be addressed on every school experience

Suggested content for Serial Daysp.6 SE1 HB

• Detailed advice regarding roles of mentor, class teacher and student teacher

( the student teacher MUST adhere to the timings; class teacher/mentor may move certain features, depending upon the progress of the student teacher or context of the class/school.)

• Retrospective planning is seen as powerful learning tool

( University session wk.c.14/1)• Team planning advised to start in school

wk.c.14/2, as negotiated with class teacher / mentor) to begin teaching wk.c. 28/2 or after half term

Suggested Content for Serial Days (cont.)

• Expectations re. organisation of school-based tasks by students (English, Mathematics, Science ICT, Performing Arts, Humanities and PE.)

• Expectations re. student teacher evaluations ( serial evaluations of up to 2 sides of A4 after

first serial day, then pro forma within appraisal document when start team- planning and teaching.

• Student teachers to refer to / use the pro forma on p. 35 to support analysis of behaviour management.

• Block Experience 3rd June -21st June. With the phasing in of subject knowledge and understanding, accompanied by engaging in retrospective planning, it is expected that the student teachers, throughout the block, will be responsible for planning and teaching of all subjects embraced within this first year of the programme. (English, maths, science, performing arts, PE, humanities and ICT)

• It is requested that the team have PPA time together and that this is the equivalent of 10% across the weeks of the block.

School Experience Files• Teaching File :- one weeks teaching; content ; A4

Ring Binder.• Planning , Archive and Context File :- left in school;

containing previous week’s session plans, M.T and LT plans; Contextual Information;

A4 lever arch.• Standards File:- progress towards meeting the

Teachers’ Standards; kept in school then used with academic tutor within the University for target setting; A4 ring binder.

• Professional Evidence File This file will contain evidence of progress for your

target child as outlined in the SE handbook, separated by dividers into year group/s for SE1,SE2 and SE3.

When the student teachers organise files… THIS IS ON “A NEED TO DO” BASIS!

• In preparation for first day (Nov 8th) Teaching File Standards file. ( The Standards File stays within the school)

• In preparation for January Inter-semester Block ( 21st- 25th Jan)

The additional two files so that now all four will be well organised i.e.

Planning, Archive and Context File … and Professional Evidence File.

Assessment and Profiling of student teachersRefer to mauve Formative, Diagnostic and

Summative Profile Document ( this lasts for the 3 years within the Standards File)

• A trained mentor will appraise each student teacher formally, as an individual, on three sessions (one English, one Mathematics and a choice of one in Science, Humanities, Performing Arts, PE or ICT). All colleagues involved with the students teacher are encouraged to provide regular oral and written feedback on his/her professional work throughout the school experience, referring to standards wherever possible.

• The Appraisal Documentation Booklet contains the appraisal pro forma and descriptors.

The F. D. and S. Profile.• The Formative, Diagnostic and Summative Profile should be

used to record judgements throughout the school experience. Class teachers and other colleagues, as well as mentors and link tutors are encouraged to contribute evidence (from appraisals, observations, discussions with trainee) for recording in the profile. The student teacher is advised to annotate evidence of his / her attainment, which will then inform discussion with class teacher / mentor.

• The profile should be used to discuss progress and targets with the student teacher. Reservations about the progress of an individual should be communicated without delay to the link tutor (see procedures for dealing with weak and failing students within the generic ‘Guidance for all School Experiences’ HB, p. 17)

• The ‘Cause for Concern’ pro forma has been renamed as an ‘Additional Targets’ pro forma and it is suggested that this can also be used to ‘challenge’ potential outstanding student teachers

Summative profiling

• The remainder of the profile involves the process of triangulation, professional dialogue and the recording of the student teacher’s strengths and targets at this stage in his / her professional development.

General Information Absence• If an unexpected absence occurs, the student

teacher should make contact with the school as early as possible and should inform the University’s School Partnership Office soon after 8.30 am. The purpose of the latter contact is to alert any tutor who may be contemplating a school visit and not as a means of relaying the information to school. (Many class teachers and / or mentors offer the student teacher a personal contact telephone number so that very early warning of absence or other difficulties can be given). The student teacher is expected to keep both the school and the university informed of on-going illness / absence.

Leaving Placement

Student teachers leaving the placement without consultation:•The school experience placement is a formal assessment of progress towards QTS. On no account must a student teacher leave the placement without consultation. This is a serious action and the student teacher must warned that this constitutes a withdrawal from the programme


• Where transport is provided, student teachers are advised to be ready in good time at pick-up points.

• Drivers will be discouraged from waiting for student teachers who are not at the pick-up point because of the resulting delay in picking up others.

• The university cannot accept responsibility for the transportation of student teachers who have failed to be picked up by buses or cars and so they are advised to carry sufficient funds to be able to make other arrangements in order that they may still attend school.


• It is normally expected that consumables for use by children and photocopying costs for children’s materials will be borne by the school. Student teachers have been alerted to financial constraints of schools and are advised to act appropriately.

• The phrase “death by photocopying” has been employed frequently in student teacher briefings!

Health and Safety Policies

It is expected that the school will make its health and safety policies clear to the student teachers and ensure that they comply with these.

School Based Tasks

• School-based task forms to be signed by mentor or class teacher.

• Student teachers should initially discuss any problems with class teacher or mentor.

• University tutors will also offer ears and support. • The student teacher needs to make professional

decisions, however, regarding the appropriate person with whom to speak.

SOL asked of students prior to first visit

• Ensure all initial contacts with link tutors, schools (letters) and student teacher team members have

been made (all contacts in diary / mobile / computer)

• Re-familiarise self with whole SE handbook for “big picture” (yet information for “action” given on a “need to know” basis within whole group lectures)

• Re-familiarise with requirements for 1st 8 serial days (individually and within teams)

• Think all the ‘Ps’ and prepare (be creative with your wardrobe management….) Eat , drink and sleep well! Take care of self. Robustness essential.

Thank you all

The university staff and the student teachers are very appreciative of all your on-going support throughout the year.

Thank you for attending and have a safe journey home.

Kind regards,

Richard and the tutor team