se si Materi 1 2The Nature and Scope of Managerial Economics 3Demand theory, estimation1,4...


Transcript of se si Materi 1 2The Nature and Scope of Managerial Economics 3Demand theory, estimation1,4...




2 The Nature and Scope of Managerial Economics

3 Demand theory, estimation 1,4

4 Production Theory and Estimation

Cost Theory and Estimation

2, 5, 7

5 Market Structure: Perfect Competition

Market Structure: Monopoly


3, 6, 8

6 Tugas –studi kasus All @4

sesi Materi

8 Oligopoly and Strategic Behavior

9 Perdagangan Global : teori dan permasalahan

10 Perdagangan valas dan alat pembayaran internasional

11 Sistem Moneter Internasional

12 Investasi : analisis resiko


Investasi : Capital Budgeting dan teori lokasi

Dominick Salvatore Managerial Economics in Global Environment

James L. Pappas dan Eugene F. Brigham

Fundamentals of Managerial Economics

Vincent Gazpers Ekonomi Manajerial

Lincolyn arsyad Ekonomi Manajerial

Dominick Salvatore International Economics

Nopirin Ekonomi Internasional

Boediono Ekonomi Internasional

Dong-Sung Cho dan Hwy-Chang Moon

From Adam Smith To Michael Porter, Evolusi Teori Daya Saing.

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