Sdcc ed 300 john beck disability power point week 2

Dyslexia By John A Beck SDCC ED 300 Professor Lord 9/23/2012

Transcript of Sdcc ed 300 john beck disability power point week 2

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By John A BeckSDCC ED 300

Professor Lord9/23/2012

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What Is Dyslexia?

A learning disability. (Nielsen, 2002)

It is a neurological issue. (“What is dyslexia,”)

The brain has difficulty recognizing and processing symbols. (“Developmental reading disorder, ”)

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What Causes Dyslexia?

No consensus cause. (Nielsen, 2002)

Has been linked to particular genes that control how the brain develops. (“Causes, ”)

Appears to be inherited. (“Causes, ”)

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15%-17% of the population is dyslexic. (Nielsen, 2002)

80% of all people labeled “learning disabled” are affected by Dyslexia. (Nielsen, 2002)

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Characteristics of a Student With Dyslexia

Trouble spelling. (Nielsen, 2002)

Reversal of words and letters. (Nielsen, 2002)

Illegible handwriting. (Nielsen, 2002)

Eyes make erratic movements while reading. (Nielsen, 2002)

Trouble learning and remembering words via sight. (Nielsen, 2002)

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Dyslexia Is Unique

Not all cases of dyslexia are the same. It affects people to varying levels and degrees.(Marshall)

Some dyslexics can read but not write. (Heymans)

Some can write, but not read. (Heymans)

Varying levels of affect. (Marshall)

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Dyslexia Is Unique

Some letters backwards or upside down. (Marshall)

Some cannot tell the difference between similar looking letters. (Marshall)

Some might see letters jumbled. (Marshall)

Some see letters out of order. (Marshall)

Some might be able to see letters fine, but may not be able to sound out words. (Marshall)

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What It Can Look Like


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What It Can Look Like


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What It Can Look Like


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Dyslexia Can Affect Anyone

“A disorder manifested by difficulty in learning to read despite conventional instruction, adequate intelligence and sociocultural opportunity.” (Nielsen, 2002)

Dyslexia is NOT related to intelligence level. Dyslexia does not equal less intelligent. (“Dyslexia, ”)

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What People With Dyslexia Look Like

Dyslexia affects a wide range of people.

(“Famous people with, ”)

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How Teachers Can Help

Use a multisensory approach. Employ auditory and kinesthetic tactics. (Nielsen, 2002)

Never force a dyslexic to read aloud in class. (Nielsen, 2002)

Allow dyslexic students to demonstrate their knowledge through alternative assessments. (Nielsen, 2002)

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How Teachers Can Help

Provide handouts of notes so students can focus on listening to lectures and not writing the lecture down. (Schachter)

Allow students to record lectures so they can transcribe later on. (Schachter)

Be supportive, positive, and helpful. (Heymans)

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Causes. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Developmental reading disorder. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Dyslexia. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Famous people with the gift of dyslexia. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Heymans, Y. (n.d.).  Dyslexia. Retrieved from

Marshall, A. (n.d.).  Understanding and recognizing dyslexia. Retrieved from

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Nielsen, L. (2002).  Brief reference of student disabilities with strategies for the classroom. (pp. 67-73). Thousand Oaks, California.: Corwin Press.

Schachter, R. (n.d.).  Dyslexia: What teachers need to know. Retrieved from

What is dyslexia. (n.d.). Retrieved from