SD196926 - Using the Visual LISP Extension with AutoLISP

SD196926 - Using the Visual LISP Extension with AutoLISP Lee Ambrosius Principal Learning Experience Designer

Transcript of SD196926 - Using the Visual LISP Extension with AutoLISP

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SD196926 - Using the Visual LISP

Extension with AutoLISP

Lee Ambrosius

Principal Learning Experience Designer

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Where Am I and Who Should Be Here

You are in session:

• SD196926 - Using the Visual LISP Extension with AutoLISP

You should know:

• AutoCAD 2019 (or AutoCAD 2012 and later)

• Fundamentals of AutoLISP programming

You should want to:

• Automate tasks through programming

• Extend the functionality of existing AutoLISP programs

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Who Am I?

My name is Lee Ambrosius:

• Principal Learning Experience Designer at Autodesk, Inc.

• Over 20+ years of AutoCAD customization and programming experience

• Customization, Developer, and CAD Administration documentation

• Author of the AutoCAD Customization Platform book series published by Wiley & Sons

My job in a nutshell:

• Document the past and present AutoCAD releases for the future

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Session Rules

• Silence your mobile phone, tablet, and any other device

• If you have to leave, please do so quietly

• I will allow time to ask questions during the session unless we start getting behind

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Enjoy the Journey

The path isn’t the same for everyone…

but the goal is often shared by many.

To the left and right of you is someone

with a shared interest, talk and learn from them.

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Let’s Get Going

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What You Will Learn Today

At the end of this session, you will know how to:

• Access objects in an open or closed drawing with the AutoCAD ActiveX/COM library

• Access and store values with Xdata, Dictionaries, and the Windows® Registry

• Monitor changes to objects in a drawing with reactors

• Manipulate the Windows environment

• Drive Microsoft® Office applications; Word, Excel, and Access

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What You Need to Get Started

For the samples covered in this session, you will need:

• AutoCAD 2019 (AutoCAD 2012 or later)

• Notepad or the Visual LISP IDE

• Microsoft Office

• Windows 7 or later

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Visual LISP Extension

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Visual LISP Extension

Introduced back in AutoCAD 2000

Extends the AutoLISP programming language

• New geometric functions

• ActiveX/COM technologies

Loaded using the vl-load-com function

The Visual LISP IDE was introduced too… But isn’t the focus of Today.

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AutoCAD ActiveX/COM Libraries

AutoCAD 2019 Type Library (acax23enu.tlb)

• Access to application, drawing windows, and objects in open drawings

• Imported with the vl-load-com function

AutoCAD/ObjectDBX Common 23.0 Type Library (axdb23enu.tlb)

• Access to files on disk without opening them in the application

• Imported with the vlax-import-type-library function

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AutoCAD ActiveX/COM Libraries

Once loaded/imported, the AutoCAD ActiveX/COM libraries allow you to

• Create and modify objects in Model or Paper space

• Work with named objects; blocks, layers, and text styles

• Manipulate a subset of the AutoCAD application options

• Open and work drawings in memory

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Members of a COM Object

Many AutoCAD COM related functions expect values of the vla-object data type

vla-object data type represents a COM object

vlax-dump-object function lists the methods/properties of a COM object

(vlax-dump-object obj [flag])


(vlax-dump-object (vlax-get-acad-object) T)

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Members of a COM Object

; IAcadApplication: An instance of the AutoCAD application

; Property values:

; ActiveDocument = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadDocument 0000023b4d814a78>

; Application (RO) = #<VLA-OBJECT IAcadApplication 00007ff7f2b1b0a8>

; Name (RO) = "AutoCAD"

; Path (RO) = "C:\\Program Files\\Autodesk\\AutoCAD 2019"

; Methods supported:

; Eval (1)

; Quit ()

; ZoomAll ()

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Mixing “Legacy” AutoLISP and Visual LISP Functions

vla-object objects and entity names (ename) are not compatible

Must be transformed based on function usage:

• vlax-ename->vla-object – Transforms an ename into a vla-object

• vlax-vla-object->ename – Transforms a vla-object into an ename

ActiveX doesn’t know what a list is, but knows what an array is:

• vlax-make-safearray – Creates an array

• vlax-safearray-fill – Fills an array based on the values of a list

• vlax-safearray->list – Transforms an array to a list

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Accessing Property Values without DXF or ActiveX

AutoCAD 2012 introduced four functions that simplified access to object properties:

• dumpallproperties – Outputs all the properties and their current value for the

specified entity

• getpropertyvalue – Returns the current value of the specified property for an entity

• ispropertyreadonly – Returns T or nil of the specified property for an entity is read-

only or not

• setpropertyvalue – Sets the specified property to a new value for an entity

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Access Objects in an Open Drawing

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Access Objects in an Open Drawing

Sample Code: Create a blue circle in the current space and drawing

• CreateCircle-Cmds – Using commands

• CreateCircle-Dxf – Using DXF code values and no commands

• CreateCircle-SetProp – No commands or DXF manipulation

• CreateCircle-VL – Using the ActiveX via the Visual LISP extension

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Access Objects in an Open Drawing

Sample Code: Set color, linetype, and lineweight properties of objects to ByLayer

• ChangeAll2ByLayer-Cmds – Using commands

• ChangeAll2ByLayer-Dxf – Using DXF code values and no commands

• ChangeAll2ByLayer-SetProp – No commands or DXF manipulation

• ChangeAll2ByLayer-VL – Using the ActiveX via the Visual LISP extension

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Open and Close External Drawings

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Access Objects in an External Drawing File

AutoCAD/ObjectDBX Common 23.0 Type Library must be imported first

COM library is imported using the vlax-import-type-library function

(vlax-import-type-library :tlb-filename filename

[:methods-prefix mprefix

:properties-prefix pprefix

:constants-prefix cprefix])

vlax-create-object function is used to create an instance of a COM object

(vlax-create-object prog-id)

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Access Objects in an External Drawing File



:tlb-filename "C:\\Program Files\\Common Files

\\Autodesk Shared\\axdb23enu.tlb"

:methods-prefix "acdbm-"

:properties-prefix "acdbp-"

:constants-prefix "acdbc-"


(vlax-create-object "ObjectDBX.AxDbDocument.23")

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Access Objects in an External Drawing File

Sample Code: Copy all dimension styles into the current drawing from an external


• AccessExternalDrawing

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Store and Access Information Later

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Store and Access Information Later

You can store values in different ways:

• Local variables hold values while a function is executing

• Global variables can hold information while a drawing remains open

• Variables can be defined on the blackboard and accessed across open drawings

• Windows Registry allows you to store and access information between different sessions

• Xdata, custom dictionaries, and xrecords can be used to store data in a drawing which

can be accessed when the drawing is opened

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Visual LISP Blackboard

Blackboard allows you to store and access values across all open drawings

• vl-bb-set – Assigns a value to a variable on the blackboard

• vl-bb-ref – Returns the value of a variable on the blackboard

Variables on the blackboard don’t affect local or global variables

Sample Code: Store and retrieve values from the blackboard

• Blackboard

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Windows Registry

Values in the Windows Registry persist between sessions; great for app settings

• vl-registry-write – Writes a value to a key

• vl-registry-read – Returns the value assigned to a key

• vl-registry-delete – Removes a key in the Registry

• vl-registry-descendents – Returns a list of subkeys

Note: PList files on the Mac OS mimic the Windows Registry to some extent

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Windows Registry

Sample Code: Read and write values stored in the Windows Registry

• WinReg

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eXtended Data (Xdata)

Custom data attached directly to a graphical object

Must be associated with a registered application

• Registration of an application is done with the regapp function

(regapp app_name)

Structured data based on DXF data type and value pairings

(-3 ("ACAD" (1000 . "DSTYLE") (1002 . "{") (1070 . 347)

(1005 . "220") (1002 . "}"))

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eXtended Data (Xdata)

Xdata can be managed with these Visual LISP functions

• vla-getxdata – Returns two arrays that represent DXF data type and value pairings

• vla-setxdata – Assigns the xdata to an object defined in two arrays

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eXtended Data (Xdata)

In comparison, Xdata can be managed with these “Legacy” AutoLISP functions

• entget – Gets the entity data associated with an object including its xdata

• assoc – Searches a list for an element and returns the associated element list

• subst – Substitutes an item in a list

• cons – Creates a dotted pair

• list – Creates a new list

• append – Combines two lists together

• entmod – Modifies an entity’s definition

• entupd – Updates the on-screen graphics for an entity

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eXtended Data (Xdata)

Sample Code: Assign and remove Xdata with Visual LISP functions

• SetXdata-VL

• RemoveXdata-VL

Sample Code: Retrieve and list assigned Xdata

• ListXdata

Sample Code: Assign and remove Xdata with “Legacy” AutoLISP

• SetXdata

• RemoveXdata

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Dictionaries and Xrecords

Custom data that can be

• Stored in the named dictionary collection of a


• Attached to a graphical or non-graphical object

via an extension dictionary

Doesn’t require an application to be registered

Structured data based on DXF data type and

value pairings

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Dictionaries and Xrecords

Dictionaries and Xrecords can be managed with these Visual LISP functions

• vla-get-dictionaries – Gets the Dictionaries collection of a drawing

• vla-addxrecord – Adds an xrecord to a dictionary

• vla-setxrecorddata – Sets the data for an xrecord

• vla-getxrecorddata – Gets the data assigned to an xrecord

• vla-getextensiondictionary – Returns an object’s extension dictionary

• vla-get-hasextensiondictionary – Returns :vlax-true or :vlax-false

whether an object has an extension dictionary

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Dictionaries and Xrecords

Xrecords and dictionaries can be managed with these “Legacy” AutoLISP functions

• namedobjdict – Returns the named object dictionary for the drawing

• dictadd – Adds a custom dictionary or xrecord to the specified entity

• dictremove – Removes a custom dictionary

• dictnext – Returns the next entry in a dictionary

• dictrename – Renames a dictionary from the old name to a new name

• dictsearch – Searches a dictionary for an entry

• entmakex – Creates a new graphical or non-graphical object in memory

Note: Functions previously mentioned for working with Xdata are also required

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Dictionaries and Xrecords

Sample Code: Create and remove a custom dictionary with Visual LISP functions

• CreateDictionary-VL

• DeleteDictionary-VL

Sample Code: Retrieve and print an xrecord attached to a dictionary

• PrintXrec-VL

• PrintXrec

Sample Code: Create and remove a custom dictionary with “Legacy” AutoLISP

• CreateDictionary

• DeleteDictionary

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Monitoring Activities in AutoCAD

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Reactors watch for and react to certain situations that occur

• in a drawing database

• to an object

• at the application level

Must be registered with a callback function before they can be used

Callback functions define what happens when the reactor is fired by the application

command function CAN’T be used in a reactor

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Registered using functions that start with vlr-

• VLR-Editor-Reactor - Drawing reactor (opening or closing a drawing file)

• VLR-Insert-Reactor - Block insertion reactor

• VLR-Command-Reactor - Command reactor (command starts, ends, and fails)

• VLR-Lisp-Reactor - LISP reactor

• …

Sample Code: Monitors for the use of the Qdim, Hatch, Batch, and Gradient


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Working with Windows

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Working with Windows

Some of the Windows COM libraries available allow you to:

• Create file shortcuts

• Access special named folders; Documents, Pictures, …

• Query and set environment variables

• Access the drive, folder, and file structures of Windows

• Identify installed printers

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Working with Windows

Two of the most useful Windows COM libraries are:

• Windows Host Scripting Object (wshom.ocx)

• Microsoft Scripting Runtime libraries (scrrun.dll)

Libraries are located in c:\windows\system32

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Working with Windows

Sample Code: Create a shortcut on the Desktop

• CreateDesktopShortcut

Sample Code: Get, set, and expand environment variables

• GetEnvStr

• SetEnvStr

• ExpEnvStr

Sample Code: List available drives

• ListDrives

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Working with Microsoft Office

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Working with Microsoft Office

Microsoft provides a number of COM libraries to interact with Microsoft Office:

• Print a Microsoft Word document to the default printer

• Create a new Microsoft Word document based on information in an AutoCAD drawing

• Push and pull information from an Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to modify content in a


• Query and modify information in a Microsoft Access (MDB) database

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Working with Microsoft Office

Most common COM libraries associated with the applications in Microsoft Office:

• Microsoft Word 16.0 Object Library (msword.olb)

• Microsoft Excel 16.0 Object Library(excel.exe)

• Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 6.1 Library (msado15.dll)

Libraries are located in the

• Microsoft Office installation folder

• Program Files\Common Files folder

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Working with Microsoft Office

Sample Code: Print and create Microsoft Word documents

• PrintMSWordDoc

• CreateMSWordDoc

Sample Code: Extract and update object property values with Microsoft Excel

• ExtractDrawingToExcel

• UpdateDrawingFromExcel

Sample Code: List available drives

• AccessDatabaseADO

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Final Thoughts and Questions

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Final Thoughts and Questions

Customization and programming can:

• Enhance productivity

• Improve or introduce new workflows

Customizing has many similarities to Wonderland in

Lewis Caroll’s Alice’s Adventures. Both

• are virtually endless

• hold many mysteries waiting to be discovered

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Closing Remarks

Thanks for choosing this session.

Don’t forget to complete this session’s survey.

If you have any further questions, contact me via:

email: [email protected]

twitter: @leeambrosius

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