SCTA News Spring 2012 - · SCTA News – Spring 2012 ... remain at £200.00 + VAT....

SCTA GOES LIVE On Monday 5 th March the SCTA will launch its new website which will be found at : This will allow members to be better informed of the latest news and events and will become the public face of the association. We would encourage members who have any articles or photographs to send them to the SCTA secretary at [email protected] . This will not replace the newsletters which will still go out to members but will give public access to the aims and objectives of the SCTA. 2012 Diary Dates 5 th March SCTA Website goes live 7 th March National Food & Drink Conference, Perth 28 th /29 th March Trade Awareness Course 10 th May Annual Dinner, George Hotel, Edinburgh 27 th June Visit to Scott’s Porage Oats, Cupar and AGM 9 th Sept Glasgow to Edinburgh Bike Ride 4 th /5 th Oct European Commodity Exchange, Edinburgh Attending Andrew Mackay, Finlay Calder, Alex Kellet, Keith Golesworthy, Andrew Lindsay, Drew Cochran Apologies Billy Davidson, Allan Macaulay, Blane Paterson 1. The Burns Supper Drew Cochran reported that 90 tickets had been sold for the Burns Supper in the Grassic Gibbon Centre and the event was showing a surplus of £665.36 before VAT and will make a profit of £106.13 for the general account. It was agreed that the money raised from the raffle would be split 50/50 between the Grassic Gibbon Centre and the SCTA Benevolent Fund. The sum raised on the night was £1140 with £570 going to the Benevolent Fund. 2. SCTA New Members The current list as of December 2011 was circulated and the Directors agreed to contact potential new member companies. 3. Annual Dinner on 10 th May 2012 With the speaker fee this year of £1000 and the dinner having made a small loss last year and the ticket price remaining the same for two years it was agreed that the tickets will be priced at £60.00 + VAT for 2012. The George Hotel has been booked for 10 th May 2012 with a target of 230 attending (4 more tables than 2011). 4. Benevolent Fund Andrew Mackay expressed his desire to see the SCTA do more in terms of fund raising for the Benevolent Fund. In the past there have been sponsored bike rides and he was looking for the organisation to be more pro- active in raising funds for the charity. SCTA News Spring 2012 Welcome to the fourth newsletter from SCTA February 2012 Minutes of Directors Meeting Held on 25 th January at W. N. Lindsay Stracathro

Transcript of SCTA News Spring 2012 - · SCTA News – Spring 2012 ... remain at £200.00 + VAT....

SCTA GOES LIVE On Monday 5th March the SCTA will launch its new

website which will be found at : This will allow members to be better informed of the

latest news and events and will become the public face

of the association.

We would encourage members who have any articles or

photographs to send them to the SCTA secretary at

[email protected].

This will not replace the newsletters which will still go

out to members but will give public access to the aims

and objectives of the SCTA.

2012 Diary Dates 5th March – SCTA Website goes live

7th March – National Food & Drink Conference, Perth

28th/29th March – Trade Awareness Course

10th May – Annual Dinner, George Hotel, Edinburgh

27th June – Visit to Scott’s Porage Oats, Cupar and AGM

9th Sept – Glasgow to Edinburgh Bike Ride

4th/5th Oct – European Commodity Exchange, Edinburgh


Andrew Mackay, Finlay Calder, Alex Kellet, Keith

Golesworthy, Andrew Lindsay, Drew Cochran


Billy Davidson, Allan Macaulay, Blane Paterson

1. The Burns Supper

Drew Cochran reported that 90 tickets had been

sold for the Burns Supper in the Grassic Gibbon

Centre and the event was showing a surplus of

£665.36 before VAT and will make a profit of

£106.13 for the general account. It was agreed

that the money raised from the raffle would be

split 50/50 between the Grassic Gibbon Centre

and the SCTA Benevolent Fund. The sum raised

on the night was £1140 with £570 going to the

Benevolent Fund.

2. SCTA New Members

The current list as of December 2011 was

circulated and the Directors agreed to contact

potential new member companies.

3. Annual Dinner on 10th May 2012

With the speaker fee this year of £1000 and the

dinner having made a small loss last year and the

ticket price remaining the same for two years it

was agreed that the tickets will be priced at

£60.00 + VAT for 2012. The George Hotel has

been booked for 10th May 2012 with a target of

230 attending (4 more tables than 2011).

4. Benevolent Fund

Andrew Mackay expressed his desire to see the

SCTA do more in terms of fund raising for the

Benevolent Fund. In the past there have been

sponsored bike rides and he was looking for the

organisation to be more pro- active in raising

funds for the charity.

SCTA News – Spring 2012 Welcome to the fourth newsletter from SCTA February 2012

Minutes of Directors Meeting

Held on 25th January at W. N. Lindsay


5. News Letter

It was agreed that the Spring Issue of the

Newsletter would go out to members by the end

of February.

6. Trade Awareness Course

The Trade Awareness Course will be on 28th and

29th March 2012 based on the successful format

of last year . The changes that have been made

include moving to the Westerwood Hotel,

Cumbernauld for the dinner and overnight on

28th March and a visit to Wm Grants Bottling

facility in Strathclyde Park on the 29th March.

Details of the course will be circulated to

members in the first week of February.

7. Meeting with Richard Lochhead

A meeting with Richard Lochhead is planned for

9th February in the Scottish Parliament and

Andrew Mackay asked if any Directors had items

for the agenda which was mainly to inform the

Minister of the SCTA and give him information

on the European Commodity Exchange which

will be in Edinburgh on 4th and 5th October .

Andrew Mackay agreed to speak to Kevin Mills

of the AIC before the meeting.

8. Bourse Update

GAFTA have the planning well progressed but

little information has been forthcoming from

them. The website is now up and running and

the Board felt that more information was

required relative to the dinner in particular to

get maximum attendance. There will be a

meeting with GAFTA in Edinburgh on 19th April.

9. Subscription Fee for 2012

It was agreed that the Subscription Fee for 2012

remain at £200.00 + VAT.

10. Date of AGM

It was agreed that the meeting should take place

in June 2012 recognising that the 2011 AGM was

on 29th June. The Board felt there was an

opportunity to combine the AGM with a trade

visit and after discussion it was agreed that Keith

Golesworthy would approach Scott’s Porage

Oats in Cupar with a view to a visit.

11. AOCB

After discussion it was agreed that Drew

Cochran would take over the role of secretary of

the SCTA with Nigel Cook being asked to

continue as the accountant to the Association.

There being no further business the meeting

closed with a vote of thanks to Andrew Lindsay

for the use of the board room at Stracathro.

On the 9th December a group of the SCTA

Directors had a private tour of the Scottish

Paliament at Holyrood. The group were given a

history lesson on the Parliament of Scotland and

the concepts of the new building .

The group in the debating chamber

This was an extremely interesting trip and is

available to any member of the public at certain

times. Those attending would certainly

recommend the tour to anyone who is visiting

Edinburgh but would suggest to book in advance.

The group went on to have lunch in the National

Museum of Scotland, the venue for the Gala

Dinner when the Bourse comes to Edinburgh on

4th/5th October 2012.

Again the group were impressed by the facilities

in the Museum which opened in July 2011 after a

£47m refit and agreed that it was an ideal venue

for the Gala Dinner.

SCTA Directors Meeting 25th January 2012

Directors Visit the Scottish Parliament

Andrew Mackay, President of the SCTA was

accompanied by Billy Davidson, Director and Drew

Cochran, Secretary of SCTA to meet Mr Richard

Lochhead MSP, The Minister for Rural Affairs and the


The party were met by Richard Lochhead MSP, Alan

Caldwell his diary secretary and Marie Coventry

from the Scottish Government Rural and

Environment Directorate.


1. Raise the Awareness of SCTA, its members

and objectives.

Andrew Mackay gave the Minister the background

to the membership and their role in the supply chain

within Scottish Agriculture. Billy Davidson reinforced

the view that the SCTA members played a vital role

in keeping prices competitive with competitors

south of the Border.

The Minister asked if the SCTA would support a “

Food and Drink Conference” which would look at the

whole supply chain affecting the Scottish market.

The Directors agreed to support such an initiative.

2. Discuss how best to open communication

channels between the SCTA and the

Scottish Government.

It was agreed that the channels used to set up this

meeting would be best for any future

communication and Marie Coventry would liaise

with Drew Cochran.

3. SCTA Trade Awareness Course for Scottish

Government Personnel

Andrew Mackay told the Minister that the Trade

awareness Course the SCTA had developed would

help Government Department personnel to better

understand the agricultural supply chain while

having the opportunity to meet and network with

relevant people.

It was agreed that at least one and probably two

from the Scottish Government Rural and

Environment Directorate would attend the next

Trade Awareness Course on 28th and 29th March.

4. European Commodity Exchange in

Edinburgh – October 2012

Andrew Mackay explained the bidding process that

the SCTA and GAFTA had gone through to attract the

European Bourse to Edinburgh in October 2012. He

also explained that the event would attract traders

from all over the world with the opportunity to meet

“face to face”. That it was a very prestigious event

that in the past when the UK had hosted it was in

London- this is the first time it has come to Scotland.

5. Letter from First Minister Alex Salmond re

the Bourse

The Minister did recognise the significance of the

event and was delighted to support it by attending

the dinner and making a short five minute welcome

speech. He would liaise with the First Minister to

decide who would put the forward into the

Programme. Richard Lochhead was giving a keynote

speech at the forthcoming NFU conference and

would be mentioning the Bourse in his speech.

6. Government assistance in capital projects

within Agricultural Industry.

Billy Davidson explained to the Minister how he had

recently been very disappointed at the attitude

taken by Scottish Enterprise relating to an

application for RSA on a capital project in Shotts. It

was not the fact that the application was turned

down but the lack of understanding shown by SE.

The Minister took note of the complaint.


Andrew Mackay invited Richard Lochhead to attend

the SCTA Annual Dinner on Thursday 10th May 2012

in the George Hotel, Edinburgh. The Minister

accepted the invitation and it was left to Drew

Cochran to send an official invite.

The Minister then asked if the SCTA would support a

“Food Education Initiative” which will be designed to

support schools in better educating children as to

where their food comes from. This is part of a £14m

budget which has been ring fenced to support food

and agriculture. The Directors indicated that they

would be happy to support the “initiative”.

The meeting concluded at 10.30 am.

Meeting with Minister for Rural Affairs and Environment

SCTA Inaugural Burns Supper

25th January 2012

The Scottish Corn Trade Visits The Mearns

If any trade should hold a Burns Supper, it is the

Scottish Corn Trade which draws its members from

the whole spectrum of farm trading but

predominately the cereals sector. Its vital

connections with farming , distilling brewing and

malting trades gives it close links with Burns and of

course provided subjects , opinions and observations

for many of his finest works. This was their inaugural

Burns Supper and they chose the Grassic Gibbon

Centre as the venue because it lies in the heart of

the Burns Fatherland – so close to Clochnahiill where

Burns father William was born. Some one hundred

members and guests attended with visitors from as

far afield as Oxford, Belfast and Dublin.

Jim Brown , of WN Lindsay, welcomed the audience

and gave them some light hearted insight into Burns

Fatherland, Grassic Gibbon and the Centre and

thanked them for their vision in bringing an event

away from Edinburgh and Glasgow . The spin off for

the Centre, the local hotels and taxi companies was

much appreciated and the support from the local

members DM Carnegie , WN Lindsay , John Guthrie

and East Coast Viners justified their decision.

The Grace with apposite Burns quotes was

beautifully crafted by Finlay Calder , a unique

Immortal Memory was delivered by Gordon Withers

, the formidable Tam o’ Shanter was

recited with gusto and feeling by John Calder

whilst the Kinross based legend , Tich Frier ,

addressed the haggis, toasted the lasses, sang and

entertained with wild humour. His wife , Irish born

Brenda , replied to “the Lasses” and won the

battle of the sexes with the utmost ease in word

and song. The talented, young, Bervie piper

Thomas Roberts took the haggis and Chef on a

tour round the hall. The meal and the hall layout,

all prepared by the Centre Staff , brought great

praise from the visitors

Gordon Withers as Rabbie’s Ghost

The Association President Andrew Mackay,

managing director of Cefetra thanked Finlay Calder

for suggesting the event , Drew Cochran for

organising the detail and all the participants in its

success . He also announced that the considerable

raffle receipts on the night would be divided equally

between the Grassic Gibbon Centre and the SCTA

Benevolent Fund . Apart from the locally based

attendees , the national and international

companies represented were Glencore , Cefetra Ltd,

Frontier, SGS Group , and United Mollasses.

Haste Ye Back tae Arbuthnott.

Jim Brown, W. N. Lindsay

Robert Burns Ghost Seen at Arbuthnott

Guests of East Coast Viners Grain Ltd.

Guests of Cefetra Ltd.

Guests of D.M. Carnegie Ltd.

Building on the successful move to May last year the

Directors decided that the Annual Dinner would

continue this year in May and the date has been set

for Thursday 10th May. The venue will again be The

George Hotel , Edinburgh which had excellent revues

last year.

Corn Trade Presidents in Dublin

(L to R) Andrew Mackay, Scotland; Gina Brown, Hull;

David Hickey, Eire; Mike Spencer Liverpool; Jack

Cordery, Bristol .

The SCTA have been able to secure one of the best

after dinner speakers in the country to entertain you

on 10th May.

Professor David Purdie is a most celebrated speaker,

regularly appearing at events throughout the UK and

abroad. His highly amusing after dinner speeches are

in great demand for corporate and charity functions

ranging from sporting events to Burns Suppers. He is

also a highly experienced speechwriter, writing and

editing for business leaders and several members of

the House of Commons. He is the author of the

humorous column in Golf International and was

speechwriter for Sam Torrance, captain of the

victorious European Ryder Cup Team.

Ticket Order Forms have been posted to all member

companies but if you require more please contact:

Drew Cochran, Secretary SCTA

Tel: 01620 894689

E-mail: [email protected]

Pictures from the Burns Supper SCTA Annual Dinner 10th May 2012


Over the two days we plan to cover the following

subjects and visits given time and availability.

A Traders view on import/export of grain

and raw materials.

A visit to Clydeport and Cefetra Bulk Storage


A visit to Davidson Brothers Feed Mill at


A presentation on formulas and rations.

A visit to Grangemouth Liquid Storage


Principal Skills associated with Market

Making and Grain Trading.

Dinner and discussion with members of


A visit to a dairy farm, integration and

collaboration in the supply chain.

A visit to Milk Bottling Plant.

A visit to Grain Distillery

A visit to Whisky Bottling Hall.

Discussion on Quality Assurance and

Traceability in the Food Chain

The Trade Awareness Course is a Residential Course

Based in The Westerwood Hotel, Cumbernauld and

takes place over 2 days at a cost of £190.00 + VAT

(20%) to cover travel, meals and overnight

accommodation. SCTA Ltd. Registered in Scotland

No SC0018714


TRADE AWARENESS COURSE 28/29 MARCH Title First Name Surname

1. ..................................................................................

2. ..................................................................................


Name: .........................................................................

Address :.....................................................................



Post Code: ................................

Tel: .............................................................................

E-mail: .......................................................................

Please return along with cheque to SCTA for

£228.00 (£190.00 + £38.00 VAT) per person by

1st March 2012.

Scottish Corn Trade Association

C/o The Cochran Partnership

Milleur House, 11 Strathearn Road

North Berwick EH39 5BZ

Tel: 01620 894689

E-mail: [email protected]

Trade Awareness Course 28th / 29th March 2012

Inaugurated in 1961 the European Commodities

Exchange (ECE or sometimes referred to as the

Bourse), is based in Strasbourg and has grown over

the years to take in 51 Exchanges from over 13

different countries. These exchanges are not stock

exchanges in the customary sense but markets

which group operators from the seed, fertiliser,

animal feed and related product sectors, as well as

the tertiary sector (banks, transport, insurance, etc)

attend to share information and to present their

companies and products.

The ECE is now an essential annual event in the grain

Trade. The founders wanted to redress the

increasing dearth of meetings and demise of

national corn exchanges (due to the development of

technology and remote communication) with the

aim of establishing a meeting place with effective

contacts. The Exchange Day continues that tradition

and provides a face to face opportunity to meet and

consolidate relationships.

Anyone with interests in grain from producers,

malsters, millers, processors, compounders, traders,

service providers, superintendents, analysts, lawyers

and banks should take the opportunity to visit

Edinburgh this year and attend this prestigious

industry event.

With an anticipated audience of over 2000 trade

members from all over the world, the 2012

Commodities Exchange will be an invaluable

platform from where you will be able to promote

your products and services and an excellent

opportunity for you to raise your profile.

Programmes Golf Day Thursday 4th October

Will be held at Luffness Golf Club, situated 18 miles from Edinburgh in the heart of the renowned golfing country on the East Lothian coastline.

The course can be hard – mighty hard – when the wind blows down the Forth and the rough is thick enough to whet the whistle of a hungry herd.

There are distinctive bunkers too but, like all great courses, Luffness rewards the virtues. Tickets are priced at GBP 120.00 (plus vat). This event has limited places available. If you would like to join this tournament please tick the golf box when you make your on-line registration. Please note that whilst on the course golfers must wear smart casual clothing and recognised golf shoes.

Gala Dinner Thursday 4th October

On the evening of the 4th October the Gala Dinner will be held at the National Museum of Scotland.

Here you will be treated to a variety of traditional Scottish entertainment and cuisine.

52 European Commodities Exchange, Edinburgh 4th / 5th October 2012

Gala Dinner in the Main Gallery

For your entertainment we have secured the Red Hot Chilli Pipers.

Bagpipes with attitude. Drums with a Scottish

accent. A blazing rock band and a show so hot it

carries its own health warning. The Red Hot Chilli

Pipers have been rocking the world from New York

to Beijing with musicianship of the highest order and

a passion for pipes that will leave you breathless.

Tickets for this event may be purchased at a price of GBP 140.00 (plus vat) via the online registration process

Exchange Day Lunch, Friday 5th October Lunch will be held at the Edinburgh Suite, Foyer & Atrium at the Sheraton Hotel located next door to the EICC. Tickets are priced at GBP 55.00 (plus vat) and will consist of a seated buffet (starter, main course and dessert). A selection of wine and soft drinks will also be served.

Social Tours

If you are attending the European Commodity Exchange then you cannot leave Edinburgh without taking one of the tours offered. Explore Edinburgh at your leisure, you'll see views that make for perfect picture postcards, mysterious winding streets, elegant terraces and an abundance of shops, bars and restaurants. With streets steeped in history and a thriving cultural scene, the City of Edinburgh offers the perfect balance between all things traditional and contemporary. To help get the most from your visit, check out Rabbie's Trail Burners Ltd for a complete list of tours, both pre and post the European Commodity Exchange

Exchange Day Friday 5th October

The European Commodity Exchange will be held at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre on Friday 5th October 2012. The Edinburgh International Conference Centre is a purpose-built centre and offers excellent facilities and technology, a truly world-class venue in the heart of Scotland’s beautiful city.

For more information and registration please visit the website:

52nd European Commodities Exchange, Edinburgh 4th / 5th October 2012

Celebrating Our Success

Scotland's second National Food and Drink

Conference will take place on Wednesday 7 March

2012 in Perth Concert Hall.

The conference will celebrate the achievements of

people the length and breadth of the country, from

community groups to industry who help bring our

National Food and Drink Policy policy to life and

make its achievements real.

Come and experience the great things which have

been achieved through the food and drink policy, be

inspired by our speakers, listen and debate hot food

and drink topics and try some tantalising local

produce in our bustling marketplace.

Two key themes of the conference will be education

and innovation within our food and drink industry.

Delegates will have the opportunity to hear about

exciting projects currently underway, as well as

listening to a lively debate by school pupils on food

advertising to young people.

Richard Lochhead MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Rural

Affairs and the Environment, will kick the day off by

mapping out our plans for the future. The

conference will be hosted by Stephen Jardine, a

former TV presenter and self confessed foodie!

Other speakers include one of Barack Obama’s key

aides, Dr Janey Thornton, the US Department of

Agriculture’s Deputy Under Secretary for Food,

Nutrition and Consumer Service, who will discuss the

benefits of collaborative working for both Scotland

and America.

Also joining us will be Dr Joao Breda from the World

Health Organisation. He will assess how Scotland is

progressing in relation to some of the world’s top

food and drink issues.

Completing the line-up at the event are one of

Scotland’s top chefs, Nick Nairn, and entrepreneur

Fraser Doherty of SuperJam, who turned his

teenage hobby into a successful business.

To register for the conference, please download

an application form.

Forms should be emailed to

[email protected] or posted


Veronica McAleaney

Food, Drink and Rural Communities

B1 Spur

Saughton House

Broomhouse Drive

Edinburgh EH11 3XD

Once again there is the opportunity to help raise

funds for the SCTA Benevolent Fund.

Sunday 9th September

Glasgow –Edinburgh Fun bike Ride

Contact Paul Mooney at: [email protected]

This Newsletter was produced by The Cochran Partnership

Scotland’s National Food and Drinks Conference

Support the SCTA Benevolent Fund