Scriptwriting #4 (Hollywood)

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Transcript of Scriptwriting #4 (Hollywood)

  • 7/25/2019 Scriptwriting #4 (Hollywood)


    Dominique Young


    Hollywood Story- M.K.

    Act. I

    You could hear the rain hit the church window a we cele!rated the

    li"e o" my "ather# $li %aco! Moor Sr. It wa till o unreal a I at there loo&ing

    at hi !ody in that ca&et. All I could thin& a!out were all thoe time we

    played !a&et!all at 'ree(egate )ar&. He ne*er let me win a game and it

    would ma&e me mad !ecaue all my "riend+ "ather would at leat let them

    win one game. In the end it all paid o, !ecaue he made me earn it. I+ll

    ne*er "orget how it "elt lat ummer to !eat him at hi own game.

    My dad had played !all all through college and I loo&ed up to hi game#

    hoping to !e a great a he wa and could ha*e !een in the pro. A I at

    there reminicing# I wa ditracted !y my mother a he cried out "or my

    "ather. hy ord# why me/0 cried out my mother a my 1ncle Deon lowly

    too& her to her eat to com"ort her. My grandma )earl at ne2t to me with

    tear running down her "ace while he held !a!y Sage. 3errence# only 4 year

    old# at on the other ide o" her unaware to what wa going on around him.

    My older !rother# $li %r.# at on the other ide o" me with anger and pain in hi

    eye. My "amily called him %unior# !ut hi "riend and I re"erred to him a $li.

    My "ather and !rother were *ery cloe. )ro!a!ly cloer than my "ather and I

    were# o I &new thi had !een harder "or him. I till hadn+t een him cry ince

    the night we "ound out.

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    I+*e !een on an emotional rollercoater ince hearing the new that my

    "ather had !een murdered. I cried o much ince then that now I ha*e no

    more tear to hed# although there are many more I want to gi*e. A the

    pator made hi 5nal remar& to end the er*ice# a woman dreed in all

    !lac& came into the anctuary along with another older lady who wa

    carrying a !a!y. She wal&ed o*er to my grandma )earl# ga*e her

    condolence then wal&ed o*er to my "ather+ ca&et. I loo&ed o*er to my

    mother# to ee that he wa 6ut a unaware to who thi woman wa a I

    wa# "rom the e2preion on her "ace.

    7e2t# a the woman approached the ca&et he cried out "or my "ather

    6ut a my mother had at the !eginning o" the er*ice. My 1ncle 3ony quic&ly

    gra!!ed the woman and ecorted her to ome eat in the !ac& o" the


    3here had already !een o many people that came !y and po&e to the

    "amily at the "uneral that I had ne*er een !e"ore. My "ather &new a lot o"

    people growing up in 8hicago and then mo*ing to $*anton. 3he place wa

    pac&ed and "or that reaon I couldn+t undertand why omeone would ta&e

    my "ather+ li"e. $*eryone lo*ed him !ecaue he ne*er complained a!out

    helping other.

    A"ter e*eryone *iewed hi !ody "or the lat time# the pator ga*e my

    "amily the chance to !e alone with him. 9e"ore e2iting the church to proceed

    to the cemetery# my mother gathered the "amily and ga*e a peech. She

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    aid Your "ather and I lo*e you guy with all our heart and did e*erything to

    pro*ide the !et li"e "or you guy. She had continued on to ay that

    although my "ather i no longer here with u phyically# he would !e in our

    heart and we would ma&e it through thi a a "amily.

    A he ended her peech# my !rother $li tormed out o" the church a

    tream o" tear rolled down hi chee&. My mother had cried out "or him#

    !ut he &ept on out the church. She 6ut hoo& head in de"eat and "ell into my

    1ncle 3ony+ arm o!!ing. 'rom thi point on# a much a I wanted to

    !elie*e that e*erything wa going to !e alright# I had a deep "eeling they


    3he rain had lighten up while we aid our lat good!ye at the

    cemetery. $*eryone then met up at my Aunt Shelia+ houe "or the repa.

    My Aunt Shelia wa my "ather+ only iter and I happen to !e her "a*orite

    nephew. She and grandma )earl !oth li*ed on the outh ide o" 8hicago. e

    alway came out here "or the holiday and when my parent were going out

    and $li didn+t want to watch u. hene*er we came o*er# they would alway

    poil u with gi"t and ta&e u place li&e to mueum and carni*al. I lo*ed it

    out here and alway wondered why we mo*ed o "ar out to $*anton.

    hen we got to the repa# the treet were pac&ed with car. All my

    couin# aunt# and uncle were there. :randma )earl had coo&ed o much

    "ood you would ha*e thought he wa running a !u,et. She coo&ed ham#

    hort ri!# "ried chic&en# mothered por& chop# macaroni# tring !ean#

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    collard green# candy yam# and the lit goe on. My "ather lo*ed hi

    mother+ coo&ing and he lo*e coo&ing it "or him.

    A"ter 5nihing my econd plate and catching up with ome o" my

    couin# I decided to get me another oda# when I aw my guy Anthony

    coming through the "ront door. 3hi guy and I go !ac& to ;ndgrade when my

    "amily and I 5rt mo*ed out to $*anton. He lot hi older !rother# )aul# to

    gun *iolence a couple o" year !ac& o he undertand the pain my "amily and

    I are going through.

    Man# I wa trying to get a hold o" you at the "uneral# !ut I aw there

    were a lot o" people around# o I thought I 6ut catch up with you here. You

    good/ aid Anthony a he approached me at the cooler in the &itchen. Yea

    I+m 5ne# 6ut trying to maintain# I aid.

    Anthony and I play !a&et!all at Mac&lemore $lementary together. e

    won two ditrict championhip together# thi guy and I are li&e e9ron and

    Dwayne on the court. 3hi i our lat year at Mac&lemore and plan on going

    to %.9. Seame High School ne2t year. Anthony i my !et "riend and I could

    trut him with anything. e de5nitely try to &eep each other out o" trou!le

    and got each other+ !ac&. He+ li&e a !rother "rom another mother.

    A we tood !y the cooler# he in*ited me o*er to hi cri! to play *ideo

    game and liten to muic later. I told him I de5nitely needed ome time

    away "rom e*erything and that I would a& and get !ac& to him. In the mit

    o" e*erything# my mother called me into the li*ing room. She ordered me to

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    get 3errance a 6uice out o" the cooler while he went to the !athroom. A"ter

    doing what I wa ordered I at on the couch and attempted to 5nd omething

    on tele*iion. hile itting there I o*er hear :randma )earl and 1ncle Deon

    dicu that mytery woman that came to my "ather+ "uneral er*ice.

    ho wa that woman at my on+ er*ice Deon/ a&ed :randma

    )earl. I ne*er een her a day in my li"e# he added. Ma# we+ll tal& a!out it

    later# he aid. She repeated herel" once more# thi time in an irritated

    manner. hen e*eryone lea*e# I will tell you Ma# ay uncle Deon. 1pet#

    he get up and wal& out the li*ing room. My 1ncle Deon ha&e hi head.

    hen my mother returned "rom the !athroom he a&ed# Deon# what+

    wrong with )earl/ He 6ut threw hi hand up and hoo& hi head. 9e"ore the

    con*eration went any "urther ome o" my mother+ "riend came into the

    li*ing room and !egan a&ing her quetion a!out ome people they went to

    chool with !ac& in the day.

    I wa eager to 5nd out who thi woman wa a"ter ear hutling that

    con*eration !etween my 1ncle Deon and :randma )earl. So went to 5nd $li

    !ecaue I hadn+t een him ince he tormed out a"ter the "uneral er*ice.

    A"ter earching a "ew room in the houe# I a&ed my mother i" he had een

    him# !ut he hadn+t. 7e2t# I a&ed Anthony# who+d !een in the &itchen eating#

    and he aid hadn+t een him either. My couin# Shawn# 5nally told me that he

    had lat heard him outide on the phone.

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    Anthony o,ered to go outide with me to ee i" $li had !een out there

    till# ure enough there wa $li. He had !een tanding down tair in "ront o"

    Aunt Shelia+ houe on the phone. hile waiting "or $li to get o, the phone# I

    a&ed Anthony i" he had een that woman who came to the "uneral er*ice

    late. Yeah# I remem!er eeing her and thoe guy tanding in the !ac he

    aid. 3hen added# who were they/

    I aid# I don+t &now who any o" them are# !ut I &now my grandma and

    mother don+t &now who he i either. 9e"ore we could 5nih the

    con*eration# $li had noticed u itting on the porch# got o, the phone# and

    called u o*er. hen we got downtair# $li aid in a 6o&ing manner to

    Anthony# 9oy you 6ut can+t tay away# I wear we adopted you/ $*eryone

    laughing # $li a&ed# hat are you !oy up to/

    oo&ing "or you to ma&e ure you alright# didn+t loo& too good when we le"t

    the er*ice# I aid.

    Yeah# I+m 5ne. 3han& "or loo&ing out "or your !ig !rother# he aid. I

    replied# o" coure# proceeding to a& him who that mytery woman wa at

    the "uneral. He then a&ed Anthony# i" he could tal& to me alone. 3here wa

    ne*er a time my !rother and I couldn+t tal& around Anthony# o I &new thi

    wa a!out to !e omething eriou. Anthony agreed to gi*e u pri*acy and

    went !ac& into the houe.

    You &now that our "ather did all he could to ma&e ure we had the

    !et# !ut he wan+t per"ect# aid $li. He !egin to e2plain to me that her

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    name wa 8helea and he had !een our "ather+

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    I had ne*er had a c con*eration li&e thi with $li# my "ather+ death

    ha already changed o much. Still unure what he meant !y that# I nodded

    my head in undertanding. 3o ma&e thing le intene# I a&ed him i" it

    would !e alright i" I went o*er Anthony+ houe "or a while to clear my head.

    He then aid that right now wouldn+t !e the !et time !ecaue Sage and

    3errance need me while our mother i going through. A hard a I tried to !e

    undertanding I couldn+t.

    3hat+ not "air at all# how come y+all get to go out and get away# I

    corned. %ut get Anthony to come o*er# he uggeted.

    Moreo*er# a we tood outide Aunt Shelia+ houe# a red and white

    Dodge 8harger pulled and $li+ phone !egan to ring. I+ll ee you later $lli#

    go ahead !ac& in the houe and remem!er what I told you# aid $li. I

    nodded in con5rmation and went on !ac& into the houe.

    hen I got in the houe# I went to the &itchen to a& my mother i" it would !e

    alright i" Anthony came o*er. In the &itchen wa e*ery woman in the "amily#

    !ut my mother. You eem my mama/ I a&ed :randma )earl. She uptair

    tal&ing to your 1ncle Deon# where i %unior/# he aid.

    He 6ut le"t# we were 6ut outide tal&ing# I aid. 9e"ore he could

    repond to me my mother called her uptair with her and my 1ncle Deon.

    She then puh me aide and went uptair. A I tood in the &itchen# my aunt

    Shelia !egan to !rag to her "riend how handome I growing up to !e and

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    how my "ather made !eauti"ul children. 3he ne2t thing I &now it# he a&ed

    me to ing "or her "riend.

    I hate when people a& me to ing or dance in "ront o" their company.

    My mother ue to do it all the time year ago. 8ome !a!y# do it "or

    mommy# he would ay. Anyway# I 6ut loo&ed at her with a !lan& tare and

    luc&ily one o" her "riend a*ed me. She tated how I didn+t ha*e do it i" I

    didn+t "eel li&e it. I+m glad omeone "eel my pain.

    My Aunt Shelia then tell her "riend# in a 6o&ing manner# to huh up

    and then we le"t the &itchen. al&ing to her room he tarted a&ing me how

    I wa holding up. My Aunt Shelia and I are really cloe. She alway too& me

    to !a&et!all game and let me e*en tay with her to participate in a

    !a&et!all camp out outh one ummer. In addition# he wa alway eaier to

    tal& to then my parent and he &new how to ugar our parent up "or 6ut

    a!out anything.

    I !egin to tell her how I 6ut don+t thin& that thing will !e the ame

    anymore# now that my "ather in+t here. Aunt Shelia e2plained# I &now it

    in+t eay !a!y and orry to tell you# !ut thing won+t !e the ame. Don+t

    count yourel" out though# you ha*e !ig "uture ahead o" you. Stay "ocued


    During our con*eration# one o" her "riend come in and tell her he

    need to come out there. hen the door opened# you could hear the loud

    creaming and commotion going on.

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    I went out to the li*ing room# where Anthony had !een# and a&ed him

    what wa going on. 9e"ore e*en 5nihing the quetion# I ee the mytery

    woman "rom the "uneral yelling and arguing with my mother. 3hey are going

    !ac& and "orth with name calling while my uncle pull the women apart.

    I quic&ly a& Anthony to ee hi cell phone !ecaue I had le"t mine at

    home. Secondly# I go to the !athroom and call $li. %ut my luc& he anwer

    the phone and I quic&ly tell him the ituation that i at hand here at Aunt

    Shelia+ houe !etween our mother and 8helea. He tate he will !e right

    o*er and hang up.

    7e2t# I ruh !ac& to li*ing room# I tell Anthony to "ollow me to the

    porch. hen we get outide I a& him how it all !egan. He tell me that while

    he wa itting on couch there wa a &noc& at the door. ?ne o" my aunt+

    "riend 5gured it wa $li coming !ac& and it wa 8helea and he a&ed to

    pea& to :randma )earl. He aid when :randma )earl came down tair# he

    told 8helea he had ome ner*e howing her "ace at her daughter+ houe

    li&e thi. He went on to ay that 8helea !egan to e2plain her cae and

    purpoe "or howing up when my mother

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    on the porch. hen we they get on the porch my Aunt Shelia come out with

    them and cloe the door !ehind them. She then !egin to quetion her.

    hat !ring you to my !rother+ "uneral and to hi iter+ houe/ he ay

    in digut.

    8helea !egin to ay that her and my "ather li*ed together "or ome

    year and ha*e two children together. My aunt then loo& o*er at Anthony

    and I and tell her not go any "urther. hat are you !oy doing out here/

    he aid. 8on"ued on how he didn+t notice u out here when he 5rt came

    out# I told her that we were waiting on $li to come !ac&.

    8helea then !egin to ay how $% a he re"erred $li a# ha met her

    and &now what her and my "ather had going on. 'urther he told how my

    uncle had met her on many occaion. My Aunt Shelia loo&ed at my 1ncle

    Deon in digut and aid# So y+all &new a!out thi and didn+t ay anything/

    1ncle Deon tated hi cae and Aunt Shelia and 8helea wal&ed o, the

    porch and !eing wal&ing and tal&ing down the treet. 7o ooner a they le"t#

    $li pulled up in that ame red and white Dodge 8harger# !ut thi time he wa

    dri*ing it.

    He hopped out and a&ed where our mother wa. 1ncle Deon pulled

    him to the ide and ga*e him and update on what happened. My !rother

    quic&ly went uptair to chec& on my mother and told me to come along.

    hen we got up there my mother wa o!!ing in grandma )earl+

    arming. She loo&ed up at $li and a&ed him where he had !een. $li couldn+t

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    e*en anwering !e"ore her tarting drilling him on the ituation with 8helea.

    So you &new a!out thi woman !eing with your "ather and didn+t tell your

    own mother/ $li loo&ed at her with "ear in hi eye# no clue o" what to

    e2pect ne2t. She continued to ram!le on a!out how much he had done "or

    him and how he "elt !etrayed !y her own on.

    3he more and more he went on the deeper the hurt I "elt "or my

    !rother. I glanced at him 6ut to ee the many tear he wa trying to hold

    !ac&. My !rother had made mita&e in the pat# !ut alway ga*e a helping

    hand# 6ut li&e our "ather. 3o !e ;= year old# he had a lot going "or himel"

    and helped my parent out a much a he could. So it wa hard to hear her

    pea& to him li&e he in+t a lo*ing on. I 6ut wanted it to end.

    My mother wa interrupted !y my 1ncle 3ony who dimied my

    !rother $li. My uncle 3ony wa the oldet o" my grandma )earl children. He

    wa the trict one and my "ather+ "a*orite !rother. 3hey would go 5hing

    e*ery ummer and ometime would ta&e u.

    $*eryone loo&ed at 1ncle 3ony a he told $li go !ac& to what he wa

    doing and to call him in the morning. My mother thought he would tart her

    rant on 1ncle 3ony# !ut he nicely told her to get ready to get dropped o, at

    home and that thi ituation i o*er. He made it clear to her that he wa not

    going to down hi !rother+ children "or the mita&e that hi !rother made

    when he wa here on earth.

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    Anthony and I went !ac& downtair into the &itchen where I a&ed

    grandma )earl i" I could go o*er Anthony+ houe to get away "rom

    e*erything. She agreed to watch Sage and 3errance and told me to a& 1ncle

    Deon to ta&e Anthony and me !ac& to $*anton. I lo*ed my grandma

    !ecaue he undertood me e*en when I "elt no one ele did.

    Act. ll

    3he ride to Anthony+ houe had !een a quiet one. 3hi wa way too

    much "or me to !are at once. I 6ut wanted $li and my mother to hah thing

    out and come together# at leat "or my "ather+ a&e. In addition# I couldn+t

    ee why my "ather would hurt my mother li&e thi# he ne*er eemed li&e that

    type o" guy. 3hee emotion 6ut made me want him !ac& e*en more.

    You !oy hungry/ 1ncle Deon a&ed a we pulled into endy+

    par&ing lot. e !oth hoo& our head no# !ut he inited we eat omething.

    A we got out o" the car# 1ncle Deon pulled me !ac& and told Anthony that

    we+d meet him inide. I &now there i a lot going on right now in your li"e

    nephew# !ut undertand that people are human and ma&e mita&e. He

    went on to dicu how my "ather lo*ed my mother dearly and he 6ut got

    caught up in ome me. 'amily will alway ha*e diagreement# !ut we

    alway remain "amily# he aid.

    9e"ore I &now it I !ro&e down and "ell into hi arm. hy did he ha*e

    to lea*e u li&e thi/ I cried out. I told him that I didn+t thin& thing will !e

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    the ame a"ter e*erything that went down at Aunt Shelia+ houe. He !egan

    to e2plain to me that whate*er would happen a"ter thi ituation# that my

    "ather would want me to tay "ocued on !a&et!all and graduating

    elementary chool. I it e*en worth it anymore/ I aid.

    My 1ncle Deon loo&ed at me with hurt and anger in eye. You ha*e

    many opportunitie that my i!ling and I ne*er had# do you &now that your

    "ather didn+t e*en get the chance to graduate "rom high chool/ he aid. He

    went on aying that he and my "ather at time were le"t to ta&e care o"

    themel*e which turned them to the treet. Your "ather did e*erything in

    hi will to ma&e ure you children ne*er in a million year had to go through

    what we had to# that+ why he mo*ed you guy out o" the city# he aid. 3hen

    he told me that I had nothing to worry and a!out that he would ma&e ure he

    tal&ed to !oth $li and my mother. e then 5nally went into endy+ to meet


    A we pulled up to Anthony+ place# Anthony than&ed my uncle "or the

    "ood and ride# and told me he+d meet me uptair. I nodded in agreement.

    9e"ore I could !egin to tell my 1ncle how than&"ul I wa "or him tal&ing to

    me# he aid nephew I don+t care how hard li"e get promie me you will

    ne*er gi*e up/ In hoc I tared at him "or a moment and replied I

    promie. I then told him that I appreciated him "or !eing up"ront a!out

    thing with me. He mut o" &new I wa re"erring to my "ather not tal&ing to

    me a!out thi mytery woman and told me that my "ather had planned on

    itting down with the whole "amily and to tell u a!out that woman. Your

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    "ather wa in a place in hi li"e where he wa ready to turn thing around# o

    ne*er thin& "or one moment he didn+t care a!out hi "amily and how you

    guy would "eel. He continued to ay that the woman had no right to come

    o*er and handle thing li&e that and with e*eryone !eing in their emotion#

    that+ why thing got out o" control li&e they did.

    I ga*e him a !ig hug and than&ed him "or helping me undertand the

    ituation !etter. He told me that I could alway count on him and to &eep our

    con*eration !etween u. I agreed and headed uptair to Anthony+

    apartment. A"ter ha*ing thee tal& with my 1ncle Deon# he made reali(e

    that I had o much to li*e "or depite what wa going on !etween $li and my

    mother. I "elt li&e omeone had to !e trong "or our "amily and that omeone

    would ha*e to !e me. ?ne thing I did &now wa that my "ather had !een

    proud o" me "or all my accomplihment in !a&et!all and chool@ and that I

    would ma&e a promie to him a well to &eep puhing to !e great.

    I en6oyed coming to Anthony+ place# he alway had the !et *ideo

    game and mo*ie. Hi mother alway &ept the !et nac& and wa alway

    coo&ing. She wa weet lady almot li&e a econd mother !ecaue he wa

    o welcoming. So when I wal&ed in the door# he greeted me with the !igget

    hug. How are you weetheart/ he aid. I told her I wa holding up and he

    told me that he would !e coo&ing a !ig !rea&"at "or u in the morning. I

    miled and went into Anthony+ room. I lo*ed her coo&ing pro!a!ly a little

    more than my mother+ coo&ing.

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    Man# I thought you weren+t coming anymore# Anthony aid in a

    6o&ing manner. I 6o&ingly replied# Yeah# we were out there "or a little minute#

    he wouldn+t hut up. My 1ncle Deon and I had !een out there "or almot an

    hour 6ut tal&ing. Anthony had !een playing ;& on hi )layStation when I

    came in. I wa o happy !ecaue I needed to clear my mind and what !etter

    way than playing ome !a&et!all with my !et "riend and eating 6un& "ood

    all night.

    Beady to get !uted in ome ;&/ he aid laughing. You not tal&ing to

    me !ecaue i" I remem!er correctly the lat game we played# I !eat you !y

    a!out ;C point# I replied. e !oth laughed and got ready "or a long night o"

    clowning each other. A"ter a!out game and I !egin to reali(e how much I

    appreciated Anthony and hi mother "or letting me tay the night to get


    3he ne2t morning# we wo&e up to the mell o" maple !acon coo&ing.

    Anthony+ mom wan+t lying when he aid a !ig !rea&"at. She had made

    'rench toat# panca&e# egg# hah !rown# auage# !acon# grit# and e*en

    ga*e u a *ariety o" 6uice to chooe "rom. Anthony alo had a younger iter

    named ily who wa a!out the ame age a my little !rother 3errance. e all

    at the ta!le and en6oyed thi deliciou "eat together. 3han& "or the

    !rea&"at M. Scott# I aid. She replied# Anything "or my children. She

    went on to a& i" Anthony and I en6oyed our e*ening !ecaue he could hear

    u laughing and 6o&ing all night. e !oth nodded ye with grin on our "ace

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    !ecaue he had !een up to almot E in the morning playing di,erent *ideo


    'eeling a little !etter/ he a&ed me. I told her I wa and appreciated

    the get a way and a&ed i" may!e I could tay another night i" my mother

    didn+t mind. I really wan+t ready to "ace the reality o" going home yet. She

    aid I could i" I a&ed my mother then "ollowed !y aying he would call her

    later and a& "or me !ecaue he wanted to chec& up on her anyway. ?ur

    mother had grew to !e cloe "riend !ecaue Anthony and I hung out o


    A"ter eating that huge !rea&"at# Anthony and I decided to leep hal" o"

    the day away ince we tayed up o late the night !e"ore. hen we got up#

    we played *ideo game a little !it more which made u want to actually go

    play ome !all at the court. I didn+t ha*e any clothe o we had to wal& to

    my houe which wan+t too "ar "rom Anthony+ place. 3hat+ one reaon why I

    li&ed li*ing in $*anton# almot any and e*erything wa in wal&ing ditance

    unli&e li*ing in the city o" 8hicago.

    A we were wal&ing Anthony a&ed me how I wa holding up a"ter

    e*erything that had happened !ecaue he &new that wa a lot on me. I !egin

    to tell him that my 1ncle Deon helped me undertand the ituation !etter !y

    telling me that my "ather wa planning on telling me e*erything a!out thi

    mytery woman and !aically con5rming that I might ha*e another i!ling. In

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    addition# I told him that thoe con*eration changed my outloo& on chool

    a"ter 5nding out my "ather hadn+t e*en completed high chool.

    Anthony told me he could related !ecaue hi older !rother hadn+t

    complete high chool prior to !eing murdered. Alo# that hi mother wa

    alway getting on him and ily a!out the importance o" chool. I ne*er really

    undertood how chool would help me now# i" my "ather did 5ne without out

    it. I &now I got to graduate high chool now !ecaue you hould ha*e een

    the loo& on my 1ncle Deon+ "ace when I told him I had een no point# I told


    Anthony told me he could ne*er ay anything li&e that to hi mother or

    he would pro!a!ly !eat him. He continued on to tell me how grate"ul I

    hould !e to ha*e people around me that care and upport me. I undertood

    where he wa coming "rom !ecaue Anthony+ "ather hadn+t !een in hi li"e

    much and hi uncle and aunt are too !uy with their own li*e to how that

    much attention to him and ily# o hi mother i hi !igget upport ytem.

    hen 5nally arri*ed to my houe and I hadn+t een my mother+ car

    outide# !ut I did ee an un"amiliar !lue 8he*y Mutang in the dri*eway. A I

    entered the houe I called out "or my mother and he didn+t anwer. I

    &noc&ed on $li+ door and he anwered. I that your car in the dri*eway/ I

    a&ed. hen he opened the door a !ig cloud o" mo&e le"t the room and he

    replied Ye. $li had !een high a a &ite and I &new it wa only !ecaue o"

    the night !e"ore with my mother.

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    He then po&e to Anthony who had !een tanding !ehind me. I went to

    my room to change and pac& my !ag in hope my mother would allow me to

    tay at Anthony+ another night. How you doing !ro/ $li a&ed a he came

    into my room ree&ing o" mari6uana. I told him I wa alright and that I 6ut

    need ome time away "rom the houe. A"ter a&ing me that quetion

    Anthony decided to go into the li*ing room and wait "or me to get 5nihed.

    Are you o& $li and !e honet# I aid. He at on my !ed and tared at the

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    ne2t to him wa a pac&ed !ag. here you o, to/ I a&ed. He didn+t ay

    anything. I aid hi name# hoping that he would ay omething to me. I+m

    going to ay with my girl"riend "or a while until thing die down here# he

    aid. He then added that our mother didn+t come home lat night and that he

    apologi(e "or wal&ing out o" the room o a!ruptly. He e2plained how he "elt

    o much preure now that dad wa gone. 'irt# it wa mom ta&ing out here

    "rutration on him that had nothing to do with him to !egin with and now

    me needing him more than e*er now that dad i gone.

    I+*e alway loo&ed up to my !rother e*en i" there are were ome thing I

    didn+t undertand that he doe# !ut I ne*er een him o down and "eeling o

    wea&. All I could do i wal& o*er to him and hug him. I then told him that we

    would !e o&ay and that :od would ne*er put too much on u that we

    couldn+t !ear. He loo&ed at me and aid# I don+t ee where you are getting

    thi trength "rom# !ut I ee you will help me e*ery tep o" the way. I ne*er

    "elt o cloe to my !rother e*er. He then told me to go ahead and that he

    would !e !ac& in a "ew day.

    I le"t out o" the room hoping thing would only get !etter "rom here. $li+

    girl"riend tayed on the outh ide o" 8hicago and not in the !et

    neigh!orhood. I 6ut hope him and my mother would get thing together.

    9e"ore heading to the !a&et!all court# we went !ac& to Anthony+

    houe to drop my pac&ed !ag o,. 3o my urprie my mother had !een there

    in the li*ing room tal&ing to Anthony+ mother. It loo&ed li&e that were ha*ing

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    a deep con*eration a!out omething !ecaue a oon a we came in they

    quic&ly topped tal&ing.

    I wal&ed o*er to my mother and ga*e her a hug and &i. It loo&ed li&e

    he had !een up all night and day crying# her eye had !een o red and

    pu,y. How you "eeling !a!y/ he a&ed. I told her I wa doing 5ne and that

    Anthony and I were going to the court to play ome !a&et!all. She ga*e a

    "a&e mile to co*er the pain he wa "eeling inide. I wanted to a& her the

    ame quetion# !ut "eared the repone o I decided not to.

    7e2t# he apologi(ed "or what happened lat night and told me that it

    would !e a good idea "or me tay at Anthony+ houe "or a "ew day. A"ter

    eeing my !ag# he o"tly laughed and aid oh# o you 6ut &new I wa going

    to ay ye huh/ I crac&ed a little mile and nodded. I lo*ed my mother o

    much and couldn+t ta&e it eeing her li&e thi. She then a&ed me i" $li had

    !een at the houe when I topped !y. I told her no !ecaue I didn+t want to

    ha*e to go into "urther detail a!out anything. 3hen I told her l lo*ed her and

    than&ed "or letting me tay at Anthony+ houe.

    A Anthony and I wal&ed to the court# all I could thin& a!out wa how

    !ro&en my "amily wa right now. My *i!e mut ha*e !een trong !ecaue

    Anthony a&ed me on many occaion i" I wanted to tal& a!out what wa on

    my mind and I &ept telling him no. I 6ut wanted to get on the court and

    releae thi tre. 9a&et!all wa alway made me "eel !etter.

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    e 5nally got to court where we aw a couple o" our "riend there. e

    played a couple o" F-on-F game with them. 3hoe had to !e the mot

    aggrei*e game I+*e e*er played in my li"e. Shot a"ter hot I wa ta&ing

    and ma&ing. I wa o "ocued you would o" thought I wa playing "or a

    championhip game. My "riend e*en told me that my game had impro*ed

    and that i" I &ept playing li&e that might e*en ma&e it to the 79A. A"ter

    playing a "ew game with them# Anthony and I played ome =-on-= game

    until he wa tired. $*en a"ter he at on the ideline# I 6ut hot !a&et until

    my hand were num!.

    8ome on man !een here all day it+ almot cur"ew# Anthony aid to

    me. I wa o caught up trying to "orget a!out e*erything with my "amily I

    hadn+t notice the callue that de*eloped on my hand. ?n the way home#

    Anthony topped and aid# I+*e ne*er een you play li&e you did today# are

    you ure you don+t want to tal&/ A"ter all that !a&et!all I played# I till "elt

    o treed and 6ut !ro&e down.

    9e"ore hitting the ground# Anthony caught me and 6ut let me ha*e my

    moment. It "elt li&e we had !een tanding there "ore*er !e"ore he called hi

    mother to come get u. hen we got !ac& to hi houe I went traight in the

    !athroom. hen I loo&ed in the mirror my "ace reem!led my mother+ "ace

    "rom earlier. My eye were !lood hot red and pu,y. 3hen there wa a &noc&

    on the door. It wa M. Scott chec&ing on me. I told her I would !e out in a

    minute and he told me meet her in the li*ing room.

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    hen I got in the li*ing room Anthony had !een itting on the couch#

    o I at ne2t to him. Your mother told me what happened yeterday and I+m

    here to let you &now that we are here "or you guy. She continued to tell me

    that Anthony told her how good and aggrei*e I wa playing !all at the

    !a&et!all court and he aid that it wa normal to 5nd omething to ta&e

    your mind o, o" thing and that he proud o" me "or uing omething o

    producti*e to do it.

    She then a&ed me wa there anything I wanted to tal& to her a!out

    whether it wa in "ront o" Anthony or not. I a&ed her wa my mother going

    to !e o&ay. 7e2t# he told Anthony to e2cue himel". I wan+t ure i" that wa

    a !ad or good thing. Your mother i going through a lot right now and need

    all the lo*e and upport you can gi*e. I undertand you can only do o much#

    !ut it+ the little thing that count at thi point. She doe undertand how

    he handled thing with your !rother $li were not right and he 6ut need

    time to 5gure out how he i going to 52 thing. She i worried a!out you

    children and how thi i a,ecting all o" you# !ut he i till lo*e and care "or

    you all.

    A"ter hearing that I "elt a tad !etter &nowing that there might !e a

    chance "or thing to wor& out !etween her and $li. 3he only thing I hoped "or

    now i that $li would !e a"e and not do thing to 6eopardi(e the relationhip

    that they had le"t.

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