Scripture Insights Lenten ·...

Vision: That all generations at St. Mary and in the surrounding community encounter Jesus and live as His disciples. Mission: We are called to go out and share the Good News, making disciples who build up the Kingdom of God through meaningful prayer, effective formation and loving service. MARCH 1, 2020 FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT Weekend Mass Times: Sat. 5:00pm Sun. 7:30, 9:30,11:30am Facebook: @stmarymundelein Twitter: @stmarymundelein Instagram: @stmarymundelein Scripture Insights Throughout the season of Lent, the First Readings tell us the story of Israel, which includes some of the main figures from the Old Testament: Adam, Moses, David, and Ezekiel. Through Israel’s sa- cred story we understand better the story of Jesus as told by the Apostle Paul and the evangelists Matthew and John. In his letter to the Romans, Paul con- trasts Adam with Jesus. As a Pharisee trained in the interpretation of the law, Paul was aware of today’s First Reading from Genesis, the story of the creation of Adam and the fall of Adam and Eve. Paul saw in Adam and Eve’s fall the tragic consequences of sin and death for all people. But Paul also saw in Jesus’ death and Resurrection the universal gift of life and acquittal of sin for all people. Paul made sense of the Cross by con- trasting Jesus’ obedience with Adam’s disobedi- ence. Like Paul, Matthew draws parallels be- tween events in the life of Jesus and events in the Old Testament. In the Gospel reading, Matthew tells of Jesus’ temptation in the desert. With the temporal setting of the desert, Matthew’s Jewish community likely heard this temptation story in relation to the forty-year desert experience of Mo- ses and the Israelites told in the Books of Exodus and Numbers. But whereas ancient Israel failed in the desert, Jesus was victorious. As both Paul and Matthew teach, we are connected to our ancestors in faith by both sin and death. Each of us is disobedient to God, and each of us has desert experiences on our journey with God. The Good News is that Jesus has the power to overcome sin and death. –Sourcebook for Sundays, Seasons, and Weekdays 2020: the Almanac for Pastoral Liturgy ©2019 Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications. All rights reserved. Lenten Regulations Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fast and abstinence. The Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence. Abstinence means no meat at any meal for those ages 14 and older. To fast means 1 full meal and 2 smaller meals and nothing to eat between meals for those 18 through 59 years of age. The Lenten practices of prayer, fasting and doing works of charity (almsgiving) are encour- aged for all Catholics.

Transcript of Scripture Insights Lenten ·...

Page 1: Scripture Insights Lenten · 2020-04-04 · at St. Mary and in the surrounding community encounter Jesus Eve. Paul

Vision: That

all generations

at St. Mary

and in the



encounter Jesus

and live as

His disciples.

Mission: We are called

to go out

and share

the Good News,

making disciples

who build up the

Kingdom of God


meaningful prayer,

effective formation

and loving service.


Weekend Mass Times:

Sat. 5:00pm Sun. 7:30, 9:30,11:30am

Facebook: @stmarymundelein Twitter: @stmarymundelein

Instagram: @stmarymundelein

Scripture Insights Throughout the season of Lent, the First Readings

tell us the story of Israel, which includes some of

the main figures from the Old Testament: Adam,

Moses, David, and Ezekiel. Through Israel’s sa-

cred story we understand better the story of Jesus

as told by the Apostle Paul and the evangelists

Matthew and John.

In his letter to the Romans, Paul con-

trasts Adam with Jesus. As a Pharisee trained in

the interpretation of the law, Paul was aware of

today’s First Reading from Genesis, the story of

the creation of Adam and the fall of Adam and

Eve. Paul saw in Adam and Eve’s fall the tragic

consequences of sin and death for all people. But

Paul also saw in Jesus’ death and Resurrection

the universal gift of life and acquittal of sin for all

people. Paul made sense of the Cross by con-

trasting Jesus’ obedience with Adam’s disobedi-


Like Paul, Matthew draws parallels be-

tween events in the life of Jesus and events in the

Old Testament. In the Gospel reading, Matthew

tells of Jesus’ temptation in the desert. With the

temporal setting of the desert, Matthew’s Jewish

community likely heard this temptation story in

relation to the forty-year desert experience of Mo-

ses and the Israelites told in the Books of Exodus

and Numbers. But whereas ancient Israel failed in

the desert, Jesus was victorious.

As both Paul and Matthew teach, we are

connected to our ancestors in faith by both sin and

death. Each of us is disobedient to God, and each

of us has desert experiences on our journey with

God. The Good News is that Jesus has the power

to overcome sin and death.

–Sourcebook for Sundays, Seasons, and Weekdays 2020: the Almanac for Pastoral Liturgy ©2019 Archdiocese of Chicago:

Liturgy Training Publications. All rights reserved.

Lenten Regulations Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of

fast and abstinence. The Fridays of Lent are

days of abstinence.

Abstinence means no meat at any meal for

those ages 14 and older.

To fast means 1 full meal and 2 smaller meals

and nothing to eat between meals for those 18

through 59 years of age.

The Lenten practices of prayer, fasting and

doing works of charity (almsgiving) are encour-

aged for all Catholics.

Page 2: Scripture Insights Lenten · 2020-04-04 · at St. Mary and in the surrounding community encounter Jesus Eve. Paul

Mass Intentions

Monday, March 2 8:00AM Living: Glen & Shelly Scheffler req. Mother Joan †Gertrude Ewald req. The Family †Joseph Koza req. Greg & Elizabeth Koza †Helen Hwang req. The Family Tuesday, March 3 8:00AM †Charles Stith req. Edward Stith †Fr. Ron John Lewinski Wednesday, March 4 8:00AM Living Dcn. & Mrs. Robert Poletto req. Ellen Boyd Thursday, March 5 8:00AM †Liam Nold req. Victoria Hansen Friday, March 6 8:00AM †Brad Hansen, Sr. †Danny Hansen req. Carol Hansen Family Saturday, March 7 5:00PM Living Fr. Brian Kean †John Pryga req. Wife Rosemary & Family †Dennis Gillespie req. Wife & Family †Florence Wrobel req. Family & Friends Sunday, March 8 7:30AM For the Parishioners of St. Mary of the Annunciation 9:30AM Living Carol Hansen req. Victoria Hansen †Vito Lubes req. Betty Braet †Gerald Kudnera req. Brian, Sheila & Maura Dalton †Helen Pieniazkiewicz req. Barbara Magiet 11:30AM Living Matthew Scheffler req. Grandmother Joan †Jim Bledsoe req. Arlene Rogalski †Arthur Sutko req. The Arata Family †Tom Finerty req. Wife Jane & Family †Robert Culver req. Jim & Ann Malloy †Luis Astudillo, †Lina Astudillo req. Beverly Astudillo


Mass Times 5:00PM 7:30AM 9:30AM 11:30AM

Presiders Fr. Cambe Fr. Cambe Fr. Jacob Fr. Jacob

Deacons Deacon Gary Deacon Mike Deacon Howard Deacon Bob

Lectors P. Koch J. Koch

G. Russ L. Zyzda

M. Grady K. Igielski

D. Wittgen S.E. Poletto

Eucharistic Ministers

Deacon D. Washburn S. Washburn W. Pohl M. Pohl C. Fisher J. Murphy D. Harmon S. Harmon

Deacon L. Bosshart M. Manning M. Manning M. Escano R. Hegerle J. Thompson

Deacon C. Perrelle, J. Fosselman S. Gunther C. Lutzow D. Slater, H. Stumpf K. Arata J. Brueau K. Pannhausen J. Rutledge

Deacon E. McPherson S. Matousek S. Ropke C. Sims M. Schofield J. Job N. Martin J. Lyman

The Week Ahead

Sunday, March 1 9:30AM Childcare 9:30AM Liturgy of the Word for Children 10:45AM Family Catechesis 3:00PM Parish Mission: Revealed, Redeemed, Renewed 6:00PM Ignite High School Youth Group Monday, March 2 8:00AM Mass 8:30AM Pray the Rosary 7:00PM Lectio Divina Bible Study 7:00PM Parish Mission: Revealed, Redeemed, Renewed Tuesday, March 3 8:00AM Mass 8:30AM Pray the Rosary 9:00AM Lectio Divina Bible Study 5:30PM Edge 6:30PM St. Vincent de Paul Meeting 7:30PM St. Mary Moms Rosary Group Wednesday, March 4 8:00AM Mass 8:30AM Pray the Rosary 6:00PM P.A.D.S. 7:00PM Parish Choir Rehearsal 7:00PM CountryFest Planning Meeting Thursday, March 5 8:00AM Mass 8:30AM Pray the Rosary 7:00PM Contemporary Choir Rehearsal Friday, March 6 8:00AM Mass in Main Church 8:30AM Divine Mercy Chaplet 6:00PM Stations of the Cross 6:30PM Confessions Saturday, March 7 8:30AM Vicariate New Ministry of Care Training 5:00PM Liturgy of the Word for Children Sunday, March 8 9:30AM Childcare 9:30AM Liturgy of the Word for Children 1:00PM Altar Servers Family Meeting 1:00PM Catholic Heart Work Camp Meeting

Daylight Savings Time begins Sunday, March 8, 2:00 AM

Page 3: Scripture Insights Lenten · 2020-04-04 · at St. Mary and in the surrounding community encounter Jesus Eve. Paul

Sacrament of Reconciliation During Lent

Fridays, 6:30–7:00 PM

Saturdays, 4:00 PM

Extended on April 4th : 3-5 pm

Reflection from the Catechism A selection from The Catechism of the Catholic Church that pertains to either the particular readings of the day or liturgical season or feast

“The Holy Spirit makes us discern between trials, which are necessary for the growth of the inner man,50 and temptation, which leads to sin and death.51 We must also discern between being tempted and con-senting to temptation. Finally, discernment unmasks the lie of tempta-tion, whose object appears to be good, a ‘delight to the eyes’ and desirable,52 when in reality its fruit is death.

“God does not want to impose the good, but wants free be-ings. ...There is a certain usefulness to temptation. No one but God knows what our soul has received from him, not even we ourselves. But temptation reveals it in order to teach us to know ourselves, and in this way we discover our evil inclina-tion and are obliged to give thanks for the goods that tempta-tion has revealed to us.”53

CCC, #2847

Altar Servers Family Meeting Sunday, March 8, 1:00–2:30 PM in Diantha Hall (school gymnasium)

The first of two meetings a year: one in the spring and one in the fall. At this meeting, Fr. Don is going to pre-

sent on the Mass and share updates for the Altar Servers. All the fami-lies are invited to attend. Pizza and beverages will be served. RSVP to

Colleen Russ at [email protected] or call/text 847-951-9213.

Are you or your child thinking of becoming an altar server? Please join us!


Jacob’s Well

Dear Parishioners,

As part of our preparation for the Renew my Church

process, our leaders have identified five core values that repre-

sent our parish’s highest priorities and are at the heart of what

we hope to become. Values in a sense name what we stand for

and should guide the decisions and actions we make. Our per-

sonal values and the values of a community of faith are two

things that can be different and similar at the same time. Our

values as a Church are those values which the entire parish val-


The need for corporate or organizational values is clear

when we look at the bigger picture. If too many people come

together with a different value system, wouldn’t that lead to

chaos and division? Personal values are close to our individual

sense of self and include what we believe in. These are values

that we internalize such as integrity, honesty, and hard work.

Our core values as a Church articulate why we exist as a Church

and what we hope to accomplish together as the Body of Christ.

Naming our core values gives us a focus and direction for our

future. These values are supported by the leadership structures

of our parish and are brought to life by those who are actively

engaged in the pastoral ministry of St. Mary.

Let us pray for one another,

Fr Jerry

Stations of the Cross Fridays of Lent 6:00 PM, big church Join other parishioners in an act of prayer, walking the way of the Cross.


The value of persistent prayer

is not that God will hear us,

but that we will finally hear God.

Core Values As the people of Saint Mary of the Annunciation we strive to imitate Mary’s “yes” to God by:

1. Living in an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ and, through the power of the Holy Spirit, bringing the Good News of God’s love and salva-tion to the world.

2. Cultivating a life rooted in meaningful prayer and sharing in a sacramental life centered on the Eucharist.

3. Participating in life-long formation to grow in holiness and the Christian way of life.

4. Serving with love and compassion those in need while building up a world of justice and peace.

5. Creating a joyful and supportive Catholic com-munity that welcomes all to share in the life of Christ.

Page 4: Scripture Insights Lenten · 2020-04-04 · at St. Mary and in the surrounding community encounter Jesus Eve. Paul

Featured Title for March

Theology for Beginners

By Frank Sheed Theology for Beginners is one of the most outstanding presentations of the central doctrines of the Christian

faith ever penned. After showing how God is Spirit, the author exam-ines God’s infinity and man’s creation from nothing, and then moves on to the Trinity, the Fall, the Incarnation and Redemption, the Mysti-cal Body, Grace and the Sacraments, and the Last Things. For those to whom these doctrines once seemed formidable, Sheed's is a fresh voice of lucid and carefully reasoned prose. To read Theology for Be-ginners is to have one’s mind awakened to the spiritual realities at the center of human existence.

Feature resources can be found at the wooden kiosk in the narthex.

Pray the Daily Rosary Please join other parishioners in the Eucharistic Chapel fol-lowing the 8:00 AM Mass Monday through Thursday.

Pray the Divine Mercy Novena & Chaplet The Divine Mercy Novena & Chaplet is prayed in the Eucha-

ristic Chapel on Fridays immediately following the 8:00 AM Mass .and 3:00 PM during Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

The Family Rosary Join us for Family Rosary Saturday Devotion, requested by Our Lady of Fatima, every First Saturday of the month at 4:30 PM.

St. Mary Childcare Virtus-trained adult volunteers and teen helpers provide childcare for children 6 months–4 years of age during the 9:30 Mass. All are wel-come! Please contact Kitty White: [email protected] if you have questions about the childcare ministry or are interested in volun-teering.

Readings for the Week Monday: Lv 19:1-2, 11-18; Ps 19:8-10, 15; Mt 25:31-46 Tuesday: Is 55:10-11; Ps 34:4-7, 16-19; Mt 6:7-15 Wednesday: Jon 3:1-10; Ps 51:3-4, 12-13, 18-19; Lk 11:29-32 Thursday: Est C:12, 14-16, 23-25; Ps 138:1-3, 7c-8; Mt 7:7-12 Friday: Ez 18:21-28; Ps 130:1-8; Mt 5:20-26 Saturday: Dt 26:16-19; Ps 119:1-2, 4-5, 7-8; Mt 5:43-48 Sunday: Gn 12:1-4a; Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22; 2 Tm 1:8b-10; Mt 17:1-9

Sip coffee, meet other moms, bring kids to play and make crafts! Please join us at St. Mary's Moms Monthly Meetings! Every second Tuesday of the month, from 9 am to 11 am, in the meeting rooms off the narthex. All moms welcome, come alone or with a child. We'd love to see new faces! Next three meetings are March 10th, April, 21st, and May 12th.

Stewardship Report

Sunday Collection February 23, 2020 $ 26,563.42

Budgeted Weekly Collection $ 22,596.15

Difference $ 3,967.27

Current Fiscal Year-to-Date* $ 777,969.38

Budgeted Sunday Collections To-Date $ 790,865.38

Difference $ (12,896.00)

Difference vs. Last Year $ 11,368.92 *Note: YTD amount reflects updates by bank to postings and adjustments.

People often don’t look forward to Lent. Words like “sacrifice,” “discipline,” and “self-denial” are often used in ways that suggest that Lent is something to be endured rather than a time of grace and spiritual growth. Imagine for a minute that this Lent is going to be different than any other Lent. Imagine that God wants to transform our lives and that something wonderful is about to happen! Visit the Lent page on the parish website to make the most of this Lenten season of renewal.

Pray for all who suffer illness, pain and grief:

Cortez Thorton, Linda Licata, Mary Bennett

and for the repose of all who have recently died: Vivian Brunette, Anna Scott, Liam Nold,

Ben Rend, Merle Jakatis

Page 5: Scripture Insights Lenten · 2020-04-04 · at St. Mary and in the surrounding community encounter Jesus Eve. Paul

Consider Becoming a Sponsor for One of Our RCIA candidates God has sent us four men and women who are seeking to become part of our Catholic faith this year. They are, Therese, Sharon, Ray and Grant. All four of them were baptized in other faith traditions and now seek to make their profession of faith in the Catholic Tradition. We are looking for people to be parish sponsors for these candidates. The Sponsor usually attends the RCIA sessions with each candidate. Our sessions are held on Sunday mornings, after the 9:30 AM Mass; 2 or 3 times a month. The sponsor assists in introducing the candidate to our St. Mary Catholic community. A sponsor does NOT have to have “all the answers” about the Catholic faith, but it is important that you value your Catholic faith and want to share it with others. Your role is to accompany the candidate into relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church. What is required for a sponsor?

A desire to be a friend and companion during an important time in someone’s life

A desire to learn with your candidate

Be a Baptized & confirmed Catholic who regularly practices their faith and leads a life in harmony with the faith.

Please contact Fr. Jerry or Catherine Sims, the RCIA Coordinator at [email protected], if you would consider becoming a sponsor for one of our candidates.

Share Some Good News! Do you enjoy being a part of St. Mary? Help tell others about it! Our Communications ministry is looking for volunteer writers,

graphic designers, ministry ambassadors and social media consult-ants to share their talents with us. Give back to your parish community in a new, fun way! To learn more, contact Kirsten Bobber at [email protected]

REP NEWS! The registration forms for the 2020-2021 REP year are now on the parish web site and in the kiosk in the narthex. The summer session for 2020 is now closed and families who requested that option will be notified the week of March 2.

Our program cannot happen without the many volunteer catechists who share their time teaching the faith to the children. Our summer session, which runs July 6-17 from 9:00am to noon M-F, is in need of several catechists. Please contact Sue Matousek for more infor-mation at [email protected] or 847-223-0010.

Lector Training for New Ministers Learn the theology, skills, and self-confidence to help communicate God’s Word and make it come alive for the assembly.

Saturday, March 14 Registration: 8:30 AM; Workshop: 9:00 AM–Noon Registration:

Questions of the Faith with CCHS Theology Faculty Thursday, March 12, 6:30 PM Students at Carmel Catholic enjoy the opportunity to

ask any and all questions about the faith in a format called "Open Line." They gather together during class time once per month and Theology department faculty members share answers rooted in the authentic teaching of the Church. The resulting conversations are lively and thought-provoking. Deacon Mark Plaiss and other members of the Carmel Catholic Theology Faculty will host an "Open Line" style event for adults interested in asking questions and engaging in dia-logue in a friendly, informative environment. All are welcome.

Women’s Prayer Group Lord, Teach Me to Pray A Spiritual Journey with St. Ignatius of Loyola

Lord, Teach Me to Pray is a three-part Ignatian prayer series devel-oped to meet the desire for on-going spiritual growth; for an appropri-ate response to the call to holiness; and for a deeper commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord. In facilitated faith-sharing prayer communities, the Lord, himself, teaches us to pray.

A new LTMTP Prayer Group is forming at St. Mary’s this Lent

Part 1 - Praying Christian Virtues Prayer group sessions meeting through 5/29.

March – 3/6, 3/13, 3/27 April – 4/3, 4,10, 4/17, 4/24 May – 5/1, 5/8, 5/15, 5/29

All prayer group sessions meet in the hospitality room at from 9:00 am to 11:00 a.m.

If you are interested in learning more about Ignatian Spirituality, have experienced a desire to deepen your prayer life, or are simply looking for a way to grow closer to Our Lord, this prayer group may be just what you have been searching for! To register or for more information on the group forming at St. Mary of the Annunciation, Please contact Diane Igielski by phone at 847-469-8470 or by email at [email protected] FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THE PROGRAM, PLEASE VISIT

Have a deeper Lenten – Easter Season this year with daily scripture-based prayer!

For everything has the potential of calling forth in us a deeper response to our life in God.

~ St. Ignatius of Loyola

Page 6: Scripture Insights Lenten · 2020-04-04 · at St. Mary and in the surrounding community encounter Jesus Eve. Paul


@youth_stmaryfc St. Mary of the Annunciation

Youth Ministry

Page 7: Scripture Insights Lenten · 2020-04-04 · at St. Mary and in the surrounding community encounter Jesus Eve. Paul

F isch–ing Lines by Deacon Howard Fischer

In today’s Gospel Jesus is confronted with three temptations

that would divert him from the mission assigned by the Fa-

ther: pleasure/indulgence of the body, fame, and power. We, too,

are often faced with these same sources of evil cloaked in attrac-

tive wrappings…and unlike Jesus we often utterly fail to resist.

Author Alice Camille writes:

Lent begins each year with the same story: Jesus goes into the desert

and meets the devil. Of course he does. When you and I wander into

the wilderness of our lives, we meet the devil, too, but unlike our en-

counters that end with total or at least partial capitulation to an unholy

point of view, Jesus holds fast to words of life that make it impossible

for the devil to get a claw into him. Jesus’ secret defense is no secret

at all: fasting, prayer, and keeping company with the Holy Spirit. Which

brings us to what the whole church is about to do together in this sea-

son, because you also would like a happier ending to your wilderness

encounters than the ones you’ve known so far.

So let’s make a pledge to each other as church right now. In these 40

days I will pray and fast for you and you’ll pray and fast for me. We’ll

lift each other up, in every silent struggle with the devil, so that the

word of life remains more powerful than the lies the world is telling.

Place your hope in the story that can change you.

Let us join together in making – and keeping – Alice’s pledge! Lent

seeks to jar us out of our normal routines in order to focus our time

and energy on reinvigorating our relationship with God, assessing how

well we are living the Gospel, and making whatever changes are

needed to better resist the temptations that divert us from God’s ways.

To accomplish this goal, the Church urges that we re-dedicate our-

selves to the practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving (charity) dur-

ing Lent – with the idea that these practices will become part of

the fabric of our lives beyond these 40 days! If we embark on any

Lenten discipline supposing that we simply need to “get through” the

next 40 days, we are missing the whole point and deluding ourselves

into thinking we are doing a good job. Too often we ignore the difficult

but essential work of transformation as we limit our efforts to trite, su-

perficial practices (like giving up chocolate) that don’t touch our hearts

or lifestyles.

Here are a few ideas to consider for your Lenten activities:

Spend at least 10 minutes per day reading and praying with the

Scriptures. Start with the Gospels and read two chapters each day.

Give up something you won’t take back after Lent is over. Then

devote the time, energy, and money you save to something life-


Fast from criticism, negativity, and gossip. Fast from apathy and

procrastination. Fast from making judgmental and derogatory com-

ments in social media…and in person!

Pick one trait, attitude or habit that gets in the way of your relation-

ships with your spouse, children, friends, and/or with God...and work

on it! Triumph over the temptation in attractive wrapping that has its

claws in you.

Pack meals at Feed My Starving Children. Or join the St. Vincent de

Paul Society. Donations are great, but personal involvement is even

more valuable.

Make Operation Rice Bowl part of your family plans during Lent.

25,000 people die from hunger EVERY DAY!! This is a chance to

do something about it.

Call or write that someone you've been meaning to get in touch with

for ages.

If there is a feud in your family, write a note and attempt to heal the


Change how you spend your time: spend less time with TV or social

media and more time with your spouse & family; increase your in-

volvement with the parish and charitable groups; read a book or two

that will nourish your spiritual life.

Watch a good biblical movie with the entire family, such as Franco

Zeffirelli's “Jesus of Nazareth.” For adults, watch a film that will

challenge your conscience, such as “Romero” or “Dead Man Walk-


Join us for Stations of the Cross on the Fridays of Lent at 6:00pm.

May our Lenten activities help us to emerge at Easter as a renewed

people! If you wish to contact me, please send an email to

[email protected].

In the Beautiful Quiet of the Eucharistic Adoration Chapel… The beautiful quiet of the Eucharistic Adoration Chapel. A place to say the rosary, read Scripture, the daily Magnificat, or just silently talk to Jesus in the depth of my heart. Better yet, in the beautiful quiet of the Eucharistic Adoration Chapel, I can sit and just

be there in His Presence, knowing that He knows me better (much better) than I know myself and listen. If I am in pain, as can happen sometimes in life, I don’t even have to say anything. I can gaze at Him and know that His healing presence is right there with me. He knows my pain. He knows my joys. He knows my sorrows. He knows. He just simply knows. And, in the beautiful quiet of the Eucharistic Adoration Chapel, I can just sit and gaze at Him and love Him. I can feel His Life, His Wisdom, His love for me, and His love for all mankind. In the beautiful quiet of the Eucharistic Adoration Chapel, the room is filled with His peace… because in the beautiful quiet of the Eucharistic Adoration Chapel I am in His Presence. The Catechism says of contemplation: 2715 Contemplation is a gaze of faith, fixed on Jesus. "I look at him and he looks at me": This is what a certain peasant of Ars in the time of his Holy Curé used to say while praying before the tabernacle. This focus on Jesus is a renunciation of self. His gaze purifies our heart; the light of the countenance of Jesus illumines the eyes of our heart and teaches us to see everything in the light of his truth and his com-passion for all men. Contemplation also turns its gaze on the myster-ies of the life of Christ. Thus it learns the "interior knowledge of our Lord," the more to love him and follow him. [Cf. St. Ignatius of Loyola, Spir-

itual Exercises, 104]

In the beautiful quiet of the Eucharistic Adoration Chapel, I can fix my

gaze upon Jesus, and rest in the comfort of His love.

Page 8: Scripture Insights Lenten · 2020-04-04 · at St. Mary and in the surrounding community encounter Jesus Eve. Paul

Faith & Friends Enrichment A Powerful Prayer Lenten Experience

Thursday, March 5th, 6:30—8 PM

Are you a woman looking for a way to enrich your prayer life during Lent?

Are you seeking a meaningful prayer connection to Lenten scripture?

Are you interested in meeting other women who are seeking prayer opportunities?

Are you curious about the “Power of Prayer Toolkit”?

If you answered “yes” to 2 or more of these questions,

join us for an evening of Faith and Friends Enrichment.

Bring a friend or neighbor.

St. Mary Parish, Marian Room, 10 N. Buffalo Grove Rd,

Buffalo Grove,

RSVP by March 2nd to [email protected] Contact Sharon Pawula if you have any questions:

[email protected], 847-858-6333

Sponsored by the Archdiocesan Council for Catholic Women

Attend the 14th annual Men Of Christ Conference to make your Lent a special experience. Join 3,000 men (including St. Mary’s men too) on March 14th in Milwau-kee. The conference features gifted

speakers, prayer, opportunities for confession, a closing Mass with the Archbishop, and quality time with other men focusing on Christ in your life. Use this link for more information and to register.

Spiritual Spring Training Retreat for Men With Fr. Ed Pelrine

The Institute for Pastoral Leadership invites you to their

MARCH 14, 2020 RETREAT a day of reflection on what it means to be a Catholic Christian man

in today’s challenging culture. WHERE: University of Saint Mary of the Lake Conference Center, Building 400. TIME: 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM COST: $55 per person which includes lunch and the stipend for the retreat director. No refunds for cancellations after February 29, 2020.

REGISTER on Eventbrite at OR Call Mary at 847-837-4550. Our Retreat Director: Father Ed has an M. Div. from the University of St.

Mary of the Lake and an M.B.A. from Loyola University of Chicago. He was

ordained a priest 2001 for the Archdiocese of Chicago and is the former Pastor

of Queen of the Rosary Parish, Elk Grove Village (2007-2015), former associ-

ate pastor St. Celestine Parish, Elmwood Park (2003-2007) and St. Cajetan

Parish, Chicago (2001-2003). Father Ed was a member of the Presbyteral

Council of the Archdiocese of Chicago (2011-2015) and is a member of the

College of Consultors of the Archdiocese of Chicago (2014-present), former

director of the Johnson O’Connor Foundation in Chicago (1987-1997). Father

Ed Pelrine is the Associate Dean of Formation, Director of Spiritual Life, Dean

of Admissions at Mundelein Seminary.

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The Human Concerns Commission will be meeting on Wednesday, March 11th at 6:30 in the meeting rooms. Who should attend? A representative from each

ministry under HCC HCC Members at large Interested parishioners who

would like to learn more about how our parish cares for others All are welcome to attend.


Lenten Fast for Creation Care

This Lent, consider a Lenten Sacrifice focused on

Care for God’s Creation. Why a Lenten Creation Care

Fast? Our collective energy use patterns have a

significant impact on our environment.

Week Two: Heating and cooling account for up to 48 percent of home energy

consumption according to the Dept. of Energy. So, putting on a sweater and turning the

thermostat down helps protects the environment. Try turning it down to 68° when you

are home, and lower when you are asleep or away. A 7° drop for 8 hours/day can

generate up to a 10% energy savings.

The St. Mary of the Annunciation Military

Ministry invites you to participate in the HELP USA

TROOPS Care Package Collection. Boxes will be

in the narthex for the next two weeks. Items

needed include: personal hygiene items like

deodorant, shampoo, razors, chapstick, ibuprofen, etc. and pocket sized food and

snacks like granola bars, GS cookies, instant soup mixes, etc. and heat tolerant

candy/gum. Cards and letters welcome also...more information is available on the

side of the boxes. Thanks in advance for your support. Members of the Stmota

Military Ministry will be going to the sorting and packing event for the care packages.

Last year they sent over 1,000 care packages! If you have a loved one who is

deployed on active duty and would like them to receive a care package, and/or if

you would like your loved one’s name printed monthly in the bulletin, please contact

Diane in the office with the name, rank, (and for care package, address)

At their November General Assembly, the full body of bishops approved scripts for videos to inspire prayer and action in political life and to help Catholics apply the teachings of Pope Francis to our day. The vide-os complement Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, the bish-ops’ teaching document for the faithful on the political responsibility of Cath-olics, and they seek to help the faithful participate in public life, prioritize faith over partisan politics, engage with civility, and respond to pressing is-sues of our day. Each video ends with a prayer. The videos are available on the USCCB’s YouTube channel and at

Ministry of Care Training March 7 & 14. Contact Diane in the parish office for more information.

Page 10: Scripture Insights Lenten · 2020-04-04 · at St. Mary and in the surrounding community encounter Jesus Eve. Paul

Ministry of Care Training for New Ministers of Care

Saturday, March 7: 9:00-10:45 Spirituality in the Ministry – Marlene Sweeney 11:00-12:30 Pastoral Communication Skills—Amy Florian Lunch 12:30-1:00 BYO 1:00-3:00 Ministerial Procedures—Linda Engle Saturday, March 14: 9:00-10:45 The Experience of Suffering—Andrea Hug 11:00-12:30 Theology of the Eucharist—Deacon Jim Minor Lunch 12:30-1:00 BYO 1:00-2:45 Prayer in Care Ministry—Sr. Mary Barbara Hassler 2:45-3:00 Closing prayer and sending forth – Gloria Askew Full participation in both training sessions will fulfill Archdiocesan requirements for mandation. When: Saturdays, March 7 & March 14, 2020 Sign-in: 8:45-9:00 am Session: 9:00 am -3:00 pm Where: St. Mary of the Annunciation Catholic Learning Center (former school) 22277 W. Erhart Road, Mundelein, IL 60060 Please bring your own brown bag lunch. A continental breakfast will be provided by St. Mary of the Annunciation as well as beverages for lunch.

Reservations: You MUST contact the Ministry of Care Coordinator at your parish prior to registering for this workshop at Questions? Contact Maureen Evers at [email protected].

Extraordinary Ministers

of the Eucharist

Training, Spring 2020

For new ministers and ministers who need remandation

Prepare to serve the Body and blood of Our Lord at Mass by learning: The role of the Extraordinary Ministers throughout our history. The structure of the Mass and the dynamics of the Eucharist; practical aspects to serving as an Extraordinary Minister. Attending the follow-up session that will take place here at St. Mary. Saturday, March 14 Registration– 8:30 AM; Workshop 9:30 AM to Noon Holy Cross Church, 724 Elder Lane, Deerfield Registration: Training meets Archdiocesan requirements for mandation and re-mandation. Open to Vicariate ! Parishioners.

Question and Information Session

Why Do Catholics Go to Confession? Experiencing God’s Love and Mercy

Presented by

Fr. Don Cambe Associate Pastor, St. Mary of the

Annunciation Parish

Wednesday, March 18, 2020 -

7:00-8:30 p.m.

Parish Meeting Rooms

Would you like to feel closer to God? Have you been away from the Sacrament of Reconciliation for a long time and you are not sure how to come back? God longs for you and wants you to experience His immense love and mercy. Learn more about the beauty of the encoun-ter with God and find answers to common questions and misconceptions about the sacrament:

Why do we need Confession? and Why do Catholics

confess to a priest? What is Confession designed to be, what is it not in-

tended to be? What is the best way to prepare for Confession? What should I confess and what happens during con-

fession? Will I feel awkward and will the priest think less of

me after hearing my sins?

If you have not been to Confession in a while come and reacquaint yourself with this beautiful sacrament of heal-ing in this casual and open environment. There is no better time to start over with the Sacrament of Reconcili-ation than during the season of Lent! Registration is requested to plan for the session. Register online at the parish website or return

slip below to parish office.

Registration for Why Do Catholics Go to Confession?

Name: ________________________________

Email: ________________________________

Please return this slip to the Parish Office.

Page 11: Scripture Insights Lenten · 2020-04-04 · at St. Mary and in the surrounding community encounter Jesus Eve. Paul

Sacrament of Penance Saturdays 4:00—4:40 PM, and by appointment

Baptisms Ordinarily during the Mass on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month and after the Mass on the other Sundays, outside of Lent. Parents are required to participate in a Baptismal Preparation class before scheduling a Baptism.

Adult Initiation Adults who wish to become Roman Catholics are enrolled in a formation process that includes prayer, dialogue, instruction, and introduction to the Church’s life and values, rituals and tradition. Call the parish office for more information.

Marriage St. Mary Parish rejoices with parishioners who are preparing for the Sacrament of Matrimony. The Archdiocese of Chicago requires that a wedding be scheduled at least six months in advance so that the couple may receive necessary preparation. A parish wedding information packet is available at the parish office.

Ministry of Care Ministers of Care visit the homes of the sick, homebound, or hospitalized and bring Holy Communion to them. Call the parish office when a pastoral visit is desired. The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is administered by the parish priest upon request.

New parishioners We welcome new members who wish to worship with us and support the parish’s work and mission. New Parishioner Welcome session is offered on the 2nd Sunday of the month. Time of registration is 10:45AM—11:25AM. If you are unable to make the Welcoming Session, please call the parish office to schedule time to register.


Saturday 5:00 PM

Sunday 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:30 AM

Weekday at 8:00AM Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

Thursday, Friday



Parish Emergency 224-358-3210

Parish Fax 847-223-5960

22333 W. Erhart Road • Mundelein, Illinois 60060 • WWW.STMARYFC.ORG Email: [email protected]

Frassati Catholic Academy: 847-526-6311

Religious Education Program (REP) Emergency Number 847-239-2725

Parish Office Hours Monday–Friday 8:30AM–4:00PM

Parish Staff

Dcn. Howard Fischer Ext. 215 Director of Parish Operations [email protected]

Ms. Tammy Kleckner Principal, [email protected]

Ms. Jo Bond-Ostler Bookkeeper/Accountant [email protected]

Ms. Victoria Hansen Ext. 200 Administrative Assistant [email protected]

Mr. Robert Kilkenny Ext. 304 Facilities Manager [email protected]

Mr. James Shaffer Maintenance

Rev. Ken Kiepura Rev. Ed Pelrine Weekend Associates

Rev. Jerome Jacob Ext. 213 Pastor [email protected]

Rev. Don Cambe Ext. 212 Associate Pastor [email protected]

Deacons Mike Alandy, Gary Kupsak, Robert Poletto, Alan Sedivy

Mr. Fred Vipond Ext. 234 Director of Music & Liturgy [email protected]

Ms. Sue Matousek Ext. 218 Director of Religious Education [email protected]

Ms. Diane Mulroe Ext. 216 Director of Human Concerns [email protected]

Mr. Grant Bright Ext. 230 Coordinator of Youth Ministry [email protected]

Pastoral Council Mary Lou Loomis Joaquin Valdes Cassandra Dye Kathy Lenzen Pete Coughlin Dan Prezell

Sheila Dalton Carey Marciniak Marivie Alandy Jon Matousek Linda Green

Sandra Fioretti-Frank*

Finance Council

Larry Molloy Denise Fuller

Joe Tylka Tom Zengeler Roger Fisher Patrick Tracy

Carl Calabrese Kevin Igielski*

*ex-officio, secretary