Script G2


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Transcript of Script G2

Page 1: Script G2

Script: Healthy Eating 

                          Archival footage

Montage of shots within the college shows on screen whilst voice over is on.

Narrator V.O - Over the last 25 years, rates of obesity have risen in many countries around the world significantly in students ages 16-18. Researchers are now calling this an international epidemic of childhood obesity.

                          Title screen plays.

                         Narrator walks up the college road entrance

Narrator O.S –the transition from secondary school to college allows students a lot more freedom when it comes to choosing what to eat. Does this mean young adults make bad choices when it comes to eating healthily? We went down to the sixth for college Solihull to find out the opinions and views from the students themselves.

                         camera cuts to college sign.

Montage of vox pops.

Narrator V.O -From the range of responses we received we can see that it is neither common nor uncommon for a student’s diet to change from how it was in secondary school.

But the real question is, are these young people still making healthy choices when it comes to eating?

                        Montage of vox pops.

Narration V.O -Another number of varying responses, there are students who made healthy choices throughout both sixth form and secondary school and some students who did the opposite. Seemingly their choice in food all comes down to personal preference.

Narration O.S – we asked the canteen manager of the college, Brenda Walker, some questions we had on their food and their service.

                             1st expert interview with dinner lady cutaways to the canteen and food.

Narrator O.S – in 2009 almost a quarter of adults age 16 and over were classified as obese, could this be down to the choice that pupils make for themselves? We asked them a simple question, an apple or a bag of crisps?

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                          Vox pops answering apple or crisps question. 

Footage of pupils eating plays with the next voice over

Narrator V.O – Studies have shown that student that regularly choose a bag of crisps over an apple have a 11% more chance of becoming obese in later life.

We asked biology teacher Oona Stone on her opinion on the subject of if young people do make the right or wrong choices

                            First part of expert interview

Cutaways to the food served in the canteen

Footage of the canteen plays with the next voice over

Narrator V.O -Personal preference does play a big role when these young adults pick what to eat, so choosing that chocolate bar that is a little bit tastier than salad may not be the most beneficial option for these students

But what exactly are the benefits of healthy eating?

Expert interview is brought back

Cutaway to vitamins and minerals

                            Plays archival footage of the effects of unhealthy eating

Narrator V.O -Deficiency diseases although one of the most dangerous effects of healthy eating are not the only problems student have to worry about, the most obvious problem is obesity

Obese children have a 25-50% chance of being obese adults, however this possibility can be has high as 78% for those older obese adolescence

Many of these problems are prevented by leading a healthy lifestyle

After the break we talk to students to ask them if they are willing to make a change to their diets, starting with getting rid of the vending machines

Montage of vow pops without the sound

Footage of a student using a vending machine