Script base de datos


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Transcript of Script base de datos

Page 1: Script base de datos

use master


create database yuly

on primary(

name= 'yuly_data',

filename= 'C:\data\yuly_data.mdf',





log on (

name= 'yuly_log',

filename= 'C:\data\yuly_data.ldf',






use yuly


create table Proveedores(

Id_Proveedor int primary key not null,

Nom_Proveedor char(20) not null,

Fabricante char(20) not null,

Dirección char(30) not null,

Zona char(20) not null


select* from Proveedores

create table Articulos(

Id_Articulo int primary key not null,

Nom_Art char(20) not null,

Tipo char(20) not null,

Fabricante char(20) not null,

Id_Proveedor int not null,

Contenido smallint not null,

Precio Money not null,


select* from Articulos

create table Inventario(

Id_Articulo int primary key not null,

No_Almacen int not null,

Nom_Art char(20) not null,

Id_Proveedor int not null,

Precio Money not null,

Existencia int not null


select* from Inventario

create table Ventas(

Id_Factura int primary key not null,

Page 2: Script base de datos

Id_Cliente int not null,

Id_Articulo int not null,

Id_Empleado int not null,

Fecha date not null


select* from Ventas

create table Detalle_Venta(

Id_Factura int primary key not null,

Nom_Art char(20) not null,

Tipo char(20) not null,

Importe_Uni smallint not null,

Piezas int not null,

Total int not null


select * from Detalle_Venta

create table Empleados(

Id_Empleado int primary key not null,

Nombre char(20) not null,

Apellidos char(30) null


select * from Empleados

create table Detalle_Emp(

Id_Empleado int primary key not null,

Edad smallint null,

Puesto char(30) not null,

Antiguedad smallint not null,

Dirección char(30) not null,

Tel smallint not null,

CP char(10) null


select * from Detalle_Emp

create table Clientes(

Id_Cliente int primary key not null,

Nom_Cliente char(20) not null,

Apellidos char(30) null


select * from Clientes

create table Detalle_Cliente(

Id_Cliente int primary key not null,

Dirección char(30) not null,

Tel int not null,

Correo char(30) null,

CP char(20) null


select * from Detalle_Cliente