Scottish Government Drivers | Liam Kelly

Climate Change in Scotland: targets, policies and assessment Liam Kelly Climate Change Division



Transcript of Scottish Government Drivers | Liam Kelly

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Climate Change in Scotland:targets, policies and assessment

Liam Kelly

Climate Change Division

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• Climate Change (Scotland) Bill

• Mitigation: delivering the 80% target

• Carbon assessment

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Scottish Government climate change policy landscape

CLIMATE CHANGE (SCOTLAND) BILL• Sets the strategic, long term aims

• Creates the necessary legislative framework to pursue those strategic aims

SUPPORTDescribes how the Government will pursue its strategic aims


• Strategic Overview Paper

• Carbon assessment

• Emissions trading


• Scotland’s Climate Change Adaptation Framework


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Climate Change (Scotland) Bill

• 80% emissions reduction target in 2050

• Interim 50% target in 2030 •Covers all GHGs

• Statutory framework based on annual targets•Set at least 12 years in advance•Based on expert advice from CCC

• Targets will include international aviation and shipping

Key features

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Climate Change (Scotland) Bill – enabling powers

• Require production of an energy efficiency action plan

• Powers to reduce waste and encourage recycling

• Powers to vary dates for muirburn (land management tool to prevent wildfires)

• Powers to promote and incentivise generation of heat from renewable sources

• Possible powers include:

– improving energy performance of non-domestic buildings

– maximising potential of forest estate

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“Do” - Policies and actions

“Check” – Annual reports“Act” - Adjust actions as required

“Plan” – Target reports

Climate Change (Scotland) Bill

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Achieving 80% - the size of the challenge

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Setting out carbon budgets for the UK – CCC report

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Identifying inputs to delivery

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• Assumes delivery of existing and planned policies

• Improved vehicle technologies and “smarter choices”

• CCS for energy generation and industry

• Increased forest area

• Renewable heat

• Building energy efficiency

Inputs to the delivery work

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Inputs to delivery work –baseline emissions in Scotland, 2006

Inventory category %

Power stations 32

Road transport 17

Residential combustion 12

Land converted to cropland 11

Other industrial combustion 10

Agricultural soils 6

Landfill 4

Enteric fermentation - cattle 4

Commercial and institutional combustion 3

Refineries 3

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Delivering emissions reductions: Strategic Overview Discussion Paper

• Key sectors for abatement - electricity, heat, transport, housing, land use

• High level policy options - abatement potential and cost

• Short (2012), medium (2020) and long term (2030 and 2050)

• Releasing the potential abatement - milestones, barriers to implementation, actions

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Carbon assessment in the Scottish Government

“…… Taking account of carbon impacts is already part of the best-value duty …… but the new carbon assessment tool will be applied to all Government spending in Scotland….”

Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Sustainable Growth, John Swinney, January 2008

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Carbon assessment

• High level assessment of overall budget• Individual level assessment of policies and plans

• Challenges include:• Setting boundaries• Establishing the methodological basis • Integration into wider business• Linking assessments together

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Budget key facts

• Spending review every 2 or 3 years• Varying levels of detail• £34.6 billion in Scotland (2009-10), split approximately

as follows:– 33% to Local Authorities – 33% to the NHS – 7% on Further & Higher Education– 25% on Environment, Housing, Transport,

Justice, Administration

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Consumption or production?

Production MtCO2e

Consumption MtCO2e

Scottish public sector 0.9 10.8

Scotland 59.0 83.6UK public sector 10.5 127.7UK 652.0 977.9

Source: AEA, SEI

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HLA progress to date

• Literature review and consultation on carbon assessment methodologies

• Expert workshop• Proceeding on input-output basis initially

• Pilots in 2-3 areas

• Examining reduction mechanisms

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ILA project

• Follows HM Treasury guidance on treating policy impacts

• Uses existing guidance on the Shadow Price of Carbon • Defra/DECC guidance on Greenhouse Gas Appraisal &

Evaluation – recently updated December 2008• Pilot areas currently engaged in trial operation of ILA


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• Climate Change Bill – next Parliamentary activity follows shortly

• Setting targets – more details to emerge this summer with the Strategic Overview

• Carbon assessment - long term development of a complex issue