Scott Thompson, Web 2.0 2009 summit




Transcript of Scott Thompson, Web 2.0 2009 summit

  • 1.

2. The cycle of innovation is compressing 3. Confidential and Proprietary Web Squared Lifestyle Programming Languages Customer Experience Devices Platform Seamless Integration 4. 100 things your kids may never know about (Wired, 7/09) 5.

  • Blake loves sneakers and sells them in Australia.He wants to sell online but struggles with payments.
  • Problem:
  • Checks & money orders are slow and inconvenient.
  • Consumers prefer cards but individuals & very small businesses cant accept them.


  • Solution:
  • Enable individuals to accept cards & other payment types
  • Enable transactions between distant people who dont know or trust each other

Electronic payments removed friction in eCommerce 6. Confidential and Proprietary Goal:Monetize your applications with global payments capability. Initial Suite of Services in PayPals Open Platform 7.