Scotish Guidelines of Bronchiolitis

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Transcript of Scotish Guidelines of Bronchiolitis

  • 8/22/2019 Scotish Guidelines of Bronchiolitis


    BhhA national clinical guideline

    1 i 1

    2 dag 4

    3 raa 7

    4 Amaa 10

    5 iga 12

    6 tam 15

    7 sympmaahpahag 18

    8 chympmap 19

    9 lmgaam 21

    10 Pphyahap 23

    11 imapaaa 26

    12 impmaaa 31

    13 dpmhg 33

    Abba 37

    r 38



    Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network


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    1++ High quality meta-analyses, systematic reviews of randomised controlled trials(RCTs), or RCTs with a very low risk of bias

    1+ Well conducted meta-analyses, systematic reviews of RCTs, or RCTs with a lowrisk of bias


    Meta-analyses, systematic reviews of RCTs, or RCTs with a high risk of bias2++ High quality systematic reviews of case control or cohort studies

    High quality case control or cohort studies with a very low risk of confounding orbias and a high robability that the relationshi is causal

    2+ Well conducted case control or cohort studies with a low risk of confounding orbias and a moderate robability that the relationshi is causal

    2 - Case control or cohort studies with a high risk of confounding or bias andasignifcantriskthattherelationshipisnotcausal

    3 Non-analytic studies, eg case reorts, case series

    4 Exert oinion


    Note: The grade of recommendation relates to the strength of the evidence on which therecommendation is based. It does not reect the clinical importance of the recommendation.

    A At least one meta-analysis, systematic review of RCTs, or RCT rated as 1++

    and directly alicable to the target oulation; or

    A body of evidence consisting rincially of studies rated as 1+, directly alicableto the target oulation, and demonstrating overall consistency of results

    B A body of evidence including studies rated as 2++, directly alicable to the target

    oulation, and demonstrating overall consistency of results; orExtraolated evidence from studies rated as 1++ or 1+

    c A body of evidence including studies rated as 2+, directly alicable to the targetoulation and demonstrating overall consistency of results; or

    Extraolated evidence from studies rated as 2++

    d Evidence level 3 or 4; or

    Extraolated evidence from studies rated as 2+


    Recommended best ractice based on the clinical exerience of the guidelinedeveloment grou


  • 8/22/2019 Scotish Guidelines of Bronchiolitis


    Sttish Inteegite Gieines Net

    Bnhiitis in hien

    A national clinical guideline

    November 2006

  • 8/22/2019 Scotish Guidelines of Bronchiolitis


    Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines NetworkISBN 1 (10) 905813 01 5

    ISBN (13) 978 1 905813 01 8First published 2006

    SIGN consents to the photocopying of this guideline for thepurpose of implementation in NHSScotland

    Sttish Inteegite Gieines Net

    28 Thiste Steet, Einbgh EH2 1EN


  • 8/22/2019 Scotish Guidelines of Bronchiolitis


    1 Inttin

    1.1 BackGrouNd

    Bronchiolitis of infancy is a clinically diagnosed respiratory condition presenting with breathingdifculties, cough, poor feeding, irritabilit and, in the ver oung, apnoea. These clinicalfeatures, together with wheee and/or crepitations on auscultation combine to make thediagnosis. Bronchiolitis most commonl presents in infants aged three to six months.

    Bronchiolitis occurs in association with viral infections (respirator snctial virus; RSV, inaround 75% of cases)2 and is seasonal, with peak prevalence in the winter months (Novemberto March) when such viruses are widespread in the communit. Re-infection during a singleseason is possible.

    The burden of disease is signicant. Around 70% of all infants will be infected with RSV intheir rst ear of life and 22% develop smptomatic disease. Since RSV is associated withonl 75% of bronchiolitis cases, it ma be estimated that around a third of all infants willdevelop bronchiolitis (from all viruses) in their rst ear of life.3 For Scotland this translates toapproximatel 15,000 infants.

    Around 3% of all infants ounger than one ear are admitted to hospital with bronchiolitis. 4Based on Scottish morbidit recording for the ears 2001 to 2003 a mean of 1,976 childrenper year (aged up to 2 months) were admitted to hospital with bronchiolitis as the principaldiagnosis.5

    The rate of admissions to hospital with bronchiolitis has increased over the past 10 ears. Thereasons for this are not fully understood and are likely to be multifactorial and include improvedsurvival of preterm infants.4

    In most infants the disease is self limiting, tpicall lasting between three and seven das.Most infants are managed at home, often with primar care support. Admission to hospital isgenerall to receive supportive care such as nasal suction, supplemental oxgen or nasogastrictube feeding.

    Children with underling medical problems (prematurit, cardiac disease or underling respiratordisease) are more susceptible to severe disease and so have higher rates of hospitalisation.4In preterm infants less than six months of age, admission rate with acute bronchiolitis is 6.9%with admission to intensive care more frequent in such patients.4

    In a UK stud, the RSV-attributed death rate (measured in infants aged one to 12 months) was8.4 per 100,000 population.6

    Twent percent of infants with bronchiolitis (40-50% of those hospitalised) proceed to agrumbling, sometimes protracted, respirator sndrome of persistent cough and recurrent viral-induced wheee.7 Ongoing smptoms ma relate to continuing inammation and temporarcilial dsfunction.8 An association between acute bronchiolitis and later respiratory morbidityis recognised.9

    1.2 NEEd for a GuIdElINE

    There is widespread variation in the management of infants with bronchiolitis both in hospitaland, anecdotall, in the communit.0 The guideline aims to reduce the use of unnecessartherapies and investigations, particularl in the acute illness, and to guide referral patterns fromprimar to secondar and for some, tertiar care.

    1 INTroducTIoN

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    BroNcHIolITIS IN cHIldrEN

    1.3 GuIdElINE rEmIT

    This guideline provides evidence based recommendations on the prevention, diagnosis,investigation, treatment and management of bronchiolitis. Specic attention has been givento the most appropriate use of diagnostic, referral and prognostic tools, particularl for those

    in primar care.The guideline focuses on the clinicall diagnosed condition of bronchiolitis in infants less than12 months of age. This minimises an bias from reporting discrepancies associated with thediagnosis of bronchiolitis above this age. For example, in the USA the term bronchiolitis mabe used to describe an wheee associated with a viral infection in older children, creating therisk that studies on children over twelve months of age ma include different disease entities.

    As infants with signicant comorbidities have increased susceptibilit to bronchiolitis beondtwelve months of age, the following specic groups were considered up to 24 months of age:

    those born prematurel (37 weeks gestational age)

    infants with congenital heart disease (CHD) or underling respirator disease.

    Most studies of investigations and treatments for bronchiolitis have been conducted in hospitalised

    infants. In addition, the majorit of studies which were identied excluded individuals withsignicant coexisting conditions. Except where explicitl stated, recommendations appl directlto previousl health infants.

    Bronchiolitis in immunodecient infants or those with rare (orphan) lung disease was notconsidered, nor was preoperative screening for RSV. Specialist intensive care practice was alsobeond the scope of the guideline. Virological testing for non-RSV causes of bronchiolitis suchas parainuena, adenovirus, inuena A and B, metapneumovirus, rhinovirus, enterovirus orMycoplasma pneumoniae is outside the scope of this guideline.

    1.4 audIENcE

    This guideline will be of interest to all health professionals in primar and secondar careinvolved in the management of infants with bronchiolitis including:

    general practitioners (GPs) specialist paediatric nurses

    emergency medicine specialists paediatric nurses

    general paediatricians infection control team

    respiratory paediatricians health visitors

    neonatologists practice nurses

    paediatric intensivists paediatric physiotherapists

    public health specialists pharmacists

    The guideline will also be of interest to parents and carers as well as to healthcare managersand polic makers.

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    1.5 STaTEmENT of INTENT

    This guideline is not intended to be construed or to serve as a standard of care. Standardsof care are determined on the basis of all clinical data available for an individual case andare subject to change as scientic knowledge and technolog advance and patterns of care

    evolve. Adherence to guideline recommendations will not ensure a successful outcome inever case, nor should the be construed as including all proper methods of care or excludingother acceptable methods of care aimed at the same results. The ultimate judgement must bemade by the appropriate healthcare professional(s) responsible for clinical decisions regardinga particular clinical procedure or treatment plan. This judgement should onl be arrived atfollowing discussion of the options with the patient, covering the diagnostic and treatmentchoices available. It is advised, however, that signicant departures from the national guidelineor an local guidelines derived from it should be full documented in the patients case notesat the time the relevant decision is taken.

    1.6 rEvIEw aNd updaTING

    This guideline was issued in 2006 and will be considered for review in three ears. An updates

    to the guideline in the interim period will be noted on the SIGN website: .sign..

    1 INTroducTIoN

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    BroNcHIolITIS IN cHIldrEN







    2 dignsis

    2.1 clINIcal dEfINITIoN

    The diagnosis of bronchiolitis is a clinical one based on tpical histor and ndings onphsical examination. Clinicians in different countries use different criteria to diagnose acutebronchiolitis.2

    A consensus guideline from the UK developed using a Delphi panel reported a 90% consensuson the denition of bronchiolitis as a seasonal viral illness characterised b fever, nasal dischargeand dr, whee cough. On examination there are ne inspirator crackles and/or high pitchedexpirator wheee.2

    Bronchiolitis tpicall has a coral phase for two to three das which precedes the onset ofother smptoms.

    In the rst 72 hours of the illness, infants with bronchiolitis ma deteriorate clinicall beforesmptom improvement.

    A number of other conditions can mimic acute bronchiolitis. Pulmonar causes of bronchiolitis-like smptoms include asthma, pneumonia, congenital lung disease, cstic brosis or inhaledforeign bod. Non-pulmonar causes include CHD, sepsis or severe metabolic acidosis.3

    2.2 dIaGNoSTIc valuE of clINIcal cHaracTErISTIcS

    2.2.1 AGE

    Bronchiolitis mainl affects infants under two ears of age. Ninet percent of cases requiringhospitalisation occur in infants under twelve months of age.4 Incidence peaks at age three tosix months.

    No evidence was identied on the value of age as a specic discriminator feature in thediagnosis of bronchiolitis.

    2.2.2 FEVER

    Infants with bronchiolitis ma have fever or a histor of fever.14-18 High fever is uncommon inbronchiolitis.1,16 In a prospective stud of 90 infants hospitalised with acute bronchiolitis (meanage 4.4 months), onl two (2.2%) had a temperature of 40C. Twent eight infants (31%) hadfever as dened b a single axillar temperature recording >38C or two successive recordings>37.8C taken four hours apart during the rst 24 hours of admission. A high proportion ofthe febrile infants (71%) had a severe disease course requiring oxgen supplementation.19

    d The bsene ee sh nt ee the ignsis te bnhiitis.

    d In the esene high ee (axillary temperature 39C) e etin theses sh be neten bee ing ignsis.

    It is unusual for infants with bronchiolitis to appear toxic. A toxic infant who isdrows, lethargic or irritable, pale, mottled and tachcardic requires immediate treatment.Careful evaluation for other causes should be undertaken before making a diagnosis ofbronchiolitis.

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    Nasal discharge often precedes the onset of other smptoms such as cough, tachpnoea,respirator distress and feeding difculties.13,14

    2.2.4 COUGH

    Expert opinion suggests that a dr, whee cough is characteristic of bronchiolitis.12,13 Cough,along with nasal smptoms, is one of the earliest smptoms to occur in bronchiolitis.7


    Increased respirator rate is an important smptom in lower respirator tract infection (LRTI)and particularl in bronchiolitis and pneumonia.1,15,16,18

    d Inese esit te sh se ssiin e esit tt inetin,ti bnhiitis neni.

    It is not possible to provide specic denitions of tachpnoea since the range of rates variesb age with rates particularl difcult to interpret in infants less than six months of age.2 TheWorld Health Organisation cut offs for dening tachpnoea, although widel used, have notbeen full validated.12,18,20

    2.2.6 POOR FEEDING

    Man infants with bronchiolitis have feeding difculties due to dspnoea but poor feedingis not essential for the diagnosis of bronchiolitis. Feeding problems are often the reason forhospital admission.1,14


    Dspnoea and subcostal, intercostal and supraclavicular recessions are commonl seen ininfants with acute bronchiolitis.11-14,16

    The chest ma be visibl hperinated in bronchiolitis.1,13,16 The presence of a hperinatedchest ma help to distinguish bronchiolitis from pneumonia.6


    Fine inspirator crackles in all lung elds are a common (but not universal) nding in acutebronchiolitis.1,12,15,16 In the UK, crackles on chest auscultation are regarded as the hallmark ofbronchiolitis. Infants with no crackles and onl transient earl wheeing are usuall classiedas having viral-induced wheee rather than bronchiolitis.4

    2.2.9 WHEEzE

    UK denitions of bronchiolitis describe high pitched expirator wheee as a common but not

    universal examination nding.1,12,15,18

    American denitions of bronchiolitis place much moreemphasis on the inclusion of wheee in the diagnosis.6 This presents difculties in extrapolatingdata from American research.

    2.2.10 APNOEA

    Apnoea can be the presenting feature of bronchiolitis, especiall in the ver oung and inpremature or low birthweight infants.13,14,20

    2.3 Summary of dIaGNoSTIc cHaracTErISTIcS

    d a ignsis te bnhiitis sh be nsiee in n innt ith ns ishge andawheezycough,inthepresenceofneinspiratorycracklesand/orhighpitched

    eit heee. ane be esenting ete.

    2 dIaGNoSIS

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    BroNcHIolITIS IN cHIldrEN



    2.4 SEaSoNalITy

    Both bronchiolitis and RSV infection demonstrate winter seasonalit in temperate climates.7This is less true in other parts of the world,2 and a recent history of international travel may besignicant. In Scotland, RSV infection peaks between November and March (see Figure 1).

    The generation of epidemiological information is dependent on virological testing and diseasesurveillance. In Scotland, weekl surveillance information is based on the numbers of laboratorreports to Health Protection Scotland, which come mainl from hospitalised patients.22

    Figure 1: RSV laboratory reports to Health Protection Scotland by four-week period

    d Hethe essins sh te sesnit int nt hen nsieing thessibe ignsis te bnhiitis.

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    3 ris ts seee isese

    Almost all studies relating to bronchiolitis are performed on those attending or admitted tohospital. The disease severit status triggering attendance at or admission to hospital will depend

    on local levels of supportive care provided through both primary and secondary care withinthe communit. Decisions to admit or to discharge from hospital are multifactorial, taking intoconsideration factors such as comorbidities, geograph and the perceived abilit of carers torespond appropriatel if an infants condition deteriorates.

    3.1 aGE

    younger infants have a higher risk of hospital admission with bronchiolitis than olderinfants.23-26

    3.2 SIGNIfIcaNT comorBIdITIES

    3.2.1 PREMATURITy

    Infants born prematurel have a modestl higher rate of RSV-associated hospitalisation comparedwith full-term health babies. 23,25-33 Table 1 presents the results of a stud to determine the ratesof hospital admission (in children up to two years of age) for RSV infection among infants bornat different gestational ages over a ten ear period.27

    Table 1: Association of gestational age with RSV hospital admission rate27

    Gesttin ge (ees) 28 29-32 33-35 36

    Number of infants observed 68 498 1,133 33,983

    RSV hospital admission rate (%) 7 7 4 2Relative risk of hospital admission(95% Condence Intervals)

    3.6(2.7 to 4.8)


    (1.4 to 2.6)


    In a retrospective observational stud of infants born at term, the hospital admission rate forchildren under three years of age with bronchiolitis was higher for those with congenitalheart disease (9.2%) than those with no underling medical condition (3%).26 In three furtherobservational studies infants with CHD accounted for 6.4% to 12% of all RSV associatedhospital admissions.28,32,34

    3.2.3 CHRONIC LUNG DISEASE OF PREMATURITyA prospective study of the use of healthcare resources in infants with chronic lung disease(CLD) born at 32 weeks gestation or less found that during the rst two ears after birth 45infants (19%) had at least one hospital admission for a proven RSV infection and 24 (10%) hadat least one admission for probable bronchiolitis.35

    This increased rate of hospitalisation (with RSV infection) in those with underling CLD is alsoshown in ve retrospective cohort studies, some of which included full-term infants.26-28,31,32

    3 rISk facTorS for SEvErE dISEaSE

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    BroNcHIolITIS IN cHIldrEN











    Infants born prematurely or who have congenital heart disease or chronic lung disease are atincreased risk of severe RSV disease.

    c Hethe essins sh be e the inese nee hsit issin

    in innts bn t ess thn 35 ees gesttin n in innts h he ngenit hetisese hni ng isese etit.

    No evidence was identied on the risk of hospitalisation with bronchiolitis in infants withchronic lung disease not associated with prematurit.

    3.3 aTopy

    No evidence was identied on personal atop as a risk factor for severe disease course inbronchiolitis. There is conicting evidence as to whether a famil histor of atop is associatedwith acute bronchiolitis requiring hospitalisation. In two studies, different markers of atopdemonstrated both association and lack of association with severe disease within the samestud.25,36 A further study demonstrated an association between maternal asthma and less severehospitalised disease as measured b oxgen saturation and length of sta.37

    3.4 SocIal facTorS


    In a prospective case control stud of infants born at 33-35 weeks gestation or who were lessthan six months of age at the start of the RSV season, breast feeding for more than two monthshad a protective effect.38 There was a greater likelihood of RSV hospitalisation if breast feedingduration was less than two months (odds ratio; OR 3.25, 95% condence intervals; CI 1.96to 5.42). In another case control stud, breast feeding was associated with a lower risk of RSVhospitalisation in infants under and over six months of age.39

    c Best eeing ees the is rSv-ete hsitistin n sh be engen ste.


    Parental smoking is associated with an increased risk of RSV-related hospitalisation of infantswhen compared with non-smoking families (with adjusted odds ratios ranging from 1.3 to 3.4with broad condence intervals).23,26,40 There is evidence of a weak association between RSVhospitalisation and smoking in pregnanc.25,33,40

    One stud in premature infants found no signicant association between hospitalisation forRSV-related LRTI and maternal smoking, although maternal smoking was associated withhospitalisation for an LRTI.30

    c Hethe essins sh in iies tht ent sing is ssiteith inese is rSv-ete hsitistin.


    Observational studies indicate an association between having siblings at home (particularly ofschool age or attending day care) and increased risk of hospitalisation of infants with clinicallydiagnosed bronchiolitis or RSV infection.23,25,26,28,33,39,41This effect is seen in infants previouslhealth, born prematurel or with CLD.28

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    Onl one stud was identied that examined the association between severe bronchiolitis anddeprivation score. A small case control stud in infants under 12 months of age found thatthe risk of admission with clinically suspected bronchiolitis and with bronchiolitis requiringmedical intervention rose with increasing level of deprivation score based on electoral wardof residence.42

    Overcrowding and fuel povert are other markers of socioeconomic deprivation. Observationalstudies show associations between both overcrowding and bedroom sharing and increasedrisk of hospitalisation with RSV in infants born at term and prematurel. 23,24,33,39 No studieswere identied on the inuence of domestic heating on incidence or severit of acutebronchiolitis.

    3 rISk facTorS for SEvErE dISEaSE

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    BroNcHIolITIS IN cHIldrEN


    4 assessent n ee

    4.1 aSSESSmENT


    Previous guidelines identify a number of clinical features of severe disease inbronchiolitis:12,43

    poor feeding (70/min

    presence of nasal aring and/or grunting

    severe chest wall recession


    Risk factors for severe disease are discussed in section 3.


    No good quality evidence on the use of formal clinical scoring systems in infants with acutebronchiolitis was identied.

    4.2 rEfErral

    No good qualit studies were identied regarding the effectiveness of indicators for referralfrom primar to secondar care or for admission to intensive care. Good practice guidancebased on the clinical experience of the guideline development group is presented. This takesinto account risk factors for, and clinical predictors of, severe disease as well as a previous

    consensus guideline on breathing difcult in children, a New zealand guideline on wheeeand chest infection in children less than one ear and the British Thoracic Societ guidelineson the management of communit acquired pneumonia in childhood.1,12,44

    Most infants with acute bronchiolitis will have mild disease and can be managed at homewith primar care support. Parents/care givers should be given information on howto recognise an deterioration in their infants condition and asked to bring them backfor reassessment should this occur.

    An of the following indications should prompt hospital referral/acute paediatricassessment in an infant with acute bronchiolitis or suspected acute bronchiolitis:

    poor feeding (70/min

    presence of nasal aring and/or grunting

    severe chest wall recession


    oxgen saturation 94%

    uncertaint regarding diagnosis.

    Clinicians assessing the need to refer (or review in primary care) should also takeaccount of whether the illness is at an earl (and perhaps worsening) stage, or at alater (improving) stage.

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    The threshold for hospital referral should be lowered in patients with signicantcomorbidities, those less than three months of age or infants born at less than 35 weeksgestation. Geographical factors/transport difculties and social factors should also betaken into consideration.

    Indications for high dependenc/intensive care unit consultation include:failure to maintain oxgen saturations of greater than 92% with increasing oxgentherapy

    deteriorating respirator status with signs of increasing respirator distress and/orexhaustion

    recurrent apnoea.

    4 aSSESSmENT aNd rEfErral

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    BroNcHIolITIS IN cHIldrEN






    5 Inestigtins

    Acute bronchiolitis is a clinical diagnosis. Clinicians assessing infants with possible acutebronchiolitis ma perform investigations when diagnostic uncertaint exists or to aid decision

    making regarding subsequent management. These investigations ma include oxgen saturationrecording, blood gas analsis, chest X-ra, virological or bacteriological testing, haematologand biochemistr. This section considers the evidence supporting the role of these investigationsin the management of an infant with acute bronchiolitis.

    5.1 oxyGEN SaTuraTIoN

    In an emergenc department stud, clinical assessment alone was poor at predicting associatedhpoxaemia in infants presenting with a respirator illness.45 A survey described how smalldifferences in oxgen saturation level (92% compared to 94%) within the theoretical clinicalvignette of an infant with acute bronchiolitis signicantl inuenced the recommendation ofpaediatric emergenc phsicians to admit or discharge patients.46

    Lower oxgen saturation levels on hospital admission predict more severe disease and longerlengths of sta.47-49

    c pse iet sh be ee in ee hi h ttens hsit ith tebnhiitis.

    Infants with oxgen saturation 92% require inpatient care.

    Decision making around hospitalisation of infants with oxgen saturations between92% and 94% should be supported b detailed clinical assessment, considerationof the phase of the illness and take into account social and geographical factors.

    Infants with oxgen saturations >94% in room air ma be considered fordischarge.

    5.2 Blood GaSES

    An observational stud attempted to correlate clinical respirator features, arterial blood gasesand oxgen saturation with illness severit (measured as the maximum fraction of inspiredoxgen; FiO2, required during admission). Oxgen saturation and arterial carbon dioxidetension (PaCO2) best predicted the need for high concentration oxgen therap. Oxgen tension(PaO2) levels were less useful. There is a risk of confounding in the stud in that the degreeof hpoxaemia or hpercarbia ma have inuenced both the decision to use oxgen and theconcentration used.50

    Blood gas analsis (capillar or arterial) is not usuall indicated in acute bronchiolitis.It may have a role in the assessment of infants with severe respiratory distress or

    who are tiring and ma be entering respirator failure. Knowledge of arterialisedcarbon dioxide values ma guide referral to high dependenc or intensive care.

    5.3 cHEST x-ray

    In a sstematic review of the use of chest X-ra in acute bronchiolitis it was concluded that, inmild disease, chest X-ra provides no information that is likel to affect treatment.

    An observational stud identied a range of independent predictive factors for a normal chestX-ra in infants with virologicall conrmed RSV attending or admitted to hospital: increasedpostnatal age in months, larger birth weight, presence of rhinitis, absence of retractions andhigher transcutaneousl measured oxgen saturation.5 These studies suggest that chest X-raneed onl be performed in selected cases.

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    c chest x- sh nt be ee in innts ith ti te bnhiitis.

    Chest X-ra should be considered in those infants where there is diagnostic uncertaintor an atpical disease course.

    5.4 vIroloGIcal TESTING

    Strategies for limiting disease transmission are discussed in section 9.

    Rapid virological testing can be of benet in relation to guiding isolation and allocating patientsinto cohorts in hospital.52 Rapid testing for RSV, which can be performed at the point of carein order to facilitate this, has been shown to have acceptable performance in comparison tolaborator based tests despite reduced diagnostic sensitivit.53,54 A case control study found thatrapid diagnosis of respiratory viral infections in infants was cost effective by reducing lengthof hospital sta, antibiotic use and number of microbiological tests performed compared to amatched group of patients from the previous ear who were diagnosed b virus culture.55

    There ma be a reduction in unnecessar interventions associated with knowledge of RSVstatus.53,56 In a postal surve, phsicians reported that a denitive viral diagnosis was importantto patients.57

    d uness eqte istin iities e ibe, i testing rSv is eenein innts h eqie issin t hsit ith te bnhiitis, in e t gieht ngeents.

    5.5 BacTErIoloGIcal TESTING

    In a prospective cohort stud of 156 previousl health febrile infants with bronchiolitis, noneand 1.9% had bacteraemia or urinar tract infection (UTI) respectivel, in comparison with 2.7%and 13.6% of 261 febrile controls.58 This stud concluded that previousl health febrile infantsaged 24 months or ounger with bronchiolitis are unlikel to have bacteraemia or UTI.

    A cross-sectional stud found that 6.5% of febrile infants up to 60 das old with bronchiolitis hada UTI and none had bacteraemia or meningitis in comparison with 10% (UTI), 2.3% (bacteraemia)and 0.8% (meningitis) in febrile non-bronchiolitic infants in the same age range.59

    c rtine bteigi testing (of blood and urine) is nt inite in innts ithti te bnhiitis. Bteigi testing ine sh be nsiee inebie innts ess thn 60 s .

    5.6 HaEmaToloGy

    A well conducted systematic review did not identify any studies directly addressing the value offull blood count in the management of infants with bronchiolitis. Extrapolation of data comparingfull blood count at baseline in interventional studies suggests that full blood count does not aiddiagnosis or guide therapeutic intervention in infants with acute bronchiolitis.

    d f b nt is nt inite in ssessent n ngeent innts ith tite bnhiitis.


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    5.7 BIocHEmISTry


    No studies were identied on the use of urea and electroltes (U&E) measurement in infantswith acute bronchiolitis. Expert opinion considers that electrolte disturbances are unlikelunless there is severe disease.3

    d meseent e n eettes is nt inite in the tine ssessent nngeent innts ith ti te bnhiitis bt sh be nsiee inthse ith seee isese.


    There has been limited investigation into the role of C-reactive protein (CRP) measurementin distinguishing bacterial from viral lower respirator tract infections. Existing studies areretrospective or of poor qualit and do not provide sufcient evidence upon which to base arecommendation in relation to bronchiolitis.60-62

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    6 Tetent

    Outcomes examined include short term clinical benets, development of subsequent chronicrespirator smptoms, attendance at medical services, length of hospital sta and readmissions

    rate and admission to a paediatric intensive care unit (PICU). Evidence from primar care,accident and emergenc (A&E), hospital and PICU environments has been considered. Studiesare reported on the basis of their primar outcome measures unless otherwise stated.

    6.1 aNTIvIralS

    A Cochrane sstematic review examined the effectiveness of nebulised ribavirin in infantsand children with lower respirator disease attributable to RSV infection.63 Many studies inthe review excluded children with signicant comorbidities. There was a conict within thereview with regard to the acute infection phase. One stud, which used a nebulised waterplacebo, suggested that nebulised ribavirin reduced length of hospital sta and the number ofdas of mechanical ventilation. Nebulised water, however, ma have a detrimental effect on

    pulmonar mechanics.64 If this stud is excluded, two randomised controlled trials (RCTs) usingsaline placebo suggest there is no effect in the ribavirin group.

    B Nebise ibiin is nt eene tetent te bnhiitis ininnts.

    Three RCTs examined the effect of nebulised ribavirin on chronic respirator smptoms. Alltrials were of poor qualit with lack of blinding to treatment allocation, no placebo control,short follow up period or ver small numbers.65-67 There is insufcient evidence to makea recommendation on the use of nebulised ribavirin for treatment of long term respiratorysmptoms in bronchiolitis.

    6.2 aNTIBIoTIcS

    No contemporar studies were identied on the use of antibiotics in infants with acutebronchiolitis. Bacteraemia is infrequent in RSV infection (see section 5.5).

    Antibiotic therap is not recommended in the treatment of acute bronchiolitis in infants.

    6.3 INHalEd BroNcHodIlaTorS

    6.3.1 BETA 2 AGONISTS

    In a sstematic review of 12 small placebo controlled trials, eight reported no clinical benetfor inhaled beta 2 agonist bronchodilators in infants with acute bronchiolitis. Three studies

    demonstrated short term (30 to 60 minutes) clinical benet as measured b various indicatorssuch as clinical scores, respirator rate, heart rate and oxgen saturation. One stud measureda worse clinical outcome in the treatment group. The use of bronchodilators had no effect onrate of hospitalisation or time to hospital discharge. Chronic smptoms and reattendance athospital were not considered.68

    B Inhe bet 2 gnist bnhits e nt eene the tetent te bnhiitis in innts.


    Two underpowered studies demonstrate no benet in the use of nebulised ipratropium ininfants with bronchiolitis.69,70

    Nebulised ipratropium is not recommended for the treatment of acute bronchiolitis ininfants.

    6 TrEaTmENT

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    6.4 NEBulISEd EpINEpHrINE

    In a high qualit multicentre RCT, nebulised epinephrine did not affect overall clinical status,oxgen requirement, time to hospital discharge or rate of hospital readmission within one month,for infants hospitalised with acute bronchiolitis.7 Although additional RCTs were identied,

    none were of sufcient qualit for inclusion. a Nebise einehine is nt eene the tetent te bnhiitis

    in innts.

    6.5 aNTI-INflammaTorIES


    Two RCTs in infants with bronchiolitis have demonstrated that inhaled corticosteroids haveno effect on length of hospital sta, time to becoming asmptomatic or rate of respiratorreadmission to hospital within 12 months.72,73

    a Inhe tisteis e nt eene the tetent te bnhiitisin innts.


    A Cochrane systematic review concluded that oral systemic corticosteroids did not reducelength of hospital stay in previously well infants less than 2 months of age with acutebronchiolitis.74

    a o sstei tisteis e nt eene the tetent tebnhiitis in innts.

    Long term effects of oral corticosteroids were investigated in a small RCT (n=54) with follow-upat age ve ears. Oral prednisolone given for the rst seven das of acute bronchiolitis did notprevent wheee or the development of asthma up to a mean age of ve ears.75 The applicabilitof this stud is limited b its recruitment of children up to two ears of age.


    Onl one stud on the use of montelukast in children with bronchiolitis was identied. Forchildren aged three to 36 months (median age nine months) admitted to hospital with acutebronchiolitis/acute wheee, dail treatment with montelukast for 28 das (starting within sevendas of smptom onset) signicantl increased the number of smptom free das over a 56da period (22% v 4% placebo, p=0.015). Da-time (but not night-time) cough scores werereduced.76 The results of this stud cannot be generalised to infants in the UK with bronchiolitiswhere median age at diagnosis is 4.6 months.72 There is therefore insufcient evidence onwhich to base a recommendation.

    6.6 HoSpITal BaSEd SupplEmENTary THErapIES

    6.6.1 PHySIOTHERAPy

    A Cochrane sstematic review examined three RCTs of chest phsiotherap in infants with acutebronchiolitis not undergoing mechanical ventilation, and without comorbidities. Percussionand vibration techniques did not reduce length of hospital sta or oxgen requirements, nordid the improve the clinical severit score.77

    a chest hsithe sing ibtin n essin is nt eene in inntshsitise ith te bnhiitis h e nt itte t intensie e.

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    There are no clinical trials assessing the benet of nasal suction in acute bronchiolitis. Expertconsensus is that nasal suction ma improve respirator status in infants with bronchiolitis.43

    d Ns stin sh be se t e seetins in innts hsitise ith te

    bnhiitis h ehibit esit istess e t ns bge.


    Infants in respirator distress ma have difcult feeding due to increased work of breathing,nasal secretions and exhaustion. This makes it difcult for them to maintain adequate input andhdration. Common strategies are to commence small frequent feeds, nasogastric or orogastricfeeding or intravenous uids. In a review there was no good qualit evidence that rehdrationb the nasogastric route is more or less safe than via the intravenous route. 78 Expert opinionconsiders that nasogastric feeding ma be an option where infants are at risk of dehdration.

    d Nsgsti eeing sh be nsiee in innts ith te bnhiitis h nntintin inte htin.

    6.6.4 OXyGEN

    No studies on the use of oxgen in infants with acute bronchiolitis were identied. Therecommendation is based on expert opinion.79

    d Infantswithoxygensaturationlevels92%orwhohavesevererespiratorydistress nsis sh eeie seent gen b ns nne es.


    No studies were identied that provided evidence about the location or timing of ventilatorsupport for infants with acute bronchiolitis.

    Earl discussion with a paediatric intensive care unit and introduction of respiratorsupport should be considered in all patients with severe respiratory distress orapnoeas.

    6.7 HoSpITal BaSEd TrEaTmENT GuIdElINES

    Three studies on the effect of treatment guideline implementation on length of hospital sta ininfants with acute bronchiolitis were identied. The small numbers included in these studies andsignicant methodological problems with confounding factors mean that no recommendationcan be made.80-82

    6.8 commuNITy BaSEd SupplEmENTary THErapIESNo studies were identied on the effectiveness of steam, nasal decongestion, homeopathicremedies or an complementar therapies in the treatment of infants with acute bronchiolitis.

    6 TrEaTmENT

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    7 St tin n hsit ishge

    7.1 duraTIoN of SympTomS followING acuTE BroNcHIolITIS

    In an RCT of inhaled corticosteroid treatment in infants with acute bronchiolitis, time takenfor half of the infants in the placebo arm to become asymptomatic for 48 hours was 2 days(95% CI 10 to 16).72

    Two cohort studies provided information on the duration of smptoms following acutebronchiolitis. The rst, emploing twice-weekl structured telephone interviews found that themedian duration of illness was 12 das (95% CI 11 to 14 das), with 39% of infants reportedlnot completel well after 14 das, 18% after 21 das and 9% after 28 das. 83 This studalso suggested that subsequent contacts with healthcare professionals may be reduced whenparents/carers are full aware of the potential duration of acute smptoms. The second studfurther subdivided symptoms and reported median duration of cough was 2 days (interquartilerange 8-20 das); wheee was seven das, difcult breathing was six das and poor feedingwas seven das.6

    B pents n es sh be ine tht, the nset te bnhiitis,n h innts itht biit e stti b t ees bt tht s tin i sti he sts te ees.

    Following acute bronchiolitis, cilial damage persists for 13-17 weeks.8

    7.2 HoSpITal dIScHarGE crITErIa


    Two studies provide evidence that, in infants who attend hospital with bronchiolitis, pulseoximetr has a signicant inuence on the decision to admit to hospital or to discharge.84,85

    No good qualit evidence was identied for specic thresholds on which to base decisions aboutdischarge or whether these should be based on continuous or intermittent oxgen saturationmonitoring.

    Previous guidelines offer various lower limits for acceptable oxgen saturation levels in air ininfants with acute bronchiolitis, ranging from 90-94%. An acceptable duration of desaturationis not dened.11,12

    Infants who have required supplemental oxgen therap should have oxgen saturationmonitoring for a period of 8-12 hours after therap is discontinued (including a period ofsleep) to ensure clinical stabilit before being considered for discharge.

    Infants with oxgen saturations >94% in room air ma be considered for discharge.

    7.2.2 FEEDING

    Although a history of reduced feeding is one of the main factors in deciding whether to admitan infant to hospital, no studies were identied on the use of feeding as an indicator for safehospital discharge.86 In hospitalised infants with bronchiolitis, oral feed volumes have beenreported as less than half that of well infants.87

    Hospitalised infants should not be discharged until they can maintain an adequate dailyoral intake (>75% of usual intake).

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    8 chni sts n

    8.1 cHroNIc SympTomS

    An association between acute bronchiolitis and later respirator morbidit is recognised. Themechanisms for this are poorl understood. There is debate as to whether the primar insultto the lung is the acute bronchiolitic illness, or whether there is prior genetic/environmentalpredisposition to respirator morbidit. The severit of acute bronchiolitis ma be the bestpredictor of chronic respirator smptoms.88

    8.1.1 ONE yEAR

    Two small prospective cohort studies conrm high rates of recurrent wheee episodes in the 12months following hospitalisation for RSV bronchiolitis.89,90 A Dutch stud (n=130) reported arecurrent wheee rate of 61% in those with, compared with 21% in those infants without, signsof airow limitation at presentation.89 A German stud (n=126) reported recurrent wheee in31% of infants hospitalised with RSV bronchiolitis compared with 3.6% in controls.89 In extended

    follow up the Dutch stud measured an overall decline in the number of wheee episodes overthree ears but with seasonal increases in wheee episodes in the winter months.91

    8.1.2 UP TO AGE SIX yEARS

    A quantitative review of six case control studies identied wheee in 40% of children comparedwith 11% of controls (OR 3.8, 95% CI 1.6 to 9.3, p

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    BroNcHIolITIS IN cHIldrEN

    8.2 rEfErral To SEcoNdary carE

    No reliable, valid published evidence was identied that explored when infants should bereferred to secondar care because of post-bronchiolitic cough/wheee.

    8.3 rouTINE follow up

    No published evidence was identied that explored whether or not routine follow up affectedparental anxiet, hospital readmission rates, rates of unplanned primar care contact orattendance at an emergenc department.

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    9 liiting isese tnsissin

    The role of virological testing is discussed in section 5.4

    In examining the evidence around reducing disease transmission, a number of characteristicsof the RSV virus have been considered in relation to the need for an integrated approach.96


    is highly infectious

    is transmitted mainl through contagious secretions or via environmental surfaces (skin,cloth and other objects)

    in respirator droplets produced during coughing or sneeing can spread up to twometres

    enters the bod via the mucous membranes of the ees, nose or mouth

    can survive 6-12 hours on environmental surfaces

    may be transferred on the hands to the eyes or nose

    is destroed b soap and water/alcohol gelma be shed for up to three weeks and longer if a child is immuno-compromised.

    9.1 IN THE commuNITy

    No studies were identied which examined the effectiveness of measures to reduce bronchiolitistransmission in the communit setting.

    9.2 IN HoSpITal

    Onl one contemporar stud was identied which examined the effectiveness of infectioncontrol measures in RSV transmission.97 This before and after stud measured RSV healthcare

    associated infection (HAI) rate before and after intervention with an infection control programmebased on expert opinion from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 98 The primaroutcome of the study was incidence density of RSV HAI and there was no attempt to disentanglethe contribution of the various components of the control of infection polic. Implementationof the programme prevented 10 RSV HAIs per season in a 304 bed paediatric hospital. Theinfection control intervention was also deemed to be cost effective with a cost benet ratio of1:6. This is in agreement with a controlled stud that compared four infection control strategiesin general paediatric wards and found that a regimen including rapid laborator diagnosis,cohort nursing and the wearing of gowns and gloves for all contacts with RSV infected infantscan signicantl reduce the risk of RSV HAI.52

    Recommendations are derived from the key aspects of the interventions implemented in thesestudies. The use of masks and ee goggles was not investigated.

    9.2.1 EDUCATION

    d Hethe essins sh be ete bt the eieig n nt rSv hee ite.


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    St sh entinte thei hns (with soap and water or alcohol gel) been te ing tients ith i esit sts.

    Ges n sti ns (or gowns) sh be se n iet ntt ith thetient thei ieite eninent.

    Inete tients sh be e in singe s. I eqte istin iitiese nibe, the tin tients int hts sh be bse n bt


    Bth seie ies n st sh be e the is tht thse ith eesit tt inetins se high-is innts.

    l iies sh estit hsit isiting b thse ith sts esitinetins.

    Thee sh be nging seine b nt inetin st t nitine ith inetin nt ees.

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    10 phti theies

    10.1 palIvIzumaB


    Paliviumab is a humanised monoclonal RSV antibod licensed for prophlaxis of developmentof severe patholog arising from an RSV infection. It does not prevent infection.

    A well constructed RCT in infants who were born at or less than 35 weeks gestation and sixmonths of age or ounger, or children 24 months of age or ounger with a clinical diagnosisof bronchopulmonar dsplasia (BPD) and requiring ongoing treatment, examined theeffectiveness of ve injections of paliviumab (15 mg/kg at 30 da intervals during the winter)in preventing hospitalisation for a respirator illness with conrmed RSV. Paliviumab reducedRSV hospitalisation in infants with the specic comorbidities (relative RR 55%, absolute RR5.8%) as described in Table 3. The effect in the BPD group was less than in pre-term infantswho did not have BPD.99

    In a subgroup analsis, there was no clear difference in the effectiveness in infants 32 weeksgestation when compared with those >32 weeks gestation.00

    The results of a similar RCT in infants aged less than two ears with haemodnamicall signicantCHD are also shown in Table 3. Paliviumab was effective for prophlaxis of serious RSV disease(as measured b statisticall signicant reduction in RSV hospitalisation rates).0 There was noimpact on mortalit, PICU admission rate or the need for mechanical ventilation. On subgroupanalsis, the benecial effect was onl statisticall signicant in infants with acanotic heartdisease leading to the positive overall results of the stud.

    Paliviumab was shown to be safe over the short term follow up period (150 das) adoptedin each stud.

    Table 3: The effectiveness of palivizumab in preventing RSV hospitalisation in specicpopulations of infants with signicant comorbidities.


    Eent te(rSv hsitistin) arr*




    NNT teent ne




    IMPACT studpopulation99(35 weeks orBPD) n=1502

    4.8% 10.6%5.8%

    (2.8 to 8.8)


    (34 to 69)


    ( to 36)


    (35 weeksgestation and6 months ofage) n=740

    1.8% 8.1%6.3%

    (2.7 to 10)


    (52 to 90)


    (0 to 37)

    BPD 99 (and 24months of ageor younger)n= 762

    7.9% 12.8%4.9%

    (0.3 to 9.6)


    (5 to 60)


    (0 to 333)

    Congenitalheart disease0n=1287

    5.3% 9.7%4.4%

    (1.5 to 7.3)

    45.3%(8 to 63)


    (4 to 67)

    *Calculated using Universit of Toronto Stats Calculator for Evidence Based Medicine02

    10 propHylacTIc THErapIES

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    BroNcHIolITIS IN cHIldrEN


    The clinical benet of paliviumab in individual infants remains inconclusive. There is evidencethat it produces a reduction in RSV associated hospitalisation for routine care in previouslypremature infants. There is no evidence that it prevents infection and there is no benecialimpact on length of sta (once hospitalised), need for increased oxgen or for mechanicalventilation (see Table 4) or on mortalit.00

    Table 4: RSV Hospital course in the subset of RSV hospitalised subjects100

    rSv hsit te mesepeb*




    Days of hospitalisation Total das/subject 5.9 7.6

    Das of increased oxgen Total das/subject 4.8 6.3

    Days with lower respiratoryinfection/ illness (LRI) score3

    Total das/subject 4.5 6.2

    ICU admission yesNo



    Days ICU stay Total das/subject 1.2 2.8

    Mechanical ventilationyes






    Days of mechanical ventilation Total das/subject 0.2 1.7

    *Statistical comparison data not available

    Long term effects have not been investigated. The true biological benet is uncertain and mustbe balanced against the need to treat a large number of infants. This involves multiple medicalcontacts during the winter months, parental inconvenience in arranging for and travelling to theseappointments and discomfort for the treated infants, in addition to staff time and drug costs.

    The consensus-based guidance of the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI),which advises UK health departments, recommends use of paliviumab in high risk groups, asdened b the committee (children under two ears of age with chronic lung disease, on homeoxgen or who have had prolonged use of oxgen; infants less than six months of age whohave left to right shunt haemodnamicall signicant congenital heart disease and/or pulmonarhpertension; children under two ears of age with severe congenital immuno-decienc).03


    A well conducted sstematic review identied seven United Kingdom RSV related coststudies.04 The studies consistentl concluded that the costs of paliviumab prophlaxis werefar in excess of an likel savings achieved b decreasing hospital admission rates. One of thestudies performed a sensitivity analysis and found that the probability of hospital admissionwould have to be >31% for paliviumab to be cost effective.05 The non-societal perspectiveof most studies was acknowledged.

    Another sstematic review encompassing UK and non-UK studies reported diverse results rangingfrom cost savings to considerable incremental costs per hospitalisation avoided. The diversitwas attributed to the range of different infant groups, stud methods and assumptions and alsoto the poor qualit of some of the studies.06 In general paliviumab was not cost effective ifadministered to all infants for whom it was approved.

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    On a population basis, paliviumab use in preterm infants and patients with congenital heartdisease demonstrates benet although this is unlikel to be cost effective. The potential clinicalbenet for an individual patient is limited. Paliviumab prevents hospital admission with RSVfor some infants, but it does not decrease length of sta or oxgen requirement for those whoare admitted. Trials to date have not directl addressed the use of paliviumab in the highestrisk groups of infants (extreme prematurit, complex cardiorespirator disease).

    The guideline development group consider that paliviumab cannot be recommended forroutine use in the groups dened b the JCVI as the current evidence suggests that overallclinical benets in these groups are limited.

    Evidence to date is equivocal and no evidence based recommendation can be made.

    For some individual patients the degree of respirator and/or cardiac instabilit ma providejustication for attempting to minimise the effect of RSV disease where the potential for admissionto intensive care or death is considered to be extremel high.

    The guideline development group consider that paliviumab use ma be appropriate in

    individuals less than 12 months old with signicant comorbidit (dened as extreme prematurit,acanotic congenital heart disease and immune decienc) where the risk of severe sequelaeof RSV disease ma be expected to carr signicant immediate and long term consequences.Local expert groups should consider cases on an individual basis.

    Routine use of paliviumab is not recommended.

    Paliviumab ma be considered for use, on a case b case basis, in infants less than 12months old with;

    extreme prematurit

    acyanotic congenital heart disease

    congenital or acquired signicant orphan lung diseasesimmune decienc.

    A local lead specialist should work with the appropriate clinical teams to identify thoseinfants who ma benet from paliviumab.

    10.2 ImmuNoGloBulIN

    Three RCTs found that RSV hperimmune globulin (RSVIG) is effective in reducing the incidenceof RSV hospitalisations in premature infants and children with bronchopulmonary dysplasia orcongenital heart disease.107-109 RSVIG therap is not licensed for use in the UK.

    10 propHylacTIc THErapIES

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    11 Intin ents n es

    11.1 INformaTIoN provISIoN

    No studies were identied on the provision of information about bronchiolitis to parents andcarers or on the effects this information ma have on levels of anxiet and utilisation of healthcareservices. General Medical Council guidance states that parents have a right to information abouttheir childs condition, its treatment and its prognosis.0

    d pents n es sh eeie intin bt thei his nitin, its tetentn gnsis.

    11.2 SourcES of furTHEr INformaTIoN

    Bitish lng fntin73-75 Goswell RoadLondon EC1V 7ER

    Tel: 08458 50 50

    Bab Breathe Eas groups provide support to parents and carers.

    cntt fi StnNorton Park57 Albion RoadEdinburgh EH7 5Qy

    Tel: 0131 475 2608 Helpline Tel: 0808 808 3555.Freephone for parents and families (10am-4pm, weekdas).

    Contact a Famil is a UK-wide charit providing advice, information and support to theparents of all disabled children - no matter what their health condition.

    NHS 24Tel: 08454

    Provides health advice and information.

    11.3 INformaTIoN lEaflET

    The following information leaet for parents and carers has been produced b the guidelinedevelopment group based on the ndings of two small focus groups with a total of sevenmothers of infants who had been hospitalised with bronchiolitis. The focus groups, run b anexperienced facilitator in March 2005, explored information needs at the time of the illness.The leaet is also informed b the evidence base as well as b the clinical experience of themultidisciplinar group.

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    Information about bronchiolitis for

    parents and carers

    What is bronchiolitis?

    Bronchiolitis is when the tiniest air passages in your babys lungs become swollen. This

    can make it more difficult for your baby to breathe. Usually, bronchiolitis is caused by a

    virus called respiratory syncytial virus (known as RSV).

    Almost all children will have had an infection caused by RSV by the time they are two. It

    is most common in the winter months and usually only causes mild cold-like symptoms.

    Most children get better on their own.

    Some babies, especially very young ones, can have difficulty with breathing or feeding and

    may need to go to hospital.

    Can I prevent bronchiolitis?

    No. The virus that causes bronchiolitis in babies also causes coughs and colds in older

    children and adults so it is very difficult to prevent.

    What are the symptoms?

    Bronchiolitis starts like a simple cold. Your baby may have a runny nose and sometimes

    a temperature and a cough.

    After a few days your babys cough may become worse.

    Your babys breathing may be faster than normal and it may become noisy. He or she

    may need to make more effort to breathe.



    Healthy bronchiole

    Obstructed bronchiole


    11 INformaTIoN for parENTS aNd carErS

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    BroNcHIolITIS IN cHIldrEN

    Sometimes, in very young babies, bronchiolitis may cause them to have brief pauses in

    their breathing.

    As breathing becomes more difficult, your baby may not be able to take the usual amount

    of milk by breast or bottle. You may notice fewer wet nappies than usual.

    Your baby may be sick after feeding and become irritable.

    How can I help my baby?

    If feeding is difficult, try breastfeeding more often or offering smaller bottle feeds more


    If your baby has a temperature, you can give him or her paracetamol (for example,

    Calpol or Disprol). You must follow the instructions that come with the paracetamol

    carefully. If you are not sure, ask your community pharmacist if paracetamol is suitable

    for your baby, and what dose you should give.

    If your baby is already taking any medicines or inhalers, you should carry on using

    these. If you find it difficult to get your baby to take them, ask your doctor for advice.

    Bronchiolitis is caused by a virus so antibiotics wont help.

    Make sure your baby is not exposed to tobacco smoke. Passive smoking can seriously

    damage your babys health. It makes breathing problems like bronchiolitis worse.

    How long does bronchiolitis last?

    Most babies with bronchiolitis get better within about two weeks. They may still have a

    cough for a few more weeks.

    Your baby can go back to nursery or daycare as soon as he or she is well enough (that

    is feeding normally and with no difficulty breathing).

    There is usually no need to see your doctor if your baby is recovering well. If you are

    worried about your babys progress, discuss this with your doctor or health visitor.

    When should I get advice?

    Contact your GP if :

    you are worried about your baby;

    your baby is having difficulty breathing;

    your baby is taking less than half his or her usual feeds over two to three feeds, or has

    no wet nappy for 12 hours;

    your baby has a high temperature; or

    your baby seems very tired or irritable.

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    Your baby is having a lot of difficulty breathing and is pale or sweaty;

    Your babys tongue and lips are turning blue; or

    There are long pauses in your babys breathing.

    Dial 999 for an ambulance if:

    What will happen if I have to take my baby to hospital?

    At hospital, a doctor or nurse will examine your baby.

    The doctor or nurse will check your babys breathing using a special machine called

    a pulse oximeter. This is a light-probe which will usually be wrapped around your babys

    finger or toe. It measures the oxygen in your babys blood, and helps doctors and nurses

    to assess your babys breathing.

    If your baby needs oxygen, it will be given through fine tubes into the nose or through

    a mask.

    If your baby needs help to breathe or feed, he or she may need to stay in hospital.

    You will be able to stay with your baby while he or she is in hospital.

    Your baby will probably only need to stay in hospital for a few days. You will be able to

    take your baby home when he or she is able to feed and doesnt need oxygen any


    To confirm the cause of the bronchiolitis, some of the mucous from your babys nose

    may be tested for RSV. In hospital, it is important to separate babies with and withoutthe virus to stop the virus spreading.

    You will need to clean your hands with alcohol gel or wash and dry them carefully before

    and after caring for your baby.

    Visitors may be restricted to prevent the spread of infection.

    If your baby needs help with feeding, he or she may be given milk through a feeding

    tube. This is a small plastic tube which is passed through your babys nose or mouth

    and down into his or her stomach. It is kept in place by taping the tube to your babys

    cheek. The tube will be removed when your baby is able to feed again.

    Some babies may need to be given fluids through a drip to make sure they are getting

    enough fluids.

    A few babies become seriously ill and need to go into intensive care (perhaps in a

    different hospital) for specialist help with their breathing.

    11 INformaTIoN for parENTS aNd carErS

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    After leaving hospital

    Remember, you can ask your GP or health visitor for advice or contact them if you become

    worried about your baby.

    Will it happen again?

    Your baby is not likely to get bronchiolitis again, although occasionally it can happen.

    Are there any long-term effects?

    Your baby may still have a cough and remain chesty and wheezy for some time but this will

    settle down gradually.

    Bronchiolitis does not usually cause long-term breathing problems.

    Useful contacts

    NHS 24

    Tel: 08454 242424

    Provides health advice and information.

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    12 Ieenttin n it

    12.1 local ImplEmENTaTIoN

    Implementation of national clinical guidelines is the responsibility of each NHS Board and isan essential part of clinical governance. It is acknowledged that ever Board cannot implementever guideline immediatel on publication, but mechanisms should be in place to ensurethat the care provided is reviewed against the guideline recommendations and the reasons foran differences assessed and, where appropriate, addressed. These discussions should involveboth clinical staff and management. Local arrangements ma then be made to implement thenational guideline in individual hospitals, units and practices, and to monitor compliance. Thisma be done b a variet of means including patient-specic reminders, continuing educationand training, and clinical audit.

    12.2 rESourcE ImplIcaTIoNS

    It is likely that implementation of the guideline recommendations will result in decreased useof unnecessar diagnostic studies, decreased use of medications (including paliviumab) anda reduction in the use of phsiotherap in infants with bronchiolitis. These factors need to bebalanced against the introduction of rapid RSV testing in those centres which do not currentlyhave this facilit.

    12.3 kEy poINTS for audIT

    Number of emergency referrals from primary care

    admissions rate following attendance at accident and emergency

    percentage of infants given chest X-ra

    use of drug therapies

    paliviumab useuse of chest physiotherapy

    number of centres with access to rapid RSV testing facilities

    urinary tract infection in those aged

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    BroNcHIolITIS IN cHIldrEN

    evaluation of when to stop oxgen therap and how soon after cessation it is safe to dischargeinfants from in-patient care

    investigation of the risks and benets of nasogastric uids compared with intravenousuids

    investigation of whether the use of oxgen therap at borderline saturation levels is effective

    in reducing duration of illness or improving long term outcome

    robust studies around effectiveness of infection control measures

    further economic studies into paliviumab

    stud of the range of non-RSV viruses in bronchiolitis and their healthcare associatedtransmission rates

    denition of characteristics most likel to identif those who ma have future respiratorsymptoms

    assessment of value of planned follow up of hospitalised infants on resource useoutcomes

    assessment of the duration of post-bronchiolitic wheee/cough which should be consideredan indication for referral to secondary care

    stud of effectiveness of parent/carer information leaets.

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    13 deeent the gieine

    13.1 INTroducTIoN

    SIGN is a collaborative network of clinicians, other healthcare professionals and patientorganisations and is part of NHS Qualit Improvement Scotland. SIGN guidelines are developedby multidisciplinary groups of practising clinicians using a standard methodology based on asstematic review of the evidence. Further details about SIGN and the guideline developmentmethodolog are contained in SIGN 50: A Guideline Developers Handbook, available at.sign..

    13.2 THE GuIdElINE dEvElopmENT Group

    Dr Steve Cunningham Consultant Respiratory Paediatrician,(Chair) Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Edinburgh

    Dr Peter W Fowlie Consultant Paediatrician, Ninewells Hospital, Dundee


    Dr Jack Beattie Consultant Paediatrician,Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow

    Dr Richard Brooker Consultant Paediatrician,Royal Aberdeen Childrens Hospital

    Dr Donna Corrigan Consultant Paediatrician, Wishaw General Hospital

    Dr Jonathan Coutts Consultant Paediatrician,Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow

    Ms Sue Danby Nursing Sister, Paediatrics,Royal Aberdeen Childrens Hospital

    Ms Elaine Dhouieb Senior Respiratory Physiotherapist,

    Royal Hospital for Sick Children, EdinburghMs Jeanette Fitgerald Senior Paediatric Nurse, Ninewells Hospital, Dundee

    Ms June Grant Pharmacist, Princess Royal Maternity Hospital, Glasgow

    Dr Nick Hallam Consultant Virologist, Royal Inrmary of Edinburgh

    Ms Mareth Irvine Lay Representative, Dumfries and Galloway

    Ms Pamela Joannidis Senior Nurse, Infection Control,Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow

    Dr Andrew MacIntyre Consultant in Paediatric Intensive Care Medicine,Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow

    Dr Peter Mackie Consultant Clinical Scientist (Virology),Aberdeen Royal Inrmary

    Dr Jillian McFadean Consultant in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care,

    Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Edinburgh

    Dr Maeve McPhillips Consultant Paediatric Radiologist,Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Edinburgh

    Dr Angela Oglesby Consultant in Accident and Emergency,Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Edinburgh

    Dr Ronald Seiler Retired General Practitioner, Edinburgh

    Ms Ailsa Stein Information Ofcer, SIGN

    Dr Caroline Stimpson General Practitioner and Clinical Assistant in Accidentand Emergency, Edinburgh

    Dr Lorna Thompson Programme Manager, SIGN

    Ms Moira Walls Case Manager, Neonatal Unit, Ninewells Hospital, Dundee

    Dr Louise Wilson Specialist Registrar in Public Health, NHS LanarkshireDr Alan Woodley General Practitioner, Dundee

    13 dEvElopmENT of THE GuIdElINE

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    The membership of the guideline development group was conrmed following consultationwith the member organisations of SIGN. All members of the guideline development groupmade declarations of interest and further details of these are available on request from the SIGNExecutive. Guideline development and literature review expertise, support and facilitation wereprovided b the SIGN Executive.

    13.3 SySTEmaTIc lITEraTurE rEvIEw

    The evidence base for this guideline was snthesised in accordance with SIGN methodolog.A sstematic literature review was carried out using an explicit search strateg devised b theSIGN Information Ofcer in collaboration with members of the guideline development group.Literature searches were initiall conducted in Medline, Embase, Cinahl and the CochraneLibrar, using the ear range 2000-2005. The main searches were supplemented b materialidentied b individual members of the development group. All selected papers were evaluatedusing standard methodological checklists. The Medline version of the main search strategiescan be found on the SIGN website.

    13.4 coNSulTaTIoN aNd pEEr rEvIEw


    A national open meeting is the main consultative phase of SIGN guideline development, atwhich the guideline development group present its draft recommendations for the rst time.The national open meeting for this guideline was held on 9th December 2005 and was attendedb150 representatives of all the ke specialties relevant to the guideline. The draft guidelinewas also available on the SIGN website for a limited period at this stage to allow those unableto attend the meeting to contribute to the development of the guideline.


    This guideline was also reviewed in draft form b the following independent expert referees,who were asked to comment primarily on the comprehensiveness and accuracy of interpretationof the evidence base supporting the recommendations in the guideline. SIGN is ver gratefulto all of these experts for their contribution to the guideline.

    Dr Laurence Abernethy Consultant Paediatric Radiologist,Royal Liverpool Childrens Hospital

    Dr Tom Beattie Consultant in Paediatric Emergency Medicine,Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Edinburgh

    Ms Emma Dear Physiotherapist, Ninewells Hospital, Dundee

    Dr Anne Devenny Consultant Respiratory Paediatrician,Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow

    Dr Martin Donaghy Consultant in Public Health, Health Protection Scotland

    Dr George Farmer Consultant Paediatrician, Raigmore Hospital, Inverness

    Ms Hael Fisher SeniorClinical Pharmacist, Wishaw General Hospital

    Dr Julie Freeman Consultant in Paediatric Intensive Care,Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Edinburgh

    Dr Neil Gibson Consultant Respiratory Paediatrician,Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow

    Professor Colin A Graham Associate Professor, Accident and Emergency MedicineAcademic Unit, Chinese University of Hong Kong

    Dr Rosie Hague Consultant in Paediatric Infectious Diseases andImmunology, Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow

    Ms Louise Holliday Clinical Educator, Royal Aberdeen Childrens Hospital

    Dr Julian Legg Consultant Respiratory Paediatrician,Southampton General Hospital

    Dr Paul Leonard Locum Consultant,Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Edinburgh

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    Professor Warren Lenny Professor of Respiratory Child Health, Keele University

    Dr Una MacFadyen Consultant Paediatrician, Stirling Royal Inrmary

    Ms Lynsay McAuley Paediatric Pharmacist, Wishaw General Hospital

    Professor Neil McIntosh Professor of Child and Life Health,Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Edinburgh

    Dr Mike McKean Consultant Respiratory Paediatrician,Royal Victoria Inrmary, Newcastle Upon Tyne

    Dr Pamela J Molneaux Consultant Virologist, Aberdeen Royal Inrmary

    Dr Somnath Mukhopadhyay Consultant Paediatrician, Ninewells Hospital, Dundee

    Ms S Ammani Prasad Research Physiotherapist, Great Ormond StreetHospital for Children, London

    Dr Rob Primhak Consultant Respiratory Paediatrician,The Childrens Hospital, Shefeld

    Mr Neil Richardson Pharmacist, Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Edinburgh

    Dr Margrid Schindler Consultant Senior Lecturer in Paediatric Intensive Care,Bristol Royal Hospital for Children, Avon

    Dr Rajendran Sham Specialist Paediatric Registrar,Royal Victoria Inrmary, Newcastle Upon Tyne

    Dr Charles Skeoch Consultant in Neonatal Intensive Care,Princess Royal Maternity Hospital, Glasgow

    Dr Iain Small General Practitioner, Links Terrace Health Centre, Peterhead

    Dr Ben Stenson Consultant in Neonatology, Royal Inrmary of Edinburgh

    Mrs Sue Stobie Medicines Management Pharmacist,Royal Edinburgh Hospital

    Dr Robert Tasker Consultant in Paediatrics,Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge

    Mr Steve Tomlin Principal Paediatric Pharmacist, Guys Hospital, London

    Dr Tom Turner Neonatology Consultant, Queen Mothers Hospital, Glasgow

    Dr Clair Wainwright Paediatric Respiratory Specialist,Royal Childrens Hospital, Brisbane, Australia

    Mr James Wallace Director of Pharmacy Services, Yorkhill Hospital, Glasgow

    Dr Peter Weller Consultant Paediatrician in RespiratoryMedicine Retired, Birmingham

    Dr Craig Williams Consultant Microbiologist, Yorkhill Hospital, Glasgow

    Dr Job Van Woensel Pediatric-Intensivist, Emma Childrens Hospital, Amsterdam


    As a nal qualit control check, the guideline is reviewed b an editorial group comprisingthe relevant specialt representatives on SIGN Council to ensure that the specialist reviewers

    comments have been addressed adequately and that any risk of bias in the guidelinedevelopment process as a whole has been minimised. The editorial group for this guidelinewas as follows.

    Dr Bernard Higgins Royal College of Physicians of London

    Professor Gordon Lowe Chair of SIGN; Co-Editor

    Professor Chris Kelnar Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health,Vice Chair of SIGN

    Ms Anne Matthew Royal College of Midwives

    Mrs Fiona McMillan Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (Scottish Dept)

    Dr Saa Qureshi SIGN Programme Director; Co-Editor

    Dr Bill Reith Royal College of General Practitioners

    Dr Sara Twaddle Director of SIGN; Co-Editor

    13 dEvElopmENT of THE GuIdElINE

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    13.5 ackNowlEdGEmENTS

    SIGN is grateful to the following former members of the guideline development group andothers who have contributed to the development of this guideline. In particular, appreciationis expressed to the parents who contributed to the focus group discussions which formed the

    basis of the parent/carer information leaet and to the members of the SIGN Patient Networkwho reviewed the leaet in draft form.

    Dr Jim Beattie Consultant Paediatrician,Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow

    Ms Carol Prentice Lay Representative

    Dr Alison Ting Specialist Registrar in Respiratory Medicine,Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Edinburgh

    Mrs Jenni Washington Information Ofcer, SIGN

    Dr Sarah Wheeler Project Development Ofcer, Health Rights InformationScotland, Scottish Consumer Council

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    a&E Accident and emergency

    arr Absolute risk reductionBpd Bronchopulmonary dysplasia

    cI Condence interval

    cHd Congenital heart disease

    cld Chronic lung disease

    crp C-reactive protein

    fio2 Fraction of inspired oxgen (%)

    Gp General practitioner

    HaI Healthcare associated infection

    Icu Intensive care unit

    JcvI Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation

    lrI Lower respirator illness/infection

    lrTI Lower respiratory tract infection

    NNT Number needed to treat

    or Odds ratio

    pco2 Partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide

    po2 Partial pressure of arterial oxgen

    pIcu Paediatric intensive care unit

    rcT Randomised controlled trial

    rr Relative risk

    rrr Relative risk reduction

    rSv Respiratory syncytial virus

    rSvIG Respiratory syncytial virus hyperimmune globulin

    u&E Urea and electrolytes

    uk United Kingdom

    uSa United States of America

    uTI Urinary tract infection


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