SCOM - The Cumulative Update 5

The Cumulative Update 5 (CU5) for OpsMgr 2007 R2 has shipped The KB article describing the fixes, changes, and instructions: Get it from the download Center: List of all OpsMgr R2 Cumulative Updates: Here are the high level fixes:

Transcript of SCOM - The Cumulative Update 5

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The Cumulative Update 5 (CU5) for OpsMgr 2007 R2

has shipped

The KB article describing the fixes, changes, and instructions:

Get it from the download Center:

List of all OpsMgr R2 Cumulative Updates:

Here are the high level fixes:

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Cumulative Update 5 for Operations Manager 2007 R2 resolves the following issues:

o Restarts of non-Operations Manager services when the agent is updated is resolved.

o UI hang caused by SDK locking.

o Web console is timing out while opening the left navigation tree.

o Reports - Drill-through fails due to rsParameterTypeMismatch in the


o Reports - Edit Schedule button is disabled with SQL Server 2008 R2.

o Reports - Scheduled Reports view for Windows Server 2003 and SQL SRS 2005 SP3 CU9 - returns

System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.

o ACS - Event log message is truncated or corrupted in SCDW.

o ACS Filter fails for certain wildcard queries.

o ACS - Updated ACS reports

o Workflows - TCP Port Probe incorrectly reports negative ping latency.

o Workflows - MissingEvent Manual Reset Monitor does not work as expected.

o Workflows - Signed MPs cannot be imported when new attributes are added to existing classes.

Cross Platform Cumulative Update 5 for Operations Manager 2007 R2 resolves the following issues:

Performance data for LVM managed partitions is not available

Process monitor does not retain name if run via symbolic link

AIX with large number of processes crashes with bad alloc

Cross Platform Cumulative Update 5 for Operations Manager 2007 R2 adds the following features:

Support for Red Hat 6

Note The new agent for Red Hat 6 is included in Cumulative Update 5. The management pack for Red Hat 6 can be

downloaded by visiting the following Microsoft webpage: System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2 Cross

Platform Monitoring Management Packs (


Let’s Roll:

So – first – I download it. The hotfix is about 950 MB. While still substantial, this is smaller than many previous CU’s.

Now – before your heart rate starts rising…. understand… this update combines the Cross Plat CU with the OpsMgr

CU. (CU3 and CU4 did this as well) Aligning these is a very good thing – but it ends up increasing the size of the initial

download. No worries though – I will demonstrate how to only have to copy specific files to lessen the impact of

distributing this update to all your management servers and gateways, if copying a 1GB file around is a problem for

you. Read about that here:


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Next step – READ the documentation… understand all the steps required, and formulate the plan.

I build my deployment plan based on the release notes in the KB article. My high level plan looks something like


1. Backup the Operations and Warehouse databases, and all unsealed MP’s.

2. Apply the hotfix to the RMS

3. Run the SQL script(s) update against the OpsDB AND Warehouse DB.

4. Import the updated management packs provided.

5. Apply the hotfix to all secondary Management Servers.

6. Apply the hotfix to my Gateway Servers.

7. Apply the hotfix to my agents by approving them from pending

8. Apply the hotfix my dedicated consoles (Terminal servers, desktop machines, etc…)

9. Apply the hotfix to my Web Console server

10. Apply the hotfix to my Audit collection servers

11. Update manually installed agents…. well, manually.

Ok – looks like 11 easy steps. This order is not set in stone – it is a recommendation based on logical order, from the

release notes. For instance – if you wanted to update ALL your infrastructure before touching any agent updates –

that probably makes more sense and would be fine.

****Requirement – as a required practice for a major update/hotfix, you should log on to your OpsMgr role

servers using a domain user account that meets the following requirements:

OpsMgr administrator role

Member of the Local Administrators group on all OpsMgr role servers (RMS, MS, GW, Reporting)

SA (SysAdmin) privileges on the SQL server instances hosting the Operations DB and the Warehouse


These rights (especially the user account having SA priv on the DB instances) are often overlooked. These are the same

rights required to install OpsMgr, and must be granted to apply major hotfixes and upgrades (like RTM>SP1, SP1>R2,

etc…) Most of the time the issue I run into is that the OpsMgr admin logs on with his account which is an OpsMgr

Administrator role on the OpsMgr servers, but his DBA’s do not allow him to have SA priv over the DB instances. This

must be granted temporarily to his user account while performing the updates, then can be removed, just like for the

initial installation of OpsMgr as documented HERE. At NO time do your service accounts for MSAA or SDK need SA

(SysAdmin) priv to the DB instances…. unless you decide to log in as those accounts to perform an update (which I do not


Ok, Lets get started.

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1. Backups. I run a fresh backup on my OpsDB and Warehouse DB’s – just in case something goes really wrong.

Since I haven’t grabbed my RMS encryption key in a long while – I go ahead and make a backup of that too, just to

make sure I have it somewhere.

I also will take a backup of all my unsealed MP’s. You can do the backup in PowerShell, here is an example which

will backup all unsealed MP’s to a folder C:\mpbackup:

Get-ManagementPack | where {$_.Sealed -eq $false} | export-managementpack -path C:\MPBackup

We need to do this just in case we require restoring the environment for any reason.

2. Apply the hotfix to the RMS.

Tip #1: Here is a tip that I have seen increase the success rate: Reboot your RMS/RMS nodes before starting the

update. This will free up any locked processes or WMI processes that are no longer working, and reduce the chances

of a timeout for a service stopping, file getting updated, etc.

Tip #2: If you are running any SDK based connectors – it is a good idea to stop these first. Things like a Remedy

product connector service, Alert Update Connector, Exchange Correlation Engine, etc… This will keep them from

throwing errors like crazy when setup bounces the SDK service.

Tip #3: If you are low on disk space, and you have previously installed prior R2-CU’s, you can uninstall those and

make sure they are removed from \Program Files (x86)\System Center 2007 R2 Hotfix Utility\ directory. This can free

up a substantial amount of disk space, and once applied these files are no longer necessary.

Tip #4: If you are running the Exchange Correlation Service for the Exchange 2010 MP, it might be a good idea to

disable this service during the CU update. This service uses a lot of resources and would be best to keep it out of the

picture for the CU process.

****Note: If applying this update to a RMS cluster – FIRST see: How to apply a SCOM hotfix to a clustered RMS

****Note: Many people struggle with OpsMgr hotfixes – for failing to follow instructions. When applying an

OpsMgr hotfix – you need to copy the downloaded MSI file (such as SystemCenterOperationsManager2007-

R2CU5-KB2495674-X86-X64-IA64-ENU.MSI) to EACH and EVERY Management server and Gateway. You need to

INSTALL this hotfix installer utility to EACH Management Server and Gateway. Don’t try and just copy the update MSP

files. This wont work and you will fail to update some components. Common complaints are that the agents never go

into pending actions, or the agent update files never get copied over to the \AgentManagement folders. In almost

ALL cases, people were taking a shortcut and making assumptions. Don’t. Copy the 1GB file to each machine, then

install the hotfix utility, then run the hotfix from the splash screen that comes up, immediately after installing

the downloaded MSI. The only acceptable alternative to this process – is to install/extract the 1GB MSI to a

workstation, and then build a command line based package as described below. For memory limited test

environments – the command line method is the way to go.

Since my RMS is running Server 2008 R2 – I need to open an elevated command prompt to install any SCOM

hotfixes. That is just how it is. So I launch that – and call the MSI I downloaded

(SystemCenterOperationsManager2007-R2CU5-KB2495674-X86-X64-IA64-ENU.MSI). This will install the Hotfix

Utility to the default location. I always recommend installing this hotfix utility to the default location. You can always

uninstall the utility later to clean up disk space.

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Tip: (This part may take a LONG TIME to complete if calling the 1GB file on a system will limited memory resources.

This is because it must consume 1GB of RAM to open the file, temporarily. For production systems meeting the

minimum supported 4GB, this probably wont be as much of an issue. For virtualized labs and test environments where

you are running very limited memory, (1-2GB RAM) you will see this process take a considerable amount of time. On

my 1GB memory virtualized management servers, it would not install at all. I upped them to 2GB and they took about

10-20 minutes to open and run the setup program. See section at the end of this article **Command line install**

for ideas on how to mitigate this issue if affected)

Eventually – a splash screen comes up:

I choose Run Server Update, and rock and roll. You MUST execute the update from this “Run Server Update” UI. NO

OTHER METHOD will work.

It runs through with success, I click finish – then another setup kicks off. This is by design. There should be three

actual setups running consecutively (once for the core update, one for the localization, and one for Xplat.)

You could see this potentially three times:

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After clicking finish on the 3rd one, I was prompted with this:

So – you should plan for a reboot. Hit OK. (it wont reboot automatically)

Then wait around 30 seconds for any post install processes to complete, and then click “Exit” on the splash screen.

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If you have trouble at with this stage – get some error messages, or if the installation rolls back – see the

troubleshooting and known issues at the KB article and below in this post. There are two known and fairly common

issues encountered with simple resolutions.

If you are patching a clustered RMS – you can continue the process using the link posted above – and complete the

second node.

Now – it is time to validate the update applied correctly. I can see the following files got updated on the RMS in the

standard install path: \Program Files\System Center Operations Manager 2007\

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**note – this isn't all the files included in the hotfix package, just a spot check to make sure they are getting updated.

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Next I check my \AgentManagement folder. This is the folder that any agents will get updates from. I check the \x86,

\AMD64, and \ia64 directories:

It is good – that our KB2495674 CU5 agent MSI’s got copied over. In this CU5, we did remove the previous CU files if

they existed.

***NOTE – it is CRITICAL to perform the next step in this order. The SQL

scripts MUST be deployed at this time, immediately after installing the

update on the RMS. If you don’t, your alert views could be empty. You

could see multiple events on the RMS about errors from the SDK (26319)

and DataAccessLayer (33333). The RMS will not generate new config until

these scripts are executed. Your consoles might also show the following,

until you run the SQL scripts:

3. Time to run the SQL scripts. There are 2 scripts, located on the RMS, in the \Program Files (x86)\System Center

2007 R2 Hotfix Utility\KB2495674\SQLUpdate folder:



Let’s start with CU5_Database.sql

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I simply need to open this file with SQL management studio – or edit it with notepad – copy the contents – and paste

it in a query window that is connected to my Operations (OperationsManager) Database. I paste the contents of the

file in my query window, it takes about a minute to complete in my lab. It will return a single string of output stating

MPLastModified with a timestamp, upon success.

Next up – we now need to connect to the Warehouse database instance, and open a new query window against the

OperationsManagerDW database. We will execute CU5_DataWarehouse.sql which will return “Command(s)

completed successfully”.

*** Note – one of the files inside the text, still says “CU4” – just ignore that, its good to go

DO NOT skip step number 3 above, and do not continue on until this is completed.

4. Next up – import the MP updates. That's easy enough. They are located at \Program Files (x86)\System Center

2007 R2 Hotfix Utility\KB2495674\ManagementPacks\ and are named:


These will upgrade existing MP’s in your environment. They take a few minutes each to import.

At this point – if you are using cross platform monitoring for Unix agents – you would upgrade the Xplat MP’s via a

separate download. See the KB article for steps on this, and potentially upgrading your Unix agents if required.

5. Time to apply the hotfix to my management servers. I have 1 secondary MS server which is Windows Server

2008 R2 SP1. So I open an elevated command prompt to run the hotfix utility MSI,

Again – I MUST RUN SystemCenterOperationsManager2007-R2CU5-KB2495674-X86-X64-IA64-ENU.MSI on each

Management server. This installs the hotfix utility, which will then launch the splash screen.

Tip: (This part may take a LONG TIME to complete if calling the 1GB file on a system will limited memory resources.

This is because it must consume 1GB of RAM to open the file, temporarily. For production systems meeting the

minimum supported 4GB, this probably wont be much of an issue. For virtualized labs and test environments where

you are running very limited memory, you will see this process take a considerable amount of time. On my 1GB

memory virtualized management servers, it would not install. I upped them to 2GB and they took about 10-20

minutes to open and run the setup program. See section at the end of this article **Command line install** for ideas

on how to mitigate this issue if affected)

Once the splash screen comes up I “Run Server Update” These all install without issue (again – three setups run

consecutively). I spot check the \AgentManagement directories and the DLL versions, and all look great. REMEMBER –

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you can sure patch all your management servers at the same time, however, your agents WILL fail over during this

time because we stop the MS HealthService during the update. Keep this in mind. It is best to update management

servers one at a time, synchronously, to keep your agents from failing over to the RMS and overloading it, or causing

massive Heartbeat failures because they have nowhere to report to.

Note: You might see a “Restart Required” pop up after the last setup routine is complete. Just ignore this for now and

hit OK, and then we will need to reboot this server when we are finished.

6. Next up – any Gateway machines here. Since my gateways all have limited memory, I don’t want to run the full

1GB MSI. I am running these from a command line which uses a LOT less resources. I build a local install package in

my local C:\temp\ directory from my article at this LINK using the following command line modified for CU5:

SetupUpdateOM.exe /x86msp:KB2495674-x86.msp /amd64msp:KB2495674-x64.msp /ia64msp:KB2495674-

ia64.msp /x86locmsp:KB2495674-x86-ENU.msp /amd64locmsp:KB2495674-x64-ENU.msp

/ia64locmsp:KB2495674-ia64-ENU.msp /Agent /noreboot

I “Run Gateway Update” from the splash screen, and setup kicks off. It runs three separate installs and I see the

following – 3 times:

Remember to spot check your DLL versions and \AgentManagement directories. They both should be updated.

7. I check my Pending Management view in the Administration pane of the console – and sure enough – all the

agents that are set to “Remotely Manageable = Yes” in the console show up here pending an agent update. I approve

all my agents (generally we recommend to patch no more than 200 agents at any given time.)

After the agents update – I need to do a quick spot check to see that they are patched and good – so I use the

“Patchlist” column in the HealthService state view to see that. For creating a “Patchlist” view – see LINK

Out of a total of 14 total agents in my lab – 11 of them patched perfectly. One was down (turned off) so those don’t

patch very well. Two of them that failed, failed with a timeout. They are SQL servers, on a VM disk that is

massively saturated with I/O and not designed anything like what we would see in production. I gave those some

additional I/O by migrating some of the other VM’s off their disk volume, and ran the pending update again – with


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The CU5 actually REPLACES any previous patches applied in the PatchList table – this is NICE. Looks good. (Note) I will

have to formulate a plan to go and update my manually installed agents (Remotely Manageable = No)

Note: See the KB article if your agents will not update. If you previously applied CU3, CU4, or if your agents require a

reboot from a previous windows installer package – you cannot update them until they receive a reboot. Normally an

agent side reboot is not required for updating an agent. It will only be required if it falls into one of these two

specialized situations.

8. I have a few dedicated consoles which need updating. One is a desktop machine and the other is my terminal

server which multiple people use to connect to the management group. So – I kick off the installer – and just choose

“Run Server Update” as well. I do a spot check of the DLL files – and see the following was updated on the terminal


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9. Next up – Web Consoles. I run mine on a stand alone management server, which I have already patched with

CU5. So – I will simply just go check their DLL files to ensure they got updated.

From: \Program Files\System Center Operations Manager 2007\Web Console\bin

Additionally – there are some manual steps needed to secure the Web Console from a client side script vulnerability,

per the KB Article:

Update the Web.Config file on the Web Console server role computers

To ensure that all cookies created by the web console cannot be accessed by client cscript, add the

following configuration to the Web.Config file on each Web console server:

<httpCookies httpOnlyCookies="true"/>

If the web console is configured to run under SSL, add the following configuration to ensure all

cookies are encrypted:

<httpCookies httpOnlyCookies="true" requireSSL="true"/>

Now – ONE of these lines need to be added to your web.config file. Scroll down in that file until you see the

<system.web> tag. You can add one of these on a new line IMMEDIATELY after the <system.web> line. Here is mine

– before and after:

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Use the correct line based on your SSL configuration status for your web console. Reboot your web console server to

pick up these changes.

10. At this point – I update ACS components on any ACS running Management servers that have already been

patched with CU5 – but this time run the update and choose to “Run ACS Server Update”

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11. Manually installed agents. I have a fair bit of these… so I will do this manually, or set up a SCCM package to

deploy them. Most of the time you will have manually installed agents on servers behind firewalls, or when you use

AD integration for agent assignment, or when you installed manually on DC’s, or as a troubleshooting step.

Additional Activities:

12. Since this particular environment I am updating is going from CU2 to CU5 – I need to import the latest cross

platform management packs. If I am not using and don’t desire to use OpsMgr to monitor cross platform OS’s like

SUSE, RedHat, and Solaris… then I can skip this step. However, if I do want to be fully up to date for Xplat monitoring

– I need to ensure I have the latest Xplat MP’s available. The ones that are version .277 are current:

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13. I need to update the ACS reports, if I am using ACS. We have included in the CU5, some new reports which fix

some reported issues with the reports. These can be found at:

C:\Program Files (x86)\System Center 2007 R2 Hotfix Utility\KB2495674\ACS\Reports

At this point I would browse to my Sql Reporting Services website that hosts my ACS reports, and import these RDL’s

over the existing reports, or place them in a new folder for testing, and then move them later.

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Now – the update is complete.

The next step is to implement your test plan steps. You should build a test plan for any time you make

a change to your OpsMgr environment. This might include scanning the event logs on the RMS and all

MS for critical and warning events… looking for anything new, or serious. Testing reporting is working,

check the database for any unreasonable growth, run queries to see if anything looks bad from a most common

alerts, events, perf, state perspective. Run a perfmon – and ensure your baselines are steady – and nothing is different

on the database, or RMS. If you utilize any product connectors – make sure they are functioning.

The implementation of a solid test plan is very important to change management. Please don't overlook this step.

*** Command line install option

In some situations, you might want to perform a command line installation of the update on your RMS/management

server. Most of the time – I don’t recommend this, because you generally need the feedback if each part was

successful or not. However, there are situations where it is required.

One example is for users who have issues with the 1GB MSI file, and getting the hotfix installer running, especially on

limited memory systems. For those, you can use a command line options which removes the issue.

For additional command line options, including how to make a CU package smaller, and how to patch consoles,

agents, etc…. see the KB article which contains some guidance, and the following post which contains command line

package ideas from a previous CU:


Known issues/Troubleshooting:

1. CU4 update installation entry still exists in Add/Remove Programs after you upgrade to CU5

We plan to resolve this issue in Cumulative Update 6.

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2. New management packs cannot be edited in the authoring console after the Cumulative Update is installed

When a new management pack is created after CU4 or CU5 is installed and then an attempt is made to edit the

management pack in the Authoring console, the Authoring console cannot edit the management pack because it

cannot find the latest version of the Microsoft.SystemCenter.Library Management Pack (build .61 for CU4 and build

.81 for CU5). This is resolved – please see:

3. CU5 fails to apply. The SDK or config service may not start after this, and CU5 fails on subsequent retries. The

installation rolls back and you get a dialog box that the setup was interrupted before completion. There are two

possible issues, with workarounds to this. One is caused by a general timeout, the other is a .NET 2.0 Issue due to a

CRL response delay. Start with workaround “#1” and if that fails, try workaround “#2”. #2 is a fairly rare condition.

Workaround #1:

The services are timing out while trying to start. Using set the

ServicesPipeTimeout entry for all services to have 3 minutes (180000 milliseconds) and REBOOT the server. Then

try and apply CU4. It should apply. You likely will see a few warning messages about failure to start the OMCFG

service – just click ok and the setup will continue.

Workaround #2:

Using Follow the steps that are outlined in Microsoft Knowledge Base article KB936707

***Note: This hotfix likely will not be required. The hotfix is ONLY required if you are still running .NET 2.0 RTM. This

hotfix is included in .NET 2.0SP1 and later. The hotfix does not resolve the issue, simply put – the hotfix (or .NET

2.0SP1 or later) simply ENABLES the use of a new tag in XML which will allow for disabling of CRL checking. If your

RMS is on Windows Server 2008 or 2008R2 – you already have this hotfix included.

***Note: Once you have verified you have .NET 2.0 SP1 or later installed – you MUST perform the second step –

which involves editing 2 application.exe.config files. The KB article is misleading in that it tells you to add this

information as an entire section – which is incorrect – you must find the <runtime> section in your existing config

files – and add a SINGLE new line to that existing section.

The manifest files are located on the RMS at the \Program Files\System Center Operations Manager 2007\ root

directory. The manifest files will need to be edited for the config and sdk service on affected RMS. The file names are:



In between the EXISTING <runtime> and </runtime> lines – you need to ADD a NEW LINE with the following:

<generatePublisherEvidence enabled="false"/>

This solution disables CRL checking for the specified execute-ables, permanently.

4. Agent patchlist information incomplete, or CU5 patching failure. The agent Patchlist is showing parts of CU5,

or CU5 but also CU4, CU3, CU2 or CU1 or nothing. The CU4 localization ENU update is not showing in patchlist. This

appears to be related to the agents needing a reboot required by Windows Installer from a previous installation

package. Once they are rebooted, and a repair initiated, the patchlist column looks correct with the CU5 and CU5 ENU

(localized) information. The correct and complete patchlist information will appear as below:

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System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2 Cumulative Update 5 (KB2495674); System Center Operations Manager

2007 R2 Cumulative Update 5 (KB2495674) - ENU Components

If you apply Cumulative Update 3 or 4 for Operations Manager 2007 R2, the pushed agent may not display the

update list correctly. This issue occurs because the agent updates in Cumulative Update 3/4 for Operations Manager

2007 R2 may require a restart operation and then a repair operation. If you do not restart these servers after you

apply Cumulative Update 3/4 for Operations Manager 2007 R2, the agent updates in Cumulative Update 5 for

Operations Manager 2007 R2 are not applied. However, the restart required state is set on these computers.

Therefore, you have to restart these computers and then repair the agent to apply the updates in Cumulative Update

5 for Operations Manager 2007 R2.

5. Other issues: Please see other known issues from the KB article, which are not discussed here.