Scientology Presentation

Socials presentation –Speaker speech. So you guys must be wondering what is in this book of Dianetics, and what Auditing is. Well, as you guys heard in the presentation, Dianetics is Mr. Hubbard’s first book. If you understand the world of Dianetics, you will understand the essentials of Scientology. The whole religion is, amazingly, based on that one book. The word Dianetics itself is based on the Greek words “dia”, which means through, and “nous”, which means mind or soul. Dianetics helps you get rid of unwanted emotions, fears, and mental illnesses, according to the Scientologists. It is describes as what our soul is doing to the body, through the mind. Auditing is basically spiritual counselling, based on Dianetics. Auditing involves an “auditor” asking a series of questions and directions to the person who is being audited. This called a “process”. All the things said during auditing are confidential. ______________________________________________________________________ ___________ Scientology is practiced in many countries, from Brazil to Australia. But that doesn’t mean that it is recognized as an official religion in that country. For example, Scientologists are found in Chile, but in Chile, Scientology is regarded as a cult. There are 5.3 million Scientologists in the US, which means they have the greatest population of Scientologists than any other country. Not surprising, seeing as Scientology was founded in America. It is recognized as an official religion there, complete with tax exempts and marriage rights. There are countries who recognize Scientology as a religious group, but they’re classified as a non-profit organization.


A eighth grade presentation about Scientology.

Transcript of Scientology Presentation

Socials presentation Speaker speech.

So you guys must be wondering what is in this book of Dianetics, and what Auditing is. Well, as you guys heard in the presentation, Dianetics is Mr. Hubbards first book. If you understand the world of Dianetics, you will understand the essentials of Scientology. The whole religion is, amazingly, based on that one book. The word Dianetics itself is based on the Greek words dia, which means through, and nous, which means mind or soul. Dianetics helps you get rid of unwanted emotions, fears, and mental illnesses, according to the Scientologists. It is describes as what our soul is doing to the body, through the mind. Auditing is basically spiritual counselling, based on Dianetics. Auditing involves an auditor asking a series of questions and directions to the person who is being audited. This called a process. All the things said during auditing are confidential._________________________________________________________________________________ Scientology is practiced in many countries, from Brazil to Australia. But that doesnt mean that it is recognized as an official religion in that country. For example, Scientologists are found in Chile, but in Chile, Scientology is regarded as a cult. There are 5.3 million Scientologists in the US, which means they have the greatest population of Scientologists than any other country. Not surprising, seeing as Scientology was founded in America. It is recognized as an official religion there, complete with tax exempts and marriage rights.There are countries who recognize Scientology as a religious group, but theyre classified as a non-profit organization.Scientologists here greatly emphasize human rights, especially fundamental freedoms. The freedom of conscience and religion is a key right to them.The Government of Canada hasnt granted Scientology the status of being a profitable, tax-exempt organization. So, this is why some religious scholars think Scientology has failed to get official recognition as a religion here in Canada. Yet, Canadian Scientologists have the privilege to perform marriages as ministers, and public servants of scientology get to take time off work, if its a Scientologist holiday. Many Scientology groups have committed a variety of crimes towards governments or individuals. But is it any different than, from, say, an Islamic extremist? Or a mass-murderer that happened to be a Christian? Its up to you to decide Mary Hubbard, Ron Hubbards third wife, led Operation Snow White, which you will learn about shortly. Mr. Hubbard has also committed a few counts of fraud and theft, during the period when he had founded Scientology.David Miscavige, the Leader of the Church of Scientology, has had many allegations been made against him, such as physical assault, coerced (convinced) abortion, human trafficking and child labour. Operation Snow White was a conspiracy formed in the 1970s by over 5000 Scientologists who wanted to remove all unfavourable records about Scientology, thus the name Snow White. They had to infiltrate 136 international government agencies, and with so many conspirators, operation Snow White is the single largest infiltration in the history of the United States.Seven years later, when the FBI finally found out about Operation Snow White (though Im sure they had their suspicions), they decided to raid Scientology headquarters, and discovered Operation Freakout. Operation Freakout was targeted towards American journalist Paulette Cooper, who wrote several books about activism against Scientology, and all of its conspiracies and blasphemies. So Scientologists wanted to ruin her life financially, and in many different other ways.