Scientists around the world

Scientists around the World

Transcript of Scientists around the world

Page 1: Scientists around the world

Scientists around the World

Page 2: Scientists around the world

Introduct ion

There are many great scientists in the world and in this Power Point Presentation we are going to see about some of them. What they invented, what they discovered, their lifestyle, their life problems, their beliefs and many more about them.

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Albert Einstein Albert Einstein is one of the most celebrated scientists in history. His work helped bring a new era of discovery and knowledge to the area of physics. However he is not just known for his famous equations on the conservation of matter and energy or his theory of relativity. Throughout his career he became the Edison of physics helping to contribute many important pieces of knowledge to our understanding of the universe and how it works. Without Albert Einstein’s inventions and discoveries we would be further behind in physics than we are right now. The first major discovery he made upon getting his doctorate was a formula that accurately described Brownian motion. The next discovery was doosie helping to build the foundation of quantum physics. This was the discovery of the quantum nature of the photoelectric effect. He also made the atom bomb. He was one of the greatest scientist in the world.

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Albert Einstein Photos

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Dr. Mani Lal Bhaumik Mani Lal Bhaumik is an Indian-born American physicist and a Bestselling author. Bhaumik was born in a small village in Siuri, Medinipore, West Bengal, India, and thrust into the vortex of the struggle for Indian independence. Education provided him a way out of poverty. He invented the LASIK eye surgery. LASIK means laser eye surgery. It is a type of refractive surgery for the correction of myopia, hypermetropia, and astigmatism. The LASIK surgery is performed by an ophthalmologist who uses a laser or microkeratome to reshape the eye's cornea in order to improve visual acuity. LASIK provides a permanent alternative to eyeglasses or contact lenses. This was a very important invention by Dr. Mani Lal Bhaumik as it has given relief to people who are suffering from myopia, hypermetropia and astigmatism.

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Dr. Mani Lal Bhaumik Photos

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Thomas Elva EdisonCan you think a life without a bulb? NO. Yes we are talking about the great scientist Thomas Elva Edison who invented the electric bulb. He was born on 11th Feb 1847 at Milan, Ohio in USA. He came from a poor family. At the age of 12 he started to sell newspapers at the railway station. He liked this work, besides it brought him money. In 1869, he purchased a printing press. He would also carry out some experiments. He gradually got interested in electricity. In 1879, with the help of 30 assistants, he organized a public demonstration. He had covered a part of Menlow Park with electric bulbs. The spectators were taken a step back when he switched on the bulbs. The next morning the New York Herald published the news of this wonderful invention and he became a world famous man. After 2 years he again surprised the world by inventing the kinetograph, a kind of movie camera that could project visuals on a screen. He was died on 18 Oct 1931 at an age of 84.

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Thomas Elva Edison Photos

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Sir Isaac NewtonThe world famous scientist Sir Isaac Newton was born on 25th Dec 1642 on the day of Christmas. As a baby Isaac was weakling. He lost his father before birth. His mother lost all hope of the baby’s survival. At the age of 18, he joined the famous Trinity college at Cambridge. In college his mathematics professor encouraging his potential and started encouraging and guiding him and later & became his friend. At that time the plague epidemic raged all over the England and all the colleges were closed. He was back at his mother’s farm. The time he spent here was the most productive period of his life. His greatest discoveries were made during this time and also known as miraculous year in Newton’s life. He examined the elements of circular motion and applied his analysis to the moon and other planets. Seeing an falling apple gave him insight into the law of universal gravitation. He also proved that the white light is made of seven colours.

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Sir Isaac Newton Photos

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Heinrich HertzHeinrich Hertz was born on 22nd Feb 1857 in a well-to-do family in Hamburg. His parents began his education with intention of shaping his career in architecture and engineering. But soon they realized that he was only interested in science and research. He joined Berlin University. He invented the world’s first radio transmitter and radio receiver for the purpose of generating radio waves. Hertz’s equipment later laid the foundation for invention of the modern radio, radar and television. He carried his experiment sin a very small room. It was very difficult to measure the time taken by the wave to cover the distance as it expected to be less then one microsecond. A brilliant idea struck him. He thought of a Leyden jar [a type of capacitor] could be used as an instrument to measure the time. After carrying many experiment she came to a conclusion that the speed of electromagnetic waves was same as the speed of light i.e. 3X108 meters per seconds [MPS]. Hertz met an untimely death, due to blood poisoning at the age of 37 in 1894. The unit used to measure frequency is named after him Hertz [Hz].

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Heinrich Hertz Photos

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Sir Alexander FlemingSir Alexander Fleming was the discoverer of an invaluable and great antibiotic penicillin and was born on 6th Aug 1881. When he turned 7, his father died and all domestic responsibility fell in his mother. At the age of 16, he got a job at a shipping company. When he was 25 he graduated from St. Mary Medical School and started working as research assistant to Dr. Olmroth Wright. He was the one to invent the antibiotic penicillin. It became famous all over the world and thus he was known by all the people.

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Sir Alexander Fleming Photos

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Wright BrothersWilbur Wright and Orville Wright also known as “Wright Brothers” are being known by the world very well as they were the creators of the aeroplane. They both enjoyed flying kites and loved watching birds fly. They always wondered whether it was possible for human beings to do the same. In this regard, they went through many book sand also collected information they could lay their hand son. Soon they opened a bicycle shop. Profits from the bicycle shop eventually were to fund the “Wright Brothers” aeronautical experiments. They created a small air tunnel. They developed 100+ aircraft wings. They checked each of them and selected the best of them. They built their 1st glider and flew it as per their expectations. They built a light weight four-cylinder, petrol driven engine with 12 horsepower. They wrapped over a two-wing wooden structure and built an aircraft with 43 feet long wings. It flew 100 feet high for 12 seconds and then safely returned to the ground. Like this the first aircraft was invented by the “Wright Brothers” and they went on for higher techniques.

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Wright Brothers Photos

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Gali leo Gali leiGalileo Galilei was an eminent astronomer and physicist and was born on 15th Feb 1564 in Pisa. His father Vincenjio Galilei was a wool trader. Galileo belonged to a upper class family, but their economic condition was not good. At the age of 20, he made his first discovery public. At a cathedral in Pisa, he noticed a hanging chandelier from the ceiling swinging in the breeze. He counted pulse and measured the time taken for one oscillation of the chandelier and found that there was regularly in its swinging. At the end of his study he concluded that I few swing pendulums of equal lengths at any speed, the time for one swing remains the same. In 1609, he got news that some scientist in Holland had designed a telescope with the help of a lens. On the request of the royalty of Venice, he agreed to publicly display his telescope. The prince of Venice requested Galileo fro a telescope. He accepted the offer. He was dead on 6th Jan 1642. He was a great scientist and he made many discoveries. Thus, he is also famous till now.

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Gali leo Gali lei Photos

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John Logie BairdCan you think a life without a television? NO of course not as it is now a daily requirement for most of the people. The inventor of the television, John Logie Baird was born on 13th Aug 1888 at a hamlet Helens burgh. Son of a Scottish engineer, he became the first man to televise the pictures of objects. As he grew up, his electrical experiments increased. On a pleasant evening, while he was hearing radio he thought that If sound can travel far enough through waves then was it possible to send visual the same way. He started working on this concept. He worked continuously for many days experimenting n the contraption. Finally, he produced a blurred picture on a screen. He returned to London and worked enthusiastically. After some days, he was succeeded producing clear images on screen. He invited scientists and journalists for demonstration. They congratulated him. He then faced fro severe cold in London and this time he did not live as easy as he thought. He died due to this on 14th June 1946 at Bexhill.

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John Logie Baird

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Alexander Graham BellAlexander Graham Bell who was born on 3rd Mar 1847 was an eminent scientist, inventor, engineer and innovator who is credited with inventing the first practical telephone. Bell was interested in a training institute for teachers in a training institute for teachers of the dumb and deaf. But his thoughts tool him further. He was immersed in inventing an instrument which could be used to talk over long distance. For this, he studied deeply the structure of the human ear. He concluded that man could hear thanks to a thin screen or drum in the ear. These were the great inventions and discoveries of Alexander Graham Bell. Thus he is a greatest scientist today in the world.

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Alexander Graham Bell

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THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!



Vyom Patel

&Ritik Patel