Scientific Research in Homeopathy

10/14/2015 Scientific Research in Homeopathy – Sciencebased Homeopathy 1/47 142 Votes Scientific Research in Homeopathy Triple Blind Randomised PlaceboControlled Trial, Systematic Reviews and Meta Analysis, Evidencebase, Body of Evidence December 4, 2011 · homeopathy Upto the end of year 2010, there have been 299 studies published in 114 medical journals (92 integrative, 9 homeopathy and 13 CAM journals) including 11 metaanalysis, 8 systematic reviews including 1 cochrane review (out of approximately 20 systematic reviews published) and 81 RCT (68 DBRPCT + 2 SBRPCT + 6 DBRCT + 1 RPCT + 4 RCT) out of approx 225 RCT published) in evidence of homoeopathy to produce significant to substantial health benefits in a wide array of health conditions. Rate this: URL Links to 279 studies (Journalwise) including 171 FULL TEXT papers are available as compendium on this webpage in SectionA from B to F. Among those 171, 155 are available as PDF which can be viewed at or downloaded from Google Drive, and 57 are also available at Scribd The compendium is prepared by mining 14 online electronic databases: PubMed Central (National Library of medicine, USA), MedWorm, British library Direct (type homeopathy in search box), Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (type homeopathy in search box), Scirus, Google Scholar,HomBRex,The Allied and Complementary Medicine Database,Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trial,Embase,Science Citation Index,Lilacs and CAM QUESTand Clinical Outcome Research in Homeopathy ( Exclusion Criterion (Which studies are not included?) 1. Studies on Plants and Animals 2. Statistically nonsignificant studies (Probability value<0.05, odds ratio >1 indicates statistical significance) 3. Nonpeer reviewed studies from year 1893 onwards 4. Studies published in nonjournal paper 5. Studies in which combination of homeopathic medicine with any other medicine is prescribed 6. Studies in which medicine is perceived to be homeopathic but is not such as radionically prepared or different potencies of same medicine mixed together CONTENTS: SectionA A. Understanding Evidence B. Basic Fundamental Research [47 studies] Abstract Authors Malik Nancy Dr. Nancy Malik BHMS



Transcript of Scientific Research in Homeopathy

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142 Votes

Scientific Research in HomeopathyTriple Blind Randomised PlaceboControlled Trial, Systematic Reviewsand Meta Analysis, Evidencebase, Body of EvidenceDecember 4, 2011 · homeopathy

Upto the end of year 2010, there have been 299 studies published in 114 medical journals (92integrative, 9 homeopathy and 13 CAM journals) including 11 metaanalysis, 8 systematic reviewsincluding 1 cochrane review (out of approximately 20 systematic reviews published) and 81 RCT (68DBRPCT + 2 SBRPCT + 6 DBRCT + 1 RPCT + 4 RCT) out of approx 225 RCT published) in evidenceof homoeopathy to produce significant to substantial health benefits in a wide array of healthconditions.

Rate this:

URL Links to 279 studies (Journalwise) including 171 FULL TEXT papers are available ascompendium on this webpage in SectionA from B to F. Among those 171, 155 are available asPDF which can be viewed at or downloaded from Google Drive, and 57 are also available at Scribd

The compendium is prepared by mining 14 online electronic databases: PubMed Central (NationalLibrary of medicine, USA), MedWorm, British library Direct (type homeopathy in search box), Centrefor Reviews and Dissemination (type homeopathy in search box), Scirus, GoogleScholar,HomBRex,The Allied and Complementary Medicine Database,Cochrane Central Register ofControlled Trial,Embase,Science Citation Index,Lilacs and CAM QUESTand Clinical OutcomeResearch in Homeopathy (

Exclusion Criterion (Which studies are not included?)

1. Studies on Plants and Animals

2. Statistically nonsignificant studies (Probability value<0.05, odds ratio >1 indicates statisticalsignificance)

3. Nonpeer reviewed studies from year 1893 onwards

4. Studies published in nonjournal paper

5. Studies in which combination of homeopathic medicine with any other medicine is prescribed

6. Studies in which medicine is perceived to be homeopathic but is not such as radionically preparedor different potencies of same medicine mixed together


A. Understanding Evidence

B. Basic Fundamental Research [47 studies]



Malik Nancy Dr. Nancy Malik BHMS

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C. SuperAvogadro Dilution Research [18 studies]

D. Research Models (19832010) [22 studies]

E. Drug Development

E1. Homeopathic Pathogenetic Trials/Drug Provings (19882010) [9 studies]

E2. Drug Standardisation [3 studies]

F. Clinical Research

F1. Meta Analysis (19912010) [11 studies] and Systematic Reviews (20002010) [8 studies] of RCTs

F2. TripleBlind Randomised Placebo Controlled Trial [1 study]

F3. Doubleblind Randomised PlaceboControlled Trial (19802010) [68 studies]

F4. Doubleblind Randomised Controlled Trial (otherthanplacebo [active nonhomeopathicintervention)controlled] (19982009) [6 studies]

F5.Singleblind Randomised PlaceboControlled Trial [2 study]

F6.Randomised Placebo Controlled Trial (RPCT) [1 study]

F7. Randomised Controlled Trial (19832009) [4 studies]

F8. Doubleblind PlaceboControlled Trial (19962008) [4 studies]

F9. DoubleBlind Studies (19432010) [3 studies]

F10. Primary Health Care Studies (Observational/Cohort/Pilot Studies) [97 studies]

F11. Review Articles (other thsn systematic reviews) (20052010) [12 studies]

G. Table: Distribution of Studies

H. List of 114 Journals

I. Lives saved by Homeopathy in Epidemics and Pandemics

J1. Animal Studies (Veterinary Homeopathy)

J2. Plant Studies

K1. Significant Years of Research

K2. Books on research in Homeopathy

L1. Potency Selection

L2. Discussion Forums


A. Genetic Research

B1. Identification of homeopathic medicines (to distinguish one homeopathic medicine from the other)[4 techniques]

B2. To distinguish homeopathic medicine from the solvent/control [5 techniques]

C. Applied Research in specific medical condition

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D: Comparison with ConMed and Placebo

D1. Homeopathy superior to ConMed [17 studies]

D2. Homeopathy costeffective than ConMed [3 studies]

D3. Homeopathy equals ConMed [10 studies]

D4. Homeopathy superior to placebo [88 studies]

E: Outcome Studies

E1. Homeopathy improving quality of life [7 studies]

E2. Safety Profile of Homeopathic Medicines

E3.Homeopathy costeffective than ConMed [3 studies]

F. invitro evidence of homeopathy [28 studies]

G. Research Papers on Combination Remedies [52 studies]



1.Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

Thermodynamics of extremely diluted aqueous solutions (1999) FULL TEXT // Successive dilutionsand sucussions may alter permanently the physicalchemical properties of the solvent water

2.Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry

New PhysicoChemical Properties of ExtremelyDiluted Aqueous Solutions (2004) FULL TEXT // Theprocedure of dilutions and succussions is capable of modifying in a permanent way the physicochemical features of water.

3. Journal of Solution Chemistry

New PhysicoChemical Properties of Extremely Dilute Solutions. A Conductivity Study at 25 °C (2008)FULL TEXT // electrical conductivity increases as potency increases. Sucussion may form dissipativestructures

4.IETE Journal of Research

Software for measuring physiological variability (2008) FULL TEXT

5. Perspective in Public Health

Is Homeopathy Possible? (2006) FULL TEXT

6. Materials Research Innovations

The structure of liquid water (2005) FULL TEXT

7. Human and Experimental Toxicology

Postconditioning hormesis and the homeopathic Similia principle: Molecular aspects (2010) //scientificevidence of ‘principle of similars’

8. Water Journal

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Domains of Water Molecules Provide Mechanisms of Potentization (2010) FULL TEXT


Doubleblind Placebocontrolled homeopathic pathogenetic trials (2006) FULL TEXT

Proving and therapeutic experiments in the HomBRex basic homeopathy research database (2007)

nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy on Kalium bichromicum (2008) FULL TEXT // 3c differsfrom 4c

Placebo effect size in placebocontrolled clinical trials of individualised homeopathy are same as thatof conventional trials (2010) FULL TEXT

Nux vomica and Calendula have significant effect on gene expression (2010) FULL TEXT

Solitons (2005) FULL TEXT //duration of memory is 10 minutes

Dissipative structures in extremely dilute aqueous solutions (2007) FULL TEXT

Can lowtemperature thermoluminescence cast light on the nature of ultrahigh dilutions? (2007)FULL TEXT //Low temperature thermoluminesence involves freezing water to the temperature ofliquid nitrogen, bombarding it with x or γ rays, then warming it, whereupon it emits a characteristicglow.

Effect of dielectric dispersion on potentised homeopathic medicines (2010) //homeopathic medicineswhen subjected to variable frequency electric field shows dielectric dispersion

Complexity science and homeopathy: a synthetic overview (2003) FULL TEXT

The defining role of structure including epitaxy in the plausability of homeopathy (2007) FULL TEXT

Distinguishing Natrum Mur 30 from water by High voltage plasma (2008)// electrical impedance ofNatrum Mur 30c differ from water

Delayed luminescence of high homeopathic potencies on sugar globuli (2008) FULL TEXT

Medicines beyond 12C retains nanograms of fine nanoparticles of original starting material (2010)FULL TEXT

Rhus Tox 6c, 30c, 200c, 1M stimulates phagocytosis, candidacidal activity and chemotaxis of polymorphonuclear cells (2009) // in vitro

10.Evidencebased Complimentary & Alternative Medicine

Dynamized Preparations in Cell Culture (2009) FULL TEXT //Carcinosinum200C,Conium,Lycopodiumactivates beneficial gene p53 which provides defense againsttumour/cancer

11. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine

Variation in Fourier transform infrared spectra of homeopathic potencies (2005) FULL TEXT // FTIRspectra of Nux Vomica 30c, Lycopodium 30c, Santonin 30c, Cina 30c distinguishes from solvent,sugar globule soaked in homeopathic medicine retains its specific spectral absorption properties

Cadmium 15c20c exhibit a biologic effect on cell cultures of normal primary lymphocytes (2006) // invitro

12. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine

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The similia principle as a therapeutic strategy: a research programme on stimulation of selfdefense(1997) FULL TEXT //scientific evidence of ‘principle of similars’

13. Clinical and Developmental Immunology

Traummel S activates immunocytes (2004) FULL TEXT

14. Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine

Homeopathic Potencies Identified By A New Magnetic Resonance Method (2006)// two methods:modified photomultiplier method, tesla coil method

15. Journal of Molecular Liquids

High dilutions of histamine distinguishable using NMR (2009)

16.Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences

Nanostructures in highly diluted biological samples of bacteria and virus DNA sequence produceselectromagnetic signals (2009) FULL TEXT

17. Physica A

Low temperature Thermoluminescence of ultrahigh dilutions of lithium chloride 15c & Natrum Mur15cusing heavy water (2003) FULL TEXT // distinguishing one homeopathic medicine fromanother,the emitted light wasspecific of the original salts dissolved initially

18. Complementary Therapies in Medicine

“Potentized homeopathic drugs act through regulation of gene expression (1997) // homeopathicsubstances have the capacity to interact with the genetic blueprint and deliver their benefits byincreasing the expression of genes that synthesise health promoting proteins i.e. homeopathicmedicines activate genes.

19. L’ Homéopathie française

The action of Belladonna and Ferrum phosphoricum on the chemiluminescence of polynuclearneutrophils (1983) // Belladonna and Ferrum phosphoricum in 5c potency significantly inhibits therelease of oxygenated free radicals involved in the initiation and maintenance of inflammatoryphenomena.

20. British Homoeopathic Journal

Belladonna, Hepar sulphur, Pyrogenium, Silicea and Staphylococcin in Mother Tincture modifies thewhite blood cell movement (1982) // in vitro

Managanum phosphoricum 6x, Acidum malicum 4x and Acidum fumaricum 4x regulate the oxidativemetabolism and adhesion function of human neutrophils (1993) // in vitro


Homeopathic medicines in 1X to 30X potencies enhanced the phagocytic activity of granulocytes(1986) // in vitro & in vivo

22.Phytotherapy Research

Combination of Aconitum and lachesis in 1X potency enhanced the phagocytic activity of granulocytesupto 390% (1994) // combination remedy

23.Histology and Histopathology

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Scanning electron microscopy to investigate the structure of platelets of HIV patients treated withCanova (2009) // combination remedy

24.Forschende Komplementärmedizin und Klassische Naturheilkunde

Effect of homeopathic plant extract solutions on the cell proliferation of human cutaneous fibroblasts(2003) // in vitro

25.Inflammation research

Zeel comp. N as well as its individual ingredients (Arnica montana, Sanguinaria canadensis and Rhustoxicodendron) inhibits the production of Leukotriene B4; Solanum dulcamara Q inhibits theproduction of Prostaglandin E2 (2004) FULL TEXT // antiinflammatory, combination remedy, in vitro

26. Integrative Cancer Therapies

Effect of Sabal serrulata on prostate cancer growth (2006) // in vitro

27. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology

Hepeel prevented cadmium chlorideinduced cell death in liver cells (2009) // China Q and Nuxmoschata Q protected against loss of glutathione and lipid peroxidation. Carduus marianus Qdemonstrated antiapoptotic effects. in vitro, combination as well as single

Hahnemann’s Contribution

28. Zeitschrift für Praktischen Medizin

An essay on a new principle for ascertaining the curative powers of drugs & some examinations of theprevious principle,volume 2, parts 3 & 4, pages 391439 & 465561, Germany, 1796 // He came upwithPrincipleof similars:Like cures like

29. Allgemeiner Reichsanzeiger

Spirit of the Homoeopathic Doctrine of medicine , vol. 2, Mar. 1813 // He said Man is a “biologicalwhole”. No single part by itself represents the human being nor can manifest itself independently[from the others] [20].

30.The British Journal of Homoeopathy

Appeal to Thinking Philanthropists Respecting the Mode of Propagation of the Asiatic Cholera, 20pages, 1831, republished in The British Journal of Homoeopathy , Oct 1849, Translated by R EDudgeon, M.D. inThe Lesser Writings of Samuel Hahnemann, 1851 edition, B Jain Publishers,reproduced edition, 2002, p. 758

C. SUPERAVOGADRO DILUTION RESEARCH(Dilutions beyond Avogadro number/High Dilutions)

1.Complementary Therapies in Medicine

The in vitro evidence for an effect of high homeopathic potencies—A systematic review (2007) FULLTEXT // 73% of 67 invitro experiments published in 75 publications showed specific effects with highdilutions including 68% of high quality experiments (SAPEH score>=6)

Homeopathy, sensation of wellbeing and CD4levels (1998) // homeopathy improves sensation of

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wellbeing, provided evidence of ultrahigh dilutions and may affect CD4 levels

2. Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences

Nanostructures in highly diluted biological samples of bacteria and virus DNA sequence produceselectromagnetic signals (2009) FULL TEXT

3.Material Letters

Ultra dilute solutions have remarkable biological properties (2008) FULL TEXT //ultradilutions, likehomeopathic remedies, do indeed contain stable and unique molecular structures with recognizableproperties

4. Physica A

Low temperature Thermoluminescence of ultrahigh dilutions of lithium chloride 15c & Natrum Mur15cusing heavy water (2003) FULL TEXT // distinguishing one homeopathic medicine fromanother,the emitted light wasspecific of the original salts dissolved initially

5.Nonlinear Biomedical Physics

Influence of diluted mediators on fungal laccase activity (2009) FULL TEXT // biphase action, in vitro& in vivo

6. Journal of Molecular Liquids

High dilutions of histamine distinguishable using NMR (2009) FULL TEXT

7. Homeopathy

Medicines beyond 12C retains nanograms of fine nanoparticles of original starting material (2010)FULL TEXT

Delayed luminescence of high homeopathic potencies on sugar globuli (2008) FULL TEXT

Distinguishing Natrum Mur 30 from water by High voltage plasma (2008)// electrical impedance ofNatrum Mur 30c differ from water

Individualised Homeopathy for treatment of symptoms of oestrogen withdrawal in breast cancerpatients (2003) // n=45, Primary symptoms such as hot flushes,Primary symptoms changed from 7.8to 5.4, and from 7.2 to 4.1 (p<0.001)

8. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine

Gas Discharge Visualization Evaluation of Ultramolecular Doses of Homeopathic Medicines (2003) //distinguishing homeopathic medicine from solvent using BioElectrography: Dynamic ElectrophotonicCapture

9. Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine

Homeopathic Potencies Identified By A New Magnetic Resonance Method (2006) //two methods:modified photomultiplier method, tesla coil method

10. Medical Hypothesis

Biomathematical modeling for diluted drugs (2003) FULL TEXT

11.Journal of Head Trauma and Rehabilitation

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Homeopathic treatment of mild traumatic brain injury(1999) // n=60, t=4 months, individualised (1 of18 ) medicine (superavogadro), Patients rated improvement of symptoms severity score as0.40±0.57 in homeop. patients and 0.13±0.39 in placebo patients, a significant improvement infunctional assessment in favour of homeopathy, OR=1.98

Hahemann’s Contribution

12.Zeitschrift für Praktischen Medizin

Cure and prevention of scarlet fever, 1801 // His discovery of the prophylactic properties ofBelladonna in scarlet fever. His dose: 1/24,000,000 i.e. 0.0416 nanograms of Belladonna, to repeatthe dose every 72 hrs. This is the first recorded nano dose of medicine used in treatment of anydisease. Thus Hahnemann can be attributed as The Father of Nano Medicine

On the Power of Small Doses of Medicine in General and of Belladonna in Particular “, Vol. 13, part 2,p. 153159, Jan. 1801.

discussions: (1999) FULL TEXT // kali Iodide

nanophase potencies



Doubleblind Placebocontrolled homeopathic pathogenetic trials (2006) FULL TEXT

Chelidonium majus 6c produced changes in blood globulin in healthy provers (1989)

Reproving of Cantharis 30c: blinded randomised placebocontrolled trial (2004) n=11

Reproving of Plumbum metallicum 30c: DBRPCT (2005)

2.Forschende Komplementarmedizin

Homeopathic pathogenetic trials produce specific symptoms different from placebo (2009) FULLTEXT // homeopathy differs from placebo

3. Trials

Protocol for a phase 1 homeopathic drug proving trial (2010) FULL TEXT

4. Journal of Psychopharmacology

Homeopathic pathogenetic trials produce more specific than nonspecific symptoms (2008) //doubleblind placebocontrolled study, homeopathic ozone

5. British Homoeopathic Journal

Iodum 12x produced changes in blood electrolyte and thyroid harmone in healthy provers (1988)

Effect of Strophantus Hispidus 30c on heart rate variability (1999) // n=10, singleblind

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1. Ancient Science of Life

Pharmacognostic studies of Thuja (1999) FULL TEXT

Physicochemical profile of Bixa and Lawsonia (2001) FULL TEXT

2. Homeopathy

Ethanol concentrationin the preparation of mother tinctures of vegetable origin (2002)


1.Journal of Psychosomatic Research

Efficacy of individualised homeopathic treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome (2004) FULL TEXT//n=93, t=6 months, homeopathy significantly improved function and fatigue compared to placebo,p=0.04 Weak but equivocal evidence that the effects of homeopathic medicine are superior toplacebo, OR=1,47, Jadad score=5


1. Lancet

Grass Pollens in 30c potency vs placebo for hay fever (1986)// n=144, Symptoms severity (VAS)decreased 17.2±28.8 mm in homeop. patients and 2.6±33.6 mm in placebo patients, p=0.018 infavour of homeopathy, Linde Quality=5

Is evidence for homoeopathy reproducible? (1994) //potentised allergans in 30c potency on 28allergic asthma patients does more than placebo, Symptoms severity (VAS) decreased 7.2±3.2 mm inhomeop. patients and 7.8±3.0 mm in placebo patients, severity of symptoms (p=0.003), vital capacity(p=0.03), Jadad score=4, Linde Quality=5

2. International Journal of Oncology

Ruta 6 induces cell deaths in brain cancer cells: A novel treatment for human brain cancer (2003)FULL TEXT // ruta 6c in combination with calarea phos 3x, in vitro and in vivo

Cytotoxic effects of ultradiluted remedies on breast cancer cells (2010) FULL TEXT // invitro study:Carcinosin 30c, Phytolacca Decandra 200c, Conium 3c and Thuja 30c caused death of 5000 MCF7and MDAMB231breast cancer cell lines in the laboratory for periods of between 1 to 4 days(experiment repeated 3 times), similar to the effect of chemotherapy, but without affecting normalcells.Carcinosin and Phytolacca—achieved up to an 80% response indicating that they caused cancercell death. By comparison, placebo solvent achieved only 30%. The effects of Carcinosin andPhytolacca were as powerful as Paclitaxel (Taxol)


Improved Clinical Status in Fibromyalgia patients treated with homeopathic remedies Vs Placebo(2004) FULL TEXT // n=53, t=3months, individualised41 remedies in LM potency, significant fewertender points compared to placebo, 25% improvement in tender point pain on palpation (p=0.008),improvement in Fibromyalgia score (P<0.05) and Global health rating (p<0.05), improvement inMcGill Affective pain score compared to placebo (p<0.01), significant improvement in quality of lifeand depression, Jadad score=5, SIGN=GOOD


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Kali bichromicum 30C for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in critically ill patients in ICU (2005)FULL TEXT // n=50,5 globules of homeopathic medicine or placebo twice daily, significantly lesstracheal secretions at day 2 (p<0.0001 in favour of homeopathy) and significantly less stay in ICU(p<0.0001 in favour of homeopathy)

5. British Medical Journal

Rhus Tox 6c thrice daily vs placebo for fibrostis (1989) FULL TEXT // fibromyalgia (earlier known asfibrositis) (Pain & Inflammation in muscles,n=30, nonindividualised study, RT given thrice daily,significant fewer tender points compared to placebo (p<0.005), improvement in pain and sleepcompared to placebo (p=0.0052), Therapeutic success was observed in 11/30 homeopathy patientsand 4/30 in placebo group, this study got replicated in above rheumatology journal (2004), Jadadscore=4, Linde Quality=3

Potentised Allergan 30c Vs Placebo in allergic rhinitis (2000) FULL TEXT // n=51,inhalant Allergan30c, Mean nasal inspriatory peak airflow improved by 21 % in homoepathic patients and 2 % inplacebo patients, Jadad score=5, “It may be time to confront the conclusion that homeopathy andplacebo differ..”

6. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology

Oscillococcinum 200c in the treatment of influenza (1989) FULL TEXT //(n=487, 237 treated and 241on placebo), if taken twice daily for 5 days significantly increased the rate of cure within two days,absence of symptoms at 48 hours, relative risk estimate significantly favour homeopathy (p=0.048),no pain and no fever (p=0.048), recovery rate (headache, stiffness, articular pain, shiveringreduction) at 48 hours better in homeopathy group (p=0.032)

Homeopathic therapy in rheumatoid arthritis (1980) FULL TEXT //n=43, t= 3months, significant reliefin 19/23 (82%) homeopathy patients and 5/23 (21%) placebo patients, individualized medicine, LindeOR=10.85


“Complementary Treatment of Varicose Veins: A Randomised, Placebocontrolled, Doubleblind Trial”Edzard Ernst, T. Saradeth, K.L. Resch, 1990, 157163.

Three doses of a poikien (combination remedy of eight homeopathic medicines)were given to 61patients daily for 24 days. Measures were venous filling time, leg volume, and subjective symptoms.The study found that venous filling time improved in those given the homeopathic medicines by 44%,while it deteriorated in the placebo group by 18%. Other measures also had significantdifferences.Linde OR=2.6 in favour of homeopathy, Linde Quality=1

8. British Journal of Podiatry

Ruta Graveolens 30C for the treatment of pain in plantar fasciitis (foot) (2000) // n=14

9.European Journal of Paedretics

Lycopodium, Calcarea Carbonica, Sulphur, Belladonna, Causticum and Phosphorous forAttentionDeficit Hyperactivity Disorder (2005) FULL TEXT // individualised medicine (LM potency), crossoverstudy, 63 of 83 children (616 years) responded to homeopathy, those 63 were then randomised toreceive either homeopathic medicine or placebo for 6 weeks, homeopathy found significantly superiorto placeboin behavioural and cognitive functions in 10 days, p<0.0001, CGI Index improved by 63% inthe longterm followup in 53/63 patients, SIGN=good, Jadad score=5

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10. Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery

Effect of Homeopathic Arnica montana on Bruising in Facelifts (2006) FULL TEXT// n=129, Arnicaevery 8 hours for 4 days postoperation, significant difference in favour of homeopathy on day 1(p<0.005) and day 7 (p<0.001), sign level=1

11. BMC Cancer

TRAUMEEL S in the treatment of chemotherapyinduced stomatitis in cancer patients (2001) FULLTEXT // n=15, age=325 years,symptom severity as 10.4 in homeop. patients and 24.3 in placebopatients, p<0.01

12.Applied Health Economics & Health Policy

Sinfrontal (Cinnabaris 4X, Ferrum Phos 3X, etc) in the treatment of maxillary sinus (sinus + toothpain) (2009) // ENT and respiratory tract infections


Treatment of acute childhood diarrhea with individualised homeopathic medicine (1994) FULL TEXT// n=81,18 different remedies in 30C potency, one dose after every unformed stool for 5 days:Podophyllum, Chamomilla, Arsenicum album, Calcarea carbonica, sulphur, Mercurius vivus,Pulsatilla, Phosphorus, China, Gambogia, Aethusia, aloe, belladonna, Bryonia, Colchicum, Crotontiglium, Dulcamara, Nux vomica, significant effect for duration of diarrhea (p=0.048) and number ofdaily unformed stools (p<0.05) compared to placebo , Time to normal stools was 3.0±1.9 d inhomeop. patients and 3.8±1.7 d in placebo patients, Jadad score=5, Linde Quality=5

14. Journal of Dermatological Treatment

Homoeopathic treatment of leg ulcers (1997) //n=53, t=4.2 weeks, Sulphur 6, Silicea 6 and Carbo Veg6, Ulcer size improved 58.7±44.5 % in homeop. patients, 10.3±42.7 % in placebo patients and4.6±89.1 % in untreated patients

15. The Science of the total Environment

Arsenicum Album 30C for arsenic toxicity: Evidencebased findings (2007) FULL TEXT //n=43, 18untreated, 22 on homeopathy an 17 on placebo

16. Annals of Pharmacotherapy

Treatment of allergic rhinitis with potentised allergan in 30c potency and placebo(2005) // n=34, t=4weeks, Jadad score=5

17. Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing

Sinfrontal vs placebo for Acute Maxillary Sinusitis (Sinus + tooth pain) (2007) //n=113, combinationremedy

18.European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology

Homeopathic gel for redness/rash & lump on the skin due to mosquito bite (1995) //68 people werebitten at least 3 times by mosquitoes. One of the bites was treated with an afterbite gel containinghomoeopathic ingredients, another of the bites was treated with a placebo gel, and the third biteremained untreated. The active gel provided results that were significantly superior to the placebo orno treatment.

19. Hals, Nasen und Ohrenärzte

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Homeopathy in acute rhinosinusitis (2007) FULL TEXT // n=144, t=21 days, homeopathic treatmentresulted in freedom from complaints in 90.3% of the patients & improvement in a further 8.3%,whereas in placebo group, the complaints remained unchanged or became worse in 88.9% of thepatients, p>0.0001, combination remedy sinfrontal

20. Journal de gynécologie, obstétrique et biologie de la reproduction

Treatment of pain in postpartum women who elected not to breastfed with Apis 9c and Bryonia9c(2001)// n=71, 5 pills twice daily for 10 days

21.Der Kassenarzt

Tonsilotrena for tonsillitis (2006)

22. ArzneimittelForschung

“Homoeopathische kombination bel vertigo and nausea”, C.F. Claussen, J. Bergmann. G. Bertora.and E. Claussen, 34 (1984):179198. // vertigoheel, combination remedy

23.Zeitschrift für Allgemein Medizin

Bronchiselect for treatment of bronchitis(1997) // n=258, combination remedy


Treatment of pollinosis with the homeopathic preparation Galphimia Glauca2c and placebo (1990)//n=243, average t=33 days, odds ratio=2.19 in favour of homeopathy

25.Aktuelle Rheumatologie

‘Rheumaselect’ vs placebo for chronic Rheumatoid poly Arthritis (1991) // combination remedy,n=111, Jadad score=3

26.Journal of Head Trauma and Rehabilitation

Homeopathic treatment of mild traumatic brain injury (1999) // n=60, t=4 months, individualised(1 of18 ) medicine (superavogadro), Patients rated improvement of symptoms severity score as0.40±0.57 in homeop. patients and 0.13±0.39 in placebo patients, a significant improvement infunctional assessment in favour of homeopathy

27.American Journal of Therapeutics

Treatment of Psoriasis with Reliéva (2006) // n=200, combination remedy

28.Sleep and Breathing

Combination remedy in management of snoring (1999) FULL TEXT // snore stop, n=90,Ratedimprovement in homeopathy group was significantly better (35/44) compared to placebo group(21/46)



The research evidence base for homeopathy (2003) FULLTEXT // 50 of the 93 studies favourshomeopathy in 8 medical conditions: diarrhoea, fibrositis, hayfever, influenza, pain, sideeffects ofradio or chemotherapy, sprains and upper respiratory tract infection

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Effects of homeopathic treatment on itching of skin (pruritis) in haemodialysis patient (2003) // n=20on dialysis for 6 months, main outcome: >50% reduction in pruritis score, Pruritis score was 38 (+/33)in hom. treated patients and 57 (+/39) in placebo group, after 60 days, itching reduced by 49% in 30days, individualised medicine, OR=3.5,

Homeopathic treatment in ICU patients with severe sepsis (2005) FULL TEXT //67 patients given200c potency of individualised medicine every 12 hours for 180 days, patient survival significantlyhigher with homeopathy compared to placebo(75.8% vs 50%, p=0.043, OR=3.13

Homeopathic & antibiotic treatment strategies in recurrent acute rhinopharyngitis (2005) //Inflammation of the mucous membranes of nose & throat.In 499 patients homeopathy yieldedsignificantly better results than antibiotics in terms of effectiveness, number of complications andquality of life

Arnica montana 30C for posttonsillectomy analgesia (2007) FULL TEXT // pain after tonsilsremoval,n=111, Arnica group had a significantly larger drop in pain score from day 1 to day 14 (28.3)compared to the placebo group (23.8)

Osteoarthritis before and after homeopathic treatment (2008) FULL TEXT

Chronic Insomnia: Efficiacy of homeopathic simillimum (2010) FULL TEXT //n=30, t=4 weeks,individualised medicine, total number of hours of sleep per week, p<0.05; Severity of Insomnia Index,p<0.0001

Effect of Arnica 30X on muscle soreness in marathon runners (2003)// muscle soreness immediatelyafter a marathon run was lower in the Arnica treated group than in those treated with placebo(p=0.04)

Reproving of Plumbum metallicum 30c: DBRPCT(2005)

2. British Homoeopathic Journal

Efficacy of China rubra 9C for complications in patients on chronic kidney dialysis (1992) // n=35,Statistically significant improvements of weakness, lethargy and headache, Linde Quality=3

Immunoglobin Relationship in Patients with Cirrhosis of the Liver Before and After treatment withZincum metallicum 5C (1994) // 10 people suffering from Zinc deficiency as determined by atomicabsorption spectrophotometry showed a substantial improvement in zinc levels

Oscillococcinum in patients with influenza (1998) // n=372, 3 doses per day for 3 days, no spinal painat 48 hours (p=0.03), no muscle pain at 48 hours (p=0.01), no articulate pain at 48 hours (p=0.009),Significant effect of homeopathy over placebo in duration of influenza (p=0.0257)

Individualised Homeopathy for diseases of the lymph nodes in HIV Stage 2 & 3 infected people(1999) FULL TEXT // n=100, age=1850 years, p=0.04, Phosphorus, Lycopodium, Pulsatilla, Nuxvomica was beneficial (significant difference in CD4 cell count whereas no change in placebo group)for symptomatic HIV sufferers, immunity raised

Belladonna 7C and XRay 15C for treatment of radiotherapy induced dermatitis and skin darkeningin breast cancer (2000)// n=66, t=10 weeks, Belladonna 3 granules twice daily and Xray threegranules once daily, significant reduction in total severity of skin reaction in the homeopathy groupduring recovery (p=0.05) compared to placebo, less hyperpigmentation in homeopathy group(p=0.05), significant decrease in skin heat in homeopathy group compared to placebo (p=0.011)Jadad score=4

Individualised Homeopathic treatment of migraine (2000)n=68, Neurologist assessment showed a

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60% decrease in attack frequency of treatment group compared to 42% of the placebo, p=0.04,

Potent placebo or potency?A model using homeopathically prepared pollens 30c in hayfever (1985) //n=39, Jadad score=3

3.Asian Journal of Homeopathy

To investigate the effectiveness of homeopathy in medical primary care in upper and lowerrespiratory tract complaints, 01 Feb 2008, pp. 319

4.American Journal of Homoeopathic Medicine

Homeopathic treatment of dental neuralgia by Arnica and Hypericum., Albertini H, Goldberg W,Sanguy B, Toulza CL., 1985, 3, pp. 126129. // 60 people received either 4 pilules of Arnica 7Calternated with 4 pilules of Hypericum 15C every 4 hours or placebo administered in the same way.Pain levels were assessed over 3 days from the beginning of the trial. It was found that 12 of the 30people who received the placebo had a positive response to this intervention, and 23 of the 30 people(76%) given the homeopathic medicines responded positively to these.

others: Central Council for Research in Homeopathy, Govt of India

Clinical research (19791992)

Collaborative Research (19882007)


1. Evidencebased Complementary & Alternative Medicine

Arsenicum album 30C and 200 C alters antinuclear antibody (ANA) titre in people living in highriskarsenic contaminated areas (2006) FULL TEXT // n=69, 26 untreated, 26 on homeopathy and 17 onplacebo, correction of arsenicinduced haematological changes such as total count of RBC, WBC,PCV, Hb, ESR and blood sugar level

2. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine

Individualised Homeopathic treatment of acute childhood diarrhoea (2000) // n=116, t=5 days,replicated study, Nepal,19 different remedies in 30C potency, one dose after every unformed stool for5 days; 5 most common: Podophyllum, sulphur, Arsenicum album, Calcarea carbonica, Chamomilla ,significant effect for duration of diarrhea (p=0.04) and number of daily unformed stools (p=0.02)compared to placebo, Time to normal stools was 3.5 d in homeop. patients and 4.2 d in placebopatients, Jadad score=5

Homeopathy vs placebo for menopausal symptoms in stage 13 breast cancer patients (2005) //n=55, t= 1 year,at least 3 episodes of hot flushes per day for at least 1 month, significantimprovement in quality of life, Jadad score=5, [significant improvement in both homeopathy groupcompared to placebo, p<0.03 for combination remedy (Hyland’s Menopause) and p=0.02 forindividualized homeopathy (35 remedies) (given once or twice a month)], significant improvement inhot flush severity in combination group over placebo (p=0.01), significant improvement in totalnumber of hot flushes in combination group over placebo (p=0.006), OR=3.84

3. Complementary Therapies in Medicine

Homeopathy, sensation of wellbeing and CD4levels (1998) FULL TEXT //n=36, Individualisedhomeopathy improves sensation of wellbeing, provided evidence of ultrahigh dilutions and mayaffect CD4 levels, Mental (p=0.28) and physical (p=0.002) symptoms were in favour of homeopathy

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Effects of the Arnica 30X vs placebo on 1995 Oslo marathon runners (1998) FULL TEXT //// n=71,reduces muscle soreness immediately after the marathon (p=0.017). Severity score after running was6.27±1.85 in homeop. patients and 7.28±2.48 in placebo patients, Sign level=1+, Arnica 30x 5 pillstwice a day for 3 days

Arnica montana 6c & Bellis perennis 30c on postpartum bleeding (2005) // bleeding after delivery, t=72 hours, Hemoglobin level dropped in control group, but remained stable in the treatment group(statistically significant).

Arnica 30x vs placebo for patients receiving knee ligament reconstruction surgery (2006) //inflammation, n=57,116 on homeopathy and 111 on placebo, p=0.019, Oxford Quality score=5/5

4.Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine

Use of Arnica 6x to relieve pain after carpaltunnel release surgery (2002) // n=37, t= 2 weeks,3 timesper day, Oxford Quality score=5/5

5.Alternative Medicine Review

Kali Bromatum 1X, Natrum Bromatum 2x, Nickel Sulfate 3X, Natrum Mur 6X vs placebo for dermatitisof scalp and dandruff (2002) FULL TEXT // n=41, t=10 weeks, Symptom severity score (at 5 weeks)improved 35.2±35.5 % in homeop. patients and 8.4±35.2 % in placebo patients, p=0.03

6.Forschende Komplementarmedizin

Aconitum 30C differs from placebo(2009)

Efficacy of stibium (antimony) 6X on blood coagulation (2009) // n=30, procoagulatory effect inbleeding disorder

Efficacy of the Euphorbium compositumS nasal spray in sinusitis(1994) //n=155, Score for treatmentseverity was 1.37±0.30 in homeop. patients (n = 53) and 1.44±0.34 in placebo patients (n = 51),Linde quality=5

7.Forschende Komplementärmedizin und Klassische Naturheilkunde

Euphorbium, Pulsitilla & Luffa for viral infection of respiratory tract, Influenza A virus & rhino virus(2001) FULL TEXT //Euphorbium Compositum

Efficacy of PhytoHypophyson L in female for sterility & infrequent mensuration (2000) //A study of 67women showed 57 percent improvement in fertility. Homeopathic treatment seemed to influenceseveral factors including regulation of the menstrual cycle, regulation of hormones and enhancingovulation

8. Ärztezeitschrift fuer Naturheilverfahren

Effect of Arnica montana 6 cH on edema, mouth opening and pain in patients submitted to extractionof impacted third molars (2005) FULL TEXT


Galphimia glauca 4X in treatment of pollinosis (1995) FULL TEXT // n=164,

F4. DBRCT (otherthanplacebo controlled)

1. Archives of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery

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VertigoHeel Vs conventional treatment of vertigo(1998) FULL TEXT // n=105, Statistical Significantresults with homeopathy as well as betahistine HCL

2. British Homeopathic Journal

Efficacy and safety of a homeopathic gel Spiroflor SRL in the treatment of acute low back pain(2001)FULL TEXT //SRL (Symphytum, RhusTox, Ledum Pal) is equally effective as Cremor CapsiciCompositus FNA but has better safety profile, n=21, high quality study

3.Evidencebased Complementary & Alternative Medicine

Homeopathic LM potencies Vs Fluoxetine for Depression(2009) FULL TEXT //n=91, individualizedhomeopathy, 1 drop thrice a week, 20 mg Fluoxetine HCL daily, sign level=1++, Homeopathy notinferior to fluoxetine (Prozac) but had a better safety profile. Higher percentage of patients treatedwith fluoxetine reported troublesome side effects and there was a trend toward greater treatmentinterruption for adverse effects in the fluoxetine group compared to homeopathy

4. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine

Arnica montana 4X for Healing of Wounds After Hallux Valgus (foot) Surgery Compared to Diclofenac50 mg(2008) //n=88, t= 4 days, Arnica 10 globules 3 times a day for 4 days, Diclofenac 50 mg 3 timesa day for 4 days, Both Arnica and Diclofenac therapeutically equivalent in wound irritation (p=0.049),swelling and patient mobility, arnica 60 % costeffective than diclofenac, Arnica better tolerable inHomeopathy group (intolerance of 244 in homeopathy group compared to 9/44 in Diclofenac group),sign level=1

VertigoHeel for treatment of Vertigo(2005)// combination remedy for atherosclerosisrelated vertigo,n=170, t=6 weeks, control: Ginkgo Biloba, Vertigoheel was not inferior to G. biloba

5. Forschende Komplementärmedizin und Klassische Naturheilkunde

Comparing Luffa compositumHeel nasal spray with cromolyn sodium spray in the treatment ofallergic rhinitis(1999) FULL TEXT //n=146, combination remedy Homeopathic Nasal Spray containingLuffa, Galphimia, Histamine and Sulphur is as efficient and well tolerable as conventional therapy asCromolyn Sodium

F5. SingleBlind Randomised Placebo Controlled Trial

1. Homeopathy

Individualised Homeopathic treatment of mouth ulcer(2009) FULL TEXT// n=100, t=6 days, twodoses, pain intensity and ulcer size significantly lower in homeopathy group compared to placebo,P<0.05

Effects of homeopathic treatment on salivary flow rate in patients with oral drynessof the mouth(2005) // n=28, t=12 weeks, 13/15 patients in homeopathy group experienced a significant relief ofxerostomia whereas no such effect was found in the placebo group (0/13). Following this, those onplacebo were switched to homeopathic medicine, after which all experienced relief from dryness ofthe mouth.

F6. Randomised PlaceboControlled Trial

1.International Review of Allergology and Clinical Immunology

GrippHeel for prevention of influenza (1999) FULL TEXT //n=124, Increases in antibody responseswere higher in homeopathy patients than in placebo patients

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F7. RCT (otherthanplacebo controlled)

1. Journal of Clinical Oncology

Phase 3 RCT of Calendula compared with trolamine for prevention of dermatitis during radiotherapyfor breast cancer (2009) FULL TEXT //n=254, p<0.001, reduction in high energy radiationinducedpain, superior to trolamine

2.Complementary Therapies in Medicine

Calcarea Carbonica 30c, Pulsatilla 30c and Sulfur 30c for the prevention of upper respiratory tractinfections (2005) // 2 pills for 2 days per week for 12 weeks, n=169. The difference in the mediannumber of days with URTI symptoms was statistically significant with 8 days in the homeopathic groupand 13 days in the control group (p = 0.006), Jadad score=5,

3. Zeitschrift für Orthopädie und ihre Grenzgebiete

Efficacy of homeopathy in the treatment of chronic low back pain(2002) // RCT, n=43

4. ArzneimittelForschung

Comparison of acetylsalicylic acid with Eupatorium perfoliatum 2X in treatment of common cold(1981) //// n=53, Symptom severity score (4d) was 6.1±3.6 in homeop. patients and 6.4±3.6 instandard patients, Linde Quality=2, homeopathy equals conmed


1. Journal of Psychopharmacology

Homeopathic pathogenetic trials produce more specific than nonspecific symptoms(2008)

2. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology

Effect of Nux Vomica 30 and Coffea Cruda 30on polysomnographic sleep of young adults(2010)FULL TEXT // insomnia

3. British Homoeopathic Journal

Arnica, Bryonia & Rhus Tox for fibromyalgia(1986) // n=24, t=3 months,significant improvement inpain (p<0.05) and sleep (p<0.05), Jadad score=3

Stramonium 200c and Hyoscyamus 200c for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder(1997) FULLTEXT // n=43, p<0.05, Mean response scores were 1.00 in homeop. patients and 0.35 in placebopatients, Jadad score=2, medicine 6 times a day for upto 5 days


1.MicroVascular Research

Microcirculatory effects of VertigoHeel on vertigo (2005) FULL TEXT // n=32, t=12 weeks

2.British Homoeopathic Journal

Mustard Gas 30 as prophylactic and Rhus Tox 30c for treatment of burns and skin lesions due tomustard gas (1943)

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3. Homeopathy

Treatment of hyperactive children (2006) FULL TEXT


1. BMC Public Health

Homeopathic medical practice (2005) FULL TEXT // (Chronic) Disease severity (p<0.001) and qualityof life demonstrated marked and sustained improvements following homeopathic treatment in 3981patients for 2 years, Conditions treated were allergic rhinitis in men, headache in women, and atopicdermatitis in children, cohort study

How healthy are chronically ill patients after eight years of homeopathic treatment? (2008) FULLTEXT // 103 swiss and german clinics,73% of 3709 patients followed up for 8 years, p<0.001,qualityof life increases, disease severity decreases from 6.2 at baseline to 2.9 at 2 years to 2.2 at 8 years.For children, a reduction from a baseline disease severity of 6.1 to 2.1 at 2 years was noted and thento 1.7 at 8 years.

2.Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing

Viburcol (Chamomilla, Belladonna, Calcarea carbonica, Dulcamara, Plantago major, and Pulsatilla)for treatment of fever (2005) // n=198 in 38 Belgian clinics,febrile symptoms such as fever, cramps,disturbed sleep, difficulty eating or drinking, crying, Viburcol as effective as acetaminophen but bettertolerable

Traumeel S ointment for tendon injuries (2005) // n=253, traumeel superior to 1% diclofenac gel

Asclepias vincetoxicum & Sulphur for treatment of upper respiratory infections associated withcommon cold (2006)

3.The European Journal of Heart Failure

Efficacy of homeopathic Crataegus & Spigelia for mild cardiac insufficiency (2003) FULL TEXT

4.Pediatrics International

Spascupreel for treatment of Gastrointestinal crampsand spasms in children (2007)// cohort study,n=204, t=1 week, children were given either spascupreel or hyoscine butylbromide, both foundequally good

5.Scientific World Journal

Avena Sativa 2X, Passiflora Incarnata 2X, Zincum Valerianicum 4X, Coffea Cruda 12X for treatmentof Insomnia (2008)// combination remedy Neurexan vs Valerian, 89 clinics, t=28 days, n=409, lessdaytime fatigue in homeopathic patients 49% vs 32% in valerian, duration of sleep at 8, 12, 14 daysand daytime fatigue (both significantly in favour of homeopathy), SIGN level=2,

Avena Sativa 2X, Passiflora Incarnata 2X, Zincum Valerianicum 4X, Coffea Cruda 12X for treatmentof nervousness/restlessness (2009)FULL TEXT // Neurexan (combination remedy), otherthanplacebo controlled: Valerian The summary score for nervousness/restlessness was reduced in theNeurexan group by 11.5 ± 7.3 score units. In the valerian group, the summary score was reduced by9.0 ± 6.6,

6.International Journal of Clinical Practice

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GrippHeel (Aconitum napellus 4X, Bryonia alba 4X, Eupatorium perfoliatum 3X, Lachesis,Phosphorous) for viral infections (2004) FULL TEXT //n=485, 78.1% of people found it effectivecompared to 52.2% of those using conventional medicine

7.Journal of Hellenic Headache Association

Homeopathic Treatment in patients with migraine (2006)

8.International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Homoeopathic treatment of otitis media (1997) FULL TEXT // n=131, duration of pain of 2 days inhomeopathygroup (n=103) & 3 days in conventional (antibiotic, antipyretic, secretolytics) group(n=28). 70.7 % & 56.5% of children receiving homeopathy & conventional respectively did not haveanother ear infection the next year

9.The Clinical Journal of Pain

Homeopathic Treatment of chronic low back pain (2009) n=129, t=2 years, quality of life improved

10. Oncology Reports

Lung (4 cases) and oesophageal Cancer patients treated with the Banerji protocols: A Best CaseSeries Program of the National Cancer Institute USA (2008) FULL TEXT // Concluded that there wassufficient evidence of efficacy to support further research into the Banerji protocol

11. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology

Role of homoeopathy in ophthalmological conditions (1982) FULL TEXT

12. Geriatrics

Homeopathic Treatment of Elderly Patients (2010) FULL TEXT //severity of complaints (hypertensionand sleep disturbances) of 83 patients over 2 years time decrease significantly

13. Experimental Biology and Medicine

in vitro studies shows anticancer activity of Gelsimium 24c (2008) FULL TEXT //

14. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology

GrippHeel (Aconitum 4X, Bryonia 3X, Eupatorium 2X, Lachesis 11X, Phosphorous 4X) for respiratoryviral infections (2007) FULL TEXT // in vitro

15. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal

Individualised Homeopathic treatment of otitis media (2001) //otitis media: inflammation of middle ear,n= 75, 8 different remedies in C30 potency; 4 most commonly used (88%) were Pulsatilla nigrans,Chamomilla, sulphur, Calcarea carbonica; 35 pellets 3 times daily, significant decrease in symptomsat 24 and 64 hrs after treatment in favour of homeopathy (P<0.05) compared to placebo, OR=1.84,Jadad score=5

16. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology

Homeopathic treatment of patients with psoriasis (2009)

17.Wiener medizinische Wochenschrift

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Homeopathy in emergency medicine (2005) FULL TEXT // critically ill patients in ICU

18. Ultrastructural Pathology

Canova differentiates monocytes in absence of cytokines(2008) FULL TEXT // combination remedy,in vitro

19. Genetics and Molecular Research

Canova for cancer treatment(2003) FULL TEXT

20. Advanced Therapies

Arnica montana gel in osteoarthritis of the knee (2002)// n=79,significant reduction in pain andstiffness, and a significant improvement in the functional ability of the knee.

21. ArzneimittelForschung

Antioxidative, antiproliferative and biochemical effects of Hepeel (Carduus marianus, Cinchona,Lycopodium, Nux moschata, Colocynthis D6, Veratrum album D6, Chelidonium, Phosphorus D6) inHepG2 cells (2003) //in vitro, combination, as well as the effects individually

22. The Lancet

Prophylactic powers of Belladonna against Scarlet Fever (1829)// The proper use of belladonna has,in most cases, prevented infection. Numerous observations have shown that, by the general use ofbelladonna, epidemics of scarlet fever have actually been arrested. In those few instances where theuse of belladonna was insufficient to prevent infection, the disease has been invariably slight.

23. STP Pharma Sciences

Antiinflammatory action of combination of Urtica Urens 4c and Apis 4c AND Belladonna 4c andPulsatilla 4c (1999) // combination remedy


Individualised Homoeopathic versus conventional therapy for atopic eczema in children (2009) //n=135, t=1 year, corticosteroid and antihistamine, Jadad score=1

25. Cases Journal

Exfoliative cheilitis (inflammation of lips) treated with Calendula (2009) FULL TEXT

26. Palliative Medicine

Homeopathic approach to symptom control in the cancer patient (2002)

27.Ear, Nose and Throat disorders

Homeopathic treatment of patients with chronic sinusitis (2009) FULL TEXT

28.Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine

Potentised Ethanol for alcohol withdrawl and Potentised morphine for morphine addiction (2003)

29. Journal of Musculoskeletal Research

Traumeel vs NSAID for inflammation of the epicondyle (2004) FULL TEXT // Traumeel superior toNSAID on variable pain at rest (p<0.01), joint mobility (p<0.01)

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1.Homoeopathic Links

Usefulness of the Homeopathic Medicines in Furunculosis (2010) // Hepar sulphuris, Antimoniumcrudum, Sulphur and Calcarea carbonica for boils,p=0.0001 in the mean total furunculosis symptomscore developed by the CCRH

Efficacy of homeopathic drugs in dermatitis of atopic diathesis (2003) // n=31 people suffering fromatopic skin and respiratory symptoms with individualised homeopathic therapy (Arsenicum album,Merc solubilis, Hepar sulph, Arsenicum iod, Antimony tart, Pulsatilla and Calc carb)over a period of 5years. During a 6 month assessment period following this treatment, the authors determined that 41%of the group with skin and respiratory symptoms achieved not less than a 76% improvement insymptoms.

2. The British Homoeopathic Journal

Potentised Carboneum sulphuratum and Tabacum in Cuban epidemic neuropathy (2001) //

Individualised Homeopathic treatment in women with premenstrual syndrome (2001) FULL TEXT //n=19, 90% of patients who had received homeopathic treatment (200c potency) experienced morethan 30% improvement (P=0.048). Only 37.5 % of patients who received placebo experienced asimilar improvement, OR=5.5

Treatment for hyperactive children: homeopathy and methylphenidate (ritalin) compared (2001) //ADHD, individualised LM potency, n=114 (317 years), t=3.5 months, 86 (75%) responded tohomeopathy, 22% responded to methylphenidate, 3% to none of them

Quality of life in patients with headache, receiving homeopathic treatment (2001) FULL TEXT //statistically significant results in favour of homeopathy, n=53, t=46 weeks, >60% improvement in 4weeks

Homeopathic treatment of patients with persistent mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI) (2000) FULLTEXT // 50 people with persistent MTBI were treated either with their constitutional homeopathicremedy or placebo. The homeopathic treatment provided superior results to those from the placebocontrol

Quadruple nosode (Bacillinum, Influenzinu, Pneumococcus and Streptococcus) as a preventive forrespiratory infections (1964) // combination remedy

Poliomyelitis and prophylaxis (1950)// In 1950 during an epidemic of poliomyelitis, Dr Taylor Smith ofJohannesburg, South Africa protected 82 people with homoeopathic Lathyrus sativus. Of the 82 soimmunised, 12 came into direct contact with disease. None were infected.

Evaluation of 2LHERP in preventing recurrences of genital herpes (2000) // nosode, combinationremedy 2LHERP=homeopathic RNA+homeopathic viral DNA

Calcarea Fluorata for Cervical Spondylitis (1996) // n=154, t=1 year, clinical improvement in60.38%,40% in those given medicine other than calc fluor

Sulphur for treatment of Alcohol Withdrawl (1993) //n=30, t=3 months, alcohol withdrawal anddelirium, Poland

Staphylococcus 12c decreases immune complexes, increases CD4 lymphocytes in HIV patients(2000)// n=16, case series of 12 infected and 4 healthy persons

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Homeopathy in acute otitis media(2001) FULL TEXT // n=230, t=12 hours, 72% of those usinghomeopathy had significant relief. Resolution rates were 2.4 times faster than in placebo controls.Compared to conventional treatment the homeopathic approach was 14% cheaper

Applicability of Caulophyllum 7C during labour(1993) // n=22, reduces duration of labour by 90minutes

Individualised Homeopathy in treatment of Fibroid in Uterus (1992) // n=84, t=13 years, painimproved in 79% of subjects, abnormal bleeding in 75 % subjects, reduction fibroid volume in majorityof cases

3. International Journal of High Dilution Research

Effect of homeopathic medication on the cognitive and motor performance of autistic children (2008)FULL TEXT // autism

Homeopathic treatment of coronary artery disease (2009) FULL TEXT

Homeopathic treatment of Dengue (2008) FULL TEXT

Tongue Analysis (2009) FULL TEXT

Carbon Remedies (2009) FULL TEXT

Nephrotic Syndrome in adults (2009) FULL TEXT //tuberculinum, apis, arsenicum album, etc

Usefulness of 13 homeopathic medicines in the management of acute rhinitis(2010) FULLTEXT //NuxVomica, Merc, Belladonna,pre and postscore assessment as per acute rhinitis symptom scoredeveloped by CCRH showed statistically significant improvement, p<0.05


Individualised Homeopathy for treatment of symptoms of oestrogen withdrawal in breast cancerpatients (2003) // n=45, Primary symptoms such as hot flushes,Primary symptoms changed from 7.8to 5.4, and from 7.2 to 4.1 (p<0.001), superavogardo dilution

An observational study of patients receiving homeopathic treatment (2004) FULL TEXT //improvedphysical condition & high satisfaction in 782 patients, t= 9 years 2 months, costs less, individualisedtreatment, allopathy drug discontinued

Effectiveness of homeopathic care in Norway (2005) FULL TEXT // 70% reported improvement in 6months, Patients using conventional medications reduced them from 39% to 16%

Homeopathy for hypersensitivity (2006) FULL TEXT // n=88,24% of 34 treated conventionallyexperienced an improvement in their condition while 57% of 54 treated with homeopathy experiencedsimilar relief.

Treating hot flushes in menopausal women with homeopathic treatment (2008) FULL TEXT //n=438,Significant reduction in the frequency of hot flushes and significant reduction in daily discomfort.

Homeopathic treatment of allergic rhinitis (2009) FULL TEXT // n=46

Costbenefit evaluation of homeopathic versus conventional therapy in respiratory diseases (2009)FULL TEXT // treatment by homeopathy costs 50% less, individualised homeopathy

Homeopathic therapy for male infertility (2002) //n=45,t=10.3 months, A total of 26 homoeopathicmedicines in LM 18 potency were prescribed, the most common ones were (in order of the number ofprescriptions): Natrum muriaticum, Lycopodium, Calcarea carbonicum, Pulsatilla, Phosphous, Silicea,

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and Thuja. Sperm count and sperm motility were improved by homeopathy and the improvement wascomparable with conventional treatment. p=0.011 for sperm density and p=o,o45 for motility. A totalof 8 pregnancies occurred in 7 couples, with one having twins

Individualised Homeopathy as an adjunct to usual care for fibromyalgia (2009) //n=47, p<0.01 onFibromyalgia impact Questionnaire score in favour of homeopathy (7.62 vs 3.63), randomized, OTPcontrolled, Jadad score=2

Homeopathy in respiratory allergies (2006) FULL TEXT // n=147

Homeopathy for the treatment of menstrual irregularities: a case series (2009)

Homeopathic treatment of radiationinduced itching in breast cancer patients (2004) //21 out of 25benefitted from individualised homeopathy

Canova in vitro (2009) FULL TEXT

Homeopathy for arthritis (2008)// n=47

Homeopathic treatment of intractable atopic dermatitis (2003) // n=17

Application of 200C potency of bacteria for Leptospirosis epidemic control (2010) FULL TEXT //Conducted by the Finlay Institute, a vaccines producer in Cuba gave 2.308562 million (70% of thetarget population above the age of 1 year) people in Cuba given two doses (1 dose=5 drops) of 200Cpotency of Leptospirosis bacteria, each (79 days apart) for protection against Leptospirosis(fever+jaundice+ inflammation in kidney+enlargement of spleen) with only 10 reported cases.Dramatic decrease in morbidity within two weeks and zero morbidity of hospitalised patients, nontreated area saw an inrease in number of cases from 309 cases in 2007 to 376 in 2008 representinga 21% increase. cost of homeopathic immunization =1/15th of conmed vaccine.

5. Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy

Poliomyelitis immunization (1961) // In 1956,Dr H.W. Eisfelder immunized over 6,000 children with thisLathyrus sativus. There were no side effects and no cases of polio reported in the group

6. American Journal of Homoeopathic Medicine

Acute Diarrhoeal Diseases in Children, 2009, 102 (3): 122129 //n=327, The difference in the meannumber of stools and diarrhoea index score (before and after treatment) developed by the CCRH wasfound to be statistically significant (p=0.0001). Podophyllum, Chamomilla, Aethusa cynapium,Calcarea Carbonica and Mercurius solubilis were found to be most useful, individualised homeopathy

Hahnemann’s Contribution

7. Zeitschrift für Praktischen Medizin

A case of rapidly cured colicodynia, Vol. 3. Part. 1, p. 138147, 1797

Cure and prevention of scarlet fever, 1801

8.Reichs Anzeiger

On a proposed remedy for hydrophobia, No. 7, 49, 71, 1803.

9.Allgemeine Reichsanzeiger

Treatment of typhus & fever at present prevailing, No. 6, Jan. 1814 // Bryonia and Rhustox.

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Treatment of burns, No. 156, 1816

Treatment of purpura miliaris, No. 26, 1821 // blockage of sweat glands

10.Archiv für die homöopathische Heilkunst

Cure and prevention of Asiatic cholera, Vol. 11, part 1, 1831

11.The British Journal of Homoeopathy

Treatment of chronic local disease and of phthisis. Vol. 11, 1853 // Tuberculosis


1.Complementary Therapies in Medicine

Traumeel for trauma and acute musculoskeletal injuries (2008)

Homoeopathic versus conventional treatment of children with eczema (2008) // n=118, t=1 year,thosechildren who were treated homeopathically had a greater level of recovery from symptoms than thosetreated with corticosteroid and antihistamine, p<0.001, cohort study, Jadad score=1

Homoeopathic Vs conventional treatment strategies in patients with chronic disorders (2005) FULLTEXT // n=493,t= 1 year, chronic disorders such as headache, lower back pain, insomnia, depression,bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis and allergic rhinitis

2. Forschende Komplementärmedizin und Klassische Naturheilkunde

Treatment of rhinitis & sinus with Euphorbium compositum nasal drops (2005) n=739

3. Evidencebased Complementary and Alternative Medicine

NervoHeel N for Nervous Disorders (2007) FULL TEXT //other thanplacebo control: Lorazepam

Can Homeopathy Bring Additional Benefits to Thalassemic Patients: Encouraging Results (2010)FULL TEXT // n=38,significant decrease in the serum ferritin and increase in fetal haemoglobin levelsin subjects treated with homeopathic remedies in combination with Hydroxyurea. In the 30 patientshaving enlarged spleen, there was a reduction in size of spleen. There was an increase in the intervalperiod of blood transfusion requirement (ranging between 25 and 75%) in the combined treatmentgroup.

Asenicum Album 30c to combat arsenic poisoning (2005) FULL TEXT // placebocontrolled,n=53,Arsenic concentration in the urine of verum group was significantly lower on 6/11 days

4. The Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine

Homeopathy versus conventional treatment in respiratory tract and ear complaints (2001) FULLTEXT // otherthanplacebo controlled trial, homeopathic medicine in 30c potency, response rate of82.6% in homeopathy group compared to 67.3% in conventional group

Homeopathic Treatment for Chronic Disease (2005) FULL TEXT // 70.7% of 6544 patients over 6year period reported improvement, 50% had major improvement in inflammatory bowel disease,irritable bowel syndrome, menopausal problems and migraines. Children had improvements ineczema and asthma.

Tumor (blood cancer) Therapy with Amanita phalloides (2010) FULL TEXT

Immunemodulatory effects of Phase 6 and Flu Terminator (2007)// elicts human immune responseinvitro, combination remedies

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5.Complementary & Alternative Medicine

Patient satisfaction & side effects: comparing homeopathy & conventional medicine (2008) FULLTEXT // swiss govt. report, higher patient satisfaction & 3 times fewer sideeffects in homeopathy,21%of those treated with homeopathy reported “complete resolution” of the complaint versus 28% ofthose on conventional therapy and 53% reported “complete satisfaction” with homeopathic treatmentversus 40% of those given conventional therapy.

Homeopathic & conventional treatment for acute respiratory & ear complaints (2007) FULL TEXT //n=1577 from 57 clinics in 8 countries, t14 days. The onset of improvement within the first 7 daysafter treatment was significantly faster in those with homeopathic treatment, both in children andadults.

6. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine

Cost saving by Homeopathy in atopic and allergic disorders (2002) // n=48, 56%of patients reducedtheir use of conventional medication following the homeopathic intervention,medication expensereduced by an average of 60%, with an average savings of $24 per patient in the 3month periodfollowing the homeopathic intervention.

Homeopathic treatment of depression and anxiety(1997) // n= 12, t=7 to 80 weeks, 58% of patientsresponded to homeopathy for anxiety and phobia

7.Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice

Homoeopathic treatment of upper respiratory tract infections in children (2010)

8.Forschende Komplementarmedizin

Effect of Coffea Cruda on mood, anger and depression in insomnia patients (2010) //n=59, t=1month

F9. REVIEW ARTICLES (other than systematic reviews)

1. Alternative Medicine Review

A review of homeopathic research in treatment of respiratory allergies (2010) FULL TEXT

2. International Journal of High Dilution Research

Flu pandemics: homeopathic prophylaxis and definition of the epidemic genius (2009) FULL TEXT

20 years of experience with LM potencies (2009) FULL TEXT

Homeopathy: a preventive approach to medicine (2009) FULL TEXT

Repertory based on Baye’s theorm (2010) FULL TEXT

Scientific framework of Homeopathy: Evidencebased Homeopathy (2008) FULL TEXT

3.Evidencebased Complimentary & Alternative Medicine

Immunology and Homeopathy 1 (2005) FULL TEXT

Immunolgy and Homeopathy2 (2006) FULL TEXT

Immunolgy and Homeopathy5 (2006) FULL TEXT

Entanglement Theory (2007) FULL TEXT

4. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology

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Homeopathy had a significant effect beyond placebo (2008) FULL TEXT //(odds ratio= 0.76) withp=0.039 at 95% CI, metaanalysis

5. Homeopathy

Canova in vitro (2009) FULL TEXT

6.Forschende Komplementarmedizin

Realworld Effectiveness, Safety and CostEffectiveness of Homeopathy in General Practice(2006)FULL TEXT // Swiss govt commissioned Health Technology Assessment Committee comprising of 10scientists including 3 homeopaths concluded after 7 years of research: 20 out of 22 systematicreviews having a trend in favour of homeopathy, reevaluated shang study taking into accountexternal and internal validity and found a truly remarkable result in favour of homeopathy.

J. ANIMAL STUDIES // Database of 304 papers. Click “Retreive longversion”


1823: World’s first homeopathy Journal (German): Dr. Johann Ernst Stapf’sArchive for theHomoeopathic Medicine

1835: World’s first DoubleBlind Randomised Placebo Controlled Trial was conducted by ahomeopath physician Johann Jacob Reuter, The Nuremberg salt test

1860: World’s first homeopathy Journal (English):The North American Journal of Homeopathy

1988: The Memory of Unique Water Structures (Dr. Jacques Beneviste)

1991: Potentisation creates molecular clusters in water

1995: Homeopathy is nanopharmacology (Paolo Bellavite, Andread Signorini)

1997: Homeopathic medicines have the capacity to interact with the genetic blueprint (Anisur RahmanKhudaBukhsh)

1999: Potentisation alters the properties of Water (Elia V, Niccoli M)

2001: Alcohol forms clusters with water (Wisniewski)

2005: Potentisation alters the structure of water (Dr. Rustom Roy)

2007: Succussion creates nanobubbles and Transient Localised regions

2008: homeopathic medicines have stable and unique molecular structure with recognizableproperties (Dr. Rustom Roy)

2009: Potentisation creates specific nanostructures (Dr. Luc Montagnier, Nobel Laureate)

2010: Homeopathic medicine upto 200c retains nanograms of fine nanoparticles of the originalstarting material (Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay)

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1.The Trials of Homeopathy. Michael Emmans Dean. KVC Verlag. 2004 // Trials from 18211998,5prospective trials and 205 controled trials, conclusion: “homeopathy appears mostly as safe asreputed”, “homeopathy does appear to be capable of influencing global outcomes such as well beingand comorbidity”, “economic benefits are noticeable”

2.The Emerging Science of Homeopathy.Complexity, Biodynamics and Nanopharmacology. PaoloBellavite, Andread Signorini. North Atlantic Books. Berkeley, California. 1995. ISBN 155643384 0.


Posology Pro

Golden ratio/Fibonacci scale of remedies

Views of different Experts


Rational Skepticism1 // TMB

Rational Skepticism2 // TMB

Phoenix Rising // Mark

Peerreview Vs public scrutiny



Anisur Rahman KhudaBukhsh in his paper “Potentized homeopathic drugs act through regulation ofgene expression: a hypothesis to explain their mechanism and pathways of action in vivo” Com TherMed. 1997: 5; 43. proposed that homeopathic substances have the capacity to interact with thegenetic blueprint and deliver their benefits by increasing the expression of genes that synthesisehealth promoting proteins i.e. homeopathic medicines activate genes i.e.genes can be turned on andoff by use of homeopathic remedies

Dynamized Preparations in cell Culture (2009) FULL TEXT //Carcinosinum200C,Conium,Lycopodiumactivates beneficial gene p53 which provides defense againsttumour/cancer

Nux vomica & Calendula have significant effect on gene expression (2010) FULL TEXT

Evaluation of 2LHERP in preventing recurrences of genital herpes (2000) //nosodes, combinationremedy, 2LHERP=homeopathic RNA+homeopathic viral DNA



A.Spectroscopy: It is the study of interaction between matter and radiated energy i.e. how asubstance absorbs, emits or scatters electromagnetic radiation

1.Raman Laser Spectroscopy (1976)

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In 1976, Boiron and Vinh used Raman Laser Spectroscopy, showing that for the 1C potency of Kalibichromicum the spectrum of alcohol disappears completely, while that for potassium bichromateappears. In Kali bich 1C the ratio of the number of potassium bichromate molecules is 1 to 500. Insuch a case the light meets 500 more alcohol molecules as those of bichromate, yet the alcoholspectrum does not appear.

2. New Magnetic Resonance method by K. Lenger (2006)

Homeopathic Potencies Identified By a New Magnetic Resonance Method published in journal ‘SubtleEnergies and Energy Medicine’

Delayed luminescence of high homeopathic potencies on sugar globuli (2008)

3. UltraViolet–Visible spectroscopy (2007)

The defining role of structure including epitaxy in the plausibility of homeopathy (2007) FULL TEXT //distinguishes Nux vomica and Natrum muriaticum from one another and within a given medicine, the6c, 12c, and 30c potencies, distinguishes Natrum Mur, Puls and lachesis at 30c potency

4. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy (2008)

The first NMR spectroscopy in homeopathy was by Boericke GW, Smith RB. Modern aspects ofhomeopathic research.Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy,1965; 58: 158167; 1966; 59:263272.

NMR spectroscopy on Kalium Bichromium (2008) FULL TEXT // 3C differs from 4C

High dilutions of histamine distinguishable using NMR (2009)


5. Electromagnetic Signatures (2009)

Nanostructures in highly diluted biological samples of bacteria and virus DNA sequence produceselectromagnetic signals (2009) FULL TEXT

B. Thermoluminescence (2003): The amount of light produced by a sample when it is heated (dueto the release of stored energy) can be measured.

Low temperature thermoluminescence of ultrahigh dilutions of lithium chloride & sodium chloride(2003) FULL TEXT

C. Dielectric Dispersion (2010)

Homeopathic medicines when subjected to variable frequency electric field shows dielectricdispersion (2010)

D. Physiological variability in human body (G.D. Jindal et. al., 2004): homeopathic medicinesproduce change in body temperature by its action on hypothalamus

Software for measuring physiological variability (2008)

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discussion // check research work in left pane


1. BioElectrography: Dynamic Electrophotonic Capture: Gas Discharge Visualisation (2003)

Gas Discharge Visualization Evaluation of Ultramolecular Doses of Homeopathic Medicines (2003)

2. Fourier Transform Infra Red spectroscopy (2005)

Variation in Fourier transform infrared spectra of homeopathic potencies (2005) FULL TEXT

3. High Voltage Plasma (2008)

Distinguishing Natrum Mur 30 from water by High voltage plasma (2008) // electrical impedance ofNatrum Mur 30 c differ from water

4. Transmission Electron Microscopy (2010)

Presence of nanoparticles in homeopathic medicines as detected by TEM while there won’t be anynanoparticles detected in solvent/control because it is a placebo

5. UltraViolet Spectroscopy (2011)

Cuprum Sulphuricum 1130c differs from placebo (2011)


By the end of year 2008, there have been 14 RCT comparing homeopathy to ConMed [ref]

The distribution of studies in a form of a table comparing homeopathy with ConMed and placebo isshown at


DBRCT have shown superiority of homeopathy over allopathy in treatment of otitis media,depression, low back pain, upper respiratory tract infection, trauma and muscoskeletal injuries, socan be used as first line of treatment

1.Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing

Viburcol (Chamomilla, Belladonna, Calcarea carbonica, Dulcamara, Plantago major, and Pulsatilla)for treatment of febrile infctions in children(2005) //febrile symptoms such as fever, cramps, disturbedsleep, difficulty eating or drinking, crying=198 in 38 Belgian Clinics, Viburcol as effective asacetaminophen but better tolerable

Traumeel S ointment for tendon injuries (2005) // Traumeel superior to diclofenac gel

2.Scientific World Journal

Avena Sativa 2X, Passiflora Incarnata 2X, Zincum Valerianicum 4X, Coffea Cruda 12X for treatmentof Insomnia (2008) // Neurexan superior to valerian

3.International Journal of Clinical Practice

GrippHeel (Aconitum napellus 4X, Bryonia alba 4X, Eupatorium perfoliatum 3X, Lachesis,

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Phosphorous) for viral infections(2004) FULL TEXT //combination remedy, n=485, 78.1% of peoplefound it effective compared to 52.2% of those using conventional medicine

4. American Journal of Pain Management

Osteoarthritic Pain: A Comparison of Homeopathy and Paracetamol (1998) // 55% achieved painrelief from homeopathy as compared to 38% from acetaminophen


Homeopathy as an adjunct to usual care for fibromyalgia (2009) FULL TEXT

An observational study of patients receiving homeopathic treatment (2004) FULL TEXT //improvedphysical condition & high satisfaction, costs less, allopathy drug discontinued

Homeopathy for hypersensitivity (2006)

Homeopathic & antibiotic treatment strategies in recurrent acute rhinopharyngitis (2005) //Inflammation of the mucous membranes of nose & throat, homeopathy superior to antibiotic

Homeopathic and conventional therapies in patients with type2 diabetic polyneuropathy(2009) //n61,t= 1 year, p=0.016

6.British Homoeopathic Journal

Efficacy and safety of a homeopathic gel Spiroflor SRL in the treatment of acute low back pain (2001)FULL TEXT // SRL (Symphytum, RhusTox, Ledum Pal) is equally effective as Cremor CapsiciCompositus FNA but has better safety profile, Doubleblind Randomised Trial with n=21

7.Complementary & Alternative Medicine

Patient satisfaction & side effects: comparing homeopathy & conventional medicine (2008) FULLTEXT // higher patient satisfaction & 3 times fewer sideeffects in homeopathy

8.International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Homoeopathic treatment of otitis media (1997) // duration of pain of 2 days in homeopathygroup & 3days in conventional group. 70.7 % & 56.5% of children receiving homeopathy & conventionalrespectively did not have another ear infection the next year

9. Evidencebased Complementary & Alternative Medicine

Homeopathic LM potencies Vs Fluoxetine for Depression (2009) FULL TEXT //Homeopathy notinferior to fluoxetine (Prozac) but had a better safety profile,Higher percentage of patients treated withfluoxetine reported troublesome side effects and there was a trend toward greater treatmentinterruption for adverse effects in the fluoxetine group compared to homeopathy, DoubleblindRandomised Trial with n=91

10.Complementary Therapies in Medicine

Homeopathy for the prevention of upper respiratory tract infections (2005) Randomised ControlledTrial with n=69. The difference in the median number of days with URTI symptoms was statisticallysignificant with 8 days in the homeopathic group and 13 days in the control group (p = 0.006)

Traumeel for trauma and acute musculoskeletal injuries (2008)

11.Journal of Clinical Oncology

Phase 3 RCT of Calendula compared with trolamine for prevention of dermatitis during radiotherapy

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for breast cancer(2009) //n=254, p<0.001, reduction in high energy raditioninduced pain, superior totrolamine


Between 20012010, 24 economic evaluations including 13 full economic evaluations done, ref:Hermann P, Poindexter B, Witt CM, Eisenberg D. BMJ Open 2012

The cost of homeopathic medicines are much less than conmed because they are generic, nonpatented and nonpatentable.

Costbenefit evaluation of homeopathic versus conventional therapy in respiratory diseases (2009)FULL TEXT // treatment by homeopathy costs 50% less

Homeopathy in acute otitis media (2001) FULL TEXT // n=230, After 12 hours, 72% of those usinghomoeopathy experienced significant relief of symptoms, which was 2.4 times faster than theresponse to placebo.Compared to conventional treatment the homeopathic approach was 14%cheaper

Arnica montana 4X for Healing of Wounds After Hallux Valgus Surgery Compared to Diclofenac 50mg(2008) // n=88, t= 4 days, arnica provided same level of wound irritation reduction but 60% costeffective than diclofenac

Homeopathic and conventional therapies in patients with type2 diabetic polyneuropathy(2009) //n61,t= 1 year, p=0.016


1.Archives of Otolaryngology head & Neck Surgery

Homeopathic Vs conventional treatment of vertigo (1998) FULL TEXT //Double Blind RandomisedControlled trial with n=119, Statistical Significant results with homeopathy as well as betahistine

2.The European Journal of Heart Failure

Efficacy of homeopathic Crataegus & Spigelia for mild cardiac insufficiency (2003) FULL TEXT //Crataegus & Spigelia Vs ACE inhibitors/Diuretics

3. Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing

Asclepias vincetoxicum & Sulphur for treatment of upper respiratory infections associated withcommon cold (2006) // homeopathy Vs antihistamine and antiinflammatory drugs

4. Biologische Medizin

Vertigoheel Vs Dimenhydrinate for vertigo(2001) FULL TEXT // 88% patient improved compared to 87% in conventional group

Viburcol for infections due to fever (2002) FULL TEXT // equals paracetamol

5. Der Allgemeinarzt

Zeel (Rhus Tox, Dulcamara, Sanguinara, Arnica) for osteoarthritis (2003) FULL TEXT // equals COX2 inhibitors

6. Homeopathy

Placebo effect size same in conventional & homeopathic medicine (2010) FULL TEXT

7. Complementary & Alternative Medicine

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Homeopathic & conventional treatment for acute respiratory & ear complaints (2007) FULL TEXT //homeopathy Vs antibiotics & analgesics for respiratory & ear complaints

8. Forschende Komplementärmedizin und Klassische Naturheilkunde

Comparing Luffa compositumHeel nasal spray with cromolyn sodium spray in the treatment ofallergic rhinitis (1999) FULL TEXT Doubleblind Randomised trial with n=146,Homeopathic NasalSpray containing Luffa, Galphimia, Histamine and Sulphur is as efficient and well tolerable asconventional therapy as Cromolyn Sodium

Treatment of rhinitis & sinus with Euphorbium compositum nasal drops (2005) // Homeopathy Vsxylometazoline, n=379

9. Evidencebased Complementary and Alternative Medicine

NervoHeel N for Nervous Disorders (2007) FULL TEXT


Comparison of acetylsalicylic acid with Eupatorium perfoliatum 2X in treatment of common cold(1981) //RCT


Homoeopathic versus conventional therapy for atopic eczema in children(2009)


1. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology

Conclusions on the effectiveness of homeopathy depend on the set of analyzed trials (2008)// FULLTEXT homeopathy had a significant effect beyond placebo (odds ratio= 0.76) with p=0.039 at 95% CI

2. Forschende Komplementarmedizin

Homeopathic pathogenetic trials produce specific symptoms different from placebo (2009) FULLTEXT // homeopathy differs from placebo, n=25


Doubleblind Placebocontrolled homeopathic pathogenetic trials (2006) FULL TEXT

The 2005 metaanalysis of homeopathy: the importance of postpublication data (2008) FULL TEXT//Quality of homeopathic Trials is better than of conventional trials for all trials (p=0.03) as well as forsmaller trials (p=0.003)

4. British Homoeopathic Journal

Homeopathic treatment in women with premenstrual syndrome (2001) FULL TEXT // 90% of patientswho had received homeopathic treatment experienced more than 30% improvement (P=0.048). Only37.5 % of patients who received placebo experienced a similar improvement, n=20

5.Complementary Therapies in Medicine

Homeopathy, sensation of wellbeing and CD4levels (1998) FULL TEXT // individualisedhomeopathy improves sensation of wellbeing, provided evidence of ultrahigh dilutions and mayaffect CD4 levels, n=36

Arnica for inflammation after knee surgery (2006) //DoubleBlind Randomised Placebo Controlled trial

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with n=226

6. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine

Variation in Fourier transform infrared spectra of homeopathic potencies (2005) FULL TEXT // FTIRspectra of Nux Vomica 30c, Lycopodium 30c, Santonin 30c, Cina 30c distinguishes from solvent,sugar globule soaked in homeopathic medicine retains its specific spectral absorption propoerties

Gas Discharge Visualization Evaluation of Ultramolecular Doses of Homeopathic Medicines (2003) //distinguishing homeopathic medicine from solvent using BioElectrography: Dynamic ElectrophotonicCapture

7. British medical Journal

Clinical Trials of Homeopathy (1991) FULL TEXT // 77% of 105 studies show positive result ofhomeopathy

8.Journal of Psychosomatic Research

Efficacy of individualised homeopathic treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome (2004) TripleBlindStudy with n=92 Weak but equivocal evidence that the effects of homeopathic medicine are superiorto placebo

9. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology

homeopathy for postoperative ileus (1997) // E. Ernst, 6 trials, 776 patients (metaanalysis)Statistically significant (p < 0.05) weighted mean difference in favor of homeopathy (compared toplacebo)

10. Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift

homeopathic Galphimia glauca for hay fever (1997) // metaanalysis of 11 controlled trials: Significantsuperiority of Galphimia glauca over placebo is demonstrated



Homeopathic medical practice (2005) FULL TEXT // (Chronic) Disease severity and quality of lifedemonstrated marked and sustained improvements following homeopathic treatment in 3981 patientsfor 2 years

Disease severity decreases & QoL of life increases following homeopathy treatment (2008) FULLTEXT (2008)

Treatment of allergic rhinitis with homeopathy (2005)

Homeopathic treatment of allergic rhinitis (2009)

Homeopathic Treatment of chronic low back pain (2009)

Scientific framework of evidencebased homeopathy (2008) FULL TEXT // page 45

Homeopathic and conventional therapies in patients with type2 diabetic polyneuropathy(2009) //n61,t= 1 year, p=0.016

Improved Clinical Status in Fibromyalgia patients treated with homeopathic remediesVs Placebo(2004) FULL TEXT // significantly greater improvements in tender point count and tender point pain,

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quality of life, global health and a trend toward less depression compared with those on placebo.

Homeopathic & antibiotic treatment strategies in recurrent acute rhinopharyngitis(2005) //In 499patients homeopathy yielded significantly better results than antibiotics in terms of effectiveness,number of complications and quality of life

Quality of life in patients with headache, receiving homeopathic treatment(2001) FULL TEXT //statistically significant results in favour of homeopathy


1.Forschende Komplementarmedizin

Effectiveness, Safety and CostEffectiveness of Homeopathy in General Practice (2006) FULL TEXT

2.British Homoeopathic Journal

Efficacy and safety of a homeopathic gel Spiroflor SRL in the treatment of acute low back pain (2001)FULL TEXT // SRL (Symphytum, RhusTox, Ledum Pal) is equally effective as Cremor CapsiciCompositus FNA but has better safety profile, Doubleblind Randomised Trial with n=21

3. Evidencebased Complimentary & Alternative Medicine

Homeopathic LM potencies Vs Fluoxetine for Depression (2009) FULL TEXT //Homeopathy notinferior to fluoxetine (Prozac) but had a better safety profile. Higher percentage of patients treatedwith fluoxetine reported troublesome side effects and there was a trend toward greater treatmentinterruption for adverse effects in the fluoxetine group compared to homeopathy, DoubleblindRandomised Trial with n=91



164 peerreviewed papers published between 19502011 (inclusive) on RCT in 89 medicalconditions

(1) Out of 164, 137 are placebocontrolled & 27 otherthanplacebo controlled studies

(2) Out of 164, 71 (43%) papers reported +ve findings, 9 (6%) were negative; 80 (49%) werenonconclusive; 4 (2%) contained nonextractable data.

(3) Out of 137 pacebocontrolled studies, 41 are on individualised homeopathy and 96 onnonindividualised homeopathy

(4) In 32 out of 89 disease conditions, there has been replicated research (2 or more RCT). In22 out of 32 disease conditions, the results of replicated research were statisticallysignificant.

(5) These 22 disease conditions are:

Respiratory: Upper Respiratory Tract Infection, Influenza, rhinitis, asthma, Common Cold,Otitis Media, Sinusitis

Others: Fibromyalgia, Arsenic toxicity, Attentiondeficit hyperactivity disorder, Bloodcoagulation, diarrhea, Depression, Female infertility, Insomnia, Irritable bowel syndrome, Lowback pain, Muscle soreness, arthritis, Postoperative bruising, Postoperative pain, Vertigo

For more details go here

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Research claims to have confirmed the efficacy of homeopathic medicine. Additional support comesfrom the fact that animals, plants, infants and comatose patients also benefit from homeopathictreatment and it is unlikely that they will react psychologically to a medicine they often do not knowthey are being given



Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy

Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy2


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5 0 Rate This

Happy to see your knol in top health knols of 2010Regards

Narayana RaoNovember 30, 0001

5 1 Rate This

Thank you sir for the “Top Viewed Knol Award” for the year 2010.Dr. Nancy MalikNovember 30, 0001

New website: truth about homeopathy — THERE ARE A NUMBER OF GROUPSwith an economic interest in discrediting homeopathy spreading false information

r weistraNovember 30, 0001

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5 3 Rate This

about it. This website was created to make sure consumers know the facts abouthomeopathy:

4 3 Rate This

Yeah, I am aware of such things. let all homeopaths world wide unite againstsuch evil forces. Thanks for such a wonderful brand new website.RegardsNancy

Dr. Nancy MalikNovember 30, 0001

6 2 Rate This

Congratulation !! Dr.Nancy Malik — Wonderfull work.I feel we are heading towardbetter future in Homoeopathy.Days are not for away when modes operandi ofHomoeopathic Medicine will be explained in scientafic terminology.

Dr.Ranbir Singh JosanNovember 30, 0001

5 1 Rate This

Dr. RanbirThank You for your appreciation. Let homeopathy keep on curing people. A lot ofscientist and engineers in the last couple of years have researched intohomeopathy. Sooner or later things will finally take its shape.RegardsNancy

Dr. Nancy MalikNovember 30, 0001

4 1 Rate This

Congratulations to BARC Scientists and Research officers CCRH,Mumbai andDirector general CCRH, NIH, FMHCM,Mangalore for conductiong a huge andeffective work on Homeopathy, I feel happy to write this comment. and happy toinform you that I have little acquintance with the medical analyser I have worked withthe equipement when I was worked under ccrh in mumbai while working for thisproject.In this junction I would like to introduce my work on physiological variability.please visit my site. Thanks

dr. devendra KumarmuntaNovember 30, 0001

4 1 Rate This

Dr. DevendraKumarThanks to everyone who contributed to the development of Homeopathymedicine. Good to know that you have worked on medical analyser. I recommendthe work of Dr. Devendra Kumar on physiological variability on human body toeveryone by visiting http://homeoresearch.blogspot.inRegardsNancy

Dr. Nancy MalikNovember 30, 0001

Added to similima — Dear nancy malik As you requested the link added to in touch

Dr Mansoor AliNovember 30, 0001

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5 1 Rate This

5 1 Rate This

Hello Dr. MansoorThanks for your efforts. Your site is a great oneespecially for those who wish to pursue M.D. in homeopathy medicine. It’s aresource for research activities. I recommend everyone to visit this wonderfulsite.RegardsNancy

Dr. Nancy MalikNovember 30, 0001

3 1 Rate This

How the antihomeopathy critics have managed to spread misinformation abouthomeopathy?

Anand dharsendaNovember 30, 0001

7 3 Rate This

Wonderful work! — Wonderful work, Nancy! This will be a very useful tool wheneverwe homeopaths need to counter the rubbish claims made by skeptics. I shallbookmark it for handy use and shall also add a link to your knol on my website. Itmust have taken tremendous effort and time to come up with a comprehensive andexhaustive compilation like this. Really commendable!Thank you!Firuzi Mehta

Firuzi MehtaNovember 30, 0001

6 2 Rate This

Hello Dr. FiruziThank you for a lavish praise. Please feel free to share it with others. Lethomeopathy be known to everyone.Yeah, compilation took lot of time, effort andresources but for a greater cause.RegardsNancy

Dr. Nancy MalikNovember 30, 0001

6 1 Rate This

A GREAT JOB I MUST SAY! AUDE SAPERE! —srijon chaterjeeNovember 30, 0001

5 1 Rate This

Dear SrijonMany thanks.’Aude Sapere’ means ‘dare to be wise’. Dr. Hahnemann father’sused to tell him ‘Aude Sapere’RegardsNancy

Dr. Nancy MalikNovember 30, 0001

Congratulations, Dr. Nancy Malik — You have done a wonderful job, Dr. Nancy. AnChandran Nambiar K CNovember 30, 0001

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6 1 Rate This

exhaustive collection source materials for those who are interested to takehomeopathy forward. Hearty congratulations!

5 1 Rate This

Dr. NambiarThank you for your encouraging words. I have read your articles on homeopathyon facebook and scribd.They are quite lively and interactive. You are doing afabulous work. I will keep on updating this webpage by adding the research workcarried out in homeopathy. Keep an eye on it.RegardsNancy

Dr. Nancy MalikNovember 30, 0001

7 1 Rate This

Excellent article.. — an excellent eyeopener article for those opposing homeopathy… check this link too:हो頄योपथी त圀戄य एव 倀ािⰄतया ” 찄मा耂णत 耂व栆ान या कवल मीठᘂ गो耂लया “( Is Homeopathy atrusted science or a placebo ) : Vastly Incomplete List of Scientific Research Behind Homeopathy :

Dr Prabhat TandonNovember 30, 0001

6 1 Rate This

Dr. PrabhatThanks for your encouragement. I am a fan of your blog and have subscribed toits feed. You have included a vast list of research papers in support ofhomeopathy medicine. Many ThanksRegardsNancy

Dr. Nancy MalikNovember 30, 0001

6 2 Rate This

Magnificent Collection — Dear Nancy. I will definitely use this handy list as areference and let others know they can back up their talks and presentations withthis source material. When anyone says that homeopathy is just placebo or does notwork, we can counter that with this type of information. Many thanks for all of yourhard workhugs, Debby

Debby BruckNovember 30, 0001

Dear DebbyThanks for your kind words. Homeopathy medicine has so much to offer to theailing mankind. May God bless all. I have included the status of homeopathyaround the world here at

Dr. Nancy MalikNovember 30, 0001

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7 0 Rate This

Impressive work! Congratulations! May I suggest to add the International Journal ofHigh Dilution Research? Revista de Homeopatia (SaoPaulo, Brazil) is currently on its 75th year and included at the National Library ofMedicine (Bethesda, USA); all the articles have an abstract and title in English: Once again, wonderful work!

SilviaMay 2, 2012

5 0 Rate This

Dear SilviaThank You.From two, the number of papers from Int. J. High Dilution Research has beenincreased to 12.Regards

Dr. Nancy MalikMay 2, 2012

5 0 Rate This

Big LIKE!! Great work!! Thanks for the updated links!Many regards

Uta MittelstadtJune 17, 2012

5 0 Rate This

Thanks Uta. I hope to keep on updating every dead link encountered or reported.Dr. Nancy MalikJune 17, 2012

5 2 Rate This

I’m so impressed with the way you’ve organised this, especially with the keystatistical and other information pulled out so that one needn’t even delve into anindividual paper to see something interesting going on. Congratulations on doing this;it’s an important step in helping people to realise that the “no evidence” claimsquoted in support of suppressing all discussion of homoeopathy are themselves justso much hot air.

John HarveyJuly 8, 2012

5 1 Rate This

Thank You John. In many of the links, the crux of the paper is included in the titlefor those who do not have time to delve into details. Evidence for homeopathy isfor all to see.

Dr. Nancy MalikJuly 9, 2012

5 0 Rate This

May I suggest a correction about “Significant Dates”:First number of Stapf’s “Archiv…” was published in 1822 and not 23.I also suggest to translate the name of the magazine (Archiv für die homöopathischeHeilkunst) as “Archive for homeopathic healing art”. Hahnemann would endorse…

Fournier DenisJuly 14, 2012

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Thank You Fournier for your keen observation. Changes would be made in thenext edit. Regards

Dr. Nancy MalikJuly 14, 2012

5 0 Rate This

Oh! I forgot the URL (Google Books) to the first publication of the “Archiv” in 1822:

Fournier DenisJuly 14, 2012

5 0 Rate This

Fournier, I am grateful for your corrections. RegardsDr. Nancy MalikJuly 14, 2012

4 6 Rate This

Homeopathy is bunk, even when dressed up in scientific terms with cherrypicked,methodologicallyflawed studies picked in support of it.

JakeJuly 19, 2012

1 3 Rate This

On the off chance that you have missed my recent responce on my blog, which youhave debated, I just thought that I would inform you that I have finally managed tolook over the data you sent me and would like to start the debate again.

I would also like to thank you for your patience in my delayed responce. I wasdealing with some matters in my personal life and could not take the time to worryabout my blog until recently. We can continue this debate on my post abouthomeopathy.

Great Ape ThoughtsSeptember 3, 2012

5 1 Rate This

Thnaks a lot for this wonderful work, I use it very often when people ask ifhomeopathy is scientifically proven.

Nathalie Parmentier,Klassiek HomeopaatSeptember 20, 2012

5 0 Rate This

Thank You Nathalie for your appreciation. I am going to give this page a faceliftby this year end. Regards

Dr. Nancy MalikSeptember 21, 2012

5 0 Rate This

Thank the lord that someone has finally found the time to produce a well organisedand comprehensive list of research to help us combat all those negative andclueless souls who keep trying to knock homeopathy down. No doubt some quantumphysicist will eventually prove once and for all what we’ve known to be true throughour many years as practitioners – that homeopathy is a powerful and highly effectivemedical treatment for a wide range of health conditions

potentised practitionerSeptember 27, 2012

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Dear HomeopathThanks for your kind words.Feel free to quote papers from this page to whosoever demands evidence.The next iteration to improve this page will come by the year end.Regards

Dr. Nancy MalikSeptember 27, 2012

5 1 Rate This

excellent workDr.Anmol DhawanJanuary 15, 2013

5 0 Rate This

Thank You Dr. Anmol. RegardsDr. Nancy MalikJanuary 20, 2013

You can download the pdf of this article from can download the PPT of this article from or

A Decade of Research into Homeopathy: 19811990 research findings are shown in tabular form. The table contains data such astrial type, patient population, intervention, comparator, condition, outcome, pvalue/odds ratio, results, trial quality (Jadad score), peerreviewed Journal name andthe URL link.

The SPECIAL EDITION of The Homeopathy Times You can download 12 FULL TEXT research papers on homeopathy

As on 22nd March 2015, SectionA of this article has been updated completely.SectionB is under review. It will be updated soon.

URL Links updated in SectionACytotoxic effects of ultradiluted remedies on breast cancer cells (2010)

Software for measuring physiological variability (2008)

Complexity science and homeopathy: a synthetic overview (2003)

Treatment of acute childhood diarrhea with individualised homeopathic medicine(1994)

Homeopathic treatment in ICU patients with severe sepsis (2005)

Dr. Nancy MalikFebruary 7, 2013

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Effect of Arnica montana 6 cH on edema, mouth opening and pain in patientssubmitted to extraction of impacted third molars (2005)

Homeopathic Treatment in patients with migraine (2006)

Canova differentiates monocytes in absence of cytokines(2008)

Individualised Homeopathic treatment in women with premenstrual syndrome (2001)

Effectiveness of homeopathic care in Norway (2005)

Canova in vitro (2009)

NervoHeel N for Nervous Disorders (2007)

A review of homeopathic research in treatment of respiratory allergies (2010)

The Nuremberg salt test

Is Homeopathy Possible? (2006)

Treatment of pain in postpartum women who elected not to breastfed with Apis 9cand Bryonia 9c given in postpartum period (2001)

An observational study of patients receiving homeopathic treatment (2004)

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Quality of Trials in Homeopathy superior to conmed (19% vs 8%) (Shang, Lancet 2005) 9:14 AM 29 Mar 2015

4 3

SuperAvogadro @DrNancyMalik


200+ studies on homeopathy. Most confirm what users already know it works! PM 14 Feb 2012

8 1

Jane C @magicpillsJC


Scientific Research in HomeopathyUpto the end of year 2010, there have been 299studies published in 114 medical journals (92integrative, 9 homeopathy and 13 CAM journals)including 11 metaanalysis, 8 systematic reviewsincludin...

View on web


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Homeopathy Undeniable Value | Dr Thomas's Blog linked to this post.

Има ли научни изследвания за хомеопатията? | Хомеопатия.bg linked to this post.

Friends of Science in Homeopathy – Sciencebased Homeopathy linked to this post.

A Decade of Homeopathic Research: 19811990 – Sciencebased Homeopathy linked to this post.

4 0 Rate This

RT @stpantazis If any1 wondering whether there r studies in homeopathy,someone spent time 2 do it for all of us.Thanks…1:12 AM 12 Feb 2012


SuperAvogadro @DrNancyMalik


Scientific Research in HomeopathyUpto the end of year 2010, there have been 299studies published in 114 medical journals (92integrative, 9 homeopathy and 13 CAM journals)including 11 metaanalysis, 8 systematic reviewsincludin...

View on web


4 0 Rate This

That is the first time I frequented your web page and thus far?I amazed with the research you made to create this actual submitincredible. Great job!

forex Signals softwareMarch 4, 2013

4 0 Rate This

))))))) thanks soooo muchVeraMarch 4, 2014

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@andreacolangelo @BrownBagPantry Ignore skeptic troll. This is the bona fide list of #homeopathy research…6:00 PM 9 Jun 2014


9 Jun 14Andrea Colangelo @andreacolangeloList of scientifically controlled doubleblind studies conclusively demonstrating the efficacy of #homeopathy:…

Laurie J. Willberg @LaurieJWillberg


Scientific Research in HomeopathyUpto the end of year 2010, there have been 299studies published in 114 medical journals (92integrative, 9 homeopathy and 13 CAM journals)including 11 metaanalysis, 8 systematic reviewsincludin...

View on web


Does Edzard Ernst have to rewrite is books with more evidence coming up? Are his books more #science fiction now?…11:43 AM 24 May 2014

2 1

Chiropractie B'heim @rugcentrum


Scientific Research in HomeopathyUpto the end of year 2010, there have been 299studies published in 114 medical journals (92integrative, 9 homeopathy and 13 CAM journals)including 11 metaanalysis, 8 systematic reviewsincludin...

View on web


Dr. Nancy MalikJune 29, 2014

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2 1 Rate This

2 0 Rate This

The scientific backing of Homeopathy.…6:18 PM 4 Mar 2014


Steve Scrutton @stevescrutton


Scientific Research in HomeopathyUpto the end of year 2010, there have been 299studies published in 114 medical journals (92integrative, 9 homeopathy and 13 CAM journals)including 11 metaanalysis, 8 systematic reviewsincludin...

View on web


.@matinfue Skeptics hate placebo controlled blinded research that shows homeopathy works! Too daft for words. #ten234:33 PM 30 Jul 2014

2 1

30 Jul 14martin fortescue @matinfue@HomeopathicDana failure to judge quality combined with persecution complex....gee, makes me want to follow that link right away!#homeopathy

Dana Ullman, MPH CCH @HomeopathicDana


Dr. Nancy MalikJune 29, 2014

Hey Dr Nancy. I was researching about a topic on my thesis while working in UAEand I found your this page. Other day we were debating over Homeopathic medicinetaken as an alternative instead of mainstream. My family believes a lot inhomeopathy, I think that is why i am also declined towards the philosphy and effortspracticed in this field of study.

I am working on thesis where are debating about taking homeopathic medicine

Ibrahim PashaJuly 1, 2014

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QED: Quality Evidence Demonstrated – Sciencebased Homeopathy linked to this post.

Arnica Montana – All you need to know – Sciencebased Homeopathy linked to this post.

Homeopathic medicine store – Understanding where to avail all kinds of Homeopathic medicines linked to this post.

2 0 Rate This

without prescription as an OTC and getting results vs generic prescription medicineswhich are quite hard to get and often leads to death if medicine is delayed. What areyour views about it. You can always email me or we can keep contact [email protected]