Scientific Project Information and Lignt

The Republican specialized Physical and mathematical secondary boarding school for gifted children after name O.A.Zhautykova «Information and light» (research paper) Physics and ecology Executor: Julia Pismennaya A pupil of 10 «D» class Research Supervisor: Teacher of physics Slobodanyuk A.S. 1

Transcript of Scientific Project Information and Lignt

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The Republican specialized

Physical and mathematical

secondary boarding school

for gifted children

after name O.A.Zhautykova

«Information and light»

(research paper)

Physics and ecology


Julia Pismennaya

A pupil of 10 «D» class

Research Supervisor:

Teacher of physics

Slobodanyuk A.S.


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Theme «Information and light»

This paper describes a research of dependence of degree of assimilation and positive perception of instructional material from presentation. Also the analyzing of instructional material

perception has been held provided by different color-combinations and quality analyzing of monochrome fluctuations summation of appropriate colors “information - background”.

Favourable color-combinations have been identified and recommendations to its application have been provided.


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Table of content:


Chapter 1. Information perception ……………………………………5

§1. Psychology of color perception..........................................................- §2. Experiment………………………………………………………...7

Chapter 2. Physics of color..........................................................................13

§1. Spectral light composition..……………………………………….-

§2. Mathematical analyzing of harmonic fluctuations ……………..15

Chapter 3. Phenomenon of sight ……………………………………………...19

§1. Eye constitution ………………………………………………………-

§2. Color feeling ……………………………………………………22

Conclusions and recommendations ……………………………………………..23

List of literature …………………………………………………...24


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Vision is the most informative sense in the human. Thanks to vision we can differ the most slender nuances of forms, sizes and colors of lighted subjects. By the look we can determine our location, feel suddenly appeared danger and estimate advantages and disadvantages of surrounding subjects. With the smallest signs we can differ twins or recognize old man by his childhood photo. The most surface comparison of vision possibilities with possibilities of feeling, smell or hearing indicates its real advantages.

Light – this is a carrier of visual information and is single form of electromagnetic radiations available for direct feeling by human.

A composition of simple fluctuations is called as polychromatic light and means complex of monochromic radiations, and it light is determined by sum of all components colors. Simple sun light, apparent like white, is character sample of polychromic light and contains all range of visible radiations.

Mr. Isaak Newton was the first who had taken attention to spectral light content where ha had had analyzed a fact of appearing a bright rainbow flare behind glass prism lighted by sun. The scientist had found that rainbow line was generated by different sizes of different colors rays deviations, i.e. the rays with different waves sizes. Analyzing results of experiment Newton had arrive at a conclusion that white light is a sum of all rainbow rays. More over, he had learned that color is not an independent feature of subject which is steadily inherent to, as form and sizes, as considered earlier. Color – is only characteristic of parameters of light rays reflection by surface of subject at appropriate lighting.

Reflecting light – in any case – is primary light generated by light source (by sun, stars, lamps, etc.). Notwithstanding that the light is a sum of variety of components thanks to features of visual perception, radiated light looks white (or slightly toned). Accordingly, black light means light absence or darkness.

Reflected light – is a repeated (but, however, not auxiliary, but otherwise, the more informational important) light coming from surface of non-radiated object and containing information about this light but not about light source. Exactly thanks to reflected light we can see subjects which reflect this light. This light is difference received at subtraction of object absorption spectrum from spectrum of sun radiation. White color shows complete reflection of incident light, but black color shows its complete absorption.


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Chapter 1

§1. Psychology of color perception

In any school we are surrounded by range of stands; multimedia teaching aids, sources of teaching information different on structure and color are used in the classes.

By psychologists statement, different colors can lead to different emotions. Process of color-perception is accompanied by characteristics which importance had been repeatedly noticed even by Goethe “Color…well-known affects sense of vision…, and through sense of vision affects mental mood... therefore having taken as art element, the color can be used for assistance to highest esthetical senses».

To take presented information, it’s obvious, it’s possible to use a principle similar to estimation of artwork informativity (if the artist – is a source of information, and a spectator – a successor, the picture – is a source of information transmission realized by language of painting)

Thus, the color is objectified in the paint during its imaging on the canvas or in the dictionary during its verbalization in color-description. Analogically to this, the paint on the canvas is


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indirectly perception by spectator like a color, and poetic color-description in the poem affects a perception of reality as well as a color indicated by spectator.

This implies that for color esthetic the understanding of color-description (affecting a mental mood and helping the highest esthetical senses) could be able help to create adequate notion about information nature, and to form an appropriate behavior to it. The esthetical color perception can be imaged via integration intellect activity comparing color feeling with stereotypes of its senses existing in subconsciousness.

Exactly this fact believes that it’s possible to affect unconscious relation to information presented within appropriate color combination through emotional reality reflection.

§2. An experiment

My experiment set the problem to determine a dependence of training information digestion from color of this information presentation.

Test №1

1.The mission of this test was detection of more effective color-combination of information- background with which the majority of presented material is adopted.

The color of text (information) and paper (background) were offered in combinations as follow

№ Background Information1 White Black


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2 White Red3 White Blue4 Green Red5 Green Black6 Green Blue7 Yellow Black8 Yellow Red9 Yellow Blue

The following material has been applied in this experiment

1.About discovery in atomic physics.

10 year pupils took participation in this test. They were given 10 minutes to learn this material, after learning material pupils wrote a test work where they had asked the questions concerning the content of proposed material.

2.The material showed elements from Isaac Newton biography.

9 and 10 year pupils took participation in the test. They were given 5 minutes to learn this material, the examination was in the form of test with a possibility of correct answer choice.

3. in this test, in contract to two previous ones, the information had been presented in figures the order of which didn’t have a regularity.

10 year pupils took participation in this test. The examination had been held in the form of test.

Results analyzing had been produced in percentage. 100% of adoption conformed to correct answers on all questions.


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He results are showed in tables

1. The more favourable color-combinations are showed by sign «+»:




The following tables show material adoption in percentage, this presented on appropriate background (the color of information – the color of appropriate percentage figures)





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Thus, the more successful for adoption color-combinations had been found.

I the next test I would like to find the moment, i.e. under what color combination the more interest in material is formed.

The same information had been presented paper of different colors with different text colors. Different pupils were given with 5 information bulletins and after learning they indicated the more interest information, from their point of view.

The work had been held with 5 people groups using 5 different information data presented by 5 color combinations.

1.Black – white

2.Red - yellow

3. Black - yellow

4. Black - green

5. Blue - white

Pupil № Of information/№ Color combination

№ of information/№ of color combination

№ of information/№ color combination

№ of information/№ of color combination

№ of information/№ of color combination

1 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-52 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-13 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-1 3-2


Background Information %White Black 32White Red 22.8White Blue 36.75Green Black 40.2Green Red 19Green Blue 24Yellow Black 34.5Yellow Red 26.25Yellow Blue 15Blue Black 9.6Blue Green 25BlueRedRed

Yellow Blue Black


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4 4-4 4-5 4-1 4-2 4-35 5-5 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-1

10 groups of 10 year pupils took participation in the test.

Results are put in the table:

№ color combination

Percent of pupils who believe that information presented during this color combination in more interesting

1 10%2 15%3 43%4 9%5 23%

The table shows at the more successful color combinations are the following:

Black - Yellow

Blue - White


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Chapter 2. The color physics

§1. A spectral light composition

From physics course we know that alight is one of electromagnetic fluctuations variety and its wave features are slightly described by traditional physical methods. As any electromagnetic radiation, light is energetic flow which is distributed from source born in surrounding space. As a rule, sources of light are high-temperatures hot bodies, heat fluctuations which atoms activate this radiation. Difference of resonance of chemical elements atoms frequencies composing these bodies activates difficult flow of radiations consisting of elementary components set.

Each elementary wave fluctuation is a sinusoid, i.e. harmonic fluctuation, which main characteristics are frequency and amplitude. The amplitude characterizes range of fluctuation, frequency – a value inverse of period. A sinusoid mainly is regular and nonstop fluctuation process. If to consider a wave (fluctuation spreading in space), the distance between neighboring ridges and trough of sinusoid is equal to length of wave fluctuation and is a value inverse of its proportional frequency. In application to light, the elementary fluctuation can be provided by sinusoid, which wave length is associated with its color, and amplitude – with its brightness. Such light, brining radiation of one appropriate frequency only, is called monochromic, i.e. one-colored. It’s necessary to note that sufficiently visible sources of monochromic radiations which virtually are not found in nature. Composition of elementary fluctuations are called as polychromic light and looks like range of monochromic radiations, and its color is determined by a sum of all components colors.


Length of wave

Even at cursory look at rainbow there is a tangible difference of apparent colors brightness.


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The brightness is connected with amplitude increasing that can be showed in scheme:

Range of visible sun light



Subjects surface absorb actually all incident radiation, reflecting unimportant it part only. The brighter cols reflection.

Reflected light is a repeated light coming from surface of non-incident object and containing information about it but not about source of light. Exactly thanks to reflected light we can see subjects which reflect it. This light is a difference received from subtraction of object absorption spectrum from spectrum of sun radiation. White color shows complete reflection of incident light, and black color – its complete absorption.

§2. Mathematical analyzing of harmonic fluctuationsI graphed on monochromic frequencies and made an addition of “Information - background” monochromes.





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The following graphics are prepared subject to eyes sensitivity to appropriate colors.

The sensitivity is presented by appropriate color amplitude.


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Chapter. Vision phenomenon

§1. Eye structure

In human organism eyes are responsible for light perception. The light enters through thin transparent cornea into pupil, after that the light is projected on retina by crystalline lens. The retina is a semi-sphere consisting of receptor cells having form of cones and sticks. There is an area of maximal visual acuity in the center of retina. Here light-sensitive cones are located by which the eye feels colors. After that by transmission irritation along nerve fibers the human can see a subject which he (she) looks at.

Eye structure Cornea


Crystalline Focal pointlens

Under hypotheses of Ung-Helmholtz, our eyes have three independent light-sensitive receptors responsive to red, green and blue color accordingly. When colored light puts into eye, these receptors are excited in accordance with intensity of light acting on them, containing in observable light. Any combination of excited receptors promotes appropriate color feeling. The areas of sensitivity three receptors are partially blocked. Therefore the same color feeling can be promoted by different combinations of colored light radiations. The human eye steadily summarize irrigations and the final result of perception is summarized action. It’s also necessary to note that human is very difficult, source of light or the object reflecting the light.

In XIX century Hering proposed theory of opponent colors where believed about 4 main colors –




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red, yellow, green and blue. And all these colors were paired connected such as green-red, yellow-blue and white-black too.


Yellow Black Blue


For example: if neuron еis excited by red color action, green color promoted braking. Wherefrom, the color influences on visual perception of information. Usually, during color perception all three or two nerve fibers are excited – in this case the eye adopts complicate color. Eye adopts white color when all nerve fibers are excited simultaneously and in equal degree. Grey color is felt by eye with simultaneous nerve fibers irrigation but with less force; black color can be got in case of irrigation absence.


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Length of wave, nm

By the table there is a conclusion that yellow color is a brighter for our eye, blue and red colors are less bright color for our eye, though n case of appropriate combination these colors can be equally bright for us. From the number of visible spectrum colors the violet color is showed as lowlight.

Under Hering’ system:

BLACK, RED, BLUE – promote neurons exciting;

WHITE, GREEN, YELLOW – promote neurons braking;

Colors compatibility

The eye is necessary to have contrast perception of information that had become known by Harlston’s tests: during study of eye sensitivity, it had been found, that peripheral vision is more


Sensitivity, %

Colors compatibility

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sensitive than central vision; as during written information perception we use central vision it’s necessary that the object completes all our attention.

§2. Color feeling

Human always tried to get a ability to make influence to own mental condition via color and use the color to create comfort human environment and also in different images. The first methods of color application in ritual practice is connected with its symbolical function. Later by the colors perceivable reality was provided and abstract meaning were visualized.

On its sensitivity the eye significantly exceeds the most modern electronic devices. At the same time the eye smoothes mosaicity of light structure.

The enquiry is that the human eye provides with the same feeling of, for example, green color, from different а initial colored light beams. Hypothetical eye having analytical ability would find such differences immediately. But real human eye summarizes them and the same sum can have set of different components.

Adopted color is strongly depends on color environment of object as well as nature and condition of human adopting.

Also under study of light intensity influence there is a conclusion that the light is brighter the better eyes see, therefore, the eyes adopt more information. The more intensive day light influence on colors brightness, therefore bright color as a source of information is adopted by eyes as if during daily light.

According to medics’ opinions, the colors emotionally influence which can be imaged in the form of following table:

Colors Exciting Depressing Relaxing Red +Orange +Yellow +Green +Blue +Violet +Dark grey +Black +


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Conclusions and recommendations

Summarizing results of tests and mathematical analyzing total fluctuations, it can be concluded that to improve perception of visual information it’s necessary to use combinations consisting of colors which are not in one color pare, more over it’s necessary to use “breaking” colors as a background, and “activating” colors as information color.

Background InformationWhite RedWhite BlueGreen BlackGreen BlueYellow BlackYellow Red

In one class room and during its design it’s possible to use only one color combination. Increase of such combinations number leads to unconscious tension of nervous system and does not promote attention concentration on class lesson material.

For informational stands, such as, for example, “Physical constant”, “Physical values measurement units”, etc. Blue – White color combination is more successful.

He following color-combination is acceptable for announcements or other quickly changing informaion.

Black (information)- Yellow (background)

During school construction to use efficiently calming color-combination promoting relaxation of nervous system of pupils during breaks.

Black – green

Blue - White

The color emotionally influences on the human forming unconsciously positive, negative or indifferent perception of information presented in one or another color.

List of literature"Light and color in visual art ", Ye. Votyakov - "Field physics and how the world established ", O.Repchenko -"Color influence on human and his pshycology "

"The light esthetic. Methodical aspects of chromatism." N.V.Serov

"The course of general physics " R.G.GevРorkyan, V.V.Shepel

«Modern informational technologies on physics classes », Shamayeva V.I


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