Science (Reader: Liberty) HAARP: Secret Technologies of ...

Science (Reader: Liberty) HAARP: Secret Technologies of Genocide Friday, 15 October 2021, 21:58 PM 191 Reader Post | By Liberty HAARP. Secret technologies of genocide Information from the Russian site. The video on YouTube is also in Russian, but subtitles can be translated. It is very interesting.

Transcript of Science (Reader: Liberty) HAARP: Secret Technologies of ...

• Science

(Reader: Liberty) HAARP: Secret Technologies of GenocideFriday, 15 October 2021, 21:58 PM191

Reader Post | By Liberty HAARP.

Secret technologies of genocide Information from the Russian site. The video on YouTube is also in Russian, but subtitles can be translated. It is very interesting.


«HAARP» — Климатическое оружие или контроль сознания.

В 1993 году Военно — воздушные силы США (USA Air Force) начали строительство проекта стоимостью 290 миллионов долларов. Этот проект … Читать далее«HAARP» — Климатическое оружие или контроль сознания.

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In 1993, the USA Air Force began construction on a $ 290 million project. This project would allow government and leading atmospheric researchers to study the ionosphere – the upper layer of the Earth’s atmosphere.

The research center is currently operated by the University of Alaska, City of Fairbanks. It is called the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, or HAARP. The facility is located in the frozen Gakona Desert in Alaska. For a number of reasons, HAARP’s activities have attracted the attention of citizens who are suspicious of the organization’s activities.

For many years, HAARP has been officially credited with conducting useful and successful research. Due to its very complex work, the purpose of the complex has been largely misunderstood, officials said. For this reason, she was criticized from the beginning.

It is located in a remote desert of an already sparsely populated area, ostensibly for secrecy.

HAARP has 360 radio transmitters, 180 antennas and 5 powerful generators.

The power supply of the entire complex depends on a powerful gas-fired power plant. The power of the complex is 4.8 Megawatts.

The antennas, each with a diameter of 30 centimeters and a height of 2.2 meters, are very surprising. They create different geometric patterns, in all directions when turned on.

They also include an incoherent radar with a 20 meter diameter antenna. Laser locators, magnetometers, computers for signal processing and antenna field control.Research at this complex is carried out by the “Philips laboratory”. Located at US Air Force Base in Cirtland, New Mexico.

Incoherent Radar

Shortly after the facility’s discovery, the public began to report strange phenomena – not only in the region, but around the world. Activists challenged the activities of HAARP, questioning what the organization actually intended.

However, the government continues to deny any connection to weather changes, earthquake frequencies and chemical pathways in the sky.

In addition, the government is making various targeted efforts to suppress suspicions about the nature of the experiments being carried out

there. But this is not enough to appease well-known HAARP detractors, including former Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura.

Ventura asked if the government is using HAARP to manipulate the weather. Or to suppress the will of citizens with the help of mind-controlling radio waves. Although the Air Force admitted that Ventura made an official request to visit the research station, he and his team were denied access.

Climate Weapons

One of the most widespread and far-reaching accusations against “ HAARP ”is that the research complex deliberately creates destruction on a global scale. Causing earthquakes, cyclones, floods, snowstorms and other disasters around the world.HAARP critics claim that it has the ability to send microwave radiation even underground, affecting the fault lines of the earth’s crust. And that the size of the field of the HAARP antennas can wreak havoc on the environment. Since, unlike other ionospheric research centers around the world,

only HAARP has the ability to focus energy from the field to a specific place in the atmosphere.

Photo of the HAARP complex

One of the countless earthquakes, associated with HAARP, there was an Iranian-Iraqi earthquake that killed about 500 people in November 2017. Despite tensions between the two states and the United States, Iranian

Undersecretary of the Interior for Security and Law Enforcement Mohammed Hossein Zolfaqari repressed all grievances and denied that such rumors had “any scientific basis.” that the various branches of the United States government are openly discussing the technologies used to interfere with the weather and cause changes on the Earth, it is very difficult to dismiss criticism so quickly.

In 2005, the US Air Force stated: “Weather change will become part of domestic and international security, and can be done unilaterally … It can have offensive and defensive applications. And also used for containment purposes. The ability to generate precipitation, fog, storms on Earth, or alter space weather … The production of artificial weather is all part of an integrated set of technologies that can significantly increase our strength, or degrade the enemy’s ability to achieve global domination. ”

Mind Control

The concept of mind control goes back centuries, if not millennia. While manipulating people’s moods, emotions and decisions has

long been a way to control the masses. What was once science fiction is now a fact. Critics of HAARP claim that the object acts on the world’s citizens as if telepathically, affecting thoughts with low-frequency vibrations.

In 2013, former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officer Edward Snowden leaked secret government files, some of which reveal numerous global changes by the “HAARP” system.

It is claimed that natural geomagnetic waves are being replaced by artificial terrestrial VLF (very low frequency) waves. They correspond to the frequency of a person’s brain waves, which in turn affects human behavior. HAARP is also said to be using cell towers as conductors of electrical stimulation, capable of reaching and influencing entire regions. Bob McCoy, director of the Geophysical Institute at the University of Fairbanks, Alaska, attempted to refute the claims by saying:

“Electrical signals in human consciousness are low frequency. In turn, the HAARP Complex has a very high frequency, such as meter waves. So there is no way he can control the mind. ”

But this statement does not hold up from anxious citizens who cited the observations of Yale University physiology professor José Delgado, Ph.D., a pioneer of electromagnetic mind control. In Delgado’s peer-reviewed paper, Physical Control of the Mind: Towards a Psycho-Civilized Society, he argues that electromagnetic stimulation of the brain can control human movements, glandular functions, and specific mental manifestations.

Communications communications and the Columbia shuttle Due to HAARP’s futuristic research and the organization’s official position that it is developing tools for future technologies, including the aforementioned RF transmitters, skeptics claim that it has the “fortitude” to disrupt communications networks. HAARP has the ability to dismantle entire electronic communications systems using its far-reaching technology.

Shuttle Columbia disaster

This possibility is linked to accusations that HAARP was behind the malfunction spacecraft Columbia in 2003 and was responsible for destroying the spacecraft’s electronic systems.Radio technician Marshall Smith, who observed HAARP on the fateful day of STS-107’s downfall, confirms this assumption, claiming that HAARP was operating in missile defense mode 90 minutes before Columbia’s return. And then within 90 minutes after that. However, an official investigation indicated that

the damaged wing was actually responsible for the crash.

Theories regarding the HAARP agenda and activities, although well developed, are still largely lacking in scientific evidence. Even though HAARP has opened its doors to the public, offering guided tours to unravel the mystery, skepticism persists. Al Zechelsky, a US Army veteran who visited the facility during its first open house in 2016, said.

The Command Center inside HAARP

“Although it is open to the public, there are many things they don’t tell you about it. Or what they are doing there … We do not get the whole truth, and there is still classified information about this object. “

It is unclear whether the global increase in geological disturbance is a mere coincidence with HAARP’s activities, or whether the organization is hiding all information from the public. Until more evidence accumulates, we are unlikely to know for sure if there is cause for concern. But we do know that over the decades, many government explanations have turned out to be lies, with truthful answers replaced by “official statements.” People who mistrust the government seek to find out the truth for themselves.

«HAARP» — Климатическое оружие или контроль сознания.

В 1993 году Военно — воздушные силы США (USA Air Force) начали строительство проекта стоимостью 290 миллионов долларов. Этот проект … Читать далее«HAARP» — Климатическое оружие или контроль сознания.

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