Science of God Contact

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    Science of

    God Contact

    Amit Arora

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    Dedicated to, Sincere truth seeker

    Copyright 2015 by Amit Arora

    Eleven Dimension Technologies Limited, New Zealand

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    This note came about through the grace of God and is dedicated to Paramhansa Yogananda, guru of life

    and death.

    This book is written in the hope that it strikes a note with all my human brothers and sisters so they may

    pass through the illusory world that we inhabitsamsara. Through the intuitive and spiritual power

    present in all of us, we are well endowed to take on the challenges and the climb ahead of us. We can

    transmute all mundane perceptions to divine joy. Samsarais this material world of names, forms,

    attributes, physical identification, appearances and manifested creation - vast ocean of creation and

    destruction of galaxies, stars, civilizations, birth and death of life forms and atomic particles.

    I invite you to sing the song of eternity with me from your heart center and I pray that you be never

    satisfied until you find out who you really areSat-Chit-Anandaever new, ever existing, ever

    conscious, bliss, an eternal, immortal, prodigal, son of God, a spark of the divine; son or daughter of the

    Omni potent and Almighty. I intend to remind myself and you of our infinity possibilities while being

    alive, here and now.

    May your life be transformed from the cutting edge wisdom from hoary scriptures. Let us take a

    moment to thank all the great beings and saints for delivering us the scriptures of the world - revealed

    for mans progress, an evolutionary imperative, an advancement that so many have no idea of. Although

    I may quote from Bhagwat Gita, Bible, all great scriptures of the world contain same message, all are

    equally good.

    Many great civilizations have inhabited earth and beyond before, even here on earth, inter stellar, space

    faring civilizations using gravity - of which mainstream science knows nothing about as of 2015. Nay,

    mainstream science knows very little even about magnetism and electricity either, even though used by

    all. Only the force is observed and used. Pride and arrogance of western science is not justified with it

    puny grasp over cosmic realities. Westsown ancestors in Atlantis or Greece few thousand years back

    accomplished what relegates present day external scientific achievements to an insignificant

    kindergarten. In these pages I re-iterate the message of eternal love, boundless wisdom and portable

    paradise from my Indian ancestorsVedic seers, I also come to renew the pledge with my western

    brothers - the commandments of Jesus Christ.

    Viewing mankind as ones larger Self is not a sacrifice but a need, for such realization is felt by a saint in

    his expanded consciousness. Such is a requirement before the Prana or Intelligent-Life-force can

    architect the limited consciousness to a broadened one, not figuratively but experientially.

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    My search for meaning of life

    I groped about for answers as any common man to pressing questions of life after death, unhappy with

    the prospect that we may be separated from our brothers, sisters, parents, spouse, children and all

    whom we love, even our material accomplishments. This prodded me to scout for a way out of

    hopelessness, for an alternative, must every life end in the throes of death, is there a purpose of life, do

    we live after death, are scriptures and prophets to be trusted?

    Unlike the lucky few, I do not recall a Eureka moment, nary an Epiphany that opened me to higher

    portals and dimensions of Being. Like most of us, I figured stuff gradually over decades, one tiny step at

    a time, a cannon after cannot of attack through prayers on the ship of Omnipresence. As I questioned, Iwas been able to overcome several false beliefs and misconceptions. I have an intense longing to spread

    the message of our soul nature, our ineffable eternal being, the divine essentiality, the Truth, Allah, God,

    Bhagvan, Jehovah, Christ Consciousness and many more appellations. He created us from His One being

    and Him we must find, finding which nothing else remains to be known and experienced. Great

    Satisfaction visits the heart by knowing which all is known.

    Perhaps you may find it amusing that in infancy physical limitation of speed of light (300,000

    Km/second) caused me to question Gods omnipotencehow would almighty be able to provide for to

    such a vast universe.

    Another false believe that I overcame was the dispensation of answers to questions at the time of death

    - a belief in existence of an eternal heaven or hell after this human life, as also a pleasant tete-a-tete

    with Creator. I learnt that what cant be controlled and experienced while living, one will not have a

    dominion on after death either, be it experience or wisdom. One is bound to continue post death in

    same life and mindset as before, just in a different garb. One must persevere while living to know the

    divine essentiality, the truth.

    To establish a contact with God, it is paramount that we come to peace with our Creator. Having created

    all life-forms and universe from his One Being, bestowing the gift of free-will, to accept or reject hisLove, with a majestic humbleness he is concealing his omnipotence, always silent, never speaking about

    himself, with a glimmer of hope, perchance one day we may offer our love to him out of our free choice.

    Nothing is ever created in an explosion or anger as proclaimed by toddling trial and error science of two

    hundred years, Love is the ingredient, with his perpetual Love, Master Director sustains the Living


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    Try enacting a play, a thought experiment and try to emulate role of God, create universe with diverse

    living beings, gifted with Free Will, carrying out their wishes, including injuring themselves or others and

    pleasuring their limited self or other beings, bound by sure and certain laws of cause and effectyou

    would realize why the predicament of humans is their own doing. We will not be able to pierce the veil

    of cosmic delusion completely but may be able to comprehend a miniscule part of the great sacrifice,

    distant lengths He has gone through trying to conceal and hide himself from us. It is us who are hiding

    from him, not vice versa due to gross desires. This thought experiment for deep divers will end in

    humility and a realization of correction necessary in us for a truthful perception of Universe, to come

    clean before the Creator.

    It is out absence of knowing how much the heavenly Father and divine Mother love us, more than our

    human parents ever can, and it is our mind in his heavy cloak and its subconscious workings hiding from

    us the simple truth of our inner being, our higher Self. Once we make a mental leap to experiment with

    our mind and thoughts we can see that we are the witness behind this mortal frame, ever unchanging

    just as we know the witness in us is unchanged from childhood to youth through to old age.

    What kind of temperament should one have towards scriptures?

    The goal of the religious scripture is the allaying of ignorance or illusion and the revelation of

    knowledge. Scriptures are written by personal experiences and can be said to be millions of times more

    subtle and evolved than a common mans developmental stature at present day, scientists included.

    Science of spirit is examined in threadbare detail the scriptures. Hence, scientific thinking is of absolute

    necessity for the study of the scripture. In the contemporary context the useful models from scriptures

    need to be picked up and applied in our daily life. Although it is necessary to obtain knowledge of the

    scripture, studying the scriptures with blind belief causes the growth of restlessness, pride, vanity,

    unnecessary arguments and anger, which eventually leads to the loss of knowledge and the stupor of

    ignorance. But churning those scriptures with the stick of scientific thinking, if one can leave the useless

    part and take up the part of wisdom, then contentment and peace arise and the radiance of knowledge

    is manifested, destroying ignorance. Therefore, it is not appropriate to study the scriptures by only

    trusting the reputation of their creators and without using logic, because sages can make mistakes as

    well. Addressing this, philosophical authorities have said that if the words of a child are logically sound,

    then it is our duty to receive it and deem it worthy; but if words of a great authority are unscientific,

    then it should be considered worthless chaff and abandoned. One should not make discernments about

    anything without using scientific thinking and just relying on the scripturesYG.

    One needs to approach the divine possibility as one approaches searing sun not as a power to be tamed

    but with respect and humility, as an intelligent trillion volt electric current; allowing its divine

    possibilities to manifest in us. Mere mental repetition of prayer without devotion makes us hypocrites.

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    Do I need to read more about particle physics, mind and other sciences to find out who I am?

    No, it is not important at all. You may become wiser in the domain of material sciences but not really

    more equipped to know thy Self. People have been able to find God thousands of years without know

    any physics, yet at the same time people have not been able to find God, even in civilizations with

    hundreds of time more material advanced than present day. People gifted in material sciences with

    great mathematical gifts and scientific endowment are not necessarily likely to stumble upon the

    science of all sciences, mystery of mysteries but are certainly more equipped to understand if energies

    and effort are skillfully applied.

    A different intuitive inquiry is required to know your higher Self. It requires a shift of awareness into the

    essence of our being. Search is inward, life current is receded back from senses to inner cerebro spinal

    axis, and the nature of inquiry is metaphysical. The inquiry required is to fathom the real Self, who am I,

    questioning the existence, being at peace with Cosmos, having an open mind. The best scientific attitude

    that preschoolerauthorities endowed with Nobel prize on natural sciences could have towards God or

    Cosmic Mind is I dont know, yet they illogically go about writing against existence of Godthat

    matter is a vast monstrous creation out of nothing, no cause and no meaning whatsoever. This two

    hundred plus year slight improvement in working of matter has given man a large intellect with infirm

    hands and legs, ready to fall on his face. A monkey is in possession of atomic weapons, a monkey with

    only desire of wealth and sense pleasures.

    I wish to limit my energy in appealing to fertile soil of believers rather than spending all effort on

    correcting so called leading physicists living in the delusory lab of their minds, blessed with ignorance

    and not open to infinite possibilities. Hence the text may appear sentimental, illogical but not at all, this

    vast Cosmos is living at every level, from the tiniest non-particle non-existence in creation to the

    greatest manifestationlife breathes perpetually. It may not be an organic life, awareness of its

    existence nevertheless. This creation is living, seemingly inert matter is aware of its existence, we live in

    a soup of life, hence there is no point limiting to abstractions of atoms, molecules, quantum field, string

    theory, astral or field of energy, mind field etc. We are in the whole which exists at all levels

    simultaneously, our being covers the entire spectrum. We are physical, astral, causal, chemical, physical

    and spiritual beings and much more at the same time in a Universe of Spirit, trying to constantly evolve

    us. Momentarily, we are identified with a finite speck of matter, our limited body. The sages sees the

    whole ocean behind him a common man does not, that is the simple difference.

    Should we not focus on earning money, having a great career in young age and reading scripture after


    With old age and infirmity, your understanding of scriptures is unlikely to be rewarding. Desiring to

    know deeper realities but procrastinating is tantamount to taking a bath for first twenty years of life,

    eating for the next twenty, sleeping for the next ten and so on. All chores much be undertaken daily for

    there is little hope of becoming a spiritual giant, if pursued in old age. Exercise, good habits of eating,

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    learning must be undertaken daily along with any other hats one may be wearing in life. Ditto for

    spiritual exercises and inner progress.

    How many years will it take to find God?

    It could take months to years. The progress is felt in any field of activity as one hones the art. The

    standard required for spiritual awakening is intense longing to know the truth, conquer death, and

    cultivate unconditional love and sincerity in practice. It takes generally 25 years of study to acquire PhD

    from kindergarten. As we are spiritual infants, it can take time. Anyone seeking victory in being an ace

    pianist thinks nothing of time and practices ten hours a day, a wish to get to the top of the field you

    need to attune yourself several hours a day. Progress will be felt tangibly if sincere efforts are made

    without merchant-like bargaining with God, and ceaseless prayers are made within a few months.

    We already are connected with God, we can only get further or closer but never sever the link. You only

    have to improve your knowing. If a million pounds of dust gathers over the gold, it is still gold, if the

    mountain of dirt is cleared, the gold can be seized again.

    Cant science find immortality and is there contradiction between science and religion?

    Science and Religion are two parallel tracks of exploration of the world through instruments and

    intuition. They are indistinguishable for the wise, inquiry is at a different level, one requiring more

    intellectual effort and other intuitive perception. The recent improvement in understanding physical

    laws of matter is termed science. In Indian Vedic tradition there was no difference between material

    science, spiritual science or other art forms. True spirituality is the science of experience of Spirit.

    Science seems apart from spirit due to our limited understanding, divisive intellect, one requiring

    physical apparatus, while the other requiring reflection. As Scott Fitzgerald said, "The test of a first-rate

    intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability

    to function.

    An example of opposing idea is protoplasm evolving to Einstein or Vivekananda and at the same time

    Spirit being involved in matter allowing it the potential to express itself and constantly involved in

    matter and evolving new life-forms. Organism is evolving and spirit is involved to allow for this evolution

    to occur. The potential to evolve was pre-existing while life form was simplistic as a protoplasm.

    Modern Science will continue to make life easier and solve more physical problems, prolong life but

    driven with intellect it is unable to solve the final mysteries of nature.

    What is the goal of life?

    Goal of life is to entertain and be entertained, being an actor and a witness in the infinitely rich and

    engrossing variety show of life. There is no greater goal in life than to find your own source, your origin.

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    All of us are allured and enthralled to one aspect or another of this world. If attraction to everything and

    everyone ceases life force would withdraw and not manifest on the physical plane of existence, it may

    only be attracted to only astral and causal sensibilities and therefore physical presence would be un-


    After few thousand human births, daily drama of humdrum human existence and chasing money, fame,

    carnal pleasure, material possessions, human mind yearns for something subtler, more lasting than

    ephemeral appearances. Seeking God or your own higher Self is the shortcut to trillions of further births

    and deaths on earth and other places of existence. The goal of life is to know the truth, to overcome

    ignorance, to see things are they truly are.

    We do not see truth however, we live in constant ignorance, looking up in amazement at the night sky

    we perceive the stars as they were thousands or millions of years back, when we see our hands, we do

    not realize they are 99.99999% empty space. And what is not empty space is also just a vibration,

    meaning empty space yet again. Nothing exists except a momentary intelligent vibration. We are living

    in illusion or Maya. Goal of life is to break the circle or birth and death, be One with God, our sole

    benefactress of gifts in life after life. God is the only friend you will have mothering you after you are

    long separated from your current human friends and relatives.

    Patanjali writes that that those who, through the power of discrimination, see the world as an illusion

    and keep themselves in only Soul-Consciousness, and those who, experiencing the Universe as the

    Brahman itself, experience themselves as pervading the Universe - attain Liberation by themselves,

    without the aid of anyone or anything. But for the ordinary rest, in order to attain that state it is

    necessary to have the help of reverence, vigor, memory, absorption, inner knowledge and such

    methods, and by using speedy force to manifest these. Patanjali has broadly outlined eight limbs of

    yoga or disciplines for an aspiring devotee of God consciousness.

    What are those eight limbs?

    You can google them for a much richer description, they are broadly the discipline and formation of

    habits. Habits are addictive, both good and bad. The goal is to train the mind to get addicted to soul

    revealing patterns. Yamaand Niyama are prescribed by Patanjali to the neophyte Yogi. Yamaare the

    ethical standards of integrity, nonviolence, truthfulness, non-stealing, non-covetousness and

    continence. Niyamaare self-disciplining observances such as cleanliness, spiritual austerity, and

    surrender to God. Other stages areAsana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi.

    It may seem daunting and long process but trust me it only requires sincere willingness and not even

    1/10ththe effort required to complete high school. Other schools of spiritual progress are equally good

    but as I myself am inclined to follow path of meditation, I recommend the same. Intense devotion to

    deity, constant prayer also yield permanent peace, following path of loyalty to your country and right

    intense activity will also eventually bestow same divine gift, to which Jesus referred as Kingdom of

    heaven is within.

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    What is thought or consciousness, is it created by our more evolved human brain?

    No. Consciousness is present within and without and an aspect of that consciousnessAUM or AMEN -

    sustains all dimensions. Sound can create ripples in water or other intricate designs. Intelligent

    oscillation ofAumvibration and its interaction with Prakriti(nature) on the surface of consciousness

    materializes life forms. Material sciences have only recently discovered that Matter is congealed light. It

    is yet to be known to kindergarten science of twenty first century that Light is congealed thought.

    Thought is condensed consciousness. There are still score of theories on velocity of electricity. Let alone

    the hypothesis on the number of dimensions in String theory, whether eleven or more. It may take

    centuries to figure out simple material phenomenon. Yogis perceive a field of dimensionless link that

    pervades and projects space-time as well as other dimensions.

    Modern scholars and present day widespread science has no answer to the questions of:

    - origin of life- universe before big bang

    - whether life after death is a possibility

    Man at large thinks that he evolved from protoplasm, and that intelligence is created from brain and is

    slightly ahead of evolutionary ape. It is pretty much assumed by mainstream scientists that

    consciousness is a product of brain, and that brain is a machine and universe is unconscious, and that

    brain produces conscious and existence. Yet, consciousness needs no organic medium to exist. Truth is

    quite opposite, Consciousness is the canvass on which Universe is constructed, and myriad energies of

    Consciousness interact to evolve ever changing life-forms in the manifested creation. Organic mediumdepends on consciousness to sustain it instead. Consciousness exists without the brain, brain is step

    down voltage transformer that allows human experiences to be churned and experienced. Human brain

    allows a little greater consciousness than an animals brain to allow more bandwidth of consciousness to

    flow down from what Christ said mouth of God (Medulla Oblongata).

    Truth is that all life emanated from Cosmic Mind, we are merely tapping into infinite intelligence

    available at every dot point, so to speak, even though there are no dots in space time fabric. This

    potential for protoplasm to become human pre-exists.

    Our human brain is a slightly bigger window than the window of a mouses brain for instance, which lets

    more intelligence manifest. Just like a window in the room allows sunlight enter the room, thereby

    illumining it. Our cerebro-spinal axis is the window that allows the cosmic consciousness to enter our

    body. Millions of vortices of desires distort the flow and lend it an identity ofJivalife form, thereby we

    identify ourselves as man, woman, American, young or old.

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    There is super charged intelligence and consciousness at every dot point in space-time, all creation

    reflects this intelligence and love according to its reflective capacity.

    As my goal is to cater to already devoted hearts and not transform athiests. I can quote hundreds of

    athiests who have had no experience of cosmic consciousness nor Samadhi-bliss; whose life wastransformed by a merely small and singular incident of losing consciousness or under surgery

    experiencing an out-of-body or Near-Death-Experience experienced in Coma, drowning or on the

    operating table, transforming their own world view so much that, some of these peoples mission in life

    became solely to let others know of the truth they perceived, a hemline, a mere peek in the edge of the

    vast horizon. Proof of Heaven, personal story by Dr Erin Alexander, a brain surgeon himself, a non-

    believer in supernal Father, before his experience, appeals to those who wanted to believe in reality not

    yet proven by physical instruments but could not. Even this incrementally higher experience is millions

    of time more vivid than what we experience in normal waking state. Waking state is more vivid than

    dream state. In Vedas this state is called Turiya, or simply the fourth state. As it cannot be grasped by

    mind and intelligence but only experienced.

    The only logical, sensible, rational and scientific answer any authority on physics or any specialized field

    of material sciences maintain towards religion and spirituality is of ignorance and bewilderment of its

    unknown possibility. Disregarding divine potential in human does not behoove a rational mind without

    proving all possible dimensions, particles and their inter-relationships inside an Atom, a little reflection

    would suffice that ignorance is manifold degrees vaster than known territories of nature.

    A withering attack on Physics towards Standard Model of Atom and how incomplete the theory is, that

    only 0.000000-followed-by-a-million-zeros1% has been discovered yet and more than 99.9-followed-by-

    a-million-nines% work to discover in nature is yet remains is equally foolish , for in truth Physics,

    Chemistry, Mathematics and Spirit are not separate for the wise.

    Ignorant folks presume that 90% plus is already known and a little more needs to be known, the

    confounding paradox, if a little intuition is applied, is we cannot state percentage at 90% unless all the

    available knowledge-to-be-known is already quantifiable.

    Knowledge only provides a temporary news flash, no food for the famished soul of man, experiential

    wisdom can only quench the thirst after human faculties have been matured by the ripe wisdom of self-

    control. Science can do nothing more than probe one or more aspect of an already working universe.

    Future scientists can only change energy and form of already existing matter and a fully functioning


    What is so unique about human being that makes him so special to know about divine as opposed to

    say a Dog or a Monkey?

    Not much, both have evolved from protoplasm. And both have same potential. DNA is also close to 99%


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    Human body has a slightly riper astral body that has reached a level of maturity that some people now

    can master to differentiate between material and subtle body through spiritual practices. This possibility

    to separate mind from matter and conquering death is infinitely appealing to a Yogis heart.

    Encyclopedias have been written about the Astral body of a man with 72,000 nerves and six spinal

    centers in Indian Upanishads and Vedic texts.

    Isnt the present dayscientific world most technologically advanced and getting more so, will that not

    be sufficient for my happiness?

    Fact of the matter is that numerous civilizations on earth have been space faring, knowing workings of

    gravity. Perhaps thousands of times more advanced that our present time and clime.

    Hoary Vedas of India account of numerous Shastras (Work of Scripture such as Viman Shastra or science

    of flying machines, and Vaisesika Sutras or science of Quantum Physics and worlds inside an atom) of

    sciences that we know nothing about today.

    Sri Yuktesway Giri has revealed through his spiritual perceptions that we have ascended from Kali Yuga

    to Dwapara Yuga since 1900. (Greeks called them Golden, Silver, Bronze and iron ages, known in Vedas

    as Kali, Dwapara, Treta and Satya Yugas). It ties up with all historic records for any serious student of

    history. Dark ages were most pronounced before and after Jesus Christ. The recent advent of science

    has been due to graces of Mans enlargement of intellect through the shining light of Dwapara Yuga,

    which is the age of Atomic energies.

    During these cycles of Yugas man's intellectual and spiritual perceptions rise and ebb and so is his ability

    to manifest scientific and human pursuits. Dark Ages ended in 1700 and 1900 AD proper. Most of 99% ofscientific advancement of past 2000 years has been accomplished in recent 200 years. Universe is

    teeming with life significantly materially advanced civilizations than ours.

    Happiness is of the senses and material world. We are living much more comfortably, may not

    necessarily be happy but we are living hundreds of times more physical comfort than even the Kings of

    the yore. They did not have air conditioners, their horse dung would raise smell in whole cities, methane

    from cow dung is more toxic proposition that fossil fuel, we have every reason to be optimistic. Few

    hundred years back people could not travel as fast as us, they died of polio, smallpox and numerous

    diseases, 99% humans lived their entire life within 50 Kilometers radius of their birth place. We are

    blessed with all physical luxuries yet very pessimistic about future prospects. Its a great time to be aliveand future is very promising.

    However, lasting joy does not spring from happiness. Our bodies will be moth and dust in another few

    decades at best. We will be able to take with us only the sum total of our desires into the after-life. The

    wise only partake in soul joy and non-transient attachments which is our true nature.

    Cant scientists find God particle in ground breaking research into quantum physics?

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    Science and religion is one and the same thing. It is erroneous to split them. Both have to be

    experimented and experienced. Hard material sciences are making our life convenient, without which

    many of us would not be alive today.

    Yet the mind and intellect have not delivered ever-elusive eternal happiness - that is whatyouare after.

    Places like CERN which discover subtle particles like Higgs boson in Large Hadron Collider or even moresubtle particles in the times to come will continue to advance knowledge. It is truly astounding that 40

    years of finest brains and all world resources had to be put to use to find Higgs boson particle. In not so

    distant future these discovery will pale in comparison to millions time more finer fields of energy found

    as proposed by String Theory. With Moores law still functional, the most powerful computers of 1960s

    are in everyones pocket today as mobile phones. We can continue to make material advancement to

    infinity but the mechanism will have to change, to subject mind and intellect to Self-inquiry, the real

    You, the higher Self is the final discovery man is after.

    Both internal and external knowledge complement each other to live a fulfilling live. Balance is the Key.

    We need to direct the intellect to work to solve material problems; psychologists to solve mental issues

    and prophets to overcome spiritual ignorance. They are not mutually exclusive; we can play all the roles

    and wear all hats.

    Seemingly impossible, we may even soon engage in interstellar travel or prolong human life to

    thousands of years. Yet, material science can do no more than are merely probing into one aspect after

    another of infinitude of a fully functioning cosmos.

    A few quotes from Max Planck, father of quantum physics, are not out of place here.

    "All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to

    vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind thisforce the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter."

    "There can never be any real opposition between religion and science; for the one is the complement of

    the other. Every serious and reflective person realizes, I think, that the religious element in his nature

    must be recognized and cultivated if all the powers of the human soul are to act together in perfect

    balance and harmony. And indeed it was not by accident that the greatest thinkers of all ages were

    deeply religious souls"

    "Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we

    ourselves are part of nature and therefore part of the mystery that we are trying to solve."

    Search for Grand Unified Theory and Theory of Everything will be forever at a distance, a mirage,

    material science will never be able to solve the ultimate mystery by uniting Strong, Weak nuclear forces

    and Electro Magnetism. Until consciousness, life force (Pranaor Chi) is also part of the equation. Final

    knowledge can only be experienced in your own consciousness, not merely observed by someone and

    their findings scribbled on a notepad.

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    How to know God then?

    There are as many paths to know God as many as people. I engage in stock market investment, I also

    consult organization in IT. There are myriad of ways to make money in capitalism, there are numerous

    software architectures and programming languages, probably you could also invent one.

    Choose a path that suits your temperament. Broadly the path of work, devotion, practice through

    austerity, prayer, meditation, service to God categorized as Gyan Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga and

    Kriya Yoga amongst others have been prescribed by saintly super men who achieved final emancipation

    in East and West alike.

    My Guru conveyed why not simultaneously tread all paths, work for God, love God, be devoted to God,

    and be wise with God.

    Everyone can know God within this lifetime. Be thoroughly committed in your resolve to the practice of

    knowing God through regular meditation, prayer, devotion, unceasing chanting, blessing others.

    Kriya Yoga or internal fire rite is the path that can accelerate human evolution. If we follow that in

    concentrated doses it helps awaken us to a reality, truth and all that is joy and beauty. Evolution is

    already working round the clock with effortless ease to create a super race of humans.

    Sri Aurobindo has expounded elaborately on the levels of mind, fact that man is a transitional species.

    Higher order minds, supra mental and super mind are a natural progression in the evolutionary ladder

    and next rung in the chain. Modern mystics such as Gopi Krishan, have written on the painful yet blissful

    memoir of his personal spiritual enfoldment is dear to a Yogis heart. Both these men were one of the

    many spiritual giants of recent times. The ever new bliss is achieved by Prana churning out new life

    forms. It isnt simply a mechanical process, Spirit is involved in the matter. Yogi feels the entire web of

    interconnection in living Cosmos, the ordinary mortal does not. That is why Christ said of his

    Omnipresence state aka Nirbikalpa Samadhiin Vedas, Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have

    nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.

    God cannot be known through mind or intellect. You have to experience God and become One with his

    Cosmic Being. Path of Yoga or Kriya Yoga works for some, you can follow similar technique taught in

    your sect to interiorize your consciousness, whether you belong to Buddhism, Islam, Christianity,Judaism, Sikhism or Hinduism, all sects have interiorizing techniques which work like mathematics if

    heart is devoted and intention is sincere for God is within you and will not be deceived with mechanical

    prayer. Sufis are an esoteric and spiritual streak in Islam, my guru translated Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam,

    Omar Khayyam was equally awake in God as Christ or Krishna. Once you find God, you are same as

    anyone who has found God, whether you live in a hut in unknown village or you are King of Milky Way

    Galaxy, you are same in achievement, even though outwardly different in roles in life.

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    Christ said from his very own lips,But as many as receivedhim, to themgave the power to become

    the sons of GodJohn 1:12

    Watching ones mind and intellect as a Witness is helpful, daily meditation is equally rewarding.Finding

    happiness in others happiness also helps in enlarging consciousness, its sets the scene for Prana to

    works its magic to plan and create a new life in man.

    What is the proof of existence of God?

    Proof of our existence and sentience is proof of God. Existence if Godding itself.

    Perhaps you need a definition of God first, which is likely vary from a person to another. Generally a

    higher intelligence directing the cosmic drama of universes and beings in them may be accepted as

    someone in position of God. All is God. Just as there is nothing like darkness, its only absence of light;

    existence is all over the canvass of God, somewhere less present with its beneficent manifestation

    somewhere more.

    Perception of Gods complete existence is partitioned in life forms inhabiting in isolated domains of

    understanding and requirement. Just as a dog sees a different spectrum of light in rainbow than

    humans; birds hear a different sound frequency spectrum than humans, in similar fashion no living being

    sees complete spectrum of creation until sufficiently evolved.

    The initial proof is increasing joy felt in meditation and finally personal experience of cosmic

    consciousness and beyond. There could be experience of forced moving inside the spine, feeling

    vibration in the inner ear and such other sounds or visions, but they are usually distractions.

    The liberating proof is constant experience in you. Einstein voiced,There are only two ways to live your

    life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. Mans

    existence is a miracle, live in curiosity and fascination. Cultivate awesome habits of meditation, prayer

    and devotion.

    What is Yoga?

    Yoga is the physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines which originated in ancient India with a

    view to attain a state of permanent peace. The term yoga can be derived from either of two roots, yujir

    yoga (to yoke) or yuj (to concentrate). The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali defines yoga as Chit-Vritt-Nirodhi,

    "the stilling of the changing states of the mind or fluctuations in mind stuff". Yoga also is "union with the

    divine". Merging of tiny self with Cosmic Being is Yoga Union.

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    Yoga is thus the art of super living with extra sensory experience with God intoxication and with deep

    joy welling from within and without. Yoga is a personal and intimate experience of being connected

    with the living Universe at all times. It is more than an intellectual grasp or knowing. It is waking up to

    million times more widened awakening, beyond all superlatives, achieving which nothing else remains

    to be known. It is being, becoming and transmuting to divinity while living alive fully functional amidst

    physical duties in this world. It is the fusion of knowing, knower and known as one!

    St. Paul also described it as withdrawal of life force at will every day from the sensory organs. First

    Corinthians 15:31, "I protest by your rejoicing which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily."

    The man of Self-realization gains control over the phenomenal universe including his own body such as

    breathing and heartbeat, body may appear dead physically but mind of thousands of times more awake

    in ceaseless bliss.

    What if I cannot unite with God?

    You already are united with God or your higher Self. You always are and will always be. You are an

    immortal soul in your essence of being, ever unchanging and in perpetual bliss. You only have to realize

    your one-ness and improve your knowing. That is why waking up to Spiritual Enlightenment is also

    termed Smritti regaining the lost divine memory. The real You is the witness behind the faade of

    mind, intellect and ego personality.

    You already have a partial experience of changeless ness, you have been changing your form since

    childhood, in fact there are trillions of changes in your body at every second, yet the changeless soul

    passes through all experiences identified with body. That changeless core in you is the witness of your

    lifes drama.

    How do I approach God?

    You are aneternal, immortal, Son and Daughter of God already. John 1:12 But as many as receivedhim,

    to them gave He the power to become the sons of God, evento them that believe on his name

    Receiving implies the capacity to contain cosmic consciousness, only when the scope of mind is enlarged

    enough can the higher spheres of consciousness manifest within us. This can be done with a regular

    routine of watchfulness or a technique.

    We must give up petitioning God as beggars. Secondly, we should demand as Son of God, for the beggar

    gets spare change but Son gets everything. Better still is asking Father for guidance, to grow your

    Fathers enterprise together and lend him a helping hand in the affairs of running a small point of infinite

    Multiverse; this is not the only Universe. Christ said, There are many mansions in my Fathers house.

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    By a daily practice of meditation, interiorize your life force, rotate mental energy upwards and

    downwards the spine in the astral spinal centers, in similar fashion as more energy is provided to the

    hand while lifting a heavy bucket. Watch the constant stream of thoughts flowing through your mind in

    daily life. Its a lifestyle and 24 * 7 practice, not a 20 minute meditation session a day. Watch as the

    witness to your thoughts and emotions of your mind, you are neither mind, nor the discriminating

    intellect but the unchanging consciousness that has passed unmodified through your childhood.

    Daily dive deep into the infinite reservoir that sustains all life, if you do not find the Great Satisfaction,

    blame your not-yet-mastered diving skills in the Ocean of Spirit. Know that you are a free being at your

    essence, pray unceasing with fervent devotion until you dissolve in the meaning of prayer. Do not be

    satisfied with shallow prayer, march forth with calm steadfastness in your resolve. Know for certain that

    God has heard your prayer, he knows all your thoughts and he is listening to you. You have been

    traipsing in material desires for billions of years, he has promised you free-will and needs to be sure

    before breaking the sacred promise. Do not be satisfied until you have made the contact. Listen and

    watch your thoughts, be a witness and do not react to thoughts. Prayer is talking to God and Meditation

    is listening to God. Pray from the point between your eyebrows or third eye, listen from your heartcenter. There are astral equivalent energy centers behind physical third eye and heart center. If He does

    not respond, persevere with sincerity next day. He will come easily if one is persistent, sincere, faithful

    and pure.

    A disciple, after several months of meditation, inquired wistfully from his Guru, why his practice of God

    communion is inadequate. Guru tried to change the topic and brushed him aside, post numerous

    persistent inquisition by the disciple, Guru relented, took him to a pond to discuss while bathing. While

    the disciple was taking a customary ritual of dipping in the pond, his Guru held him by the neck

    forcefully under the water and tried to drown him. The life force was almost gone and disciple was just

    about to pass out of body, when the Guru released him. Flustered and confused, gasping for breath ofair, instead of disciple, the Guru inquired, How did you feel?. Disciple responded, Only a breath of air

    was all I wanted with my whole being. Guru rejoined, You have the answer to your question now. Day

    when you desire for God alone manifold times intensely in your daily meditation, yet maintain calm

    while you wait, will you commune with Him.

    Yogananda once said, You have to want God as if you cannot live another day. But if HE does not same

    day, you have to patiently wait.

    Jesus Christ's first commandment hence states, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and

    with all thy soul, and with all thy mind"

    What if I have some beliefs that that there will be an eternal heaven or hell after this one, or that this

    is the only life, or belief that re-incarnation is not possible?

    We have touched an important topic here. This is to do with Beliefs. Let us work together on it. Please

    lend me your full attention.

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    Consciousness is the nature of Universe both manifested and un-manifested. Every atom is dowered

    with Individuality as per Vedic seers. All life forms reflect a tiny spectrum of Prana. The more we open

    up and expand our receptiveness to the vast ocean of consciousness the more it manifests in us. All

    knowledge, all languages, arts, life-forms of past, present and future are recorded in the ether; we are

    only tapping into the infinite reservoir of intelligence.

    For over 400 years people believed earth is round, Church did not condone Galileo for the heresy even

    though the superstitious Church was erroneous in its belief. Thousands of scientists were banished by

    the church or slain.

    As recently as 70 years back all scientists believed in possibility of two or three galaxies, we know now

    that there are more than 100 billion galaxies just in the observed Universe. But we have no idea of the

    unknown Universe, whether we still know only 0.00...followed-by-100-zeros001% of the Universeor

    slightly more. We do not even know if there are as many Universes as particles of sand on the beach.

    Belief in possibilities of human potential is first step up on the staircase, while belief that life has no

    meaning drag us down. Belief that we will get all answers after death is equally untrue and lazy. What

    cannot be gained while living shall not be ours post transition to death. We simply do not change after

    death, we are neither more deserving nor more capable of our capacity to understand truth. Beliefs are

    important and a starting point, but we must not rest on beliefs, experience not only vindicates or proves

    but gives us million times more awareness than our waking senses and engulfs us in the rapture of ever

    new bliss, this is what every man seeks unbeknownst.

    There is not one person who has turned back from Spirituality after the experience, What a scam ithas

    been. This cannot be said of any other field.

    There is no eternal heaven or hell as is imagined by most peoplefinite causes do not have infiniteeffect. Desires manifest themselves as living beings to fulfill themselves, this is the reason for our

    appearance. Until we fulfill our desires, we are unable to break out of the rounds of birth and death.

    Jesus Christ quoted on re-incarnation several times in his life, which present day Christians do not

    believe. There is the episode where Jesus identifies John the Baptist as Elijah.

    "For all the prophets and the law have prophesied until John. And if you are willing to receive it, he is

    Elijah who was to come." (Matthew 11:13-14)

    "And the disciples asked him, saying, 'Why then do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?' But he

    answered them and said, 'Elijah indeed is to come and will restore all things. But I say to you that Elijahhas come already, and they did not know him, but did to him whatever they wished. So also shall the

    Son of Man suffer at their hand.' Then the disciples understood that he had spoken of John the Baptist."

    (Matthew 17:10-13)

    Many contemporary Christians now acknowledge reincarnation as one of the elements of Judeo-

    Christian theology. The world would be a fairly chaotic place if it were to wait for sanction of human


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    Revelation 3:12 He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he will not go

    out from it anymore;. This statement implies he who achieves state of Samadhi, spiritual awakening re-

    incarnates no more.

    Eastern religions already have a strong grounding in re-incarnation and law of Karma, cause and effect.

    The intent is to liberate one from re-incarnational cycles and thereby achieve Mokshaliberation.

    Is it possible in modern times to realize ones higher Self, was past period not more conducive to

    spiritual Realization?

    It may feel nostalgic that distant time was more suitable, yet the fact stands, it was much harder to

    realize divinity in flesh. We have surplus free time now to pursue our hobbies, interests and life goals.

    Erstwhile prophets like Krishna, Jesus, Mohammad, Moses, Buddha appeared to have accomplished the

    feat in a suitable time and clime. A distant time may seem more spiritual and the modern prophets from

    recent times may appear less realized. Devotees and followers of different paths have vain intellectual

    or philosophical arguments but all Masters get along themselves very well, and are equally realized.

    Once you know God, you become One with God, thats it. There is no realized Son of God, big nor small

    than the other. True, your role in the world and number of followers, your height, weight, external

    personality may vary. Modern prophets like Yogananda, Ramakrishna Paramahansa etc. were as realized

    as the past prophets, in fact there is no reason why each one of us cannot become like them. They only

    come to show us our own divine possibility.

    Present day is as divine as it ever was or will be. Therefore make a resolute commitment to liberate

    yourself completely in your current incarnation.

    Democracy and capitalism is wonderful with its flaws, so is communism. Democracy sacrifices equalityand communism eschews freedom. We are living hundreds of times more comfortably today than our

    ancestors in previous centuries. It is easier to find liberation today in an apartment in Manhattan than

    remote hills of Himalayas with all access to generously shared wisdom. Every house connected to

    internet is now as mighty as a port town 100 hundred years back in terms of access to ideas and


    We are all saints in the garb of sinners. Nay, it is the biggest sin to call ourselves sinners. You are as

    connected to God as you will ever be. Only you have to improve your knowing.

    Messengers do come to uplift their close disciples, they also come to raise world awareness, toaccomplish a quality as well as quantity work, reaching masses and uplifting ones with close personal

    bond. Above all Masters manifest in this world, not to show off their powers, but with only one main

    purpose to demonstrate to mankind its true potential.

    Why does Jesus Christ guide with these commandments such as loving our neighbour as our very own


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    To an enlightened Son of God, the whole manifested cosmic fabric appears as is own enlarged being.

    Individualized life forms living in them in their restricted dimensioned and contained existence as our

    own space-time- psychological-physical-mind-stuff existence perceive themselves as separate from the

    web of relationships that bind us all together. We discern ourselves as an island. Self-realized soul

    considers all creation as part of his own larger self, thus the appropriate concern for all brothers as his

    very own expanded self.

    Another very personal reason is the Prana intending to evolve us into higher life form makes morality

    and non-injury in thought, word and deed a pre-requisite for experience of next step in the evolutionary


    I have read the word ignorance or delusion/Maya, what does it mean?

    Maya is the cosmic delusion, the scenery concocted by Gods will. There are three type of cosmic

    consciousness, hiranyagarbha, ishvar and birat, (in Causal, Astral and Physical Universe) and three types

    of individual consciousness,praajna, taijas and jiva(Causal, Astral and Physical beings). Humans mortal

    consciousness inhabits asjiva. If all inputs were provided to jiva from smallest particles of matter, atom,

    molecules, all internal workings of organs, cells, tissues and all external inputs the brain of jiva would

    simply not be able to cope with this information. The brain thus is able to process only a limited amount

    of information. Our field of vision (all five senses) is limited by our processing ability, thus we constantly

    live in ignorance at all times, throughout our life.

    Realization of our ignorance is unequivocally established by mainstream science as well.

    Can you explain what is mind, intelligence, ego?

    Manasor Mind is the feeling aspect that connects our memories and allows us to function with the aid

    of subconscious storehouse of experiences.

    Buddhior Intelligence is the discriminating faculty which knows right from wrong.

    Ahankaror Ego is soul considering itself to be a limited body.

    Chit is awareness of being, of existing. Chit can be thought of as bliss compressed to human proportions.

    Chit awareness unfolds as we attempt being a witness to the life around us. By being Sakshi or Witness

    we are able to experience moments of pure existence.

    We perceive all levels of existence split and apart from each other.

    SelfIntellectMindEyesPhysical Scenery

    But when the knowing, knower and known become One, Seer and Seen the same, we meld into once

    Sea of existence.

    You mentioned various dimensions, what are various type of living beings and levels of existence?

    Christian scriptures mention Son, Holy Ghost and Heavenly father. This is elaborated in crystal clear

    detail in the Upanishads, Hindu scriptures. The words in Sanskrit used are Om-Tat-Sat. The Upanishads

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    make it perspicacious that before creation only Brahman existed. This Brahman imagines and the

    creation comes into existence, entire scaffolding of creation is supported by divine intelligence,

    intelligence is the support and pillar of all creation. God decided to become many (in Sanskrit, eko aham

    bahusyaam). In Bhagwat Gita where Sri Krishna says that I create things with the help of my Maya.

    It is important to not confuse Human Being Krishna and not confuse him with the Cosmic State that he isin. Jesus after becoming one with Christ Consciousness said, Nobody comes to the Father except

    through me. He means that nobody goes to Father (unmanifest God) without first going up the ladder

    of Son / Christ Consciousness, not him the body of Jesus. In Vedas this Christ Consciousness is called

    Kutastha Chaitanya.

    At the risk of repetition for the sake of ingesting the message deeper. There are six types of Beings or

    levels of Mayic Ego who are identified with one or another type of bodily existence. One in totality and

    one in dot point in three realms of existence. Realms of existence are physical, astral and causal.

    Existence is manifested as global physical consciousness and an individual physical consciousness for

    example, man, elephant, or insect is an example of latter. Former is called Biratand latterJiva or Vishva.

    Similarly there are four more beings in other astral and causal realms of existence.

    Scriptures use the words Samasti and Vyasti. Samasti connotes totality and Vyasti refers to the

    individual parts within the totality. Garden is a totality or Samasti and a flower in the garden relates to

    concept of Vyasti. Samasti consciousness pervades in the large and Vyasti in small. In deluded/mayic

    form in the causal body of the Universe, it is denoted as Ishvar and the Vyasti condition is the

    consciousness dewlling in the causal body of every created thing is called Praajna. Similarly in astral or

    subtle body equivalents of large and small are Hiranyagarbha and Taijas. Thus we have consciousness

    manifesting as samasti in maya or delusory state as Ishvar, hiranyagarbha and birat, and residing

    unawares as vyasti, it is praajna, taijas and vishva.

    To reveal this one must still go beyond. There are two revelatory consciousness that can be experienced

    by us. One is Abhaschaitanya or Chidabhas (Experiencer) and the other is Kutasthachaitanya or

    Sakshichaitanya (Witness). An apropos example is Witness consciousness is light from the projector of a

    cinema screen, which is not involved but the cause of projected movie. Kutasthachaitanya remains

    untouched by the sensory apparatus of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touch etc. and all of their

    objects and is uninvolved in ego and intellect. He simply reveals the truth of them with His own Light,

    and remains the same Self-Effulgent One whether lower order beings are present or not. Whatever is

    thought of by theJivas, Prajnas or Taijassmental-intelligence, this Kutasthachaitanya is the witness to

    that, therefore its name is "Witness Consciousness". And It Itself is uninvolved with any work, thing or

    authority, not part of any of these states, and is completely incorruptible and totally in the

    present. Because of this, its name is Kutasthachaitanya. Kuta originates from goldsmith's anvil which

    transforms gold into beautiful ornaments, yet Kuta itself remains unchanged. This Light of Consciousness

    lives with all souls and reveals all about their minds, but mind is not able to know Him. The smallest

    thing is appearing because of Kutashthachaitnya, but the individual soul is not able to know that. Jiva

    also has a natural internal light, when, because of the jiva's mind, that light falls upon some thing, then

    that thing is revealed double its existence, and the knowledge of its function in the jiva happens. This

    internal light of the jiva is also seen under the Light of Kutasthachaitanya. This internal light of the jiva is

    only a reflection of that Light of Kutasthachaitanya. Its existence is in the Existence of

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    Kutasthachaitanya. This light in Jiva is the reflection of light of Kutasthachaitanya. Without the Light of

    Kutasthachaitanya, it is darkness. Just as without external light no knowledge of anything is possible

    with one's own light, in the same way, unless all things are revealed unknowingly by the Light of

    Kutasthachaitanya, nothing could be revealed by the mind of the jiva. That internal light is called

    Abhaschaitanya or Chidabhas or Experiencer. In the mayic body of the universe in ignorance and non-

    awareness and non-present condition, consciousness inhabits and is classified by these eight names. In

    that, seven of those, being indistinguishable in the Infinite-Consciousness-Nature, are not experienced in

    separate forms. Only the Abhaschaitanya or Chidabhas is experienced because it happens to work with

    the constructs of the mind. This Abhaschaitanya is not enmeshed in the workings of worldly life nor its


    What attitude should we have towards seeking God?

    God is prime simplicity, we have to love God without conditions, forever dedicated, always trusting,

    unshakeably steadfast, zealously true until we experience God behind the veil. I can do no more justice

    that re-quote my heavenly and earthly guru.

    To seek God consciousness we need to have the attitude of Ananda Mayi Ma as elucidated by

    Paramahansa Yogananda "Casting aside every inferior attachment, Ananda Moyi Ma offers her sole

    allegiance to the Lord. Not by the hairsplitting distinctions of scholars but by the sure logic of faith, the

    childlike saint has solved the only problem in human life-establishment of unity with God. Man has

    forgotten this stark simplicity, now befogged by a million issues. Refusing a monotheistic love to God, the

    nations disguise their infidelity by punctilious respect before the outward shrines of charity. These

    humanitarian gestures are virtuous, because for a moment they divert man's attention from himself, but

    they do not free him from his single responsibility in life, referred to by Jesus as the first

    commandment.The uplifting obligation to love God is assumed within man's first breath of an air freely

    bestowed by his only Benefactor."

    Devotion does not manifest in our heart until we cognize the extent of sacrifice, purity of intentions,

    constant blessings showered upon each one of us. His majestic humbleness is treated for deafness, his

    silence for a stony heart, our spiritual blindness as a certain validation to discount dimensions that are

    not yet perceived as non-existent. God is on a one sided lover affair for eons with us, only perceiving

    that are we be humbled enough to express freely the fledging love back to the Creator termed as

    Devotion. Scriptures of India aver to several thousand human births before heart is ripe enough to

    exhibit quality of devotion. Devotion is the culmination of aspiration, it is not obverse to intellect and

    not an emotional rollercoaster. It is steady unconditional realization of our dependence on God, for he

    does not want it back as an immortal promise to us, we only choose to freely give a miniscule portion ofcosmos back to the divine only to realize that we gain infinite times back in glory and exaltation. Until

    the awakening materializes in us, seek the pleasure in constant yearning, feel blessed in conscious pining

    from your heart. He must answer back to an unceasing life devoted to knowing its purpose.

    Do I need to change my profession or follow spirituality full-time to find God?

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    Escaping from daily duties does not deliver enlightenment. It is true that realizing God is a full-time

    lifestyle but it does not come at a cost of sacrificing anything. I have read numerous neo-age Gurus,

    none of them are imbued in an experience of constant bliss, worse yet that an absence of complete

    knowledge by the authors misguides followers into a territory where one is left without succor.

    One such example I would like to quote from Deepak Chopras book How to Know God where he

    quotes a wise spiritual teacher The material world is infinite, but it is a boring infinity. The really

    interesting infinity lies beyond.

    That train of thinking was responsible for decline of Indias civilization after thousands of years of

    opulence, material and spiritual riches during Buddhism. Life is not an escape from physical duties but

    about divinizing and accelerating speed of evolution towards divine while performing humdrum duties.

    Life is about divinizing our daily existence, that is why God is worshipped in India as many female

    goddess forms in Hindu tradition, Maha Lakshmi, Maha Kali, Maha Saraswati and Gyaneshwari

    Goddesses of material wealth, wisdom, all powerful force, beauty in minute detail. If spirituality is

    correctly followed, you should become a better husband, father, programmer, doctor, researcher,

    teacher with creativity springing from deep space inside your core over and above any spiritual

    guidance. All the activities of life have to be spiritualized.

    When you are ready the mother gives you birth. When you are spiritually ripe, you are automatically

    pushed out of the veils of maya and physical existence while being alive and awake in physical body

    towards the world of astral and causal lights. These places are termed as Heaven or Deva Loka. But all

    are places of birth and death from highest causal dimensions to lowest physical planets.

    Stay where you are as a God appointed cosmic Lion or Kitten. Men barely know that Kingdom of Heaven

    includes the fulfillment of mundane human wishes too! Every Guru and spiritual guide you visit willredirect back you inside your being, to seek kingdom of Heaven inside your bosom.

    Long before you have achieved God, life here on earth would be an absolutely ravishing paradise. Until

    we feel so, until we are receptive of the thrill and blissful in our existence, we can blame our lack of

    surrender to God and fault with our ability to understand, and / or our ability to meditate. Be firm in

    your desire to know your higher Self and circumstances will be created by the Only Benefactor to ensure

    you perceive the awesome truth and constant bliss.

    Why is there evil, suffering in this world from a just God?

    If God only allowed the manifested beings to love others, to only exercise certain limited functions, that

    would limit the wondrous drama to sordid boredom. We have the free will to help ourselves or injure

    ourselves. If we were prevented to prick a needle in our own skin or cut our hand by mistake, that really

    wouldnt much of a free willor is it? The suffering is due to accumulation of harmful karma and violation

    of laws. Each one of us has either harmed ourselves or others in the past.

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    God being logical in abiding with created laws, cannot make changes to the rules. The accretion of

    negative karma appears as world war, pestilence, famine or diseases in our body.

    The key to reconciliation is also in our selves. Every saint in the eyes of almighty will send you back to

    your core for the antidote to suffering. Nobody can help you except yourself, not even God. The magic

    remedy lies within ourselves, no external aid or potion can remedy the spiritual ignorance other thanreflection and correction.

    Love and hate, also manifested as likes and dislikes, are the eternal swinging play in human and an atom

    keeping the entire creation in suspended sway and counter balance. If an electron were to love the

    proton entire creation would collapse in an instant.

    This draws us to a useful model to reach God, if were to love everyone unconditionally, avert feelings of

    dislike, bless everyone, all passersby on the road, in train or office constantly, then God will not be able

    to hide, the veil from creation will slowly fade and Maya will gradually but surely lose its grip. Practice


    How long does it take to be Self-realized?

    Very few people are prepared to become suddenly Self-realized like Ramana Maharishi etc. Most of us

    have spent thousands of incarnations in the past as humans, the golden glory of soul bliss and the

    treasure box of Sat-Chit-Ananda is concealed by the mountain of material desires and sod heaped

    through the millennia.

    It is startling as well as shocking to see otherwise learned, well-educated and balanced brothers and

    sisters expecting instant divine favours when it comes to being Self-realized. Most people want to have

    fun while being Self-realized, see visions, and fly to distant galaxies and so on. The key to Self-realization

    is first to arrive at the understanding the creation is planned, and the panacea is to love God, the

    Creator unconditionally. That is unlikely to happen unless all ones desires are nearly fulfilled and

    satiated or one has been able to resolve through knowledge the real cause of creation is that God

    became many, each one of is part of Him, therefore it is absurd not to love every fellow man. One does

    not have to go about advertising it, nor hugging every stranger but firmly resolve to love God without

    conditions. The penitentiary that we find ourselves in is our own doing, and can only be undone by


    A little reflection on the case - when it takes a minor qualification such as PhD in any material stream of

    knowledge 25 years of Study from the start of schooling education, isnt it silly of us to expect something

    far more remarkable, celestial, grand and refined be achieved in couple of weeks. Usually the longing ofmany past lifetimes culminates into an ardent desire to know God, to know what is beyond the limited

    scope of senses. Once we firmly situate our intelligence through knowledge and wisdom in unequivocal

    friendship for God, the practice of Kriya Yoga or any other technique becomes rewarding than merely

    mechanistic perfection and repetition.

    Do you have any other guidance to prove that we are blind to God?

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    This is a great question and perhaps the most important in this book. Mind knows nothing about higher

    dimensions as it is an instrument of operational mechanism. The place of mind is for accomplishing

    daily chores. Mind and intellect are unable to grasp subtler and metaphysical realities and truth. Our

    soul (astral + causal complex) has recursive ability to question existence.

    One must admit that we are blind. Humanity has been blind to one or another numerous aspects ofphysical creation, hence the term Maya or Avidya is given to material world by Rishis translating to

    ignorance or illusion in English. All of human race was blind to possibilities of light through electricity

    other than a single person. All of mankind was blind to the fact that earth is spherical other than Galileo,

    for centuries, not just a day or week. Only one person proved that earth is not the center of universe,

    rest went to grave in disbelief. This pattern has been observed Ad infinitum. Similarly only one person at

    a time through diligent effort awakens to their higher Self and oneness with God, rest dawdle away

    precious human life in doubt and disbelief whereas the actual effort should have been to experiment,

    try and attempt the divine possibilities.

    Highest blessings will not be conferred on us without an impartial love towards all life, from stones to

    angels. This is avouched by Christ in his first commandment. Loving God is the first liberating step

    towards liberation, techniques like Yoga and meditation are mere crutches not to be mistaken for the

    end goal for spiritual forces to be tamed.

    Isnt realizing divinity for Jesus or Buddha like personalities and nor ordinary humans for eg: a bank


    Unfortunately that is what most folks do believe. I have asked a few people who believed that it is

    impossible for us to achieve stature of Rumi, a great Sufi mystic or Buddha. At least people believe that

    it may be possible in very distant future, not this life time. This is not correct. Greatness is proportional

    to the effort invested.

    All creation is equally kind to all life. Through self-effort we attract beneficial circumstances the grace of

    Only Support of humanity. It cannot be further emphasized that earnestness in Self investigation is the

    only true path to Godhood. Every man can do what another has done, give or take a few gymnastic or

    mathematical acts. Divinity is our birthright and as simple as breathing and heartbeat.

    Do I lose my individuality after I merge in God?

    The question is meaningless. The individuality that we claim to be latching on to is morphing millions of

    times every second. We identify ourselves to be Indian, Male, 5 year old, 70 years old, tall, short etc. It is

    a fluid definition of individuality.

    What we call individuality is a radiant whirlpool of thought-desire-energy-matter continuum, which is in

    perpetual sway. As we are identified with the outermost sheath i.e. matter, we choose to call ourselves

    of a certain nation, race, gender, age.

    Our real awakening occurs in God, in Him we are complete and fully awakened with all past memories.

    In that awakening human consciousness feels but only a dim dream.

  • 7/23/2019 Science of God Contact


    As God created all of us from that One Being, we are already connected to One but in the dance of

    creative manifestation all life forms are egoistically identified with their bodies. When the mind can be

    stilled the Spirit shines forth and whole creation lays before the feet of man, the Son of God. "Be still,

    and know that I am GodPsalm 46:10

    The incessant chatter of the mind causes ripples on the surface of the lake of mind, preventing us fromuntying the knots of mystery that can be revealed by being able to see until the bed of lake. As all of us

    are suffering from the disease of spiritual ignorance, we do not realize that we are unwell. It takes a

    healthy person to provide the contrast in a completely spiritually diseased society. With various spiritual

    techniques when mind ripples can be stilled the intuitive perception of our connectedness with all life,

    bliss of Being and existing, of being indestructible and everlasting is manifested.

    Who is this God and what does he want from me?

    This question is too big to be comprehended by us. Just as a squirrel is incapable of understanding what

    a black hole is, same goes for us. God is several notches above, mind, intellect, super mind, supra-

    mental levels. We are incapable of transcending this question without rigorous change into our very

    Being. Those who have found him also cannot explain due to our inability to comprehend.

    However, God is the cause of all causes, in this infinite variety show of life, he lives in the innermost

    essence of all of us, and this is how we are all connected to God. He wants us to be infinitely

    entertained and to entertain. He would like us to expand our mental horizons and know that world will

    be a better place with cooperation rather than competition. He would like one man to help another

    man, each gifted with unique talents. He wants us to realize that He is the doer, we are the matrix mind-

    energy-desire-matter ever connected with God interacting on the fabric of Maya. Just the One has

    become Many.


    YG - Sri Yukteswar Gita

    AYAutobiography of a Yogi